2 • SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
Section Editor: Doug Barrett • STAR CLASS 2010
Twice as great:
Star Class 2010 has four sets of twins By DEB NICKLAY deb.nicklay@globegazette.com
It’s not unusual to have one set of twins in the Globe Gazette Star Class. What is unusual is having four sets of twins. Andrew and Matthew Little, 18, of Mason City High School; Kaitlyn and Morgan Dornbier, 18, of Newman Catholic High School; Dean and Blair Berhow-Goll, 18, of Ventura High School; and Kellie and Lauren Schaefer of St. Ansgar High School, will all accept recognition during Star Class ceremonies today. Being a twin has its own set of dynamics. Each said their sibling provided additional incentive to excel — and
Blair Berhow-Goll
Dean Berhow-Goll
that there was a closeness among twins that is unlike other sibling relationships. “She takes care of me,” said Dean Berhow-Goll of his sister, Blair. “That’s what I am going to miss” once they head to college. Blair rolled her eyes — but grinned.“He is my best friend.” They both have been active in sports and music while in school.
Kaitlyn Dornbier
Morgan Dornbier
Dean and Blair will head different directions: Dean to Iowa State University to pursue a career in sports journalism and Blair to Central College in Pella, to earn a psychology degree, so she can be an elementary counselor. The Dornbiers will also head to different colleges — Morgan to the University of Northern Iowa to enter a pre-med program, and Kaitlyn to the
Andrew Little
Matthew Little
University of Iowa, where she wants to study mechanical engineering. “We’re competitive,” said Morgan, adding that she and her sister began challenging the other once they hit high school. “That really helped us to achieve our potential,” agreed Kaitlyn. That competitive streak was also typical of the Schaefers’ school years. “It helps to have some-
Kellie Schaefer
Lauren Schaefer
one push you,” said Lauren Schaefer. Both participated in the same sports — cross country, basketball and track — and both will head to the University of Iowa this fall. That’s where their paths will diverge, they added. “We’re not rooming together,” said Kellie, said with a laugh. See TWINS, PAGE 3
Inside Star Class Arts ..............................5-7 Language ................7,8, 10 Math ........................10-13 Music ..................13, 16-18 Science ....................18-20 Social Science ........20-23 Technical..................23-24 F. Athlete ................24-26 M. Athlete ................26-28
Congratulations... YOUR DEDICATION SHOWS!
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North Iowa, nation need responsible leaders Congratulations to members of the 2010 Star Class! I hope you and your family members feel a great sense of accomplishment in your selection to this group of young North Iowans. It is a pleasure for us at the Globe Gazette and globegazette.com to recognize you for your stellar academic and/or athletic performance. I encourage you to read about your fellow Star Class members. I think you’ll be impressed with them and their achievements and ambitions. Most of you will go on to further your education, and I suspect will
become leaders in your communities and great contributors to their social, economic, cultural and educational well-being. I know it sounds like a lot of responsibility, which may not be foremost in your mind right now. But while there’s a lot of fun ahead of you, there is a lot of responsibility. Communities in North Iowa and nationwide need good leaders, people who have studied issues and are willing to respectfully voice their opinions on them so that the best decisions can be made. While I suspect most of you will be going on to further your education —
and I’ll put in a plug for general education studies at NIACC if you’re not already committed Joe Buttweiler but know you want to Globe Gazette further Editor your education — some of you are or will shortly be looking for employment. While things are opening up a little, it’s still a tight market out there, and may be for years to come. I’d encourage you to think about entrepreneurship, either now or
later. North Iowa needs more people who are willing to try implementing their good ideas for businesses. And there are many great resources, including people right here at NIACC’s Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center, who are willing to help you. Besides a job for yourself, you could end up providing dozens or hundreds for others in our region. And with what we’ve lost in recent years, we could sure use them. There are many opportunities ahead of you. I hope you and your families are mindful that our greatest asset in North Iowa — our best crop of
all, if you will — is the young people who are committed to developing their talents and to helping others. No matter where you go, I ask that you stay plugged in to North Iowa through globegazette.com and on Facebook, where I know one or two of you spend a little time already, wink-wink.. It’s another great way for you to keep up with the North Iowa communities in which you live and maybe will leave, but will always care about. I wish you all continued success, and again, congratulations for being named to the Star Class of 2010.
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SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010 • 3
Burford Award winners understand meaning of courage By JARED PATTERSON jared.patterson@globegazette.com
MASON CITY — It’s hard to comprehend what our Burford Courage Award winners have gone through in their final two high school years. For Belmond-Klemme’s Seth Johnson and Lake
Mills’ Tyler Olson, overcoming adversity has been a daily occurrence. For Johnson, his life changed on March 8, 2009. While on a trip to visit his brother and sister in Des Moines, Johnson was involved in a car accident
that killed his mother and grandmother. He and his father survived and were taken to the intensive care unit at Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines. Seth’s injuries were nearly fatal. He had brain swelling and fell into a deep coma.
Doctors couldn’t tell the family whether he would come out of the coma or what his long-term prognosis would be. He spent more than two months in a coma. Once he came out of the coma, he had to develop his mental and physical
skills that had been severely damaged in the accident. His physical problems kept him from walking, loss of hand dexterity and hand/eye coordination. His speech was severely
Twins: Pursue different academic interests, hobbies, career paths From Page 2
Iowa State University; Matthew to study physics Both will pursue careers and philosophy and in science; Kellie will Andrew to pursue chemtackle pre-med to eventuistry and economics. ally fulfill a dream to be an While Matthew isn’t sure oncologist. Lauren wants where his interests will to be a pharmacist. take him, Andrew most The Littles will head to likely will head to medical
school. Like their Star Class counterparts, they participated in lots of the same activities: Boy Scouts, speech, concert choir, theater, and “we’re good at rafters,” Andrew said with a laugh. Their
On behalf of the Globe Gazette, I would like to congratulate each Star Class 2010 member on their achievements. You represent our future, built on a foundation of proven success.
mom, Laura, works with Habitat For Humanity and the teenagers have had lots of practice swinging hammers on Habitat homes in the community. While they will both attend ISU, they will sep-
arately establish their own circle of friends. It’s time, they said. Still, all the twins said, the bonds between them and their siblings will withstand college. Although, admitted Kaitlyn Dornbier, going
to a different college than her sister was OK — to a point. “If Morgan was going too far away, I’d cry. Really. But we’re both in Iowa, so it’s OK. Otherwise, I would be worried.”
“Look into these, the faces of our future, and you will believe the best is yet to come.”
I applaud your perseverance in pursuit of academic and athletic accomplishments. I wish you luck as you pursue your passion, follow your dream and reach for the stars.
4• SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
Prepare for college’s challenges By DEBRA A. DERR
We President believe that North Iowa Area Community College education Just as you look to is the key to embark on your future unlocking journey, this year also the door to marks a very special time the future for the Derr family. Our you’ve Derr youngest two children are always graduating from high imagined, and we want school as well. you to use that imaginaConsequently, my tion and creativity to message to the Star Class design a life in which you of 2010 has a very perare happy and productive sonal meaning to me as a citizens who will move us parent. So, I want to and our communities share my thoughts with forward into a bright you, the Star Class of future. 2010, not only as the We also want you to act president of North Iowa wisely because, as adults, Area Community Colthere may not be as many lege, but also as a parent opportunities to “take of two shining stars. back” decisions you may As your parents, we later regret that could want the very best for negatively impact your you. We want you to find future. Believe it or not, your passion in life and as parents we have “been fiercely pursue it. We will there” and we believe be there to support you, that one day you will to answer your questions, learn that all the advice and to guide you when we have provided to you the path is unclear. and will continue to pro-
vide to you is truly intended to be in your best interest. Most importantly, we want you to spread your wings and maximize your potential. As the president of NIACC, I also want the very best for you. Your communities and your families have high hopes for you. Having been an educator for 30 years, I can share with you so many stories of students who have touched my heart as shining stars and been an inspiration to my professional practice. So, here is what I have learned from my students: • Be patient with yourself. College is a big step and there are many changes that will challenge you. • Know that others have walked before you and that your instructors, counselors, and advisors
know the ropes and will help you. You don’t have to know it all at first. • Be persistent and don’t give up. Even when you may be having a really tough semester, seek help from tutors, mentors, and your instructors. There are often strategies that you can use, that you may not be aware of, to bring your challenges into perspective. • Have a plan. If you have a plan, you will know what to do, step by step. But, as I have said many times, keep the plan flexible. We never know in life what will be thrown our way and it is okay to alter the plan to be sure our overall goals are met. When I graduated from Oregon State University with my doctorate, a very dear friend presented me See DERR, PAGE 5
T. J. Jumper: Make the most of your talents By DEB NICKLAY
me jump out of bed every MASON CITY — T. J. morning.” Jumper is a “star” in the Jumper is eyes of a lot of people — the director making him a great of secondary choice as keynote speaker programs for at this year’s Star Class John Jumper event. Adams But Jumper will quickly Middle School and Mason tell you that helping oth- City High School. At the ers to become “stars” is point he was named prinwhat he’s all about. cipal of JAMS four years “I want to make a difago, he was among the ference in the lives of youngest principal everyone I come in conMason City has seen. tact with,” said Jumper, He learned early about 32. “That’s what makes achieving goals. Jumper deb.nicklay@globegazette.com
excelled academically and in sports — earning All-American status in track and sweeping the Class AA Illinois State Track high jump event with a jump of 6-11. He said he was inspired by his teachers and chose to enter the education field. Jumper recalled working in Chicago’s South Side during the summer of his freshman year in college, teaching classes to inner city kids. “I found I could connect with kids whose
lives were a whole lot tougher than the life I had — I realized I needed to make the most of the gifts I’d been given,” he said. Today, Jumper has become a pivotal administrator at the JAMS-high school grades 7-12 complex, playing an instrumental role in redesigning the programming to more accurately address the needs of its students. Jumper and his wife, Laura, have three children, Alyson, Ella and Jordyn.
What is Star Class? Since 1995, the Globe Gazette has recognized the “best of the best” of North Iowa graduating high school seniors during its annual Star Class event. This year is no different, as we honor and applaud the achievements of 230 students. Faculty, administrators and athletic directors are asked to nominate their top senior students who excel in one of seven categories: mathematics, social sciences, arts, science, music, language and technical education. They are also asked to choose their top male
and female athletes. Students are honored during a special event held at North Iowa Community Auditorium. Special recognition is also given to our Mike Burford Courage Award recipients, and our Partners in Education Money To Learn Scholarship winners. All students are featured in this special section of the Globe Gazette. The event is made possible by Partners in Education sponsors who, in addition to the Globe Gazette, are NIACC, Landfill of North Iowa and Walmart Super Center.
Congratulations RRMR Class of 2010
R-R-MR Star Class We are very proud of and support the RRMR Star Class of 2010
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SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010 • 5
Koehler, Bisbee are Star Class Money to Learn Scholars MASON CITY — Two North Iowa graduating seniors have earned the Globe Gazette’s Partners in Education Money To Learn scholarships to North Iowa Area Community College. Larissa M. Koehler of Rockford Senior High School and Bradford Bisbee of St. Ansgar High School will each receive $500. The awards were made on the basis on essays required of application with the theme, “What’s Below the Surface.” Both students talked of the many facets of their characters — not easily seen by others. “Determination is not visible to the outside but there is a ton of it below the surface,”
Koehler wrote, adding that she valued patience, a non-judgmental personality and good listening skills. She said her integrity was born of her faith and upbringing. Bisbee calls himself a “technology geek” who is also a swine and beef farmer. He has earned the Iowa FFA Degree, the highest state degree that can be bestowed upon a member. He has also volunteered for activities, including ringing bells for the Salvation Army.
ARTS Zoe Larson SCHOOL: BelmondKlemme High School PARENTS: Joe and Peggy Larson of Goodell. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Thespians, chorus, cheerleading, DiverLarson sity Team. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to study art at Iowa State University.
