Mason City, Iowa ✦ Sunday, July 27, 2014
Michelle Sprout Murray, 50
Borcherding, Storby Stephanie Jo Borcherding and Mitchell Allen Storby were united in marriage on October 19, 2013, at Winnebago Lutheran Church in Lake Mills, Iowa.
Happy 50th Birthday on July 26, to our favorite 50-year-old, Michelle Sprout Murray of Mason City! Happy Half Century! — Love, Mom and Dad Sprout
Anniversary Birthday Happy 16th Birthday Trey Wiegmann We love you! Pappa Kevin and Gran, Pappa Ron and Nana Aug. 2, 2014
Monson, 60 years FOREST CITY Marvin Dennis Mon— son and Jacqueline Lea (McColloch) Monson of Forest City, Iowa, were married July 30, 1954, at United Methodist Church, in Forest City, Iowa.