Creative Sacred Living Magazine October 2014

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Creative Sacred Living MAGAZINE

ISSUE 06 /October 2014

Using The Law of Nature

To Get Over Heartbreak

Choosing An Enchanted Life

Tantric Lovemaking and the Art of Kissing

Astrologic Insights: with Kelly Simas Taking Nature Beyond Environmentalism

The Way of the Cards: on trarot, oracle, and affirmation Automatic Writing

with Tery Brouwer

Dear Wild & Spirited One Trust Is A Must - Renee Avard

And Much More!


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Letter From The Editor

Pg. 6

Conscious Entertainment

Pg 14

Creative Living

Pg. 32 Sacred Living Pg 42

Personal Growth

Pg. 50 Spiritual Ecology Pg. 76 Health & Healing Pg 82

Astrological Insights

Pg. 86 Sacred Relationships


In My Shoes with Deborah Milton

Pg 34

An Authentic Howl with Cynthia Lee

Pg 44

Creative Seeds with Cindy Jones Lantier

Pg. 46 Renee's Thoughts Worth Catching Pg 56

Sacred Nature with Matthew George

Pg. 80 Sacred Living with Theresa Brower

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Shades of Change The cool morning breeze, swishes the leaves off the trees, leaving pools of colorful leaves to wilt beneath the solid branches. The days of autumn are bittersweet, temperatures change the colors from green to brilliant shades to treat, our eyes to nature's amazing canvas. Orange, yellow, crimson red, sends visual messages to my head, telling me of imminent change, this season does rearrange, my thoughts and feelings toward winter's dealings, that drive the mind toward sadness anticipation of isolated loneliness. As each leaf falls from the tree, I see the strength of each full branch, and find myself in a meditative trance, connecting to the change of another season.

Shades of change (C) Gloria Gypsy. All Rights Reserved

Autumns Past (c) Gloria Gypsy. All Rights Reserved


Entertaniment Expand Your Horizons

HEALING THE LUMINOUS BODY Alberto Villoldo, PhD., introduces and explains the luminous energy field that surrounds and informs our physical body like a blueprint of life. It is a secret of ancient shaman-healers that many of our physical and psychological problems stem from imprints within our luminous body. Dr. Villoldo unveils how to heal and recover from these destructive imprints and regain our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Join us as we travel to the Andes Mountains to learn the secret of the ancient Shamans, a secret that can lead all of us to health, happiness and beauty. It was here, that he discovered the wisdom of the luminous body from the indigenous shamans. This ancient knowledge reveals the secret of true health and happiness.

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There is one vibratory field that connects all things. It has been called Akasha, Logos, the primordial OM, the music of the spheres, the Higgs field, dark energy, and a thousand other names throughout history. It is the same field of energy that saints, Buddhas, yogis, mystics, priests, shamans and seers have observed by looking within themselves. It is the common link between all religions, and the link between our inner worlds and our outer worlds.


HAWTHORN, PLANT WALK WITH JIM MCDONALD Do you use Hawthorn (Craetagus spp.) as a tincture or tea? In this video jim shares some more unusual ways of incorporating this plant into your life. He also discusses using the plant for the physical heart as well as the emotional or spiritual heart. You can find organic herbs at Mountain Rose Herbs.

Click here for high quality organic bulk herbs, gourmet spices, loose leaf teas, essential oils, herbal extracts, and natural body care ingredients



“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in a time, this expression is unique. And if you block will never exist through any other medium and wi lost.� ~Martha Graham

In My Shoes: Choosing an Enchanted Life Reclaiming our Mythic Mojo

Vol 1, Issue 6,October 2014

Toward the end of my last column I said: "We can reclaim our enchanted relationship to the world. All we need do is choose to experience the world as a living being. The world is waiting for our return and responds quickly." Choosingtoexperiencetheworldalivemakesmylifesparkle.Yesterdayeveningoffers a prime example. Here’s the story: My friend Jeff and I had little time to compare notes before our Joseph Campbell Roundtable discussion last night. I felt a little bit anxious about that because ourtopicwasnoneotherthanCOSMOLOGY…Imeanwow,that’sbig!AndIwasn’tsureif we were on the same page, though my wise self knew spirit was taking care of all that REALLY. But to make sure I am calm, grounded, and trusting, the dogs take me for a walk in the wood right before I leave to co-facilitate the discussion. Just as we are exiting the forest, a frog quite literally growls RIBBET in my left ear. Seriously, it did. I know it is speaking directly to me. I look but don’t see him or her so I can’ttellyouifithadagoldballinitsmouthbutitloudlyandclearlyspoketome.RIBBET orisitRIVET!?AndIknowitrepresentsthefrogfromthestoryJeffandIhadtoldthelast time, the version of the Frog Prince where the frog suffers a splat not a kiss at the end. ( See Issue 5 ) Riveted by the gravely voice, so deeply resonant with import, I stop. This voice emanates from a singular guy or gal who sounds robust. It speaks up several more times before I bow in gratitude and leave. ThisexchangealertsmetothepoweroftheFrogPrincestory,soI’mnotsurprisedwhen theroundtablediscussionspendstwo-thirdsofourtimedelvingdeeplyintoit.Jeffand Ievenhadtoretellit.ThediversityofperspectivesopensmymindtoideasIwouldnever have discovered on my own. And I realize a different kind of cosmology is manifesting. This is not the origins of the universe without, but the burgeoning of infinite galaxies within. As each of us wraps our proverbial arms around this old Frog Prince story, we’re discovering treasures of insight and epiphanies of creative thought buried within our Selves. Our words strung together to form sentences flow forth from the interior mystery,ourabilitytotalktheessenceofcreativitythoughmostofusnevernoticethat as the miracle it is. Here we sit in an endless stream of possibilities generated by a few humans attempting to make meaning by using their imaginations. Awe-full!

And then, shifting gears to the universe OUT THERE, I’m blown wider open. How do we embrace the enormity of the gigantuan? Science offers facts so beyond our mental comprehension that we can embrace them only with the help of spirit, meaning reverence, wonder, awe, love, creative expression.

Joseph Campbell speaks to this in his book: The Inner Reaches of Outer Space: . . . it occurred to me that outer space is within us inasmuch as the laws of space are within us: outer and inner space are the same. We know…that we have actually been born from space, since it was out of primordial space that the galaxy took form, of which our life-giving sun is a member. And this earth, of whose material we are made, is a flying satellite of that sun. We are, in fact productions of this earth. We are, as it were, its organs. Our eyes are the eyes of the earth; our knowledge is the earth’s knowledge…

After humans landed on the moon and we saw our planet from afar, Campbell recognized the necessity for new mythologies to be born. He said: *The only myth that is going to be worth thinking about in the immediate future is one that is talking about the planet, not the city, not these people, but the planet, and everybody on it....When you see the earth from the moon, you don't see any divisions there of nations or states. This might be the symbol, really, for the new mythology to come. (The planet) is the country that we are going to be celebrating.

Thomas Berry* concurs when he says: It’s all a question of story...We are in trouble‌ becausewedonothaveagoodstory.Wearebetweenstories.Theoldstory,theaccount of how we fit into it, is no longer effective. Yet we have not learned the new story.

Which brings me back to CHOOSING. How do I, how do we, choose to live on this teensy planet? We, the evolutionary newbies living here, are also the dominators, the manipulators, the destroyers of life systems so intricate that they are still beyond the understanding of modern science. But we are also the consciousness of Gaia, the awefilled ones, the meaning makers and the lovers of life.