Megan Mahaffey SCHOOL: Clear Lake High School PARENTS: Amy and Michael Mahaffey of Clear Lake. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Basketball, football manager. Mahaffey POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North
SCHOOL PLANS: LaJames School of Cosmetology in Mason City.
Aaron Lauber
Abby Swancutt
SCHOOL: Ventura High School PARENTS: Scott Lauber of Clear Lake and Robin Lauber of Clear Lake. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: FFA POST HIGH SCHOOL Lauber PLANS: I plan to attend college and move to Colorado.
SCHOOL: Riceville High School PARENTS: Kerri and Dave Swancutt of Riceville. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Softball, track, volleyball, cross counSwancutt try, basketball, choir, band, speech and drama, National Honor Society, 4-H. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Wartburg College and major in music education.
Ana Maria Agustin SCHOOL: CAL Community School PARENTS: Herminio and Gloria Agustin HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Speech, school play, art shows. POST Agustin HIGH
production, football, track and field, large group Iowa High School Speech Wendel Association, individual IHSSA, German-American Partnership Program. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Northwestern College and study criminal psychology and theater. In extra curriculars, I will act in the drama department and long-jump on the track team.
Cody Fedeler
SCHOOL: Central Springs High School PARENTS: Alex Wendel David and SCHOOL: Charles City Jane FedelHigh School er of Manly. PARENTS: Mike and HIGH Kim Wendel of Charles SCHOOL City. ACTIVIFedeler HIGH SCHOOL TIES: Art ACTIVITIES: Fall play Club, band, Jazz Band, production, spring play See ARTS, PAGE 6
Derr: All the best shoes. You can steer yourself with a book. I had never any direction you choose. read this important piece You’re on your own. And of literary work before, you know what you know. but this time of year you And YOU are the guy will hear passages quoted who’ll decide where to go. frequently. And so, I will — (Theodore S. Geisel leave you with these and Audrey S. Geisel. Oh the thoughts… Places You’ll Go! 1990). Congratulations! Today is Beloved author: Dr. Suess. your day. You’re off to Great All the best, Places! Dr. Debra A. Derr You’re off and away! President You have brains in your North Iowa Area Comhead. munity College You have feet in your
Iowa Area Community College for the two-year graphic design program.
From Page 4
2010 STAR CLASS... you’re the BEST
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6 • SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
ARTS From Page 5
Pep Band, Honor Band, speech contest, drama, TAG, Future Problem Solvers. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College and major in art.
Saundra Vorland SCHOOL: CorwithWesley-LuVerne High School PARENTS: Kirk and Tammy Vorland of Hardy. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Cross country, Vorland dance, cheerleading, track, drama, SADD, JEL, volleyball. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College, then transfer to a university to major in social work.
Joshua Donald Weiner SCHOOL: Rockford Senior High School PARENTS: Jami and Ron Weiner of Rockford. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Wrestling. POST HIGH SCHOOL Weiner PLANS: I plan to become a chef.
Brittany Elizabeth Berte SCHOOL: Bishop Garrigan High School PARENTS: Dean and Mary Alice Berte of Livermore.
HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Quiz Bowl, math team, speech, cross counBerte try, National Honor Society, swim team, Relay For Life. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Creighton University in Omaha as a pre-med student.
Honor Society, speech, drama. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Luther College and major in music education.
Amber Sankey
SCHOOL: GarnerHayfield High School PARENTS: Rick and Denise Sankey of Garner HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Cheerleading, golf, Kaitlyn Dornbier basketball, volleyball, SCHOOL: Newman Sankey mock trial, Catholic High School PARENTS: Damon and Teen Council, FCCLA. POST HIGH SCHOOL Leslie Dornbier of Mason PLANS: I plan to attend City. North Iowa Area ComHIGH munity College for one SCHOOL year and then transfer to ACTIVIHawkeye Community TIES: FootCollege to study dental ball and basketball hygiene. cheerleadJessica Schlichting Dornbier ing, dance SCHOOL: West Hanteam, golf, baseball mancock High School agement, yearbook, the PARENTS: Steve and fall play, the spring musiLaura Schlichting of cal, speech, track, Prom Britt. Committee, PeacemakHIGH ers. SCHOOL POST HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVIPLANS: I plan to study TIES: None mechanical engineering POST at the University of Iowa HIGH with a minor in art. SCHOOL Anna Derdzinski Schlichting PLANS: I SCHOOL: North Butler plan to attend Iowa Lakes High School Community College for PARENTS: Patrick and collision repair and to Mary Derdzinski of become a custom auto art Greene. specialist, and eventually HIGH open my own shop. SCHOOL Selah Adonai ACTIVIZaldarriaga TIES: Band, SCHOOL: Forest City choir, Jazz High School Band, PARENTS: Jesus and Derdzinski Select Dorothy Zaldarriaga of Choir, Spanish Club, Sci- Forest City. ence Club, National HIGH SCHOOL
ACTIVITIES: Group speech, FCA, choir. POST HIGH SCHOOL Zaldarriaga PLANS: I plan on attending North Iowa Area Community College and then transfer to Iowa State University.
Sarah Odom SCHOOL: Northwood-Kensett High School PARENTS: Dianne and Bob Bailey of Northwood and Jeff Odom of Northwood. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Odom Band, choir, Jazz Band, Jazz Choir, yearbook, WCAT, Math Club, First Lutheran Youth Group. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to go to Northwestern College and major in music, possibly music therapy.
Ariel Grote SCHOOL: Hampton Dumont High School. PARENTS: Richard and Debbie Grote of Hampton. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Drama Club, InternaGrote tional Club, Art Club, Eco-Friendly Club, SADD, soccer, and vocal. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend LaJames College in Mason City.
Emily Ullmann
SCHOOL: WodenCrystal Lake-Titonka High School. PARENTS: Kent and Mary Ullmann of Titonka. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, basketball, softball, golf, speech, National Ullmann Honor Alex Kading Society, Helping Hands. SCHOOL: Algona High POST HIGH SCHOOL School PLANS: My plans are PARENTS: David and D’Ann Kading of Algona. undecided at this time. HIGH Andrew Little SCHOOL SCHOOL: Mason City ACTIVIHigh School TIES: Golf, PARENTS: David and football, Laura Little Academic of Mason Decathlon, City. large group HIGH K a d i n g speech, SCHOOL individual speech, theACTIVIater, and basketball, TIES: Acaintramurals. POST HIGH SCHOOL demic Little Decathlon, PLANS: I plan to attend speech team, drama Kirkwood Community department (plays), College.
choir, Show Choir, Follies, musicals, Boy Scouts, First Presbyterian Church youth group. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University for chemistry and economics. See ARTS, PAGE 7
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SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010 • 7
ARTS From Page 6
Devon Prestholt SCHOOL: Mason City High School PARENTS: Derek and Dawn Prestholt of Mason City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, Art Club, Honor Prestholt Choir, Mixed Choir and Varsity Choir. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to get a master’s degree for either business orphotography and open my own photography studio.
Faith Lau SCHOOL: West Fork High School PARENTS: Tony and Amber Lau of Thornton. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Drama, speech, choir, National Lau Honor Society. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College for two years in pre-pharmacy, and then transfer to a four-year university to major in pharmacy.
Chelsea Groth SCHOOL: St. Ansgar High School PARENTS: Alan and Lisa Groth of St. Ansgar. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Choir, Show Choir, speech contest, plays, musicals, Corn Bowl Conference Honor Choir, small and
large group music contests, boy’s varsity basketball manager, football manager, Groth DARE role model. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Hawkeye Community College for interior design.
Gretchen Skellenger SCHOOL: Lake Mills High School PARENTS: Alan and Willie Skellenger of Lake Mills. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Track, band, chorus, speech, Skellenger Jazz Band, Student Council, FCCLA, 4-H, Team Caution. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to go to Wartburg College for a communications arts major with an emphasis on theater.
Amanda Willmert SCHOOL: North Iowa High School PARENTS: Jeff and Deidre Willmert of Elmore, Minn. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Band, Jazz Band, Willmert choir, bowling, cross country manager, play set crew, musical, FCCLA, Quiz Bowl, speech, Student Council, yearbook, Big
Buddies, HOBY, TATU, track, National Honor Society. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Grand View University in Des Moines and major in graphic design.
Shianne Reisner SCHOOL: NashuaPlainfield High School PARENTS: Mervin and Julie Reisner of Plainfield. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: CheerleadReisner ing, band, choir, play productions, track, FFA. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to go to Hawkeye Community College for pediatric nursing.
LANGUAGE Natalie Perdue
High School SCHOOL: West HanPARcock High School ENTS: PARENTS: George and Karen and Janelle PerBrian due of Britt. Albertson HIGH of Leland. Albertson SCHOOL HIGH ACTIVISCHOOL ACTIVITIES: TIES: Speech (choral reading Speech, and spontaneous speakband. ing), Literary magazine, Perdue POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: Warwhoop newspaper, FCA, Link Crew. I plan to attend North POST HIGH SCHOOL Iowa Area Community PLANS: I plan to attend College and major in the University of Western English and minor in Sydney to become a high business. I will transfer to Waldorf College to com- school English teacher. plete my studies toward Brianne Kilborn an English major. SCHOOL: Northwood-Kensett High Hillary Albertson School SCHOOL: Forest City
PARENTS: Jodi Kilborn of Northwood and Tom and Coleen Kilborn of Mason Kilborn City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Band, choir, school play, volleyball. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Northwestern College in Orange City.
Joshua Hollinger SCHOOL: Algona High School PARENTS: Kevin and Paige Hollinger of Algona. See LANGUAGE, PAGE 8
Miriam Salamah SCHOOL: Osage High School PARENTS: Sarah Elliott of Osage and Wahab Salamah of Texas. HIGH SCHOOL
Your friends at OmniTel wish you success as you pursue your passion, follow your dreams and reach for the stars!
ACTIVITIES: Salamah Women’s Choir, Concert Choir, Show Choir (mixed and women’s), Concert Band, Marching Band, plays and musical productions, variety shows, drama classes and speech team. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Buena Vista University for theater arts or Kirkwood Community College for general education and then maybe to the New York Film Academy in New York City for acting in films.
6TUP;LS MS-20134900
8 • SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
LANGUAGE From Page 7
HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Baseball, cross country, track and band. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: Although still undecided, posHollinger sible plans include attending Northwestern College majoring in actuary science.
Tory Kalousek SCHOOL: HamptonDumont High School PARENTS: Debbie and Dwight Kalousek of Hampton. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Distributive Kalousek Education Clubs of America, Character Counts, Mock Trial, Students Against Destructive Decisions, band, volleyball, softball, varsity cheerleading, varsity dance team, Prom Central, Future Business Leaders, drama, Writer’s Club. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University with an undecided major.
Greg Post SCHOOL: WodenCrystal Lake-Titonka High School PARENTS: Allen and Susan Post of Woden. HIGH SCHOOL Post ACTIVI-
TIES: Speech, basketball, baseball, golf, Quiz Bowl. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa for a four-year business degree.
James Kay SCHOOL: Mason City High School PARENTS: Steve and Ellen Kay of Mason City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, Kay track and field, basketball. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Iowa and major in pharmacy.
Kristin Potts SCHOOL: Mason City High School PARENTS: Tim and Nancy Gibbons of Mason City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society, Potts Rotary International, cross country, soccer, Youth Ministry at St. Joseph’s parish. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University or Loras to play soccer with an undecided major.
Jacob Fraser SCHOOL: West Fork High School PARENTS: Michelle and John Fraser of Meservey. HIGH SCHOOL
ACTIVITIES: Track POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to join Fraser the National Guard and attend college to prepare for a career in the wind farm industry.
