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Mason City, Iowa ✦ Sunday, April 12, 2015



Esbeck, Greiner

McCormick, 50 years

Jordan Esbeck and Rob Greiner, of West Des Moines, Iowa, will be married on Saturday, July 25, 2015, at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Clear Lake, Iowa.

Kenneth and Mary (Benson) McCormick, of Clear Lake, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, April 19, at 501 First Ave. N., Clear Lake.



Signe Ann Smith

Look Who’s ONE!

Dr. Brian and Mrs. Kelly (Colvin) Smith, of Oxford, England, are the parents of a daughter, Signe Ann Smith, born on Oct. 28, 2014, at 1:46 p.m. at John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, England.

Proud parents Sean and Heidi Kuhl, and big brother Oliver of Mason City, welcomed Oscar Michael one year ago, born at 12:51 p.m. April 14, 2014, at Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa, Mason City.

E2 ✦ Sunday, April 12, 2015

Globe Gazette Celebrations


Celebrations How to Submit Your Items

If you have an item to submit to this section, please stop by the Globe Gazette for a form Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm at 300 north Washington, Mason City. Online submission is encouraged at www.globegazette. com, click on EXTRAS then Celebrations. To be printed in the Sunday’s Celebrations section and Online, items must be in the Globe Gazette office no later than 5:00 pm Monday prior to publication. We can’t take the information over the phone, and we ask that announcements be printed or typed. It would also be helpful if you include a daytime phone number in case there are any questions. Engagements & Weddings: Standard announcement will be published free of charge without a photo. Custom wording and photos are an additional change. (See chart below.)

Oscar Michael Kuhl MASON CITY — Proud parents Sean and Heidi Kuhl, and big brother Oliver of Mason City, welcomed Oscar Michael one year ago, born at 12:51 p.m. April 14, 2014, at Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa, Mason City. He weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces and was 20¾ inches long. Grandparents are: Tara Lane, Nashua; Claire Lane Jr.,

Eldora; Joyce and Jerry Schleisman, Lake City, and Denny Kuhl, Mason City. Great-grandparents are: Martin and Cleo Jones, Charles City; Claire and Lucille Lane Sr., Charles City, and Dorothy Rothfus, Lake City. Oscar will celebrate his first birthday with a Cake Smash at the Mason City Country Club with his family and friends.

Betty Lou Johnson, 90 Betty Lou Johnson, of Mason City, will celebrate her 90th birthday at an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, April 19, at Legacy Manor, 3310 Ninth St. S.W., Mason City. She requests no gifts, please. She was born April 23, 1925, in Mason City. Cards can be sent to Betty Lou Johnson at: 3310 Ninth St. S.W., Apt. 309, Mason City, IA 50401.

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Anniversaries: At 25 years or more, we will publish the standard announcement free of charge. Anniversaries of less than 25 years can be published as a Day to Remember starting at $26.50. Custom wording and photos are an additional charge. (See chart below.) Birth Announcements: Standard birth announcements will be published free of charge without a photo. Custom wording and photos are an additional charge. (See chart below.) Retirements: Standard announcements without photo will be published free of charge. Custom wording and photos are an additional charge. (See chart below.) Birthdays, Day to Remember Events: Birthdays, family events and special achievements will be published for $26.50. This includes a B&W 1 column photo and up to 50 words. Larger photos and additional words may be purchased. Birthdays of 80 years or more will be published without a photo free of charge. Custom wording and photos are an additional charge. (See chart below.) Cards of Thanks: will be published for $10 up to 50 words. Custom Description: $10 for each additional 50 words available on any announcement. Cover Positions: Cover positions are available for $75, including color, on a first come, first serve basis. You are limited to 25 words on the cover. Includes 2 column B&W photo inside. Photo Charges: 1 column 2 column

Black & White $26.50 $36.50

Color $36.50 $56.50

Globe Gazette Celebrations Sunday, April 12, 2015 ✦ E3


gourmet cupcakes

70th Birthday Card Shower Sandy Johansen, of Latimer, will be 70 years young on April 23, 2015. She is being honored with a card shower and family dinner. If you would like to wish Sandy a happy birthday, please send cards and greetings to Box 421, Latimer, IA 50452.


For ALL Your Special Occasions ANNIVERSARY Marquardt, 40 years MASON CITY — Chuck Marquardt and Judy (Zeigler) Marquardt of Mason City, Iowa were married April 12, 1975, at Wesley Methodist Church, in Mason City. The couple will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary with a family dinner on Sunday, April 19, 2015, in Des Moines. A card shower is also planned. Cards can be sent to the couple at: 206 23rd St. S.W., Mason City, IA 50401. The couple’s family includes: Fred (Terra) Marquardt, Prarie City, Iowa; Corey (Rebecca) Marquardt, Des Moines, Iowa, and Drew (Megan Schultz), Des Moines, Iowa. They have three granddaughters, Grace, 10; Casen, 5; and Rosemary 17 months; and a grandson expected in June.

