The italian toys magazine pag 8

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Free to play

With its headquarters in Illasi, not far from Verona, the company is one of the top players in the Italian toys market. It operates throughout Italy with a widespread distribution, selling its products both to retailers and final consumers. Playing is a right for all children, nobody excluded: this is the claim which represents Globo's mission. Born in 1982 from as a small family business led by Carla and Giovanni Ortolani, after 35 years of activity, Globo is now one of the top players of the Italian toys market. Headquartered in Illasi, not far from Verona, it does not only work with distribution as a wholesaler, but it also sells directly to the final consumer, often anticipating market requests by exploring, selecting, checking and making available a great variety of toys and games. Its main brands are Legnoland, Vitamina G, Sbelletti, Kidea, Pelux, Spidko, Bimbo, Donna, Cubix, Family Games, Factory Sound, and W’Toy. With more than 3.000 items in its catalogue and the largest showroom in Italy (2.500 square metres on two floors), Globo is a benchmark company for all Italian professionals. With such a wide variety of toys to choose from, children are really free to play: Globo’s products encourage their creativity and imagination, let them express their hidden talents and, why not, make them learn by playing. In this way, Globo supports parents in every stage of their children's growth with educational, stimulating and safe games. Safety itself is an indispensable value and an ethical principle for the company, which is committed to creating products that are 100% funny and, at the same time, 100% safe. For this reason, Globo chose the reliability of certified laboratories, to guarantee that all

the products of each of its brands are safe, by subjecting them to severe checks and rigorous controls: from the age classification of toys to risk assessment, from physical and mechanical tests to chemical analysis, from electrical to flammability tests (especially in case of plushes and toys made of cloth or with padded material), with controls in every single production phase. In 2005, Globo also opened a trading company in Hong Kong, where all the toys constantly undergo qualitative tests that guarantee that every product is safe and reliable. The fact of being there, in the commercial heart of China, represents a further advantage in terms of knowing new trends before competitors, and keeping up with all the new products in the toy market. Globo operates throughout Italy with a widespread distribution network covering the entire domestic market, and it is able to reach both the small shop and the large surfaces of the mass distribution in a very short time. Furthermore, final consumers can buy a wide selection of products directly on Globo's website (www., without shipping costs. To communicate even more directly with its consumers, in 2014 Globo opened a Facebook page (, which has over 100.000 fan, but also a YouTube channel (, that shows many videos about its products, and of course also an Instagram profile (@globo_giocattoli).

Liberi di giocare Il gioco è un diritto di tutti i bambini, nessuno escluso. Questa la missione principale di Globo, una tra le più importanti realtà italiane del mondo del giocattolo. Nata nel 1982 da una piccola azienda famigliare condotta da Carla e Giovanni Ortolani, è oggi, dopo 35 anni di attività, tra i top player del settore. Globo – con sede principale a Illasi, a due passi da Verona – si rivolge non solo alla distribuzione, ma direttamente al consumatore finale, ed è in grado di anticipare le richieste del mercato esplorando, selezionando, controllando e rendendo disponibili una grande varietà di giochi. Con i suoi brand Legnoland, Vitamina G, Sbelletti, Kidea, Pelux, Spidko, Bimbo, Donna, Cubix, Family Games, Factory Sound e W’Toy. Globo è tra i punti di riferimento per tutti gli operatori del settore, con oltre 3.000 referenze a catalogo e lo showroom più grande d'Italia, ben 2.500 metri quadrati su due piani di esposizione. Valore irrinunciabile e principio etico imprescindibile per l'azienda è la sicurezza. Per questo Globo ha scelto la serietà di laboratori certificati per garantire tutti i prodotti di ogni suo brand, sottoponendoli a verifiche severe e controlli rigorosi: classificazione d’età del giocattolo, risk assessment, prove fisiche e meccaniche, analisi chimiche, prove elettriche, prove d’infiammabilità (soprattutto per i peluche e i giocattoli di stoffa o con materiale imbottito), controlli in ogni singola fase di produzione.

The Italian Toys Magazine - International Buyer's Guide - February 2018 / 8

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