Cerro gordo county public health

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Cerro Gordo County Department

health specialists, infectious disease prevention nurses, health promotion educators, chronic disease prevention nurses, a preparedness and response manager, a dietitian, finance staff, a health planner, a marketing & public information officer, administration specialists, and support staff. This staff is highly trained, exceptionally skilled, and fully committed to providing the highest quality service to all county residents.

Ronald J. Osterholm Health Director

To the Residents of Cerro Gordo County, The month of May marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health. Over the past 25 years, the Health Department has developed a strong public health system that supports healthy communities and advances our county toward preventing illness, disease, and injury. I consider myself fortunate to have been a part of all 25 years, and witness the transformation from 1990 to the present. Every day, Cerro Gordo County public health professionals work in challenging, jeopardous, yet rewarding situations to protect the health of our county residents. Health Department staff is comprised of public health nurses, home care aides, environmental

The Health Department provides over 50 services to Cerro Gordo County residents. Some of the major services we provide include skilled nursing home care; home care aide assistance; breast and cervical cancer screening; nutrition counseling; wellness education; worksite wellness; immunizations; community health assessment consultation; tobacco cessation; food establishment inspections; water testing; well plugging assistance; well rehabilitation assistance; HIV testing; healthy homes assessment; radon detection; childhood lead poisoning prevention; blood pressure screening; emergency preparedness education; teen pregnancy prevention; disease surveillance, investigation and reporting; vector control; and nuisance complaint investigation (just to name a few). To review all of the services the Health Department offers, visit our website at www.cghealth.com. As a leader, the Health Department plays a vital role in the community. The Health Department led the community discussion and direction during the Ebola crisis; coordinated the distribution of the H1N1 influenza vaccination program during the highly publicized pandemic threat; initiated the communitywide pertussis investigation program to prevent an epidemic among young children; identified the wide spread arsenic contamination in groundwater and provided solutions to ensure the drinking water is safe, and continue to manage the county-wide Walking


Public Health

School Bus program. The Health Department stands ready to address future disease threats, and create programming to advance health initiatives. During the 2008 flood, Health Department staff went neighborhood to neighborhood, township to township conducting welfare assessments; delivering medication, food, and water for those in need or lacking mobility; assured safe food distribution in establishments; transported, established, managed, and cared for individuals in designated special needs shelters; and conducted hundreds of rural water well tests to determine the safety of the drinking water. Once the Health Department staff’s mission was completed, (six days following initial flood response), they went home and began repairs on their flooded homes. I would be remiss if I did not thank the Board of Health and Board of Supervisors for their endless support, and acknowledge our valued community partners and county resident alliance. I would also like to give a big special thanks to all past and present Health Department employees who have made the last 25 years successful. The accomplishments of the Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health over the past 25 years are significant. Looking ahead, we will continue to make similar strides in the future to further advance the health of our county. Sincerely,

Ronald J. Osterholm Health Director

Cerro Gordo County Department


Public Health

Services for Senior Public Health Nurses Cerro Gordo County Public Health Nursing services were formed in 1968 with the merge of a separate county and city nursing service. Today our registered nurses provide skilled home care for you when you have an illness or have been in the hospital. Public health nurses keep your physician updated on your recovery. They can also perform skilled tasks such as drawing blood for lab tests, giving medicine by injection, caring for a wound, or teaching you and your family about your medications and treatments. They can also help you return to your independent lifestyle. They are knowledgeable of the resources in our community that will help you recover and stay well. Nurses can make referrals to several different agencies in the community. To pay for home care services, Public Health will bill Medicare, Medicaid, or your private insurance. A public health nurse is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For more information, contact Linda at 641.421.9330.



Senior Health Clinics & Blood Pressure Clinics When was the last time a health care provider spent 90 minutes with you? As our Iowa population continues to age, more seniors are seeking health care services than ever before. Many seniors say they feel rushed when they see their physician. They say they want to better understand their health care options. One way to do that is for you to take advantage of our Senior Health Clinics. These clinics are for county residents age 55 and older. They give you a chance to sit down with a registered nurse and discuss health care concerns in more detail. The clinic provides individual health education, including the importance of good nutrition, proper exercise and rest, cancer detection, understanding medications, and other specific topics. The clinics are offered at several locations throughout Cerro Gordo County. For more information, contact Shirley at 641.421.9316.