A vision I had twenty years ago while holding an Ecstatic Wisdom Posture describes our dilemma and our promise this way: Black and white Kachinas dance in the center of a circle. I wonder where the women are. I find them off to the side, standing in a circle dressed in black shrouds as they help a woman give birth. Suddenly I see through the eyes of one of the black and white Kachinas. As he swings his head from side to side, I see the desecrated earth and the green beautiful earth and I hear him chant, "You choose, you choose, you choose." Then the animals come spilling through, their eyes peering out of the rainforest, watching us. A huge heart rises in the midst of the circle of dancers. I see its wounds and also that it is healing itself. A river of green slashes through the heart, carrying heart energy and spilling green all over the earth. I see that the green river has opened the heart so I can see the texture of its interior. I am shocked to see it is the same texture as that of the molten "holy" rocks I saw yesterday in the Jemez Mountains. I wonder if our heart's interior simply mirrors the earth outside our bodies, if all our bodies' parts and functions reflect the earth outside us. Can that be right? Is the earth really outside us? Maybe, instead, the earth is ourselves turned inside out. Brian Swimme in The Universe is a Green Dragon says: "Think of how, for billions of years, the presence of the fireball flooded the Earth. There it was, each instant, washing over everything on the planet, and only now have we learned to become sensitive to it. We are awash with the presence of the universe, already swamped in its beauty. All things have discharged themselves into the world, merely awaiting our development of the sensitivity to respond to them. To live as a mature human being is to journey home, and our home is enchantment." May we all remember to choose an enchanted life‌ *Thomas Berry and Campbell quotes from Huffington Post: Practical Dreaming in the Hopeful Light of Earthrise by Craig Chalquist.

Deborah Jane Milton, PhD




Morning Muse for ....preparing for Autumn.. Crone Gratitude...What makes my day filled with contentment???

Sitting in the early morning by the window watching the birds flit in and out of the trees and garden chirping and chatting among themselves understanding on some natural level that life, as it is in the moment, is wonderful!

The morning unfolds with Grace. I light a candle and breathe in the morning air. I give thanks for this gift of contentment .Taking my camera I walk barefoot on the wet grass after a heavy rain that cleansed and freshened the garden around me. The scent of the wet earth fills me with the memory of a time when we knew the importance of all aspects of the earth and her wonder. I walk the garden enjoying the

dampness on my feet, knowing that the birds, bugs and plant life care nothing about how I look. They are busy searching for their next meal, especially the family of crows who have been re generating and visiting for the past six or seven years.

They are a constant source of pleasure for the lessons they share. Camera in hand I snap away, loving the portraits of close up fantasy right here for me to experience. Coming back in and making a cup of coffee, I sit and listen, knowing that I have a whole day to myself, a very special gift. Along with coffee, photos and jazz I will put paint to the canvas.

Ah yes, and sit down and chat with you all about the love of living simply, and the gifts it brings into my life. A gentle connection that, as I get older, means so much to me. Jo Ann Parker

Jotree's Heart & Soul Connections Lets Connect!

You Are Enough

Willowing Arts

Creative Soul Poetry with Teresa Brouwer

“And it is your spirit-will and energy, and virtue and purity-that I want, not alone with your brittle frame.” Charlotte Bronte’, Jane Eyre

Automatic Writing Automaticwritingisanamazingwaytochannelyourhigherself,spiritguidesandpassed loved ones. It’s when you allow spirit to communicate through you and allow your unconscious mind to take over your writing. This form of writing is a great way to tap into your higher wisdom and a wonderful way to allow your true essence to surface. Believe it or not, many of us have experienced automatic writing without even realizing it. Have you ever wrote in a journal, an article, on a blog and found yourself pouring out words as if something took over? Do you find yourself writing a masterpiece and then unable to write it again? Have you ever created a piece of art but unable to create the same work again? Here are some tips on how to get started: Setting the tone: Light some candles Start with a mini-meditation Try visualization and breathing techniques Call forth angel guides and spirit guides. Ask for their guidance Let go

Chakra Connection: The crown chakra (Sanskrit: Sahasrara) is located at the top of the head. It is known as the “open door” where spiritual awareness is received. Connecting to our energy fields/chakras is an easy task. Close your eyes and focus on the area above your head. Visualize a white light surrounding the area similar to a halo. Release any thoughts and simply allow yourself to envision a beaming white light. Ask and you shall receive: Ask your angel guides to surround you in a white bubble for protection and keep a black tourmaline or black onyx near your area. With any type of meditation and spiritual work, share your intentions with the universe and spirit guides. Release any thoughts and allow the answers to come through. The Writing Process: On a piece of paper or computer, write a question (I prefer handwritten myself). Allow theinformationtodownloadandflowwitheasewithouttakingpenoffthepaper.Trynot to think too hard and write down what comes to mind; even if it’s one word, write it down. There are several ways to do automatic writing: one is allowing spirit to communicate through you or it can be used as a meditative state (I prefer the meditative state) where you write down what you feel and hear intuitively: your higher self. Similar to meditation, you simply let go of idle chatter as you allow your inner self-awareness to take over. Automatic writing in a nutshell is simply writing without thinking. Trust your intuition andyourwisdom;believeinwhatyouhearandfeel.Everyonehastheirownwayofdoing thiskindofwork;findasystemthatworksbestforyou.Ifyoufearordon’thaveanydesire to allow spirit to communicate through you, the meditative state writing is a great alternative.

Creative Living Coach & Intuitive "I use creativity and healing as coaching tools towards helping others lead a creative abundant life in body, mind and spirit. I love to inspire others turn their everyday lives into a personal playground filled with love, joy, happiness and creative play" facebook.creativesoulpoetry

Square the Circle

SQUARE THE CIRCLE: Art Therapy Workbook offers easy to use coloring sheets and art directives to increase self awareness. Based on the principles of mindfulness and the current research on how the body holds I received my training in clinical art therapy at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York, graduating with a Masters Degree in Art Therapy and Creativity Development. I am a Board Certified Art Therapist and Washington State Licensed Mental Health Counselor. Over the last fifteen years, I have provided counseling, training, and consulting services in the areas of youth and family services as well as adults struggling with addiction and mental health issues. Having worked in diverse racial, cultural, and socioeconomic settings, I work hard to bring cultural competence to my work. For eight years I taught in Antioch University Seattle's masters Art Therapy program

Fierce Wildness. Soulful Energy. Uplifting Sisterhood. The Wild Sisterhood is an online community created especially for women who want to love themselves, follow their bliss + change the world. I created it to provide a safe + welcoming place where women can meet + support each other as they discover themselves + carve their own path in life. Why? Because when I decided to choose happiness + start designing my life, I felt completely overwhelmed, alone + had no idea where to begin. I wanted a place where I could go to explore this new side of myself, find resources to keep me inspired + motivated to go after my dreams, + connect with like-minded women. .

The Amazing Biz and Life Academy is a divinely-guided, wildly-affordable and deeply-powerful success library that’s just a fraction of the cost you see elsewehere. It’s one of the most generous, powerful, inspired, best-priced + transformational training resources you’ll find anywhere in the world. It’s a training library jampacked with programs, meditations + kits to transform your business + life to Level Amazing. And it’s access to an incredible mastermind of almost 3000 women (just like you) who can help you with much needed brainstorming, support + guidance. The Academy is a divinely guided, heart-centered success library to help you and your business reach the levels of joy, abundance, creativity + prosperity that you were born to have. One part business + marketing training field + one part inspirational mastermind + one part soulcentered wisdom to make every part of your life glow, the Academy is the premier resource for women wishing to create amazing lives and businesses. The Academy is more than just one single program – it gives you access to a huge range of Leonie Dawson’s proven and powerful products and programs to help you transform + shine in every single area of your life and business. As a member of the Academy, you’ll receive powerful business + marketing training to help you start + grow your dream business rapidly & happily. You’ll receive audio meditations to soothe your soul. Illustrated workbooks to create clarity & intention around difficult decisions. E-courses to supercharge your creativity, become a marketing maven & wrangle your fears. Tips to get your house decluttered & in your inner world order. Cleanses to bring your body into health & radiance. Everything you need to live, work, play & create like the amazing woman you were born to be.


