1947 The Boy Scouts Association Policy, Organisation and Rules

Page 1





tl1:f,Dnrtrlt, 79.12\

RULES L947 lst

Eilecttve trom


o I

lmperid Eeadqulrterc:



Telephonel VIG.6005.

Price U6d.


THE BEST RULE TO PASS ALL YOUR TESTS when buying uniform and equipment is to get that marked

AND RULES. 1947 Edition. Effective from 1st July. !6

Issued by otdt,r ttl ihc Conrnitlee ol the Council oj'1'h,e llo;, Srottls ,'lssocialion bt' iirtue of the powers uesltd, in then by the Royal Clunlet of I ntorporation attd lhe l:l vr.-I-atas -


Amendments since the last lidition. (rg38-r epubli

ffi#t You
















tg I 5),

other than re-flrrangements or sli$ht verbal alterations, are shown in this Edition by marginal lines.

will get service and satisfaction


I. II.

Pari I

llules -





,, ,,


x. xI.




(lerrcrll Orgitnisation ...



\\'arra tt t.s -I l(). (lounty ( )rganisation i i r-rt):r.l l)istrict 0rg:rnisation ...


,. ,,

(lcnt'r'al l'rirrciples




I il.

,, ,, ,, ,, ,,


r 6E-::7.1r


lroup Orga.nisation

:;5-.1() i





22 .5+

i \. Iladges of ltanli l2b-35;. ( ieneral Rules

6r (,;



.l()J- ]z



l)ecorations antl,\lvlrrds l,Iiscellaneous ...



I'roliciencv Badges

,\ppenrlix " ,\ " ,,D








50, MOORGATE, 62,






Printed by BRADLEY & SoN, I-TD., Readiltl,l, lor'1i'ir: Bol ScoUrs -\:socl-\Tlo\ 25, Btrckingham ?alace Roa(l, l,o(1on, S.W.]


Ru/,n" ,,,,

/r,,r,f,r plrrv tlrr g,r,,r, .,/' .9,rrorri,a ./,,,' 1r.rr". l.

"--8. -P




-\ssrsL.lr*t (louNTll CotrurssroNon. .\ssrsr,rN t Ct:nrt.\stct.


vr l)rs lnrct CortlttsstosBri.\ssisr-,ix r llor.en Scorrt [,t.rorti. -\ssls L,cl L ScouL'lt.q.s'Ltlt.. -\ssrsr.rx r Sco c ru,qs t!:n (oi Serrior Scou ts) -\ssrs'r,.t





Tlr" Troining ()etrt.e 4 7'lr" Boy Scorrts


xry (lorllr rssro\



I)rsrnrcr Cortrrssr o\En. lJr:prra.r' (l-\Ml, (){rEF.


Drs'rnrcr (luelt.A.s'rnlr.

f)rstnrct ltovr:n Scour

I)rsrnrc'r' Scourrrls'rpn. (;RouP ScourrlASrER. I rt t,eHl rr l'Ic.lugu.l rtt


.[,t rnrti.


I.,oc.lr-,"\ssocr,rtroN. I)rrr-rcr-, oRGANrsa'r'roN -rxo -ltur-ns 1i.e. th. current etiitkrn o1 this putrlication).

liovun Scoilr

Details of courses are given in ihe pamphlet " The Training of Scouters," obtainable lree from Gilwell Park, and the dates oI Iraining Courses are published monthly in " Ihe Scouter." Forms of appiication and detailed instructions, together rvith particulars of camping facilities and hostel accornmodation, may be obtained {rom the Camp Chiel, Gilwell I'ark, Chingford, E.4 (Tel. : Silr'erthorn z98o).

f.i F




Scourlt.Ls'rrn 1oI Senior Scouts).


oI lloland House include : A Settlement for -Scouters giving

l-he zLctivities (a)



in tire Districts


East London of which Roland Philipps rvas Comrrissioner.

-'l'l;.e corr. pk,tt, urrit oI the tlrrcc scctiols, \\-olf ('trir Pack, Boy Scout 'lroop, and llover Scout C.rorv, rvith the adrlition , if dcsired, oi a! Scnior Scout I'roop. '['he it'rm " L]roup " applies to tl)e unit evcn ift laching orre or more oI the sectionsScor.l'rex.-.\n1' person u'ho holds a tr.arrant. tlnoup Scou:rrL<.--\ terrtr inclutling ".ht: G.S.lI. atrtd artt' Scou tt'r oI rrrty section of the Ciroup.



A Dormitory for Scouts. 1r) A llostel Ior ilIenbers of the llovenreirt in l-ondon for shurt (b)

I)eriods. 7'Jrc

llorts,: is subported bv Contribuliotts of Scouls of ail the oorld. Particulars rvil1 be su1>plied gladly orl application to-Ror.eNo HousE, 29 SrEpNtrr GnBrN, LoNoon, E.r. (Tel. : Stepney Green 1688).

I)lsriircr Scor,rcn.--A temr inclutlinq D.C.M., l).S.\{., ald l).R.S,L., but not (lortnrissioncr. ..a'()a/7' (printcd- in italics) inchir.lcs \Volf Cuh. Boy Scout, Seniol Scout,l


anrl Rovcr Scout.

r-trn, Scoor, RovBn.-For brevity these rvords are used in i'.O.R. in placc of tire correct expre-ssions, \\loII Cub, Bow Scout, irnd Rover Scout, l?spectil'el-v.

Irecr<, Tnoor,, Scuron Inoop, CnBlv.-Srmilarly, these words are rised in1

llrc placc of Woli Cub Pack, Bo1,5.o,ra'froop, Senior Scout 'lroopl


lc-ttr:r " S " in brackets alter the title indicates a S.M., ,\.S.]I.,1 -lhe llatlol Lt:ader, or Second, of Seniol Scouts. I


lrrr,J Rovt:r -\^cout Crcrv, respectively.


\COUTI,IASTER (printed in italics) includes C.M., S.\{., S.l,I.(S.), and R.S.L. I tlnor;r, ScoutMAS'rER.-T'he term " G.S.\,I." means, where thc contcxt so rtrluire:; in the absence of a person holciing a rvarrant lor this rank, the Scouttr l-ho, tith the approval o{ the J-.A. and D.C., is iu c}rar3r: oi tlte (,tr,iln.

NOTE.-Except in the case oI " Cub " and " Pacl<," ->r u'here the contextl othunr.i..e indioates or requircs, the above c-xpressrons inciu,,le ilr(i ror-l lespontling Sea and "\ir designatious. I lr.


'fhe Homc, adjoinirrg Broadstone Scout Camp, is a tuodern, spacious house, handetl oter to the Association through the generosity of the

Nlanor Charitable Trust. Beds are rrcarly ahvays available, and application shouid be made to Tnn l[.q.rnox, \Yvcu \\r.tnnBN, FoREST Itorv, SussEx (1e1.: Forcst Row 33).

INDEX-conlinueil. BULE



Theatres Totem Poles

.. ..

Training, Cub

219-22\), 229 .. .. 270


,, ,, ,, ,,





Soout Serlior Scotlt

-l.rausfer of Scoa, .. ,, Scouter ,,

Treasurer, CorurtY . .


t-.4. Leader

Trustecs, GrotiI) Property


L.A. property . .

lrvo Star

Cub Uniform, Air Scouts

,, ,,

.. .. .. .. ..

alterations oot ailorved and equipmelt


,, .,


,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

tlescription of ..

", ,, ,, ,,



,, Scouters





111, 1t4

.. .. . .

Guides and Citriders Hcxrorary llanlis

. .

kilt latlies' Norr-c-rec. Ranks Prcsident

pubiic occasiorrs



.. .. ..





.. .-



App. A.




.. ..


.. ..

Scarf colous Scottish Scouts Scout(s) (irrclurlirrg I'}.L.'s

'f l.'s-)






I-ady .. scarvs

,, ,,

Sea Scorrts

Serior Scouts ..

Vacancy Cou[ty Corumr. Dist. Couru. . . ,, Local A$n. ,, Variations oI I'.O.1{.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..




293 2t1

.. .. ..

nomiratio[ Iol

,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

8. The principles and practice of the Association are founded Basis on the basis of the Scorr, Promise and the Scout Law.



larlics eligible l-ocal Assrr. .


.. s! .. 5t

8. "



,, witliclrawal ot . . l:i3 C5, 67 ..

284 236





quaiificirtiorrsfor ,. tor

recommeildalion refusal of

rcspousibility of D.C'

.. .. '. ". ,.

return of

69 74

make, or ro-af6rm, the promiso as in Rule 3.


?. Other



persons connected with the Movement may make Other

the promise as in Rule 3.

TIIE SCOUT'LAW. 8. Thc Scout Lau' is :(r) A Scout's honour is to bo trusted.



The ^Scotrt

Law loyal to the l(ing, his country, his Scouters, his The Scout Law parents, his employers, and to those under ilirn.

(z) A Scout



(3) A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others' {4) A Scout is a friend to ail, and a brotirer to every oiher Scout, no mattcr to what country, class, or cIeed, the other malz belong. (s) (6) (z) {8)







p16mi16 Scouts

5. On investiture, the Senior Scout or Rover makes, ori SeniorScouta I Rovers tho promise as in llulo 3. 6. Scouters to whom warrants are issued for the first time Scouters


aftcrcancellation.. 76 57-88 retunied, report s'ith ,, suspeoded, surrettder of -. 80 ,, 7S-84 suspertsioo o1l. ,, tt0-61 validity of ,, lVardeos of Camp Sites .. 56 ,, ,, 56 WarrantedRaulis.. . . 2i2 ., .. kover .. ,, 36E-370 .. lVood Badge

:- The Scout

To do my duty to God, and the King, To keep the Law of the WoIf Cub Pack, and to do a good turn to somebody every day."


plecautions L:elore Probation. ,,,

probatioil for .. property oI I.II.Q. ..


On investifure, the Scout makes tho following promise On my honour I promise that I will do my bestTo do my duty to God, and the King, To help other people at all times, To obey the Scout Law."

4. On investiture the Cub makes a simpler form of promiso :" I promise to do my best-

,, L.A. 09-t0,., -^ ,,




andl).C, .-

,, ,, ,,


and !.tr:i, il.c:i


l)eep S,:a

the public, and handicrafts useful to themselves-promoting their physical, mental, ard spiritual development.

..106 Asst. D.C.Cs. disagreemeot betweeu L.A.

duplicalion of ioreign subjecLs




BA8IS. is to develop good citizenship Aim auil among boys by forming their charactcr-training then, rn habits Bagis of observation, obedience and self-relia.nce-inculcating Iovalty Aim and thoughtfulness for others-teaching them services useful to

Sponsored GrorrPs 66


.. .-

AIM AITD 1. The aim of the Association


70 G.S.l[. .. .\sst. Connt], Comm!' for .. 104 .. Trainiilg . ' .- 76-?8,133 canccllation ,. otrlransler .. 90 caircelled, returq to holdcr .. 78 ..308 Dsep Sea Scouters .. l)eputy Camp Chiefs arrd

,, ,, ,, ,,


.. 2as 267, 2E7

Sea Soouts

approval ol


Rover(s) (inclutlilg XIates) 288 269 .

,, .

,. ,, ,,




.. ..

Ls. ..



Aliela l-eaders aud Asst. Ak.



..249 .. 35 .. 56


. .2t17p

('IL (including Sixers) ,:C, ltl-2(:

in L.A.

,, ,, ,,

Wales,NationalCouncil .. -. .. WardensolCampSites ., Warrant(s), application lor Comor.

141, 155, 163 .. 237-212






.. -. .. .. .. ,.

Ruls 1€


A Scout is courteous. A Scout is a friend to animals. A Scout obeys orders of his parents, Patrol Leader, or Scoutnraster, without question. A Scout smiles and whistles under all diflicuities.

Bules &18

lll l)l\-


Cub Pack

Beligious FoUcy



(z) The Cub does not give in to ]rimsel{. BEI.IGIOUS POLICY. 10, 'Iiie following religious policy has receivcd the apploval of the heads of all the leading denominations of religion in the Kin.qdom :- -

that every

shall bel<-rng to sorr:e religious denornination and attend its services. (z) \\rhere a Group is composed of menrbers of one paiticular form of rcligioir, it is hoped that the G.S.M. rviil arrange expected


such denonlirrational religious observances and instructions as he, in consultation rvith its Chaplain or other religious authority, may consider best. See also Rule r8o (iv).

(3) Where a Group cousists of Scorls of various religions they should be encouraged to attend the serl,ices of their own denominations, and Group church parades should not be held. In camp any form of daily pr-ayer and of weekly divine service should be oI the simplest character, attendance being voluntarv. (4) Where it is not permissible under the rules of the religjon of any Scout to attend religious observances other than those of his orvrr chulth, the Scouters of the Group rnust see that rjuch rules are strictly observed whiie the Scor..tt is under their control. (-5) In the case of a Scout not now attached to any Church, the Scouter shouid ende:rvour to put him in touch with the Church to which his parents belong or in which he $'as baptized.

It is, in any case,

desirabie that every

unattached Scozrl should be brought in touch with a religious denomination. In this matter the approvill of tlrc Scottt's parents must be obta.ined.

Churcir Farades

11. Combined church parades o{ Gloups of difiercnt de-

[ominations are not allortr'ed without special permission {rom the D.C., an<i under no circumstances should a G.S.NI. urge Scozls to attend places oI v/orship other than those of their own denomination.

Sr:oirls' Orvn

L2. Gatherings ol Seouts, known by tho tern Seouts' Own, are held for the worship of God and to promoto fuller realisation of t};.e Scout Law and Promise, but tirese are supplementary tet, and not in substitution for, the religious observarices referrod to

in Rule



l'i n

I s fi,.




proficiencl.ba,igt:s(stt Proficicncy

,, ,,

.. l'r(,ntise.. qir:rliiir:rtiorrs ..


S' i \ i'

,, ,, ., ., ,, .,

slrb'c()rlnrittco I-.-rt.







CL:ss -feurierfoot Scc,rnd










.. ..


Silr, .i, .'rrr



lTrirrin! .. ttartslcr .. unilorn ..

.. .. ..2.16 . . .. 199 .. .. -.9S3 6l -75 Scoirter(sl, aplrlicati()n f(rr wilr.:lt'!s :"21) :122 l,a(lsrs ()I rarlli .. ,, <irrl3lrofrarli .. .. 00 ,, Ikrep:lct .. Slrs ,, I 52 t 54 L)isrrict ,. I'romisc .. C ,, scrvica:stiirs .. .. .. l(;.1 ,, sujlrensioir t2-11'1 ,, trarr-<ft:r .. 90 ,, 29i ':l1r? uill1oilD ,, .. 2:\7 2ii{i ScoutlnasleraL(I.\.S.i{. .. 16!-175 5couttrrast{rr, (;rolrp 2l7a S.outnrzister (S.) ard A.S.rrl. (S-) ., .. 4J1 SeamarL's llarlljr: .. :Jls Se3 S{rort(s), bo:rtiug uu;cl s;riliDg Iiovers, Loating anrl sailirg 3!3 sub-comrnittce .. -. i46 4!1)-{3C Se(cud Cinss Scort .. Sccorrd, Crrlr .. :irii .. .. ?.1i ,, Sl.crrt ,,tr7( ,, Senior Scout ,t(rf,.:lI1 1l2 . SecorrrlStrr('Lrb .. llar-119 St,cretrrrg, alouDtv .. I-ocal r\ss;r. .. l.l:, l;;, l(;:-l ,, .. Se.tior(s) added to Grorip ,. 1114 of Croirp, dish;ru|iing or suspcrr,, sion c,f .. l9j . . :17il 21iR ArlYiirc(.!r)r:lrt -.1{7M,2.t7o ai{c . . 2-17N Airrnar'; Ilii(l:e .. .. .1:14 l,arl{es oI ranl< .. :il5-316 Ilusnuiaa'slhoilg .. 4i\1 cornbirred mcetirrgs 217A Jri!c.tilurc ..21.t-M,24io Idirrg's Scout ., .. 4:]5 Lorrc .. ,00




:-1,,,:,rIrr. fir,.arrtri' r, rr jii, utc






.lt, I JbJ









Seillor Scout proficiencl' bl,1;es qua liliea: ior r"

i1''I er"

S. f'he Law of the Wolf Cub Pack is :(r) The Cub gives in to the Old Wolf ;

(t) It is



(9) A Scout is thri{ty. (ro) A Scout is clean in thought, word, and deed.

The Law of the Wolf


:li)5 354





.,,?1 .. 222

Sir 5ix, r.:rr,l Sorri.,r''i,ror Siacrs Council Si;r'of Cres





., l)acl( ,, Scilior'l'rool) ,. fro.p Specjal'Iesis Sponvrcd C;roup,

.. .. 237 .. ..406 carceilation of u'a[aot 77 Sponsori[g Autborities l?9



10 G[i



Staltr, aPircarartLr. oI Star, ()rre .. ..







Strilrts Srrb'Corlrnittee(s), l)oating anr]

Count-y Scorrt

Assn. SeeSc,rrtt Srrlscriptions to Glolrp .. I.H.Q. .. ,, I_.A. ,, SrLpporter's l,arige .. Srrgeon SLrspension o[ (iroup ,, I-or;a! Assn. ,, ., .) :, uu1cr ,, ,, section of Group .. Terrdclfoot.. .. tests .. ,, .. l'cnrlcrpad .. . tests .. ,, TLirrl;s ba<1ge r43

:i5ri 112

:159 367

. ,6 .. 14 sailing .. 140

State, relatioirs \1iih IJel)arl.ments



,li)S tr10


,, ,, ,,


nolDiltetion for $'arra[t


,, 'lxo .. scrvi{re





Couricil I10

.. .. .. ..

.. 715 ..140 ?i1,a 209 16._17

136, 186 100-4C1

1.r5, lti? ]89-'1112

79, l:J4-13tr 71,, b2

.. .. ., ..

.. 195 .. 943 ..245 ..226 .. 224 ?'il.-ril)



lir,rrii(s) Sa-r|tarv, IL'rttrtv

L.A. .. 1'rcasurrr.C,,tttrty i..]\. ..








'frcasurt'r, Couirt!

1lt-1i1 .. 141

t.\'irooP i.eader



rrior S, orts :iIri 178- I

R.rgistratiorl, Lir('rril








extcrnill Religious policY RclErts 1(r I.H.Q. . 75, 87



. S9, 97,



]!0, tL:!' 12lt

Rc-registratiolr, aDnual


,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

Pro[|l'css Badge .Promise.. llambler's iladgc lletiremcut

,, ,, ,, ,, ,,


r1liwatrrnte(i, I{oo. or No[_excc. b1 ,, .. 56 u,arrauterl , . . :i()r-i25A ,rk, barlges of j-.:\, Chairinilu .. .. 3'j:l " 3:J 'lr::Pl,rirr ( "t rrmi.sir:er. :l: r' ::'J l .. . . 3l16 .lrl.iic.rl.ur ol .. .. :j::j Iireliirrtr .. .. :!:5 Hr)ri()raryra;ll(s .. .. .- ;!2:i lllstrr.ior.. ..30:l issueof ..2t2?, -. LaclyW.rker Non_excclltiverilnl's .. ii2:i jj25r (,1(lScoot.. .. .. Ij].1 .. l'.rtr()ll,eadcl Siliior S.-outs :l 6 :102 .. prote.Lionof :;lS lr, ', r ,, hoirliilg Narr:llrt .. 3l-)ii . lil{l .. ,, ilate -- 3li .. ,, Srlttire :t I I S.out 320 322 Scoutes .. 303 .. Secoird- t}rb .. 'i,12 Scout .. ,, . . :l i(i Scnior Srltrt ,, . ll:4 Selrelar]', County I--\. .. .. ll: :l l 0 Scnior Sixr:r " _ . ;(r9 Sircr'

. 2tt4' 2i) :117-'11!) .. l,aclgcsolrarrk.. . ' 3:JU L,oating aild bathiiltl . 32 co-operatiou lvith llartgers " 2it) I)istrict Xleetif,gs . 290 etnbleurs ' 62tt Proficierucl' -. tt26 litcrfrctor .. ?ljl ltvcslitilre .. 260 .. l'lare t)?6'5'S Proficicncy barlgcs ..

Ilorer(s), age

lirir, i(i3

.. 1.11.



. ]16

-. ll,

Rules L3-19



i f



,, ,,


Scouts. boating





I[ovement Non-


arr, r'cquired to avoid grave public danger or inconvenience

resulting from such a situation, there is no objection to a G.S.M., rvith the consent oI the D.C., ofleriilg the assistance of his Troop,-

Senior'Iroop, or Crew, to such anthority, so long


no com-l

pulsion is br'ought to bear on any individual Scout,"Senior Scout, I 6r Rover, to volunteer his services, and no penalty attaches to him for not volunleering.

526 5


2(il-2\i7 .. conditions of admisiion 264 ,, traininil 266 ,, .. 11" sul)-conunitt{re L.A. .. ,, 2i(t !71 tririning . ,, 2S7 290 .. .. uni{orm .. ,. .. ?0$ .. vigil ,, -, 262 warranted ,, Rover Sc(trrt l-cader alrd A.R.S.I-. 24N 2bii .. 22 -. llo\ilClrarl.r !;2i-12't Sailing :tr:-35:i Salut{.s .. . . 79 Saarl, .olour anrl ciesign .. . . :i9? ,, l)c.p Ser Scont . 9$0 .. ,, Ilovcr .. 2li] .. ,. Sr:<ruters .. 272 .. Sclrclol Groups .. 36 .. Scotland, National Corncil . ..197 .. Sc()otls),adrrission iJ14 age ,, llll :i14 .. l-adges o{ ranli . . ,, 327 3?$ hoating ard l-,atlrir;i . . ,, .. .. 163 Cluhs ,, .. 4:J:i .. Cord ,, ,00, 3t,6-398 .. Deep S?a ,, rlisnissal .. 1S7 ,, 430-431 Iirst. Class ,, .. 391) Handicapyred -. .. ,, lrrveslitur. ,. 21?, ,, E I-arv ,,



.. 617 . ,6:i ard sailing 323 .


14. 'fhe Association bcing a non-political body, its assistance Industrial must rLot be given to either side in ai inc'lustrial dispute. If any Disputes recognised public authority announces that voltrntary r rorkers


15. Apa.rt {rom zrny profits arising frorn its Equipment Finanee Department (The Scout Shops), I-he Boy Scouts Association I H.Q. rlepends on public support foi the expenscs of its central office


scrvl(e stals

Sqrtire ..

ra. rhe Boy- ."",r" o::::T,'"t:'* rot connected with any political body. X[etnbers of the Association in uniform, or acting as representatives of the llovement, nust not take part in political meetings or activities.


and stafI, and general organisation. A balance sheet and income and expenditure account are published in the Annual Report. Rranch Headquarters overseas support themselves, and may require annual registration fees from members.

Donors of ten guincas alld up$,ards to I.I{.Q. funds are I.H.Q. of The Boy Scouts Assor:iation ; subscrilxrs annuai subscrihcrs of one guinea or Inurc are regarded as Associates during the continuance of their subscriptions.


rcgarded as Li{e Associates

1.?. Groups, L.As., and County Scout Councils, are expected Units

to support themselves 'welcome,


but not obligatory.

; contributions to I.H.Q.

18. Groups are not allowed to issue any form appeal for funds, unless the D.C. has sanctioned it exceptional circumstances. ' A 1;




in view of

19. (i) The spirit of tlie Movement is that, on the pd,rt of Scauts the boys themselves, money should be ea,rned and not solicited. (ii) Provided the Group or Local Association is responsible Ior raising a reasonable..part of its funds, the acceptance of grantaid is not contrary to the policy of this rule. Applications from Groups or I-ocal Associa,tions for grants from the lVlinistry of Education, Locai Ilducation Authorities, or other bodies, mustl be supported by the D.C. Applications to I.H.Q. for grants must be approved by both the D.C. and the C.C. Acceptance oI grant-aid in Scotland is governed b1, rulings of the Scottish Counci].

Bulce 20-21 Begging,




20. Scozls must not take part in street sales or collections, either for their own funds or }or other institutions or charities, lo1.ln.3"y method of touting the public, but they may assisi


Night marchiug


and undesirable methods



Prof.ciency badges, Scout Cord . . .. 435 ,, tsirst Class 431-432


They may also assist under proper iupervision in the silling of -

at a fixed price at


Nominatioaforwarants.. 66-6? ranks 155-164 ,, lmwananted -. 67 Northcrrr lreland, National Council .. 35 Old Scouts .. .. 167A, l6?E, 271^,27h

institutions or charities as messenlers or in other cafacities. programmes

.. .,

recognised entertainments.

21. All members of ttre Association, acting as such, must observe the provisions of Rule zo, and must "not countenance

One Star Cub

or.be, concerned in any. public method of raising money for Scoal or other purposes which is in any way contrarlito the'law of the

,, ,, ,, Overscas,

Seoior Scout, Airmants434


l'hong 2'17p, 427, 4;t.l ,, ,, Iiing's


Order in Corrrruil .. 0rBanisation, County

land, or likely to ercourage Scozls iir the practice of gambling.

,, SecondClass420-trS0 ,, Special 4:18-624


District gexeral scheme Group

LII.Q. Comnu. for

variatiou of llules ,, Pack ,, oI Sea Scout Group .. ,, size .. ,, training Patrol ,, Learler ,, Leader (S.) ,, l{over ,, Senior Scouts Patrol Pemit(s), cirnping anel hiking

.. .. .. ..


Sr:out 435


,, ,, Ilrogress lladi;e, Ilover Promisc, Cub Othcr persorii ,, Roru''s .. ,, Scouis ,, Scouters .. ,, Senior Scouts ,, Property, Grorrp .. l--A. ,, Protcction, le8^l . . l'ul)lica[iorrs Qualificatio)E for Cub

31-40 163-274

.. ..



. . 40 ztB-22b


,, 220 ..218 .. 219 .. 239 . . ?40

.. ..

. .217'!

. ,ia




.. i;t2



rr .. .. .. 40 ,, religiorrs .. 10-12 Politi.s tiJ 14 P(esident, count!, . . 9, tb Press, Ietters to .. .. DB Probatio0 for lrarrants .. .. . . 6g Proiicjeocy badgcs {01 i I 3 aitcr0ati.,ctests .. .t:to













., .. ..

6 5

. ..

207 206




-.150 .. 2B

,, ii-over l,eader A.t{.s.L. .. l{over .. Ilov'15'1'1t" " Scout .. ..






Slrotrtnlaster aDd .A..S.l{. 2lB

IJandicappcd Scouts issue


.. .

,, ScouLmastcr (S.) aud A.S.II.(S.).. ..247c Sr'rriorScout .. 2-1?N ._ _. 69 ,, ,, wiurilnts I{aicling in cirnp .. .. :i4O llartrbler's Ba(lge, Rover .. .. ., 527 Rangers, as Cub Instrw:tors .. .. 22b .. 32 ,, co operation with llovcts uniforl .. .. 209-300 .. ,, itank(s) b6- 59 1.10, 155, 163 ,, Chairmarr, L.A. .. ,. .. 17 ,, Courmissioners ., .. 59 ,, duplication of Honorary.. .. 97,105-16Z ,,

4l.t-426 ,, Special ,, Two Star 41.1-112 examination for .. 4Ob gencral schcme |Oi,42i



,, SpJi'i41180-524 .. 6:6

- - 228 Cubrnaster ancl A.C.XI. 211 Groltp Scoutmilslet .. 1i2 r-od-cxec. ranks .. lb7


Polir:y, Orgalisation and Rules,variat'ots

ail0uai tcsts Cub, ore Star

,, SeaBran,s

, {0i

metho<l of lvcaring

1t5, 428, b25-D7 prDte4tiorof ..401 llover, ernblems .. ?00 ,, Progress ., b26 ", I{anrbler ., b27

uember s of Council Non-executive President, County








Group, Sponsored, effect of control

-. 180 .. .. 179 . . 179 .. ,, 189-192 .. ,, .. 195 .. enquiry alter .. 1111-199 .- 178 ,, unregistered Guitlcr'sunilormasScouters .. .. 301 Gtdcle(s) badge as Cub Instnrctor .. 225 co-operation with :ll-:12 .. ,, joint traiiling wittr Scods .. 31 ,, separateorganisatiorr . ., :10 ,, trrifotm as H.ll'nr. .. :9S .. ,. Scouters . . 3(10-:101 H;rndicapped Scouts ,. :i99 Hikirrg i:l :117 Ilonorarv raniis 97, I{15 l{i7 unwarranted .. .. 57 Honouralrle CharRe . 106 41 tI Imperial Heailquarters .. . finarrce .. .. 15 strb-scriir:rs .. ll; Inilustrialilisputes .. 1-1 lnstnlctor .. .. 15i),1i)g Cub .. 225 .. ,, ,App. A Irsurance .. .. Iuterrrationalllureau .. :13 .. :jS ConlrnissioDcr .. ,. ftlterprclcr, Olrl Scolt . 530 I(ovfr-. .. .. ..52.1 ,, Inveiiiirrre,Cui) .. .. r2t' l{ovor .. :l(ii ,, :i:l Sooirt.. .. ,, 1,1;M Seri<r Sr:ortt . . ,, Iiili, $tar:rrg of tbe . 28r) Iiirrrlrt.clSocietie;.. .- 2l) .. . iiiri:'s Scorrt l]:idge . 4:15 I-arlicrs as Cultrnast.r auci A.C.Il. - . 21." ,, ,, (iroirp Scoutmastcr . . 17(l l?L . 2.j) ,, ,, S1:outmiistcr.uxl A.S.}L .. - irti ,, ,, r'arrailt h{,lilers ,, irrerligible as 1l.S.L. aurl -{.R.S.I-. t4!) ,, S.l'r. (S.) r.nd t\.S-.s't. (S.) .247R .. 296 . ,, unilornr Laciy Worker .. 15S .. I-aq',Cub .. .. 0 .. .. 8 .. ,, ScoDt." I-erping Wolf B;rdge . . 11:i reSistration Sponsoring Authoritics suspension.. ,. of section




plotection ..






Lel.tcr of Commendation . .

381, 386, 391

.. 130' appointmerrts bY . 139' area .. ..131 ". attendans', right of 137 byeJarvs .. -. 147 cancellatio[ of regis.. l:i3 lratioo .. Chairman 140, 155, 163

Local Associatiore, annual mecting

disagrccmolt with

D.C. electi$s

.. ..

Association " was incorporated by Royal Chaiter in-January, r9r2, and is recognised bi, law as ai educational charity. His Majesty the King is Patron of the Association.

28. By the Chartered

144 11tg



to the approval of the D.C., and 'r,vill thcn make or re-affurm the subjects Scout Promise in tirc follorving form ;" On my honoul I pror.nise to do my bcst to do my duty to God, and to the country in which I am living; to help other people at all times ; and to obey the Scout Law." I'he {ull name and present address of any persL)n so admitted, together rvith the nane of any forrner {orcign (}roup of which he w;rs a member, should bc sent tu tlte tnternatibnal Commissioner at I.I{.Q. {or record. (ii) The issue of any \\,a,rrant to a {oreign subject requires tho special sanction rrf I.H.Q.

Sc.retxr\' 142, lii), lG: sulrc(trlr!ittecs .. I45 bortjng ,,

arrrl sailing l,1ij,

,, Seir Scout l4G subst:riptions !:16,i.1$ suspeusiorr .. 131 l:j5 'l'teasurir 1{1, 1tt';, l6:}

l-.rrt ,,



rvirrant .. -. r'ithr'ir:rrvn ..



-scotrls irtrd Striior Srtrt ts \1rrch ing


26. The {olloiving are considerecl ntcmbers of tire Movement Classes o{ so long as they are properly serving in tire ranks or positions memt)ers 6nulnsrafgd .(r) ,Seozlls rvho are menlbers of a. registered Group or arethemselves registered as I-one Scouts, Lone Seuioi Scouts, I J-onc I{overs, or Deep Sea Scouts. (z) I'jersons registered as Olcl Scouts by the Old Scout


l$3 2tt(|.


Iloi'cr 2b..1 .. :i!l- ll92 \lcdal .rf i\Ierit ,, Ior l\Ieritoriorrs Cordrx:t . :lS5-38$ .. ll 27 lleml,"rshif', A...o.i.,r:,,r, dctcrmirr:iLion oL .. 2i ., ior.ig[sui]jecls .. -. 2b ,, Group 107 20O ,, I-ocalAssn... .. l:i6 l:17 ,, ,, llxe,c. (lommittee l4;i 355-38$ lleriL()riolrs Coililxct, awar.ls for .. .. .. 351 Morrrnirtg ..



Associations (Protection of Names and Protection



vitoatl rc\i



24. The organisation is open. to British subjects (including Memberthe nationals of Protected and l,Iandated Territories and o{ ship Independent States in Lndia) of e\.ery class ancl denominatior, British subjects 25. (i) Iioreign subjects may be adroitted as members, subject Foreign

r-,rernbersltip.. l:l(i 1jl7 .. -lt0' i)rop.jrLy .. rL::{istratiorr .. .. 1:r' ,, carrr:llrrtiol

:i i ustecs


Scouts Association) Protection Order, rg27, the name of the and badges Association and certain tities and badges are given legal protection, and any unauthorised person making use of them becomes liable to prosecution,

39, t23

llxcc. Committee 143


Uniforms) Act, 19z6, and the Chaitered Associations (Boy of names





22. " The Bo-v Scouts



Rules 2&97


Branch of a Group or L.A. (3) Scouters. (4) Persons holding Non-executir.e or f{onorary rank, as in JtLrJrs



(5) nlernbers of L.As. and County Scout Councils. (6) l\{embers of the Council o{ The Boy Scouts Association.

2?. In addition to other rnethocls subsequeiltly provided in DeterminaP.O.R., the menbership of any person may be determined by tion resolution of the Committee of the Council. The Committee shall not be under anv ollligation to state its reasons for such


Erternal Belations Depart-

ments o{



Bules 28.32

other societies



29. 'fire Association desires {riendly relations u'ith other national organisations of a non-political character having sirnilar aims. In the case of Cllrrches alirl certain organisartions special rules apply with rcgard to the registration of Groups, as set out in Rule r79. 30. The constitution, organisation aud finance of The Girl

!)istdct orgariisation


31, (h-operation betrveerr the two Associa.tions and their various branches should be as olose as possible, and particularly as in Rules g? (tr\, ro9 (4), rz5 (rr), and 136 (+) ; but except as set out in ltule 32, Scouts' and Guidcs should not be trained together. The following {orms of joint training oI Scouts ar:d Guides may be encouraged where the circumstances are suitable; but competitions between Scozls and Guides are undesirable except as an occa"sional item in a social gvgnf '-


(r) Joint training of

Cubs and Brownies in schools, or in other exceptional cases authorisecl by the D.C. and the Guide Commissioner. In such cases, however, the Brownic Pack requires a separate registration which is

dealt with by The Giri Guides Association; and the C.M., rvho must be a woman, must also irold a ryarrant as Bro*.n Owl issued by The Girl Guides Association. Such Cubs and Bror-nics must not parade together in PubIic. (z) Joint training of Scouts and Guides in specific subjects ll-here suitable arrangements can be made ; and occasional joint recreation. ln every case there must be proper supervision and the approval o{ the respective Commissioners must first be obtained.





. .:17q

. .. .

,, ,,

3ii :15


:tl2 i45 a),r-52i




l;i,, 160


Council . 110 i r3-l J I 1../\. .. ligq fn1 1o;istr'.rrio;r o[ (irortl' .. .. ISC Field Corrmissiotcrs .. .. .. 45 Iiin:rnce, appeals . . .. .. .. 18 Associat.rs .. 16 ,, l,egging rnrl coll,,, tirrrrs .. 20 ., Iunds, riisingof 1!l Jl, Joi,, ,, illegal aod rrrrdcsirable mcthod5 :ll 17-13, 2{)?..2i1 Group ., 15-17 I.H.Q. .. ,, 17, l-ls 1.19 l-.A. ,, Iocalsell-support .. .. li ,, u)oncy lilust l)c earned . . .. it) ,, sales .. .. J0 ,, .. sub-committee l,,A. .. ),Li ,, Firearmsartificate .. ..:l;5 -. 1:j{)-..13I IriBt CIas Scout . . ]l{i-:ilg Flags ;i3- i1l F-orcigl courrtries, British Scolts io :ijl, 3E rclatioris with. . . . 331 ,, Scouls, itrvitatjols to .. -. 25 ,, subl'ects, rncmbership oI .. . . ::):16 ,, visits Iiorms -{pp. B. .. .. b-riendlySocicly .. App..{. F'unctions, Asil.(r,ururr. lor'lririrlir)j .. lu: CountyCor.mr. .. lul DistrictCorirmr-(- .. l2-q .. .. 97 CoustyCommr. ,, County Scout Cotrn.il . . 1l{.) ,, Cubnrasto! and A.C.NL . . :llir ,, .. Dist.Courmr.-. ..725 ,, .. . . 153 Scouter .. GroupScorltlDilst(r .. ...i73 ,,

. ,, e;iec. conllDittile . Presidclt, Coutrty .

Functiors, I-ocal Asstr.

I Jt-167



!44 91

Rover Leader and A.lt.S.L.



,, ,,

.. :.lit1 S,lotrtD?istcr ald A S.lI. Scorrtmaster (S.) arrl .1.S.]i. (S.) !17D

,, ,,




lreasurcr, Coudt-Y ..



.. Ganrbliug .. Giri Guiclcs lstt alst Gti,les) Goor.i

.. lll . 11:t :iS() lis'l

Gallailtry, auards for l

lixecutive Couunittoe, Courrty Scost

Scouts Association.

training {or joint service, occasionai socials, hikes and rambles. (4) An exchange of Scout and Guide training instructors is permissible for the teaching oI subjects in which they are especially proficient, but must be arranged tlrrough the respective Commissioners concerned.

ior llovcrs .. ,, Scnior Stouts Dominious, brancbes in .. .. Eire, National Council .. Electioo 01 L.A. Drembcrs Eublens Rcver proficiencl' .. ,, Erquiry alter silspcnsion of Group Scorti' r ,, Exailrifler .. .. ,,

Guitles Associa,tion are entircly separertc frotn those of 'I'he Iloy

(3) Co-operation between Rovers or Senior Scouts, and Rangers, as a means of training. ln all cases a programme must be previously drau'n up and subsequently adhered to, and the approval of the respective Commissioirers must first be obtained. The follorving joint activities are suggested :Dramatic and other entertainnrents, folk-dancing, play centre u,ork, debates, joint representation on committees in connection 'lvith camping and with



EXTE&NAI, BELAIIONS. 28. The Association is not subject to control by any Department o{ State.


Kindred and


:10-3r,1)1, i?9, l:ll, l$0'i101 39r) 39r .. Servicc. al'ards for . .


Oovcrrlment, r,:!ations rrith



(;roup, a(r'(rlnts .. 2.t0-211 .. -. . l1):1 . ,, ;rrlrlition of sectio0s .. t97 . ., admissioo to ., cincellatiort of regisLr,rli,>rr . . 1glj



,, ,, ,, ,,



corrrpositioo Courrcil

.. lTii .. :01 . oi s.ctioo

,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,



,, ,, ,, ,,

disbarrtlirrg or suslrcosioo


195 196

l?-13, ,07-211

fomlrtion of


.. I-otre membersbip orgatisatio[ .. propelty .. .. reiusal of registraticrr .. registratiorl applic.rtioo ..


. ;






. Mi 178-188



.. llii chang€s .. fee, or alulal subscriptioo .. liJli 181 18'1 Proceclure .. ..11)tj refusaloi -. ,, .. 1S5 renewal ot . rcsponsibility of I-.A. 1S9 1.q:t and D.C. .. SPoosorcdGrorlP .. l?{} .. lii -. sanctiou to forD .. sohool

Scoutcrs, warra0ts



t,L-ii 109

Scoutmaster Ladies




1?0 til



TNDEX--contin ued. RULE RULE l;)1-'!61 Colonial . . 36 Crew j9, li'l) 1S0 (iroup .. .. .. 10'i ,, arldilion to .. ..261 ChurcirP:rradcs .. .. 11 ,, Council 3x0-N81 .. .. Cross, award for gllJ;rntry CoiorLies, brancbes in .. . . li6 Cub(s), age .. .. .. 227 ComneDrlation, Lett.r oI .. 3r1, is,;, :lll :'il)i'-:ili) Cournissiorer(s), ilpplicatioll for q,arL;trrts ,, batlges of rarLlt 62-6:i -. :l:ll ,, bo;rting arrrl lrathir;1 . . I00_1r)? -q.sst. Corrnty -. ,, :t:12. :i4i . ,, c.rnping Asst. County, for Train,, .. _. _. 22:, ,, lnstructor . . ing . . 10'1 .. :i26 ,, rnvcstiturc lJii t:t) Asst. I)ist. . ,, ,, joint traininB x,ith llrorrrries .. ti, forTrailrt,lA llr:;-llj* g ,, l,aw .i6,42 Chief ,, .. l1:i ,, Leapir:g \l,oll Badge . . ChielScout's.. ..4i ,, .. .. ..127 ,, OneStar.. iJ6_99 County .. .. ,, .. :18_228 ,, pack djsagrccDcrt 1\\7426 .. ,, profirrclcy bari{rs with Courliy I ,. I)romise scoutcouncil 1!0 .. :r'JB ,, qualiiications Disrrict l:1-1r7 .. ., .. ..22i\ ,, Secotcls disagrecmellt :itil.-362 service stars ,, u.illr I-..\. .:r. l::, .. -:2! .. ,, Sixrro Irield .. 45 ,, . . . I4i ,, srrl) corrnritt(r I-.A. .. 97 Honorary .. ,, _ . ,?ti ,, Tcnderpad I.[I.Q. ' '. " 4i 2tc-zz|, zzg ', ,, traitrilg members ra[kirlF as . . {i ,, . . 35i ,, Totom poles susgxnsiorr of .. .. 81 ,, . _ rlr) ,, Tl.o Star .. +2-41 Comnittee ol torrocil :lgl. 2S2 .. ,, ,rritcm :ju, 'Jtl:], 203 .. ,, ,, Group lr:t-zli CrrLDastL,r ard r\.C.M. competitiol -{pp' A' .. 3t1J Decorations authorise,l .. .. :17 D""pS"uScouts ., Corstitutioo,rrrork:lforru :j96:its .. .. Corrtributiors .. ., li .. rOu ,, errroirnt,ltir .. :176-j179 Dcfi.itio's .. Coflrwell Scout Larlce l,age ii. .. 15-;13 DepartDrents, I.H-Q. .. Correspondeuce .. 15 lI-{ I Council(s) of B.S.A. Deputl' C.rurp Chief arrd Asst. l).C.C. 10i-10i1 109-l t0 .. Count.v Scout . . Deputv Chief Scout . . 4l ,, Di\agrecn.nt l;etuee[ C.C, a;rd Couilty ,, d!srrllrcerxent s'itb c.( . . 190 .. 120 Scout Courlcil .. f'lotrP . -. :?01 belvcen I).C. and I--A. tl!, l!3 ,, ,, . . 35 Natiorrrl .. ,, ,, \see also " Displles ") .. f61 ] Disbanding sccl.ior1 of Groop .. l{o\,'r ( rc$ .. l$t ,, !1i,22+ .. Sixcs .. .. .. .. lgi Djsutiss;rlofStorr.. ,. (,,urrtv A;c rs ri (0), l?5 (;l) .. Disputes . . . 9l .. )21,-122 !t; $9 f)istricl ,A,reas ,, Cour'.tssiurr'r .. 721-12i 91 iio ,, orgarrisatiorr ,, Comrflissioner appoiltme,rt .. 194 1t!-t)5 .. ,, Prcsid"rrt .. Iulctions .. lzb 109 110 ,, Scout Counril uniJorlD ' "lzi 115-lr9 .. ,, Secrelary..

38, (i) Tlie Boy Scouts Association in common with all the Foreign recognised Scout Associations of othcr countries is registered Scout with the Boy Scouts Intelnational Bureau, which is responsiblo .\ssociAti,:os for the recognitiolr and registration of National Scout Associa-

Chicl Scouts. l)onilrion a0.l ChurcLes, relations uith ..

tions throughout the world and for the or€Janisation of interflational cvents. (ii) I'he International Rureau is controlled by an Iirternational Committee elected bienuially by the International Conference, and is administered by a Director appointed by the Internationai Committee.


84. The general schene o{ crganisatiorr in tho United King-

36. Branches of the Association are established in the various ,Dominions, Colonies, etc., and local Chief Scouts and Chief Llnprrc Commissioners, to rvhon certain duties are delegated, are overseas appointed. Organising Commissiouers axe appointed in certainl Oversea Branches. I.H.Q. must be informed of any changes of I Secretaries


Trcasrrrcr.. of llouorr ..

.. .


;;;-ii; ,l 2:j1,242 | r38

. u'arrarrtfor ..

s.ou,"ii.) "o11""'

,r;,1;l ti.1-75



Warrants for Scouters of various ranks are issued by certainl Oversea Branches



with their constitutions.

Branch I{eadquarters are to be taken as appearing in the chart


after I.TI.Q.


87. The Overseas Cornmissioner at I.H.Q. is responsible forl relations with the Branches of the Association in the Britishl Commonwealth anrl Empire I He wili supply, if desired, a model form of constitution for anl Overseas Branch, and in{ornation on the practice prevailiDg inl other Dominions, Colonies, etc.

88. The International Commissioner at I.H.Q. is responsible lioreign for relations with Scout Associations ln foreigrr countries and for coulttnes British Groups formed in Ioreign countries,




dom and Eire is set out in the accorrpanying chart rvhich shorvs gghgmg the system of deccntralisation. United 85. National Councils have been est:rblished in Scotl:rnd, :3gS::' Wales, Northern Ireland, and Eire, and in respect of these;-""'-"" countries are to be taken as appearing in the chart between' I.I-I.Q. and the C.C.



Bules B&4i)



89. Groups of British Scouts may be Iormed in {oreign countries subject to the consent of the National Scout Headquarters o{ the country concerned. Regulations governing tho formation and control of such Groups have been drawn up by the International Conference, and copies can be obtained from I.H.Q. Persons wishing to form British Groups abroad should write in the first place to the Internationa,l Commissioner, who will send full instructions. Generally speaking, such Groups should be confined to British subjects, but exceptions aro permitted in special circumstances, a6 laid down in Rulo 25. 40. Variations ol P.O.R. rendered necessary by local con- I-ocal ditions outside the United Kingdom and Eire may bo sanctioned variB,tioni by I.H.Q.



., ,,

'i:9 qEOH

zoc,-.u) z o atli

--_-.--"? ,..1

di r






d ,F l)










8z ^A

z oP


q U. .


ol Fro < rcr.gE ul _!F O .i ztat1 ^_t <l < -= 2l ,1 (5.E IU HU ) o q

O trt




o& d ur> --^ i

i a-



LJ o a

,9 v 9* ,tl (c

2,i5 I

""5 l 'z =-a

J r l1 ^&

oa tz aa z



; 7e .42


44i ';'?

: '1








.J, i t











CouBty Comn:rs. Culrrn:ister




lor tlrinirrg

k o g





k q





23, 302,

Thauks ..





Chrrteral Assooiatioos Act, l!26


i'^ 2'l7F

:l?6-379 380-33.1 ;t9r)..:i9t]

roeritorious condu(.1




155, la;l

.. ..

2, 2:i

,, Bov Srr)uts As'rciation Prol.ection Cr(lci 1l]:r7 . . 2:l ChicfComrnissioner .. .. 4:

16 136

gootl scrvice


3ll;i3l -. 339 .. 20

Chairrr:ur. Courrcil :rud C()t,tBittee 44 Iirec. Coturdttce of I-.A. .. 1.13. ,, I-ocal Asso. . . 110, i55, I6;i ,,

ChaPlain Clrrr'u|r

Ior gallantry


. . 39 ... 53. Ilroqoies, ioint trainjng $ith {lrrlrs -. 'il,2 Rugl,r prai:tice .. 3:jG Rushrnarr's I'horrg . . !i1p, 42i,4:l! Illc-l.uvs. I".A. .. . . 1J7 Sca Scout -. 11$ ,, Caorp, uniir-.un ir .. .. 97S Caurping,h:ddirg.. .. . ..339 (-rrls .. .. :i::,:lll fi:rcign visits . . 333 ,, iln:ifi, rriln :l:;i 335 ,. Cl<l Scouts ..341A ,, permj.rsiori :13r 31!8 ,, rai{ling .. .. .. ..3,10 ,, C(:rrstrs 5,t, itlt. Certiiicati: for \feritoriorrs Corrrlrrct . . 3Sc

i rs-1 30

.. ..



i Ili-25ii 21


400 401


( onLr;rr.

I,.A. ,, Awad{s), " Conru,rll Scoirt',

o H







Rarrlr (sce Ranh, halges ol) -.

British Scouts in Ioreign coun'lfies




Iior,er l-oader

Associate(s) oI B.S.A.



1r):i-l 08

Sco!tmaster (S.)

,, 6i


,, (u,r,,tv (olrril ".

i;: ii';

a '



protection of

,, Wood Ban(ls Basis of tr{ovemclt Lathing Bedding in carup .. Beggi.g Iioatirg



.. ..

1 11'1'o

:tl iorr

As:t. ('onrt,,r.. for tr,lir.itr;




i,,!i:t; io taul;ottt,t,t,j

lir" I)ulii,

Proficiency (see PtoJiciency

,, .,


(.r:rlificnte for Norr-uccrr -


,. (. ,.



AJliioiritn('nt(s) ..()enctally, sce lilles /e-


issue to foreign subjcct

,, ,,







.J t1


(S.) and A.S.IJ. (S.)


c t


,, S.rri,,r 5,otll . ! t7N Att'r nf l\lor, n,ent . .l Ainr- ol l(ur, r u..irrir.i; .. .. Ar'i Sccut (Sec Dt.t'i.nitiorLs (Nate), Seirior i ala, lint,rallr- c()r/.sIior,.r , f,;./irr< r r-t :.1, r 1.. ,tt, i' Settor Scottt, and lloi,er -llniiornr .. :l!b Sertior:l{)ouis .. !.q(; ,, I.:otrr-s .. ,, ..2sij Ainnail's B]al$e .. .l:1.1 ,4Lela Learlrr an(l .ts,\is1-ant Aii.L. l0: 1r)8 ,{ppr:al fr,trn (iistninlriil of.S.t,xl .. .. lg? ,Appcalsforfirnds.. .. 13




i,; .< i



.. . . .








,, ,, ,, ,,


. ,, S.o'rt .. ., S,r,ulnrustcr antl \.S.M.





I-cadcr and A.it.S.L.

--o1<'I -aio -:6 rd -ie



s7 ({), r4s (ii.)






,, Noo-execulivc ranhs .. ,, Ilover..





110 (1)

9tn 9l I


Age, Cub ,, Cutrmaster and A.C.tr{. ,, G.oup Scoutnaster .,




Act, Cbartered Associations, 1926 Advancemerrt to Senior Scout . F



Silver Acorn arrd Silver 393-395 Wolf .. 376-379 Comrrell Scout .. .. .. 225. Cub Iilstructor .. .. ., 397 Deep Sea Scout..

Arvard(s), for

Page ii.

Abbreviatiorrs Accounts, County ..

a F( H )i a /.4>

_()9 r ol



A@ Y

l)omiriior al<i (loionial 36. .. 44 Ai Clrii,fSrrrrrt'sCcrnmissioncrs .. .. 4t Chief









Under the lloval Charter, the Association is g()verned ;r Corurcil not exceeding 7o members.

The lollowing forms are issued by I.H.Q., and are obtainable, on application, without ch.arge. No application is, horvever, necessary in ttre case oI Iiorms D., E., and F., which are printecl specially each year and sent to those responsible for making the Annual Re-registration Return. Those prrnted in italics are to be submitted to I.H.Q. in triplica.te in all other cases oDe copy onlv is required. . Fornt t A.-Foy lhe registration of a L.A. (Rule r3z (z) ). I ,, I B.-Model Byc-law,s for a L.A. (Rule r47). ,, C.-For the registration of a Group by I.H.Q. (Rule r83). ,, Cz.-For any change i.n lhe registration oJ a Gronp (Rule 1871. ,, D.-L.A. Annual Registration Summary. ,, E.-L.A. Annual Sumnrary of Groups, which have cerse(l t() exist. ,, F.-(iroup Annual Registration Return (Rule r85).

t . .

I . .

I.E.Q. Council


C.Cs. uLnd Conrmissioncrs representing Oversea


liave the right of attending meetings of the Committee and putting forward matters for discussion, rvithout vote, on giving a fortnight's notice tu the Secretary.




42, I-hc Conrmittee oI the Ccruncil consists, under the Royal Committee (,harter, of the Chief Scout, the Deputy Chief Scout, the Chief| o{ the Commissioner, tire Deputy Chief Corninissi()ner, and the Council -llreasurer, together witbffieen other members, elccterl by thel (--.ouncil aud of whom one-third retire anrlrally.


,, G..-.Application for Warrant of District or (;roup

Eules 41-52

M. The Chief Scout is Chairtnan of both the Council and ChieI



45. 'l'he Chie{ Scout can onl). attcnd large rallies and address public meetings at his own discrction and on special nccasions, but a stafi o{ Chief Scout's Commissioners has been appointed to ilssist fum in thesc duties, and visits from them and from I.ll.Q.



Scout's and



will bc arrangerl on application from sioners C.Cs" requiring their assistancc.' Field C)onirnissioners arel a,ppointed, and a-ssigne(i to certain Counties. by I.H.Q. I 46. I..FI.Q. Commissioners (with suctr ,\ssistauts as.may belDepartrrecessary) art"' appointeri to take charge of the various depart-l msilts ruerlt's a"t I.I{.Q. I 47. Members of thr: Couuc:I, he;ads and assistant heatis of Riilrks



., GC.-Appiication for Warrant of a Commissioner (Rule 63). ,, Fl.-Application for Award for Gallantry (Rule 38o). ,, I.-Application for Award for Good Services to the movernent (Rules 39o aad 393). ,, J.-Application for " Cornwell Scout " Badge (Itules 37G


dep-artments, an<l the .holtlers o{ certain I.H.Q. appointments, rank as Commissioners


,, K.-Application for Award for r\Ieritorious Conduct (Rule 385). ,, PC.*Notification of camp and camp permit (RuIe 333). ,, RV.-Application for voucher for reduced raihvay fares for camP' ,, Tr.-Transfer form for Scouts (Rule r99). ,, W.-Form to be attached to \Ararrarts returned to I.H.Q. (Rule 88). See also Form X. ,, X.-liorm to be attached to a Commissioner's \Varrant returned to I.H.Q. (Ru1e 87)


48. lt rs the dersirt: o{ I.II.Q. that

rcduced :rs rnuch :rs


corrcspondence shall

49. ,{Il comnrunicatioris scnt to I.H.p. ari to tti the Ser:retary.



f,it:"-"f*, be acldressed 1.11.8.


Model Deed of Trust for 1..A. or Group property (Rules r5o and 2o4) '

50. -\ll corrcslntrdencc rvill nonu:rllv lollou the lines indicated Channei ol hv tlle organisatinlt r:hart. cxecpt v.lrr:rc rrtherrrisc direc[cd or in comrnuni_


OVEBSEA FOR,MS. OI the above {orms, those marked with an asterisk (t) are also intended for use overseas. The foilor.ing additional forms are for oversea use



Form AA.-For the registration of a Branch / .to be coDpleted ,. CC.-For the registration of a Group \in duplicate. ,, GG.-Applicaticn for \A'arrant of District or Group Scouter. ,. N.-Census Return. r36



or nrattcrs o.f extreme



Ser:retaries u ill. horrer.er. c.orrcspund dircct u.ith L.A. - -{f-. I...{. LH.Q. tt* badges anrr lorrrrs, and, unrcss otherwisc arranged selictaries l)y the (.ount\', for lhr n.grs1-ration ol Gr.()ups arrd the issudof

warrants fur I)istrict altd (iroup Scouters. eorreslx>ndc,ce. relating

to scout ulatters rnust not be rtoyalt' atrd ir;;;;t- -."Lts ct

"5?addressed_ro any R.1'ar pcrso.age, to an' I)epartmcnt of st"te, {)r to an\'l}nbassv or l-cgation afhone or'abr-o^ad. except througtr -

r ]J"Q.




58. No member ol the Association may express. opinions in thi public press on any matter ol Scout policy or principle or be conc'eined in uoy broldcast re{erring oi relating to the Scout

Insurance Acts. Particulars can be obtained from :-The Secretary, Scouts' Friendly Society, 7, !'oster Lane, E.C.z. Telephone : Monarch

Bules 58-55 Press

and Broadcasting


Movement rvithout the previous approval of I.H.Q.

UNITOBU AND EQUIPMENT. unilorms and equipment are stockccl at I.H.Q. (Iiquip ment Dept.). Price-lists wiII be {or-warded on applicatiorr. As the profits of the Equipment Department are used entirely Ior

cENSUS. Cersus



54. An annual census is taken from the Annual Ilegistratiou retuins as on 3rst Ma.rch, or in the case of Oversea Branches, 3oth September.

the general benelit of the Scout Movement, members are recommended to buy unilorms and equipmcnt there.

Iorms and instructions are issued to all instructions proper authorities without application. Forms and

55. The





BuL! t040





WARRANTS. COMPEIITION. The {ollowing competition is open to members oI the lrlovemeDt :The Duke o{ Connaught Cha.llenge Shield for marksmanship. Details appeirr in " The Scouter " in January eaclt year.


56. Warrants are issued by I.H.Q., at its discretioo, to Banks Warranted Scouters of the following ranks:Commissioners (C.C., A.C.C., D.C.C., Ak.L., Assistant; D.C.C., Assistant Ak.L., D.C., A.I).C., Wardens andl Assistant Wardens o{ certain camp sites). District Scouters (D.C.M., D.S.M., D.R.S.L.). Group scoute.. ic.s.rn., c.NI., s.M., s.iI.(S.), R.S.L.,l A.C.M., A.S.M., A.S.M.(S.), A.R.S.L.). I

INSURANCE. I.H.Q. has arranged various general policies in which units of the Movement can participate if they so wish. BrieI details are given below and further information can be obtained from the General Secretary, I.H.Q. ; but cover under (r) is already obtained by some Counties,


and under (z) by many Counties and L.As. ; and tbere{ore L.A. or

County Secretaries should first be consulted in regard to these two Scoutmasters' IndemnityPolicy, covering Scouters of all ranks

against their legal liability iu respect oI accidents during Scouting activities. (z) Personal Accident and l\{edical Expenses Policy, covering Srorrls and Scouters against medical expenses and certain

Lady lVorker


Ladies, whilst eligible for Non-executive ranks, may only Ladies recommended for warrants in connection rvith the Cub section of the Nlovernent, except in special circumsta.nces, and particularly as provided under Rules t7o ar;.d z3z.


69. A person may not hold two or more warrants, and/or Pluratties other ranks, unless he has the time a.nd ability to oarry out satisfactorily the duties involved and in every case subiect to

'Ihe {ollowing a.re pubiished in connection with the }Iovernent, and are obtainable from I.H.Q. :* " 'lhe Scouter." })rice 6d. monthly ; yearly subscriptiorr, (r) ' including postage, 7s. od. For Scouters, Rovers, and Senior

the approval of all L.As. and D.Cs. concerned, where the appointnents are in difierent L.As., and, in addition, of the C.Cs. where more than one County is afiected.


Mernlrers, pa.st and picscnt, o{ t}rc \'lovement, are eligible {or of the Scouts' Frien<ily Society, u'hicli h;Ls a badgc oI Its orvn and is an Approved Society under the National Health membership


under Rules 155-163.

Certificates of appointn.relt for local use in such cases may be obtained if desired from I.H.Q. (Equipment Dept.) on payment.

Scout unit or for the condition oI u'hich the unit is responsible. Sea Scout Insurance. Various {orms, covering (a) third party liability, (b) accidental damage, whether in either case resulting Irom the use oI ordinary boats or guardshiPs.


Appointed by the D.C. and L.A.


An extension oI the Scoutmasters' Indemnity Policv (P.O.P.R.I1.), giving cover against legal liability to, third parties arising out oI the condition of premises owned by. a

" I'he Scout." ]rrice zd. u'eeklv: yearly -subscription; including postage, r3s. od. (outside Il.K., ros' rod.)' For boys. 'I'he CirieI Scout u'rites regular"lv in both these papers.

Chaplain Examiner


(e) '



against fire.

6) '-'


rrr & r15.

County Secretary L.A. Chairrnan L.A. 'Ireasurer

L.A. Secretary

disablenrents resulting from accidents during Scouting aorivities or from illness in camp. (3) Scout Hut Insurance (including, if desired, the contents)

(+) '


or by the D.C. and L.A. under Rule 165. (z) Non-executive ranks iCounty Treasurer Appointed by the C.C. and County



Warrants are not issued {or

(r) Honorary rank conferred by the C.C. under Rule 97 (5)


VALIDITY. Warrants are valid only as made out

:Valiility Asst. I score D.C.C., Ak.I-., and Asst. I -*for the Countv I ." Ak.L. . D.C. and A.D.C. the f)istrici I speclneo *for the a.ti" rrla'JXl I Wardens and Asst. W:r.rdens -{or f District Scouters the L.A. -lbr Group Scouters -{or the Group J


C.C,, A.C.C., D.C.C.,





61. Warrants


are valid for the following periods

Walk, or walk and make passages in a kayak or boa.t (sailing or rowing), au aggregate-of roo miles. (or go an iggreg-ate o{ 4oo miles by per11l cycle) outside towns, airiin[ weet-end or holiday hikes ; keeP a lo-g of his journ6ys to be handed irr on- co-mpleting the total of ,oolo. 4oo )miles ; this 1og should give dates, places and distances, and should preferably give inforrnation that would be of use to othcr hikers, sucir as places of


Commissioners-until 3rst December next but one after the date of issue, District Scouters-u-ntil 3oth June next but one after


the clate of


Group Scouters-unlimited, but in every case a warraot ceases to be eI{ective on the trolder discontinuing, or failing to pcrform, the duties for which it was

to be visited en route, good camping piaces, together with passage notes of the l>oat iourleys with


inns, hints for finding the way at diIlicu1t points,




tidal or other use{ul infoimation and plans of harbours, inland waterrvays, etc. ; sketch maps antl nature lotes

APPLICATIONS-COMMISSIONERS. 62. Warrants for the rank of C.C. are dealt with by I.H.Q., and no a.pplication is necessary.

should be included.

528. I'he Rover Instructor





aDal OrouB Scouters


is not

63. Applications {or warrants for other ranks of Comrnis' are made to I.H.Q. on Form GC by the C.C. who will in lsione.s lall cases observe the precautions laid down irr Rules 7z-73. APPLICATIONS-DISTBICT AND GBOUP SCOUTERS. for s'arrants for District Scouters and Group Scouters aie made by the L'A. and D.C. jointly itl accordance with the procedure set out in the following rules.

Scouters may

not wear

oLD SCOUTS. 580. An Old Scout may wear: (r) The Rambler's badge previously gained as a Rover. (z) Interpreter embiems, if qualified, as ir Rule 525.

64. Applications

for warrants as l)istrict Scouters and Group 65. Applications ^niust in the first place be nominated to tire L.A. by a member of the L.A., or some other person of repute, who, in Scouters

either case, knows the applicant personally and can vouch for his character and general suitability. Nomina-


Sponsorerl Groups



forrnatiou of D.C. Probation of Group Scouters

I)uty oI



Scout proficiency berdgeg, but $g6u[s$ those who are Interpreters may wear an emblem (similar to those worn by Seniof Scouts under the note to Rule 5o3)-on the right breast pocket, or in a similar position on a jersey, showing the language or languages sPoken.







.Other Com-

Rules 627-580



Rules 61-69

66. In the case of applications for Scouters of slxrnsored Groups as in Rules r7g-r8o, nomination must be by the Sponsoring Authority.

6t. The L.A. rnust immediately inform the D.C. of any


68. Applicauts for u'arrants as (iroup

Scouters must serve

a probatioiarv penod o{ three months in the actual rank {or


which the warrant is desircd.

69. The L.A. must s:rtisfy itseif in every case that the applicant is fully fitted by.character-and.previous history to bo eirirusted with the care of boys, and has, in particular;(r)' The necessary quaiifications required by the rule reiating to the rank jn question. t2




Rules 524-527

PROFICIENCY BADGES . (E) Be reasouably proficient in trvo of the following. Eaclr oJ the two must b6 s-elected trom di.ffere.nl groups, a.s inder l(a) Boxing, fencing, wrestling. (b) Rou'ing, riding, skating.

(z) A full appreciation of the religious and moral aim under-

lying the scheme of Scoutirrg. (3) Personal standing and character such as will ensure a good moral influence and suf6cient steadfastness of purpose to carry out the lvork with energy and per-

(c) Swimming, diving. (d) Cymnastics, tumbiing. (a) Marksmanship, rock olimbing, ropespinning. (+) I\{ust be able to perform four of the {oilowing :.(a) Climb a tree to a hcight o{ 3o {eet from the ground. (b) Vault a fence two-thirds his own height. (c) Throw a 6o-{oot line to {all between two pegs four feet apart at a distance of 5o fect, twice out of every three times.

(d) Swim zo yards l,earing clothes. (a) Pole jump across a distance equal to his own heighr't. (/) Climb a rope to a height of r.5 feet from the ground. ROVER,S.

Boters Badges


Progress Badge

525. (r) Ihere are two proficiency batlges for llovers-

the Ilover Progress Badge and the Rambler's Badge. (z) A Scout entering the Crew, having already gained the Bushman's Thong, will iontinue to wear it on his Rover uniform. If he gained either the Seaman's or Airman's badge, he wiil wear a miniature replica oI it between the shoulder and the elbow of the right arm. Only one of the above three badges may be worn. II he has gained the King's Scout Badge, he will wear jminiature replica o{ it betuecn the shoulder and elbow oi the left arm instead o{ any o{ the other badges mentioned above. A Rover who is also a Scouter does not wear any of these Iour badges. (3) Rovers who are Interpreters wear an emblern (similar to those worn by Senior Scouts, under the note to Rule 5o3) on the right breast pocket, or in a similar position on i jersey, indicating the language or languages spoken.

526. The Rover Progress Badge is in the form o{ a lanyarcl worn between the le{t shoulder anrl the le{t breast pocket. The quali{ying conditions are a.s follows :Over a period of at least six n:onths, record his activities

by -keeping a log or by producing models, charts or maps dealing with the subject selecterl by him, and submit these records to the Ii.S.L. and Crew Irom time to time as desired


tirem. Produce a talh or demonstration, conduct an expedition or discussiou or by any other rnethocl show that he h-as been ective in tlre pursuit of his choice.

Ranrbler's 52?. The Rambler's Radge is $,orn on the left shoulder strap Badge Tire conditions for its award are as follows :r32

Bules 69-76



(4) A willingness to avail himsell of any facilities offered forl training appropriate to his rank. I

70. fn the case of a Group Scouter, other than G.S.M., the I-.A. must ascertain that the G.S.N{. approves the recommendation for a warrarlt. ?1. The D.C. must in every case satisfy himself independently I)uty of of the L.A. that the applicant is qualified and suitable as iir D.C. Rules 69-7o, and that the foregoing procedure is properly observed.

'12. In view o{ the responsibility to parents and of the Special prodangers which have been found to exist, L,As. and D.Cs. must cautions take every precaution to ensure that no one whose rnoral character is open in auy way to suspicion should be admitted into thc llovement, and they must show no false rncrcy in any case where such a person has gainr:rl admission. Where circum-; stances indicate that a criminal offence may have been com-l mitted, the D.C, rnust see that the police are"informed. I

78. (i) Where any person lvhose character and past history, are not fully known malies an offer o{ service, or seeks to bel



in any way rvith the

Nlovement or.arry member of


as such, the matter rnust imrnediately be reported to the D.C., I who will at once consult I.H.Q. I (ii) In the absence of the D.C. or any A.D.C., or in case ofl

urgency, the Scouter

communicate direct

in charge of the Group

with LH.Q.

concerned mustl

(iii) I.H.Q. will {urnish a confidential report; and,


where thel enquiry comes from a person other than a Commissioner, willl also inform thc




When both L.A. and D.C. are satisfied, recommendatiol Form G is made to I.H.Q. on Form G, which must be signed by the nominator, the L.A. Secretary, and the D.C., and sent to I.H.Q. by the L.A. Secret4ry either direct or, if it be the mle in the County, through the County Secretary.

'15. \Nhere recornrnendation is re{used on the ground that tire person is undesirabie or uufit to have charge of boys, a


report must be sent by the L.A. Secretary to I.FI.Q. through the C.C. CANCELLATION.

?6. Warrants are cancelled by I.H.Q. at its discretion, as f,4asgll&follows :tion (r) C.C.-at the sole discretion oI I.H.Q. I\{et}rod and (z) Other Commissioners-rn the recommendation of the occasions C.C-




b) District and Group Scouters--on the recommendation of the D.C. and I..A., made after a meeting of the L.A. or its Executive Committee, at which the Scouter

n. (i) In the case of a sponsored Group, the Sponsoring Authority is entitled to be heard by the L.A. and D.C. in any

matter concerning the cancellation of the warrant of any Scouter

of the Group.

with a Scouter of the Group, L.A. and D.C. shall give eflect to his views, provided that

the the


(4) Demonstrate how books should be cared for by producing of his own volumes.


528. (r)

?9. (i) Where it appears desirable in the interests of the Movement, the holder o{ a warrant may be suspended a^s follows :C.Cs.-by I.I{.Q.

Commissioners-by the C.C.

birds or animals.

District or Group Scouters-by the D.C. or I-.A.

(S) Lay a trail of at least half-a-mile in length containing at loast four dif{erent kinds o{ sign made of natural materials. 4o to 6o signs to be used and the route to be over ground with which the Scout is un{amiliar. Roads may be crossed but not followed. The trail to be folkrwed by Scouts of second class

(ii) Suspension of all Scouters in a L.A. area or of all Scouters of a Group respectively may result Irom suspension of the L.A. under Rule r35, or of the Group under Rule r9o. Efiect

80. A person thus suspended must, for the time being, in accordance with Rule 86, must re{rain


surrender 6is warrant

Venturer (Correspon<ling Badge for under r5-None.) : The " Athlete " Collective Badge. (r) Make a journev oI at least zo miles on {oot or by

from participation in any activity connected with the Nlovement, and must not wear uniform or badges. Any rhnk or appointment held in the Nlovement by such a person is to be considered vacant {or the time being. Any case oI difliculty arising under this rule should be referred to I.H.Q.

Report oI suspenslon

81. A C.C. who has suspended any




County must immediately report the case with full <letails to I.H.Q.

82. A D.C. rvho has suspended any District or Group Scouter under Rule Zg (i) in his District must immediately iniorm the L.A., and the L.A. must similarly inform the D.C. of any such action it has taken in its area. r4

Pass or have passed tlre Observer or Stallrer Badge.

(z) Recognise and explain two difierent characteristics in each of three rlifferent human footprints, barefoot or shod, and recognise and explain two different characteristics in each of three difierent types of simple human tracks. (3) Solve, w-ith reasonable accurac.v, three tracking stories in sand, snow or other suitable natural material. (4) Make six plaster casts of the tracks of birds, animals, car or cycle. All casts to be taken unaided and correctly labelled rvith date and place of making. T*'o at ieast to be of wiid


sion Method

for under rs-Observer and Tracker

Design: The " Open Air " Collective Badge.

t'he his service has been



(Corresponding Badges


78. After cancellation, a warrant may be returned to

holder by I.H.Q. at its discretion, provided



objection is based solely on the ground that the Scouter is not fulfiIling his religious duties either by his example or precept. \A'here, however, any other question, such as moral character or technical efficiency, is involved, the matter must be dealt with in accordance with Rules 76 (3) and 88.

Retum to


stand the facilities rp-tich exist in his district for obtaining

(ii) \['here the Sponsoring Authority of a Church Group

expresses himself dissatisfied

for under r5-Bookman.)

list of at least 18 books from those he has read during the previous twelve months. The list must include some standard literary works. Technical books may not be inciuded. At the test discuss these books with the Examiner, explaining why he read them, and answer questions based on their contents. (z) Write his own review of a book lent him to read by the Examiner. (3) Explain how he decides which books to read, and under-

(4) AII ranks--on the warrant ceasiug to be efiective under Rules 6o-6r, or by resolution of the Committee of the Council under Rule 27. Groups

(Corresponding Badge

Design: " The Craftsman " Collective Badge. (r) Supply the Examiner previous to the test with

concerned is entitled to be heard.


Rules 522-514






boat, with not more than two other Scouts. lloute must



one u.ith which the Scout is not famrliar and should, if possible, include stifi country. Sleep out, using only kit carried in rucsac.

Maximum weight 3o lbs., which must include food. (z) Complete an adventure journey as a member of a Patrol in t'hich he shall play a leading part. The journey, which may be short in length, must include at least five " incidents " such

as rescues from fire or heights, compass work, night work, decoding. Water incidents to be included by Sea Scout Troops.


Rules 519-521



(4) Know how:(a) the.importation of disease.s from abroa<l is guarded, against

88. (i) Suspension by the D.C. or L.A. is a purely temporaryl Enquiry measure; it i-rust be iollowed as soon as $ssible by'a fuill enquiry by the D.C. and L.A. jointly. Foi this purpose thel L.A. may appoint a small committee irttn fuIl powdr to act. I (ii). The person suspended must be informed of the proposedl meetrnq, and be given reasonable opportunity to attend and tol state his case. I


(b) the dangers of the rnain two venereal diseases. (5) Describe the methods used in his district to ensure sanitary storage, collection and destruction of house refuse, and undeistand the importance o{ such measures.

If a.sponsored Group is afiected, the Sponsoring Authorityl must be given similar opportunity to attend and b6 heard. - | (1v) J]re Chairman of the L.A. will normally act as Chairmanl of- the joint meeting; but it either he or the D.C. does not thinkl this advisable, they should agree to appoint some other personl whom they consider suitab6. In th'e event of their'beinsl (iii)_

(6) Describe, and demonstrate where possible, one or morie methods of disinfecting a roont after in{cciious diseases and also methods of eradicating common insect pests.

Radio Mechanic

520. (Corresponding Badge {or under r5-Wirelessman.) : The " Scientist " Collective Badge. Assemblc_ _ a simple wireless receiver in temporary - (r) and form be able to drirv a diagrarn oI his lav-out, usiig thir

unable to agree, the matter must be referred to the C.C.. who wil"ll thereupen himseli appoint an impartial chairman. ln'any casel the chairman must be a person having some connection (whetherl in a Scout or lay capacity) with the Scout Movement, but notl necessarily with the L.A. concerned. I (y) ffrg C.C. must in every case be informed of the suspensionl arrd. be given reasonable notice of the propose<l meeting li ordert that he may, if he sees fit, either himielf'be present o"r appointl someone to do so on his behalf ; but it is noi desirable tirit trel should himself act as Chairman or take any active part in the!


correct technical symbols.

(z) Be


to locate and cure a simpie fault in the Iamily set.

(3) Have an elementary knowledge of how a thermionic valve works as an amplilier or detector and know the functions of


condenser, resistance, reacti<ln and tra.nsformer.

(4) Know the main characteristics of diflerent wave-lengtb _ bands or groups in general use, i.e., long, medium, short ind ultra-short, showing trow these characteri;tics dictate the uses to which the bands are put. (5) K_now the method of charging and how to caro for


through, the C.C., as the case may be.

BETIIR,N OF WABBANTS. warrants remain the property of LH.e. and must Beturu ol be returned to the Secretary at any time 6n demanfr without his Warrants being called upon to state any reason. Property of

85. Ali

for under r5-Li{esaver.) the water four methods of rescue (one .in to be the " Unigrip "), and three of release from the clutcli of (Corresponding Badge


(-r) Perform

t, (S) Swim 5o yards attired belore touching ground.

in shirt and

trousers and undress

(4) Throw a lifeline to u'ithin one yard of a small object zo yards away. 'I'hrower to be up to the waist in water. (5) Lead a team to deal with emergencies as given in the Lifesaver Badge.



.84.- After enquiry untler Rule 83, the suspension must be 'ferminawrthdra\r'n, or a recommendation for the cancellation of the tion warrant with a {ull report must be forwarded to I.H.e. by, or

accumulators. (6) Be able to solder wire and use fluxes. Rescuer

Bulec 88-80

86. Warrants must otherwise be returned by the holders, County and whether demand is made or not, as follows :- ' L-A. C.C.-direct to I.H.O. procedure ) will in Commissioneii_t"'fr-"CC lwho forward District u"a c.o"p:sco"t"rs-to the L.A. lturn warrant Secretary or,ii.. at.""t"a,"i. *"'-"" A; D C I the toI'H'Q' orC.C.) in any of the following 6i1sum5f,3n6qs ;and (r) On the rvarrant ceasing to be effective uuder po1"" occasions 6o-6r.

(z) Where a recommendation {or cancellation is made to

LH.Q. under Rule


(3) During any suspensiou of, or affecting, the holder, under Rule 79, but in this case the warrarit is to be retained by the -C.C., D.C., or L.A. Secretary to whom it is returned, until the matter is determined. r5

Report by


Report by L.A.



Detrt ot





on retuining a u:trrattt to LII.Q. Ior anv reason lmust reoort the circumstances. .[f the rvarrant is that nf a lCommisJioner, the report must be macle ort l'orm X. 88. A L.A. Secretary, when returnirrg, the rvarrant of arry District or Group Scouter, must attach zr report orr !'orm W ;and, where the circumstances are such as to shou- that the lperson concerrred has iailcd t() rcndcr satisfactrlry service, or lis in any way undesirable as a member of the \{ovement or unfit to hare charge oI bo,vs, the report must be sent to I.H'Q through the C.C.

