‘Grow Your Own’
In This Issue:
COPING WITH CHANGE: • How communities can battle back from adversity/Page 2
Communities must be flexible, resilient in tackling plant closings, layoffs By TIM ACKARMAN For In Business any economic development experts are encouraging communities to take a “grow-your-own” approach to job creation. North Iowa has enjoyed a strong manufacturing base for decades. Yet this strength also creates vulnerability as globalization and the “great recession” buffet U.S. manufacturers. Reports of layoffs and plant closings have dominated the economic news locally and nationally. Communities must be flexible and resilient in tackling these challenges, said Win-Worth Betco Executive Director Teresa Nicholson. “Businesses come and go. It doesn’t mean the community dries up and blows away,” she said. “Find a way to do business differently and keep people here.”
lenges and obtaining capitol through grants or loans. “We are facilitators and advoBusinesses come and cates for our businesses,” Gillman go. It doesn’t said. Communities can also take steps mean the comto encourage new small-business munity dries up development as well as to recruit and blows away. outside companies. Providing appropriate infrastructure is critiFind a way to do cal, Nicholson said. business differ“Communities need to have available industrial development ently and keep people here.” land with utilities,” she said. — Teresa Nicholson, Win-Worth In addition to infrastructure, Betco executive director Borich suggested providing venture capital funds and business with two employees than to bring incubators to attract new firms. In in one that employs 100,” Borich that regard North Iowa is “blessed said. to have the Pappajohn Center,” “Eighty-five percent of job growth comes from small compa- Gillman said of the John Pappanies,” Nicholson said. “The major- john Entrepreneurial Center at North Iowa Area Community Colity of economic development (effort) is spent working with small lege. start-ups and expansion of small ALL THREE EXPERTS agree companies.” that a comprehensive economic development approach must conTRADITIONAL ECONOMIC NORTH IOWA CORRIDOR sider more than the immediate DEVELOPMENT has revolved Executive Director Greg Gillman needs of the business sector. around initiatives to attract major shares this view. “Companies look at the overall employers. While such efforts have “Everyone wants the new facilinot been abandoned, “recruiting ty to come to town, but most of the community” when deciding where the next big plant is somewhat job growth will come from within,” to locate, Nicholson said. Quality-of-life considerations problematic,” said Tim Borich, he said. “The No. 1 issue is to such as appearance, available director of Iowa State University remain very, very close to your housing, schools and recreational Extension Community and Ecoexisting business and industry.” amenities are key factors considnomic Development and assistant Gillman noted that of 16 ecoered by many business owners. dean in the College of Design. nomic development projects he “If you don’t want to live there “There aren’t that many compahas worked on in the past two and you can’t see your employees nies looking for new sites.” years, 12 have involved existing staying there, why would you want Economic development officials businesses. are increasingly turning to “ecoWhile the needs of each firm are to move your business there?” Borich asked. nomic gardening,” an effort to different, economic development “I’m a huge believer that ecoencourage entrepreneurship and leaders can help businesses in foster growth in existing small areas such as addressing workforce nomic development and community development cannot be sepabusinesses. development issues, overcoming “It’s better to start 50 businesses technical or infrastructure chalContinued on next page
keys to landing CGS Tyres in Charles City/Page 33
TECH: Netbooks: Novelty or necessity? Page 32 • KOFAB the ‘ultimate family business’/ Page 4 • Preparing for leadership transition/Page 6 • Mason City-Clear Lake: Recovering one piece at a time/Page 6 • Franklin County proves its resiliency/Page 7
ADVICE: • Finding quality employees — and handling those who aren’t/Page 34 • Deterring and detecting financial reporting fraud/Page 35
HEALTH: • Coping with downsizing in your workplace/Page 37
• Britt and Garner feel pains of Winnebago’s HEALTH: slump but the gains of • Alliance promotes recent growth/Page 8 growth throughout North Iowa/Page 39 • Building, location
MADE IN THE REGION: PAGES 12-29! ON THE COVER: At the KOFAB fabrication plant, Jake Eischen of Ledyard works on a food-grade screw-auger Utrough. (Photo by TIM ACKARMAN)
In Business: Vol. 8, No. 4, December 2010 Publisher: Howard Query 641-421-0500 howard.query@globegazette.com Managing Editor: Tom Thoma 641-421-0566 tom.thoma @globegazette.com Associate Editor: Jane Reynolds 641-421-0564 jane.reynolds@globegazette.com Associate Editor: Bob Steenson 641-421-0530
bob.steenson@globegazette.com Advertising and Circulation: Greg Wilderman 641-421-0545 greg.wilderman@globegazette.com
••• In Business is a quarterly publication of the Globe Gazette. Reach us at Box 271, Mason City, IA 50402-0271 or by e-mail at news@globegazette.com.
GROWTH/From Page 2 rated,” Gillman said. other setback. Communities can take advantage of “You may fast-track things, but the grants from the North Iowa Area Coun- general approach is the same.” cil of Governments to help finance A major layoff can be turned into a improvement projects. Agencies such recruiting tool for new businesses, Gillas the Iowa Department of Economic man said. Development and the Iowa Department “It’s a tough situation when a comof Natural Resources pany closes,” he said. can also offer finan“But the next day we cial assistance or are talking about in There aren’t that many our presentations technical expertise with certain procompanies look- and proposals that jects. we have workers ing for new Cultivating a with those kinds of diverse economy and skills who have been sites. ... It’s beta desirable commudownsized.” ter to start 50 nity can help blunt Gillman acknowlbusinesses with the impact of an edged this strategy economic downturn. may be less effective two employees Yet there are cases in the current ecothan to bring in one that when the loss of a nomic climate. major employer creemploys 100.” “When you have a ates significant national recession, — Tim Borich of Iowa State Universichallenges, particueveryone is doing the ty Extension. larly for a smaller same thing. How are community. we differentiating In some cases those challenges can- ourselves? We sharpen our pencils not be avoided. every day as it relates to that.” “If you’re heavily reliant on an industry that’s in decline on the DESPITE THE ROUGH ECONOMY, national or international level, there’s Borich expects growth in some sectors not much you can do,” Borich said. over the next year, including health care software, clean energy and technology IN THE IMMEDIATE aftermath of a infrastructure. business closing, the Iowa Workforce Borich also sees opportunity in Development Center can provide Iowa’s changing demographics. While extended briefings on all services avail- many view the aging of the baby able to laid-off employees, Gillman boomer generation as an economic crisaid. sis, Borich encourages communities to Community leaders should consider consider the potential financial benean assessment of the situation to help fits. predict outcomes, Borich suggested. “Studies tend to show a retiring cou“Look to the ISU Economics Depart- ple moving to your community is worth ment to model the economy and see (as much as) a manufacturing job. I’m what the effect will be. What can be not sure those active retirees are being absorbed? What will be the secondary looked at as an asset. There’s money to impact?” be had in industries or services geared In addition to ISU, Borich also sugtoward that population.” gested UNI’s Institute for Decision Borich views growth within the HisMaking (IDM) and USDA Rural Develpanic community similarly. opment as potential resources. “The Latino population has doubled Nicholson said Winn-Worth Betco, and is expected to double again in the in cooperation with the seven-county next 10 years,” he noted. North Central Iowa Alliance, has studThere may be an opportunity for ies ongoing with IDM. She said such some communities to develop busiefforts do not change appreciably nesses catering to that population. because of a single plant closing or “Is that something we should be
TIPS FOR DEVELOPMENT SUCCESS: 1. MAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AN ONGOING PROCESS. “Even when times are good … you have to be proactive,” said Teresa Nicholson of WinWorth-Betco.“Things don’t always stay good.” “It’s often what proceeds the bad times that drives your situation,” said Tim Borich, director of Iowa State University Extension. 2. LOOK TO DIVERSIFY. While success breeds success, concentrating on a single business sector also leaves a community vulnerable in the event of a downturn. Nicholson encourages communities to ask, “What do we have a small amount of that we can grow?” 3. COOPERATE RATHER THAN COMPETE WITH NEIGHBORING COMMUNITIES. “Somebody getting jobs is better than nobody getting jobs,” Borich said.
“We’re getting stronger about promoting the area as a region,” said Gregg Gillman, executive director of the North Iowa Corridor Economic Development Corp. 4. BE PATIENT. “New investment doesn’t lead to the same level of job growth it did five years ago,” Gillman said.“If (businesses) are making those investments, the jobs will come when people are feeling better about the economy.” 5. FOSTER VOLUNTEERISM, COMMUNITY SPIRIT AND A POSITIVE OUTLOOK. “It takes everybody’s efforts to improve a community, not just the community leaders or the people who are paid to do it,” Nicholson said. “A lot of it is believing in yourself,” Gillman said. — By Tim Ackarman
helping along?” Borich asked. On the local level, Nicholson sees some potential for renewed manufacturing growth in North Iowa. She predicts a move away from traditional assembly-line manufacturing in favor of more focused activities such as component production or final assembly. Nicholson also expects additional infrastructure development surrounding the Manly Terminal and the Diamond Jo Worth Casino. Gillman is excited about efforts to market land near the Mason City Airport as well as new marketing initia-
tives to office and flex-space users. As in the past, he is also working on smaller projects involving local firms. “Seven existing businesses and industries are in some level of talks about expansion,” Gillman said. “None might occur, but all seven might occur.” Although such small projects don’t attract significant attention, Gillman believes they are the key to sustainable long-term economic development. “It might not be recognizable to most people, but I think slow and steady growth is what we’re going to see.”
KOFAB the ‘ultimate family business’ By TIM ACKARMAN For In Business ALGONA n 1977 Don Schiltz founded KOFAB in an old car wash building by borrowing $500. With hard work and good business sense he built the company into an industry leader, overseeing the acquisition of a second plant and numerous expansions at both locations. “When one thinks of KOFAB they have to think of my husband,” Sharon Schiltz said. “It’s a true American dream.” It’s a dream that’s continuing despite Don’s death from cancer on June 29, 2007, less than a month before KOFAB’s 30th anniversary. Today, with 41 full-time employees at its two Algona plants, KOFAB is a leading manufacturer of conveyor systems and components used in the food, ethanol and pharmaceutical industries. Customers include many nationally and internationally known firms, including several Fortune 500 companies. It is a family business in the truest sense.
TIM ACKARMAN/For In Business
The KOFAB fabrication plant at 300 Kofab Drive includes a recently completed office expansion.
Mayor Lynn Kueck. “He was an integral part of the diversified business community that makes Algona the vibrant community we are,” Kueck said. “If I called Don as mayor, he was always there, willing to help out and do good for the community.” Kueck said Don was admired for his volunteer service in government and community organizations as well as for his financial contributions to many worthy groups and THE FAMILY STARTED activities. More than that, he when Bancroft native Donald was also respected for the E. Schiltz married Sharon example he set. Klocke in 1960. The couple “First and foremost Don was raised four children, Brian, a gentleman,” Kueck said. “He Gary, Bill and Kris. would treat the custodian just Schiltz supported his family as well as one of his top cusworking as a construction tomers. He treated everyone foreman and later as a superviKOFAB AND DON SCHILTZ with respect. That’s the highsor in a food equipment plant. Despite his success working for were also part of the heart and est compliment I could pay soul of the community and the him.” others, Schiltz had another While losing such a dynamic region, according to Algona ambition. “He wanted to create something of his own,” Sharon Schiltz recalled. In 1977 Don founded KOFAB. After his death, Sharon took over the top job in the company. She thinks of her husband every day. “Don and I worked as a couple and a unit,” Sharon said. “I had total respect for my husband and I firmly believe he had total respect for me. I miss him 24/7.” “He was a great dad,” Brian Schiltz said. “He cared very much for his family.” He also cared very much for his company and its employees. “His heart and soul was in this business,” Sharon said.
leader was hard for the family, the company and the community, the example Don set left others well-prepared to fill the void, according to Kueck. “His sons are keeping his spirit alive. They’re true gentlemen as well.” SHARON AND HER SONS are also keeping KOFAB alive and growing. Although there were opportunities to sell the company, the family didn’t even consider it. “I would have felt like I was letting Don down had I done that,” Sharon said. Sharon is CEO. Brian manages the 32,000-square-foot machine plant. Gary manages the 48,000-square-foot fabrication plant where Bill also serves as sales manager. As CEO, Sharon handles most financial matters. At the fabrication plant, Gary and Bill oversee the design, manufac-
ture, marketing and installation of material-handling systems and other equipment for their corporate customers. Key product lines include lifts, dumpers and conveyors, including the registered trademark Curveyor and Eleveyor. The plant also offers customdesigned tanks, enclosures, product chutes and hoppers, stairways, catwalks and platforms. The machine plant manufactures conveyor components, most notably the patented K-V Drive system designed to eliminate conveyer belt slippage and tracking problems. “The K-V Drive has changed the way our customers convey product,” Brian said. “If there’s a part of our business that’s changed KOFAB, it’s that system.” While many of the components from the manufacturing plant are destined for the KOFAB fabrication plant, the company also sells directly to end-users as well as to other fabrication firms. Having two locations has worked well at KOFAB, with each plant generating new business for the company. “One operation complements the other,” Gary said. DESPITE THE CHALLENGES of the economic downturn, KOFAB has continued to thrive and expand. The company was one of four to receive an Iowa Global Export Awards from the Iowa Department of Economic DevelopContinued on next page
KOFAB/From Page 4 ment in 2010. “Business has been strong,” Brian said. “We’ve benefitted from food-safety changes and higher standards,” Gary added. A recent office expansion at the fabrication plant, planned by Sharon and Don, was carried out after his death. Each family member working at the facility has continued in or expanded his or her role to allow the company to move forward much as it did under Don. Serving a diverse customer base in a variety of industries has helped to keep business stable at KOFAB regardless of the economic climate, Brian said. “Thirty-four years in business and we’re still growing.” Don fostered that growth through his dedication to the customer, Sharon said. “Don always preached quality, service and ontime delivery.” KOFAB is still committed to those
ideals, the Schiltz family said. The family has also carried forward Don’s commitment to treating employees well which has allowed KOFAB to attract and retain a quality staff, according to the Schiltz family. “The workforce around here is fantastic,” Bill said. “They’re not only our employees, they’re our friends as well,” Brian said. Don Schiltz is still very much a part of KOFAB in the eyes of his family. “We feel Dad’s presence almost every day,” Gary said. The Schiltz family expects Don’s business legacy to continue at KOFAB. “I think it will be what it’s been,” Gary said, “slow, steady growth.” “Our biggest challenge is going to be how we keep up with product demand,” Brian said. “We’re all excited about the future.”
TIPS FROM KOFAB: 1. Value customers and employees. “I think life is pretty simple,” Sharon Schiltz said. “Treat people with kindness and respect.” 2. Find the best people rather than the best-qualified people. “We hire at this facility more on attitude than on skill,” Brian Schiltz said.
3. Train employees to per“We wouldn’t give our form multiple functions employees anything we while avoiding the assembly- wouldn’t do ourselves.” Brian line mentality. said. “Our guys are craftsman,” Gary Schiltz said. “They start a project and see it through.” “If someone is sick or injured or on vacation, someone else can step in and do the job,” Brian said. 4. Lead by example.