Home Care

For home care you have a choice…but you have to ask for it! These services are available to people of all ages, not just senior citizens.

Public Health Home Care Aides Our trained Home Care Aides are available to assist you with a variety of needs. They offer personal care services such as bathing, skin and hair care, and foot care. Home Care Aides can also assist with grocery shopping, laundry, and household tasks such as vacuuming, dusting, and washing dishes. Home Care Aide services are funded by Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, grants, Elderbridge Agency on Aging, Veterans Affairs, and the Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors. For more information, contact Lisa at 641.421.9319.


Cerro Gordo County Department


Public Health

Services for Women Care For Yourself Program The Care for Yourself program provides FREE pelvic exams, pap smears, breast screenings, and mammograms to women who fit the following criteria: l Age 40-64. l Non-insured, under-insured women, or those unable to pay insurance deductibles or co-payments. l Any woman of any age who has signs of breast cancer. Financial assistance through the Komen Project is available for additional services. For more information, contact Karen at 641.421.9323.

L.E.A.N. Expectations

(Classes for expecting Mothers) The L.E.A.N. classes focus on the lifestyle, exercise, and attitude choices vital for a healthy pregnancy. They cover what to avoid during pregnancy and what you should start doing to prepare your body for a healthy birth. It also teaches you how to incorporate healthy eating into everyday life, not only while pregnant, but also throughout the years ahead. You will learn what foods you need to eat more of during pregnancy to provide your baby with all the nutrients needed for complete development. For more information, contact Kelli at 641.421.9312.

Cerro Gordo County Department


Public Health

Services for Teens STI Testing & Education Our clinic staff is committed to providing high quality Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)/HIV care to you in a non-judgmental and caring manner. We provide education about STIs and HIV and talk with you about ways to reduce risky sexual behavior and promote healthier choices. STI/ HIV testing is done confidentially. Testing services are by appointment only. You must be at least 14 years of age. Minors (under age 18) do not need parental permission. Testing available to county residents: l Chlamydia l Gonorrhea l Syphilis l Genital herpes l Hepatitis B l HIV: testing is available to anyone age 14 and older and is free to those with qualifying risk factors or $25 for those who do not qualify for the free test. l Hepatitis C: testing is available to anyone with the following risk factors: history of IV drug use, blood transfusion or organ transplant prior to 1992, or longterm kidney dialysis. These individuals qualify for free testing regardless of their county of residence. For more information, contact Betty at 641.421.9320.

Tobacco Prevention Education & ISTEP Chapters The Health Department wants to help youth educators at all grade levels integrate tobacco education into classroom lessons and activities throughout the year. We can provide age appropriate activities to educate and inform students and families about the effects of tobacco use. We also offer resources such as Diseased Lungs, Mr. Gross Mouth, and The Jar of Tar to be checked-out for activities or events. Cerro Gordo County I-STEP (Iowa Students for Tobacco Education and Prevention) is a group of students working together to educate peers and the public on the dangers of tobacco use, and to shatter the perception to teens that using any tobacco or nicotine product is acceptable, normal or cool. For more information, contact Penny at 641.421.9329.

Teen Outreach Program (TOP) TOP is a nationally replicated program aimed at preventing teen pregnancy and helping young people make consistent progress in school. Students in the program learn about exploring their personal values, romantic relationships, sexual education, and effective communication skills. It also helps participants chart their own course by giving them tools to navigate the difficult and sometimes threatening journey from adolescence to young adulthood. Service learning is another aspect of the TOP program. Students are asked to identify needs in their community and come up with solutions to meet those needs. This not only prepares them for their future transition from school to work, but it also gives them a sense of empowerment and pride in their accomplishments and their community. The Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health and the Mason City High Alternative High School have partnered to offer the TOP program for the past four years. For more information, contact Betty at 641.421.9320.


Cerro Gordo County Department


Services for Children


Public Health

& Families

L.E.A.N. Essentials (Classes for Families and Caregivers of Children) We offer FREE classes to parents and caregivers of children on various topics revolving around the L.E.A.N. principles (Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition). The focus of the classes is to grow healthier kids and families. Some of these courses offer continuing education credits to childcare providers. For more information, contact Kelli at 641.421.9312.