15) Kuou'thc proper gear that should be carried in a sailing boat to ensure safety of the vessel under ail conditions. (6) Organise and take charge o{ a Patrol expedition o{ 48 houis' minimum duration, in a sailing boat or motor cruiser. Journev to a point at least ro miles {rom start, and return. Keep a log showing courses and distances. Route to be _prepared b5' cindidate ivitil proper reference to tidcs, etc. Mernbers o{ Patrol to be properiy brganised as a boat's crew. (This test to be executed -in iidil waters unless absolutely impossible.) (7) Read a }lariner's Compass marked in points and degrees anii'be able to estimate roughly (using chalt and tide table) the depth o{ water at any state of the tide.

. 8?. The C.C.

DISAGR,EEMENT OT I,.A. AND D.C. 89. If in any question relating to a warrant, the L.A- and I).C. are unable to agree, the matter rnust be referred to the C'C. who will decide. it and, where it appears that a person is un-

518, (Correspon<iing Badge {or under r5-Backwoodsman.) : The " Open Air " Coliective Badge. (r) t']ass or have passctl the Backwoodsma.n lladge. (Rule



desirable, or has failed to render satisfactorlr service, rvill report his decision to 1.lt.Q.


(z) Show a knowledge of the subjects covered by Chapters 4, 5; 6,7, 8 anrl 14 oI " l'ioneering" by " Gilcrait," anrl attairr a high standard in the making of all knots ancl lashings referred



Rules 517-619


Ruleg 8?-00

90. (i) \\'here a Scouter changes his rank in the sarle Grrlup, .or takes'up work with another Group or in another L.A. or

to in that book.

lCountv, th6 case must be treated as a chncellation ol the former war.ari, which must be returned for that purpose. An application {or the issue of a new warrar}t nust be made in the ordinary

(3) Take charge or take a leading part in the rnakirrg of three structures of different types, e.g. a raft, a bridge and a flagstaff. (4) Nlake a c.rrnp kitchcn. (5) Prepare a meal {or himsclf and a comparrion, consistin_g of at leasl rneat, tl',,o vegetables and bread, not using utensils but backg.oods methods. (6) I'rove his skill in finding his way alone across unknown cour.ltrv, not using roads, without maps or making enquiries, to a point invisible froqr his start:(a) by compass and by day a distance of not less than


(ii) The

tterv atldress of anv Scouter lcavrng a District slould eitered on Form W by the L.A. Secretary ii order that t-H.Q. rray be able to in{orrn-the l)'C. of the l)istrict to rvhich the Scouter is goingbe

z miles;


without compass and by stars a distance of not



one mile.

519. (Coresponding Badge for under r5-Missioner.) (r) Pass or have passed the Missioner Badge. (Rule 462.)



{z) Construct to a high degree of elficiency:A camp incinerator. A properly screened and fitted latrine suitable {or a Patrol camp of seven days. A grease pit.

A carnp urinal.

A camp larder, proof against flies, to take perishable Jood for a Patroi.


(3) Understand the dangers oI infectious and contagious and the measures taken by Local Authorities to prevent their occurrence.




Rules 514-517



llaking:r, full report on not less than 5 ntiles of a na,vigable river or canal, including tides, channeis, shoais or mudbanks, local rules and customs, including " iocal rule of the roacl " and any regulations i:,llecting tbe use of the

Bules 91-0?



waterways b-v Scouts. The report to include full details oI tu.o carnp-sites arljacent to nooring places

iri thc area.


.- 1he logs submitted u.till gite fiileage cooeyed, and be far as possi.ble, by etplanalory shetches, maps


ucoomtpani.eC, as antl photogre,phs.

515. (Correspon<.lirrg ]Jadge Ior under r5-.Stamp Collector.) : 'fhe " Craftsnian " Collective Radge. (r) _Collect not less than z,ooo stamps in good condition a.nd shou' that he has begun to specialise in some direction.




(z) Arrange the specialist part of his collection in a loose-lea.f

album arrrl s'rite (S)


| meant

may be varied by agreement of the C.Cs concemecl, in w.hich case the matter must be reported to I.H.Q. (ii) A County may be divided flor Scout purposes into t*,o or more separate Counties or Sub-Counties at Ure discretion of, and in such manner as may be decided by, I.H.Q.

(iii) I,t is desirable that Girl Guide County Commissionersl should be consulted in consi<lering boundariesl I


O"^urstrate by actual specimens that he knows what


by 4 out of any 8 of the terms chosen by the Examiner lfrunr the list in " Boy Scout Tests and Hou'to-Pass Them." I



l,residcnt is.appoirrted by LH.e. at its County ,.92.,.(i) The discretlon, atter consultation with the C.C. presid;nt (ii) l'he appointment is reviewed a{ter a period of five years. I AppointAt tbe discretion of l.H.Q. in consultatioi witir tire C.C., itlmint may be renelved lor a further period of {ive years. I gB. 'I'he appointment ranks as that o{ Honorary Comrnis- 6o1,1 -'--'-'

516. (Correspontling Radge for under r.5-Ca.mera.nlan.) : 'fhe " Craftsnran " Collective Bzrdge, (:) .[)emorrstrate tris unclerstanding r:{ the ntcc}ranisnr .


of his carnera, shutter, stops and focussing rlevice. (l) .Make a pin-hole carnera iuld sho*' a phntograph takerr

with ir. (3) Sho*' a knorvledge of lighting of indoor ancl cutdoor

$gge1; no qrarrant, but a letter of appointment, is issued by I.H.Q.


04. 'Ihe functions of the- County President are to encourage Iiunctiona the welfare and progress of the Movement in the County. *

(4) Diagnose _cominon lbults in composition, exposure, rJeveloping and flxing from specimeus shown by the ]iiaminer. (5) Take, develop :rnrl p1i11 rvith arrv came,:a :-






frorn unusual angles (e.g. Scouter taken up

3 photographs of buiklings of difierent styles.



9.5. J!* C<r^unty President may, if he desires, u'ear unilorrn Uniform as irr Rnle zg8, and badges as in Rule 325. and badgeg





517. (Corresponding I3adge {or under r5-Coxsw:rin.) (r) Pass or have passed ttre Coxsrvain Badge. (Rule 449.)

(z) Be able to reacl a chart, plot a position by three methods :ind lay off a course making alloivance for variation and devia,tion

of compiss and tidai


(3) Know the difierent typeS

houses and !.ight vessels


buoys, light-

in general use, the usual

danger, storm and fog signals. Discnss the Be:rufort, Wind :rnd Sea, Scales. (4) Iinow the rn:rrkings and bc able to hezrve the lcad.



91. - (i) The ,county area for Scozl purposes corrcsponds The SCout generally with that of the civil County, but where it is deslrable Co""t" rn the intercsts oI the Groups affected, the Courrty bounclaries


96. The C,ounty_Commissioner is appointed by I.H.{)., with c.c. a warrant in accordance with Part lll. Appoint9?. The functions of the C.C. in his County are generally ment to be responsible to I.H.Q. Ior the we[{are,- prrr(ress, ani- Function training oI the Nlovement,'anrl for the nrainte-narice of thel policy, organisation, and rules of the Association, and in' particular :(r) To^promote the organisation and effectivc u,orking o{ a County Scout Council. (z) 1'o act in conjunction rvith the County Scout Council in all matters connected with County finance and propertv, and in thc appointment and retirernent of the County I'reasurer and County Secretary. (3) To secure the services of persons suitablc {or appointment as Commissioners, and to deal r.vith queitions concerning their warrants as set out in part iII.


Buleg 9?-101



r5-Woodcraftsman.) Naturalist " Couutryman " Collectivc lSadge. (r) Show evidence of an intelligerlt interest in the whore field of Nature and rvith particular regard to one of the follo'rving :(e) Wild animals (native) (a) Trees and shrubs (D) Wild flowers U) Ferns 4nd/or grasses (c) Bird life (S) Seashore or pond li{e (d) Butterflies and/or moths and (&) Rocks and/or fossiis 512.

(4) To promote the organisation and effective working of

I-.As, and to deal with questions concerning their

of the Scout year copies of their annual report and audited accounts with a schedule of L.A. property. (5) To confer, at his discretion, until 3oth September following, the corresponding honorary rank upon a Commissioner giving up his warrant, with power to renew from year to year. (6) To deal t'ith questions relating to au,ards under Part X.


and produce collections, specimens, log-books, etc., as the pursuit may warrant. (z) Discuss with the lixaminer his observations and the

(7) To perform, or otherwise to arrange in accordance with Ilule rz6 for the perlormance of, the functions of the D.C. in any District during a vacancy jn that of6ce. (8) To give decisions and, u'here so provided, to report to I.FI.Q. on all matters referred to him as directed in P.O.Ii. and, in particular, in any case of disagreement betrveen a D.C. and L.A. (9) To settle any dispute between members of the Movement ; and, when necessary, to take action in accordance with Rule r 25 (3). Any dispute not corfined to members of the Movement in one District whrch the C.C. is unable to settle at ar.r early stage rnust be referred to l.H.Q., whereupon I.H.Q. may at its discretion appoint an


and Badges

Rules 3zo-322.

Appointment Fuuctions

leading part

Handicapped Scoals, Education, Kindred and Training of Scouters under RuIe ro4. r8


than six debates or.set discussions.


(z) Demonstrate that he has thoroughly explored an area of at least 2 miles radius (not around his own home or H.Q.) by submitting logs of his expeditions for two of the following specific


Scouts, Scouts, Societies,

in not

614. (Corresponding Badge for under t5-Guide.) (r) Pass or repass the Guide Badge. (Rule 454.)

in Rule zg5, and badges as in

b) For special duties, i.e., Cubs, Scouts, Senior Rovers, Sea Scouts, Air Scouts, De<p Sea


Both to bc done :rt five minutes' notice. (4) Know the ordinary rules of debate and have taken

ASSISTANT COUNIY COMuISSIONEB. 100. A.C.Cs. are appointed by I.H.Q., with warrauts in accordance rvith Part lII.





101. Such appointments are made for the assistance oi the C.C. in the Iollowing ways:(r) For general duties for the whole County. (z) For general duties Ior a specified part of the County.


(3) Must :(o) propose a vote of thanks, (b) make an impromptu speech on a subject (choice oI three




(z) Spe:rk on a prepared subject to an audience of not than 3o people, speech to last not iess than ro minutes.

98. When the C-ounty Commissionership is vacant, the {unctions are performed by the Chief Commissioner at I.H.Q., or by someone deputed by him for the purpose. C.Cs. wear uniform as

etc.) he rnay have

chair at a nteeting.




518. (Corresponding Badgc for uuder r5-Speaker.) : The " Craftsman " Collective Badge. (r) Demonstrate the duties of a Chairmau by taking

(rr) To co-operate, and maintain good relations, with the Girl Guides and other youth organisations in the


of information


indeperrdent arbitrator whose decision must be accepted as final by all parties colcerned. (ro) To attenr.l, if he so desires, meetings o{ the Committee


(C.orresponding Badge for under

Design '. 'l'he

registrations in accordance with Ruies r3r-r35; and to receive from L.As. rvithin four months o{ the end

of the Council, under Itule

Rules 512-514



Following out all Iootpaths, bridlepaths and waterways shown in past and present maps and reporting on their present existence and

condition. Preparing a full report on the agriculture and industries oI thc locality anrl the use to lvhich the land is put. Making a full report on the history of the locality. givirg particulars and history ol anv antiquities or places oI spccial interest and the extent to which it is disfigured by modern developments including advertising, etc. Preparing a {ull report on the soil, trees, shrubs, flowers birds and animals found in the area. 127


Rulor 51G511 Meteorolo-





(Corresponding Badge for under r5-Weatherman.) Badge.


Destgn: The " Scientist " Collective

(r) Pass or have passed paras. z and 3 of the Weatherman's Badge. (Rule 477.) (z) Keep, from his own personal observations, a daily record o{ the weather {or one month (as Ior Weatherman's Badge, but for all


108. Assistant Commissioners for Training of Scouters are I D.C.C.g. known as D.C.Cs. and Assistant D.C.Cs. (for the training of I anil Scouters engaged in Scout, Senior Scout, or Rover work) andl 61.1s. Ak.Ls. and Assistant Ak.Ls. (for the training of Scouters engaged | 1i11s5

in Cub work).

this position.

must have the previous approval of I.H.Q.

(r) Sing effectively a solo suitable for the camp-fire. (z) Sing a solo with chorus and take part as alto, tenor or

106. D.C.Cs. and Ak.Ls. (and their respective Assistants) s Honourable on appointment receive a special type of warrant ternted anl Charge


Honourable Charge, to rvhichthe rules with reference to ordinary Commissioners' warrants as set out in Part III equally apply.

(3) Lead singing at a carnp-fire in five variecl items of popular music.

107. (i) The Iunctions of D.C.Cs. and Ak.Ls., under the

(4) Recognise four out of :six popular tunes hummed or played

leadership of the A.C.C. (Training), are to assist the C.C. and D.Cs. in encouraging and providing facilities for the training of Scouters, and to organise Wood Badge training courses in the County. (ii) Assistant D.C.Cs. and Assistant Ak.Ls. rvill perforrn suchl functions laid down in the pamphlet " The Training of Scouters I

by the Examiner.

(5) Knorv somethilg of thc history anrl u'orks o{ at least three

major composers. ALTERNATIVE. solos, one of his own choice and the other at sight, on any recognised musical instrument. Note.-lews' harp, mouth-organ, drunt and other percussion instruments ale no, Perrni,ttecl. (z) In the case oI a solo instrument produce a concerted item wiih others or another solo o{ different-speed and type from the

(r) Play two

In the case of concertina or accordiotl accompany varied

kinds of camP-fire singing. Note.-A certifi.cate that lhe boy is a regular mem'bet oJ an

mchestra mav be acce|led.

(3) Recognise {our out of six popular tunes played by the Iixanriner, (4) Know something qf the histo-ry.and works.of at least three major composers or perlormers of his own instrument' rz6


105. D.C.Cs. and Ak.Ls. (and their respective Assistants),1Appointall of rvhom must be specially qualified, are appointed on the m;it recommendation ol the C.C., but every such recommendation

(Corresponding Badge {or under r5-Musicmaker.) Design: The " Craftsman " Collective Badge.




104. One person selected from the D.C.Cs. and Ak.Ls. of A.C.C. the County may be recornmended for appointment as A.C.C. Trainine for the Training of Scouters, in which case a warrant as A.C.C. under Rule ror (3) is issued. Ladies will uot be appointed tol

(6) Construct a wind-vane.

in a part

cases under (z) and (3) the special nature of the appointment is indicated on the warrant.






102. A.C.Cs. wea.r uniform as in Rule zg5, ard, bhdges ar Uniform ln Rules 320-322. atrd Badgei

(3) Explain the purposes and principles of simple thermometer, wet and dry thermometer, ba,rometer, anemometer. (4) Understand how synoptic weather maps are produced and be able to read one. (5) Understand the following :-relative humiditv, dew-point, pressr.rre, millibar, isotherm, Buys-Ballot's law, cold front, warm 'front, and iihrstrate anv explanation rvith diagrams. Be able to explain the conditions necessary for the prodtlction of thunder-





may be directed by the A.C.C. for the Training of Scouters.


108. D.C.G. and Ak.Ls. (and their respective Assisfants) r Uniforn wear uniform as in Rule zg5, and badges as in Rules 3zo-3zz.l and badgcs COUNIY SCOUT COIINCII,.


109. A County Scout Council is appointed in

each County County and consists of:Scout Council (r) The County President. Constitu(z) All Commissioners in the Oounty. tion (3) The Secretary ol each L.A^, together with two oth"r; representatives (one Scouter, other than a Commissioner, I and one lay) appointed annually by the L.A. I




Bules 109-11?

(z) Make a road map, with compass and {ield book, of two rnite! of road. showing all main features and objects within a reasonable clistance on"either side, to a scale of 4 inches to one mile. The fielc1 book nust be produced for inspection' (a\ Enlarse such portions of a r-inch O.S. ma'p as the Exarniner majJ ,1","r-",re, to a scale of 3 inchcs to one mile' (4) Drarv a simple cross section frorn a' l-inch Ordnance map (I.ine chosen to iiclude varied .features, gradients, etc')' (5) Show a working knowledge o{ metric scales'

(4) Other persons co-opted annually, including representatives of bodies with which it is desired to ma"intain co-operation-e.g., Girl Guides, local education authorities, religious bodies, and boys' or other organisations.

110. The functions of the County Scout Council are:(r) To promote the welfare oI the Movement in the County, and to arrange for harmonious co-operation between


the L.As. and with other organisations. (z)' To act in conjunction rvith the C.C. in ail matters connected rvith County finance and property and in the appointrnent and ietirement of tEe eounty Treasurer

50?. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-Cook') Design : The " Opeu Air " Collective Badge' (l) Cook for a Patrol, both in camp. (open-.fire)- and .inclu<ling roasting' toiiirrg, frying indotrs (any type o{ stove), 'cakes,

and County Secretary.

(3) To appoint an Executive Committee, with such sub-

committees, of which the members need not be members of the County Scout Council, as may be found desirable fcr special duties. {4) To send to LH.Q. each year a copy of its annual report an.d audited accounts with a schcdule of County propertv 'rvithin four months o{ the end of the Scout year.





and badges County $eeretary


Rank F-rrnctions

(i) The County Treasurer is appointed annually by tbe

C.C. and County Scout Council.

508. (Corrcspontling Badge for under r5-S'rimmer') : Tire " Athlete " Collective l3adge. (r) Srvirn roo yarCs in any over-arm or cralvl style(z) Swim at least half a mile. (3) Perform tire following dives :-

tlil ffr" office may not be combined with that o{ Cxrunty l^Secretary.



112. The rank is Non-executive and no warrant is issued. 118. The County Treastrrer will receive all moneys on behall


of the C.C. and County Scout Council, and wiII keep an account of all funcls. He.shal} not pay out any money unless authorised by the person or persons appointed by the C.C' and County Scout Council for the prrrpose. 114. The County Treasurer may wear uni{orm as in Rule 298, and badges as in Rules 323-324.


(iii) I.H.Q. must be kept in{ormed of any changes in Counlv Secretaries and their addresses. 116. The rank is Non-executive and no warrarlt is issued. 11?. The functions of the County Secretarj'are as follows :(r) To act as Secretary of the County Scout Council. (z) register l.one Scouts, Lone Senior Scouts, and Lone ' To Roveis in accordance with Rule zoo (i)' 20




(a) racing dive fronr the edge of tire bath, (b) rlive frorr a board not less than ro feet frorn the surface

of thc water, (c) neat dive from a sprilg-board. (4) Perform some ind.ividual stunt in fancY diving or in

swimming or plunging.

COUNTY SECRETABY. 115. (i) The County Sccretary is appointed annually by the C.C. and County Scout Council. | (ii) The office may not be combined 'rvith that oI Count-v I


puddings, drinks and sauces' and the ,nit irrg of bread, F."por" an,l ser've food punctually an<l hot, following the niceties of good marrners. Demonstrate carvlng. (z) I(now how to buy food ancl draw up priced and dietetically *"nut to include quantities requiicd for a camp of a "o,irid week's duration for at leasi twr, Patrolf r'f five Scouts each' A limit for the cost of catering q'jll be laid down by the Examiner' (3) Know hor,r'to prepare a hot mcal (trvo cottrses) and a hot drink, witlrout rttensils except a biily-

COUNTY TBEASUREB. County Treasurer

Rules 606-609

509. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-None') : The " Scientist " Collective Radge. (r)'internal J)cmonstrate that he un<lerstands the u'orkirg o{ combustion cngite and kuows ttre names and the functions of aII the principai parts. Diagnose simple running faults sucir as :'-rnishring, ctrolea jet. incorrect mixture and Design



(z) I)emorstrate :grease chassis points,- attend to oil level in Oii and/or gear 'box"and back axle, and top np the battery' Nlend a punctlrre. Check order of firing, clean zrrrd tcst sparkiug plugs' l2\


Rules 503-506






(Corresponding Badge

for uncler r5-Linguist.) the following tests in any language otbcr than

(3) To perfo^rm such other duties as may be alkrtterl to him

by the




clilhculty frorn a hook,'nev.spaper or

504. (Corresponding liadge for untler r5-Piper.) Design: The " Craftsrnan " Collcctive -tsadgc. Submit to the Iix:rnriner tiree.sets of march, strathspey and reel tunes, the sclection of rvhich rests rviilr the Efari-riner, any of wirich the piper rnust be prepared to play. Note.-lVhere Noythuntbrian oy lrish Pipes are used, alteynatiues ,nay be aceefted at the Exawiner's discrelion.

505. (Corrcsoonding Badge for under r5-signaller.) . (r) Send ar-rd . reccive ,a message o{ not Iess ilran r5o letters at rate 9 in Semaphore (45 letters per mirrute). Send and receive a similar message in 74m8OYrT) _.(z) W,<A e-[ ] Morse:on .buzzer at ratc 8 (4o Ietters per VAVA-, (E-:t- 11 minute). A t,.l FA 11 On tamp at rate 6 (3o letters per % l@scouts*) minutc).

Note.-9o per cent. acctrlacy to be required in all tests. an,l receiz'ing stuiions to bc a utinimum oJ zoo yar,ls apart. IJttzzer stations to be in separatc roonts. Outdoor .sending.

Map Maker

506. (Coresponding l3adge for under rs-None.) Design : The " Opcn Air " Collective Baclge. | (r) Make a map on the grouncl, by triangulation


lprismatrc compass or plane table, o{ an area o{ about 4o acres, 'chosen by the Exanriner, at a scale of r/4ooo approx. 'ilre a.ea should include fields, a building a.nd a pond or equivaJent features. r24

Rules 323_314.

in ltule





Scout Council

Note,-An atlditional badge i,s tuarn hy an Intet,hyel,er on the t.ight breast pockrt or in a s.imilty pusition on jersey, shozriug the language or languugus spokyn.

(3,) Demonstrate that he knorvs a recognised proced.ure when sending and receiving a message. (4) Improvise_ at least tu.o rnethods of sencling a message (one -]lorse and one Semaphore) at least half a rnile It or oveirate 4 (ao letters a minute).


DISAGITEEMENT OF C.C. AND COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL. Disaeree120. If the C.C. and County Scc,ut Council are unable 1s rneul ol -agree in any case, the matter must bo referred to I.H.O. C.C. anil County

(c) Read al<iucl intelligibly anrl givc an approxirnate trans_ la-tion (v,.ithout, tie 1relp rrI a tiit titlraiy) of a paragraplr

Leading Signaller

Co.unfy Secretary rnay wear uni{onn as

, ^.-11?.aDd badges as

(b) \\ rite a lctter oI alr,ut .1oo wortls t.lealine rritir il sirrrple Scout topic choscn by thE

[,eading Piper


County Secretary may, at the discretion of the ^ tr8. L.L. and.Tll" the Lountv Scout Council, be paid a salary out oI Payment County funds.

(a) Carrl- orr a sirrrplc corrversation lasting ahout ro nrinutes arrtj introtlucing some oI ilie basic Scout.vucahulary, e.g., the words lor Scout, l'atrol, camp, tent.

of .avera,ge pcriodical.

Buleg 117-120



Ruleg 121-125




(3) Select a route for a r5-mile hike from a r-inch O.S. map, not necessarily oI his own district, giving reasons for his choice

o{ route,

DISTRICT ORGANISATION. Dishict General Scheme Size

(4) F-rom a map select three areas oI r-mile square approimately, where a good hike camp site should be possible, giving reasons for choice oI the areas.

TEE DISTRICT. 121. The County is divided into Districts, each o{ which is in charge of a D.C. with one or more L.As. 128. (i) The extent and boundaries of Districts are settled by the C.C. Districts must be confined to such ]imits that the

($ Make an article of hiking kit, such as tent, sleeping bag, camp fire blanket, rucsac or a bag or other container in which to pack billy, {ood or toilet necessaries, etc.

D.C,, or one of his assistants, can have constant personal toucb with all L.As., Groups, and Scouters, within it. (ii) It is desirable that the Girl Guide Commissioners lor corresponding areas should beconsulted in considering boundaries. DISAGR,EEMENT OF DisagreeEetrt of

Ir.A. anil D.C. D.C.

Appointment Functions


501. (r)




or have passed the Rider Badge. (Rule


(z) Jump an ordinary {ence on horseback, saddled and bare-

back. Show a

128. If the L.A. and D.C. are unable to agree in any case, the matter must be relerred to the C.C., who *,ill decide it and report his decision to I.H.Q.

draught horse in single and double in chains, and drive the

Horticulturist a

park or garden: trees, sirrubs, herbaceous perennial, herbaceous annual, rock or alpine piants. (z) Prepare and discuss u'ith the Examiner a plan for the layout oI an herbaceous border with particular relerence to continuity of bloorn, colour schemes and comparative height.

(:) Give a flower



(5) To visit Groups and advise how to conduct thern on the lines laid down in " scouting for Boys," the " WoIf Cub's Handbook," " Rovering to Success," P.O.R., and current Senior Scout Iiterature. (6) 'Io test the rvearer o{ any proficiency badge in his knowiedge o{ t}ie subjects, rvith power to tvithdraw the badge if the knowledge is insuflrcient.


502, (Corresponding Badge for under r5-Gardener.) Desigu: The " Countryman " Collective Badge. (t) Name rz of each of ttre following pointed out in

progress of the Lovement and for the maintenance of the policy,



(4) Be able to detect common ailments and know the correct treatment.

125. The functions of the D.C. in his District are, generally, to be responsible to the C.C. and to I.H.Q. for the wel{are and

(a) With the co-operation as far as possible oI the L.A., toencourage th6 training of Scouters and to supervise'


harness for cart, van or waggon, and horse and vehicie.


organisation, and rules of the Association, and, in particular:(r) To encourage the formation of L.As., Groups, and OId Scout Branches, and to secure their effective working. (z) To secure the harmonious co-operation of all L.As. and Scouters in the District. (3) To settle any dispute between members of the Movement. Any dispute which the D.C. is unable to settle at any early stage, or in which he is personally involved, must be referred to the C.C., who, if unable to settle it irirnself, will at once (except in cases of procedure under Part III) appoint an independent arbitrator whose decision must be accepted as 6nal by all parties con-


(3) Know how to harness


the training oI all

(Corresponding Iladge for under r5-Rider.)

Design: The " Countryman " Collective


U/1. D.Cs are appointed by LH.Q., with warrants accordance with Part III.

Rules 500-602



for an ornamental bed to


blossom from April to September; or give a plan for vegetable crops for arr average allotment for one year.

(+) Show a shrub or tree pruned by hin'rself and discuss the principles and purpose of pruning, budding and grafting. (5) Be able to give advice about and justify choice o{ the best varieties for his neigiibourhood of the Iollo.r,r.ing :-apple, pear, plum trees, raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries and roses. (6) Understand the importance o{ control of pcsts and diseases. Krrorv irow to spray v.ashes, use dusting powder and apply grease bands, etc. (7) Know how to treat and care Jor the soil ol his own garden r23


(7) To deal, as laid down, with all matters allotted to him under P.O.R. and, in particular, rvith :-

(a) Renew a sash cord. (6) Glaze a rvindo*', both in wood and iron Jrames. (c) Whiteu,ash a ceiling, paper or distemper a

Warrants under Part III, Non-executive and Honorary ranks under Rules 155-166, and Old Scouts under Rules r67er67E and 2748-2748, Group registrations under Rules r77-r9ti. Membership of Scouts under Rules tg7-2ot), Decorations and Awards under Part X. (8) To grant, at his discretion, camping permits to Scouts and Scouters of his District, and to supervise all camps held in his District, whether by his orvn or by visiting


(d) Knou. rvhat precautions to take against frost and how to thaw out {rozen pipes in a dwelling house. 1a) Repair defective plastering.

(/) Rehang a door and repair do<>r lunril.ure, including handles, locks, etc.

(g) EiIect minor repairs to {urniture,

such as broken castors

and minor upl:olstery repairs. \h) Lay and adjust crazy paving. (i) Clean and adjust gas fire or gas cooker. 1i) Put a neat patch on a garment (A) Clean aud polish a car. (J) Wash aod iron a scarf. (zz) Mix concrete and effect simple repairs with it, (z) Repair children's toys. Helnrsnurr



120. Where the oflice of D.C. is vacant, the C.C. will either Vacancy depute one o{ the A.D.Cs. or some other Commissioner to act, or

(Rule 464.)

will himsell perform the

craft (not including

500, lcorresponding I3adge Ior undcr r5-None.) Design : Tire " Open Air " Collective Badge. (r) Dcmonstrate n:ethods of packing and carrying a complete hiking kit. I3e preparecl to justify his choice of kit. (z) 'I'ake part in three overnight hikes, distance at least 8 miles, one o{ uhich starts and finishes at Ieast z5 miles from Troop H.Q.

the the



(3) Point out and lame parts and uses of sails, running and standing rigging, masts and spars for ketch, vawl, and cutter tlpe of sailing craft. (4) Be able to sail a boat aud be able to tack, wear, reef, rnake and shorten sail and be abie to get under way and come alongside in any given lyitrd position, Anchor correctly and be able to sail up to and make fast to a buoy. (5) Make and use a sea anchor, (6) Show hou'to leave a sailing craft with all sails and gear properly stowed. (7) Discuss tlie rule of the road at sea. Hiker


(rr) To co-operate and maintain good relations with Girl Guides and other youth organisations in


(z) Recognise eight differeut types sailing square-riggers).


(9) To exercise control over all vjsiting Scozls whether camping or not, and, if necessary, to report the circumstances to the C.C., who will thereupon inlorrn the D.C. of the District from which the Scout has come if in the same County, or LH.Q., if frorn another Lounry. (ro) To combine with his own fuactions those oI the L.A. in any part of his District in which there is no such

tor under r5-Oarsman.)

499. : 'fhe " Mariner " Collective tsadge. (r) Pass or have passed the Oarsman Badge. (Correspouding I3adga

Rules 125-180



Rules 40&500


D.Cs. wear uniform as

Rules 3zo-322.

in Rule zg5,

arl.d badges as in


and badgcr


128. A.D.Cs. are appointed by f.H.Q., with warrants in A.D.C. accordance with Part 1lI. Appointment



Such appointments are Inade for the assistarrce of the Functions D.C. in the foliowing ways :(t) For general duties, for the whole District. (z) For general duties, {or a specified part o{ the District. (:) For special duties, i.e., Cubs, Scouts, Seuior Scouts,l

Rovers, Sea Scouts, Air Scouts, Deep Sea Scouts, I

Handicapped (4)




under (z) and (3) the special nature of the appointment is indicated on the warrant.



180. A.D.(ls, wear uniJorm as in Rule zg5, Rules 320-322.


and, badges as


and Badges



L.A. Area





14) Demonstrate that hc understands the fire risks and pre(autions to be taken in places of public entertainrllent-

131. 'l'he area. to be administered by a 1,.A. is settled by the C.C. in consultation with the D.C. It may be, but is not necessarily, conterminous rvith the D.C's. District, rvhich may include two or more L.As. | (ii) lt is desirable that the Girl Guide Commissioners i'or correslponcting areas should be consulted in considering boundaries. (:i)


tion Suspensiou

(5) PIan the fire precantions and seating arrangetlents {or

Scout or simila.r entertzrinnlel)t.

(6) Demonstrate the Iollowing :*-rescue by ladder, and lorvering by a line.

oI injured pe!'sons,

436. (Oorrersponding lladge lor under r5-None.) : 'l'he " Countryman , Collective Badge. (r) J3e able to identi{y, ir.l suntmer and in winter, zo varieties o{ trees. linorv their uses .rs tirnber and fuel and be abie to recognise them frour a distance(z) Have a general knou,ledge of the stnrcture oI a tree and horv


fceds, brcathes and makes timtrer.

(3) l(now the dangers to t4iich trecs anti u'oods may be exposed, i.e., fire. suorv, frost, insects, discases and animals. Discuss the rt:ethods o{ combating these dangers. (4) Prepare soil and successfully transplarlt a young tree (not a seerlling). I{no*'hot'to deal rvith wounds in grorving



registrations are cancelled, and their warrants withdrawn, by I.H.Q., on the recommendation of the C.C. in con-

(S) Know horv to select an axe, namc the parts, hou tn take care of it and the -safety rules oI axernanship.

184. The C.C. has power to suspend any L.A. pending consideration by I.H.Q. oI his recommendation {or the cancellation of its registration.

(6) Iinou' ho*- to use a felling axe in felling :rnd logglrg up. sau'and u,edges. (7) Dernonstrate the general principles o{ felling, trinrming, logging up, tnoving and stacking tinrber, a.nd calculate the :r,mount of useful timber in a giveri trec.

188. L.A.

sultation with the D.C.

185. During

Use a cross-cut

suspension all functions of the L.A. cease, and,

except in so far as LH.Q. may direct to the contrary, all Scouters and persons holding Non-executive or llonorary rank under the L.A. are automatically suspended with effect as under Rule 8o, and similarly all Groups as under Rules r89-r92.

186. The following are members of the L.A. :(r) Ex officio. The President and Vice-Presideuts, i{ such appointments are made. The Chairman, Vice-Chairrnan (if any), Treasurer and Secretary. Tire Cl.C.,



any A.C.Cs. performing <luties within the area and the County Secretary. D.C.Cs. and Ak.Ls. holding Charges for the County. The D.C., and any A.D.Cs., District Scouters, G.S.Ms,, ar.d Scoutmaslezs, holding 1r'arrants

in the



forrvarded to I.H.Q. tlrough the County Secretary who signs thern as evidence of the approval oI the C.C. (iii) After approval of the forms, a warrant for the l-.A. is iSsued by I.H.Q. and sent to the L.A. Secretary through the County Secretary. I.H.Q. retain ore copy of Form A.8., and send to the County Secretary tbe other t*'o, of which one is to be kept with the County records and one to be transmitted to the L.A. Secretary with the .warrant for retention with the




182. (i) L.As. are registered, and their lvarrants issued, b1' I.H.Q. at its discretion, on the recommendation of the C.C. in consultation with the D.C. (ii) 1'hree copies of Form A.IJ. rnust be completed and signed by the prospective L.A. Secretary and by the D.C. They are





(z) Eiected. Any person, including Scouters not specified in (r), elected by vote at a meeting of the L.A. Such members may be required to pay an aunual subscription,

but do not require annual re-election. (3) Associate. Associates with full rights of membership until the next Annual Meeting :24

4S?. (Conespondilg tsadge ior rurd<:r r.5-Hobbies.) Design: The " Cra{tsman " Clollective Radge.


(r) Show thzrt he hzrs successfuily pursuecl onc o{ the follovring for not less than tvro years, ancl produce six appropriate articles madc by hinrse'lJ



Basketrvork, Bookbinding, Carpentry, Leatherrn't.rrk,


Metahvork, Spinning, Weaving. (z) Discuss his rvork x.ith the Iixaminer rvith oarticular

relerence to



(a) tools arrd rnaterials uscd, (b) possible Projects for the {uture,

(c) sources o{ inforntatir.>rt rvhich hll has cr)nsulted.

498. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-]obrnan.l (r) IJe able to do ro o{ the folloNing, at least six

*'hich (selected b1' the Erarniner)


tlandynran oI

be deruonstrated:--



Rulos 493-495

(S) (a)

On paymentl A parcnt or guardian ri tr, Scout; ar,y of not less |lRover rrr OId Scout who has in either than r/-. _J case attained the age o[ 'z r. On payrnent of 5/-. Any pelson. 'I'he L.,\. has, howevt:r, the right to re{use rnembership to any person appiying under this clause without being under ar)y obligatioir to state its rcasons {or such

Have spent at least a week on a farm and have worked

for at lea.it six hours a da1'for five davs in that u'eek. (b) Ilake or a generai agricultural sutvcv of a village (under r,ooo inliabitants), giving .lotails uI local crafts, t:rops,. tnarkets and transPort. ljistrerrrran

4g4. (Ciorrespotttling l3atlge {or utrder r5--Angier') : 'l'he " Cotrntrynratr " Collective Badge.



(4) L',o-opted. Representatir.es (w-no must be over the agel o{ r6) of thc Patrol I.r:a.ders and the Patrol Leatiers (S-),1 and of the Old Scouts, in the area ; ancl representatives o{ bodies with which it is desired to maintain cooperation-e.g. Girl Guides, local education authorities,

Catdr, prepare and crrok fish sufllcielt Ior tt'o people' (z) l)emonstrate sirnple repairs to a rod, -e.g., whipping a broken rod, whipping oit snalie rirrgs, etc , make a c;r,st using a" blood knot " aod attach dropper flies. (3) Tie three varieties ol tlies and show abilitl' to cast; or rnake a spinner or spoon, atrd make a leclger cast. (4) Un<lerstrrr<i the dangers of t'adirrg an<l the preca.utions


religious bo<1ies, and boys' or other organisations, co<rpted bv the L.A. until the next Annuai lleeting.

18?. Assistant Scoulmasters are not ex ofEcio members o{ !lernbership the L.A., but irre entitled to attend its rneetings and to speak. Unless mernbers under Rule 136, they may not vote except in -Assistaut Scoutmastets the absence of the Scou,tntasler, in which case one Assistant may vote in respect of the sectiorr concerned.

to be taken.

(5) Have a knowledgc of the *'aters u'ithin er radius of r5 irom his fishing'headquarters anrl knorv all k>cal rules



188. The functions of thc L.A. are as follows :(r) To safeguard and encourage the .Nlovement within its area rvith the least po:;sible inter{erence with the independence an<l initiatjve of the Groups. (z) To deal, as laid dorvn, rvith all matters allotted to it uncler P.O.R., and in particuiar u'ith :Warrants under Part III,

(6) Kt'ep a >attsf;tctttt'y log rrl lris angltltg, experiences, with c.lctails o[ lscathcr, catclr, baits alrtl ueights for one scasol]. (7) Write a short accouut on wet an<l dry fly fishing ; or on the varieties o{ bait irud their uses in coarse hshiug.

AI,TERNATIV]]. 1r) Llave a 1>ractical knowledge of, and have taken p1* !n, at'Ieast onc of^the various methods oI catching sea.-fish fcir the rlarket by rneaus of trawls, nets and lines, and of catching shellfish, an<l- have practical experience of at least two of these

and :74u. Group registrations ulder Itules 177-196, Mernbership of Scouts under Rules rg7-2o<>, Decorations and Arva,rds under Part X. (3) To supervise Group finance, the appoirltment of Group

trawl net and tlaeir construction, and make srnall repairs in a net. (3) Know the usual storm an<l distress signals. (4) Knou, thc correct name for the usual fish caught in his


(Con'esponr,lirrg l3adge

Pass o:- have passed

reels, hose reels,

private fire-alarms and internal hydrant systems. t20

accordance with Rules 2o2,2o3, and the

of proper trusts oI Group property in accordance uith Rulcs zoq-2o6. (+) To be responsible for the grant of all badges and to arran[Je examinations for proficiency badges. 189. 'l'he L.A. will hold its Annual nleeting in April, or as

{or under r5-*Firefighter.)

the lijrefighter Badge. (Rule 45r). (z) l)emonstrate a detailed knowledge of- the for one of the firi i'islis, and proper precautions -t*o typ"" of {actory, iottc,*ing:-"t ip", ini,ie", aircraft, hospitals and his own place of ernployment. Show tirat he unders&urcls u'hat is meant by " spontaneons cotnbustion," l'here it is likely t<r ;rriie, and the precautions to take. (3) Dernonstrate that he uudelstands the iunctions o{ two oI the lollowing i*fire-resisting doors, sprinkler systems, rescue







Non-executive and }Jonorary ranks under Ru-les 155-166, and Old Scouts undcr Rules r67a-167o

methods. {z) Be airle to describe th.e use of the seiDe or tramrnel or


Bules 188-189


soon as possible thereafter, rvhen the following business is to Anloual Meeting be transacted:-(r) Adoption of the annual report and audited accounts, copies of rvhich, together with a Schedule of .L.A. property, rnust be sent to the C.C. rvithin four months oI the eud of the Scout year. (z) Ekction Ior the ensuing year of office bearers, of rnembers and Chairman of the Executive Committee, and oft any standing committees which shall be sub-coinmitteesl of the Executive Committee I

Bulos 189-f48

Rules 491-t193



491. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-Messenger.) (r) I(now the Highway Code.

(3) Consideratiou of all appointments of I)istrict Scouters and o{ persons to hold }Ionorary rank under Rules r55-r66.

Despatch Rider

(4) Election of new members under Rule 136. Chairman

140. (i) The L.A. will elect:r Chairnran

at the Annuai Meeting

each year.

| (ii) The Chairman may not be a Scouter o{ any rank unless lwith the special sanction of I.II.Q. (iii) If desired, during his period of o11ice, the Ctrairrnan may be granted Non-executive rank by the 1,.A. and D.C., in accordance rvith Rules r55-t17 and 163 and, in addition, with the approval of the C.C., he may' rank as an Flonorary

least five miles, in the course of which he must rneet and (5) Wri.te a report of some emergency such

(iv) If granted rank under (iii), he rnay u'ear uniform as in RuIe 298, and badge as in Rule 323, or, iI appointed Honorarl'

Commissioner, as

in Rule

desired, during his period of office, the Treasurer may be granted Non-executive rank by the L.A. and D.C. in accord163.

(iv) If granted rank under (iii), he may wear uniform as in

Rule 298, and badges as in Rule 323, Secretarv

Executive Committee

142. (i) The L.A. at the Annual l\{eeting each year will lelect a Secretary, who may not be a Scouter of any rank unless lwith the special sanction of l.H.Q. I (ii) The office may not be combined with that of L-A. Treasurer. (ii| I.H.Q. and the County Secretary must be kept inlormed at all times of the name and address of the L.A. Secretary. (iv) If desired, during his period of of,fice, the L.A. Secretary may be granted Non-executive rank by the L.A. and D.C. in accordance with Rules t;s-t;7 and 163. (v) If granted rank under (iv), he may $'ear uniform as in Rule zg8, antl badges as in Rules 323-324. r 148. (i) An Executive



b'e appointed

and Ak.Ls., Vice-Presidents and Group Scouters, sha-ll be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. Illected members. The number of elect.ed members must be specifed in the bye-laws of the L.A. either bv a deflnite number or by a maximum and minimun. 26


(Corresponding Badge for under r5-Smallholder.) : Design The " Countryman " Collective Badge. (r) Demonstrate practical work ol one oI tlrc following :-

Ilorseman, Shepherd, Cowman or Pigman. |mAOYrvvA (z) Show a general knowledge of haymaking, fA R ffi sowtng, harvesting, and an acquaintance with rortine seasonal v'ork on a farm, including the %ffiffi care of cattle, horses, shecp and pigs. %E#ffi crops and show some

at the

(ii) The Executive Committee shall consist of :Ex officio members. The ex offtcio members of the L.A. as set out in Rule 136 (r), with the exception of D.C.Cs"




lAnnual Meeting each year unless rvith the special permission

lof I.H.Q.

motor accident,

(z) Make connections in electrical wiring and replace de{ective switches, lamp-holders and fuse rvires correctly. (3) Make a simple electro magrret. Construct a Morse buzzer set which can operate between two rooms. (4) Explain the difference between A.C. and D.C. currents. (5) Understand the dangers caused by the irnproper use of domestic electrical appliances, and the necessary safety precautions to be taken when handling electrical apparatus.

(iii) If

rvith Rules r55-r57 and


452. (Corresponding Badge {or under r5-None.) Design : The " Scientist " Collective Badge. (r) Have an elementary knou'Iedge of the terms measurements used in electrica-I work.


(i) The L.A. at the Annual Meeting each year will ^ 141. lelect a Treasurer, who may not be a Scouter of any rank unless lv.ith the special sanction of I.H.Q. | (ii) The of6ce may not be combired rvith that of L.A. Secretary. ance


giving adequate details for the police and doctor. (6) Take down from dictation a $'ritten message and deiiver it to a point indicated only by map refcrcnce.





with some elnergency staged try the Examiner.




(+) Kegp satis{actorily one of the following over a period of year


(a) Bees, rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, pigeons,

goats. Produce proper accounts showing



ot (b) Know the r,r'ays in which soil is kept fertile ;


a general knowledge of the rotation of crops, the cliief pests and diseases; and know the locally important breeds oI sheep and cattle.



Rule {fl}


PROFICIENCY BADGES (a) that he is personally acquainted with the principai, routes to summits anrl points of interest, (b) that he knows the nearest teiephorres, doctors, inns and places of retreshment to any points in the area. (z) Find his way to a given point in a mountainous area". using the r-irc.h C).S. map or local equivalent, and cornpa,ss. a.n intelligible rough sketch rnap giving'Identi{y. certain . -(3) Drain' required information by the Examiner, covering t. peaks from a distance. (4) Discuss local weather conditions. Knou' what should be. done in emergencies such as being overtaken by darkness or. mist, and the first aid treatment of fractures,- bruises, concussion ancl shock.

These members are elected by the L.A. at the Annual Meeting, but the Executive C-ommittee shall have power to filI any vacancy amongst elected members uniil the

next Annual }Ieeting. It is important that half of these elected and half lay members. L'



using r-inch O.S. n'rap, or local equivalent, and compass. (z) Demonstrate, in a mountainous area, rvirat should be done in emergencies such as being overtaken by darkness or mist and the first-aid treatment of fractures, bruises, con-

Co*opted me-mbers. The Executive Committee may co-opt as memt)ers any of those persons who have been cb-

c,pted as members o{ the L.A. under Rule 136 (4), but the number of persons thus co-opted to the Executive Committee shall not at any time exceed hal{ of the number of those members of the Executive Committee elected as above at the preceding Annual lleeting. (iii) A Chairman and, if desired, a Vice-Chairman of the Iixecutive Committee shall be appointed by the L.A. at thel A31ual Meeting. Bolh appointri6nb are sibject to the pro-r visions of Rule r4o (ii). A qloruT for, arrd the length oI notice o,f, meetings of - (iv) the Executive Committee shall be specified in the bye-iiws; subject thereto, the Executive Comniittee shall rnake-its own arrangeme-[ts for the holding o{ meetings and {or the conduct of business thereat.

144. The Executive Committee may perfotm all the functions o{ tbe L.A. with the exception -and of tiroseielating to the adoptioa

cussion and shock. (3) Know how to coil a rope, horv to select a belay, and belay himseif securely; and generally to understa.nd the principles

or variation of bye-laws

of those .".".-r"d by Rule i!9.

L45. (i) The L.A.

may^ lppo-int committees to deal with 5o6rvith cubs, Scouts, Senior Scouts, Rovers,; Gi:rnittees fnance, badges, and other matters, and secretaries {or suchl

and safety first precautions of rock climbing. (4) Take part in at least five rock climbs of a standard not Iess than " moderately dif6cult," such climbs to be led by an experienced climber who will judge and report on his competetce. (5) Demonstrate his ability to abseii down a rock face (not less


should be Group Scouters holding warra,nts in the area,

(5) Shorv ability in judging and manipulating climbing kit and equipment, including rope, clothing, etc.

(r) Find his way to a given point in a mountainous

Bules ll8-148

questions- connected

committees. (ii) Such committees are

to be regarded as sub-c<lmmittees oI the Executive Comuritlee, whcrc iuch exists. (iii) Persons may be elected members o{ such committees

than r5 feet).

although not members of the Executive Committee.


146. (i) Where there


(z) Discuss kit, ropes and rope-ladders, knots, windlass, derrick, lights and suitable food. (3) Demonstrate emergency actions and ho'w to walk in darkness; removal of injured persons. Discuss the dangers rvhich exist.

(4) Knor.v horl'pot-holes are formed, including caves, swallets, trefoils, etc., and describe two of the better known systems. (5) Discuss geological and mineralogical aspects, fossilisation and formation of stalactites and stalagmites. (6) Take part in five explorations and produce log-book. rr8

are Sea Sc<luts or Sea Rovers, 61



is_partof the training of Scouts or Rovers, a special committee: Scout which is subject to llule ra5-(ii), must be folrmed to provide Committee for the issue and observance of necessary-and local rules for ihe use, condition- and equipmcnt of all wessels boats, so used, including those priwately owned, and for the safety of those using

.(r) Be {amiliar with one extensive system of caves, or two rrtrnor

them. l+

(ii) Subject to. the approvai of any C.C. concerne{, a joint committee o{ this na,ture may be foimed where two or inore I-.As., even if in different Counties, abut on the same piece of water ; such joint committee will also co-ordinate and advise upon all Sea Scout work in its u.aters. . (iii) Sea Scout cornmittees under (i) ana (ii) must, in par- and local provide, -and s-ubmit to I H.Q. througir the L.e. ina Sea Scout I"IIar, C.C. for approval, local byeJaws lor :ib1,e;"*-27


Bules 146-152

The inspection of aII boats used in their area, and for approving or disapproving their use with, or without, conditions, approval being given by mea.ns of the Boat Certificate. Restricting the sail area and thc nunber oI perscins such boats may carry. The provision of air tanks, Iife belts or other safety devices. Ensuring that such vessels or boats when


488. (Corresponding Badge Ior under r5--Boatswain's N{ate.) : 'fhe " Ilariner " Collective l-lac1ge. (r) Pass or have passed as Boatswain's Nfate. (Rule 444.)


0 (4) Overhaul and repair a set o{ standing rigging in wire or cordage for an open sailing boat. (.5) Be able to worm, parcel and serve and make the following :*Turk's head, trvo hinds of sennit, Iong splice, chain splice, and be able to point a rope (a.ny method) ancl apply \\'est Country and Sailmaker's whippings. (6) Know the different types of purcliase tackle and rig a

The proper care and nraintenillce o{ any vessels or boats ailotted them by I.FI.Q., and for obsen'ing the cr:ndi-

tions attached to strclt a.llotmert.

pamphlet " Sea Scouting." Rye-laws

rvill be fo.untl in tho

L4?. (i) The L.A. must on registration adopt bye-laws in


accordance with the model Form B obtainabie {rom I.H.Q. Three copies o{ Form B must be submitted, after approval by

(7) Make a kitbag or similar article in canvas.

the D.C., to I.H.Q. through the County Secretary. Any alterations in the bye-laws rnust similariy be submitted. (ii) Local variations of bye-laws u-iil not be sanctioned by I.H.Q. unless good reasou can be sliowu {or departure from the modei {orm.



night, using only gear carried in the

Dishict Scouters


151. 'Where there is no L.A., the D.C. will combine its functions with his own.


with bienilai r,l'arrants, in accordance with Part I1I, provided they satisfy respectively the conditions for C.M., or S.M. as in Ruies zr4 and zl3, or {or ll.S.L. as in Rule z5o, with the exception of paragraphs (a) and (5). z8

in "

to the return home. (5) Make a tent, ground sheet, rucsac or other similar article of camp equipment. (6) Have helped satisfactorily at a permanent camp-site for not Iess than six nights, or, rvhere this is not possible, have taken sole charge oI a camp for a week-end, such camp to have not less than eight campers and to be visited by the Iixaminer.

150. It is important that L.A. property should be vested iu trustees under a l)eed o{ Trust of which a model {orm is obtainable rvithout charge {rom I.H.Q.

152. District Scouters, i.e., D.C.M., D.S.M., and D.R.S.L., may be appointed on the recomrnendation o{ the L.A. and D.C-


(+) Show practical knot'ledge of the subjects Camping Standards " and apply that knou'iedge in planning a camp for at lcast three Patrols, from finding the site


mernbers under


Canrp \A'arden

Log-books must be produced.



for under r5--Camper.)

(z) Have camped ro nigtrts wi.th a Patrol since becoming a Senior Scout. (3) Have made four hikes, of at least ro miles each, by difierent routes, in one season. Each hike must have included sleeping out for the

Subscriptions and donations for this purpose are to be received by the Treasurer of the 1,.A. and not by auy individual Scouter. | (ii) A copy of the audited accounts rvith a schedule of property lof the L.A. hust be sent to the C.C. within four months of the lend of the Scout vear.


(Corresponding Badge

Design t The " Open Air " Collectrve I3adge. (r) Pass or have passed the Camper Badge. (Rule 447.)

148. (i) fhe I-.A. u'ill raise locaily the amount required for working expenses or for hciping tire Groups within the area.

149. The L.A. may require subscriptions {rom ltule 136, and Irom Groups under Rule 186.



use shall be

properly manned, and irr charge of a competent

Suggested n.rodel Sea Scout bye-lalvs

Rules 488-490



Climiler 490. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-None.) : -l'he " Athlete " Collective I3adge. (r) Demonstrate that he has a knorvleclge of a mountain area covering at least 25 square


miles, by producing journey notes and log-books of his trips, These notes and log-books must show ._


Rules 485-487 Ambulance



485. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-First Aid.) (r) Pass or ha,ve passed the First Aid Badge. (Rule 4.52.) (z) Demonstrate the treatment for all fractures.

to lirnbs, and for dislocated ja*.. . (3) l)emonstrate treatment for intern:rl rng.

154. District Scouters wear uniform as and badges as in Rules 320-322.


(4) Demonstrate {our methods of carrfng a. patient, two when alone, and tq,o lrith another

486, Artist

(Corresponding lJadge

for under r5-Designer).

'fhe '. Crtrftsrnan " Coller:l-ive Ila<lge. (r) Show kn,rwledge and ability in one o{ the forms . oI Art as given in the Designer's I3aclgc. (z) Show. specimens of his orvn work anrl discuss them with the Examiner rvith particular re{erence to :-WZAAYZZV (a) any necessary preparation of media. and Desi,gn '.


(D) opportunities


(c) examples of masters which he has seen or



{u::t}rer study

of t}re art,

books which he has studied, arrd his opinions

of them.

Astronorner 48?. (Con'esponding Iladge lor under r5-Starman.) Design : '"[he " Scientist " Collcotive Badgc. (r) Know the chief stars and constellations visible in his latitude and understand how to express technically tite position of any particular star at any given tirne.

(z) Be able to tell the time by the stars. (3) Knorv what is meant by :---The Galactic system, star clusters, nebulae; and know the typical history of a star. 14)

Make a simple astronomical model to

iilustrate some fea.ture of the solar svstem. (5) Discuss the j.nstrulnents used arrd the u"ork carried. on in :rn observatory. Krrow the principal observatori.es of the world, thelr srtuations and natural advantages, the special work undertaken try any of them and some details of their telescopes. r16

in Rules

2gt-2g2, Unilornr

and Badges

NON.EXECUTIVE BAI{KS. following appointmerts may be made by tlie L.A. Non^I'he and D.C., and are known as Non-execuiive ranhs :Executive I-ady Worker. Banks Instructor. Ranks 155.


(5) Demonstrate how to deal with cases of suspected poisoning_ (6) Lead a team to deal with an acci<icut a.s describecl in flrc First Aid Badge, para. 7.

Buler 15&150

1.58. 'fhe functions of I)istrict Scouters are to perform any Rank d-uties compatible wjth f,.O.R. with which the D.Ci may invesl the appointrlent.


Examiner. Chaplain. Surgeon.

, ln addition, Non-executive ra.nk may be conferred by 1..A. and I).C. on:L.A. Chairman, under Itule r4o (iii). L.A. Treasurer, under Rule rir (lii). L.A. Secretary, under RuJe r4z (iv).


156. Tb.ese rauks do not carry rvnrrants, but the proced.ure APProintto be_obserrrcd, and the precauticins to be adoptecl, by the L.A. ment, etc -Rule


I)_.C. (inciucling enquiry in accordance- with 73),1 and, u'here occasion arises, by the C.C., in all matters connectidtherewith and, in pafticular,-in regard to genera.l qualitications, appointment,_suspension, and retirement, are the same in every respect as in the case oI District or Group Scouters under part IIi, except that :-(t) The appointment is concludecl locally ; if desired, a celtificate for this purpose is obtainiible on payment from I.I{.Q. (Equipment Dept.). (z) Notification of appointment or retirement, other thanl that of L.A. Secretary under Rule r4z (iii), wilt not bel se_nt to I.H.Q. unless under circurnstances adversely' aflecting the character or efficiency of the person.

157. ln addition to

general <3ralifications as above and the Qualificafol each rank, a person to receive tions Non-executive rank must be at least r8 years 6f age.

special qualifications laid down

158. The rank of L:Ldy Worker rnay be conferred as above Lady upon a lady who has carried out the organisation and administra.- Worker tion of a Pack or Troop in the L.A. and has secured the services

a warranted Scoutcr, or who is giving regular instruction to 1 Pu+ or Troop in any such subject as c1n lie efhciently taught bv a lady. o1

159. 'Ihe rarrk of Instructor rnay be conferred as above upon Instmctor person lscozlls, who lras expeft krrorvlcdge of some subject suitable for and who has sdccessfullv instructed Scoals in the area for at least three months.


(4) Show a know'ledge of the use of hand tools in comrnon in engineering practice by means of a practicai test from

160. (i) The rank of Examiner may be conferred a,s above upon a person having expert knorvledge of any subject necessary


a drawing.

for a Scout proficiency badge. (ii) An Instructor or a Group Scouter may be appointed an Examiner, but may not examine ar.y Scowt he has instructed except in cases which come under Rule 436. Chaplain


surer and Secretary

Eouorary Baaks

Appointment, etc.

(r) Keep, from personal observation, a daily





Star and

(-5) Understanc'l fullv the principles o{ the Magnetic Compass dip, variation an<i deviation and be able to convert a true course to compass course and vice versa. PIot on a map a track given by the Examiner in the Jorm of a compass course allowing lor specified variation, deviation and drift.

EoNoRARY ner'ixs. L.A. D.C. rnay confer the corresponding The and 165.

llonorary rank on a person ceasing to hold a walrant as a Group Scouter, and not having any other rank as a Scouter in the

(6) Understand the principles of dead-reckoning.


Okl Scout


484. (Corresponding Baclge for uncler t5-.A.ir Spotter.) Observer {Rule 44o.) (r) Recognise 90 per cent. of the airr:raft silhouettes from a list published annually by I.H.Q., shown ro seconds each. z5 per cent. of these to be head-on.

156 apply.


Persons holding Flonorary rank mav n'ear uniform as 298, and baelges as in Rule 325.

THE OLD SCOUT BB,ANCII (L.4.). 16?e. Ttre L.A. and D.C. rr,ay at their discretion form


(z) Pass or have passed paras. z and 3 of the


and simiiarly may disband such

Branch Formation

Old Scout Branch o{ the 1,.A. a Branch.

Members ex oflicio

16?r. 'fhe following persons are ex off.cio rnembers of the Old Scout Bra.nch of the L.A.:(r) Old Scouts registered under Ilule z74o by the


Scout Branch of any Group in the L.A. (z) Scouters holding warrants in the L.A. (3) If the L.A. and D.C. so desire, persons holding Nonexecutive or I{onorary rank in the L.A. 3o


(4) Show a kno'rvledge of the conventional signs of an air map or chart, and landmarks used in cross-country flying.

164. Persons holding Non-cxecutive rank may rvcar uniforrn in ltule 298, and badges as in Rules 323-324.

in Rule


(3) Understand what is meant by latitude and iongitude, and be able to point out the Plough, Pegasus, Orion, the Northern

166. Such rank is open to revision each year on the occasion of the Annual Meeting o{ the L.A., and the provisions of Rule Uniform


of the weather for two months and understand horv the weather map is prepared. (z) Repass his First Class signalling test in

1CI8. The appointment of the L.A. Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary lies with the L.A. only, but if the holder of such an of6ce is to hold Non-executive rank, the concurrence of the D.C. is necessary, and in certain cases of Chairmen, under Rule r4o (iii), of the C.C.


and Badges



.Design : The "Aviator " Collective Badge.

162. The rank of

Surgeon may be conferred as above on a member of the medical profession who gives his services to any


1183, (C,orresponding Badlle for urrder r5-None.)


body oI L.A. Ctrairman, Trea-

(5) Have a clear idea of the principles of flight and oI airframe construction.

161. The rank of Chaplain may be conferred as above on a minister o{ religion, including a lay reader, rvho acts as Chaplain of a

Rules 482-484



Bules 160-16?s


Air Spotter Badge. (3) Recognise from silhouettes as seen from the air, and point out the distinguishing features, 3 out o{ 4 in both the follorving classes:-

(a) Iype and class of battleship, aircraft carrie5s and cruisers of the Navies of the British Empire. (b) Main type of tanl<ers, merchant ships, passenger ships and sailing ships.

(4) Make a coloured chart of the flags o{ Great Britain and the Dominions and z4 foreign nations.


Rules tl80-482



167c. The L.A. Branch m;ry at its discretion, but subject to 1\Iembers the approval of tire D.C., admit to membership of the Eranch admitted any Oid Scout registered by the Branch of an6ther L.A. or of a Group in another L.A. ; and similarly may at any time determine the membersirip of any person sL adftitted.


480. (Corresponding Batlge for under r5-Aircraft llodeller.i : The'.Aviator" Collective Barlge. Make arry tuo o{ the follorving, one of u-hich is to -be(r)oI the Scout's own design and is to-be accornpanied by his drawing (use of kit not ailowed) :-

167o. The L.A. Branch may at its discretion, but subject Registration to the approval .of the D.C., register aLnnually as an OlcI Siout of a{Y person qualified in accordance with Rui6s z74c atd 274a, OId Scouts wb-o is not already registered bv any other Branch whether'oi a L.A. or Group ; and similarlj: miy at anv time remove the


(a.) Rubber-driven duration mo<lel for 4o seconds. seconds.

(c) Sailplane to glidc {or 35


(d) Seapiane or flying boat to rise ofi water. Durations-Seaplane, 35 seconds. !)ying boat, zo seconds. (a) Model of original design, performance to be comparable

with that required b), above

name of any person from its .elister.

to fly or glide

(b) Ilying scaie nrodel to lly or gli<le for zo


167E. The Old Scout

Branch. and the D.C. in taking any Precautions under Rules r67c and, r67D m.ust adopt the precaitioai and IgS"1.gd by Rules 7z aid 73, and'must report ?o I.H:e. through Reports the C.C..anv case in which it appears it is^not desirabG that aiy person shouid become or remain a member of the Movement.' decision-


(z) Discuss his models with the Examiner with special reference to the methods of construction an<l tire general aerorlynamic principles affecting models, e.g. lift/rirag ra{io, etc. Air GIider

481. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-None.) Design: The "Aviator " Collective Badge. (r)^Must gain the Royal Aero Clutr




" and ,. B ,, Gliding

(z) Must have a knowledge of :(a) Suitable sites for soaring flight. (b) I,-orma,tion o{ the different types of soaring currents, i.e. hill upwinds, convection iurrents, thermi,l currents, cloud upwinds, and storm-front upwinds. (c) Methods and precautions to be taken in connection with handling and launching of gliders. (d) Rigging, maintenance ancl minor repairs as defined

Air 14echanic

by the regulations. 482. (Corresponding Badge for un<ler r5-Air Apprentice.) Design : The "Aviator " Collective Badge. (r) Knou' the proper conduct to adopt, and the ordinary

safety prccautions to {ollow, rvhen on an aiifield or rlear aircra{i. (z) Flave a clear idea o{ the working of the internal combustion engine and know the names and politions of ail the principal

parts.._Be able to_strip and re-asiemble an I.C. engin-e of iot

rnore than four cylinders. . (3) .Have a general knorvledge of elementary hydraulics and eluctricity as applied to aircraft.


Eules 16?c-167e


Rules 16&172



4?8. (Cor:responding Badge for over r5-Radio Mechanic.) (r) Re able to connect a wireless receiving set, using


168. (i) The unit tor

Scoui organisation

in the District is the

Group. The general scherne of organisation of the Group is included in the chart shown in RuIe 34.

I tttl o

Scout Club in a University or College may be regarded I for purposes oi registration and administration as a Group in

!the appropriate L.A.


Appointment, etc

connections) and to tune it for the clearest possible reception.

^w 0

GROUP SCOUTMASTEB. consists of more than one Section, it is desirable that a person not in charge of one of the Sections should be appointed as G.S.M. In such a case, a warrant as G.S.NI., in accordance u-ith Part I1I, must be applied for, on

Light entertainment.

(4) Ilescribe three causes o{ bad receptiorr.

429. (Corresponding ttadge for over r5-Naturalist.) (r) Kecp a rvoodcra{t diary o{ two o{ the seasons-

spring, summer, autumn and winter-giving records with dates and places of not less than ro birds, ro piants, < . ro trees and ro butterflies or moths, and a short ^gOy> ffi;^ of other animals which have been seen ; &lp4- ge@ account A.ffi;ft ffi and jllrrstrate the rccords uith penr.il sketchcs,

171. The L.A. and D.C. should govern themselves by the in Rule r7o, in selecting a ladv under

carbon imprr'ssions of lcaves.r prisserl specimens.


of wild flowers, ferns and grasses, giving names, places and dates, aad recognise them as u'ell as give a short description oI ro of

the specimens.


same considerations as

readings, u'avelengths and station signals, with times of identification.

Talks and drama.

and D.C. to carry out the duties of G.S.M., but a separ:rtc wa.rrant as G.S.M. need not be appiied for. (iii) In selecting a person uncier (i) or (ii), the L.A. and D.C. will have regard to the rights of the Sponsoring Authority as in Rule 66, and wili also consult the Group Couricil. (iv) No warrant as G.S.M. u'ill be issued in Groups corisisting of one Section only, in which case the Scouter in charge of that Section shall be regarded as acting in the capacity of G.S.M.

1?0. A warrant as G.S.M. will only be issued to a Iady at the discretion o{ I.H.Q. in exceptiona.l circumstances. In such. a case, a special recommendation by the L.A. or D.C., additional to Form G, must be submitted to I.H.Q. and must contain:(r) A fuil statement of the exceptional circurnstances. (e) An assurance that in respect of any Senior Scouts and o{ any Rovers in the Group the conditions of Rules z47c and 255 respectively will be observed.

(z) Prepare a Iog showing transmitting stations is possible to receive on the set, to include dial

(3) Discuss with the Examiner programmes to which he has

the recommendation of the L.A. and D.C. (ii) In the a,bsence of such a person, the Scouter: in charge of one oI the Sections of the Group who is best qualified by character, age, and experience, rnay be selected by ttre L.A



.listened during the previous month, giving rea,sons for his choice and his opinions of the programmes under the foliou'ing headlDgs :Music.

160. (i) Where a Group

for all

Or Make a collection of photographic or carbon impressions sketches o{ leaves of zo trees and 5 shru}rs, 1;ivirrg names, places and dates and recognise them and give a rlescription oI ttre appearance of ro trees and three o{ the shrubs Irom *-hich they came.



Or Make 15 sketches cf animals or birds from life, and give the li{e history of five of them. Or Keep a simple aquarium Ior three months, stocked with specimens collected by himself, and discuss his <;bservations

with the


Rule r69 (ii) to carry out the duties of G.S.M. without a warrant.


Ll2. The special qualifications for a warrant as G.S.M., in addition to the general qualifications set out in Rule 69, are as

:(r) .A general knowledge of " Scouting for Boys," " The Wolf Cub's Handbook," " Rovering to Success," P.O.R.,


and current Senior Scout literature. 32


either batteries or rtains (to include aerial, earth and loud speaker


Rules 47&479

I I3


Rules 4?5-477 Starman

f<>r Scout meetings.

(:) Age suflicient to enable him to carry out the work - salisfactorily. D.Cs. and L.As. are expected to consicler carefuily the suitability of the applicant in this

respect, and pzrrticuiarly in relation to the ages o{ other Sco'uteis of fhe ()roup". In nornral circumstances an

stars rvheu the Pole Star is obscured.

(4) l.'ernoustrate a general knowledge of the nature, relative p,rtitic,ns and sizes o{ the sun, earth, moon and planets, and oI




lor over r5-Master


(z) Suim 3o yards on breast and 3o yards on n$AYn^ back (either u-ith hands clasped or arms folded /:,"er-xoA 'il //ffi '% in froirt o{ body) and tben a furt}rer 3o yarris W{/-\\\L.iA any style, makihg '1o yards in aU. -t5#t5(.r) r)ive from surferce of rvater and recover

with both hands an object frorn the trcttom.

Water not to be more than 6 feet deep.

(4) Execute a neat divc frorn the side o{ the batir. \\'eathernra.n

gatin-g the fullest amount ot responsibility-in their actual inanagement to the Scouters in charge of them-

weathcr for one month, using Bcau{ort lctters and symbols, and


Ihe /1$g %,' "i$,lt Cloud types and contiitions. |i*-],"^t$ TemPerature. iA;ti51.-[) {h- tA:U l}arometer reading. "c6,r*frtt' Iiainfall.

{olrou in g

(z)' To act as Chairman of the Group Council under ltule zor (ii), and to encourage co-operation between the Scouters

of the


(3) '- To secure the formation of a Group. Committee under

Rule zoz, arrd to serve on it himselI. 'fo cleal with matters relating to the membership o{ Scouts in accordance u'ith Rules t97-t99. (5) To ensure that contact is maintained with members of I I the Group serving in the Iorces. 1?4" (i) A person to u'hom a warrant as G.S.M. has beeu issued may, if ihe I,.A. and D.C. approve, also take charge of any one S6ction of the Group, but an-additional warrant for the rank concerned need not be applied for. (ii) The G.S.M. may not personally take charge of the Ilover (4)

Crew unless he is fully qualified under Rule z5o.

47?. (Corresponding Radge for over r5-Nleteorologist.) ir) Iiurp Irom his own observations a d:Lily record of the y


application Ior a. wariant of this rank should not be si'6mitted for a person under the age of 3o, and ir no1 circumstances *ill a *artatrt be issued for a personl under the age of 25. Functiols 1?8" The functions of the G.S.M. are as {ollou's :all. Sections of the over (r) general supervision To exercise ' Group anrl Io co-ordinate their activities, whilst dele-


4?6(r) Swim 5o yards with clothes on (shirt, shorts, socks as a oinimum.) and undress in the water u'ith {eet off bottom' (Corresponcling I3adge


1z) Construct a sinrple rain gauge.

(3) Bc atrle to expla,in the formation of rain, sno*', sleet, hail, {og and rirne.

1?5. G.S.Ms. wear uniform as in ltuie zgt, and badges as Uniforrn and badges in Rules 3zo-322.

TIIE SCOUT GROTIP. The complete Group consists of Cub Pack,,Scout'I'roopl The and Rover Scoutbrew, with the addition, if desired, oI a Seniorl Group liout Troop ; but may at any time consist oI one or two Sectious I Composi1?6.

ooly. 1??.


No steps may be taken for the formation of a-new Group Formation

without the prbvisiohal sanction oi the L.A. and


arry rvay represent themielves as members oI the Associa-

expla.in thcir significancc.

(-5) I(now at least {our natural signs foretelling fine 'rveather ulii'si>: foretelJing bad weather as applicable to his own district.

they raise:-

(4) I3e atrle to recognise and name six different cloud forms and


1?8. A11 Groups must be registercd at I.H.Q. and ane RepJistrarecognised as units o{ the Boy Scouts Association only w'hilst so tion regiitered. Members of unregisterctl Group^s lvho. wear badges tion are liabie to prosecution as in RuIe 23. 1?9. (i) The {ollowi[g"b"bodies, together with



(z) Ability to obtain the use of suitable accommod:rtioD

475. (Corresponding Badge {or over rs-Astronomer.) (r) Demonstrate rvith dia6Jrams, dra*-ings or models a good general knowledge of the nature oI the stars and plancts ir,nd their apparent movemeuts. _ zzgQYa" Great Bear,'fhe /ri/ /\ -1'?,t {z) P<iint out and name -Ihe and capella and %{".117\1}, Liitie Bear, cassiopeia, vega V, >\ /1 any plancts visible to the eye at the time o{ the "JiOUt9- test' (3) F'ind direction by night by means of the

their rnovcrncnts; and of the







rppto*,ed for the purpose by I.H'Q., - -Sponsored mav'frorir'tinre to time are'entitled to apply for a slecial registration oI Groups which Groups 33

Bules U9-180



472. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Orator.) (r) Recite a piece of good prose and some Iines of

Churches of any denornination; Universities, Colleges, and Schools (see Rule zrz) ; Youth Committees of Local

Education Authorities, Ilospitals and Institutions; Works ; and the follorving organisations : \I.M.C.A", British Legion, Church Army, Church o{ Dnglrnd Temperance Society, National Association o{ Boys Clubs, National .fuvenile Templars Council, Society o{ St. Vincent de Paul in England, Regnal League (for

W'@ifu wn#*4'

only), Toc H. Authorit-v


Group the Sponsoring Authority must

of a



r8o ; (3) record rvith the I-.A. an agreement in regard to property in accotdance with Rule zo5 ; (4) undertake to give the G_.S.X,I. the Jullest possible a^ssist-

out tlle duties imposed on him by Rule r8z. 180. -Ihe efiect of registration as a sponsored Group is as ._ (t) The Sponsoring Authority shall not, except as after-


the Group must be subject to the provisions oI Rule ro (3) and (a).


(z) The Sponsoring Authority obtains the right to nominate persons for appointment as Scouters of the Group in accordance with RuIe 66, and the L.A. and D.C. may 34



producing sketches or photos which he has made, or by describing the results of his observations. (:) Make at least three plaster casts of the tracks of animals, one of rvhich must be wild.



to be admitted to a sponsored Group, but in

Camouflage himself against three difierent backgrounds, if possible under vary'ng weather

(z) Give proo{ of having stalked and studied at lea:;t lour wild birds or animals in their natur:al state in the open, by

by the L.A. and l).C. that the registration should be 61ive permission for such other boys


tirne of the test.

wards provided in this ruIe, admit, in the case of Church Croups, br:.vs rvho belong to another Church or denomination, or, in the case of Groups raised by any of the other bodies specified in Rule r79 (i), boys rvho belong to some other sirlilar body. Non-observance of this provision docs not of itsel{ change the nature of tI:e registration., but, if deliberate, forms a valid grourrd 1br recommenda.tion to I.H.Q.


]ris actions.

<listance, according to local conditions, an observer whosc position is known. (d) Locate and pass between two observers stationed a reasonable distance apart according to conditions at the


in their opinion it is desirable,

(a) Cross half a mile of open country to approach an observer in a known position. Or in Town : Shadow an observer {or half a rnile and report

conditions. and by night :-(c) Approach, unseen and unhear<l, w'ithin

ance irr carrying

Where, liorvever, L.A. and D.C. may

Stalker camou-

by day:-

(z) agree to obserr"c in particular thc con<ijtions of Rule



flage, r,l.inds, shadows and background bv doing the {ollowing


(r) accept the aims, rnethods, and poiicy, of the Association as set out in " Scouting {or Boys " and P.O.R., and the cluty of endeavouring to ensure the continuity of the

and efiect oI

(3) Read aloud a piece of prose chosen by the

Examiner, who 'rvjll judge diction, emphasis and

4?&. (Corresponding Badge {or over r5-Tracker.) (r) Demr:nstrate his abilitv to stalk and use cover,

by him {or the purpose.

1?9e. On applica.tion for the


(4) Take part in a discussion with one or two other Scouls on a subject chosen bv ]rimself from a list provided hy the Examiner r4 days earlier.

(ii) Groups so:registered are known as " sponsored " Groups as distinct frorn " open " Groups, and the person or Committee appointed by the body concerned to exercise its functions with respect to such a Group is known as the " Sponsoring Authority." (iii) In sponsored Groups connected with the Church o{ England the Sponsoring Authority must be the incumbent or some inclividual appointed


suitable to his age and interests. (z) Take a major part in a play, or compere a sholr, lasting at Ieast thirty minutes.

Groups consisting of Troops, Senior 'I-roops, and Crews


Rulos 4?2-47,1


(Corresponding Badge for over


(r) CoIIcct not less tlran r,ooo starnps in good condition, (z) Neatly mount and arrange his collection ,x$AYn^

fr{,aa-\,-\E. tr V' W %, t U "tO"Uf5-


(3) ldentifv re stamps shorvn by the Examiner identify'simple rfater-marks. (4) Explain what is meant by 5 out of 8


common terms chosen by tire Examiner. III


not consider any person for such appoin.trnent until so nominated. Aitei such nomination, the applicatiotl follorvs the oldinary course as laid dorvn in Rules 67-75. (3) The Sponsoring Authority has the right to be heard by the LA. and p.C. in all matters concerning any refusal ' of, alteration in, or cancellation of, the Group registration, the issue, suspension, or cancellation, of the wanrant of any Scouter of the Group, or, in the circumstances set out in RuIe r97 (iii), dismissa,l ol any Scout

Sm,allholder 4?1. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Iiarmer.) (r) Iieep at least six poultry {or a minimunr of lz months ancl'rlemoirstrate that he has a practical knowlerlge of :(i) advantages and disadvantagcs of four ' the popular breeds in relation to their value as egg producers or table birds,

(ii) handling birds ald recognising those that are not healthy,

(iii) managing grass and earth

in the


(e) Show a knowledge of the treatment of a broody hen and understand the running of an incubator. i3) Know how to feed chicks and young birds and the different methods of rearing them.


to-iraintain its continuity. In no case is the Sponsoring Authority, as such, concerned in matters of Scozrl training, {or which the G.S-NI. is responsible to the L.A. and D.C.


a simple hutch and make up different rations to show the ri51ht amou^nt of food and the proper uses and proportions ol cereals, roots and green stuff. (z) Shorv a knowledge o{ the best breeds for fur and flesh production and know the u'eight and qualities of a good table rabbit. ile able to recognise six fur breeds. (:) Skin a rabbit and dress it {or market.

181. Application for registration of a Group is to be made Ilegistration by the piospective Scouter in charge immectiately its_first -procedure Section ii formed, either to the D.C., who will inform th.e L.A., or to the L.A. Secretary, who t'ill inform the D.C.


for at least rz months. Demonstrate

hive management and the handling of bees. (:) ile able to recognise larva, good and IouI broods and sealerl hr-rney, and know at least one method o{ preventing a


any case not^later than three months ifter

(r) Be able to take a

-qlvarm and know the principles of

tions make this



(3) give due emphasis to the religrous aspect of Scouting, and the clairns of religion in the conduct and life o{ the

(4) Iiecognise the queen, u'orkers and drones and know the


the date ofi

registration ; (z) develop in due course a complete ()roup, unless condi-


artifici:11 {eeding.

