NIVC Special Section

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Services, Inc. 641.423.7071




By Investing in Workers With Disabilities America works best when everybody works.

Return on Investment Means Hiring the Right Talent Order a Butterburger at Culver’s in Clear Lake, and it could be brought to your table by Shaina Brunsvold (pictured above), who found her job match by using the Discovery Process. NIVC Services’ Discovery staff met with Shaina to talk about her hobbies, talents and work skills. They arranged tours and job shadows at area businesses that matched her interests, which led to a training opportunity at Culver’s. Shaina was hired as a dining room attendant at Culver’s in May. Shaina says that the best part of her job is meeting people, “because I like helping people.” Shaina continues to meet with a Joblink Job Coach to encourage her success.

Helping People Work

October 20, 2011 • page 2

NIVC Services’ Impact on the Community

459 North Iowans received services in 2010-2011 (13 percent increase) 208 obtained/retained jobs in the general workforce (over $900,000 in wages) 109 students gained work experience and improved their employability 70 individuals participated in career assessment and planning 184 individuals worked in NIVC operated businesses (over $500,000 in wages) In addition, NIVC Services has 40 full-time and 8 part-time staff members.

Helping People Work has a big economic impact. The Return on Investment benefits all of us.

The following employees were recognized for their many years of service in 2011.

Director’s Message

This past year, NIVC Services took steps to improve the employment training, job placement, retail and contract services we provide to our customers.

Board Members: Robert Amosson, Rolf Aronsen, Diane Fischels, Florence (Sis) Greiman, Bob Marreel, Dennis May, Ruth Miller, Jerry Plagge, Doug Schroeder, Tim Schupick, Leo Staudt, Mike Stensrud, Ed Wineinger.

NIVC Employees Recognized

NIVC Services, Inc. fulfills its mission by finding jobs in area businesses for people with disabilities and providing employment training at the Work Center, JobLink, Affordables and Affordables on 1st. Sherry O. Becker NIVC Director

“People with disabilities have skills to add to area workplaces. When you hire someone with a disability, you gain those skills on your team along with an appreciation for contributing to your bottom line. Your return on investment for hiring the right person is reduced turnover cost and increased profits.” Jerry Plagge, NIVC Board President

Kathy Bledsoe 20 Years

Thank you for your dedication!

Through working partnerships with businesses, employers, agencies, educators, policymakers, funders and you, NIVC develops opportunities that help North Iowans increase their skills and earned income. Together we can build a community that embraces and values the contributions of everyone. Like the National Disability Employment Awareness slogan says - America Works Best When Everybody Works. Linda Garcia 15 Years

Stacy Heinselman 15 Years

Kelly Kratz 15 Years

Helping People Work

October 20, 2011 • page 3

Time goes by fast when you’re busy ”It’s a great job. I hope I can work there until I retire,” remarks John Walter, smiling as he talks about his job as a replenishment associate at Kmart. John is one of four current and former NIVC Services clients who are successfully working at Kmart in Mason City. Coworker Cindy Walker agrees. ”I love the people I work with at Kmart. I like that they are flexible for me. I can work by myself, or with other people.” Kevin Kliven also began working at Kmart this year. When asked about his new job, Kevin replied, “I really like it. It’s a fun job and we don’t have time to mess around, because time goes fast when we’re busy.” As replenishment associates, John, Cindy and Kevin work with a team of people to unload trucks, unpack merchandise and stock new items on the store’s shelves. They all meet regularly with a Joblink Job Coach to review their progress and work through any issues that arise. “She’s very nice,” John says of his job coach, Sara Valen. “She comes to visit me and see what’s going on. If I need help I know I can talk to her.” Kevin Kliven restocking merchandise at Kmart.

Working Together Leads to Results Vocational Service Coordination is a unique collaboration of services between County Social Services and NIVC Services. Through Vocational Service Coordination, clients in the

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as they continue to inspire and assist individuals in our community.


