彬 饧 勿 勿 饧 彡 勿 饧 乡 勿 `96J No.5 sEPT。 -oCT。 Edifo∷ Woo Ⅱ%en Ⅱ%口 :
Co″ 阴:JJ:oⅡ er% 0“
t‘ o。 h。
Last week I received an anonymOus letter abOut scouting∶ in Hong】 Kong; I am glad to say it 、 vas the first I have ever received and that scouting has been re~ ′ asteˉ paper basket, rhe letter no、 r rests in my`v、 「 markably free frO1n this kind of thing。 Ⅵ厂 hich is the only proper place for letters of this kind,and I mentiOn it here merely ‘ ‘ A friend o£ scouting” ,I can vriter described hi1nself as to note that, although the 、 scarceIy i1nagine anything more contra玎 to the idea of scouting then this kind of negative criticism. This is not to say that I should not be happy to discuss with anyone positive 、 vays of improving scouting in Hong KOng, for none of us iInagˉ ines that we are perfect. m called “The Hoodlum `、
There wi1l be showing short圩 in HOng KOng a fⅡ Pnest,、 This is the story Of an actual attempt which is being made in the Un⒒ ed 1vhO have been released frOm prisOns, and the real hero of states tO help cri1ninals ・ the fⅡ Π 1 is Father Clark, a Jesuit priest。 I read that Father Clark was asked for a 吐th these ex~cri1ninals, and in reply he said: 、 description of his method of deahng 、 “I beheve every One of them has got a b⒒ of the positive in him。 It’ s my job to ’ help hi1n practice it’ 。surely this too is the essence of the scout Law and practice。 Every boy has great potentiahty for service and selfˉ development,and the scout Law gives positive directiOn to his striving and offOrts. Further1more, nothing ohort of our 11vhole effort to achieve success in the leadership of the boys is acceptable, for
have we nOt 已ll
This is nOt to say that for a succession “ We1l, I did my of hopeless fanures we should shelter behind the feeble excuse, ’ best’ . No, our best should be a positive approach in our leadeFship Of the boys, 吐ll yet reach as near as pOssible to the 、 which, whⅡ e it may not reaCh perfection, 、 high ai1n of our purpOse. proⅡ 1ised to dO our best。
Less than three months now remain before we shaⅡ be1neeting together in our Jamboree camp。 As you all know the Chief scOut of the Commonwealth, Sir Charles ˇIaclean, is making a special visit to HOng Kong to be with us as we celeˉ From the many viβ itors we have had in brate our fiftieth anniversary together。 Hong Kong I an△ sure he wnl haye received good reports of our scouting,and I am equal1y sure that he wnl n。 t be disappointed in what he sees when he arrives。
Those of us who have been preparing for this camp for the past 9 months
unique camp because their scouter faⅡ ed to live up to our motto of being prepared, but I shall be even more sorη / for the
have gone to a great deal of trouble to make sure that every scout may be able to attend the Jamboree。 Are you and your scouts equally well preparedP With a possible total of 奎,000Scouts in camp, We cannot leave Our preparatiOns until the Iast week or eVen the Iast month。 We must know now who will be coming。 I shall be most sorry for any boys 飞 vho
scouter because he wⅡ l have faⅡ ed in the trust which the boys place in hi1n。 This is surely the last and the greatest cOndemnation.
bw铴 ℃ ・ 严
have to be denied attendance at this
Colony Commissioner。
LoⅡ g DistriGt sc|Ⅱ ters’ CoⅡ fereⅡ ce saturday, 8th July, 1961
C《 oS'eech 3’
When I received your invkation to attend
doeg not appear in any book on Scouting.
your scouters’ Conference and 8hare in your house、 varn“ ng
aCcept, for
‘ ‘
have very pleagant me1nories
of many happy times spent in the Yuen Long
D忑 tr忆 t. But when I realhed that you expected
aC.C’ s ad打 ess my pleasure was mked with
飞 :忆
;1:昙 :、
e冫 嘿 a器 忌 I: 卩r%:∷ 岵
o叻 ect.lVhen I tell you that k was or螅 inally
Concern £ or I began to 、 vonder what I should talk to you about. As al△ vay8 、 vhen I am in
a piece of an old flour bag, and that it was
dyed blue other with a concoction made of berrieg or very cheap ink, I can’ t remelnber
dfficulty or doubt I turned to the Scout La△ v. May I com1⒒ end this a8 my£ irst thought £ or o£
A Scout doe8.¨ ¨r’ , but ⒒ never says A Scout cannor’ 。 To illustrate Byhat I have to
party I was vew pleased tot
this evening. some o£
’ ‘ ‘,
The Scout Law te】 ls us that“ A scout ig.¨ ¨
which,you、 VⅡ l reahse the reason for its ve叩
shabby and motded appearance.
you may be members
particular rehgious faiths, and I am sure
`'et I am
more proud o£ owllnig thig scarf than any other.
you wi11£ ind h the scout Law an affirmaton
It belongs to a scout Troop that we had during the3吉 years h an internment camp。
have any particular rehgious behe免 and while you cannot £ ine a substitute for this in the scout La、 v, you can ‘nd there a guide for
It、 vas
your conduct.
scou1s。 The boys 1n the Br1t1sh cont】 ngent rom the which visited us on their way home £
of what you beheve.
some of you may not
Ve had. the only piece o£ unⅡ onn 飞 Vhen vi⒍ tors come to1△ ong Kong they always 、
comment on the s血 art appearance of our
Without the scout Lal1v, our
scouthg ig nothing.`Ve may be smartly and ve may have cornpleted correctly dressed, 、
our Wood Badge Trainhg, we may
‘,end a
扌 哏 e瑟 se:f∶ 19Jr∶ “土eη 游
::l:ve∶ :
lot o£
vere alWays so neat because the H。 K. Scouts 、
camping,but unless by our example as scouters,
vhen I 、 vonder if our £ ears are groundless 、 ve are true smart appearance really means that 、 scouts。 Hol1v often do we hear: I cannot start
thne in studying the scouting crafts, and、 ve may have achieVed high standard8 of
and fidy。
and by the character of the training we are
giving to the boys, we have helped them to
This i8 good,butI do hope thatrny
a Scout Troop a8 the boys are too poor to ve Cannot go camping as we buy a uni£ orn1; 、 ve cannot a have no money to buy tentg; 、 ve haVe no、 vhere to mee△ and Troop becau8e 、
realige and pracdce a way oflife based on the scout La、 v, the whole of our Scoudng is hke
a ho11ow drum which1⒒ akeg a lot o£ noise and has nothing1ng1de1t.
so on.
I hold up the scarf as proof that this ord“ cannor’ Never was the Ⅴ厂 more easⅡ y jugtifiable than during thoge war
Hav1ng dram your attentlon to the scout
ig all nonsenge。
Lalv, you are doubdess expec‘ ng me to talk about some particular part of it. This i8 not so. Rather do I want to direct your attention
⒎。p宫 罕
1去 找
r罗 ‰
j找 r嚅
mappingˉ the only ti【 ne we tried h汀 o of our boys were arrested。 We could not camp.We
to a word w,hich doc8n’ t appear1n the scout
Law at a北 indeed it o a word wh忆 h although I can△ ot prove it I am quite prepared to gay
could not have camp f△ es~ Ⅵ7e codd not buy
can and wm make sc。 uthg better and more If we s⒒ and w缸 t and hope
joumeys。 I could go on indefinite1y listings we could not
badges. We could not do any kind o£
wdely knOwn。
do. But we did run a Cub Pack and a scout Troop. And1ooking back on my experience Troop I have been in, that is if we count
for better days to come we wm surely be disappointed; 犭 We rise up and say I can hnprove the standards in my Troop, I can start another Troop, then sureIy Ⅵ泛11 、 ve meet
8uccess not by outv⒘ ard appearanCeg but by the
w北 h 8uccess。
begin whh an elaborate organisation of Headˉ
much ti1ne for1η y seCond thought which arises
in scouting, I consider that the mogt successfu1
血 b箔 F骡 £ 呷r黯 星。 ::泔 窝 扌 娆岛岷 quarters
wiJh a
I have talked too long on thig to leave
bu⒒ ding, wit1△
D△ tr忆 ts and Comnai8⒍ oners, w⒒ h elaborate
s擀 .咒抵
‰ 羝
You are fortunate in having a p1ace
was thig。
equipment and green and purple plume8. No.
for your Headquarters thanks to Mr, Tang’
generos⒒y. It is an unfortunate but nevertheless
com1non human faⅡ ing to take less care o£ property△vhich doeg not belong to us personally。
But this ig not the scout 、 vay.