Preparing for leadership transition: Page 6
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Preparing for leadership transition
Recovery: One piece at a time in M.C., C.L. W
owned and operated by elderly people,” said Ted Bair, director of the JPEC hile the death of Small BusiKOFAB founder ness DevelDon Schiltz preopment sented a great personal Center. “It’s challenge to his family, it not unusual was well-prepared from a (for owners business standpoint to and famideal with the transition. lies) to Wife Sharon had been ignore exit keeping the books since Bair strategies.” 1980. Their sons — Brian, JPEC Gary, Bill and Kris — had Director been involved with the Jamie Zancompany since before they ios encourfinished high school. ages owners With family members to form entrenched in key roles, transition adjustments needed to strategies carry on were comparaZanios well before tively minor. the need is anticipated. “The transition was an “This is a critical element. easy one,” Brian said. “Nothing really changed.” It doesn’t matter whether it’s a Fortune 500 company Many small businesses are not so well-prepared to or a start-up.” Succession planning deal with the death, disshould begin with an ability or retirement of assessment of the skills and owners or other key leadexperience of potential new ers, according to officials owners or other key leaders. at NIACC’s John PappaIdeally family members john Entrepreneurial Cenor key employees should ter in Mason City. “In North Iowa we have be given the opportunity to develop essential skills an extraordinary number before a transition is of successful businesses For In Business
By MARY PIEPER mary.pieper@globegazette.com
he loss of the Holcim and AMPI plants in Mason City over the past 16 months has been a blow economically for the community, according to Gregg Gillman, executive director of the North Iowa Corridor Economic Development Group. But recovery is happening, one piece at a time. Over the past two years, the development group has worked with 16 businesses planning to open new plants in the Mason City-Clear Lake area or expand existing ones. These projects are expected to bring 212 to 232 new jobs to the Gillman area. “Many of these jobs have been created already,” Gillman said. Some of the businesses that have created jobs in the community recently or plan to create new jobs are: • Aeron Advanced Manufacturing, which announced this year that it would create 33 jobs at its Mason City plant over the next three years. • TeamQuest in Clear Lake, which has received a forgivable loan from the Iowa Department of Economic Development to add 18 jobs. • MD Products Inc., which recently purchased the former IMI Cornelius building in Mason City with plans to establish a plant there that will initially employ 12 people and expand to 24 in about a year or two. The company manufactures front
Continued on next page
anticipated, Zanios said. The company’s financial situation must also be carefully considered. Zanios noted many smaller businesses depend on relationships a sole owner or other leader has cultivated with key customers, suppliers or lenders. Those individuals or entities may not be interested in continuing those relationships with new leaders they do not know. A sudden loss of revenue or credit can cripple a small business. Given the current tight credit market, many lenders are more inclined than ever to call in loans. In many small businesses a single family member or group of family members might be actively involved in the company while other heirs are not. “It’s a travesty when the business has to be sold so other children can be equally compensated,” Bair said. The result may be local businesses being purchased by larger companies without local roots. In some cases businesses are
dissolved and their assets liquidated. “We want to see these businesses stay in North Iowa,” Zanios said. Owners who wish to pass a business on to family members or employees can use estate planning, life insurance policies, buy-sell agreements and similar tools to facilitate the process. “Engage a qualified attorney and CPA,” Bair advises. Bair and Zanios also encourage business owners formulating succession plans to take advantage of the resources available at JPEC. Related information is available on the JPEC website, www.niacc.edu/ pappajohn. JPEC staff members with significant business experience are also available to provide free consultations for small-business owners. “There is no cookiecutter approach” to appropriate transition planning, Zanios notes, “but oftentimes we’ll be able to provide a runway.”
Franklin Cty.‘resilient’ closed its Hampton plant, laying off eight employees and bringing the number of jobs lost since 2008 to 188. By LAURA BIRD laura.bird@globegazette.com “We’ve been hit more than we HAMPTON thought we would,” Mitchell said. early 200 jobs have been lost in The FCDA did everything it could to Hampton the past two years. work with the businesses, but even However, the community con- small-town Iowa wasn’t immune from tinues to rally and fight on just like it the national recession, she said. did during the tough times of the mid“We thought we might be immune 1980s, which included the farm crisis from it but you’re never immune from a and Maytag Co. closing its Hampton national impact,” Mitchell said. plant. With each layoff, the FCDA worked “Over and over Hampton and closely with Iowa Workforce DevelopFranklin County have ment. The relationship helped employers been resilient,” said and employees understand their options. Karen Mitchell, executive Some took the layoffs as an opportudirector of the Franklin nity to start their own business. County Development Through the assistance of First Association. National Bank in Hampton, four people The most recent ecohave been sent to classes at the John nomic woes started to hit Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center at Mitchell the area in 2008 with the North Iowa Area Community College in closing of AGC Flat Glass North Amer- Mason City, Mitchell said. ica’s plant in Hampton. Around 60 jobs Classes offered by the Hampton Area were eliminated. Chamber of Commerce, such as time The next year Winnebago Industries management, have been at capacity, closed its Hampton plant, laying off 40 said Executive Director Brook Boehmworkers, and Seabee Corp. laid off ler. around 80 workers. “We’ve had a lot of entrepreneurThis year Northern Pipe Products Continued on next page
Area battles back from loss of nearly 200 jobs in two years
RECOVERY/From Page 6 tractor fenders, motor grader fenders, combine header transports and header transport kits. But the impact goes beyond job creation, according to Gillman. The total investment the 16 companies are making in the community is $16 million. Even if a company expands like the YMHTorrance forklift building under construction on South Federal Avenue and
doesn’t create jobs, it is new assessed valuation for the city “which is good for momentum,” Gillman said. Meanwhile, many of the former Holcim and AMPI employees are retraining in hopes of finding new jobs. “I know there are a lot of people that are here as a result of a plant closing,” said Chris Frenz, enrollment specialist for adult students at North
Iowa Area Community College. Some are in NIACC’s industrial technology program while others are in programs such as accounting or nursing. Frenz said many of those who came to NIACC after the IMI Cornelius plant closed in 2007 are now back in the workforce, so hopefully in a few years the same will be true for the former Holcim and AMPI workers.
Britt, Garner feel pains and gains
By LAURA BIRD laura.bird@globegazette.com GARNER
innebago Industries may be in Forest City, but neighboring communities Britt and Garner have also felt the effects of its down time and the poor economy in general the past couple of years. “They’re a very important employer to us,” said Brent Hinson, Garner city administrator. “Winnebago Industries is kind of our third-largest employer even
though they’re not actually in Garner.” The same is true in Britt. “When that plant is slower it has a direct effect on people,” said Hinson Les Johnson, treasurer of the Britt Industrial Development Corp. Along with layoffs at Winnebago Industries, the towns were hit by the national recession. “Obviously we’re a heavy man-
ufacturing area here in North Iowa,” Hinson said. “Manufacturing took a hit nationally with the recession.” Other local Johnson manufacturers hit hard besides Winnebago included Nortech Systems Inc. and Steller Industries in Garner. Nortech, which designs, tests and repairs wiring and electronics systems for medical and aero-
space, closed its Garner facility, laying off 57 workers. Stellar did not have mass layoffs but had to reduce its hours, said Hinson and Neil Fell, market president at Liberty Bank, Garner. All of the layoffs and cutbacks had a trickledown effect on area businesses. “Some of the local businesses are feeling the effect, but for the most part we’re hanging in there,” said Bill Eckels, who owns The Cobbler Shoppe in Britt. Continued on next page
FRANKLIN CTY./From Page 7 ship,” he said. Russ Gibson, who owns several businesses in Hampton, agrees. “There are a lot of people looking to open a business not only in Hampton but all over North Iowa,” said Gibson, who has spoken at JPEC classes. “It’s exciting in that regard.” While the new small businesses may not create many jobs at first, Mitchell said they help diversify the economy and community. “They can bring something new and different to Hampton,” she said. Gibson said Hampton has especially benefited from the diversification. “Something that makes Hampton unique is we have a lot of racial diversification,” he said. “The Hispanic community has brought a lot to the town as a whole. They’re really enthusiastic and willing to be entrepreneurs ... That’s partly why nearly all of the buildings on main street are full.” In addition to a few new businesses, Hampton has
fought through the recession by supporting current businesses. “I think the community has responded in a real positive way,” Gibson said. “We have a lot of people that are really dedicated to the community and want see it move forward.” Gibson himself has been trying to figure out ways to create more jobs and hopes other businesses are doing the same. Mitchell said they are looking for growth with current companies, too. “We maintain a close relationship with all of our existing businesses,” she said.
ONE BUSINESS that has been able to expand is Buresh Building Systems and North Central Millwright. It recently moved into the FCDA’s third speculative building and plans to build a second 9,000square-foot stand-alone building. Over the next three years it expects to create 10 additional jobs including autocad draftsman, welding fabricators, production manager and truck drivers. Seabee Corp. has also been able to slowly hire back some of the 80 workers it laid off, Mitchell said. “They’re cautiously
optimistic for 2011,” she said. The agriculture sector has had a strong year, which has helped support the area, but through marketing Hampton has also landed some new businesses. Hickman Family Farms announced in December 2009 that it would open a plant in Hampton’s Industrial Park. It became operational earlier this year and employs 16 to 17 people, Mitchell said.
The Whispering Willows Wind Farm, located south of Hampton, has also created 22 full-time jobs. The wind farm was completed at the end of 2009.
said. Hampton’s reinvestment in itself the past few years helps Mitchell in marketing the area. The community has supported the new Hampton Family Aquatic MITCHELL SAID the Center, Rolling Prairie FCDA continues to Trail, a revitalized strongly market Hampton Franklin County Arts and its industrial park and Council, fixing the band speculative buildings. shell and other things. “We are a very, very “Having a great comproactive organization munity is essential to and our goal is to fill the attracting new compabuildings with jobs,” she nies,” Mitchell said.
BRITT, GARNER/From Page 8 nity also had a good base going into the recession. “A lot of our businesses were in good financial conditions IN BRITT the public has before the economic downturn started,” Fell said. “They had the banded together. “I think we’ve handled it well,” ability to adjust their businesses to the economy.” Johnson said. “The public has An effort 10 years ago to been pretty resilient.” improve the quality of life in Renee Diemer, owner of Diemer Realty in Britt and mem- Garner also helped it weather the ber of the Hancock County Eco- economic storm, he said. A housing development, new nomic Development Corp. board aquatic center, recreation center of directors, agreed. and other improvements have “I think it did hurt us at first made Garner a place that people but we all stuck together and kept going,” she said. “Everyone want to live in, Fell said. Enrollment in the Garner-Hayfield came together.” School District has increased Church groups and other slightly the past few years. organizations came together to Other things that have helped share ideas, she said. People also the two communities are the decided to shop locally more. “They’re not spending the gas opening of Primera Foods plant near Britt and Hawkeye Pride to go out of town,” Diemer said. Egg Farms LLP near Corwith. Garner had community support, too. However, the commu- Both are egg plants.
Both communities have survived the economic downturn because of several reasons.
statistics, unemployment has fallen from 8.9 percent to 6.9 percent. “We’re not sayTHE AGRICULTURE sector ing everything is completely back has also been a positive influence. Bilyeu to normal,” she “Another important thing is said, “but things are so much the amount of wealth that was created by agriculture this year,” better.” The unemployment rate is Fell said. “We had very good improving because Winnebago crops and prices are good.” Both communities feel they’re and Waldorf College in Forest well on their way to recovery. City, Iowa Mold Tooling Co. Inc. in Garner, Primera Foods, HawkVarious things are pointing in eye Pride and other area compathat direction. One is that the unemployment nies such as Eaton Corp. in Belmond are hiring again, she said. rate is falling, said Beth Bilyeu, Many of those businesses, who helps manage Hancock County Economic Development including Stellar Industries, are Corp. and is executive director of working overtime, too. “I’ve been hearing more overForest City Economic Developtime comments,” Bilyeu said. ment. Other economic recovery According to the most recent indicators include young people Iowa Workforce Development
Hawkeye Pride is expected to employ 75 to 80 people by the end of 2010. Primera has 48 fulltime workers and 14 part-time employees.
moving into Britt, people taking over long-time businesses, the Summit House senior living facility in Britt filling up and a couple of new businesses, Diemer said. Positive signs in Garner include two new restaurants and Kramer Ace Hardware building a new store, Fell said. While both communities are optimistic, they know a complete recovery will include new housing development, which hasn’t happened yet, Fell said. “Here in Garner the thing that we’ll know we’re really back to pre-2007 and 2008 is when new housing construction starts up again,” he said. “I don’t think we had a new house built this year.” Hinson agreed. “That won’t truly turn around until other factors turn around,” he said. “There’s a number of things we’re working on.”
We are pleased to share with our readers this edition of “Made in the Region”, a very special feature guide to the manufacturers in North Iowa. This directory includes manufacturers from Butler, Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Franklin, Hancock, Mitchell, Winnebago, Worth and Wright counties in North Iowa. “Made in the Region” is a special presentation of InBusiness that is made possible through the support of these sponsors:
Electronic Engineering, Henkel Construction, First Citizens National Bank, North Iowa Area Community College, and the Globe Gazette. InBusiness is also deeply indebted to the many chamber of commerce organizations and economic development groups in North Iowa for their contributions, changes, corrections and additions to the North Iowa manufacturing directory. We have made every attempt to create a complete and accurate directory and guide to manufacturers in North Iowa in this special edition. We revised the lists numerous times, mailing out hundreds of letters seeking to verify the accuracy and completeness of the information. In addition to the mailings we also sent numerous emails and faxes to try to insure both the completeness and the accuracy of “Made in the Region”. If for some reason your manufacturing firm was not included in this year’s “Made in the Region” directory, please contact project coordinator Ozzie Ohl at 641.421.0554 or ozzie.ohl@globegazette.com so that you are not overlooked next year.
