Creative Sacred Living Magazine July 2014

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Creative Sacred Living MAGAZINE ISSUE 03 /July 2014

Creating Originally Enlightened Artwork Using You Are Enough Basic Concepts from the Crones Corner of Zen Buddhism Meaningful Spiritual Relationships Namaste Matters

The Art of Happiness -a review

Astrologic Insights: with Charismelina

And Much More!

Green Initiative: A Means To Achieve A Sustainable Growth Path Effective Yoga: Gurgaon Classes For Kids What To Do When The Law Of Attraction Isn't Working


Quarter page: $10.00 USD Half page: $15.00 USD Full page: $30.00 USD To advertise email: We love partnering with businesses whose products and services resonate with our creative, sacred message and add real value to the lives of our online community. Maybe your looking to help others live more deeper, meaningful lives, or perhaps you're after a creative-focused community to expand your existing reach. If you are coming from a space that is authentic and empowering we're happy to chat.


Letter From The Editor

Pg. 6

Conscious Entertainment

Pg 12

Creative Living

Pg. 24 Sacred Living Pg 28

Personal Growth

Pg. 24 Spiritual Ecology Pg. 24 Health & Healing Pg 28

Astrological Insights

Pg. 24 Sacred Relationships


In My Shoes with Deborah Milton

Pg 18

An Authentic Howl with Cynthia Lee

Pg. 26 Crones Corner with Joanne Parker Pg. 30 Sacred Living with Theresa Brower Pg. 32 Renee's Thoughts Worth Catching Pg. 41 Sacred Nature with Matthew J. George

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Temple Spiraled Hands Hard is the hold of moving hands, to spiral into the length of sky, banding sisters to unite holding each other's arms. A hand that sets for peace, and draws strength in unity to create the temple fires, the breeze that sets the flags, holding hands from hill to hill, and crest of mountain top. Holding your arms into the sky as wisdom falls into the heart, and joy becomes the feast as fire becomes your heart, and flames your soul, to ignite free will towards all, and gift this blossom of haze to temple spiral mount, a flower that grows into the depths of the sun. From hand to hand, cradled soul extends into a mighty bow of hands, weeping for the Goddess to touch and taste the glitter from the stars, rolling from the thunder of the sky, snapping bright the flash of lightning dripping from the eyes, to fold arms upon the chest and heave a mighty heart to cry wonder and awe of hands that gather love, from a moment of outstretched wings, spiraling into the deep blue, grasping for the finger of Goddess to unite us all into the birth of creation. Through their words, their art, their music and their intent our writers and contributors are reaching out "hand to hand" throughout the world in hopes of uniting the collective consciousness of us all as we steadily move closer to our new reality.


reetings and a warm welcome to the second issue of Creative Sacred Living Magazine!

We couldn’t be more excited to have made it to this point. Please take some time to get to know the layout of our magazine. You will notice that this is more than just a magazine, it is also an interactive, multimedia presentation. Keep an eye out for clickable links! You can peruse the articles on the "In this Issue" page to choose which to read first (Just click them and you are taken directly to that page). Just as with a paper magazine, you may want to sit and read the whole thing at once, or come back to this issue several times to digest the articles more slowly. When we set out to create an on-line magazine that would promoteCreative and Sacred living, one thing I was adamant about was to steer away from the glossy images of the too perfect, product-driven magazines that we all sometimes read. What you will find in the pages of Creative Sacred Living is a collection of inspired and authentic articles written by real, honest, down-to-earth folks who work hard to live deliberately, but who are not afraid to admit the struggles we sometimes face. All sponsor ads in the magazine are from authentic and empowering businesses that I personally recommend and have experienced. I am honored to share the work of so many committed and thoughtful people. Please feel free to send feedback on the articles, to share your thoughts or ask the author a question. Each author has their contact information listed in their bios. We appreciate your support and are so happy to have you as a reader! Creative Sacred Living With warmest thanks,



Entertaniment Expand Your Horizons

HEALING THE LUMINOUS BODY Alberto Villoldo, PhD., introduces and explains the luminous energy field that surrounds and informs our physical body like a blueprint of life. It is a secret of ancient shaman-healers that many of our physical and psychological problems stem from imprints within our luminous body. Dr. Villoldo unveils how to heal and recover from these destructive imprints and regain our physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Join us as we travel to the Andes Mountains to learn the secret of the ancient Shamans, a secret that can lead all of us to health, happiness and beauty. It was here, that he discovered the wisdom of the luminous body from the indigenous shamans. This ancient knowledge reveals the secret of true health and happiness.

Start your 10 Day Free Trial Today! Click Here to get started!

Rosemary Gladstar's Garden Wisdoms:

CILANTRO, DILL, AND CARROT FAMILY PLANTS Rosemary Gladstar joined us in the garden to share plant wisdoms as part of the Free Herbalism Project. Rosemary discusses the healing properties and uses for Cilantro and Dill, as well as tips for identifying plants in the Apiaceae family. You can find organically grown Cilantro at Mountain Rose Herbs

Click here for high quality organic bulk herbs, gourmet spices, loose leaf teas, essential oils, herbal extracts, and natural body care ingredients