I hope that
hear about the dfⅡ cultieg o£ running scouts
these rooms 1n which we are now gathered 、 vnl appear as we11ˉ cared£ or in the year8 to
蛊:虽 qJ强 茗 △ 卖 笼 召 %ehT℃ i玺 F涩 扩 咤 you, and 、 ve are a11very grateful to ⅣIr. Tang I<in sun1£ or a11the help he has given to the ° ⒊ π 黯 咒 甜 气 盘 牦 诨 ‰ a忿 飞胝 i罐 喙
in the New TeⅡ ito⒒ e% I don’ t propose to enumerate then1 as you are Wel1 aware of
i1nportant part of the life of the New Ten山
Ij0∶ ii∶
f‘ s∶
∶ i:le俨 腮 筝 皆 箩 ∫l;:rJ:J1皂 :∶
:∶ :∶
I trust
you on your honour to keep that PrGmige” 。
v £α Loo Mang Hoon
A sccut i8 a friend to a11, and a brother to every other Scou1 no matter to what counˉ
we should do our best to try to understand and. hke thoge 、 vho are not on good termg wkh us
σeed,the dhσ bebnbo¢ 臣
呓 如
takes his Pro∏ 1ise, I now gay to you∶
}∶ i}∶
弓肫 Jmr俄
Th诒 is embodies in your Pron1iε e, and as you say to the young Tenderfoot 、 vhen he first ‘ ‘
scouting in the scout La、 v, you are trusted to bring 伍e value o£ scouting to as many
龀挠即嚣毖 ∶ 丨 ∶ ∶ 1喇i::≯ ,喙: rea1ly beheve that whatever the dif£ 、 ve l∶
you can for the boys who are in your care. You are trusted to keep before the boys by your actions and your words 伍 e purpoε e of
Thi8can only come from you and your Scout8. scouting Ⅵ汽】 l become i1nportant, it wⅡ l have a rea1 effect on the boys who are not a8 yet tJt】
Brotherhood starts 1n the Pack and cont1nues
in the Patro1 and amongst ourselver and in
步 蚤 扩
our relations、 vith each other as scouter8.
It i8 an insincere, contemptible, or hnpertinent i1n讦 ation talk of Wodd Brotherhood i£ we are
perpetually quaⅡ eling with our next door neighbour。 lVorldˉ wide
come£ roΠ 1
黯 ::蛰 ‰扌 恁 扭∶ rE:⒊ 摭滗 臭哉 i蕊 瀹 :J默摁 瀹‰器 i£
‰玉至 踽罗 ⒈ f黹 ld‰ 甘 拷甓 at e田 ry s叩 ut卩 uld eam
“ dJ∶
饵 杂 扌 :::噙掣圪 F摁嚣 l⒎
leaming to tolerate the £ el1ow you don’ t
J芗 絷 旺 老谩 妻品挖 r杂 $e楹 遐∵ t亻
person you like wⅡ l demand nothing o£
艹 3艹
understanding and brotherhood the brotherhood at
the strength o£
№ dJ腽 叩赧 只淠r嚣 h咒卩啦e‰劈1赞 e盂
not his brother, whom he hath seen, how can he1ove God whom he hath not geen?’ ’There~ fore badˉ tempered crit忆 诣m
D抵 tr妃 t
Commissioner,the Area adminigtration or the
CoIony Headquarters is offengive to the Fourth scout Law。
菇 赦拱镬 飙群襻甑.筷 笫 毳 滩魏:脚 磷鞯 倦薨 vhom
Possible to of£ er friendship to those、 v⒒ h△
侈 尸 日 饧
彡 幽饧 冫溉
勿澎饧钐 27th september, 1961。
We are"st three monthg away from the
borette to the Colony Con11nissioner for action.
Jamborette, and it may no、 v be conven1ent to give an indication o£
A meeting of the senior Commi$onerg of the Hong Kong Branch was gubsequendy convened
v much progresg we
have made so far in our preparadon8 £ or thig Iarge Camp. Some i1nportant 1man once sai d that a11 reports should brie£
and concise。
and it was decided by m荀 ori汐 vote to proceed lvith the prepara‘ ons for the camp.
doubt he is right but I1nake no apologies
£ or this lengthy repor1 as I feel that anything shorter wⅡ l not paint a true picture o£
The first steps taken 、 vere the £ ormation of committees, the consideration of a site for Jamborette,ahd山 e drawhg up of plans£ or a £ un&r缸 shg camp缸 gn. The m钊 o“ 饣 of the
w・ hat
has been done and what sti11remains to be done.
In the short tkne le£ t to us vve sha11,
necessary committees were£ or1Ded within six
with your a8sistance, complete a11 our other
months, and theε e have been meeting up to
preparations£ or
the present thne to exaΠ 1ine in detan the pre~
is Jamborette to celebrate in
a worthy manner the 50th Anniversa, of
parations essential£ or a camp ofthig s弦 e。 The probleFn o£ choosmg a site was rather more
scouting in Hong Kong。
ˉ dⅡ ficult and it l△ as
A Jamborette to celebrate the 50伍 An~ niversary of scouting in Hong Kong was£ irst
not until AprⅡ , 1961 that
proposed in 1958, shordy after the Golden
it wa8伍 nalˇ settled由 e Jamborette should be held at the Kowloon Tsai Park。 As £or our fund~raising activities, it was considered that
ovement itgel£ , Frankly speak~ JubⅡ ee of theˇ Ι
in principle we should attempt to raise ag much
ing, it must have been sugge8ted more as a
ag po8sible of the necessary funds through our oM/n efforts。 WⅡh thk h 说ew our Unitg,
pas茁 ng thought than as a considered opinion,
fo11owing our vew first Jamborette held towards the end of1957as part o£ the local celebrations of the Golden Jubilee of theˇ Ι ovement,Now,
Eλ str1cts
and Areas were encouraged to organ1ze
that guch a venture would be a httle beyond
their own fund-raising event8. In add⒒ ion, the £ und-raising corr1Inittee of the Asgociation embarked on a number offund~raising projects lVe are happy to record here that through the magnⅡ 忆e且 t effort and wilhng co-operation o£
our powers to organize(at that thue the£ igure
our Cornlnittee members, Scouters and boys
I remember q“ te
clearly tl△ at tl△ ere
were one
or twO voices raised in dissen1as it was thought
4,000campers、 vas already being1nentioned).
the Asgociation ig nearing its target. lVe are also mogt bqate£ ul to our many friends and
The8e doubters did not carry the day, and vards the end of 1959a planning connni钆 ee was formed to study the poss此 ility of hol山 ng 8uch a Jamborette in1961,and to make recomˉ
supporters,who have so generously contributed
towardg the guccegsful outcome of these events.
mendations for its preparations. 1Γ his comn1ittee
The following hst gives detaⅡ s of the
met several ti1nes, and early in 1960 made
£ un山 raising activities organized by the Associˉ
certain recon11nendations regarding the organˉ ,aton of the Jamborette⒒ gelf,but⒒ referred 伍e quegtion of whether or not to haVe a Jam~
ation and itg Units∶
UNIT 1st I《
Cash Donation
176.65 475.30
Dance Cinema
Cinema(1st event)
Cinema(2nd eventl
stage Play
65.00 79.50 4,990.00 198.95
Cinema Dance Cinema Cinema Cinema Cinema Cinema
Cinema Var忆 ty show
47th 49th
1st Hong Kong 15th
YMCA Groupg sWD Groups
765,90 33压 .00
1,353.00 1,377.00
shoeˉ shin1ng
V妃tooa Dhtr忆 t(Senom)
Cash Donation
Yuen Long D△ trict Yuen Long Dktr忆 t
opera singers \瑾
20.50 l,495。
rricultural sta11
Ts11nshatsu1 ]Distr1ct
Hunghon⒈ Homantin~King’ s Park Dttrict Grand Concert
Kowloon Area CHQ L正 ega说 ng U血 t
stage Play Dance
Handh&Wood Badgers
Colony Wo旺 Cubg
Fundˉ raising Team 1
$ a job Car Raffle
Fundˉ ra、 hg
Pingpong Tournament
犭=〓 not yet finahzed.
Early in our discussions the quesuon 。f hsurance cover was exaⅡ lined, and it was deˉ
insurance for fu11-tilne, partˉ
cided that the Association shou1d seek1maxi1num cover£ or the Jamborette, Negotiations are now gohg on in respect o£ the fo11owing pohcies∶ ~ Fire and theft ingurance for a⒒ equipment
and supphes; pubhc liab⒒ ity and personal accident insurance to cover a11camper% a
time and ten⒈
It is considered that the proposed insurance coVer i8 adequate and, although the premium 、 VⅡ l amount to a s弦 eable sum, the Ass° ciation £ ee1 that it is both desirable and necessary£ or an event o£ such1magn⒒ ude ag the Jamborette.
contingency pohGy in regpect of our£ hancial Conumi扭 nent⒐ and workmen、 compengation
A number o£
problems aroge during our
planning in relation to the number and type o£
tents that would be required£ or the Camp。
Through the very generous agsistance offered by the Army, most of these difficu1tieg have been resolved。 It ig now poss此 le to supply tentage to a11 Units which need them£ or the purpoge o∶
accommoeation.h addition,Jamˉ
a fruit stal1, a laundv, a gcout shop,a mobⅡ e and a mob⒒ e bank。 There Ⅵ泛11 be
post o£ fice,
an office to ans△ ver enquiries and to receive
cableg.There wi11also be£ aoIities for telephone caⅡ s
to be made to the city. In the Camp Centre wi11be situated a sma111st Aid Pogt and some sanitaW£ ktures。
borette Headquarters, the Camp Centre, and
the three Area sub Camp8 、 vⅡ l be provided
Jambordte Headquarterg itself`赳 Im缸 nly
with large tents for use as Camp off忆 es,stores,
be an adnlinis订 adVe Centre, to which wⅡ 1 be
and Serv忆 e Centreg.some l⒒ de df丘 culty was
attached a number of camp pohce and health
oCCas1oned when 1t 、 vas discovered that the ground of certain portions o£ the s⒒ e was too hard to enable tentg to be easⅡ y pegged, but
staff. There wi1l be a control centre,a health Ⅱrst缸d centre, an equi1f冫 ment store, a programme office, a pregs o£ £ ice, an overseag office, a recephon of£ice and a secretariat. Headquarters staff wiⅡ be accommodated in tentg p⒒ ched in this part of the s⒒ e, although a number of our lady staff wi11stay over11尥 ht in the nearby ⅣΙ unsang Co11ege。
thi8 particular probleln has been gettled with the aid o£ the Army。 san迁 a叩 arangements,ag always, present their own gpecial problems.As the site is at
off忆 e,a
present nothing but a large flat piece of vacant
ground, it was necegsary to gtudy h gome
The site as a whole has a number of camp
detai1the question of providing sanitary services
streets, a11of wh忆 h wil1be named after the
before certain decisions could be made. frhege 、 ve are now discu8slng wlth the Urban serv1ces
pergons V「 ho have held the important post of
Depart1nent. It is hoped that the question o£ sanitary amenities, clearance of 、 vaste, sullage,
camp streets, together with certah other parts
Colony Commisgioner h Hong Kong。
garbage and swⅡ l wⅡ l be satisfactorⅡ y resolved in the near£ uture.