BUTLER COUNTY MANUFACTURERS Allan Industrial Coatings ADDRESS: 22191 Hwy. 3 — Allison, IA PHONE: 319-267-2292 CONTACT: Randy Krull MANUFACTURES: Powder, liquid paint, and autophoretic coatings operation WEBSITE: www.allaninc.net EMAIL: stevenhayes@allanindustrialcoatings.com
American & Engineering ADDRESS: 102 Industrial Parkway — Greene, IA PHONE: 641-816-4921 CONTACT: Robert Hobson MANUFACTURES: Blow, thermoform, pressure form molds, patterns, and models WEBSITE: www.atemold.com EMAIL: sales@atemold.com
Blue Ribbon Specialties ADDRESS: 2261 280th Street — Greene, IA PHONE: 641-823-5910 MANUFACTURES: Horse grooming, show accessories WEBSITE: www.blueribbonsp.com EMAIL: blurbnsp@yahoo.com
Croell Redi-Mix, Inc. — Allison ADDRESS: 20824 Hwy 3 — Allison, IA PHONE: 319-267-2900 MANUFACTURES: Concrete production WEBSITE: www.croell.com
Croell Redi-Mix, Inc. — Greene ADDRESS: 510 South 2nd St. — Greene, IA PHONE: 641-823-4150 MANUFACTURES: Concrete production WEBSITE: www.croell.com
Electronic Quill ADDRESS: 113 N 2nd St — Greene, IA PHONE: 641-823-5562 CONTACT: Kip Bouillon MANUFACTURES: Offset & textile screen printing & embroidery
J & L Engines ADDRESS: 22148 Highway 3 — Allison, IA PHONE: 319-267-2546 CONTACT: Jane A. Keating MANUFACTURES: Engine builder
Martzahn’s Farm Poultry Processing ADDRESS: 728 N 2nd St — Greene, IA PHONE: 641-823-5362 CONTACT: Ardith Buss MANUFACTURES: Poultry processing
Seed Stop, Inc. ADDRESS: 18384 Jay Avenue, — Allison, IA PHONE: 319-267-2530 or 319-267-2495 MANUFACTURES: Air planter shut-offs WEBSITE: www.seedstopinc.com EMAIL: seedstopinc@gmail.com
Flammang Guitars ADDRESS: 116 N 1st St. — Greene,, IA PHONE: 641-823-5625 CONTACT: David Flammang MANUFACTURES: Custom acoustic guitar manufacturer WEBSITE: www.flammangguitars.com EMAIL: info@flammangguitars.com
CERRO GORDO COUNTY MANUFACTURERS Ag Processing, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 1068 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-4733 CONTACT: Mark Meierotto MANUFACTURES: Soybean processing WEBSITE: www.agp.com EMAIL: info@agp.com
Alexander Technologies USA, Inc. ADDRESS: 1511 S Garfield Pl — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-8955 CONTACT: Steven Thoe MANUFACTURES: Rechargeable batteries WEBSITE: www.alexandertechnologies.com EMAIL: cservice@alexenergy.com
Alter Metal Recycling ADDRESS: PO Box 986 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-2155 CONTACT: Mike Loeffelholz MANUFACTURES: Wholesaler of metal scrap WEBSITE: www.scirecycling.com EMAIL: info@scirecycling.com
Andrews Prestressed Concrete, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 33 — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-5217 CONTACT: Ray T. Andrews Jr. MANUFACTURES: Prestressed & precast concrete products WEBSITE: www.andrewsprestressedconcrete.com EMAIL: andrews@netins.net
Armour-Eckrich Meats, LLC ADDRESS: PO Box 341 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-421-5100 CONTACT: Paul Harthan MANUFACTURES: Ham & sausage processing WEBSITE: www.armour-eckrich.com
Behr Mason City LLC ADDRESS: 12050 W State St — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-9521 CONTACT: Kevin Wherry
MANUFACTURES: Scrap metal recycling, including steel, copper, aluminum & brass WEBSITE: www.jbehr.com EMAIL: kwherry@behriron.com
Birdsall Ice Cream Co. ADDRESS: 518 N Federal Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-5365B Mark Repp MANUFACTURES: Ice cream
Blue House Pottery ADDRESS: 205 17th Ave S — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-3490 CONTACT: Judith Miller MANUFACTURES: Pottery
Boat Docks Direct ADDRESS: 803 North Shore Drive — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-6600
Boxes Unlimited, Inc. ADDRESS: 509 N Georgia Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-421-9563 CONTACT: Mark Stanton MANUFACTURES: Single, double & triple wall boxes, including pizza & gift boxes, food carrier & shipping containers & die cut cork, cloth, rubber & protective inserts WEBSITE: www.boxesunl.com EMAIL: boxes@jumpgate.net
C & R Print Shop ADDRESS: 537 3rd St NE — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-1877 CONTACT: W. Kurt Renner MANUFACTURES: Offset printing
Cedar River Laboratories ADDRESS: PO Box 1462 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 800-323-4858 CONTACT: Mary Shaw MANUFACTURES: Animal cages WEBSITE: www.cedarriverlaboratories.com EMAIL: info@cedarriverlaboratories.com
Clear Lake Specialty Products, Inc. ADDRESS: 2205 6th Ave S — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-5916 CONTACT: Tim Hartnett MANUFACTURES: Cookies WEBSITE: www.auntbonnies.com EMAIL: bertclsp@netins.net
Clear Lake Stained & Beveled Glass ADDRESS: 9926 Eagle Ave — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-5103 CONTACT: John P. Larsen MANUFACTURES: Leaded, stained & beveled glass windows church restoration & supplies WEBSITE: www.netins.net/showcase/jplarsen EMAIL: jplarsen@netins.net
Corn Field Productions ADDRESS: 1105 Birch Dr — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-422-0920 CONTACT: Shelly Koren MANUFACTURES: Quilts
Croell Redi-Mix, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 1015 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-6391 CONTACT: Ed Ohden MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete WEBSITE: www.croell.com
Curries Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 1648 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-1334 CONTACT: Bruce R. Wuttke MANUFACTURES: Steel doors & frames WEBSITE: www.curries.com EMAIL: curries@curries.com
D & D Sales, Inc. ADDRESS: 840 12th St NW — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-9487 CONTACT: Sue Helgeland MANUFACTURES: Commercial, show card & screen printing, advertising specialties & embroidery WEBSITE: www.ddsales.org EMAIL: service@ddsales.org
Decker Sporting Goods ADDRESS: 4850 SW 4th St — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-7423 EMAIL: bl—deckers@yahoo.com
Dimensional Graphics Corp. ADDRESS: 325 N Jackson Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-8931 CONTACT: Carolyn Gold MANUFACTURES: Screen printing, die cutting, laminating, packaging, decals, tags, magnets, signs, placards, rulers, binders, labels, static cling stickers, logbook covers, permit holders & sewn leather & vinyl products for the transportation industry WEBSITE: www.dgconline.net EMAIL: adam@dgconline.net
Douglas & Douglas Mfg. ADDRESS: 10922 Eagle Ave — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-4282 CONTACT: Doug Schmitz MANUFACTURES: Rebuilt tractor parts
Enterprise Pacific ADDRESS: PO Box 1333 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-1554 CONTACT: Mike Deets MANUFACTURES: Garment & giveaway heat transfers WEBSITE: www.fabricprints.net EMAIL: cq@mach3ww.com
F R C Component Products, Inc. ADDRESS: 1511 S Benjamin Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-0370 CONTACT: Susan Raji MANUFACTURES: Aircraft components WEBSITE: www.frccorp.com EMAIL: info@frccorp.com
Federal Fire Equipment Co. ADDRESS: 902 N Federal Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-4200 CONTACT: Steve Moore MANUFACTURES: Fire protection systems
Fredriksen Welding Shop ADDRESS: 209 1st Ave S — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-4115 CONTACT: Lawrence Fredriksen MANUFACTURES: Welding job shop
Golden Grain Energy, LLC ADDRESS: 1822 43rd St SW — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-8525 CONTACT: Walter Wendland MANUFACTURES: Ethanol, including dried distillers grain with solubles & modified wet distillers grain WEBSITE: www.goldengrainenergy.com EMAIL: info.@ggecorn.com
Graham Mfg. Corp. ADDRESS: 2510 19th St SW — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-2145 CONTACT: Don Halferty MANUFACTURES: Wooden doors WEBSITE: www.doorgroup.com EMAIL: info@doorgroup.com
Graham Mfg. Corp. ADDRESS: PO Box 1647 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-1334 CONTACT: Mark Haavisto MANUFACTURES: Commercial wooden doors WEBSITE: www.grahamdoors.com
Grawmondbeck’s ADDRESS: PO Box 1165 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-8726 CONTACT: Stacy Redman MANUFACTURES: Rebuilt automotive engines
Great Impressions Co. ADDRESS: 10 8th St SE — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-7061 CONTACT: Ronald Howell MANUFACTURES: Screen printing & embroidery
Heartland Asphalt, Inc. ADDRESS: 2601 S Federal Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-1733 CONTACT: David Ricken MANUFACTURES: Asphalt paving products WEBSITE: www.heartlandasphalt.com
J. Galt Enterprises ADDRESS: 497 N Shore Dr — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-7977 CONTACT: Ted Christensen MANUFACTURES: T-shirt imprinting & embroidery
Jensen Neon Sign Co., Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 586 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-6123 CONTACT: Arnold L. Jensen MANUFACTURES: Neon & plastic signs
Johansen Welding ADDRESS: 15162 Mallard Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-422-0100 CONTACT: Rick Johansen MANUFACTURES: Welding job shop
Johnson Sign Service ADDRESS: 1019 17th St NE — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-1487 CONTACT: Jeannie Johnson MANUFACTURES: Interior & exterior signs EMAIL: johnsonsign@netconx.net
Kraft Foods, Inc. ADDRESS: 1022 12th St NW — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-421-2900 CONTACT: Mark Koerber MANUFACTURES: Prepared desserts WEBSITE: www.kraft.com
Land O’ Lakes Purina Feed, LLC ADDRESS: 1609 19th St SW — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-3419 CONTACT: Joyce Odegaard MANUFACTURES: Livestock feed WEBSITE: www.lolfeed.com
Larson Mfg. Co. ADDRESS: 2109 4th Ave S — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-355-5100 CONTACT: Brad Worrall MANUFACTURES: Storm doors WEBSITE: www.larsondoors.com
Larson Printing, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 380 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-2623 CONTACT: Ron Larson MANUFACTURES: Commercial, instant, instant color & four-color printing EMAIL: larsonpr@netconx.net
Larson Signs ADDRESS: 838 4th St SE — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-4439 CONTACT: Bruce Larson MANUFACTURES: Wooden signs, sign & truck lettering & screenprinted decals
Ledoux Signs ADDRESS: 1409 S Federal Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-6464 CONTACT: Bob Ledoux MANUFACTURES: Interior & exterior signs EMAIL: bob@ledouxsigns@qwestoffice.net
Lehigh Cement Co. ADDRESS: 700 25th St NW — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-421-3400 CONTACT: Ronald W. Guthrie MANUFACTURES: Portland cement WEBSITE: www.lehighcement.com EMAIL: info@lehighcement.com
Luke’s Central Machine ADDRESS: 360 N Delaware Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-422-0021 CONTACT: Ronald Lukes MANUFACTURES: Rebuilt auto, truck & tractor engines EMAIL: r.lukes@mchsi.com
M & M Supply Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 407 — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-7645 CONTACT: Richard Finstead MANUFACTURES: Soil probes WEBSITE: www.showcase.netins.net/web/soilprobe EMAIL: soil@netins.net
Mach III Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 1333 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-421-7838 CONTACT: Darrell Newman MANUFACTURES: Screen printing EMAIL: cq@mach3ww.com
Metalcraft, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 1468 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-9460 CONTACT: Julia Deets MANUFACTURES: Preprinted bar code nameplates & labels WEBSITE: www.idplate.com EMAIL: metalcraft@idplate.com
Marquart Concrete Products ADDRESS: PO Box 166 — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-2176 CONTACT: Bruce Carlson MANUFACTURES: Concrete products & concrete & lightweight blocks for landscaping WEBSITE: www.marquartconcreteproducts.com
Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. ADDRESS: 14454 300th St — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-9411 CONTACT: Sandy Johnson MANUFACTURES: Sand & gravel processing WEBSITE: www.martinmarietta.com
Mason City By-Products, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 1542 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-4404 CONTACT: Barbara Eide MANUFACTURES: Animal feed ingredients WEBSITE: www.masoncitybyproducts.com
Mason City Recycling Center Ltd. ADDRESS: PO Box 1534 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-1200 CONTACT: Thomas Berger MANUFACTURES: Glass, paper cardboard & plastic recycling & cellulose insulation fabrication WEBSITE: www.mcrecycling.com EMAIL: contactus@mcrecycling.com
Mason City Tent & Awning Co. ADDRESS: 408 S Federal Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-0044 CONTACT: Russalyn Davis MANUFACTURES: Tarpaulins, boat covers & sporting goods equipment EMAIL: ripflag@netins.net
Mason City Wilbert Burial Vault Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 864 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-5062 CONTACT: Daniel Clarke MANUFACTURES: Concrete burial vaults
Metal Fabricators, Inc. ADDRESS: 1907 6th Ave S — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-1777 CONTACT: John Lowry MANUFACTURES: Sheet metal fabrication
Midwest Roofing Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 710 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-4114 CONTACT: Brad Johnson MANUFACTURES: Structural & architectural sheet metal fabrication & HVAC contracting, including roofing WEBSITE: www.roofsndoors.com EMAIL: mwroof@mchsi.com
Minnesota Rubber Mason City ADDRESS: 1700 15th St SW — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-8222 CONTACT: Rick Quantt MANUFACTURES: Rubber mixing WEBSITE: www.mnrubber.com EMAIL: jerrypaulus@mnrubber.com
Morris Pallets ADDRESS: 209 N 40th St — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-1316 CONTACT: Louann Morris MANUFACTURES: Wooden pallets
North Iowa Sand & Gravel, Inc. ADDRESS: 18237 Killdeer Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-5591 CONTACT: Sandi Wright MANUFACTURES: Sand & gravel processing & asphalt paving
North Iowa Vocational Center ADDRESS: PO Box 428 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-3301 CONTACT: Sherry Becker MANUFACTURES: Wooden pallets, shipping containers & contract packaging & assembly WEBSITE: www.nivcservices.org EMAIL: sherry@vivcservices.org
Northland Design & Manufacturing, Inc. ADDRESS: 499 South 5th Street — Rockwell, IA PHONE: 641-822-3333 CONTACT: Todd Greimann MANUFACTURES: Create and build custom designed fabricated products constructed with steel, stainless steel & aluminum. Primary focus on the seed & grain industry, agricultural including livestock and construction companies. WEBSITE: www.ndm.us.com EMAIL: ndminc@netins.net
Petro Blend Corp. ADDRESS: 1515 18th St SW — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-0734 CONTACT: Jeff Johnson MANUFACTURES: Industrial oils, filters & batteries WEBSITE: www.petroblend.com EMAIL: dougr@petroblend.com