Living “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.� ~Martha Grah

In My Shoes with Deborah Jane Milton Committed to creative, sacred living, the lifestyle as well as the magazine, makes me want to articulate what those words mean. I turn first to the books by my bed, the ones I’m reading now, many of which have the word sacred in their titles, but I find no succinct definitions. Faith Nolton comes closest. Author of Gardens of the Soul – Making Sacred and Shamanic Art, she begins her book by describing what she means by sacred art: …sacred art is about our inner creativity, about reaching out to find the deeper layers of reality, the energy within forms, and recording in pictures what we discover. . .such acts of life-affirming art ‘making’ weave positive threads. . .(that) may repair broken strands of soul, or bring blessing and healing, and are gifts to Life and Spirit. . .(linking us) into a vital source of well-being. I appreciate Nolton’s words deeply since my painting and my writing serve to release the feelings that my body doesn’t want to hold tight. Repairing broken strands of soul – oh yes. Linking me to vital sources of well-being – oh yes. This winter, on a snowy afternoon, a friend died - while snug in her home - when a freak avalanche roared down the mountain slope into her backyard in suburban Missoula MT. The enormous paradox of that act of God shook me almost more than her dying. In the last few years, I’ve acquired a prayer painting practice and I knew my grief and horror would find both insight and solace there. The process of putting paint to paper, the hand holding brush doing this not that, the colors begging to be used, the textures showing up, the oddity of one big ear, the unplanned egg and the unexpected butterflyhuman, the white fanciful bird carrying soul thread, my willingness to be in the flow for several days straight all that is what I call my prayer painting practice. That intuitive painting process relieved the pressure of shocking grief and brought illumination to and appreciation for the human tightrope we always walk – precious moments balanced between this breath IN and that breath OUT, always...until the body ceases living. I gave this painting to my friend’s best friend who accompanied her in the hospital throughout the days she lingered in her body after being rescued. C’s eyes glistened as she said, “You have no idea all the stories, the facts, the symbols you’ve embodied in this painting. You have no idea…” And I didn’t and still don’t. What I do know is that I – 500 miles away nonverbally communicated with both of my friends and their shared experience. Such communion is beyond words. Such communion is being in touch with mystery. My bodymind gave itself over to the nonquestioning process of painting the image that needed to show up. In that immersion I experienced grace.

Copyright Deborah Jane Milton. All Rights Reserved

That’s sacred. I look up the word sacred in the New Oxford American dictionary. Sacred means: connected with God or the gods or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserves veneration. Regarded with great respect and reverence. That dry, institutionally oriented definition doesn’t describe the potency of the sacred for me, nor the intimate relationship of creative expression and sacred experience. Painting to heal, writing as a journey to truth, communing soul to soul, breathing in the wild, spontaneous singing, dancing, playing, making authentic love, observing children, witnessing birthing and dying, creating that way, creating this way, opening to Creator creating through me in so many ways, all that makes my cells hum, my cheeks flush and eyes flash, sometimes sparkle with tears. My arms get goosebumps and I vibrate with an “energetic something” outside myself - that also includes myself. I’m cocooned in experience and forget self-judgement, comparison, worry and fear. Time morphs. I am fully alive. That sounds like ecstasy to me. And that’s sacred! Awe, wonder, grief and terror, all engage our awareness with something greater than ourselves, which is humbling to the human who thinks she’s in control. By the by, have you ever noticed that if you switch the “a” and the “c”, sacred becomes scared? I think that’s relevant. By exploring all our dark feelings, our fears and destructive impulses, through creative practice, we make room for love, compassion and the heart’s healing to flow back into our bodyminds. That’s sacred . . .and the gift of creative sacred living for me. PS. Here’s the trailer for a relevant 2005 movie by Velcrow Ripper: Scared Sacred – Unwrap the Darkness, Reveal the Light.

Deborah Jane Milton, PhD



Willowing Arts

AN AUTHENTIC HOWL It was a simple question asked in the midst of a discussion that challenged perspectives. "What does love require?" A simple question with complicated answers. Months later, I am still hearing those words, weighing and measuring my behaviors, actions, and thoughts. Though there was a time that I understood the reasoning behind the question, it now sits stale within my mouth. The meaning has flat-lined.

the world. Instead, I am an altered version of myself. I sense that there is another way to live.

What if love is all that I know? What if I nurtured love within myself to the extent that nothing but love was my motivation? What if I became love? In other words, I don't want to just do random acts of kindness. I want to be kind. I don't want to just engage in a compassionate way of living. I want to be It began in childhood and compassionate. I don't want to followed me most of my life. just make a gratitude list. I want What would Jesus do? What does to be grateful. I don't want to just the Bible say about that? What figure out what love requires. I would the neighbors think? What want to be love. does a good wife, good mother, look like? What would an artist Is it possible? Can anyone really healer do? What indeed would just be love? Aren't we merely a love require? sum of our choices and our I am weary of asking myself such behaviors? I think it is possible questions, trying to figure out and I certainly don't want to be how to act, how to behave, defined solely by my choices and according behaviors. I believe that if I know to something outside of myself. myself as love, if that is my guiding perspective, then my I am not rejecting a moral choices and behaviors will align compass. I am merely pushing ever more closely with love. myself deeper and wondering if asking myself these type of What now? How to make that questions, predicting answers, shift within? It begins with the and tweaking my behavior and narrative that I tell myself. actions accordingly is just a Previously, my story has been modification of me. In doing so, I one of brokenness. am not offering my true self to I was the wounded girl.

with Cynthia Lee The damaged goods. The one needing someone, something, some other to heal her and make her whole. I was incomplete without that outward guidance. Changing that storyline has not been easy. In fact, asking myself, "What if I am not broken?" challenges everything I have ever believed about myself. There is a great and terrible fear that rises up when one questions the personal narrative. Without the identity of brokenness, who would I be? So begins the quest to discover who I am. I am kind. I am compassionate and understanding. I am generous with my time and energy. I am good. I am love. It seems audacious to make these claims. Who am I to say such wonderful things about myself? Who am I not to? Given half the chance, I wouldn't hesitate to tell anyone else all the wonderful things I see within her or him. So why not offer that same gift to myself? If I am convinced of the good and love within myself, I have nothing but good and love to offer the world. It begins with me.

