Creative Sacred Living Magazine December 2014

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Creative Sacred Living MAGAZINE ISSUE 08 /December 2014


rpers once in wooden hall g chord would strike ngs like arrows pierced the soul t and low alike

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Highlighting some of our favorites from throughout the year

a moment quite as keen ry as bright and fire and music sweet the winter's night?


We've had a great year,

Thank you!

From The Editor ThankstoallthosewhohavecontributedandsupportedCreativeSacredLivingoverthis past year. As the last issue of the year is published I am putting the magazine on Hiatus. From the autumnal equinox and through the winter solstice I have been doing some deep soul searching and listening. I've been calling in and letting go in all aspects of my life... personal, creative, business. What I have come to feel is right with the magazine is to give myself time to put a few other projects I am working on in order so that I can again, give focus to the magazine and really help it emerge into what I have always felt it could be. Going forward in the new year, I am focusing on the development of new strategies and offerings that incorporate the best of what I originally intended Creative Sacred Living to be... A collabrative merging of creativity and the sacred. The magazine will be on hold for a couple of months in the beginning of the new year. I will continue to keep everyone updated on our plans. I thank you all for your encouragement and patience. To continue receiving daily updates , please follow Creative Sacred Living Magazine on our Facebook page and you can also join the Creative Sacred Living Community that will still remain active. Creative and Sacred Blessings in the New Year! Gloria

Decembers issue of the magazine contains selected articles that we personally enjoyed reading or had positive feedback on, from each issue of the magzine in 2014!

Artwork: Solstice Blessings by Gloria Gypsy


Entertaniment Expand Your Horizons

Life after death was never a concern for Dr. Andre Luiz. That is, until he wakes up feeling lost and confused in a darkened wasteland. What he has yet to realize, is that he has died and is now struggling with his afterlife. Lost in a dimension full of pain and suffering, he desperately yearns for redemption. His pleas are mercifully heard and he is rescued to an amazing city full of beauty and wonder. In the astral city, Our Home, Dr. Luiz begins a process of transformation that is full of surprising and enlightening experiences. It is this new life in the spiritual dimension where he can start over and bring true healing to himself and others. Spiritual medium Chico Xavier documented his visions of the afterlife in his best-selling book, Astral City. Xavier’s visions of life in an astral city that hovers in the upper layers of the Earth’s atmosphere are brought to life with an amazing score, by composer Phillip Glass, and brilliant special effects. Astral City: A Spiritual Journey - Official US Trailer

HEALING THE LUMINOUS BODY Alberto Villoldo, PhD., introduces and explains the luminous energy field that surrounds and informs our physical body like a blueprint of life. It is a secret of ancient shaman-healers that many of our physical and psychological problems stem from imprints within our luminous body. Dr. Villoldo unveils how to heal and recover from these destructive imprints and regain our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Join us as we travel to the Andes Mountains to learn the secret of the ancient Shamans, a secret that can lead all of us to health, happiness and beauty. It was here, that he discovered the wisdom of the luminous body from the indigenous shamans. This ancient knowledge reveals the secret of true health and happiness.

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There is one vibratory field that connects all things. It has been called Akasha, Logos, the primordial OM, the music of the spheres, the Higgs field, dark energy, and a thousand other names throughout history. It is the same field of energy that saints, Buddhas, yogis, mystics, priests, shamans and seers have observed by looking within themselves. It is the common link between all religions, and the link between our inner worlds and our outer worlds.



“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in a time, this expression is unique. And if you block will never exist through any other medium and wi lost.� ~Martha Graham

The Use of Phi in Painting Leonardo da Vinci's use of phi in his paintings exemplifies this principle. Phi is known by many names including the Golden Ratio, the Divine Proportion, the Golden Mean, and Mean of Phidias. It is represented by the equation:?=(1+?5)/2 or the irrational number 1.6180339887.... Phi In Art The use of phi when painting the human form or many natural elements helps the artist to establish the most visually appealing proportions for the contents of the painting. In figurative painting phi is used to create the correct balance between elements of the face,thebodyandthecompositiontocanvas.TheGoldenRatioisevidentinmanyareas of the human body including the ear canal, the separation between the between the pupils as compared with the separation between the eyebrows, the spacing between the mouth, chin, nose and forehead, the ratio between the legs and the torso and the segmentation of the fingers. Although few humans display these exact proportions extensive research by the Marquardt Beauty Analysis has found that the closer a person's physical appearance aligns to the Golden Ratio the more beautiful he/she is considered to be.

In nature, the Golden Ratio can be found in the shape of our galaxy, the crest of a wave, the branches of a tree, pine cones, flowers, shells and various other elements. In fact the prevalence of the ratio in our world is thought to be the reason for the inherent sense of beauty created when it is used in visual art.

How to Lay Out a Phi Based Canvas To properly lay out a phi designed canvas draw a diagonal from one corner to the opposite, from that diagonal draw a line at 90 degrees to a third corner. Then draw horizontal and vertical lines through the intersection point. If the grid is not to be subsequently divided the intersection point should be the focal point of the composition (often this is the horizon line). Countless subdivisions can be created to ensure balance throughout the work. Examples of phi based art can be found in the works of Da Vinci, Raphael, Monet, Dali and countless others. Da Vinci spent years perfecting his "phi framework" and used it throughout his art as well as his design work. Perhaps Pacioli was referring to the sense of perfection he felt when viewing art designed around phi.

MANDALA: ANCIENT TRADITIONS FOR PEACE AND HEALING The word Mandala originates from the Sanskrit that means center or magic circle. The two main components of the mandala are a circle and a center point. The circle is a symbol for eternity, a line with no beginning and end. In addition, the circle creates a perimeter, so that which is within the circle is protected and strengthened. The center point symbolizes unity, perfection, Higher Self or the Divine. The Navajo call this 'the spiritual place of emergence ' for sacred imagery. The circle is a universal symbol. It appears everywhere in nature that we chose to look: sun, moon, rings on a tree trunk, in a bird's nest or a lotus flower. It can be found in the iris of the eye or in the cells of the body. These are portals to the greater world, the unseen the Divine. Mandalas are a part of many spiritual traditions around the world. A major part of most eastern religious traditions, mandalas take the viewer

mind in a wordless meditation.

According to David Fontana, PhD. Author of Usually in Buddhist Learn to Meditate. traditions, the circle is 'Their images speak enclosed with a deity at directly to the unconscious, each corner, by absorbing producing an experience of the Deities into the profound harmony and a unconscious mind, the mystical sense of oneness viewer can shift their focus with the spiritual forces from the distractions of the that they represent.'• outside world into self awareness, love and In recent years, Mandalas healing. have been used to enhance Western medical practices. C.G. Jung the famous Swiss Psychologist instituted the Linda Cornell, PhD., has use of mandalas in Western been using this work to Europe as tools for help people in physical integrating the psyche and crisis create symbolic accessing the unconscious. healing. She used this in He believed that by putting combination with personal symbols in the traditional medicine when circle, the mandala itself dealing with her own had healing properties. cancer 'Combining these methods In Native American proved quite successful. I tradition, sand mandalas felt happy that I had taken are used for healing and sensible responsibility for teaching about life and my part in the cure while community. working in tandem with established medicine.'• In the realm of healing and holistic medicine, A number of years ago I mandalas are powerful participated in one of her forms of transformation workshops, I was and integration. They can personally amazed and in express anger, pain, grief, awe at the healing that and sorrow all within the came through. safe and sacred experience. One of my favorite Mandalas can show us exercises tapped into our where we have been and own ability to heal, to be where we are going. The conduits of Divine Light. process of creating is transformative in itself. The process of viewing can take us deeper into

This exercise is adapted from her book, Mandala Luminous Symbols for Healing.