In曲 e matter of gupplying watσ and elec~ tricity to the canap, we are very grate£ ul to 伍e Army and the Chha L埝 ht&Power Comˉ pany Ltd。 for their ready ass飞 tance. The
o£ the site,will be left clear o£ s洳 cture8.A peri1neter wa1l、 vⅡ l surround a portion of the
s此 e
at its boundaries.
ln addidon to the Unit
and sub Camp gates,there wm be tw。 Jamˉ borette gates. A sma11 one wul be erected near the top of the access road leading to the s沈 e from Inverness Rd.,a⒒ d the large entrance gate Ⅵ沌11 be constructed at the lo、 ver end of the accesg road itself. These b〃 o gates Ⅵ泛11be
equipment which wi11 be used by the Army to connect and supply water to the site wⅡ , ⒒
built by the Hong Kong soya Bean Products
is beheved, be the fkgt occasion on 、 vhich it is so Omployed in th诣 Colony. ⅣIuch of the
Co. Ltd. to our design and specⅡ icadon8, as a part of their very generous con白宀bution to the
medical and health provisions for our camp
Associaton du⒒ ng thk Jubilee year。 The main
has been arranged through the good offices o£
Jambore优 e fl锬mole wiu be erected on tl△ e Irst terrace to the north o£ the site proper, a pogition in △ vhich it Ⅵ宀11be vigible from every
e&cal and Health Department, UI・ ban Serv妃 es Department,and the wil⒈
the Army,the]!、 the
ing coˉ operation
of a number o£ the £ riends of
part of the camp。
the Movement who are quahfied medical perˉ gonne1. Tl△ ese inc1ude a number of members
The program【 ne behg drawn up for the
of tl△ e
st,John Ambulance Bri淫 犭 ade,who wi11 be standing by on duty every even1ng of the
seven days of the Jamborette wm offer t。
campers a 1arge number of displays and arena items.Among these will be Chinese£ olk dance digplays presented by the1members of the Adult Education and Training Centreg ofthe Education Department and o£ the Boys and Girls Clubg Vel£ are Department, sponsored by the social 、 a mus妃 concert by otl,er members of曲 e Boys
The Camp Centre,、 vhich has been eε pecia11y planned to provide a 1arge number of facⅡ ities for the campers, Ⅵ注11comprigeˉ a gtaff canteen, a recreation cen1;l「 e,an exhib⒒ ion centre,a goft drink8 stall, a photo ε ervice gta11, a 8ouvenirg
and C)irlg Clubs, a pohce dog display, band displays, a CivⅡ Aid Services display, a Fire
stall, a confeCtionary stall, a commodities stall, 兴 6兴
items pregenteα by the members o£
戌11 also be the usual number There Ⅵ
Brigade display,an item presented by members ovemnt the Guides, and arena of our Sister ˇ【
of instruction and re£ ercnce lea£ 1ets£ or1memberg
each Sub
the Camp staff.
Camp。 Local camperg will engage in a£ oendly A football match with those from Overgeas。
The preparations for the Jamborette haVe
number of excursions have been planned for overseas contingents to enable them to see something o£ the Co1ony during their short
meant much hard work on the part of some memberg of the Movement, Ⅵ注th va1uable agˉ gistance received£ rom a large number o£ our
stay in Hong Kong。 Then there wi11be the
fr忆 ndg
various ceremonies expected of any large scout Camp,among them an off忆 hl opening ceremˉ
the largest to have been undertaken by the
and gupporteⅡ .Altinough this Camp is
Hong Kong Branch o£
the Boy Scoutg Agsociaˉ
ony witin the Chief scout o£
ton,and hag been almost wholly planned by
ceremony with s订 Charles R/Iadean(Ch忆 f Scout
the members o£ 1he Association in their spare ti1ne, it is hoped that essentia1 services have
of the Commonwealth)presding.、 Ve are very that sir Char1es Maclean ha8 been
been adequately prepared and that each and VⅡ l find the gathering a most every camper 、
to our Jamborette during a very busy period of the year when there are so many other ca11s upon his thne.
enJOyable occasion。
Hong Kong(H.E. Robert Black) pre盂 cling, and a closhg
grate£ ul
able to include a vis扯
The Camp staff who have
been engaged in planning the Janberette since its initial phase hope that the greater experience
and know1edge they have acquired
Hong Kong. (H,C.Ma) Camp D订 ector
handbook,a souvenir programme, ad缸 ly newspaper,and daily hsts of programme
these i8a boys’
Preˉ WaⅡ at TraiⅡ
g ∶ Ⅱ
hIr.Thomas Tam was attended
Schoo18 o£ Hong Kong Area, run on23rd September 1961 at Queers college,Causeway Rd。 , Hong Kong under the 1eadership of kIr. Wong Yik
by22 eandidateg.
The 2nd Preˉ lVaⅡ ant Training for Pack scouters of
EX卩 Ia田 atOry Talk O" scOutiⅡ
the Kowloon Area,run on16th,
17th September1961at λ江orse House under the Ieadership o£
、 i11 in the 乃 厂
years to come be o£ value to scouting in
A number of pubhcadong 、 vⅡ l be printed e⒒ her before or during the Camp, and among
The1st Explanatory Talk
on scouthg
£ or
Heads of
、 va8
school representitives.
NEW GR0UPs REGIsTR^TloN 20th Yuen Long Group 73rd Kowloon Group
Gurkha Chil&ers sch。 。l,2/1o伍
P。 M。
O.Gurkha Ri£ les.
Hong Lok Primary School。
Agnes CHEuNG Yuen shim GHOY Kim Luen
FoNG Kim Wai 方建威 LAM Kwok Chng林 圃梢 H.Q。
LAU Tat Chuen a・ l蓬 全 C。
IP Khg Chuen蘖
63rd H。 K。
H。 K.
lst 1Ι 。 K。
sea scout
7dl H。 K.
1st Cheung Chau Cobny H。 Q。
by 15
C. M。
” A。
” A。
s. M.ls) G。
” ”
” D。
LO King Man簋 景艾 Yneu Long District。 H May李 薇 sSrd Kh。 筑生 55th ,, Ann LIU劐 cHAN Kwok Yung隙 圃镛 73rd Kh。 CHAN shiu Kwong陈 姚 光 7th H.K。 Kwan李 静草 1st Cheung Chau LEE H“ 支雄 64th H.K。 Thomas sOO藤 Henry WAN Cho Yh温 菹耀 67th Kh。 LEE Kam Wah李 金幸 73rd Kh. 1st Cheung Chau TANG Kwok Ho留 卟圃凯 7th H。 K。 YIP Pak Tat蘖 伯建 Thomas YU Pui K缸 余沛楷 1st H.Κ 。Sea scout 隙深裔 CHAN sum Y“ 3gth H。 K. ⒎hH。 K。 HUI Chiu Yin静 招叠 家滋 lst H.K。 sea s∞ ut Rowland sUM岑 CHAN shung s⒒ 隙崇熨 ⒉ st N。 T,(N) Moses T。 Y。 LEE李 廷英 28伍 H.K. Michael sHEA施 各柴 3gth H.K. Da说 d HsU Kwong Pak静 屋胥北 73rd Kowloon. ⒎ st Kowloon. NGAN Kwan Po颜 君黉
NG Wing Ch吴
D.s。 M。
Withh the Area of the Hung№
Homantin/Kinζ s.Park。
To莫 世津
Within tl△
e Area of the H。 K.
Igland Eastern Dkt。
AlexanderFUNG Ka Ching漏
D.s. M。
家 正 Withh由 e ar镪 of the
Fei Ngoh Shan Dist. s。
LIANG Chuck Yiu梁
Within the area of the Fei Ngoh shan Dkt。
D.s.M。 ls) D。
Konrad LEt1NG Kon Wah梁 斡幸Withh
the area of the Fei Ngoh shan Dist. /
Procilla FAN范
” A。
” s。 λΙ 。 ” ⅣΙ 。
” s。 s。
Brhn Alig John HUDsON H。 L.Paterson
LAU Kwok Fu劐 CHAN Tick T玖
圃富 隙猴 耻
John Reghald CHAPLIN Kwok s⒒ Man郭 少敏
CHOY Ka Lon蔡
40th Kowl∞ n 1st sek Kong。 1st sek Kong。
55th Kowloon 5th Kowloon 1st Sek Kong 4Oth Kowloon Wi伍 h由 e盯ea
of the
Fei Ngoh shan Dotr忆 D。
MA Chiu焉
e area of the
Fei Ngoh shan Dhtoct D。
hin the Area of the H.K。 Island Easte∏ 1Digt.