Cynthia Lee has released herself into the wild where she is recovering her natural instincts and her inner wisdom through the healing process of intuitive art. She lives her uncaged life as a wife, mother of many, mi-mi of two, artist, and lifelong learner. She rattles the cage, weaving words, asking deep questions, raising her voice to the moon, calling forth other spirited ones, the wild-hearted women who are seeking their own authentic howl at SPIRITUNCAGED.COM


Fierce Wildness. Soulful Energy. Uplifting Sisterhood. The Wild Sisterhood is an online community created especially for women who want to love themselves, follow their bliss + change the world. I created it to provide a safe + welcoming place where women can meet + support each other as they discover themselves + carve their own path in life. Why? Because when I decided to choose happiness + start designing my life, I felt completely overwhelmed, alone + had no idea where to begin. I wanted a place where I could go to explore this new side of myself, find resources to keep me inspired + motivated to go after my dreams, + connect with like-minded women. .

The Amazing Biz and Life Academy is a divinely-guided, wildly-affordable and deeply-powerful success library that’s just a fraction of the cost you see elsewehere. It’s one of the most generous, powerful, inspired, best-priced + transformational training resources you’ll find anywhere in the world. It’s a training library jampacked with programs, meditations + kits to transform your business + life to Level Amazing. And it’s access to an incredible mastermind of almost 3000 women (just like you) who can help you with much needed brainstorming, support + guidance. The Academy is a divinely guided, heart-centered success library to help you and your business reach the levels of joy, abundance, creativity + prosperity that you were born to have. One part business + marketing training field + one part inspirational mastermind + one part soulcentered wisdom to make every part of your life glow, the Academy is the premier resource for women wishing to create amazing lives and businesses. The Academy is more than just one single program – it gives you access to a huge range of Leonie Dawson’s proven and powerful products and programs to help you transform + shine in every single area of your life and business. As a member of the Academy, you’ll receive powerful business + marketing training to help you start + grow your dream business rapidly & happily. You’ll receive audio meditations to soothe your soul. Illustrated workbooks to create clarity & intention around difficult decisions. E-courses to supercharge your creativity, become a marketing maven & wrangle your fears. Tips to get your house decluttered & in your inner world order. Cleanses to bring your body into health & radiance. Everything you need to live, work, play & create like the amazing woman you were born to be.

Sacred Living The spiritual path is simply the journey of living our lives. The spiritual path does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it. You are born of spirit. Set your Inner spiritual being free.

CRONES CORNER Jotree's Heart & Soul Connections Lets Connect!

You Are Enough I have walked this road for some time...62 summers, and I am blessed. My life is more than I ever dreamed it could be. I paint, I write , I have a good loyal man in my life, a comfortable home, children, I design floral arrangements, I have a lovely garden where I find much solace, I gather women around me whom I love and enjoy and yet...and yet I still question my self worth. Not every day. But deep in the crevices of my heart lies this dark spot. The one that every once in awhile oozes with judgement.

Yesterday morning was one of those mornings. It was a busy morning but through it all I could here this niggling voice laughing at my need to get things done, to prove I am worthy... of What ??? Suddenly I heard clearly a more compassionate voice saying stop! Go get a paper and pen and write this... and I did. Are You Enough ??? You are enough to be amazing. Amazing in all that you are. Mirror everything you love about the natural world around you and

you are amazingly enough. Accept every aspect of Nature and you are amazingly enough.. In that moment I thought, how childish , how simplistic Yet later it occurred to me that some of our problems about seeing all that we are is that we have fed into the lies that life has to be complicated and full of unnecessary illusions. That maybe it is that simple and that if we can remind ourselves daily of the magical simplicity available to us we can slowly change the illusion to living Truth everyday. Jotree, crone and artist of my soul, doula of lifeskills and soul spirit, lover of life, and Queen of my heART. Holding sacred space for women who choose to integrate joy and freedom into their daily practice of living.


Growth Perhaps the most important realizat ion that an individual can make in their quest for personal growth is that there is no single formula that defines the path to personal success.

THE ART OF HAPPINESS A REVIEW We are all a product of our environment; how we are treated, how we are raised and many people face obstacles of abuse. Deep down, we are all compassionate, loving creatures and these obstacles are nothing more than conflicts that are standing in our way of who we really are. With this, we have to realize that we are all truly on the same boat; the boat of sufferers. We are all suffering in some way, dealing with many issues and frustrations. We have to realize that we are not different from each other and it’s compassion that lacks between people, and that in the end we are all same; we are simply one. Cutler gave a good example about adding to our pain and suffering. He mentions how he and a colleague of his went out to eat in a restaurant. The service was slow and his colleague’s complaints The Art of Happiness by His Holiness The Dalai Lama escalated throughout the evening. Even after the and western psychologist Howard C. Cutler provides server explained what had happened and what was experts from their private meetings about the true going on, the colleague was fed up, continued to meaning of happiness. In the beginning of the book complain and said he is never coming here again. the Dalai Lama states, “I believe that the very Even after receiving a legit explanation, the purpose of our life is to seek happiness. That is clear. colleague still showed frustration. In the end, the Whether one believes in religion or not, whether only outcome was a ruined meal which brought on one believes in this religion or that religion, we all an hour of aggravation. Where did the aggravation are seeking something better in life. So, I think, the really come from? The restaurant or the colleague’s very motion of our life is towards happiness…” state of mind? Filled with words of wisdom from The Dalai Lama, challenging questions and debates from Cutler, I have to honestly say that I agree with a lot of what The Dalai Lama had to say. I always knew and believed this wisdom, but didn’t know where to put my thoughts and beliefs. According to The Dalai Lama, true happiness stems from internal means as external happiness is shortlived. How long will your new car make you happy? For how long will the big house make you smile? Does a relationship truly bring you true happiness? The purpose of our existence is to seek happiness, but at what cost? The Dalai Lama believes that human beings are compassionate. He believes that this is the predominant feature of human nature. Anger, violence, aggression, hate, according to His Holiness is more of a secondary or more superficial level as they arise when we are frustrated when facing to achieve love and acceptance.