radiate health and happiness, love and peace at any moment into the essence of who you are. Imagine the Divine Light Draw an 18 inch circle on coming through your hands black paper with a white and fingers as vibrant good pencil. Within the center health. draw a smaller circle. When you feel or have an Next use a white pencil to image of vibrant good trace the outline of your health open your eyes. Take hands and arms inside the your white pencil and draw larger circle. Leave the the vibrant good health center circle blank. image in the center circle. Draw very lightly. Have Then draw the Divine Light your hands overlap or coming from your fingers. touch in some way. Now When you have finished close your eyes. Feet flat on your drawing, step back the floor, hands in your lap. from it. Spend a few minutes just looking, Slowly take three deep contemplating the breaths. With each possibility that the answers inhalation bring in peace, are always within you. joy and love. With each There is a life force within exhalation, release tension, each of us that can be stress and worry. accessed and used to Keeping your heart and transform our lives. mind open, imagine Remember you have the bringing a golden light ability to heal yourself. down through the top of The final part of this your head, the Divine Life exercise is to write an Force through your head, affirmation affirming your neck and shoulders, arms, good health. I am healthy, into your hands and whole and complete. fingers. Concentrate on this I listen with love to my beautiful divine light body. The answers are moving through your body, within me. your lungs, your heart, your other organs. Feel the warmth and healing light moving into your pelvis, down your legs and into your feet and toes. Continue directing this Rae Luskin is an artist, love energy into all the teacher and community cells of your body. Know activist and the author of 'A that you have the ability to rt From My Heart, a self

discovery journal. A leader in nurturing self worth, resilience, healing and social change through creative expression, she is known as the 'Healed Heart Expert.' To find more go to www.r


In My Shoes with Deborah Jane Milton Committed to creative, sacred living, the lifestyle as well as the magazine, makes me want to articulate what those words mean. I turn first to the books by my bed, the ones I’m reading now, many of which have the word sacred in their titles, but I find no succinct definitions. Faith Nolton comes closest. Author of Gardens of the Soul – Making Sacred and Shamanic Art, she begins her book by describing what she means by sacred art: …sacred art is about our inner creativity, about reaching out to find the deeper layers of reality, the energy within forms, and recording in pictures what we discover. . .such acts of life-affirming art ‘making’ weave positive threads. . .(that) may repair broken strands of soul, or bring blessing and healing, and are gifts to Life and Spirit. . .(linking us) into a vital source of well-being. I appreciate Nolton’s words deeply since my painting and my writing serve to release the feelings that my body doesn’t want to hold tight. Repairing broken strands of soul – oh yes. Linking me to vital sources of well-being – oh yes. This winter, on a snowy afternoon, a friend died - while snug in her home - when a freak avalanche roared down the mountain slope into her backyard in suburban Missoula MT. The enormous paradox of that act of God shook me almost more than her dying. In the last few years, I’ve acquired a prayer painting practice and I knew my grief and horror would find both insight and solace there. The process of putting paint to paper, the hand holding brush doing this not that, the colors begging to be used, the textures showing up, the oddity of one big ear, the unplanned egg and the unexpected butterflyhuman, the white fanciful bird carrying soul thread, my willingness to be in the flow for several days straight all that is what I call my prayer painting practice. That intuitive painting process relieved the pressure of shocking grief and brought illumination to and appreciation for the human tightrope we always walk – precious moments balanced between this breath IN and that breath OUT, always...until the body ceases living. I gave this painting to my friend’s best friend who accompanied her in the hospital throughout the days she lingered in her body after being rescued. C’s eyes glistened as she said, “You have no idea all the stories, the facts, the symbols you’ve embodied in this painting. You have no idea…” And I didn’t and still don’t. What I do know is that I – 500 miles away nonverbally communicated with both of my friends and their shared experience. Such communion is beyond words. Such communion is being in touch with mystery. My bodymind gave itself over to the nonquestioning process of painting the image that needed to show up. In that immersion I experienced grace.

Copyright Deborah Jane Milton. All Rights Reserved

That’s sacred. I look up the word sacred in the New Oxford American dictionary. Sacred means: connected with God or the gods or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserves veneration. Regarded with great respect and reverence. That dry, institutionally oriented definition doesn’t describe the potency of the sacred for me, nor the intimate relationship of creative expression and sacred experience. Painting to heal, writing as a journey to truth, communing soul to soul, breathing in the wild, spontaneous singing, dancing, playing, making authentic love, observing children, witnessing birthing and dying, creating that way, creating this way, opening to Creator creating through me in so many ways, all that makes my cells hum, my cheeks flush and eyes flash, sometimes sparkle with tears. My arms get goosebumps and I vibrate with an “energetic something” outside myself - that also includes myself. I’m cocooned in experience and forget self-judgement, comparison, worry and fear. Time morphs. I am fully alive. That sounds like ecstasy to me. And that’s sacred! Awe, wonder, grief and terror, all engage our awareness with something greater than ourselves, which is humbling to the human who thinks she’s in control. By the by, have you ever noticed that if you switch the “a” and the “c”, sacred becomes scared? I think that’s relevant. By exploring all our dark feelings, our fears and destructive impulses, through creative practice, we make room for love, compassion and the heart’s healing to flow back into our bodyminds. That’s sacred . . .and the gift of creative sacred living for me. PS. Here’s the trailer for a relevant 2005 movie by Velcrow Ripper: Scared Sacred – Unwrap the Darkness, Reveal the Light.

Deborah Jane Milton, PhD



Willowing Arts

CRONES CORNER Where did I go?

Beyond the veil of this reality, Standing by the ocean of eternity. I hear the waves and the echoes of the distant voices... Women's voices,centuries past and centuries in the future... My voice,our voice ... Remember ,never forget to be a single soul, an eternal soul speaking of connection,love,and humility. Behind me stands a mountain,purples and lavender hues,supporting holding the bones of our ancestors. What I hear now is a voice united by ALL. Do not go away without rekindling the flame , the flame that burns in every womans heart. the flame that is the light in you, for generations to come. To heal the past and give hope to the future... That is your gift...each and every one of you my dear sisters. It is TIME to blow on the embers and create a FIRE. A Fire that cannot be missed. A Fire that engulfs the souls of the earth and burns with a passion, a passion to embrace the gift of life which you have been given. Today is a gift , Treat it as such. Do not wastewhat is your heart. Be kind and gentle but also strong and sure. Wild and free. Life is not meant to be lived in a box made ofsafety nets.. Security is an illusion ,freedom is not part of security. Freedom comes with Trust. Trust can only be gained by living....the experience. No time for hiding behind a mask. Remove the mask , The one you wear, the one that allows you to fit in... Magic is at your fingertips. Embrace who you are and they will come and they will become who they dream about. Trust and take chances. It is only in the risk that true virtues and gifts are illuminated. Sisters unite.. Do you hear deep in your soul, A CALLING.....

Jotree's Heart & Soul Connections Lets Connect!

You Are Enough


Flora Bowley in her studio painting, shot by Zipporah Lomax, music by Kyrstyn Pixton. Be inspired at Click below for a unique perspective on the creative process

Sacred Living The spiritual path is simply the journey of living our lives. The spiritual path does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it. You are born of spirit. Set your Inner spiritual being free.

THE FOUR ELEMENTS Rituals at Hot Mineral Springs

By Lisbeth Alexander

Have you ever taken a trip just for you? That's what I did last weekend. What a wonderful way to relax and enjoy the company of "your own self!" Last weekend I took an impromptu, wonderful, long overdue trip to the nearby Hot Springs. It is only a few hours away and the drive there and back was relaxing, with only a few folks on the highway who seemed like they needed to soak and relax at the hot springs a little more than I did! (Chill out guys! You'll get there maybe five minutes faster by being a jerk and are probably taking years off of your life time!) Anyway, it was a beautiful winter day, and even though it was the weekend, there weren't a lot of people also visiting the Hot Springs. The other people who were there spoke a cornucopia of different languages. It was lovely to lay back, relax, and Zen out to the sound of conversations I couldn't understand. While I was there, I did a mini ritual in my head. Just from soaking in the exceptionally hot water, I felt so peaceful and grounded. It was wonderful and I wanted to take advantage of that feeling of groundedness. I mentally cast my circle and felt enclosed in a blue bubble of protective light. I called in the Elements and thanked them for being with me and protecting me. Then I spent some time thanking the Goddess and God for all the wonderful things I have in my life; my home, my children, my friends, my family, etc.!

It was at that point that I realized that the hot springs are all four elements rolled in one. Earth and the North were comprised of the minerals from deep inside the earth. Air from the East was represented by the steam that lifted off the surface of the water into the cold winter day. Fire and the South were tangible in the temperature of the water. And finally, the West, water; so medicinal and cleansing. As I soaked and thanked the elements, I looked up to the burning sun; the God. Just slightly to the east was the moon; the Goddess. I felt complete. All the Elements, the God, the Goddess; all combined to give me their blessings. As my mind drifted from Element to Element, I was blown away by what a perfect place the Hot Springs are to worship this planet we call home. So, the next time you have the chance to visit some Hot Springs, go. Don't think twice. Just GO! And perform a healing ritual while you are there. Call in the Elements. Invite the Goddess and God. Thank them for the many, many blessings they have given to you. Thank them for the challenges they have given you and think of how (at least some of) those challenges have turned into blessings. Be happy and joyful. Smile! And on your way back home, ignore those rude drivers on the highway.