Pirkl’s Rubber Stamps ADDRESS: 105 1st St SE — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-6133 CONTACT: Paul Pirkl MANUFACTURES: Rubber stamps
Postnet ADDRESS: 451 Indian Head Dr — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-1980 CONTACT: Jennifer Hanson MANUFACTURES: Commercial printing WEBSITE: www.postnet.com EMAIL: ia103@postnet.com
Printing Services, Inc. ADDRESS: 1915 4th St SW — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-3538 CONTACT: Peter T. Gardner MANUFACTURES: Offset, screen & commercial printing, including business cards & stationery, graphic design & advertising specialties for office supplies & furniture WEBSITE: www.printingservicesinc.net EMAIL: mcpsi@printingservicesinc.net
River City Fence ADDRESS: 21 10th St SW — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-6980 CONTACT: Joel Ernst MANUFACTURES: Chain-link fences
Serta Mattress Co. ADDRESS: 500 S 17th St — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-2276 CONTACT: Scott Moore MANUFACTURES: Mattresses & box springs
Sign Pro of Mason City, Inc. ADDRESS: 1803 S Pierce Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-2122 CONTACT: Brenda Lein MANUFACTURES: Interior & exterior signs, vehicle graphics & wraps & color digital printing EMAIL: signpro@jumpgate.net
Solum Enterprises ADDRESS: 2201 19th St SW — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-7546 CONTACT: Carl Solum MANUFACTURES: Welding job shop
Sweat Shoppe ADDRESS: 524 N. Federal Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-9177 CONTACT: Dan Cutler MANUFACTURES: Embroidery & screen printing EMAIL: sweatshp@netins.net
T & R Custom Tops Co., Inc. ADDRESS: 330 Lakeview Dr — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-0252 CONTACT: Tom Wetter MANUFACTURES: Laminate & solid-surface countertops
Tear Enterprises, Inc. ADDRESS: 3 Industrial Park Rd. — Rockwell, IA PHONE: 641-822-4505 CONTACT: Darrold Arrowwood MANUFACTURES: Tractor parts & machining job shop
Theiss Shirts, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 191 — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-3616 CONTACT: Patrice A. Theiss MANUFACTURES: Screen printing & embroidery
Thomas Electric Co. ADDRESS: 3219 S Birch Dr — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-3345 CONTACT: Randi Thomas MANUFACTURES: Electric, plastic, wooden & vinyl signs
Trophies Unlimited ADDRESS: 524 N Federal Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-5105 CONTACT: Cory Mutch MANUFACTURES: Trophy engraving
Soyphisticated Candles ADDRESS: 932 East State Street — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-424-3223 WEBSITE: www.soyphisticatedcandles.com EMAIL: candles@soyphisticatedcandles.com
Varied Industries Corp. ADDRESS: PO Box 1483 — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-1460 CONTACT: Brad Davis MANUFACTURES: Animal feed WEBSITE: www.vi-cor.com EMAIL: vi-cor@vi-cor.com
Warp Drive, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 78 — Ventura, IA PHONE: 641-357-6000 CONTACT: Daryl Heineman MANUFACTURES: Aircraft & airboat propellers
Wojcik Boat Works ADDRESS: 1004 N Monroe Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-421-8748 CONTACT: David Wojcik MANUFACTURES: Wooden sail boats
Woodharbor Doors & Cabinetry, Inc. ADDRESS: 3277 9th St SW — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-0444 CONTACT: Bill Alger MANUFACTURES: Interior & exterior wooden doors, kitchen & bathroom cabinetry & architectural molding & millwork WEBSITE: www.woodharbor.com EMAIL: info@woodharbor.com
Wunderlich Woodworking, Inc. ADDRESS: 15791 Nettle Ave — Mason City, IA PHONE: 641-423-9663 CONTACT: Ron Wunderlich MANUFACTURES: Woodworking, cabinets & furniture
Yohn Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 246 — Clear Lake, IA PHONE: 641-357-6090 CONTACT: Don Mills MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete
FLOYD COUNTY MANUFACTURERS Allied Manatts Group, LLC ADDRESS: PO Box 687 — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-4255 CONTACT: Jan MANUFACTURES: Ready mixed concrete
Brallier Tool & Mfg. ADDRESS: PO Box 517 — Nora Springs, IA PHONE: 641-749-5726 CONTACT: Alan W. Brallier MANUFACTURES: General machining job shop
Cambrex Charles City, Inc. ADDRESS: 1205 11th St — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-257-1000 CONTACT: Paula Kruthoff MANUFACTURES: Industrial chemicals & pharmaceutical products WEBSITE: www.cambrex.com
Cedar Valley Print and Supply ADDRESS: 214 N Main St — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-7401 CONTACT: Deb Montagne MANUFACTURES: Commercial printing EMAIL: cvp@fiai.net
Comprehensive Systems, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 457 — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-4842 CONTACT: Laura Wallace MANUFACTURES: Corporate headquarters; contract packaging & assembly WEBSITE: www.comp-systems.org
Custom Poultry Processing, LLC ADDRESS: 901 N Main St — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-2043 MANUFACTURES: Organic, halal, kosher, and antibiotic free poultry processing EMAIL: richr@custompoultry.com
Custom Wood Products, Inc ADDRESS: 300 Corporate Dr — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-5559 CONTACT: Michael Wilkinson MANUFACTURES: Wooden and vinyl doors, components & CNC machining job shop WEBSITE: www.gocwp.com
Denny’s Cabinet Shop ADDRESS: 1211 E St — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-1972 CONTACT: Glenda Gifford MANUFACTURES: Wooden cabinets
Diversified Fastening Systems, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 339 — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-1162 CONTACT: Bonnie Tegtmeier MANUFACTURES: Industrial fasteners, concrete anchors & screws WEBSITE: www.dfsusa.com EMAIL: dfssales@netconx.net
Diversified Mfg., Inc. ADDRESS: 501 Richings St — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-1162 CONTACT: Dan Crawford MANUFACTURES: Concrete anchors & precision machining job shop
Eagle Woodworking ADDRESS: 206 N Main St Ste 1 — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-3455 CONTACT: Brian Crane MANUFACTURES: Hardwood & plywood composites, panels, veneers & woodworking
F & H Aluminum, Inc. ADDRESS: 101 E Corporate Dr — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-3601 CONTACT: Keith Ferch MANUFACTURES: Aluminum thermoform tooling & production casting, pattern, blow mold, pressure form mold, vacuum form, roto mold, core boxes & production castings EMAIL: fhaluminum@netconx.net
Farmchem Corp. ADDRESS: PO Box 309 — Floyd, IA PHONE: 641-398-2893 CONTACT: Charlotte Nehls MANUFACTURES: Bulk seed handling & tank monitoring systems & equipment & fertilizer blenders WEBSITE: www.farmchem.com EMAIL: sales@farmchem.com
Floyd’s Motor & Machine Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 92 — Floyd, IA PHONE: 641-398-2863 CONTACT: Merlin Holtz MANUFACTURES: General machining job shop
Scavenger Backwater Motors, Inc ADDRESS: 110 S Main st — Marble Rock, IA PHONE: 866-242-8555 CONTACT: Steven Wells MANUFACTURES: Shallow water boat motors WEBSITE: www.scavengerbackwater.com
Hawkeye Mold & Design Co. ADDRESS: 2323 Old Highway Rd — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-3099 CONTACT: Tim Rediske MANUFACTURES: Aluminum & plastics blow molds WEBSITE: www.hawkeyemold.com
Hollar Electric ADDRESS: 100 Saint Marys St — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-1731 CONTACT: William Hollar MANUFACTURES: Rebuilt agricultural equipment electric motors
Jackson Street Press ADDRESS: 708 N Jackson St — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-3257 CONTACT: Richard McDonald MANUFACTURES: Offset & lithographic printing & bookbinding EMAIL: jsp708@me.com
L & J Industries, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 274 — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-1753 CONTACT: Teresa Miller MANUFACTURES: General metal fabrication job shop, including welding, forming, rolling & rod straightening services WEBSITE: www.ljind.com EMAIL: ljind@netconx.net
Machine Tool Engineering, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 94 — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-4524 CONTACT: Brian Ross MANUFACTURES: Custom machining, industrial protypes & short & long production machining WEBSITE: www.gomte.com EMAIL: info@gomte.com
Mike’s Welding & Supply ADDRESS: 1220 Winnebago Rd — Rockford, IA PHONE: 641-756-2476 CONTACT: Mike Dow MANUFACTURES: Welding job shop
North Iowa Fabrication, Inc. ADDRESS: 1149 215th St — Rockford, IA PHONE: 641-756-3478 CONTACT: James Sliger MANUFACTURES: Metal fabrication, laser cutting & powder coating job shop EMAIL: noiafab@omnitelcom.com
Pfizer Animal Health ADDRESS: 2000 Rockford Rd — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-257-2422 CONTACT: Andy Aird MANUFACTURES: Animal vaccines & pharmaceuticals WEBSITE: www.wyeth.com
Quilting On Cameo ADDRESS: 1531 Cameo Rd — Nora Springs, IA PHONE: 641-749-2743 CONTACT: Mindy Prohaski MANUFACTURES: Quilting
T & C Machine, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 61 — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-1140 CONTACT: Teresa Knecht MANUFACTURES: Metal fabrication, precision & general machining & welding job shop
Thor Manufacturing, LLC ADDRESS: 1001 8 Ave — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-4380 CONTACT: Vince Rottinhaus MANUFACTURES: The Frostbuster soil heater WEBSITE: www.thorfrostbuster.com
United Suppliers, Inc., Fertilizer Div. ADDRESS: 2521 7 Mile Rd — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-228-2916 CONTACT: Denny Shollenbarger MANUFACTURES: Fertilizer blending & agricultural chemicals WEBSITE: www.unitedsuppliers.com EMAIL: info@unitedsuppliers.com
Valero Renewable Fuels ADDRESS: 1787 Quarry Road — Charles City, IA PHONE: 641-715-3000 MANUFACTURES: Biorefinery WEBSITE: www.valero.com EMAIL: webmaster@valero.com
Wesam, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 276 — Floyd, IA PHONE: 641-398-2875 CONTACT: Jane Elfers MANUFACTURES: Agricultural machinery parts EMAIL: wesam@omnitelcom.com
FRANKLIN COUNTY MANUFACTURERS Century Machine ADDRESS: 416 1st Street — Coulter, IA CONTACT: George Eddy
Classic Custom Wood ADDRESS: 602 Central Ave. E. — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-4599 bRay Jorgensen MANUFACTURES: Fishing pole grips WEBSITE: www.classiccustomwood.com EMAIL: ccw@classicustomwood.com
Giddings Signs ADDRESS: 1105 4th St. SE — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-2182 CONTACT: Grant. Giddings MANUFACTURES: Interior & exterior signs EMAIL: giddingsigns@qwest.net
Hall Industries Ltd. ADDRESS: 2479 Lark Ave. — Sheffield, IA PHONE: 641-892-4443 CONTACT: Todd Hall MANUFACTURES: Conveyors EMAIL: hallind@frontiernet.net
Hampton Hydraulics, LLC ADDRESS: 1483 Highway 3 — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-4411 CONTACT: George Winchester MANUFACTURES: Hydraulic cylinders & accumulators WEBSITE: www.hampton-hydraulics.com EMAIL: seabeecylinders@hampton-hydraulics.com
Hansell A G Repair ADDRESS: 1612 Vine Ave. — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-2034 CONTACT: Dan Knoll MANUFACTURES: Rebuilt tractors
J T Machine & Tool Co., Inc. ADDRESS: 602 S. Federal Street — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-4513 CONTACT: Jeff Spear MANUFACTURES: CNC machining job shop EMAIL: jtmachineandtool@iowaconnect.com
Latham Seed Co. ADDRESS: 131 180th Street — Alexander, IA PHONE: 641-692-3258 CONTACT: Willard J. Latham MANUFACTURES: Wholesaler of seeds EMAIL: shannonlatham@yahoo.com
Midwest Machine & Tools, Inc. ADDRESS: 1207 Central Ave E — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-2183 CONTACT: Jim Wilkson MANUFACTURES: General machining job shop
Midwest Meter, Inc. ADDRESS: 1605 170th Street — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-4802 CONTACT: Ted Vosburg MANUFACTURES: Distributor of liquid flow meters, pumps & hose reels WEBSITE: www.midwestmeter.com EMAIL: sales@midwestmeter.com
Northern Pipe Products, Inc. ADDRESS: 1268 Imperial Rd — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-4351 CONTACT: Roger Wagg MANUFACTURES: Plastic pipe WEBSITE: www.northernpipe.com EMAIL: info@ottertail.com
Omnium ADDRESS: 1280 Imperial Rd. — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-2500 CONTACT: Phil Johnson MANUFACTURES: Herbicides
Seabee A Ligon Company ADDRESS: 712 1st St NW — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-4871 CONTACT: Helm Hendersen MANUFACTURES: Hydraulic cylinders, tubular & solid chrome plating & steel casting WEBSITE: www.hampton-hydraulics.com EMAIL: seabeecylinders@hampton-hydraulics.com
Spear Tool & Die ADDRESS: 220 6th Ave NE — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-2909 CONTACT: Larry Spear MANUFACTURES: Tool & die job shop
Sukup Mfg. Co. ADDRESS: 1555 255th Street — Sheffield, IA PHONE: 641-892-4222 CONTACT: Charles Sukup MANUFACTURES: Grain drying & handling equipment, fans, bins, dryers, heaters, cleaners, drills, cultivators & carts WEBSITE: www.sukup.com EMAIL: info@sukup.com
Syngenta Seeds, Inc. ADDRESS: 1274-A Olive Ave — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-2592 CONTACT: Jeff Burkley MANUFACTURES: Hybrid corn & soybeans WEBSITE: www.syngenta.com
Twin State, Inc. ADDRESS: 1455 140th Street — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-4825 CONTACT: Steven Heilskov MANUFACTURES: Liquid fertilizer WEBSITE: www.twinstateinc.com EMAIL: lghampt@iowaconnect.com
Winfield Solutions ADDRESS: 1280 Imperial Road, Suite B — Hampton, IA CONTACT: Alan Moritz
Wullbrandt Studio ADDRESS: 1270 Hwy 65 — Hampton, IA PHONE: 641-456-3580 CONTACT: Paul Wullbrandt MANUFACTURES: Glass etching WEBSITE: www.wullbrandtstudio.com EMAIL: wullbrandt@sswireless.net
HANCOCK COUNTY MANUFACTURERS 3M Distribution Center ADDRESS: 806 W. Crystal Lake Rd — Forest City, IA PHONE: 641-585-2700
American Crane ADDRESS: 130 Allen Avenue — Garner, IA PHONE: 641-923-3200 CONTACT: John Collins
Aspen Hills, Inc. ADDRESS: 830 N State Street — Garner, IA PHONE: 641-923-0917 CONTACT: Tom Lundeen WEBSITE: mail@cookiedough.com
CDI, LLC ADDRESS: 305 Nerem Dr. S — Forest City, IA PHONE: 641-585-5900
CF Industries ADDRESS: 2445 Welch Avenue — Garner, IA PHONE: 641-923-2661 CONTACT: Larry Shippy
Conductive Circuits ADDRESS: 230 State Street — Garner, IA PHONE: 641-923-2260 CONTACT: Ed Roberts MANUFACTURES: Printed circuit boards WEBSITE: www.conductivecircuits.com EMAIL: sales@conductivecircuits.com
Country Threads ADDRESS: 2345 Palm Avenue — Garner, IA PHONE: 641-923-3893 CONTACT: Connie Tesene MANUFACTURES: Quilt patterns WEBSITE: www.countrythreads.com EMAIL: info@countrythreads.com
IMT Transport ADDRESS: 365 Cottonwood Dr. — Garner, IA PHONE: 641-923-3685 CONTACT: Pete Gouge MANUFACTURES: Drive shafts & automotive machining shop EMAIL: ufc@imttrans.com
Iowa Mold Tooling Co., Inc. ADDRESS: 500 Highway 18 W. — Garner, IA PHONE: 641-923-3711 CONTACT: Steven C. Fairbanks MANUFACTURES: Corp headquarters & hydraulic & truck-mounted cranes, service bodies & air compressors WEBSITE: www.imt.com EMAIL: pattitornquist@imt.com
