Mason City, Iowa ✦ Sunday, May 3, 2015
ANNIVERSARY Thompson, 50 years
Dan Thompson and Dee Thompson (Dietrich) of Clear Lake, Iowa, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a card shower. Please wish Dan and Dee your best through a greeting, a card, a memory or a fun story. Receiving these will be the best gift we can give.”
Happy 25th Birthday “JEREMY” May 7, 2015 — Barrett and Donna
Submit your Herr, Hall Rachel Herr, of Fontanelle, Iowa, and Kelly Hall, of Greenfield, Iowa, will be married at 4 p.m. on Sunday, May 24, 2015, at the Memorial Lutheran Church in Ames, Iowa.
Class of 2014
an L. Kunzm GarrettLake High School Clear
you We watched me who grow, beco s we know. Love , ts, cars racing, spor inside & out, t. I’d like to shou d prou Grandma’s Loves you, too. Grandpa did,
Kendra Miller School ra! Well done Kend at Good luck ege in Central Coll Pella – ns on Congratulatio cheer making the so team! We are you! excited for Dad, Mom
Forest City
ns Congratulatio Taylor! We are so proud of you! Best Wishes Love,
mary, Grandma Rose & Grandpa Greg Grandma Lucy
lson Seth G.olicWiHigh School
Halloran Spencer High School
Newman Cath
ns Congratulatio Spencer! at Best of luck NIACC. very are We proud of you! Love, Mark, Mom
Mason City
Mom and Doug
nson Shelby Joh High School
ns, Congratulatio d We are so prou of you! Love, Mom, Dad & Carly
dfrey Kaylah Go High School Mason City
ns Congratulatio Seth!! proud We are very you of you & love very much. at Good luck Kirkwood. Love
& boys
& Carly
Paulsen Allie Jo High School
d We are so prou d luck of you. Goo re in all your futu endeavors. Love,
Mom & Dad
West Fork
High Central Springs
Hansen MakenziHigh School
lor Holmes
Tay High School Saint Ansgar
Mason City
s Congratulation to our Star e Student. We’r your very proud of nts. accomplishme ting Success is awai you. Keep your de and positive attitu loving smile. y
Love, Your Famil
ns, Congratulatio Sunshine! We are so proud of you! Love, Mom & Bob
Graduate’s photo to Celebrations for Sunday, May 17 All Schools & Colleges Welcome! Deadline May 11th