Lisbeth Alexander is on a spiritual journey, learning about Pagans, Wicca, and her connection to our Mother Earth and the Divine. Read her latest blog below

New Witch Musings

Sacred Geometry

Designs of Creation and the Symbols of Wholeness

The Tree of Life is also one of the most familiar of the Sacred Geometry Symbols. The Tree of Life configuration forms the key to God's original creation. The Tree of Life is often used in the Kabbalah teachings as a sign of unity and love. Even though the structure of The Tree of Life is connected to the sacred teachings of the Artist Joma Sipe Jewish Kabbalah it can also be Sacred geometry symbols seen in other traditions such come from the patterns of as the ancient Egyptian. The nature, spirit, and various Tree of Life is explained in the mystical concepts. Behind all Sefer Yetzira or "Book of sacred geometric symbols is Creation." The book explained the knowledge that enables us the creation as a process to take complete control over involving the ten divine our lives, taking us out of numbers (sefirot) of God the chaos, fear and hatred which Creator and the twenty-two affect so many of us. letters of the Hebrew According to ancient wisdom, alphabet. The ten sefirot all is one! In truth, there is only together with the twenty-two a "Oneness" or a great letters constitute the "thirtywholeness at the foundation two paths of secret wisdom." of all creation and this "Oneness" can be illustrated by the symbols of sacred geometry. All peoples and all religions are from one and the same source (God) and we are all together in this vast quantum ocean (the Zero Point Field) of timeless love. The universal and timeless designs of sacred geometry have been created by artists for thousands of years to represent their ancient knowledge derived from thousands of years of mystical experience. A perfect example of a sacred geometry symbol is The Tree of Life which is considered the most sacred geometry symbol.

The Flower of Life is another outstanding example of sacred geometry. It is a beautiful circle containing thirteen spheres that hold many mathematical and geometrical laws. The overall effect creates nineteen flowers with six petals each. The Flower of Life can be found in all the major religions of the world and can be seen in many of the ancient temples of the world.

Quantum physics will someday be much more fully understood through the study of geometrics and higher dimensions. All of nature ultimately has the origin of its expression through sacred (eternal) geometry. All the laws of the universe are based on the quantum interaction of geometric energies of various dimensions. Math is a universal language, and geometry is a way of expressing that language. Geometry is the organization of space within which all objects happen. Every object is geometrical. Every natural object has geometry built into

its very structure. The electron clouds that make up the shapes of every atom, for instance must be in the form of three-dimensional patterns. And, of course, all solid objects are made up of these geometrically shaped atoms.

Amazing works of art have been mysteriously appearing throughout the world in cropland such as cornfields, etc. Whether they are just the result of ordinary human artists or not, crop circles have inspired millions with their beauty and elegance and possible otherworldly origin. Many UFO sightings, alien sightings, and other unusual phenomenon have been seen and felt around or near crop circles. The crop circles are a universal art form thriving on mystery and anonymity. Crop circles do sometimes appear to mimic atoms or the orbits of alien solar systems. If intelligent life from other worlds and dimensions is visiting the planet we live on, then most likely they are wisely remaining hidden and obscure until humankind is ready to evolve out of the darkness and conceitedness it

has struggled with for centuries. It has been said by Bashar (Channeled through Darryl Anka) that in 2012, an "extraterrestrial quarantine" will end and Earth will from then be considered "safe" for visitors from other worlds to land on. The universe is consciousness learning about itself. One can see in the beautiful and universal designs of sacred geometry the connectedness of all things. Sacred geometry embodies the notion that all of nature is organized geometrically. And all this geometry is not limited to the third dimension, but possibly extends into countless other dimensions and even the dimensions of the spirit or soul. What happens when one closes one's eyes in front of a strobe light?

One sees something quite remarkable: amazing geometric patterns and swirls very similar to some of the designs found in crop circles and in the Flower of Life that timeless geometric symbol often found on the floors and walls of of some of the most ancient temples ever discovered. The universe is

consciousness learning about itself!

Geometry is the ultimate basis of all reality. It is only through the dimensions of geometric space that all things interact in an orderly pattern just as a geodesic sphere, all life forms, and natural crystal structures for example reflect various universal laws such as those of mathematics and those of physics. What is energy? An object with energy is a threedimensional object in motion: either spinning, moving through space or both. In the real world, the fourth dimension (or fourth direction) of time is essential if any sort of motion is to exist. Energy is therefore nothing more than fourdimensional geometry! There really is no motion, only in the way a four-dimensional object is observed makes it appear that it is in motion. The real source of all energy

lies in the interaction of the higher dimensions of space with the lower ones. The real source of all intelligent design lies in the formation of geometric shapes (such as crystals) as they interpenetrate all the dimensions of space. Geometry becomes sacred when it is studied (observed) in the context of universal spiritual truth. The realm of three dimensional space seems to extend outward forever. However, the fourth dimension which is time also seems to go on forever, but it eventually must, by its sheer gravitational weight, spiral into itself back toward the past over a distance of billions of light years as each cycle of creation repeats itself perhaps in a slightly different way each time. However the fifth dimension, which is the abode of all possible motions, and having infinite potential energy, because it's so concentrated and so heavy, must by its own sheer weight immediately collapse and therefore curl back into itself within the distance of an atom's width. All space has the bizarre property of having an electromagnetic shimmering at subatomic distances creating a constant "white noise" sound that can be heard between stations on any FM radio. Zero point (or "free") energy is therefore not just a theory, but something that can actually be observed, measured, and oftentimes heard on any FM radio. There is almost unlimited energy

available within every cubic meter of space. The only things preventing its full utilization is skepticism, its extremely fine level of extension, and the right technology.

The realm of the atom is the gateway to higher dimensions beyond the four of space and time. At atomic scales all kinds of bizarre things happen: quantum particles reappear and disappear, waves become particles and particles turn back into waves, all causation melts into probability (either location or velocity is allowed but never both), and time often comes to a stop, is distorted, or even sometimes goes slightly in reverse. Subatomic particles are so minute that they easily fit in and exist well within the vibratory influence of the waves, twists and turns (multidimensional geometric curls) of space-time extending into the five dimensions of all probabilities and possibilities beyond time and space. Under the influence of zero point energy, subatomic particles jump around at an incredible speed giving them many times more mass and far more

solidity than they would if no five dimensions existed. The complex geometry of five dimensional space, where the uncertainty principle causes tremendous turbulence, is an everlasting source of energy that sustains all the building blocks (atoms) of creation. If this were not so, what would sustain electrons in their orbits? How or where would energy even exist or come about in the first place? The five-dimensional geometry of subatomic space is the ultimate source of all energy. Five-dimensional geometry is not only the source of all creation, but is also the sustainer of all creation which in turn is sustained from higher sources such as the sixth, seventh, eighth and even higher dimensions each being many times more tightly curled and concentrated as the number increases. Any particle of matter is where electromagnetic energy (light) has "lodged" into one of these multidimensional geometric curls.

The sequence of higher dimensions of sacred geometry may go on forever, however each one collapses

into much more concentrated and much tighter and finer vortices than the ones beneath them in a way similar to the fractal images created by mathematicians using modern computers. The three and four dimensions of space is the familiar reality of life and its history, however, the fifth dimension is the cosmic borderline where time, space and causation start breaking down into a universal oneness or wholeness. The gateway of the fifth dimension is an "event horizon" into eternity. Rather than being an eternity of chaos, it is an eternity of perfect order or perfect, transcendental (sacred) geometry. Beyond the four dimensions of time and space, lie the higher dimensions of reality where there is no more distance inverse to the square, no more cause and effect, only an eternal consciousness, perfect stillness, wonderful wholeness, and infinite knowledge where any part of creation can be explored and enjoyed from a single point of perfect love. The psychic phenomena of remote viewing and astral projection and the yogic powers of seeing and hearing at a distance are all evidence of the existence of this great truth.

subatomic energy structures to the forms often seen in crystals and even life itself such as the nautilus shell and the pattern on the shell of a tortoise.