Flora Bowley in her studio painting, shot by Zipporah Lomax, music by Kyrstyn Pixton. Be inspired at Click below for a unique perspective on the creative process

Sacred Living The spiritual path is simply the journey of living our lives. The spiritual path does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it. You are born of spirit. Set your Inner spiritual being free.

The Way of the Cards: On Tarot, Oracle and Affirmation Cards

Somehow, last month, I found myself in a packed community center behind a local church giving oracle card readings. Now, there was a time when, if I told you I was a reader, I would have been referring to my voracious appetite for books and knowledge. Curious to a fault, I wanted to know everything, so I read. That’s a great way to approach this infinitely fascinating world - but it turns out I’ve stumbled upon another mystical and entrancing way to learn; The Way of the Cards. Twenty years ago I began to make card reading a part of my daily practice. I choose a card for the day to meditate on as I go about my business. I do a 3 card reading to reflect on what’s happening in body, mind and spirit. Or any number of other readings to clarify the direction my life is taking. Certainly there have been periods when I have been turned away from the cards by the busyness of life. But inevitably, I return. And in doing my first public reading I became aware of a wonderful “secret.” I discovered that chocolate and jewelry are not the only things women hide away in their dresser drawers. A surprising number of women shyly confessed to owning

some version of divination cards. With the surge in “New Age” spiritual practices, self-help books and publishers like Hay House promoting a more open view of the world, many tarot, oracle and affirmation decks have burst onto the scene. There really is something for everyone. If you like animals, Jamie Sams and Steven D. Farmer have created gorgeous decks that will help you to understand and develop this connection. Drawn to angels? There are dozens of decks; many created by writer and psychologist Doreen Virtue. Fairies your thing? Check out the magical world of Brian Frood. There are hundreds of versions of the standard Tarot deck, and many well known authors like Melody Beattie and Wayne Dyer are doing affirmation decks that reflect their life’s work. My latest and most inspired deck is the Awakening to Your Divine Self Oracle Card Deck which I will share thoughts on in a subsequent column. The interesting thing to contemplate is what is this surge in popularity about, and why are so many women flocking to these “new” philosophies?

I believe this interest reflects a deep longing for connection; to both the self and others. It reflects a need to share our stories, and to have this “story,” which is our real life, witnessed and honored by others. It reflects our need to “grow” our soul or in many cases to reclaim, recover or retrieve it. And by the way, these are not new philosophies. They are based on the oldest of traditions- goddess centered, earth based life respecting philosophies. They are in a sense our ancestors pointing the way. Culturally we are at a turning point. We are being called to question and to find our own answers. These cards are a wonderful tool in this most gratifying and soulful journey.

Jo Ederer (Jo E.) is a writer, literacy teacher, librarian, and lover of life residing in rural Northern Ontario. A thinker and researcher, Jo has spent many years studying philosophy, metaphysics, and the modern self-help movement. She has a deep appreciation of symbolism and archetype and the many ways in which they show up in oracle and tarot cards, and in life. Jo E. can be reached at

How The Vesica Pisces Explains Creation And The Arrow Of Time Original Point of Separation from Self is Start of All Energy The symbol of the Vesica Pisces looks like two overlapping circles and represents the formation of the Prime Radiant or very first particle resulting from the first act of creation which was the first separation from the Great Oneness. The actual nature of all reality is oneness or the one true or original Substance of all reality which we experience every day outside ourselves as space and within our selves as consciousness. From this universal space which contains all dimensions, comes all things. The first separation from our true Self resulted in an endless vibration as the oneness (now separated into "twoness") tries to go back into itself and instead only intercepts at its original point of separation temporarily, and swings back through itself the other way like a pendulum, except more like a vibrating string or membrane as in "Membrane Theory." This first act of separation instantly repeats itself endlessly becoming universalized and infinitely complex, resulting in all creation as we know it -- full of vast quantities of energy in all manner of forms and dimensions. All it really is, is our great One Self vibrating or expanding out from its own origin and expressing itself in all manner of ways. Energy is created by our observation of it, because consciousness separating from itself is the actual source of this universal energy. As soon as separation consciousness stops, and Oneness prevails, then all things cease to exist except in a state of perfect equilibrium, stillness or perfect order. The point of balance (equilibrium) between all states of vibration is this state of perfect stillness or potential of creation. Wherever the waves of electromagnetic radiation cancel each other out is where the one substance of all space is in greater equilibrium. How the Vesica Pisces Explains the Arrow of Time The Vesica Pisces is two circles overlapping one another each representing a spontaneous dimensional expansion out of its original state

of the Oneness as represented by the original circle. As the observer observes (or becomes "aware" of itself through spontaneous dimensional expansion) a very significant event occurs that establishes the permanent arrow of time created by the polarity of the observer and the observed because one must always follow the other in a very definite sequence. The Observer (God) always comes first, followed by the observed (Creation), and coincidentally, the two "O's" in the Vesica Pisces are like overlapping initials "O.O." standing for both the Observer and the Observed. Time therefore always goes forward in this sequence of the "oneness" followed by the "twoness" (duality of the observer and observed) creating a universal polarity of space, all logical sequences, the thermodynamic arrow of time, and the universal order of creation itself. This is why time (the universal flow of energy) never goes backward, and why time is basically asymmetric and not always symmetric, and why the whole universe is always expanding and never contracting. The universal vibration started by the original separation from the Oneness is so intense that it causes all space to have an ever-expanding sub-atomic quantum energy texture or pattern which sustains all things in creation. Atoms could not be sustained without this quantum energy, the electrons vibrating around every atom would simply collapse into the nucleus, which in turn (being a vibration of the quantum texture of space) would dissipate into nothing. All living organisms, including the human form are sustained by this cosmic (dark) energy. Because it is so ubiquitous, ultra fine, and constant, materialistic scientists don't fully grasp the extent to which it does and can sustain human life. Some people claim to live entirely without food and live on this universal energy instead. Consciousness, the thermodynamic arrow of time, quantum (or zero point) energy, and what many religions term "God" "Shakti" "Prana" "Chi" "Om" the "Shabd" the "Holy Spirit" and

the cosmological "dark energy" causing the vast expansion of the universe, are all various aspects or definitions of roughly the same quality. Like the overlapping circles of the Vesica Pisces, many of the above concepts and phenomena actually overlap one another as almost being, if not entirely being, one and the same phenomenon. Whole Essence of the Universe and Root of all Sacred Geometry God was symbolized as a circle in the earliest cultures, having no beginning or end, eternally existing, perfectly shaped and absolutely symmetrical. The creation of a second circle symbolized the start of the duality of god and goddess, male and female. When two circles intersect, the form of the Vesica Pisces is created as if the god and goddess formed a divine offspring. The Vesica Pisces design and its offshoots, the Flower of Life, Tree of Life, and fundamentals of geometry, go back thousands of years preceding nearly all of today's major religions. There are various meanings ascribed the Vesica Pisces, which is basically the intersection of two, overlapping spheres; such as the union of heaven and Earth in the body of Christ, the root element of the Flower of Life, the merging of God and Goddess, the vagina of the female goddess, the first pattern at the basis of all trigonometric configurations, square roots and harmonic dimensions; a source of great power and vitality, and as an overlying template that intersects with all the points on the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life, Flower of Life, and the Seed of Life overlap perfectly, with the Vesica Pisces providing all of the elements of the Flower of Life and all the coordinates for the Tree of Life. The Vesica Pisces represents the Pythagorean "measure of the fish" or mystical conjunction of the spiritual world with the physical world and, with one end extended to look like the tail of a fish, was used as a simple "fish" symbol for the early Christian faith. The Vesica Pisces also symbolizes the miracle of the fishes. Amazingly, the Gospel of John (21:11) reveals the numerical formula, "153" found in one of the mathematical ratios (265:153 =