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80th birthday Thank you family and friends. And a special thank you to my children for the party. — Sonny Farris

Thank You I would like to personally thank everyone that gave their time and money to help the MDA “Lockup.” It was the first year that I participated. It was a very rewarding experience. The generosity of people is alive and well in Mason City. I look forward to being a part of it next year. — Sandra Servantez

DAY TO REMEMBER Ian M. Decker Dec. 2, 1988- Apr. 14, 2012 Three years since you were taken from us. Tears never stop. Love and miss you so much. — Your loving family

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E4 ✦ Sunday, April 12, 2015

Globe Gazette Celebrations




Ellingson, 65 years OSAGE — Marloe and Alice (Deyo) Ellingson will celebrate 65 years of marriage on April 16, 2015. They were married at St. Olaf Lutheran Church in Austin, Minnesota. Their family includes their children Marloe Jr. (Donna) Ellingson of Joice, Deborah (Daniel) Swann of Osage and Brenda (Darrell) McKee of Osage. They also have 17 grandchildren (including spouses) and 24 great-grandchildren. Anniversary wishes may be sent to them at 715 Ash St., Osage, IA 50461.

THANK YOU Thank You The family of Margaret Finch would like to thank everyone who remembered us with their thoughts, prayers, cards, food and memorials. Thank you to Pastor Lance Kittleson and also the ladies of Deer Creek Lutheran Church for hosting the lunch. Nancy and Terry Keough Rita and Roger Luther, Janice Finch, and families

Bates, 10 years

McDowell, Tremmel

MASON CITY — Gordon Bates and Lelia Hansen Bates of Mason City, Iowa, were married April 14, 2005. The couple will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. Cards can be sent to 710 S. Louisiana Ave., Mason City, IA 50401.

MELINDA MCDOWELL of Britt, Iowa is the daughter of Mark and Connie McDowell of Hampton, Iowa. She is a 2008 graduate of Hampton-Dumont High School. Melinda graduated from the University of Northern Iowa in 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Math Education. Melinda is currently teaching math at West Hancock High School in Britt. WESLEY TREMMEL of Clear Lake, Iowa is the son of Joe Tremmel and Laura Wilson of Clear Lake. He is a 2006 graduate of Newman High School in Mason City. Wesley graduated from NIACC in 2010 in the Tool and Die program. Wesley currently operates and is part owner of WT Fabrications in Clear Lake. The couple will be married on Saturday June 20, 2015 at the United Methodist Church in Hampton.

RETIREMENT Dr. Abbas Retirement Reception Dr. Lyle Abbas, Clear Lake Chiropractor and Acupuncturist wishes to announce his retirement. After 50 years of practice he has sold his practice to Dr. Donavan Sharp who has been associated with the clinic the past 6 years. Dr. Sharp will have access to Dr. Abbas’ records so that continuity of treatment can be accomplished. Dr. Sharp is a graduate of the University of Northern Iowa and Cleveland Chiropractic College and has extensive training in acupuncture as well as having over 13 years experience in its use. Dr. Abbas wishes to thank the more that 12,000 different patients he has seen for allowing him to be of service to them. He also wishes to thank the area medical doctors, doctors of chiropractic and other health care providers for referring many of those patients to him as well as those patients who have referred their friends and relatives. A retirement reception will be held for Dr. Abbas on Sunday May 3, 2015, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Lakeview Room on the Lakeside of the band shell at Clear Lake City Park. All past and present patients and the public are invited.

Dan Barnes, Safety Award Winner for March Dan has received the Safety Award for the month of March from Con-Way Freight. This award goes to any employee being observed practicing safety measures that create a safe and secure environment for their co-workers as well as the public. Con-Way Freight thanks Dan!

AWARD & ACHIEVEMENT Chris Bahnsen, Employee of the Month for March Congratulations to Chris for being recognized and nominated by his co-workers to receive the Employee Of The Month award at Con-Way Freight. Chris started with Con-Way in 1996 and has served in more than one capacity, currently doing a tremendous job as a driver/ sales representative. Chris brings a lot of experience and professional service to the job every day. Con-Way appreciates Chris!

Globe Gazette Celebrations Sunday, April 12, 2015 ✦ E5




Submit your graduate’s photo to Celebrations for

Sunday, May 17

All Schools & Colleges Welcome! Matt Jacobson Mason City High School Congratulations! We are so proud of you. Good luck at UNI. Love, Mom, Dad & Jenny

Announcing the Marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua L. Nelson

Ryan Allen. Parents of the bride are Craig and Nancy Richey of Clear Lake, Iowa. Parents of the groom are They left on a vacaGary Nelson, Jodi Davis tion. He proposed on the of Thor, Iowa, and Terry flight to Hawaii. After and Kelly Richard of Lake the initial shock and surPark, Iowa. prise, she said, “Yes!”. On After a week long honMarch 16, 2015, on the eymoon on Oahu visiting beach at Waikiki, Joshua tourist attractions such Leroy Nelson and Angela as Pearl Harbor and the Sue Richey were wed in North Shore, the couple Honolulu, Hawaii. The are now at home in Spenmid-afternoon wedding was officiated by Reverend cer, Iowa.