Kellie Schaefer SCHOOL: St. Ansgar High School PARENTS: Brian and Kimberly Schaefer of Stacyville. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Cross Schaefer country, track, basketball, softball, volleyball, band, choir, drama, National Honor Society, class vice-president, tutoring, FCCLA, JEL. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Iowa majoring in biology or chemistry in hopes of pursuing a career in cancer research.
Rebekah Peters SCHOOL: Lake Mills High School PARENTS: Anita and Bill Peters of Lake Mills High School HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Peters Junior and varsity athletics, community choir, YIELD, National Honor Society. POST HIGH SCHOOL
PLANS: I plan to attend a four-year private college with an undecided major. My second career will be centered on missionary work.
Kristine Milbrandt SCHOOL: North Iowa High School PARENTS: David and Ruth Ann Milbrandt of Buffalo Center. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Milbrandt Cross country, track, fall play, spring musical, choir, band, speech, FFA. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Wartburg College and major in writing with a minor in communication arts.
Lacey Flugge SCHOOL: NashuaPlainfield High School PARENTS: Kevin and Christie Schuchhardt of Nashua. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: TAG, Flugge Future Problem Solvers, play, volleyball, basketball. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend a four-year college and major in accounting or other math related major.
Brianna Lynn Funte SCHOOL: Osage High School PARENTS: Carrie and Edward Funte of Osage. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Chorus,
Show Choir, Student Council, volleyball, cheerleading, tennis, softball, Funte class officer, SADD, F.O.R., ballroom dancing, National Honor Society. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Buena Vista University in Storm Lake where I will major in media studies.
Amy Soma SCHOOL: BelmondKlemme High School PARENTS: Steve and Barb Soma of Belmond. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, basketball, track, softball, StuSoma dent Council, National Honor Society, thespians, chorus, swing choir, band, jazz band, Quiz Bowl. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I will attend Iowa State University and major in fashion merchandising.
Tanzeh Khan SCHOOL: Clear Lake High School PARENTS: Mohammed and Hosne Khan of Clear Lake. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Student Council, Book Khan Club, tennis, president of National Honor Society, newspa-
per and yearbook staff, editor of senior video, volunteer at library, president of senior class, tutoring. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to major in biomedical engineering at a four-year university.
Kim Hale SCHOOL: Ventura High School PARENTS: Jim and Linda Hale of Mason City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, cheerleading, theHale ater, track, band, Viking Buddies mentor program. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa.
Shelby Lee Schaefer SCHOOL: CAL Community School PARENTS: Lee and Jill Schaefer of Hampton. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: SoftSchaefer ball, volleyball, basketball, golf, Student Council, speech/drama, band, Jazz Band, 4-H, TATU. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Kirkwood Community College to study apparel merchandising and then transfer to Iowa State University to get my degree in apparel merchandising. See LANGUAGE, PAGE 10
SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010 • 9
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10 • SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University and study engineering.
LANGUAGE From Page 8
PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University and Mitchell Rainey SCHOOL: North Butler major in dietetics. Daniel Bodtke High School SCHOOL: NorthwoodSCHOOL: Riceville PARENTS: Todd and Kensett High School High School Karen Souhrada of AlliPARENTS: Cheryl PARENTS: Paul and MATH son. Cooper. Judy Tange of Riceville HIGH SCHOOL HIGH Elizabeth Bruns and Barry ACTIVITIES: Band, Jazz Katrina Even SCHOOL and SCHOOL: West HanACTIVISCHOOL: Bishop Gar- Band, choir, Select Choir, cock High School Suzanne National TIES: rigan High School Bodtke of PARENTS: Eric and Honor Football, PARENTS: Matt and Mason Ellen Bruns Society, basketball, Phyllis Even of Algona. City. of Britt. musicals track, Math HIGH SCHOOL HIGH HIGH Rainey and plays, Club, SciACTIVITIES: CheerleadSCHOOL SCHOOL Spanish ence Bowl, Quiz Bowl, Bodtke ing, softACTIVIACTIVIClub and Student Council. ball, basTIES: Football, choir, TIES: All-State. POST HIGH SCHOOL ketball, show choir, pep band, CheerleadSouhrada POST PLANS: I plan to attend track, cross concert band, basketball, HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: ing, Iowa State University. Bruns country, track and field, National I plan to attend the Uni- speech, fall Jay Nissen band, Quiz Honor Society, Student Nyle J. Larson versity of Northern Iowa play, Pep Club, FCCLA, SCHOOL: CorwithBowl, math Council, speech, Food Fellowship of Christian SCHOOL: Algona High and major in Spanish, Wesley-LuVerne High and Fitness. team, Athletes, TAG, National School learn sign language, E v e n School POST HIGH SCHOOL drama, Honor Society, choir. PARENTS: Roger Larstudy abroad in Spain, PARENTS: Jon and PLANS: I plan to go to speech, tech crew, Chris- and work as an interPOST HIGH SCHOOL son of Bode Mary Nissen of Corwith. tian Leadership volunNorth Iowa Area ComPLANS: I plan to attend a and Allison preter or translator. HIGH SCHOOL munity College for the teer. four-year university and Larson of ACTIVITIES: Football, electromechanical sysPOST HIGH SCHOOL Hillary Hayes major in math. Algona. basketball, tems technology proPLANS: I plan to attend SCHOOL: GarnerHIGH Sam Oanes track, gram. Iowa State University for Hayfield High School SCHOOL baseball, SCHOOL: Forest City an undecided major, posPARENTS: Doug and ACTIVIShelby Lewis drama, High School. sibly something in Jaci Hayes of Garner. TIES: BasSCHOOL: Charles City chorus, PARENTS: Mike and Larson human sciences. HIGH SCHOOL ketball,track, band, High School Laura Oanes of Forest ACTIVIbaseball, band, chorus, Alex Halsted weightliftPARENTS: Jeff and City. TIES: jazz band, Quiz Bowl. ing, Nancy Lewis of Floyd. HIGH SCHOOL: Newman CheerleadPOST HIGH SCHOOL Nissen National HIGH SCHOOL Catholic High School ing, color PLANS: I plan to attend Honor Society. SCHOOL ACTIVIPARENTS: Tony and guard, the University of Iowa POST HIGH SCHOOL Lori Halsted of Mason ACTIVITIES: Band, mock trial, and major in pre-mediPLANS: I plan to attend TIES: Volcross counCity. band, chocine. Buena Vista University or leyball, try, Honor HIGH SCHOOL rus, StuWartburg College and USA VolEvan Voelker Roll, track ACTIVIdent CounHayes Oanes study biology. leyball, basketball, SCHOOL: HamptonTIES: Bascil, Teen Student choir, solo and ensemble. Dumont High School ketball, Council. Elizabeth Elin Lewis ImprovePOST HIGH SCHOOL See MATH, PAGE 11 track, footPOST HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL: Rockford ment Adviball, baseSenior High School sory Team, golf, track, ball, jourPARENTS: Mary Elin FCCLA, YMCA volleynalism, Congratulations Stars of of Rockford ball, National Honor freelance and Mike Society, Community North Iowa! writer for Elin. Halsted Emergency Response Gameday HIGH We Wish You Team. • Carpet • Vinyl • Tile magazine, Dugout SplinPOST HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL the Best of Luck • Window Treatments ters, Maple Street Press ACTIVIPLANS: I will attend in the Future! • Fabric • Wallcovering and Twins magazine. TIES: either Wartburg College 113 N. Mill St. • Lake Mills, IA POST HIGH SCHOOL or Iowa Central to major Model UN, Mason City 641-592-2090 PLANS: I plan to attend Elin annual in dental hygiene. 519 Village Green Drive SW Susan Smith ~ Designer college and major in mass staff, Spanish Club, Big US Hwy 122 W by Menards Marcus Jon Cottrell Brothers/Big Sisters. CONGRATULATIONS communications and LAKE MILLS STAR CLASS POST HIGH SCHOOL journalism. SCHOOL: Central Springs High School PARENTS: Julie Cottrell of Manly. HIGH Cottrell SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, wrestling, track, choir, band, FPS, Jazz Band, National Honor Society, speech. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa and major in history/education.
PLANS: I plan to go to North Iowa Area Community College and then transfer to the University of Northern Iowa to get my bachelor’s degree in elementary education.
Abby Jo Souhrada
Congratulations, Star Class! ✩
Be proud of all your accomplishments. Your future is very bright! Best of luck to you, Star Class 2010!
SCHOOL: North Iowa High School PARENTS: Stephanie Dupont of Buffalo Center HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Cross country, track and Dupont field, football manager, volleyball manager, basketball manager, basketball, softball, Big Buddies, backstage
SCHOOL: Osage High School PARENTS: Bill and Brenda Weber of Osage. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Band, Pep Band, tennis, FTA, Weber Little Brother/Sister, cross country, FCCLA, F.O.R., SADD. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa, major in secondary education and teach math to junior or senior high school students.
Solutions for life.
Dalton Cullinan SCHOOL: Ventura High School PARENTS: Tina Cullinan of Clear Lake and Scott Cullinan of Clear
Tia Dupont
Alicia Ann Weber
SCHOOL: BelmondKlemme High School PARENTS: Tim Landgraf and Jan Libbey of Kanawha. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVILandgraf TIES:
SCHOOL: Clear Lake High School PARENTS: Michael and Diane Glynn of Clear Lake. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVIGlynn TIES: Swimming, tennis, con-
SCHOOL: Lake Mills High School PARENTS: Bruce and Diane Burdick of Lake Mills. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Iowa Boy’s State, trapshooting, archery (non-school Burdick related). POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College and go into IST.
Jess Landgraf
Nick Glynn
Thomas Burdick
SCHOOL: NashuaPlainfield High School PARENTS: Kevin and Diane Smith of Plainfield. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, track, Smith baseball, Student Council, FFA, band, National Honor Society, TAG program, Future Problem Solvers. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan on attending the University of Iowa and major in health and sports studies.
Band, drum major, three years of varsity cross country, thespians (production manager and chair of light crew), three years of varsity golf, National Honor Society, National Merit Scholar finalist. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Luther College, Decorah.
SCHOOL: Mason City High School PARENTS: Shelly Kent of Mason City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, baseball, track and field. Kent POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I Michelle Eden plan to attend the UniverSCHOOL: Wodensity of Iowa to study engiCrystal Lake-Titonka High neering and minor in math School or Spanish. PARKylea Thomas ENTS: Ron SCHOOL: West Fork and Pam High School Eden of PARENTS: Terry and Britt. Sherry Thomas of RockHIGH well. SCHOOL HIGH ACTIVIEden SCHOOL TIES: SoftACTIVIball, volleyball, golf, basTIES: Volketball, National Honor leyball, basSociety, speech, Student ketball, Council president, class cheerleadpresident. ing, track, POST HIGH SCHOOL Thomas softball, PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern FFA, 4-H, National Honor Society, Student Council. Iowa and major in POST HIGH SCHOOL accounting. PLANS: I plan to attend Olivia Crane North Iowa Area CommuSCHOOL: Mason City nity College for general High School education courses and PARENTS: Shirley then transfer to Allen ColCrane of lege in Waterloo for a Mason City, bachelor of science degree Michael in nursing and maybe conCrane and tinue towards a masters of Linda science degree in nursing. Peterson of Lauren Schaefer Nora SCHOOL: St. Ansgar Springs. High School HIGH Crane PARENTS: Brian and SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Cross coun- Kim Schaefer of Stacyville.
Cole Smith
Lake. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Trapshooting, golf, FFA, spring play Cullinan lighting crew, Concert Band, Pep Band. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to major in agriculture, fire science or wildlife sciences.
Tyler Kent
crew for musical. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Wartburg College with a pre-medicine/biology major and transfer to a medical school after Wartburg to become a pediatrician.
PARENTS: Tom and Carol Voelker of Latimer. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, cross country, basketball, track, tennis, soccer, band, jazz band, Calculus Club, youth group, Civil Voelker Air Patrol. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan on studying for a mechanical engineering degree and playing football, probably at Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minn.
HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society, track and field, Schaefer cross country, Student Council, basketball, student government, volleyball, drama, speech, choir, softball, band, FCCLA, JEL, German Club, Meals on Wheels, Fun Alternatives to Drinking. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I will attend the University of Iowa in the fall of 2010 to major in chemistry and then hope to be accepted into the university’s College of Pharmacy.
From Page 10
try, basketball cheerleader, soccer. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Gustavus Adolphus College, work towards a degree in dentistry or a field in mathematics; fall in love, and have a big family like mine.
SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010 • 11
Mason City • Charles City • New Hampton Alta Vista • Osage • Clarion • Kanawha • Latimer MS-20134604
12 • SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
MATH From Page 11
cert band, marching band and jazz band, mock trial, Model UN, Young Democrats, Make-AWish, Spark Youth Group. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan on attending either the University of Iowa or Minnesota to major in chemical engineering while following the pre-med track.
Justin Fitz SCHOOL: CAL High School PARENTS: Allan and Audrey Fitz of Dows. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Cross country, basketball, baseball, track. POST Fitz HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to go to Kirkwood and then to the University of Iowa and major in business.
ing the University of Pennsylvania’s Huntsman Program in international studies and business.
John Harringa
Becky Duryee of Marble Rock. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: FFA, baseball, track, cross country, wrestling, National Honor Duryee Society, choir, band, class officer, Character Counts. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Iowa as a pre-med student.
PARENTS: Dean and Liz Kellner of Livermore. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, Kellner track, 4-H, Math Team, National Honor Society. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University and major in agronomy.
SCHOOL: Central Springs High School PARENTS: Robert and Vicki Harringa of HanlonHarringa town. Todd Dummett HIGH SCHOOL Nick Kellner ACTIVITIES: Football, SCHOOL: Newman golf, baseball, National SCHOOL: Bishop Gar- Catholic High School Honor Society, Student rigan High School PARENTS: Paula and Council, Future Problem Solvers, band, choir, drama. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend a four-year university, followed by medical school.
Lindsey Pogge
SCHOOL: CorwithWesleyLuVerne High School Sean Michalson PARSCHOOL: Charles City ENTS: Jay and High School Daphne PARENTS: Erik and Pogge of Stephanie Michalson of Pogge Corwith. Charles HIGH SCHOOL City. ACTIVITIES: CheerHIGH leading, SADD, JEL, SCHOOL TATU, Student GovernACTIVIment class president, TIES: Footchorus. ball, track POST HIGH SCHOOL and field, PLANS: I plan to attend Michalson Charles Wartburg College. I will City Junior major in pre-medicine Statesmen Association, and minor in mathemat4-H, Student Improveics in hopes of becoming ment Advisory Team, American Association of a family physician. Teacher’s of German Daniel Duryee Exchange Program. SCHOOL: Rockford POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I will be attend- Senior High School PARENTS: Troy and
James Dummett of Clear Lake. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, wrestling, track. POST Dummett HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Iowa and major in biomedical engineering.
214 N Delaware Ave, Mason City IA, 641-423-3465 MS-20135297
Laura McGuire
SCHOOL: GarnerHayfield High School PARENTS: Mike and Adam Campbell Christie McGuire of GarSCHOOL: North Butler ner. High School HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS: Joseph ACTIVITIES: Speech, Campbell of Clarksville. Student Council, FCCLA, HIGH SCHOOL
MASON CITY Congratulations to all of you.
ACTIVITIES: Band, choir, speech, drama, National Honor Campbell Society. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University and major in software engineering.
Mason City
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MATH From Page 12
SADD, Teen Advisors, Mock Trial, concert band, marching band, chorus, yearbook staff, newspaper staff. POST HIGH McGuire SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Drake University in Des Moines for a degree in business administration and continue on to the Drake Law School.
Maria Green SCHOOL: Riceville High School. PARENTS: Jim and Doris Green, of Riceville. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: VolGreen leyball, basketball, track, softball, Wildcat Singers, band, choir, Flag Corps, Student Council, National Honor Society. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa, and major in social work.
MUSIC Jordan Daniel Manus SCHOOL: BelmondKlemme High School PARENTS: Dan and Sherry Manus of Klemme. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVIManus TIES: Football, golf, basketball,
SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010 • 13
MUSIC band, chorus, Thespians. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Des Moines Area Community College and then transfer to McNally and live an amazing life.
Kenneth Lu SCHOOL: Clear Lake High School PARENTS: Minh Lu and Nea Lu of Clear Lake. HIGH SCHOOL Lu ACTIVITIES: Jazz Band, Pep Band, Concert Band, Marching Band, Chamber Choir, soccer. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University and possibly major/minor in music.
Blair Berhow-Goll SCHOOL: Ventura High School PARENTS: Jennifer BerhowHanson of Ventura and Brian Goll of Klemme. HIGH SCHOOL Berhow-Goll ACTIVITIES: Basketball, golf, volleyball, Student Council, National Honor Society, band, vocal, theater. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Central College and study in its secondary education program and go on to become a guidance counselor.
Beverly Christiansen of Hampton. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball,
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Jim Becker, Agent
Carley Christiansen SCHOOL: CAL High School PARENTS: Dave and
basketball, track, softMarissa Yorgey ball, choir, mock trial, SCHOOL: Riceville FFA, National Honor High School Society. PARENTS: Joel and POST HIGH SCHOOL Linda Yorgey of Riceville. PLANS: To attend a fourHIGH SCHOOL year college and major in ACTIVITIES: National ag business. Honor Society, Boomerang, speech and
drama, basketball, softball, track, choir, band. POST HIGH SCHOOL Yorgey PLANS: To attend a liberal arts
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Kenneth Lu
Andrew Hansen
Annette Scherber
Levi Kellogg
Todd Dummett
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Clear Lake High School Science
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Clear Lake High School Technical
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Aaron Lauber
Amber Smith
Dalton Cullinan
Ashley Mahlstedt
Kim Hale
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Ventura High School Female Athlete
Ventura High School Math
Ventura High School Science
Ventura High School Language
Whitney Luscombe
Dean Berhow-Goll
Blair Berhow-Goll
Debbie Dyre
Ventura High School Technical
Ventura High School Male Athlete
Ventura High School Music
Ventura High School Social Science
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Megan Mahaffey
Kathryn Nieman
Tanzeh Khan
Ethan Tindall
Nick Glynn
Clear Lake High School Arts
Clear Lake High School Female Athlete
Clear Lake High School Language
Clear Lake High School Male Athlete
Clear Lake High School Math
Kenneth Lu
Andrew Hansen
Annette Scherber
Levi Kellogg
Todd Dummett
Clear Lake High School Music
Clear Lake High School Science
Clear Lake High School Social Science
Clear Lake High School Technical
Newman Catholic High School Math
Aaron Lauber
Amber Smith
Dalton Cullinan
Ashley Mahlstedt
Kim Hale
Ventura High School Arts
Ventura High School Female Athlete
Ventura High School Math
Ventura High School Science
Ventura High School Language
Whitney Luscombe
Dean Berhow-Goll
Blair Berhow-Goll
Debbie Dyre
Ventura High School Technical
Ventura High School Male Athlete
Ventura High School Music
Ventura High School Social Science
107 N. 4th St., Clear Lake 357-2111 www.cltel.com
16 • SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
MUSIC From Page 13
leading, student Christian college. Major governis undecided at this time. ment, SADD, JEL, Hayley Sweet SCHOOL: Charles City TATU, class president High School and chorus. PARENTS: Scott and Pogge POST Kelly Sweet HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: of Charles I plan to attend Wartburg City. College. I will major in HIGH pre-med and minor in SCHOOL mathematics in hopes of ACTIVIbecoming a family physiTIES: Tencian. nis, orchesS w e e t tra, volleyLarissa Koehler ball. SCHOOL: Rockford POST HIGH SCHOOL Senior High School PLANS: To attend a fourPARENTS: Ronald and year university and get a Stacy degree in mathematics. Koehler of Rudd and Brionna Sommers Jamie SCHOOL: Central Koehler of Springs High School Mason PARENTS: Michelle City. Moen of HIGH Nora Koehler SCHOOL Springs and ACTIVITIES: Solo and Jeff Somensemble contest, volmers of leyball, cheerleading, Maple drama, track, softball, Grove, National Honor Society, Minn. Spanish Club. Sommers HIGH POST HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: PLANS: I plan on attendSchool musicals and ing North Iowa Area plays, solo and small Community College for a group band and choir nursing degree. competitions, All-State Choir, speech contests. Beth Broesder POST HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL: Bishop GarPLANS: I plan to attend rigan High School the University of NorthPARENTS: Paul Broesern Iowa to study psychology and criminology. I also plan to join choir and concert band and the UNI theater.
Lindsey Pogge SCHOOL: CorwithWesley-LuVerne High School. PARENTS: Jay and Daphne Pogge of Corwith. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Cheer-
Way To Go North Iowa Star Class
der of Burt and Vivian Broesder of Algona. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Broesder Cheerleading, competition cheerleading, speech, softball, Concert Band, Marching Band, Jazz Band, Pep Band, solo ensemble, dance squad, National Honor Society, baton. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend college for an animal science degree.
POST HIGH SCHOOL Ben Snyder PLANS: I plan to attend SCHOOL: North Butler North Iowa Area ComSCHOOL: Forest City High School High School munity College and major PARENTS: Randy and in music education. PARENTS: Doug and Joan Moad of Allison Beth Snyder of Forest HIGH City. Danika Carlson SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL: West HanACTIVIACTIVITIES: Speech, cock High School TIES: PARENTS: Daniel and lead role in Band, Jazz musicals, Lisa Carlson of Britt. Band, football, HIGH choir, track, SCHOOL Select choir, Show ACTIVIMoad Choir, Choir, Jazz TIES: speech, drama, National Band, Choir, Honor Society, Science Marching Marching Snyder Club, Spanish Club, foot- Band, Pep Band drum ball cheerleading, class major, wrestling, church Band, Conofficer. worship leader. C a r l s o n cert Band, POST HIGH SCHOOL large group and individPOST HIGH SCHOOL Carter Kruckenberg PLANS: I plan to attend ual speech, drama, Pep ACTIVITIES: I plan to Berklee College of Music Club, JEL, yearbook staff, attend Bethel University SCHOOL: Newman in St. Paul, Minn., and and major in electric bass football and wrestling Catholic High School major in communications performance. cheerleading. PARPOST HIGH SCHOOL and minor in business. ENTS: Janessa Reding PLANS: I will be attendPatrick and SCHOOL: Garnering Hawkeye Community Nicki See MUSIC, PAGE 17 Hayfield High School College for professional KruckenPARENTS: Paul and photography. berg of Darla Reding of Garner. Mason HIGH City. SCHOOL HIGH Kruckenberg ACTIVISCHOOL TIES: ACTIVITIES: Football, Marching basketball, baseball, Band, Pep track, choir, band, New- Band, Con524 Main St • Osage IA man Knight Singers, His- cert Band, 641-732-3540 tory Club, speech, StuReding Concert dent Council. Choir, POST HIGH SCHOOL vocal jazz, Honor Choir, PLANS: I plan to attend a speech, drama, National four-year university and Honor Society, FCCLA, major in sports manage- YIELD, SADD, Teen Council. ment.
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SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010 • 17
ern Iowa to major in chemistry and music.
MUSIC From Page 16
Jazz Band, Pep Bands Lauren Severson Chamber SCHOOL: Northwood- Choir, Kensett High School Concert PARENTS: Scott and Choir, Tammy InternaSeverson of tional Club, Katz NorthSADD, wood. FTA, peer tutoring, track, HIGH Drama Club, speech. SCHOOL POST HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVIPLANS: I plan to attend TIES: Southwest Baptist UniverSeverson Choir, Jazz sity and major in music. Choir, band, Jazz Band, Andrew Bruns musical cast, individual SCHOOL: Mason City and large group speech, High School National Honor Society, Worth County Asset Team, State 4-H Council, National 4-H Congress, 4-H County Council, yearbook assistant editor, Math Club, FFA, Worth County Beef Team, softball, track, cheerleading. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: This fall I plan to attend Waldorf College and major in music education.