1.7320261...) for the Vesica Pisces: "Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken." The Vesica Pisces is one of the most important geometrical designs of archaic and modern times. The Vesica Pisces can be found on nearly every medieval church in Europe. Many of these churches were devoted to the Virgin Mary or to Mary Magdalene, in other words, the goddess. In northern France, some of the churches are located in such a way as to resemble the locations of stars in the constellation Virgo. The Chapel of St. Mary, located In Glastonbury (also called Avalon, the island of the Goddess), England, is decorated with the Vesica Pisces. In that area, there is a "goddess' garden" containing the Chalice Well decorated with a "Vesica Pisces" iron grid and a garden pond shaped like two overlapping circles. Many of the religions who acknowledge the importance and energy of the goddess, use the Vesica Pisces to identify her. In geometry, the ratio of the width of the Vesica Pisces to its height is the square root of 3, or 1.7320508... Also two equilateral triangles join along the edge where straight lines are drawn connecting the centers of the two overlapping circles with each other. The square roots of three of the first digits of the Fibonacci Numbers, 2, 3, and 5, can be geometrically determined using the shape of the Vesica Pisces. The ratios 265:153 = 1.7320261... and 1351:780 = 1.7320513... are two of a series of approximations as close as one can get to the actual square root of 3, and no greater similarity in value can be obtained with smaller whole numbers. Many crop circles have also appeared in England consisting of or containing the Vesica Pisces design in various ways. In a 1996 crop circle with the shape of the Vesica Pisces, a terrific surge of energy could be felt while walking into the center portion where the two circles overlapped.

Russell Symonds (Shaktivirya) has dedicated his life to finding wholeness and is living the "wholeness" lifestyle. His website, Science of Wholenes is a spiritual and nutritional information and research center dedicated to helping you find your keys to wholeness (everlasting joy, love, bliss, rejuvenation, and much, much more). Wholeness can be many things and his website not only discusses all the different aspects of wholeness but also all the different ways toward wholeness. There is no greater thing of beauty, value and joy as wholeness!

Sacred Artwork used for this article by Joma Sipe


with Cynthia Lee

comfortable with the sleeping version of you. In fact, at times, you may be more comfortable with that version as well. When you wake up, you risk waking up everything and everyone around you. We sometimes prefer the false peace that tip toeing through life may bring us. False peace comes with a price. You lose the beauty of knowing your authentic self and the world is left void of your true presence. There is a space in the world that only you can fill. Your voice, your dance, your art, your words, your living, your wisdom, your truth are needed, are wanted, are desired. Don't misunderstand me. I am not asking for grand and great accomplishments. (though I believe that grand and great lies within you) It is the way that you do the ordinary, mundane things that make up the extraordinary life. Living large is possible from dancing in the kitchen to singing in the the car, from standing in Last month I left you scrubbing the sleep from line at the grocery store to running after your eyes, stretching your arms and breathing toddlers, from early morning coffee to late night long and deep, taking first wobbly steps toward chats. waking up. This month, I want to prepare you for what may happen next. With each large choice, you become more

Dear Wild and Spirited One,

Now that your eyes are open, now that you are standing upright, make your way to the mirror. Have a good, long look into your eyes and really see what is there. Take those eyes on adventures so that they can see the magic of living. Return again to the mirror. Sit with your inner wisdom often. Learn to trust self. Now, here is where it gets fun. Learning to trust self is the exploration of making mistakes, of being wrong, of making good choices, of being right, of getting lost and finding your way again. Take the risk. Follow the meandering line. You are awake now and it's time to rattle around, to make some noise, to let the world feel your presence. Show up. Speak up. Claim your space. There may be those in your life who are more

vibrant. The colors of your soul shine through and it is dazzling. Blindingly so sometimes. Be willing to make the noise, shine the light, and wake up those around you. Not only will they see your authentic self but they will begin the journey of knowing self as well. It is a journey we all need to take.

Cynthia Lee has released herself into the wild where she is recovering her natural instincts and her inner wisdom through the healing process of intuitive art. She lives her uncaged life as a wife, mother of many, mi-mi of two, artist, and lifelong learner. She rattles the cage, weaving words, asking deep questions, raising her voice to the moon, calling forth other spirited ones, the wild-hearted women who are seeking their own authentic howl at SPIRITUNCAGED.COM



Growth Perhaps the most important realizat ion that an individual can make in their quest for personal growth is that there is no single formula that defines the path to personal success.

CREATIVE SEEDS CINDY JONES LANTIER It’s a common practice to think about what you want in life and to set goals to help you realize those dreams. But how often do you think about how you want to feel? Everything we want to be, do, or have, we want because of the feelings we thing it will bring us. When I initially heard this idea – from Abraham several years ago, then from Danielle LaPorte more recently – I kind of railed against it. I could see it with the things that I want to have, easily. I wanted that new camera lens because it would help with my creativity; that new outfit would help me feel prettier. Seeing that idea with the things I want to be or do was harder. I want to be more organized because my family’s life would be easier. I want that new training because I’d be better equipped to work with clients. But, isn’t ease a feeling? And do I really need to be better at working with my clients – or do I actually need to just feel more confident in my work? When I first started working with the teachings of Abraham, I spent a lot of time and energy trying to figure out how I felt at any given moment. When I was introduced to Danielle LaPorte’s The Desire Map, I started thinking not only of how I was feeling, but also how I wanted to feel. Abraham taught me that I have a choice in how I feel; Danielle (yes, we’re on a first named basis … In my mind!) taught me that the choice matters. Through the years, I’ve taken several value surveys and I’ve done a handful of values clarification exercises; I’ve always thought, “Now what?” I had a list of my top five values, for example, but I never really grasped what to do with that list. “Make an effort to live in alignment with you values, and you’ll be happier,” people said. Umm, okay … But I’m still not sure what that looks like in practice. Enter Core Desired Feelings, Danielle’s name for the feelings that you most want to feel, most often. This, I could relate to! Even without working through the workbook, I could list mine … I want to feel connection, love, peace, joy, and worthiness. The challenge of Desire Mapping is not just to come up with a nice list of emotions you want to bring into your life; the real challenge is to develop concrete steps you can take to feel those feelings on a regular basis. My two strongest Core Desired Feelings are connection and love. What can I do to feel those two emotions more often? I can make eye contact with strangers and smile. I can make an effort to acknowledge the service workers who make my life so much easier, by offering a heartfelt thank you, and calling them by name. I can listen when someone talks to me, rather than using half my brain power to figure out how I’m going to respond. Such simple acts, and then VOILA! I’m feeling more connection and more love. This work – this powerful work – is practical and can be called upon in any situation. About a year ago, my husband and I had to help one of our cats transition. He was very ill and seemed to be in a lot of pain. We took Frankie to the vet. When the staff gave us our time to say good-bye, I was, understandably, upset. I was crying and fidgeting. I was sad, tense and anxious. And, so was Frankie. It seemed as though he was picking up on my emotions, taking his cue from me. I was probably making my husband and the vet anxious too! In a moment of clarity, I realized that this was not how I wanted to spend my last moments with Frankie – and it wasn’t how I wanted his last moments to be for him, either. How did I want these last few, precious, moments with my beloved kitty-friend to be? How did I want to be feeling in that moment? Frankie and I had always had a special connection; I wanted to honor that in these last moments. I wanted to feel love for him – and from him – and I wanted to be calm and peaceful, for both of our sakes.