Thc L.A. and D.C. must s:rtisfl'themselves indepondently

that registration is desirable, that the Group rvill be prope-rly. conducie<l, that suitable Scouters are {orthcoming, and thatl the prospective Scouter in charge accepts the aims, methods, I and poliiy, o{ the Association, and undertakes to use his bestl endeavours to :(r) form a Group Committee as soon as possible, and inl



(4) The Sponsoring Authority is responsible in certain cases u-nder Rule ro (z) for the religious training of the Scouts; and in ail cases must undertake the general support and encouragement of the Group and endeavour


(r) Keep and rear rabbits {or at Ieast rz months.

(r) Iteep

Rules 180-188



Rulo 4?l



(5) Procluce a sample o{ honey {rom his olvn hive and discuss the-importance of its prr:duction and the Iactors that afiect it.

(4) ensure that the various sections oI the,Ciroup rece.ive the {ull Sroal training in charaoter, health, handicraft,

ALTERNATIVE. (r) Keep or care for pigeons lor at least rz months' (z) Shorv a knorvledge of dieting and {eeding. Explain

(5) help the Group to obtain suitable headquarters and the necessary equipment and opportunities for training; (6) comfly in the case of a sponsored or specizrl Group o{ any kind rvith any particulirr provisions of P.O.R.


of the elementarv pigeon


(3) ['l;rn a method of training birds to return t-ith messagqs from a distant point at least roo miles away. (4) I)ernonstrate ability to handle birds, including attaching mcssages and rubber rings to birds' legs. (5) I)ernonstrate hnowledge oI colours and judgment of quatrity by handling and other means. IIO

and serr.ice;


relating to such a Group.

181!. (i) \Arhen both L.A. and D.C. are satislied, recornmendation is made to I.I-I.{J. on liortn C in triplicate, which must be signed by the I-.A. Secretary and by the D.C. In the case of sponsored Groups, the Forrns C must also be signed bv

the Sponsoring Authority.


B,ules 188-189


(ii) The Forms C are sent to I.H.Q. either direct or, if it be - rule the in the County, through th6 County Secretar5,. (iii) Nhere recommendation is refused, action un(ler Rule r96

468. (Corresponding Radge for over r5-\renturer.l (r) Know the sizes and t)?es ot spinning ropes and

may become necessary.

" Notification of Registration " is sent by I.H.Q. to the prospective Scouter in charge of the Group tluough the L.A. Secretary. I.H.Q. retain one copy of F-orm C, send the second to the County Secretary for record, 184.

On receipt of Forrns C, a

and the third to the L.A. Secretary.

Registratir>n -pgnslf



Registrzrtiou &c.

-Iees, and


, 186. The L.A. may, iJ desired, re<1uire a small registrati<in {ee arrdfor an annual subscription from each Group.

469. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Nonc.) (r) Pass tcsts in bandwriting and haucl printing: and write a letter from menlory on a subject given verbaUy {ive

If not reneu'ed at the time of the annual re-registration return, under Rule 54, the Group ceases to be recognised, with effect as in Rule r78.

18?, Any

changes desired

in the registered title o{ a Group,

or in the nature of the registration (as open or sponsored), zrnd any transfer {rom one L.A. to another, are to be dealt with by the L.As. and D.Cs. concerned in a manner similar to the foregoirrg ploccdurc:, but any recommen<lation to 1 I{.Q. is submitted pn Form Cz, in triplicate, alnd rvhere a Group is to be trer.nsferrct to another County both C.Cs. must approve.

188. A Gloup registration is


by l.H.Q. :-

(r) on tlie reconrmendation of the L.A. and D.C. submitted if neeessary in accordance *'ith Rule 196, and made



; 1

(4) Demonstrate the filing of Troop oorrespondence and use of street and tclephone directories and other reference txroks. (5) Write a satis{actory report of a meeting, 'Iroop camp, etc.


4?0. (Corresponding Badge for over r5--l-eading Signaller.) (r) Send and receive a message o{ not less than 8o letters at rate 6 (3o letters per minute) in Semaphore, or rate 4 (zo letters per minute) by flag in l\[orse. (z) Send and receive a sinrilar message in

(z) on failure to renew the registration in any yeirr, under

Rule r85


(3) on cancellation

Ituie r33.


(2) L)ernonstrate a krrou'le<.lge of postal {acilities, hgoy\r^ (j"*+r-t Yrl" including postal and telegrapb rates, telephone it LA;?l'1 calls, including trunk, toll and personal. ';/) "&Outt$" (-l) Demonstrate the ctirrect use of the telephone, including dial wlicre applicable.

(6) I{eep a Patrol log sa.tisfa"ctorily for at least six months, anri lieep the 1'roop log {or at least three months.


of the registration of the L.A.



189. A Group may be suspended(r) by the D.C. who u'ilI thereupon illorm the L.A. ot his action; (z) by the I-.A., in which case thc D.C. must at otrce

Any Group not suspended during suspension of the L.A. will be regerrcled for the time bcing as a, Lone Group, under RuIe r93. 36

On brzzer at rate 5 @5 letters


On lamp at rate 4 Po letters





informed ; (3) as thr: result oI susl)ersion of the L.A., undcr Iiule r34, except in so {ar as the (1,C. may direct to the contrary.


minutes previously.

after a meeting oI the L.A. (or a Comrnittee appointed Ior the purpose with full pou'er to act) at wiuch the

Scouters concerned, and, in the case of sponsored Groups, thc Sponsoring Authority, are entitled to be


1z) I)emonstrate how to c:tre for a rope and a$OYa f7 fZYb hou'to coil it. U ue<- U (r) Deruonstrate the follow'irig spins (5o turns U-qJ for each spin) :-Crinoline, Flat Spin, Jump-in oieOU-.u and Jump-out.

(4) I)emonstrate with a 3o-foot rope, lassoing a stationary object three times out of four from r5 feet away.




names of the parts oI a rope.

is only eflective until the next 3rst March.

185. Ilegistra.tion

Registration ---changes

Rules 468-470


(3) I)emonstrate that he knows a rc-cognised procedure when and receiving messages.


Note.--8o per cent. d,ccuracy to be rerlu.ired in all sending amd receiaing to bc nol less Buzzcr stations tp bc in sel,&rete rootns.

Outd,oov stations









Rulos 46tl-467 Oarstnan

484. (Corresponding Badge for over r.5-Helmsman.) (r) Nlanage a dinghy or similar cralt in response to

190. During suspension all activities ol the Group will cease and, except in so far as may be otherwise provided by the terms

,a$OYr Avn

191. Suspension is to be regarded as a purely tcmporary tneaiure, and must be follorvecl as soon as possible by a full enquiry by the D.C. and L.r\. jointly. The Scouters concerned, and in the case o{ a sponsored Group, the Sponsoritrg Autliority, must be inforrned of the meeting and be given an opportunity

of the

orders wl.rich shall inolude sculling over the stern, anchoring, briuging alongside and nurliing fast. t//?^


(z) Rc iible to pull arr oar as a member of


(:) Iinou' the right rv:ry to load a boat t,ith either stores or personnel and how to trim her

465. (Correspondilg }3adge {or over r5-Tracker.) (r) In Iiim's game rernember 24 out of 3o rvell assorted articles a,Iter one minute's observation. "I'est to be performed twice nrnning with diflerent i:rticlers and each articlc to bc cor.ectly describcrl. ag-QPa,'a Y,\ ,,/ J,:-,F-I.p* (z) It1. hearing alone, recognise 8 out of ro fi L | ,.i jl silnPle i"unrls. TC..r"r{6 (3) FoIIow trvo simple nature trails each of hail a mile length and each containing between materiai. Tests to be performed

zo and 3o signs made of natural

over ground with *'hich the Scout is unlamiliar and, if grssible,

in varying rveather conditions.

(+) Give an accurate account of an incident lasting not less than a minute and involving at least three persons. This report, oral or written, rnust include a full description of one <lf the persons involved, selected by the Examiner.



(Corresponding Badge lor'over r5-Leading Piper.)



W.'-^:# "scoulb*'


Shou, that he can tune his pipes properly.


.Play a march, strathspey, and reel of his



Note.--Wheye Northumbrian ov lrish Pipes are used, alternat'iues may be accepted al the Elaminev's discretion-



aII Group Scouters are automatically


pended w'ith effect as under Rule 8o, and no member of the Group may wear uniform or badges.

boat's clew-

correctly. (4) Be able to throw a. 4o-Ioot line {lxn ur boat. (5) I(norv the sa{et1' rules applicablu to boating.


Bules 19G198




to be


192. As a result of such enquiry, thc suspcnsion must be withdrau'n, or a recomlnendation for cancellation of the registration and/oa: the warrants of any Scouters, must be forwarded u'ith a fuil report to I.H.Q. through the C.C. 108. Where on accour)t of exceptional conditions a Group .[tegistration cannot be included conveniently in the area of any I-.A., it may --Lone be registered as a Lone Group on the recommendation of the (iroups D.C., who will act alone in all rnatters relating to such a Group in


with Rule


L94. (i) The addition of any {urther Section to a Group ltegistration which has already been registered requires the rvritten approval ---Sections of the L.A. and D.C., but no further registration is necessary, and no ilfonnation need be sent to I.II.Q. until it is shot'n in the next annual re-registration return, (ii) The formation of a Senior Troop is in any case subjectl to the provisions of Rule 247o. I (iii) The formation o{ a Crew is in nny case subject to the provisions o{ RuIe 255. (iv) rrVhere approval of a new Section of a Group is refused action under Rule 196 may become necessary. 195. Any Section o{ a Grr:up niay tre disiranded tty joittt action of the I-.A. and D.C., or suspended by either the I-.A. or D.C. In either case, the procedure to be observed throughout is

similar to tha.t laid do*'n irr the case of Groups in Rules r88-rqz,

except that the matter is conciuded locall1,, and no report is made to I.H.Q. unless the case comes within Rule 196.

196. A full report must be rna<ler to LII.Q. through the C.C., Registration whenever action is taken bv the 1,.A. and D.C. in circumstances --reports which reflect adversely upon the character or suitability of anv to LH.Q. person concerned in any of the follolving cirses i* (r)

Itefusal to recomrnend the reglistration of a Group, or to approve the addition of a. new Scction to a registered Group.

(z) Recommendation {or cancellation of a Group registra tion, or a decision to disband a Section of a Group ro8


Sules 19?-202 Membership



19?. (i) The admission of any Scout rests u'ith the G.S.M., but in normal cases, and subject to Rule 264, wlll generally be delegJated by hirn to the Scouter in charge o{ the Section concerne<1, who, in the casc o{ a Sc<rut or Rover, r,lill act in con-




Scout. case of dismissal th.e Scout has a

(iii) In any right of appeal to the I-.A. aud D-C., who in dealing rvith any such case will observe RuIe r8o (3) and follow the procedure laid down in Part III in connection with the cancellation o{ thc u'arrant of



to one Group, but may be temporarily attached to another, if eligible, L99. (i) No boy rnay be accepted as a member of a Group within two months of his leaving another Group or another recognised boys' organisation, without a u'ritten approval of Ithe -or transfer by the G.S.M. of his former Group (Form'It), Scout can only belong

by the proper authority of the othcr organisation. (ii) In case of dispute as to a transfer, the matter must be referred to the D.C. for decision.

Lone Scouts and Lone Senior Scouts

Group Council

Group Committee

{ull and complete account o{ rv}rat he has witnessed or observed.


rs-Public Healt}r.) how to choose, prepare, and ventilate

(Corresponding Badge {or over

(r) Den-ronstrzrte a sick-room.

a Group Scouter.

198. A

that he can observe, remember and report

verbaily in the following circumstanq6s ;-\(if165s an inci<lent or occurrence or observe over an a-rea {or not less than five minutes, and then walk or run zrt Scouts' Pace for not less than three miles. On arrival at the specified spot to wirich he is directecl he must report hrst verbally and then in writing, giving

sultation with the Court of l{onour or the members ol the Crew as the case may be. (ii) The approval ol the G.S.NI. is necessar3' in any case of dismissal of

Rules 461-tlr63


(z) Demonstrate how to wash a patient, give medicine, and take temperature, pulse and



(3) Demonstrate how to prepare invalid food and fomentations; and prevellt bed sores. (4) Demonstrate how to prepare dressings and how to apply a roller bandage to hancl, knee and foot. (5) Carry out a.ll tlle above in camp (as *.ell as in a sick-roorn) and prepa.re a rest tent.

200. (i) Where, on account of special circumstances, a boy is unable to be a member o{ a Group, the D.C., if he thinks it

desirable, and can arrange for his subsequent supervision, nlay request the County Secretary to register him. as a Lone Scout, lor Lonc Senior Scout. (ii) A boy may not be registereci as a Lone Cub. ; (iii) Scouts, or Senior Scouts, leaving their Groups to go to 'sea should apply to I.H.Q., in accordance with RuIe 396, for

registration as Deep Sea Scouts, and not as Lone Scouts, or ;Lone Senior Scouts. 201. (i) Where the Group consists of two or more Sections,

the Scouters of the Sections rvill meet regularly to discriss matters aflecting the Group. Such meeting is called the " Group Council." (ii) 'f'hc G.S.M. rvill be Chairman of the Group Council.

I 202. (i) Where any money is received as mentioned in Rule lzo8, or the Group has any property or equipment of its own, ta small Group Committee composed of parents of t};re Scouts, lrepresentatives of the OId Scout Branch, and others interested lin the Group, must be formed to be responsible for Group property, and to a.ssist the G.S.M. with finance, propaganda,

and obtaining accomrnodation, camping grounds, and employmelt lbr the members of the Group. (ii) 1-ire G.S.M. will be a member oI the Group Comrnittee. (iii) The Group Committee is not concerned in any way in the actual training of the Scouts or in the managemetrt of the Old Scout Branch.


468. (Corresponding Badge Jor over r5-Musician.) (r) I)emonstrate that he knou's the meaning of

tinre 5ignatures an<l the ordinary musical signs denoting pitch and

length oI notes in staff notation' ,z\f;}yl,, (z) Read at sight two test tunes, either singing %"'*Frffi^ unaccompanied or playing on an instrument. mgfilll\W th.e stamd,ard oJ 'il-ey=ry^U "r[-fi'r'",,,:e,N.B.--The tests shou,ld be about ror schoots " ir ;::f.,,;i";1\f; t";;'";:"fongs $) Either

(a) Sing ts'o songs, chosen by himself, one of them a {olk or traditional song. (The songs should be suitable for unaccompanied singing

at a


(b) Sing a part (tteble or alto) in a part-song or sing a song with a chorus and lead the chorus at a camp-fire. Or

(a) Play tu,o tunes chosen by himsclf, one {ast and one slow, on a pipe or other instrumcnt. (b) Whistle or sing a tune with a good chorus or train and lead a small party of whistlers or singers in a tune

at a




RuIm 460-461 Master-at^qrms


4t80. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Venturer.)

(r) Demonstrate his proticiency in tu'o of the {ollowing :singiestick, quarterstafi, fencing, boxing, ju-jitsu, wrestling,

gymnastics or tumbling.


(iv) In the case ol any difference of opinion between the Group Committee and the Group Council with regard to the expenditure of funds, the nratter must be ::e{erred to the L.A. and D.C.

208. Nlernbers of a, Group Colnmittee are appointed or retired the G.S.M., subjeot to the approval of the L.A. and D.C. given, in the case of sponsored Groups, after consultation rvitli the Lry


l/l//Y*4'% cor.dttions, and be able to name and demonstrate fA V t]n. ,orr."t methods of :rttack and defence. == "%.F*P rn the gyrrt,astic item tre must carry out rz "COU.[- cxercises ni''hi" o*'o choice, using the appropriate apparatus.

In the tumbling item he rnust pcr{orm t}re following to


good standard:-(a) Dive and {oru-arcl roltr over a staft- at u'aist height. (b) Dive and forrvard roll over fir.e boys crcuched on hands and knees. (a) Shoulder mount on selected partncr, to rernain balanced for 3o seconds ll.ith arrns extended. (d) Cartwheel. (e) Backroll to feet. (/) Perform with selected partner any thrce double stunts, e.g. Double Roll, Two High Tiall, etc. (g) Give evidence that


has been

in training for the selected

item, for a period o{ not less than three months. l!{essenger



1161. (Corresponding Ilaclge {or over r5--Despatch Rider.)

(r) Dernonstrate that he owns or has the use of, zrn<I equipped and in good working order. He must Kine's service if called be willine to use it in the King's Ue wliinrg upoil at anv tirne in case o{ emergency. (z) Demonstrate that he can effect simple repairs r,r'hich might irrclude the_{ollowing at the discretion of the Examiner :-Change tyre and

cycle properly actorily {or at least six rnonths, a cycle, has used satisfactorily


rrrnctrrre replace renlace a brake, trrake adjust adiust a a. rvheel rvher:l bearing tlea.rins tube, mend a puncture,

part oI the machine. any Dart or anv (3) Demonstrate that he knorvs the l{ighway Code, traf6.c sigirils, lighting-up times, road signs, national system of road numbering and is able to read a road map. (+) Repeat correctly a verbal message after a ride o{ at least one'irour's duration or after trvo miles at Scout Pace. If a cycie is not available Ior use or ownership, the Iollowing can be sibstituted for Sections r and z :ro6

Sponsoring Authority.

204.. It is most important that, wirere a Group posscsses (iroup property of any va.Iue, such property should be vested in trustees t'1'operr)under a Deed o{ Trust, of which a model form is obtainable ,

rvithout charge {rom I.I{.Q.

205. In the case of a sponsored Grotrp it is necessarl.- to determine in the first place rvhat part of the property, it any, is to be regarded as belonging to the Group itsel{ and not to the Sponsoring Authority; and this decision should be recorded in a letter of agrcement betrveen the G.S.M. and the Sponsoring Authority. Such property as it is decided belongs to the Group should, if of su{flcient va}ue, be made the subject o{ a properly corrstituted trust in accordance with Rule zo4. 2W. A schedule of Group property must be submitted eachl to the L.A. 207. The G.S.M. must ensure that no rnethod of raising Group funds is employed which is not in accordance with Itules r8-zr. yearr

Gruup Iiinance

2O8. A1l money, except as speciiied in Rule zo9, receive<I by or on behall of a Group or any Section of a Group, must be

admir:istered by the Group Comrnittee aoting in consultation with the Group Council and must be paid into a bank, Post OfEce Savings, or other similar, account in the name of the Group operated by two members of the Group Committee.

209. Subscriptions paid by the Scozls themselr.es rvill be administered by the Section concerned, as will also zlny sulns a,l]otted to the Section for current expenses b1, the Group Committee in consultation with the Group Council. Thc accounts of Section funds, it kept separately, rvill be included in the annual eLccounts of the Group.



G.S.Ms. ntust see that accounts of all moneys are hept, any member o{ the Grr:up conoerned is entitled to inspect






o.f accou,nts cutt

211. 'Itie anlual


to the L.;\. alter h:lr-ing

fu obtainetl, if

des'ired, Jront

of the Group must be subrnitted;

been audited.

212. (i) A Sclrooi Group is one which is registered as sponsored Scliool by the l{eadmaster or llcadmistress of a school and is cornposed (iror,rps entirely of boys r+'ho are, or have been, at the school. It is1 essential that membership oI such a Group shall be genuinely! volunta.ry.



&ules 212-810


(ii) School Groups are included as sponsored Groups irr the ordinary scherne o{ administration b-y: .I..A. an<l I).C. It is contr-a,ry to the spirit of the }lovement that any deviation from, o: relaxation of, rules, other than those specifiecl in t}ris rule, sbould _be permitte<l in School Groups. If in :rnv special ca^se a-ny relaxation appears desirable, application is tri be made through the D.C. to I.H.Q., whose approval rvill, hou'ever, only lle glven ln exceptional tircurnstarrcrs. (iii1 Though various reasorrs may prevent School Groups from

mixing as fully as r:ther. C}roups wiih krcal Scrzlls, they should keep in touch as far as possitile in tlre spirit of tl-re 4ih Scout


(Cor:responding Badge for over

. CaTy .out the tiran in -his own :-

(iv) When a Scout wishes tc, be connected with a School Group and also with a Group at his home, tre wiil belong to the School Group and be attached to his horne Group undei Ituie r98" (vl A Scout who belongs to a School Group may, rvith the approval of the G.S.M. o1 that Group, qualify for proficiency

C.M. anil




CUBMASTER AND ASSISTANT CI'BMASTEB. 218. (i) C.Ms. and A.C.Ms. are appointed on the recor:rmend:lfion oI the L.A. and D.C., u.ith ivirr:rnts in accortlance with Part IIl.

214. 'fhe special qualifications for C.lI., an<l A.C.IVI., in addition to the general qualifications set out in Rules 69-7o, are as folio\\'s :(t) A general know{c<ige oI " Scouting for Boys," " lfhe \Yol{ Cub's Handbook," and P.O.R. (e) Age for C.M., not less tha.n eo ; for A.C.II., not



A.C.NI.s necessi],ry

Unilorm and badges Pack





215. (i1 'Ihe C.M. takes charge of the Pack with the help <.rf any A.C.Ms. subject to the gcneral supervision of the G.S.}i. as in Rule r73. (ii) In deciding natters of jnternal :rdministratiorr, )rowever, it is desirable that the C.IL should as far as possible consult the Sixer's Council as in Itule :r24. 216. 'I'o ensure continuity it is most desirable that every Pack should have ore A.C-M., and, u,here a Pack consists df more than three Sixes, additional A.C.Ms. are desirable.


C.Ms. and A.C.Ms. wear uniform as in Rules 29\ or 296 and badges as in Rules 320-322.

TIIE the

following tests in any language

Linguist other


'ncoulrv(r)3x"3,1i:Jf*#":,-::y;3J1"*,'Jj",.y,*"ix or periodical. (Scout liter:iture tu be

where availabie.)



Note.-An addilioual badge is woln on the right treast poeket ot,irt a sim.ilar position on jerse.y, show,ing tl.re lattgiage or lon'guages


Part XII, during the holidays, in-anv IjA.

(ii) Ladies are eligil>le for both ranks.



on :r simple conversation for three ,AgOy/^ (r) Carry mln utcs. r'/{ "?, //,*"i@^ (z) \\'rite a sinple letter of at least ro() vords. W@-+y,.)


badges under

Rulss ,[58-r[69



459. (r)

(Corresponding lladge lor over r5*Venturer.)



Mh "t6$5"

two targets fired by hirnsell withil the previous four weeks for any one of the six :rlternative tests, either concurrently or preferably on difierent dates, showing that otr both occasions he has obtained not less than the minimum score

indicated. Thc targets must be certificd by his Instructors. Edge of shot holc nearest to centrr

of target to

decide value

of hit.

Small Bore Bifle (.zz inch). Any single-lo:Lding type, auv except telcscopic ; position prone ; sling may be used. Ten shots at auy of the foilowing ranges:s.lgnts_

Tesl. Dislance lYards) r roo 2 50 3258<:, 4208(), 51580


65 75



s.NI.R.c. Matctr ,

Air. Bifle (.r77 inch). Any single-loacling type i position stlJding or prone; sling may be used. i'en---shots'at the following r;urge

Test 6




(\'ards) l{inimu.m Sotyre fargel S.XI.Ii.C. j llull 75 Air Rifle

circumstances a Pack may not consist

Note.-When.ws.ing air rif es, care musl lte lahen to fix the targets so thal, the pellets do not rebound to the da.ager oJ the firer's e\,es.

?.15. 'I'he training c{ Cubs rtrust be kept as distinct as possible

(z) K_norv the usual safetv-first rules for rifle shooting and .have a knowledge of the paits of the rifle he uses and iti care

218. lrxcept in spe,citrl

of more tiran 36 fr.om

that of



and cleaniug.



Rules 455-457





22O. Where a Pack is part of a Sea or Air Scout Group, itsl members must receive only the ordinary Cub training, and'the' designation and uniform of the Cubs must be the same as for

Sole and l:ecl a pair of boots r:r shoes, eithcr seu'n or nailed,

.rncl'geuerally rcpair boots and stroes. Or, Produce an article made by liirnsel{, such a.s a handbag, rvallet or purse, on *-liich a design must be moclelled antl stained. Know how to use and mix the various stains. (z) Strow a knou-ledge of the tools required. (3) Knorv the different kinds of leather used and how to select them. Jobman

456. (Corresponding Radge lor over r5-Hand)'man.) Be able to do ro of the folloin'ing, at least five o{ rvhich, selected by the Ilxarniner, must be demonstrated :'--" (r) Paint a door or gate ngOY5 /iii, ts=,*a (z) Whitewash or distemper a wall. i31 ea;rrt an electric bcII, replace electric ligtrt ffi-><:'?, bulbs, slrarlcs :rnd {uses. WF -\lr,/ "tgg19" (4) Rcplace a tap washer. (5) Take up, beat and rr:lay



(6) Sharpen krrives. (7) I(norv what immediate steps to take in the cases oI burst u-ater pipes or gas leak. (8) Attend to stoppecl gttttcrs r:r" waste pipes. (q) Repair a gate or fence. (ro) Sew on a button neatly. (rr) Darn a small hoie in a sock. (rz) Oil and adjust a lawn-mower. Life-saver

45?. (Correspondilrg l}adge for over r5--llescuer.) {r) Dcrnonstrate one method of rescue and of release irr'tirc water, rvith a pa.tient about the size o{ the rescuer. Patient to be carried ten vards. h9!b [z) Demonstrate the S"taf". method of reantl tlre promotion or warmth and :l:li3f":l' WflYh "@Y4.(/ (r) Swinr so var,ls on thc back attired in 0COU1? shiii and slroris witL light lite line attachetl to him. (4) Throw a 6o-foot life line to faII between two pegs trn'ice out of every three throvr.s. Pegs to be four feet apart and 4o feet frorn throu'er. (S) Show method of rescue in the {ollowing :{i) House Ere, first floor, unconscious palient.

(ii) Icc breaking. (iii) Car accident, with or without

(iv) Contact wittr iive electric wire. r04


Bules 220-229

other Cubs. No form o{ sea or air training may be given.

221. The Pack is divided into Sixes, each consisting of Cubs, including the Sixer and Second. 222.. (i) A Sixer is a Cub appointed by the C.II. to

Six of



six The






(ii) One o{ the Sixers may be callecl " Senior Sker," i{ desired. and Senior (iii) Sixers and Senior Sixers wear uniform as irr Rule ,g., Sixer and badges zrs in Rules 3o9 and 3ro. . S23. (i) A Second is a Cub appointed by the C"NI. in consultation with the Sixer concerned, to assist the Sixer ancl to take his

place when absent. (ii) Se^conds wear uniforrn as ^


in Rule t8r; and


badges as in


tnL. (i) The Sixers' Council is an informal bo<lv comoor"6 Scouters of the Pack, the Sixers, ancl, if ilesirecl, 16.

of the

Sixerc' Council


(ii) The {unctions o{ the Sixers' Council a.re set out in




225. [) fhe C.M. may, with the approval of the S.nI. con- Cub cerned, obtain the services of a Scout oi Senior Scout, or withl Instructor the approval of the D.C. and of the Guide Captain concerned,' of a Guide or a Ranger, to act as a Cub Instructor. (ii) A Cub Instructor is entitled, orr the recommendation of ihe C.1\1., to wear a cloth tradge rvith a wolf's head in green above t}.e le{t breast pocket, or in a similar position on J lersey.

TIIE CUB. A boy becomes a Cub by-during investiture, as described nr The Cub ?26. " The Wolf Cub's Handbook," which he makes tire Investiture Cub Promise, as in RuIe 4. I{e is then-known as a Tenclerpad, and is entitled to wear Cub uniform and badges as in llule;23o. 222. To become a Cub a boy must have attained the age oI Age limits 8, but not have reached his eler.enth trirthday. He may not continue to be a Cub a{tcr he has rcached his twelith birthday. 228. Be{ore being irrvested, hc must satisfy the C.}I. that he Quaiificaknows the Cub Law and Promise, the Saiute, the Grand }Iowl, tions

and tireir meanirrgs.

229. 1i) -A,fter investituro as a Tenderpad, a Cub proceeds Subsequent to quaiify as a One Star Cub and a{terwards as a Two Star trainilg Cub by passing the tests laid dou.n in liule 4o9 and Rule 4rr, respectively.



Rules 229-288

(ii) After gaining the Second Star, he may qualify for special proliciency badges, as in Rules 413-426.

230. A Cub wears unilorm


and badges Ruie




In such a case, a special recommendatiorr, additionai to Form G, with a 1ul1 statement o{ thr: circumstances, must be submitted to I.H.f]. by thc L.A. or I).C.

233. 'Ihe special qualificatiorrs for S.M. aDd A.S.M., in to the general tlualifications set out in Rules 69-7o"




21g 3.s f6U6\ '5


an<l current Senior Scout literatuie.

(z) Age Ior S.M., not lcss than zo ; for A.S.M., not

than r8.






234. (i) Thc S.Nf. takes cbarge of the Troop with the assistof any A.S.Ms. sutrject to the general supervision as il.r Rule r7: of the G.S.I{. (ii) 'llhe S.M. r'i11, hov,evcr, delegate as far as possible to the Court o{ Honour as in Rule z4z all internal matters of discipline and administla,tion, inoluding the expenditure of Troop {unds, as defirred iri Ruie zo9. ance

285. 'Ilo ensure continuity it is most desirable that

every Troop should have one A.S.iiI., ancl, \'here a 'Ircrop consists of

rnore than 4 Patrols, additional A.S.l\ts. a.re desirable.

286. S.Ms. and A.S.Ms. wear uni{orm as in Rules 29r, in Ruies 3zo-322.

l;adges as

S8?. It is not

tban 6 Patrols.



desirable that a Troop should consist of more

238. (i) A Troop


l-ea.der may,

if desired, be

appointe<1 by

thc S.M. in consultation with the Court o{ Ilonour. (ii) The follou-ing qualifications are required :--


Ability to


operations :Prepare the parts or sections for se.wing and sr:w sections

on tapes. (z)_ FoId and paste on end-papers, glue up ar.rd line wittr muli, round the bacl< and add secontl iining. . (3) Cut boarrls and cover r,r.itl: cloth or paper, anrl put book








AI,TI]RNATIVE. to r-| inches without clarnage to

scrervs up


(z) Nail-on a packing case lid c.rrrectly, using -rl-rnch wood

ancl r;-inch nails.




Bintl a book, including the following

(r) A general krowlcclge oI " Scouting for L'ioys," " The Woif Cub's Handboolr," " Rovering to Success,'" P.O.R.,


and badges

(z) Show a general knou.ledge of the rarv matr:rial used, where it is obtained and hour it is preparcrl for workirrg.

S.I\lIs. and A.S.Ms. irre appointed on the recommendation

III. A warrant as 5.M. wili be issued to a 292. or A.S.1\(. only lady at the discretion o{ I.}I.Q. in exceptional circumstances.



basiret, cane, mshes or strarv worh, rnade entirely by himself.

llu1e z8r,:rnc1 badges as in

of the I-.A. and D.C., with warrants in accordance with Part



for over r5--l{ancricra.{t.) (r) Produce an article o{ prerctical use in

(Corresponding Radge







8.M. anil

Rulo t[55



Age not less than r5. Service er.s a Patrol Leader {or at least six months. The First Class Badge.

A general knorvledge of " Scouting for Boys."

(3) Divide lcngthwise u'ith an ordinarv saw a r-inch board, 1orrg, tlie cut not to deviate {rou thc line more than t/r 6th oI an irrch. (4) Sharpen a chiscl and plane iron, mahe a housing tenon and rnortise, antl lralved juint. . lfl Eilher <lovetail trvo pieces of r+'ood together witti not Iess th-an fve dovetails, oz ma-kc a properly frimed stool, chair or

z {eet

other piece o{ furniturc. (6) Distinguish woods in local use arrtl know the nature and common uses of e:rch.

AI,TERNATIVE. (r).Set up by hinrsell a handbill or page of type and produce

macnrled prtnts. (z) Understand thc point systern names ot slx common type {accs.

of types and know


(3) Unders_tand the printer's correctior.r signs and liaow the names 01 rlrtJerent paper sizes and their measurements. ALI'ERNA:TIVE.

(r) Executc some worli in treaten brai;s, copper or sheet-iron. (z) Exhitrit tools used :ind demorrstr;lte use of each. (3) lixptain tbo compositions

^ .fluxes.

ald properties oI

solders and

(4) IVlakc and solder a tin tn measure, with a lid to fit. r()3


Bulos 458-,154 Gardener




(Correspr:rnding Badge

Bules 288-244

(iii) The Troop Leader wears uniforrn as in Rule 283, with the shoulder knot o{ his former Patrol, and badges as in Rule 3r4.

for over r5-Horticulturist.)

289,. (i) The Troop is divided into Patrols, each consisting 6 to 8 Scouts, including the Patrol Leader and Second.

(ii) I'he Patrol should be the unit in

of The Patrol

a,ll activities.

,?40, (i) A Patrol. Leader is a Scout appointed by the S.M., in Fatrol consultation with the Court of Honour of the Patrbl conccrncd. I-eaders or border.

perennials, and the planning of colour in a bed

(4) Know horv to make a" compost heap and r:nderstand the of rnanuring, both natural and artificia].



454. (Corresponding


for over r5-Pathfinder.)

(r) Dernonstrate that be has intimate personal knowlocality rouncl his H.Q. or his home, of the /b9gY4^ {ollou'ing :--public buiiilings, the provision o{ pubJic services in regard to fire, transport, communications, etc., the resiclenco of cloctors, and

iedge, gained by his own exploring and irvestigatiorr, of the

responsible public ollicials.

In Country ouly.-IIouses of r.r'ell-known people, rights of rva.y', Iootoaths, pla-ving Jlelds and other public property.

Note.-The area oaetr which tha aboae httintate hnowledge tuill be required is a tuto-mile radius frow the Grouf HeadEtat'ters or home im courltry ot totuns up to 2o,aoo inhabiLants; one ntile in toans between zo,ooo and roo,ooo ; halj a nrile in to@ns ouer roo,rroo. T'he D.C, ntay at lris discret'iott, oa/! the alea to exclude unrlesira.ble ncighbourhctods, llarhs or other open s?a,ees, and inchttle un eouiztalent area, (z) Demonstrate that he can guide strangers by rlay or night within a 5-mile ra<1ius, and give them general directioris to get to the princip:1l suburbs, districts or towns within a z5-mile radius,

Or, alternatively, in Lon<lon area: rlave a soulrd


knowledge o{ what parts of the country are serrved b1' the rnain

line railways and horl' to reach the principai Lonclon termini

and nrotor-coach stations, an(l r2 ilnportant places (The Tower, Zrn,etc.) by tram, bus or train {rom his lI.Q. or Iiome, (I-arge city areas of ovcr z5o,ooo people may make sirnilar and eiluivalent a,rrangcments.)

(r) Ilave some krrorvledge of the history of the placc an(l any buildings of historical interest. t02


to take charge of a Patrol of Scouts. (ii) The Pa.trol Leader carries the Patrol flag. (iii) Pa,trol Leaders wea,r uniforrn as in Rule 283, ir.nd badges :rs in Rule 3r3.

f!Al. (i) A Second is a Scout selected by the Patro1 l-eader with the approval of the S.NI. and Court of llonour, to assist hitn and to take his piace .when a.bsent. (ii)

Seconds wear

Rule 3rz.


uniform as in Rule 283, and badges as iu

AI2. (i) The Court of l{onour is a bocly composed of the Court of Troop I-dader, il any, and the Patrol Leaclers; Second* may I{onour also be rnembers, but their plesence is nr:t desirable in cases concerning discipline. The Scouters of the Troop, iI plesent. should act


a,n a,dvisory




The Court of l{onour deals rsith internal nlatters, including the expenditure of'Iroop funds, in accordance with Ruie z3a (ii).



2/1, . A boy bccornes a Scout by investiture, :rs described in The Scout " Scouting for Boys," during wirich hc rnakes the Scout L'r'ornise, Investiture as in Rule 3. He is then known as a Tenderfoot, and is entitled to wear Scout unifonn and badgcs as in Ruie 247-

2M. (i) To become a Scout a boy rnust ha.ve attained the Age limits o{ rr, but not have reacired his eighteenth birthday, unless about to become a Rover, as in ltule 267 gi). {ii) A Scout on reaching the age of r5 (or on entering emplov-g ment under that age be{ore rst April, r947) rnust receive specia.ll training and treatment suita.ble to his years. 'I'he attainmentl of this stage in his caleer as a Scout must be marked by rt suit:rblel ceremony at which he will be presented witir plain Iuaroonl sh<lulder'straps, :r,s rnentionecl li nute 283, and'will re-affrrml the Scout Promisc, bearing in mind the wider interpretationl appropriate to his inc:reased years. I (iii) A Scout should lezr.ve the Troop at the age of 18 unlcss age

he receives the D.C.'s sanctiou to remain. 43


Bules 245-!!4?c Qualifications


| 245.

Be{ore being invested, he must be toid of the adventurlous life and achievements o{ t}re Iiounder anrl sornething ol the lhistory of the 1\{orement; and he rnrrst sa.tis{t his S.},11. in the l{o1lowint teqts '(t) Prclininary. Know the Scout Law and Promise, anrl thcir rnezrning



for over r5-Fireman.) (.) Knorv and explain the possibilities of danger in :--



Clean a wound, an<l make and apply a dressing. (3) Obscruation. Nfake the woodcra.ft signs given in Camp F'ire Yarn o{ " Scouting for Boys."



. Demonstrate rvith

rope horv to tic the following krrots : reef, sheet bentl, clove hitch, bowiine, round turn and tr,vo half hitches, sheepsha"nk ; ancl explain their uses. \(hip the end o{ a. r'ope.

246. (i) After investiture, as iI I'enderfoot, he proceeds to qualify as a Set:ond Class Scout, and a{terwards as a First Class Scout, by passing the tests laid dou.n in Rules 4':9 and 43r, respectively.

I (ii) Alter(b),gaining the Second Class badge, he may, subject to qualify {or the special proficiency badges set out lRule 427 $E-479 until he reaches the stage mentioned in Rule lin Rules gi) , wherea{ter he may only qualify for the special proficiency lzaa rbadges sct out in Rules 48o-524. IJniforrn

and badges

s.M.(s.) aual

a.s.M.(s.) App,ointment Ladies


in Itule

247. A Scout in RuIe 3rr.

wears uni{orm as



283, and badges as


241l.. S.Ms.(S.) and A.S.Ms.(S.) are appointed on the recommendation of the L.A. and D.C., rvith wa.rrants in accordance rvith Part


24?e. fn no circumstances rvill a warrant of either rank granted to a lady.


247c. 'fhe special qualifications for S.M.(S.) and A.S.[I.(S.), in addition to the general qualifications set out in Rules 69-7o, are as {ollorvs:*(r) A general knou4edge of " Scoutirrg for l3oys," " The Wo1{ Cub's Handbook," " Rovering to Success," P.O.R, and current Senior Scout literature. 41

(a) oil la,mps, spirit stovcs, fianrrelette, Clrristmas decorations, cotton rvool, celiuloid; (a)) the focusing of the sun's rays; (c) Iaulty electrical insulation. (z) Explain what he wouid do, and whr,, on

tire outbreak o{ fire.

Koow the methods oI calling the Fire Brigade and the position

oI the nearest alarms to horne and H.Q. Demonstrate what he would do pending the arrival of the (3) Demonstrate horv to trace an escape of ga.s; and how to a stirrup pump. Take part iu a bucket cha,in ; and know how to use two common Iorms of fire extinguisher. Denonstra.te horv to deal with the following types ol - (4) 6re at the discretion of the Examirrer :-clotires, petroi, chimney, rnotor car, curtirin, electric, heath, gr:ass anci rick fires. use





14) Pioneeri,ng.


(Corresponding l3adge

accordance with his age;

the salute as cxplained in Camp Fire Yarn 3 of " Scouting for I3oys "; and tle composition of the tloion FIag, an<l horv to hoist, break, and fly it.

Rules 451452

to keep back knot and crarvlilg tlrrough

_Demor:strate the {ollowing:----IJsc o{ scrum

crowds, improvising ropes, chair smolie.

452. (Corrosporrding Radge Ior ovcr r5-*AmbuLrnce.) F-irstAid (r) Demcxrstr:rte his knorvledge oI Tenderfoot and Second

Class First Aid.

n"Sodql q.

l't v""#*#


(z) I{uow the position of the main arteries to stop external bleeding from veins and arteries. a,nd how

(3) Make an improvised stretcher. (4) Know hou'to apply the triangular bandage

to scalp, hand, foot, knee and elbow; and the roller bandage to all limbs. (5) Demonstrate the Schii,{er rnethod of artificial respiiation. (6) Demonstrate how to send a correct message, oral, written and by telephone. (7) Take part as a member (not necessarily as leader) of a tea,m o{ three or four Scouts and deal with an incident staged by the Examiner. Such inci<lent to be based on the atrove rtems and to be conducted in as realistic a lnanner as possible. All action proper to the circumstances must be actually taken and the Examiner *'ill test for cooJncss, resonrce, correct action (message to doctor, police, Scouter, parents, etc.), and proper

treatment of the patient at all stages.



449, (Corrt'sponding Badge for over r5-Pilot') (r) Iclentify not less than four types o{-pulling lx'rat,

(z) Age lor S.NI.(S.), not less than 3o

; or, if there is another person (other chan a lady) holding a rvarrant as G.S.NI.,

not less ttran :5. ,\gc {or A.S.},1.(S.), not less than zr.


,,uirL ttl" various parts oI a boat by actual demonstration' (z) Take charge of a boat's creu'and demonstrate that he can:Use the correct Pulling orders.

(:) No person holrling aty otirer rva,rrant in the same Group, except ttrat of G.S.Xf., may be appointed to either oj these rarrks.

Hring hoat alorrgside a vessel or landing stage''

.\nchor correctlY. -li.i"iolo]r"ri itiscipline.

(3) Know the elementary RuIe o{ the Road at Sea for Lrcth steiin an.l sailing ships, t<tgether u'ith any local rules for smal!' boats.

(a) Use proPerlY the {ollorving :Clove Hitch. Rolling Hitclr.


Anchor (or I'isherman's) Rend. (.5)




tha't shoulcl propt:llv be carrierl in a pulling

(6) t-orm part oI a crerv of a pulling boat for an expedition a' night spent.in ot'"bt tlt* tiran :1 hours' duration, to irclude{rorn the starting .t a distance oI not less than six miles "".p point. I)esigrrer

450. (Cctrresponrling Badge {or over r5-Artist') {r) Demonstrate his interest, practice and proficiency iD bome f()rm of one o{ the tollowing :' G r f h i c I r/.-sketching, painting, etching, wooda

cuts, lino-cuts, etc.

Dccoraliuc IIzorli.'-Wallpaper design, printed or woven fabrics, posters, book-jackets, wrought

iron, etc.

Ptastic Art.-Modelling in clay, plasticine, etc." clesigning :rnd nral<ing pottery, etc. Caruing.-Woor1, stone, or semi-permanent material, e'g', soap.

Letteri.ng.-Roman, Gill Sans, Script, etc. In no case is the t'orh to be a copy or tracing, and he must bc prepared to state on his honour that the work is entirely by

his orvn hand.

2. Know the names and something of the u'ork of at least three famous exponents of the art he has chosen. roo

Bules 24?c-21?t



Rules 440-450


247D. (i) The S.II"(S.) takcs charge of the Senior Troop, assistance of any A.S.lIs.(S.), subject to the gen.eral supervision as in Rulo r73 of the C.S.NL (ii) The S.M.(S.) rvill, hou'ever, delegate as far as possible to the Court of Flonour as in Rule z47r all internal matters with the


of discipline and adrnrnistration, includillg tl)e expeuditure o{ Senior Troop funds as defined in Iiule zo9; and in the managernent o{ t}re arllairs of the Senior 'Iroop tlie fullest possible must be made <:f the Couft of f{onour.


24?c. To ensure continuity it is rnost desirable that every ,\.S.I'Is.(S.) Senior 'Iroop should have an A.S.M.(S.) ; and where a Senior necesSarv Troop consists of more than 4 Patrols, additional A.S.NIs.(S.) arc desirable.

24lllo. S.Ms.(S.) and A.S.NIs./S.) weal' unifortn as in ltules Unilorm and badges in Ilules 320-322.

)ti1-292 and badges as

TEE SENIOR TROOP. ?Allc. The Senior Troop may consist of one or more Senior The Senior Scout Patrols, but the L.A. and D.C. may not permit the Iroop

development of a Senior Troop of more than one Patrol unless Con<iitions they are satislied that there is a suitable Scouter available not of formation holding any other warrant in the Group except, iI necessary,

that of G.S.[L

'll{llw. (i) A Troop I-eader(S.) may, i{ desired, be appointed Troop I-eader by thc S.M.(S.) in consultation with the Court of }Ionour. (ii) The {olklning qualifications Ability to lead.



Service as a Patrol Leader(S.)

lor at

The l{ing's Scout Bzrdge. A general knorvledge of " Scouting current Senior Scout literature.

(iii) The Troop badges as

in Rule


least six months.

for Boys "


l-eader(S.) rve;rrs r:nilornt as in Rule 286 and 316.

242t. (i) The Selrior Troop is clivided into Senior


Patrols, Ltrols, consisting o{ not less ttha,n 4 and not more than 7 Senior Scouts including the Patrol Lea.der(S.) and Second(S.)

(ii) The Patrol should be the unit in all activities. 45

The Patrol



Rulos rlz16-r[48

Ztl7.:. (i) A Patrol Leader(S.) is a Senior Scout appointed by the S.M.(S.), in consultation with the Court of Honour or tlie Patrol concerned, to take charge ol a Senior Scout Patrol.

446. (Correspon<ling Badge for over r5-Photographer.) (r) Take with any camera, and develop and print:


Bules 24?r-24?o Patrol Leader(S.)

(ii) The Patrol Leader(S.) may carry the Patrol flag. (iii) Patrol Leaders(S.) wear uniform as in Rule 286 and badges as Second(S.)

Court ol Flonour

The Senior $cout

lnvestiture Age

in Rulc 316. 241r. (i) A

Second(S.) is a Senior Scout selected by- the Patrol I-eader(S.) u'ith +-he appror-al oi tbe S.}I.(S.) and Court of }lonour to assist him and to take his place wiren absent. (ii) Seconds(S.) wear un.ifonn as in Rule zE6 and badges a^s in Ruie -316. 24?r-. (i) The Court of Honour is a body composed ot-the Troop Leader(S.), if any, and the Patrol Le-ad-9rs(S.)-' Where there are less than three Patrois, the Seconds(S.) will also be members o{ the Court o{ Honour. Where there is only one Patrol, the Patrol in Council u'ill replace the Court of Honour. The Scouters of the Senior Troop, if present, should act in an advisory capacity onlY. (ii) 'Ihe Court of llonour deals rvith internal matters, includir,g thi'expenditure o{ Senior Troop Funds, in accorrlance with Rule z47o(ii).

TEE SENIOB SCOUT. 2Allrut. A boy becomes a Senior Scout by llvestiture, during which he makei or re-aftirms the Scout Promise as in Rule 3. He is then entitled to wear uniform as in Rule 283, and badges as in ltule 3r5. 24?N. (i) To become a Senior Scout a bo.v rnust have attairted tile age oi 15 (ur havc enterecl. emplo'rment nncler that age bel,rrc 14tlliJrril, ,rOrr, btrt not havc reacltcti his eLghteenth birttr<1a-v.

Senior Scc,ut should leave the Senior Troop at the age rrnless he receivcs tire D.C.'s sanction to remain.

(ii) 'r8 A Quali&ca-


241o. Before being invested as a Senior Scout he must, unless a Scout holding the First Class badge, complete the Initial Test as follows :-. (r) or repass the Tenderfoot Tests, and make or re' Pass alirnr tILc Scout Promisc.

(z)' Have a knorvleclgc of tire life and work of B.-P., and the broad outlirres oI the history of the Movcment. (:'t a Patrol in tir.e six exercis,es-given in " Scouting for "' Lead Boys," ancl cxplail to the Partrol the importance of tahing

of his body rvith special refelence to cleanliness, fresh air, exerciie and rdst. Explain the main dangers


to sood health and how to avoid them, and understand the-importance of moderation in all thiugs. (4) IJave spent a total o{ at least three- nights away from Irome,

in tlrc ,:otnparry of Senior Scouts, slccping in

tent, hut, barn or simiiar shelter' 46


Scouter, a Policeman, a Postman.

(z) Discuss rz photog::aphs supplied by the Examiner, and arrange them in order of merit, as they appeal to him, giving his reasons.

Ul, (Corresponding Badge {or over r5-Camp Warden.) (r) I(now what are the normal requirements in regard to :-(a) Personal kit for a week's camp. (b) Personal kit {or a week-end hike or cmise. (c) The equipment and rations for a week-end


Patrol camp or cruise (7 Scouts). Demonstrate the packing oI his personal kit in (b) in rucsac or kitbag. (z) Either know the principal points to look for when selecting a.Patrol or Troop camp site, and describe with rough plan hou' he would lay out a Patrol camp with reference to tent, kitchen, sanitation, etc.: or know how to select an nnchorage, tnoorirlg or berth fs1 ;-a ro*'ing or sailing vessel or a sea-going vessel. (3) Make antl shorv the following knots in use :. SIip Reef, f)ouble Sheet Rend, Figure of Eight, Bou,Iine on l3ight and Manharness Hitch. Pitch, strike, pack and l<nolv tiow to talie care of a Patrol tent. (4) While living in camp cook all rneals for hirnself for z4 hours to the satis{action o{ the E>r:rminer or a Scouter. While in camp he must make satisfactory arrangements for storirrg of food and disposal



(5) Have camped under canvas with a Troop or Patrol {or

a total of not



15 nights.

448. (Corresponding Badge Ior over r5--Master Cook.) (r) i\llake a properly-equip;red carnp kitch.en with operr

fire, and prepare thereon three of the foliowing dishes:


z>s?yuil?;T-l',"i1;*l:*:aiJ:";,T;;*.1"';,1",'$t'i"1tt make ntay equivalent,

f/,/ I V




W,P :i J#:::xi- ;";:,Tr r":?r:r:"':#ilJ*f; in factorily for a Patrol or Troop


camp, for not

less than one complete day.

(3) Make two oI the {ollowing

:-Trvist, Damper, Flapjack. 9q


Rules 443-445


(3) Demonstrate three


of the following :.-

(a) Improvised methods o{ moving injured persons having clue reg:rrd to their sa{cty and cornfort. (ir) Climbing a tree to a height oI at least zo l'eet from the

(5) Hike or row a boat with a Senior Scout a tlistance ofr eight miles. Ilt.necd not necessarilv camD fr,r ilrel night, hut will, irr all cdscs, carrv o po.k'p..p.,ity packedl irirnself, erect a tent, light !y for

e, h.", ird m"aisl "o<rti himself and his compa.niirrr. On his return he shall give a verbal report to ti-re lroop or patrol. The Seniorl Scout compa,nion will also repdrt on his proficiency.

ground and lashing on the founda.t.ion spars of a look-out post.

(r:) Rowirg a bo:rt, p:tddling a cance, or poling a punt for at leilst half a mile.

(d) The construction of a sunclial, or :r gaclget to firrd the

11u6 \orth. (r) Any method o{ purifyir:g contaminated water and of

straining muddy v'zrter.


g4?p. After investiture a.s a Senior Scout, he p.oc"".lrl

to qualify for :(r) Irirst Class Scout-if not already ss. (Iiule 43r.)


a 'Iingle, or appl7t a. canvas patch to a kayali. (z) Ile erble to make tbe follorving TJends and Hitches: Timber Hitch, Rollirg Hitch, Marline

Spike I-Iitcir, lJ1;rr:hwall llitch, Midshipman's

l-Iitch, Fisherura.n's l3enrl, Carrick Bend, Bowline

on Bight, ltunning Bou'lire, Catspaw, and

be able_to mouse a hook; Short and Eye Splices, Single \['all ancl Crown and a ]llatthe* Walt<er.

(3) Make a fender, either o{ rope or canvas, suitablc for a

puliing boat.

ir cleaning and painting a


(5) Know the contents oI a Boat's Bag. (6) Make tlie {ollowing on a Bosun's call :Dinner. The Carry On. Away Ship's Boat Lash Up and Stow. The Still. Pipe Down. -8ookma.n

/l45. (Corresponding l3adge for over rs-Reader.) Supply to the Exarniner, previous to the test, a list o{ at Ieast r? books {rom those he has read during the previous l: n)onths. Discuss these txroks rvith the Examiner and explain rvhy he lead them, his order o{ pre{erence rvith rea,sons, ancl ansrver questions on the contents oI the books. Explain horv books should be cared for. q8





444. (Corresponding Ba<1gt: {or over r.5-Boa.tsrvain.) (r) Repair a sma1l lcak in a prrlling boat by mea,ns of

(4) Take a leading part


(z) Rushman's Thong, Seaman's I3a,dge, or Airman,s Badeel (RuLe 434), a,s may Lre appropriate. t (3) King's Scout (Ittrle 433).

24?8. (i)


Rules 247o-250

Senior Scout P;rtrols and Senior'Iroops

in a

I-.A. lCornbilr,rl

may meet together as desire<l for trai.ing or othir activities,l r:ructi,ss but such a combination mav not be registJred as a L.A. Senioil



(ii) Such activities r,r'ill be stimulated and co-ordinatecl bsl the 1).C. or,A..D.C.1S.) (,r su(:[r othcr c:<pcrienctd Scoutcr as thil D.C. may appoint Ioi thc pur-posc.


24tp. A Scnior Scout wears unift.irln as itr I{ule z8r, an.ll

btdges as in Rutc





R.S.Ls. and A.R.S.Ls. are appointed on the recommendazr.nd D.C., r.vith ivirrants in accord.ance lritU

tion of the L.A. Part


R.S.L. enrt e.n.$.fr.


,AS. In no circumstances will a warrant for either .ank be Lurdie' granted to a iadv.

250. The special qualifications lor It.S.L. and A.R.S.L., in Oualificaaddition to the general qualifications set out in Rules 69-7o, fions 21s a5 fqll6w5 ;(r) A general knowiedge of " Scouting for Boys," " Rovering. to Success," P.O.R., and current Senior Scoutliterature-.I

(z) A general knowledge o{ the social needs of the community in his neighbourhood and ability to find service for his Rovers. (3)

r\ personal standing, character ancl experience o{ life, such as will enable him to iead young men, ald an

understanding of the principles o{ leadership involved (4) Acceptance bv the Itovers of tite Crew concerned. {S) Age sufircient to enable him to carry out the work satis{actorily. I).C.s and L.A.s are expected to consider carefully tlie suitability of the applicant in this respect, and particularly in relation to ttre ages oI the members 17

Bules 250-257

tt Functions

of title

.o R.S.L. under 30 or an A.R.S.L. under 25. 25L. (i) The R.S.L. takes charge of the Crew with the assistance of any A.R.S.L., subject to the general supervi'*ion as in RuIe r73 of the G.S.M. (ii) The tri.S.L. will, however, entrust as far as possible to the Crew all internal natters of discipline :Lnd administration,

252. Where the context so requires, the term R.S.L. shall, in respect o{ all {unctions, be taken to mean any one of the persons acting as the lczr"dcr oI the Crew under Rule 255'





R.S.L.s ancl A.I{.S.L.s wear uniforrn as in Rules 2gr-292,

and badges as in Rules 320-322.


The Crew Aims

of formation

Llombined r,,-reetings

is " finding himself," i.e., developing his character and his po'wers, and endeavours to help him to put into pract-ice in a wider world the principles of the Scout Promise and Lat'. P55. Before the L.A. and D.C. approve the forrnation of a Crew, it js essential that there shouid be :(r) a suitable leader who should, if possible, be a rvarranted Ii.S.L. Failing this, the L.A. and D.C. must arrange either for the G.S.IVI. or one of iris assistants to be in charge (in u,irich case the qualifications laid down in RuIe z5o must he observed) or for adequate supcrvision by the D.R.S.I-. or A.D.C. Ior Rovers, (") suitab.lc premises. I 256. (i) llhe Rovers in a I-.A^ may meet together as desired for activities under the leadership of the A.D.C. for Itovers,

the D.R.S.L., or any R.S.L. a.ppr:oved by the L.A. and D.C. (ii) Such a body oI Rovers cannot be registcred as a L.A' Crew


or Group


all tlie

Rovers rnust already be members

of Groups registered un<i.er the L.A. | 25?. (i) The Rover Crew is divided into three stages I


:trt 'l'he Probatit,nt'r Stage-



Rover Squires.

(z) The Training Stage--after Investiture as Rovers. t:t The Service Stage-the older members of the Crew" 48


(z) Have a knowledge of the fish that inhabit the watcrs oI the local.ity. (3) Know the rules concerning ihe close


the size o{ {ish allowed to be taken. Explain t6g1e" and l# J;;'I; oI the riversitte.


(4) Demonstiate how

to iit up rod, line and


(5) Knou'the sizes o{ hooks most suitable and show a. knorvbait. Demonstrate the correct way to use a, landing

ledge of oet.

(6) Ltake a float. 44P., (Corresponding Badge tbr over r5-\'enturer.)


254. Rover Scoutirrg is a Brothei:hood of the Open Air and Service, the purposes o{ w'hich are:(r) to continue tlre training in citizenship given to Cubs, Scouts and Senior Scouts, with the sarne objects as are laid don'n in Rule r, but with a u'ider outlook appro-

priate to the age of Rovers; and (z) to encourage Rovers to make use{ul careers for themselves and to render scrvice to the community. Rover training covers the period during which the young maD


441. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Irisherman.) (r) Catch, prepa:re and cool< his fish.

o{ the Crerv. In normal circumstances an application for a warrant of this rank should not be submittecl for

including the expenditure of Crerv funds, as delined in Rule zo9.


Rules 441-443




(r) Demonstrate the proper method of sitting, stzrnding, wa.lking and rurrning, artd r,[ starting in a race. a$9yU_ '% (:) Gain points irr f,ve of the follorving tests in %' EfA 5tr W accordance rvith his age:-

Vffi /4 '*o&q'




years --3z points.

vcars--38 points.

years-44 points.

Standavrl 6 points


roo yards

(ii) I{alf-mile

2.55 mlns.

3ft. 6in. (iv) Throrving the

Cricket Ball

(v) Scout's Pace,


mile. Variation

either way


(Corresponding Badge for over r5-Pioneer.)

,\$fl"Yb^ (r) Make a sa.tisfactory shelter for tr,r'o people, 1/,/ 'fiih fuusing. natural materials, and sleep in it, alone or ?,1 r(i.lili ffiwith another Scout, for at lcast one night.

%'Wrru..iil,iu:il}":;?.'.-jl',H:i'.:'ffi r""?Xl;:.il 97


Ruies 438-440



258. 'fhis structure o{ the Crew is <iesigned so as:(r) to provide a programme of activities for the anc'l Rovers under





438. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Air llecnanic.) (r) Know the proper conduct to adopt, and the ordinary

safety precautions to {ollow, when on an airfield or near aircra-{t.

(z) I(irow horv to be of practical help to a pilot

by indicating rviud direction by day and by night, and keeping his lancling strip clear. I{ow to help a pilot bv picketing an aircra{t, how to

and improvise them antL how to assist. in refueiling aircraft. use chocks

(3) Have a knowledge of airfield procedure, rules and


(4) Know what constitutes a reasonable landing ground for" heavy types, medium types, light types and gliders. Know the. situation of established airfelds within a radius oI ro miles. Aircraft Modeller

480. (Corresponding



(r) Make a

for over r5-Aircraft

scale model o{ any specific (Use of kit not permissible.)

type of



hu*,n;,*,,!'Jil?u:ir;:,0"1r""13:ii:::l:,""1]ll":tf; *5i, /"t conditions specified by thc .Examiner. % VA:**"g1-i,l 'Wi (3) Flave a knou-ledge of the principles of Vr' -tqg.t r" their effeot on stability and 3:*"ll.,rl".r"Otng

Air Spotter

440. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Air Observer.) (t) Recognise correctly from silhouettes shovrn for ten seconds each, 75 per cent. of thc aircraft given on a list published annually by I.H.Q. At least z5 per cent. to be shown head-on. /:$oYt.r' iz {?-);r."^ (:) Drarv and. prorluce a chart of the national W'-{.!!- ',,1 markings, both service and civil, oI tlie aircralt W, *' l/ o{ Great Britairr and two {oreign countries. "fcoul$' (3) Have kept a log over a period o{ three months reporting a1l aircra{t seen, giving date, place, direction in which flying, numher o{ engines and country o{ origin, or, if this is not possible, satisfy the Examiner as to his abilitv to identi{y aircraft in flight. g6



training in compliance with Ruid 254, l (z) to continue to provirle a Brotherhood of the Open Airl arrd Service fof those not under training.


Boy Scouts (Under

Bules 158-864


S59. (i) Rovers untler trainirrg r,r-ill arrange ttreir ownl Activities prograrnme, but the whole CreN, wrll meet from time to time I for service, social, and other activities. I (ii) The Crew may be dividetl into teams or patrols as andl when necessary for any particular purpose. I 260. .(i) A Rover }Iate is a Rover elected annually by the R6vs1 ^ Crew with the approval of the Ii.S.I-., in orcler to help in its Xi;i; leadership.

(ii) There should be one }Iate to every {our to six llovers. (iii) Ro-ver Nlates wear uni{orm as in Rule 288, ancl badges


iu Itule



261. (i) Where the size of the Creu, makes it desirable. a! ,--^-. 3::x,:::ii1'nfir,":".lTT::rT;'.":?"fl 9;;i'T"H:?tTii:?::li:.11-:'1,""0 to dcal with internart matters.of <lisoiptire,- adnrinistr:rrion iiii'i?j,..the expenditure oI funds as d.efined iir Rule zo9. ".dlI ii;^^-'""(ii) Where the size of the Crerv does not warrant settins uol a Crew Cou,]cil, the whole Crew shall, subject to Rule "z-5r',1 " exercise the functions of such a Council. I (iii) Matters relatiug exclusively to Rovcr Squires and Roversl undcr training should-be dealt wiiir by those Rbvers themselves.


A Ror-er may take up a warrant without ceasing to Scouters ,bc262. a member ol the Crew, but his duties as a Scouter must c-omelMenrbers f,rsj. Ilre possession oI a warrant rvill not givc him r.r-ry pre-l


cedence as a Rover.

_ 263. . If occupation, age, or other circumstances. prevcnt a Rover from carrving on a1 a mcmber of his Crew, .his mcmber._ Termination ;i'..""-'^" ship of the Crew sf,all cease. I membership



264.. Before a voung man is adnrittcd to a Creu., the following _ _o ,.the -, Iiover conrlitions lrrust be obscrr.ed :_ (r) He must be approved by the G.S.lr. and R.S.L..rdl33ltii"r. by the Crew. ^' ol (z) He must either be recommencled by the S.NI. as l\{embership Scor:t, or by the S.II.(S.) as a Senilr Scout, rviro is. " lrying to act up to his Scout obiigations, inclucling thel dorr)g ol good turns, or iI not previouslv a Scorii or Senior Scout, he must be willing to ldarn p.actlcal I Scouting, pursue the open-air liJe,"and accept'the 1v6yl

ol ltle set forth in the Scout lromise and Law. 49

Rules P,64-869



(:) The age for aclmission is necessarily dependent on the physical and mental development of a boy in his progress to manhood. He must be at lea,st r7$ years ol

Bailge. (For Sea Scouts only). Seaman's Badge Must lrold the First Class Badge and three of the following :


Venturer, Boatswain, Helmsman, Fisherman, Naturalist, Meteorologist, Astronomer, of wirich the Venturer and either the BoatswaiD or Helmsman are obligatory.

age, and preferably r8.

(a) The latest age {or admission as a Squire is hiS z3rcl trirthday. Older men may be admitted under Rule 272 (2).


On admission to zr Crerv. he is known as a Rover Squire as he is invested as a Itover.

until such time Training

as Rover Squire

266. lJefore a Rover Squire can be invested a,s a Rover he must have fu1filled the following conditions to tire satisfaction of the R.S.L.

(r) (z) (3) (4)


Uniforrr and badges




311d g1gv,'


and studied "'Soouting for Boys " and " Rovering to Success," and current Senior Scout

FI:Lve read

literature,. Have studied and understood the Scout Promise and Scout Lar*' as they concern Rovers, ancl be applying them in a spirit of unselEsh service to life in general. Have sufficient knor,ledge to train a boy of Scout age in the Tenderfoot tests. With a Rover, rvho will make a report to the R.S.L., go on foot across country, or by boat sailed or propelied by himself, a total distance of uot less than 18 miles, carrying his hit and sleeping out (in tent, hut or barn according to season) for not less tiran one night, catering and cooking for himself and his cornpanion. Flave undergone such period of plobation as the G.S.II., R.S.L. and Crew m;ry rcquire.

26?. (i) Rover Squires wiro have been Scouts or.Senior

Scouts wear uniform as in Rule 287, and, badges as in RuIe 3r7. (ii) A. Rover Squire who has not been a Scout or Senior Scout and rvistres to wear uni{orm and badges, must first pass the Tenrier{oot test arrd make the Scout Promise.

TIIE ROVER. Squire rnav be investcrl a-q soon a.fter a prob:r,tionary lperiod as the G.S.1\i., R.S.L. and Crew thirrk fit. 269. Some process of self-examination (in thc forrn of a Vigil or otherwisc) and ern lnvestiture, during which he will reaf6.rm or make tbe Scout Prornise, are essential to emphasise I gOA. .\


Airmants Bailge. (For Air Scouts only.) Airma.n's Badge Nlust hold the First Ciass Batlge aud tirree of the follorving : Venturer, Air Mechanic, Air Navigator, Air Glider, Meteorologist, Naturalist, Astronomcr, of which the Yenturer and either Air Mechanic or Air Navigator are obligatory. (Note.-Bushman's Thong, Seoman's and ,l,irucan's Badges are altevnatiues and, only one may be worn.)

435. His Majestv the Iiing has been graciously pie:rsed tcr Kiug's authorise the issue of a special Royal Scout -,r\ Zx\2,)..\. Celtiticate to Senior Scouts who gain the King's Scout l3adge. A King's Scout is one wh.o, luviiig thoroughl-v traineri himsell in Scoutcra{t, places that training at the disposal of the conrmunity for Public Service. Be{ore being awarded the King's Scout

Badge a Scout must : Flold the Bushman's Thong (or Seamzrn's or Airman's I3adgtN and four of the senior Pubiic Service Badges of which Ambulance

is obligatory. A l(ing's Scout wlll receive his Badge, if he so desires, from the Chief Scout, wiro holds reccptions {or thc ourpose at convenient intervals at I.H.Q.

436. In respect of the special proliciency baclges, L.A.s Alternativo may be authorised by the C.C. to grant the badges on tests tests for other than those presented in Rules +38-524, provided that the Special tests-* 13adges (r) are laid down by the Public l.lducation Authority in the Countv or Borough;

(z) are not easicr than the tests in the Rules;

(:) fulfil the

same general purpose.

43?. It is no lorrger necessary {or certain tests to annually.


the fact that as a Iiovcr he is undertaking certain definite -responsibilities. A {orrn of ceremony, with suggestions {or the lself-exanrinatiun or Vigil, is published under the title, " The lPresentation of a ltc,vcr Scout," and may be trad on payment lirom I.H.Q. (Equipment Dept.). | 'ffr. Investiture shouid be carried out by the R.S.L. II he lis not available it should be performed by a Scouter who has lhimself been invested as a Rover. 5o

Rules 434-48?


be1 I

2?0. The Rover is expected to adopt and be governed by Trairring --Idea-ls the {ollowing principles :(r) His Promise o{ Duty to God, through a couscientious

include meat, over a wood fire in the open; 6nd his' camp site and camp {or the night. He must carry.out any-instructions given by the Exaniner as to things to be observed en route.

efiort to develop his own spiritual life, and through the practice o{ his religion. (z) His Promise of Duty to the King, through an carnest endeavour to secure a proper ltnowledge of the Govern-

by water' and partly by land-at least five miles of the 14 to'


Sea Scout may do this journey partly

be done on foot. This test should be taken last.





(a) Have a comprel:ensive knowledge o{ the Highway (bqe, ' ' includirig.-ani.ier afpendices and supplementary notes, and be questions and give demonstrations in able to relation to anY Part in it.


to be expressed in his actions, and in goodrvill, fellowshjp and clean-living.

t182. The I'irst Class badge is granted by the L.A. on the recommendation o{ the D.C. (or s.imeone other than a Scouter

9'lL. (i) A{ter Investiture, the Rovel rvill undergo training, 'frainingchoosing his activitit:s {roru t}re gloup of subjects listed below, Prar:.tical

S.If. The lattr:r will exarnine for all tests except {or the iourney; the D.C. (c'r his nominee as zr,bove) will give the

subjects under each of thcse heacls:-.-

and should aim at progressive developrnent in one or


instruciions for the journey and rvill examine the rough notes made riuring the jouiney and the iog which can be written-up a{ter the joirney.- Both-log and note.s must be handed in within a week oI the journey.


\['or]d .A{fairs. National Af{airs.

Cultural Subjects. Scoutcraft.

Hanclcrafts, I{obbies and Sy>rts.

I 433. The Scout Cord, a braided lanyard in Scout ggeen, l*ort oo the right shoulder. ReIore being awarded the Scout Cord, a Scout must :Ilold the First Class 1)adge and six Proficiencl' Badges'

(ii) An essential part of the training of llovers is the rnanagemelt of the affairs of their own p.rrt of the Crew undcr the general leadership of the .F{.S.L.

'Ihe Scout Cord may only be gained bv a Scout under r5 but he will continue to wear it until such time as he gains the Bushman's Thong or its equivalent.

g?2. The Rover rvili move up to the Scrvice Stage of the Crew at latest by his z5th birthda,v; and the following may also join the Service Stage:---

(iii) Service activities entail ca,reful selection and preparation according to the needs of the indivi<lual Rover as well as of the Crew as a whole.

two of u'hich must be selected from Backrvnodsman, Camper, Cook, Stalker, Starman, Weatherman, Woodcraftsman-


Ifis Promise to Obey the Scout Law by adopting.-it as an ideal

of the Scout's own Group, appointed by the D.C.) anrl the



(3) His Prornise of Duty to his Neighbours, lhrough a logical development oI the Scout Good Turn, after pr-oper prepar-ation and training, into some form of 6tteitive service to the cornmunity. In so doing he


eflect all reasonable rePairs. (d) Understand the procedure for reporting road accidents.


ment of his country, and to per{orm his duty as a

is asked to realise that his first service is to his home and to establish himself in life. He should rnake every endeavour to consolidate his positiorr so that he is not a burden on others, or on the State.

(b) Demonstrate the principles of controlling traffrc. he has the use of a bicvcle, demonstrate that he is' (c) '' If keeping it properly maintained and that he is able to

The Scout

Rules 9?0-972



Rules t[31-t[34

434. Before bcing awarded the Bushman's Thong, a nlust :-


Hokl the First Class Badge and threc of the foilowing : Venturer, Camp Warrlen, Forester, Naturalist, I{eteorologist,

I'ioneer, Tracker, Astronomer, of which the Venturer is obligatory. A Scout may not hold both the Astronomer an<1-I{ete.orologist Badges to qua.lify for the Thong. For Sea and Air Scouts, the following badges are the equivaIent of the Bushman's Thong:9+



Rovers lvho, {or good reasons which satisfy the R.S.L. and Crew, are unable to take part in the activities given in Rule z7r $\.

(z) Men rvho ha.ve not undergoue training but rvlxr have passed their zjrrJ birtirday may be investcd a{ter such proba.tionary period a.nd a{ter {ulfilling sucir o{ the conditions required of a Rovcr Squire a,s the R.S.L. and Crelv may require. (3) Scouters. 5r

Service Stage

Bules 278-2?4r


and badges



| 273. lhe extent and description of the service and other lactivities in this Stage are {or the R.S.L. and Crerv to decide. 2?4. Rovers u.ear uniform as in Rules 288-289, ancl badges as

Demonstrate the use <rf the triangular bandage as applied to the knee, head and foot. Demonstrate ho*' to deal with shoch at all sta.ges. (c) Swim 5o yards. If a doctor certifies that bathing is dangerous to a boy's health, the latter must, instead

in Rule 3r8.

oI this,

Olil Scout Branoh


Formation, etc.

THE OLD SCOUT BRANCTT (GBOUP). 274r. Ihe purpose of the O1d Scout Branch is to give its

pass_o-ne barlges: Camper, -oI the following Handyman, \Aroodcra{tsman, Naturalist, Ra.ckuo6ds-

man, Pioneer, Stallier, Tracker, Starman or Astronomer.


a feeling of continued possession in tire Group and to utilise their services for the support, development, and- welfare of the Group and its traditions.


2?4e. (i) An Old Scout Branch may be {ormed in cornection with a Group by procedure similar to that laid down in Rule


The County Commissioner may allow a Scout to gain the l,-irst Class badge without passing the Swimming Test, provided he is satist:d that it is not practicabl6 for the Scout to obtain facilities for learning to swim, and that the Scout under r5 gains the Jobman l3adge and the Scout over r5 the Handyman Badge as in alternative. The Scout should make every -effort to pass the swimrning test as soon as possible.

r94 for the addition of a Section to a Group.

(ii) The Old Scout Branch is, however, distinct frorn the three Sections of the Group, and Rules tg7-2tr do not apply

d3l Cbserualion.

(a) Read the m.eaning ol a series of simple tracks made in sandy or other suitabie ground. These sliould include

to it except where specifically

stated. It must be entirely self-supporting, and its funds and f.nances must be kept separate from those of the Group.

(iii) The Old Scout Branch oI a Group may be disbanded by procedure similar to that iaid dow-n in }iule r95 for the disbandment oI a Section. (iv) The provisions of Rule 196 apply in cases of refusal to approve formation of, or decisions to disband, an Old Scout Branch,

Members ex-officio

Registration of



Precalutions and Reports

2?4c. All Scouters oI the Group whilst holding warrants

as such are ex of&cio members of the Group Old $cout lJranch.


The OId Scout BraLnch of :r Group may at its discretion,

but subject to the approval of the D.C., register annually as an Old Scout any former member o{ the Group qualified in

accordance with Rules z74c an:d z74a; ai:l, simiiarly, may at any time remove the name o{ any person from the register.

214r. The Old Scout Branch and the D.C. in making any decision under Rule z74o must adopt the precautions required by Rules 7z-73, and must report to I.H.Q. through the C.C. any case in which it appears that it is undesirable that any person should become or remain a member oI the Movement.

TIIE OLD SCOUT. The Olil Scout


274p. (i) An Old Scout is a person who is so registered either by the Oid Scout Branch of a L.A. in accordance with Rule t67D or of a Group in accordance with RuIe 274n. (ii) Registration as an Old Scout is oniy valid for twelve rnonths and must be renewed each year. 52

runxilg, iimping, carrying a weight, walking backwards, and blind gaits. (b) Ee lble to recognise and name, from lists submitted by the Scout, 12 common trees and 6 common birds.

(c) tising improvised apparatus, such as a Scout staff, . estimate three distances not more than half-a-mile, and three heights not more than roo feet. In each case the estimate to be within ten per cent. error above or below the actual.

{4) Pioneering.

(a) Demonstrate the following : sheerlashing ; back and eye-splice ; fireman's chaLir knot ; man6arness knot ; rolling hitch. (b) Use a felling axe for felling or trimming ligh.t timber, or, if this r,s impracticable, be able to log up a piece oi timber ancl demonstrate the tireory of felling i, tree.



a message out-of-doors, either in at rate four (zo letters a mitrute) or in Morse at rate three (r5 Ietters a minute). He must also understand the alphabetical check fornumerals. Where it is desired to pass the test in Morse by btzzer, Serrd and receive


the test may be taken indoors provided the sender and receiver are out of sight oI eaCh other. (6) Exploring. (a) Read.and b-e able to use a one-inch Ordnance Survey map (or its local,equivalent). Use a compass and polnl


a- compass direction by day or night without the aid of a compass. (6) Go on foot, alone or with another Scout, a z4 hour journey of at least 14 miles. In the course of the

journey he must cook his own meals, one of rvhich must 93

Ruls t[8l

Rules 429-431



2?4c. Any person of r8 years of age r:r over who rras Qualificaformerly a rnember o{ a rcgistered Group, or who was }rim-- tions sel{ forirerly registerecl ,. u'i-o.r" Scout, ione Senior Scout, orl Deep Sea Scout, orwho has heid any warrant as a Scouter, is eligible for registration as an O1d Scout. 2?4u. 'fhe essential conclitions o{ registration as an Okl

\41 Pioneering.

(a) f ie the Iollorving l<nots and know their uses-tirnberhitch and fir;herman's. Demon:;trate square anil rliagonai lashings by constructirtg a trestle of Scout staffs. (b) Know the safety rules and care of a hand-axe anrtr knife. Demonstrate how to chop fir'eu,oocl



I(now the ilIorse or Sernaphore sign {or every letter in the alphabet, and for the numerals--also the table of Miscellaneous Signals in Camp Fire Yarn 7 of " Scout-


Be able to send and receir,'e a simple message accurately out-of-doors.


ing for Boys."

(6) Exploring. (a) Know the 16 points of the compass and horv to set

Scout are :(r) a desire to liver as a. man in accordance s,ith the Aims and Basis of the Association (Rule r), (z) the making or re-affirmation of the Scout Promise, (3) a continued interest, a.s active as possible, in the Scout work o{ the Group or L.A.

2'14t. Old Scouts may wear uniform as in Rule tg8.L, a,nd Uniforrn and badges in RuIe 325e.

badges as a


(b) La1, ancl light a fire out-of-doors, t'ith natural rnaterials, usine two rnatches only; cooli over this fire porridge for two and a twist or damper. Q\ Pttblic Sevaice. (a) Show th;rt he understarnds thc Highway Code I'aras. t, 2, q, 5, 6 ar,d 7 (Tri all roaci users). (To all pedestrians). Paras. 9-z r ('l'o cyclists).