All matter is electromagnetic energy (or light) trapped inside higher dimensions of space. The geometric organization of higher dimensions embedded in space is the source of all consciousness, intelligence and energy. The ancient and timeless symbols of sacred geometry intuitively mimics the great designs of creation from the higher dimensions of

There is no greater thing of beauty, value and joy as wholeness!

Russell Symonds (Shaktivirya) has dedicated his life to finding wholeness and is living the "wholeness" lifestyle. His website, Science of Wholenes is a spiritual and nutritional information and research center dedicated to helping you find your keys to wholeness (everlasting joy, love, bliss, rejuvenation, and much, much more). Wholeness can be many things and his website not only discusses all the different aspects of wholeness but also all the different ways toward wholeness.

Sacred Artwork used for this article by Joma Sipe w


Growth Perhaps the most important realizat ion that an individual can make in their quest for personal growth is that there is no single formula that defines the path to personal success.

Thoughts Worth Catching

with Renee Avard

RENEE'S THOUGHTS WORTH CATCHING I will not bore you with words that are to reside the past I'd rather bring the light forward to show you how Life changes fast

Letting Go... Release

There is such a calmness about choosing to hang out. There is a wonder in seeing when from you are on a ride ofangle. remorse the world a different When there is a freedom from everything carried and going down the slide of guilt on a daily basis, and the view is flipped, there is such a sweet release and a moment holding onto pain from divorce of deep This all leads andbreaths. feeling your insides tilt to a quiet understanding that this is the break that has been a long time coming. you are cheating yourself of being completely here from being at peace and being happy by going against The enlightenment received your is determination can tell the grain about the best there is. There is such a relief because finally things are how to move past all of the fear

being let go and it is okay to do so. Also, things are being looked at from a different anglelife and be solved faster because of this. is problems a long storycan builtoften from creation there are twists, turns and setbacks So I am learning – to leave the past in the past. I am learning it is going to be okay forward movement and dedication being spunwill around theifbetter and my world not to end I justtrack release the hold. Resistance to being off the hook

is strong but I have determined that I am stronger.

through the love we feel deep inside we are able to see the world's reflection Anne of Partain put it beautifully. it was a major A-ha moment for me. “I think heart whispers and love we And decide letting gowe means the perception outcome to the Source.” (and put whatever word for and realizetrusting it's all about

Source in there that feels right to you: Life, God, Spirit, the Goddess, Divinity, you get focusing on that the creation of gorgeousness the point). Isn't just a beautiful way of looking at it? It definitely spoke to me and allowing Life to do its remarkable thing and I have had an easier time letting go ever since. brings us to a state of immense loveliness we are blessed daily by what Life does bring

I do not claim to know all of the answers. But what I do know is there is so much that I do not miss that Ito thought one point I could not live without. For instance, I thought bring dreams life and at hold a high standard I would gothe belly side when we stopped turn wheel andup inspire amazing moves subscribing to cable television. But I follow this and then day we can edge didn't.weAnd I know, in this and age,forward you can still watch a lot streaming, but not all. youfeel realize you don'tI am havemissing anythingout. to prove And I and don't as though I have moved past so many excess things I thought I had to have and I am better because of it. believe in the best version of who you are trust that your identity is not just your story Whattake do you needand to wish release? a chance upon a star this Life is meant to take you to pure glory ©2014. Renee Avard

As an eclectic Spiritualist with focus on Earth-Based Spirituality, Renee AvardFurlow, the “Unique-tivity Guide�, created a business to be a Holistic and Spiritual endeavor assisting in bringing out the unique and creative side each person already has inside them. Forever learning, Renee is both a student and a Guide here to show all how to allow your Star inside to lighten Life outside. Renee imparts the wisdom needed for everyone to know and accept that we are ALL worth catching. Follow Renee and her endeavors at the following:

@ReneeAvard Facebook

What is the Womb Blessing? “The Womb Blessing returns our female nature back to its sacredness and awakens and restores our female energies� The Womb Blessing energy grows with every woman taking part, bringing greater healing to women worldwide. The Blessing is available to all women whether they currently have a womb or not, or have a cycle or not. The Divine Feminine energy is for all of us. The only condition for the Blessing is that young girls must have had their first Moontime to receive the energy. If we have a meditation practice, or a yoga or exercise practice, we do it regularly to benefit from the effect it has on us and to help us to maintain its positive effects throughout our lives. It is exactly the same with the Womb Blessing. Each Worldwide Womb Blessing is a step on a continuing journey of healing and transformation. A Free distant Womb Blessing Attunement from Miranda Gray Find out more at

The Womb Blessing

Creative Soul Poetry with Teresa Brouwer

“And it is your spirit-will and energy, and virtue and purity-that I want, not alone with your brittle frame.” Charlotte Bronte’, Jane Eyre

Automatic Writing Automatic writing is an amazing way to channel your higher self, spirit guides and passed loved ones. It’s when you allow spirit to communicate through you and allow yourunconsciousmindtotakeoveryourwriting.Thisformofwritingisagreatwaytotap into your higher wisdom and a wonderful way to allow your true essence to surface. Believe it or not, many of us have experienced automatic writing without even realizing it. Have you ever wrote in a journal, an article, on a blog and found yourself pouring out words as if something took over? Do you find yourself writing a masterpiece and then unable to write it again? Have you ever created a piece of art but unable to create the same work again? Here are some tips on how to get started: Setting the tone: Light some candles Start with a mini-meditation Try visualization and breathing techniques Call forth angel guides and spirit guides. Ask for their guidance Let go

Chakra Connection: The crown chakra (Sanskrit: Sahasrara) is located at the top of the head. It is known as the “open door” where spiritual awareness is received. Connecting to our energy fields/chakras is an easy task. Close your eyes and focus on the area above your head. Visualize a white light surrounding the area similar to a halo. Release any thoughts and simply allow yourself to envision a beaming white light. Ask and you shall receive: Ask your angel guides to surround you in a white bubble for protection and keep a black tourmaline or black onyx near your area. With any type of meditation and spiritual work, share your intentions with the universe and spirit guides. Release any thoughts and allow the answers to come through. The Writing Process: On a piece of paper or computer, write a question (I prefer handwritten myself). Allow the information to download and flow with ease without taking pen off the paper. Try not to think too hard and write down what comes to mind; even if it’s one word, write it down. There are several ways to do automatic writing: one is allowing spirit to communicate through you or it can be used as a meditative state (I prefer the meditative state) where you write down what you feel and hear intuitively: your higher self. Similar to meditation, you simply let go of idle chatter as you allow your inner self-awareness to take over. Automatic writing in a nutshell is simply writing without thinking. Trust your intuition andyourwisdom;believeinwhatyouhearandfeel.Everyonehastheirownwayofdoing thiskindofwork;findasystemthatworksbestforyou.Ifyoufearordon’thaveanydesire to allow spirit to communicate through you, the meditative state writing is a great alternative.

Creative Living Coach & Intuitive "I use creativity and healing as coaching tools towards helping others lead a creative abundant life in body, mind and spirit. I love to inspire others turn their everyday lives into a personal playground filled with love, joy, happiness and creative play" facebook.creativesoulpoetry

AN AUTHENTIC HOWL It was a simple question asked in the midst of a discussion that challenged perspectives. "What does love require?" A simple question with complicated answers. Months later, I am still hearing those words, weighing and measuring my behaviors, actions, and thoughts. Though there was a time that I understood the reasoning behind the question, it now sits stale within my mouth. The meaning has flat-lined. It began in childhood and followed me most of my life. What would Jesus do? What does the Bible say about that? What would the neighbors think? What does a good wife, good mother, look like? What would an artist healer do? What indeed would love require? I am weary of asking myself such questions, trying to figure out how to act, how to behave, according to something outside of myself. I am not rejecting a moral compass. I am merely pushing myself deeper and wondering if asking myself these type of questions, predicting answers, and tweaking my behavior and actions accordingly is just a modification of me. In doing so, I am not offering my true self to

the world. Instead, I am an altered version of myself. I sense that there is another way to live. What if love is all that I know? What if I nurtured love within myself to the extent that nothing but love was my motivation? What if I became love? In other words, I don't want to just do random acts of kindness. I want to be kind. I don't want to just engage in a compassionate way of living. I want to be compassionate. I don't want to just make a gratitude list. I want to be grateful. I don't want to just figure out what love requires. I want to be love. Is it possible? Can anyone really just be love? Aren't we merely a sum of our choices and our behaviors? I think it is possible and I certainly don't want to be defined solely by my choices and behaviors. I believe that if I know myself as love, if that is my guiding perspective, then my choices and behaviors will align ever more closely with love. What now? How to make that shift within? It begins with the narrative that I tell myself. Previously, my story has been one of brokenness. I was the wounded girl.

with Cynthia Lee The damaged goods. The one needing someone, something, some other to heal her and make her whole. I was incomplete without that outward guidance. Changing that storyline has not been easy. In fact, asking myself, "What if I am not broken?" challenges everything I have ever believed about myself. There is a great and terrible fear that rises up when one questions the personal narrative. Without the identity of brokenness, who would I be? So begins the quest to discover who I am. I am kind. I am compassionate and understanding. I am generous with my time and energy. I am good. I am love. It seems audacious to make these claims. Who am I to say such wonderful things about myself? Who am I not to? Given half the chance, I wouldn't hesitate to tell anyone else all the wonderful things I see within her or him. So why not offer that same gift to myself? If I am convinced of the good and love within myself, I have nothing but good and love to offer the world. It begins with me.