As soon as I asked myself that question – How do I most want to be feeling in this moment? – it was as though all those emotions just washed over me. I was more at peace, and the cat seemed to be able to feel that. He calmed down a bit and started rubbing against my arm and even purring a little bit. He was looking at me with those soulful blue eyes of his, and we were connected again. John and I held him as the vet gave him the shot and he transitioned peacefully, surrounded by love. It was actually a beautiful, albeit painful, moment. Frustrated because you’re stuck in traffic? Impatient with the line at the grocery store checkouts? Envious of the girl with the great skin and cheekbones? Can you ask yourself how you’d like to be feeling instead – and then do whatever you need to do to evoke those feelings? When you decide to live from your Core Desired Feelings as often as you can, not only will you feel better more of them time, but you’ll come to see just how much control you have over your own feeling states – and how little you need to depend on someone else’s behavior for you to feel good. Try it. You’ll like it.

CINDY JONES LANTIER is a Personal Empowerment Coach who works with women to help them navigate the journey of developing meaning and purposeful lives. She blogs and hosts a weekly podcast, Your Amazing Life. She lives in Southern California with her supportive, encouraging and loving husband, and their three cats.


What is the Womb Blessing? “The Womb Blessing returns our female nature back to its sacredness and awakens and restores our female energies� The Womb Blessing energy grows with every woman taking part, bringing greater healing to women worldwide. The Blessing is available to all women whether they currently have a womb or not, or have a cycle or not. The Divine Feminine energy is for all of us. The only condition for the Blessing is that young girls must have had their first Moontime to receive the energy. If we have a meditation practice, or a yoga or exercise practice, we do it regularly to benefit from the effect it has on us and to help us to maintain its positive effects throughout our lives. It is exactly the same with the Womb Blessing. Each Worldwide Womb Blessing is a step on a continuing journey of healing and transformation. A Free distant Womb Blessing Attunement from Miranda Gray Find out more at

The Womb Blessing

Thoughts Worth Catching

with Renee Avard

RENEE'S THOUGHTS WORTH CATCHING Trust Is A Must I will not bore you with words that are to reside the past For some, there is a Life that starts in absolute chaos where conditioning and upbringing has set I'd rather bring the light forward the pace for fear, worry, and unrest. This Life, if left on this path and cycle, will remain stuck and to show you how Life changes fast motionless. At the hand of the one who is supposed to love and nurture winds up being the worst thing for you and there is no other choice than to put away pieces of you for safekeeping. when you are on a ride of remorse The glue that will attach all of these feelings and thoughts back together? Trust. and going down the slide of guilt holding onto pain from divorce When a person is raised to walk on eggshells and to fear the bottom is about to fall out from and feeling your insides tilt under them, it is very hard to find the trust in Life that is needed. There should be a support system strong enough to withstand all of the heaviness of daily Life. you are cheating yourself of being completely here I only know one way of talking and explaining about Trust and that is to tell you my story – the your determination can tell short version. how to move past all of the fear In the past, never knew what mood the household would be in, and I did not know when the next life is a long story built from creation time I would be hurt, scolded or shamed. I felt alone, scared and fearful all of the time. Due to there are twists, turns and setbacks this and a lot more, believe me – a lot more – I made the decision to stop trusting. I did not trust forward movement and dedication anyone as far as I could throw them and mostly because that is how I learned things. I also being spun around to the better track learned all about deception, two-faced personalities and ulterior motives. I never knew what it was to have complete Trust in something or someone. through the love we feel deep inside we are able to see the world's reflection Then I decided to stop perpetuating this cyclical carousel and open my heart for the possibility of heart whispers and love we decide to trust again. And when I did, I felt home, and I knew the timing was right. I felt alive and free and we realize it's all about perception and I knew what people meant when they made certain comments about being so very sure about Life and knowing and trusting that nothing bad was going to happen. Instead of expecting focusing on the creation of gorgeousness it to all suddenly change, I learned to trust that it would not. and allowing Life to do its remarkable thing brings us to a state of immense loveliness September 2012 – My Life turned inside and out. The trust, the home, the soul-inspiring Life I we are blessed daily by what Life does bring was living came crashing down on me and I lost my sense of self. It started a long, tumultuous road of pain, deep heartache, and reaching my breaking point. I did not know what I was going to bring dreams to life and hold a high standard do, but I had to change it. turn the wheel and inspire amazing moves we follow this and then we can edge forward Am I okay now? Not yet. But I am getting there. I have decided to trust again, and though every and you realize you don't have anything to prove part of me is trying desperately to not let my mind wander to extremes, I do get scared every now and then. believe in the best version of who you are trust that your identity is not just your story Love is giving power to someone to break your heart and then trusting them not to. This is a take a chance and wish upon a star quote I hold near and dear as it is very, very true for a multitude of relationships. Parent/child; this Life is meant to take you to pure glory Spouses; Co-Workers; Friendships – all of them require a certain level of trust to be successful. ©2014. Renee Avard I know that 100% trust in someone or something else is virtually impossible, but, Trust placed inward is. You are the most important person in your life and you know yourself best. You do not have to seek out the trust you need, as much as you need to just reflect on your own heart and soul. Someone does not need to fulfill the duty of being who you need them to be when you can be that person now. Place Trust where Trust can be fully claimed and appreciated and in turn, you will find home and true comfort.

As an eclectic Spiritualist with focus on Earth-Based Spirituality, Renee AvardFurlow, the “Unique-tivity Guide�, created a business to be a Holistic and Spiritual endeavor assisting in bringing out the unique and creative side each person already has inside them. Forever learning, Renee is both a student and a Guide here to show all how to allow your Star inside to lighten Life outside. Renee imparts the wisdom needed for everyone to know and accept that we are ALL worth catching. Follow Renee and her endeavors at the following:

@ReneeAvard Facebook

Why is the ‘Red tent’ such a phenomenon?

Every cycling woman knows the deep yearning for quietude during her Flow time. Every ounce of our body and soul calls for rest, while our culture calls us to keep going, no matter what.

The ‘Red Tent,’ ‘Moon Hut,’ or ‘Moon Lodge,’

as they were known in indigenous cultures around the world, was a place of respite for women of old. We recognize that having a place to go to when we flow, monthly, will make our lives different in profound ways, as well as change the lives of those around us, and ultimately the world! Does your Soul remember the circles of Maidens, Mothers, Grandmothers, and Ancestors? This is a place where women are allowed to Be rather than continually Do… The time is Now, and the Red Tent Consciousness is spreading like sunrise all over the world! Be part of the New Paradigm It’s about You, it’s about Us,

Join US!

Together We Can Change The World!

Spiritual Ecology

“Mystical experience of nature can be of particular relevance to our troubled age, bringing deeper into our consciousness and emotions the logic that nature sustains humanity as humanity must, in turn, sustain nature. Rationality alone, however, cannot be our guide in the task of restoring our environment. A spiritual connection to nature must inspire the emotional commitment that is the yin, complementing the yang of intellectual understanding.� -Carl von Essen

TAKING NATURE BEYOND ENVIRONMENTALISM It is the premise of Earth Vision that in ecology down through the ages; order for humanity to cherish nature, - a gallery that explores art, color theory, humanity must first recognize nature for and the nature-soul dynamic; what it is: - and a compendium of humor in the A reflection of the very soul of its own biography of Hebert Returns to America. being. In addition to books, the EV project Earth Vision has been active with its releases in-depth articles addressing mandate to reach beyond current environmental issues - on topics environmentalism by presenting nature such as the disappearing honeybees, the in the light of spiritual ecology. end of real estate, and the return of bison and wolf. The coordinator of the Earth Vision project is a seasoned explorer of Humanity's impasse in the face of nature wilderness, and researcher of Rudolf calls for extraordinary resolutions. Earth Steiner’s anthroposophy. Josef Graf Vision provides an entry to one of those contends that the environmental forums. In the words of Dorothy McLean, movement is becoming increasingly noted co-founder of Findhorn, “I read unable to address the issues of the day, Earth Vision with delight. . . and and that a deeper perspective is needed. appreciated the emphasis on humans Citing the formidable output of Steiner, sharing whatever qualities nature has. . . in which spiritual science effectively the words, and the spirit that shines overtakes material science, the author through them, cannot but help people to expand their awareness.” asserts that spiritual ecology serves as an indispensable adjunct to material Earth Vision ecology. Nature in the light of spiritual ecology

The Earth Vision website uses the Coordinator, Josef Graf vehicle of eco-spirituality to explore the interweave between humanity and nature. Through excerpts from five books, each with a distinct approach, the viewer gains access to the wilderness within: - a travelogue across North America; - a calendar of nature and soul through the seasons; - a global perspective of spiritual

A feature documentary about one man's quest to unify ancient mysticism and modern science through sound. In select theaters NOW! DVD release this FALL. Song of the New Earth: Tom Kenyon and the Power of Sound is a new documentary about one man's quest to integrate modern science and ancient mysticism through sound. The film premiered at the 40th Annual Seattle International Film Festival to two sellout audiences and is now screening in select US theaters as well as community screenings all over the country.