Brian ARAB焉
Withh the Area of Kowloon Tong Eλ st。
兴 8艹
∝ <宀
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川引司Ⅱ引吲凵口山 箜
ⅡⅡ :此 占Ⅱihf
of H。 ng Kong B〓 freⅡ n。
瑟 J∶ I:dπ 阝哏 J甓 盅 :I° 吼 :e逶 :T默 喙 ather who had given a tent 犭nother Scours £ to the Troop I only£ aintly appreciated,It dd not Compare With the exc⒒ ements o£ 伍e mom~
∴⒈・∷13Ge。 rge stree1 Leyland,
、 ′
Preston, Lancs.
U.K。 Dr
In the same way⒒ Date ag Postmarlt.
assIstance g1ven to the Ag8oc1at1on by a number o£ benefactors, The link is too remote, When
Dear sir,
orse Houge his n1ind is a Scout goes into ⅣΙ
The United Khgdom’ s Offical List of Patrol Anhnals and Birds pubhshed in‘ for Boys’
icult for the k di£ £
young Scout to undergtand the vew generous
the moment. How was the Headquarters built, who p茁 d £ or⒒ ,who pays£ or repaksˉ thig natura⒒ y does fu1l of the plans and ideas o£
‘ scouting
not enter his mind.
、 Vhilst 亡 he hstg for Canada and New Zealand cont缸 n55and56nameg regpecthely.
It cannot be expected to。
Yet it was the establishment o£ Headquarte邛 in ]1、 /【
orse Houge, the generous support given
to the Agsociation,that made pogt冖 〃ar developˉ ment possible。 For As8ociaton Headquarters
A noticeable point is that these overseas countrieg do not pubhsh patro1ca11s or oudines “ scouting£ or of patrol emblems like those in
we thank the Royal Hong Kong Jockey C1ub。
Tl△ eir
` Is not thiguse theca11s case and for emb1ems? a11countrieg? Do you chaps
into reahty。
generosity tumed the planned bunding Thanks £or guch a present caη
usually only be g⒒ en in words.On one occa茁
If any readers could let me have the and unoff忆 ial na“ es lone:used only
at least, deeds have been added tO wOrdg.
off妃 hl
For just under8weeks o£ the summer
h your Own troop maybe)and colours of patrolg
rona your country I would be very much £
holidays,through the heat,the rain,and”
嘿 照 eη 程 I臆 毖 盅 lth罨 f嘴 盅 survey∵ of Pa订ol Animalg and Birdg.so come
Royal Hong Kong J0ckey Club soholarshⅡ
48 senior scouts have been working hard⒃ rting out ov∝ 炖 000ap0licationg£ or
resged the Screening Subcom1nittee ahd as a resuIt the scouts have been each given a Wah Kiu Yat Po Scholarship£ or one year, not for 曲emgelves but for them to offer to less progˉ perous £ riends or relatives or to any needy
A日 □口DT凵 RN
they may know.
Thus one generou8 The scouts
act1on can star1a Chain reactlon。
mugt be congratulated on giving up
Scouting gives a boy plenty o£ outdoor
It helps him to be
unsehgh and considerate to o伍 er
m五 nd willingness to hel0 impˉ Thor enthugi泛 廴
Arthur Jonegˉ S.M.
and adventure。
c, epide∏ ⒒
on letg be hearing from you chaps abroad.
acti访 ty
O£ course thig attitude of help£ ulhess is usua11y h∏⒔ted to the daⅡ y events o£ the home, the people。
school and the scout Troop, Ho、 v to put others before sel1 how to be cheerful when
summer hohdays to do social work of imporˉ ah Kiu Yat Po on tanCe and do it we11, the ′厂 i飞
an i1rlaginative generous gesture in step with the true s“ r扯
of scouting,while伍 e Jockey
Club has also been helped in the selection of Scholarship holders。
posgible£ or伍 e young scout to 8ee much beˉ
eel happy A£ ter doing a good turn I o£ ten £ and pleased, perhapg unwⅡ hng to make a£ urˉ ther effort. But one good tun△ mugt lead to
yond the events of his da⒒ y life and it ig un~
another and not to a regt at half time。
reagonable to expect hiln to do so. When I went to my first scout Camp,I wag concerned
opportunity for service is al、 vayg there and
things go 、 vrong, ho、 v to face up to dⅡ £ iculJes, These are the le8sons of scouting. It is not
scouts must be prepared to take it. Thank or your encouragement you,Wah Kiu Yat Po, £
wkh11vhat had happened to my tooth brugh, with whether there would be enough eggg to
and holp。
∶ 篌 甲 、
Ⅱ 盘日
弼轳 氍
丶J豳 嬲黔 饣
|l 羟 龇∴
诺 一
∶T ∶
‘.. ▲‘丶 J
噙玳 锣
甘 ∶弘矿
冖 刂 〓〓〓d∴ 戚 臼
0'。 r“ t:。 彳 qb“ e″ “r 一
the gpecial coⅡ espondent on earth from Ⅴenus。
In the moming of that day I received a message sent by a rooket £ rom my boss on It read:
‘ ‘
A decisive n⒒ htary operation
wⅡ l take place at Braemar HⅡ l on the Island o£
Hong Kong at8.30p.m。
You must
when another officer, the tal1est o£ the threo, “ explained, We are from the security Counc⒒ o£
、 vⅡ l be a battle of v⒒ al importance to the human beings o£ this magnⅡ icent spot on earth。 Braemar ” H⒒ l is the stratigica1brain o£
already rumours that the Base at Braemar Hill
These white caps shoW our
Now I gee.” 伍ought I,“
When the human
beings are k⒒ hng one anothcr in batde£ ields,
they think they are playing games.”
When I was伍 us occupied with my own
the Island。
As far back as last mond△ there were
We come to see that
the Intemational MⅡ ita叩 Regulations shou1d be observed。
throughout the operation. We are vew
much interested in the event as it
the Un⒒ ed Nadong。
there should be a fai11:fight, that is∶ to say,
go there at all risks and repor1 to me every detaⅡ
By^■ FiotiQn-—
On the19伍 day of August,1gG1,I was
though1 our car had enteied intQ a huge open ground wltich was encirCled by high peaks.
Here I saw more Carg and more off忆 ers in Undoubtedly,d△ 诋 was the assemblhg
wag being besieged by a £ orce from V忆 toria
white capg。
City, and two reheving forces, one fron△
place o£ the umpires。
East and one from Igland West, were tryhg
Tho of£ icer wl△ o had taken me here in his car gave me a white cap
to get through the line of besiege to the Base.
and sa1d,
After such a long and careful manoeuvering the enemie8would meet to“ ght.
Take the cap and be an umpre. ” We need more men for the job。 He was
obviou81y the leader of the 1nen fron△ the I accepted his of£ er without hegtitaton,thinking that with a white cap I United Nations.
Havhg my boss’ g order with mε ,I had to go to tbe battle field myself and: relay all
go ab0ut ithe~£ ield gafely。
happenings direct to Venus. I chmbed hard
to reach Tin Hau Temple Road wh忆 h c讧 t across the northern slope of Braemar Hill。 There I met three off妃 ers in white caps.They greeted me with fr忆 ndly gestures and after
h0ukhg of my dentity they took me up the the IEi11 in their car.
Thk way ig t° the Base。 Don’ t you
think it’ s
too dangerousP’
It wag now e瑭 ht
dock h the evenhg.
And thirty minutes later,th拍 famous oper乱
would∷ be鲈 n.The
umpiKs were busy making of arrangements-_makhg sure that the Red Cross seⅣ ices had necessary£ acⅡ ⒒ies £ or the wounded so1dicrs,be cer怔 Ⅱn that there ood £ or rehe1 manning eve玎 was enough £ check pont to see that the伍 韭 tw如 a11 so⒒ s
I asked in astonishˉ
done,and so on。
We are umpires,”
two rel忆 vhg forces had a11the△ men ready
1Ⅺ o
At ten山 inutes before the set time, the worry, please.
rephed the of£ icer who、 vag driving the car。
‘ ‘ ’ 厂 hat do you mean?’ I was more confuged 、 飞 “ shou1d there be any umpre in and said, ’ a batde£ ie1dP’ “
should there be any dⅡ ference between
a battle and a game?’
’ rephed the 8ame o£ [icer
for t吭 ˉ ppera乩 n。
The up0er en-s0f both
Tin Hau Temp1e Road and Fortress Hm Road, which had used to be quiet grounds for lovers,Were now£ ull of armed men。 2、 n atm0sphρ Fe o£ tengion had superceded the 讧sual aⅡ of lyrickm, even though the IⅡ t g Ⅱough小 e qu盯 抬 r oi‘ the,m。 。 n Wao sh“ Ⅱ hazy clouds tonight。
All the men looked brave;their eyes、 vere
vondering about al1 I had heard, I was 、
bright their lⅡ s were Ⅱrm。
They were ready
to jump to action as soon as order war given.
appeared into a11 possible covers。 All their hghtε lvere out, and the a11 the h⒒ ls were sunk
Now they were rec⒍ vhg the hst in订 uCtong from tl△ e△ commanders。 At tho last moment, ⒒ wag d始 closed to then1the hidhg p1aceg of the aⅡ unun1t1on whiCh they had to canγ 1nto
in darkness。 The rehevers were noW gathering
in the dark close to the besiegers’ hne,waiting
for the order to break through.
the Base。
It wag no、 v ten o,clock, but no rehever
The hour had come!