Marting Mfg. of Iowa, Inc. ADDRESS: 551 3rd Ave. SE — Britt, IA PHONE: 641-843-4431 CONTACT: Jim Peterson MANUFACTURES: Livestock feeders & handling equipment WEBSITE: www.marting.com EMAIL: info@marting.com
Midwest Organics Johnson Architectural Woodworks, Inc. ADDRESS: 201 E Main Street — Klemme, IA PHONE: 641-587-3037 CONTACT: Bruce Johnson MANUFACTURES: Architectural millwork & mouldings WEBSITE: www.johnsonwoodworks.com EMAIL: bruce@johnsonwoodworks.com
Kiefer Built, LLC ADDRESS: 305 E First Street — Kanawha, IA PHONE: 641-762-3201 CONTACT: Jack Thorton MANUFACTURES: Livestock equipment, horse & cargo trailers & flatbeds WEBSITE: www.kieferbuiltinc.com EMAIL: sales@kieferbuiltinc.com
ADDRESS: 805 250th Street — Britt, IA PHONE: 641-843-4001 CONTACT: Jay Burgardt MANUFACTURES: Natural, worm castings fertilizer WEBSITE: www.midwestorganics.net EMAIL: info@midwestorganics.net
National Purity Kleen King, LLC ADDRESS: 225 9th Avenue NW — Britt, IA PHONE: 641-843-3157 CONTACT: Jeff Mahoney MANUFACTURES: Custom blending of cleaning chemicals WEBSITE: www.nationalpurity.com EMAIL: sspillane@nationalpurity.com
Norco Mfg., Inc. ADDRESS: 270 Diagonal St NE — Britt, IA PHONE: 641-843-4421 CONTACT: Florence M. Norstrud MANUFACTURES: Brass & stell screw machine products, wire welding, tube bending & cast iron machining job shop
North Iowa Printing & Office Supply Co. ADDRESS: 435 State Street — Garner, IA PHONE: 641-923-2322 CONTACT: Robert Sniezek MANUFACTURES: Commercial printing & typesetting, office supplies & furniture EMAIL: nipco@trvnet.net
PAR Products, Inc. ADDRESS: 101 E. Main St — Klemme, IA PHONE: 641-587-2460 CONTACT: Elaine C. Ristau MANUFACTURES: Manufactured housing draperies and mini blinds
Plas-Tech Tooling, Inc. ADDRESS: 520 E Lyon Street — Garner, IA PHONE: 641-923-9232 CONTACT: Dean Sonquist MANUFACTURES: Plastic injection molds, molding & production machining
Primera Foods ADDRESS: 1260 Hwy 18 — Britt, IA PHONE: 641-843-3854 MANUFACTURES: Dried egg products WEBSITE: www.primerafoods.com
Stellar Industries, Inc. ADDRESS: 190 State Ave — Garner, IA PHONE: 641-923-3741 CONTACT: David W. Zrostilk MANUFACTURES: Air compressors, telescopic service crances, mechanics’ trucks, hydraulic hooklift loading devices, truck-mounted drawer systems & tire service cranes & bodies WEBSITE: www.stellarindustries.com EMAIL: sales@stellarindustries.com
The Original Saw Co. ADDRESS: 465 3rd Ave SE — Britt, IA PHONE: 641-843-3868 CONTACT: Allen Eden MANUFACTURES: Radial arm saws, horizontal beam saws, cutoff saws, electric arbor motors, material handling tables, S-Series Measuring Systems WEBSITE: www.originalsaw.com EMAIL: customerservice@originalsaw.com
Unicover, Inc. ADDRESS: 1040 Diagonal St — Britt, IA PHONE: 641-843-3698 CONTACT: Jim Bakken MANUFACTURES: Aluminum & fiberglass pickup truck toppers WEBSITE: www.unicovercaps.com EMAIL: unicover@kalnet.com
United Fabrication Co. Inc. ADDRESS: 455 W 3rd St — Garner, IA PHONE: 641-923-3196 CONTACT: Dan Wolf MANUFACTURES: Drive shafts & automotive machining shop EMAIL: ufc@imttrans.com
Winnebago Industries, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 152 — Forest City, IA PHONE: 641-585-3535 CONTACT: Sheila Davis MANUFACTURES: Corporate headquarters & motor homes WEBSITE: www.winnebagoind.com EMAIL: info@winnebagoind.com
Worldwide Marketing ADDRESS: 106 E Main St — Klemme, IA PHONE: 641-587-2158 CONTACT: Mary Ann Kingsbury-Korlesk MANUFACTURES: Meat processing & packing EMAIL: korbert@kalnet.com
Zinpro Corp. ADDRESS: 880 E Lyon St — Garner, IA PHONE: 641-923-3646 CONTACT: Jon Morrison MANUFACTURES: Nutritional feed additives WEBSITE: www.zinpro.com
KOSSUTH COUNTY MANUFACTURERS Albion Advanced Nutrition ADDRESS: 515 Broad St — Whittemore, IA PHONE: 515-884-2472 CONTACT: Craig Brownell
Algona Glass, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 561 — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-3546 CONTACT: Kathy Andersen MANUFACTURES: Glass, mirrors, & aluminum storefronts WEBSITE: www.algonaglass.com EMAIL: kathy@algonaglass.com
Algona Machine & Supply, Inc. ADDRESS: 2204 Plum Creek Rd — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-9521 CONTACT: Barb Wempen MANUFACTURES: Metal fabrication & machining job shop
Algona Welding & Machine ADDRESS: 1416 E Locust St — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-7685 CONTACT: John Bowman MANUFACTURES: Metal fabrication & welding job shop
Aluma Ltd. ADDRESS: PO Box 287 — Bancroft, IA PHONE: 515-885-2398 CONTACT: Eldean Maschoff MANUFACTURES: Aluminum trailers WEBSITE: www.alumaklm.com EMAIL: mike@alumaklm.com
American Concrete Products, Inc. ADDRESS: 413 Highway 18 W — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-5515 CONTACT: Orland Steil MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete WEBSITE: www.amerconcrete.com
American Concrete Products, Inc. ADDRESS: 410 3rd St — Lakota, IA PHONE: 515-886-2404 CONTACT: Steve Scott MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete WEBSITE: www.amerconcrete.com
BrandFX ADDRESS: PO Box 569 — Swea City, IA PHONE: 515-272-4372 CONTACT: Janet Deim MANUFACTURES: Fiberglass utility truck bodies WEBSITE: www.brandfxbody.com EMAIL: jdeim@brandfxbody.com
Cook’s Scrap Iron & Metal ADDRESS: PO Box 426 — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-2512 CONTACT: Jean Weishaar MANUFACTURES: Metal recycling & welding supplies
Country Main ADDRESS: 205 Third Ave NE — West Bend, IA PHONE: 515-887-6243 CONTACT: Ken Banwart
Countryside Ltd. ADDRESS: PO Box 523 — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-3583 CONTACT: Richard Chase MANUFACTURES: Barbecue sauce
Cozzini ADDRESS: 2400 Hwy 18 E — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-7234 CONTACT: Ryan Zimmerman WEBSITE: www.cozzini.com EMAIL: sales@cozzini.com
Custom Built ADDRESS: 908 S Phillips St — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-6142 CONTACT: Robert Arend MANUFACTURES: Automotive machining job shop
Custom Countertops & More, Inc. ADDRESS: 1801 E Oak St — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-4835 CONTACT: Joyce A. Frideres MANUFACTURES: Solid-surface & laminated countertops EMAIL: cctops@netamumail.com
East Fork Bio-Diesel ADDRESS: 105 N Hall St — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-395-8888 CONTACT: Ken Clark
FCA Mfg. Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 38 — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-5880 CONTACT: Phil Specht MANUFACTURES: Wooden skids & crates
GCC Redi Mix ADDRESS: 814 Broad St — Whittemore, IA PHONE: 515-884-0047 CONTACT: Dennis Rode
Global Ethanol ADDRESS: 1660 428th St — Lakota, IA PHONE: 515-886-2222 CONTACT: Tracy Welch MANUFACTURES: Ethanol automotive fuel additives WEBSITE: www.globalethanolservices.com
Gold Eagle Cooperative ADDRESS: PO Box 86 — Wesley, IA PHONE: 515-679-4272 CONTACT: Lynn Ostendorf
Hormel Foods Corp. ADDRESS: PO Box 677 — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-2477 CONTACT: Peter Von Ruden MANUFACTURES: Pepperoni processing WEBSITE: www.hormelfoods.com EMAIL: sales@hormelfoods.com
Hydrogen Engine Center, Inc. ADDRESS: 2502 E Poplar St — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-3178 CONTACT: Ted Hollinger MANUFACTURES: Hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engines for industrial applications WEBSITE: www.hydrogenenginecenter.com
K & H Coop Oil ADDRESS: 302 Main St W — Wesley, IA PHONE: 515-679-4212 CONTACT: Eldon Meyers EMAIL: moke.koppen@kandhenergy.com
Koch Materials Co. ADDRESS: 832 N Main St — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-2883 CONTACT: Mark Erdman MANUFACTURES: Liquid asphalt
KOFAB ADDRESS: 300 KOFAB Dr — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-7265 CONTACT: Sharon Schiltz MANUFACTURES: Stainless steel fabricating, including food processing equipment & conveyor systems, water-jet cutting & plastic CNC routering WEBSITE: www.kofab.com EMAIL: sales@kofab.com
Kossuth Regional Health Center ADDRESS: 1515 S Phillips St — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-2451 CONTACT: Scott Curtis EMAIL: boedejr@mercyhealth.com
MaxYield Cooperative ADDRESS: 313 Third Ave NE — West Bend, IA PHONE: 800-383-0003 CONTACT: Keith Heim EMAIL: cmeyer@maxyieldcooperative.com
Midlife Printing ADDRESS: 1215 E Elm St — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-5672 CONTACT: Bruce Gervais MANUFACTURES: Commercial printing
Murphy-Brown ADDRESS: 2124 90th Ave — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-7570 CONTACT: Conley Nelson
North Iowa Lumber & Design ADDRESS: 1621 Hwy 18 E — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-7239 CONTACT: Roger Bell
Office Etc. ADDRESS: PO Box 217 — Bancroft, IA PHONE: 515-885-2692 CONTACT: Phil Jaren Jr. MANUFACTURES: Commercial printing EMAIL: office1@hickorytech.net
Pfeffer Precast ADDRESS: PO Box 427 — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-5273 CONTACT: John Roeder MANUFACTURES: Concrete burial vaults, septic tanks & steps, retaining wall block & patio pavers
Pioneer Hi-Bred International ADDRESS: 1901 Hwy 169 N — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-9411 CONTACT: Eric VonMuenster EMAIL: eric.vonmuenster@pioneer.com
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. ADDRESS: 1901 Highway 169 N — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-9411 CONTACT: Karen Lambert MANUFACTURES: Seed corn processing WEBSITE: www.pioneer.com EMAIL: web.editor@pioneer.com
Quality Hardwoods Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 142 — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-9308 CONTACT: Steve Lanus MANUFACTURES: Furniture accessories
SBEMCO ADDRESS: 715 N Finn Dr — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-3902 CONTACT: Brian Buscher EMAIL: dwolfe@sbemco.com
Sbemco International, Inc. ADDRESS: 715 N Finn Dr — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-3902 CONTACT: Joel Davis MANUFACTURES: Custom floor mats WEBSITE: www.sbemco.com EMAIL: info@sbemco.com
Sign Works Ink, Inc. ADDRESS: 1613 E Locust St — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-9544 CONTACT: Rick Remy MANUFACTURES: Interior & exterior signs & textile screen printing EMAIL: info@signworksink.com
Snap On Tools ADDRESS: 2600 Hwy 18 E — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-2456 CONTACT: Scott Marienau EMAIL: doreen.koepke@snapon.com
Snap-On Tools Inc., Algona Plt. ADDRESS: 2600 Highway 18 E — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-2456 CONTACT: Scott Marienau MANUFACTURES: Tool storage units WEBSITE: www.snapon.com EMAIL: order.crystalallake.rcsc@snapon.com
Standard Nutrition Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 260 — Bancroft, IA PHONE: 515-885-2366 CONTACT: John Skallerup MANUFACTURES: Livestock feed WEBSITE: www.standardnutrition.com
StateLine Cooperative ADDRESS: PO Box 67 — Burt, IA PHONE: 515-924-3555 CONTACT: Larry Sterk
Steinman Insulation & Roofing ADDRESS: PO Box 146 — Wesley, IA PHONE: 515-679-4225 CONTACT: Craig Steinman MANUFACTURES: Polyurethane foam insulation & single-ply roofing
Suidae Health & Production ADDRESS: 2200 Hwy 18 E — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-3053 CONTACT: Dale Mechler
Terry’s Welding, Inc. ADDRESS: 1608 190th St — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-3010 CONTACT: Terry Wagner MANUFACTURES: Steel & aluminum fabrication
Vaske Welding & Repair ADDRESS: PO Box 425 — Bancroft, IA PHONE: 515-885-2067 CONTACT: Judy Vaske MANUFACTURES: Metal fabrication, welding & general machining job shop EMAIL: vaskweld@hickorytech.net
Wayne T. Hansen Corp. ADDRESS: 13 Country Est — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-5573 CONTACT: Wayne T. Hansen MANUFACTURES: Sand & gravel processing
Welp, Inc ADDRESS: 113 N Long St — Bancroft, IA PHONE: 515-885-2345 CONTACT: Kurt Welp
Universal Mfg. Co. ADDRESS: 405 Diagonal St — Algona, IA PHONE: 515-295-3557 CONTACT: Lance Frame MANUFACTURES: Remanufactured automotive parts WEBSITE: www.universalmanf.com EMAIL: info@universalmanf.com
MITCHELL COUNTY MANUFACTURERS A To Z Drying ADDRESS: PO Box 180 — Osage, IA PHONE: 641-732-5805 CONTACT: Al Penfold MANUFACTURES: Dry dairy products
Aluminum King Mfg. Ltd. ADDRESS: 700 E Van Buren St — Mitchell, IA PHONE: 641-732-5558 CONTACT: Katie Mostek MANUFACTURES: Aluminum sweat furnaces
Barlar Industries, LLC ADDRESS: 3290 Lancer Ave — Osage, IA PHONE: 641-732-1460 CONTACT: Gorden Barker MANUFACTURES: Egg processing equipment for small to medium sized egg producers, including chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese & game birds WEBSITE: www.nationalpoultryequipment.com EMAIL: poultry@osage.net
Betty’s Drapery Shop ADDRESS: 1227 Ash St — Osage, IA PHONE: 641-732-5957 CONTACT: Betty Kleckner MANUFACTURES: Draperies & curtains
Boerjan Agri ADDRESS: 4017 Glass Ave — St Ansgar, IA PHONE: 641-713-2372 CONTACT: Lee Boerjan MANUFACTURES: Agricultural equipment, including sprayers & skid loader attachments
Croell Redi-Mix, Inc. ADDRESS: 414 N 2nd St — Osage, IA PHONE: 641-732-5483 CONTACT: Loren Taets MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete WEBSITE: www.croell.com
Croell Redi-Mix, Inc. ADDRESS: 308 S Pleasant St — St Ansgar, IA PHONE: 641-736-2450 CONTACT: Matt Adams MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete WEBSITE: www.croell.com
Fox River Mills, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 298 — Osage, IA PHONE: 641-732-3798 CONTACT: Marilyn Adams MANUFACTURES: Men’s & women’s hosiery & gloves WEBSITE: www.foxsox.com EMAIL: foxsox@foxrivermills.com
Grain Millers, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 399 — St Ansgar, IA PHONE: 641-713-4801 CONTACT: Melissa Edgington MANUFACTURES: Cereal grain milling EMAIL: melissa.edgington@grainmillers.com
Iowa Contract Fabricators, Inc. ADDRESS: 12150 Addison Ave — Riceville, IA PHONE: 641-985-2900 CONTACT: Jim Irvine MANUFACTURES: Truck parts WEBSITE: www.mcneilusco.com EMAIL: info@mcneilusco.com
L & M Machine ADDRESS: PO Box 238 — Riceville, IA PHONE: 641-985-2529 CONTACT: Keith Levorsen MANUFACTURES: General machining job shop
L.R. Falk Construction Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 189 — St Ansgar, IA PHONE: 641-713-4569 CONTACT: John E. Sheehy MANUFACTURES: Agricultural limestone, crushed stone, sand & gravel
Machine Shop Services ADDRESS: 3128 Mitchell Line St — Orchard, IA PHONE: 641-982-4207 CONTACT: Jim Cimmerman MANUFACTURES: Machining job shop
McIntire Fabricators, Inc. ADDRESS: 800 1st St — Mc Intire, IA PHONE: 641-985-2995 CONTACT: Brian Stevenson MANUFACTURES: Water tanks & chutes
Milkhouse Creamery, Inc. ADDRESS: 205 Plaza Lane — Osage, IA PHONE: 641-832-2516 CONTACT: Eric Sparrow MANUFACTURES: Organic soy & beeswax blend candles WEBSITE: www.milkhousecandles.com EMAIL: milkhouseinfo@milkhousecandles.com
Moore Wallace North America, Inc.