MEMORIAL Miss You Ben Hanson Oct. 26, 1983April 11, 2014 How has a year passed since you were taken from us? Everyday we miss you in our lives. We miss your smile and playfulness, your willingness to help anyone, the life you could have had with your daughter and the rest of your family who love you still. We’ll always hold you in our hearts Benj.

Signe Ann Smith Dr. Brian and Mrs. Kelly (Colvin) Smith, of Oxford, England, are the parents of a daughter, Signe Ann Smith, born on Oct. 28, 2014, at 1:46 p.m. at John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, England. She weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 20.5 inches long. Signe Ann Smith is welcomed by big brother Anders (3 years old). Also excited to welcome Signe are her grandparents John and Marcy Colvin, Mason City, Iowa; Tom Smith and Karen Zacharias, Ellsworth, Wisconsin, and Al and Jackie Gerard, Mapleton, Minnesota.


Thank You

Thank you for cards, Thank you for the many greetings, gifts I received cards, greetings and gifts for my 90th birthday. for my 90th birthday. I appreciated them all. God Bless You All. God bless you all. — Wanda Wold — Ileen Newman

Congratulations, Marcie! Greene High School Thank you for putting music in our hearts. Good luck as you pursue your degree in music and bringing joy to others. Grammy & Grandpa Easton

Each Congratulatory Box is $15 & includes name, school, 25 word message, a baby photo and a senior photo, both in color. DEADLINE: Deadline May 11 at 4:30 pm

Graduate Information Mail along with your pictures to the Globe Gazette Attn: Celebrations Graduation, PO Box 271, Mason City, Iowa 50402-0271 or drop off with your pictures at the Globe Gazette, 300 N. Washington Ave, Mason City, hours M-F, 9-5. Graduate’s Name .......................................................................................................... School............................................................................................................................... Your Name ....................................................................................................................... Address ............................................................................................................................. City/State/Zip .................................................................................................................. Home Phone .............................................. Cell Phone ................................................. 25 Word Message ........................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................

I verify that the information is correct and release the Globe Gazette from any liability. 1-800-832-2274


E6 ✦ Sunday, April 12, 2015

Globe Gazette Celebrations



McCormick, 50 years CLEAR LAKE — Kenneth and Mary (Benson) McCormick, of Clear Lake, were married Nov. 14, 1964, at St. Benedict Catholic Church in Decorah. The couple will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, April 19, at 501 First Ave. N., Clear Lake. The couple’s children and spouses are Connie (Tracy)

Schroeder and their children Shelby and Colton of Forest City; Kevin (Marie) McCormick and their children Cole, Maddison, Bayley and Tanner of Waukee; Scott (Jaime) McCormick of Mason City; and Sue (Dan) Boehnke and their children Brody and Braden of Garner. Cards may be sent to Ken and Mary McCormick at: Box 123, Clear Lake, IA 50428.

ENGAGEMENT Olson, Ponsolle STACI OLSON, of St. Paul, Minnesota, is the daughter of Scott and Kim Olson of Phoenix, Arizona. BRIAN PONSOLLE, of St. Paul, Minnesota, is the son of Mark and Carol Ponsolle of St. Paul, Minnesota. The couple will be married on Friday Aug. 7, 2015, at Wacouta Event Center in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Esbeck, Greiner JORDAN ESBECK, of West Des Moines, Iowa, is the daughter of Tim and Jennifer Esbeck of Clear Lake, Iowa. Jordan is a 2002 graduate of Clear Lake High School. She earned a B.A. in Communications and a B.S. in Radiation Science from the University of Iowa and is currently attending Des Moines University to attain her Masters of Science in Physician Assistant Studies. She will graduate in May and take boards in June to become a certified Physician Assistant. ROBERT GREINER, of West Des Moines, Iowa, is the son of Steve and Mary Ann Greiner of Washington, Iowa. Robert is a 2002 graduate of Washington High School. He earned a B.S. in Construction Engineering from Iowa State University. He works as a Project Manager for DCI Group. Jordan and Rob reside in West Des Moines, Iowa. The couple will be married at on Saturday, July 25, 2015, at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Clear Lake, Iowa.

THANK YOU Thank You Thank you to those voting for our law firm as Honorable Mention for the 2015 Globe Gazette Reader’s Choice. Thank you to our staff, Jan Gustafson, Dorothy Nordman, Ronda Enderson, and Alice Adams who work hard each day for our clients. Thank you to our clients for allowing us to serve them as their attorney. — Matthew F. Berry, Attorney at Law, Clear Lake, Iowa

Globe Gazette Celebrations Sunday, April 12, 2015 ✦ E7

NORTH IOWA BUILDERS TOUR April 24, 25 & 26 Look for all the details in the Spring Home & Garden Section in the Thurs., April 23 Globe Gazette. CLEAR LAKE

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524 North Federal, Mason City

getting your business added to the Celebrations Party and Event Planning Guide. 641.421.0546

E8 âœŚ Sunday, April 12, 2015

Globe Gazette Celebrations


April 24-25



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