The 小〃o reheving
forces imme&ately issued forth£ or the ammuˉ n⒒ ion,and,in two minutes,they had digappeared into tl△ e
mountahs around Braemar Hill。
had yet been able to enter the Base. At quarter past ten” ¨‘犭teen n讧 nuteg before the dead line, after which a11 efforts would be £ utile, the whole o£ the batde Ⅱeld suddenly sank into
a tirne there wag sdⅡ ness and sⅡ ence.
A8soon ag dle reheverg had gone under cover, 1∶ 】e
besiegers became znogt actiVe. They knew that for the next 1:、 o hourg,the reheverg 、 vould be con1ing from a11directiong and would r∶
The△ co∏unander, a crooked old soldier, thr0叹办
ho well o璁 an弦 ed gpy gystem,Was
the besiegers。 fΓ here、 va0 at this moment a terrible gtir at the Base, £ or conCemtrie circles o£
into the Base, This had given hi1n a great or advantage. He immediately gave orders £ the cap扯 e o£ thc rehevers and the encirchng
its fate was to be deccided by the succe8g of the rehevers during this last ten ∏1inutes。 ‘ ‘
Hurrah! :rhere is the heror,such shouts
the Base to a⒒ow On gap £ or the entw o£
the enemy. Twoˉ
th订 dε o£
Ⅵ/ere heard when the £ irst rehever entered
hh men was to
spot and capture the rehevers when the latter were reaching for the△ ammun⒒ ion,whⅡ e the
the Bage。
remainding force was to man every possible
had arr1ved。
en订 anCe to 伍e Base。 After half an hour, ha△ of the active force shou1d retuΠ 1 to make a second c△ cle round the Base,wh⒒ e the rest
oneˉ third
should continue the△ hunt and capture。
up and dashed in columns thlough three
able to get讧 匹onnation that hig enemy had to reach for the aⅡ 11nunkion before 圩yhg to get
of Braemar Hill was brightened up. Flashing hghtg were shooting up £ rom a11 sides; shoutg of attack 飞 vere coming£rom a⒒ directions. Γhe thne had come£ or the hiding rehevers to break through the lheg o£ the besiegers。 They sprang
tly to break伍 ro呸办 their1he of beg忆
The air was gtrangely stagnant.It
was hke the calm before a terrible storm。 nⅡ nutes lates, the storm has come。 The
‘ ‘
IIere is another,Bravor’ A:ec。 nd rehever
so for these last ten n1inutes about of the reheverg were able to reach the Base.Unfortunately for them, tl△ e loss was too great. The Base fina11y fa11ed. “
ter another ha△ an hotlr they should come back to form a d△ △d c廿 cle round the Base.
Vktoria City have won.Hurrah!”
words exploded out fro∏ 1 the mouths of the
besiegers in all excitemnt hke thunders and
During the£ Lrst haⅡ hour,there was sⅡ ence,
so mysterious and unnatural that one could scent the advent o£ an extraordinary happening。
The Base was now brightly l此 up. This nous spot Was the god of dl:her。 妃ac汪 ons h∏ ⒒
shook the surrounding mountains。
Now伍 at
the war over,and the men from
the U血 ted N乱 -ns were busy treating the wounded, rehevhg the starved and arranging for postwar getdement。 Soon peace was made
frontier were heard. Nothing had yet happened in the easten1£ rontier, though here both sides
and order regained. Both the defeated and the victorious were s⒒ ting together on the ground enj(丬 泛 ng a good rest。
When the fi亡 I:st half hour had lapgcd, occasional reports on captiv⒒ y£ ron△ the、 〃egtern
were tryhg the△ utmost ef£ orts to out wit each other.
Brother scouts, I an△ very pleased that
you have played we11.
Looking fron1 the Base,one could
Inspite of some n1inor
see two lines o£ inter∏ 1ittent1ights,one on tops
defects, this£ ield night is a guccessful traⅡ
of伍 e mountains and one at由 e£ eet.Obviously,
The Area Commissoner of Hong Kong Igland
the higher1ine was the rehevers and the lo、ver
、 vas addregsing the participants.