New Haven Mfg. ADDRESS: PO Box 204 — Osage, IA PHONE: 641-982-4869 CONTACT: Bill Hubasch MANUFACTURES: Animal traps
Osage Mfg., Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 210 — Osage, IA PHONE: 641-732-5541 CONTACT: Helen Schmidt MANUFACTURES: Aluminum doors, windows & wooden porch enclosures
R. A. Wold & Sons, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 129 — St Ansgar, IA PHONE: 641-713-2205 CONTACT: Jon Hanson MANUFACTURES: Agricultural wheels WEBSITE: www.woldinc.com
ADDRESS: PO Box 153 — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-324-1063 or 800-658-3081 CONTACT: Connie Estes MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete WEBSITE: www.randallreadymix.com EMAIL: info@randallreadymix.com
See ‘N’ Sew ADDRESS: 703 1/2 Main St — Osage, IA PHONE: 641-832-2464 CONTACT: Diane Emerson MANUFACTURES: Embroidery
WINNEBAGO COUNTY MANUFACTURERS ADDRESS: PO Box 257 — Thompson, IA PHONE: 641-584-2900 CONTACT: Betty Kiel MANUFACTURES: Fertilization tank pipe fittings & storage tanks EMAIL: abwelding@wctatel.net
Andy C. Sinnwell Co. ADDRESS: 246 Chapel St — Forest City, IA PHONE: 641-582-2770 CONTACT: Andy Sinnwell MANUFACTURES: Fine art printing WEBSITE: www.andysinnwell.com EMAIL: asinnwell@gmail.com
ADDRESS: 4830 Epic Ave — St Ansgar, IA PHONE: 641-326-2488 CONTACT: Annette Halvorson MANUFACTURES: Dried flowers WEBSITE: www.simplyhomegrown.com EMAIL: annette@simplyhomegrown.com
Spaceage Tool & Mfg., Inc. ADDRESS: 611 N Park St — St Ansgar, IA PHONE: 641-713-2055 CONTACT: Chris Landherr MANUFACTURES: Metal stampings
TD Machine ADDRESS: 205 Industrial Park Dr — St Ansgar, IA PHONE: 641-713-2015 CONTACT: Dean Storgaard MANUFACTURES: Tool & die job shop EMAIL: tdmach@omnitelcom.com
Randall Ready Mix LLC-St Ansgar
ADDRESS: 900 Heritage Dr — Osage, IA PHONE: 641-732-5811 CONTACT: Tim Pink MANUFACTURES: Manifold business form printing WEBSITE: www.rrd.com
A & B Welding & Mfg.
Simply Home Grown
Bob’s Cabinet Shop ADDRESS: 208 B St. — Leland, IA PHONE: 641-567-3368 CO ONTACT: Bob Verhoef MANUFACTURES: Wooden kitchen cabinets
Theobald Custom Mfg. ADDRESS: PO Box 220 — Stacyville, IA PHONE: 641-710-2161 CONTACT: Sam Katter MANUFACTURES: Rebuilt clutches & water pumps
Tops ADDRESS: PO Box 119 — Osage, IA PHONE: 641-732-5877 CONTACT: Dan Berentsen MANUFACTURES: Manifold business form & pad printing WEBSITE: www.rrd.com EMAIL: rhonda.j.krause@rrd.com
Cummins Filtration, Inc. ADDRESS: 311 N Park St — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-1300 CONTACT: Beth Nyguard MANUFACTURES: Automotive oil & wet filters WEBSITE: www.cumminsfiltration.com
Cybersmith Engineering, Inc. ADDRESS: 307 Walnut St — Forest City, IA PHONE: 641-585-5407 CONTACT: John R. Smith MANUFACTURES: Automated assembly equipment WEBSITE: www.cybersmith.com
Dielectric Corp. ADDRESS: 202 N 9th Ave E — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-4300 CONTACT: Candy Hanna MANUFACTURES: Plastic fabrication WEBSITE: www.dielectriccorp.com
Dras Cases, Inc.
Industry is vital to the area and we extend our deepest appreciation to all North Central Iowa industries. As business improves – and it will – we stand ready to assist with your expansion needs.
ADDRESS: 880 N Lake St — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-3333 CONTACT: Sue Ostrander MANUFACTURES: Custom commercial wooden & glass display cases & casework WEBSITE: www.drascases.com
E C C Welding ADDRESS: Highway 69 W. — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-2142 CONTACT: Earl Cavett MANUFACTURES: Welding job shop
Gilbertson Tool & Die, Inc.
• Industrial buildings of all sizes or we’ll build you what you need • Shovel-ready land & greenfield space • Workforce tax credits • Local, regional and state incentives, TIF and Enterprise Zone • Training dollars
Got an existing vendor or supplier you’d like to have closer? Let us know! “Power Up your Future” with the help of the North Central Iowa Alliance.
800.944.1708 / northcentraliowa.net The Alliance is a consortium of economic development professionals from Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Franklin, Hancock, Mitchell, Winnebago and Worth Counties working together on behalf of business. MS-12147
ADDRESS: 211 N Western St — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-0100 CONTACT: Steve Gilbertson MANUFACTURES: Tool & die job shop
Graphic Signs ADDRESS: 13711 370th St — Forest City, IA PHONE: 641-581-4500 CONTACT: Tim Palmer MANUFACTURES: Wooden, plastic, metal & electric signs
Holland Moving & Rigging Supplies, Inc. ADDRESS: 35545 Highway 69 — Forest City, IA PHONE: 641-585-3630 CONTACT: Ron Holland MANUFACTURES: Manufacturer & distributor of house moving & rigging supplies, including dollies, jacks, rollers, pumps, hydraulic sliding bolster, c-clamps, tools & hydraulic power systems for the moving, rigging & heavy transportation industries WEBSITE: www.movingriggingsupplies.com
La Harv Construction Co., Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 267 — Forest City, IA PHONE: 641-581-3643 CONTACT: Michael Harms MANUFACTURES: Sand & gravel quarrying
Larson Contracting ADDRESS: 508 W Main St — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-5800 : MANUFACTURES: Design Build contractor, grain bins, concrete, gravel WEBSITE: www.larsoncontracting.com EMAIL: info@larsoncontracting.com
Larson Mfg. Co. ADDRESS: 500 Larson Ave — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-2282 CONTACT: Janet Hebrink MANUFACTURES: Storm doors WEBSITE: www.larsondoors.com
Leland Woodworks ADDRESS: Highway 69, Box 153 — Leland, IA PHONE: 641-567-3387 CONTACT: Paul Charlson MANUFACTURES: Wooden & laminated cabinets EMAIL: lelandwood@wctatec.net
Lunds and Byerlys ADDRESS: 877 N Lake St — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-7700 CONTACT: Ron Pitkin MANUFACTURES: Frozen food products & soup WEBSITE: www.lundsandbyerlys.com EMAIL: ron.pitkin@lfhi.com
Midway Tooling Technology, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 116 — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-3571 CONTACT: Brian Abele MANUFACTURES: Tool & die job shop, including CNC machining, fixtures & traveling wire EDM
Northaire Engineering and Manufacturing, LLC ADDRESS: 24592A Hwy 105 — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-5454 CONTACT: Paul Bower
Palleton Pallets ADDRESS: PO Box 5 — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-1500 CONTACT: Tim Breuer MANUFACTURES: Wooden pallets
Pederson Custom Guitars ADDRESS: Forest City, IA PHONE: 641-582-3718 CONTACT: Kevin Pederson MANUFACTURES: Custom electric guitars
Pit Stop Printing ADDRESS: 109 N. Main St. — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-2520 CONTACT: Katie Benson MANUFACTURES: Vinyl graphic, postcard, business card & letterhead printing
Quality Composite Component Parts, Inc. ADDRESS: 210 N Western — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-1700 CONTACT: Laurie Sather MANUFACTURES: Plastic & foam fabrication EMAIL: qccpinc@wctatel.net
R & H Adaptive Equipment Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 175 — Thompson, IA PHONE: 641-584-2025 CONTACT: Jeff Robinson MANUFACTURES: Medical equipment & therapy positioning devices
Rake Casting ADDRESS: 116 N. Main St. — Rake, IA PHONE: 641-566-3200 CONTACT: Daniel Molitor MANUFACTURES: Plastic decorative castings, including light switch covers, planter rests, bird feeders & gears WEBSITE: www.rakecasting.com EMAIL: rakecasting@wctatel.net
Randall Ready Mix LLC-Forest City ADDRESS: PO Box 153 — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-324-1063 or 800-658-3081 CONTACT: Connie Estes MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete WEBSITE: www.randallreadymix.com EMAIL: info@randallreadymix.com
Randall Ready Mix LLC-Lake Mills ADDRESS: PO Box 153 — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-324-1063 or 800-658-3081 CONTACT: Connie Estes MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete WEBSITE: www.randallreadymix.com EMAIL: info@randallreadymix.com
Rembrandt Enterprises Inc ADDRESS: 13780 450th St — Thompson, IA PHONE: 641-584-2050 CONTACT: Darla Thompson MANUFACTURES: Liquid egg products
Wilkinson Tool & Die, Inc./Midwest Metal Stampings ADDRESS: 43066 225th Ave — Lake Mills, IA PHONE: 641-592-1120 CONTACT: Mark Wilkinson MANUFACTURES: Stamping & tool & die job shop WEBSITE: www.wilkinsontool.com EMAIL: wiltool@wctatel.net
Yohn Co. ADDRESS: 133 Industrial Dr — Forest City, IA PHONE: 641-581-3020 CONTACT: John Stebbins MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete EMAIL: laura.yohn@hotmail.com
StateLine Cooperative ADDRESS: PO Box 348 — Buffalo Center, IA PHONE: 641-562-2828 CONTACT: Vic Matthias MANUFACTURES: Dry farm fertilizer WEBSITE: www.statelinecoop.com EMAIL: lpeterson@stateline.com
WORTH COUNTY MANUFACTURERS ADA ADDRESS: 305 Enterprise Dr — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-3241093 CONTACT: Tom Stensrud MANUFACTURES: Coated playground equipment and hog confinement structures WEBSITE: www.adaent.net
Advance Components Technologies, Inc. ADDRESS: 91 16th St. South — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-324-2231 CONTACT: MANUFACTURES: Acoustical plastic & vacuum forming WEBSITE: www.goact.net EMAIL: dbright@goact.net
BMC Aggregates LC ADDRESS: 3446 Fir Ave — Fertile, IA PHONE: 641-797-211 MANUFACTURES: Sand and gravel quarrying
Braun Industries, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 28 — Grafton, IA PHONE: 641-748-2295 CONTACT: Chris Braun MANUFACTURES: Hog confining equipment
Butler Construction, Inc ADDRESS: 4173B Nettle Ave — Kensett, IA PHONE: 641-845-2288 CONTACT: Van Butler MANUFACTURES: New construction and remodeling WEBSITE: vanbutlerconstruction.com EMAIL: butlerconstruction@hotmail.com
Eliot, Inc. ADDRESS: 505 410th St — Joice, IA PHONE: 641-588-3546 CONTACT: Eliot Evans MANUFACTURES: Metal fabrication EMAIL: eliotinc@wctatel.net
Grafton Welding ADDRESS: PO Box 124 — Grafton, IA PHONE: 641-748-2290 CONTACT: Tom Kruger MANUFACTURES: General machining job shop
Kensett Celluspray Corp ADDRESS: 4173B Nettle Ave — Kensett, IA PHONE: 641-845-2288 CONTACT: Van Butler MANUFACTURES: Cellulose spray-in insulation WEBSITE: www.kensettcelluspray.com EMAIL: kensettcelluspray@hotmail.com
Luckason Cabinet Shop ADDRESS: 1861 A 430th St — Kensett, IA PHONE: 641-845-2483 MANUFACTURES: Custom cabinetry
Manly Terminal ADDRESS: 1575 380th St — Manly, IA PHONE: 800-277-8217 CONTACT: Lanny Klett MANUFACTURES: Trans-loading facility for renewable fuels, chemicals and wind turbine components WEBSITE: www.manlyterminal.com
Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 125 — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-324-2399 CONTACT: Tonya Holmes MANUFACTURES: Limestone quarrying WEBSITE: www.martinmarietta.com
Northwood Welding ADDRESS: 2010 Central Ave — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-324-2237 CONTACT: Jack Barber MANUFACTURES: Welding job shop
Plastic Injection Molders, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 167 — Fertile, IA PHONE: 641-797-2265 CONTACT: Tom Dillavou MANUFACTURES: Plastic drain tile plugs, in-line sprayer components, custom injection molding WEBSITE: www.plastic-injection-molders.com EMAIL: pim@wctatel.net
Poet Hanlontown ADDRESS: PO Box 135 — Hanlontown, IA PHONE: 641-896-2500 CONTACT: Tim Voegele MANUFACTURES: Ethanol fuels EMAIL: kelly.hansen@poet.com
North Woods Cabinetry, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 163 — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-324-1901 CONTACT: Tom Capranos MANUFACTURES: Wooden cabinets
Northwood Foods ADDRESS: 1105 N 8th St — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-324-1466 CONTACT: Brian Burkhard MANUFACTURES: Processing of whole hame products for final packaging for Hormel, Sara Lee, etc.