Cynthia Lee has released herself into the wild where she is recovering her natural instincts and her inner wisdom through the healing process of intuitive art. She lives her uncaged life as a wife, mother of many, mi-mi of two, artist, and lifelong learner. She rattles the cage, weaving words, asking deep questions, raising her voice to the moon, calling forth other spirited ones, the wild-hearted women who are seeking their own authentic howl at SPIRITUNCAGED.COM


Awaken Your Soul Awaken Your Soul is an 8-week e-course filled with over one hundred heartfelt questionsandjournalingpromptstojumpstartyourdreams,goalsandwritingprocess.If you are ready to start an amazing journey and tap into your creative self - then this ecourse is for you. About Me: I have been in the creative business for more than 20 years. I am a published author, Freelance Writer and Healing Arts Life Coach. My passion is combining creativity and spiritual practice as a way to heal self and help make dreams come true. I truly believe that tapping into our creative selves is the answer to our dreams. Benefits of Creativity: Self Awareness and Expression: when we take the time to create, we delve into our emotions and discover our feelings of fear, joy, pain, anger, desires, anxieties, dreams and happiness. PersonalGrowth:creatingsacredspacewithincreativityandthewritingprocesshelpsus tap into our emotions and seek our own truth. This wild adventure leads us towards an amazing journey filled with endless possibilities. Freedom: creativity allows us to take risks, to let go and simply set our spirits free. Spiritual Awareness: when we create we tap into our higher self. We connect with the Universe, Buddha, Mother Earth, God, Angels and/or a Higher Power. The creative process helps to find answers from within and we awaken our souls. Throughout this Course You Will: Tap into blockages that are keeping you from moving forward. Knock down barriers and open up a path for your spirit to soar. Celebrate Life. Awaken Your Soul. Today, we will celebrate life, dreams and goals, life experiences, feelings and memories. The time is NOW to embrace peace from within, connect to your soul, achieve goals and capture dreams! Set yourself Free and fly!

Click Here to joi:n the Awaken Your Soul online course

Creative Soul Poetry with Teresa Brouwer

"I use creativity and healing as coaching tools towards helping others lead a creative abundant life in body, mind and spirit. I love to inspire others turn their everyday lives into a personal playground filled with love, joy, happiness and creative play"


Spiritual Ecology

“Mystical experience of nature can be of particular relevance to our troubled age, bringing deeper into our consciousness and emotions the logic that nature sustains humanity as humanity must, in turn, sustain nature. Rationality alone, however, cannot be our guide in the task of restoring our environment. A spiritual connection to nature must inspire the emotional commitment that is the yin, complementing the yang of intellectual understanding.� -Carl von Essen

O Druidess take me as you would an oak: soak my limbs in lavender and hew them with a golden sickle. hang my eyes with mistletoe. pull out my ribs in pieces and cast lots on green earth beneath you. dream of me inside your oxen bigger than the boughs that spread above in darkness masking moonlight and our stars crossed by iron crossed by bronze and the falling pattern of bones torn gently from my hands. meet me in the bog beyond time where perceptions murky swirl slowly touched not by wind but by staves pushed half heartedly by the bearded men stuck there on solid ground. by Nathaniel Smith

Photography copyright Matthew J. George


Silence stillness immensity forest stretching endlessly snow covered, quietly breathing its tremendous, wide, conifer expanse And the sough of wind rising and falling Most beings here , plant or animal, are melded into this spacious and soul-purifying landscape As is the human But the human is also, at least in part, separate from the land. And human nature can discern, by way of the 12 senses, aspects and nuances of the natural world through these 12 portals.

The snow sifts down into the forest, falling windless and so light as to seem almost weightless, afloat in place. A deep silence holds sway, an ocean of stillness that invites entry. And there is space enough here for any size contemplation.

the landscape. Distractions are reduced sound is muffled and visibility is confined to a radius of a few feet (of course it goes without saying that one has to exercise care, bring a compass and be good at orienteering, or you can end up in oblivion!)

In the northern, boreal realm, across this endless range of semi-homogenous evergreen forest radiating its steadfast and grounded, robust energy - across the conifer deep - here and there, an accent counters the etheric expanse with an astral focus, an animal being raven, jay, squirrel-hunting marten, wolf, moose, or chickadee.

Overall, the Spirit of the boreal forest - the heart of the boreal forest landscape, like the heart of one of its trees, one senses, is golden, intricate, warm despite the climate, perhaps because of the climate, to counterpoint the cold.

Tracks in the snow tell the stories. A snowshoe hare nips birch tips from a fallen tree. A luxuriously furred marten pursues a red squirrel. Unless the squirrel quickly makes it to one of its underground dens it will become the marten’s meal. Sometime in the night the wolf came near. It came to investigate who was howling in the evening, howling like, yet unlike, another wolf (it’s own sense of language revealing that, although the sound of my howl seemed very similar to a wolf’s, there was a subtle difference). It came near enough to discern the scent of human presence, approached as near as it dared, always keeping a periphery of safety as it circuited the area of the cabin.

In sharing this encounter with nature through the twelve senses, I will begin with the outermost, least penetrating sense and proceed to the deepest-registering sense (please note that the following presumes a basic understanding of the 12 senses. If the reader wishes to prime him/herself on this subject, use the links under “Further Resources” at the end of the article. Alternatively, information is readily available by entering an internet search via “12 senses” - and adding “Rudolf Steiner” can be helpful): Touch.

The longer I touch the snow and ice here, the number grows this sense. Then, in turns, it is awakened by prickle of conifer needle, rasped by bark, or caressed by the soft feel of usnea moss. Whatever the sensate experience of What curiosity was left unquenched? And in touch, I have to admit that it defines my the daylight I could feel the wolf watching me separation, the self’s bounds, or at least the from somewhere in the woods, as I went out on physical body’s self-bounding. I do touch the frozen lake to investigate the passage of nature with this sense, but only her outermost its own movement, the story told by its tracks. surface, a Braille of rebuff, no entry past the outermost edge. As we continue down this list, Surely, from the wolf’s point of view, it we enter, increasingly, into the inner nature of experiences the most challenge of things. But the sense of touch is the most interpretation (in a sense, the wolf’s level of external. conceptual sense) from the human community. As is well known, the wolf can read, very For example, when the wind gusts across my intimately, the comings and goings, the various face, my sense of touch feels the impact of that aspects of, the moose, and other inhabitants of gust, but my sense of temperature registers its immediate neighborhood. But the human how cool or warm it is. being becomes rich in enigma, embodies a broad range of Unknown in the sphere of the A manatee, with more brain space dedicated to wolf’s experience. touch than any other mammal, has a longSnow-shoeing through a forest during a snowfall can be an ideal setting to attune to

distance sense of touch. Whisker like hairs all

over its body act as sensors, so that it can, in effect, “touch” from a distance. Life. After a long day of snow-shoeing my sense of life feels drained, very low in energy/chi, even despite practicing energy-enhancing Qi-gong along the way (I’m not by any means a master in the art yet).

had been sensing. The owl, as we know is capable of flying quite silently. I did not hear its passage, nor could I see it in any wayArticle Submission, until after I looked up. Unlike most media, Earth Vision and Insight21 seek to present answers, not just focus on the problems of the world. . . .