(b) he has the usc of a bicycle, demons;trate that he is ' If keeping it ploperly rnaintained and that ire is able to cflect nrit:or repails.

430. The Rarige is granted by the I..A. oo the recomrnendation of the S.NI., rvho acts as Examincr. First Scout


43L. Refore being awarded the First Class Badge, a Secoud Class Scout must pass the following tests :{t) Prrlininary.

(a) IVIust be zrble to re-pass the Second Class Tests.

(b) X'lust have camped, as a Scout, for a total of ro niglrts bcfore cot-npleting his lrirst Class


One rveeh-end camp, at lcast,

nrust be included in the total.

(z) Health. (a) I)cmonstrate the proper n':ethod o{ dealiug with the follou,ing en'rergencie:i-fire, drolvrriag, ice-bre;rl<ing ancl elcctric shcck. (b) I{now t}re position o{ thc main arteries and how to stop cxternal blceding lrom veins a,nd a.rteries. Dernonstrate hou'to deal rvith fractures of the coliarbone, arnr, and Iore-arrn. Understand the importance of not movittg othcr suspccted fluctures 92

Eules g74c-8?4I




Bules 975-280


Public Service Badges in the Senior range will not bel grouped and wiII be rvorn separately. I .(7) The I{ing's Scout Badge is worn on the left arm abovel the First Class Badge and surrounded by the qualifyingl


Public Service Badges. I (8) Thc Bushman's 'fhong is worn round the right shoulder.l (9) 'Ihe.Seaman's Badge is worn in the centre of the rightl



2?5. I'he correct unifonn to be worrr by Scouls, Scouters, Non-executive and l-Ionorary ranks, and OId Scouts, as also by




helping with Scout Groups, is described under the various headings in this Part o{ P.O.R. The badges of rzrnk to be worn are set out in Part VIII.

pAeiJ- N" altelation ma)z be made in the uniform as described, nor any addition to it, with the exception of authorised badges and decorations and certain optional articles as set out in various rules below. ,?'


i :;'. :.. t r, !t

in certain cases when

ntembers of the Girl Guidcrs Association


i' r

:J' tsright metal buttons. una.uthorised badges, fancv decorations a,nd personal adornments, must rot be dispiayed.



Public,, , , 8t7.' Whenever uniform is worn in public it must l)e c()rrcct occasrotri,,.i and .complete-, ,'.,t ,,.i ', , .':i \ r -'1-t 2?,& Members of the Movement may, zrt the discretion oI Camp the Scouter in charge, lvear any convenient clothing in camp, but whenever they appear in public oulside the camp iimits,

thcy mu.st bc in proper.unilorm.

Scarf colours



;.'r& fl,r,. " 5;-- .-..: i', \'irt "'1 2?5. (i) Similar scarves must be worn by ali

members of a


(ii) Tire colour and design of Group scarves will be chosen by the G.S.nt. in consultation with the Group Council, subject to the approval of the L.A. anrl D.C., rvho will arrange that as far as possible no two Groups in the same I..A. shall have scarves of the same colour and design.


280. The following persons, other than ladies, may wear the kilt with a plain leather sporran :(r) Ary person holding any rank in the Movernent in Scotland.

(z) Elsewhere than in Scotland, the rnembers of any Section of a Group or of tho OId Scout Branch of a Group,

provided they all rveal the kilt, and that:111 the members o{ the Group are of Scottish dcscent-i.a., have at least one grandparent o{ pure Scottish blood.

(3) Persons qualified as undcr (r) or (z) in respect of service

in lreland or Irish 54


Rules tl28-429

(ro) The.Airman's Batlge is rvorn in the centre of tne rigntl

(rr) A Scout may continue to wear any




gained under the regulations previous to rst October, I rg4ti, for a period o{ trvo years, or until he qualiiiesl under the present conditions. I (re) AII Senior Scout badges will be worn above any badgesl gained before rst October, 1946 (until rst October,l 1948) and above any badges gained whilst the Scoutl was under r5.

429. l3efore being awarded the Secon<i Class Badge, the Second Scout rnust pass the {ollot'ing tests:Class Scout (r) Prelintinary. .[lust be ab]e to re-pass the Tenderloot'Iests. (z) Heultlt. (a) Show how to deal with the {ollor.ing cornmorr milor accidents


I'Iinor cuts and


Sprains. ]3ruises.

Bleeding frorn the nose. Stings and bites. Burns and scalds. Know how to avoid sunburning, aud thep itnportance of doiirg so. I Dcmonstratt. the usc of the tria.ngular baudage as a' sling.

I)emonstrate hotv to summon hclp and to treat for shock (not electric). (b) Know the general rules o{ treaith as given in Camp Fire Yarn 18 of " Scouting for Boys." (c) Demonstrate the Six Excrcises described in Camp I;'ire Yarn 17 o{ " Scouting {or Boys." (3) Obseruation. (a) Kim's Ganre. Describe, in u'ritilg, 16 out o{ z4 wellassorted articles follolving one minute's obscrvation, or follow a trail hal[-a-rnile lorig cont;rining not ]ess than 3o rvoodcr-aft signs, in z5 nrinutes. (D) I3e able to recognise and name, from a list submitted by the Scout, six common trees, an<l know flre values of

their *oods for



RuIe d28


Method ol wear

4?5. Scout proficiency badges are \vorn on the right arm in parallel ro*'s between the shoulder and the ellrcw, except as




TJre Second Class Badge is worn on the

the shoulder and tlre elbou.

shoulder, rvhenever gained.

(a) I'jubllc Service Badges will be rvorn on the left -A,id


or Ambuiance Badge at the top.

Public Service Badges are as follorvs :-Ltnder t5



left arm between

(z) The First Class Radge is rvorn *'hen gained in the place r:f the Second Class. (3) The Ambulzrnce }3aclge is the only badge wortr on both a.rnrs. It must be worn as the top tradge nearest the

the }.irst

Bules 281-288


281. (i) A Cub wcars unilorrn as {ollows, u'ith the appropriate of rank described in Rules 3o7-3ro. Cap. Green, with yellou' piping, with cloth Wol{'s head badge in {ront. Scarf. OI tire Group colour worn with a u,'oggle (other tlLan Gilwell pattern) or a loose knot at the throat. Jersey. Dar)< blue, khaki, grecil ol grey; sleeves



rvith The



Observer Ambr.rlance

lihorts. I);rlk blue, khaki or greyr i

Fircfighter Irirst Aid

Dcspa,tch [{ider


StooliinSJs. Any plain colou::; worn turncd dorvn below ilie kree, rvith grecn tabbecl garter




Jobman [-iIe-saver

Interpreter Leading Signa,ller



... Aircralt Corstructor, Air

" l'. ',-.




Boots or -slLoes. I3rown or black. Shoulder patch. Srnall triangular patch of cioth (the colour of the Six), se\\'n at the top o1 le{t slecve, immediately trelow t}rc shoulder,

.[iescur:r liignaUer (S) "I'he Scout Cord u'ill be u'oru rourtd the right shouidcr. (o) 'Ihe S<nior l3adgcs, except ttre Prrblic Service Badges, will be grouped and oniy tite corrcslmncling Group Badge rvorn. Wherc more than one badge in a Eroup is gained, it u'iil be shown by tr thin gold bar below the Group Badge, an extra goid bar br:ing added Ior eactr subsequent badge gainerl in tire group. The Senior Barlges are groupecl as ulrder :-Athlete BatlCe ... CiimLer, Ulastor SwimtrlTir."..

Aviator tsatlge

, ,'

sho*-ing orrtside.

Pilot Public Ilealtir

Messcuger trIissioner

Essential articles

down or rolied up, at the discretion of the



Air Spotter


witir point upwards.

Stroulder bzrrlge. Indicating the Group, worn on right shoulder or on troth, accorrling to the custorn of the Group.

Countl, and other Rr:les 3,12-34.-5.


If and as authorised under:

(ii) In tropical climates, Cubs may lvear their national heacldress or a white, grey or grecn soft felt hat with the Wolf's head badge irr front, a,nd a shirt, of a coloui different from that oI the Troop shirt, in plerce of a. jerselr.


Air Xtechanic, Air Navigator.

Iiarmer, li'islternlan, Countryma:r Batlge llorscnlarl, Hot1icultr-rrist, Naturalist. Crattsman Badge Artist, Handicra{t, Leading Piper, N{usician, ()ratcsr, Forester,

282. Tire loilorving optional .rrticlos may be carried

appropriate occasions :---

IJaversack (x'orrr on the bach, and not at the sicle) or srnall

I)hiIatelist, Photographer,



Mariner tsadge... I3ozrtswain, Ilclmsman

Ope" ni* fiAge Carnp \\r;riricrr, Hikei, x{apmakcr, )laster Cook, J.'ioneer, Tracker.

Scientist Batlge


Overcoat, rnackintosir, or jacket. Datlerns irL'c n0t eLUoued.





I i. ', d !





.. Asttononter, Electrician,

Nlecl.ranic, )\'leteorologist.

Radio l\'lcch:rnic.

Illustlations of the Collective Badges are shown against the first tradge tests in each group. 90

on {)ptional :rrticles


283. (i) A Scout rvc:rrs uni{orm as follows, with the appropriate badges o{ rank described in Rules 3rr-3r4. 55


Essential :rrticles

Bules 288-284

426. Must be a regnlar playing member of a properiy Group

Hat. Khaki (four dents), flat brim, leather band round crov'n, ald lace worn at back of head and tierl in front on the brim o{

4 o{ football, rounders. cricket or some other _Team orgarrised game of a similar nature. (Ttre team Player

organised team

:nust be under the control of the C.M., the boy's schoolmastcr, or other person approl'ed by the C.M.) NIust irave played in at least six matches

the hat. Scarf. Of the Group colour worn with a woggle (other than Gilwell pattern) or a loose knot at the throat. Shirt. I):irk blue, khaki, grecn or grey, u'ith

tu'o patch pockets (buttoned), and shoulder

straps optiorral; or a jersey or

of the


and must be specially recommendecl by captain and hv the person resl;onsible for

team as being a keen, sportsmanlike playerscouTs.


;.: ' Belt, Brorvn leatber or web, ,," ;, Stockings. .\ny plain c,rlour: rvortt turned _f



The fifteenth birthdav u'ill trc the dividing

below the shoulder badge.



(ii) The foilowing optional articl.es may a)so be worn :Haversack (worn on the back, and not at the side) or ruc-sac.

r,... Sea Scouts

First Class Badge is

appropriate 1t


oattcrns arc not allowcd.


.,,, J .,'., .

284. (i) A Sea Scout rvea.rs in Ruie 283, trut rvith the {ollolving


uniform as fr:r Scout, as desclibed


differencres :---

as Scouts Genera.l



cquipped with a natural wood staff, marked in feet and

Cord. A length of oord may be carried on the belt. Overcoat, mackintosh, or jacket. Bright colours or


(4) Scouts may not wear proficicncy badges gained as Cubs except the Leaprng \Arolf Badge in accordance with Rule 4r3. (5) While ccrtain badges are primzr.rily designed {or Sea or Air Scouts, all badges are available to anv Scout (rvithin the age eroup), provided that szr"tis{actory arrangements {or testing can bc ma.de. (6) A Scout mav not gain more tha"n 6 profrciency hadges lrom the under r5 r:lnge before gaining the First Class Badge. Trvo Senior Badges may be worn before the

Rules 342-345.



irrespective oI the Troop-or Patrol o{ uhich thJscout may be a member. Scouts under 15 may study lor the senior badges at any time, but may not be examined for them until qualified bv age. (3) Five additional proficiency badges, based on the holding of certain badges under (z) above-King's Scout, Buslrman's Thong, Seaman's Badge, Airman's Badge and Scout Cord, details o{ which are set out in Ruies

County and other emblem. If and as authorised under

Lanyard. To carry whistle or knife. Kni{e. Carried on tbe belt. Handaxe. Carried on the belt, but only on

of Scout proficiency

subjects for Roy Scouts (under 15 years oi age) and 45 special ,proficiency badges for Senior Scouts (over r5 years of age). These are set out in Rules 438 to 524 inclusive.

Air Scouts " bearing the words " Sea Scouts in letters not more than quarter-inch high wiII be worn



(z) Forty-two special proficiericy badges for diflerent

Scout sections must not include the words " Sea Scouts " or " Air Scouts " in the Group title. A flash




anrr Irirst Class Scout-the tests for lvhich are set out in ]iulcs 4zg and 43r respectively.

age of r5 or entering employment under that age before rst April, 1947. Shoulder badge. Indicating the Group; worn on right shoulder or on both, accordilrg to the custom of the Group. Members of Groups which have Sea or Air

Stafi. Every Scout, including a Sea or Air Scout, should

427. Thc generai

(t) 1'wo general proficiency badges-Second Class Scout

Cown below knee rvith green tabbed garter slorving on outside. Boots or shoes. Brown or black. Shoulder knot. Braitl six inches long, |in. wide, oI Patrol colours, on lelt shoulder. Shoulder straps. Plain, maroon. Worn on reaching the

to be carried on all appropriate

his the


szrme colours.

Shorts. Dark blue, khaki or grey.,\, . i


Rulss 426-4?7




(7) A Scout over 15 may continue to wear the ba.dges he gained while under that age until he has gained the senior equivalent. (8) Badges wili be distinguished by their design, shape and colour. Under r5 badges will be on either khaki or navy

will be on maroon ground only, w-ith the exception of the Ambulance

backgrouncls, but all Scnior l3adges

Badge, which is a red cross on a white round background. 8q


Rules 428-425



-Hquss 'Orderly



Cop. Blucjacket's cap (rvith u'hite cover front rst .\{ay to 3oth September) with ribbon inscribecl " Sea Scouts " or, if desired, in

428. (r) I'Iake a good pot of tea, and Iry or poach an egg. (z) Prepare potatoes, and boil or fry them. (3) Make a tred, w-ash up crockery, utensils,

the case of Groups operating on inland rvaters, the rvords " l3oy Scouts." -ferseys


Shirt or jersey. I)ark blue.

(4) Clean windows and brasswork. (5) Sweep and dust a room, or scrub a table. (6) Lay a table for a.t lea.st three people for a meal oI two courses.




These tests are divided into two classes, A and B. Class A is {or Cubs {rom 8-ro years of age; Class ts for those of ro-rz. Ihe tests are oI thc same natule in both classes, but the standards are rlifferent. (Note.-Th.e aaerage height of Cubs in Class A is /r-_-\ ,in tlri,s class 'is unusually 4 Jeet r inch. lJ a Cub \Fl/ deueloped {not only in hei.ght) he shall be judged, \ t^J ,/ in Class B. IJ a Cub is undcr-deueloped he should tahe the lests 'in Class A.) Class A.


rvearinq the x-ords " I3oy Scouts " on cap ribbons rvill *'ear a l,lue jerscv or shirt, q.ithout th.e rvords " Sea Scouts," but rvitlt an anchor badge in eitl."er case.


Shorts. Darlr blue. Relt. 'fo be uorn either unclerne:rth or outsirlc the jersey, r.vhichever is the practice o{ the Clronp.


Stockings. Dark blue. Boots or shoes. Ijlack or brown, (ii) Whilst fishing or boating in bad cr cold wcatlier, there is uo objection to Sca Scouts rvcaring trousers, but on shore arrrl on ordinary occasions shofts are to be rvoi'n, and no Sea Scrrut may \\'ear trousers as part of his uniform except in the special circumstances mentioned. The rvearing of such articles of

Must be able :To sprint 5o yards in ro seconds. 'fo jump z ieet 6 inches (high jump). To jump 6 ft. (long jump). To climb a tree at least 15 feet, or climb a rope at ieast


clothing as a, blur-'jacket's jumper is not permitted. Waterproofs or oilskins antl sou'rvesters may be u'orn at the discretion of the S.nt. 285. An Air Scout wears uniform as for Scout, as describct.l in Rule .283, but rvith thel



and catch one thrown

fullowing difference.'Shirt or Jcrsev. Crcy.

To do a hand stand.

To do a cart-wheel.

Shorts. Stockings

Class B.

To sprint 6o yards in ro seconds. To juntp z feet 8 inches (high jump). To jump 7 leet 6 inches (long jump). To climb a tree at least 15 feet, or climtr a rope at least



in fresh

water. (S) Swim on bacl<


15 yards. (4) Be able to " ducks dive " (i.e., dive while sta.nding in the water or st'imming) . Or (as .alternatir.'e), perlorm a " hoirey-pot," (i.e., jump with arms fclasped rounti knecs) from a board, bank, or boat, or dive {rom [the side of the batb. 88




Sofh- "'without 'pe'alr ; dark ]>lue ; with the Scout badge between



425. (r) I\{ust bc

able to srvim z5 yards (any stroke). (z) Be able to float on back for 6o seconds in salt water or 3o seconds in freslr water, or tread water for two minutes in sa,lt water or one rninute



the left-hand side.

To do a hand stand. To do a cart-w'heel, left and right handed.




the lctters "A" and " S ", all in gold on

ro {eet. To throrv a cricket ball 3o vards, and catch one thrown from r-5 yards.


rvith thc

u.ords " Sea Scouts " in wliie letters across the chcst ; or shirts or jerscvs witir arr anchor badge on the right b.reast. Groups

\ :ri-r,/

To throw a cricket ball uo from to vards.

Rules 284-286



A Senior Scout rvears uniform as for Scr,r ut, Sea Scout, cr Air Scout, as the case may be, as Senior rlescribed in Rules 283-285, but with tire lollorving differcnces :- Scouts IIniIorm Cap-for Senior Sea Scouts. Itibbon inscritred " Scnior' described " Groups

; or, i-f desirecl, in the case o{ operating on iniancl $aters, the rvords " Scnior Scouts." Shoulder patch. Of palrol colours, instead of shoulrler knot. Sea Scout r

] in. square, parti-coloured diagonally. Woro at

the top oI t.he left sleeve immediately below the shoulder seam.

Garter tabs. ldaroon.

'flrumbstick. As alternatir.e to



shoulder straps, uhich ave classed. as badges of ranh,


Rule 3r5 (r).) 57


Rules 287-991


ha.s been

a Scout (or who


Rovers arrd Air Rovers

green and yellow, (ii) A Rover Squire who iras been a Senior Scout wears unilorm as for Senior Scout, as described in Rule z8(r, but u,ith green and yellow shoulder knot instead of a shouider patch. 888. A Rover or Rover Air Scout rveilrs uniform as for Scout. or Air Scout, as the case may be, as described in Rules 283-284, but u'ith the following difierences :Shouider knr-'t. lterl, yeilol' ancl green. Ihurnbsticl<. In place ol stafi. Garter tabs. Iled. (For shoulder straps, whi.ch are classed as badges oJ ranh,

Rule 3t8 (r).) 28S. A }lover Sea Scout rvears uniform as for Sea Scout, as described in Ilule 284, but u,ith thtl follorving diflerences:see


in- a jersey




Ca.p. \Vith ribbon inscribed " ltover Sea Scouts " or, il desiled, in the case ol Groups operating on inland x'aters, the rvclrds " llover Scout-"

knot. Red, Carter tabs. Ited. Shoulder

Special scarves

a needle and sew on a buttcn, darn a holel Group or stoching and ruend a tear, arrtl carry out zrny twol


(z) Make a piece of netting (to put over seds, for a bag, etc.). (3) Work a design in cross-stitch on canvas. (4) Make a rug or mat on canva,s or hessian, Wash and iron his scarf. {5) (6) Make a basket. (7) Weave a useful article in raffia


llake an artlcle {rom odd.s zrut. 420. ivlalle article lrom 6r-cones,. Grouo z odds and ends, suctr:Ls such as tr{ones,. clothes rthes pegs, etc., etc., and-eilher alld eirher a worth while toy o{ reamnablel reamn-ablel size, such as a boat, engine, motor-car, doll or -To'vmr -Toymaker a.nimal, or, in reasonablv correct proportions and colouring, a worth u'hile composite tgy such asl a Iarrnyarcl, juagle, ark with animals, cottage'

with Jurniture, or station, or rcco[dition twol rlurablc toys approved by the C.M. I

yeliora', and green.

Thumbstick. In place oI stafi. (For shoulder strafs, whi,ah are classed as badges oJ ranh. see Rille t38 (r).) 250. The Rovers of a L.A., rvhcn meeting together as in Rule 256, rnay, u'ith the approval of the D.C. a"nd L.A., wear a special scarf ; if an emblern is desired on a scarf, it must be approved in accordance with Rules 342-345,

(Note.-An arlicle presented Jor the Tuo Slat Test $) rnust nol be admitted Jor an.y fart oJ this badge.)

421. (r) I{rrow how to "

clean-up " and treat z graze. Group (z) Be able to drcss ;rncl bancJage a hand and a cut prr"" -First Aider :rnd put on a large irm sling correctly. (_3)



Uniform described

Scouters, except as provitled in suhsequent rules. wear uniform as for Scout, Sea Scout, or Air Scout, as the c:rse n.ray be, as described in Rules 283, 284, and 285, respectively; lrut with thc foUorving difiercttces:(r) Sea Scouters wear a blue pcaked cap u,itL black band (rvith rvhite cover from rst May to 3oth September). (z) Air Scouters rvear the Air Scout cap, but the


(3) :\ shoulder knot, if any, u,orn by a Scouter in accordance rvith Part VIII is of the colour .(4) appropriate to his rank as therein specified. lI rlesircd on appropriate octasiqns,-a khaki uniform coat or turric rvith l(haki shirt ar)(l collar, may be worn by any Scoutr:: except a Sea. Scouter, u.ho on such occa.sions may *'ear a blue serge double-breasted coat with horn buttons, u,ith whitc or blue sLilt and collar', or an Air Scriuter, who similarly may wear a. grey uniform coat or tunic with gre.r

shirt ancl collar. 58


Knou' the treatment for stopping bleeding

from the

991. AII

A.S. badge is of the colour appropriate to the rank of the Scouter as laid down in


-flemg| craJt

of the following tests:(r) Knit a useful article.

passed the Tenclerloot test anC made the Scout Promise) wears uniform as for Scout, Sea Scout, or Air Scout, as the casc may be, as described in Rulcs 283-285, but the sboulder knot rvill be



419. Must thread


28?. (i) A Rover Squire who




(4) I{now how to extinguish clothes that have carrght fire; and how to treat minor burns and scalds. (,s) Show summoning adult help.

that he understands the need {or

(6) Know the simple treatment for shock (not electric).

422. (r) Ile able to give clear and

concise dirc,--tions, rvell16,16up


distinctlv spoken, to a stranger askiDg his y/ay, I and do so politely and promptly -Guid; I (z) Know the rvhereabouts o{ t'he nearest police statiol or box, doctor, chemist, public tclephone, f "^ ---\ expressed and

\<-* / \ \ ,/

frre alarnt, raiirvay station, garage ancl hotel.

petr;i station,'motor

(3) Knorv how to cali for Fire, Police, Ambulance.

(4) In towns

: Know tbe number, if any, and

at least two piaces each wav on the route of the local trams up to a maximum of four routes.

buses or

In countrv: Knou. the route of the local bus or buses. 87

Rules 417-418

(S) With a urrilonn coat or tunic as permitted in (4), a green tie must, or u'ith arr ordinary

Group r -Gardener

iacket tnay, pe u't,rn instead o{ a scarf. t'd.

((;) Trousers, permissible.

(7) g






or still-life

group. three


(d) story by means of rnatch-stick figures in ' lllustrate anot less than {our pictures. a series of (a) l{ake .} sjmple greeting card of his own design using pencil, brush, perr or crayon. f) \aake a model in clay, py'ruma, or other plastic rnaterial {.Note.-T-he nahrral bent of the bo3, ts to ltc encun'aged, in euery 'o&y ; lhe spirit an.d intemtiort aJ tke uorh to count as rtuch as adhevence tt ocadtnua rules.\ 86


if entitlecl to it.

by Rule z9r.

996. 'lhe followin.g is the unifornr lor ladies :-Sooutmastcr's hat (four rlents). Anv one o{ the {ollorving in khaki, green, blue ().r grey :-


(r) Keep a sketch book for a period of

(. :, i '.' .i .. .,-. (i:,, { -r'"taff' :. 'Ttre follou'ing additionai tliffcr6nces appll' to the ranks Diflererrr:es 298. for certain ryecified:*(r) A11 S.l{.s(S.) .rnrl A.S.IIs. (S.) \year marocn shouldcr ranks. straps as for Senior Scouts as descritred in Rule 3r5 (r), and maroon garter tabs instead of green; and, instead oi a shoulder knot, rvear a shoulder patch as in Rule 286, but of the single colour appropriate to the rank of the Scouter as laid down in l'art VIII. (z) All D.R.S.Ls., R.S.L.s., and A.R.S.Ls., wear red garter tabs instead of green; and may, if they so desire, wear (except orr a uniform coat or tunic) the green shouldcr straps as described in Ilule 3r8 (t).

t t:!r ..,. ...j


or pencil, any animal or huma.n being he has lerndscape


carried on appropriate occasiorrs instead of

295. (i) All Commissioners, except as otherrvise specltiedlComrnisin this Rule, rvear uniform as for Scout as modi{ie<1 by Rule lgr.lsloners (ii) Comrnissioners {or special cluties appointecl unclcr l(ulcsl ror and rzg lor Sea Scouts or frir Air Scouts, u'ear unifonn asl for Sea Scout or Air Scout respectively as rnocli{red in bothl

(z) In addition do one of tlre {oilo*'ing:(a) I)raw from life or memory, in pen and ink



W4- Group Scouters, when not with or representing their Group, rnay wear the Gilwell scarf, if entitled to it.

(r) Must drarv, in the presence of the Examiner, with

([,) Draw from nature

A u.alking stick or tltumbstick may

(3) The spccial Giiwell scarf,

pencil, brush, pen or crayon an original illustration of any incident or character in a simple story (size not less than 7 by 5 inches).


td."""h", with stockings,

29& Scouters, other than Group Scouters, may u/ear any oI the Iollowing scarves :ir) The scarf of any Group to rvhich they belong. {z) A scarf of " Scout " green.

(6) Must grou' hro o{ the following :(a) A bulb in rvater, peat moss, sarrd, or soil. (b) A chestnut or acorn in water, sand, peat moss, or soil. ' (c) Mustard and cress, peas, or beans, on flannel. I 'Ihe test taken for the One Star Test (7) must not be taken for this badge. lagain


Bules 292-296




Coat, with or without belt of same niaterial, skirt and shirt of ttre sarne colour. Shirt or iersey, anrl skirt, with Scout belt. One-pir:ce Jroc]<

rvith Scout belt.

in ltules 293-'2{)+, or g,'rcr:n tie. L3rou,n, khaki or blrck stnckirrgs. I3rorvn or blar:k shoes. Shoulder badge, in tlrc case o[ (.]"ou]r Scouters,

Scarf, as


the Group, on rigirt shouicler or oo both, according to the custotn r'lf the Group ,9


Rules 296-301


County ancl other emblem, if, and as authorised under liules 3.12-345. Rejerance should be ttade to the pamphlet " Notes for I4'omen .\couters." obtainable.frorn


(rr) Have at least nine months' satisfactory servicc as 4L2. The Second Star mendation of tire C.\{.

.H.Q. Jrec of charge.

lrstit k. 'Plaln-eruercoat-er..-rnackintosh.f L.a,ny:rrd


NON-EXECUIIVE AND IIONORAR,Y RANKS. 298. Persons holding Non-executive or Honorary rank wear uniform as for Scouters, as dcscribed in liules 2gr-297. The scarf will be as in Rule 283 or 294 in the case of a person rvhose appointment is in connectiori r.r,i.th one particular Group, but otherwise as in Rule 293.



Eonorary ranks

OLD Olil



Guitles and Guirlers

Guide uni.fornr

Unilorm Scouters



2984. (i) Old Scouts wea.r uniforn as for Scouters as desr:ribed in llule z9l, ltut rvithout shoul<ler knot. | (ii) Ttt<rse rvlto hate bcr:n invested as Scnior Scout may rvear lmalot,n

g:r,rter t.rbs instead

badges. this

{.'l . . -, "."

Ilaversack or ruc-sac. I(ni{c.

oI green; and those as Rovers, reri.

GUIDES AND GUIDERS. Guide or llanger helping wrth a ['ack may be given permission by the Captarn o{ the Guide Company to wear Guide uniform, when so helping. 1'he badge described irr ll.ule zz5 $i) may also bc rvorn.

appropriate badges oI rank under Palt VIII.

301". (i) A Guider who is aiso a Scouter may wear her blue coat erncl skirt or overall with the appropriate hat, badge, and scarf or green tie, lor all Scout functions.

(ii) In tire

case o{ a warranted Guider, Guide unifor:m should

be worn at Guidc functions.

granted by the L.A. on the recom-


he can wear u'hile in the Pack, and rvhen he-goes

up into the Troop untii he has passed his Second Class lests. 'fhe Leaping \\'olf Badge rvill be u'orn on the rigirt breast above the pocket or in the corresponding position on a jersey. 414. The tu'elve special proficiency badges are divided into Grouping oI four groups, as Iollorvs :(r) Character. Colour o{ badge-blue.



Collector. Observer. Gardener. (z) Haodcra{t. Colour of badge--ve)1ow.

Artist. HomecraJt.'Ioymaker.

(3) Service. Colour of badge-red. First Aicler. Guide. House Orderly. of badge--green. (4) Physical l{ealth. Colour -Iearn

Plaver. Athlete. Su.immer. 415. Ilust make a collection of one group of

objects, neatly Group r arr;rnged, for a pcriod of, at least three and systenraticaily his collec-l co!!gc-; -Collector" something about hls months, and know somethlng

tion :rnd show an intclligent interest in it. 'lhel nature of the collectiol should be chosen by the

Cub. Suggestions are as Iollorvs: Stamps, postmarks, picture postcards, cigarette cards, fruit papers, match-box tops, crests, coins,

299" A

800. A Ranger or Cadet Ranger who is granted a warrant as a Scouter will wear uni{r:rm as in llules 296-297, u'ith the


418. A Leaping Wolf Baclge wiil be au'arded to a Wolf Cub Leaping who has gainerJ }iis Second Star artd tt-o special,proficiency Wolf Badge


to ca.rry whistle.



2S?. liire following articles .1rc optional for ladies:Stick or thu

Rules 411-416,


feathers, leaves or flou'ers. (For the purpose of

the last two, photographic or carbon reproductions may



Or, Must keep a scrapbook rJiary of events, etc., for a period

of at least three months.

416. (r) Have observed the appe:rrance, wherever possible Group r from life, and know sornething of the habits of either:(a) Six animals, or 1a) Six Uiras or be able to recognise {rom lile and name accurately, (c) Six Spring florn'ers or six Sumrner flow'ers, or six Autumn flowets, antl (d) Six trees. (z) Fincl his way to an unknown spot, not tnore than 3oo yards away, by follorving directions givcn to him bv the Ifxaminer (either compass directiuns, or signs made on the ground, or landmarks, or a combination of these). (3) Must be able to play Kim's Game, nine objects out of tweive. (It is preferable to select variations of this game u'hich are not used in the Troop.)




Bules 410-411

Twr, Star Cutr



410. The First Star is granted by the L.A. on the recommendation of the C.M. 411. Before arvartling the Second Sta,r, the C.lI. mrist satisfy


himself that the Cub ca.n repass his Tenderpad and Onc Star tests and pass the following tests:(r) Knou'the alphabet in Semaphore, alld be able to send and read simple worcls slolvly. I{ tlie Group Council, inchrding the Scoutnraster of

the Troop, approves, Nlorse may be used instead of Semaphore. (If Semaphore is chosen, small flags may be used if desired ; if Morse is chosen, flags should not be used.) N.B.-This Test should preferably be taken out-of-doors and over a distance of at least 5o yards. a compass to show a knowledgc o{ the eight principal

(z) Use


Ile able to tie the following knots and demonstrate their uses: C]ove-hitch and bor'line. (4) Understand the meaning oI thri{t in all things and be carr),ing it out in practice. (3)

(5) Procluce a satisfactory rnodel or article made entirely by himself in rvood, metal, cardboard, clay, plasticine

or similar substance; or an article linitterl or netted, rvoven or carvcd; or a set oI at least eight skctches

drawn by himscll in colours (chalk or paint) of National flags, or animals, or flowers, x.ith their names clearly


N{odels made in \{eccano or other partly constructed materials are not admissible.

Lay and light a fire indoors. Run or cycle with a verbal rnessage ol not less than fifteen words, go by a certa.ln route and deliver it correctlv. Be able to use the public telephone; or where telephones are non-existent know where and how to ask Ior assistance in an emergency (Ambularrce, Fire, Police). (7) Sl<ip with both feet together 15 times forwartl and 15 tirnes backward ; the Cub must turn tire rope himself. Walk a plank rz {eet by 6 inches, 3 feet to 3 {eet 6 inches zrbove the gr-ound. (8) Show holr'to clean and tie up a cut finger, cover a scald r:r burn. Understa,nd the danger of dirt in a scratch. Iinou, the simple trcatment for shock (not electric). Understand the necessity Jor summoning adult lrelp. (6)

(9) Observe 2161 point orit from life three birds (not domestic), three trees, and thlee other natural tlrings, the choice to be made by tlie Cub. (ro) Show that he still rcmembers the Highway Code as laid down for tiie First Star Tests and that he is helping other Cubs or other children to understand and obey. If the Cub owns or has the use of a cvcle he must be abie to look after it properly and unclerstand the meaning of paragraphs 6z to 75 o{ the Highway Cocle. 84

Rules 802-S00



802. (i) Ilany o{ t}re badges described in this l,art incor- Geueral poratc the \Alolf's head or the Arron'head and/or the u-ords property to " Boy Scouts," and are accordingiy protected, zrs in Rule u 3. be ietaine<l (ii) It is nrost desirable that, in orcler to be able to remor.c bv L.A, such badges on the resignation or dismissal oI any .5'rozl or Oicl Scout, the L.A. shoul<l retain thc property jn ihem, by not seliing thcm to aray Scout or Old Scout, but lenrling them to hinr during his ternure oI thc rank in question.



o{ r;rnk arc obta.ined from I.H.Q. :rnd issuecl g6q.

:-. obta.ined (r) For Scouts. By the L.A. Secretary (or an Assistant;;rnd issued Secretary appointed for the purpose by the L.A. andl commonly called the " Badge Secretary ") on thel recommendation of the Scoutruaster. (:) For Scouters and Non-executir-e and llonorarv ranl<s. By the Secretary (or Badge Secretary) of the"L.A. or County Secretary, as the case may be, I{e will only issue them after the warrant has treen granted by I.H.Q. or, in the case of Non-executive and Honorary

as follorvs

ranks, when the appointment has been made. (3) For Old Scouts. By the L.A. Secretary (or Badge!

s-ecretary) on the recommendation of the Secretary o{l the OId Scout Branch.

(i) Scr:uter-s and persons holding Non-cxecutive or (ic.cral -. 304. rank, l-lonorary rvho have made the Scout Promise in accordance U.a""oi", witlr Rules 6-7, wear, in uniform, the Arrowhead badee, as in ("^if""f' Rule 3r r lr).or alternativelv. whilst lrolding a warrant orl .t-,,.----appointment in connection u:irlt the Culr sectiun o[ the Nlove-l --' ment eflective {rom a date prior to rst JuIy, t94?, tlne Wotf'sl hea.d badge, as in llule 3o7 (r). (ii) Similarly they may wear, in ordinary clothes, the metal form o{ thesc baclges, a,s describeci in Rules 3rr (2) and 3o7 (2) respectivcly.

305. Any Scouter or person holcling Non-executive or IJonor:r.ry rank, irrespective of rank, rnay, i{ he <lesires, wear in ord.inary clothes, insteacl o{ the ba.dgc mentioned in l.lule ao,1 (ii), a stnall buttonhole Arrowhead badge il bronze or alternatrvely,

whilst holding a $,arrant or appointnrent in connection u'ithl the Cub section of the Movenrent efiective from a date prior tol rst July, rg+7, a bronze Wolf's head badge, both these badgesl being without the rvords " llov Scouts."

806. (i) I'ire badges

at the same time.

oJ trvo t'rr more ranks may


not be worrr o{ badges, etc.


Bules 806-811

(ii) The uniform and badges of u.arranted rank, being the sign of the Chief Scout's conlidence and trust, will be u'orn by a Scouter on all occasions when in uniform, irr preference to those of any other rank he may hold in the Llovernent. | 1iil1 No badge or part oI ttre uni{orm, in either case clistinctive lo{ Senior Scouts, may be worn by any Commissioner. (iv) No part of the Rover unilorm antl no Rover badges may be rvorn u,ith, or added to, the uniform of a Scouter, except that a Scouter (other than a Commissioner) t'ho is also a Rover may, if he so desire, wear at all times with lris uni{orm as a Scouter, except on a tunic, the green shoulder straps described in li.ule 3t8 (r). A person holding Non-executive ol Honorary rank who is aiso a liover may similarly wear [Jreen shouider straps.

408. Cub proficiency badges are worn on the right arm io Method of parallel rows betu'een the shoulder and the elbou', except as wear follows


The Cub Badge


400. ReIore aq,arding the First Star, the C.M. must satis{y One Star himself tirat the Cub can repass his Tenderpad tests and pass Cub the lollowing tests :-

(r) Know the composition of the Union Jack and the right way to fly it ; knorv in a simple forrn the stories of the Saihts of England, Scotland-and Ireland; recite thel 6rst and third verses of " God Save the I(ing," andl knou'what to do wben it is played or sung. (z) Be able to tie the following knots and demonstrate



their uses; Reef,

\r!'oll's below,

worn on the front of the cap and on the left breast of tlre jcrsey. (z) In ordinary clothes. A brass buttonhole


Senior Sixer

808. A

Second rvears badges as for Cub, ancl,



in uniform, one armlet o{ yeilow bra.id, half an inch rvide, above the lelt elbow.

800. A Sixer wears badges as fr'lr Cub, but :(r) In uniform. lle w'ears, in addition, two yeliow'armlets as described in Rule 3o8. (z) In ordinary clothes. A buttonhole badge similar to that described in Rule 3o7 O), but in rvhite metal.

things out in practice. (6) Be able to tell the time by the clock. (7) Must grow one of the Ioikrwing :(a) a bulb in rvater, peat moss, sand or soil;

310. A Senior Sixer wears badges as for a Sixer, but with

three yellow armlets.

:i *ll':::,,:' :"-



The Scout Baclge

811. A

Scout rvears the following badges:(r) In uni{orm. A cloth badge rvith an Arrow-

head and the words " Iloy Sr:olrts " below, 'worll orl the centre of the left-irand pocket

of the shirt or in the corresponding position on a jersey. (z) In ordinary ciothts. A brass buttonhole form of the same badge.


,. '


(3) Turn a somersault; Ieap-{rog over another Cub of the same size; hop (using each {oot for ha.lf the distance) round a figure-o{-eight course approximately z5 yards. Throw a bali six times (using either hand) so tliat a Cub ten yards away can catch it. Catch a ball, both hands together, thrown to him from a distance of ro yards four tirnes out of six. (a) Wa.Ik upright and witir good carriage, carrying a solid article weighing about two pounds on his head u'ithout using his hands, for a distance of ten yards; turn and come back to the starting point. A Cub cap may be rx'orn. Perlorm toe-touching and knee-bending exercises as shorvn in "'I'he Wolf Cub's Handbook." (-5) Know why and how he should keep his hands and feet clean, his nails clean and cut, and his teeth clean; and why breathe through his nose; and be carrying these

form o{ the same badge.


One Star is worn on the cap on the right of the Wolf's head badge.


80?. A Cub u'ears the follorving badges:(r) In uniform. A cloth badge with a head and the words " Boy Scouts "


head badge. (z) Two Star is worn on the cap on the left of the Wolf's

(v) A Scouter rvho holds rnore ttran one warranted rank u.ill wear the uniform and badges appropriate to the particular occasion, but vuhere this is not practicable, the uniform and badges of the senior rank rvill be worn.



Rules 408-409










;:: ;::J :::"":::

| I


(8) Clean a pair of boots or shoes, lold his clothes neatly and satisfy his C.M. that he is doing his best to keep the Pack Den tidy and to leave no litter anywhere. (9) Show that he understands the meaning of the Highwayl Code-paragraphs 2, 4, 5, 6 (to all road users), andl

paragraphs 9-zr inclusive (to all pedestrians). (ro) Have at least three months'satisfactory service as Cub. 83







812, A Second wears baclges as for a Scout, and, in addition, Secoad in uniform, one white braid vertical stripe, three inches long and half an inch rvide, on the right-hand side of the Arrowhead



818. .{. Patrol l-ea"der wears badges as for a Scout, but:- Patrol (r) In uniform. He wears, in addition, in front'oI the hat, [.eader a white metal Arrowhead badge and scroll (or in the




Method of obtaining



408. Proficiency baclges are obtaine<1 by L.A. Secretaries from I.H.Q. (Equipment Dept.) and issued by them to Scoulmoslevs on the recommendation o{ the Examiner, as laid dot'n in


subsequent rules.


Mettrod o{


Scouts " Such badges are

tests for these badges must, except s'here otherto the satislaction of an independcnt and qualilied Examiner appointed by the L.A. and I).C., under tRule 16o. Reference should be made to the pamphlet issued lby I.H.Q., " The Proficiency Badge Scheme."

Scouts are available on application to I.H.Q., through the D.C


491. Ihe general scheme of Cub proficiency badges is as f6llq$/e ;(r) Two general profrciency badges-One Star Cub and



SE}{IOB SCOUTS. Seaior Scouts Scout Senior Scout

ma-roon shoulder straps, with the Scout badge and the words " Senior Scouts " all in gold, and a bar with tire lettcr " S " on the Iront of

in RuIe 3rr (r),

tire hat. (z) ln prdin4ry cl-othqs.



,A,,s,jor !,, J,-.. f.. ..tt.tttr, Seconds(S.), Patrol Lcaders(S.), and

in Rulc arr


l'roop Leaders(S.),

wea,r badges as for the corresponding ranks oI Scouts as in Rules 3rz-314, except that in every case the stripes are maroon instead oI white, and that Patrol Leaders(S.), and Troop Leaders (S.), of Senior Sea Scouts wcar the Arrowhead on the cap ritrbon with the words " Senior Sea Scouts."

tests for ptrysicallv or :'oentally Handicapped


" and "

315. A Scnior Scout isears the {oliowing badges:(r) ln uniform. The cloth Arrowhead badge, as for

o{ its norma"l activities, the D.C. may, at bis discretion, authorise the Examiner to accept a certificate b1r t}l.e Scoutmaslzr in respect of certain specifed parts of such tests.

406. Alternative


and two white stripes, as in Rule 3r2, one on each side of tire Arrowhead badge. Air Scoul Patrol Leadcrs wear I the two wtrite stripes, and A.S. cap badge in white. I (e) In ordinary clothes. A buttonholc badge similar to

{05. (i) The

rvise specilied, be passed

(ii) Where in any particular case opportunity may occur in camp or on some other special occasion for doing the practical part of any of the tests for the badges which by reason of the L'ircumstances of the Group cannot be carried out in the course


of Sea Scout Patrol Leaders, an Arrou'head on cap

ribbon between the words "

that described in RuI: 3rr (z), but in white metal. 814. A Troop Leader rvears badges as for Patrol Leader 'Iroop but with a third u,hite stripe under the Arrowhead badge. Leader

404. l'Iost o{ these badges bear the words " Boy

though this is not shown in all the illustrations. accordingly protected as in Iiule 23.

Rules 812-818


Patrol Leaders(S.)

Troop Leaderc(S,)

CI'BS. General scheme

Cub--the tests {or rvhich are set out in Rules 4o9 and 4rr, respectively. (z) 'Iw-elve special proficiency badges for difierent subjects, the tests {or which are set out in Rules 44-425. A Cub is allowed to u,in and wear not more than two special proficiency badges a{ter he has gained the One Star badge and before gaining the Two Star badge. (3) The Leaping Wolf Badge, the conditions Ior which are flra,o Star

set out in Rule 4r3. (+) An-u- Cub who is sufficiently qualified may wear on the right breast an emblem simrlar to those worn by Scouts under the note to Rule 458 showing the language or Ianguages spoken. 8z


81?. (i) A Rover Squirc who has been a Scout (or has passed Rovers the 'l'enderfoot test and made the Scout Promise) lvears badges p.rr-.. as lor Scout as described in Rule 3rr. Squire ..\ (ii) A Rover Scluire who has been a Senior Scout rvears badgcs I . as {or Senior Scout as described in Rule 3r5. I Rover 818. A Rover rvears the follorving badges:('! (r) In uniform. The cloth Arrow-head ba<lge, as for Scout in ltule 3rr (r), green shoulder straps rvith Scout badge, with the letters " R.S." superimposed, and (except Sea; or Air Rovers, whose caps or hats bear distinguishingl lrrarks) a bar with " R.S." on the front of the hat. I (z) tn ordinary clothes. A white metal buttonhole


head badge re'ith the words

thc lcttcrs " R.S."

" Boy

superimposed. 63



" belov', and

Rules 819-822 Rover




Bl9. A Ilover N'Iate wears badges as Jor llover, and, in addition, in unilblm, a white metal Arror.l'head badge in {ront of the hat (or in the case of Rover Sea Scout l\Iates, ihe Arrowhead in addition to the rvords " liover Sea Scouts ") and two _red stripes, as in llule 3r7, one on eaoh side of the Arrorvhead lbadge. A Rover Air Scout Mate wears the two red stripes, and








820. (i) Scouters uear badges:Ls laid down in Itules 3o4-3o5. (ii) In addition, in unifolm, hat badges are \!-orn as laid dowrr in llules 321-322. (iii) Certain ranks also wear shoulder l<nots (or shoulcler patches) in uniform as larcl dowrr in ltule 3zz. 321. (i) IIat badges for Scouters (other than Sea Air Scouters) are oI four types:










staff u'ill not be carried. 398. \\'arrants {or Scor.rters, including A.C.Cs and A.D.Cs., Warrants rvill be issued on lines similar to those laid down in I'art IIL IoT Scouters



in 1lule jz:.

Scouts Association, nrembers o{ County Councrls,

members and associates


922. 'Ihe following are the tvpes and colour of hat


the coiour of shoulder knots (or shoulder patches) o{ the various 12n[s 164

of L.-\., and other

supporters of tire I'lovcrnent, may \\'ear a miniature badge, obtainable by County or L.A. Secretaries (or Badge Secretaries) from I.H.Q. (Equipment Dept.).

(iii) The rank ol an Air Scouter is shown by the coiour, as indicated in Rule 3zz, ol the A.S. badge t'orr on the cap. Details ol ranks



400. Persons rlho are not Scouters, hol<lers of Non-executive or }Tonorary rank, or Old Scouts, e.g., assor:iates of the Boy

Sea Scouters wear,

as indicated \,.1

IIANDICAPPED SCOUTS. (i) Handicapped Scoals are Sror/rs who are prevented by EanilieapBeil

physical or mental handicap from joining comp[etely in th-e activities o{ normal Scozls. Boys who are blind, crippled, deaf, epileptic, invalid, or mentally defective, may bccome Scouts in this Branch. (ii) Groups are formed in hospitals, institutions, colonies, special schools, etc., and come under the ordinary County anrl L.A. organisation. Individual handicapped boys living in their homes may become members of normal Groups if fit enough or have Scouting taken to them if necessary. (iii) Handicapped Scouts are expected to pass the normal tests except rvhere prevented from doing so by their disability, in which case they may rvith the approval of the D.C. take the alternative tests approved by I.H.Q. as set out in "'Ihe I'Iandbook of Handicapped Scouting," which explains more fully the organisatioo of this branch.


on tire ftont o{ the hat, special cloth badges of the colour appropriate to tho rank o{ the Scouter


L)eep Sea Scouts have a spccial badge, and may wear Uniform Scout or Sea Scout uniform with a special royal blue -scar{. A and badge

'Ihose oI type {J are worn on the front of the hat; those of tvpes SC, S and tri, on the le{t-hand sicle o{ the hat.


(ii) Full particulars rvill be found in the pamphlet " l)eep Sea ; Rules and C)rganisirtion," obtainable from I.l'1.Q.





rvho are Deep Sea members of the lloyal Navy, the \Ierchant Navv, tLe Fishing Scouts Il'leets, cre*.s of occan-going vaclrts or of Sea l'r:rining lrstablishmeltts. f'hev arc cnrollerl by I.l'1.Q. or by persons autlrorised by Enrolment I.ILQ. : applications I<;r enioln..cnt shouiri'be sent through som"e Scouter or person holding Non-executive or Honorary rank, to whom the applicant is personally knou,n.


@ Type


396. (i) I)eep Sea Scouts ancl Atlventurers are those

special cap badge.


Scouters Badges

Rules 896-402

401. 'fhe



possession of this badge does not oI itself constitute

of the Roy

Scouts Association.



Supporters! Barlge

Method of wear

894. (i) The Siiver Acorn is rvorn in uni{orm on a yellow ribbon on the right breast above the line 6f tire pocket. (ii) The Silver \Yolf is worn in uniform as an ordcr round the nech on a green anrl ],ellow ribbon. I (iii) A holcler of the N1edal of l{erit u-il1 n<,t continue to wear lrt iI ar.r'arded the Si]ver Acorn or Silr.er Wolf ; and the holder lof the Silver Acorn rvill not continue to s.ear it iI awardecl the lSilver





Bules 394-395


(See also Note

to Rrrle



Shoulder knot, colour. (* Shoulder patch.)



Type. .TDIiS



895. (i) Cloth emblems, with a design in vellow {or the Silver Acorn and in green and yellow Ior the Silver Wol{, are issued for u'ear in uniform on the right breast above the line of the pocket on occasions u'hen it is not convenient to wear the decoration itself.

| (ii) The provisiorrsof lof these awards.


Bules 822-821

Rule3q4 (iii) applyequallvtotheernblems

A.C.M. Y


R. R.

Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green



Green and

C. C.





A.s.M.(s.) s.M.(s.) A.R.S.L.



R"d Green



Red, yellow and green Red, yellow and green White

White SCOI]

I].C.M. D.S.M.

C. SC.





White White White

Red, yellow and green







Scouters.-Special hat badges in cloth, worn on front

of cap. Air Scouters.-Rank indicated by colour of A.S. badge on cap.


32S. (i) Non-executive ranks wear


badges as Iaid down


(ii) No othcr badges lnay bc worn by any of these ran


other tiran County Sccretary and {-.A. Secretary who, in uniform also rvear hat badges in accordance u.ith Rule 32.1


ralrks Badse-"



394. (i) A County Set:retary, in uniform, wears in addition County to the badgc provided by Rule 323 (i), a hat badge of typc SC. Secretary with biue and black Plume. and L.A. (ii) A L.A.

Secretary similarly wears a hat badge oI type SC'

with red and black Plume. 8o




Rules 8€5a3g6A




Badges worn

890. (i) Ali'ards for spe<:ially good rvorl< for the Movement Awarits are made to Scouters and persons holding Non-executive or for Ggoal

845. (i) Honorary ranks wear on the left brezrst when iu unilorm a cloth and silver badge of a type and colour appropriate

Eonorary. ran!6


/mi\ ffi^\ i::$ss"fu{;fi#ii#1tr @/


".,1"),*i:I:lll:'r:rvearbacrges v OLD


Scouts 825e. An Old Scout may .wear, in uniform or ordinary in RuIe 3rr ; Badses clothes, the OId Scout badge, or badges a;;asIorinScout Rule 3I5i oE, i1 *ori liI previously a Senior Scout,asbadges in Rule 3t8. lpreviously i Rover, badges


Bules 390-399

, ,)

Honorary rank at the discretion of I.H.{)., on the recomrnenda- Sclviceg tion of the L.A. or its Chairman, the D.C. and C.C., applica.tion Application being made on Form I. ari<i issue (ii) In the case of an application Ior an au'ard to a Comrnis-l sioner. the recommendation will be made by the C.C. onlr', rvhol will however, consult the D.C. concerned liefore .ecomrrrLiOi"gl

an A.D.C. I (iii) The applicatiorr must contain a fu1l statement of the work and rnust show, unless the case is an exceptional one, service ofoutstanding character in one of th.e categories mentioned

in paragraph (i) for"at least thc p".ioO rp""indd in Itule S91. One of the Iollorvirrg


au,arcrs may be granted according Grades

to the circumstances of the case:(r) 1\{eclal of Merit. Green ribbon.


least seven ycars' service.

(z) Rar. A Rar t-o the i\{edal of Merit may be awarded for not less than five years' additional service oI similar charicter. (31 t.cttcr


of :-

of Ccrmmeutlation.

I Method -. of $.ear, etc.

The conditions relating to the l\,Iedal of Merit in respect

(r) Method of


(z) Cloth Emblem, but with design in (3) Certificate of Award,


are the same as set out in Rules 387-389.

woLF. llilver Acora trIolI - Silver 893. (i) The Silver Acorn is au award C,onditions



a'r ' ..1

for specially distinguished services. of grant (ii) 'l'he Silver \\'olI is an arvarrl {or ser\ ices of tlre illost exccptional clraracter, arrtl willl be in tlrc uurestrictcd gift of tlre Chiet Scout. I (iii) 'l'hcy are only granted at tlrc tliscrction of thc Chief Scout, but C.C.s and Oversea

Chief Scouts rnay submit recotlmenriations to I.I-I.Q. on Form I. I (iv) A Ust is ptrblishcd in " f'he Scouter,,

in connection u,ittr St. George,s Day each year. Ilecommendations as zrbove "shoulrl be submitted so as to reach I.II.e. not later than the end of December. 66


Bulcs 881-889 Grades





awards are granted :--I3ronze Cross. Red ribbon.

881. The foilowing


The highest possibie award for gallantry, granted only for special heroism or extraordinary risk. (z) Silver Cross. Blue ribbon. Iror gallantry with considerable risk' (3) Gilt Cross. Blue and red vertical ribbon. Iior gailantry lvith moderate risk. (4) Bar. Bars to the atrove Crosses m:rv be granted Ior additional acts of gailantrY. (5) Letter oI Commendation. In cases u'hich do not justily the a.rva.rd of a Cross or Bar.

lilethod of wear

Cloth emblems C,ertificates


Crosses are worn

in uniform on the right breast




rl p , f,

the line of the pocket, except where awarcled to a Group jointly, be pinned to the Group flag.


Awards lor meritorious conduct are applied for, and are issued to, the same classes of persons, and in the same manner, as laid down for Awards for Gallantry in Rule 38o, application being made on Form K.

swim 5o yards in shurt, shorts, and stockings, and that those lorming part o{ the crerv of a sailing-boat knour how to handle an oar. {z) He must hirnsell be able to swim to at least the same extent, and wherever the conditions are such as not to render the requirement unreasonable, must have pra,ctical knowledge of the methods of rescue Irom drowning. (3) In addition, the boat, if sailing, must be iu the charge oI an experienced person.

AWAR,DS FOB UERITORIOUS CONDUCT. Ueritorious Applicatioo and issue Grades

and bugle practice inust not be Lariied out in r:pen places within 6oo yards ol houses. (ii) I3ands are not permitted {or Cubs.

82?. No Scoutcr or other pcrson in charge {or the tirne Bogtins being may permit Scouts or Senibr Scouts to take part in boating I aoil ot ai'y tiir,i (whether recreation or training) exceit aJter carefu-l'Bathing consideration of all the circumstances and subject to the Generally following conditions :(r) He must be satisfied ttrat all those taking part can

Certificates of Award are issued to accompany all Crosses

Awarils tor


886. One of the following av/ards may be granted according to the circumstances oI the case:(r) Nledal {or }Ieritorious Conduct. Ribbon, g;reen, with vertical red stripe. (z) ' Bar. Bars to thc X{edal Ior }Ieritorious

(4) The above requirr:ments may be relaxed at the discretion

of the Scouter or other person in char:ge in inland waters where it is knot'n that there is no danger and that the deptir of the watcr nou.here exceeds three and a half Ieet

conduct may be awarded for further meri-

torious conduct.

(3) Certificate of Meritorious C,onduct. (4) I-etter <,f Commendation.

Method oI wear

the Group flag.

Cloth emblems

Certificate of Award

828. The {oilowing rules apply in the case of any form of Special boating undertaken as part o{ the training of any Scouts, provisir:us Senior Scouts 61 f{6vs1s ;I relatinq to (l)

38?. 'fhe

Medal for l{eritorious Conduct is worn in uniform on the right breast abovc the linc oI the pocket, except where granted t-o a Group jointlv, in wlrich case it may be pinned to

388. A cloth emblem with the design in green and red is issued with the Medal for wear in uniforrn in the same position on occasions whcn it is not convenieitt to wear the Medal itself. 389. A Certifcate

of Award is issued to accompany the MeCal

or Bar.




883. Cloth emblems, v'ith design of the colour of the ribbon, are issued with Crosses for wear in uniform in the same position on occasions when it is not convcnient to wear the Cross itself. and Ilars.


926. (i) Bands, r'here such exist, rnust be so conducted as to avoid nuisance to the public and, in particular, must rrot play when passing churches, frospitals, or ariy house where illneis'ii known to be. They must Dot play after 9 p.m. in the streets,

in which case the Cross ma1,

of Award

Rules 396-328


The Sea Scout Committec oI the I-.A. must satisfy itself traming that the corrditions of llule 327 are strictiy complied

with, {or r'}ric}r purpose it may require arv


concerned (except as provided bekrw) to pass a test in any appropriate requirernents uncler the ruie to the satis{action of the Examiner a.ppointe<l for the purpose. {z) Ihe SezL Scout Comrnittee shall, horvever", lot rcquire


a Scouter or Jnstructor to undergo examination in1 swimming or rescue work if they are satisfied with al written statement c{ his ability to comply with therequirements of RuIe 327(z).


Bules 828-332



(-j) No boat may be taken over or used for training unless covered by a " I3oat Certificate " valid for the current year issucd by the Sea Scout Commrttee concerned on the recommendation of the Exarniner appointecl for the

3?8. (i) Subject to Rule 372, tbe 'l'hanks Iiaclge rnay be Conditions given by any Scout or Scoutcr, providecl he first obtains the approval of the L.A. or D.C., to any person u'ho ,ffi d,oes a Scoul a good turn. (ii) I{ the person to whom the badge is to be



(4) No boert may be used for training unless it corr.rplies in all respects *'ith the locaI Sca Scout bye-1aws approved under Rule 146 (iii) anrl is irr charge of a person holding ii " Charge Ccrtilicate " issued bv the Sea Scout Comnittee conccrned. The Certificate is issued on the recommendatior: <>f zrn lixaminer appointed for the purpose, or in special cases of a person otheru'ise authorised by such Clommrttee. i-5) Iixaminers for any of the pulposes of this rule must be nominarted by tire Sea Scout Committee conoerned

is connected u,ith the l'lovernent in another I-.A., the approva.I of th:rt L.A. or D.C. must also be first obtainecl.


374. 'l'he holding of this



8?5. The Thanks Badge is intenrlerl for rvear clothes ancl rnust not be ll'orn with uni{orm.



3?6. (i)

Senior Scout shall be allowed to bathe under the personal supervision o{ the Scouter in charge of the party or some responsible adult apoointed by him for rhe purpose. The safety of the place must have been previously ascertained and all reasonable precautions must be taken,


3?9. The badge is worn in uniform on tire right breast abovc the line of the pocket. The holder may oontinue to u.ear it after he has attained the age o{ r8. AWARDS FOR GALLANTBY.

880. Rovcrs rlust exercise zl11 reasonable precautions in both boatirg an<1 bathing, and u'1tere a number of llovers are bathing together tire above precautions rnust be taken.


881. Cubs may boat or bathe, subject to the precautions set out above in Rules 32? ar,d 329.

01 -I.H Q.


rnission oI their D.C. Oni-v

rnay camp rvithout the prer.ious per-

in erceptional circumstarces, and with the


consent o{ the D.C., may Cubs be allowed to camp with Scouts. 6s

Awortle for


Scouts, Scouters, persons holding Non-executive Gallantry and Honorary ranks, and Old Scouts, and alio to Groups in

, application being

made on }iorm FI


Scouteys (tve vecontnrcnded, to read " Cantfing Standards," price 4tl. from I.H.Q. (L.quipment Dept.). C.Ms, are also recotnntended to read " Campi,ng lo" Cubs," price tl- Jrotn I.H.Q. (Lqwipment Dept.).


or gallantry.

3?8. The form of application (Forrn .J.) rvhich gives luller details may be obtained on application to I.ll.e.

bathiug in properly super-


332. (i) No


377. This arvard is granted tinly to.Scozl.s under the age o{ 18 who have an outstanding record of service and efhciency.

or can exist,




great Basis of award (ii) A Ccftificate may be issued where the required standard for the badge is not attained.

vised su,imming baths. The precautions set out in this rule may also be modilied to a reasonable extent rvhere the Scouter in charge has previously ascertained beyond any doubt that the rvhole o{ the w'ater is shallow, and that no possible danger exists



Nlethocl oi

Soout " Badge is an exccptional " Cornwell arvard in respect of pre-eminently high character Scout "

" Cornrvell

courage, endurance

lLi{e-saver or Rescuer baclge, must be on cluty (unilressed) with great coats on, in a boat or on shore as the circumstances may demand, ready to help any boy in distress. 'fhe picket itsell rnay not bathe untrl the other boys have left the water.

not apply


in ordin:rry


and devotion to duty, togcther rvith

including the provision of a lile line. r (ij) A picket o{ trvo good swimmers, prcferably those rvittr


not con{er mernbership

of the

ae9. (i) No Scout or I'except

(iii) This rule

b:Lrlge clocrs


and appror.ed by the I-.A. aud D.C.


Eules 8?3.880


(ii) In thc casc of an applicetiorr [or an award to a ( ommissioner, the rccommendation rvitl be madc by.the C.C. only. (iii) Applications n)ust incorporate a fuII account of the occurrence, with the evidence of eye-witnesses, wherever possible.

(iv) The application must not speci{y any

grade of award.

(The holder of a Metlal ,:f ilIerit utaat,dcd, in the early years of1 thc Mouenent jor an act 6t- gallanlrl, ntay abbly fut ,iriurs, o'fl t\L,y;{:i of alerl Jor the approbriati giiai ;'1 inctirl





Bulee 367-8?2

388. \\ihen Scoals

36?. (i) -l'hc rtckuntng of servjce for tlre purposc oI Scrvice rtro ina the application oi thc above rult's gcnerally arc not recognise<l foreign Associations mary be


(iii) Senice with the Girl Gui<1es Association may be counted' liw) \Vherc bv reason of thc war a Scout or Scouter relnoved be t.'^..t^." in riihich there u'as no Group to u'hicir ire could stars any period .ttr.ir"a,lr" tft.ll bu entitlctl to oount for ServrceScouting provicled i,r.]"?*i.ri"f, rrc u'as thus debarrecl {rom activo it^i',?,,.iirt."ch titne he naintainecl his interest, e g', by joinlng ."itr,"rr'.iirri: any Group tlrat subscqucntly botitmc availablc as t; i,il or, l.iiling tlrat, by retttrnirrg to his original (iroup soon as cricumstinces perinitteci' A"ny question arising out.o{

334. Parties of Scouts, Senior Scouts or Itovers trekking orl Perrnitshiking through one or more Counties should give similar notice,' hiking stating approximate dates. If Scouts or Rovers intend to visit a site frequently at week.ends, a general notice sbould be given at the beginning of the



clistrict in rn'hich ;;;i; ;;;;" shall be <leiiclecl bv the Lr'C' of theproperly made' ifr"--.ppfi""ti.n lor recognititin of service is

Wootl Conditions of award

337. Short-camp permit ca,rds rvhiclt are issued ireo to

D.Cs. :r.re only ar,;ri1able {or camps ol not more than trvo uiglrts' cluration, but D.Cs. ca.n authcrrise their use at Ijaster, Whitsun, an<1

to G.S.Nls. of Groups oI whosc c:rrrlping capabilitics they are cornplctely satished and Ci.S.X{s. must use the same discretion in iisuing the cards to Patrol Leaders. 'I'he D.C. is not relicvcd of his rcsponsibility as to these camps" A Rover or Senior Soout liilie permit card can be usetl in thel sanle wav,

338. (i) .scozfs proposing to camp or travel abrold ill unitonn Forcign must llrst obtain the sanction of I.H.C). ; the application must ,'1011t be accornpanie<i by a recommcndation {rom the D.C. (ii) Sanction rvill not be given to Cubs to catlrp abroad or, save in exceptional ciroumstances, to travel abroarl. (iii) Tnvitations to {orcign Scottts to visit or camp in the


(ii) The \Vood Iladge worn by D'!'Cs-' and Ak Ls' is similar but with the aciditiorr of two extra beads'

Method of wear

3?0. The Wood


THANKS BADGE. Thanks Batlge

Description Scope

T'Jritish Isles must

from I.H.Q.

Badge is u'orn in uniform on a leather boot-

Iace round the neck.

of an. Arrowhead set in a {rlrntc bearing thc wurds " Thanks Badge"' S?2. It is primariiv intendecl for presentation to those who B?1. The Thanks

Ba<lge is cornposed

rre n.:t active Scouts or Scouters. 7('

August B;rnk l{oiidaps for foul nights. I).Cs. rnust only

issue thesc cards

369. (i) 1'he Wood Badge cunsists o.f farsimiles of fwo oJ ti,e-f,Laas'forming the neciilacc' origilally belorging t9 C-higf Dinizulu rvhich was captured by thJ Founder during the Zulu

. tiii) l he \Vootl Badse rvorn by Assistant lJ'C'Cs and is similar but with only one extra bead' lei.li. I

case, the n:rme and a<Idress oI the Countv NotilicaSecretary are not knorvn, th.e D.C. can adrlress the notice:- tion-adrlressing The County Secret:lry {or .,..................., Imperial Headquarters, rvhence it will bc foru.arded by the next post.

P.C. is impossible, appropriate permit car<ls can be used, and these cards can bc obtaittcd {ree by D.Cs- from. I.H.Q.

js arralded to Scouters and persons .-l 368. (i) 't'he \\'ood ltadge r].rii;"nu \r,iexecrtit t' or Iotrorary rlttk tr lto oumplcte satisof training {actolilv the respective courses 'I'rainingof \\\t outlinctl in the panrphlct " Thc h Scr,utcrs"'in whicL are contalined full particulars t. tlr" condrtions governing the issue o{ the ". badge.

(ii) 'l'he \\'ood Badge rcntains tltc property o{ I.lt.Q. itnd must bc sitrrendcrcd on demand Description


335. If, in any

336. To facilitate the holding of rveek-entl Patr(,l cilmps' l'e,,it ald the arranging o{ treks and hikes, when the use of liorfil .116"



District, Notifica-

at least zr days' notiCe of the summer camp, or 14 days' notice tion o{ other camps nust be given (ltorm P.C. being used) b-v the Scouter in chzr,rge to his D.C., u'ho will inlorm the Secretary of the County to be visited, who, in turn, will inform the D.C. concerned. The D.C. of any l)istrict in. rvhich a camp takes place has control unclcr Rule r2-5 (9).

affectecl by anY transfer.

(ii) Service rvith

propose to camp outside their own

Bules 8i|8-8dl



not be issued until sanction has been obtained

339. iinough sleeping b;rgs or blankets ntust be provicled enzLble each .Scozl

340. 341.


to rnake up a separate berl.

Camp ra,idirrg is strictly prohibited.


The following rules, additiorial to those in Rules 332-333, Cubs 335 and 338-340, apply in tite casc oI czirnps for Cubs:(r) Somc fr:rm o{ cleatt, pcrmancnt shelter, or a w-eat}rer. proo{ marquee, 1a.rge ctroug}t to accornmorlate all the Cubs in camp in case of rvet weather, must i;e available. 69

Bules &41-845



(z) In normal circumstances there should be at least one adult for every six Cubs in camp. In no circumstances should a camp be held with less than two adults. (:) A C.M. or A.C.NI. who has not previously been in

SEBYISE sTARS. Service stars are of one type onlv in metal or cloth, but after the first bear figures lrom z upl'r'ards to indicate tire number of years' sen ice. (ii) They are made rvith yellow, green, maroon,l or red cloth background to indicate Cub, Scout, Senior Scout, or Rover, service, respectively. I (iii) They are worn with khaki or blue background b,v Scouters and persons holding Nonexecutrve or Honorary rank.

859. (i)

charge ol a Cub camp or whcise camp has been the subject

of an unsatisfactory r:eport must obtain the preliminary

permission of the D.C. at ieast three months before the

proposed date of the carnp ald before any intimation of the camp has been given either to Cubs or parents. The D.C. in any such case nrust not give permissiou unless

he is satisfied that the C.M. or A.C.l\t. has acquired the necessary knorvledge and experience by haviog taken

part ior not lcss than thlee days in a well-run Scouts


Approval required Types approved


O1d Scouts camping

Rules 332-34o.

require to be changed on the completion of each year's service so as to shorv the correct figure. 862, A Scout t'ho has previously been a Cub r,l,ill continue previous to wear a star with yellow backgrouncl and appropriate figure shorving his total serv.ice as a Cub, in adclition to the star with "".r;"u-* 6"5--- -" green background showing his Scout service. 868. (i) A Senior Scout will continue to wear a star withl previous yellow background sho.wing any Cub service and a star rvith'service m green background showing any Scout service, in addition to the 6o6. 566sg. star with maroon background shorving his Senior Scout service.l or Seni,or (ii) Similarly, a Rover will cootinue to wear single sta"rs each- Scout with background oI appropriate colour showing any Cub, Scout,l or Senior Scout, service.

348. The lollowing rnay be approved:(r) National. In special cases.

(5) Rover. To be worn on spectal scarves under RuIe z9o. 844. Approval will only be given subject to the following

:(r) Application must be submitted through the normal channels of communication and not direct to I.H.Q.


(z) A drawing or specimen of the design (which wili not be returned) must be submitted, together with a statement of the approval of the C.C. (3) In tire case of Rover emblems and Group emblems tbe approval ol the L.A. and D.C. is also necessaqr. (a) The design must be emblematic in character, e.9., lhe title of a Group or the nar-ne or initials of an individual are not admissible. (5) 'Ihe design must not exceed two inches in length or

864. (i) The wearing of a Service sta.r by a Scouter, a person Scouters, holding Non-executive or Flonorary rank, or an Old Scout, is etc.


(ii) If such a person desires to wear a Service star, he must wear ore star only shorving his *'hole period of service, both as

Scouter, or such other rank, and as Scozrl. This star lvill be worn with a background of khaki or blue as prefcrred, and will require to be changed each year to shorv the appropriate figure. Special lorms oI Service star without background mayt -be(iii) worn Ior z5 y-ears' or more service.



(6) A specimen of the cmblem when made rnust be sent to I.H.Q. for recorcl.

Method of wear

emblem, when apprr:ved, must be rvorn in one o{ the {ollorving places, as dec:ided by the Comrnissioner concerned(r) on the shoulder, (z) on the right breast, (3) on the point of the scarf, hy all members of the unit for which it is approved.

345. An


Description and background

It will have a background of the appropriate colour and will

EMBLEMS. 342. No emblem may be worn on uniform unless it has been approved by f.H.Q. in accordance with the following rules.

(4) Group.

of approval


461.. A Scout wears one star only to indicate his length o1 Scouts service in that Section of the Group in which he is still serving.

irl uniform must comply with

(z) County. {s) L.A. Conditions


860. Service stars are worn on the ]eft breast immediatelv above the pocket, or u.ith jerseys, in a simiiar position.




Bules 85S360


865. (i) Service of more than one kind, performed at the Method oI

same tirne, may only be r:ounted {or one star or bacl<gronnd. reckoning (ii) Service is reckoned, in the case of Sccuts, fron-r the date of investiture: in the casc of Scouters, from the comnrencement oI tlie prohationary period: and other raruks, from the <late o{


866. \Arhere a vear's servicc is composed oJ clillerent lrinrls of service, not pei{ormed at tht same' time, but for dii{ercnt

p,eriods, that service which is performed for the longest period shall be reckoned as a cornplete year's sen'ice {or the puryose o{ Service stars. 75


Bules 8{S-858





of the following :- National flag. On trand, the Union Flag, cornmonlY (r) ' The called the Union Jack; at sea, the Red Ensign. fl-ags. Flags oI any colour and design, be:rring, \z) ' ' Scout if desired, tine Scout badge and the name oI the Clroup'

&46. Scouls can


DESOBATIONS AUTIIORIfIED. badge, cord, chevron, or other decoration may be worn on Scoal unifonn, except:-

358. No

(r) .

Those described elsewhere






" Lorvering


850, (i) Parties of Sccrzls

on the rnarch must have responsible


Precautions trafhc pickets at the head and rear. (ii) Such pickets at night must shorv a udrite light in front and a red light to the rear.

(6) arnrlets of the St. -lohn Arnbulance Association, ' ' The St. John Arnbulance Hrigadc, arrd St. Andreu's Ambulanie Association. \A'ortion thc le{t arm whilst serving


351. llourning {or all rnembcrs of the Associatlon irl uriifortn

with either body respectively.

(Z) A"y badge issued under the auttroritl'o{ a Secretary {"1 "' o{ State lor *'orh on rnunitions, service as a special constable or othenvise. \A/orn n'here authorised by the Secretary of State. The Admiralty baclge is worn on the right breast by members (other than Cubs) of




Presidents of Republics. (ii) Such flags wiil not be lowerecl during the playing. o{ the Nati'onat Anth"ern unless one of the persons mentioncd in (i) is present. (iii) Scout flags r:nly will be lorvered to the Chief Scout.

(s) life-saving medals of the Order of St. John and '- The of the Royal Hurnane Society ; the Special Service Cross of the British liecl Cross Society' Worn on the right breast above the iine of the pocket.

(g)' Badges of recognised I'emperance Societies. \Arorn on the iight brcast abovc the line oI the pocket.



849. (i) The flags described in Rule 346 (r) and (z) w'iil be I(ing or the Queen, members o{ thc Royal Famill' cntitled to the pitix " Royal Highness, " representatives of His Nlajesty in dorninions an,l Cc,looi.t, foreign )llonarchs and

Arnbulance Association and the St. Anrirew (a) - The St. JohnAssociation proficiency badges (Junior and Ambulance Senior); British lted Cross Society Junior :rnd Senior proficiency badges; Royal Life-Saving Society Junior and Senioi badges. YVorn on the right arm (in tho centre amongst any special proficiency badges).

(S) rnembcrship badge o{ the Scouts'.Iirienrlly Society. ' The Worn on the right breast above the line of the pocket.


lorvcrecl to the

decorations con{errcd by foreign Scnut Associa-

Sea Scout Groups.

8{18. When large flags are carried, the flag-pole should be Method of either sloped over-the right shoulder, the flag gathered in, or, carrying when maiching past, held vertical in the carrier, the flag flying obtsinable Jrorn

(3) - Itibbons o{ decorations conferred by foreign Govern-

Admiralty recognised


ReJerence should be m.ade to the leaJlel

" Remecrbrance Day " Memorial Service, when such medals may be worn. :

Types sanctioned

84.7. II flags are cledicated thcy must be treated rvith tlte Dedicatiou greatest rerer6nce at all tirnes-I<.rr itrstance, it would not be iorrect to {ly a <ledicaied Union Irlag orr a flagstafi in camp, or to move it uncased without an escort. Groups are advised to consider this carefully be{ore undertaking the c}rarge of dedir:ated


(z) Ribbons of the following : I{ing's medals, u'ar medals, decorations and orders, except when attending a

ments tions.


(3) Patrol flags.

DECORATIONS AND AWARDS. Decoratious authoriseil

use any

is a two-inch black crepc band rvor-n round thc ie{t elrtr above





352. Salutes are given on the follot'ing occasions:-* (r) As a greeting. Scottls, Scouters, pcrsons liolding NonexecuiiYe or Honorarv ranh. and C)ld Sc<iut_s, meeting for the hrst time in the da-v, salute each other. The first to see the otirer should be thc first to salute, irrespective oI rank. Scozzls and Guides saltte each othcr when in uniform-


Salutes Occasions

&ules 852-858



(z) {_s a token of respect. At the hoisting of the National Irlag, at the piaying o{ the National Anlhem, to uncased colours, to Scout flags other than Patrol flags, and to

SIIOOTING. mernbers of their Groups to Shooting practise rifle shooting or shoot matches except on an ofhcially Precautions approved range, and no shooting must ever take place except under the superintendence oI ;t competent adult u'ho will be responsible that the range rules are strictly adhered to.

854. G.S.Ms. must not allow


(3) During the rnaking or re-aftirming ol tine Scout Promise. In this case all Cubs present salute as in RuIe 353 (r), and all other ranks give the Scout Sign as in Rule 3j3 (5), even if in church or on any parade. Ill.ethods

858. The followirrg are the methods of saluting :-(r) Cubs salute as in liigure r. {z) All other ranks, except as in paragraph (f), sillute as in Figure z, passing a stick or thumnstici< into the left hand.

(3) Scouts, when carrying staves, salute as

in Figures


and 4. {a) If the harrds are occupied, the saiute is by turning tire head and eyes to the right or left, as the case may tre.

Bules 854-857

855. Under the Firearms Act, r9zo, application must

made by the person responsible

be Firearms

the chie{ offrcer of police of Certificate the district {or a Filearms Certiiicate in respcct of all rlfles and ammunition.




or Old Scouts in unilorm are not aliowed to fheatres ?ppear on the stages of theatres or music halls in public per- Appearance formances othcr than theil own lr.ithout the permission o{ LH-.Q., of Scouts given through the D.C. 856.



857. A Pack is entitled to carry a Totem

Fig. r

Fig. z

Fig. :


(5) Ihe Scout Sign ({or use only in cases under Rule is given by raising the


352 (3))

right hand level with the shouldei,

palrn to the {ront and fingers as in Figure z, but Scouts carrying staves use the lcft Sign is not used by Cubs.

hand. The Scout

(6) The above salutes are used irrespective of whether the head is bare or covered. (7) In church, the saiute is always by standing at the alert, except as in Rulc 352 (3). (8) On ail parades, other than in church, th.e leader calls t}:,e Scouts to the alert and he alone salutes except as

in Rule

tl th

.3.52 (3).