Song of The New Earth

A Means to Achieve A Sustainable Growth Path

Isn't it time that we rediscovered how to operate through a balance of both masculine and feminine principles? The Feminine is the crucial missing link in our derailing world, and this campaign is for Her. TreeSisters goes where no other campaign has gone before: into the exploration of how the negation of the feminine principle is a primary cause of climate change, and how its reinstatement is crucial for our survival. Women's wisdom, gifts, creativity and courage are needed now more than ever, and this campaign is an overt attempt to elicit and tap them on behalf of the natural world, and our children who are to inherit.


Health and Healing

"Our bodies are our gardens, our wills are our gardeners" -Shakespeare


The idea behind this healing is that when we are in relationship with other people, we build up energetic cords with those people. A physical example of this which of course people can relate to quite easily is the umbilical cord; energetically, that cord is always there between mother and child in some form. Similarly, when we are in relationship with friends and lovers, energetic links or cords build up. Even with people we may meet casually, or not know at all well, there is some energetic connection and cord. A healthy energetic cord can be experienced as bright, clear and sometimes almost like a rainbow. However, it is also common for less positive patterns to develop over time. Typically, if we experience "issues" with people, this will be reflected in the relationship cords. They can become thick with stuck energy, distorted, heavy or sticky. It is also possible for an energetic "hook" to be left in someone's energy field after a relationship has ended. This can account for the fact that we have said "good bye" to a past lover or friend, and find we are haunted by aspects of them, or are somehow almost unaccountably unable to move on. In terms of the healing, the initial case taking identifies the issue to be worked on, and the person with whom the work is to be done. During the hands on part of the healing session, there is a chance for the person receiving the healing to express to the other person what they have been feeling, how the way the other person has been has affected them, and, if appropriate, what they had wanted from the other person that the other person hadn't given them, or hadn't been able to give them. Being able to express this in a safe place is very healing, and can lead to a "cleaning" and "disentangling" of cords, and also, if necessary to the removing of a hook. There is also a chance for the person receiving the healing to express other emotions that may come up such as forgiveness, or love. This type of healing can be useful in all kinds of situations. Obviously, it is useful for relationship breakup: letting go of the past and moving on. It can also be used as part of recovery from chronic illness, for example chronic fatigue or depression. Holding on to "stuff" from the past is literally draining - letting go can free up energy for living and enjoying life, and so help us to heal whatever condition we may be working with. Fiona Cutts is an energy healer who specialises in working with clients suffering from ME. You can see more about her work with people struggling with this debilitating condition at. She has herself recovered from ME using a combination of energy healing, the Emotional Freedom Technique, nutrition, graduated exercise, meditation, chi kung and dance. She is an Integrated Energy Healing, in the tradition of Barbara Brennan, an Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner and a reiki practitioner. You can read more about her and the way she works with people

By nurturing your face with pure botanical products, you will enjoy the effective potency of plants. Our facial care products are crafted with natural, botanical, and renewable ingredients.




Growing medicinal herbs is becoming more popular amongst many families and cultures of today. With the increased awareness of the benefits of herbs many are opting to use medicinal herbs as an alternative to modern pharmaceutical medications. Historically, medicinal herbs were used as the only means of treating and healing. In addition to this, herbs were valued for their benefits in such that many cultures used them as a form of currency, clothing, food and shelter. Medicinally, herbs are used to treat a number of ailments such as in the treatment of athletes feet, fungi, bad breath, menstrual discomfort, headaches, stomach aches, some cancers, ulcers, skin disorders, hair loss, infertility, menopause, depression, cuts, abrasions, colds, diarrhea, constipation, high blood pressure, insomnia, etc. Medicinal herbs are organically cultivated on the planet earth, but you too can cultivate these herbs in your very own garden, indoors or out. Some herbs like mint and basil should always be grown in pots because they have a tendency to grow wild and all over the place, literally. The following is a list of medicinal herbs that are also interchangeable and can be used for culinary purposes as well. These herbs are, mint, dandelion, lavender, thyme, oregano, chamomile, catnip, nettle, rosemary, wormwood, basil, jasmine, ginkgo biloba, fennel, garlic, clover, coneflower-Echinacea, ginseng and so on. A general rule of thumb to remember when caring for medicinal herbs is rather simple. You first want to be familiar with the plants that you are growing as this should ultimately determine how you cultivate your plant. For instance, dandelion should be allotted plenty of space in a container or yard to grow comfortably because its roots system requires it. The roots of this plant need plenty of room to grow properly and to its fullest potential as this is the part of the plant that is traditionally used for medicinal purposes. My advice is to always know what type of soil, the amount of water, sunlight, space and food your plant requires to thrive and flourish at its best. After your herbs have matured you may want to share them with friends or family. With this in mind, know that you have options to accomplish this. Your plants can be used and broken down in many different forms. In my opinion, fresh herbs are always best and more potent than any other form it can be utilized in. These forms include tinctures, extracts, poultices, sits baths, syrups, juices, teas, salves, aromatherapy oils, vapor treatments, capsules, lozenges, ointments, etc. So, as you can see, growing medicinal herbs and having them readily available in the event they are needed is a true asset to ones home and family life. Herbs are food from the earth and cultivating your very own fresh medicinal herbs will provide you and your loved ones with some of the best gifts that mother-nature has to offer.

VIRGIN 7:20 ~minute film by ex•tinc•tion wit•ness VIRGIN documents healing ceremonies in redwood forests of California, using poetry and song to convey a message of compassion for the perpetrator and victim in all of us. To virgin is to proclaim the greatest human traits. For this film, virgin is used in the original sense: “Virgin was a label of strength and independence by being used to describe the goddesses who were immune to the temptations of Dionysus, Greek god of seduction and wine. Virginity was once a term of power.” ~Palo Alto Medical Foundation I chose the title VIRGIN during my own healing process from early childhood incest, as I discovered physical, spiritual, and emotional boundaries I had not known were my to claim just as I reconsidered how we use virgin as a term for intact, old growth forest.