The book is about having a positive mind: to seek a positive attitude. It is about human behavior and how we can add to our own pain and suffering by how we react to things. If you always wanted to learn about Buddhism or would like to gain more knowledge, then this book is for you. It is filled with an array of wisdom quotes by The Dalai Lama and this book will help to change your way of thinking. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you already feel a certain way about some things already. Our true happiness comes from within; we are the only ones in control of our lives. Our past, misfortunes and troubled waters are things that are holding us back from true happiness. We have more power and control over our own lives and only we can make a difference.

SACRED LIVING WITH TERESA BROUWER "I use creativity and healing as coaching tools towards helping others lead a creative abundant life in body, mind and spirit.I love to inspire others to turn their everyday lives into a personal playground filled with love, joy, happiness and creative play" Facebook @moondreamcatch

Teresa Brouwer Creative Living Coach and Intuitive

Renee's Thoughts Worth Catching

RENEE' S THOUGHTS WORTH CATCHING I will not bore you with words that are to reside the past I willbring not bore withforward words I'd rather theyou light that are to reside the past to show you how Life changes fast

I'd rather bring the light forward to show you how Life changes fast

when you are on a ride of remorse and going ofremorse guilt when down you arethe on aslide ride of and going down the slide of guilt holding onto pain from divorce holdingyour onto pain fromtilt divorce and feeling insides and feeling your insides tilt

you are yourself youcheating are cheating yourself of being completely here of being completely here your determination cancan tell your determination tell how to move the fear how to move pastpast all all of of the fear is a long story built from creation life islife a long story built from creation there are twists, turns and setbacks thereforward are twists, turns and setbacks movement and dedication forward movement and being spun around to dedication the better track being spun around to the better track

Worth Catching

through the love we feel deep inside we are seefeel the world's reflection through theable lovetowe deep inside of heart whispers and love we decide we are able to see the world's reflection and we realize it's all about perception

Catch A Falling Star

of heart whispers and love we decide and we realize aboutofperception focusing onit's theall creation gorgeousness and allowing Life to do its remarkable thing brings to acreation state of immense loveliness focusing onusthe of gorgeousness we are blessed daily Life doesthing bring and allowing Life to do by itswhat remarkable

brings us to a state of immense loveliness bring dreams to life and hold a high standard we are blessed daily whatamazing Life does bring turn the wheel andby inspire moves we follow this and then we can edge forward

bring and dreams to lifeyou and hold a high standard you realize don't have anything to prove turn the wheel and inspire amazing moves believe in the version of who you are we follow this andbest then we can edge forward trust that your identity is not just your story and you realize you don't have anything to prove take a chance and wish upon a star this Life is meant to take you to pure glory believe in the bestAvard version of who you are Š2014. Renee

trust that your identity is not just your story take a chance and wish upon a star this Life is meant to take you to pure glory

Why is the ‘Red tent’ such a phenomenon?

Every cycling woman knows the deep yearning for quietude during her Flow time. Every ounce of our body and soul calls for rest, while our culture calls us to keep going, no matter what.

The ‘Red Tent,’ ‘Moon Hut,’ or ‘Moon Lodge,’

as they were known in indigenous cultures around the world, was a place of respite for women of old. We recognize that having a place to go to when we flow, monthly, will make our lives different in profound ways, as well as change the lives of those around us, and ultimately the world! Does your Soul remember the circles of Maidens, Mothers, Grandmothers, and Ancestors? This is a place where women are allowed to Be rather than continually Do… The time is Now, and the Red Tent Consciousness is spreading like sunrise all over the world! Be part of the New Paradigm It’s about You, it’s about Us,

Join US!

Together We Can Change The World!

Spiritual Ecology

“Mystical experience of nature can be of particular relevance to our troubled age, bringing deeper into our consciousness and emotions the logic that nature sustains humanity as humanity must, in turn, sustain nature. Rationality alone, however, cannot be our guide in the task of restoring our environment. A spiritual connection to nature must inspire the emotional commitment that is the yin, complementing the yang of intellectual understanding.� -Carl von Essen


A Means to Achieve A Sustainable Growth Path

Economic development and modernization came at a cost of destroying planet earth and its resources. Seriousness of the issues has been addressed by the UN as it declared 2005-2014 a decade dedicated in achieving self sustainability based on overall human development through economic growth, social development, and environmental protection. The book, The Limits to Growth commissioned, by the Club of Rome warned mankind against repercussions of growing irresponsibly. There is a need to immediately curb our ecological footprint by limiting growth in terms of population, agriculture, industry and waste production or the world wouldn’t be able to sustain itself for longer. It is the point beyond which growth becomes subjunctive. Retracing ecological footprint and practicing a more responsible corporate performance for greater good or green initiatives must now become the primary focus in achieving a sustaining growth path for the future. We are treading through a difficult time where there is a need to restore earth’s balance while retaining growth for advancement of civilization. There are several communities which have already adopted more responsible growth path that is synchronized towards the laws of nature. Instead of depleting natural resources these communities are striving in recycling resources in order to achieve more sustainable growth model. We can draw inspiration from Apatani tribal community, a native of Arunachal Pradesh, India, which has combined paddy faming with fish cultivation to create a complete ecology that is self sustaining. It is surely heartening to know and gives us courage to shade our inhibitions and adopt more idealistic living style.