Premier Polysteel ADDRESS: PO Box 77 — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-324-2750 CONTACT: Thomas Stensrud MANUFACTURES: Coated steel outdoor furniture, including picnic tables, benches, waste receptacles, bike racks & bench swings WEBSITE: www.premierpolysteel.com EMAIL: sales@premierpolysteel.com
Quality Composites, Inc. ADDRESS: 4979 Orchid Ave — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-324-3130 CONTACT: Jodi Porter MANUFACTURES: Acoustical tractor/heavy machinery interiors & thermoforming EMAIL: qualitycomposite@willowtree.com
Randall Ready Mix LLC-Manly ADDRESS: PO Box 153 — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-324-1063 or 800-658-3081 CONTACT: Connie Estes MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete WEBSITE: www.randallreadymix.com EMAIL: info@randallreadymix.com
Randall Ready Mix LLC-Northwood ADDRESS: PO Box 153 — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-324-1063 or 800-658-3081 CONTACT: Connie Estes MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete WEBSITE: www.randallreadymix.com EMAIL: info@randallreadymix.com
Thompson Lumber & Sawmill, Inc. ADDRESS: 4883 Nightingale Ave — Northwood, IA PHONE: 641-324-1549 CONTACT: Tom Vorland MANUFACTURES: Lumber processing & wooden pallets
WRIGHT COUNTY MANUFACTURERS Access Lift, LLC ADDRESS: 3076 130th St — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-4844 CONTACT: Rick Summers MANUFACTURES: Incline elevators for lake shore properties WEBSITE: www.accessliftllc.com EMAIL: accesslift@fronteirnet.net
Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. ADDRESS: 100 NE 20th St — Eagle Grove, IA PHONE: 515-448-5101 CONTACT: Dwayne Kingeray MANUFACTURES: Drainage tubing
Ag Processing, Inc ADDRESS: 500 N Commercial — Eagle Grove, IA PHONE: 515-448-4711 CONTACT: Ray Choquette MANUFACTURES: Soybean processing
Ahrends, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 203 — Clarion, IA PHONE: 515-532-3449 CONTACT: Judy Ahrends MANUFACTURES: Wooden pistol grips WEBSITE: www.ahrendsgripusa.com
Alpharma, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 66 — Eagle Grove, IA PHONE: 515-448-4734 CONTACT: Gary Anderson MANUFACTURES: Animal health feed additives for the poultry, swine & cattle industries WEBSITE: www.alpharma.com
American Concrete Products, Inc. ADDRESS: 319 1st St. N.W. — Clarion, IA PHONE: 515-532-3561 CONTACT: Mike Brinker MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete
CDI Printing Services, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 263 — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-3955 CONTACT: Joni Worden MANUFACTURES: Commercial sheetfed & web printing, silkscreen, composition, & bindery, Distributon of office supplies & furniture WEBSITE: www.printingservicesinc.net
City Directory, Inc ADDRESS: 524 River Ave N — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-4468 CONTACT: Cliff Sheakley MANUFACTURES: Publishes city directories WEBSITE: www.citydirectoryinc.com
Clarion Packaging, LLC ADDRESS: 1350 5th Ave SE — Clarion, IA PHONE: 515-602-6780 CONTACT: Damond Roberts MANUFACTURES: Pulp paper egg cartons
Corn L. P. ADDRESS: 1303 Highway 3-E. — Goldfield, IA PHONE: 515-825-3933 CONTACT: Andy Miller MANUFACTURES: Ethanol production
Cramer Trenching ADDRESS: 308 5th St SE — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-3920 CONTACT: Kent Cramer MANUFACTURES: Farm tiling and excavation
Eaton Corp., Engine Components Div. ADDRESS: PO Box 303 — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-3535 CONTACT: Terry Deboer MANUFACTURES: Engine valves
Farm & Home Publishers Ltd. ADDRESS: 524 River Ane N — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-3508 CONTACT: Cliff Sheakley MANUFACTURES: Rural plat & directory publishing WEBSITE: www.farmandhomepublishers.com
Hagie Mfg. Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 273 — Clarion, IA PHONE: 515-532-2861 CONTACT: Jim Williams MANUFACTURES: Self-propelled high clearance sprayers , mechanical detassleing equipment & nitrogen application equipment WEBSITE: www.hagie.com
Lake Shore Tram, Inc. ADDRESS: 931 W Broadway St — Rowan, IA PHONE: 641-853-2377 CONTACT: Leah Anderson MANUFACTURES: Outdoor incline tram elevators
Lee Ltd., A division of Accurate Gear & Machine ADDRESS: PO Box 211 — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-4090 CONTACT: Brad Revland MANUFACTURES: Hydraulic pumps & machining job shop
Lewright Meats, Inc. ADDRESS: 108 N Iowa Ave — Eagle Grove, IA PHONE: 515-448-4286 CONTACT: Paul Bubeck MANUFACTURES: Smoked ham, bacon, cottage bacon, English bacon, pork loins, chops, beef & pork jerky, beef sticks, dried beef, BBQ pork & beef, summer sausage & bratwurst WEBSITE: www.lewrightmeats.biz
Monsanto Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 108 — Clarion, IA PHONE: 515-532-6631 CONTACT: Dennis Murphy MANUFACTURES: Soybean processing WEBSITE: www.monsanto.com
North Iowa Wood Products, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 86 — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-4433 CONTACT: Larry Bailey MANUFACTURES: cabinet door inserts & resurfaced lumber
Patington, Inc. ADDRESS: 2154 Hwys. 69 & 3 — Clarion, IA PHONE: 515-532-3817 CONTACT: Patty Stockman-Sann MANUFACTURES: Trailer accessories WEBSITE: www.trailer-hitch.com
Printing Services, Inc ADDRESS: 524 River Ave N — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-3955 CONTACT: Jake Johnson WEBSITE: www.printingservicesinc.net
Schroeder Golf Cars ADDRESS: 1478 River Ave S — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-7171 CONTACT: Dan Schroeder MANUFACTURES: Sales and service of golf cards
Sparboe Farms ADDRESS: 1140 Timber Dr — Goodell, IA PHONE: 641-495-6201 MANUFACTURES: Produce and process eggs
Sport Cages, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 173 — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-7187 CONTACT: Jeff Anderson MANUFACTURES: Golf driving ranges & baseball batting cages WEBSITE: www.sportcages.com
Sportsgraphics, Inc. ADDRESS: 1791 Page Ave — Clarion, IA PHONE: 515-532-2857 CONTACT: Pat Conlon MANUFACTURES: Gymnasium wall padding WEBSITE: www.sportsgraphicsinc.com
Stronghold Mfg. LLC ADDRESS: PO Box 364 — Clarion, IA PHONE: 515-602-6203 CONTACT: Steve Keehn MANUFACTURES: Cattle chutes, corral panels & livestock equipment WEBSITE: www.strongholdmfg.com
Syngenta Seeds, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 156 — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-4414 CONTACT: Marty Schumann MANUFACTURES: Seed processing
Team Effort, Inc. ADDRESS: PO Box 243 — Clarion, IA PHONE: 515-532-2040 CONTACT: Bruce Bradshaw MANUFACTURES: Golf accessories, screen printing & embroidery WEBSITE: www.teameffort.com
Tilley’s Leathers ADDRESS: 111 NW 8th St — Eagle Grove, IA PHONE: 515-448-5295 CONTACT: Rod Tilley MANUFACTURES: Leather wallets, belts & purses
Watts Welding ADDRESS: 2512 140th St — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-3920 CONTACT: Robert Watts MANUFACTURES: Welding and salvage
Wright Materials ADDRESS: 1127 Hwy 69 N — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-3920 CONTACT: Jeremy Mills MANUFACTURES: Sand & gravel
Yohn Co. ADDRESS: PO Box 284 — Belmond, IA PHONE: 641-444-4148 CONTACT: Marlin Kuhlers MANUFACTURES: Ready-mixed concrete EMAIL: laura.yohn@hotmail.com
Netbooks: Novelty or necessity? By MICHAEL MUNSHOWER For In Business ooking for an ultraportable miniature laptop computer? A netbook might be your answer. In 2007, Asus introduced the Eee PC, which is widely regarded as the first netbook. It featured a 7-inch screen, Linux operating system and a solid-state hard drive. It was an instant success, which sent its competitors into frenzies to introduce their own netbooks. Fast forward to 2010. Typical new netbook specifications are 10inch screens, Intel Atom processors, built in Wi-Fi and Windows 7 Starter Edition as the operating system. Hard drives are usually conventional SATA dri-
ves. No optical drives are included but SD card slots and USB ports are built into the chassis. Many models have a built-in webcam and microMunshower phone which would work well for Skype video conversations. Several hours of runtime can be expected from those units with six-cell batteries. Some models have built in 3G or 4G for mobile broadband and are sold through a cellular provider as part of a service package. Common uses for a netbook include traveling and recreation. The small size and light weight
make an ideal unit for Web surfing and e-mail on the go at public Wi-Fi hot spots. Vacation pictures can be previewed and backed up on a netbook. College note taking is another use. A netbook packs light and can run popular office suite software. Those who favor a real keyboard versus a touch or tablet device will enjoy the convenience of inputting data on a netbook. Business folks can keep in touch with the office with a netbook loaded with VPN software. Netbooks can have hobby applications. Bookworms can use a netbook as an eBook reader. Genealogy enthusiasts can reference their family tree software on the go or take along a
scanner to hook up to the netbook to digitize old photos and printed materials. A netbook can serve as a portable media center after one has loaded music and ripped movies onto it. From a pros and cons prospective, pros include low price and portability. Your regular-sized laptop doesn’t do much good if you consider it too heavy to carry or too expensive if lost or damaged. Cons would be small screen size, lack of resources to run certain software such as video editing or intense gaming, and cramped keyboards — although recent 10-inch netbooks are boasting keyboards approximately 90 percent the size of conventional laptops. Any use of CDs or DVDs will require
an external USB optical drive. For those considering purchasing a netbook, trying one out in a store might be the best route so you can determine if you like the feel of the keyboard, screen resolution and other features. Be sure to protect your netbook from unauthorized access through a combination of BIOS boot password and operating system login password. Also encrypt any sensitive data you store on your netbook. Follow the other usual security measures by installing antivirus software and a firewall. — Michael Munshower is a systems technician for the Globe Gazette. Reach him at michael.munshower@ globegazette.com.
Report: Iowa banks strong JOHNSTON — Iowa banks remain financially strong, bettering national performance ratios in nearly every category, according to third-quarter data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. John Sorensen, president and CEO of the Iowa Bankers Association, said, “In the first three quarters, the net earnings of Iowa banks increased by 24 percent compared to one year ago, and 92 percent of Iowa’s 363 bank charters were profitable compared to 80 percent nationally. As economic conditions improve, Iowa banks are well positioned to seek new lending opportunities and meet loan demands in their communities.” Iowa banks recorded $390 million in net earnings for the nine-month period ending Sept. 30, up from $314 million during the same period in 2009.
Building, location keys to landing CGS Tyres said. “Here in Charles City, we have been working on this project since August 2009.” Technology played a key BY JAN HORGEN role in initially attracting the For In Business tire manufacturer. CHARLES CITY Information regarding the n available building was the key to landing a available building site was global manufacturing firm in Charles City. posted on the Location One Czech Republic-based CGS Tyres is extenInformation System (LOIS) sively reconfiguring the former Winnebago Induswebsite, tries building in Charles City’s industrial park with www.locationone.com. plans to manufacture agricultural radial tires by early LOIS, managed by the 2012. Kansas City Power and Light “Psychologically, it’s great to fill an empty buildeconomic development ing,” Tim Fox, Charles City Area Devel- department, currently has opment Corp., said of the building that listings from more than 6,500 Winnebago closed in 2008. JAN HORGEN/For In Business communities in 19 states including Iowa, and recent“An available new building in good Technical specialist Tomas Hanacek of CGS Tyres in Charles ly upgraded its toolbox to incorporate GIS mapping shape with high sidewalls and 42-foot capabilities and other geographic marketing reports City is studying how the firm will reconfigure the former ceilings made Charles City a viable Continued on Page 36 Winnebago Industries building to make agriculture tires. option for this company to open operations here,” Fox said. Fox In addition to the building — which is suitable for technology that can flex between radial and cross-ply tire production — critical factors in site selection included proximity to agriculture equipment producers such as John Deere, Case/New Holland and other replacement tire users. Another factor is company plans to branch out in U.S., Canadian and Mexican markets, according to a CGS Tyres investment statement. Iowa is “crucial” to sales and production expansion into North America, Jaroslav Cechura, CGS Tires CEO, said before signing a $43.81 million investment agreement with Iowa Department of Economic Development and Floyd County officials in September.
Technology also played big role in attracting Czech Republic-based ag tire company
RECRUITMENT ON THE local level started in 2009 and it took more than a year to finalize a financial agreement, according to Tom Brownlow, Charles City’s city administrator. That was after the Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) contacted Charles City officials, saying the manufacturer was considering the Brownlow community as a site for its first North American production plant. “A state official commented that they have been working on this project for six to seven years, ” he
Finding quality employees, handling those who aren’t Expert tackles problems from pay expectations to gossiping in M.C. talk By MARY PIEPER mary.pieper@globegazette.com
MASON CITY inding quality employees is a problem for many employers, even in times of high unemployment, according to management consultant and author Glenn Shepard. He spoke to managers about how to handle problem Shepard employees during a recent seminar at North Iowa Area Community College. Shepard said at every seminar he has conducted over the past two years, he asks if the attendees have had trouble finding quality employees despite high unemployment rates. “At least 90 percent raise their hands, he said. Managers are frustrated with the quality, not the quantity, of
job applicants, according to Shepard. ONE CONCERN is Generation Y employees, those born in the early 1980s or later, who expect more feedback from their employers than baby boomer or Generation X workers because they have grown up with social media and “helicopter parents” who “hover” over every aspect of their lives, he said. Generation Y employees also sometimes “expect to be awarded for mere participation rather than actual achievement,” Shepard said. Managers need to let employees know that although they might get a raise if they take on more responsibility or increase their skills, “they don’t get a raise just because they have been here for a year,” he said. But younger people aren’t the only problem employees. Some workplace veterans think that because they have been there forever “that their job is secure forever” and think “the rules don’t apply to them,” Shepard said.
It is crucial for managers to let everyone know that “seniority has nothing to do with job security” unless it is a union situation with collective bargaining, he said.
Glenn Shepard’s Rules of Work:
1. Work’s tough. That’s why you get paid to do it. 2. Raises are earned, not given. 3. Leave your home life at home. 4. If you’d wear it to the state fair, GOSSIPING IS A huge probdon’t wear it to work. lem at workplaces, according 5. Never bad-mouth the company. to Shepard. 6. Reasonable mistakes are If an employee comes to the acceptable, carelessness is not. manager and says, “Guess what
I heard about Susie?” Shepard recommends calling Susie into the office while the other employee is still there and telling her one of her co-workers has something to say about her. That takes away the gossiping employee’s power because gossip is something done behind people’s backs, Shepard said. Sometimes an employee breaks the chain of command and goes over the supervisor’s head to the supervisor’s boss, such as the company president. As soon as the employee tells the company president, “I have a problem with Beth,” Shepard said the president should ask, “Have you spoken to Beth about this?”
7. If you wouldn’t say it to people’s faces, don’t say it behind their backs. 8. When you make a mistake, you fix it. 9. If you can’t be on time, be early. 10. Professionalism means doing your best — even when you don’t feel like it.
If the employee says no, the president needs to explain that Beth is the employee’s immediate supervisor and he or she should talk directly to her. If a manager hears an employee is doing something that is against company policy, evidence is needed before confronting that employee. If an employer accuses an employee of something he or she didn’t do, “it destroys trust and credibility,” Shepard said.
many times they are tardy or have an unexcused absent. A maximum amount of points is set for each year. If employees reach it before the end of year “they are out of a job,” Shepard said. In 1988 Shepard purchased the commercial division of Datamarketing Network, a Nashville-based publishing company. Over the next five years he expanded its operations into Memphis, Birmingham, Cincinnati, Knoxville and TO DEAL with chronic tarChattanooga. diness, Shepard recommends Today he is a full-time setting up a point system for all speaker and consultant. He employees. also has written six books, Employees get a certain including “How To Manage amount of points for how Problem Employees.”