Iotem Poles

&ules 852-858



(z) {_s a token of respect. At the hoisting of the National Irlag, at the piaying o{ the National Anlhem, to uncased colours, to Scout flags other than Patrol flags, and to

SIIOOTING. mernbers of their Groups to Shooting practise rifle shooting or shoot matches except on an ofhcially Precautions approved range, and no shooting must ever take place except under the superintendence oI ;t competent adult u'ho will be responsible that the range rules are strictly adhered to.

854. G.S.Ms. must not allow


(3) During the rnaking or re-aftirming ol tine Scout Promise. In this case all Cubs present salute as in RuIe 353 (r), and all other ranks give the Scout Sign as in Rule 3j3 (5), even if in church or on any parade. Ill.ethods

858. The followirrg are the methods of saluting :-(r) Cubs salute as in liigure r. {z) All other ranks, except as in paragraph (f), sillute as in Figure z, passing a stick or thumnstici< into the left hand.

(3) Scouts, when carrying staves, salute as

in Figures


and 4. {a) If the harrds are occupied, the saiute is by turning tire head and eyes to the right or left, as the case may tre.

Bules 854-857

855. Under the Firearms Act, r9zo, application must

made by the person responsible

be Firearms

the chie{ offrcer of police of Certificate the district {or a Filearms Certiiicate in respcct of all rlfles and ammunition.




or Old Scouts in unilorm are not aliowed to fheatres ?ppear on the stages of theatres or music halls in public per- Appearance formances othcr than theil own lr.ithout the permission o{ LH-.Q., of Scouts given through the D.C. 856.



857. A Pack is entitled to carry a Totem

Fig. r

Fig. z

Fig. :


(5) Ihe Scout Sign ({or use only in cases under Rule is given by raising the


352 (3))

right hand level with the shouldei,

palrn to the {ront and fingers as in Figure z, but Scouts carrying staves use the lcft Sign is not used by Cubs.

hand. The Scout

(6) The above salutes are used irrespective of whether the head is bare or covered. (7) In church, the saiute is always by standing at the alert, except as in Rulc 352 (3). (8) On ail parades, other than in church, th.e leader calls t}:,e Scouts to the alert and he alone salutes except as

in Rule

tl th

.3.52 (3).



Iotem Poles


Bules 8{S-858





of the following :- National flag. On trand, the Union Flag, cornmonlY (r) ' The called the Union Jack; at sea, the Red Ensign. fl-ags. Flags oI any colour and design, be:rring, \z) ' ' Scout if desired, tine Scout badge and the name oI the Clroup'

&46. Scouls can


DESOBATIONS AUTIIORIfIED. badge, cord, chevron, or other decoration may be worn on Scoal unifonn, except:-

358. No

(r) .

Those described elsewhere






" Lorvering


850, (i) Parties of Sccrzls

on the rnarch must have responsible


Precautions trafhc pickets at the head and rear. (ii) Such pickets at night must shorv a udrite light in front and a red light to the rear.

(6) arnrlets of the St. -lohn Arnbulance Association, ' ' The St. John Arnbulance Hrigadc, arrd St. Andreu's Ambulanie Association. \A'ortion thc le{t arm whilst serving


351. llourning {or all rnembcrs of the Associatlon irl uriifortn

with either body respectively.

(Z) A"y badge issued under the auttroritl'o{ a Secretary {"1 "' o{ State lor *'orh on rnunitions, service as a special constable or othenvise. \A/orn n'here authorised by the Secretary of State. The Admiralty baclge is worn on the right breast by members (other than Cubs) of




Presidents of Republics. (ii) Such flags wiil not be lowerecl during the playing. o{ the Nati'onat Anth"ern unless one of the persons mentioncd in (i) is present. (iii) Scout flags r:nly will be lorvered to the Chief Scout.

(s) life-saving medals of the Order of St. John and '- The of the Royal Hurnane Society ; the Special Service Cross of the British liecl Cross Society' Worn on the right breast above the iine of the pocket.

(g)' Badges of recognised I'emperance Societies. \Arorn on the iight brcast abovc the line oI the pocket.



849. (i) The flags described in Rule 346 (r) and (z) w'iil be I(ing or the Queen, members o{ thc Royal Famill' cntitled to the pitix " Royal Highness, " representatives of His Nlajesty in dorninions an,l Cc,looi.t, foreign )llonarchs and

Arnbulance Association and the St. Anrirew (a) - The St. JohnAssociation proficiency badges (Junior and Ambulance Senior); British lted Cross Society Junior :rnd Senior proficiency badges; Royal Life-Saving Society Junior and Senioi badges. YVorn on the right arm (in tho centre amongst any special proficiency badges).

(S) rnembcrship badge o{ the Scouts'.Iirienrlly Society. ' The Worn on the right breast above the line of the pocket.


lorvcrecl to the

decorations con{errcd by foreign Scnut Associa-

Sea Scout Groups.

8{18. When large flags are carried, the flag-pole should be Method of either sloped over-the right shoulder, the flag gathered in, or, carrying when maiching past, held vertical in the carrier, the flag flying obtsinable Jrorn

(3) - Itibbons o{ decorations conferred by foreign Govern-

Admiralty recognised


ReJerence should be m.ade to the leaJlel

" Remecrbrance Day " Memorial Service, when such medals may be worn. :

Types sanctioned

84.7. II flags are cledicated thcy must be treated rvith tlte Dedicatiou greatest rerer6nce at all tirnes-I<.rr itrstance, it would not be iorrect to {ly a <ledicaied Union Irlag orr a flagstafi in camp, or to move it uncased without an escort. Groups are advised to consider this carefully be{ore undertaking the c}rarge of dedir:ated


(z) Ribbons of the following : I{ing's medals, u'ar medals, decorations and orders, except when attending a

ments tions.


(3) Patrol flags.

DECORATIONS AND AWARDS. Decoratious authoriseil

use any

is a two-inch black crepc band rvor-n round thc ie{t elrtr above





352. Salutes are given on the follot'ing occasions:-* (r) As a greeting. Scottls, Scouters, pcrsons liolding NonexecuiiYe or Honorarv ranh. and C)ld Sc<iut_s, meeting for the hrst time in the da-v, salute each other. The first to see the otirer should be thc first to salute, irrespective oI rank. Scozzls and Guides saltte each othcr when in uniform-


Salutes Occasions

Bules &41-845



(z) In normal circumstances there should be at least one adult for every six Cubs in camp. In no circumstances should a camp be held with less than two adults. (:) A C.M. or A.C.NI. who has not previously been in

SEBYISE sTARS. Service stars are of one type onlv in metal or cloth, but after the first bear figures lrom z upl'r'ards to indicate tire number of years' sen ice. (ii) They are made rvith yellow, green, maroon,l or red cloth background to indicate Cub, Scout, Senior Scout, or Rover, service, respectively. I (iii) They are worn with khaki or blue background b,v Scouters and persons holding Nonexecutrve or Honorary rank.

859. (i)

charge ol a Cub camp or whcise camp has been the subject

of an unsatisfactory r:eport must obtain the preliminary

permission of the D.C. at ieast three months before the

proposed date of the carnp ald before any intimation of the camp has been given either to Cubs or parents. The D.C. in any such case nrust not give permissiou unless

he is satisfied that the C.M. or A.C.l\t. has acquired the necessary knorvledge and experience by haviog taken

part ior not lcss than thlee days in a well-run Scouts


Approval required Types approved


O1d Scouts camping

Rules 332-34o.

require to be changed on the completion of each year's service so as to shorv the correct figure. 862, A Scout t'ho has previously been a Cub r,l,ill continue previous to wear a star with yellow backgrouncl and appropriate figure shorving his total serv.ice as a Cub, in adclition to the star with "".r;"u-* 6"5--- -" green background showing his Scout service. 868. (i) A Senior Scout will continue to wear a star withl previous yellow background sho.wing any Cub service and a star rvith'service m green background showing any Scout service, in addition to the 6o6. 566sg. star with maroon background shorving his Senior Scout service.l or Seni,or (ii) Similarly, a Rover will cootinue to wear single sta"rs each- Scout with background oI appropriate colour showing any Cub, Scout,l or Senior Scout, service.

348. The lollowing rnay be approved:(r) National. In special cases.

(5) Rover. To be worn on spectal scarves under RuIe z9o. 844. Approval will only be given subject to the following

:(r) Application must be submitted through the normal channels of communication and not direct to I.H.Q.


(z) A drawing or specimen of the design (which wili not be returned) must be submitted, together with a statement of the approval of the C.C. (3) In tire case of Rover emblems and Group emblems tbe approval ol the L.A. and D.C. is also necessaqr. (a) The design must be emblematic in character, e.9., lhe title of a Group or the nar-ne or initials of an individual are not admissible. (5) 'Ihe design must not exceed two inches in length or

864. (i) The wearing of a Service sta.r by a Scouter, a person Scouters, holding Non-executive or Flonorary rank, or an Old Scout, is etc.


(ii) If such a person desires to wear a Service star, he must wear ore star only shorving his *'hole period of service, both as

Scouter, or such other rank, and as Scozrl. This star lvill be worn with a background of khaki or blue as prefcrred, and will require to be changed each year to shorv the appropriate figure. Special lorms oI Service star without background mayt -be(iii) worn Ior z5 y-ears' or more service.



(6) A specimen of the cmblem when made rnust be sent to I.H.Q. for recorcl.

Method of wear

emblem, when apprr:ved, must be rvorn in one o{ the {ollorving places, as dec:ided by the Comrnissioner concerned(r) on the shoulder, (z) on the right breast, (3) on the point of the scarf, hy all members of the unit for which it is approved.

345. An


Description and background

It will have a background of the appropriate colour and will

EMBLEMS. 342. No emblem may be worn on uniform unless it has been approved by f.H.Q. in accordance with the following rules.

(4) Group.

of approval


461.. A Scout wears one star only to indicate his length o1 Scouts service in that Section of the Group in which he is still serving.

irl uniform must comply with

(z) County. {s) L.A. Conditions


860. Service stars are worn on the ]eft breast immediatelv above the pocket, or u.ith jerseys, in a simiiar position.




Bules 85S360


865. (i) Service of more than one kind, performed at the Method oI

same tirne, may only be r:ounted {or one star or bacl<gronnd. reckoning (ii) Service is reckoned, in the case of Sccuts, fron-r the date of investiture: in the casc of Scouters, from the comnrencement oI tlie prohationary period: and other raruks, from the <late o{


866. \Arhere a vear's servicc is composed oJ clillerent lrinrls of service, not pei{ormed at tht same' time, but for dii{ercnt

p,eriods, that service which is performed for the longest period shall be reckoned as a cornplete year's sen'ice {or the puryose o{ Service stars. 75



Bulee 367-8?2

388. \\ihen Scoals

36?. (i) -l'hc rtckuntng of servjce for tlre purposc oI Scrvice rtro ina the application oi thc above rult's gcnerally arc not recognise<l foreign Associations mary be


(iii) Senice with the Girl Gui<1es Association may be counted' liw) \Vherc bv reason of thc war a Scout or Scouter relnoved be t.'^..t^." in riihich there u'as no Group to u'hicir ire could stars any period .ttr.ir"a,lr" tft.ll bu entitlctl to oount for ServrceScouting provicled i,r.]"?*i.ri"f, rrc u'as thus debarrecl {rom activo it^i',?,,.iirt."ch titne he naintainecl his interest, e g', by joinlng ."itr,"rr'.iirri: any Group tlrat subscqucntly botitmc availablc as t; i,il or, l.iiling tlrat, by retttrnirrg to his original (iroup soon as cricumstinces perinitteci' A"ny question arising out.o{

334. Parties of Scouts, Senior Scouts or Itovers trekking orl Perrnitshiking through one or more Counties should give similar notice,' hiking stating approximate dates. If Scouts or Rovers intend to visit a site frequently at week.ends, a general notice sbould be given at the beginning of the



clistrict in rn'hich ;;;i; ;;;;" shall be <leiiclecl bv the Lr'C' of theproperly made' ifr"--.ppfi""ti.n lor recognititin of service is

Wootl Conditions of award

337. Short-camp permit ca,rds rvhiclt are issued ireo to

D.Cs. :r.re only ar,;ri1able {or camps ol not more than trvo uiglrts' cluration, but D.Cs. ca.n authcrrise their use at Ijaster, Whitsun, an<1

to G.S.Nls. of Groups oI whosc c:rrrlping capabilitics they are cornplctely satished and Ci.S.X{s. must use the same discretion in iisuing the cards to Patrol Leaders. 'I'he D.C. is not relicvcd of his rcsponsibility as to these camps" A Rover or Senior Soout liilie permit card can be usetl in thel sanle wav,

338. (i) .scozfs proposing to camp or travel abrold ill unitonn Forcign must llrst obtain the sanction of I.H.C). ; the application must ,'1011t be accornpanie<i by a recommcndation {rom the D.C. (ii) Sanction rvill not be given to Cubs to catlrp abroad or, save in exceptional ciroumstances, to travel abroarl. (iii) Tnvitations to {orcign Scottts to visit or camp in the


(ii) The \Vood Iladge worn by D'!'Cs-' and Ak Ls' is similar but with the aciditiorr of two extra beads'

Method of wear

3?0. The Wood


THANKS BADGE. Thanks Batlge

Description Scope

T'Jritish Isles must

from I.H.Q.

Badge is u'orn in uniform on a leather boot-

Iace round the neck.

of an. Arrowhead set in a {rlrntc bearing thc wurds " Thanks Badge"' S?2. It is primariiv intendecl for presentation to those who B?1. The Thanks

Ba<lge is cornposed

rre n.:t active Scouts or Scouters. 7('

August B;rnk l{oiidaps for foul nights. I).Cs. rnust only

issue thesc cards

369. (i) 1'he Wood Badge cunsists o.f farsimiles of fwo oJ ti,e-f,Laas'forming the neciilacc' origilally belorging t9 C-higf Dinizulu rvhich was captured by thJ Founder during the Zulu

. tiii) l he \Vootl Badse rvorn by Assistant lJ'C'Cs and is similar but with only one extra bead' lei.li. I

case, the n:rme and a<Idress oI the Countv NotilicaSecretary are not knorvn, th.e D.C. can adrlress the notice:- tion-adrlressing The County Secret:lry {or .,..................., Imperial Headquarters, rvhence it will bc foru.arded by the next post.

P.C. is impossible, appropriate permit car<ls can be used, and these cards can bc obtaittcd {ree by D.Cs- from. I.H.Q.

js arralded to Scouters and persons .-l 368. (i) 't'he \\'ood ltadge r].rii;"nu \r,iexecrtit t' or Iotrorary rlttk tr lto oumplcte satisof training {actolilv the respective courses 'I'rainingof \\\t outlinctl in the panrphlct " Thc h Scr,utcrs"'in whicL are contalined full particulars t. tlr" condrtions governing the issue o{ the ". badge.

(ii) 'l'he \\'ood Badge rcntains tltc property o{ I.lt.Q. itnd must bc sitrrendcrcd on demand Description


335. If, in any

336. To facilitate the holding of rveek-entl Patr(,l cilmps' l'e,,it ald the arranging o{ treks and hikes, when the use of liorfil .116"



District, Notifica-

at least zr days' notiCe of the summer camp, or 14 days' notice tion o{ other camps nust be given (ltorm P.C. being used) b-v the Scouter in chzr,rge to his D.C., u'ho will inlorm the Secretary of the County to be visited, who, in turn, will inform the D.C. concerned. The D.C. of any l)istrict in. rvhich a camp takes place has control unclcr Rule r2-5 (9).

affectecl by anY transfer.

(ii) Service rvith

propose to camp outside their own

Bules 8i|8-8dl



not be issued until sanction has been obtained

339. iinough sleeping b;rgs or blankets ntust be provicled enzLble each .Scozl

340. 341.


to rnake up a separate berl.

Camp ra,idirrg is strictly prohibited.


The following rules, additiorial to those in Rules 332-333, Cubs 335 and 338-340, apply in tite casc oI czirnps for Cubs:(r) Somc fr:rm o{ cleatt, pcrmancnt shelter, or a w-eat}rer. proo{ marquee, 1a.rge ctroug}t to accornmorlate all the Cubs in camp in case of rvet weather, must i;e available. 69

Bules 828-332



(-j) No boat may be taken over or used for training unless covered by a " I3oat Certificate " valid for the current year issucd by the Sea Scout Commrttee concerned on the recommendation of the Exarniner appointecl for the

3?8. (i) Subject to Rule 372, tbe 'l'hanks Iiaclge rnay be Conditions given by any Scout or Scoutcr, providecl he first obtains the approval of the L.A. or D.C., to any person u'ho ,ffi d,oes a Scoul a good turn. (ii) I{ the person to whom the badge is to be



(4) No boert may be used for training unless it corr.rplies in all respects *'ith the locaI Sca Scout bye-1aws approved under Rule 146 (iii) anrl is irr charge of a person holding ii " Charge Ccrtilicate " issued bv the Sea Scout Comnittee conccrned. The Certificate is issued on the recommendatior: <>f zrn lixaminer appointed for the purpose, or in special cases of a person otheru'ise authorised by such Clommrttee. i-5) Iixaminers for any of the pulposes of this rule must be nominarted by tire Sea Scout Committee conoerned

is connected u,ith the l'lovernent in another I-.A., the approva.I of th:rt L.A. or D.C. must also be first obtainecl.


374. 'l'he holding of this



8?5. The Thanks Badge is intenrlerl for rvear clothes ancl rnust not be ll'orn with uni{orm.



3?6. (i)

Senior Scout shall be allowed to bathe under the personal supervision o{ the Scouter in charge of the party or some responsible adult apoointed by him for rhe purpose. The safety of the place must have been previously ascertained and all reasonable precautions must be taken,


3?9. The badge is worn in uniform on tire right breast abovc the line of the pocket. The holder may oontinue to u.ear it after he has attained the age o{ r8. AWARDS FOR GALLANTBY.

880. Rovcrs rlust exercise zl11 reasonable precautions in both boatirg an<1 bathing, and u'1tere a number of llovers are bathing together tire above precautions rnust be taken.


881. Cubs may boat or bathe, subject to the precautions set out above in Rules 32? ar,d 329.

01 -I.H Q.


rnission oI their D.C. Oni-v

rnay camp rvithout the prer.ious per-

in erceptional circumstarces, and with the


consent o{ the D.C., may Cubs be allowed to camp with Scouts. 6s

Awortle for


Scouts, Scouters, persons holding Non-executive Gallantry and Honorary ranks, and Old Scouts, and alio to Groups in

, application being

made on }iorm FI


Scouteys (tve vecontnrcnded, to read " Cantfing Standards," price 4tl. from I.H.Q. (L.quipment Dept.). C.Ms, are also recotnntended to read " Campi,ng lo" Cubs," price tl- Jrotn I.H.Q. (Lqwipment Dept.).


or gallantry.

3?8. The form of application (Forrn .J.) rvhich gives luller details may be obtained on application to I.ll.e.

bathiug in properly super-


332. (i) No


377. This arvard is granted tinly to.Scozl.s under the age o{ 18 who have an outstanding record of service and efhciency.

or can exist,




great Basis of award (ii) A Ccftificate may be issued where the required standard for the badge is not attained.

vised su,imming baths. The precautions set out in this rule may also be modilied to a reasonable extent rvhere the Scouter in charge has previously ascertained beyond any doubt that the rvhole o{ the w'ater is shallow, and that no possible danger exists



Nlethocl oi

Soout " Badge is an exccptional " Cornwell arvard in respect of pre-eminently high character Scout "

" Cornrvell

courage, endurance

lLi{e-saver or Rescuer baclge, must be on cluty (unilressed) with great coats on, in a boat or on shore as the circumstances may demand, ready to help any boy in distress. 'fhe picket itsell rnay not bathe untrl the other boys have left the water.

not apply


in ordin:rry


and devotion to duty, togcther rvith

including the provision of a lile line. r (ij) A picket o{ trvo good swimmers, prcferably those rvittr


not con{er mernbership

of the

ae9. (i) No Scout or I'except

(iii) This rule

b:Lrlge clocrs


and appror.ed by the I-.A. aud D.C.


Eules 8?3.880


(ii) In thc casc of an applicetiorr [or an award to a ( ommissioner, the rccommendation rvitl be madc by.the C.C. only. (iii) Applications n)ust incorporate a fuII account of the occurrence, with the evidence of eye-witnesses, wherever possible.

(iv) The application must not speci{y any

grade of award.

(The holder of a Metlal ,:f ilIerit utaat,dcd, in the early years of1 thc Mouenent jor an act 6t- gallanlrl, ntay abbly fut ,iriurs, o'fl t\L,y;{:i of alerl Jor the approbriati giiai ;'1 inctirl



Bulcs 881-889 Grades





awards are granted :--I3ronze Cross. Red ribbon.

881. The foilowing


The highest possibie award for gallantry, granted only for special heroism or extraordinary risk. (z) Silver Cross. Blue ribbon. Iror gallantry with considerable risk' (3) Gilt Cross. Blue and red vertical ribbon. Iior gailantry lvith moderate risk. (4) Bar. Bars to the atrove Crosses m:rv be granted Ior additional acts of gailantrY. (5) Letter oI Commendation. In cases u'hich do not justily the a.rva.rd of a Cross or Bar.

lilethod of wear

Cloth emblems C,ertificates


Crosses are worn

in uniform on the right breast




rl p , f,

the line of the pocket, except where awarcled to a Group jointly, be pinned to the Group flag.


Awards lor meritorious conduct are applied for, and are issued to, the same classes of persons, and in the same manner, as laid down for Awards for Gallantry in Rule 38o, application being made on Form K.

swim 5o yards in shurt, shorts, and stockings, and that those lorming part o{ the crerv of a sailing-boat knour how to handle an oar. {z) He must hirnsell be able to swim to at least the same extent, and wherever the conditions are such as not to render the requirement unreasonable, must have pra,ctical knowledge of the methods of rescue Irom drowning. (3) In addition, the boat, if sailing, must be iu the charge oI an experienced person.

AWAR,DS FOB UERITORIOUS CONDUCT. Ueritorious Applicatioo and issue Grades

and bugle practice inust not be Lariied out in r:pen places within 6oo yards ol houses. (ii) I3ands are not permitted {or Cubs.

82?. No Scoutcr or other pcrson in charge {or the tirne Bogtins being may permit Scouts or Senibr Scouts to take part in boating I aoil ot ai'y tiir,i (whether recreation or training) exceit aJter carefu-l'Bathing consideration of all the circumstances and subject to the Generally following conditions :(r) He must be satisfied ttrat all those taking part can

Certificates of Award are issued to accompany all Crosses

Awarils tor


886. One of the following av/ards may be granted according to the circumstances oI the case:(r) Nledal {or }Ieritorious Conduct. Ribbon, g;reen, with vertical red stripe. (z) ' Bar. Bars to thc X{edal Ior }Ieritorious

(4) The above requirr:ments may be relaxed at the discretion

of the Scouter or other person in char:ge in inland waters where it is knot'n that there is no danger and that the deptir of the watcr nou.here exceeds three and a half Ieet

conduct may be awarded for further meri-

torious conduct.

(3) Certificate of Meritorious C,onduct. (4) I-etter <,f Commendation.

Method oI wear

the Group flag.

Cloth emblems

Certificate of Award

828. The {oilowing rules apply in the case of any form of Special boating undertaken as part o{ the training of any Scouts, provisir:us Senior Scouts 61 f{6vs1s ;I relatinq to (l)

38?. 'fhe

Medal for l{eritorious Conduct is worn in uniform on the right breast abovc the linc oI the pocket, except where granted t-o a Group jointlv, in wlrich case it may be pinned to

388. A cloth emblem with the design in green and red is issued with the Medal for wear in uniforrn in the same position on occasions whcn it is not convenieitt to wear the Medal itself. 389. A Certifcate

of Award is issued to accompany the MeCal

or Bar.




883. Cloth emblems, v'ith design of the colour of the ribbon, are issued with Crosses for wear in uniform in the same position on occasions when it is not convcnient to wear the Cross itself. and Ilars.


926. (i) Bands, r'here such exist, rnust be so conducted as to avoid nuisance to the public and, in particular, must rrot play when passing churches, frospitals, or ariy house where illneis'ii known to be. They must Dot play after 9 p.m. in the streets,

in which case the Cross ma1,

of Award

Rules 396-328


The Sea Scout Committec oI the I-.A. must satisfy itself traming that the corrditions of llule 327 are strictiy complied

with, {or r'}ric}r purpose it may require arv


concerned (except as provided bekrw) to pass a test in any appropriate requirernents uncler the ruie to the satis{action of the Examiner a.ppointe<l for the purpose. {z) Ihe SezL Scout Comrnittee shall, horvever", lot rcquire


a Scouter or Jnstructor to undergo examination in1 swimming or rescue work if they are satisfied with al written statement c{ his ability to comply with therequirements of RuIe 327(z).



Rules 8€5a3g6A




Badges worn

890. (i) Ali'ards for spe<:ially good rvorl< for the Movement Awarits are made to Scouters and persons holding Non-executive or for Ggoal

845. (i) Honorary ranks wear on the left brezrst when iu unilorm a cloth and silver badge of a type and colour appropriate

Eonorary. ran!6


/mi\ ffi^\ i::$ss"fu{;fi#ii#1tr @/


".,1"),*i:I:lll:'r:rvearbacrges v OLD


Scouts 825e. An Old Scout may .wear, in uniform or ordinary in RuIe 3rr ; Badses clothes, the OId Scout badge, or badges a;;asIorinScout Rule 3I5i oE, i1 *ori liI previously a Senior Scout,asbadges in Rule 3t8. lpreviously i Rover, badges


Bules 390-399

, ,)

Honorary rank at the discretion of I.H.{)., on the recomrnenda- Sclviceg tion of the L.A. or its Chairman, the D.C. and C.C., applica.tion Application being made on Form I. ari<i issue (ii) In the case of an application Ior an au'ard to a Comrnis-l sioner. the recommendation will be made by the C.C. onlr', rvhol will however, consult the D.C. concerned liefore .ecomrrrLiOi"gl

an A.D.C. I (iii) The applicatiorr must contain a fu1l statement of the work and rnust show, unless the case is an exceptional one, service ofoutstanding character in one of th.e categories mentioned

in paragraph (i) for"at least thc p".ioO rp""indd in Itule S91. One of the Iollorvirrg


au,arcrs may be granted according Grades

to the circumstances of the case:(r) 1\{eclal of Merit. Green ribbon.


least seven ycars' service.

(z) Rar. A Rar t-o the i\{edal of Merit may be awarded for not less than five years' additional service oI similar charicter. (31 t.cttcr


of :-

of Ccrmmeutlation.

I Method -. of $.ear, etc.

The conditions relating to the l\,Iedal of Merit in respect

(r) Method of


(z) Cloth Emblem, but with design in (3) Certificate of Award,


are the same as set out in Rules 387-389.

woLF. llilver Acora trIolI - Silver 893. (i) The Silver Acorn is au award C,onditions



a'r ' ..1

for specially distinguished services. of grant (ii) 'l'he Silver \\'olI is an arvarrl {or ser\ ices of tlre illost exccptional clraracter, arrtl willl be in tlrc uurestrictcd gift of tlre Chiet Scout. I (iii) 'l'hcy are only granted at tlrc tliscrction of thc Chief Scout, but C.C.s and Oversea

Chief Scouts rnay submit recotlmenriations to I.I-I.Q. on Form I. I (iv) A Ust is ptrblishcd in " f'he Scouter,,

in connection u,ittr St. George,s Day each year. Ilecommendations as zrbove "shoulrl be submitted so as to reach I.II.e. not later than the end of December. 66


Method of wear

894. (i) The Siiver Acorn is rvorn in uni{orm on a yellow ribbon on the right breast above the line 6f tire pocket. (ii) The Silver \Yolf is worn in uniform as an ordcr round the nech on a green anrl ],ellow ribbon. I (iii) A holcler of the N1edal of l{erit u-il1 n<,t continue to wear lrt iI ar.r'arded the Si]ver Acorn or Silr.er Wolf ; and the holder lof the Silver Acorn rvill not continue to s.ear it iI awardecl the lSilver





Bules 394-395


(See also Note

to Rrrle



Shoulder knot, colour. (* Shoulder patch.)



Type. .TDIiS



895. (i) Cloth emblems, with a design in vellow {or the Silver Acorn and in green and yellow Ior the Silver Wol{, are issued for u'ear in uniform on the right breast above the line of the pocket on occasions u'hen it is not convenient to wear the decoration itself.

| (ii) The provisiorrsof lof these awards.


Bules 822-821

Rule3q4 (iii) applyequallvtotheernblems

A.C.M. Y


R. R.

Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Green



Green and

C. C.





A.s.M.(s.) s.M.(s.) A.R.S.L.



R"d Green



Red, yellow and green Red, yellow and green White

White SCOI]

I].C.M. D.S.M.

C. SC.





White White White

Red, yellow and green







Scouters.-Special hat badges in cloth, worn on front

of cap. Air Scouters.-Rank indicated by colour of A.S. badge on cap.


32S. (i) Non-executive ranks wear


badges as Iaid down


(ii) No othcr badges lnay bc worn by any of these ran


other tiran County Sccretary and {-.A. Secretary who, in uniform also rvear hat badges in accordance u.ith Rule 32.1


ralrks Badse-"



394. (i) A County Set:retary, in uniform, wears in addition County to the badgc provided by Rule 323 (i), a hat badge of typc SC. Secretary with biue and black Plume. and L.A. (ii) A L.A.

Secretary similarly wears a hat badge oI type SC'

with red and black Plume. 8o



Rules 819-822 Rover




Bl9. A Ilover N'Iate wears badges as Jor llover, and, in addition, in unilblm, a white metal Arror.l'head badge in {ront of the hat (or in the case of Rover Sea Scout l\Iates, ihe Arrowhead in addition to the rvords " liover Sea Scouts ") and two _red stripes, as in llule 3r7, one on eaoh side of the Arrorvhead lbadge. A Rover Air Scout Mate wears the two red stripes, and








820. (i) Scouters uear badges:Ls laid down in Itules 3o4-3o5. (ii) In addition, in unifolm, hat badges are \!-orn as laid dowrr in llules 321-322. (iii) Certain ranks also wear shoulder l<nots (or shoulcler patches) in uniform as larcl dowrr in ltule 3zz. 321. (i) IIat badges for Scouters (other than Sea Air Scouters) are oI four types:










staff u'ill not be carried. 398. \\'arrants {or Scor.rters, including A.C.Cs and A.D.Cs., Warrants rvill be issued on lines similar to those laid down in I'art IIL IoT Scouters



in 1lule jz:.

Scouts Association, nrembers o{ County Councrls,

members and associates


922. 'Ihe following are the tvpes and colour of hat


the coiour of shoulder knots (or shoulder patches) o{ the various 12n[s 164

of L.-\., and other

supporters of tire I'lovcrnent, may \\'ear a miniature badge, obtainable by County or L.A. Secretaries (or Badge Secretaries) from I.H.Q. (Equipment Dept.).

(iii) The rank ol an Air Scouter is shown by the coiour, as indicated in Rule 3zz, ol the A.S. badge t'orr on the cap. Details ol ranks



400. Persons rlho are not Scouters, hol<lers of Non-executive or }Tonorary rank, or Old Scouts, e.g., assor:iates of the Boy

Sea Scouters wear,

as indicated \,.1

IIANDICAPPED SCOUTS. (i) Handicapped Scoals are Sror/rs who are prevented by EanilieapBeil

physical or mental handicap from joining comp[etely in th-e activities o{ normal Scozls. Boys who are blind, crippled, deaf, epileptic, invalid, or mentally defective, may bccome Scouts in this Branch. (ii) Groups are formed in hospitals, institutions, colonies, special schools, etc., and come under the ordinary County anrl L.A. organisation. Individual handicapped boys living in their homes may become members of normal Groups if fit enough or have Scouting taken to them if necessary. (iii) Handicapped Scouts are expected to pass the normal tests except rvhere prevented from doing so by their disability, in which case they may rvith the approval of the D.C. take the alternative tests approved by I.H.Q. as set out in "'Ihe I'Iandbook of Handicapped Scouting," which explains more fully the organisatioo of this branch.


on tire ftont o{ the hat, special cloth badges of the colour appropriate to tho rank o{ the Scouter


L)eep Sea Scouts have a spccial badge, and may wear Uniform Scout or Sea Scout uniform with a special royal blue -scar{. A and badge

'Ihose oI type {J are worn on the front of the hat; those of tvpes SC, S and tri, on the le{t-hand sicle o{ the hat.


(ii) Full particulars rvill be found in the pamphlet " l)eep Sea ; Rules and C)rganisirtion," obtainable from I.l'1.Q.





rvho are Deep Sea members of the lloyal Navy, the \Ierchant Navv, tLe Fishing Scouts Il'leets, cre*.s of occan-going vaclrts or of Sea l'r:rining lrstablishmeltts. f'hev arc cnrollerl by I.l'1.Q. or by persons autlrorised by Enrolment I.ILQ. : applications I<;r enioln..cnt shouiri'be sent through som"e Scouter or person holding Non-executive or Honorary rank, to whom the applicant is personally knou,n.


@ Type


396. (i) I)eep Sea Scouts ancl Atlventurers are those

special cap badge.


Scouters Badges

Rules 896-402

401. 'fhe



possession of this badge does not oI itself constitute

of the Roy

Scouts Association.



Supporters! Barlge





812, A Second wears baclges as for a Scout, and, in addition, Secoad in uniform, one white braid vertical stripe, three inches long and half an inch rvide, on the right-hand side of the Arrowhead



818. .{. Patrol l-ea"der wears badges as for a Scout, but:- Patrol (r) In uniform. He wears, in addition, in front'oI the hat, [.eader a white metal Arrowhead badge and scroll (or in the




Method of obtaining



408. Proficiency baclges are obtaine<1 by L.A. Secretaries from I.H.Q. (Equipment Dept.) and issued by them to Scoulmoslevs on the recommendation o{ the Examiner, as laid dot'n in


subsequent rules.


Mettrod o{


Scouts " Such badges are

tests for these badges must, except s'here otherto the satislaction of an independcnt and qualilied Examiner appointed by the L.A. and I).C., under tRule 16o. Reference should be made to the pamphlet issued lby I.H.Q., " The Proficiency Badge Scheme."

Scouts are available on application to I.H.Q., through the D.C


491. Ihe general scheme of Cub proficiency badges is as f6llq$/e ;(r) Two general profrciency badges-One Star Cub and



SE}{IOB SCOUTS. Seaior Scouts Scout Senior Scout

ma-roon shoulder straps, with the Scout badge and the words " Senior Scouts " all in gold, and a bar with tire lettcr " S " on the Iront of

in RuIe 3rr (r),

tire hat. (z) ln prdin4ry cl-othqs.



,A,,s,jor !,, J,-.. f.. ..tt.tttr, Seconds(S.), Patrol Lcaders(S.), and

in Rulc arr


l'roop Leaders(S.),

wea,r badges as for the corresponding ranks oI Scouts as in Rules 3rz-314, except that in every case the stripes are maroon instead oI white, and that Patrol Leaders(S.), and Troop Leaders (S.), of Senior Sea Scouts wcar the Arrowhead on the cap ritrbon with the words " Senior Sea Scouts."

tests for ptrysicallv or :'oentally Handicapped


" and "

315. A Scnior Scout isears the {oliowing badges:(r) ln uniform. The cloth Arrowhead badge, as for

o{ its norma"l activities, the D.C. may, at bis discretion, authorise the Examiner to accept a certificate b1r t}l.e Scoutmaslzr in respect of certain specifed parts of such tests.

406. Alternative


and two white stripes, as in Rule 3r2, one on each side of tire Arrowhead badge. Air Scoul Patrol Leadcrs wear I the two wtrite stripes, and A.S. cap badge in white. I (e) In ordinary clothes. A buttonholc badge similar to

{05. (i) The

rvise specilied, be passed

(ii) Where in any particular case opportunity may occur in camp or on some other special occasion for doing the practical part of any of the tests for the badges which by reason of the L'ircumstances of the Group cannot be carried out in the course


of Sea Scout Patrol Leaders, an Arrou'head on cap

ribbon between the words "

that described in RuI: 3rr (z), but in white metal. 814. A Troop Leader rvears badges as for Patrol Leader 'Iroop but with a third u,hite stripe under the Arrowhead badge. Leader

404. l'Iost o{ these badges bear the words " Boy

though this is not shown in all the illustrations. accordingly protected as in Iiule 23.

Rules 812-818


Patrol Leaders(S.)

Troop Leaderc(S,)

CI'BS. General scheme

Cub--the tests {or rvhich are set out in Rules 4o9 and 4rr, respectively. (z) 'Iw-elve special proficiency badges for difierent subjects, the tests {or which are set out in Rules 44-425. A Cub is allowed to u,in and wear not more than two special proficiency badges a{ter he has gained the One Star badge and before gaining the Two Star badge. (3) The Leaping Wolf Badge, the conditions Ior which are flra,o Star

set out in Rule 4r3. (+) An-u- Cub who is sufficiently qualified may wear on the right breast an emblem simrlar to those worn by Scouts under the note to Rule 458 showing the language or Ianguages spoken. 8z


81?. (i) A Rover Squirc who has been a Scout (or has passed Rovers the 'l'enderfoot test and made the Scout Promise) lvears badges p.rr-.. as lor Scout as described in Rule 3rr. Squire ..\ (ii) A Rover Scluire who has been a Senior Scout rvears badgcs I . as {or Senior Scout as described in Rule 3r5. I Rover 818. A Rover rvears the follorving badges:('! (r) In uniform. The cloth Arrow-head ba<lge, as for Scout in ltule 3rr (r), green shoulder straps rvith Scout badge, with the letters " R.S." superimposed, and (except Sea; or Air Rovers, whose caps or hats bear distinguishingl lrrarks) a bar with " R.S." on the front of the hat. I (z) tn ordinary clothes. A white metal buttonhole


head badge re'ith the words

thc lcttcrs " R.S."

" Boy

superimposed. 63



" belov', and

Bules 806-811

(ii) The uniform and badges of u.arranted rank, being the sign of the Chief Scout's conlidence and trust, will be u'orn by a Scouter on all occasions when in uniform, irr preference to those of any other rank he may hold in the Llovernent. | 1iil1 No badge or part oI ttre uni{orm, in either case clistinctive lo{ Senior Scouts, may be worn by any Commissioner. (iv) No part of the Rover unilorm antl no Rover badges may be rvorn u,ith, or added to, the uniform of a Scouter, except that a Scouter (other than a Commissioner) t'ho is also a Rover may, if he so desire, wear at all times with lris uni{orm as a Scouter, except on a tunic, the green shoulder straps described in li.ule 3t8 (r). A person holding Non-executive ol Honorary rank who is aiso a liover may similarly wear [Jreen shouider straps.

408. Cub proficiency badges are worn on the right arm io Method of parallel rows betu'een the shoulder and the elbou', except as wear follows


The Cub Badge


400. ReIore aq,arding the First Star, the C.M. must satis{y One Star himself tirat the Cub can repass his Tenderpad tests and pass Cub the lollowing tests :-

(r) Know the composition of the Union Jack and the right way to fly it ; knorv in a simple forrn the stories of the Saihts of England, Scotland-and Ireland; recite thel 6rst and third verses of " God Save the I(ing," andl knou'what to do wben it is played or sung. (z) Be able to tie the following knots and demonstrate



their uses; Reef,

\r!'oll's below,

worn on the front of the cap and on the left breast of tlre jcrsey. (z) In ordinary clothes. A brass buttonhole


Senior Sixer

808. A

Second rvears badges as for Cub, ancl,



in uniform, one armlet o{ yeilow bra.id, half an inch rvide, above the lelt elbow.

800. A Sixer wears badges as fr'lr Cub, but :(r) In uniform. lle w'ears, in addition, two yeliow'armlets as described in Rule 3o8. (z) In ordinary clothes. A buttonhole badge similar to that described in Rule 3o7 O), but in rvhite metal.

things out in practice. (6) Be able to tell the time by the clock. (7) Must grow one of the Ioikrwing :(a) a bulb in rvater, peat moss, sand or soil;

310. A Senior Sixer wears badges as for a Sixer, but with

three yellow armlets.

:i *ll':::,,:' :"-



The Scout Baclge

811. A

Scout rvears the following badges:(r) In uni{orm. A cloth badge rvith an Arrow-

head and the words " Iloy Sr:olrts " below, 'worll orl the centre of the left-irand pocket

of the shirt or in the corresponding position on a jersey. (z) In ordinary ciothts. A brass buttonhole form of the same badge.


,. '


(3) Turn a somersault; Ieap-{rog over another Cub of the same size; hop (using each {oot for ha.lf the distance) round a figure-o{-eight course approximately z5 yards. Throw a bali six times (using either hand) so tliat a Cub ten yards away can catch it. Catch a ball, both hands together, thrown to him from a distance of ro yards four tirnes out of six. (a) Wa.Ik upright and witir good carriage, carrying a solid article weighing about two pounds on his head u'ithout using his hands, for a distance of ten yards; turn and come back to the starting point. A Cub cap may be rx'orn. Perlorm toe-touching and knee-bending exercises as shorvn in "'I'he Wolf Cub's Handbook." (-5) Know why and how he should keep his hands and feet clean, his nails clean and cut, and his teeth clean; and why breathe through his nose; and be carrying these

form o{ the same badge.


One Star is worn on the cap on the right of the Wolf's head badge.


80?. A Cub u'ears the follorving badges:(r) In uniform. A cloth badge with a head and the words " Boy Scouts "


head badge. (z) Two Star is worn on the cap on the left of the Wolf's

(v) A Scouter rvho holds rnore ttran one warranted rank u.ill wear the uniform and badges appropriate to the particular occasion, but vuhere this is not practicable, the uniform and badges of the senior rank rvill be worn.



Rules 408-409










;:: ;::J :::"":::

| I


(8) Clean a pair of boots or shoes, lold his clothes neatly and satisfy his C.M. that he is doing his best to keep the Pack Den tidy and to leave no litter anywhere. (9) Show that he understands the meaning of the Highwayl Code-paragraphs 2, 4, 5, 6 (to all road users), andl

paragraphs 9-zr inclusive (to all pedestrians). (ro) Have at least three months'satisfactory service as Cub. 83



Bules 410-411

Twr, Star Cutr



410. The First Star is granted by the L.A. on the recommendation of the C.M. 411. Before arvartling the Second Sta,r, the C.lI. mrist satisfy


himself that the Cub ca.n repass his Tenderpad and Onc Star tests and pass the following tests:(r) Knou'the alphabet in Semaphore, alld be able to send and read simple worcls slolvly. I{ tlie Group Council, inchrding the Scoutnraster of

the Troop, approves, Nlorse may be used instead of Semaphore. (If Semaphore is chosen, small flags may be used if desired ; if Morse is chosen, flags should not be used.) N.B.-This Test should preferably be taken out-of-doors and over a distance of at least 5o yards. a compass to show a knowledgc o{ the eight principal

(z) Use


Ile able to tie the following knots and demonstrate their uses: C]ove-hitch and bor'line. (4) Understand the meaning oI thri{t in all things and be carr),ing it out in practice. (3)

(5) Procluce a satisfactory rnodel or article made entirely by himself in rvood, metal, cardboard, clay, plasticine

or similar substance; or an article linitterl or netted, rvoven or carvcd; or a set oI at least eight skctches

drawn by himscll in colours (chalk or paint) of National flags, or animals, or flowers, x.ith their names clearly


N{odels made in \{eccano or other partly constructed materials are not admissible.

Lay and light a fire indoors. Run or cycle with a verbal rnessage ol not less than fifteen words, go by a certa.ln route and deliver it correctlv. Be able to use the public telephone; or where telephones are non-existent know where and how to ask Ior assistance in an emergency (Ambularrce, Fire, Police). (7) Sl<ip with both feet together 15 times forwartl and 15 tirnes backward ; the Cub must turn tire rope himself. Walk a plank rz {eet by 6 inches, 3 feet to 3 {eet 6 inches zrbove the gr-ound. (8) Show holr'to clean and tie up a cut finger, cover a scald r:r burn. Understa,nd the danger of dirt in a scratch. Iinou, the simple trcatment for shock (not electric). Understand the necessity Jor summoning adult lrelp. (6)

(9) Observe 2161 point orit from life three birds (not domestic), three trees, and thlee other natural tlrings, the choice to be made by tlie Cub. (ro) Show that he still rcmembers the Highway Code as laid down for tiie First Star Tests and that he is helping other Cubs or other children to understand and obey. If the Cub owns or has the use of a cvcle he must be abie to look after it properly and unclerstand the meaning of paragraphs 6z to 75 o{ the Highway Cocle. 84

Rules 802-S00



802. (i) Ilany o{ t}re badges described in this l,art incor- Geueral poratc the \Alolf's head or the Arron'head and/or the u-ords property to " Boy Scouts," and are accordingiy protected, zrs in Rule u 3. be ietaine<l (ii) It is nrost desirable that, in orcler to be able to remor.c bv L.A, such badges on the resignation or dismissal oI any .5'rozl or Oicl Scout, the L.A. shoul<l retain thc property jn ihem, by not seliing thcm to aray Scout or Old Scout, but lenrling them to hinr during his ternure oI thc rank in question.



o{ r;rnk arc obta.ined from I.H.Q. :rnd issuecl g6q.

:-. obta.ined (r) For Scouts. By the L.A. Secretary (or an Assistant;;rnd issued Secretary appointed for the purpose by the L.A. andl commonly called the " Badge Secretary ") on thel recommendation of the Scoutruaster. (:) For Scouters and Non-executir-e and llonorarv ranl<s. By the Secretary (or Badge Secretary) of the"L.A. or County Secretary, as the case may be, I{e will only issue them after the warrant has treen granted by I.H.Q. or, in the case of Non-executive and Honorary

as follorvs

ranks, when the appointment has been made. (3) For Old Scouts. By the L.A. Secretary (or Badge!

s-ecretary) on the recommendation of the Secretary o{l the OId Scout Branch.

(i) Scr:uter-s and persons holding Non-cxecutive or (ic.cral -. 304. rank, l-lonorary rvho have made the Scout Promise in accordance U.a""oi", witlr Rules 6-7, wear, in uniform, the Arrowhead badee, as in ("^if""f' Rule 3r r lr).or alternativelv. whilst lrolding a warrant orl .t-,,.----appointment in connection u:irlt the Culr sectiun o[ the Nlove-l --' ment eflective {rom a date prior to rst JuIy, t94?, tlne Wotf'sl hea.d badge, as in llule 3o7 (r). (ii) Similarly they may wear, in ordinary clothes, the metal form o{ thesc baclges, a,s describeci in Rules 3rr (2) and 3o7 (2) respectivcly.

305. Any Scouter or person holcling Non-executive or IJonor:r.ry rank, irrespective of rank, rnay, i{ he <lesires, wear in ord.inary clothes, insteacl o{ the ba.dgc mentioned in l.lule ao,1 (ii), a stnall buttonhole Arrowhead badge il bronze or alternatrvely,

whilst holding a $,arrant or appointnrent in connection u'ithl the Cub section of the Movenrent efiective from a date prior tol rst July, rg+7, a bronze Wolf's head badge, both these badgesl being without the rvords " llov Scouts."

806. (i) I'ire badges

at the same time.

oJ trvo t'rr more ranks may


not be worrr o{ badges, etc.


Rules 296-301


County ancl other emblem, if, and as authorised under liules 3.12-345. Rejerance should be ttade to the pamphlet " Notes for I4'omen .\couters." obtainable.frorn


(rr) Have at least nine months' satisfactory servicc as 4L2. The Second Star mendation of tire C.\{.

.H.Q. Jrec of charge.

lrstit k. 'Plaln-eruercoat-er..-rnackintosh.f L.a,ny:rrd


NON-EXECUIIVE AND IIONORAR,Y RANKS. 298. Persons holding Non-executive or Honorary rank wear uniform as for Scouters, as dcscribed in liules 2gr-297. The scarf will be as in Rule 283 or 294 in the case of a person rvhose appointment is in connectiori r.r,i.th one particular Group, but otherwise as in Rule 293.



Eonorary ranks

OLD Olil



Guitles and Guirlers

Guide uni.fornr

Unilorm Scouters



2984. (i) Old Scouts wea.r uniforn as for Scouters as desr:ribed in llule z9l, ltut rvithout shoul<ler knot. | (ii) Ttt<rse rvlto hate bcr:n invested as Scnior Scout may rvear lmalot,n

g:r,rter t.rbs instead

badges. this

{.'l . . -, "."

Ilaversack or ruc-sac. I(ni{c.

oI green; and those as Rovers, reri.

GUIDES AND GUIDERS. Guide or llanger helping wrth a ['ack may be given permission by the Captarn o{ the Guide Company to wear Guide uniform, when so helping. 1'he badge described irr ll.ule zz5 $i) may also bc rvorn.

appropriate badges oI rank under Palt VIII.

301". (i) A Guider who is aiso a Scouter may wear her blue coat erncl skirt or overall with the appropriate hat, badge, and scarf or green tie, lor all Scout functions.

(ii) In tire

case o{ a warranted Guider, Guide unifor:m should

be worn at Guidc functions.

granted by the L.A. on the recom-


he can wear u'hile in the Pack, and rvhen he-goes

up into the Troop untii he has passed his Second Class lests. 'fhe Leaping \\'olf Badge rvill be u'orn on the rigirt breast above the pocket or in the corresponding position on a jersey. 414. The tu'elve special proficiency badges are divided into Grouping oI four groups, as Iollorvs :(r) Character. Colour o{ badge-blue.



Collector. Observer. Gardener. (z) Haodcra{t. Colour of badge--ve)1ow.

Artist. HomecraJt.'Ioymaker.

(3) Service. Colour of badge-red. First Aicler. Guide. House Orderly. of badge--green. (4) Physical l{ealth. Colour -Iearn

Plaver. Athlete. Su.immer. 415. Ilust make a collection of one group of

objects, neatly Group r arr;rnged, for a pcriod of, at least three and systenraticaily his collec-l co!!gc-; -Collector" something about hls months, and know somethlng

tion :rnd show an intclligent interest in it. 'lhel nature of the collectiol should be chosen by the

Cub. Suggestions are as Iollorvs: Stamps, postmarks, picture postcards, cigarette cards, fruit papers, match-box tops, crests, coins,

299" A

800. A Ranger or Cadet Ranger who is granted a warrant as a Scouter will wear uni{r:rm as in llules 296-297, u'ith the


418. A Leaping Wolf Baclge wiil be au'arded to a Wolf Cub Leaping who has gainerJ }iis Second Star artd tt-o special,proficiency Wolf Badge


to ca.rry whistle.



2S?. liire following articles .1rc optional for ladies:Stick or thu

Rules 411-416,


feathers, leaves or flou'ers. (For the purpose of

the last two, photographic or carbon reproductions may



Or, Must keep a scrapbook rJiary of events, etc., for a period

of at least three months.

416. (r) Have observed the appe:rrance, wherever possible Group r from life, and know sornething of the habits of either:(a) Six animals, or 1a) Six Uiras or be able to recognise {rom lile and name accurately, (c) Six Spring florn'ers or six Sumrner flow'ers, or six Autumn flowets, antl (d) Six trees. (z) Fincl his way to an unknown spot, not tnore than 3oo yards away, by follorving directions givcn to him bv the Ifxaminer (either compass directiuns, or signs made on the ground, or landmarks, or a combination of these). (3) Must be able to play Kim's Game, nine objects out of tweive. (It is preferable to select variations of this game u'hich are not used in the Troop.)




Rules 417-418

(S) With a urrilonn coat or tunic as permitted in (4), a green tie must, or u'ith arr ordinary

Group r -Gardener

iacket tnay, pe u't,rn instead o{ a scarf. t'd.

((;) Trousers, permissible.

(7) g






or still-life

group. three


(d) story by means of rnatch-stick figures in ' lllustrate anot less than {our pictures. a series of (a) l{ake .} sjmple greeting card of his own design using pencil, brush, perr or crayon. f) \aake a model in clay, py'ruma, or other plastic rnaterial {.Note.-T-he nahrral bent of the bo3, ts to ltc encun'aged, in euery 'o&y ; lhe spirit an.d intemtiort aJ tke uorh to count as rtuch as adhevence tt ocadtnua rules.\ 86


if entitlecl to it.

by Rule z9r.

996. 'lhe followin.g is the unifornr lor ladies :-Sooutmastcr's hat (four rlents). Anv one o{ the {ollorving in khaki, green, blue ().r grey :-


(r) Keep a sketch book for a period of

(. :, i '.' .i .. .,-. (i:,, { -r'"taff' :. 'Ttre follou'ing additionai tliffcr6nces appll' to the ranks Diflererrr:es 298. for certain ryecified:*(r) A11 S.l{.s(S.) .rnrl A.S.IIs. (S.) \year marocn shouldcr ranks. straps as for Senior Scouts as descritred in Rule 3r5 (r), and maroon garter tabs instead of green; and, instead oi a shoulder knot, rvear a shoulder patch as in Rule 286, but of the single colour appropriate to the rank of the Scouter as laid down in l'art VIII. (z) All D.R.S.Ls., R.S.L.s., and A.R.S.Ls., wear red garter tabs instead of green; and may, if they so desire, wear (except orr a uniform coat or tunic) the green shouldcr straps as described in Ilule 3r8 (t).

t t:!r ..,. ...j


or pencil, any animal or huma.n being he has lerndscape


carried on appropriate occasiorrs instead of

295. (i) All Commissioners, except as otherrvise specltiedlComrnisin this Rule, rvear uniform as for Scout as modi{ie<1 by Rule lgr.lsloners (ii) Comrnissioners {or special cluties appointecl unclcr l(ulcsl ror and rzg lor Sea Scouts or frir Air Scouts, u'ear unifonn asl for Sea Scout or Air Scout respectively as rnocli{red in bothl

(z) In addition do one of tlre {oilo*'ing:(a) I)raw from life or memory, in pen and ink



W4- Group Scouters, when not with or representing their Group, rnay wear the Gilwell scarf, if entitled to it.

(r) Must drarv, in the presence of the Examiner, with

([,) Draw from nature

A u.alking stick or tltumbstick may

(3) The spccial Giiwell scarf,

pencil, brush, pen or crayon an original illustration of any incident or character in a simple story (size not less than 7 by 5 inches).


td."""h", with stockings,

29& Scouters, other than Group Scouters, may u/ear any oI the Iollowing scarves :ir) The scarf of any Group to rvhich they belong. {z) A scarf of " Scout " green.

(6) Must grou' hro o{ the following :(a) A bulb in rvater, peat moss, sarrd, or soil. (b) A chestnut or acorn in water, sand, peat moss, or soil. ' (c) Mustard and cress, peas, or beans, on flannel. I 'Ihe test taken for the One Star Test (7) must not be taken for this badge. lagain


Bules 292-296




Coat, with or without belt of same niaterial, skirt and shirt of ttre sarne colour. Shirt or iersey, anrl skirt, with Scout belt. One-pir:ce Jroc]<

rvith Scout belt.

in ltules 293-'2{)+, or g,'rcr:n tie. L3rou,n, khaki or blrck stnckirrgs. I3rorvn or blar:k shoes. Shoulder badge, in tlrc case o[ (.]"ou]r Scouters,

Scarf, as


the Group, on rigirt shouicler or oo both, according to the custotn r'lf the Group ,9



Rules 287-991


ha.s been

a Scout (or who


Rovers arrd Air Rovers

green and yellow, (ii) A Rover Squire who iras been a Senior Scout wears unilorm as for Senior Scout, as described in Rule z8(r, but u,ith green and yellow shoulder knot instead of a shouider patch. 888. A Rover or Rover Air Scout rveilrs uniform as for Scout. or Air Scout, as the case may be, as described in Rules 283-284, but u'ith the following difierences :Shouider knr-'t. lterl, yeilol' ancl green. Ihurnbsticl<. In place ol stafi. Garter tabs. Iled. (For shoulder straps, whi.ch are classed as badges oJ ranh,

Rule 3t8 (r).) 28S. A }lover Sea Scout rvears uniform as for Sea Scout, as described in Ilule 284, but u,ith thtl follorving diflerences:see


in- a jersey




Ca.p. \Vith ribbon inscribed " ltover Sea Scouts " or, il desiled, in the case ol Groups operating on inland x'aters, the rvclrds " llover Scout-"

knot. Red, Carter tabs. Ited. Shoulder

Special scarves

a needle and sew on a buttcn, darn a holel Group or stoching and ruend a tear, arrtl carry out zrny twol


(z) Make a piece of netting (to put over seds, for a bag, etc.). (3) Work a design in cross-stitch on canvas. (4) Make a rug or mat on canva,s or hessian, Wash and iron his scarf. {5) (6) Make a basket. (7) Weave a useful article in raffia


llake an artlcle {rom odd.s zrut. 420. ivlalle article lrom 6r-cones,. Grouo z odds and ends, suctr:Ls such as tr{ones,. clothes rthes pegs, etc., etc., and-eilher alld eirher a worth while toy o{ reamnablel reamn-ablel size, such as a boat, engine, motor-car, doll or -To'vmr -Toymaker a.nimal, or, in reasonablv correct proportions and colouring, a worth u'hile composite tgy such asl a Iarrnyarcl, juagle, ark with animals, cottage'

with Jurniture, or station, or rcco[dition twol rlurablc toys approved by the C.M. I

yeliora', and green.

Thumbstick. In place oI stafi. (For shoulder strafs, whi,ah are classed as badges oJ ranh. see Rille t38 (r).) 250. The Rovers of a L.A., rvhcn meeting together as in Rule 256, rnay, u'ith the approval of the D.C. a"nd L.A., wear a special scarf ; if an emblern is desired on a scarf, it must be approved in accordance with Rules 342-345,

(Note.-An arlicle presented Jor the Tuo Slat Test $) rnust nol be admitted Jor an.y fart oJ this badge.)

421. (r) I{rrow how to "

clean-up " and treat z graze. Group (z) Be able to drcss ;rncl bancJage a hand and a cut prr"" -First Aider :rnd put on a large irm sling correctly. (_3)



Uniform described

Scouters, except as provitled in suhsequent rules. wear uniform as for Scout, Sea Scout, or Air Scout, as the c:rse n.ray be, as described in Rules 283, 284, and 285, respectively; lrut with thc foUorving difiercttces:(r) Sea Scouters wear a blue pcaked cap u,itL black band (rvith rvhite cover from rst May to 3oth September). (z) Air Scouters rvear the Air Scout cap, but the


(3) :\ shoulder knot, if any, u,orn by a Scouter in accordance rvith Part VIII is of the colour .(4) appropriate to his rank as therein specified. lI rlesircd on appropriate octasiqns,-a khaki uniform coat or turric rvith l(haki shirt ar)(l collar, may be worn by any Scoutr:: except a Sea. Scouter, u.ho on such occa.sions may *'ear a blue serge double-breasted coat with horn buttons, u,ith whitc or blue sLilt and collar', or an Air Scriuter, who similarly may wear a. grey uniform coat or tunic with gre.r

shirt ancl collar. 58


Knou' the treatment for stopping bleeding

from the

991. AII

A.S. badge is of the colour appropriate to the rank of the Scouter as laid down in


-flemg| craJt

of the following tests:(r) Knit a useful article.

passed the Tenclerloot test anC made the Scout Promise) wears uniform as for Scout, Sea Scout, or Air Scout, as the casc may be, as described in Rulcs 283-285, but the sboulder knot rvill be



419. Must thread


28?. (i) A Rover Squire who




(4) I{now how to extinguish clothes that have carrght fire; and how to treat minor burns and scalds. (,s) Show summoning adult help.

that he understands the need {or

(6) Know the simple treatment for shock (not electric).

422. (r) Ile able to give clear and

concise dirc,--tions, rvell16,16up


distinctlv spoken, to a stranger askiDg his y/ay, I and do so politely and promptly -Guid; I (z) Know the rvhereabouts o{ t'he nearest police statiol or box, doctor, chemist, public tclephone, f "^ ---\ expressed and

\<-* / \ \ ,/

frre alarnt, raiirvay station, garage ancl hotel.

petr;i station,'motor

(3) Knorv how to cali for Fire, Police, Ambulance.

(4) In towns

: Know tbe number, if any, and

at least two piaces each wav on the route of the local trams up to a maximum of four routes.

buses or

In countrv: Knou. the route of the local bus or buses. 87

Rules 428-425



-Hquss 'Orderly



Cop. Blucjacket's cap (rvith u'hite cover front rst .\{ay to 3oth September) with ribbon inscribecl " Sea Scouts " or, if desired, in

428. (r) I'Iake a good pot of tea, and Iry or poach an egg. (z) Prepare potatoes, and boil or fry them. (3) Make a tred, w-ash up crockery, utensils,

the case of Groups operating on inland rvaters, the rvords " l3oy Scouts." -ferseys


Shirt or jersey. I)ark blue.

(4) Clean windows and brasswork. (5) Sweep and dust a room, or scrub a table. (6) Lay a table for a.t lea.st three people for a meal oI two courses.




These tests are divided into two classes, A and B. Class A is {or Cubs {rom 8-ro years of age; Class ts for those of ro-rz. Ihe tests are oI thc same natule in both classes, but the standards are rlifferent. (Note.-Th.e aaerage height of Cubs in Class A is /r-_-\ ,in tlri,s class 'is unusually 4 Jeet r inch. lJ a Cub \Fl/ deueloped {not only in hei.ght) he shall be judged, \ t^J ,/ in Class B. IJ a Cub is undcr-deueloped he should tahe the lests 'in Class A.) Class A.


rvearinq the x-ords " I3oy Scouts " on cap ribbons rvill *'ear a l,lue jerscv or shirt, q.ithout th.e rvords " Sea Scouts," but rvitlt an anchor badge in eitl."er case.


Shorts. Darlr blue. Relt. 'fo be uorn either unclerne:rth or outsirlc the jersey, r.vhichever is the practice o{ the Clronp.


Stockings. Dark blue. Boots or shoes. Ijlack or brown, (ii) Whilst fishing or boating in bad cr cold wcatlier, there is uo objection to Sca Scouts rvcaring trousers, but on shore arrrl on ordinary occasions shofts are to be rvoi'n, and no Sea Scrrut may \\'ear trousers as part of his uniform except in the special circumstances mentioned. The rvearing of such articles of

Must be able :To sprint 5o yards in ro seconds. 'fo jump z ieet 6 inches (high jump). To jump 6 ft. (long jump). To climb a tree at least 15 feet, or climb a rope at ieast


clothing as a, blur-'jacket's jumper is not permitted. Waterproofs or oilskins antl sou'rvesters may be u'orn at the discretion of the S.nt. 285. An Air Scout wears uniform as for Scout, as describct.l in Rule .283, but rvith thel



and catch one thrown

fullowing difference.'Shirt or Jcrsev. Crcy.

To do a hand stand.

To do a cart-wheel.

Shorts. Stockings

Class B.

To sprint 6o yards in ro seconds. To juntp z feet 8 inches (high jump). To jump 7 leet 6 inches (long jump). To climb a tree at least 15 feet, or climtr a rope at least



in fresh

water. (S) Swim on bacl<


15 yards. (4) Be able to " ducks dive " (i.e., dive while sta.nding in the water or st'imming) . Or (as .alternatir.'e), perlorm a " hoirey-pot," (i.e., jump with arms fclasped rounti knecs) from a board, bank, or boat, or dive {rom [the side of the batb. 88




Sofh- "'without 'pe'alr ; dark ]>lue ; with the Scout badge between



425. (r) I\{ust bc

able to srvim z5 yards (any stroke). (z) Be able to float on back for 6o seconds in salt water or 3o seconds in freslr water, or tread water for two minutes in sa,lt water or one rninute



the left-hand side.

To do a hand stand. To do a cart-w'heel, left and right handed.




the lctters "A" and " S ", all in gold on

ro {eet. To throrv a cricket ball 3o vards, and catch one thrown from r-5 yards.


rvith thc

u.ords " Sea Scouts " in wliie letters across the chcst ; or shirts or jerscvs witir arr anchor badge on the right b.reast. Groups

\ :ri-r,/

To throw a cricket ball uo from to vards.

Rules 284-286



A Senior Scout rvears uniform as for Scr,r ut, Sea Scout, cr Air Scout, as the case may be, as Senior rlescribed in Rules 283-285, but with tire lollorving differcnces :- Scouts IIniIorm Cap-for Senior Sea Scouts. Itibbon inscritred " Scnior' described " Groups

; or, i-f desirecl, in the case o{ operating on iniancl $aters, the rvords " Scnior Scouts." Shoulder patch. Of palrol colours, instead of shoulrler knot. Sea Scout r

] in. square, parti-coloured diagonally. Woro at

the top oI t.he left sleeve immediately below the shoulder seam.

Garter tabs. ldaroon.

'flrumbstick. As alternatir.e to



shoulder straps, uhich ave classed. as badges of ranh,


Rule 3r5 (r).) 57

Bules 288-284

426. Must be a regnlar playing member of a properiy Group

Hat. Khaki (four dents), flat brim, leather band round crov'n, ald lace worn at back of head and tierl in front on the brim o{

4 o{ football, rounders. cricket or some other _Team orgarrised game of a similar nature. (Ttre team Player

organised team

:nust be under the control of the C.M., the boy's schoolmastcr, or other person approl'ed by the C.M.) NIust irave played in at least six matches

the hat. Scarf. Of the Group colour worn with a woggle (other than Gilwell pattern) or a loose knot at the throat. Shirt. I):irk blue, khaki, grecn or grey, u'ith

tu'o patch pockets (buttoned), and shoulder

straps optiorral; or a jersey or

of the


and must be specially recommendecl by captain and hv the person resl;onsible for

team as being a keen, sportsmanlike playerscouTs.


;.: ' Belt, Brorvn leatber or web, ,," ;, Stockings. .\ny plain c,rlour: rvortt turned _f



The fifteenth birthdav u'ill trc the dividing

below the shoulder badge.



(ii) The foilowing optional articl.es may a)so be worn :Haversack (worn on the back, and not at the side) or ruc-sac.

r,... Sea Scouts

First Class Badge is

appropriate 1t


oattcrns arc not allowcd.


.,,, J .,'., .

284. (i) A Sea Scout rvea.rs in Ruie 283, trut rvith the {ollolving


uniform as fr:r Scout, as desclibed


differencres :---

as Scouts Genera.l



cquipped with a natural wood staff, marked in feet and

Cord. A length of oord may be carried on the belt. Overcoat, mackintosh, or jacket. Bright colours or


(4) Scouts may not wear proficicncy badges gained as Cubs except the Leaprng \Arolf Badge in accordance with Rule 4r3. (5) While ccrtain badges are primzr.rily designed {or Sea or Air Scouts, all badges are available to anv Scout (rvithin the age eroup), provided that szr"tis{actory arrangements {or testing can bc ma.de. (6) A Scout mav not gain more tha"n 6 profrciency hadges lrom the under r5 r:lnge before gaining the First Class Badge. Trvo Senior Badges may be worn before the

Rules 342-345.



irrespective oI the Troop-or Patrol o{ uhich thJscout may be a member. Scouts under 15 may study lor the senior badges at any time, but may not be examined for them until qualified bv age. (3) Five additional proficiency badges, based on the holding of certain badges under (z) above-King's Scout, Buslrman's Thong, Seaman's Badge, Airman's Badge and Scout Cord, details o{ which are set out in Ruies

County and other emblem. If and as authorised under

Lanyard. To carry whistle or knife. Kni{e. Carried on tbe belt. Handaxe. Carried on the belt, but only on

of Scout proficiency

subjects for Roy Scouts (under 15 years oi age) and 45 special ,proficiency badges for Senior Scouts (over r5 years of age). These are set out in Rules 438 to 524 inclusive.

Air Scouts " bearing the words " Sea Scouts in letters not more than quarter-inch high wiII be worn



(z) Forty-two special proficiericy badges for diflerent

Scout sections must not include the words " Sea Scouts " or " Air Scouts " in the Group title. A flash




anrr Irirst Class Scout-the tests for lvhich are set out in ]iulcs 4zg and 43r respectively.

age of r5 or entering employment under that age before rst April, 1947. Shoulder badge. Indicating the Group; worn on right shoulder or on both, accordilrg to the custom of the Group. Members of Groups which have Sea or Air

Stafi. Every Scout, including a Sea or Air Scout, should

427. Thc generai

(t) 1'wo general proficiency badges-Second Class Scout

Cown below knee rvith green tabbed garter slorving on outside. Boots or shoes. Brown or black. Shoulder knot. Braitl six inches long, |in. wide, oI Patrol colours, on lelt shoulder. Shoulder straps. Plain, maroon. Worn on reaching the

to be carried on all appropriate

his the


szrme colours.

Shorts. Dark blue, khaki or grey.,\, . i


Rulss 426-4?7




(7) A Scout over 15 may continue to wear the ba.dges he gained while under that age until he has gained the senior equivalent. (8) Badges wili be distinguished by their design, shape and colour. Under r5 badges will be on either khaki or navy

will be on maroon ground only, w-ith the exception of the Ambulance

backgrouncls, but all Scnior l3adges

Badge, which is a red cross on a white round background. 8q


RuIe d28


Method ol wear

4?5. Scout proficiency badges are \vorn on the right arm in parallel ro*'s between the shoulder and the ellrcw, except as




TJre Second Class Badge is worn on the

the shoulder and tlre elbou.

shoulder, rvhenever gained.

(a) I'jubllc Service Badges will be rvorn on the left -A,id


or Ambuiance Badge at the top.

Public Service Badges are as follorvs :-Ltnder t5



left arm between

(z) The First Class Radge is rvorn *'hen gained in the place r:f the Second Class. (3) The Ambulzrnce }3aclge is the only badge wortr on both a.rnrs. It must be worn as the top tradge nearest the

the }.irst

Bules 281-288


281. (i) A Cub wcars unilorrn as {ollows, u'ith the appropriate of rank described in Rules 3o7-3ro. Cap. Green, with yellou' piping, with cloth Wol{'s head badge in {ront. Scarf. OI tire Group colour worn with a u,'oggle (other tlLan Gilwell pattern) or a loose knot at the throat. Jersey. Dar)< blue, khaki, grecil ol grey; sleeves



rvith The



Observer Ambr.rlance

lihorts. I);rlk blue, khaki or greyr i

Fircfighter Irirst Aid

Dcspa,tch [{ider


StooliinSJs. Any plain colou::; worn turncd dorvn below ilie kree, rvith grecn tabbecl garter




Jobman [-iIe-saver

Interpreter Leading Signa,ller



... Aircralt Corstructor, Air

" l'. ',-.




Boots or -slLoes. I3rown or black. Shoulder patch. Srnall triangular patch of cioth (the colour of the Six), se\\'n at the top o1 le{t slecve, immediately trelow t}rc shoulder,

.[iescur:r liignaUer (S) "I'he Scout Cord u'ill be u'oru rourtd the right shouidcr. (o) 'Ihe S<nior l3adgcs, except ttre Prrblic Service Badges, will be grouped and oniy tite corrcslmncling Group Badge rvorn. Wherc more than one badge in a Eroup is gained, it u'iil be shown by tr thin gold bar below the Group Badge, an extra goid bar br:ing added Ior eactr subsequent badge gainerl in tire group. The Senior Barlges are groupecl as ulrder :-Athlete BatlCe ... CiimLer, Ulastor SwimtrlTir."..

Aviator tsatlge

, ,'

sho*-ing orrtside.

Pilot Public Ilealtir

Messcuger trIissioner

Essential articles

down or rolied up, at the discretion of the



Air Spotter


witir point upwards.

Stroulder bzrrlge. Indicating the Group, worn on right shoulder or on troth, accorrling to the custorn of the Group.

Countl, and other Rr:les 3,12-34.-5.


If and as authorised under:

(ii) In tropical climates, Cubs may lvear their national heacldress or a white, grey or grecn soft felt hat with the Wolf's head badge irr front, a,nd a shirt, of a coloui different from that oI the Troop shirt, in plerce of a. jerselr.


Air Xtechanic, Air Navigator.

Iiarmer, li'islternlan, Countryma:r Batlge llorscnlarl, Hot1icultr-rrist, Naturalist. Crattsman Badge Artist, Handicra{t, Leading Piper, N{usician, ()ratcsr, Forester,

282. Tire loilorving optional .rrticlos may be carried

appropriate occasions :---

IJaversack (x'orrr on the bach, and not at the sicle) or srnall

I)hiIatelist, Photographer,



Mariner tsadge... I3ozrtswain, Ilclmsman

Ope" ni* fiAge Carnp \\r;riricrr, Hikei, x{apmakcr, )laster Cook, J.'ioneer, Tracker.

Scientist Batlge


Overcoat, rnackintosir, or jacket. Datlerns irL'c n0t eLUoued.





I i. ', d !





.. Asttononter, Electrician,

Nlecl.ranic, )\'leteorologist.

Radio l\'lcch:rnic.

Illustlations of the Collective Badges are shown against the first tradge tests in each group. 90

on {)ptional :rrticles


283. (i) A Scout rvc:rrs uni{orm as follows, with the appropriate badges o{ rank described in Rules 3rr-3r4. 55


Essential :rrticles


Bules 975-280


Public Service Badges in the Senior range will not bel grouped and wiII be rvorn separately. I .(7) The I{ing's Scout Badge is worn on the left arm abovel the First Class Badge and surrounded by the qualifyingl


Public Service Badges. I (8) Thc Bushman's 'fhong is worn round the right shoulder.l (9) 'Ihe.Seaman's Badge is worn in the centre of the rightl



2?5. I'he correct unifonn to be worrr by Scouls, Scouters, Non-executive and l-Ionorary ranks, and OId Scouts, as also by




helping with Scout Groups, is described under the various headings in this Part o{ P.O.R. The badges of rzrnk to be worn are set out in Part VIII.

pAeiJ- N" altelation ma)z be made in the uniform as described, nor any addition to it, with the exception of authorised badges and decorations and certain optional articles as set out in various rules below. ,?'


i :;'. :.. t r, !t

in certain cases when

ntembers of the Girl Guidcrs Association


i' r

:J' tsright metal buttons. una.uthorised badges, fancv decorations a,nd personal adornments, must rot be dispiayed.



Public,, , , 8t7.' Whenever uniform is worn in public it must l)e c()rrcct occasrotri,,.i and .complete-, ,'.,t ,,.i ', , .':i \ r -'1-t 2?,& Members of the Movement may, zrt the discretion oI Camp the Scouter in charge, lvear any convenient clothing in camp, but whenever they appear in public oulside the camp iimits,

thcy mu.st bc in proper.unilorm.

Scarf colours



;.'r& fl,r,. " 5;-- .-..: i', \'irt "'1 2?5. (i) Similar scarves must be worn by ali

members of a


(ii) Tire colour and design of Group scarves will be chosen by the G.S.nt. in consultation with the Group Council, subject to the approval of the L.A. anrl D.C., rvho will arrange that as far as possible no two Groups in the same I..A. shall have scarves of the same colour and design.


280. The following persons, other than ladies, may wear the kilt with a plain leather sporran :(r) Ary person holding any rank in the Movernent in Scotland.

(z) Elsewhere than in Scotland, the rnembers of any Section of a Group or of tho OId Scout Branch of a Group,

provided they all rveal the kilt, and that:111 the members o{ the Group are of Scottish dcscent-i.a., have at least one grandparent o{ pure Scottish blood.

(3) Persons qualified as undcr (r) or (z) in respect of service

in lreland or Irish 54


Rules tl28-429

(ro) The.Airman's Batlge is rvorn in the centre of tne rigntl

(rr) A Scout may continue to wear any




gained under the regulations previous to rst October, I rg4ti, for a period o{ trvo years, or until he qualiiiesl under the present conditions. I (re) AII Senior Scout badges will be worn above any badgesl gained before rst October, 1946 (until rst October,l 1948) and above any badges gained whilst the Scoutl was under r5.

429. l3efore being awarded the Secon<i Class Badge, the Second Scout rnust pass the {ollot'ing tests:Class Scout (r) Prelintinary. .[lust be ab]e to re-pass the Tenderloot'Iests. (z) Heultlt. (a) Show how to deal with the {ollor.ing cornmorr milor accidents


I'Iinor cuts and


Sprains. ]3ruises.

Bleeding frorn the nose. Stings and bites. Burns and scalds. Know how to avoid sunburning, aud thep itnportance of doiirg so. I Dcmonstratt. the usc of the tria.ngular baudage as a' sling.

I)emonstrate hotv to summon hclp and to treat for shock (not electric). (b) Know the general rules o{ treaith as given in Camp Fire Yarn 18 of " Scouting for Boys." (c) Demonstrate the Six Excrcises described in Camp I;'ire Yarn 17 o{ " Scouting {or Boys." (3) Obseruation. (a) Kim's Ganre. Describe, in u'ritilg, 16 out o{ z4 wellassorted articles follolving one minute's obscrvation, or follow a trail hal[-a-rnile lorig cont;rining not ]ess than 3o rvoodcr-aft signs, in z5 nrinutes. (D) I3e able to recognise and name, from a list submitted by the Scout, six common trees, an<l know flre values of

their *oods for



Rules 429-431



2?4c. Any person of r8 years of age r:r over who rras Qualificaformerly a rnember o{ a rcgistered Group, or who was }rim-- tions sel{ forirerly registerecl ,. u'i-o.r" Scout, ione Senior Scout, orl Deep Sea Scout, orwho has heid any warrant as a Scouter, is eligible for registration as an O1d Scout. 2?4u. 'fhe essential conclitions o{ registration as an Okl

\41 Pioneering.