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County Social Services area who do not qualify for targeted case management can apply for access to mental health and disability services including work training and get referrals to other community agencies that can help meet their needs. In the past year, 126 NIVC Services clients accessed Vocational Service Coordination. 68 of those people are maintaining employment in the community with support from Joblink Job Coaches. If you or someone you know may be interested in hearing more about Vocational Service Coordination, you may contact Emily Dykstra at the NIVC Services Work Center, 423-3301


Proud to Support NIVC Services! Thank you for all you do for our community! Mason City • Charles City New Hampton • Alta Vista Osage • Clarion Kanawha • Latimer Member FDIC MS-55201

Helping People Work

October 20, 2011 • page 4

Project SEARCH Six young adults began the first of three 11-week unpaid internships at Mercy Medical Center – North Iowa starting September 1 and ending June 1, 2012. The internships were arranged through Project SEARCH North Iowa, a program that provides education and training to young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities through an innovative workforce and career development model. “The primary goal of Project SEARCH North Iowa is for high school seniors and recent graduates to acquire competitive, marketable and transferable skills to enable them to apply for related positions. The interns also build communication, teamwork and problem-solving skills that are important to their overall development as a young worker,” said Sherry Becker, Executive Director, NIVC Services. The partnership between Project SEARCH, NIVC Services, local agencies, and Mercy Medical Center – North Iowa is among the first for Iowa hospitals, but not unique in healthcare as other hospitals around the nation have participated in the program. In fact the program originated at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Other businesses and manufacturers have since adopted the program and now there are more than 200 Project SEARCH sites across 39 states and four countries. Working from a task list, students work approximately five-hours a day, five days a week to acquire the core skills necessary for gainful employment. Job coaches and department staff collaborate to provide support for students. The Project SEARCH staff delivers the training as well as develop job accommodations and standard work procedures. Once the students master the core skills, additional skills can be layered to improve skills needed for employment.

**Participants (clockwise from left, top to bottom): Maranda Johnston, Josh Sherman and Alecia Balduf.

**Participants (right top to bottom): AnnaLisa Sampson, Tyler Nicholson and Meredith Dunn.

Helping People Work

October 20, 2011 • page 5

North Iowa Janelle Mujica

Meet Janelle Mujica, Project SEARCH North Iowa Supervisor. She is a graduate of Buena Vista University with a major in Human Services and Psychology. Mujica began her career in Human Services at NIVC working at JobLink as a Job Developer and Employment Coordinator. She lives in Mason City with her husband, Nick and daughter, Alexis. Kara Gaiser is the Project SEARCH job coach onsite at Mercy Hospital. She trains and supports interns in their positions. Kara has four years of experience as a job coach with NIVC Services. She lives in Mason City with her children Jordan and Wyatt.

Kara Gaiser

Project SEARCH Partners United Way of North Central Iowa awarded a start-up grant of $10,000 to NIVC Services, Inc. Funds were used to create a community partnership that would develop and sustain Project SEARCH activities. Other first-year costs were supported by Alliant Foundation, First Citizens National Bank Foundation, Principal Financial Group, and TeamQuest Foundation. Project SEARCH North Iowa is a collaborative partnership between Mercy Medical CenterNorth Iowa, Mason City Community School District, Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services, AEA 267, County Social Services, Targeted Case Management and NIVC Services. According to NIVC Services executive director Sherry Becker, “All the partners have committed significant resources toward this project and I speak for all of us when I say it is very exciting to see it implemented. Project SEARCH North Iowa is going to have a positive impact on the lives of these students, the hospital and our community.”

Helping People Work

October 20, 2011 • page 6

NIVC Dream Builders - July 1, 2010 ~ June 20, 2011

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Services and support their endeavors.


We’re Proud To Support NIVC Clausen Plumbing & Heating & The Plumb Center 519 N. Federal Mason City

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Mike & Lana Faust First Citizens National Bank Jeffrey Fischer John & Kelly Fischer Tom & Carolyn Fischer Jim & Ellen Fitzpatrick Tim Fleming Mrs. Charles Forbes Jay and Tina Friday Dave & Mickey Funkhouser Kara Gaiser Linda Garcia Mike & Joan Gasaway Bill Gasperi Ruth Geilenfeld Connie Ginapp Jim & Myra Gochenouer Paul and Marsha Gordon Ann Grady & Rollie Williamson Mike & Mary Grandon Marsha Griffin Joyce Hanes Dorothy Hanna Dr. Bruce and Deb Harlan Elaine Harman Debra & Sant Hayreh


Matt and Stacy Heinselman Henkel Construction Judy Herman Tammy Hertzel William Hill Don Hitzhusen Gary & Carole Hoffman Sam and Deb Hunt Veteran’s Representative Iowa Works Brad and Cathy Isaak Darshini Jaywardena Karn Johansen Rick & Lori Jorgensen Terry and Gina Keeper Norman & Sara Kelly Tyler & Debbie Kerr Judi Kessler Todd and Connie Kirkpatrick Joe Paulsen Kleen Sweep Construction Kevin Kliven Ron and Karen Knudtson Kelly Kratz Jay and Kim Kvigne Mike Lambert Dixie Lamoreux