Dubbed “a modern Thoreau” by one reviewer, Josef Graf’s diverse background was bound to Overall, as I undertake this trek, my sense of culminate in the Earth Vision and Insight21 pro life is both enhanced and exhausted. My jects. A split degree in Sociology/Ecology was constitutional energy is put to the test, the followed by work as a trail guide, co-ordinator body forces are working at their limit. However, of a nature interpreting program, assistant to the etheric energy of the forest is so Native cultural enhancement, radio host, and resplendent that there is a constant influx of Waldorf teacher. Add graduate study in the vitality. An interesting point to be made here “university of wilderness” and two decades of is that in urban areas people have to enhance anthroposophical research to penetrate to the their life sense due to the lack of nature-borne heart of both human and wild natures, and vitality. In consideration of this, we can say, if spiritual ecology is born. asked what is truly the most valuable property The EV and Insight projects raise awareness in, say, New York, the answer is that Central of our deeper connection with nature and spirit Park has more worth that all the rest of through both books and articles that address Manhattan combined! current environmental and social issues. If the first two volumes of the Earth Vision series - T Migrating birds can detect and use magnetic he Earth Vision travelogue and A Calendar of fields of the Earth to navigate by. Is this soNature and Soul - may be referred to as called “magnetic field” actually part of the intuitive theses in spiritual ecology, then Gaia sense of life of the planet streaming forth? Sojourn represents an even broader foray. As And are the birds, in a way, projecting their well, the EV Gallery (now a free PDF ebook) own sense of life outward to detect the Earth’s serves up a body of images that convey both energy in this manner? eco-spirituality and color theory, while Hebert Returns to America is more of an Wolves are known to stare into the eyes of art gallery hung off the wall. their prey before opting to attack, reading in Insight21 was launched to provide their potential prey the nature of their sense of coverage for some of the most promising life, their overall constitutional strength and answers to social and ecological issues. condition of health. Movement. This sense of awareness of the body-in-motion enables us to know where any part of our body is even with eyes closed. It is a sense that can be refined and enhanced, as in the case of intricate choreography. When projected outward, we can sense movement in others. One evening, as I was bent over a campfire, cooking a meal, I could sense something passing over above me. As I looked up I saw an owl flying in the trajectory I

A feature documentary about one man's quest to unify ancient mysticism and modern science through sound. In select theaters NOW! DVD release this FALL. Song of the New Earth: Tom Kenyon and the Power of Sound is a new documentary about one man's quest to integrate modern science and ancient mysticism through sound. The film premiered at the 40th Annual Seattle International Film Festival to two sellout audiences and is now screening in select US theaters as well as community screenings all over the country.

Song of The New Earth

A Means to Achieve A Sustainable Growth Path

Isn't it time that we rediscovered how to operate through a balance of both masculine and feminine principles? The Feminine is the crucial missing link in our derailing world, and this campaign is for Her. TreeSisters goes where no other campaign has gone before: into the exploration of how the negation of the feminine principle is a primary cause of climate change, and how its reinstatement is crucial for our survival. Women's wisdom, gifts, creativity and courage are needed now more than ever, and this campaign is an overt attempt to elicit and tap them on behalf of the natural world, and our children who are to inherit.


Sacred Relationships The alchemy of two souls, united in divine love, is a vessel of love, an alchemical crucible for our souls’ greatest unfolding. Sacred sexual relationship offers the possibility to remember the majesty of our souls, igniting the holy fires of eros, burning through lifetimes of karma and all the old wounds that cause the drama, melting them in the embrace of our love. When a man and a woman come together in love and they both have a direct relationship to the divine, miracles can happen. In sacred relationship, we acknowledge it as the primary container for soul growth and realize that our tantric sexual exploration will bring up our deepest wounds and that healing is in learning to hold each other in love even when the shadow is arising to be seen, to be felt, to be freed. We are required to be like an eagle flying above the relationship sometimes, seeing the wider perspective of the soul’s journey and not taking the small stuff personally. Leyolah Antara © excerpt from the book Kundalini Dance, Sacred

USING THE LAWS OF NATURE to Get Over A Heart Break Get help... You need empathy not sympathy... the painful feeling one gets when things do not go as expected. Never judge the size of the heartbreak on the size of the cause. My neighbour's cat died and their heartache was the exact depth as my client whose relationship crashed. Heartbreak is heartbreak, no matter what the trigger. But two heartbroken people do not make one better. You want to find someone to be a friend or supporter who does not have an emotional engagement with your loss, or be that person for someone in need. If you love cats and your friend's cat died, you can only offer sympathy which is fine but it actually can prolong the pain. What is needed to help people through heartbreak is empathy. Solid ground they can rely on that's not caught up in the pain. Find a Substitute... You need to replace the thing that's lost as soon as possible. Whether it's a relationship or a cat or a job, the key to recovery is replacement. The vacuum that is left when there's an unexpected loss is the real cause of pain. The empty space, the hole, the lack of a companion, the break in routine. It's not always wise however to replace like with like. Sometimes it's better to replace a relationship with a sport, a holiday, a movie, a camera. Sometimes it's better to replace the loss with an icon, a picture or a plant. Activity based replacements are best. Internet based replacements are worst. Stay away from computers during heartbreak for as much of the day as possible. Sometimes TV is a help but really, getting outdoors is the key. Get Outdoors in Nature... Heartbreak thrives indoors. Pain and suffering is harvested indoors. Grief multiplies in isolation. This isn't to suggest that you go down the pub, or go back to work straight away, but three hours spent walking in nature will do more for you than 24 hours locked up inside. Stay warm, keep dry, don't go doing hardy "hero" things. Just walk, look up, look out, look around. Nature is born to heal you, that's her thing. You need to put a lot of trust in the automatic and deep essence of nature at this time. Just be outside and get sunlight. Don't go Too Far... Draw lines in the sand when it comes to your response to pain. Yes, it hurts, but there's no good can be achieved reacting to pain today in a way that's going to cause you additional pain, over and above the heartbreak, tomorrow. Getting pissed, saying bad things to others (especially the one who triggered your pain), thinking about self harm, sharing negative anger at the universe, it just doesn't help. Sure you feel angry, sure you feel like kicking a rubbish tin, sure you want a pain relief pill but there are none that will help you be a better you as a result of this situation. All those options that come to mind just make the pain last longer and screw up your next stage of life. Focus on Healing... The cause of heartbreak is a sense of a shattered future. You were really connected with whatever went away, whether it was a job, money, a cat or your partner in life.

You'd woven them into the fabric of the future. Now, that fabric is shattered because they were a key element of it. Either by using substitutes to get you back on track, or by shear determination, start making a new bucket list of what you'd love to be and do and have in your life in the future. Some part of your brain might scream "there is no future without... " but there's another part of your heart saying "oh, yes there is, bigger and better than ever before" the key here is not to let guilt about moving forward stop you. Sometimes the gift of a heartbreak is that it frees you up to a bigger story than you were living before. This is, at the end of the day, where healing a broken heart begins. Love little things... Heartbreak comes to it's darkest moment when it spreads like a virus and begins to tamper with your taste buds, your hearing, your eye sight, your finger tips, your sense of smell. So, please be sensitive to the importance of the senses. Feed them small meals of love. Touch a tree trunk and feel the grain, taste a herbal tea or a sweet leaf of a herb you love, stroke a dog or listen to some soft meditation music. Avoid sensory triggers that remind you of the missing void in your life but instead add new ones. Add new foods, new music, new smells, new views, new environments. Avoid places that are going to make you focus on the missing and instead find places and sensory love bites that remind you of the beauty and possibility of your life and future. Think small things and expand from there. Focus on the Cause... Heartbreak comes from a dependency on something on someone. This dependency is courageous because you were prepared to be so vulnerable and surrender a whole lot of more secure and self-contained living patterns to become attached to something or someone. You could have been less dependent on that job, or treated the cat with less affection, you could have been less interdependent on your partner or money for that matter. So, you have had incredible courage to be in a place where your heart is broken. That courage is love. You have loved something completely and that's what it takes to be a real person. The courage to truly love. And that's why it hurts. But ultimately, love goes one step more. Love is also letting go. The cause of heartbreak is the unwillingness to love that one step more, unconditional love. To love something so completely, whether they are here or gone, with you or not with you, doing what you expected or not doing what you expected. This is what is needed. Not withdrawal or anger or hurt or pain. What is needed is for you to love them or it, more. To move to the point of unconditional love. It applies to money as well as cats and people. To love is to release, and to release is to begin a new chapter. Freedom. Begin a deliberate re-inventing your life process. For me, the best I can find is my Back on Track model. Start with the seven points above, then move to your "Health Programme" and create a whole new health focus. Then, move to your environment and really make a whole new space at home and at work including your clothes. Move to Brand You... your wisdom, your resume, your capability and regain that confidence in you as you. Then, step 5, your VIP, get that bucket list out, start imagining the future, start dreaming of just a few ideas you'd love to be and do and have. And finally, which is where you may need some external support, start to believe that the best you is yet to come, that there's a whole ramp of possibilities within you, unexplored and ready to be expressed. This is the future. Chris Walker is a visionary business consultant and of the world's leading facilitators of Personal/Professional Development. Author, consultant and professional speaker, his considered a leader in the field of human potential \and lifestyles for success. His VIP and Mastery Programs have been attended by thousands of individuals around the world seeking tools to live life and manage their careers to their fullest potential.