PARENTS: Carol and Dirk Bruns of Mason City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: All-State Honor Choir, Concert Choir, Symphonic Band, Mohawk Power, speech team, drum captain, Drama Club. POST HIGH Bruns SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of North-
Stephanie Ehlers SCHOOL: Mason City High School PARENTS: Steve and Beth Ehlers of Mason City.
HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Student Senate, speech, drama,
junior and senior drum major, Mohawk Power, Symphonic Band, Pep Band, Chamber Choir, Madrigal Choir, Show Choir, solo/ensemble See MUSIC, PAGE 18
“My son can earn a top-notch education without going so far in debt.”
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Alex Hagg SCHOOL: Algona High School PARENTS: Dan and Holly Hagg of Algona. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Basketball, golf, choir, football, baseball. Hagg POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I will be attending the University of Northern Iowa for pre-pharmacy.
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Morgan Katz SCHOOL: HamptonDumont High School PARENTS: Kevin and Ruth Katz of Hampton. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Concert Band, Marching Band,
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18 • SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
MUSIC From Page 17
ACTIVITIES: contests for band and Band, chochoir, summer musicals. rus, golf, POST HIGH SCHOOL colorguard, PLANS: I plan on attendGirl Scouts, ing the University of Student Northern Iowa majoring Council, Lair in family services and FCCLA, youth ministry. Sheltered Reality, speech. POST HIGH SCHOOL Kelsie Hoy PLANS: I plan to attend SCHOOL: West Fork Wartburg College to High School major in music therapy PARENTS: Allan and and music education. Kim Hoy of Rockwell. HIGH Holden Asmus SCHOOL SCHOOL: North Iowa ACTIVIHigh School TIES: SoftPARENTS: Harlan and ball, volAmy Asmus of Rake. leyball, HIGH SCHOOL basketball, ACTIVITIES: FFA, band, chorus. Jazz Band, Hoy POST choir, footHIGH SCHOOL PLANS: ball, track I plan to attend Des and field. Moines Area Community POST College and major in HIGH forensic science and SCHOOL minor in art. PLANS: I Asmus plan to Dillon Smith attend Iowa SCHOOL: St. Ansgar State University and High School major in ag business and PARENTS: Joe and also plan on auditioning Karla Smith of Stacyville. for the Marching Band. HIGH Joshua Lehman SCHOOL ACTIVISCHOOL: NashuaTIES: Plainfield High School Wrestling, PARENTS: David and drama, Shelley speech, Lehman of JEL, choir, Plainfield. Smith German HIGH Club. SCHOOL POST HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVIPLANS: I plan to attend TIES: North Iowa Area ComBand, Jazz Lehman munity College and Band, transfer to the University choir, chorale, cross of Northern Iowa for a country, basketball, golf, public relations major. baseball, National Honor Society, DARE, Foreign Kelli Lair Language Club, drama, SCHOOL: Lake Mills speech, TAG, Future High School Problem Solvers, Future PARENTS: Lynn and Teachers of America, Boy Donna Lair of Lake Mills. Scouts, church youth HIGH SCHOOL
SCIENCE four-year school to earn a HIGH degree in secondary edu- SCHOOL cation. ACTIVITIES: 4-H, band, Jazz SCIENCE Band, UNI Honor Joshua Hildebrand Band, StuHansen dent CounSCHOOL: Belmondcil, Model UN, National Klemme High School Honor Society, Juggling PARENTS: David and Todd Janka Club, prayer group, Beth Hildebrand of BelSCHOOL: Osage High mond. church youth group, misSchool sion trips, A Honor Roll, HIGH PARENTS: Dr. James earned awards in acadeSCHOOL and Kathleen Janka of mic excellence, academic ACTIVIOsage. letters and music letters. TIES: FootHIGH POST HIGH SCHOOL ball, basSCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend ketball, ACTIVIIowa State University to track, band, TIES: Hildebrand study engineering and National Choir, AllHonor Society, Jazz Band, then enter the Christian State Chomission field. Pep Band. rus, band, POST HIGH SCHOOL Ashley Mahlstedt Janka cross counPLANS: Undergraduate SCHOOL: Ventura try, wrestling, track, at the University of High School baseball, Big Brother pro- Northern Iowa with a PARENTS: Dean gram, Boy Scouts of graduate degree in physiMahlstedt of Fruitland America (Eagle Scout). cal therapy. and Karri Mintey of POST HIGH SCHOOL Andrew Hansen Washburn. Ashley lives PLANS: Iowa Army with her grandparents, National Guard for SCHOOL: Clear Lake Darold and JoAnn basic/advanced training High School Mahlstedt of Clear Lake. and attend North Iowa PARENTS: Jeff and HIGH SCHOOL Area Community College Sherry Hansen of Clear ACTIVITIES: Band, and then transfer to a Lake. group, volunteer work. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan on attending Wartburg College and majoring in secondary mathematics education, later hoping to find a teaching position and coach high school athletics.
Super Job!
choir, volleyball, FFA, Meister Singers, speech. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community Mahlstedt College for two years and then Iowa State University to major in clinical psychology.
Lindsey Bruns SCHOOL: CAL High School PARENTS: Steven and Karen Bruns of Alexander HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, basketball, softball, golf, track, choir, National Honor Society, Teens Against Bruns Tobacco Use (TATU), FFA. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend a four-year college and major in nursing. See SCIENCE, PAGE 19
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SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010 • 19
SCIENCE From Page 18
cross country, track SCHOOL: North Butler and field, Victoria Christensen High School intramuSCHOOL: Riceville PARENTS: Todd and rals. High School Roxanne Landers of POST PARENTS: Elizabeth Greene. HIGH and Kurt Christensen of HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL Riceville. Beaumier ACTIVIPLANS: I HIGH SCHOOL Dylan Kollasch TIES: plan to attend a four-year ACTIVITIES: SCHOOL: Bishop Gar- National private college for preBoomerang, basketball, Honor rigan High School med or biology major. choir, Society, PARENTS: Mark and Wildcat religious Kirsty Riggert Casey Heilskov Denise Kollasch of BanSingers, education, croft. SCHOOL: CorwithSCHOOL: HamptonNational Spanish HIGH SCHOOL Wesley-LuVerne High Dumont High School Honor Club, Flags. Landers ACTIVISchool. PARENTS: Scott and Society, POST TIES: PARENTS: Gary and Adele Heilcross counHIGH SCHOOL PLANS: skov of National Christine try, track. I will be attending the Honor C h r i s t e n s e n Riggert of Latimer. POST University of Northern Society, Badger and HIGH HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: Iowa for a year and a half SCHOOL baseball, I plan to pursue a bache- Mandie and then transfer to Allen golf, intraTracy ACTIVIlor of science degree in College for nursing. I will TIES: mural basStuder of nursing. Kollasch be at Allen for two and a ketball. Wesley. Football, Heilskov half years and then get a Kayla Ruth Wood POST HIGH SCHOOL HIGH basketball, job as a nurse. R i g g e r t PLANS: I plan on attendtrack, band, FFA. SCHOOL: Charles City SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, ing the University of Iowa Katie Schmidt POST HIGH SCHOOL High School and majoring in biology. basketball, football PLANS: I plan to attend PARENTS: Jim and SCHOOL: Garnercheerleading, dance Iowa State University. Trudie Morgan Dornbier Hayfield High School squad, softball, track, Wood of PARENTS: Tom and Joe Garrison SCHOOL: Newman drama, weightlifting. Charles Pat Catholic High School SCHOOL: WodenPOST HIGH SCHOOL City. Schmidt of PARENTS: Leslie and Crystal Lake-Titonka PLANS: I am going to HIGH Garner. Damon Dornbier of High School attend North Iowa Area SCHOOL HIGH Mason City. PARENTS: Leo and Community College to ACTIVISCHOOL HIGH Bobbie play softball then transfer TIES: VolACTIVISCHOOL Wood Garrison of to Iowa State University leyball, TIES: FFA, ACTIVICrystal to further my studies in track, band, full orchesFCCLA, TIES: VolLake. tra, National Honor Soci- physical therapy. Schmidt Student leyball, HIGH ety, School Improvement Council, Teen Council, Heidi Hain basketball, SCHOOL Advisory Team. National Honor Society, softball, SCHOOL: Rockford ACTIVIPOST HIGH SCHOOL newspaper and yearbook TIES: track, tenSenior High School PLANS: I plan to attend Dornbier staff, Just Eliminate Lies National nis, Garrison PARENTS: Douglas the University of Iowa (JEL), Mock Trial, StuNational Honor Society, and Jo Hain of Nora Honor Society, speech, and major in biology and dents Against DestrucProm Committee, footSprings. TAG. pre-med and then hope tive Decisions (SADD). ball statistician, care HIGH POST HIGH SCHOOL to go on to medical POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend center visitor, Newman SCHOOL school. Science Day, MacNider’s PLANS: I plan to attend ACTIVIIowa State University and Drake or the University of John Harringa School Art Exhibition, TIES: Cross major in biology. KIMT Student Athlete of Iowa and pursue a degree country, SCHOOL: Central in pharmacy. Matthew Little the Week. basketball, Springs High School POST HIGH SCHOOL Derek Beaumier SCHOOL: Mason City PARENTS: Robert and track, Hain PLANS: I plan to major in High School band, Jazz Vicki Harringa of HanSCHOOL: Algona High PARENTS: David and Band, choir, Swing Choir, chemistry or biochemlontown. School istry at the University of Laura Little of Mason FFA, National Honor HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS: Jim and City. Society, Student Council, Northern Iowa or a ACTIVITIES: Football, Beverly Beaumier, Algona. smaller college. HIGH SCHOOL drama, Model United golf, baseball, National HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Speech Nations, Pyramid PlayHonor Society, Student ACTIVITIES: Mock Trial, Council, Future Problem Solving, band, choir, drama. POST HIGH Harringa SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend a four-year university followed by medical school.
ers, Big Brother/Big Sister Program, Girl Scouts, 4-H, North Iowa Fair Queen. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Dordt College to major in pre-physical therapy.
Tanya Landers
team, Drama Club, vocal music, Science Quiz Bowl, Boy Scouts, Concert Little Choir, Mohawk Follies, summer musical, First Presbyterian Church youth group. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University and major in physics and philosophy.
Lindsey Hubbard SCHOOL: Mason City High School PARENTS: Steve and Lori Hubbard HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Trap shooting team, volleyball. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to Hubbard attend the University of Minnesota, Rochester to earn a bachelor of science degree in health sciences and then transfer to become a physician assistant.
Christina Hogan SCHOOL: West Fork High School PARENTS: David and Gerlinde Hogan of Dougherty. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Choir, speech, Hogan basketball, softball, National Honor Society. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend See SCIENCE, PAGE 20
20 • SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
SCIENCE From Page 19
North Iowa Area Community College and major in biology and then transfer to the University of Iowa to earn a bachelor’s degree in biology and then go on to study pre-med.
Rebecca Siemens
SCHOOL: North Iowa High School PARENTS: Stan and Marilee Siemens of Buffalo Center. HIGH SCHOOL Andrew Northwick ACTIVISCHOOL: St. Ansgar TIES: SoftHigh School Siemens ball, track, PARENTS: Byron and bowling, FFA, group and Melissa individual speech, band, Northwick Jazz Band, Student of St. AnsCouncil, yearbook, gar. TATU, fall play set crew, HIGH musical, chorus, Big SCHOOL Buddies, TAG, crossACTIVIcountry manager, Quiz TIES: Bowl, National Honor Northwick Choir, Society. Show POST HIGH SCHOOL Choir, football, drama, PLANS: Upon graduaNational Honor Society tion, I will be attending co-president, LYF. the University of NorthPOST HIGH SCHOOL ern Iowa in Cedar Falls. PLANS: I plan to attend There, I plan on obtainSt. Olaf College in North- ing majors in both comfield, Minn., going munications and leisure, through the pre-med youth and human serprogram and then going vices. on to medical college.