Ecologically sustainable building structure has given rise to the term ‘arcology’, which is a combination of architecture and ecology referring to building ideas and principals based on the theories of sustainability to promote environmentally conscious living a part of green initiatives. In order to achieve stability there are requirements for building generation of socially and environmentally responsible citizens and we as a corporate can make significant contributions towards it. Education is a primary enabler towards building awareness about conservation and preservation of earth environment. Educated, socially responsible generation will make good citizens for the future but along with, there are serious requirements for developing sustainable healthcare infrastructure that will bring healthcare within the reach of greater population. Healthcare projects enabling basic healthcare and hygiene facilities for community welfare aim at providing counseling and access to medical facilities to rural areas to ensure overall growth. In order to grow as socially responsible corporate there is requirements for adopting a holistic approach towards it. Green initiatives must form the basis of corporate social responsibility. The idea is to promote awareness about individual and collective responsibility towards the planet and adopting conservation policies to essential but finite resource of earth. S Kirti Saxena is a web enthusiast and a writer. Kirti has afforded her articles autonomously and through various online forums

Isn't it time that we rediscovered how to operate through a balance of both masculine and feminine principles? The Feminine is the crucial missing link in our derailing world, and this campaign is for Her. TreeSisters goes where no other campaign has gone before: into the exploration of how the negation of the feminine principle is a primary cause of climate change, and how its reinstatement is crucial for our survival. Women's wisdom, gifts, creativity and courage are needed now more than ever, and this campaign is an overt attempt to elicit and tap them on behalf of the natural world, and our children who are to inherit.


Creating originally Enlightened Artwork Using Basic Concepts of Zen Buddhism The teachings of Buddhism and it's Taoist roots are far too diverse to speak of in this article alone , so let me attempt to relate some of my understanding and interpretations of it's precepts and their relation to the making of photographs. Let me first lay a disclaimer in place, I do not claim to be a Buddhist nor am I an expert of it's teachings, although what I do understand of Zen Buddhism touches me deeply and guides my actions most of the time. Buddhism reaches from the depths of the ancient dynasties of Asia and into the modern Western World, where it's heart beats firm and true among its practitioners. There are several schools of thought, many and varied paths to walk, and even more tenets among the forms of Buddhism that have arisen over the millennia. Studying more and more of them they espouse similar and parallel theories, practices and virtues that seem to lead to several goals, enlightenment, impermanence, selflessness, cause and effect, and the fact that nothing is lost in the universe. To present my understanding of Zen Buddhism and it's relation to my photography as a Sacred Art I will have to show some examples of images I made and their relation to three basic precepts that affect me deeply in my Photography, morality and discipline, concentration, meditation and wisdom or insight. Because these understandings that have arisen over a lifetime of making Art, the Ten Paramita of Buddhism take on particular and significant meaning to me, they are: 1. Giving or generosity 2. Virtue, ethics, morality 3. Renunciation, letting go, not grasping 4. Wisdom and insight 5. Energy, vigour, vitality, diligence 6. Patience or forbearance 7. Truthfulness 8. Resolution, determination, intention 9. Kindness, love, friendliness 10. Equanimity. Embracing these virtues in my life have assisted in releasing the most hindering and destructive delusions in life,these being ignorance,The Four Sublime states can be found; 1. Equanimity (upekkha) 2. Loving-kindness (metta) 3. Compassion (karuna) 4. Sympathetic joy (mudita) and last but not least, four very important reminders will come to light; 1. Human life is precious. 2. Death is inevitable 3. The laws of karma cannot be avoided. 4. Suffering permeates all existence. Have there been times when creating a piece of artwork you have reached a state of complete focus, a state of "being" in the moment, with no past and no future but merely the moment? Have you felt as if you have become "one" and reached a state of deep insight and wisdom? Have you become aware of what morality means in your life and how it affects the world as we know it? Personally I have achieved this through meditation and astral projection, yet have as often reached a state of unattachment, deep awareness and realization of the "True Self" through photography and the experiences that led me to make those images. Some may argue this is exactly the opposite of these conditions, as one would be completely attached to the subject photographed, that we would be imposing our subjectivity upon it and thereby become immersed in a state of selfishness and imposed meaning. By showing you a series of images made over the years, I would like to show just why it is possible to gain insight into one's true nature (Rinzai) following the path of thought away from subjectivity, allowing those thoughts to arise and pass with no interference of Ego. In my personal experience, as well as in the opinion of many of my peers, photography or any form of art is able to bring about the three main trainings of Buddhist; morality/discipline, concentration or meditation, and wisdom leading to Insight. 1. Moral discipline or morality (Sila)

When interpreting Moral Discipline encountering endangered areas, rare plant species, or simply beautifully, delicate laces and creatures we all depend on we must excercise Moral discipline not to disturb, ruin, destroy or covet what we think we feel the desire to posses. We must have a Moral obligation to allow these things to go about their business, to allow them to grow, propagate and remain in their natural state. We must allow insects to do their job and not harm them just becuase we do not like how they look or that we fear them. Cause no distress or harm. There is an old saying; "Take only pictures, leave only footprints." Personally, I feel there can be exceptions, when we are being bitten by a Lyme Tick, I feel it is perfectly acceptable to dispose of it as I see fit. Once again, this is about how I interpret the tenets of Buddhism to create my Art and reach a state of meditation in order to find balance in my life, which many of us may be in dire need of. I have often found myself taking things from areas I have visited, but only after an undertsanding through study and communication with a Ranger that certain plants are harvestable, and are threatened in no way by these actions as long as the rules are followed. For instance, I recently discovered that a certain very valuable herb can be harvested in the Kettle Moraine State Forests of Wisconsin in quantities of up to 10 pounds per person. 2. Concentration (Samadhi)