TANTRIC RELATIONSHIP, A DIVINE UNION OF SACRED PARTNERSHIP (C) 2009 VALERY SATTERWHITE "Sharing the Divine Union with a partner can be as easy as energy flowing on the path of least resistance, and it is immensely entertaining. But make no mistake, it can also be the hardest thing you ever had to face! It all depends on who the lovers are, and what consciousness and intention each brings to the moment of Divine Union". (Institute of Ecstatic Living). A Tantric relationship is one where there is a divine union and perfect balance of the masculine and feminine energies within your self and with your partner. Energy is represented by the female divine power, Shakti and Consciousness is represented by the male divine power, Shiva. The dance between Shiva and Shakti never ends, there is a constant flowing of this energy from one to the other, a giving and a receiving of this energy. In the ancient myth of India, the marriage of Shiva and Shakti is considered to be Divine Union, a fundamental concept of Tantra. As individuals each of us possess innate male and female aspects. These are manifested and expressed in various ways throughout our lives. Sometimes the man is receptive and feeling, at other times strong and directive. Sometimes the woman is assertive and directive, at other times soft and yielding. Tantric teachings embrace the concept that everyone has an intrinsic potential, realizable through the experience of Tantric practices. In Eastern religious thought, Tantra is a pathway to spiritual attainment. In the Western mind, we can consider it a doorway to achieving our ultimate potential-a joyful life, sharing love, celebrating everything. The Divine Union is a powerful tool to help us get there. (Lokita Carter) When you are in a Tantric relationship practicing giving and receiving pleasure, and honoring each other as the god and goddess incarnate awakens you to profound learning. You enter into a mythic dimension that allows you to fly freely as your divine nature. You are infused with ever more consciousness, playfulness and any stagnant energy that existed between you and your partner in a long-term committed relationship are cleared away. Such are the practices and benefits of Tantra. A Tantric relationship is one that moves with the energy of each person within the relationship. That may even include children as the flow of energy between you and your partner will also affect how you relate with your children. As you and your beloved become more attuned to each other's flow of energy you will also be able to tune into the energy flow of your children. This dance of male and female energies is always occurring in every relationship that you have. Understanding this as a basic principle can shift how you respond to any interaction with any individual. With conscious intention use your relationship as a laboratory to practice in learning new ways of communicating, creating sacred space, exploring the interplay of your male and female sides and sharing more about yourself and learning more about your partner. (Lokita Carter) You and your beloved will be more inspired by playing together in this deeply felt container of energy that you have created. Embracing a Tantric relationship will offer you riches beyond compare. Your relationship with your self, your partner, your friends and your family will be expanded and enriched by it. Your life will become a sacred partnership with all things.

Luminessa is a teacher of women's sexuality, priestess and the founder of The School of Womyn's Mysteries. She is a shamanic counselor and spiritual guide as well as a gifted Akashic Record reader. Readings are available by phone and in person. Ask your soul about anything in your life, relationships, purpose, health, money, guidance and wisdom with Soul Support. For commentaries on Women's roles, Women awakening to thei r sexual power, women loving their body, and other related topics follow her on YONI SPEAK

Sacred Sex, Body Freedom In sacred sex, you honor your body as a temple for your spirit and offer it as a gift to your lover. As a couple, you can extend the passion and satisfaction of your sexual life by evolving your regular sex into sacred sex. Although most couples want a really good sex life, many are afraid that it’s unattainable because they personally don’t know how to create it. They bury their sexual dreams under the weight of misinformation that says “sex is something you should just naturally know how to do because you’re in a body.” However, even though your body desires and has the potential for sublime sex, it doesn’t automatically know the artistry of lovemaking. You must teach the body. Like any great art, the art of sexual ecstasy must be learned. Sexual knowledge and skill develop over a lifetime. If you travel through your sexual life in a learning mode, then your sexual experience will continue to improve over the years. It will grow with you as you grow. Sexual knowledge and skill develop over a lifetime Transforming Your Sexuality As a couple, you can extend the passion and satisfaction of your sexual life by evolving your regular sex into sacred sex. For thousands of years, and in a variety of cultures, sacred sex practices have affirmed the core message that sex is good, namely, an integral part of life connecting you to yourself, to your partner, and to the divine. Sacred sex shifts sex’s focus from achieving orgasm to union and pleasure. Lovemaking is expanded beyond the common understanding of sex as intercourse to include all manner of intimate contact. Sacred sex is a practical way to balance the purely physiological differences between men and women.

Women gain the time their bodies need to be thoroughly aroused and totally satisfied in addition to receiving the affection and emotional connection they want. Men receive lots of explicit sexual activity, but, because intercourse is interspersed with other forms of sensual play, they are able to last long enough for their lovers’ gratification. Both partners experience greater pleasure and intimacy. Experience all your senses, Always. In sacred sex, you honor your body as a temple for your spirit and offer it as a gift to your lover. This approach sanctifies your body, asserting its beauty and magnificence. Shame and guilt disappear as you move beyond repression and give yourself permission to experience all your senses every moment. Excerpt from the book, Sensual Love Secrects (For Couoples) Click Image For More >>>>

Why is the ‘Red tent’ such a phenomenon?

Every cycling woman knows the deep yearning for quietude during her Flow time. Every ounce of our body and soul calls for rest, while our culture calls us to keep going, no matter what.

The ‘Red Tent,’ ‘Moon Hut,’ or ‘Moon Lodge,’

as they were known in indigenous cultures around the world, was a place of respite for women of old. We recognize that having a place to go to when we flow, monthly, will make our lives different in profound ways, as well as change the lives of those around us, and ultimately the world! Does your Soul remember the circles of Maidens, Mothers, Grandmothers, and Ancestors? This is a place where women are allowed to Be rather than continually Do… The time is Now, and the Red Tent Consciousness is spreading like sunrise all over the world! Be part of the New Paradigm It’s about You, it’s about Us,

Join US!

Together We Can Change The World!

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"Our bodies are our gardens, our wills are our gardeners" -Shakespeare

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Growing medicinal herbs is becoming more popular amongst many families and cultures of today. With the increased awareness of the benefits of herbs many are opting to use medicinal herbs as an alternative to modern pharmaceutical medications. Historically, medicinal herbs were used as the only means of treating and healing. In addition to this, herbs were valued for their benefits in such that many cultures used them as a form of currency, clothing, food and shelter. Medicinally, herbs are used to treat a number of ailments such as in the treatment of athletes feet, fungi, bad breath, menstrual discomfort, headaches, stomach aches, some cancers, ulcers, skin disorders, hair loss, infertility, menopause, depression, cuts, abrasions, colds, diarrhea, constipation, high blood pressure, insomnia, etc. Medicinal herbs are organically cultivated on the planet earth, but you too can cultivate these herbs in your very own garden, indoors or out. Some herbs like mint and basil should always be grown in pots because they have a tendency to grow wild and all over the place, literally. The following is a list of medicinal herbs that are also interchangeable and can be used for culinary purposes as well. These herbs are, mint, dandelion, lavender, thyme, oregano, chamomile, catnip, nettle, rosemary, wormwood, basil, jasmine, ginkgo biloba, fennel, garlic, clover, coneflower-Echinacea, ginseng and so on. A general rule of thumb to remember when caring for medicinal herbs is rather simple. You first want to be familiar with the plants that you are growing as this should ultimately determine how you cultivate your plant. For instance, dandelion should be allotted plenty of space in a container or yard to grow comfortably because its roots system requires it. The roots of this plant need plenty of room to grow properly and to its fullest potential as this is the part of the plant that is traditionally used for medicinal purposes. My advice is to always know what type of soil, the amount of water, sunlight, space and food your plant requires to thrive and flourish at its best. After your herbs have matured you may want to share them with friends or family. With this in mind, know that you have options to accomplish this. Your plants can be used and broken down in many different forms. In my opinion, fresh herbs are always best and more potent than any other form it can be utilized in. These forms include tinctures, extracts, poultices, sits baths, syrups, juices, teas, salves, aromatherapy oils, vapor treatments, capsules, lozenges, ointments, etc. So, as you can see, growing medicinal herbs and having them readily available in the event they are needed is a true asset to ones home and family life. Herbs are food from the earth and cultivating your very own fresh medicinal herbs will provide you and your loved ones with some of the best gifts that mother-nature has to offer.