Sexual energy is creative energy ~ ecstasy ~ in its pure form. Early childhood sexual abuse and deforestation are violations of this energy that wound individuals and compromise whole communities. Those who speak for the protection of forests are rarely disconnected enough from living to suggest that trees are never to be cut. We simply request an ethos of respect grounded in an intuitive practice of discernment that accounts for the life of every tree and the whole forest community. Footage from VIRGIN will be included in a feature length film that documents healing dances for wounded communities around the globe. Please see DANCE TO HEAL THE WORLD for a brief on this dance expedition and film project. Please help protect forest and people with: Survival International Pachamama Alliance Heartwood Please help plant trees to help forest regenerate with: TreeSisters: women seeding change Earth Reforestation Project Friends of the Children's Eternal Rainforest

Astrological "Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you." -Dane Rudhyar

Insights New Moon Solar Eclipse Scorpio

Weekly Astrology Horoscope October 19-26 Kelly Simas is an aspiring Holistic Psychotherapist, Counselor & Coach. She is completing her studies in Spiritual Psychotherapy at Transformational Arts College in Toronto, Ontario. Kelly has always had a thirst for knowledge and self discovery which has lead her in self studying Astrology and Numerology since 2007. Kelly has received a scholarship at RASA School of Astrology and is pursuing her official degree in Astrology. These tools have helped her bring much insight, understanding and acceptance in her life her which in turn, has inspired her to share her greatest passion in providing guidance for others on their journey of healing and self discovery. Kelly has found true purpose and meaning in her life to inspire others do the same. Connect more with Kelly at

Sacred Relationships The alchemy of two souls, united in divine love, is a vessel of love, an alchemical crucible for our souls’ greatest unfolding. Sacred sexual relationship offers the possibility to remember the majesty of our souls, igniting the holy fires of eros, burning through lifetimes of karma and all the old wounds that cause the drama, melting them in the embrace of our love. When a man and a woman come together in love and they both have a direct relationship to the divine, miracles can happen. In sacred relationship, we acknowledge it as the primary container for soul growth and realize that our tantric sexual exploration will bring up our deepest wounds and that healing is in learning to hold each other in love even when the shadow is arising to be seen, to be felt, to be freed. We are required to be like an eagle flying above the relationship sometimes, seeing the wider perspective of the soul’s journey and not taking the small stuff personally. Leyolah Antara © excerpt from the book Kundalini Dance, Sacred

USING THE LAWS OF NATURE to Get Over A Heart Break Get help... You need empathy not sympathy... the painful feeling one gets when things do not go as expected. Never judge the size of the heartbreak on the size of the cause. My neighbour's cat died and their heartache was the exact depth as my client whose relationship crashed. Heartbreak is heartbreak, no matter what the trigger. But two heartbroken people do not make one better. You want to find someone to be a friend or supporter who does not have an emotional engagement with your loss, or be that person for someone in need. If you love cats and your friend's cat died, you can only offer sympathy which is fine but it actually can prolong the pain. What is needed to help people through heartbreak is empathy. Solid ground they can rely on that's not caught up in the pain. Find a Substitute... You need to replace the thing that's lost as soon as possible. Whether it's a relationship or a cat or a job, the key to recovery is replacement. The vacuum that is left when there's an unexpected loss is the real cause of pain. The empty space, the hole, the lack of a companion, the break in routine. It's not always wise however to replace like with like. Sometimes it's better to replace a relationship with a sport, a holiday, a movie, a camera. Sometimes it's better to replace the loss with an icon, a picture or a plant. Activity based replacements are best. Internet based replacements are worst. Stay away from computers during heartbreak for as much of the day as possible. Sometimes TV is a help but really, getting outdoors is the key. Get Outdoors in Nature... Heartbreak thrives indoors. Pain and suffering is harvested indoors. Grief multiplies in isolation. This isn't to suggest that you go down the pub, or go back to work straight away, but three hours spent walking in nature will do more for you than 24 hours locked up inside. Stay warm, keep dry, don't go doing hardy "hero" things. Just walk, look up, look out, look around. Nature is born to heal you, that's her thing. You need to put a lot of trust in the automatic and deep essence of nature at this time. Just be outside and get sunlight. Don't go Too Far... Draw lines in the sand when it comes to your response to pain. Yes, it hurts, but there's no good can be achieved reacting to pain today in a way that's going to cause you additional pain, over and above the heartbreak, tomorrow. Getting pissed, saying bad things to others (especially the one who triggered your pain), thinking about self harm, sharing negative anger at the universe, it just doesn't help. Sure you feel angry, sure you feel like kicking a rubbish tin, sure you want a pain relief pill but there are none that will help you be a better you as a result of this situation. All those options that come to mind just make the pain last longer and screw up your next stage of life. Focus on Healing... The cause of heartbreak is a sense of a shattered future. You were really connected with whatever went away, whether it was a job, money, a cat or your partner in life.

You'd woven them into the fabric of the future. Now, that fabric is shattered because they were a key element of it. Either by using substitutes to get you back on track, or by shear determination, start making a new bucket list of what you'd love to be and do and have in your life in the future. Some part of your brain might scream "there is no future without... " but there's another part of your heart saying "oh, yes there is, bigger and better than ever before" the key here is not to let guilt about moving forward stop you. Sometimes the gift of a heartbreak is that it frees you up to a bigger story than you were living before. This is, at the end of the day, where healing a broken heart begins. Love little things... Heartbreak comes to it's darkest moment when it spreads like a virus and begins to tamper with your taste buds, your hearing, your eye sight, your finger tips, your sense of smell. So, please be sensitive to the importance of the senses. Feed them small meals of love. Touch a tree trunk and feel the grain, taste a herbal tea or a sweet leaf of a herb you love, stroke a dog or listen to some soft meditation music. Avoid sensory triggers that remind you of the missing void in your life but instead add new ones. Add new foods, new music, new smells, new views, new environments. Avoid places that are going to make you focus on the missing and instead find places and sensory love bites that remind you of the beauty and possibility of your life and future. Think small things and expand from there. Focus on the Cause... Heartbreak comes from a dependency on something on someone. This dependency is courageous because you were prepared to be so vulnerable and surrender a whole lot of more secure and self-contained living patterns to become attached to something or someone. You could have been less dependent on that job, or treated the cat with less affection, you could have been less interdependent on your partner or money for that matter. So, you have had incredible courage to be in a place where your heart is broken. That courage is love. You have loved something completely and that's what it takes to be a real person. The courage to truly love. And that's why it hurts. But ultimately, love goes one step more. Love is also letting go. The cause of heartbreak is the unwillingness to love that one step more, unconditional love. To love something so completely, whether they are here or gone, with you or not with you, doing what you expected or not doing what you expected. This is what is needed. Not withdrawal or anger or hurt or pain. What is needed is for you to love them or it, more. To move to the point of unconditional love. It applies to money as well as cats and people. To love is to release, and to release is to begin a new chapter. Freedom. Begin a deliberate re-inventing your life process. For me, the best I can find is my Back on Track model. Start with the seven points above, then move to your "Health Programme" and create a whole new health focus. Then, move to your environment and really make a whole new space at home and at work including your clothes. Move to Brand You... your wisdom, your resume, your capability and regain that confidence in you as you. Then, step 5, your VIP, get that bucket list out, start imagining the future, start dreaming of just a few ideas you'd love to be and do and have. And finally, which is where you may need some external support, start to believe that the best you is yet to come, that there's a whole ramp of possibilities within you, unexplored and ready to be expressed. This is the future. Chris Walker is a visionary business consultant and of the world's leading facilitators of Personal/Professional Development. Author, consultant and professional speaker, his considered a leader in the field of human potential \and lifestyles for success. His VIP and Mastery Programs have been attended by thousands of individuals around the world seeking tools to live life and manage their careers to their fullest potential.