(a) f ie the Iollorving l<nots and know their uses-tirnberhitch and fir;herman's. Demon:;trate square anil rliagonai lashings by constructirtg a trestle of Scout staffs. (b) Know the safety rules and care of a hand-axe anrtr knife. Demonstrate how to chop fir'eu,oocl



I(now the ilIorse or Sernaphore sign {or every letter in the alphabet, and for the numerals--also the table of Miscellaneous Signals in Camp Fire Yarn 7 of " Scout-


Be able to send and receir,'e a simple message accurately out-of-doors.


ing for Boys."

(6) Exploring. (a) Know the 16 points of the compass and horv to set

Scout are :(r) a desire to liver as a. man in accordance s,ith the Aims and Basis of the Association (Rule r), (z) the making or re-affirmation of the Scout Promise, (3) a continued interest, a.s active as possible, in the Scout work o{ the Group or L.A.

2'14t. Old Scouts may wear uniform as in Rule tg8.L, a,nd Uniforrn and badges in RuIe 325e.

badges as a


(b) La1, ancl light a fire out-of-doors, t'ith natural rnaterials, usine two rnatches only; cooli over this fire porridge for two and a twist or damper. Q\ Pttblic Sevaice. (a) Show th;rt he understarnds thc Highway Code I'aras. t, 2, q, 5, 6 ar,d 7 (Tri all roaci users). (To all pedestrians). Paras. 9-z r ('l'o cyclists).


(b) he has the usc of a bicycle, demons;trate that he is ' If keeping it ploperly rnaintained and that ire is able to cflect nrit:or repails.

430. The Rarige is granted by the I..A. oo the recomrnendation of the S.NI., rvho acts as Examincr. First Scout


43L. Refore being awarded the First Class Badge, a Secoud Class Scout must pass the following tests :{t) Prrlininary.

(a) IVIust be zrble to re-pass the Second Class Tests.

(b) X'lust have camped, as a Scout, for a total of ro niglrts bcfore cot-npleting his lrirst Class


One rveeh-end camp, at lcast,

nrust be included in the total.

(z) Health. (a) I)cmonstrate the proper n':ethod o{ dealiug with the follou,ing en'rergencie:i-fire, drolvrriag, ice-bre;rl<ing ancl elcctric shcck. (b) I{now t}re position o{ thc main arteries and how to stop cxternal blceding lrom veins a,nd a.rteries. Dernonstrate hou'to deal rvith fractures of the coliarbone, arnr, and Iore-arrn. Understand the importance of not movittg othcr suspccted fluctures 92

Eules g74c-8?4I



Bules 278-2?4r


and badges



| 273. lhe extent and description of the service and other lactivities in this Stage are {or the R.S.L. and Crerv to decide. 2?4. Rovers u.ear uniform as in Rules 288-289, ancl badges as

Demonstrate the use <rf the triangular bandage as applied to the knee, head and foot. Demonstrate ho*' to deal with shoch at all sta.ges. (c) Swim 5o yards. If a doctor certifies that bathing is dangerous to a boy's health, the latter must, instead

in Rule 3r8.

oI this,

Olil Scout Branoh


Formation, etc.

THE OLD SCOUT BRANCTT (GBOUP). 274r. Ihe purpose of the O1d Scout Branch is to give its

pass_o-ne barlges: Camper, -oI the following Handyman, \Aroodcra{tsman, Naturalist, Ra.ckuo6ds-

man, Pioneer, Stallier, Tracker, Starman or Astronomer.


a feeling of continued possession in tire Group and to utilise their services for the support, development, and- welfare of the Group and its traditions.


2?4e. (i) An Old Scout Branch may be {ormed in cornection with a Group by procedure similar to that laid down in Rule


The County Commissioner may allow a Scout to gain the l,-irst Class badge without passing the Swimming Test, provided he is satist:d that it is not practicabl6 for the Scout to obtain facilities for learning to swim, and that the Scout under r5 gains the Jobman l3adge and the Scout over r5 the Handyman Badge as in alternative. The Scout should make every -effort to pass the swimrning test as soon as possible.

r94 for the addition of a Section to a Group.

(ii) The Old Scout Branch is, however, distinct frorn the three Sections of the Group, and Rules tg7-2tr do not apply

d3l Cbserualion.

(a) Read the m.eaning ol a series of simple tracks made in sandy or other suitabie ground. These sliould include

to it except where specifically

stated. It must be entirely self-supporting, and its funds and f.nances must be kept separate from those of the Group.

(iii) The Old Scout Branch oI a Group may be disbanded by procedure similar to that iaid dow-n in }iule r95 for the disbandment oI a Section. (iv) The provisions of Rule 196 apply in cases of refusal to approve formation of, or decisions to disband, an Old Scout Branch,

Members ex-officio

Registration of



Precalutions and Reports

2?4c. All Scouters oI the Group whilst holding warrants

as such are ex of&cio members of the Group Old $cout lJranch.


The OId Scout BraLnch of :r Group may at its discretion,

but subject to the approval of the D.C., register annually as an Old Scout any former member o{ the Group qualified in

accordance with Rules z74c an:d z74a; ai:l, simiiarly, may at any time remove the name o{ any person from the register.

214r. The Old Scout Branch and the D.C. in making any decision under Rule z74o must adopt the precautions required by Rules 7z-73, and must report to I.H.Q. through the C.C. any case in which it appears that it is undesirable that any person should become or remain a member oI the Movement.

TIIE OLD SCOUT. The Olil Scout


274p. (i) An Old Scout is a person who is so registered either by the Oid Scout Branch of a L.A. in accordance with Rule t67D or of a Group in accordance with RuIe 274n. (ii) Registration as an Old Scout is oniy valid for twelve rnonths and must be renewed each year. 52

runxilg, iimping, carrying a weight, walking backwards, and blind gaits. (b) Ee lble to recognise and name, from lists submitted by the Scout, 12 common trees and 6 common birds.

(c) tising improvised apparatus, such as a Scout staff, . estimate three distances not more than half-a-mile, and three heights not more than roo feet. In each case the estimate to be within ten per cent. error above or below the actual.

{4) Pioneering.

(a) Demonstrate the following : sheerlashing ; back and eye-splice ; fireman's chaLir knot ; man6arness knot ; rolling hitch. (b) Use a felling axe for felling or trimming ligh.t timber, or, if this r,s impracticable, be able to log up a piece oi timber ancl demonstrate the tireory of felling i, tree.



a message out-of-doors, either in at rate four (zo letters a mitrute) or in Morse at rate three (r5 Ietters a minute). He must also understand the alphabetical check fornumerals. Where it is desired to pass the test in Morse by btzzer, Serrd and receive


the test may be taken indoors provided the sender and receiver are out of sight oI eaCh other. (6) Exploring. (a) Read.and b-e able to use a one-inch Ordnance Survey map (or its local,equivalent). Use a compass and polnl


a- compass direction by day or night without the aid of a compass. (6) Go on foot, alone or with another Scout, a z4 hour journey of at least 14 miles. In the course of the

journey he must cook his own meals, one of rvhich must 93

Ruls t[8l

2?0. The Rover is expected to adopt and be governed by Trairring --Idea-ls the {ollowing principles :(r) His Promise o{ Duty to God, through a couscientious

include meat, over a wood fire in the open; 6nd his' camp site and camp {or the night. He must carry.out any-instructions given by the Exaniner as to things to be observed en route.

efiort to develop his own spiritual life, and through the practice o{ his religion. (z) His Promise of Duty to the King, through an carnest endeavour to secure a proper ltnowledge of the Govern-

by water' and partly by land-at least five miles of the 14 to'


Sea Scout may do this journey partly

be done on foot. This test should be taken last.





(a) Have a comprel:ensive knowledge o{ the Highway (bqe, ' ' includirig.-ani.ier afpendices and supplementary notes, and be questions and give demonstrations in able to relation to anY Part in it.


to be expressed in his actions, and in goodrvill, fellowshjp and clean-living.

t182. The I'irst Class badge is granted by the L.A. on the recommendation o{ the D.C. (or s.imeone other than a Scouter

9'lL. (i) A{ter Investiture, the Rovel rvill undergo training, 'frainingchoosing his activitit:s {roru t}re gloup of subjects listed below, Prar:.tical

S.If. The lattr:r will exarnine for all tests except {or the iourney; the D.C. (c'r his nominee as zr,bove) will give the

subjects under each of thcse heacls:-.-

and should aim at progressive developrnent in one or


instruciions for the journey and rvill examine the rough notes made riuring the jouiney and the iog which can be written-up a{ter the joirney.- Both-log and note.s must be handed in within a week oI the journey.


\['or]d .A{fairs. National Af{airs.

Cultural Subjects. Scoutcraft.

Hanclcrafts, I{obbies and Sy>rts.

I 433. The Scout Cord, a braided lanyard in Scout ggeen, l*ort oo the right shoulder. ReIore being awarded the Scout Cord, a Scout must :Ilold the First Class 1)adge and six Proficiencl' Badges'

(ii) An essential part of the training of llovers is the rnanagemelt of the affairs of their own p.rrt of the Crew undcr the general leadership of the .F{.S.L.

'Ihe Scout Cord may only be gained bv a Scout under r5 but he will continue to wear it until such time as he gains the Bushman's Thong or its equivalent.

g?2. The Rover rvili move up to the Scrvice Stage of the Crew at latest by his z5th birthda,v; and the following may also join the Service Stage:---

(iii) Service activities entail ca,reful selection and preparation according to the needs of the indivi<lual Rover as well as of the Crew as a whole.

two of u'hich must be selected from Backrvnodsman, Camper, Cook, Stalker, Starman, Weatherman, Woodcraftsman-


Ifis Promise to Obey the Scout Law by adopting.-it as an ideal

of the Scout's own Group, appointed by the D.C.) anrl the



(3) His Prornise of Duty to his Neighbours, lhrough a logical development oI the Scout Good Turn, after pr-oper prepar-ation and training, into some form of 6tteitive service to the cornmunity. In so doing he


eflect all reasonable rePairs. (d) Understand the procedure for reporting road accidents.


ment of his country, and to per{orm his duty as a

is asked to realise that his first service is to his home and to establish himself in life. He should rnake every endeavour to consolidate his positiorr so that he is not a burden on others, or on the State.

(b) Demonstrate the principles of controlling traffrc. he has the use of a bicvcle, demonstrate that he is' (c) '' If keeping it properly maintained and that he is able to

The Scout

Rules 9?0-972



Rules t[31-t[34

434. Before bcing awarded the Bushman's Thong, a nlust :-


Hokl the First Class Badge and threc of the foilowing : Venturer, Camp Warrlen, Forester, Naturalist, I{eteorologist,

I'ioneer, Tracker, Astronomer, of which the Venturer is obligatory. A Scout may not hold both the Astronomer an<1-I{ete.orologist Badges to qua.lify for the Thong. For Sea and Air Scouts, the following badges are the equivaIent of the Bushman's Thong:9+



Rovers lvho, {or good reasons which satisfy the R.S.L. and Crew, are unable to take part in the activities given in Rule z7r $\.

(z) Men rvho ha.ve not undergoue training but rvlxr have passed their zjrrJ birtirday may be investcd a{ter such proba.tionary period a.nd a{ter {ulfilling sucir o{ the conditions required of a Rovcr Squire a,s the R.S.L. and Crelv may require. (3) Scouters. 5r

Service Stage

Rules P,64-869



(:) The age for aclmission is necessarily dependent on the physical and mental development of a boy in his progress to manhood. He must be at lea,st r7$ years ol

Bailge. (For Sea Scouts only). Seaman's Badge Must lrold the First Class Badge and three of the following :


Venturer, Boatswain, Helmsman, Fisherman, Naturalist, Meteorologist, Astronomer, of wirich the Venturer and either the BoatswaiD or Helmsman are obligatory.

age, and preferably r8.

(a) The latest age {or admission as a Squire is hiS z3rcl trirthday. Older men may be admitted under Rule 272 (2).


On admission to zr Crerv. he is known as a Rover Squire as he is invested as a Itover.

until such time Training

as Rover Squire

266. lJefore a Rover Squire can be invested a,s a Rover he must have fu1filled the following conditions to tire satisfaction of the R.S.L.

(r) (z) (3) (4)


Uniforrr and badges




311d g1gv,'


and studied "'Soouting for Boys " and " Rovering to Success," and current Senior Scout

FI:Lve read

literature,. Have studied and understood the Scout Promise and Scout Lar*' as they concern Rovers, ancl be applying them in a spirit of unselEsh service to life in general. Have sufficient knor,ledge to train a boy of Scout age in the Tenderfoot tests. With a Rover, rvho will make a report to the R.S.L., go on foot across country, or by boat sailed or propelied by himself, a total distance of uot less than 18 miles, carrying his hit and sleeping out (in tent, hut or barn according to season) for not less tiran one night, catering and cooking for himself and his cornpanion. Flave undergone such period of plobation as the G.S.II., R.S.L. and Crew m;ry rcquire.

26?. (i) Rover Squires wiro have been Scouts or.Senior

Scouts wear uniform as in Rule 287, and, badges as in RuIe 3r7. (ii) A. Rover Squire who has not been a Scout or Senior Scout and rvistres to wear uni{orm and badges, must first pass the Tenrier{oot test arrd make the Scout Promise.

TIIE ROVER. Squire rnav be investcrl a-q soon a.fter a prob:r,tionary lperiod as the G.S.1\i., R.S.L. and Crew thirrk fit. 269. Some process of self-examination (in thc forrn of a Vigil or otherwisc) and ern lnvestiture, during which he will reaf6.rm or make tbe Scout Prornise, are essential to emphasise I gOA. .\


Airmants Bailge. (For Air Scouts only.) Airma.n's Badge Nlust hold the First Ciass Batlge aud tirree of the follorving : Venturer, Air Mechanic, Air Navigator, Air Glider, Meteorologist, Naturalist, Astronomcr, of which the Yenturer and either Air Mechanic or Air Navigator are obligatory. (Note.-Bushman's Thong, Seoman's and ,l,irucan's Badges are altevnatiues and, only one may be worn.)

435. His Majestv the Iiing has been graciously pie:rsed tcr Kiug's authorise the issue of a special Royal Scout -,r\ Zx\2,)..\. Celtiticate to Senior Scouts who gain the King's Scout l3adge. A King's Scout is one wh.o, luviiig thoroughl-v traineri himsell in Scoutcra{t, places that training at the disposal of the conrmunity for Public Service. Be{ore being awarded the King's Scout

Badge a Scout must : Flold the Bushman's Thong (or Seamzrn's or Airman's I3adgtN and four of the senior Pubiic Service Badges of which Ambulance

is obligatory. A l(ing's Scout wlll receive his Badge, if he so desires, from the Chief Scout, wiro holds reccptions {or thc ourpose at convenient intervals at I.H.Q.

436. In respect of the special proliciency baclges, L.A.s Alternativo may be authorised by the C.C. to grant the badges on tests tests for other than those presented in Rules +38-524, provided that the Special tests-* 13adges (r) are laid down by the Public l.lducation Authority in the Countv or Borough;

(z) are not easicr than the tests in the Rules;

(:) fulfil the

same general purpose.

43?. It is no lorrger necessary {or certain tests to annually.


the fact that as a Iiovcr he is undertaking certain definite -responsibilities. A {orrn of ceremony, with suggestions {or the lself-exanrinatiun or Vigil, is published under the title, " The lPresentation of a ltc,vcr Scout," and may be trad on payment lirom I.H.Q. (Equipment Dept.). | 'ffr. Investiture shouid be carried out by the R.S.L. II he lis not available it should be performed by a Scouter who has lhimself been invested as a Rover. 5o

Rules 434-48?


be1 I

Ruies 438-440



258. 'fhis structure o{ the Crew is <iesigned so as:(r) to provide a programme of activities for the anc'l Rovers under





438. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Air llecnanic.) (r) Know the proper conduct to adopt, and the ordinary

safety precautions to {ollow, when on an airfield or near aircra-{t.

(z) I(irow horv to be of practical help to a pilot

by indicating rviud direction by day and by night, and keeping his lancling strip clear. I{ow to help a pilot bv picketing an aircra{t, how to

and improvise them antL how to assist. in refueiling aircraft. use chocks

(3) Have a knowledge of airfield procedure, rules and


(4) Know what constitutes a reasonable landing ground for" heavy types, medium types, light types and gliders. Know the. situation of established airfelds within a radius oI ro miles. Aircraft Modeller

480. (Corresponding



(r) Make a

for over r5-Aircraft

scale model o{ any specific (Use of kit not permissible.)

type of



hu*,n;,*,,!'Jil?u:ir;:,0"1r""13:ii:::l:,""1]ll":tf; *5i, /"t conditions specified by thc .Examiner. % VA:**"g1-i,l 'Wi (3) Flave a knou-ledge of the principles of Vr' -tqg.t r" their effeot on stability and 3:*"ll.,rl".r"Otng

Air Spotter

440. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Air Observer.) (t) Recognise correctly from silhouettes shovrn for ten seconds each, 75 per cent. of thc aircraft given on a list published annually by I.H.Q. At least z5 per cent. to be shown head-on. /:$oYt.r' iz {?-);r."^ (:) Drarv and. prorluce a chart of the national W'-{.!!- ',,1 markings, both service and civil, oI tlie aircralt W, *' l/ o{ Great Britairr and two {oreign countries. "fcoul$' (3) Have kept a log over a period o{ three months reporting a1l aircra{t seen, giving date, place, direction in which flying, numher o{ engines and country o{ origin, or, if this is not possible, satisfy the Examiner as to his abilitv to identi{y aircraft in flight. g6



training in compliance with Ruid 254, l (z) to continue to provirle a Brotherhood of the Open Airl arrd Service fof those not under training.


Boy Scouts (Under

Bules 158-864


S59. (i) Rovers untler trainirrg r,r-ill arrange ttreir ownl Activities prograrnme, but the whole CreN, wrll meet from time to time I for service, social, and other activities. I (ii) The Crew may be dividetl into teams or patrols as andl when necessary for any particular purpose. I 260. .(i) A Rover }Iate is a Rover elected annually by the R6vs1 ^ Crew with the approval of the Ii.S.I-., in orcler to help in its Xi;i; leadership.

(ii) There should be one }Iate to every {our to six llovers. (iii) Ro-ver Nlates wear uni{orm as in Rule 288, ancl badges


iu Itule



261. (i) Where the size of the Creu, makes it desirable. a! ,--^-. 3::x,:::ii1'nfir,":".lTT::rT;'.":?"fl 9;;i'T"H:?tTii:?::li:.11-:'1,""0 to dcal with internart matters.of <lisoiptire,- adnrinistr:rrion iiii'i?j,..the expenditure oI funds as d.efined iir Rule zo9. ".dlI ii;^^-'""(ii) Where the size of the Crerv does not warrant settins uol a Crew Cou,]cil, the whole Crew shall, subject to Rule "z-5r',1 " exercise the functions of such a Council. I (iii) Matters relatiug exclusively to Rovcr Squires and Roversl undcr training should-be dealt wiiir by those Rbvers themselves.


A Ror-er may take up a warrant without ceasing to Scouters ,bc262. a member ol the Crew, but his duties as a Scouter must c-omelMenrbers f,rsj. Ilre possession oI a warrant rvill not givc him r.r-ry pre-l


cedence as a Rover.

_ 263. . If occupation, age, or other circumstances. prevcnt a Rover from carrving on a1 a mcmber of his Crew, .his mcmber._ Termination ;i'..""-'^" ship of the Crew sf,all cease. I membership



264.. Before a voung man is adnrittcd to a Creu., the following _ _o ,.the -, Iiover conrlitions lrrust be obscrr.ed :_ (r) He must be approved by the G.S.lr. and R.S.L..rdl33ltii"r. by the Crew. ^' ol (z) He must either be recommencled by the S.NI. as l\{embership Scor:t, or by the S.II.(S.) as a Senilr Scout, rviro is. " lrying to act up to his Scout obiigations, inclucling thel dorr)g ol good turns, or iI not previouslv a Scorii or Senior Scout, he must be willing to ldarn p.actlcal I Scouting, pursue the open-air liJe,"and accept'the 1v6yl

ol ltle set forth in the Scout lromise and Law. 49

Bules 250-257

tt Functions

of title

.o R.S.L. under 30 or an A.R.S.L. under 25. 25L. (i) The R.S.L. takes charge of the Crew with the assistance of any A.R.S.L., subject to the general supervi'*ion as in RuIe r73 of the G.S.M. (ii) The tri.S.L. will, however, entrust as far as possible to the Crew all internal natters of discipline :Lnd administration,

252. Where the context so requires, the term R.S.L. shall, in respect o{ all {unctions, be taken to mean any one of the persons acting as the lczr"dcr oI the Crew under Rule 255'





R.S.L.s ancl A.I{.S.L.s wear uniforrn as in Rules 2gr-292,

and badges as in Rules 320-322.


The Crew Aims

of formation

Llombined r,,-reetings

is " finding himself," i.e., developing his character and his po'wers, and endeavours to help him to put into pract-ice in a wider world the principles of the Scout Promise and Lat'. P55. Before the L.A. and D.C. approve the forrnation of a Crew, it js essential that there shouid be :(r) a suitable leader who should, if possible, be a rvarranted Ii.S.L. Failing this, the L.A. and D.C. must arrange either for the G.S.IVI. or one of iris assistants to be in charge (in u,irich case the qualifications laid down in RuIe z5o must he observed) or for adequate supcrvision by the D.R.S.I-. or A.D.C. Ior Rovers, (") suitab.lc premises. I 256. (i) llhe Rovers in a I-.A^ may meet together as desired for activities under the leadership of the A.D.C. for Itovers,

the D.R.S.L., or any R.S.L. a.ppr:oved by the L.A. and D.C. (ii) Such a body oI Rovers cannot be registcred as a L.A' Crew


or Group


all tlie

Rovers rnust already be members

of Groups registered un<i.er the L.A. | 25?. (i) The Rover Crew is divided into three stages I


:trt 'l'he Probatit,nt'r Stage-



Rover Squires.

(z) The Training Stage--after Investiture as Rovers. t:t The Service Stage-the older members of the Crew" 48


(z) Have a knowledge of the fish that inhabit the watcrs oI the local.ity. (3) Know the rules concerning ihe close


the size o{ {ish allowed to be taken. Explain t6g1e" and l# J;;'I; oI the riversitte.


(4) Demonstiate how

to iit up rod, line and


(5) Knou'the sizes o{ hooks most suitable and show a. knorvbait. Demonstrate the correct way to use a, landing

ledge of oet.

(6) Ltake a float. 44P., (Corresponding Badge tbr over r5-\'enturer.)


254. Rover Scoutirrg is a Brothei:hood of the Open Air and Service, the purposes o{ w'hich are:(r) to continue tlre training in citizenship given to Cubs, Scouts and Senior Scouts, with the sarne objects as are laid don'n in Rule r, but with a u'ider outlook appro-

priate to the age of Rovers; and (z) to encourage Rovers to make use{ul careers for themselves and to render scrvice to the community. Rover training covers the period during which the young maD


441. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Irisherman.) (r) Catch, prepa:re and cool< his fish.

o{ the Crerv. In normal circumstances an application for a warrant of this rank should not be submittecl for

including the expenditure of Crerv funds, as delined in Rule zo9.


Rules 441-443




(r) Demonstrate the proper method of sitting, stzrnding, wa.lking and rurrning, artd r,[ starting in a race. a$9yU_ '% (:) Gain points irr f,ve of the follorving tests in %' EfA 5tr W accordance rvith his age:-

Vffi /4 '*o&q'




years --3z points.

vcars--38 points.

years-44 points.

Standavrl 6 points


roo yards

(ii) I{alf-mile

2.55 mlns.

3ft. 6in. (iv) Throrving the

Cricket Ball

(v) Scout's Pace,


mile. Variation

either way


(Corresponding Badge for over r5-Pioneer.)

,\$fl"Yb^ (r) Make a sa.tisfactory shelter for tr,r'o people, 1/,/ 'fiih fuusing. natural materials, and sleep in it, alone or ?,1 r(i.lili ffiwith another Scout, for at lcast one night.

%'Wrru..iil,iu:il}":;?.'.-jl',H:i'.:'ffi r""?Xl;:.il 97


Rules 443-445


(3) Demonstrate three


of the following :.-

(a) Improvised methods o{ moving injured persons having clue reg:rrd to their sa{cty and cornfort. (ir) Climbing a tree to a height oI at least zo l'eet from the

(5) Hike or row a boat with a Senior Scout a tlistance ofr eight miles. Ilt.necd not necessarilv camD fr,r ilrel night, hut will, irr all cdscs, carrv o po.k'p..p.,ity packedl irirnself, erect a tent, light !y for

e, h.", ird m"aisl "o<rti himself and his compa.niirrr. On his return he shall give a verbal report to ti-re lroop or patrol. The Seniorl Scout compa,nion will also repdrt on his proficiency.

ground and lashing on the founda.t.ion spars of a look-out post.

(r:) Rowirg a bo:rt, p:tddling a cance, or poling a punt for at leilst half a mile.

(d) The construction of a sunclial, or :r gaclget to firrd the

11u6 \orth. (r) Any method o{ purifyir:g contaminated water and of

straining muddy v'zrter.


g4?p. After investiture a.s a Senior Scout, he p.oc"".lrl

to qualify for :(r) Irirst Class Scout-if not already ss. (Iiule 43r.)


a 'Iingle, or appl7t a. canvas patch to a kayali. (z) Ile erble to make tbe follorving TJends and Hitches: Timber Hitch, Rollirg Hitch, Marline

Spike I-Iitcir, lJ1;rr:hwall llitch, Midshipman's

l-Iitch, Fisherura.n's l3enrl, Carrick Bend, Bowline

on Bight, ltunning Bou'lire, Catspaw, and

be able_to mouse a hook; Short and Eye Splices, Single \['all ancl Crown and a ]llatthe* Walt<er.

(3) Make a fender, either o{ rope or canvas, suitablc for a

puliing boat.

ir cleaning and painting a


(5) Know the contents oI a Boat's Bag. (6) Make tlie {ollowing on a Bosun's call :Dinner. The Carry On. Away Ship's Boat Lash Up and Stow. The Still. Pipe Down. -8ookma.n

/l45. (Corresponding l3adge for over rs-Reader.) Supply to the Exarniner, previous to the test, a list o{ at Ieast r? books {rom those he has read during the previous l: n)onths. Discuss these txroks rvith the Examiner and explain rvhy he lead them, his order o{ pre{erence rvith rea,sons, ancl ansrver questions on the contents oI the books. Explain horv books should be cared for. q8





444. (Corresponding Ba<1gt: {or over r.5-Boa.tsrvain.) (r) Repair a sma1l lcak in a prrlling boat by mea,ns of

(4) Take a leading part


(z) Rushman's Thong, Seaman's I3a,dge, or Airman,s Badeel (RuLe 434), a,s may Lre appropriate. t (3) King's Scout (Ittrle 433).

24?8. (i)


Rules 247o-250

Senior Scout P;rtrols and Senior'Iroops

in a

I-.A. lCornbilr,rl

may meet together as desire<l for trai.ing or othir activities,l r:ructi,ss but such a combination mav not be registJred as a L.A. Senioil



(ii) Such activities r,r'ill be stimulated and co-ordinatecl bsl the 1).C. or,A..D.C.1S.) (,r su(:[r othcr c:<pcrienctd Scoutcr as thil D.C. may appoint Ioi thc pur-posc.


24tp. A Scnior Scout wears unift.irln as itr I{ule z8r, an.ll

btdges as in Rutc





R.S.Ls. and A.R.S.Ls. are appointed on the recommendazr.nd D.C., r.vith ivirrants in accord.ance lritU

tion of the L.A. Part


R.S.L. enrt e.n.$.fr.


,AS. In no circumstances will a warrant for either .ank be Lurdie' granted to a iadv.

250. The special qualifications lor It.S.L. and A.R.S.L., in Oualificaaddition to the general qualifications set out in Rules 69-7o, fions 21s a5 fqll6w5 ;(r) A general knowiedge of " Scouting for Boys," " Rovering. to Success," P.O.R., and current Senior Scoutliterature-.I

(z) A general knowledge o{ the social needs of the community in his neighbourhood and ability to find service for his Rovers. (3)

r\ personal standing, character ancl experience o{ life, such as will enable him to iead young men, ald an

understanding of the principles o{ leadership involved (4) Acceptance bv the Itovers of tite Crew concerned. {S) Age sufircient to enable him to carry out the work satis{actorily. I).C.s and L.A.s are expected to consider carefully tlie suitability of the applicant in this respect, and particularly in relation to ttre ages oI the members 17



Rulos rlz16-r[48

Ztl7.:. (i) A Patrol Leader(S.) is a Senior Scout appointed by the S.M.(S.), in consultation with the Court of Honour or tlie Patrol concerned, to take charge ol a Senior Scout Patrol.

446. (Correspon<ling Badge for over r5-Photographer.) (r) Take with any camera, and develop and print:


Bules 24?r-24?o Patrol Leader(S.)

(ii) The Patrol Leader(S.) may carry the Patrol flag. (iii) Patrol Leaders(S.) wear uniform as in Rule 286 and badges as Second(S.)

Court ol Flonour

The Senior $cout

lnvestiture Age

in Rulc 316. 241r. (i) A

Second(S.) is a Senior Scout selected by- the Patrol I-eader(S.) u'ith +-he appror-al oi tbe S.}I.(S.) and Court of }lonour to assist him and to take his place wiren absent. (ii) Seconds(S.) wear un.ifonn as in Rule zE6 and badges a^s in Ruie -316. 24?r-. (i) The Court of Honour is a body composed ot-the Troop Leader(S.), if any, and the Patrol Le-ad-9rs(S.)-' Where there are less than three Patrois, the Seconds(S.) will also be members o{ the Court o{ Honour. Where there is only one Patrol, the Patrol in Council u'ill replace the Court of Honour. The Scouters of the Senior Troop, if present, should act in an advisory capacity onlY. (ii) 'Ihe Court of llonour deals rvith internal matters, includir,g thi'expenditure o{ Senior Troop Funds, in accorrlance with Rule z47o(ii).

TEE SENIOB SCOUT. 2Allrut. A boy becomes a Senior Scout by llvestiture, during which he makei or re-aftirms the Scout Promise as in Rule 3. He is then entitled to wear uniform as in Rule 283, and badges as in ltule 3r5. 24?N. (i) To become a Senior Scout a bo.v rnust have attairted tile age oi 15 (ur havc enterecl. emplo'rment nncler that age bel,rrc 14tlliJrril, ,rOrr, btrt not havc reacltcti his eLghteenth birttr<1a-v.

Senior Scc,ut should leave the Senior Troop at the age rrnless he receivcs tire D.C.'s sanction to remain.

(ii) 'r8 A Quali&ca-


241o. Before being invested as a Senior Scout he must, unless a Scout holding the First Class badge, complete the Initial Test as follows :-. (r) or repass the Tenderfoot Tests, and make or re' Pass alirnr tILc Scout Promisc.

(z)' Have a knorvleclgc of tire life and work of B.-P., and the broad outlirres oI the history of the Movcment. (:'t a Patrol in tir.e six exercis,es-given in " Scouting for "' Lead Boys," ancl cxplail to the Partrol the importance of tahing

of his body rvith special refelence to cleanliness, fresh air, exerciie and rdst. Explain the main dangers


to sood health and how to avoid them, and understand the-importance of moderation in all thiugs. (4) IJave spent a total o{ at least three- nights away from Irome,

in tlrc ,:otnparry of Senior Scouts, slccping in

tent, hut, barn or simiiar shelter' 46


Scouter, a Policeman, a Postman.

(z) Discuss rz photog::aphs supplied by the Examiner, and arrange them in order of merit, as they appeal to him, giving his reasons.

Ul, (Corresponding Badge {or over r5-Camp Warden.) (r) I(now what are the normal requirements in regard to :-(a) Personal kit for a week's camp. (b) Personal kit {or a week-end hike or cmise. (c) The equipment and rations for a week-end


Patrol camp or cruise (7 Scouts). Demonstrate the packing oI his personal kit in (b) in rucsac or kitbag. (z) Either know the principal points to look for when selecting a.Patrol or Troop camp site, and describe with rough plan hou' he would lay out a Patrol camp with reference to tent, kitchen, sanitation, etc.: or know how to select an nnchorage, tnoorirlg or berth fs1 ;-a ro*'ing or sailing vessel or a sea-going vessel. (3) Make antl shorv the following knots in use :. SIip Reef, f)ouble Sheet Rend, Figure of Eight, Bou,Iine on l3ight and Manharness Hitch. Pitch, strike, pack and l<nolv tiow to talie care of a Patrol tent. (4) While living in camp cook all rneals for hirnself for z4 hours to the satis{action o{ the E>r:rminer or a Scouter. While in camp he must make satisfactory arrangements for storirrg of food and disposal



(5) Have camped under canvas with a Troop or Patrol {or

a total of not



15 nights.

448. (Corresponding Badge Ior over r5--Master Cook.) (r) i\llake a properly-equip;red carnp kitch.en with operr

fire, and prepare thereon three of the foliowing dishes:


z>s?yuil?;T-l',"i1;*l:*:aiJ:";,T;;*.1"';,1",'$t'i"1tt make ntay equivalent,

f/,/ I V




W,P :i J#:::xi- ;";:,Tr r":?r:r:"':#ilJ*f; in factorily for a Patrol or Troop


camp, for not

less than one complete day.

(3) Make two oI the {ollowing

:-Trvist, Damper, Flapjack. 9q



449, (Corrt'sponding Badge for over r5-Pilot') (r) Iclentify not less than four types o{-pulling lx'rat,

(z) Age lor S.NI.(S.), not less than 3o

; or, if there is another person (other chan a lady) holding a rvarrant as G.S.NI.,

not less ttran :5. ,\gc {or A.S.},1.(S.), not less than zr.


,,uirL ttl" various parts oI a boat by actual demonstration' (z) Take charge of a boat's creu'and demonstrate that he can:Use the correct Pulling orders.

(:) No person holrling aty otirer rva,rrant in the same Group, except ttrat of G.S.Xf., may be appointed to either oj these rarrks.

Hring hoat alorrgside a vessel or landing stage''

.\nchor correctlY. -li.i"iolo]r"ri itiscipline.

(3) Know the elementary RuIe o{ the Road at Sea for Lrcth steiin an.l sailing ships, t<tgether u'ith any local rules for smal!' boats.

(a) Use proPerlY the {ollorving :Clove Hitch. Rolling Hitclr.


Anchor (or I'isherman's) Rend. (.5)




tha't shoulcl propt:llv be carrierl in a pulling

(6) t-orm part oI a crerv of a pulling boat for an expedition a' night spent.in ot'"bt tlt* tiran :1 hours' duration, to irclude{rorn the starting .t a distance oI not less than six miles "".p point. I)esigrrer

450. (Cctrresponrling Badge {or over r5-Artist') {r) Demonstrate his interest, practice and proficiency iD bome f()rm of one o{ the tollowing :' G r f h i c I r/.-sketching, painting, etching, wooda

cuts, lino-cuts, etc.

Dccoraliuc IIzorli.'-Wallpaper design, printed or woven fabrics, posters, book-jackets, wrought

iron, etc.

Ptastic Art.-Modelling in clay, plasticine, etc." clesigning :rnd nral<ing pottery, etc. Caruing.-Woor1, stone, or semi-permanent material, e'g', soap.

Letteri.ng.-Roman, Gill Sans, Script, etc. In no case is the t'orh to be a copy or tracing, and he must bc prepared to state on his honour that the work is entirely by

his orvn hand.

2. Know the names and something of the u'ork of at least three famous exponents of the art he has chosen. roo

Bules 24?c-21?t



Rules 440-450


247D. (i) The S.II"(S.) takcs charge of the Senior Troop, assistance of any A.S.lIs.(S.), subject to the gen.eral supervision as in Rulo r73 of the C.S.NL (ii) The S.M.(S.) rvill, hou'ever, delegate as far as possible to the Court of Flonour as in Rule z47r all internal matters with the


of discipline and adrnrnistration, includillg tl)e expeuditure o{ Senior Troop funds as defined in Iiule zo9; and in the managernent o{ t}re arllairs of the Senior 'Iroop tlie fullest possible must be made <:f the Couft of f{onour.


24?c. To ensure continuity it is rnost desirable that every ,\.S.I'Is.(S.) Senior 'Iroop should have an A.S.M.(S.) ; and where a Senior necesSarv Troop consists of more than 4 Patrols, additional A.S.NIs.(S.) arc desirable.

24lllo. S.Ms.(S.) and A.S.NIs./S.) weal' unifortn as in ltules Unilorm and badges in Ilules 320-322.

)ti1-292 and badges as

TEE SENIOR TROOP. ?Allc. The Senior Troop may consist of one or more Senior The Senior Scout Patrols, but the L.A. and D.C. may not permit the Iroop

development of a Senior Troop of more than one Patrol unless Con<iitions they are satislied that there is a suitable Scouter available not of formation holding any other warrant in the Group except, iI necessary,

that of G.S.[L

'll{llw. (i) A Troop I-eader(S.) may, i{ desired, be appointed Troop I-eader by thc S.M.(S.) in consultation with the Court of }Ionour. (ii) The {olklning qualifications Ability to lead.



Service as a Patrol Leader(S.)

lor at

The l{ing's Scout Bzrdge. A general knorvledge of " Scouting current Senior Scout literature.

(iii) The Troop badges as

in Rule


least six months.

for Boys "


l-eader(S.) rve;rrs r:nilornt as in Rule 286 and 316.

242t. (i) The Selrior Troop is clivided into Senior


Patrols, Ltrols, consisting o{ not less ttha,n 4 and not more than 7 Senior Scouts including the Patrol Lea.der(S.) and Second(S.)

(ii) The Patrol should be the unit in all activities. 45

The Patrol


Bules 245-!!4?c Qualifications


| 245.

Be{ore being invested, he must be toid of the adventurlous life and achievements o{ t}re Iiounder anrl sornething ol the lhistory of the 1\{orement; and he rnrrst sa.tis{t his S.},11. in the l{o1lowint teqts '(t) Prclininary. Know the Scout Law and Promise, anrl thcir rnezrning



for over r5-Fireman.) (.) Knorv and explain the possibilities of danger in :--



Clean a wound, an<l make and apply a dressing. (3) Obscruation. Nfake the woodcra.ft signs given in Camp F'ire Yarn o{ " Scouting for Boys."



. Demonstrate rvith

rope horv to tic the following krrots : reef, sheet bentl, clove hitch, bowiine, round turn and tr,vo half hitches, sheepsha"nk ; ancl explain their uses. \(hip the end o{ a. r'ope.

246. (i) After investiture, as iI I'enderfoot, he proceeds to qualify as a Set:ond Class Scout, and a{terwards as a First Class Scout, by passing the tests laid dou.n in Rules 4':9 and 43r, respectively.

I (ii) Alter(b),gaining the Second Class badge, he may, subject to qualify {or the special proficiency badges set out lRule 427 $E-479 until he reaches the stage mentioned in Rule lin Rules gi) , wherea{ter he may only qualify for the special proficiency lzaa rbadges sct out in Rules 48o-524. IJniforrn

and badges

s.M.(s.) aual

a.s.M.(s.) App,ointment Ladies


in Itule

247. A Scout in RuIe 3rr.

wears uni{orm as



283, and badges as


241l.. S.Ms.(S.) and A.S.Ms.(S.) are appointed on the recommendation of the L.A. and D.C., rvith wa.rrants in accordance rvith Part


24?e. fn no circumstances rvill a warrant of either rank granted to a lady.


247c. 'fhe special qualifications for S.M.(S.) and A.S.[I.(S.), in addition to the general qualifications set out in Rules 69-7o, are as {ollorvs:*(r) A general knou4edge of " Scoutirrg for l3oys," " The Wo1{ Cub's Handbook," " Rovering to Success," P.O.R, and current Senior Scout literature. 41

(a) oil la,mps, spirit stovcs, fianrrelette, Clrristmas decorations, cotton rvool, celiuloid; (a)) the focusing of the sun's rays; (c) Iaulty electrical insulation. (z) Explain what he wouid do, and whr,, on

tire outbreak o{ fire.

Koow the methods oI calling the Fire Brigade and the position

oI the nearest alarms to horne and H.Q. Demonstrate what he would do pending the arrival of the (3) Demonstrate horv to trace an escape of ga.s; and how to a stirrup pump. Take part iu a bucket cha,in ; and know how to use two common Iorms of fire extinguisher. Denonstra.te horv to deal with the following types ol - (4) 6re at the discretion of the Examirrer :-clotires, petroi, chimney, rnotor car, curtirin, electric, heath, gr:ass anci rick fires. use





14) Pioneeri,ng.


(Corresponding l3adge

accordance with his age;

the salute as cxplained in Camp Fire Yarn 3 of " Scouting for I3oys "; and tle composition of the tloion FIag, an<l horv to hoist, break, and fly it.

Rules 451452

to keep back knot and crarvlilg tlrrough

_Demor:strate the {ollowing:----IJsc o{ scrum

crowds, improvising ropes, chair smolie.

452. (Corrosporrding Radge Ior ovcr r5-*AmbuLrnce.) F-irstAid (r) Demcxrstr:rte his knorvledge oI Tenderfoot and Second

Class First Aid.

n"Sodql q.

l't v""#*#


(z) I{uow the position of the main arteries to stop external bleeding from veins and arteries. a,nd how

(3) Make an improvised stretcher. (4) Know hou'to apply the triangular bandage

to scalp, hand, foot, knee and elbow; and the roller bandage to all limbs. (5) Demonstrate the Schii,{er rnethod of artificial respiiation. (6) Demonstrate how to send a correct message, oral, written and by telephone. (7) Take part as a member (not necessarily as leader) of a tea,m o{ three or four Scouts and deal with an incident staged by the Examiner. Such inci<lent to be based on the atrove rtems and to be conducted in as realistic a lnanner as possible. All action proper to the circumstances must be actually taken and the Examiner *'ill test for cooJncss, resonrce, correct action (message to doctor, police, Scouter, parents, etc.), and proper

treatment of the patient at all stages.


Bulos 458-,154 Gardener




(Correspr:rnding Badge

Bules 288-244

(iii) The Troop Leader wears uniforrn as in Rule 283, with the shoulder knot o{ his former Patrol, and badges as in Rule 3r4.

for over r5-Horticulturist.)

289,. (i) The Troop is divided into Patrols, each consisting 6 to 8 Scouts, including the Patrol Leader and Second.

(ii) I'he Patrol should be the unit in

of The Patrol

a,ll activities.

,?40, (i) A Patrol. Leader is a Scout appointed by the S.M., in Fatrol consultation with the Court of Honour of the Patrbl conccrncd. I-eaders or border.

perennials, and the planning of colour in a bed

(4) Know horv to make a" compost heap and r:nderstand the of rnanuring, both natural and artificia].



454. (Corresponding


for over r5-Pathfinder.)

(r) Dernonstrate that be has intimate personal knowlocality rouncl his H.Q. or his home, of the /b9gY4^ {ollou'ing :--public buiiilings, the provision o{ pubJic services in regard to fire, transport, communications, etc., the resiclenco of cloctors, and

iedge, gained by his own exploring and irvestigatiorr, of the

responsible public ollicials.

In Country ouly.-IIouses of r.r'ell-known people, rights of rva.y', Iootoaths, pla-ving Jlelds and other public property.

Note.-The area oaetr which tha aboae httintate hnowledge tuill be required is a tuto-mile radius frow the Grouf HeadEtat'ters or home im courltry ot totuns up to 2o,aoo inhabiLants; one ntile in toans between zo,ooo and roo,ooo ; halj a nrile in to@ns ouer roo,rroo. T'he D.C, ntay at lris discret'iott, oa/! the alea to exclude unrlesira.ble ncighbourhctods, llarhs or other open s?a,ees, and inchttle un eouiztalent area, (z) Demonstrate that he can guide strangers by rlay or night within a 5-mile ra<1ius, and give them general directioris to get to the princip:1l suburbs, districts or towns within a z5-mile radius,

Or, alternatively, in Lon<lon area: rlave a soulrd


knowledge o{ what parts of the country are serrved b1' the rnain

line railways and horl' to reach the principai Lonclon termini

and nrotor-coach stations, an(l r2 ilnportant places (The Tower, Zrn,etc.) by tram, bus or train {rom his lI.Q. or Iiome, (I-arge city areas of ovcr z5o,ooo people may make sirnilar and eiluivalent a,rrangcments.)

(r) Ilave some krrorvledge of the history of the placc an(l any buildings of historical interest. t02


to take charge of a Patrol of Scouts. (ii) The Pa.trol Leader carries the Patrol flag. (iii) Pa,trol Leaders wea,r uniforrn as in Rule 283, ir.nd badges :rs in Rule 3r3.

f!Al. (i) A Second is a Scout selected by the Patro1 l-eader with the approval of the S.NI. and Court of llonour, to assist hitn and to take his piace .when a.bsent. (ii)

Seconds wear

Rule 3rz.


uniform as in Rule 283, and badges as iu

AI2. (i) The Court of l{onour is a bocly composed of the Court of Troop I-dader, il any, and the Patrol Leaclers; Second* may I{onour also be rnembers, but their plesence is nr:t desirable in cases concerning discipline. The Scouters of the Troop, iI plesent. should act


a,n a,dvisory




The Court of l{onour deals rsith internal nlatters, including the expenditure of'Iroop funds, in accordance with Ruie z3a (ii).



2/1, . A boy bccornes a Scout by investiture, :rs described in The Scout " Scouting for Boys," during wirich hc rnakes the Scout L'r'ornise, Investiture as in Rule 3. He is then known as a Tenderfoot, and is entitled to wear Scout unifonn and badgcs as in Ruie 247-

2M. (i) To become a Scout a boy rnust ha.ve attained the Age limits o{ rr, but not have reacired his eighteenth birthday, unless about to become a Rover, as in ltule 267 gi). {ii) A Scout on reaching the age of r5 (or on entering emplov-g ment under that age be{ore rst April, r947) rnust receive specia.ll training and treatment suita.ble to his years. 'I'he attainmentl of this stage in his caleer as a Scout must be marked by rt suit:rblel ceremony at which he will be presented witir plain Iuaroonl sh<lulder'straps, :r,s rnentionecl li nute 283, and'will re-affrrml the Scout Promisc, bearing in mind the wider interpretationl appropriate to his inc:reased years. I (iii) A Scout should lezr.ve the Troop at the age of 18 unlcss age

he receives the D.C.'s sanctiou to remain. 43


Rules 229-288

(ii) After gaining the Second Star, he may qualify for special proliciency badges, as in Rules 413-426.

230. A Cub wears unilorm


and badges Ruie




In such a case, a special recommendatiorr, additionai to Form G, with a 1ul1 statement o{ thr: circumstances, must be submitted to I.H.f]. by thc L.A. or I).C.

233. 'Ihe special qualificatiorrs for S.M. aDd A.S.M., in to the general tlualifications set out in Rules 69-7o"




21g 3.s f6U6\ '5


an<l current Senior Scout literatuie.

(z) Age Ior S.M., not lcss than zo ; for A.S.M., not

than r8.






234. (i) Thc S.Nf. takes cbarge of the Troop with the assistof any A.S.Ms. sutrject to the general supervision as il.r Rule r7: of the G.S.I{. (ii) 'llhe S.M. r'i11, hov,evcr, delegate as far as possible to the Court o{ Honour as in Rule z4z all internal matters of discipline and administla,tion, inoluding the expenditure of Troop {unds, as defirred iri Ruie zo9. ance

285. 'Ilo ensure continuity it is most desirable that

every Troop should have one A.S.iiI., ancl, \'here a 'Ircrop consists of

rnore than 4 Patrols, additional A.S.l\ts. a.re desirable.

286. S.Ms. and A.S.Ms. wear uni{orm as in Rules 29r, in Ruies 3zo-322.

l;adges as

S8?. It is not

tban 6 Patrols.



desirable that a Troop should consist of more

238. (i) A Troop


l-ea.der may,

if desired, be

appointe<1 by

thc S.M. in consultation with the Court o{ Ilonour. (ii) The follou-ing qualifications are required :--


Ability to


operations :Prepare the parts or sections for se.wing and sr:w sections

on tapes. (z)_ FoId and paste on end-papers, glue up ar.rd line wittr muli, round the bacl< and add secontl iining. . (3) Cut boarrls and cover r,r.itl: cloth or paper, anrl put book








AI,TI]RNATIVE. to r-| inches without clarnage to

scrervs up


(z) Nail-on a packing case lid c.rrrectly, using -rl-rnch wood

ancl r;-inch nails.




Bintl a book, including the following

(r) A general krowlcclge oI " Scouting for L'ioys," " The Woif Cub's Handboolr," " Rovering to Success,'" P.O.R.,


and badges

(z) Show a general knou.ledge of the rarv matr:rial used, where it is obtained and hour it is preparcrl for workirrg.

S.I\lIs. and A.S.Ms. irre appointed on the recommendation

III. A warrant as 5.M. wili be issued to a 292. or A.S.1\(. only lady at the discretion o{ I.}I.Q. in exceptional circumstances.



basiret, cane, mshes or strarv worh, rnade entirely by himself.

llu1e z8r,:rnc1 badges as in

of the I-.A. and D.C., with warrants in accordance with Part



for over r5--l{ancricra.{t.) (r) Produce an article o{ prerctical use in

(Corresponding Radge







8.M. anil

Rulo t[55



Age not less than r5. Service er.s a Patrol Leader {or at least six months. The First Class Badge.

A general knorvledge of " Scouting for Boys."

(3) Divide lcngthwise u'ith an ordinarv saw a r-inch board, 1orrg, tlie cut not to deviate {rou thc line more than t/r 6th oI an irrch. (4) Sharpen a chiscl and plane iron, mahe a housing tenon and rnortise, antl lralved juint. . lfl Eilher <lovetail trvo pieces of r+'ood together witti not Iess th-an fve dovetails, oz ma-kc a properly frimed stool, chair or

z {eet

other piece o{ furniturc. (6) Distinguish woods in local use arrtl know the nature and common uses of e:rch.

AI,TERNATIVE. (r).Set up by hinrsell a handbill or page of type and produce

macnrled prtnts. (z) Understand thc point systern names ot slx common type {accs.

of types and know


(3) Unders_tand the printer's correctior.r signs and liaow the names 01 rlrtJerent paper sizes and their measurements. ALI'ERNA:TIVE.

(r) Executc some worli in treaten brai;s, copper or sheet-iron. (z) Exhitrit tools used :ind demorrstr;lte use of each. (3) lixptain tbo compositions

^ .fluxes.

ald properties oI

solders and

(4) IVlakc and solder a tin tn measure, with a lid to fit. r()3


Rules 455-457





22O. Where a Pack is part of a Sea or Air Scout Group, itsl members must receive only the ordinary Cub training, and'the' designation and uniform of the Cubs must be the same as for

Sole and l:ecl a pair of boots r:r shoes, eithcr seu'n or nailed,

.rncl'geuerally rcpair boots and stroes. Or, Produce an article made by liirnsel{, such a.s a handbag, rvallet or purse, on *-liich a design must be moclelled antl stained. Know how to use and mix the various stains. (z) Strow a knou-ledge of the tools required. (3) Knorv the different kinds of leather used and how to select them. Jobman

456. (Corresponding Radge lor over r5-Hand)'man.) Be able to do ro of the folloin'ing, at least five o{ rvhich, selected by the Ilxarniner, must be demonstrated :'--" (r) Paint a door or gate ngOY5 /iii, ts=,*a (z) Whitewash or distemper a wall. i31 ea;rrt an electric bcII, replace electric ligtrt ffi-><:'?, bulbs, slrarlcs :rnd {uses. WF -\lr,/ "tgg19" (4) Rcplace a tap washer. (5) Take up, beat and rr:lay



(6) Sharpen krrives. (7) I(norv what immediate steps to take in the cases oI burst u-ater pipes or gas leak. (8) Attend to stoppecl gttttcrs r:r" waste pipes. (q) Repair a gate or fence. (ro) Sew on a button neatly. (rr) Darn a small hoie in a sock. (rz) Oil and adjust a lawn-mower. Life-saver

45?. (Correspondilrg l}adge for over r5--llescuer.) {r) Dcrnonstrate one method of rescue and of release irr'tirc water, rvith a pa.tient about the size o{ the rescuer. Patient to be carried ten vards. h9!b [z) Demonstrate the S"taf". method of reantl tlre promotion or warmth and :l:li3f":l' WflYh "@Y4.(/ (r) Swinr so var,ls on thc back attired in 0COU1? shiii and slroris witL light lite line attachetl to him. (4) Throw a 6o-foot life line to faII between two pegs trn'ice out of every three throvr.s. Pegs to be four feet apart and 4o feet frorn throu'er. (S) Show method of rescue in the {ollowing :{i) House Ere, first floor, unconscious palient.

(ii) Icc breaking. (iii) Car accident, with or without

(iv) Contact wittr iive electric wire. r04


Bules 220-229

other Cubs. No form o{ sea or air training may be given.

221. The Pack is divided into Sixes, each consisting of Cubs, including the Sixer and Second. 222.. (i) A Sixer is a Cub appointed by the C.II. to

Six of



six The






(ii) One o{ the Sixers may be callecl " Senior Sker," i{ desired. and Senior (iii) Sixers and Senior Sixers wear uniform as irr Rule ,g., Sixer and badges zrs in Rules 3o9 and 3ro. . S23. (i) A Second is a Cub appointed by the C"NI. in consultation with the Sixer concerned, to assist the Sixer ancl to take his

place when absent. (ii) Se^conds wear uniforrn as ^


in Rule t8r; and


badges as in


tnL. (i) The Sixers' Council is an informal bo<lv comoor"6 Scouters of the Pack, the Sixers, ancl, if ilesirecl, 16.

of the

Sixerc' Council


(ii) The {unctions o{ the Sixers' Council a.re set out in




225. [) fhe C.M. may, with the approval of the S.nI. con- Cub cerned, obtain the services of a Scout oi Senior Scout, or withl Instructor the approval of the D.C. and of the Guide Captain concerned,' of a Guide or a Ranger, to act as a Cub Instructor. (ii) A Cub Instructor is entitled, orr the recommendation of ihe C.1\1., to wear a cloth tradge rvith a wolf's head in green above t}.e le{t breast pocket, or in a similar position on J lersey.

TIIE CUB. A boy becomes a Cub by-during investiture, as described nr The Cub ?26. " The Wolf Cub's Handbook," which he makes tire Investiture Cub Promise, as in RuIe 4. I{e is then-known as a Tenclerpad, and is entitled to wear Cub uniform and badges as in llule;23o. 222. To become a Cub a boy must have attained the age oI Age limits 8, but not have reached his eler.enth trirthday. He may not continue to be a Cub a{tcr he has rcached his twelith birthday. 228. Be{ore being irrvested, hc must satisfy the C.}I. that he Quaiificaknows the Cub Law and Promise, the Saiute, the Grand }Iowl, tions

and tireir meanirrgs.

229. 1i) -A,fter investituro as a Tenderpad, a Cub proceeds Subsequent to quaiify as a One Star Cub and a{terwards as a Two Star trainilg Cub by passing the tests laid dou.n in liule 4o9 and Rule 4rr, respectively.


&ules 212-810


(ii) School Groups are included as sponsored Groups irr the ordinary scherne o{ administration b-y: .I..A. an<l I).C. It is contr-a,ry to the spirit of the }lovement that any deviation from, o: relaxation of, rules, other than those specifiecl in t}ris rule, sbould _be permitte<l in School Groups. If in :rnv special ca^se a-ny relaxation appears desirable, application is tri be made through the D.C. to I.H.Q., whose approval rvill, hou'ever, only lle glven ln exceptional tircurnstarrcrs. (iii1 Though various reasorrs may prevent School Groups from

mixing as fully as r:ther. C}roups wiih krcal Scrzlls, they should keep in touch as far as possitile in tlre spirit of tl-re 4ih Scout


(Cor:responding Badge for over

. CaTy .out the tiran in -his own :-

(iv) When a Scout wishes tc, be connected with a School Group and also with a Group at his home, tre wiil belong to the School Group and be attached to his horne Group undei Ituie r98" (vl A Scout who belongs to a School Group may, rvith the approval of the G.S.M. o1 that Group, qualify for proficiency

C.M. anil




CUBMASTER AND ASSISTANT CI'BMASTEB. 218. (i) C.Ms. and A.C.Ms. are appointed on the recor:rmend:lfion oI the L.A. and D.C., u.ith ivirr:rnts in accortlance with Part IIl.

214. 'fhe special qualifications for C.lI., an<l A.C.IVI., in addition to the general qualifications set out in Rules 69-7o, are as folio\\'s :(t) A general know{c<ige oI " Scouting for Boys," " lfhe \Yol{ Cub's Handbook," and P.O.R. (e) Age for C.M., not less tha.n eo ; for A.C.II., not



A.C.NI.s necessi],ry

Unilorm and badges Pack





215. (i1 'Ihe C.M. takes charge of the Pack with the help <.rf any A.C.Ms. subject to the gcneral supervision of the G.S.}i. as in Rule r73. (ii) In deciding natters of jnternal :rdministratiorr, )rowever, it is desirable that the C.IL should as far as possible consult the Sixer's Council as in Itule :r24. 216. 'I'o ensure continuity it is most desirable that every Pack should have ore A.C-M., and, u,here a Pack consists df more than three Sixes, additional A.C.Ms. are desirable.


C.Ms. and A.C.Ms. wear uniform as in Rules 29\ or 296 and badges as in Rules 320-322.

TIIE the

following tests in any language

Linguist other


'ncoulrv(r)3x"3,1i:Jf*#":,-::y;3J1"*,'Jj",.y,*"ix or periodical. (Scout liter:iture tu be

where availabie.)



Note.-An addilioual badge is woln on the right treast poeket ot,irt a sim.ilar position on jerse.y, show,ing tl.re lattgiage or lon'guages


Part XII, during the holidays, in-anv IjA.

(ii) Ladies are eligil>le for both ranks.



on :r simple conversation for three ,AgOy/^ (r) Carry mln utcs. r'/{ "?, //,*"i@^ (z) \\'rite a sinple letter of at least ro() vords. W@-+y,.)


badges under

Rulss ,[58-r[69



459. (r)

(Corresponding lladge lor over r5*Venturer.)



Mh "t6$5"

two targets fired by hirnsell withil the previous four weeks for any one of the six :rlternative tests, either concurrently or preferably on difierent dates, showing that otr both occasions he has obtained not less than the minimum score

indicated. Thc targets must be certificd by his Instructors. Edge of shot holc nearest to centrr

of target to

decide value

of hit.

Small Bore Bifle (.zz inch). Any single-lo:Lding type, auv except telcscopic ; position prone ; sling may be used. Ten shots at auy of the foilowing ranges:s.lgnts_

Tesl. Dislance lYards) r roo 2 50 3258<:, 4208(), 51580


65 75



s.NI.R.c. Matctr ,

Air. Bifle (.r77 inch). Any single-loacling type i position stlJding or prone; sling may be used. i'en---shots'at the following r;urge

Test 6




(\'ards) l{inimu.m Sotyre fargel S.XI.Ii.C. j llull 75 Air Rifle

circumstances a Pack may not consist

Note.-When.ws.ing air rif es, care musl lte lahen to fix the targets so thal, the pellets do not rebound to the da.ager oJ the firer's e\,es.

?.15. 'I'he training c{ Cubs rtrust be kept as distinct as possible

(z) K_norv the usual safetv-first rules for rifle shooting and .have a knowledge of the paits of the rifle he uses and iti care

218. lrxcept in spe,citrl

of more tiran 36 fr.om

that of



and cleaniug.



RuIm 460-461 Master-at^qrms


4t80. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Venturer.)

(r) Demonstrate his proticiency in tu'o of the {ollowing :singiestick, quarterstafi, fencing, boxing, ju-jitsu, wrestling,

gymnastics or tumbling.


(iv) In the case ol any difference of opinion between the Group Committee and the Group Council with regard to the expenditure of funds, the nratter must be ::e{erred to the L.A. and D.C.

208. Nlernbers of a, Group Colnmittee are appointed or retired the G.S.M., subjeot to the approval of the L.A. and D.C. given, in the case of sponsored Groups, after consultation rvitli the Lry


l/l//Y*4'% cor.dttions, and be able to name and demonstrate fA V t]n. ,orr."t methods of :rttack and defence. == "%.F*P rn the gyrrt,astic item tre must carry out rz "COU.[- cxercises ni''hi" o*'o choice, using the appropriate apparatus.

In the tumbling item he rnust pcr{orm t}re following to


good standard:-(a) Dive and {oru-arcl roltr over a staft- at u'aist height. (b) Dive and forrvard roll over fir.e boys crcuched on hands and knees. (a) Shoulder mount on selected partncr, to rernain balanced for 3o seconds ll.ith arrns extended. (d) Cartwheel. (e) Backroll to feet. (/) Perform with selected partner any thrce double stunts, e.g. Double Roll, Two High Tiall, etc. (g) Give evidence that


has been

in training for the selected

item, for a period o{ not less than three months. l!{essenger



1161. (Corresponding Ilaclge {or over r5--Despatch Rider.)

(r) Dernonstrate that he owns or has the use of, zrn<I equipped and in good working order. He must Kine's service if called be willine to use it in the King's Ue wliinrg upoil at anv tirne in case o{ emergency. (z) Demonstrate that he can effect simple repairs r,r'hich might irrclude the_{ollowing at the discretion of the Examiner :-Change tyre and

cycle properly actorily {or at least six rnonths, a cycle, has used satisfactorily


rrrnctrrre replace renlace a brake, trrake adjust adiust a a. rvheel rvher:l bearing tlea.rins tube, mend a puncture,

part oI the machine. any Dart or anv (3) Demonstrate that he knorvs the l{ighway Code, traf6.c sigirils, lighting-up times, road signs, national system of road numbering and is able to read a road map. (+) Repeat correctly a verbal message after a ride o{ at least one'irour's duration or after trvo miles at Scout Pace. If a cycie is not available Ior use or ownership, the Iollowing can be sibstituted for Sections r and z :ro6

Sponsoring Authority.

204.. It is most important that, wirere a Group posscsses (iroup property of any va.Iue, such property should be vested in trustees t'1'operr)under a Deed o{ Trust, of which a model form is obtainable ,

rvithout charge {rom I.I{.Q.

205. In the case of a sponsored Grotrp it is necessarl.- to determine in the first place rvhat part of the property, it any, is to be regarded as belonging to the Group itsel{ and not to the Sponsoring Authority; and this decision should be recorded in a letter of agrcement betrveen the G.S.M. and the Sponsoring Authority. Such property as it is decided belongs to the Group should, if of su{flcient va}ue, be made the subject o{ a properly corrstituted trust in accordance with Rule zo4. 2W. A schedule of Group property must be submitted eachl to the L.A. 207. The G.S.M. must ensure that no rnethod of raising Group funds is employed which is not in accordance with Itules r8-zr. yearr

Gruup Iiinance

2O8. A1l money, except as speciiied in Rule zo9, receive<I by or on behall of a Group or any Section of a Group, must be

admir:istered by the Group Comrnittee aoting in consultation with the Group Council and must be paid into a bank, Post OfEce Savings, or other similar, account in the name of the Group operated by two members of the Group Committee.

209. Subscriptions paid by the Scozls themselr.es rvill be administered by the Section concerned, as will also zlny sulns a,l]otted to the Section for current expenses b1, the Group Committee in consultation with the Group Council. Thc accounts of Section funds, it kept separately, rvill be included in the annual eLccounts of the Group.



G.S.Ms. ntust see that accounts of all moneys are hept, any member o{ the Grr:up conoerned is entitled to inspect






o.f accou,nts cutt

211. 'Itie anlual


to the L.;\. alter h:lr-ing

fu obtainetl, if

des'ired, Jront

of the Group must be subrnitted;

been audited.

212. (i) A Sclrooi Group is one which is registered as sponsored Scliool by the l{eadmaster or llcadmistress of a school and is cornposed (iror,rps entirely of boys r+'ho are, or have been, at the school. It is1 essential that membership oI such a Group shall be genuinely! volunta.ry.



Sules 19?-202 Membership



19?. (i) The admission of any Scout rests u'ith the G.S.M., but in normal cases, and subject to Rule 264, wlll generally be delegJated by hirn to the Scouter in charge o{ the Section concerne<1, who, in the casc o{ a Sc<rut or Rover, r,lill act in con-




Scout. case of dismissal th.e Scout has a

(iii) In any right of appeal to the I-.A. aud D-C., who in dealing rvith any such case will observe RuIe r8o (3) and follow the procedure laid down in Part III in connection with the cancellation o{ thc u'arrant of



to one Group, but may be temporarily attached to another, if eligible, L99. (i) No boy rnay be accepted as a member of a Group within two months of his leaving another Group or another recognised boys' organisation, without a u'ritten approval of Ithe -or transfer by the G.S.M. of his former Group (Form'It), Scout can only belong

by the proper authority of the othcr organisation. (ii) In case of dispute as to a transfer, the matter must be referred to the D.C. for decision.

Lone Scouts and Lone Senior Scouts

Group Council

Group Committee

{ull and complete account o{ rv}rat he has witnessed or observed.


rs-Public Healt}r.) how to choose, prepare, and ventilate

(Corresponding Badge {or over

(r) Den-ronstrzrte a sick-room.

a Group Scouter.

198. A

that he can observe, remember and report

verbaily in the following circumstanq6s ;-\(if165s an inci<lent or occurrence or observe over an a-rea {or not less than five minutes, and then walk or run zrt Scouts' Pace for not less than three miles. On arrival at the specified spot to wirich he is directecl he must report hrst verbally and then in writing, giving

sultation with the Court of l{onour or the members ol the Crew as the case may be. (ii) The approval ol the G.S.NI. is necessar3' in any case of dismissal of

Rules 461-tlr63


(z) Demonstrate how to wash a patient, give medicine, and take temperature, pulse and



(3) Demonstrate how to prepare invalid food and fomentations; and prevellt bed sores. (4) Demonstrate how to prepare dressings and how to apply a roller bandage to hancl, knee and foot. (5) Carry out a.ll tlle above in camp (as *.ell as in a sick-roorn) and prepa.re a rest tent.

200. (i) Where, on account of special circumstances, a boy is unable to be a member o{ a Group, the D.C., if he thinks it

desirable, and can arrange for his subsequent supervision, nlay request the County Secretary to register him. as a Lone Scout, lor Lonc Senior Scout. (ii) A boy may not be registereci as a Lone Cub. ; (iii) Scouts, or Senior Scouts, leaving their Groups to go to 'sea should apply to I.H.Q., in accordance with RuIe 396, for

registration as Deep Sea Scouts, and not as Lone Scouts, or ;Lone Senior Scouts. 201. (i) Where the Group consists of two or more Sections,

the Scouters of the Sections rvill meet regularly to discriss matters aflecting the Group. Such meeting is called the " Group Council." (ii) 'f'hc G.S.M. rvill be Chairman of the Group Council.

I 202. (i) Where any money is received as mentioned in Rule lzo8, or the Group has any property or equipment of its own, ta small Group Committee composed of parents of t};re Scouts, lrepresentatives of the OId Scout Branch, and others interested lin the Group, must be formed to be responsible for Group property, and to a.ssist the G.S.M. with finance, propaganda,

and obtaining accomrnodation, camping grounds, and employmelt lbr the members of the Group. (ii) 1-ire G.S.M. will be a member oI the Group Comrnittee. (iii) The Group Committee is not concerned in any way in the actual training of the Scouts or in the managemetrt of the Old Scout Branch.


468. (Corresponding Badge Jor over r5-Musician.) (r) I)emonstrate that he knou's the meaning of

tinre 5ignatures an<l the ordinary musical signs denoting pitch and

length oI notes in staff notation' ,z\f;}yl,, (z) Read at sight two test tunes, either singing %"'*Frffi^ unaccompanied or playing on an instrument. mgfilll\W th.e stamd,ard oJ 'il-ey=ry^U "r[-fi'r'",,,:e,N.B.--The tests shou,ld be about ror schoots " ir ;::f.,,;i";1\f; t";;'";:"fongs $) Either

(a) Sing ts'o songs, chosen by himself, one of them a {olk or traditional song. (The songs should be suitable for unaccompanied singing

at a


(b) Sing a part (tteble or alto) in a part-song or sing a song with a chorus and lead the chorus at a camp-fire. Or

(a) Play tu,o tunes chosen by himsclf, one {ast and one slow, on a pipe or other instrumcnt. (b) Whistle or sing a tune with a good chorus or train and lead a small party of whistlers or singers in a tune

at a




Rulos 46tl-467 Oarstnan

484. (Corresponding Badge for over r.5-Helmsman.) (r) Nlanage a dinghy or similar cralt in response to

190. During suspension all activities ol the Group will cease and, except in so far as may be otherwise provided by the terms

,a$OYr Avn

191. Suspension is to be regarded as a purely tcmporary tneaiure, and must be follorvecl as soon as possible by a full enquiry by the D.C. and L.r\. jointly. The Scouters concerned, and in the case o{ a sponsored Group, the Sponsoritrg Autliority, must be inforrned of the meeting and be given an opportunity

of the

orders wl.rich shall inolude sculling over the stern, anchoring, briuging alongside and nurliing fast. t//?^


(z) Rc iible to pull arr oar as a member of


(:) Iinou' the right rv:ry to load a boat t,ith either stores or personnel and how to trim her

465. (Correspondilg }3adge {or over r5-Tracker.) (r) In Iiim's game rernember 24 out of 3o rvell assorted articles a,Iter one minute's observation. "I'est to be performed twice nrnning with diflerent i:rticlers and each articlc to bc cor.ectly describcrl. ag-QPa,'a Y,\ ,,/ J,:-,F-I.p* (z) It1. hearing alone, recognise 8 out of ro fi L | ,.i jl silnPle i"unrls. TC..r"r{6 (3) FoIIow trvo simple nature trails each of hail a mile length and each containing between materiai. Tests to be performed

zo and 3o signs made of natural

over ground with *'hich the Scout is unlamiliar and, if grssible,

in varying rveather conditions.

(+) Give an accurate account of an incident lasting not less than a minute and involving at least three persons. This report, oral or written, rnust include a full description of one <lf the persons involved, selected by the Examiner.



(Corresponding Badge lor'over r5-Leading Piper.)



W.'-^:# "scoulb*'


Shou, that he can tune his pipes properly.


.Play a march, strathspey, and reel of his



Note.--Wheye Northumbrian ov lrish Pipes are used, alternat'iues may be accepted al the Elaminev's discretion-



aII Group Scouters are automatically


pended w'ith effect as under Rule 8o, and no member of the Group may wear uniform or badges.

boat's clew-

correctly. (4) Be able to throw a. 4o-Ioot line {lxn ur boat. (5) I(norv the sa{et1' rules applicablu to boating.


Bules 19G198




to be


192. As a result of such enquiry, thc suspcnsion must be withdrau'n, or a recomlnendation for cancellation of the registration and/oa: the warrants of any Scouters, must be forwarded u'ith a fuil report to I.H.Q. through the C.C. 108. Where on accour)t of exceptional conditions a Group .[tegistration cannot be included conveniently in the area of any I-.A., it may --Lone be registered as a Lone Group on the recommendation of the (iroups D.C., who will act alone in all rnatters relating to such a Group in


with Rule


L94. (i) The addition of any {urther Section to a Group ltegistration which has already been registered requires the rvritten approval ---Sections of the L.A. and D.C., but no further registration is necessary, and no ilfonnation need be sent to I.II.Q. until it is shot'n in the next annual re-registration return, (ii) The formation of a Senior Troop is in any case subjectl to the provisions of Rule 247o. I (iii) The formation o{ a Crew is in nny case subject to the provisions o{ RuIe 255. (iv) rrVhere approval of a new Section of a Group is refused action under Rule 196 may become necessary. 195. Any Section o{ a Grr:up niay tre disiranded tty joittt action of the I-.A. and D.C., or suspended by either the I-.A. or D.C. In either case, the procedure to be observed throughout is

similar to tha.t laid do*'n irr the case of Groups in Rules r88-rqz,

except that the matter is conciuded locall1,, and no report is made to I.H.Q. unless the case comes within Rule 196.

196. A full report must be rna<ler to LII.Q. through the C.C., Registration whenever action is taken bv the 1,.A. and D.C. in circumstances --reports which reflect adversely upon the character or suitability of anv to LH.Q. person concerned in any of the follolving cirses i* (r)

Itefusal to recomrnend the reglistration of a Group, or to approve the addition of a. new Scction to a registered Group.

(z) Recommendation {or cancellation of a Group registra tion, or a decision to disband a Section of a Group ro8


B,ules 188-189


(ii) The Forms C are sent to I.H.Q. either direct or, if it be - rule the in the County, through th6 County Secretar5,. (iii) Nhere recommendation is refused, action un(ler Rule r96

468. (Corresponding Radge for over r5-\renturer.l (r) Know the sizes and t)?es ot spinning ropes and

may become necessary.

" Notification of Registration " is sent by I.H.Q. to the prospective Scouter in charge of the Group tluough the L.A. Secretary. I.H.Q. retain one copy of F-orm C, send the second to the County Secretary for record, 184.

On receipt of Forrns C, a

and the third to the L.A. Secretary.

Registratir>n -pgnslf



Registrzrtiou &c.

-Iees, and


, 186. The L.A. may, iJ desired, re<1uire a small registrati<in {ee arrdfor an annual subscription from each Group.

469. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Nonc.) (r) Pass tcsts in bandwriting and haucl printing: and write a letter from menlory on a subject given verbaUy {ive

If not reneu'ed at the time of the annual re-registration return, under Rule 54, the Group ceases to be recognised, with effect as in Rule r78.

18?, Any

changes desired

in the registered title o{ a Group,

or in the nature of the registration (as open or sponsored), zrnd any transfer {rom one L.A. to another, are to be dealt with by the L.As. and D.Cs. concerned in a manner similar to the foregoirrg ploccdurc:, but any recommen<lation to 1 I{.Q. is submitted pn Form Cz, in triplicate, alnd rvhere a Group is to be trer.nsferrct to another County both C.Cs. must approve.

188. A Gloup registration is


by l.H.Q. :-

(r) on tlie reconrmendation of the L.A. and D.C. submitted if neeessary in accordance *'ith Rule 196, and made



; 1

(4) Demonstrate the filing of Troop oorrespondence and use of street and tclephone directories and other reference txroks. (5) Write a satis{actory report of a meeting, 'Iroop camp, etc.


4?0. (Corresponding Badge for over r5--l-eading Signaller.) (r) Send and receive a message o{ not less than 8o letters at rate 6 (3o letters per minute) in Semaphore, or rate 4 (zo letters per minute) by flag in l\[orse. (z) Send and receive a sinrilar message in

(z) on failure to renew the registration in any yeirr, under

Rule r85


(3) on cancellation

Ituie r33.


(2) L)ernonstrate a krrou'le<.lge of postal {acilities, hgoy\r^ (j"*+r-t Yrl" including postal and telegrapb rates, telephone it LA;?l'1 calls, including trunk, toll and personal. ';/) "&Outt$" (-l) Demonstrate the ctirrect use of the telephone, including dial wlicre applicable.

(6) I{eep a Patrol log sa.tisfa"ctorily for at least six months, anri lieep the 1'roop log {or at least three months.


of the registration of the L.A.



189. A Group may be suspended(r) by the D.C. who u'ilI thereupon illorm the L.A. ot his action; (z) by the I-.A., in which case thc D.C. must at otrce

Any Group not suspended during suspension of the L.A. will be regerrcled for the time bcing as a, Lone Group, under RuIe r93. 36

On brzzer at rate 5 @5 letters


On lamp at rate 4 Po letters





informed ; (3) as thr: result oI susl)ersion of the L.A., undcr Iiule r34, except in so {ar as the (1,C. may direct to the contrary.


minutes previously.

after a meeting oI the L.A. (or a Comrnittee appointed Ior the purpose with full pou'er to act) at wiuch the

Scouters concerned, and, in the case of sponsored Groups, thc Sponsoring Authority, are entitled to be


1z) I)emonstrate how to c:tre for a rope and a$OYa f7 fZYb hou'to coil it. U ue<- U (r) Deruonstrate the follow'irig spins (5o turns U-qJ for each spin) :-Crinoline, Flat Spin, Jump-in oieOU-.u and Jump-out.

(4) I)emonstrate with a 3o-foot rope, lassoing a stationary object three times out of four from r5 feet away.




names of the parts oI a rope.

is only eflective until the next 3rst March.

185. Ilegistra.tion

Registration ---changes

Rules 468-470


(3) I)emonstrate that he knows a rc-cognised procedure when and receiving messages.


Note.--8o per cent. d,ccuracy to be rerlu.ired in all sending amd receiaing to bc nol less Buzzcr stations tp bc in sel,&rete rootns.

Outd,oov stations









not consider any person for such appoin.trnent until so nominated. Aitei such nomination, the applicatiotl follorvs the oldinary course as laid dorvn in Rules 67-75. (3) The Sponsoring Authority has the right to be heard by the LA. and p.C. in all matters concerning any refusal ' of, alteration in, or cancellation of, the Group registration, the issue, suspension, or cancellation, of the wanrant of any Scouter of the Group, or, in the circumstances set out in RuIe r97 (iii), dismissa,l ol any Scout

Sm,allholder 4?1. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Iiarmer.) (r) Iieep at least six poultry {or a minimunr of lz months ancl'rlemoirstrate that he has a practical knowlerlge of :(i) advantages and disadvantagcs of four ' the popular breeds in relation to their value as egg producers or table birds,

(ii) handling birds ald recognising those that are not healthy,

(iii) managing grass and earth

in the


(e) Show a knowledge of the treatment of a broody hen and understand the running of an incubator. i3) Know how to feed chicks and young birds and the different methods of rearing them.


to-iraintain its continuity. In no case is the Sponsoring Authority, as such, concerned in matters of Scozrl training, {or which the G.S-NI. is responsible to the L.A. and D.C.


a simple hutch and make up different rations to show the ri51ht amou^nt of food and the proper uses and proportions ol cereals, roots and green stuff. (z) Shorv a knowledge o{ the best breeds for fur and flesh production and know the u'eight and qualities of a good table rabbit. ile able to recognise six fur breeds. (:) Skin a rabbit and dress it {or market.