line was the attacking party of the besiegers。
I sundenly reahzed that the、 vonder£ ul event
The lower 1ine appeared to be quite stationary while the rel忆 vers were swiftly scatterhg down the slopes tOwards the Base, As they approached Ⅱ泛dlin the reach of the besiegerg, they disˉ 兴【3兴
t witnessed was but伍 e makeˉ beheve game of the senior scouts o£ which I had juc。
Hong Kong Island。 I must have been having a v1s1on or a waking dream。
∞・0⊙ 0・ 00
00 μ 0・
r一 ≡
凿 μ・
・ >黯 ・ >黯 衤 ’ 皿 幸⒈ 田
泗 鹫m
加 蹄 骤 郯 齑
凇嵋 刚删 瀑跚岭
湘一 吣
测 薄脚棚 镙跚吣
铆 啉 漆 财
卜 泣 计 _`'m
芷牢 〓
瞰 咔扛 汴 丶 岭
∷ |1|l
囗 诠一 〓
赇 溥 禁 理 嗥
⌒瀚眭嘣 咖ˇ
吣 跚
蝌 黠 骼 澜 沁 灞 路 鄱 ˇ寻 甭 涔 裔 ≯ 痴 淞 厕 °
加 匪瀚 嚣 濑 煎
衅 鹦 薪 ?y 磷 驷嗣滩 窳
甾 醑棚 糠 醑郯 焱
00 冖冖・
赇 溥 溶 浴
∶ ∶ ∶
铩 嵛互半 半濑
∷ 潺 霹露 齑球誉
μ№ 00 ・
翠 髁 〓回 螋 濉 溯 褂 脚 澄 田 钿
μ∞ 00 ・
| ⒒
卧吣鲽一 感※
溥 蠃|
赇 澧 瀚 跚
分 堂 彗潦 蹄 汹÷ 邙
`} |
鲨" ∴ l∶
` 淤
00 μ卜 ・
00 μ o・
叠∶ ∶
: ,鲰
罕先登萆秩艹 童子萆 亦∵ 儡瞬无生
Long lrOusers for
茧 谌 簟 罱衤
蚀 耦
抟 巛嵌 一
妣 “r〓’ 〓
〓 〓〓 镞
辚 咏谡
吵 ,
赌鲵咻剡埘陟 扪一擗时勰驷肝韩 酾 邮胴觯 酩 濉蹦确狲镪 璐 往清 , 九 往 圃 叉汝右派昌 剑宋雒掎 秩序 出铲莳 上萆的情形井常湿乱 及丽 位同件 规自目睹大趵 稿七 ^伎 穿志制服 的筮于 厣搪着罕 上田往西茛的 巳 士 ν按照茵畴候 萆者的豫形 他 佣篇 了自己的 佣本爽在後 拂 利釜而各 施其彼 ’稹钶菹氆 管 销蓿 懒 入也好或撞蓿 他人也好 ’
上 哓 嘛 璐 付 蝌 ⒁ 擗 鞭 蜊 峭 勰 镪 岫 绋 麴 蜗 褊 辉 蜊 洳 矬 揶 岵 洳 郦 砩 鼬 狮 怖 °
i・ ll∶
11‖ll∶ ;’
鞫獬獬醐鞒鼽蟛Ⅷ硎棚 文莲 上
芷 ℃:晷羊 扌 1帛 扌 T茹 :: I弼 ∶Ⅰ 圪 :潲 ‰ e苷 奋 烈 号 :r‰ 愿 孪 扌叩县 斋找:s"md
l品 £ 玎 ℃衤hW⒎ 1£ 脶
corImei● 。
wi● hoot
【⒈ 苒
{scOu丨 s lhe
1907, A Bodemˉ Powe"'
、胥仁 st。 Ⅱ e o‘ s・ 。● es d° w"
笱 哼
⒊ 蛩
tI七 。
日七廿 月七 【-六 九-)年 十五圃民奉中
四期 星
240.75 羲青 元期匠 388.20 音檗畲 舡 `何 、京 、匾尖沙 咀匠骈合主瓣 15,∞ 0.00 × 九髭地方 静剔 140.00 舞含 勰畲拯踢粗 813,90 舞 舍 勰畲弱能支部及本港基稚两觥菹畲 352.80 檫鞋 勰畲蜃下各小狼圉 × 75,000。 00 汽草幸莲抽奖 篝募委昌畲第一小艋 5,811.85 乒乓游 壑晚 鲁 篝募委虽台第三小艋 (鼓 :有 ×符虢者 ,筒 未最後精幔 ) 在阴始莳揄大露管峙 9霄 提及保除固题 9勰 畲决定蠡量投保有翮大露营之各事嗄保陂 ,蘖 槲舆保除公 司 商甜 Γ物品用具之火险及 盗镝保陂 」 「参加人虽之第三保除舆佃人意外保除 」 「因灭炎人鹂等使大露营 不能零行或延期錾行之意外揖失保险 」 「努 工保险 」 C包 括全期 工作 9竿 日工作及蹁峙属景 )上 迹各保除 雎保聋甚钜 9但 勰舍韶篇此次大露营篇本港董子覃有史以木之盛錾 ’故膦胃上迹各殒保陂乃必须之零 ° 在篝筛期 中 9霄 提出所需管幔及营地 中心舆 三地方分管将使用大营幄用作瓣公 9敲 慵盱藏及管 地服渗 中心 之用 °但 现在凳得仍有若干小困鞲 9因 管地有若干石底之硬地 9不 易抨入管钌 9琨 亦得覃方铭助 9已
狴解决 ° 翮於衔生敲慵 ,常 有其本身之特 殊固题 ,因 琨探用之营地乃 一大暖地 ,故 需群棚研究各僮衔生敲慵固 ’ 题 方可作最後之决定 9此 事檠已舆市政衔生署逛行商洽 9希 璧能在短期内完满解决管地肉各衔生敲侑之 建篥物及粪便 ’污水 ,履 物之清除 ° 踟於管地鼋力舆 用水 Fq9题 9现 辛得覃方及中萋鼋力公 司之煽助已獾得解决 ,覃 方且答尤我等安歌水管 ,此 嘎水管在本港篇第一玖使用 °至於鳘瘵舆健康用品及人曼 ,亦 得 覃方 9罾 潞虎 9市 政衔生署及本舍若 干臀助人士之煽助下 ,獾 得解决 ,墼 拘翰救惕豫亦派出人虽每夜在管地鲎值 ° 营地 中心之敲侑茜篇完善 ,可 供瞧营地一例听需 9肉 敌有食堂 ,脐 菹中心 ’睐列中心 ,歙 料摊位 9猕 影冲印器材擞匝 ,杞 念品摊位 9糖 果雠匝 9日 用品摊位 ’水莫 濉位 9洗 染搬位 9重 子覃用品佚慈耐 9流 勤 郦局 9流 勤敛行 ’拘苘虚 9及 鼋孰收絷虎 ,鼋 静站 ,救 惕站 ,及 衔生敲捕等 ° 勰管方面 9乃 大露管指蕖擞耩 ,肉 有管警 9及 街生人昌 9至 於工作都凹歌在勰訾者有指挥 中心 ’衔生 虚 9急 救中心 ,敲 慵麂 ’鄯 目瓣公虚 ,新 固虎 9海 外麂 ,嘉 寅虚 9及 营地秘瞢痍 ,勰 管之 工作 人昌均在勰 管地匠内所歌之营幔肉住宿 9但 大部份之女性 工作人昌Rll在 附近之民生蓄院内佳宿 ° 管地肉敲有管道 9其 定名均用窨任香港勰盍之人虽姓名而命名 °各营道舆管地若干地方将羝建篥物敲 其肉 ,营 地之四调有若干部份建一圜樯 9除 各罩位或分管之管凹外 ’另有大露管之营田两佃 ,肉 一佃蛟小 者篇肉凹歌於勰 /gK附 近之入 口 9蛟 大者篇外F弓 ,则 建於燕霎尼斯道舆管地入路之路 口 9此 二凹傈由香港董 品公司报劾 9侬 本眚所歌勖之同形建歌 9大 露管之勰旗榫Rll歌 於北方之高阜中 ,在 管地中任何角度均可望 旯° 大露营之秩序表 ,已 篇各露管者黼拂桠翌富之秩序 ,其 有有 中圃民FHi舞 蹈 ,由 香港教育司署成八教育 中心及耐台丽利署所厨之 兄童畲担任 °音檠含由香港小童辜盆畲担任 ,韭 有警犬袤演 ’覃桀袤演 ’民彖安 全服移除羡演 9洽 防表演 ,女 重子蕈舍袤演 ’及各分营担任各僮表演邹 目 ,另 有本港童孑覃舆海外重子覃 代袤圉之足球友菹饕 °及篇海外代表圉安排各嘎氍光鄯 目 °本港重子军穗颌袖柏立基薛士主持大露 鹭朗幕 Jlt中 由英范港主持朗幕曦式 ° 傣式 °又蒙英璐邦勰镇袖棼幞莲辩士百 大露管禺版有露昝手 ml`杞 念 fll、 营地 日报 9每 日程序袤等 9及 有营地须知 9舆 营地参孜瞀料銮舆各 营地工作人昌 ° 此填篝慵工作桠跟辛之鎏 9幸 蒙各界人士及本畲 助者 9舆 本舍部份人昌之荔助 9得 以暇利毽行 9此 Ut・
玖大露营乃本潘所零行之露管中最 大规模者 9唯 歌静方面 ,多 由本台工作人虽抽暇中完成 9但 希墼所需之 各稹篝慵事 嗄均已充份篝割 9使 此大露管能睫各参加人曼 ,欺 娱渡此一凋之峙光 9本 人希望由始至糁参舆 此次大露营敲勖及篝割工作之人虽 ,将 木可能藉此玖大规模活勤所獾得之槛黢 9封 香港童子覃遇勤有所黄 献°
营 地主任 岛 -7-
香 港 童 子 军 勰 含