Shepard’s mission: To help managers fight the declining work ethic and increasing entitlement mentality of today's workforce — see www.glennshepard.com
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Deterring and detecting financial reporting fraud By DAN HUINKER McGladrey & Pullen, Mason City n Oct. 6, the Center for Audit Quality (CAQ) released an important report, “Deterring and Detecting Financial Reporting Fraud — A Platform for Action.” Although the report focuses on financial reporting fraud in public entities, it can readily be applied to privately held companies, not-for-profit organizations and governmental entities. In creating this report, the CAQ convened a series of roundtable discussions and one-on-one interviews with more than 100 individuals to capture their views on fraud deterHuinker rence and detection measures that have worked and their ideas for new approaches. These discussions were important in that for the first time representatives of all members of the financial reporting supply chain came together to discuss the shared goal of improving the deterrence and detection of financial reporting fraud. It was clear from these meetings that there is no “silver bullet” for preventing and detecting fraud; rather, this is an ongoing process requiring the commitment of all participants to share knowledge and information with each other. The culmination of these discussions and interviews resulted in a report with specific recommendations and points to ponder for all supplychain members, falling into three general themes: tone at the top, professional skepticism and communications.
opportunity to launch more in-depth discussions about matters of concern to all. The CAQ report is merely a first step toward longer-term initiatives and collaboration on this important topic. The CAQ, Financial Executives Institute, Institute of Internal Auditors and National Association of CorSkepticism porate Directors have committed to further collaboProfessional skepticism is a concept that is generration to advance the deterrence and detection of ally used in the context of external auditors. However, fraud. the CAQ roundtable participants recognized that all There are things we can do now. The report offers participants in the financial reporting supply chain many thought-provoking ideas and best practices must be willing and able to question and critically that can be implemented to improve collaboration assess information. with our co-participants in the financial reporting In particular, the audit committee must exercise prosupply chain. fessional skepticism by asking vigorous and probing We encourage you to read the report and use it as a questions of management, internal auditors and exterbasis for discussions with colleagues about how we nal auditors. can collectively leverage our resources to advance the To do so, however, the audit committee must have detection and deterrence of fraudulent financial a thorough knowledge of the company’s business and reporting. industry, its competitive environment and risks that may affect management’s ability to carry out its objectives. The committee also must understand the entity’s exposure to management override of controls. ees have confidence that the matters reported will be given serious consideration, that their confidentiality will be protected and that matters will be resolved consistently and fairly regardless of the individual’s role in the organization.
Each participant in the financial reporting supply chain has a unique, interconnected role in deterring and detecting fraudulent financial reporting, requiring each party to share information and concerns with the others and collectively identify gaps. Because of the reporting lines between management, internal auditors and external auditors, the audit committee is generally in the best position to Tone at the top cultivate an effective communication process and to No organization can have an effective fraud deterrence promote open two-way discussions at board and and detection program without a corporate culture that audit committee meetings. motivates management and employees to do the right CAQ roundtable participants emphasized the thing. importance of board and audit committee members A deciding factor in an entity’s culture is manage- being willing to ask challenging questions of each ment’s tone at the top and how it demonstrates its other and of management. commitment to ethical behavior in business and perExecutive sessions with external auditors, internal sonal matters. auditors and other employees (especially those beyond Although a culture of high ethical standards and senior management) can be invaluable in obtaining a values begins with management, it must permeate all broad perspective on the company’s financial reportlevels in the organization. ing environment and culture. A key tool in a strong ethical culture is a whistleAlthough external auditors have a professional blower program. Research shows that this is the single requirement to communicate certain matters to largest source for detecting frauds. management and the audit committee, they should A whistleblower program is effective only if employview this not as a compliance exercise but as an
CHARLES CITY/From Page 33 for enhanced site location assistance. Listing the manufacturing site on this database, where economic developers showcase geographic and economic information, opened a worldwide window, Charles City officials said. “A primary consideration as to why Charles City was chosen is its proximity to customers. These are ag tires and this is a prime location for agriculture tire customer sales,” Fox said. AFTER THE INITIAL contact, Charles City Area Development Corp., Floyd County supervisors, city staff and staff from North Iowa Area Community College collaborated on a response proposal. Terry Schumaker, NIACC director for Iowa Workforce Development, “did an exceptional job putting together a job-training
ties in the future related to this plant, although I am not at liberty to speak about that at this time.” CGS has released a
three-phase investment proposal for its Charles City operation. Phase one is moving Continued on Page 38
Technical specialist Tomas Hanacek shows some of the large tires that CGS will make for agriculture use in its Charles City plant. program,” Fox said. “It was an extremely important piece to the puzzle.” Schumaker’s presentation covered implementation of worker training, including available funding avenues and flexibility for accomplishing job-specific skill set education. “Since we do not have people experienced in tire
manufacturing in our area, these jobs will require significant training,” Fox said, adding that some of the initial employees hired are expected to travel to the Czech Republic for training. WORKING CLOSELY with IDED, devising financial assistance and
program eligibility opportunities were other crucial factors in landing the new business, Brownlow and Fox said. “That is just the first stage. The company is planning later stages of expansion that would add even more jobs,” Brownlow said. “There could be related service and business opportuni-
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HEALTHBEAT Pat Wilson, a licensed independent social worker, meets with a client in her Mason City office.
KRISTIN BUEHNER/ The Globe Gazette
Helping employees deal with the stress of layoffs By KRISTIN BUEHNER
employees being laid off or those who keep their jobs, Wilson said. at Wilson, a Those that do create a licensed indepentrust can build loyalty dent social worker, even after an employee is remembers the time she let go, she said. Chances was called to the British are those who remain will Petroleum company in be more loyal and more Anchorage, Alaska, in productive. 1985. Expect that even the “A woman had barriemployees who keep caded herself in the bath- their jobs will experience room and wouldn’t come stress during layoffs, too. out,” said Wilson, a “There’s the recogniMason City tion that we have the counselor.“She had just work for 12 people and learned she had been laid we’re doing it with six,” off.” Wilson said. “Companies The employee had are doing more with less.” worked for BP for more than a decade and had a IN ADDITION, the hard time accepting the employees who are left news, said Wilson, who may be losing a close was working as a counfriend and support sysselor for an employeetem when a co-worker is assistance company in laid off. Anchorage. They may also experi“People react difference “survivor guilt” — ently,” she said. “With feeling guilty because the economy we have, their job was spared. people are not getting “Employers aren’t huge severance packages. often prepared for that,” Change is hard.” Wilson said. “They think EMPLOYERS NEED to employees should be grateful that they have a assume an active role in job and not act as if helping their employees there’s there’s been a manage stress related to work, whether it be the Continued on next page kristin.buehner@globegazette.com MASON CITY
HELPING REMAINING WORKERS AFTER LAYOFFS: 8. For employees who will remain and may be working longer hours, more week ends or assuming additional 6. Know the difference responsibilities, find ways to between empathy and sym- address their stress levels. pathy. Some companies have 1. Within reason, remem Being sympathetic hired massage therapists to ber the more communicameans feeling sorry for give “mini-massages” of the tion the better. someone. Being empathetic neck and shoulders for “The employers that have means imagining yourself in employees. suffered the most are those his shoes. Others create special who keep people in the dark activities such as a “pizza 7. Help employees transi - day” for employees who or who think it will make 4. Accept the fact that the tion to a new job and plan them look bad to say, ‘I don’t do not have time to go out layoff will have an impact on for the loss of this job. know right now. to lunch, or perhaps just “The more they withhold folks. Provide resources, such to recognize them for their information, the worse the as financial advisers or pro- hard work. 5. Be willing to do some rumors are going to be. Then fessionals who can help with thing about it instead of just resume-writing, or coun9. For the first six months it’s damage control all over handing down the edict. the place. Then you have to selors who can help assess after a company layoff, meet with employees once a go back and re-establish Make accommodations where they can go from your credibility as a leader.” that will help employees here, Wilson said. Have them month. adjust to the new expectawork with employees at the Give them a picture of 2. Don’t just blame “cor tions. If they will be assuming plant. “People in a state of how things look for the comporate.” more hours, for example, crisis aren’t thinking very pany and keep them “Say, ‘Here’s what we provide lunch at work some clearly,” said Wilson. informed. Here are some things employers can do to help employees cope with downsizing, according to Pat Wilson, Wilson Consulting, Mason City:
know right now. As information comes up and is more available, I’ll tell you as much as I can.’ ” 3. Make your employees feel they are being heard and have a voice. One way is to engage some of the employees as a team with management to think of ways to minimize the impact of layoffs before they occur.
days.“Employers have to realize they’re dealing with human lives,” Wilson said.
forward with initial construction preparation. Operations are slated to begin in January 2012, creating 154 jobs paying an average of $14.22 per hour or $29,570 annually, and another 38 jobs paying somewhat less, according to Fox. The company has three years to meet the job criteria. Initial production capacity is estimated at more than 9 million pounds of tires annually, sold under Continental and MITAS brands.
death in the family.” Employees who remain may understandably develop a fear of the future, a concern that more layoffs and loss of benefits are coming, Wilson said. “Employers need to realize that the folks that remain have very strong fears. In this day and age you don’t know if it is the last wave of layoffs.” The best approach an employer can take is to keep employees informed as much as possible and as early as possible.
Floyd County Board of Supervisors approved a nine-year, 90 percent property tax rebate for the company and a payment of $192,500 from the Southwest Bypass Urban Renewal Tax Revenue Fund. The manufacturing plant will operate under the business name MITAS Inc. beginning Jan. 1.
THE PLANT WILL put a dent in Charles City’s unemployment rate which was determined in April to have been over the state average IF SALES EXPAND as CGS officials every quarter for the last 50 years. It project, the phase two estimated is at 7.1 percent compared to the state investment is $12.361 million and average of 6.8 percent. phase three investment an additional “Reliance on a single manufacturer $10.378 million, with completion of in the past may have contributed to the final phase in 2016 with producour high unemployment,” Fox said. tion capacity of almost 27 million “We have two new businesses openpounds of tires per year. ing that are still ag-related, but there At optimum functioning capacity, is pretty significant diversification.” the three-phase manufacturing The second, smaller operation, is operation would employ 262 people, Custom Poultry Production opening with 34 of those positions considered in the former All State Foods building. administrative. “When you have someone new CGS received a $924,000 grant in coming, we hope there will be spinoff August from the Grow Iowa Values businesses,” Fox said. “At this time Fund, administered through IDED. those possibilities are unspecified The funding is targeted for reconfigbut this is certainly an important step uration of the Charles City manufacfor us. We are hoping reliance on turing building where site preparasmaller, more diversified employers tion has started. may help.” In October, the City Council and
Early notice enables them to plan. “The challenge that faces employers is the balancing act of how much can we tell people versus not wanting to mislead them with information we don’t know for sure,” Wilson said. Don’t predict anything you don’t absolutely know is true. Employees may feel you were lying to them if you end up having to lay them off when you told them you wouldn’t.
Alliance promotes growth throughout N.I. ness — attracting new business and encouraging and helping existing companies to expand WHAT IS THE NCIA? — the labor force is a major The North Central Iowa factor. Alliance (NCIA) is a marketing By GREGG GILLMAN Businesses will not move or WHY PARTNER? partnership Executive Director, North Iowa Corridor expand if they are not confibetween ecoEconomic Development Corp. Why would we want to part- dent that they will find the nomic developriend or foe? Competitor ner with other counties? employees they need. ment organizaor partner? Sometimes There are several reasons: One county alone does not tions representit’s all about perspective. 1. Labor force: offer as an attractive of a working Cerro Gordo, What is your initial reaction In the grand scheme, even force as we offer regionally, when you think about promotFloyd, Franklin, Cerro Gordo County (with a and we have information to ing business attraction and Hancock, population almost three times show that the dedicated workretention in our region? Are you Gillman Mitchell, Winas high as the next-biggest ers in North Iowa will compleased to hear about a business nebago and Worth counties. county in the NCIA) is small. mute regionally for the right expanding in the region even if It was formed in 2005 because When competing nationally job. it’s not in your town? the Iowa Department of Ecoand internationally, Cerro 2. Available buildings and At the North Iowa Corridor nomic Development (IDED) rec- Gordo is but a blip on the map sites: Economic Development Corp. ognized that regional partnerand the other counties even Working from a regional (NICEDC), our focus is on sup- ships throughout the state less so. perspective allows us to give porting existing business in But as a region, we boast a would be beneficial in business prospective companies more and attracting new business to population of approximately retention and attraction. options. Any given community Cerro Gordo County. 110,000 — still not a major There is no official NCIA only has a certain number of However, we cannot overmetropolitan area but big staff; the work is shared by the buildings and sites available, look the importance of regional enough to help us compete. but looking at seven counties business development market- existing economic developAnd why does population together exponentially ing, and to this end we are one ment organizations for each county. And the NCIA’s fund- matter? In competing for busi-
Seven economic development groups form marketing partnership
Are women your target market? YES! You want to be a part of the annual WOW Women’s Expo Sat., Feb. 12 9 am - 3 pm Southbridge Mall Contact: Lynette Harrington, 641.421.0586 or Linda hawk, 641.421.0522
of the seven partners of the North Central Iowa Alliance.
ing comes largely by grants from IDED with some supporting match money from each county’s economic development organization.
increases that number. And at the end of the day we would rather have a business choose our region over another. CGS Tyres, which recently announced a new plant in Charles City, is a perfect example of this. The company originally looked at locating in Mason City, but ultimately the available building in Charles City was better suited to its needs. Disappointing for Cerro Gordo County, certainly (especially after four months of work into the attraction effort), but the competition was a community in Kentucky. Which would we rather have, a company choosing another town in our alliance or a different state? Landing the CGS Tyres deal is great for Charles City and the entire region. 3. Quality of place/ameni ties: Continued on next page
GILLMAN/From Page 39 allowing them to discuss common business/community issues they are facing. This not only helps them to build relationships and make connections but it also gives us the opportunity to find out how we can better support our local business and industry. These and the other initiatives spearheaded by the NCIA are designed to complement the initiatives and plans of the individual counties. In effect, this gives all of us an extra push in marketing above and beyond what our individual organizations can do. So the next time you hear good news about What is the NCIA doing? business development in One of the current one of our surrounding marketing projects for counties, even if it’s not the NCIA is creating a your own, join in on celevideo to highlight our brating the positive seven-county region. We momentum for our plan to use this video in region. our national and interna— Reach Gregg Gilltional marketing efforts, man at ggillman@ especially to those unfanorthiowacorridor.com. miliar with the North Central Iowa region. Thanks to the production efforts of KIMT and the participation by local Stebens Theatre professionals (and Cabin Coffee for hosting the video shoot), we are in the home stretch of completing this video. For those outside the area, this will illustrate the excellent quality-oflife aspects of our area as well as incorporating some hard-hitting business data. The Alliance is also putting together some regional think tanks, gathering a handful of local executives at a time and
On any given day, people in North Iowa travel regionally for a host of reasons in addition to jobs: retail, health care, entertainment and education, to name a few. Promoting the region allows us to present more options than we can in a single county alone. 4. Funding opportuni ties/potential: IDED likes regional efforts and it rewards them with marketing funds to promote business development and growth. The availability of regional funding far exceeds the amount for which we would qualify as a single county.
Want more information on advertising in IN BUSINESS? Contact Greg Wilderman, 641-421-0545, or greg.wilderman@globegazette.com