Head Lice Education & Treatment The Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health offers free head lice shampoo to children residing in Cerro Gordo County. To ensure correct diagnosis of head lice, the child in question is required to be evaluated by one of the immunization clinic nurses at Public Health to identify the presence of head lice. For more information about head lice, visit our website at www.cghealth.com.


Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Lead poisoning is 100% preventable! That is why it is so important that EVERY CHILD BE TESTED. All children regardless of race, economic background, or location of home should be tested for lead poisoning starting at 12 months of age. The only way to detect lead poisoning is with a blood test (finger prick). To get your child tested, call us to schedule an appointment. Homes built prior to 1978 are considered target housing for lead based paint. Lead based paint, even if intact, can create a lead hazard in the form of lead dust for children and adults. The only way to know if you have lead based paint in your home is to test for it. We offer visual lead assessments and lead inspections to residents of Cerro Gordo County. For more information, contact Jenna at 641.421.9339.

As young children become more confident and skilled at a variety of physical activities they will grow to love being physically active, which is one of the best ways to stay healthy in adulthood. It is important to start active, healthy habits early so children value and enjoy physical fitness as a lifelong habit.� - Ann Fisher, Teacher Madison Early Childhood Center

Cerro Gordo County Department


Public Health


Services for Children Vaccines for Children and Infant Immunizations Our walk-in immunization clinic provides vaccines for infants, children, and adolescents through the age of 18, as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). The Vaccines for Children program provides vaccines free of charge if your child meets the following requirements: child has no health insurance, child is American Indian or Alaskan Native, child is enrolled in Medicaid, or child is under-insured (insurance does not cover vaccines). The Health Department accepts many insurance providers. Our walk-in immunization clinic is open from 10:00 AM – Noon & 12:30 PM – 4:00 PM Monday – Friday. Our department also conducts annual audits of immunization records for students enrolled in licensed childcare centers and public, private, and parochial schools in kindergarten through 12th grade. Vaccines available: l Hepatitis A l Hepatitis B l Hib l HPV (Human Papillomavirus) l Influenza l IPV (Polio) l Meningococcal (Meningitis) l MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) l Pneumococcal l Rotavirus l Td (tetanus and diphtheria) l Tdap (Td with pertussis) l Varicella (Chickenpox) For more information, contact Bethany at 641.421.9322.

& Families

Walking School Bus Program

Early Disease Surveillance (in the schools)

The Walking School Bus is a program that provides a safe, consistent way for your child to walk to school in a group under the supervision of trained adults. It also encourages an easy and important form of exercise...walking! Each route is designed with children’s safety in mind. During their walk the children learn and practice traffic safety skills. To register your child, or volunteer as a “Driver,” call our office at 641.421.9312 or visit our website at www.cghealth.com.

The Health Department provides flu surveillance for schools within Cerro Gordo County. We monitor absentee rates throughout the flu season. If rates reach 10% absenteeism, we work closely with school staff to address the increased rate. Support is provided as needed for these schools by providing information and speaking with parents and school staff to prevent the spread of illness. This service is critical to limiting the spread of infectious disease and outbreaks throughout the schools. For more information, contact Jeni at 641.421.9359.

Tobacco Cessation Our tobacco cessation programs offer you a guided course to becoming tobacco-free. We offer Freedom From Smoking Clinics to county residents free of charge! These clinics coach you through a scientifically designed process to overcome tobacco addiction so you can enjoy the benefits of better health, extra income, and healthier relationships. We also encourage you to use Quitline Iowa resources as well. For more information, contact Penny at 641.421.9329.

November 19

Cerro Gordo County Department


Services for The


Public Health


Adult Immunizations Anyone 19 or older may be able to receive the following immunizations at the Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health Immunization Clinic: l Hepatitis A l Hepatitis B l HPV (Human Papillomavirus) l Varicella (Chickenpox) l MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) l Prevnar 13 l Pneumococcal 23 l Pneumonia l Influenza l Meningococcal l Shingles l Td (tetanus and diphtheria) l Tdap (Td with pertussis) The Health Department accepts many insurance providers. Our walk-in immunization clinic is open from 10:00 AM – Noon & 12:30 PM – 4:00 PM Monday – Friday. For more information, contact Bethany at 641.421.9322.