金 禧 太 露 营 筒 九 六 一 年 九 月 廿 七 日 我等琨距大露营之 日馑有三 月之期 Fgg。 故我韶篇睨今须作一冁告俾各位知道大露管之篝佛遐展至若干 程度 °某耍人譬云 :「 所有冁告须筒短 」不错 9逼 是封的 9但 我现在要作一蛟畏之冁告 9而 不辈侑向各位 道歉 9因 鞍篱短Rll不 能辞棚冁蕖 一切檠铿完成及倚须努力之大露管工作 °在此短短三涸 月峙固肉 ,希 各位 能铭助完成一切唷 圃大露管未完成之篝慵事嗄 ,使 此本港童子覃金禧大典之鄯 目能完满零行 ° 菱矽香港童子覃五十涠 年金禧大典大露营之建鑫速在一九五八年 9恰 在本港于一九五七年篇匮睨世界 童子覃遥夤金禧大典之第一玖全港大露营後不久 °我可以瀚营峙提出此建蕺峙 9只 作篇一僮很隋便提出之 建荔 9发 芟得富畸有三敷人反封此建蓠 ,因 此錾之 工作桠篇簸锺 9那 峙亦有人提田瞧蕖锖在此大露营中瞧 有匹千人参加 。但营峙大部份八昌均 黉成零行此玖大露营 °故于一九五九年末一佃 大露管敲甜委昌畲已成 立矸究能否在一九六一年錾行大露管 ,同 畴提出一切篝筛事填 ,敲 委虽舍槛敷次畲鑫後 ,在 ∵九六⊙年初 提出妇 f=葑 筛大露营 ,唯 翮於錾行舆否 ,交 香港勰盂去决定 ,在 某玖勰盂鲁蓠 中 9香 港勰盂槛各出席者投 票 ,拮 果己篇懑篷行此玖大露营之篝锖 ° 初步之遘行乃各小龃之成立 ,逍 行大露管地黠之遘捍及策割如何篝募槛费之 工作 ,大 多数之小粗巳在 六嗝月内暇利粗减 9直 至琨在亦常召围畲蓠研究此大露管之一切大小箐锖事宜 °地黠邃撑乃一皎困辚之事 9戋 暹至本年四月方能决定大露营地黠在九髭仔公圆錾行 °踟於篝欺事宜 ,决 定原则上 由香港堂子覃勰畲 人昌壹力去造行 ,因 篇有此建鑫 9故 鼓黝各地方 、各匠及各罩位暹行篝慵篝默郜 目 °勰含之大露营篝募委 虽台亦篷行各撞方法篝募 °我很高舆在此向各位告荪 ’由於各方面之努力 ,各 委虽各颌袖及各童子覃盎 一 己所能工作下所菁得之欺殒亦颇接近所需之 目檩 9同 峙亦瞧向各界人士及各赞助人致胬 9渠 等之翮懊及帮 助 ,煲 备募 工作能llE利 暹行 ° 下面所列乃本畲舆所厨各辈位器欺之筒表 :
九旄第一旅 第三旅 第五旅 第 八旅 第 十一旅 第十 二旅 第 十三旅 第十五旅 第十五旅 第十 七旅 第 三 十五旅 第 四十旅 第 匹十一旅 第 四十七旅 第 四十九旅 第五十 二旅 香 港第一旅 第 十五旅 第 十六旅 第 二十 八旅 第六十 四旅 基 督教青年 眚羼下各旅 砒 眢局 丽利 署蜃下各旅 雒 多利 亚 匠深瞀童子覃璐菹 眚 元期匾舡馀羲唱
捐麸 舞台 舞舍 舞台 鼋影 游 蓼舍 鼋影 雹影 C第 一玖 篝募 ) 霆影 (第 二次 篝募 ) 黯剌 舞畲 舞鲁 鼋影 舞舍 冤影 窀影 鼋影 鼋影 鼋影 鼋影 鼋影 游葵晚舍 擦鞋 舞 舍盈鲶 舡偷羲唱
5000 80 19哇 。 176.65 475,80 569.25
60000 573.00 65.00 79.50 哇,9g000 198.95 90.80 52,00 765.90 33刂 .00 1,094。 40
1,353,00 1,377,00
33000 66200 591.50 1,043.10
2050 1,405,45
营 凹 彀 封
有 大畲 杞念微 章
意羲或 字檬
本台篝锖於本年十二月廿 七日至明年 一月 二日
凹式 漾 不限 ’屐焉式 丶中圃式 丶希脱 式等 均
在九乱九乱仔錾行金禧大露管 ’睨凝徵求管 ’敬萧踊 曜瞧徵 ’奴 捋瓣法列 下
乙 ¨附有 η五十迥年 金禧杞念
甲 ¨有 堇 子覃 的特式
一丶营 罔内容 瞧包 下列各黠 ¨
二 可 ’但 以作 瞥 凹用篇 限 °
今年是 香港 董予覃逗勤 五 十涸年大典
港童 于蕈 人数 曲数 人至塘
助和熟 心童子军莲勤 的都瞧骸熟 烈 的匮嗣逼 一侗盛 大 的杞念 °五 十年乘
叟将乘 ’遣骸是 一件很有意 羲
至 七千人 ’由 一侗 匠掼充至 十 一佃匠 ’一切在毽步 健 中 ’同噫 茑年
的事 ° 篇 着耙念金禧大露管 ’特凳 起 η金醇大露管 一
以瞻 墼将乘 ’也 可
要就 是菱 闹本 港 童子簟渑勤 的五
徵文 ’希望稹者踊 罐参 加投稿 ° 徵艾肉容
舄就成了 °
十迥年 ’题材 可以同惊遇去
色 最莎超沮 三槿 °
以提 出 一佃 理想 的静割等 °我们 不限定翘材 的羁 圜 °希 墼菹者骥镜着 η金耐杞念
三 丶管
篇 着袤 示菱 嗣 的意思 ’我们将在木稿 中邃挥 一
批 肉容 充霄 的除在杞念特燹 袤外 ’亚耠 于稿费 及杞 念品
金 五十元 第 一名
一月 十五 日 ° 来 稿戳 止朋 敲 明徵 文 ° 畲新 罔麂 收件虚
及所羼罩 位 °
的不在此限 °萧 用艾稿柢抄 舄 ’融 明姓 名 丶地址 丶
乘稿字数 ’萧勿超沮 二千字 ’有 特 殊事宣 叙选
其 他 人遛 的若 干名耠 予名黄杞念品 °
列 搋碣於 十 二月 一日强
第 〓名 ¨奖金 三 十元 名及第
贴投票 ’进 出票数最多
第 三名 ¨奖 金 二十元
’由本 虔 按收到先後黼
六 丶待 敲卧 圊棣木件徵集後
萧 在乘件背後瞢 明姓名 ’通孰虚 及暗 昆 °
五 丶木 件大 小 以潮 十 一寸 竿活 ’晏 十 五寸篇 度
四 丶收件 日期 ¨十月 一日茚始 至十 一月 廾 日止 ハ
之 三名 ’再由宣 傅委昌 畲决 定首 名 三名 ° 七 ・人遘 之 三名 ’由本虚 致
途名黄醴物 ’其 他瞧徵 者 亦可獾得杞念品 表谢忱 °
歌甜人指定 °
僮圄檬耍有 重 子覃 生活意
徵 之 圄檬如本 舍接枘剡每欺 奉 途港
露管 章本 舍供瞧参孜 °
遁 四色篇 佳 °
檬 ¨萧敲 明尺寸 ’颜色 剡 以不超
金禧 大露营 把念 品彀针 圊檬
被 探豹篇杞念晶之罔漾 ’本 畲
郎 日起 至 十月卅 日止 °
辂 伍拾 元业晗 杞念品 一件 °
⌒ 一ˇ掰 法 ¨
⌒二 ˇ奖黝
⌒三 ∪日期
有 榷桴孩圊棣裂作 成各僮杞念晶
圄檬萧 寄本 舍新 固麂 牧
明 冖杞念品 〓 °
预赛 在 九能筚 仁蓄 院 决赛 在界 限街 埸
人 比 菅贪 踊↑日 刊衅缈卿跏钉知卧嗣硎 喇 删 土灬 ° ・ 圉弹顶 目 包接 力赛 ⌒四人 υ 丶拾薯接 力赛 ⌒三 人 ˇ丶二人三足饕 ⌒二人 ˇ 丶姗焦饕 ⌒六人 ˇ °〓 艇佃 八嗄目 ¨ 一百嫣赛跑 丶分 豆饕 丶肺包 接 力饕 ⌒ 四人 υ 丶障漩饕 ⌒四人 ∪ 丶推 草餮 冖二人 ˇ 丶觚 焦 瑙 前 三名将獾大畲凳 奖 赛 ⌒八人 ˇ ’上选此赉 °每 艋敲 一冠覃奖奖耠 孩耙得分最高 之 小狼圉 °全 埸勰 锦漂 ⌒奇利稹 圊滁 ˇ奖舆 两粗得分之勰和最高 之 小狼圉 °报名袤格 ’每 填 一强 ’分刖螟舄清 楚 ’ 暹 在 十月九 日 ⌒星期 一∪ ’ 壶由小狼圉畏签 署 途莲 座 士大厦 童子覃勰舍菩 琵收 交者将 不予接 健埙 目每 枘 °报名聋佃 八嗄目每填辍名费 一角 嗄 二角 ’报名费舆 冁名表格 一同徼交 °
童子蕈 祝金禧荨 麸 港匾畲 决演 葑剌
η我爱 夏 日畏 L
香港 雒多利 王匠童子覃舍 ’篇菱 耽童子覃 五十 调年 金禧 ’决 定 於秋各圊 上演柳存仁博士新著 三幕 四埸大喜劓 一我爱夏 目畏 L’ 其 初步 冁谆 已冕前 冁 挨悉港 方椎多利 亚匠舍 已於 日前畲 同香港蘖鲶 嚣刿 硅主持 人雷浩然等 十酴 人 ’堇子覃方面如港畲 多利 亚匠管焉 台 晏 胬雨 h’ 童 子覃勰嚅甜炳奎 铗基 ’稚徵勤 庚幞 ’黄鎏 ’焉嫌明 ’ 浩没 苄 多引豆匠匠主席 强槛柏梭 畏等錾行轿席台蕺 定 一我爱 夏 日畏 亠将 於十 一月 二日三 日四日三天在 笑 耨洱皇仁鲁 院 十 七十八雨天在 九旄伊利沙 自中孽 殪 堂公盂 赁 分奘舍务及普通数潼将自 孩匠台璐 樨 料备 匠 合港 方≡ 冱 ’丰互 ’七角匠 ’符箕 淠
童 子覃部 及九乱方 面各罩 位熟 烈赞 助销 票 ’俾封 於 本 年底 之重 予覃大露管能有蛟多之莨献 ° η我爱 夏 日畏 L此 剔本 篇 原著者柳存 仁博士之 前徒 未 上演 ’谆 演方 面特聘 静剔著名蕖 演 新著 薄圃始 ’雷浩然 雨先 生担任 °重要演昌有李 孑麇 夫 有 后钸 九叔 人陈勤秀女士特 允担任本剔 之敛姐 友竹钸 九燔 °名淳演黄蕙 芬女 士勖本 剔之锡 太 捞 雪女 士即鲁演 η 太 ’黄宗保钸刺 中之裼教授 秦始皇帝 Lη 桃花易 〓之 女主角者钸此剔 之埸 小姐 ’雹懋 影蘖 公司男明星 强清 钸夏 逸畏 ’名演昌骼遒 一 霖茚 此剔 之值 探 ’郓 子敦绵古 蜇商 人唐顺芝 角色井最 理想之 人遘 °李隙勤秀女 士封本 剔之熟 心 赞 助及支援 篇 重子覃雒多利 亚匠鲁及蘖鲦 嚣剔 砒 同八所敛佩 ° 本 剃题材新颖 自幽默 ’情昏完全针封 现謇 之 玳女聚哥 型青年冒除 生活 ’但决非徙 正面融教 ’ 剔 翻 彖皆大戳喜 而傈通遇曲折熟 涮之情箭 瑰 已在 正式排演中 ’希熟 心氍 彖密 切注意 °