Bill & Kim Larson Mark & Deb Lassisse Wanda Lawthers Mark and Tavi LeDuc James & Barbara Leonard Judith Lickteig Lorris & Myrna Long Ronald & Donna Loudenburg Jim & Sharon Magelssen Bob Marreel Dennis Marsh William Marshall Mason City Noon Rotary Dick & Judy Mathes Dennis & Sharon May Amy McDonnel Follmuth Frank McLain Mark & Marcia McNulty David & Connie Meinders Craig & Janet Miller Chris & Debbie Mitchell Doug and Ann Morse Arlo Movick Daniel Nedved Katie Nelson Rev. Paul & Kathy Nelson Jim & Cheryl Nesbit


Thank You NIVC Services


22 3rd St. NW Mason City, IA 641-423-7172 MS-55214


Catholic Daughters of America Barbara Charlson Don & Ali Child Gary and Colleen Christiansen David & Connie Ciccetti Casey & Amy Clabaugh Rhonda& Tim Clark Clausen Plumbing & Heating Community Foundation of NE Iowa Steve Snyder & Louise Cragg Wally & Judy Davies Briana Davis Linda Davis Randy & Brenda Davis Roland & Kristi Davis Tim & Carol Dettmer Diamond Jo Casino # Amy and Sandy Dixon Mary Drew Dixie Dunagan Jerome and Margaret Dunbar Eric Eichenlaub Larry and Zelda Elwood Troy & Amy Elwood Heidi Estle-Hanson Jen Faust

Amber Allen Marvin Alphs Phil & Katy Alscher Bob & Pat Amosson Gary Levinson & Jackie Armstrong Jane and Gerald Askeland Harlan & Marge Baack Tom Ballmer and Sally Presley Bill & Debra Basler Byron & Ann Beasley Steve & Nancy Beavers Tim and Sherry Becker Raymond & Joan Beebe Bob & Carrie Berg Brian Berg Beta Sigma Phi - Delta Xi M.M. Betels Michael Blackmore Gervis Blaser Kathy Bledsoe Terry & Carol Boyle Randall and Cheryl Brenton Harold Brunsvold Shaina Brunsvold Brian and Jane Carlson Tom Castle

Helping People Work

October 20, 2011 • page 7

NIVC Dream Builders - July 1, 2010 ~ June 20, 2011 Pony Express Riders of Iowa Dick Price Ruth Quisley Dennis & Joyce Rachut Amanda & James Ragan Jim & Amanda Ragan Edward & Tami Saidat Steve and Martie Sawyer Derrick and Jennifer Schlitter Roger & Susan Schlitter Jeff & Callie Schmidt Gary & Anne Schmit Mickie Schuessler Schupick and Associates Sheila Shannon

Remembrances In Honor of Frank Boyle Shaina Brunsvold Jon Gochenouer Cindy Walker

Given by Sheila Shannon Jeff & Callie Schmidt Jim & Myra Gochenouer Alan & Sharon Steckman

In Memory of Lucina Blaser William Child Keith Harman Reece Ollenburg My brother William

Given By Gervis Blaser Don & Ali Child Elaine Harman Amy & Sandy Dixon Lisa Yunek Roger & Susan Dixon Elizabeth von Fischer Hier



Family Owned & Operated


Wesley United Methodist Women Bob Westerman Whiskey Creek Sheila & David Whitecotton Bob & Cindy Willemsen Williams & Associates # Mike & Julie Willms William and Nancy Wiltsie Candi Winter Vicki & Stephen Wolfe Women of Trinity Betty Wyatt Tiffany Yaw Yunek Law Firm # Jamie and Nancy Zanios # - Denotes Dancing for the Dream Sponsorship

IN -KIND DONATIONS Tom Ballmer Bob & Carla Brunette Tom Fisher Darshini Jaywardena KGLO Judith Lickteig Mason City Noon Rotary Mr. Oetken Joe Paulsen and Kleen Sweep Construction Pony Express Riders of Iowa Amber Stearns Tom Stibal Barry Trump Twins Care Ticket Program Candi Winter Zion Evangelical and Reform Church *Special note: donated a much needed van for our use!

Every gift is important to us. We strive to be complete and accurate. Please forgive us if an error or omission occurred and let us know at 641-423-3301.

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Iowa Heartland Credit Union 1602 S Monroe, Mason City

It’s an honor to Congratulate NIVC Services for doing so much for “helping people work” in our community!


We sincerely Thank you for all you do.