TANTRIC LOVEMAKING AND THE ART OF KISSING (C) 2009 SATTERWHITE Kissing is one ofVALERY the most important aspects of love making and can often make or break a relationship. A kiss is often the first intimate physical contact that you have with a possible new lover or partner. From a kiss a person can often tell what kind of a lover you are or at least some say they can. Some people can reach orgasm by kissing alone. Not wanting to be kissed by your partner can be a signal of trouble in the relationship. If a kiss feels wrong, many women will just say good-bye to the guy. Unfair you say. Well maybe not. You see from a Tantric perspective kissing is a powerful way to awaken, arouse and titillate your lover. To become a great kisser is really to become an artist with ones tongue and mouth. Now I know this may sound fairly easy. I mean after all most of you have been kissing in one way or another for years and there are many variations of this theme. But what I am addressing here is the art of kissing to release the nectar that resides within the tantric subtle body as well as the electrical current that runs from the mouth to other erogenous zones. Making kissing a daily ritual will juice up your relationship and re-ignite your passion. There are many different kinds of kisses: slow, wet, quick, deep, hard, soft, breathy, and then there is Tantric kissing. Kiss your lover at least twice a day and experiment with these different kinds of kisses. (Dr. Ava Cadell) 1. The Tantric Kiss - In this kiss you are actually breathing in your partner's breath. You are not using tongues or any movement of any kind, but rather you share breath together. This kiss is very intimate. What could be more intimate that sharing the breath of your lover? This kiss can bring you into a state of harmony and flow with your partner. You forget time and space and are just breathing in and out with each other. To begin with, sit in Yab Yum or lie prone facing each other. Legs can be wrapped around each other or whatever way is most comfortable. Then, just touching lips, exhale into your lover's mouth as they inhale your breath. Then your lover exhales while you inhale. It may take some practice to get the flow moving easily, but once achieved it is truly a kiss from heaven. Keep in contact with your lover by maintaining eye contact at least every now and then. I have found that I generally will close my eyes and just lose myself in the rhythm of our breathing. 2.Butterfly Kissing - Begin by very lightly and gently kissing your partner's face, exploring their chin, cheeks, nose, eyelids and forehead with your lips. Take your time and build the energy. Like the wings of a butterfly your lips move over your lover's face. Lightly kiss your partner's lips. Take your tongue and brush gently over them. Then just gently kiss your partner's lips from one corner to the other, sweet and flickering. 3. Libation Kiss - To release the nectar from your partner's subtle body, take your tongue and rub it gently along the inside of their upper lip. The nectar is not saliva, but is warm and watery and stimulates the release of a 'sexual dew' that spills down through the body from the crown or uppermost chakra. In tantra remember you are not only working in the physical body but also the energetic and subtle bodies. 4. The Slow Deep Kiss - Now put your heart and body into a slow kiss alternating the pressure from gentle to deep with mouth slightly open. 5. The Nibble Kiss - Kiss your partner and gently nibble on their lower lip. This will send a jolt of electricity directly to the nipples or yoni of a woman, and to the lingam of a man.

6. Sucking Kiss - Wrap your lips around your lover's tongue and suck passionately alternating your speed from slow to quick. 7. Exploratory Kiss - Explore the inside of your lover's mouth with your tongue by running it in small and large circles. 8. Quick Silver Kiss - Dart your tongue in and out of your lover's mouth rapidly and then slowly as if you were having intercourse. Remember to use your entire body and make all those wonderful sounds of love. 9. Melting Kiss - Begin by kissing gently. Then relax your lips, open your mouth just a bit and go deeper. Allow your mouth to melt into your partner's and your tongue to relax. This type of kiss is truly my favorite. No one is directing it, and you and your partner can just flow with each other. Remember to be creative and find if you like try chocolate, liquors or fruit when kissing, it can be a bit messy but oh so delicious.. The art of kissing takes lots and lots of practice. So create time with your lover or partner to kiss often. Kiss when you are walking down the street together. Kiss when you are waiting in the elevator. Kiss when you are walking the dog, cooking, doing the wash, when you first wake up and when you go to sleep. Practice, practice, practice. Try all of the above and invent a few of your own kissing techniques. And remember to have fun.

Luminessa is a teacher of women's sexuality, priestess and the founder of The School of Womyn's She is a shamanic counselor and spiritual guide as well as a Article Source:Mysteries. gifted Akashic Record reader. Readings are available by phone and in person. Ask your soul about anything in your life, relationships, purpose, health, money, guidance and wisdom with Soul Support. For commentaries on Women's roles, Women awakening to thei r sexual power, women loving their body, and other related topics follow her on YONI SPEAK

Sacred Sex, Body Freedom In sacred sex, you honor your body as a temple for your spirit and offer it as a gift to your lover. As a couple, you can extend the passion and satisfaction of your sexual life by evolving your regular sex into sacred sex. Although most couples want a really good sex life, many are afraid that it’s unattainable because they personally don’t know how to create it. They bury their sexual dreams under the weight of misinformation that says “sex is something you should just naturally know how to do because you’re in a body.” However, even though your body desires and has the potential for sublime sex, it doesn’t automatically know the artistry of lovemaking. You must teach the body. Like any great art, the art of sexual ecstasy must be learned. Sexual knowledge and skill develop over a lifetime. If you travel through your sexual life in a learning mode, then your sexual experience will continue to improve over the years. It will grow with you as you grow. Sexual knowledge and skill develop over a lifetime Transforming Your Sexuality As a couple, you can extend the passion and satisfaction of your sexual life by evolving your regular sex into sacred sex. For thousands of years, and in a variety of cultures, sacred sex practices have affirmed the core message that sex is good, namely, an integral part of life connecting you to yourself, to your partner, and to the divine. Sacred sex shifts sex’s focus from achieving orgasm to union and pleasure. Lovemaking is expanded beyond the common understanding of sex as intercourse to include all manner of intimate contact. Sacred sex is a practical way to balance the purely physiological differences between men and women.

Women gain the time their bodies need to be thoroughly aroused and totally satisfied in addition to receiving the affection and emotional connection they want. Men receive lots of explicit sexual activity, but, because intercourse is interspersed with other forms of sensual play, they are able to last long enough for their lovers’ gratification. Both partners experience greater pleasure and intimacy. Experience all your senses, Always. In sacred sex, you honor your body as a temple for your spirit and offer it as a gift to your lover. This approach sanctifies your body, asserting its beauty and magnificence. Shame and guilt disappear as you move beyond repression and give yourself permission to experience all your senses every moment. Excerpt from the book, Sensual Love Secrects (For Couoples) Click Image For More >>>>

Artist, Laurie Blank

REACHING SACRED HUMAN CONNECTEDNESS: INTIMACY IN RELATIONSHIPS What does it mean to live in connection? It means I am connected to myself, I have intrapersonal intimacy, I know myself. I am aware of my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. I take responsibility for and seek to understand them. I am responsible for myself, and blaming my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors on others is a cop out that dismisses me from personal responsibility. Likewise, I am not responsible for the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of others; they are responsible for their own. To live in connection means that I am also able to experience interpersonal intimacy, a connection between me and others at a fundamental level of being. I allow myself to be known, they allow themselves to be known and we are both aware that this connection is occurring. This level of connection is exquisitely deep, fleeting, and quite rare. My experience with this type of connection is of being suspended in a time and place where the world around us falls away, and all that is left is the deep, exhilarating, and sometimes terrifying experience of knowing and being known. To live in connection means that I am willing to develop skills to listen to and understand myself and others deeply, and that I have others in my life that are willing to be known and to know me. Many believe they desire this depth of connection, yet few are willing to do the work it takes to achieve it. It is frightening to look at oneself, unmasked and vulnerable and it is even more terrifying to let others see our essence. It is also amazingly rewarding and awesome to be seen, known, and still loved. If I am to live in connection with others it means I cannot shrink from the authenticity and vulnerability of them. I must value the courage it takes others to let me know them. In turn, I must not shy away from truly knowing them, honoring their journey, and holding their space with the sacredness it deserves. I cannot flinch if I am repulsed by what they have done or what has been done to them, because in those moments of true connection I must be able to support their truth, not indulge my own weaknesses and be able to love them more by knowing them for who they truly are. By knowing and connecting, we form meaning for our own lives and celebrate the lives of others. Marsha Ferrick Heiden is Professional Life Coach and Licensed Clinical Psychologist for more information on coaching or therapy services for improving intimacy in your relationships please contact her at or visit her websites: and

Women and Spirituality (The Goddess Trilogy)

Women and Spirituality is Donna Read’s definitive series that explores the power of the sacred feminine in mythological, historical and cultural contexts. This trilogy investigates the relationship between women and spirituality from ancient times to the present.


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