181. Application for registration of a Group is to be made Ilegistration by the piospective Scouter in charge immectiately its_first -procedure Section ii formed, either to the D.C., who will inform th.e L.A., or to the L.A. Secretary, who t'ill inform the D.C.


for at least rz months. Demonstrate

hive management and the handling of bees. (:) ile able to recognise larva, good and IouI broods and sealerl hr-rney, and know at least one method o{ preventing a


any case not^later than three months ifter

(r) Be able to take a

-qlvarm and know the principles of

tions make this



(3) give due emphasis to the religrous aspect of Scouting, and the clairns of religion in the conduct and life o{ the

(4) Iiecognise the queen, u'orkers and drones and know the


the date ofi

registration ; (z) develop in due course a complete ()roup, unless condi-


artifici:11 {eeding.

Thc L.A. and D.C. must s:rtisfl'themselves indepondently

that registration is desirable, that the Group rvill be prope-rly. conducie<l, that suitable Scouters are {orthcoming, and thatl the prospective Scouter in charge accepts the aims, methods, I and poliiy, o{ the Association, and undertakes to use his bestl endeavours to :(r) form a Group Committee as soon as possible, and inl



(4) The Sponsoring Authority is responsible in certain cases u-nder Rule ro (z) for the religious training of the Scouts; and in ail cases must undertake the general support and encouragement of the Group and endeavour


(r) Keep and rear rabbits {or at Ieast rz months.

(r) Iteep

Rules 180-188



Rulo 4?l



(5) Procluce a sample o{ honey {rom his olvn hive and discuss the-importance of its prr:duction and the Iactors that afiect it.

(4) ensure that the various sections oI the,Ciroup rece.ive the {ull Sroal training in charaoter, health, handicraft,

ALTERNATIVE. (r) Keep or care for pigeons lor at least rz months' (z) Shorv a knorvledge of dieting and {eeding. Explain

(5) help the Group to obtain suitable headquarters and the necessary equipment and opportunities for training; (6) comfly in the case of a sponsored or specizrl Group o{ any kind rvith any particulirr provisions of P.O.R.


of the elementarv pigeon


(3) ['l;rn a method of training birds to return t-ith messagqs from a distant point at least roo miles away. (4) I)ernonstrate ability to handle birds, including attaching mcssages and rubber rings to birds' legs. (5) I)ernonstrate hnowledge oI colours and judgment of quatrity by handling and other means. IIO

and serr.ice;


relating to such a Group.

181!. (i) \Arhen both L.A. and D.C. are satislied, recornmendation is made to I.I-I.{J. on liortn C in triplicate, which must be signed by the I-.A. Secretary and by the D.C. In the case of sponsored Groups, the Forrns C must also be signed bv

the Sponsoring Authority.


Bules U9-180



472. (Corresponding Badge for over r5-Orator.) (r) Recite a piece of good prose and some Iines of

Churches of any denornination; Universities, Colleges, and Schools (see Rule zrz) ; Youth Committees of Local

Education Authorities, Ilospitals and Institutions; Works ; and the follorving organisations : \I.M.C.A", British Legion, Church Army, Church o{ Dnglrnd Temperance Society, National Association o{ Boys Clubs, National .fuvenile Templars Council, Society o{ St. Vincent de Paul in England, Regnal League (for

W'@ifu wn#*4'

only), Toc H. Authorit-v


Group the Sponsoring Authority must

of a



r8o ; (3) record rvith the I-.A. an agreement in regard to property in accotdance with Rule zo5 ; (4) undertake to give the G_.S.X,I. the Jullest possible a^ssist-

out tlle duties imposed on him by Rule r8z. 180. -Ihe efiect of registration as a sponsored Group is as ._ (t) The Sponsoring Authority shall not, except as after-


the Group must be subject to the provisions oI Rule ro (3) and (a).


(z) The Sponsoring Authority obtains the right to nominate persons for appointment as Scouters of the Group in accordance with RuIe 66, and the L.A. and D.C. may 34



producing sketches or photos which he has made, or by describing the results of his observations. (:) Make at least three plaster casts of the tracks of animals, one of rvhich must be wild.



to be admitted to a sponsored Group, but in

Camouflage himself against three difierent backgrounds, if possible under vary'ng weather

(z) Give proo{ of having stalked and studied at lea:;t lour wild birds or animals in their natur:al state in the open, by

by the L.A. and l).C. that the registration should be 61ive permission for such other boys


tirne of the test.

wards provided in this ruIe, admit, in the case of Church Croups, br:.vs rvho belong to another Church or denomination, or, in the case of Groups raised by any of the other bodies specified in Rule r79 (i), boys rvho belong to some other sirlilar body. Non-observance of this provision docs not of itsel{ change the nature of tI:e registration., but, if deliberate, forms a valid grourrd 1br recommenda.tion to I.H.Q.


]ris actions.

<listance, according to local conditions, an observer whosc position is known. (d) Locate and pass between two observers stationed a reasonable distance apart according to conditions at the


in their opinion it is desirable,

(a) Cross half a mile of open country to approach an observer in a known position. Or in Town : Shadow an observer {or half a rnile and report

conditions. and by night :-(c) Approach, unseen and unhear<l, w'ithin

ance irr carrying

Where, liorvever, L.A. and D.C. may

Stalker camou-

by day:-

(z) agree to obserr"c in particular thc con<ijtions of Rule



flage, r,l.inds, shadows and background bv doing the {ollowing


(r) accept the aims, rnethods, and poiicy, of the Association as set out in " Scouting {or Boys " and P.O.R., and the cluty of endeavouring to ensure the continuity of the

and efiect oI

(3) Read aloud a piece of prose chosen by the

Examiner, who 'rvjll judge diction, emphasis and

4?&. (Corresponding Badge {or over r5-Tracker.) (r) Demr:nstrate his abilitv to stalk and use cover,

by him {or the purpose.

1?9e. On applica.tion for the


(4) Take part in a discussion with one or two other Scouls on a subject chosen bv ]rimself from a list provided hy the Examiner r4 days earlier.

(ii) Groups so:registered are known as " sponsored " Groups as distinct frorn " open " Groups, and the person or Committee appointed by the body concerned to exercise its functions with respect to such a Group is known as the " Sponsoring Authority." (iii) In sponsored Groups connected with the Church o{ England the Sponsoring Authority must be the incumbent or some inclividual appointed


suitable to his age and interests. (z) Take a major part in a play, or compere a sholr, lasting at Ieast thirty minutes.

Groups consisting of Troops, Senior 'I-roops, and Crews


Rulos 4?2-47,1


(Corresponding Badge for over


(r) CoIIcct not less tlran r,ooo starnps in good condition, (z) Neatly mount and arrange his collection ,x$AYn^

fr{,aa-\,-\E. tr V' W %, t U "tO"Uf5-


(3) ldentifv re stamps shorvn by the Examiner identify'simple rfater-marks. (4) Explain what is meant by 5 out of 8


common terms chosen by tire Examiner. III


Rules 4?5-477 Starman

f<>r Scout meetings.

(:) Age suflicient to enable him to carry out the work - salisfactorily. D.Cs. and L.As. are expected to consicler carefuily the suitability of the applicant in this

respect, and pzrrticuiarly in relation to the ages o{ other Sco'uteis of fhe ()roup". In nornral circumstances an

stars rvheu the Pole Star is obscured.

(4) l.'ernoustrate a general knowledge of the nature, relative p,rtitic,ns and sizes o{ the sun, earth, moon and planets, and oI




lor over r5-Master


(z) Suim 3o yards on breast and 3o yards on n$AYn^ back (either u-ith hands clasped or arms folded /:,"er-xoA 'il //ffi '% in froirt o{ body) and tben a furt}rer 3o yarris W{/-\\\L.iA any style, makihg '1o yards in aU. -t5#t5(.r) r)ive from surferce of rvater and recover

with both hands an object frorn the trcttom.

Water not to be more than 6 feet deep.

(4) Execute a neat divc frorn the side o{ the batir. \\'eathernra.n

gatin-g the fullest amount ot responsibility-in their actual inanagement to the Scouters in charge of them-

weathcr for one month, using Bcau{ort lctters and symbols, and


Ihe /1$g %,' "i$,lt Cloud types and contiitions. |i*-],"^t$ TemPerature. iA;ti51.-[) {h- tA:U l}arometer reading. "c6,r*frtt' Iiainfall.

{olrou in g

(z)' To act as Chairman of the Group Council under ltule zor (ii), and to encourage co-operation between the Scouters

of the


(3) '- To secure the formation of a Group. Committee under

Rule zoz, arrd to serve on it himselI. 'fo cleal with matters relating to the membership o{ Scouts in accordance u'ith Rules t97-t99. (5) To ensure that contact is maintained with members of I I the Group serving in the Iorces. 1?4" (i) A person to u'hom a warrant as G.S.M. has beeu issued may, if ihe I,.A. and D.C. approve, also take charge of any one S6ction of the Group, but an-additional warrant for the rank concerned need not be applied for. (ii) The G.S.M. may not personally take charge of the Ilover (4)

Crew unless he is fully qualified under Rule z5o.

47?. (Corresponding Radge for over r5-Nleteorologist.) ir) Iiurp Irom his own observations a d:Lily record of the y


application Ior a. wariant of this rank should not be si'6mitted for a person under the age of 3o, and ir no1 circumstances *ill a *artatrt be issued for a personl under the age of 25. Functiols 1?8" The functions of the G.S.M. are as {ollou's :all. Sections of the over (r) general supervision To exercise ' Group anrl Io co-ordinate their activities, whilst dele-


4?6(r) Swim 5o yards with clothes on (shirt, shorts, socks as a oinimum.) and undress in the water u'ith {eet off bottom' (Corresponcling I3adge


1z) Construct a sinrple rain gauge.

(3) Bc atrle to expla,in the formation of rain, sno*', sleet, hail, {og and rirne.

1?5. G.S.Ms. wear uniform as in ltuie zgt, and badges as Uniforrn and badges in Rules 3zo-322.

TIIE SCOUT GROTIP. The complete Group consists of Cub Pack,,Scout'I'roopl The and Rover Scoutbrew, with the addition, if desired, oI a Seniorl Group liout Troop ; but may at any time consist oI one or two Sectious I Composi1?6.

ooly. 1??.


No steps may be taken for the formation of a-new Group Formation

without the prbvisiohal sanction oi the L.A. and


arry rvay represent themielves as members oI the Associa-

expla.in thcir significancc.

(-5) I(now at least {our natural signs foretelling fine 'rveather ulii'si>: foretelJing bad weather as applicable to his own district.

they raise:-

(4) I3e atrle to recognise and name six different cloud forms and


1?8. A11 Groups must be registercd at I.H.Q. and ane RepJistrarecognised as units o{ the Boy Scouts Association only w'hilst so tion regiitered. Members of unregisterctl Group^s lvho. wear badges tion are liabie to prosecution as in RuIe 23. 1?9. (i) The {ollowi[g"b"bodies, together with



(z) Ability to obtain the use of suitable accommod:rtioD

475. (Corresponding Badge {or over rs-Astronomer.) (r) Demonstrate rvith dia6Jrams, dra*-ings or models a good general knowledge of the nature oI the stars and plancts ir,nd their apparent movemeuts. _ zzgQYa" Great Bear,'fhe /ri/ /\ -1'?,t {z) P<iint out and name -Ihe and capella and %{".117\1}, Liitie Bear, cassiopeia, vega V, >\ /1 any plancts visible to the eye at the time o{ the "JiOUt9- test' (3) F'ind direction by night by means of the

their rnovcrncnts; and of the







rppto*,ed for the purpose by I.H'Q., - -Sponsored mav'frorir'tinre to time are'entitled to apply for a slecial registration oI Groups which Groups 33

Rules 16&172



4?8. (Cor:responding Badge for over r5-Radio Mechanic.) (r) Re able to connect a wireless receiving set, using


168. (i) The unit tor

Scoui organisation

in the District is the

Group. The general scherne of organisation of the Group is included in the chart shown in RuIe 34.

I tttl o

Scout Club in a University or College may be regarded I for purposes oi registration and administration as a Group in

!the appropriate L.A.


Appointment, etc

connections) and to tune it for the clearest possible reception.

^w 0

GROUP SCOUTMASTEB. consists of more than one Section, it is desirable that a person not in charge of one of the Sections should be appointed as G.S.M. In such a case, a warrant as G.S.NI., in accordance u-ith Part I1I, must be applied for, on

Light entertainment.

(4) Ilescribe three causes o{ bad receptiorr.

429. (Corresponding ttadge for over r5-Naturalist.) (r) Kecp a rvoodcra{t diary o{ two o{ the seasons-

spring, summer, autumn and winter-giving records with dates and places of not less than ro birds, ro piants, < . ro trees and ro butterflies or moths, and a short ^gOy> ffi;^ of other animals which have been seen ; &lp4- ge@ account A.ffi;ft ffi and jllrrstrate the rccords uith penr.il sketchcs,

171. The L.A. and D.C. should govern themselves by the in Rule r7o, in selecting a ladv under

carbon imprr'ssions of lcaves.r prisserl specimens.


of wild flowers, ferns and grasses, giving names, places and dates, aad recognise them as u'ell as give a short description oI ro of

the specimens.


same considerations as

readings, u'avelengths and station signals, with times of identification.

Talks and drama.

and D.C. to carry out the duties of G.S.M., but a separ:rtc wa.rrant as G.S.M. need not be appiied for. (iii) In selecting a person uncier (i) or (ii), the L.A. and D.C. will have regard to the rights of the Sponsoring Authority as in Rule 66, and wili also consult the Group Couricil. (iv) No warrant as G.S.M. u'ill be issued in Groups corisisting of one Section only, in which case the Scouter in charge of that Section shall be regarded as acting in the capacity of G.S.M.

1?0. A warrant as G.S.M. will only be issued to a Iady at the discretion o{ I.H.Q. in exceptiona.l circumstances. In such. a case, a special recommendation by the L.A. or D.C., additional to Form G, must be submitted to I.H.Q. and must contain:(r) A fuil statement of the exceptional circurnstances. (e) An assurance that in respect of any Senior Scouts and o{ any Rovers in the Group the conditions of Rules z47c and 255 respectively will be observed.

(z) Prepare a Iog showing transmitting stations is possible to receive on the set, to include dial

(3) Discuss with the Examiner programmes to which he has

the recommendation of the L.A. and D.C. (ii) In the a,bsence of such a person, the Scouter: in charge of one oI the Sections of the Group who is best qualified by character, age, and experience, rnay be selected by ttre L.A



.listened during the previous month, giving rea,sons for his choice and his opinions of the programmes under the foliou'ing headlDgs :Music.

160. (i) Where a Group

for all

Or Make a collection of photographic or carbon impressions sketches o{ leaves of zo trees and 5 shru}rs, 1;ivirrg names, places and dates and recognise them and give a rlescription oI ttre appearance of ro trees and three o{ the shrubs Irom *-hich they came.



Or Make 15 sketches cf animals or birds from life, and give the li{e history of five of them. Or Keep a simple aquarium Ior three months, stocked with specimens collected by himself, and discuss his <;bservations

with the


Rule r69 (ii) to carry out the duties of G.S.M. without a warrant.


Ll2. The special qualifications for a warrant as G.S.M., in addition to the general qualifications set out in Rule 69, are as

:(r) .A general knowledge of " Scouting for Boys," " The Wolf Cub's Handbook," " Rovering to Success," P.O.R.,


and current Senior Scout literature. 32


either batteries or rtains (to include aerial, earth and loud speaker


Rules 47&479

I I3


Rules tl80-482



167c. The L.A. Branch m;ry at its discretion, but subject to 1\Iembers the approval of tire D.C., admit to membership of the Eranch admitted any Oid Scout registered by the Branch of an6ther L.A. or of a Group in another L.A. ; and similarly may at any time determine the membersirip of any person sL adftitted.


480. (Corresponding Batlge for under r5-Aircraft llodeller.i : The'.Aviator" Collective Barlge. Make arry tuo o{ the follorving, one of u-hich is to -be(r)oI the Scout's own design and is to-be accornpanied by his drawing (use of kit not ailowed) :-

167o. The L.A. Branch may at its discretion, but subject Registration to the approval .of the D.C., register aLnnually as an OlcI Siout of a{Y person qualified in accordance with Rui6s z74c atd 274a, OId Scouts wb-o is not already registered bv any other Branch whether'oi a L.A. or Group ; and similarlj: miy at anv time remove the


(a.) Rubber-driven duration mo<lel for 4o seconds. seconds.

(c) Sailplane to glidc {or 35


(d) Seapiane or flying boat to rise ofi water. Durations-Seaplane, 35 seconds. !)ying boat, zo seconds. (a) Model of original design, performance to be comparable

with that required b), above

name of any person from its .elister.

to fly or glide

(b) Ilying scaie nrodel to lly or gli<le for zo


167E. The Old Scout

Branch. and the D.C. in taking any Precautions under Rules r67c and, r67D m.ust adopt the precaitioai and IgS"1.gd by Rules 7z aid 73, and'must report ?o I.H:e. through Reports the C.C..anv case in which it appears it is^not desirabG that aiy person shouid become or remain a member of the Movement.' decision-


(z) Discuss his models with the Examiner with special reference to the methods of construction an<l tire general aerorlynamic principles affecting models, e.g. lift/rirag ra{io, etc. Air GIider

481. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-None.) Design: The "Aviator " Collective Badge. (r)^Must gain the Royal Aero Clutr




" and ,. B ,, Gliding

(z) Must have a knowledge of :(a) Suitable sites for soaring flight. (b) I,-orma,tion o{ the different types of soaring currents, i.e. hill upwinds, convection iurrents, thermi,l currents, cloud upwinds, and storm-front upwinds. (c) Methods and precautions to be taken in connection with handling and launching of gliders. (d) Rigging, maintenance ancl minor repairs as defined

Air 14echanic

by the regulations. 482. (Corresponding Badge for un<ler r5-Air Apprentice.) Design : The "Aviator " Collective Badge. (r) Knou' the proper conduct to adopt, and the ordinary

safety prccautions to {ollow, rvhen on an aiifield or rlear aircra{i. (z) Flave a clear idea o{ the working of the internal combustion engine and know the names and politions of ail the principal

parts.._Be able to_strip and re-asiemble an I.C. engin-e of iot

rnore than four cylinders. . (3) .Have a general knorvledge of elementary hydraulics and eluctricity as applied to aircraft.


Eules 16?c-167e



(4) Show a know'ledge of the use of hand tools in comrnon in engineering practice by means of a practicai test from

160. (i) The rank of Examiner may be conferred a,s above upon a person having expert knorvledge of any subject necessary


a drawing.

for a Scout proficiency badge. (ii) An Instructor or a Group Scouter may be appointed an Examiner, but may not examine ar.y Scowt he has instructed except in cases which come under Rule 436. Chaplain


surer and Secretary

Eouorary Baaks

Appointment, etc.

(r) Keep, from personal observation, a daily





Star and

(-5) Understanc'l fullv the principles o{ the Magnetic Compass dip, variation an<i deviation and be able to convert a true course to compass course and vice versa. PIot on a map a track given by the Examiner in the Jorm of a compass course allowing lor specified variation, deviation and drift.

EoNoRARY ner'ixs. L.A. D.C. rnay confer the corresponding The and 165.

llonorary rank on a person ceasing to hold a walrant as a Group Scouter, and not having any other rank as a Scouter in the

(6) Understand the principles of dead-reckoning.


Okl Scout


484. (Corresponding Baclge for uncler t5-.A.ir Spotter.) Observer {Rule 44o.) (r) Recognise 90 per cent. of the airr:raft silhouettes from a list published annually by I.H.Q., shown ro seconds each. z5 per cent. of these to be head-on.

156 apply.


Persons holding Flonorary rank mav n'ear uniform as 298, and baelges as in Rule 325.

THE OLD SCOUT BB,ANCII (L.4.). 16?e. Ttre L.A. and D.C. rr,ay at their discretion form


(z) Pass or have passed paras. z and 3 of the


and simiiarly may disband such

Branch Formation

Old Scout Branch o{ the 1,.A. a Branch.

Members ex oflicio

16?r. 'fhe following persons are ex off.cio rnembers of the Old Scout Bra.nch of the L.A.:(r) Old Scouts registered under Ilule z74o by the


Scout Branch of any Group in the L.A. (z) Scouters holding warrants in the L.A. (3) If the L.A. and D.C. so desire, persons holding Nonexecutive or I{onorary rank in the L.A. 3o


(4) Show a kno'rvledge of the conventional signs of an air map or chart, and landmarks used in cross-country flying.

164. Persons holding Non-cxecutive rank may rvcar uniforrn in ltule 298, and badges as in Rules 323-324.

in Rule


(3) Understand what is meant by latitude and iongitude, and be able to point out the Plough, Pegasus, Orion, the Northern

166. Such rank is open to revision each year on the occasion of the Annual Meeting o{ the L.A., and the provisions of Rule Uniform


of the weather for two months and understand horv the weather map is prepared. (z) Repass his First Class signalling test in

1CI8. The appointment of the L.A. Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary lies with the L.A. only, but if the holder of such an of6ce is to hold Non-executive rank, the concurrence of the D.C. is necessary, and in certain cases of Chairmen, under Rule r4o (iii), of the C.C.


and Badges



.Design : The "Aviator " Collective Badge.

162. The rank of

Surgeon may be conferred as above on a member of the medical profession who gives his services to any


1183, (C,orresponding Badlle for urrder r5-None.)


body oI L.A. Ctrairman, Trea-

(5) Have a clear idea of the principles of flight and oI airframe construction.

161. The rank of Chaplain may be conferred as above on a minister o{ religion, including a lay reader, rvho acts as Chaplain of a

Rules 482-484



Bules 160-16?s


Air Spotter Badge. (3) Recognise from silhouettes as seen from the air, and point out the distinguishing features, 3 out o{ 4 in both the follorving classes:-

(a) Iype and class of battleship, aircraft carrie5s and cruisers of the Navies of the British Empire. (b) Main type of tanl<ers, merchant ships, passenger ships and sailing ships.

(4) Make a coloured chart of the flags o{ Great Britain and the Dominions and z4 foreign nations.


Rules 485-487 Ambulance



485. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-First Aid.) (r) Pass or ha,ve passed the First Aid Badge. (Rule 4.52.) (z) Demonstrate the treatment for all fractures.

to lirnbs, and for dislocated ja*.. . (3) l)emonstrate treatment for intern:rl rng.

154. District Scouters wear uniform as and badges as in Rules 320-322.


(4) Demonstrate {our methods of carrfng a. patient, two when alone, and tq,o lrith another

486, Artist

(Corresponding lJadge

for under r5-Designer).

'fhe '. Crtrftsrnan " Coller:l-ive Ila<lge. (r) Show kn,rwledge and ability in one o{ the forms . oI Art as given in the Designer's I3aclgc. (z) Show. specimens of his orvn work anrl discuss them with the Examiner rvith particular re{erence to :-WZAAYZZV (a) any necessary preparation of media. and Desi,gn '.


(D) opportunities


(c) examples of masters which he has seen or



{u::t}rer study

of t}re art,

books which he has studied, arrd his opinions

of them.

Astronorner 48?. (Con'esponding Iladge lor under r5-Starman.) Design : '"[he " Scientist " Collcotive Badgc. (r) Know the chief stars and constellations visible in his latitude and understand how to express technically tite position of any particular star at any given tirne.

(z) Be able to tell the time by the stars. (3) Knorv what is meant by :---The Galactic system, star clusters, nebulae; and know the typical history of a star. 14)

Make a simple astronomical model to

iilustrate some fea.ture of the solar svstem. (5) Discuss the j.nstrulnents used arrd the u"ork carried. on in :rn observatory. Krrow the principal observatori.es of the world, thelr srtuations and natural advantages, the special work undertaken try any of them and some details of their telescopes. r16

in Rules

2gt-2g2, Unilornr

and Badges

NON.EXECUTIVE BAI{KS. following appointmerts may be made by tlie L.A. Non^I'he and D.C., and are known as Non-execuiive ranhs :Executive I-ady Worker. Banks Instructor. Ranks 155.


(5) Demonstrate how to deal with cases of suspected poisoning_ (6) Lead a team to deal with an acci<icut a.s describecl in flrc First Aid Badge, para. 7.

Buler 15&150

1.58. 'fhe functions of I)istrict Scouters are to perform any Rank d-uties compatible wjth f,.O.R. with which the D.Ci may invesl the appointrlent.


Examiner. Chaplain. Surgeon.

, ln addition, Non-executive ra.nk may be conferred by 1..A. and I).C. on:L.A. Chairman, under Itule r4o (iii). L.A. Treasurer, under Rule rir (lii). L.A. Secretary, under RuJe r4z (iv).


156. Tb.ese rauks do not carry rvnrrants, but the proced.ure APProintto be_obserrrcd, and the precauticins to be adoptecl, by the L.A. ment, etc -Rule


I)_.C. (inciucling enquiry in accordance- with 73),1 and, u'here occasion arises, by the C.C., in all matters connectidtherewith and, in pafticular,-in regard to genera.l qualitications, appointment,_suspension, and retirement, are the same in every respect as in the case oI District or Group Scouters under part IIi, except that :-(t) The appointment is concludecl locally ; if desired, a celtificate for this purpose is obtainiible on payment from I.I{.Q. (Equipment Dept.). (z) Notification of appointment or retirement, other thanl that of L.A. Secretary under Rule r4z (iii), wilt not bel se_nt to I.H.Q. unless under circurnstances adversely' aflecting the character or efficiency of the person.

157. ln addition to

general <3ralifications as above and the Qualificafol each rank, a person to receive tions Non-executive rank must be at least r8 years 6f age.

special qualifications laid down

158. The rank of L:Ldy Worker rnay be conferred as above Lady upon a lady who has carried out the organisation and administra.- Worker tion of a Pack or Troop in the L.A. and has secured the services

a warranted Scoutcr, or who is giving regular instruction to 1 Pu+ or Troop in any such subject as c1n lie efhciently taught bv a lady. o1

159. 'Ihe rarrk of Instructor rnay be conferred as above upon Instmctor person lscozlls, who lras expeft krrorvlcdge of some subject suitable for and who has sdccessfullv instructed Scoals in the area for at least three months.


Bules 146-152

The inspection of aII boats used in their area, and for approving or disapproving their use with, or without, conditions, approval being given by mea.ns of the Boat Certificate. Restricting the sail area and thc nunber oI perscins such boats may carry. The provision of air tanks, Iife belts or other safety devices. Ensuring that such vessels or boats when


488. (Corresponding Badge Ior under r5--Boatswain's N{ate.) : 'fhe " Ilariner " Collective l-lac1ge. (r) Pass or have passed as Boatswain's Nfate. (Rule 444.)


0 (4) Overhaul and repair a set o{ standing rigging in wire or cordage for an open sailing boat. (.5) Be able to worm, parcel and serve and make the following :*Turk's head, trvo hinds of sennit, Iong splice, chain splice, and be able to point a rope (a.ny method) ancl apply \\'est Country and Sailmaker's whippings. (6) Know the different types of purcliase tackle and rig a

The proper care and nraintenillce o{ any vessels or boats ailotted them by I.FI.Q., and for obsen'ing the cr:ndi-

tions attached to strclt a.llotmert.

pamphlet " Sea Scouting." Rye-laws

rvill be fo.untl in tho

L4?. (i) The L.A. must on registration adopt bye-laws in


accordance with the model Form B obtainabie {rom I.H.Q. Three copies o{ Form B must be submitted, after approval by

(7) Make a kitbag or similar article in canvas.

the D.C., to I.H.Q. through the County Secretary. Any alterations in the bye-laws rnust similariy be submitted. (ii) Local variations of bye-laws u-iil not be sanctioned by I.H.Q. unless good reasou can be sliowu {or departure from the modei {orm.



night, using only gear carried in the

Dishict Scouters


151. 'Where there is no L.A., the D.C. will combine its functions with his own.


with bienilai r,l'arrants, in accordance with Part I1I, provided they satisfy respectively the conditions for C.M., or S.M. as in Ruies zr4 and zl3, or {or ll.S.L. as in Rule z5o, with the exception of paragraphs (a) and (5). z8

in "

to the return home. (5) Make a tent, ground sheet, rucsac or other similar article of camp equipment. (6) Have helped satisfactorily at a permanent camp-site for not Iess than six nights, or, rvhere this is not possible, have taken sole charge oI a camp for a week-end, such camp to have not less than eight campers and to be visited by the Iixaminer.

150. It is important that L.A. property should be vested iu trustees under a l)eed o{ Trust of which a model {orm is obtainable rvithout charge {rom I.H.Q.

152. District Scouters, i.e., D.C.M., D.S.M., and D.R.S.L., may be appointed on the recomrnendation o{ the L.A. and D.C-


(+) Show practical knot'ledge of the subjects Camping Standards " and apply that knou'iedge in planning a camp for at lcast three Patrols, from finding the site


mernbers under


Canrp \A'arden

Log-books must be produced.



for under r5--Camper.)

(z) Have camped ro nigtrts wi.th a Patrol since becoming a Senior Scout. (3) Have made four hikes, of at least ro miles each, by difierent routes, in one season. Each hike must have included sleeping out for the

Subscriptions and donations for this purpose are to be received by the Treasurer of the 1,.A. and not by auy individual Scouter. | (ii) A copy of the audited accounts rvith a schedule of property lof the L.A. hust be sent to the C.C. within four months of the lend of the Scout vear.


(Corresponding Badge

Design t The " Open Air " Collectrve I3adge. (r) Pass or have passed the Camper Badge. (Rule 447.)

148. (i) fhe I-.A. u'ill raise locaily the amount required for working expenses or for hciping tire Groups within the area.

149. The L.A. may require subscriptions {rom ltule 136, and Irom Groups under Rule 186.



use shall be

properly manned, and irr charge of a competent

Suggested n.rodel Sea Scout bye-lalvs

Rules 488-490



Climiler 490. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-None.) : -l'he " Athlete " Collective I3adge. (r) Demonstrate that he has a knorvleclge of a mountain area covering at least 25 square


miles, by producing journey notes and log-books of his trips, These notes and log-books must show ._


Rule {fl}


PROFICIENCY BADGES (a) that he is personally acquainted with the principai, routes to summits anrl points of interest, (b) that he knows the nearest teiephorres, doctors, inns and places of retreshment to any points in the area. (z) Find his way to a given point in a mountainous area". using the r-irc.h C).S. map or local equivalent, and cornpa,ss. a.n intelligible rough sketch rnap giving'Identi{y. certain . -(3) Drain' required information by the Examiner, covering t. peaks from a distance. (4) Discuss local weather conditions. Knou' what should be. done in emergencies such as being overtaken by darkness or. mist, and the first aid treatment of fractures,- bruises, concussion ancl shock.

These members are elected by the L.A. at the Annual Meeting, but the Executive C-ommittee shall have power to filI any vacancy amongst elected members uniil the

next Annual }Ieeting. It is important that half of these elected and half lay members. L'



using r-inch O.S. n'rap, or local equivalent, and compass. (z) Demonstrate, in a mountainous area, rvirat should be done in emergencies such as being overtaken by darkness or mist and the first-aid treatment of fractures, bruises, con-

Co*opted me-mbers. The Executive Committee may co-opt as memt)ers any of those persons who have been cb-

c,pted as members o{ the L.A. under Rule 136 (4), but the number of persons thus co-opted to the Executive Committee shall not at any time exceed hal{ of the number of those members of the Executive Committee elected as above at the preceding Annual lleeting. (iii) A Chairman and, if desired, a Vice-Chairman of the Iixecutive Committee shall be appointed by the L.A. at thel A31ual Meeting. Bolh appointri6nb are sibject to the pro-r visions of Rule r4o (ii). A qloruT for, arrd the length oI notice o,f, meetings of - (iv) the Executive Committee shall be specified in the bye-iiws; subject thereto, the Executive Comniittee shall rnake-its own arrangeme-[ts for the holding o{ meetings and {or the conduct of business thereat.

144. The Executive Committee may perfotm all the functions o{ tbe L.A. with the exception -and of tiroseielating to the adoptioa

cussion and shock. (3) Know how to coil a rope, horv to select a belay, and belay himseif securely; and generally to understa.nd the principles

or variation of bye-laws

of those .".".-r"d by Rule i!9.

L45. (i) The L.A.

may^ lppo-int committees to deal with 5o6rvith cubs, Scouts, Senior Scouts, Rovers,; Gi:rnittees fnance, badges, and other matters, and secretaries {or suchl

and safety first precautions of rock climbing. (4) Take part in at least five rock climbs of a standard not Iess than " moderately dif6cult," such climbs to be led by an experienced climber who will judge and report on his competetce. (5) Demonstrate his ability to abseii down a rock face (not less


should be Group Scouters holding warra,nts in the area,

(5) Shorv ability in judging and manipulating climbing kit and equipment, including rope, clothing, etc.

(r) Find his way to a given point in a mountainous

Bules ll8-148

questions- connected

committees. (ii) Such committees are

to be regarded as sub-c<lmmittees oI the Executive Comuritlee, whcrc iuch exists. (iii) Persons may be elected members o{ such committees

than r5 feet).

although not members of the Executive Committee.


146. (i) Where there


(z) Discuss kit, ropes and rope-ladders, knots, windlass, derrick, lights and suitable food. (3) Demonstrate emergency actions and ho'w to walk in darkness; removal of injured persons. Discuss the dangers rvhich exist.

(4) Knor.v horl'pot-holes are formed, including caves, swallets, trefoils, etc., and describe two of the better known systems. (5) Discuss geological and mineralogical aspects, fossilisation and formation of stalactites and stalagmites. (6) Take part in five explorations and produce log-book. rr8

are Sea Sc<luts or Sea Rovers, 61



is_partof the training of Scouts or Rovers, a special committee: Scout which is subject to llule ra5-(ii), must be folrmed to provide Committee for the issue and observance of necessary-and local rules for ihe use, condition- and equipmcnt of all wessels boats, so used, including those priwately owned, and for the safety of those using

.(r) Be {amiliar with one extensive system of caves, or two rrtrnor

them. l+

(ii) Subject to. the approvai of any C.C. concerne{, a joint committee o{ this na,ture may be foimed where two or inore I-.As., even if in different Counties, abut on the same piece of water ; such joint committee will also co-ordinate and advise upon all Sea Scout work in its u.aters. . (iii) Sea Scout cornmittees under (i) ana (ii) must, in par- and local provide, -and s-ubmit to I H.Q. througir the L.e. ina Sea Scout I"IIar, C.C. for approval, local byeJaws lor :ib1,e;"*-27

Bulos 189-f48

Rules 491-t193



491. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-Messenger.) (r) I(now the Highway Code.

(3) Consideratiou of all appointments of I)istrict Scouters and o{ persons to hold }Ionorary rank under Rules r55-r66.

Despatch Rider

(4) Election of new members under Rule 136. Chairman

140. (i) The L.A. will elect:r Chairnran

at the Annuai Meeting

each year.

| (ii) The Chairman may not be a Scouter o{ any rank unless lwith the special sanction of I.II.Q. (iii) If desired, during his period of o11ice, the Ctrairrnan may be granted Non-executive rank by the 1,.A. and D.C., in accordance rvith Rules r55-t17 and 163 and, in addition, with the approval of the C.C., he may' rank as an Flonorary

least five miles, in the course of which he must rneet and (5) Wri.te a report of some emergency such

(iv) If granted rank under (iii), he rnay u'ear uniform as in RuIe 298, and badge as in Rule 323, or, iI appointed Honorarl'

Commissioner, as

in Rule

desired, during his period of office, the Treasurer may be granted Non-executive rank by the L.A. and D.C. in accord163.

(iv) If granted rank under (iii), he may wear uniform as in

Rule 298, and badges as in Rule 323, Secretarv

Executive Committee

142. (i) The L.A. at the Annual l\{eeting each year will lelect a Secretary, who may not be a Scouter of any rank unless lwith the special sanction of l.H.Q. I (ii) The office may not be combined with that of L-A. Treasurer. (ii| I.H.Q. and the County Secretary must be kept inlormed at all times of the name and address of the L.A. Secretary. (iv) If desired, during his period of of,fice, the L.A. Secretary may be granted Non-executive rank by the L.A. and D.C. in accordance with Rules t;s-t;7 and 163. (v) If granted rank under (iv), he may $'ear uniform as in Rule zg8, antl badges as in Rules 323-324. r 148. (i) An Executive



b'e appointed

and Ak.Ls., Vice-Presidents and Group Scouters, sha-ll be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. Illected members. The number of elect.ed members must be specifed in the bye-laws of the L.A. either bv a deflnite number or by a maximum and minimun. 26


(Corresponding Badge for under r5-Smallholder.) : Design The " Countryman " Collective Badge. (r) Demonstrate practical work ol one oI tlrc following :-

Ilorseman, Shepherd, Cowman or Pigman. |mAOYrvvA (z) Show a general knowledge of haymaking, fA R ffi sowtng, harvesting, and an acquaintance with rortine seasonal v'ork on a farm, including the %ffiffi care of cattle, horses, shecp and pigs. %E#ffi crops and show some

at the

(ii) The Executive Committee shall consist of :Ex officio members. The ex offtcio members of the L.A. as set out in Rule 136 (r), with the exception of D.C.Cs"




lAnnual Meeting each year unless rvith the special permission

lof I.H.Q.

motor accident,

(z) Make connections in electrical wiring and replace de{ective switches, lamp-holders and fuse rvires correctly. (3) Make a simple electro magrret. Construct a Morse buzzer set which can operate between two rooms. (4) Explain the difference between A.C. and D.C. currents. (5) Understand the dangers caused by the irnproper use of domestic electrical appliances, and the necessary safety precautions to be taken when handling electrical apparatus.

(iii) If

rvith Rules r55-r57 and


452. (Corresponding Badge {or under r5-None.) Design : The " Scientist " Collective Badge. (r) Have an elementary knou'Iedge of the terms measurements used in electrica-I work.


(i) The L.A. at the Annual Meeting each year will ^ 141. lelect a Treasurer, who may not be a Scouter of any rank unless lv.ith the special sanction of I.H.Q. | (ii) The of6ce may not be combired rvith that of L.A. Secretary. ance


giving adequate details for the police and doctor. (6) Take down from dictation a $'ritten message and deiiver it to a point indicated only by map refcrcnce.





with some elnergency staged try the Examiner.




(+) Kegp satis{actorily one of the following over a period of year


(a) Bees, rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, pigeons,

goats. Produce proper accounts showing



ot (b) Know the r,r'ays in which soil is kept fertile ;


a general knowledge of the rotation of crops, the cliief pests and diseases; and know the locally important breeds oI sheep and cattle.





Rulos 493-495

(S) (a)

On paymentl A parcnt or guardian ri tr, Scout; ar,y of not less |lRover rrr OId Scout who has in either than r/-. _J case attained the age o[ 'z r. On payrnent of 5/-. Any pelson. 'I'he L.,\. has, howevt:r, the right to re{use rnembership to any person appiying under this clause without being under ar)y obligatioir to state its rcasons {or such

Have spent at least a week on a farm and have worked

for at lea.it six hours a da1'for five davs in that u'eek. (b) Ilake or a generai agricultural sutvcv of a village (under r,ooo inliabitants), giving .lotails uI local crafts, t:rops,. tnarkets and transPort. ljistrerrrran

4g4. (Ciorrespotttling l3atlge {or utrder r5--Angier') : 'l'he " Cotrntrynratr " Collective Badge.



(4) L',o-opted. Representatir.es (w-no must be over the agel o{ r6) of thc Patrol I.r:a.ders and the Patrol Leatiers (S-),1 and of the Old Scouts, in the area ; ancl representatives o{ bodies with which it is desired to maintain cooperation-e.g. Girl Guides, local education authorities,

Catdr, prepare and crrok fish sufllcielt Ior tt'o people' (z) l)emonstrate sirnple repairs to a rod, -e.g., whipping a broken rod, whipping oit snalie rirrgs, etc , make a c;r,st using a" blood knot " aod attach dropper flies. (3) Tie three varieties ol tlies and show abilitl' to cast; or rnake a spinner or spoon, atrd make a leclger cast. (4) Un<lerstrrr<i the dangers of t'adirrg an<l the preca.utions


religious bo<1ies, and boys' or other organisations, co<rpted bv the L.A. until the next Annuai lleeting.

18?. Assistant Scoulmasters are not ex ofEcio members o{ !lernbership the L.A., but irre entitled to attend its rneetings and to speak. Unless mernbers under Rule 136, they may not vote except in -Assistaut Scoutmastets the absence of the Scou,tntasler, in which case one Assistant may vote in respect of the sectiorr concerned.

to be taken.

(5) Have a knowledgc of the *'aters u'ithin er radius of r5 irom his fishing'headquarters anrl knorv all k>cal rules



188. The functions of thc L.A. are as follows :(r) To safeguard and encourage the .Nlovement within its area rvith the least po:;sible inter{erence with the independence an<l initiatjve of the Groups. (z) To deal, as laid dorvn, rvith all matters allotted to it uncler P.O.R., and in particuiar u'ith :Warrants under Part III,

(6) Kt'ep a >attsf;tctttt'y log rrl lris angltltg, experiences, with c.lctails o[ lscathcr, catclr, baits alrtl ueights for one scasol]. (7) Write a short accouut on wet an<l dry fly fishing ; or on the varieties o{ bait irud their uses in coarse hshiug.

AI,TERNATIV]]. 1r) Llave a 1>ractical knowledge of, and have taken p1* !n, at'Ieast onc of^the various methods oI catching sea.-fish fcir the rlarket by rneaus of trawls, nets and lines, and of catching shellfish, an<l- have practical experience of at least two of these

and :74u. Group registrations ulder Itules 177-196, Mernbership of Scouts under Rules rg7-2o<>, Decorations and Arva,rds under Part X. (3) To supervise Group finance, the appoirltment of Group

trawl net and tlaeir construction, and make srnall repairs in a net. (3) Know the usual storm an<l distress signals. (4) Knou, thc correct name for the usual fish caught in his


(Con'esponr,lirrg l3adge

Pass o:- have passed

reels, hose reels,

private fire-alarms and internal hydrant systems. t20

accordance with Rules 2o2,2o3, and the

of proper trusts oI Group property in accordance uith Rulcs zoq-2o6. (+) To be responsible for the grant of all badges and to arran[Je examinations for proficiency badges. 189. 'l'he L.A. will hold its Annual nleeting in April, or as

{or under r5-*Firefighter.)

the lijrefighter Badge. (Rule 45r). (z) l)emonstrate a detailed knowledge of- the for one of the firi i'islis, and proper precautions -t*o typ"" of {actory, iottc,*ing:-"t ip", ini,ie", aircraft, hospitals and his own place of ernployment. Show tirat he unders&urcls u'hat is meant by " spontaneons cotnbustion," l'here it is likely t<r ;rriie, and the precautions to take. (3) Dernonstrate that he uudelstands the iunctions o{ two oI the lollowing i*fire-resisting doors, sprinkler systems, rescue







Non-executive and }Jonorary ranks under Ru-les 155-166, and Old Scouts undcr Rules r67a-167o

methods. {z) Be airle to describe th.e use of the seiDe or tramrnel or


Bules 188-189


soon as possible thereafter, rvhen the following business is to Anloual Meeting be transacted:-(r) Adoption of the annual report and audited accounts, copies of rvhich, together with a Schedule of .L.A. property, rnust be sent to the C.C. rvithin four months oI the eud of the Scout year. (z) Ekction Ior the ensuing year of office bearers, of rnembers and Chairman of the Executive Committee, and oft any standing committees which shall be sub-coinmitteesl of the Executive Committee I



L.A. Area





14) Demonstrate that hc understands the fire risks and pre(autions to be taken in places of public entertainrllent-

131. 'l'he area. to be administered by a 1,.A. is settled by the C.C. in consultation with the D.C. It may be, but is not necessarily, conterminous rvith the D.C's. District, rvhich may include two or more L.As. | (ii) lt is desirable that the Girl Guide Commissioners i'or correslponcting areas should be consulted in considering boundaries. (:i)


tion Suspensiou

(5) PIan the fire precantions and seating arrangetlents {or

Scout or simila.r entertzrinnlel)t.

(6) Demonstrate the Iollowing :*-rescue by ladder, and lorvering by a line.

oI injured pe!'sons,

436. (Oorrersponding lladge lor under r5-None.) : 'l'he " Countryman , Collective Badge. (r) J3e able to identi{y, ir.l suntmer and in winter, zo varieties o{ trees. linorv their uses .rs tirnber and fuel and be abie to recognise them frour a distance(z) Have a general knou,ledge of the stnrcture oI a tree and horv


fceds, brcathes and makes timtrer.

(3) l(now the dangers to t4iich trecs anti u'oods may be exposed, i.e., fire. suorv, frost, insects, discases and animals. Discuss the rt:ethods o{ combating these dangers. (4) Prepare soil and successfully transplarlt a young tree (not a seerlling). I{no*'hot'to deal rvith wounds in grorving



registrations are cancelled, and their warrants withdrawn, by I.H.Q., on the recommendation of the C.C. in con-

(S) Know horv to select an axe, namc the parts, hou tn take care of it and the -safety rules oI axernanship.

184. The C.C. has power to suspend any L.A. pending consideration by I.H.Q. oI his recommendation {or the cancellation of its registration.

(6) Iinou' ho*- to use a felling axe in felling :rnd logglrg up. sau'and u,edges. (7) Dernonstrate the general principles o{ felling, trinrming, logging up, tnoving and stacking tinrber, a.nd calculate the :r,mount of useful timber in a giveri trec.

188. L.A.

sultation with the D.C.

185. During

Use a cross-cut

suspension all functions of the L.A. cease, and,

except in so far as LH.Q. may direct to the contrary, all Scouters and persons holding Non-executive or llonorary rank under the L.A. are automatically suspended with effect as under Rule 8o, and similarly all Groups as under Rules r89-r92.

186. The following are members of the L.A. :(r) Ex officio. The President and Vice-Presideuts, i{ such appointments are made. The Chairman, Vice-Chairrnan (if any), Treasurer and Secretary. Tire Cl.C.,



any A.C.Cs. performing <luties within the area and the County Secretary. D.C.Cs. and Ak.Ls. holding Charges for the County. The D.C., and any A.D.Cs., District Scouters, G.S.Ms,, ar.d Scoutmaslezs, holding 1r'arrants

in the



forrvarded to I.H.Q. tlrough the County Secretary who signs thern as evidence of the approval oI the C.C. (iii) After approval of the forms, a warrant for the l-.A. is iSsued by I.H.Q. and sent to the L.A. Secretary through the County Secretary. I.H.Q. retain ore copy of Form A.8., and send to the County Secretary tbe other t*'o, of which one is to be kept with the County records and one to be transmitted to the L.A. Secretary with the .warrant for retention with the




182. (i) L.As. are registered, and their lvarrants issued, b1' I.H.Q. at its discretion, on the recommendation of the C.C. in consultation with the D.C. (ii) 1'hree copies of Form A.IJ. rnust be completed and signed by the prospective L.A. Secretary and by the D.C. They are





(z) Eiected. Any person, including Scouters not specified in (r), elected by vote at a meeting of the L.A. Such members may be required to pay an aunual subscription,

but do not require annual re-election. (3) Associate. Associates with full rights of membership until the next Annual Meeting :24

4S?. (Conespondilg tsadge ior rurd<:r r.5-Hobbies.) Design: The " Cra{tsman " Clollective Radge.


(r) Show thzrt he hzrs successfuily pursuecl onc o{ the follovring for not less than tvro years, ancl produce six appropriate articles madc by hinrse'lJ



Basketrvork, Bookbinding, Carpentry, Leatherrn't.rrk,


Metahvork, Spinning, Weaving. (z) Discuss his rvork x.ith the Iixaminer rvith oarticular

relerence to



(a) tools arrd rnaterials uscd, (b) possible Projects for the {uture,

(c) sources o{ inforntatir.>rt rvhich hll has cr)nsulted.

498. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-]obrnan.l (r) IJe able to do ro o{ the folloNing, at least six

*'hich (selected b1' the Erarniner)


tlandynran oI

be deruonstrated:--


(7) To deal, as laid down, with all matters allotted to him under P.O.R. and, in particular, rvith :-

(a) Renew a sash cord. (6) Glaze a rvindo*', both in wood and iron Jrames. (c) Whiteu,ash a ceiling, paper or distemper a

Warrants under Part III, Non-executive and Honorary ranks under Rules 155-166, and Old Scouts under Rules r67er67E and 2748-2748, Group registrations under Rules r77-r9ti. Membership of Scouts under Rules tg7-2ot), Decorations and Awards under Part X. (8) To grant, at his discretion, camping permits to Scouts and Scouters of his District, and to supervise all camps held in his District, whether by his orvn or by visiting


(d) Knou. rvhat precautions to take against frost and how to thaw out {rozen pipes in a dwelling house. 1a) Repair defective plastering.

(/) Rehang a door and repair do<>r lunril.ure, including handles, locks, etc.

(g) EiIect minor repairs to {urniture,

such as broken castors

and minor upl:olstery repairs. \h) Lay and adjust crazy paving. (i) Clean and adjust gas fire or gas cooker. 1i) Put a neat patch on a garment (A) Clean aud polish a car. (J) Wash aod iron a scarf. (zz) Mix concrete and effect simple repairs with it, (z) Repair children's toys. Helnrsnurr



120. Where the oflice of D.C. is vacant, the C.C. will either Vacancy depute one o{ the A.D.Cs. or some other Commissioner to act, or

(Rule 464.)

will himsell perform the

craft (not including

500, lcorresponding I3adge Ior undcr r5-None.) Design : Tire " Open Air " Collective Badge. (r) Dcmonstrate n:ethods of packing and carrying a complete hiking kit. I3e preparecl to justify his choice of kit. (z) 'I'ake part in three overnight hikes, distance at least 8 miles, one o{ uhich starts and finishes at Ieast z5 miles from Troop H.Q.

the the



(3) Point out and lame parts and uses of sails, running and standing rigging, masts and spars for ketch, vawl, and cutter tlpe of sailing craft. (4) Be able to sail a boat aud be able to tack, wear, reef, rnake and shorten sail and be abie to get under way and come alongside in any given lyitrd position, Anchor correctly and be able to sail up to and make fast to a buoy. (5) Make and use a sea anchor, (6) Show hou'to leave a sailing craft with all sails and gear properly stowed. (7) Discuss tlie rule of the road at sea. Hiker


(rr) To co-operate and maintain good relations with Girl Guides and other youth organisations in


(z) Recognise eight differeut types sailing square-riggers).


(9) To exercise control over all vjsiting Scozls whether camping or not, and, if necessary, to report the circumstances to the C.C., who will thereupon inlorrn the D.C. of the District from which the Scout has come if in the same County, or LH.Q., if frorn another Lounry. (ro) To combine with his own fuactions those oI the L.A. in any part of his District in which there is no such

tor under r5-Oarsman.)

499. : 'fhe " Mariner " Collective tsadge. (r) Pass or have passed the Oarsman Badge. (Correspouding I3adga

Rules 125-180



Rules 40&500


D.Cs. wear uniform as

Rules 3zo-322.

in Rule zg5,

arl.d badges as in


and badgcr


128. A.D.Cs. are appointed by f.H.Q., with warrants in A.D.C. accordance with Part 1lI. Appointment



Such appointments are Inade for the assistarrce of the Functions D.C. in the foliowing ways :(t) For general duties, for the whole District. (z) For general duties, {or a specified part o{ the District. (:) For special duties, i.e., Cubs, Scouts, Seuior Scouts,l

Rovers, Sea Scouts, Air Scouts, Deep Sea Scouts, I

Handicapped (4)




under (z) and (3) the special nature of the appointment is indicated on the warrant.



180. A.D.(ls, wear uniJorm as in Rule zg5, Rules 320-322.


and, badges as


and Badges

Ruleg 121-125




(3) Select a route for a r5-mile hike from a r-inch O.S. map, not necessarily oI his own district, giving reasons for his choice

o{ route,

DISTRICT ORGANISATION. Dishict General Scheme Size

(4) F-rom a map select three areas oI r-mile square approimately, where a good hike camp site should be possible, giving reasons for choice oI the areas.

TEE DISTRICT. 121. The County is divided into Districts, each o{ which is in charge of a D.C. with one or more L.As. 128. (i) The extent and boundaries of Districts are settled by the C.C. Districts must be confined to such ]imits that the

($ Make an article of hiking kit, such as tent, sleeping bag, camp fire blanket, rucsac or a bag or other container in which to pack billy, {ood or toilet necessaries, etc.

D.C,, or one of his assistants, can have constant personal toucb with all L.As., Groups, and Scouters, within it. (ii) It is desirable that the Girl Guide Commissioners lor corresponding areas should beconsulted in considering boundaries. DISAGR,EEMENT OF DisagreeEetrt of

Ir.A. anil D.C. D.C.

Appointment Functions


501. (r)




or have passed the Rider Badge. (Rule


(z) Jump an ordinary {ence on horseback, saddled and bare-

back. Show a

128. If the L.A. and D.C. are unable to agree in any case, the matter must be relerred to the C.C., who *,ill decide it and report his decision to I.H.Q.

draught horse in single and double in chains, and drive the

Horticulturist a

park or garden: trees, sirrubs, herbaceous perennial, herbaceous annual, rock or alpine piants. (z) Prepare and discuss u'ith the Examiner a plan for the layout oI an herbaceous border with particular relerence to continuity of bloorn, colour schemes and comparative height.

(:) Give a flower



(5) To visit Groups and advise how to conduct thern on the lines laid down in " scouting for Boys," the " WoIf Cub's Handbook," " Rovering to Success," P.O.R., and current Senior Scout Iiterature. (6) 'Io test the rvearer o{ any proficiency badge in his knowiedge o{ t}ie subjects, rvith power to tvithdraw the badge if the knowledge is insuflrcient.


502, (Corresponding Badge for under r5-Gardener.) Desigu: The " Countryman " Collective Badge. (t) Name rz of each of ttre following pointed out in

progress of the Lovement and for the maintenance of the policy,



(4) Be able to detect common ailments and know the correct treatment.

125. The functions of the D.C. in his District are, generally, to be responsible to the C.C. and to I.H.Q. for the wel{are and

(a) With the co-operation as far as possible oI the L.A., toencourage th6 training of Scouters and to supervise'


harness for cart, van or waggon, and horse and vehicie.


organisation, and rules of the Association, and, in particular:(r) To encourage the formation of L.As., Groups, and OId Scout Branches, and to secure their effective working. (z) To secure the harmonious co-operation of all L.As. and Scouters in the District. (3) To settle any dispute between members of the Movement. Any dispute which the D.C. is unable to settle at any early stage, or in which he is personally involved, must be referred to the C.C., who, if unable to settle it irirnself, will at once (except in cases of procedure under Part III) appoint an independent arbitrator whose decision must be accepted as 6nal by all parties con-


(3) Know how to harness


the training oI all

(Corresponding Iladge for under r5-Rider.)

Design: The " Countryman " Collective


U/1. D.Cs are appointed by LH.Q., with warrants accordance with Part III.

Rules 500-602



for an ornamental bed to


blossom from April to September; or give a plan for vegetable crops for arr average allotment for one year.

(+) Show a shrub or tree pruned by hin'rself and discuss the principles and purpose of pruning, budding and grafting. (5) Be able to give advice about and justify choice o{ the best varieties for his neigiibourhood of the Iollo.r,r.ing :-apple, pear, plum trees, raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries and roses. (6) Understand the importance o{ control of pcsts and diseases. Krrorv irow to spray v.ashes, use dusting powder and apply grease bands, etc. (7) Know how to treat and care Jor the soil ol his own garden r23

Rules 503-506






(Corresponding Badge

for uncler r5-Linguist.) the following tests in any language otbcr than

(3) To perfo^rm such other duties as may be alkrtterl to him

by the




clilhculty frorn a hook,'nev.spaper or

504. (Corresponding liadge for untler r5-Piper.) Design: The " Craftsrnan " Collcctive -tsadgc. Submit to the Iix:rnriner tiree.sets of march, strathspey and reel tunes, the sclection of rvhich rests rviilr the Efari-riner, any of wirich the piper rnust be prepared to play. Note.-lVhere Noythuntbrian oy lrish Pipes are used, alteynatiues ,nay be aceefted at the Exawiner's discrelion.

505. (Corrcsoonding Badge for under r5-signaller.) . (r) Send ar-rd . reccive ,a message o{ not Iess ilran r5o letters at rate 9 in Semaphore (45 letters per mirrute). Send and receive a similar message in 74m8OYrT) _.(z) W,<A e-[ ] Morse:on .buzzer at ratc 8 (4o Ietters per VAVA-, (E-:t- 11 minute). A t,.l FA 11 On tamp at rate 6 (3o letters per % l@scouts*) minutc).

Note.-9o per cent. acctrlacy to be required in all tests. an,l receiz'ing stuiions to bc a utinimum oJ zoo yar,ls apart. IJttzzer stations to be in separatc roonts. Outdoor .sending.

Map Maker

506. (Coresponding l3adge for under rs-None.) Design : The " Opcn Air " Collective Baclge. | (r) Make a map on the grouncl, by triangulation


lprismatrc compass or plane table, o{ an area o{ about 4o acres, 'chosen by the Exanriner, at a scale of r/4ooo approx. 'ilre a.ea should include fields, a building a.nd a pond or equivaJent features. r24

Rules 323_314.

in ltule





Scout Council

Note,-An atlditional badge i,s tuarn hy an Intet,hyel,er on the t.ight breast pockrt or in a s.imilty pusition on jersey, shozriug the language or languugus spokyn.

(3,) Demonstrate that he knorvs a recognised proced.ure when sending and receiving a message. (4) Improvise_ at least tu.o rnethods of sencling a message (one -]lorse and one Semaphore) at least half a rnile It or oveirate 4 (ao letters a minute).


DISAGITEEMENT OF C.C. AND COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL. Disaeree120. If the C.C. and County Scc,ut Council are unable 1s rneul ol -agree in any case, the matter must bo referred to I.H.O. C.C. anil County

(c) Read al<iucl intelligibly anrl givc an approxirnate trans_ la-tion (v,.ithout, tie 1relp rrI a tiit titlraiy) of a paragraplr

Leading Signaller

Co.unfy Secretary rnay wear uni{onn as

, ^.-11?.aDd badges as

(b) \\ rite a lctter oI alr,ut .1oo wortls t.lealine rritir il sirrrple Scout topic choscn by thE

[,eading Piper


County Secretary may, at the discretion of the ^ tr8. L.L. and.Tll" the Lountv Scout Council, be paid a salary out oI Payment County funds.

(a) Carrl- orr a sirrrplc corrversation lasting ahout ro nrinutes arrtj introtlucing some oI ilie basic Scout.vucahulary, e.g., the words lor Scout, l'atrol, camp, tent.

of .avera,ge pcriodical.

Buleg 117-120





Bules 109-11?

(z) Make a road map, with compass and {ield book, of two rnite! of road. showing all main features and objects within a reasonable clistance on"either side, to a scale of 4 inches to one mile. The fielc1 book nust be produced for inspection' (a\ Enlarse such portions of a r-inch O.S. ma'p as the Exarniner majJ ,1","r-",re, to a scale of 3 inchcs to one mile' (4) Drarv a simple cross section frorn a' l-inch Ordnance map (I.ine chosen to iiclude varied .features, gradients, etc')' (5) Show a working knowledge o{ metric scales'

(4) Other persons co-opted annually, including representatives of bodies with which it is desired to ma"intain co-operation-e.g., Girl Guides, local education authorities, religious bodies, and boys' or other organisations.

110. The functions of the County Scout Council are:(r) To promote the welfare oI the Movement in the County, and to arrange for harmonious co-operation between


the L.As. and with other organisations. (z)' To act in conjunction rvith the C.C. in ail matters connected rvith County finance and property and in the appointrnent and ietirement of tEe eounty Treasurer

50?. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-Cook') Design : The " Opeu Air " Collective Badge' (l) Cook for a Patrol, both in camp. (open-.fire)- and .inclu<ling roasting' toiiirrg, frying indotrs (any type o{ stove), 'cakes,

and County Secretary.

(3) To appoint an Executive Committee, with such sub-

committees, of which the members need not be members of the County Scout Council, as may be found desirable fcr special duties. {4) To send to LH.Q. each year a copy of its annual report an.d audited accounts with a schcdule of County propertv 'rvithin four months o{ the end of the Scout year.





and badges County $eeretary


Rank F-rrnctions

(i) The County Treasurer is appointed annually by tbe

C.C. and County Scout Council.

508. (Corrcspontling Badge for under r5-S'rimmer') : Tire " Athlete " Collective l3adge. (r) Srvirn roo yarCs in any over-arm or cralvl style(z) Swim at least half a mile. (3) Perform tire following dives :-

tlil ffr" office may not be combined with that o{ Cxrunty l^Secretary.



112. The rank is Non-executive and no warrant is issued. 118. The County Treastrrer will receive all moneys on behall


of the C.C. and County Scout Council, and wiII keep an account of all funcls. He.shal} not pay out any money unless authorised by the person or persons appointed by the C.C' and County Scout Council for the prrrpose. 114. The County Treasurer may wear uni{orm as in Rule 298, and badges as in Rules 323-324.


(iii) I.H.Q. must be kept in{ormed of any changes in Counlv Secretaries and their addresses. 116. The rank is Non-executive and no warrarlt is issued. 11?. The functions of the County Secretarj'are as follows :(r) To act as Secretary of the County Scout Council. (z) register l.one Scouts, Lone Senior Scouts, and Lone ' To Roveis in accordance with Rule zoo (i)' 20




(a) racing dive fronr the edge of tire bath, (b) rlive frorr a board not less than ro feet frorn the surface

of thc water, (c) neat dive from a sprilg-board. (4) Perform some ind.ividual stunt in fancY diving or in

swimming or plunging.

COUNTY SECRETABY. 115. (i) The County Sccretary is appointed annually by the C.C. and County Scout Council. | (ii) The office may not be combined 'rvith that oI Count-v I


puddings, drinks and sauces' and the ,nit irrg of bread, F."por" an,l ser've food punctually an<l hot, following the niceties of good marrners. Demonstrate carvlng. (z) I(now how to buy food ancl draw up priced and dietetically *"nut to include quantities requiicd for a camp of a "o,irid week's duration for at leasi twr, Patrolf r'f five Scouts each' A limit for the cost of catering q'jll be laid down by the Examiner' (3) Know hor,r'to prepare a hot mcal (trvo cottrses) and a hot drink, witlrout rttensils except a biily-

COUNTY TBEASUREB. County Treasurer

Rules 606-609

509. (Corresponding Badge for under r5-None') : The " Scientist " Collective Radge. (r)'internal J)cmonstrate that he un<lerstands the u'orkirg o{ combustion cngite and kuows ttre names and the functions of aII the principai parts. Diagnose simple running faults sucir as :'-rnishring, ctrolea jet. incorrect mixture and Design



(z) I)emorstrate :grease chassis points,- attend to oil level in Oii and/or gear 'box"and back axle, and top np the battery' Nlend a punctlrre. Check order of firing, clean zrrrd tcst sparkiug plugs' l2\


Rulor 51G511 Meteorolo-





(Corresponding Badge for under r5-Weatherman.) Badge.


Destgn: The " Scientist " Collective

(r) Pass or have passed paras. z and 3 of the Weatherman's Badge. (Rule 477.) (z) Keep, from his own personal observations, a daily record o{ the weather {or one month (as Ior Weatherman's Badge, but for all


108. Assistant Commissioners for Training of Scouters are I D.C.C.g. known as D.C.Cs. and Assistant D.C.Cs. (for the training of I anil Scouters engaged in Scout, Senior Scout, or Rover work) andl 61.1s. Ak.Ls. and Assistant Ak.Ls. (for the training of Scouters engaged | 1i11s5

in Cub work).

this position.

must have the previous approval of I.H.Q.

(r) Sing effectively a solo suitable for the camp-fire. (z) Sing a solo with chorus and take part as alto, tenor or

106. D.C.Cs. and Ak.Ls. (and their respective Assistants) s Honourable on appointment receive a special type of warrant ternted anl Charge


Honourable Charge, to rvhichthe rules with reference to ordinary Commissioners' warrants as set out in Part III equally apply.

(3) Lead singing at a carnp-fire in five variecl items of popular music.

107. (i) The Iunctions of D.C.Cs. and Ak.Ls., under the

(4) Recognise four out of :six popular tunes hummed or played

leadership of the A.C.C. (Training), are to assist the C.C. and D.Cs. in encouraging and providing facilities for the training of Scouters, and to organise Wood Badge training courses in the County. (ii) Assistant D.C.Cs. and Assistant Ak.Ls. rvill perforrn suchl functions laid down in the pamphlet " The Training of Scouters I

by the Examiner.

(5) Knorv somethilg of thc history anrl u'orks o{ at least three

major composers. ALTERNATIVE. solos, one of his own choice and the other at sight, on any recognised musical instrument. Note.-lews' harp, mouth-organ, drunt and other percussion instruments ale no, Perrni,ttecl. (z) In the case oI a solo instrument produce a concerted item wiih others or another solo o{ different-speed and type from the

(r) Play two

In the case of concertina or accordiotl accompany varied

kinds of camP-fire singing. Note.-A certifi.cate that lhe boy is a regular mem'bet oJ an

mchestra mav be acce|led.

(3) Recognise {our out of six popular tunes played by the Iixanriner, (4) Know something qf the histo-ry.and works.of at least three major composers or perlormers of his own instrument' rz6


105. D.C.Cs. and Ak.Ls. (and their respective Assistants),1Appointall of rvhom must be specially qualified, are appointed on the m;it recommendation ol the C.C., but every such recommendation

(Corresponding Badge {or under r5-Musicmaker.) Design: The " Craftsman " Collective Badge.




104. One person selected from the D.C.Cs. and Ak.Ls. of A.C.C. the County may be recornmended for appointment as A.C.C. Trainine for the Training of Scouters, in which case a warrant as A.C.C. under Rule ror (3) is issued. Ladies will uot be appointed tol

(6) Construct a wind-vane.

in a part

cases under (z) and (3) the special nature of the appointment is indicated on the warrant.






102. A.C.Cs. wea.r uniform as in Rule zg5, ard, bhdges ar Uniform ln Rules 320-322. atrd Badgei

(3) Explain the purposes and principles of simple thermometer, wet and dry thermometer, ba,rometer, anemometer. (4) Understand how synoptic weather maps are produced and be able to read one. (5) Understand the following :-relative humiditv, dew-point, pressr.rre, millibar, isotherm, Buys-Ballot's law, cold front, warm 'front, and iihrstrate anv explanation rvith diagrams. Be able to explain the conditions necessary for the prodtlction of thunder-





may be directed by the A.C.C. for the Training of Scouters.


108. D.C.G. and Ak.Ls. (and their respective Assisfants) r Uniforn wear uniform as in Rule zg5, and badges as in Rules 3zo-3zz.l and badgcs COUNIY SCOUT COIINCII,.


109. A County Scout Council is appointed in

each County County and consists of:Scout Council (r) The County President. Constitu(z) All Commissioners in the Oounty. tion (3) The Secretary ol each L.A^, together with two oth"r; representatives (one Scouter, other than a Commissioner, I and one lay) appointed annually by the L.A. I


Buleg 9?-101



r5-Woodcraftsman.) Naturalist " Couutryman " Collectivc lSadge. (r) Show evidence of an intelligerlt interest in the whore field of Nature and rvith particular regard to one of the follo'rving :(e) Wild animals (native) (a) Trees and shrubs (D) Wild flowers U) Ferns 4nd/or grasses (c) Bird life (S) Seashore or pond li{e (d) Butterflies and/or moths and (&) Rocks and/or fossiis 512.

(4) To promote the organisation and effective working of

I-.As, and to deal with questions concerning their

of the Scout year copies of their annual report and audited accounts with a schedule of L.A. property. (5) To confer, at his discretion, until 3oth September following, the corresponding honorary rank upon a Commissioner giving up his warrant, with power to renew from year to year. (6) To deal t'ith questions relating to au,ards under Part X.


and produce collections, specimens, log-books, etc., as the pursuit may warrant. (z) Discuss with the lixaminer his observations and the

(7) To perform, or otherwise to arrange in accordance with Ilule rz6 for the perlormance of, the functions of the D.C. in any District during a vacancy jn that of6ce. (8) To give decisions and, u'here so provided, to report to I.FI.Q. on all matters referred to him as directed in P.O.Ii. and, in particular, in any case of disagreement betrveen a D.C. and L.A. (9) To settle any dispute between members of the Movement ; and, when necessary, to take action in accordance with Rule r 25 (3). Any dispute not corfined to members of the Movement in one District whrch the C.C. is unable to settle at ar.r early stage rnust be referred to l.H.Q., whereupon I.H.Q. may at its discretion appoint an


and Badges

Rules 3zo-322.

Appointment Fuuctions

leading part

Handicapped Scoals, Education, Kindred and Training of Scouters under RuIe ro4. r8


than six debates or.set discussions.


(z) Demonstrate that he has thoroughly explored an area of at least 2 miles radius (not around his own home or H.Q.) by submitting logs of his expeditions for two of the following specific


Scouts, Scouts, Societies,

in not

614. (Corresponding Badge for under t5-Guide.) (r) Pass or repass the Guide Badge. (Rule 454.)

in Rule zg5, and badges as in

b) For special duties, i.e., Cubs, Scouts, Senior Rovers, Sea Scouts, Air Scouts, De<p Sea


Both to bc done :rt five minutes' notice. (4) Know the ordinary rules of debate and have taken

ASSISTANT COUNIY COMuISSIONEB. 100. A.C.Cs. are appointed by I.H.Q., with warrauts in accordance rvith Part lII.





101. Such appointments are made for the assistance oi the C.C. in the Iollowing ways:(r) For general duties for the whole County. (z) For general duties Ior a specified part of the County.


(3) Must :(o) propose a vote of thanks, (b) make an impromptu speech on a subject (choice oI three




(z) Spe:rk on a prepared subject to an audience of not than 3o people, speech to last not iess than ro minutes.

98. When the C-ounty Commissionership is vacant, the {unctions are performed by the Chief Commissioner at I.H.Q., or by someone deputed by him for the purpose. C.Cs. wear uniform as

etc.) he rnay have

chair at a nteeting.




518. (Corresponding Badgc for uuder r5-Speaker.) : The " Craftsman " Collective Badge. (r) Demonstrate the duties of a Chairmau by taking

(rr) To co-operate, and maintain good relations, with the Girl Guides and other youth organisations in the


of information


indeperrdent arbitrator whose decision must be accepted as final by all parties colcerned. (ro) To attenr.l, if he so desires, meetings o{ the Committee


(C.orresponding Badge for under

Design '. 'l'he

registrations in accordance with Ruies r3r-r35; and to receive from L.As. rvithin four months o{ the end

of the Council, under Itule

Rules 512-514



Following out all Iootpaths, bridlepaths and waterways shown in past and present maps and reporting on their present existence and

condition. Preparing a full report on the agriculture and industries oI thc locality anrl the use to lvhich the land is put. Making a full report on the history of the locality. givirg particulars and history ol anv antiquities or places oI spccial interest and the extent to which it is disfigured by modern developments including advertising, etc. Preparing a {ull report on the soil, trees, shrubs, flowers birds and animals found in the area. 127


Rules 514-517



llaking:r, full report on not less than 5 ntiles of a na,vigable river or canal, including tides, channeis, shoais or mudbanks, local rules and customs, including " iocal rule of the roacl " and any regulations i:,llecting tbe use of the

Bules 91-0?



waterways b-v Scouts. The report to include full details oI tu.o carnp-sites arljacent to nooring places

iri thc area.


.- 1he logs submitted u.till gite fiileage cooeyed, and be far as possi.ble, by etplanalory shetches, maps


ucoomtpani.eC, as antl photogre,phs.

515. (Correspon<.lirrg ]Jadge Ior under r5-.Stamp Collector.) : 'fhe " Craftsnian " Collective Radge. (r) _Collect not less than z,ooo stamps in good condition a.nd shou' that he has begun to specialise in some direction.




(z) Arrange the specialist part of his collection in a loose-lea.f

album arrrl s'rite (S)


| meant

may be varied by agreement of the C.Cs concemecl, in w.hich case the matter must be reported to I.H.Q. (ii) A County may be divided flor Scout purposes into t*,o or more separate Counties or Sub-Counties at Ure discretion of, and in such manner as may be decided by, I.H.Q.

(iii) I,t is desirable that Girl Guide County Commissionersl should be consulted in consi<lering boundariesl I


O"^urstrate by actual specimens that he knows what


by 4 out of any 8 of the terms chosen by the Examiner lfrunr the list in " Boy Scout Tests and Hou'to-Pass Them." I



l,residcnt is.appoirrted by LH.e. at its County ,.92.,.(i) The discretlon, atter consultation with the C.C. presid;nt (ii) l'he appointment is reviewed a{ter a period of five years. I AppointAt tbe discretion of l.H.Q. in consultatioi witir tire C.C., itlmint may be renelved lor a further period of {ive years. I gB. 'I'he appointment ranks as that o{ Honorary Comrnis- 6o1,1 -'--'-'

516. (Correspontling Radge for under r.5-Ca.mera.nlan.) : 'fhe " Craftsnran " Collective Bzrdge, (:) .[)emorrstrate tris unclerstanding r:{ the ntcc}ranisnr .


of his carnera, shutter, stops and focussing rlevice. (l) .Make a pin-hole carnera iuld sho*' a phntograph takerr

with ir. (3) Sho*' a knorvledge of lighting of indoor ancl cutdoor

$gge1; no qrarrant, but a letter of appointment, is issued by I.H.Q.


04. 'Ihe functions of the- County President are to encourage Iiunctiona the welfare and progress of the Movement in the County. *

(4) Diagnose _cominon lbults in composition, exposure, rJeveloping and flxing from specimeus shown by the ]iiaminer. (5) Take, develop :rnrl p1i11 rvith arrv came,:a :-






frorn unusual angles (e.g. Scouter taken up

3 photographs of buiklings of difierent styles.



9.5. J!* C<r^unty President may, if he desires, u'ear unilorrn Uniform as irr Rnle zg8, and badges as in Rule 325. and badgeg





517. (Corresponding I3adge {or under r5-Coxsw:rin.) (r) Pass or have passed ttre Coxsrvain Badge. (Rule 449.)

(z) Be able to reacl a chart, plot a position by three methods :ind lay off a course making alloivance for variation and devia,tion

of compiss and tidai


(3) Know the difierent typeS

houses and !.ight vessels


buoys, light-

in general use, the usual

danger, storm and fog signals. Discnss the Be:rufort, Wind :rnd Sea, Scales. (4) Iinow the rn:rrkings and bc able to hezrve the lcad.



91. - (i) The ,county area for Scozl purposes corrcsponds The SCout generally with that of the civil County, but where it is deslrable Co""t" rn the intercsts oI the Groups affected, the Courrty bounclaries


96. The C,ounty_Commissioner is appointed by I.H.{)., with c.c. a warrant in accordance with Part lll. Appoint9?. The functions of the C.C. in his County are generally ment to be responsible to I.H.Q. Ior the we[{are,- prrr(ress, ani- Function training oI the Nlovement,'anrl for the nrainte-narice of thel policy, organisation, and rules of the Association, and in' particular :(r) To^promote the organisation and effectivc u,orking o{ a County Scout Council. (z) 1'o act in conjunction rvith the County Scout Council in all matters connected with County finance and propertv, and in thc appointment and retirernent of the County I'reasurer and County Secretary. (3) To secure the services of persons suitablc {or appointment as Commissioners, and to deal r.vith queitions concerning their warrants as set out in part iII.


Report by


Report by L.A.



Detrt ot





on retuining a u:trrattt to LII.Q. Ior anv reason lmust reoort the circumstances. .[f the rvarrant is that nf a lCommisJioner, the report must be macle ort l'orm X. 88. A L.A. Secretary, when returnirrg, the rvarrant of arry District or Group Scouter, must attach zr report orr !'orm W ;and, where the circumstances are such as to shou- that the lperson concerrred has iailcd t() rcndcr satisfactrlry service, or lis in any way undesirable as a member of the \{ovement or unfit to hare charge oI bo,vs, the report must be sent to I.H'Q through the C.C.

15) Kuou'thc proper gear that should be carried in a sailing boat to ensure safety of the vessel under ail conditions. (6) Organise and take charge o{ a Patrol expedition o{ 48 houis' minimum duration, in a sailing boat or motor cruiser. Journev to a point at least ro miles {rom start, and return. Keep a log showing courses and distances. Route to be _prepared b5' cindidate ivitil proper reference to tidcs, etc. Mernbers o{ Patrol to be properiy brganised as a boat's crew. (This test to be executed -in iidil waters unless absolutely impossible.) (7) Read a }lariner's Compass marked in points and degrees anii'be able to estimate roughly (using chalt and tide table) the depth o{ water at any state of the tide.

. 8?. The C.C.

DISAGR,EEMENT OT I,.A. AND D.C. 89. If in any question relating to a warrant, the L.A- and I).C. are unable to agree, the matter rnust be referred to the C'C. who will decide. it and, where it appears that a person is un-

518, (Correspon<iing Badge {or under r5-Backwoodsman.) : The " Open Air " Coliective Badge. (r) t']ass or have passctl the Backwoodsma.n lladge. (Rule



desirable, or has failed to render satisfactorlr service, rvill report his decision to 1.lt.Q.