Snow Removal Services Licensed, Bonded & Insured

DeeAnn Simser James & Winn Ann Simser Tom & Jayne Simser Reenie Skellenger Gerald & C.J. Stambaugh Amber Stearns Alan & Sharon Steckman Jenny Stegen Sara Valen Robert and Toby VandenBosch Roberta VanDeWalker James & Darlene Vstecka Wa Tan Ye Club Tom & Sally Waggoner Waggoner Wineinger Architects Joslyn Waychus

Grantors Farrer Endowment Foundation First Citizen’s National Bank Foundation Kinney Lindstrom Foundation Mason City Clinic Foundation Principal Financial Group Bertha Stebens Charitable Foundation Team Quest Foundation United Way of North Central Iowa University of Iowa/MIG


Jim & Cindy Niements North Iowa Community Credit Union Andy and Jodee O’Brien Lynda Oetken Armond Oetken Dan and Kristen Ollenburg Robert & Elaine Ollenburg Leman & Tana Olson Jack & Verna Ouverson Cynthia Paulus Chuck and Marty Petzoldt Erin & Dennis Phillips Rich Piscopo Jerry & Jeanne Plagge


(641) 424-2861

Your donations help people with disabilities get the training and employment skills they need. You can donate items to our Affordables stores, or financial donations and gifts of assets. We welcome contributions now, and those designated to the future through our NIVC Services Endowment Fund held by the Cerro Gordo County Community Foundation.

Helping People Work

October 20, 2011 • page 8

Dancing for the Dream 2011

Partnerships Advance Skills Training

Last March, four couples competed to win the NIVC Services “Dancing for the Dream” trophy. Father/daughter team, Tom & Renae Fischer (shown at left) took the honor with a waltz to “You’re my Hero.” NIVC Services was the big winner raising over $16,000 to support employment

To help our clients be better prepared to move from training programs into community employment, NIVC Services has worked with NIACC to develop two certificate training programs. Clients in our training programs at Affordables and in the Foodservice area at the Work Center have the opportunity to earn a Retail Sales Certificate or a Foodservice Certificate. Clients who have earned these certificates will have mastered the basic skills needed to work in their industry. Retail Sales Certificate holders will have understanding of basic merchandising, product presentation, and cashiering. Foodservice Certificate holders will understand basic food preparation and serving, standard measurements, and food safety. These training certificates help our clients enter the job market with proven work skills. Clients who have earned certificates this year have been hired by area businesses, including Culver’s, Fareway, Goodwill, HyVee, and Sears. NIVC Services collaborated with North Iowa Area Community College to create certificate programs in Retail Services and Food Preparation Services. Graduates of those programs find jobs quickly. According to Kelly Kratz, “We are excited that five of our first nine retail service certificate holders are working in area businesses. The others are actively seeking work. Graduates in food service and preparation are also having successes.”

services for people with disabilities. Our gratitude to Mary Drew, Mary Drew Studios with Ben Zickefoose, Clear Lake for an exhibition dance. Featured North Iowa dance competitors and their partners shown above include Larry Elwood, Larry Elwood Construction and Zelda Elwood, Exit Realty, Andy O’Brien, Action Coach, with Jodee O’Brien, JoDesign Marketing, Mason City; Derek Schlitter, Roger’s Farm Financial with Jennifer Schlitter, Mason City Schools; and Tom Fischer, Culvers, with his daughter Renae Fischer, NIVC Services. Guest judges for the event included (standing on stage l-r) Mickie Schuessler, professional entertainer, and co-winner of first annual event in 2009; Will McCollum, 2010 competitor; Rich Piscopo, Yunek Law Firm and 2010 competitor; Kaye Steger, KCMR and 2010 competitor; and Tim Fleming, Three Eagles Communication. Special thanks to our dance sponsors ~ Dance Leader Level: Three Eagles Communications; Fox Trot Level: Schupick and Associates; Diamond Jo Casino; Yunek Law Firm; Swing Level: First Citizens National Bank; and Williams and Associates.

Watch for News of our Fourth Annual Event

Join us in 2012! You will be surprised and entertained by our North Iowa Talent. Last year, the audience was surprised by the appearance of these Zombie’s moving to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” Dancers shown at left Judi Kessler, Toby VanDenBosch, Marian Tompkins & Pam Hunt.

Thank you

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NIVC SERVICES for making a difference in our community.

Our Gratitude and Appreciation for your Honorable Contributions to North Iowa



Mason City MS-55198



875 4th St SE, Mason City Mason City • 641-423-3180

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