Amanda Huisman SCHOOL: Osage High School PARENTS: John and Vanessa Huisman of Osage. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society, Huisman Best Buddies, band, choir, speech, Girl Scouts. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa or the University of Iowa and major in communication sciences and disorders.
Nick Aitchison
SCHOOL: West Hancock High School PARENTS: Mike and Nedra Horstman of Britt and Tom and Heidi Aitchison Tanner Borglum of Forest Brittany DeVries SCHOOL: NashuaCity. SCHOOL: Lake Mills Aitchison HIGH Plainfield High School High School SCHOOL PARPARENTS: Don and ENTS: ACTIVITIES: Football, Melanie DeVries of Chris and wrestling, golf, baseball, Northwood. Danice track, FFA, speech, FCA, HIGH Borglum of church group. SCHOOL Waverly. POST HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVIHIGH PLANS: I plan to attend TIES: SCHOOL the University of NorthCompetiACTIVIern Iowa and major in Borglum tion cheerTIES: bio-medical and be Panleading, FCCLA, speech, National ther Pals. basketball Honor Society, Foreign cheerleadLanguage Club, play and Tyler Thorson DeVries SCHOOL: Forest City musical light and coning, ConHigh School struction crews, Future cert Band, color guard, PARENTS: Jaci ThorProblem Solvers, History volleyball. son of Forest City and Day. POST HIGH SCHOOL POST HIGH SCHOOL Jim Thorson of ThompPLANS: I plan to attend son. Tulane University in New PLANS: I plan to attend HIGH SCHOOL Orleans, La., and major in Iowa State University for ACTIVITIES: Cross engineering. psychology. country, basketball,
baseball, track and field, chorus, Link crew. POST HIGH SCHOOL Thorson PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University and study civil engineering.
Kathy Porter SCHOOL: Northwood-Kensett High School. PARENTS: Larry and Jodi Porter of Northwood. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society, Porter basketball, track, trap shooting, Math Club. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan on attending a four-year university and going into health or education.
SOCIAL SCIENCE Ariana Christ SCHOOL: West Hancock High School PARENTS: Glenn and Glee Christ of Britt. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society, drama, large group and individual speech, ChalChrist lengers, yearbook staff, Concert Band, Pep Band, 4-H. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan on attending Cornell College.
Laura Nelson SCHOOL: Forest City High School PARENTS: Bruce and Linda Nelson of Forest City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Choir, volleyball, basketball, Nelson cross country, Stu-
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dent Council, speech. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University and go into the medical field.
Nick Schiltz SCHOOL: Northwood-Kensett High School PARENTS: Leon and Polly Schiltz of Glenville, Minn.
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641-749-5341 We are proud of the 2010 Star Class. Good luck to you all. MS-20135193
SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010 • 21
HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, track, baseball, 4-H, class offices, TAG, Quiz Bowl, speech, National History Day, WCAT, Envirothon, National Schiltz Honor Society, band, Future Problem Solvers, Student of the Month. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan on attending the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, or South Dakota State to get my degrees in agronomy, crop science and agricultural engineering, and play football.
Karina Haas SCHOOL: Algona High School PARENTS: Howard and Sue Haas of Algona. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Model UN, Haas Mock Trial, Academic Decathlon, speech, theater, cross country, track, basketball manager, National Honor Society, Student Senate, band, color guard, Quiz Bowl. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Briar Cliff University and major in elementary education.
Isaac Hanson SCHOOL: HamptonDumont High School PARENTS: Kim and Steve Hanson of Hamp-
ton HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, tennis, Mock Trial, band, CalHanson culus Club, track. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend MIT or the University of Rochester to study mechanical engineering.
Eric Eden SCHOOL: WodenCrystal Lake-Titonka High School PARENTS: Steve and Anita Eden of Wesley. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Speech, National Eden Honor Society, football manager and camera man. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Northwestern College at Orange City and study computer science.
Amanda Wisner SCHOOL: Mason City High School PARENTS: Terry and Lori Wisner of Mason City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Varsity girls Wisner golf, piano, youth activities at First Covenant Church. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: Initially, I will attend North Iowa Area Community College with an interest in studying U.S. history and possibly personal fitness then
transfer to an Iowa university.
Matt Patchen SCHOOL: Mason City High School PARENTS: Jim and Terri Patchen of Mason City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Tennis, Patchen Stebens Children’s Theatre, National Honor Society, Concert Choir, Drama Club. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa and major in Spanish and minor in business.
Kayla Watson SCHOOL: West Fork High School PARENTS: Kurt and Holly Watson of Rockwell SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Band, chorus. POST Watson HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College and transfer to a fouryear university.
Brandi Weis SCHOOL: St. Ansgar High School PARENTS: Mark and Kim Weis of Stacyville. HIGH Weis SCHOOL
ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, football manager, golf, FCCLA, National Honor Society, Big Brother/Big Sister Program, choir. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College and major in graphic design and later transfer to a university.
PARENTS: Dave and Lori Fisher of Nashua. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVIFisher TIES: Football, wrestling, trap
shooting, Foreign Language Club, student body co-president. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to go to the University of Northern Iowa and major in computer science. See SOCIAL SCIENCE, 22
Tyler Gasper SCHOOL: Lake Mills High School PARENTS: Terry and Sheri Gasper of Lake Mills. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: YIELD, Gasper school musical, speech, band, chorus, Jazz Band, football, Boys State. POST HIGH SCHOOL: I plan to attend either Luther College or Lawrence University.
Holden Asmus SCHOOL: North Iowa High School PARENTS: Harlan and Amy Asmus of Rake. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: FFA, band, Jazz Band, Asmus choir, football, track and field, National Honor Society, Big Buddy. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan on going to Iowa State University and majoring in ag business.
Zach Fisher SCHOOL: NashuaPlainfield High School
West Fork
Congratulations to 2010 Star Class!
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22 • SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
SOCIAL SCIENCE Joshua Randall SCHOOL: Osage High School PARENTS: David and Lori Randall of Osage. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Student Council president, senior class president, cross country, track, wrestling, variety show, Randall plays, band, Luther League Youth Group, Osage High Towers 4-H Club, Mitchell County 4-H Youth Council, Boy Scouts of America Troop 1062, Eagle Scout. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: After high school I plan on attending Cornell College in Mount Vernon. There I plan on studying economics and business, in hopes of pursuing a career in business administration or finance.
Justin Meyer
SCHOOL: Clear Lake High School PARENTS: Connie Scherber of Clear Lake. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Band, color guard, Model UN, Scherber tennis, cross country manager, stage manager, speech contest, Zion After School Program (ZAP), drum and bugle assistant. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I will attend the University of Northern Iowa and major in social science teaching.
Debbie Dyre SCHOOL: Ventura High School PARENTS: Jay and Kamara Dyre of Ventura. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: VolDyre leyball, basketball, bowling, trapshooting, Viking Buddies, National Honor Society and vocal. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Kansas to major in special education teaching.
Brett Johnson SCHOOL: CAL High School PARENTS: Craig and Nancy Johnson of Latimer. HIGH SCHOOL Johnson
ACTIVITIES: Basketball, baseball, golf, Student Council. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to go to Iowa State University and major in education.
Kellie Switzer SCHOOL: Riceville High School PARENTS: Duane and Jeanette Losee of Riceville. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVISwitzer TIES: National Honor Society, Family and Consumer Science Club. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa Central Community College for two years and the University of Northern Iowa for two years to major in elementary education.
SCHOOL: Central Springs High School PARENTS: Mike and Christy Pope of Clear Lake. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, track, Concert Band, Pep Band, Pope Jazz Band, choir, Girls State. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University and major in biology.
Nathan Chambers
SCHOOL: CorwithWesley-LuVerne High School. PARENTS: Jonathan and Paula Chambers HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: FootKallie Spading Chambers ball, basSCHOOL: Charles City ketball, golf, baseball, High School drama, chorus, band, PARENTS: Matt and weightlifting. Tricia Spading of Charles POST HIGH SCHOOL City. PLANS: I plan to attend HIGH SCHOOL Iowa State University and ACTIVImajor in agricultural TIES: studies. Marching Jace Arends Band, Jazz Band, ConSCHOOL: Rockford cert Band, Senior High School full orchesPARtra, tennis, ENTS: Spading Fellowship Rochelle of ChristArends of ian Athletes, drama. Rockford POST HIGH SCHOOL and John Arends of PLANS: I plan to attend Crown College and major Rockford. HIGH in child and family minArends SCHOOL istries with a goal of ACTIVITIES: Track, enhancing world misfootball, basketball. sions. POST HIGH SCHOOL Jennifer Pope PLANS: I plan to go to
the University of Northern Iowa and become a math teacher.
Rebeccah Erdman SCHOOL: Bishop Garrigan High School PARENTS: Judy and Gary Erdman of Whittemore. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Quiz Bowl, band, Erdman choir, Math Team, Bear Facts radio show announcer, group and individual speech, drama, National Honor Society president. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Macalester College in St. Paul, and major in either anthropology or international studies.
Christine Meggers SCHOOL: Newman Catholic High School PARENTS: Mary and James Meggers of Mason City. HIGH Meggers SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, basketball, choir, yearbook, musical and speech. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend either Simpson or Drake and double major in history and business.
We’re Proud of You All! GRAIN MILLERS, INC.
605 Grain Millers Dr. P.O. Box 399 St. Ansgar, IA 50472 Ph. (641) 713-4801 MS-20135417
We Are Proud of the 2010 Star Class
Caitlyn Steere SCHOOL: North Butler High School PARENTS: Mike and Cindy Steere of Greene. HIGH SCHOOL See SOCIAL SCIENCE, 23
SCHOOL: BelmondKlemme High School PARENTS: Scott and Mindy Meyer of Belmond. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, cross Meyer country, basketball, track, baseball, Student Council, National Honor Society, New Group/Swing Choir, chorus. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Wartburg College and major in secondary education and run track.
Annette Scherber
From Page 21
308 W. 4th Street St. Ansgar, IA 50472
ACTIVITIES: Softball, volleyball, National Honor Society. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University Steere of Northern Iowa for accounting.
Caleb Prohaska SCHOOL: GarnerHayfield High School PARENTS: Don Prohaska of Garner and Shelly Prohaska of Garner. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, Prohaska drama, individual and group speech, Mock Trial, National Honor Society, FFA. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University and earn an engineering degree.
TECHNICAL Kalib Johnson SCHOOL: West Hancock High School PARENTS: Kent and Sybil Johnson of Kanawha. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Baseball, basketball, football, FFA. POST HIGH Johnson SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College and Iowa State
SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010 • 23
TECHNICAL University.
Rob Bauer
Chris Rayhons
SCHOOL: Algona High School PARENTS: Ron Bauer of Britt and Lori Neal of Algona. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: AHS News, Bulldog edition, Bauer radio show, Public Access, large group speech, individual speech, AHS drama, cross country, Kossuth Connections. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa Lakes Community College in Estherville for one year, and then transfer to a four-year college and study broadcasting.
SCHOOL: Forest City High School PARENTS: Lori Rayhons of Forest City and Dale Rayhons. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Track, basketball, Rayhons baseball. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College and then transfer to the University of Northern Iowa.
Megan Thofson SCHOOL: NorthwoodKensett PARENTS: Dawn and Steve Thofson of Northwood. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: 4-H, FCCLA, WCAT, Thofson speech, National History Day, Math Club, Spanish Club. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Rasmussen College online and major in business management.