(z) Show a knowledge of the subjects covered by Chapters 4, 5; 6,7, 8 anrl 14 oI " l'ioneering" by " Gilcrait," anrl attairr a high standard in the making of all knots ancl lashings referred



Rules 517-619


Ruleg 8?-00

90. (i) \\'here a Scouter changes his rank in the sarle Grrlup, .or takes'up work with another Group or in another L.A. or

to in that book.

lCountv, th6 case must be treated as a chncellation ol the former war.ari, which must be returned for that purpose. An application {or the issue of a new warrar}t nust be made in the ordinary

(3) Take charge or take a leading part in the rnakirrg of three structures of different types, e.g. a raft, a bridge and a flagstaff. (4) Nlake a c.rrnp kitchcn. (5) Prepare a meal {or himsclf and a comparrion, consistin_g of at leasl rneat, tl',,o vegetables and bread, not using utensils but backg.oods methods. (6) I'rove his skill in finding his way alone across unknown cour.ltrv, not using roads, without maps or making enquiries, to a point invisible froqr his start:(a) by compass and by day a distance of not less than


(ii) The

tterv atldress of anv Scouter lcavrng a District slould eitered on Form W by the L.A. Secretary ii order that t-H.Q. rray be able to in{orrn-the l)'C. of the l)istrict to rvhich the Scouter is goingbe

z miles;


without compass and by stars a distance of not



one mile.

519. (Coresponding Badge for under r5-Missioner.) (r) Pass or have passed the Missioner Badge. (Rule 462.)



{z) Construct to a high degree of elficiency:A camp incinerator. A properly screened and fitted latrine suitable {or a Patrol camp of seven days. A grease pit.

A carnp urinal.

A camp larder, proof against flies, to take perishable Jood for a Patroi.


(3) Understand the dangers oI infectious and contagious and the measures taken by Local Authorities to prevent their occurrence.




Rules 519-521



(4) Know how:(a) the.importation of disease.s from abroa<l is guarded, against

88. (i) Suspension by the D.C. or L.A. is a purely temporaryl Enquiry measure; it i-rust be iollowed as soon as $ssible by'a fuill enquiry by the D.C. and L.A. jointly. Foi this purpose thel L.A. may appoint a small committee irttn fuIl powdr to act. I (ii). The person suspended must be informed of the proposedl meetrnq, and be given reasonable opportunity to attend and tol state his case. I


(b) the dangers of the rnain two venereal diseases. (5) Describe the methods used in his district to ensure sanitary storage, collection and destruction of house refuse, and undeistand the importance o{ such measures.

If a.sponsored Group is afiected, the Sponsoring Authorityl must be given similar opportunity to attend and b6 heard. - | (1v) J]re Chairman of the L.A. will normally act as Chairmanl of- the joint meeting; but it either he or the D.C. does not thinkl this advisable, they should agree to appoint some other personl whom they consider suitab6. In th'e event of their'beinsl (iii)_

(6) Describe, and demonstrate where possible, one or morie methods of disinfecting a roont after in{cciious diseases and also methods of eradicating common insect pests.

Radio Mechanic

520. (Corresponding Badge {or under r5-Wirelessman.) : The " Scientist " Collective Badge. Assemblc_ _ a simple wireless receiver in temporary - (r) and form be able to drirv a diagrarn oI his lav-out, usiig thir

unable to agree, the matter must be referred to the C.C.. who wil"ll thereupen himseli appoint an impartial chairman. ln'any casel the chairman must be a person having some connection (whetherl in a Scout or lay capacity) with the Scout Movement, but notl necessarily with the L.A. concerned. I (y) ffrg C.C. must in every case be informed of the suspensionl arrd. be given reasonable notice of the propose<l meeting li ordert that he may, if he sees fit, either himielf'be present o"r appointl someone to do so on his behalf ; but it is noi desirable tirit trel should himself act as Chairman or take any active part in the!


correct technical symbols.

(z) Be


to locate and cure a simpie fault in the Iamily set.

(3) Have an elementary knowledge of how a thermionic valve works as an amplilier or detector and know the functions of


condenser, resistance, reacti<ln and tra.nsformer.

(4) Know the main characteristics of diflerent wave-lengtb _ bands or groups in general use, i.e., long, medium, short ind ultra-short, showing trow these characteri;tics dictate the uses to which the bands are put. (5) K_now the method of charging and how to caro for


through, the C.C., as the case may be.

BETIIR,N OF WABBANTS. warrants remain the property of LH.e. and must Beturu ol be returned to the Secretary at any time 6n demanfr without his Warrants being called upon to state any reason. Property of

85. Ali

for under r5-Li{esaver.) the water four methods of rescue (one .in to be the " Unigrip "), and three of release from the clutcli of (Corresponding Badge


(-r) Perform

t, (S) Swim 5o yards attired belore touching ground.

in shirt and

trousers and undress

(4) Throw a lifeline to u'ithin one yard of a small object zo yards away. 'I'hrower to be up to the waist in water. (5) Lead a team to deal with emergencies as given in the Lifesaver Badge.



.84.- After enquiry untler Rule 83, the suspension must be 'ferminawrthdra\r'n, or a recommendation for the cancellation of the tion warrant with a {ull report must be forwarded to I.H.e. by, or

accumulators. (6) Be able to solder wire and use fluxes. Rescuer

Bulec 88-80

86. Warrants must otherwise be returned by the holders, County and whether demand is made or not, as follows :- ' L-A. C.C.-direct to I.H.O. procedure ) will in Commissioneii_t"'fr-"CC lwho forward District u"a c.o"p:sco"t"rs-to the L.A. lturn warrant Secretary or,ii.. at.""t"a,"i. *"'-"" A; D C I the toI'H'Q' orC.C.) in any of the following 6i1sum5f,3n6qs ;and (r) On the rvarrant ceasing to be effective uuder po1"" occasions 6o-6r.

(z) Where a recommendation {or cancellation is made to

LH.Q. under Rule


(3) During any suspensiou of, or affecting, the holder, under Rule 79, but in this case the warrarit is to be retained by the -C.C., D.C., or L.A. Secretary to whom it is returned, until the matter is determined. r5



b) District and Group Scouters--on the recommendation of the D.C. and I..A., made after a meeting of the L.A. or its Executive Committee, at which the Scouter

n. (i) In the case of a sponsored Group, the Sponsoring Authority is entitled to be heard by the L.A. and D.C. in any

matter concerning the cancellation of the warrant of any Scouter

of the Group.

with a Scouter of the Group, L.A. and D.C. shall give eflect to his views, provided that

the the


(4) Demonstrate how books should be cared for by producing of his own volumes.


528. (r)

?9. (i) Where it appears desirable in the interests of the Movement, the holder o{ a warrant may be suspended a^s follows :C.Cs.-by I.I{.Q.

Commissioners-by the C.C.

birds or animals.

District or Group Scouters-by the D.C. or I-.A.

(S) Lay a trail of at least half-a-mile in length containing at loast four dif{erent kinds o{ sign made of natural materials. 4o to 6o signs to be used and the route to be over ground with which the Scout is un{amiliar. Roads may be crossed but not followed. The trail to be folkrwed by Scouts of second class

(ii) Suspension of all Scouters in a L.A. area or of all Scouters of a Group respectively may result Irom suspension of the L.A. under Rule r35, or of the Group under Rule r9o. Efiect

80. A person thus suspended must, for the time being, in accordance with Rule 86, must re{rain


surrender 6is warrant

Venturer (Correspon<ling Badge for under r5-None.) : The " Athlete " Collective Badge. (r) Make a journev oI at least zo miles on {oot or by

from participation in any activity connected with the Nlovement, and must not wear uniform or badges. Any rhnk or appointment held in the Nlovement by such a person is to be considered vacant {or the time being. Any case oI difliculty arising under this rule should be referred to I.H.Q.

Report oI suspenslon

81. A C.C. who has suspended any




County must immediately report the case with full <letails to I.H.Q.

82. A D.C. rvho has suspended any District or Group Scouter under Rule Zg (i) in his District must immediately iniorm the L.A., and the L.A. must similarly inform the D.C. of any such action it has taken in its area. r4

Pass or have passed tlre Observer or Stallrer Badge.

(z) Recognise and explain two difierent characteristics in each of three rlifferent human footprints, barefoot or shod, and recognise and explain two different characteristics in each of three difierent types of simple human tracks. (3) Solve, w-ith reasonable accurac.v, three tracking stories in sand, snow or other suitable natural material. (4) Make six plaster casts of the tracks of birds, animals, car or cycle. All casts to be taken unaided and correctly labelled rvith date and place of making. T*'o at ieast to be of wiid


sion Method

for under rs-Observer and Tracker

Design: The " Open Air " Collective Badge.

t'he his service has been



(Corresponding Badges


78. After cancellation, a warrant may be returned to

holder by I.H.Q. at its discretion, provided



objection is based solely on the ground that the Scouter is not fulfiIling his religious duties either by his example or precept. \A'here, however, any other question, such as moral character or technical efficiency, is involved, the matter must be dealt with in accordance with Rules 76 (3) and 88.

Retum to


stand the facilities rp-tich exist in his district for obtaining

(ii) \['here the Sponsoring Authority of a Church Group

expresses himself dissatisfied

for under r5-Bookman.)

list of at least 18 books from those he has read during the previous twelve months. The list must include some standard literary works. Technical books may not be inciuded. At the test discuss these books with the Examiner, explaining why he read them, and answer questions based on their contents. (z) Write his own review of a book lent him to read by the Examiner. (3) Explain how he decides which books to read, and under-

(4) AII ranks--on the warrant ceasiug to be efiective under Rules 6o-6r, or by resolution of the Committee of the Council under Rule 27. Groups

(Corresponding Badge

Design: " The Craftsman " Collective Badge. (r) Supply the Examiner previous to the test with

concerned is entitled to be heard.


Rules 522-514






boat, with not more than two other Scouts. lloute must



one u.ith which the Scout is not famrliar and should, if possible, include stifi country. Sleep out, using only kit carried in rucsac.

Maximum weight 3o lbs., which must include food. (z) Complete an adventure journey as a member of a Patrol in t'hich he shall play a leading part. The journey, which may be short in length, must include at least five " incidents " such

as rescues from fire or heights, compass work, night work, decoding. Water incidents to be included by Sea Scout Troops.


Rules 524-527

PROFICIENCY BADGES . (E) Be reasouably proficient in trvo of the following. Eaclr oJ the two must b6 s-elected trom di.ffere.nl groups, a.s inder l(a) Boxing, fencing, wrestling. (b) Rou'ing, riding, skating.

(z) A full appreciation of the religious and moral aim under-

lying the scheme of Scoutirrg. (3) Personal standing and character such as will ensure a good moral influence and suf6cient steadfastness of purpose to carry out the lvork with energy and per-

(c) Swimming, diving. (d) Cymnastics, tumbiing. (a) Marksmanship, rock olimbing, ropespinning. (+) I\{ust be able to perform four of the {oilowing :.(a) Climb a tree to a hcight o{ 3o {eet from the ground. (b) Vault a fence two-thirds his own height. (c) Throw a 6o-{oot line to {all between two pegs four feet apart at a distance of 5o fect, twice out of every three times.

(d) Swim zo yards l,earing clothes. (a) Pole jump across a distance equal to his own heighr't. (/) Climb a rope to a height of r.5 feet from the ground. ROVER,S.

Boters Badges


Progress Badge

525. (r) Ihere are two proficiency batlges for llovers-

the Ilover Progress Badge and the Rambler's Badge. (z) A Scout entering the Crew, having already gained the Bushman's Thong, will iontinue to wear it on his Rover uniform. If he gained either the Seaman's or Airman's badge, he wiil wear a miniature replica oI it between the shoulder and the elbow of the right arm. Only one of the above three badges may be worn. II he has gained the King's Scout Badge, he will wear jminiature replica o{ it betuecn the shoulder and elbow oi the left arm instead o{ any o{ the other badges mentioned above. A Rover who is also a Scouter does not wear any of these Iour badges. (3) Rovers who are Interpreters wear an emblern (similar to those worn by Senior Scouts, under the note to Rule 5o3) on the right breast pocket, or in a similar position on i jersey, indicating the language or languages spoken.

526. The Rover Progress Badge is in the form o{ a lanyarcl worn between the le{t shoulder anrl the le{t breast pocket. The quali{ying conditions are a.s follows :Over a period of at least six n:onths, record his activities

by -keeping a log or by producing models, charts or maps dealing with the subject selecterl by him, and submit these records to the Ii.S.L. and Crew Irom time to time as desired


tirem. Produce a talh or demonstration, conduct an expedition or discussiou or by any other rnethocl show that he h-as been ective in tlre pursuit of his choice.

Ranrbler's 52?. The Rambler's Radge is $,orn on the left shoulder strap Badge Tire conditions for its award are as follows :r32

Bules 69-76



(4) A willingness to avail himsell of any facilities offered forl training appropriate to his rank. I

70. fn the case of a Group Scouter, other than G.S.M., the I-.A. must ascertain that the G.S.N{. approves the recommendation for a warrarlt. ?1. The D.C. must in every case satisfy himself independently I)uty of of the L.A. that the applicant is qualified and suitable as iir D.C. Rules 69-7o, and that the foregoing procedure is properly observed.

'12. In view o{ the responsibility to parents and of the Special prodangers which have been found to exist, L,As. and D.Cs. must cautions take every precaution to ensure that no one whose rnoral character is open in auy way to suspicion should be admitted into thc llovement, and they must show no false rncrcy in any case where such a person has gainr:rl admission. Where circum-; stances indicate that a criminal offence may have been com-l mitted, the D.C, rnust see that the police are"informed. I

78. (i) Where any person lvhose character and past history, are not fully known malies an offer o{ service, or seeks to bel



in any way rvith the

Nlovement or.arry member of


as such, the matter rnust imrnediately be reported to the D.C., I who will at once consult I.H.Q. I (ii) In the absence of the D.C. or any A.D.C., or in case ofl

urgency, the Scouter

communicate direct

in charge of the Group

with LH.Q.

concerned mustl

(iii) I.H.Q. will {urnish a confidential report; and,


where thel enquiry comes from a person other than a Commissioner, willl also inform thc




When both L.A. and D.C. are satisfied, recommendatiol Form G is made to I.H.Q. on Form G, which must be signed by the nominator, the L.A. Secretary, and the D.C., and sent to I.H.Q. by the L.A. Secret4ry either direct or, if it be the mle in the County, through the County Secretary.

'15. \Nhere recornrnendation is re{used on the ground that tire person is undesirabie or uufit to have charge of boys, a


report must be sent by the L.A. Secretary to I.FI.Q. through the C.C. CANCELLATION.

?6. Warrants are cancelled by I.H.Q. at its discretion, as f,4asgll&follows :tion (r) C.C.-at the sole discretion oI I.H.Q. I\{et}rod and (z) Other Commissioners-rn the recommendation of the occasions C.C-


61. Warrants


are valid for the following periods

Walk, or walk and make passages in a kayak or boa.t (sailing or rowing), au aggregate-of roo miles. (or go an iggreg-ate o{ 4oo miles by per11l cycle) outside towns, airiin[ weet-end or holiday hikes ; keeP a lo-g of his journ6ys to be handed irr on- co-mpleting the total of ,oolo. 4oo )miles ; this 1og should give dates, places and distances, and should preferably give inforrnation that would be of use to othcr hikers, sucir as places of


Commissioners-until 3rst December next but one after the date of issue, District Scouters-u-ntil 3oth June next but one after


the clate of


Group Scouters-unlimited, but in every case a warraot ceases to be eI{ective on the trolder discontinuing, or failing to pcrform, the duties for which it was

to be visited en route, good camping piaces, together with passage notes of the l>oat iourleys with


inns, hints for finding the way at diIlicu1t points,




tidal or other use{ul infoimation and plans of harbours, inland waterrvays, etc. ; sketch maps antl nature lotes

APPLICATIONS-COMMISSIONERS. 62. Warrants for the rank of C.C. are dealt with by I.H.Q., and no a.pplication is necessary.

should be included.

528. I'he Rover Instructor





aDal OrouB Scouters


is not

63. Applications {or warrants for other ranks of Comrnis' are made to I.H.Q. on Form GC by the C.C. who will in lsione.s lall cases observe the precautions laid down irr Rules 7z-73. APPLICATIONS-DISTBICT AND GBOUP SCOUTERS. for s'arrants for District Scouters and Group Scouters aie made by the L'A. and D.C. jointly itl accordance with the procedure set out in the following rules.

Scouters may

not wear

oLD SCOUTS. 580. An Old Scout may wear: (r) The Rambler's badge previously gained as a Rover. (z) Interpreter embiems, if qualified, as ir Rule 525.

64. Applications

for warrants as l)istrict Scouters and Group 65. Applications ^niust in the first place be nominated to tire L.A. by a member of the L.A., or some other person of repute, who, in Scouters

either case, knows the applicant personally and can vouch for his character and general suitability. Nomina-


Sponsorerl Groups



forrnatiou of D.C. Probation of Group Scouters

I)uty oI



Scout proficiency berdgeg, but $g6u[s$ those who are Interpreters may wear an emblem (similar to those worn by Seniof Scouts under the note to Rule 5o3)-on the right breast pocket, or in a similar position on a jersey, showing the language or languages sPoken.







.Other Com-

Rules 627-580



Rules 61-69

66. In the case of applications for Scouters of slxrnsored Groups as in Rules r7g-r8o, nomination must be by the Sponsoring Authority.

6t. The L.A. rnust immediately inform the D.C. of any


68. Applicauts for u'arrants as (iroup

Scouters must serve

a probatioiarv penod o{ three months in the actual rank {or


which the warrant is desircd.

69. The L.A. must s:rtisfy itseif in every case that the applicant is fully fitted by.character-and.previous history to bo eirirusted with the care of boys, and has, in particular;(r)' The necessary quaiifications required by the rule reiating to the rank jn question. t2




BuL! t040





WARRANTS. COMPEIITION. The {ollowing competition is open to members oI the lrlovemeDt :The Duke o{ Connaught Cha.llenge Shield for marksmanship. Details appeirr in " The Scouter " in January eaclt year.


56. Warrants are issued by I.H.Q., at its discretioo, to Banks Warranted Scouters of the following ranks:Commissioners (C.C., A.C.C., D.C.C., Ak.L., Assistant; D.C.C., Assistant Ak.L., D.C., A.I).C., Wardens andl Assistant Wardens o{ certain camp sites). District Scouters (D.C.M., D.S.M., D.R.S.L.). Group scoute.. ic.s.rn., c.NI., s.M., s.iI.(S.), R.S.L.,l A.C.M., A.S.M., A.S.M.(S.), A.R.S.L.). I

INSURANCE. I.H.Q. has arranged various general policies in which units of the Movement can participate if they so wish. BrieI details are given below and further information can be obtained from the General Secretary, I.H.Q. ; but cover under (r) is already obtained by some Counties,


and under (z) by many Counties and L.As. ; and tbere{ore L.A. or

County Secretaries should first be consulted in regard to these two Scoutmasters' IndemnityPolicy, covering Scouters of all ranks

against their legal liability iu respect oI accidents during Scouting activities. (z) Personal Accident and l\{edical Expenses Policy, covering Srorrls and Scouters against medical expenses and certain

Lady lVorker


Ladies, whilst eligible for Non-executive ranks, may only Ladies recommended for warrants in connection rvith the Cub section of the Nlovernent, except in special circumsta.nces, and particularly as provided under Rules t7o ar;.d z3z.


69. A person may not hold two or more warrants, and/or Pluratties other ranks, unless he has the time a.nd ability to oarry out satisfactorily the duties involved and in every case subiect to

'Ihe {ollowing a.re pubiished in connection with the }Iovernent, and are obtainable from I.H.Q. :* " 'lhe Scouter." })rice 6d. monthly ; yearly subscriptiorr, (r) ' including postage, 7s. od. For Scouters, Rovers, and Senior

the approval of all L.As. and D.Cs. concerned, where the appointnents are in difierent L.As., and, in addition, of the C.Cs. where more than one County is afiected.


Mernlrers, pa.st and picscnt, o{ t}rc \'lovement, are eligible {or of the Scouts' Frien<ily Society, u'hicli h;Ls a badgc oI Its orvn and is an Approved Society under the National Health membership


under Rules 155-163.

Certificates of appointn.relt for local use in such cases may be obtained if desired from I.H.Q. (Equipment Dept.) on payment.

Scout unit or for the condition oI u'hich the unit is responsible. Sea Scout Insurance. Various {orms, covering (a) third party liability, (b) accidental damage, whether in either case resulting Irom the use oI ordinary boats or guardshiPs.


Appointed by the D.C. and L.A.


An extension oI the Scoutmasters' Indemnity Policv (P.O.P.R.I1.), giving cover against legal liability to, third parties arising out oI the condition of premises owned by. a

" I'he Scout." ]rrice zd. u'eeklv: yearly -subscription; including postage, r3s. od. (outside Il.K., ros' rod.)' For boys. 'I'he CirieI Scout u'rites regular"lv in both these papers.

Chaplain Examiner


(e) '



against fire.

6) '-'


rrr & r15.

County Secretary L.A. Chairrnan L.A. 'Ireasurer

L.A. Secretary

disablenrents resulting from accidents during Scouting aorivities or from illness in camp. (3) Scout Hut Insurance (including, if desired, the contents)

(+) '


or by the D.C. and L.A. under Rule 165. (z) Non-executive ranks iCounty Treasurer Appointed by the C.C. and County



Warrants are not issued {or

(r) Honorary rank conferred by the C.C. under Rule 97 (5)


VALIDITY. Warrants are valid only as made out

:Valiility Asst. I score D.C.C., Ak.I-., and Asst. I -*for the Countv I ." Ak.L. . D.C. and A.D.C. the f)istrici I speclneo *for the a.ti" rrla'JXl I Wardens and Asst. W:r.rdens -{or f District Scouters the L.A. -lbr Group Scouters -{or the Group J


C.C,, A.C.C., D.C.C.,







58. No member ol the Association may express. opinions in thi public press on any matter ol Scout policy or principle or be conc'eined in uoy broldcast re{erring oi relating to the Scout

Insurance Acts. Particulars can be obtained from :-The Secretary, Scouts' Friendly Society, 7, !'oster Lane, E.C.z. Telephone : Monarch

Bules 58-55 Press

and Broadcasting


Movement rvithout the previous approval of I.H.Q.

UNITOBU AND EQUIPMENT. unilorms and equipment are stockccl at I.H.Q. (Iiquip ment Dept.). Price-lists wiII be {or-warded on applicatiorr. As the profits of the Equipment Department are used entirely Ior

cENSUS. Cersus



54. An annual census is taken from the Annual Ilegistratiou retuins as on 3rst Ma.rch, or in the case of Oversea Branches, 3oth September.

the general benelit of the Scout Movement, members are recommended to buy unilorms and equipmcnt there.

Iorms and instructions are issued to all instructions proper authorities without application. Forms and

55. The










Under the lloval Charter, the Association is g()verned ;r Corurcil not exceeding 7o members.

The lollowing forms are issued by I.H.Q., and are obtainable, on application, without ch.arge. No application is, horvever, necessary in ttre case oI Iiorms D., E., and F., which are printecl specially each year and sent to those responsible for making the Annual Re-registration Return. Those prrnted in italics are to be submitted to I.H.Q. in triplica.te in all other cases oDe copy onlv is required. . Fornt t A.-Foy lhe registration of a L.A. (Rule r3z (z) ). I ,, I B.-Model Byc-law,s for a L.A. (Rule r47). ,, C.-For the registration of a Group by I.H.Q. (Rule r83). ,, Cz.-For any change i.n lhe registration oJ a Gronp (Rule 1871. ,, D.-L.A. Annual Registration Summary. ,, E.-L.A. Annual Sumnrary of Groups, which have cerse(l t() exist. ,, F.-(iroup Annual Registration Return (Rule r85).

t . .

I . .

I.E.Q. Council


C.Cs. uLnd Conrmissioncrs representing Oversea


liave the right of attending meetings of the Committee and putting forward matters for discussion, rvithout vote, on giving a fortnight's notice tu the Secretary.




42, I-hc Conrmittee oI the Ccruncil consists, under the Royal Committee (,harter, of the Chief Scout, the Deputy Chief Scout, the Chief| o{ the Commissioner, tire Deputy Chief Corninissi()ner, and the Council -llreasurer, together witbffieen other members, elccterl by thel (--.ouncil aud of whom one-third retire anrlrally.


,, G..-.Application for Warrant of District or (;roup

Eules 41-52

M. The Chief Scout is Chairtnan of both the Council and ChieI



45. 'l'he Chie{ Scout can onl). attcnd large rallies and address public meetings at his own discrction and on special nccasions, but a stafi o{ Chief Scout's Commissioners has been appointed to ilssist fum in thesc duties, and visits from them and from I.ll.Q.



Scout's and



will bc arrangerl on application from sioners C.Cs" requiring their assistancc.' Field C)onirnissioners arel a,ppointed, and a-ssigne(i to certain Counties. by I.H.Q. I 46. I..FI.Q. Commissioners (with suctr ,\ssistauts as.may belDepartrrecessary) art"' appointeri to take charge of the various depart-l msilts ruerlt's a"t I.I{.Q. I 47. Members of thr: Couuc:I, he;ads and assistant heatis of Riilrks



., GC.-Appiication for Warrant of a Commissioner (Rule 63). ,, Fl.-Application for Award for Gallantry (Rule 38o). ,, I.-Application for Award for Good Services to the movernent (Rules 39o aad 393). ,, J.-Application for " Cornwell Scout " Badge (Itules 37G


dep-artments, an<l the .holtlers o{ certain I.H.Q. appointments, rank as Commissioners


,, K.-Application for Award for r\Ieritorious Conduct (Rule 385). ,, PC.*Notification of camp and camp permit (RuIe 333). ,, RV.-Application for voucher for reduced raihvay fares for camP' ,, Tr.-Transfer form for Scouts (Rule r99). ,, W.-Form to be attached to \Ararrarts returned to I.H.Q. (Rule 88). See also Form X. ,, X.-liorm to be attached to a Commissioner's \Varrant returned to I.H.Q. (Ru1e 87)


48. lt rs the dersirt: o{ I.II.Q. that

rcduced :rs rnuch :rs


corrcspondence shall

49. ,{Il comnrunicatioris scnt to I.H.p. ari to tti the Ser:retary.



f,it:"-"f*, be acldressed 1.11.8.


Model Deed of Trust for 1..A. or Group property (Rules r5o and 2o4) '

50. -\ll corrcslntrdencc rvill nonu:rllv lollou the lines indicated Channei ol hv tlle organisatinlt r:hart. cxecpt v.lrr:rc rrtherrrisc direc[cd or in comrnuni_


OVEBSEA FOR,MS. OI the above {orms, those marked with an asterisk (t) are also intended for use overseas. The foilor.ing additional forms are for oversea use



Form AA.-For the registration of a Branch / .to be coDpleted ,. CC.-For the registration of a Group \in duplicate. ,, GG.-Applicaticn for \A'arrant of District or Group Scouter. ,. N.-Census Return. r36



or nrattcrs o.f extreme



Ser:retaries u ill. horrer.er. c.orrcspund dircct u.ith L.A. - -{f-. I...{. LH.Q. tt* badges anrr lorrrrs, and, unrcss otherwisc arranged selictaries l)y the (.ount\', for lhr n.grs1-ration ol Gr.()ups arrd the issudof

warrants fur I)istrict altd (iroup Scouters. eorreslx>ndc,ce. relating

to scout ulatters rnust not be rtoyalt' atrd ir;;;;t- -."Lts ct

"5?addressed_ro any R.1'ar pcrso.age, to an' I)epartmcnt of st"te, {)r to an\'l}nbassv or l-cgation afhone or'abr-o^ad. except througtr -

r ]J"Q.




., ,,

'i:9 qEOH

zoc,-.u) z o atli

--_-.--"? ,..1

di r






d ,F l)










8z ^A

z oP


q U. .


ol Fro < rcr.gE ul _!F O .i ztat1 ^_t <l < -= 2l ,1 (5.E IU HU ) o q

O trt




o& d ur> --^ i

i a-



LJ o a

,9 v 9* ,tl (c

2,i5 I

""5 l 'z =-a

J r l1 ^&

oa tz aa z



; 7e .42


44i ';'?

: '1








.J, i t











CouBty Comn:rs. Culrrn:ister




lor tlrinirrg

k o g





k q





23, 302,

Thauks ..





Chrrteral Assooiatioos Act, l!26


i'^ 2'l7F

:l?6-379 380-33.1 ;t9r)..:i9t]

roeritorious condu(.1




155, la;l

.. ..

2, 2:i

,, Bov Srr)uts As'rciation Prol.ection Cr(lci 1l]:r7 . . 2:l ChicfComrnissioner .. .. 4:

16 136

gootl scrvice


3ll;i3l -. 339 .. 20

Chairrr:ur. Courrcil :rud C()t,tBittee 44 Iirec. Coturdttce of I-.A. .. 1.13. ,, I-ocal Asso. . . 110, i55, I6;i ,,

ChaPlain Clrrr'u|r

Ior gallantry


. . 39 ... 53. Ilroqoies, ioint trainjng $ith {lrrlrs -. 'il,2 Rugl,r prai:tice .. 3:jG Rushrnarr's I'horrg . . !i1p, 42i,4:l! Illc-l.uvs. I".A. .. . . 1J7 Sca Scout -. 11$ ,, Caorp, uniir-.un ir .. .. 97S Caurping,h:ddirg.. .. . ..339 (-rrls .. .. :i::,:lll fi:rcign visits . . 333 ,, iln:ifi, rriln :l:;i 335 ,. Cl<l Scouts ..341A ,, permj.rsiori :13r 31!8 ,, rai{ling .. .. .. ..3,10 ,, C(:rrstrs 5,t, itlt. Certiiicati: for \feritoriorrs Corrrlrrct . . 3Sc

i rs-1 30

.. ..



i Ili-25ii 21


400 401


( onLr;rr.

I,.A. ,, Awad{s), " Conru,rll Scoirt',

o H







Rarrlr (sce Ranh, halges ol) -.

British Scouts in Ioreign coun'lfies




Iior,er l-oader

Associate(s) oI B.S.A.



1r):i-l 08

Sco!tmaster (S.)

,, 6i


,, (u,r,,tv (olrril ".

i;: ii';

a '



protection of

,, Wood Ban(ls Basis of tr{ovemclt Lathing Bedding in carup .. Beggi.g Iioatirg



.. ..

1 11'1'o

:tl iorr

As:t. ('onrt,,r.. for tr,lir.itr;




i,,!i:t; io taul;ottt,t,t,j

lir" I)ulii,

Proficiency (see PtoJiciency

,, .,


(.r:rlificnte for Norr-uccrr -


,. (. ,.



AJliioiritn('nt(s) ..()enctally, sce lilles /e-


issue to foreign subjcct

,, ,,







.J t1


(S.) and A.S.IJ. (S.)


c t


,, S.rri,,r 5,otll . ! t7N Att'r nf l\lor, n,ent . .l Ainr- ol l(ur, r u..irrir.i; .. .. Ar'i Sccut (Sec Dt.t'i.nitiorLs (Nate), Seirior i ala, lint,rallr- c()r/.sIior,.r , f,;./irr< r r-t :.1, r 1.. ,tt, i' Settor Scottt, and lloi,er -llniiornr .. :l!b Sertior:l{)ouis .. !.q(; ,, I.:otrr-s .. ,, ..2sij Ainnail's B]al$e .. .l:1.1 ,4Lela Learlrr an(l .ts,\is1-ant Aii.L. l0: 1r)8 ,{ppr:al fr,trn (iistninlriil of.S.t,xl .. .. lg? ,Appcalsforfirnds.. .. 13




i,; .< i



.. . . .








,, ,, ,, ,,


. ,, S.o'rt .. ., S,r,ulnrustcr antl \.S.M.





I-cadcr and A.it.S.L.

--o1<'I -aio -:6 rd -ie



s7 ({), r4s (ii.)






,, Noo-execulivc ranhs .. ,, Ilover..





110 (1)

9tn 9l I


Age, Cub ,, Cutrmaster and A.C.tr{. ,, G.oup Scoutnaster .,




Act, Cbartered Associations, 1926 Advancemerrt to Senior Scout . F



Silver Acorn arrd Silver 393-395 Wolf .. 376-379 Comrrell Scout .. .. .. 225. Cub Iilstructor .. .. ., 397 Deep Sea Scout..

Arvard(s), for

Page ii.

Abbreviatiorrs Accounts, County ..

a F( H )i a /.4>

_()9 r ol



A@ Y

l)omiriior al<i (loionial 36. .. 44 Ai Clrii,fSrrrrrt'sCcrnmissioncrs .. .. 4t Chief




TNDEX--contin ued. RULE RULE l;)1-'!61 Colonial . . 36 Crew j9, li'l) 1S0 (iroup .. .. .. 10'i ,, arldilion to .. ..261 ChurcirP:rradcs .. .. 11 ,, Council 3x0-N81 .. .. Cross, award for gllJ;rntry CoiorLies, brancbes in .. . . li6 Cub(s), age .. .. .. 227 ComneDrlation, Lett.r oI .. 3r1, is,;, :lll :'il)i'-:ili) Cournissiorer(s), ilpplicatioll for q,arL;trrts ,, batlges of rarLlt 62-6:i -. :l:ll ,, bo;rting arrrl lrathir;1 . . I00_1r)? -q.sst. Corrnty -. ,, :t:12. :i4i . ,, c.rnping Asst. County, for Train,, .. _. _. 22:, ,, lnstructor . . ing . . 10'1 .. :i26 ,, rnvcstiturc lJii t:t) Asst. I)ist. . ,, ,, joint traininB x,ith llrorrrries .. ti, forTrailrt,lA llr:;-llj* g ,, l,aw .i6,42 Chief ,, .. l1:i ,, Leapir:g \l,oll Badge . . ChielScout's.. ..4i ,, .. .. ..127 ,, OneStar.. iJ6_99 County .. .. ,, .. :18_228 ,, pack djsagrccDcrt 1\\7426 .. ,, profirrclcy bari{rs with Courliy I ,. I)romise scoutcouncil 1!0 .. :r'JB ,, qualiiications Disrrict l:1-1r7 .. ., .. ..22i\ ,, Secotcls disagrecmellt :itil.-362 service stars ,, u.illr I-..\. .:r. l::, .. -:2! .. ,, Sixrro Irield .. 45 ,, . . . I4i ,, srrl) corrnritt(r I-.A. .. 97 Honorary .. ,, _ . ,?ti ,, Tcnderpad I.[I.Q. ' '. " 4i 2tc-zz|, zzg ', ,, traitrilg members ra[kirlF as . . {i ,, . . 35i ,, Totom poles susgxnsiorr of .. .. 81 ,, . _ rlr) ,, Tl.o Star .. +2-41 Comnittee ol torrocil :lgl. 2S2 .. ,, ,rritcm :ju, 'Jtl:], 203 .. ,, ,, Group lr:t-zli CrrLDastL,r ard r\.C.M. competitiol -{pp' A' .. 3t1J Decorations authorise,l .. .. :17 D""pS"uScouts ., Corstitutioo,rrrork:lforru :j96:its .. .. Corrtributiors .. ., li .. rOu ,, errroirnt,ltir .. :176-j179 Dcfi.itio's .. Coflrwell Scout Larlce l,age ii. .. 15-;13 DepartDrents, I.H-Q. .. Correspondeuce .. 15 lI-{ I Council(s) of B.S.A. Deputl' C.rurp Chief arrd Asst. l).C.C. 10i-10i1 109-l t0 .. Count.v Scout . . Deputv Chief Scout . . 4l ,, Di\agrecn.nt l;etuee[ C.C, a;rd Couilty ,, d!srrllrcerxent s'itb c.( . . 190 .. 120 Scout Courlcil .. f'lotrP . -. :?01 belvcen I).C. and I--A. tl!, l!3 ,, ,, . . 35 Natiorrrl .. ,, ,, \see also " Displles ") .. f61 ] Disbanding sccl.ior1 of Groop .. l{o\,'r ( rc$ .. l$t ,, !1i,22+ .. Sixcs .. .. .. .. lgi Djsutiss;rlofStorr.. ,. (,,urrtv A;c rs ri (0), l?5 (;l) .. Disputes . . . 9l .. )21,-122 !t; $9 f)istricl ,A,reas ,, Cour'.tssiurr'r .. 721-12i 91 iio ,, orgarrisatiorr ,, Comrflissioner appoiltme,rt .. 194 1t!-t)5 .. ,, Prcsid"rrt .. Iulctions .. lzb 109 110 ,, Scout Counril uniJorlD ' "lzi 115-lr9 .. ,, Secrelary..

38, (i) Tlie Boy Scouts Association in common with all the Foreign recognised Scout Associations of othcr countries is registered Scout with the Boy Scouts Intelnational Bureau, which is responsiblo .\ssociAti,:os for the recognitiolr and registration of National Scout Associa-

Chicl Scouts. l)onilrion a0.l ChurcLes, relations uith ..

tions throughout the world and for the or€Janisation of interflational cvents. (ii) I'he International Rureau is controlled by an Iirternational Committee elected bienuially by the International Conference, and is administered by a Director appointed by the Internationai Committee.


84. The general schene o{ crganisatiorr in tho United King-

36. Branches of the Association are established in the various ,Dominions, Colonies, etc., and local Chief Scouts and Chief Llnprrc Commissioners, to rvhon certain duties are delegated, are overseas appointed. Organising Commissiouers axe appointed in certainl Oversea Branches. I.H.Q. must be informed of any changes of I Secretaries


Trcasrrrcr.. of llouorr ..

.. .


;;;-ii; ,l 2:j1,242 | r38

. u'arrarrtfor ..

s.ou,"ii.) "o11""'

,r;,1;l ti.1-75



Warrants for Scouters of various ranks are issued by certainl Oversea Branches



with their constitutions.

Branch I{eadquarters are to be taken as appearing in the chart


after I.TI.Q.


87. The Overseas Cornmissioner at I.H.Q. is responsible forl relations with the Branches of the Association in the Britishl Commonwealth anrl Empire I He wili supply, if desired, a model form of constitution for anl Overseas Branch, and in{ornation on the practice prevailiDg inl other Dominions, Colonies, etc.

88. The International Commissioner at I.H.Q. is responsible lioreign for relations with Scout Associations ln foreigrr countries and for coulttnes British Groups formed in Ioreign countries,




dom and Eire is set out in the accorrpanying chart rvhich shorvs gghgmg the system of deccntralisation. United 85. National Councils have been est:rblished in Scotl:rnd, :3gS::' Wales, Northern Ireland, and Eire, and in respect of these;-""'-"" countries are to be taken as appearing in the chart between' I.I-I.Q. and the C.C.



Bules B&4i)



89. Groups of British Scouts may be Iormed in {oreign countries subject to the consent of the National Scout Headquarters o{ the country concerned. Regulations governing tho formation and control of such Groups have been drawn up by the International Conference, and copies can be obtained from I.H.Q. Persons wishing to form British Groups abroad should write in the first place to the Internationa,l Commissioner, who will send full instructions. Generally speaking, such Groups should be confined to British subjects, but exceptions aro permitted in special circumstances, a6 laid down in Rulo 25. 40. Variations ol P.O.R. rendered necessary by local con- I-ocal ditions outside the United Kingdom and Eire may bo sanctioned variB,tioni by I.H.Q.

Erternal Belations Depart-

ments o{



Bules 28.32

other societies



29. 'fire Association desires {riendly relations u'ith other national organisations of a non-political character having sirnilar aims. In the case of Cllrrches alirl certain organisartions special rules apply with rcgard to the registration of Groups, as set out in Rule r79. 30. The constitution, organisation aud finance of The Girl

!)istdct orgariisation


31, (h-operation betrveerr the two Associa.tions and their various branches should be as olose as possible, and particularly as in Rules g? (tr\, ro9 (4), rz5 (rr), and 136 (+) ; but except as set out in ltule 32, Scouts' and Guidcs should not be trained together. The following {orms of joint training oI Scouts ar:d Guides may be encouraged where the circumstances are suitable; but competitions between Scozls and Guides are undesirable except as an occa"sional item in a social gvgnf '-


(r) Joint training of

Cubs and Brownies in schools, or in other exceptional cases authorisecl by the D.C. and the Guide Commissioner. In such cases, however, the Brownic Pack requires a separate registration which is

dealt with by The Giri Guides Association; and the C.M., rvho must be a woman, must also irold a ryarrant as Bro*.n Owl issued by The Girl Guides Association. Such Cubs and Bror-nics must not parade together in PubIic. (z) Joint training of Scouts and Guides in specific subjects ll-here suitable arrangements can be made ; and occasional joint recreation. ln every case there must be proper supervision and the approval o{ the respective Commissioners must first be obtained.





. .:17q

. .. .

,, ,,

3ii :15


:tl2 i45 a),r-52i




l;i,, 160


Council . 110 i r3-l J I 1../\. .. ligq fn1 1o;istr'.rrio;r o[ (irortl' .. .. ISC Field Corrmissiotcrs .. .. .. 45 Iiin:rnce, appeals . . .. .. .. 18 Associat.rs .. 16 ,, l,egging rnrl coll,,, tirrrrs .. 20 ., Iunds, riisingof 1!l Jl, Joi,, ,, illegal aod rrrrdcsirable mcthod5 :ll 17-13, 2{)?..2i1 Group ., 15-17 I.H.Q. .. ,, 17, l-ls 1.19 l-.A. ,, Iocalsell-support .. .. li ,, u)oncy lilust l)c earned . . .. it) ,, sales .. .. J0 ,, .. sub-committee l,,A. .. ),Li ,, Firearmsartificate .. ..:l;5 -. 1:j{)-..13I IriBt CIas Scout . . ]l{i-:ilg Flags ;i3- i1l F-orcigl courrtries, British Scolts io :ijl, 3E rclatioris with. . . . 331 ,, Scouls, itrvitatjols to .. -. 25 ,, subl'ects, rncmbership oI .. . . ::):16 ,, visits Iiorms -{pp. B. .. .. b-riendlySocicly .. App..{. F'unctions, Asil.(r,ururr. lor'lririrlir)j .. lu: CountyCor.mr. .. lul DistrictCorirmr-(- .. l2-q .. .. 97 CoustyCommr. ,, County Scout Cotrn.il . . 1l{.) ,, Cubnrasto! and A.C.NL . . :llir ,, .. Dist.Courmr.-. ..725 ,, .. . . 153 Scouter .. GroupScorltlDilst(r .. ...i73 ,,

. ,, e;iec. conllDittile . Presidclt, Coutrty .

Functiors, I-ocal Asstr.

I Jt-167



!44 91

Rover Leader and A.lt.S.L.



,, ,,

.. :.lit1 S,lotrtD?istcr ald A S.lI. Scorrtmaster (S.) arrl .1.S.]i. (S.) !17D

,, ,,




lreasurcr, Coudt-Y ..



.. Ganrbliug .. Giri Guiclcs lstt alst Gti,les) Goor.i

.. lll . 11:t :iS() lis'l

Gallailtry, auards for l

lixecutive Couunittoe, Courrty Scost

Scouts Association.

training {or joint service, occasionai socials, hikes and rambles. (4) An exchange of Scout and Guide training instructors is permissible for the teaching oI subjects in which they are especially proficient, but must be arranged tlrrough the respective Commissioners concerned.

ior llovcrs .. ,, Scnior Stouts Dominious, brancbes in .. .. Eire, National Council .. Electioo 01 L.A. Drembcrs Eublens Rcver proficiencl' .. ,, Erquiry alter silspcnsion of Group Scorti' r ,, Exailrifler .. .. ,,

Guitles Associa,tion are entircly separertc frotn those of 'I'he Iloy

(3) Co-operation between Rovers or Senior Scouts, and Rangers, as a means of training. ln all cases a programme must be previously drau'n up and subsequently adhered to, and the approval of the respective Commissioirers must first be obtained. The follorving joint activities are suggested :Dramatic and other entertainnrents, folk-dancing, play centre u,ork, debates, joint representation on committees in connection 'lvith camping and with



EXTE&NAI, BELAIIONS. 28. The Association is not subject to control by any Department o{ State.


Kindred and


:10-3r,1)1, i?9, l:ll, l$0'i101 39r) 39r .. Servicc. al'ards for . .


Oovcrrlment, r,:!ations rrith



(;roup, a(r'(rlnts .. 2.t0-211 .. -. . l1):1 . ,, ;rrlrlition of sectio0s .. t97 . ., admissioo to ., cincellatiort of regisLr,rli,>rr . . 1glj



,, ,, ,, ,,



corrrpositioo Courrcil

.. lTii .. :01 . oi s.ctioo

,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,



,, ,, ,, ,,

disbarrtlirrg or suslrcosioo


195 196

l?-13, ,07-211

fomlrtion of


.. I-otre membersbip orgatisatio[ .. propelty .. .. reiusal of registraticrr .. registratiorl applic.rtioo ..


. ;






. Mi 178-188



.. llii chang€s .. fee, or alulal subscriptioo .. liJli 181 18'1 Proceclure .. ..11)tj refusaloi -. ,, .. 1S5 renewal ot . rcsponsibility of I-.A. 1S9 1.q:t and D.C. .. SPoosorcdGrorlP .. l?{} .. lii -. sanctiou to forD .. sohool

Scoutcrs, warra0ts



t,L-ii 109

Scoutmaster Ladies




1?0 til






Group, Sponsored, effect of control

-. 180 .. .. 179 . . 179 .. ,, 189-192 .. ,, .. 195 .. enquiry alter .. 1111-199 .- 178 ,, unregistered Guitlcr'sunilormasScouters .. .. 301 Gtdcle(s) badge as Cub Instnrctor .. 225 co-operation with :ll-:12 .. ,, joint traiiling wittr Scods .. 31 ,, separateorganisatiorr . ., :10 ,, trrifotm as H.ll'nr. .. :9S .. ,. Scouters . . 3(10-:101 H;rndicapped Scouts ,. :i99 Hikirrg i:l :117 Ilonorarv raniis 97, I{15 l{i7 unwarranted .. .. 57 Honouralrle CharRe . 106 41 tI Imperial Heailquarters .. . finarrce .. .. 15 strb-scriir:rs .. ll; Inilustrialilisputes .. 1-1 lnstnlctor .. .. 15i),1i)g Cub .. 225 .. ,, ,App. A Irsurance .. .. Iuterrrationalllureau .. :13 .. :jS ConlrnissioDcr .. ,. ftlterprclcr, Olrl Scolt . 530 I(ovfr-. .. .. ..52.1 ,, Inveiiiirrre,Cui) .. .. r2t' l{ovor .. :l(ii ,, :i:l Sooirt.. .. ,, 1,1;M Seri<r Sr:ortt . . ,, Iiili, $tar:rrg of tbe . 28r) Iiirrrlrt.clSocietie;.. .- 2l) .. . iiiri:'s Scorrt l]:idge . 4:15 I-arlicrs as Cultrnast.r auci A.C.Il. - . 21." ,, ,, (iroirp Scoutmastcr . . 17(l l?L . 2.j) ,, ,, S1:outmiistcr.uxl A.S.}L .. - irti ,, ,, r'arrailt h{,lilers ,, irrerligible as 1l.S.L. aurl -{.R.S.I-. t4!) ,, S.l'r. (S.) r.nd t\.S-.s't. (S.) .247R .. 296 . ,, unilornr Laciy Worker .. 15S .. I-aq',Cub .. .. 0 .. .. 8 .. ,, ScoDt." I-erping Wolf B;rdge . . 11:i reSistration Sponsoring Authoritics suspension.. ,. of section




plotection ..






Lel.tcr of Commendation . .

381, 386, 391

.. 130' appointmerrts bY . 139' area .. ..131 ". attendans', right of 137 byeJarvs .. -. 147 cancellatio[ of regis.. l:i3 lratioo .. Chairman 140, 155, 163

Local Associatiore, annual mecting

disagrccmolt with

D.C. electi$s

.. ..

Association " was incorporated by Royal Chaiter in-January, r9r2, and is recognised bi, law as ai educational charity. His Majesty the King is Patron of the Association.

28. By the Chartered

144 11tg



to the approval of the D.C., and 'r,vill thcn make or re-affurm the subjects Scout Promise in tirc follorving form ;" On my honoul I pror.nise to do my bcst to do my duty to God, and to the country in which I am living; to help other people at all times ; and to obey the Scout Law." I'he {ull name and present address of any persL)n so admitted, together rvith the nane of any forrner {orcign (}roup of which he w;rs a member, should bc sent tu tlte tnternatibnal Commissioner at I.I{.Q. {or record. (ii) The issue of any \\,a,rrant to a {oreign subject requires tho special sanction rrf I.H.Q.

Sc.retxr\' 142, lii), lG: sulrc(trlr!ittecs .. I45 bortjng ,,

arrrl sailing l,1ij,

,, Seir Scout l4G subst:riptions !:16,i.1$ suspeusiorr .. 131 l:j5 'l'teasurir 1{1, 1tt';, l6:}

l-.rrt ,,



rvirrant .. -. r'ithr'ir:rrvn ..



-scotrls irtrd Striior Srtrt ts \1rrch ing


26. The {olloiving are considerecl ntcmbers of tire Movement Classes o{ so long as they are properly serving in tire ranks or positions memt)ers 6nulnsrafgd .(r) ,Seozlls rvho are menlbers of a. registered Group or arethemselves registered as I-one Scouts, Lone Seuioi Scouts, I J-onc I{overs, or Deep Sea Scouts. (z) I'jersons registered as Olcl Scouts by the Old Scout


l$3 2tt(|.


Iloi'cr 2b..1 .. :i!l- ll92 \lcdal .rf i\Ierit ,, Ior l\Ieritoriorrs Cordrx:t . :lS5-38$ .. ll 27 lleml,"rshif', A...o.i.,r:,,r, dctcrmirr:iLion oL .. 2i ., ior.ig[sui]jecls .. -. 2b ,, Group 107 20O ,, I-ocalAssn... .. l:i6 l:17 ,, ,, llxe,c. (lommittee l4;i 355-38$ lleriL()riolrs Coililxct, awar.ls for .. .. .. 351 Morrrnirtg ..



Associations (Protection of Names and Protection



vitoatl rc\i



24. The organisation is open. to British subjects (including Memberthe nationals of Protected and l,Iandated Territories and o{ ship Independent States in Lndia) of e\.ery class ancl denominatior, British subjects 25. (i) Iioreign subjects may be adroitted as members, subject Foreign

r-,rernbersltip.. l:l(i 1jl7 .. -lt0' i)rop.jrLy .. rL::{istratiorr .. .. 1:r' ,, carrr:llrrtiol

:i i ustecs


Scouts Association) Protection Order, rg27, the name of the and badges Association and certain tities and badges are given legal protection, and any unauthorised person making use of them becomes liable to prosecution,

39, t23

llxcc. Committee 143


Uniforms) Act, 19z6, and the Chaitered Associations (Boy of names





22. " The Bo-v Scouts



Rules 2&97


Branch of a Group or L.A. (3) Scouters. (4) Persons holding Non-executir.e or f{onorary rank, as in JtLrJrs



(5) nlernbers of L.As. and County Scout Councils. (6) l\{embers of the Council o{ The Boy Scouts Association.

2?. In addition to other rnethocls subsequeiltly provided in DeterminaP.O.R., the menbership of any person may be determined by tion resolution of the Committee of the Council. The Committee shall not be under anv ollligation to state its reasons for such


Bulce 20-21 Begging,




20. Scozls must not take part in street sales or collections, either for their own funds or }or other institutions or charities, lo1.ln.3"y method of touting the public, but they may assisi


Night marchiug


and undesirable methods



Prof.ciency badges, Scout Cord . . .. 435 ,, tsirst Class 431-432


They may also assist under proper iupervision in the silling of -

at a fixed price at


Nominatioaforwarants.. 66-6? ranks 155-164 ,, lmwananted -. 67 Northcrrr lreland, National Council .. 35 Old Scouts .. .. 167A, l6?E, 271^,27h

institutions or charities as messenlers or in other cafacities. programmes

.. .,

recognised entertainments.

21. All members of ttre Association, acting as such, must observe the provisions of Rule zo, and must "not countenance

One Star Cub

or.be, concerned in any. public method of raising money for Scoal or other purposes which is in any way contrarlito the'law of the

,, ,, ,, Overscas,

Seoior Scout, Airmants434


l'hong 2'17p, 427, 4;t.l ,, ,, Iiing's


Order in Corrrruil .. 0rBanisation, County

land, or likely to ercourage Scozls iir the practice of gambling.

,, SecondClass420-trS0 ,, Special 4:18-624


District gexeral scheme Group

LII.Q. Comnu. for

variatiou of llules ,, Pack ,, oI Sea Scout Group .. ,, size .. ,, training Patrol ,, Learler ,, Leader (S.) ,, l{over ,, Senior Scouts Patrol Pemit(s), cirnping anel hiking

.. .. .. ..


Sr:out 435


,, ,, Ilrogress lladi;e, Ilover Promisc, Cub Othcr persorii ,, Roru''s .. ,, Scouis ,, Scouters .. ,, Senior Scouts ,, Property, Grorrp .. l--A. ,, Protcction, le8^l . . l'ul)lica[iorrs Qualificatio)E for Cub

31-40 163-274

.. ..



. . 40 ztB-22b


,, 220 ..218 .. 219 .. 239 . . ?40

.. ..

. .217'!

. ,ia




.. i;t2



rr .. .. .. 40 ,, religiorrs .. 10-12 Politi.s tiJ 14 P(esident, count!, . . 9, tb Press, Ietters to .. .. DB Probatio0 for lrarrants .. .. . . 6g Proiicjeocy badgcs {01 i I 3 aitcr0ati.,ctests .. .t:to













., .. ..

6 5

. ..

207 206




-.150 .. 2B

,, ii-over l,eader A.t{.s.L. .. l{over .. Ilov'15'1'1t" " Scout .. ..






Slrotrtnlaster aDd .A..S.l{. 2lB

IJandicappcd Scouts issue


.. .

,, ScouLmastcr (S.) aud A.S.II.(S.).. ..247c Sr'rriorScout .. 2-1?N ._ _. 69 ,, ,, wiurilnts I{aicling in cirnp .. .. :i4O llartrbler's Ba(lge, Rover .. .. ., 527 Rangers, as Cub Instrw:tors .. .. 22b .. 32 ,, co operation with llovcts uniforl .. .. 209-300 .. ,, itank(s) b6- 59 1.10, 155, 163 ,, Chairmarr, L.A. .. ,. .. 17 ,, Courmissioners ., .. 59 ,, duplication of Honorary.. .. 97,105-16Z ,,

4l.t-426 ,, Special ,, Two Star 41.1-112 examination for .. 4Ob gencral schcme |Oi,42i



,, SpJi'i41180-524 .. 6:6

- - 228 Cubrnaster ancl A.C.XI. 211 Groltp Scoutmilslet .. 1i2 r-od-cxec. ranks .. lb7


Polir:y, Orgalisation and Rules,variat'ots

ail0uai tcsts Cub, ore Star

,, SeaBran,s

, {0i

metho<l of lvcaring

1t5, 428, b25-D7 prDte4tiorof ..401 llover, ernblems .. ?00 ,, Progress ., b26 ", I{anrbler ., b27

uember s of Council Non-executive President, County







lir,rrii(s) Sa-r|tarv, IL'rttrtv

L.A. .. 1'rcasurrr.C,,tttrty i..]\. ..








'frcasurt'r, Couirt!

1lt-1i1 .. 141

t.\'irooP i.eader



rrior S, orts :iIri 178- I

R.rgistratiorl, Lir('rril








extcrnill Religious policY RclErts 1(r I.H.Q. . 75, 87



. S9, 97,



]!0, tL:!' 12lt

Rc-registratiolr, aDnual


,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

Pro[|l'css Badge .Promise.. llambler's iladgc lletiremcut

,, ,, ,, ,, ,,


r1liwatrrnte(i, I{oo. or No[_excc. b1 ,, .. 56 u,arrauterl , . . :i()r-i25A ,rk, barlges of j-.:\, Chairinilu .. .. 3'j:l " 3:J 'lr::Pl,rirr ( "t rrmi.sir:er. :l: r' ::'J l .. . . 3l16 .lrl.iic.rl.ur ol .. .. :j::j Iireliirrtr .. .. :!:5 Hr)ri()raryra;ll(s .. .. .- ;!2:i lllstrr.ior.. ..30:l issueof ..2t2?, -. LaclyW.rker Non_excclltiverilnl's .. ii2:i jj25r (,1(lScoot.. .. .. Ij].1 .. l'.rtr()ll,eadcl Siliior S.-outs :l 6 :102 .. prote.Lionof :;lS lr, ', r ,, hoirliilg Narr:llrt .. 3l-)ii . lil{l .. ,, ilate -- 3li .. ,, Srlttire :t I I S.out 320 322 Scoutes .. 303 .. Secoird- t}rb .. 'i,12 Scout .. ,, . . :l i(i Scnior Srltrt ,, . ll:4 Selrelar]', County I--\. .. .. ll: :l l 0 Scnior Sixr:r " _ . ;(r9 Sircr'

. 2tt4' 2i) :117-'11!) .. l,aclgcsolrarrk.. . ' 3:JU L,oating aild bathiiltl . 32 co-operatiou lvith llartgers " 2it) I)istrict Xleetif,gs . 290 etnbleurs ' 62tt Proficierucl' -. tt26 litcrfrctor .. ?ljl ltvcslitilre .. 260 .. l'lare t)?6'5'S Proficicncy barlgcs ..

Ilorer(s), age

lirir, i(i3

.. 1.11.



. ]16

-. ll,

Rules L3-19



i f



,, ,,


Scouts. boating





I[ovement Non-


arr, r'cquired to avoid grave public danger or inconvenience

resulting from such a situation, there is no objection to a G.S.M., rvith the consent oI the D.C., ofleriilg the assistance of his Troop,-

Senior'Iroop, or Crew, to such anthority, so long


no com-l

pulsion is br'ought to bear on any individual Scout,"Senior Scout, I 6r Rover, to volunteer his services, and no penalty attaches to him for not volunleering.

526 5


2(il-2\i7 .. conditions of admisiion 264 ,, traininil 266 ,, .. 11" sul)-conunitt{re L.A. .. ,, 2i(t !71 tririning . ,, 2S7 290 .. .. uni{orm .. ,. .. ?0$ .. vigil ,, -, 262 warranted ,, Rover Sc(trrt l-cader alrd A.R.S.I-. 24N 2bii .. 22 -. llo\ilClrarl.r !;2i-12't Sailing :tr:-35:i Salut{.s .. . . 79 Saarl, .olour anrl ciesign .. . . :i9? ,, l)c.p Ser Scont . 9$0 .. ,, Ilovcr .. 2li] .. ,. Sr:<ruters .. 272 .. Sclrclol Groups .. 36 .. Scotland, National Corncil . ..197 .. Sc()otls),adrrission iJ14 age ,, llll :i14 .. l-adges o{ ranli . . ,, 327 3?$ hoating ard l-,atlrir;i . . ,, .. .. 163 Cluhs ,, .. 4:J:i .. Cord ,, ,00, 3t,6-398 .. Deep S?a ,, rlisnissal .. 1S7 ,, 430-431 Iirst. Class ,, .. 391) Handicapyred -. .. ,, lrrveslitur. ,. 21?, ,, E I-arv ,,



.. 617 . ,6:i ard sailing 323 .


14. 'fhe Association bcing a non-political body, its assistance Industrial must rLot be given to either side in ai inc'lustrial dispute. If any Disputes recognised public authority announces that voltrntary r rorkers


15. Apa.rt {rom zrny profits arising frorn its Equipment Finanee Department (The Scout Shops), I-he Boy Scouts Association I H.Q. rlepends on public support foi the expenscs of its central office


scrvl(e stals

Sqrtire ..

ra. rhe Boy- ."",r" o::::T,'"t:'* rot connected with any political body. X[etnbers of the Association in uniform, or acting as representatives of the llovement, nust not take part in political meetings or activities.


and stafI, and general organisation. A balance sheet and income and expenditure account are published in the Annual Report. Rranch Headquarters overseas support themselves, and may require annual registration fees from members.

Donors of ten guincas alld up$,ards to I.I{.Q. funds are I.H.Q. of The Boy Scouts Assor:iation ; subscrilxrs annuai subscrihcrs of one guinea or Inurc are regarded as Associates during the continuance of their subscriptions.


rcgarded as Li{e Associates

1.?. Groups, L.As., and County Scout Councils, are expected Units

to support themselves 'welcome,


but not obligatory.

; contributions to I.H.Q.

18. Groups are not allowed to issue any form appeal for funds, unless the D.C. has sanctioned it exceptional circumstances. ' A 1;




in view of

19. (i) The spirit of tlie Movement is that, on the pd,rt of Scauts the boys themselves, money should be ea,rned and not solicited. (ii) Provided the Group or Local Association is responsible Ior raising a reasonable..part of its funds, the acceptance of grantaid is not contrary to the policy of this rule. Applications from Groups or I-ocal Associa,tions for grants from the lVlinistry of Education, Locai Ilducation Authorities, or other bodies, mustl be supported by the D.C. Applications to I.H.Q. for grants must be approved by both the D.C. and the C.C. Acceptance oI grant-aid in Scotland is governed b1, rulings of the Scottish Counci].

Bules &18

lll l)l\-


Cub Pack

Beligious FoUcy



(z) The Cub does not give in to ]rimsel{. BEI.IGIOUS POLICY. 10, 'Iiie following religious policy has receivcd the apploval of the heads of all the leading denominations of religion in the Kin.qdom :- -

that every

shall bel<-rng to sorr:e religious denornination and attend its services. (z) \\rhere a Group is composed of menrbers of one paiticular form of rcligioir, it is hoped that the G.S.M. rviil arrange expected


such denonlirrational religious observances and instructions as he, in consultation rvith its Chaplain or other religious authority, may consider best. See also Rule r8o (iv).

(3) Where a Group cousists of Scorls of various religions they should be encouraged to attend the serl,ices of their own denominations, and Group church parades should not be held. In camp any form of daily pr-ayer and of weekly divine service should be oI the simplest character, attendance being voluntarv. (4) Where it is not permissible under the rules of the religjon of any Scout to attend religious observances other than those of his orvrr chulth, the Scouters of the Group rnust see that rjuch rules are strictly observed whiie the Scor..tt is under their control. (-5) In the case of a Scout not now attached to any Church, the Scouter shouid ende:rvour to put him in touch with the Church to which his parents belong or in which he $'as baptized.

It is, in any case,

desirabie that every

unattached Scozrl should be brought in touch with a religious denomination. In this matter the approvill of tlrc Scottt's parents must be obta.ined.

Churcir Farades

11. Combined church parades o{ Gloups of difiercnt de-

[ominations are not allortr'ed without special permission {rom the D.C., an<i under no circumstances should a G.S.NI. urge Scozls to attend places oI v/orship other than those of their own denomination.

Sr:oirls' Orvn

L2. Gatherings ol Seouts, known by tho tern Seouts' Own, are held for the worship of God and to promoto fuller realisation of t};.e Scout Law and Promise, but tirese are supplementary tet, and not in substitution for, the religious observarices referrod to

in Rule



l'i n

I s fi,.




proficiencl.ba,igt:s(stt Proficicncy

,, ,,

.. l'r(,ntise.. qir:rliiir:rtiorrs ..


S' i \ i'

,, ,, ., ., ,, .,

slrb'c()rlnrittco I-.-rt.







CL:ss -feurierfoot Scc,rnd










.. ..


Silr, .i, .'rrr



lTrirrin! .. ttartslcr .. unilorn ..

.. .. ..2.16 . . .. 199 .. .. -.9S3 6l -75 Scoirter(sl, aplrlicati()n f(rr wilr.:lt'!s :"21) :122 l,a(lsrs ()I rarlli .. ,, <irrl3lrofrarli .. .. 00 ,, Ikrep:lct .. Slrs ,, I 52 t 54 L)isrrict ,. I'romisc .. C ,, scrvica:stiirs .. .. .. l(;.1 ,, sujlrensioir t2-11'1 ,, trarr-<ft:r .. 90 ,, 29i ':l1r? uill1oilD ,, .. 2:\7 2ii{i ScoutlnasleraL(I.\.S.i{. .. 16!-175 5couttrrast{rr, (;rolrp 2l7a S.outnrzister (S.) ard A.S.rrl. (S-) ., .. 4J1 SeamarL's llarlljr: .. :Jls Se3 S{rort(s), bo:rtiug uu;cl s;riliDg Iiovers, Loating anrl sailirg 3!3 sub-comrnittce .. -. i46 4!1)-{3C Se(cud Cinss Scort .. Sccorrd, Crrlr .. :irii .. .. ?.1i ,, Sl.crrt ,,tr7( ,, Senior Scout ,t(rf,.:lI1 1l2 . SecorrrlStrr('Lrb .. llar-119 St,cretrrrg, alouDtv .. I-ocal r\ss;r. .. l.l:, l;;, l(;:-l ,, .. Se.tior(s) added to Grorip ,. 1114 of Croirp, dish;ru|iing or suspcrr,, sion c,f .. l9j . . :17il 21iR ArlYiirc(.!r)r:lrt -.1{7M,2.t7o ai{c . . 2-17N Airrnar'; Ilii(l:e .. .. .1:14 l,arl{es oI ranl< .. :il5-316 Ilusnuiaa'slhoilg .. 4i\1 cornbirred mcetirrgs 217A Jri!c.tilurc ..21.t-M,24io Idirrg's Scout ., .. 4:]5 Lorrc .. ,00




:-1,,,:,rIrr. fir,.arrtri' r, rr jii, utc






.lt, I JbJ









Seillor Scout proficiencl' bl,1;es qua liliea: ior r"

i1''I er"

S. f'he Law of the Wolf Cub Pack is :(r) The Cub gives in to the Old Wolf ;

(t) It is



(9) A Scout is thri{ty. (ro) A Scout is clean in thought, word, and deed.

The Law of the Wolf


:li)5 354





.,,?1 .. 222

Sir 5ix, r.:rr,l Sorri.,r''i,ror Siacrs Council Si;r'of Cres





., l)acl( ,, Scilior'l'rool) ,. fro.p Specjal'Iesis Sponvrcd C;roup,

.. .. 237 .. ..406 carceilation of u'a[aot 77 Sponsori[g Autborities l?9



10 G[i



Staltr, aPircarartLr. oI Star, ()rre .. ..







Strilrts Srrb'Corlrnittee(s), l)oating anr]

Count-y Scorrt

Assn. SeeSc,rrtt Srrlscriptions to Glolrp .. I.H.Q. .. ,, I_.A. ,, SrLpporter's l,arige .. Srrgeon SLrspension o[ (iroup ,, I-or;a! Assn. ,, ., .) :, uu1cr ,, ,, section of Group .. Terrdclfoot.. .. tests .. ,, .. l'cnrlcrpad .. . tests .. ,, TLirrl;s ba<1ge r43

:i5ri 112

:159 367

. ,6 .. 14 sailing .. 140

State, relatioirs \1iih IJel)arl.ments



,li)S tr10


,, ,, ,,


nolDiltetion for $'arra[t


,, 'lxo .. scrvi{re





Couricil I10

.. .. .. ..

.. 715 ..140 ?i1,a 209 16._17

136, 186 100-4C1

1.r5, lti? ]89-'1112

79, l:J4-13tr 71,, b2

.. .. ., ..

.. 195 .. 943 ..245 ..226 .. 224 ?'il.-ril)

INDEX-conlinueil. BULE



Theatres Totem Poles

.. ..

Training, Cub

219-22\), 229 .. .. 270


,, ,, ,, ,,





Soout Serlior Scotlt

-l.rausfer of Scoa, .. ,, Scouter ,,

Treasurer, CorurtY . .


t-.4. Leader

Trustecs, GrotiI) Property


L.A. property . .

lrvo Star

Cub Uniform, Air Scouts

,, ,,

.. .. .. .. ..

alterations oot ailorved and equipmelt


,, .,


,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

tlescription of ..

", ,, ,, ,,



,, Scouters





111, 1t4

.. .. . .

Guides and Citriders Hcxrorary llanlis

. .

kilt latlies' Norr-c-rec. Ranks Prcsident

pubiic occasiorrs



.. .. ..





.. .-



App. A.




.. ..


.. ..

Scarf colous Scottish Scouts Scout(s) (irrclurlirrg I'}.L.'s

'f l.'s-)






I-ady .. scarvs

,, ,,

Sea Scorrts

Serior Scouts ..

Vacancy Cou[ty Corumr. Dist. Couru. . . ,, Local A$n. ,, Variations oI I'.O.1{.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..




293 2t1

.. .. ..

nomiratio[ Iol

,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

8. The principles and practice of the Association are founded Basis on the basis of the Scorr, Promise and the Scout Law.



larlics eligible l-ocal Assrr. .


.. s! .. 5t

8. "



,, witliclrawal ot . . l:i3 C5, 67 ..

284 236





quaiificirtiorrsfor ,. tor

recommeildalion refusal of

rcspousibility of D.C'

.. .. '. ". ,.

return of

69 74

make, or ro-af6rm, the promiso as in Rule 3.


?. Other



persons connected with the Movement may make Other

the promise as in Rule 3.

TIIE SCOUT'LAW. 8. Thc Scout Lau' is :(r) A Scout's honour is to bo trusted.



The ^Scotrt

Law loyal to the l(ing, his country, his Scouters, his The Scout Law parents, his employers, and to those under ilirn.

(z) A Scout



(3) A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others' {4) A Scout is a friend to ail, and a brotirer to every oiher Scout, no mattcr to what country, class, or cIeed, the other malz belong. (s) (6) (z) {8)







p16mi16 Scouts

5. On investiture, the Senior Scout or Rover makes, ori SeniorScouta I Rovers tho promise as in llulo 3. 6. Scouters to whom warrants are issued for the first time Scouters


aftcrcancellation.. 76 57-88 retunied, report s'ith ,, suspeoded, surrettder of -. 80 ,, 7S-84 suspertsioo o1l. ,, tt0-61 validity of ,, lVardeos of Camp Sites .. 56 ,, ,, 56 WarrantedRaulis.. . . 2i2 ., .. kover .. ,, 36E-370 .. lVood Badge

:- The Scout

To do my duty to God, and the King, To keep the Law of the WoIf Cub Pack, and to do a good turn to somebody every day."


plecautions L:elore Probation. ,,,

probatioil for .. property oI I.II.Q. ..


On investifure, the Scout makes tho following promise On my honour I promise that I will do my bestTo do my duty to God, and the King, To help other people at all times, To obey the Scout Law."

4. On investiture the Cub makes a simpler form of promiso :" I promise to do my best-

,, L.A. 09-t0,., -^ ,,




andl).C, .-

,, ,, ,,


and !.tr:i, il.c:i


l)eep S,:a

the public, and handicrafts useful to themselves-promoting their physical, mental, ard spiritual development.

..106 Asst. D.C.Cs. disagreemeot betweeu L.A.

duplicalion of ioreign subjecLs




BA8IS. is to develop good citizenship Aim auil among boys by forming their charactcr-training then, rn habits Bagis of observation, obedience and self-relia.nce-inculcating Iovalty Aim and thoughtfulness for others-teaching them services useful to

Sponsored GrorrPs 66


.. .-

AIM AITD 1. The aim of the Association


70 G.S.l[. .. .\sst. Connt], Comm!' for .. 104 .. Trainiilg . ' .- 76-?8,133 canccllation ,. otrlransler .. 90 caircelled, returq to holdcr .. 78 ..308 Dsep Sea Scouters .. l)eputy Camp Chiefs arrd

,, ,, ,, ,,


.. 2as 267, 2E7

Sea Soouts

approval ol


Rover(s) (inclutlilg XIates) 288 269 .

,, .

,. ,, ,,




.. ..

Ls. ..



Aliela l-eaders aud Asst. Ak.



..249 .. 35 .. 56


. .2t17p

('IL (including Sixers) ,:C, ltl-2(:

in L.A.

,, ,, ,,

Wales,NationalCouncil .. -. .. WardensolCampSites ., Warrant(s), application lor Comor.

141, 155, 163 .. 237-212






.. -. .. .. .. ,.

Ruls 1€


A Scout is courteous. A Scout is a friend to animals. A Scout obeys orders of his parents, Patrol Leader, or Scoutnraster, without question. A Scout smiles and whistles under all diflicuities.




-\ssrsL.lr*t (louNTll CotrurssroNon. .\ssrsr,rN t Ct:nrt.\stct.


vr l)rs lnrct CortlttsstosBri.\ssisr-,ix r llor.en Scorrt [,t.rorti. -\ssls L,cl L ScouL'lt.q.s'Ltlt.. -\ssrsr.rx r Sco c ru,qs t!:n (oi Serrior Scou ts) -\ssrs'r,.t





Tlr" Troining ()etrt.e 4 7'lr" Boy Scorrts


xry (lorllr rssro\



I)rsrnrcr Cortrrssr o\En. lJr:prra.r' (l-\Ml, (){rEF.


Drs'rnrcr (luelt.A.s'rnlr.

f)rstnrct ltovr:n Scour

I)rsrnrc'r' Scourrrls'rpn. (;RouP ScourrlASrER. I rt t,eHl rr l'Ic.lugu.l rtt


.[,t rnrti.


I.,oc.lr-,"\ssocr,rtroN. I)rrr-rcr-, oRGANrsa'r'roN -rxo -ltur-ns 1i.e. th. current etiitkrn o1 this putrlication).

liovun Scoilr

Details of courses are given in ihe pamphlet " The Training of Scouters," obtainable lree from Gilwell Park, and the dates oI Iraining Courses are published monthly in " Ihe Scouter." Forms of appiication and detailed instructions, together rvith particulars of camping facilities and hostel accornmodation, may be obtained {rom the Camp Chiel, Gilwell I'ark, Chingford, E.4 (Tel. : Silr'erthorn z98o).

f.i F




Scourlt.Ls'rrn 1oI Senior Scouts).


oI lloland House include : A Settlement for -Scouters giving

l-he zLctivities (a)



in tire Districts


East London of which Roland Philipps rvas Comrrissioner.

-'l'l;.e corr. pk,tt, urrit oI the tlrrcc scctiols, \\-olf ('trir Pack, Boy Scout 'lroop, and llover Scout C.rorv, rvith the adrlition , if dcsired, oi a! Scnior Scout I'roop. '['he it'rm " L]roup " applies to tl)e unit evcn ift laching orre or more oI the sectionsScor.l'rex.-.\n1' person u'ho holds a tr.arrant. tlnoup Scou:rrL<.--\ terrtr inclutling ".ht: G.S.lI. atrtd artt' Scou tt'r oI rrrty section of the Ciroup.



A Dormitory for Scouts. 1r) A llostel Ior ilIenbers of the llovenreirt in l-ondon for shurt (b)

I)eriods. 7'Jrc

llorts,: is subported bv Contribuliotts of Scouls of ail the oorld. Particulars rvil1 be su1>plied gladly orl application to-Ror.eNo HousE, 29 SrEpNtrr GnBrN, LoNoon, E.r. (Tel. : Stepney Green 1688).

I)lsriircr Scor,rcn.--A temr inclutlinq D.C.M., l).S.\{., ald l).R.S,L., but not (lortnrissioncr. ..a'()a/7' (printcd- in italics) inchir.lcs \Volf Cuh. Boy Scout, Seniol Scout,l


anrl Rovcr Scout.

r-trn, Scoor, RovBn.-For brevity these rvords are used in i'.O.R. in placc of tire correct expre-ssions, \\loII Cub, Bow Scout, irnd Rover Scout, l?spectil'el-v.

Irecr<, Tnoor,, Scuron Inoop, CnBlv.-Srmilarly, these words are rised in1

llrc placc of Woli Cub Pack, Bo1,5.o,ra'froop, Senior Scout 'lroopl


lc-ttr:r " S " in brackets alter the title indicates a S.M., ,\.S.]I.,1 -lhe llatlol Lt:ader, or Second, of Seniol Scouts. I


lrrr,J Rovt:r -\^cout Crcrv, respectively.


\COUTI,IASTER (printed in italics) includes C.M., S.\{., S.l,I.(S.), and R.S.L. I tlnor;r, ScoutMAS'rER.-T'he term " G.S.\,I." means, where thc contcxt so rtrluire:; in the absence of a person holciing a rvarrant lor this rank, the Scouttr l-ho, tith the approval o{ the J-.A. and D.C., is iu c}rar3r: oi tlte (,tr,iln.

NOTE.-Except in the case oI " Cub " and " Pacl<," ->r u'here the contextl othunr.i..e indioates or requircs, the above c-xpressrons inciu,,le ilr(i ror-l lespontling Sea and "\ir designatious. I lr.


'fhe Homc, adjoinirrg Broadstone Scout Camp, is a tuodern, spacious house, handetl oter to the Association through the generosity of the

Nlanor Charitable Trust. Beds are rrcarly ahvays available, and application shouid be made to Tnn l[.q.rnox, \Yvcu \\r.tnnBN, FoREST Itorv, SussEx (1e1.: Forcst Row 33).


THE BEST RULE TO PASS ALL YOUR TESTS when buying uniform and equipment is to get that marked

AND RULES. 1947 Edition. Effective from 1st July. !6

Issued by otdt,r ttl ihc Conrnitlee ol the Council oj'1'h,e llo;, Srottls ,'lssocialion bt' iirtue of the powers uesltd, in then by the Royal Clunlet of I ntorporation attd lhe l:l vr.-I-atas -


Amendments since the last lidition. (rg38-r epubli

ffi#t You
















tg I 5),

other than re-flrrangements or sli$ht verbal alterations, are shown in this Edition by marginal lines.

will get service and satisfaction


I. II.

Pari I

llules -





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(lerrcrll Orgitnisation ...



\\'arra tt t.s -I l(). (lounty ( )rganisation i i r-rt):r.l l)istrict 0rg:rnisation ...


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(lcnt'r'al l'rirrciples




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lroup Orga.nisation

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i \. Iladges of ltanli l2b-35;. ( ieneral Rules

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l)ecorations antl,\lvlrrds l,Iiscellaneous ...



I'roliciencv Badges

,\ppenrlix " ,\ " ,,D








50, MOORGATE, 62,






Printed by BRADLEY & SoN, I-TD., Readiltl,l, lor'1i'ir: Bol ScoUrs -\:socl-\Tlo\ 25, Btrckingham ?alace Roa(l, l,o(1on, S.W.]


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tl1:f,Dnrtrlt, 79.12\

RULES L947 lst

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Telephonel VIG.6005.

Price U6d.

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