The idea behind this healing is that when we are in relationship with other people, we build up energetic cords with those people. A physical example of this which of course people can relate to quite easily is the umbilical cord; energetically, that cord is always there between mother and child in some form. Similarly, when we are in relationship with friends and lovers, energetic links or cords build up. Even with people we may meet casually, or not know at all well, there is some energetic connection and cord. A healthy energetic cord can be experienced as bright, clear and sometimes almost like a rainbow. However, it is also common for less positive patterns to develop over time. Typically, if we experience "issues" with people, this will be reflected in the relationship cords. They can become thick with stuck energy, distorted, heavy or sticky. It is also possible for an energetic "hook" to be left in someone's energy field after a relationship has ended. This can account for the fact that we have said "good bye" to a past lover or friend, and find we are haunted by aspects of them, or are somehow almost unaccountably unable to move on. In terms of the healing, the initial case taking identifies the issue to be worked on, and the person with whom the work is to be done. During the hands on part of the healing session, there is a chance for the person receiving the healing to express to the other person what they have been feeling, how the way the other person has been has affected them, and, if appropriate, what they had wanted from the other person that the other person hadn't given them, or hadn't been able to give them. Being able to express this in a safe place is very healing, and can lead to a "cleaning" and "disentangling" of cords, and also, if necessary to the removing of a hook. There is also a chance for the person receiving the healing to express other emotions that may come up such as forgiveness, or love. This type of healing can be useful in all kinds of situations. Obviously, it is useful for relationship breakup: letting go of the past and moving on. It can also be used as part of recovery from chronic illness, for example chronic fatigue or depression. Holding on to "stuff" from the past is literally draining - letting go can free up energy for living and enjoying life, and so help us to heal whatever condition we may be working with. Fiona Cutts is an energy healer who specialises in working with clients suffering from ME. You can see more about her work with people struggling with this debilitating condition at. She has herself recovered from ME using a combination of energy healing, the Emotional Freedom Technique, nutrition, graduated exercise, meditation, chi kung and dance. She is an Integrated Energy Healing, in the tradition of Barbara Brennan, an Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner and a reiki practitioner. You can read more about her and the way she works with people suffering from at www.treatmen


STRIKINGBALANCEINTHEBODY Meditation is one of the best things you can do to bring a little relief to your mind, your spirit and even your physical body. It is a practice which has been with us for thousands of years; the ancient civilization of India was one society well aware of the benefits provided by meditation.

The Basics of Chakra Meditation Chakra Meditation is a means of striking a balance between the seven energy centers of the body, these are known as Chakras. Once these energy centers are properly balanced, proper energy flow through the body can be achieved. I will briefly explain these seven Chakras:

We in the West have come to an understanding of meditation as a tool for achieving better mental and spiritual health only recently.

1. The Crown Chakra - located at the top of the head, this is the Chakra which relates to our thought; wisdom, knowledge and our very consciousness.

One of the most effective and simple methods of meditation (and for precisely this reason, the most popular) is Chakra meditation.

2. The Brow (or Third Eye) Chakra this Chakra is located between the eyebrows and relates to the element of light; that is to say our powers of perception and visualization.

by Gloria Gypsy 3. The Throat Chakra - this Chakra is found at the base of the throat and is tied to the element of sound. This Chakra is related to our ability to communicate and our creative impulses.

Close your eyes and visualize a root or roots growing from your body and into the Earth beneath you. Let all the days energies flow down into the earth through this root system.

4. The Heart Chakra - found in the center of the chest close to the heart, this Chakra is responsible for your capacity to love and feel compassion, as well as governing your relationships. This Chakra is related to the element of air.

2. Centering Technique - Take a few deep breaths. Tighten and relax each part of your body, from bottom to top; visualize yourself relaxing as you do so. Finally, visualize a warm glow (like a sun or star) that warms and vitalizes, centered at your heart, radiating outward through you entire body.

5. The Solar Plexus (or Power) Chakra - situated just above the navel, this Chakra is related to our will power as well as our metabolism. This Chakra is related to the element of fire. 6. The Sacral Chakra - found just below the navel, this Chakra relates to physical love and our generative organs, as well as the creative impulse. 7. The Root (or base) Chakra - Found at the base of the spine, this Chakra is responsible for our general physical health, as well as security and prosperity. This Chakra is related to the element of Earth. To refresh yourself and bring things back into the proper balance, nothing works better than Chakra meditation. If all of these important energy centers are in proper alignment, then you will enjoy better health; physical, mental and spiritual. Chakra meditation can make a huge difference towards fostering better health and a better life for you.

3. Chakra meditation: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and try to shut out external stimuli, you want to have as few distractions as possible. Breathe naturally; your breath will naturally reach the proper state. Begin to concentrate on each Chakra point in your body from Sacral to Third Eye. Eyes still closed, feel the energy of each Chakra as you rest your consciousness with it, focusing on that Chakra's specific correlation. Don't hold your consciousness back; let it flow as it will through your body. You may find this difficult at first, but just let any distracting thoughts run through your mind, they will work themselves out and disappear with practice.

CHAKRA MEDITATION:- THE PROCESS Do this meditation for as long as needed. Chakra Meditation consists of three techniques: 1. Grounding - This technique aims to make you feel physically connected with the Earth.

I often find it helpful to write out, or journal any thoughts, feelings, visions, etc. that come up during mediation for future reference.

Let the Power of Nature Nourish Your Skin, Restore Your Youthful Glow and Help You Save a Fortune at the Cosmetic Counter! Discover why your "beauty care" products may not be so pretty after all! From: Tera Warner, founder of Body Enlightenment Montreal, Quebec, Canada Greetings, Gorgeous! Have you ever noticed that the women wearing the most foundation and make-up also tend to have the worst skin? This is not a coincidence!!! All those powder puffs, perfumed potions, carcinogenic creams and so called "beauty" products contain a toxic soup of chemicals, waxes and petroleum products that block pores, suck moisture and cause premature aging! Here's Something You may Find Surprising: "89 percent of the ingredients used in personal care products have not been evaluated for safety!" -Environmental Working Group (EWG)


a film by ex•tinc•tion wit•ness

VIRGIN documents healing ceremonies in redwood forests of California, using poetry and song to convey a message of compassion for the perpetrator and victim in all of us. To virgin is to proclaim the greatest human traits. For this film, virgin is used in the original sense: “Virgin was a label of strength and independence by being used to describe the goddesses who were immune to the temptations of Dionysus, Greek god of seduction and wine. Virginity was once a term of power.” ~Palo Alto Medical Foundation I chose the title VIRGIN during my own healing process from early childhood incest, as I discovered physical, spiritual, and emotional boundaries I had not known were my to claim just as I reconsidered how we use virgin as a term for intact, old growth forest.

Sexual energy is creative energy ~ ecstasy ~ in its pure form. Early childhood sexual abuse and deforestation are violations of this energy that wound individuals and compromise whole communities. Those who speak for the protection of forests are rarely disconnected enough from living to suggest that trees are never to be cut. We simply request an ethos of respect grounded in an intuitive practice of discernment that accounts for the life of every tree and the whole forest community. Footage from VIRGIN will be included in a feature length film that documents healing dances for wounded communities around the globe. Please see DANCE TO HEAL THE WORLD for a brief on this dance expedition and film project. Please help protect forest and people with: Survival International Pachamama Alliance Heartwood Please help plant trees to help forest regenerate with: TreeSisters: women seeding change Earth Reforestation Project Friends of the Children's Eternal Rainforest

Women and Spirituality (The Goddess Trilogy)

Women and Spirituality is Donna Read’s definitive series that explores the power of the sacred feminine in mythological, historical and cultural contexts. This trilogy investigates the relationship between women and spirituality from ancient times to the present.


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