Audrey Korth SCHOOL: Mason City High School PARENTS: Trevor and Candice Korth of Mason City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Tennis, Academic Korth Decathlon. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend a law school.
Tyler Ritland SCHOOL: HamptonDumont High School PARENTS: Richard and Debra Ritland of Hampton. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Concert band, jazz band, Ritland golf, basketball, FFA, 4-H. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University and major in agricultural engineering.
Sheric Hull SCHOOL: WodenCrystal Lake-Titonka High School PARENTS: Jeff and Susan Hull of Woden. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVIHull TIES: Speech, Quiz Bowl, National Honor Society,
class secretary and treasurer, dinner theatre, football, baseball and track. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to study omputer science at Northwestern in Orange City.
Josh Yezek SCHOOL: Mason City High School PARENTS: Scott and Glenda Yezek of Mason City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVIYezek TIES: Football, basketball, track, Table Tennis Club. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Iowa for an undecided major.
Hailey Duff SCHOOL: West Fork High School PARENTS: Rob and Michelle Duff, Thornton. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVIDuff TIES: Basketball, volleyball, softball, track. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College, then transfer to the University of Northern Iowa to pursue a career in accounting.
Dillon Follmuth SCHOOL: St. Ansgar High School PARENTS: Steve and Corrina Follmuth of Stacyville. HIGH SCHOOL Follmuth ACTIVI-
TIES: Football, basketball, golf, track, baseball. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to go to Kirkwood Community College and get my AA degree in liberal arts then transfer to get my degree in exercise science. I hope to have a career as a strength and conditioning coach.
Jordan Colby SCHOOL: Lake Mills Community School PARENTS: Dean and Kristin Colby of Lake Mills. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: FFA, Colby football, basketball, YIELD. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College and pursue a career in agriculture.
Foreign Language Club. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to Klobassa attend the University of Northern Iowa to obtain a bachelor of science degree in computer science.
Trevor Hejhal SCHOOL: Osage High School PARENTS: Tim and Donna Hejhal of Osage. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Wrestling, football, cross country. POST Hejhal HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa and join the Iowa Air National Guard.
Brett Stites
Kristopher Erdman
SCHOOL: North Iowa High School PARENTS: Reed and Krista Stenersen of Buffalo Center. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVIStites TIES: Fall play, musical, band, FFA, Big Buddies. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: Military - National Guard and attend Iowa Lakes Community College.
SCHOOL: BelmondKlemme High School PARENTS: Jim and Janette Swenson and the late Fred Erdman. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: FootErdman ball, basketball, golf, baseball, chorus, thespians. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend AIB College of Business in Des Moines.
Tyler Klobassa SCHOOL: NashuaPlainfield High School PARENTS: Wayne and Carol Hicok of Nashua. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: National History Day, drama, band, FCCLA, Student Council, basketball statistician,
Levi Kellogg SCHOOL: Clear Lake High School. PARENTS: Doug and Pam Kellogg of Clear Lake. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, See TECHNICAL, PAGE 24
24• SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
TECHNICAL From Page 23 wrestling, track, church youth group, Clear Lake Bank & Trust Junior Board of Directors, National Honor Society, honor roll, Academic Excellence, Student Council. Kellogg POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Coe College to pursue a career in medicine.
Whitney Luscombe SCHOOL: Ventura High School PARENTS: Brent and Michelle Luscombe of Thornton. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Basketball, volLuscombe leyball, choir, yearbook, Viking Buddies. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University to study design.
Spencer Kellison SCHOOL: CAL High School PARENTS: Cindy and Jon Wilson of Hampton and Chris and Brooke Poling of Coulter. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVIKellison TIES: Basketball. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: Navy.
Matthew Wright SCHOOL: Riceville High School PARENTS: Edward and
FEMALE ATHLETE Connie Funte of Osage. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football. Wright POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to go to WyoTech to become a diesel mechanic.
Lucas Baxter SCHOOL: Charles City High School PARENTS: Melvin and Alma Baxter of Charles City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, track, National Baxter Honor Society, band, FFA (welding contests). POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University and pursue an engineering degree in either electrical engineering or construction engineering, focusing on electrical management.
Laura Hutzel SCHOOL: Central Springs High School PARENTS: Steve and Sherri Hutzel of Manly. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society, cross country, track and Hutzel field, Manly Volunteer Fire Department member (cadet). POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Iowa State University and major in accounting.
Kelsey Casey SCHOOL: CorwithWesley-LuVerne High
School PARENTS: Michael and Barbara Casey of LuVerne. HIGH Casey SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, softball, chorus, dance, drama, weightlifting. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa for real estate and financial business.
Abigail Deetz SCHOOL: Rockford Senior High School. PARENTS: Loretta and Kevin Deetz of Floyd. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Pyramid Players, Swing Choir, Deetz Spanish Club, Model UN, basketball, cheerleading, chorus, FFA. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I will be attending the University of Northern Iowa in the fall of 2010 and will major in accounting.
Ashley Lambert SCHOOL: Newman Catholic High School PARENTS: Julie and Mike Lambert of Mason City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Yearbook, yearbook editor, eucharistic minister, honor roll, Lambert National Honor Society, tutor, football manager. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College.
Jamie Jacobs
SCHOOL: North Butler High School PARENTS: Brian and Susan Jacobs of Allison. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society, Student Council, basketball, softball, volleyball. POST HIGH SCHOOL Jacobs PLANS: I plan to attend the UniverJoe Golwitzer SCHOOL: Bishop Garri- sity of Northern Iowa and become an accountant. gan High School PARENTS: Dave and Karen Golwitzer of Algona. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Baseball, National Golwitzer Honor Society, basketball, intramural basketball, DARE role model. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa and get a degree in computer information.
Kevin Breister SCHOOL: Garner-Hayfield High School PARENTS: Paul and Lynne Breister of Garner. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, golf, basketball, track, baseball, FFA, Youth Breister Investing Energy in Leadership Development, Clear Lake Bank and Trust Junior
Board of Directors. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College for two years and then attend the University of Northern Iowa for two years, majoring in business.
FEMALE ATHLETE Cassie Sonius SCHOOL: West Hancock High School PARENTS: Paul and Ginger Sonius of Britt. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, basketball, track, softball, speech, choir, Sonius drama, Pep Club, National Honor Society, Student Council, JEL, FCCLA. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa and take classes to become an elementary teacher.
Maria Christine Levang SCHOOL: Forest City High School PARENTS: Linda Levang of Fertile and Nathan Levang. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Basketball, softball, volleyball, Link Levang Leaders, Quiz Bowl. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College for two years to play softball and do the physician’s assistant transfer program. I will
then transfer to a specialty college to continue studying to become a physician assistant.
Kate Hartman SCHOOL: NorthwoodKensett PARENTS: Steve and Lisa Hartman of Northwood. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, basketball, golf, Hartman track, softball, cheerleading. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Kirkwood Community College to play basketball and pursue occupational therapy.
Natalie Hackbarth SCHOOL: Algona High School PARENTS: Bruce and Jennifer Hackbarth of Algona. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, basketball, track, peer helper, SilHackbarth ver Cord. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Creighton University to play volleyball and major in journalism.
Chandra Hampton SCHOOL: HamptonDumont High School PARENTS: Dwayne and Chris Junker of Hansell. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, basHampton ketball, See FEMALE ATHLETE, 25
SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010 • 25
FEMALE ATHLETE band, chorus, print media, youth group. SCHOOL: North Iowa POST HIGH SCHOOL High School PLANS: I plan to attend PARENTS: Amy Walk of Rockhurst University in Buffalo Kansas City, Mo., to study Center, occupational therapy. Jerry PenDana Christensen ning of Thompson. SCHOOL: BelmondSCHOOL: WodenSadie Oakland HIGH Klemme High School Crystal Lake SCHOOL PARENTS: Darwin and SCHOOL: St. Ansgar -Titonka ACTIVIMonica High School High School TIES: VolChristensen Penning PARENTS: Gary and PARleyball, basof Belmond. Julia Oakland of St. AnsENTS: Jeri ketball, track, softball, HIGH gar. Fardal of FFA, FCCLA, Big Buddies, SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL Crystal chorus. ACTIVIACTIVILake. POST HIGH SCHOOL TIES: SoftTIES: HIGH PLANS: I plan to attend ball, volleyChoir, Show B a n n i s t e r SCHOOL college to receive a degree ball, basketChoir, ACTIVITIES: Softball, Christensen in athletic training while ball, track. National basketball, volleyball, golf. Honor Socirunning track and field. POST HIGH SCHOOL POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to run track ety, student Casandra Martin PLANS: I plan to attend at Iowa State University. governNorth Iowa Area Commu- ment, GerSCHOOL: Nashuanity College. Oakland Kathryn Nieman Plainfield man Club, High School SCHOOL: Clear Lake drama, volleyball, basketKati Wubben PARHigh School ball, track, softball, SCHOOL: Mason City PARENTS: Dave and wrestling cheerleader, Big ENTS: High School Lisa NieBrother/Big Sister, church Barry and PARKarleen man of Luther League, Meals on ENTS: Clear Lake. Wheels, Feed My Starving Retterath of David and HIGH Children, Waldorf Warrior, Nashua. Twila HIGH SCHOOL Volleyball Club, North Star Martin Wubben of SCHOOL ACTIVIVolleyball Club, YMCA Mason City. ACTIVITIES: Softball, TIES: Volgymnastics, AAU volleyball. HIGH basketball, track, crossleyball, basPOST HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL country, church youth ketball, PLANS: I plan to attend Nieman Wubben ACTIVIgroup, 4-H, Heart & Sole softball, Iowa State University and TIES: Volleyball, basketCafe manager at school, Clear Lake Bank & Trust major in engineering. ball, track, choir. National Honor Society. Junior Board of Directors. POST HIGH SCHOOL Darcy Nelson POST HIGH SCHOOL POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend PLANS: I plan on attend- PLANS: I plan to attend SCHOOL: Lake Mills Loras College to major in ing Buena Vista University Bethany Lutheran College Community High School biology and to play basketto continue playing softto major in sociology and PARball. ball and major in social play softball. ENTS: Ree work. Kayrene Stadtlander PedersonAmber Smith Moore of SCHOOL: West Fork Raelee Noel Sullivan SCHOOL: Ventura High Lake Mills, High School SCHOOL: Osage High School Jeff Nelson PARSchool PARof Forest ENTS: PARENTS: City. Bruce and ENTS: Chris and HIGH Nelson Judy StadtThomas and Lisa Smith SCHOOL lander of Donna Sulof Clear ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, Meservey. livan of Lake. track, softball and HIGH Osage. HIGH wrestling statistician. SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL POST HIGH SCHOOL Smith Stadtlander ACTIVISCHOOL ACTIVIPLANS: I plan to attend TIES: SoftSullivan TIES: Volleyball, basketcollege at the University of ACTIVIball, cross country, track, TIES: Basball, track, cheerleading, Iowa. basketball, volleyball, Stuketball, volleyball, track, golf, Student Council, dent Council, local blood drive, American Heart track, softball, FFA, SADD, Association. FBL. POST HIGH SCHOOL POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to play PLANS: I plan to attend softball at North Iowa Area Central College and major Community College and in exercise science. go into the nursing program. Nicole Bannister
Janie Penning
National Honor Society, Jazz Band. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend South Dakota State University and major in counseling and human services.
