Farm meeting is March 8 glyphosate tolerant weeds and herbicide selection by Robert Hartzler, Extension weed management specialist; and grain price outlook and changes in crop insurance products for 2011 by Kelvin Leibold, Extension farm management specialist. The annual meeting of the Northern Iowa Research Association will be conducted from 11:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Membership in the Association is not required to attend this meeting. Certified crop advisor CEU credit has been requested. A $15 fee will be charged for CCA credit. This meeting is free and open to the public. Contact your local ISU Extension Office for additional information.
ISU wins grant for corn study
AMES, Iowa (AP) — Iowa State University has won a $20 million grant to conduct and oversee research on how climate affects corn crops. Iowa State says it will coordinate the work of 42 scientists from 10 universities and two U.S. Department of Agriculture research institutions in nine north-central states. The five-year project will collect and analyze data from fields that produce nearly 65 percent of the nation's corn. The researchers will combine field and climate data to formulate models and evaluate crop management practices.
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generation of farmers taking over. "The social contract that farming has with the general public is changing and what was once tolerated and acceptable in agriculture is not acceptable to the general public who say 'We want to move away from those high death rates,'" he said. "As a new generation comes up there will be a different expectation." Meanwhile, OSHA has been taking a tougher stance on violations of current safety standards. Haasbach LLC was fined $555,000 for two dozen safety violations after the accident that killed the teenagers in Illinois, and Michaels said it will con-
sider pursuing criminal charges against grain handlers involved in accidents. "None of these would have occurred if simple procedures would have been followed," he said. "You don't blame the grain." The letter OSHA is sending grain storage operators outlines seven steps that should be taken to reduce the risk of injury or death, including turning off augers and other power equipment before entering bins; prohibiting walking on grain; providing a body harness with a lifeline for anyone going into a grain bin; and making sure there's someone outside the bin who can
help if something goes wrong. Small farmers who store their own grain also need to take the proper precautions before entering bins, Michaels said. "I'd say think twice, then think again before you considering endangering yourself or your family," he said. But Steinhoff said he doesn't think the push for increased safety will make much difference. "I don't know any farmer that would tie himself off, they go in just like I did," he said. "They know the chances, but you know it's never going to happen to you. I'm not saying it's right, but it's human nature."
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CORN 2011
The annual meeting and educational program of the Northern Iowa Research Farm will be held March 8 at the Heartland Museum in Clarion. Coffee and refreshments will be served at 8:30 a.m., with the program beginning at 9 a.m. There is a sponsored lunch at 12 p.m. and the program will conclude at 1:45. The Heartland Museum is located at 119 Ninth St. S.W., Clarion. Please call 641-923-2856 or 515-5323453 to pre-register for this meeting by March 3. Topics and speakers include corn development and management by Lori Abendroth, Extension agronomist; background and management of soybean sudden death syndrome by Alison Robertson, Extension plant pathologist;
CORN 2011
12 • February 23, 2011
February 23, 2011 A supplement to