Infectious Disease Surveillance & Investigation The Health Department provides Cerro Gordo County with investigation services for reportable infectious diseases, client education, assistance with access to medical treatment, and monitoring of medication treatment regimes. This service is critical to limiting the spread of infectious disease and outbreaks. For more information, contact Jeni at 641.421.9359.

What is Influenza?

Tuberculosis (TB) Skin Testing & Latent TB Infection Case Management Our immunization clinic provides TB skin testing for $12. The Department also offers free medication through the Iowa Department of Public Health, and case management for anyone requiring latent TB infection treatment in collaboration with the patients’ health care provider. For more information, contact Bethany at 641.421.9322.

Flu Clinics The Health Department Immunization clinic nurses and staff conduct nearly 70 flu vaccine clinics throughout the county from September-November. We offer a variety of types of vaccine in the form of the traditional flu shot or FluMist. We also offer a variety of payment options. l Vaccine For Children Program (VFC). l Individuals can purchase the vaccine at full cost the day of the clinic. l We also accept many insurance providers. Look for a schedule of our flu clinics this fall. You may also access a flu vaccine at our walk-in immunization clinic. Our walk-in immunization clinic is open from 10:00 AM – Noon & 12:30 PM – 4:00 PM Monday – Friday. Seasonal influenza, also called the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccination each fall. Every year in the United States, on average: l 5-20% of the population gets the flu. l More than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu complications. l About 36,000 people die from the flu every year.

Cerro Gordo County Department


Public Health

Services for The Worksite Wellness Programs & Biometric Screenings With the increasing costs of employee insurance claims, coupled with the increasing prevalence of obesity and other chronic diseases, the focus on preventative health is vital to the improvement of the health of our country. Research shows that promoting health, fitness, and good nutrition at the workplace can help reduce absenteeism, contain healthcare costs, improve employee morale, reduce employee turnover, and enhance employee recruitment. The Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health has bundled several worksite wellness resources into a toolkit and has posted the information on our website for your use. One of the first steps to improving the health of your employees is to educate them on their current health status. We are able to provide your employees with an on-site biometric screening that includes cholesterol, glucose, and blood pressure values which are strong indicators of emerging or existing chronic conditions. We also offer technical assistance to any business, public or private, that would like to adopt policies designed to reduce harmful environmental exposure to secondhand smoke, and deter tobacco and nicotine use. Sample policies and tools are available to walk you through the process efficiently. Our on-site influenza vaccination clinics are available to employers with 20+ employees. Conveniently schedule your worksite’s biometric screenings together with the vaccination services. Also ask about the opportunity to receive 15-30 minutes (per employee) of individual nutrition education from our Registered Dietitian. For more information, contact Kelli at 641.421.9312.



Community Health Promotion Services The Health Promotion staff offer FREE educational sessions on a variety of health promotion and disease prevention topics in area school classrooms, worksites, civic, and faithbased settings. Topics range from exercise and nutrition, to tobacco cessation and healthy aging. For a complete list of topics, please visit our website or call the Health Promotion staff at 641.421.9312 and schedule a health presentation for your group.

Smoke Free Housing Public Health takes the effects of tobacco use on the community as seriously as their vision to make Cerro Gordo the healthiest county in Iowa. There is no safe level of exposure to second hand smoke and no risk-free level of tobacco and nicotine use. The Smoke Free Homes program offers technical assistance to property managers in transitioning their units to smoke free. The program also offers tenants assistance in finding smoke free multiunit housing in Cerro Gordo County. These services are FREE of charge! For more information, contact Penny at 641.421.9329.

Nutrition Services The Eat Healthy, Be Active Community Workshops provide important information for developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The FREE six session series is taught by our Registered Dietitian. Topics covered include: cooking healthy food, easy meal ideas, eating healthily on a budget, tips for losing weight and physical activity. Please contact our registered dietitian, Rachel, at 641.421.9342 for more information on how to bring the series to your workplace or other community group.