To concentrate one must be tranquil, to be tranquil we must ignore outside stimuli such as the cold, even though it may be 60째 below with the wind chill or 90째 degrees with 90 percent humidity, these problems are simple to an old hat like me, using my years of time in the field learning just how to dress for conditions and be prepared for what may arise. These things can and will allow the photographer to miss things that may be readily evident and actually very simple to capture on film or digital media because the distractions having been removed enable the photographer to concentrate and become more fully aware of what is around them. Concentrate on what image you wish to achieve, be tranquil and think of composition, timing, exposure, and just what gear you will need to use. These are all forms of exercising concentration and utilizing tranquility to your benefit. Noticing details is another superb form of concentration. If you are tranquil you will see and sense what image it is you wish to make. You will be able to "see" with a tranquil eye. Think about when a picture like this can be made and how, this will teach you to use concentration and tranquility as a creative tool. We must concentrate, intensely and without distraction to be able to capture images like this, we must remove our Ego and nervous energy, our baggage from daily life from the presence of certain creatures that will typically shy from us. Do this and they will begin to see you as part of where they belong, rather than trying to hide from or avoid you. You will find them available to your lens, as it should be. Concentration to the point where all physical discomfort becomes nonexistent; no itches, no scratching, ignoring heat and humidity, cold, rain, wind, aches and pains, the bites and buzzing of mosquitoes and no-see-ums, these "discomforts" are all constructs of the Ego that will inhibit your ability to concentrate on your subject. Images like those that follow do not come from luck, they are made from insight, wisdom, tranquility, concentration and

3. Wisdom or insight (Panna)

Wisdom or insight gives rise to the truth that all things exist in a state of flux, nothing is permanent, the only thing we are able to depend on is impermanence or change. We tend to witness little truth as we impose popular opinion, fear, ignorance and preconceived notions upon all we see, touch or hear. As George Harrison's great album title states; "All things must pass". Whilst gaining true insight into that which we have contemplated is absorbed by the mind, so arises the wisdom that there is a heartfelt disenchantment with all things as they will not remain, being transient and this truth becomes encouraging‌ at least to me. This concept is one open to much interpretation and personal preference. Elasticity is the beginning of wisdom. Water in particular, is the perfect opportunity to contemplate the wisdom of impermanence, water itself changes form as well as altering all it touches, grinding mountains to sand, pummeling coastlines according to it's will,

corps of engineers and rain changes seeds into food and beauty. Sunrise or dawn is another of those moments that confirm the transience and illusion of reality, did you know that when we "see" the sunrise it is just an illusion, a mirage created by the curvature of the earth? We do not actually witness it until it is above the "horizon". For a few closing thoughts, I would like to showcase two images I recently made that reflect the infinity symbol of Yin and Yang, which represents the duality of existence and the Cosmos. The Two Images are untitled, as are all the images in this article for now.

"I have been making images for nearly 35 years of various ecosystems and their flora and fauna, but more importantly of life at that moment the shutter opens and freezes time for a while. I have always viewed photography and Art as a tool used to unravel the forgotten knowledge of our ancestors, a way to express the constant yearning amongst most of us for knowledge and understanding of the natural world, it's peace, wonders and inherit divinity."


Health and Healing

"Our bodies are our gardens, our wills are our gardeners" -Shakespeare


GURGAONCLASSESFORKIDS Yoga helps one become aware of the strengths and weaknesses while exploring new horizons in a fast paced life. Yoga helps us in attaining a desired goal. It is a disciplined method one can do daily with fresh mind in a fresh environment. We live in a busy and stressful world to find relief from stress, Yoga is the best practice one can incorporate in their day to day life. Kids live in a world of busy parents, school pressures, incessant lessons, video games, malls, and competitive sports. The environment created around children greatly affects them to a large extent which may hamper their growth and development. The bustling pace of our children's lives can have a profound effect on their innate joys and usually not for the better.

We usually associate the word Yoga with 'moksha' freedom from the differentiated, temporal, and mortal world of ordinary experience.. While moksha by exact definition depends on the philosophical or theological system the person is conjugated with, we can say Yoga helps to achieve the ultimate goal of life. Children are soft natured, delicate and unimpeded by the norms of society. Their way to live is unique and full of creativity and effervescence. Yoga adds up to this creativity and helps them to understand and control their emotions, like their fears, anger and sadness. Yoga has certain incredible qualities; it encourages their creativity and develops their potential to perform better in life.

by Paul Wells Yoga delivers enormous benefits to Kids * Physically, it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. * Enhance concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation improves. * Helps to connect more deeply with the inner self, and develop an intimate relationship with the natural world that surrounds them. * Bring marvelous inner light that all children have to the surface. Yoga helps children help to trust their inner self and keep their minds and hearts to be in sync. Additionally, Yoga develops wonderful qualities in children. It makes them aware of themselves and their qualities from inside out and this creates awareness and helps them grow in positive directions. It sharpen their focus and self-confidence and develop self discipline. The practice of yoga has immense benefits for not just the body but also the mind so that you enjoy a perfect healthy state of being. What exactly do children learn? Yoga develops body flexibility and awareness, improves body balance and increases immunity against infections, besides it also improves concentration and listening skills and improves their observation power. It rejuvenates body and increases breathing capacity. Additionally, they also improve their unique qualities such as, singing, moving and imitating and playing etc. When children imitate the movements and sounds of nature, they have a

chance to get inside another being and imagine taking on its qualities. The physical movements introduce kids to yoga's true meaning: union, expression, and honor for oneself and one's part in the delicate web of life. Yoga with children offers many possibilities to exchange wisdom, share good times, and lay the foundation for a lifelong practice that will continue to deepen. All that's needed is a little flexibility on the adult's part because, as I quickly found out when I first started teaching the practice to preschoolers, yoga for children is quite different than yoga for adults. Children need to discover the world on their own. Telling them to think harder, do it better, or be a certain way because it's good for them is not the optimal way. Instead, provide a loving, responsive, and creative environment for them to uncover their own truths. As they perform the various animal and nature asanas, engage their minds to deepen their awareness. When they're snakes (Bhujangasana), invite them to really imagine that they're just a long spine with no arms and legs. Could you still run or climb a tree? In Tree Pose (Vrksasana), ask them to imagine being a giant oak, with roots growing out of the bottoms of their feet.