Lindsey Bruns SCHOOL: CAL Community Schools PARENTS: Steven and Karen Bruns of Alexander HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, basketball, softball, golf,
track, choir, National Honor Society, and Teens Against Tobacco Use, FFA. Bruns POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend a four-year college and major in nursing. See FEMALE ATHLETE, 26
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26 • SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
POST HIGH Kayla Wolthoff SCHOOL SCHOOL: Riceville High PLANS: I School plan to play PARENTS: Russell and softball at Nancy Wolthoff of North Iowa Riceville. Area ComJost HIGH SCHOOL munity ColACTIVIlege and earn a degree in TIES: Volelementary education. leyball, Kirsty Riggert softball, track, SCHOOL: CorwithcheerleadWesley-LuVerne High ing, School Boomerang, PARENTS: Gary and Food and Christine Wolthoff Fitness, Riggert of Student Council, class Badger and president, youth group. Mandie and POST HIGH SCHOOL Tracy StudPLANS: I plan on attend- er of Wesing the University of ley. Northern Iowa and major HIGH in public relations. SCHOOL Riggert ACTIVIMaddie Forsyth TIES: Volleyball, dance SCHOOL: Charles City squad, drama, football High School cheerleading, track, softPARENTS: Mark and ball, basketball, Donna Forsyth of Charles weightlifting. City. POST HIGH SCHOOL HIGH PLANS: I plan to attend SCHOOL North Iowa Area CommuACTIVInity College and play softTIES: Basball. After that I plan to ketball, attend Iowa State Universoftball, sity where I will study volleyball, physical therapy. class officer, F o r s y t h Abigail Kingery school improvement, FFA, drama, SCHOOL: Rockford 4-H. Senior High School POST HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS: Lynn and PLANS: I will be attending Dan Kingery of Marble an Iowa Conference four- Rock. year university to play volHIGH leyball and major in eleSCHOOL mentary education. ACTIVITIES: BasBrittney Jost ketball, SCHOOL: Central track, softSprings High School ball, volleyPARENTS: Lance and ball, StuKingery Lori Jost of Rock Falls. dent CounHIGH SCHOOL cil, Model UN. ACTIVITIES: Softball, POST HIGH SCHOOL volleyball, dance team, PLANS: I plan to attend wrestling manager, StuNorth Iowa Area Commudent Council, vocal music, nity College’s elementary church and church youth education program and groups.
MALE ATHLETE later transfer to the University of Northern Iowa.
Kelly Ann Klein SCHOOL: Bishop Garrigan High School PARENTS: Mark and Bev Klein of Algona. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, softball, basketball, track, National Klein Honor Society, Student Council, Christian Leadership, choir, math team, drama, band, speech. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Iowa.
Olivia Olson SCHOOL: Newman Catholic High School PARENTS: Patti Olson and the late Ron Olson of Mason City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Basketball, Olson softball, golf, cross country. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to play basketball at Wartburg College.
Carly Jacobs SCHOOL: North Butler High School PARENTS: Mark Jacobs and Janice Jacobs of Allison. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Basketball, softball, track, volleyball. Jacobs POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I
baseball, cross country, Student Council, National Honor Society, New Group Swing Choir, chorus. Libby Kropp POST HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL: Garner-Hay- PLANS: I plan to attend field High School Wartburg College to major PARENTS: Rex and Jen- in secondary education nifer Kropp of Klemme. and run track. HIGH Ethan Tindall SCHOOL SCHOOL: Clear Lake ACTIVIHigh School TIES: 4-H, PARENTS: Mark and FFA, Twyla Tindall of Clear National Lake. Honor SociHIGH ety, Student SCHOOL Council, Kropp ACTIVITeen CounTIES: Basecil, Teen Advisors, Students Against Destructive ball, track, football, Decisions, band, colorg hockey. uard, Mock Trial, cross POST country, basketball, track, Tindall HIGH softball, YIELD. SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to POST HIGH SCHOOL play football at the UniverPLANS: I plan to attend sity of Northern Iowa and Luther College and major pursue a career in denin biology. tistry. plan to attend Wartburg College and major in accounting/business.
MALE ATHLETE Justin Meyer SCHOOL: BelmondKlemme High School PARENTS: Scott and Mindy Meyer of Belmond. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, track, Meyer
Dean Berhow-Goll SCHOOL: Ventura High School PARENTS: Kevin and Jennifer Hanson of Ventura and Brian Goll of Klemme. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Band, Berhow-Goll vocal, Jazz Band, speech, basketball, golf,
football, baseball. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to pursue a degree in sports journalism at Iowa State University.
Tyler Krabbe SCHOOL: CAL High School PARENTS: Pam and Benji Fett of Latimer. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Basketball, football, track, golf. POST HIGH Krabbe SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend college.
Casey Anderlik SCHOOL: Riceville High School PARENTS: Tom and Karen Anderlik of Riceville. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, track, baseball, band. Anderlik POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend college but have not yet decided which one. See MALE ATHLETE, 27
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SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010 • 27
Nathan Buss SCHOOL: Charles City High School PARENTS: Jeffrey and Joyce Buss of Charles City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Cross country, basketball, Buss track. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa on a basketball scholarship and major in business management.
Ty Hedegard SCHOOL: Central Springs High School PARENTS: Tracy Hedegard of Plymouth HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, track, baseball, junior class vice presiHedegard dent, senior class president. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend college but which one is undetermined at this time.
Luke Wilhite SCHOOL: CorwithWesley-LuVerne High School PARENTS: Pete and Bonnie Wilhite of Corwith. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, track, weightlifting. POST Wilhite HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend either Iowa State University or Wartburg
and major in business administration and play football.
Brandon Wood
Newman baseball, golf, football. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: To attend college or play junior hockey.
FFA, FCA, Student Council. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend North Iowa Area Community College.
SCHOOL: Rockford Senior High School PARENTS: Tony and Kelly Wood of Rudd. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Basketball, golf, Student Council, Pyramid Players, Wood Character Education, FFA, Spanish Club, Big Brother/Big Sister Program. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan on attending college to play basketball.
Richard John Vickers Sam Arnold
Brett Joseph Capesius
Nick Svare
SCHOOL: North Butler High School PARENTS: Pat and Gaylene Vickers of Greene. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, track, basketball, National Honor Society, Student Vickers Council, band, Jazz Band. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to play football at a Division III or NAIA school.
SCHOOL: Bishop Garrigan High School PARENTS: Robert and Carol Capesius of Bode. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, track, baseball, National Honor SociCapesius ety, Student Council. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: To attend Iowa State University for veterinary medicine.
SCHOOL: Garner-Hayfield High School PARENTS: Peter and Cathy Svare of Garner. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Baseball, football, basketball, track, Svare Student Council, newspaper, yearbook. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Coe College and play baseball, majoring in education.
Andrew Burgmeier
Alan Horstman
SCHOOL: Newman Catholic High School PARENTS: Mary and Dan Burgmeier of Mason City. Burgmeier HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Mohawk Hockey Club,
SCHOOL: West Hancock High School PARENTS: Jeff and Nancy Horstman of Britt. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: FootHorstman ball, wrestling, track and field,
SCHOOL: NorthwoodKensett High School PARENTS: Kathy and Steve Arnold of Northwood. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, track, Arnold baseball, Student Council, National Honor Society, Math Club, WCAT, FFA, band. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa to major in pre-dentistry.
Chad Rutledge SCHOOL: Algona High School PARENTS: John and Jodi Rutledge of Algona. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Cross country, basketball, track,speech, National Honor SociRutledge ety, chorus. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan on attending the University of Northern Iowa this fall and major in biology. I will also run track.
Ethan Viet SCHOOL: HamptonDumont High School PARENTS: Donald and Donna Viet of Hampton. HIGH SCHOOL Viet
ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, track, baseball, drama, Future Business Leaders, FFA. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Upper Iowa University to play football and major in athletic training/physical therapy.
Jacob Finer SCHOOL: WodenCrystal Lake-Titonka High School. PARENTS: Greg and Julie Finer of Titonka. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, track, speech, vice president of junior and Finer senior class, captain of football and basketball teams, vice president of speech. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Northern Iowa.
Nick Pappas SCHOOL: Mason City High School PARENTS: Jeff and Cindy Pappas of Mason City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, track, Ping Pong Club. POST Pappas HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Augustana College in Sioux Falls, S.D., and play football on scholarship and go into a medical field.
Riley Ubben SCHOOL: West Fork High School PARENTS: Larry and Stacey Ubben of Sheffield. HIGH SCHOOL
ACTIVITIES: Football, basketball, track, golf, baseball. POST HIGH Ubben SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend a four-year college.
Ian Halliday SCHOOL: St. Ansgar High School PARENTS: Robert and Marla Halliday of St. Ansgar. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, wrestling, Halliday track, baseball, Meals on Wheels, Boy Scouts, choir, Show Choir, Luther League, FFA, Big Brother Program, drama, Spanish. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend college and get my BSN degree. I also plan to play football in college and hopefully start a family and settle down.
Jake Brekken SCHOOL: Lake Mills High School PARENTS: David and Lori Brekken of Lake Mills. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, wrestling, track, chorus, YIELD. POST Brekken HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to play football at the University of Northern Iowa and major in biology. See MALE ATHLETE, 28
28 • SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
Burford: Serious accidents haven’t derailed their academic careers From Page 3 affected as well. All the things that most take for granted were taken from him in an instant. Today, he can walk with some assistance. His speech continues to improve and he has rejoined his senior class. He is on pace to graduate in May. “Seth is a true warrior, and I am very proud to say that my brother is the most courageous person I have ever known,” his brother Kyle said. “Seth Neil Johnson redefines the word courage, and I am lucky to have experienced his strength first hand. I guarantee without a shadow of a doubt that he has
The Mike Burford Courage Award The Mike Burford Courage Award is named in honor of the late Mason City High School wrestling coach Mike Burford, who fought a brave fight against cancer before passing away in 1990. The award recognizes student athletes who have shown tremendous courage in facing significant health and/or family challenges. Nominations are made by high school athletic directors and principals in North Iowa. made our mother, grandmother, family and community proud with his courageous actions.” Overcoming a debilitating injury is something Tyler Olson has dealt with as well. The Lake Mills senior suffered a shattered spinal cord during the second football game of his junior
season on Sept. 5, 2008. Within days of the injury, Olson was in surgery at St. Marys Hospital in Rochester, Minn. In Lake Mills, seemingly everywhere you looked the insignia “T.O. 84” was plastered on windows, cars, wristbands or banners. Olson spent 18 weeks in intensive care at St.
wrestling, FFA, 4-H, member of Pleasant Valley United Church of Christ, volunteer for youth Wilken flag football program. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I will enroll in the police science program at Hawkeye Community College and possibly follow up with an additional two years at a four-year college.
Little Brother program, Student Council, class officer, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Pep Band, Marching Band, ballroom dancing, 4-H, Eagle Scout. POST HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: I plan on attending either Wartburg College or Northwestern College and play football. I will study business administration.
Mary’s. He then spent another 17 weeks at the Courage Center in Minneapolis, an inpatient/ outpatient center that
specializes in spinal cord and brain injuries. Olson was able to go home on May 19, 2009 — two days shy of his 18th
birthday. Olson is now a senior at Lake Mills and continues outpatient rehab at HeathRanch in Albert Lea, Minn.
“Our family will save $6,763* and our daughter can get the same 4-year degree as a university graduate.”
Benjamin J. Matson
SCHOOL: North Iowa High School PARENTS: Brent and Diane Matson of Buffalo Center. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football, baseball, baskeMatson ball, track, FFA, Big Buddies, mini NBA, church youth group. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend Bradley Ringhofer either Central College or SCHOOL: Osage High Wartburg College and pur- School sue a career in ag-busiPARness. I will also be playing ENTS: football. Mark and Susan RingCaleb Wilken hofer of SCHOOL: NashuaOsage. Plainfield High School HIGH PARENTS: Randy and SCHOOL Ringhofer Vicki Wilken of Waverly. ACTIVIHIGH SCHOOL TIES: Football, wrestling, ACTIVITIES: Football, track and field, baseball,
Let NIACC help your child’s dreams come true in these
Andrew Rosacker SCHOOL: Forest City High School PARENTS: Dan and Sheri Rosacker of Forest City. HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: FootRosacker ball, basketball, track, baseball, D.A.R.E. role model, peer tutoring. POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: I plan to attend the University of Iowa in the pre-med program.
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