Cerro Gordo County Department


Services for The


Public Health


HIV/STI Testing Our clinic staff is committed to providing high quality Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)/HIV care to you in a non-judgmental and caring manner. We provide education about STIs and HIV and talk with you about ways to reduce risky sexual behavior and promote healthier choices. STI/HIV testing is done confidentially. Testing services are by appointment only. You must be at least 14 years of age. Minors (under age 18) do not need parental permission. Testing available to county residents: l Chlamydia l Gonorrhea l Syphilis l Genital herpes l Hepatitis B l HIV testing available to anyone age 14 and older and is free to those with qualifying risk factors or $25 for those who do not qualify for the free test. l Hepatitis C testing is available to anyone with the following risk factors: history of IV drug use, blood transfusion or organ transplant prior to 1992, or long term kidney dialysis qualifies for free testing regardless of county of residence. For more information, contact Betty at 641.421.9320.

Food Inspection Services Our Environmental Health professionals inspect over 350 food establishments in Cerro Gordo County. They conduct two to three inspections per year for most food operations. In addition, our Department investigates food service complaints and offers certified food safety training (ServSafe) to establishment owners/managers. How does your favorite restaurant rate? Review the inspections on our website at www.cghealth.com.

Foodborne Illness Surveillance & Investigation In any given two-week period, 85% of all Americans will eat at least one meal outside the home. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), foodborne illness causes 48 million sicknesses; 128,000 hospitalizations; and 3,000 deaths each year. Our Department investigates potential foodborne illness cases or outbreaks in partnership with the food establishment owner and ill resident. For more information, contact Brian at 641.421.9340. Food safety is just as important in your home. View our website at www.cghealth.com to learn the proper way to prepare and store your food.

Private Well Water Testing & Abandoned Private Well Plugging The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that private drinking water supplies be tested at least once per year for coliform bacteria, E.Coli bacteria, and nitrates. The Health Department is able to provide approximately 200 no cost residential well tests and assessments per year on a first-come, first-served basis to anyone who owns or utilizes a private water supply. Other water tests, such as arsenic, can be done upon request. The Health Department also provides up to $400 per well to plug private abandoned wells and $600 for well rehabilitations. Abandoned wells are a pathway for contaminants to enter the groundwater and can pose a safety risk for people, pets and wildlife. Homeowners should contact a certified well contractor to properly plug abandoned wells on their property. Funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, contact Jenna at 641.421.9339.

Healthy Homes Program The term “Healthy Homes� is a century-old concept that promotes safe, decent, and sanitary housing as a means for preventing disease and injury. Emerging scientific evidence links health problems such as asthma, lead poisoning, and unintentional injuries to substandard housing. Based on estimates from the 2009-2011 American Community Survey, roughly 1.66% or 335 households of the 20,193 occupied households in Cerro Gordo County do not meet even the lowest Housing Quality Standards (HQS) as set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, meaning these homes may not have running indoor plumbing or kitchen facilities. This program promotes Healthy Homes for all residents at all income levels. Low-income housing is not the only category at risk. There are many expensive, high-end homes that are also considered unhealthy. The Healthy Homes program is based off of the seven Healthy Homes Principles designed by The National Center for Healthy Housing 1) Keep your home dry, 2) Keep your home clean, 3) Keep your home pest-free, 4) Keep your home safe, 5) Keep your home contaminantfree, 6) Keep your home ventilated, 7) Keep your home maintained. You face many health risks in the place you feel the safest, your home. But how do you know what to look for in a home that can be a potential health risk? Our Healthy Homes initiative is here to help you answer that question. We can teach you about health risks that affect you in your home, such as radon, lead poisoning prevention, mold/moisture issues, indoor air quality, asthma, water testing, and private well water testing. For more information, contact Jenna at 641.421.9339.

Cerro Gordo County Department


Public Health

Services for The Public Swimming Pool, Tattoo Parlor, Tanning Bed Inspections Our Environmental Health specialists inspect public swimming pools and spas at hotels, municipal facilities, fitness centers, apartment complexes, and other publicly used sites. Inspections are conducted to protect you from recreational water illnesses, swimming accidents, and drowning. We also inspect tattoo parlors and tanning facilities. Tattoo parlor inspections are conducted to protect you from diseases that may be transmitted from one person to another through unsanitary or unsafe conditions. People who get tattoos and their future contacts are at risk for HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and other blood borne pathogens and infections if proper procedures are not in place. Tanning facility inspections are conducted to protect you from unintended or over exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation may cause eye and skin injury, allergic reactions, premature aging of the skin, skin cancer, eye burns and long term injury to eyes. For more information, contact Mark at 641.421.9337.