About the Author Surender Choudhary is founder & Director of Yogasanjivani. He believes yoga can help everyone to live well, feel good and age stylishly.

ESSENTIAL OILS IN SKIN CARE Many skin care products use essential oils in their ingredients. For instance I saw a shampoo and conditioner advertised which included tea tree oil and said it was for dry scalp. Why tea tree oil to combat dry scalp? Because tea tree oil has natural antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties and is very effective countless skin aliments, skin spots, acne and dandruff. Understanding the properties of essential oils will give you a great advantage when selecting skin care products for you skin type or skin ailment. With that in mind below are common essential oils used in skin care products and their properties.

Carrot Oil - has a strengthening effect on blood cells thus improving tone and elasticity to the skin. Avoid carrot oil if pregnant due to its stimulating properties. Chamomile - can ease anxiety, tension and anger when used in aromatherapy. It will calm the mind and is helpful with insomnia. It is an excellent skin cleanser and can relieve dry and itchy skin. Chamomile smoothes out broken capillaries and improved elasticity. It is very suitable for sensitive skin too. Because chamomile is an emmenagogue (any substance that induces or hastens menstrual flow) it should be avoided in the early stages of pregnancy. Some of the properties of chamomile are: sedative, emollient, emmenagogue, antidepressant, and antiseptic. Geranium - is a good overall cleanser for all skin types, it tones pales skin and increases blood flow. In addition it balances sebum production. Properties of geranium are: antiseptic, astringent, and deodorant to name a few. This oil also is known to regulate the hormonal system so best not to use if pregnant. Also, it may cause irritation to sensitive skin types. Jasmine - A luxurious and highly effective treatment for dry sensitive skin but generally good for all skin types. A blend with Mandarin and Lavender increases skin elasticity and softens stretch marks and scars. In aromatherapy, Jasmine eases severe depression and is calming to the nerves and warms the emotions. Some of its properties are: antidepressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, emollient and sedative. Lavender - useful for all skin types as it promotes growth of new cells and performs a balancing act on sebum. It is also effective on acne, eczema and psoriasis due to its healing properties. In aromatherapy it can bring down

high blood pressure, calm palpitations and provide relief from insomnia. Properties of lavender are: emmenagogue (so avoid during first months of pregnancy), antidepressant, antiviral, bactericide, and deodorant to name a few. Lemon - brightens dull complexions by removing dead skin cells (a natural hydroxyl acid). Lemon will smooth out broken capillaries and a very effective cleanser on greasy skin and hair. Promotes a soften effect on scar tissue and guards against brittle fingernails. In aromatherapy it produces clarity of thought and a refreshing a cooling feeling when feeling overheated or bothered. Lemon may bother sensitive skin types. Patchouli - is a tissue regenerator helping regrowth of skin cells. It will cool inflamed skin conditions, rough and cracked skin and sores and wounds. It is also helpful for acne, eczema, fungal infections and scalp disorders. In aromatherapy it promotes grounding and balancing effect. Patchouli will sharpen the wits thus making the mind more objective and banishes lethargy. This oil may cause loss of appetite which is fine if you need to change your eating habits. Rose - is good for all skin types but especially for mature and sensitive skin types. It is a soothing tonic and it has a constricting action on the capillaries thus valuable for broken thread like veins. In aromatherapy is calming to the womb and pre-menstrual tension. It also has a beneficial action to help infertility and helps with sexual difficulties. Additionally it has a soothing effect on the emotions. It will lift the heart and eases nervous tension and stress. It is an ultra feminine oil and will give a woman positive feeling about herself. Essential oils are very potent and for the most part they are not applied full strength to the

Carol Belanger, author of 300+ Skin Care Recipes For more wonderful homemade skin care recipes, Beauty tips, how to videos, and products visit


Let the Power of Nature Nourish Your Skin, Restore Your Youthful Glow and Help You Save a Fortune at the Cosmetic Counter! Discover why your "beauty care" products may not be so pretty after all!

From: Tera Warner, founder of Body Enlightenment Montreal, Quebec, Canada Greetings, Gorgeous! Have you ever noticed that the women wearing the most foundation and make-up also tend to have the worst skin? This is not a coincidence!!! All those powder puffs, perfumed potions, carcinogenic creams and so called "beauty" products contain a toxic soup of chemicals, waxes and petroleum products that block pores, suck moisture and cause premature aging! Here's Something You may Find Surprising: "89 percent of the ingredients used in personal care products have not been evaluated for safety!"

By nurturing your face with pure botanical products, you will enjoy the effective potency of plants. Our facial care products are crafted with natural, botanical, and renewable ingredients.


Astrological "Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you." -Dane Rudhyar

Insights Full Moon Focus for July 2014

The 7/12/14 Full Moon, the first to come after our 2014 Summer Solstice (aka the longest day of the year with the most solar energy shining on the planet,) holds the energetic inverse of both dualities -- the strength of moon (receptivity) and the strength of the sun (giving.) This is a perfect time to make the intention to finally RECEIVE all that we have been creating and manifesting! WWW.CHARISMELINA.COM

Sacred Relationships The alchemy of two souls, united in divine love, is a vessel of love, an alchemical crucible for our souls’ greatest unfolding. Sacred sexual relationship offers the possibility to remember the majesty of our souls, igniting the holy fires of eros, burning through lifetimes of karma and all the old wounds that cause the drama, melting them in the embrace of our love. When a man and a woman come together in love and they both have a direct relationship to the divine, miracles can happen. In sacred relationship, we acknowledge it as the primary container for soul growth and realize that our tantric sexual exploration will bring up our deepest wounds and that healing is in learning to hold each other in love even when the shadow is arising to be seen, to be felt, to be freed. We are required to be like an eagle flying above the relationship sometimes, seeing the wider perspective of the soul’s journey and not taking the small stuff personally. Leyolah Antara © excerpt from the book Kundalini Dance, Sacred