Septic System Inspections & Permitting The Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health conducts site evaluations, sets design standards, and conducts inspections for private sewage disposal systems (septic systems) within Cerro Gordo County. The purpose of this program is to protect surface and ground water from contamination of human sewage. Human sewage carries many harmful pathogens that may cause you to become ill. For more information, contact Mark at 641.421.9337.

Rabies and Animal Bite Investigations The Department implements and enforces the County’s Dangerous Dog Ordinance and addresses your concerns about exposure to animals that have the possibility of carrying rabies, such as bats, large or small rodents, skunks, raccoons, etc. For more information, contact Brian at 641.421.9340.

Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO)/Manure Management Plans (MMPs): For larger sized CAFO’s, the Health Department reviews construction permits and associated manure management plans annually to ensure continued compliance. Once reviewed, facility reports are presented to the Board of Supervisors with written recommendations. For more information, contact Dan at 641.421.9338.



Radon Testing Radon is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless radioactive gas that is in found in two out of three homes in Iowa. Cerro Gordo County has remained near the state average with approximately 60% of homes testing at elevated radon levels. Radon is the #1 cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers, and the #2 cause in smokers. Our Department can educate you on radon measurement, radon mitigation, and radon risk. We also sell home test kits year round at a reduced cost of $5. A 48-hour continuous radon monitor is a service offered for residents of Cerro Gordo County as an additional testing option. For more information, contact Jenna at 641.421.9339.

Mosquito Surveillance Program The Health Department has maintained a mosquito surveillance program for more than ten years. The purpose of the program is to monitor mosquito numbers and types of mosquitoes as certain species are more likely to carry diseases of public health concern. Mosquito tabulations are presented on our website starting in mid-July. In addition, we conduct mosquito larvae surveillance and a public awareness campaign to keep you updated with important public health information related to mosquitoes. For more information, contact Brian at 641.421.9340.

Preparedness Planning Now, more than ever, emergency preparedness has become common throughout the United States. Emergency preparedness means being prepared for all kinds of emergencies, able to respond in time of crisis to save lives and property, and to help the community return to a normal life after a disaster occurs. The Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health has made great strides in developing and implementing an emergency response plan that is applicable to a variety of events ranging from biological attacks to severe storms that might pass through the County. We strive to be prepared to respond to bioterrorism, infectious disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and other public health threats and emergencies. We do this by exercising components of our emergency preparedness plan and train staff on a continual basis. We work with multiple agencies and emergency response partners throughout Cerro Gordo County. We encourage you to make a family plan for emergencies. Our website offers tools for you to use to formulate a family emergency plan for various events. Visit www.cghealth.com or call Jodi at 641.421.9327.


Cerro Gordo County Department


Public Health

The Cerro Gordo County

Board of Health

The Cerro Gordo County Board of Health guides the policy and decisions of the Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health. Past and present board members have attributed to the great success of the Department. Their passion for protecting the health of our county, provides the Department with a strong backbone of support. Members of the Board of Health are appointed by the Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors. The five-member Board volunteers to serve a three-year term. Board meetings take place at the Health Department.

Mark Johnson, M.D. Mark Johnson, M.D., Chairman, has served as chairman of the Cerro Gordo County Board of Health since 1987. He is a diabetes specialist with the Mercy Medical Center North Iowa Diabetes Center and a resident of Mason City.

Barb Kellogg Barb Kellogg, Vice Chair, is a resident of Mason City who is the Associate Director of Planning and Development for North Iowa Community Action Organization.

Kristy Marquis

Phil Dougherty

Mary Winegardner

Kristy Marquis, Secretary, has been a resident of Mason City since 2001, and is an insurance agent with State Farm Insurance.

Phil Dougherty is a farmer from Dougherty who was elected to the Board of Supervisors in November, 2000. He is a liaison between the Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors and the Board of Health.

Mary ‘Frankie’ Winegardner, PA-C,MPAS is a Clear Lake resident and physician assistant in practice at Integrative Medicine Consultants.

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