What to do when the law of attraction isn't working by Linda Markley The law of attraction tends to work better for people at first. This is similar to many other practices - at first they can be easy and then they get harder, presenting us with the opportunity to explore and learn something new, thereby deepening and expanding our understanding and abilities. 1. Surrender/love what is When we resist what is, even subtly by thinking it 'should' not be like this or feel a need for something to be different, we keep ourselves from being present. When we are not present we live in our minds. We can make this seductively pleasant by thinking or visualising what we want but, if that's all we do, it will interrupt our direct experience and enjoyment of life and keep us from knowing what is actually possible for us and how to enable that to happen, 2. Accept the possibility of the opposite of what you want With success comes the possibility of failure. If the opposite of what we want is not acceptable to us, we will resist it and hold onto control, both of which limit how much we allow. Many of us resist similar things, which continually strengthens their energy field. Our happiness does not depend on external circumstances. Once we really know this, we can make our peace with all possibilities. Then, instead of focusing on a particular outcome we can let go, which gives the part of us that interacts with infinite intelligence to play full out, exploring all possibilities, ramifications and eventualities, find what we need and tweak it according to our preferences, leading to the best of all potentialities Come to the edge, he said. They came, he pushed, they flew.

3. Relax, open and pay attention The first two suggestions make it possible to relax and open. We do not, however, want to zone out because we may have an active part to play. To know what that is, we need to pay close attention, to look out for subtle clues or changes. Relaxing helps us to surrender, allow, notice more and respond more effectively. If we also drop down into our heart and being, which we can only do when we relax and slow down, we will notice a great deal more. 4. Creatively and sensitively explore We can also explore and experiment. This does not mean we have to rush round trying to make something happen or covering every post. If we did that, we might well miss clues. What we can do is tune in to what we want as if it is already developing a life or a beingness of its own, and explore it further, rather as artists might explore their ideas with preliminary sketches or writers might make character sketches and then ask those characters questions to learn more about them. In addition to helping with our current process, this hones our sensitivity which will stand us in good stead in future and help us tell the difference between intuitive knowing and wishful thinking. 5. Be playful Where there is laughter, there God is, where there is seriousness, there is ego. Papaji The best way to explore is playfully. Play helps us to relax and our egos do not see it as important enough to interfere with. 6. What's in the way is the way. One thing to explore is whether we are blocking or limiting our own progress. Simply being aware of the roots of our issues or blocks can be enough to shift them. If not, we can clarify what we want, surrender, explore, allow etc. to attract the resources we need to shift them. Resolving and releasing our blocks bring us real freedom and inner peace, more precious than any outer manifestation. 7. Learn to tolerate the discomfort of uncertainty When we do not tolerate the discomfort of uncertainty, we tend to resist, either by forcing the pace and getting in our own way, or by being stressed rather than relaxed. And we tend to limit ourselves to mundane, immediate, assured gratification rather than growth and lasting satisfaction. One thing that helps is trust. 8. Trust Many pet owners will tell you their pets choose them without stress or strain. In the Tsunami, it is said that wild animals all moved to the high ground. We have largely lost touch with our instincts. Part of the way to restore that connection is to trust and follow the impulses we do notice, including those to do nothing (which are often the hardest for us in our 'make something happen' culture). If we do that, the gatekeeper that decides what, of all the information vying for our attention, we get to notice, lets more intuitive knowing through. 9. Be trustworthy Part of what we want to trust is ourselves. We also want to be entrusted with gifts, some of which we will then develop (relationships, jobs, businesses, finances, friendships etc.). The likelihood of both increases when we prove ourselves to be trustworthy, by always keeping our word, being punctual, listening and playing our part as best we can and by not pretending that we do not know. 10. Go deeper and keep fine (or not so fine) tuning The law of attraction tends to work better for people at first. This is similar to many other practices - at first they can be easy and then they get harder, presenting us with the opportunity to explore and learn something new, thereby deepening and expanding our understanding and abilities. Instead of exploring, many of us move on to something else. Instead of surrendering and digging deeper into what is, we often cling to and more deeply entrench our beliefs. Everything is changing all the time, including us. Just because something was right for us yesterday, does not necessarily make it right for us today. Many of our blocks are layered. Better to surrender our beliefs, release deeper layers of blocks or resistance, notice what is needed now and modify our approach appropriately. About the Author UK Matrix Energetics practitioner. Phone sessions available. Visit Linda's Webiste for free tips on getting into the gap where miracles happen.

To love someone as much as you love the world is mind blowing and that is an ultimate blessing. “Wildfire a love story" is a very personal piece. It’s about the kind of love I always knew was possible, yet was hard to believe when it found me. It’s the love that can be met in a teacher, mentor, or lover. In my case, it is met in someone who is all of these to me. It’s the love that clears all fear that somehow we are unloved and unlovable because of something that happened. It’s pure love, like wildfire, that burns doubt to reveal the truth of an all-benevolent presence of which we are born and to which we die. We are lovable. We are loved. We are love. ~megan hollingsworth

“Underneath the color of our skin, all women bleed the same, red, deep, ancient flow of life for It is this power what makes the blood that naturally flows through a woman during her cycle seem taboo.� ~ Marjory Meijia

Artist, Laurie Blank

Meaningful Spiritual Relationships Namaste Matters

Celebrate life with this insight on how to take your personal relationships to a whole new level. To me, a spiritual relationship exists between any two people who recognize and acknowledge that deep inside, we are the same. Behind the faces, beyond the reach of social conditioning, deeper than individual egos, we are identical. We are presence, consciousness, pure knowingness - the awareness of "I am." We are life itself.

For Reading Creative Sacred Living Magazine We hope you will join us again for our June issue and continue on this journey with us in living creatively sacred lives! Creative Sacred Living Magazine is a green eZine published monthly

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