ˉ 】锿 颌 袖委 任前 ˉ 哼
第 二届九乱 地方 小狼圉圉颌袖委任 前副觫 班 , 已於九 月十 六 ’十 七 日在喹 士大厦 錾行 ’参 加者 共 廿 二名 ’由霭湘薄 先生主持 °
童 子蕈 遵勤薛座
第 一届港 拈 地方 董子覃遇勤耩 座 ’已於九月廿 三 日在铝解 湾垒 仁菩 院 ’各梭参 加代 袤共十五名 ’ 由黄釜康 先生主持 ハ
金禧年 小狼大畲
童 子覃勰畲篇 昼帆金稽 大典 定本 年度 皋行 大露昝 外 ’业定 十月廿九 ⌒星期 日 ˇ ’錾行金萜年 小狼大畲 °此舍 殒赛 十月廿 二日下午 二峙 ’在 九乱幸 仁謇 院 銎行 ’决赛则在 十月廿九 下午 二畴起 在界限街瞥察球埸 鎏行 °参 加蒗饕或决赛之 小狼圉 ’瞧在 上阴 日期峙 固 ’在大畲 錾行前 卅分踵 ’在各 孩 地黠向所蜃 地方穗部 之指定夤黄颌袖冁 到 °任何 小狼圉未参 加此赛或 已参 加此饕 ’但在 原赉峙遭 淘 畲望彼等 在决奏峙 全澧 到埸 ’共同匮 耐港 汰者 童 子军金萜 年之 小狼盛 典 ’特 别希墼新 界各 小狼圉 可能 在决 奏 日到埸参狸 ° 狼 躜 硎外醌蚺雉 冖 蝣狲 糍硒n胳 蹁 公 .向 徂 日人 ’ 罩 位 ’箭 目袤将 同峙 寄瑗 °参 加此饕者 ’缜篇 已宣 誓 的小狼 ’而年龄 在本 年 十 超 遇十 二崴 月廿九 日前 ’各 小狼瞧根璩 年龄 及高度 人下列Α粗或 Β翘 ¨Α ,镉
高庋超遇 四冖三 叶
粗 ¨年龄 在本 年 十月廿 九 日
前 满 十葳 ’及高睫 不£ 四 三时 Β粗 年艹 在丰 吠 ° 丶 迨 年 十月廿九 日满 十蕨 十崴
°至年黼未满 拾葳 ’但高庋 韶 遇 四吹 三时者 ’作
琨今世界各圃已清楚明潦童予覃封眦鲁民族 的 重耍 °童子覃的活勤 不但供耠天真活滠的兄童们 一 撞健康 的涟崴和逗勤 而且童子覃潋育是铭助家庭舆 的目的是培赘兄 擘梭教育未能注意到的地方的 童固有的德性 ’智慧 ’艘育和群育的精砷 ’便他们 辨 丶篙行的境域 °徒此氍之 ’ 蓬到博孽 丶惧思 童子军教育业不像 一股人所懿篇 的 η棚佬哥殒 L那 瘳筒罩 的 一同事 ’而是 一佃有骱割 的勰触 ’一僮尊 罔的技衍 ’此粳 工作 ’需要有孽融和曦牲精砷的颌 蕖者 ° 童子覃教育的封象营然是兄童 ’七崴 以上的兄 童参加小狼豫 ’到了十二崴便参加重子覃 ° 一佃明 薏 的颌袖若要熏 现童子覃教育的理想 一定要封自己 所颌蕖 下之兄童有 一侗明碓清楚 的了解和懿黜 目中 一定要有所 是 下愚 是中材 是 上智 分寸 ’扌可以利用心理孽 的常融和遇用教摹的原剡 ’以连到逋瞧倜刖的差吴 ’耩成圉箱 一致的精砷 ° 所以我融童予覃教育不是容易的事 ° 七八崴 至十三四的兄童 掾 心理璺 的理肃瀚 ΞΞ 8臼 ∪ 和青年期 正 於後兄童期 ⌒凵 届 p 寸 冖丶⒏冖 〓 哥 ^〓 ,沙 ♀ Φ ∞ 8ˇ 中 的爨情期 ⌒凵⒊Φ 舄Φ ¤ 8ˇ 之罔 ’郎是自满届孽龄至性成熟的峙朋 ’ 大部分相营於小擘的峙期 °逼峙期兄童的孽留是努 力有意的 °除了孽梭中艾字教育和各粳基本 的知截 外 ’封 工作 ’游崴 ’只耍引起舆趣 ’羝不好奇喜罔 赀日 ∪馕蓬 意孽留 °九葳 以後 ’自我性 ⌒凵叩一 ,厥
’常有自我作主的袤睨 °同峙葬性亦馕蓬 ’每喜艋 檄小囝艘 ’数人篇 一圊 ’共同递戡 ° 童子覃的颌蕖者 ’瞧了解兄童此峙期 的特黠 ’ 教育上慝注意徙遴戡活勤 ’澌澌引到孽留活勤 具艘的事物 用手的工作 ’渐渐引到用瑙的工作 澌引到抽象 的知敲 ° 青年期中的兄童 ’好奇心也盛 瘿事情都想 管馘 °营提 示新 知裁或 示靶 一僮技能的峙候 注 意引起兄童的舆趣和好奇心 ’使自勤 的粤罾 ’不沮 此峙期的兄重往往是缺乏毅力 ’有始椠貉 的 ’所以 在孽留遇程中 ’要留意到兄童所遇到的困舴 ’及峙 指蕖 ’因此搴留得到暇利的迤行 ’封他们的成功和 逍步 ’耠予逋营的棉锼 ’搴留的效卒便更佳了 ° 一涸重子覃镇袖 ’除了能利用兄童心理以求毒 量逋瞧佃刖差吴外 ’遗要熟留畿佃潋孽上的原则 ’ 扌可牧到滇期的效果的 °现晷分逃於后 兄童封所璺留的事物有了 ⌒一ˇ浑慵原剡 心理的蕖锖 ’便容易搴留成功 ’溴有 心理的诈慵 ’ 未必成功的 °因此想攀留易於成 孽留峙罔雎久 他们心理上有所珲 功必耍引起兄童擘留的瘢璧 昌ハ 廿 言之 ’就是 η引起勤擞 〓 ⌒ 慵 一 冖Ξˇ° 慧 的颌袖们 ’勤勤躐筋 怎棣引起孽留的勤澈呢 田 颞化孽骱⌒>υυΦ ° ⌒二 ˇ颞化原刖 〓8客 μ ¤ˇ 就是把新教材建立在鹰槛臌的基踺 上的理萧 °溲有
菖槛腧的基睫 ’新 知融是 不容易孽留的 的初极覃 ’中极草和高檄章的顺序考敲 道理 °
孽 留是兄童本身 的事 °慈 ⌒三 ˇ自勤 原则 由兄童自 己去做 ’自 己去看 ’自 已去想 ’自 已去槛 播 °颌袖只是麂 於辅蕖 的地位 ° ⌒四 ˇ舆趣 原则 舆趣是罩 留 的要素 ’舆趣 越 澧厚 ’就越 努 力孽 留 °鲎兄童封 所毽行摹 留 的事 物缺 乏舆趣峙 ’瞧 立刻暂停孳 留或蛑 移孽 留 的封象 ’勉 强孽 留 下去 ’只畲事倍功牛或 徒棼羝功 的 ° ⌒五 ˇ侗 性逍瞧原则 颌 袖封他 的兄童 的佃 刖差吴瞧有 深切 的了解 ’使每 佃 兄重充分燹展他们 的特 晏 ’斛 正他们 的缺黠 ° ⌒六 ˇ硷 舍化原刖 童 子覃 的圃髅活勤 ’例 如 期 的集舍 ’露 管 ’小艋鲁蕺 ’集髅避崴等 ’ 皆是凳 展 蕈性 ’使倜 人懿静畦舍生活 ’瓮砒舍睐 丽 利 的副觫 ο 兄重所擘得 的知截 ’技能 ⌒七 ˇ熟觫 原剡 ’理想等 ’一定要擘 留得艴熟 ’然後牖能 致用 ’然 後 扌能 够保持得畏久 ° 孽 留是 一佃整悃 的活 ⌒八 ∪同峙串 留原剡 勤 °营孽 留 一件事物 ’壶 不限於邢事物 的本身 耍使兄童鏖 生有踟 的思想和概 念和奏 成 理想憩 度 ° 童 予军颌 袖们若能常常 互相 研究兄重 心理搴和 欷育 的方法 ’加 上棚 心的镥翰 ’明碓 的剿 断和努 力 子覃教育 的目棵 一定 可 以得 到美满 的成 的謇 行 果 成 天 下 一家 的癞 茎 °
九髭 地方璐菹勰孟 廑 孟 煊
重 子 罩 中
便 是 遣 佃
逼是 一句俗纛 ,
不如是 °由 於 不如意 的事 多遇 於
η人生 不如意事 ’常 八九 热揄中外古 今 满 意 的事 ’因此 ’人们很容 易陷 於悲氍和洽棰之境
心理睾家 昔葫我们 ’人颞 的愁 璧是 没有 止境的
做 不到的 °
’假 若有 了止境 ’人颊 也就 不能 暹步 °惟其 如此
故 蛲謇永递跟 不上理想 ’也郎是瀚 睨謇 的生活 想完 全满 足 一涸 人 的愁 望 使 人悲觐 洧棰 的原因很多 ’疾 病 丶失孳 丶失蘖
然舆其 天性有踟 ’但舆後 天的锻嫌 也 不舡翮倮
大 凡溲有 分析 事物 鼯腾 的八 ’多牛封 於事物 感
剡每 营遭 遇到 一佃 固题峙 ’必鲁捋逼固题所馕 生 的 原因 ’槛姐 以及 可能 庵生 的箱 果 一一加 以分析 ’撩
要遽然 蕺 η否 〓字 ’瞧影 L字
°莒然 逼 不是融耍你
桠 地悲觐 ’固然其 中有 一部 份是 由於遭 遇 到挫折 的 情储 °封 於 一件事情 以 η是 匕 豕 代替 η否
凳 不易 篇他倒 不潦解 固题 的翼相 ’虚 理罔题峙 ’营然感凳棘 手丁 ’假若奏 成了分析事物 的殒腾 ’ 多 人洽桠悲翻
封事物 黑自 不分 ’封固题 ’慈 以檠觐 的情槠乘 面封 现謇 ° ;静
解清 楚 以後 ’便 很容易决 定解决 固题 的方针 °由 於
⌒二 ˇ觐 绦事物 成功 的 一面
’是 由於他 的狼先封事物存了失 败 的心理 ’不肯 看
舰 的情赭 便
封 於每 一佃尚题都能 把握 佳核 心 ’因此解决起木 也
洽 桠情槠 的另 一佃主 耍原 因
⌒四 ˇ多 多和朋友接躅
多 和你 的朋友 搂髑
陋寡 固是 蔗生悲期
畲 洽失掉 ’而燮 成稹 桠和桀觐 的心理了 °
就 不舍感凳 困鞲了 °在逼情 形之 下
到成功 的 一面 ° 任 何事情 均非 孤立 的 ’有 它 的前因後果 及木乱 去胍 的 ’也有其 成功 的 一面 ’也有 它失敫 的 一面 ’ ,
倩赭 ’悲觐 的心理 °
丶戟 筝 丶荧害 丶破鏖 丶婚姻 不满 丶交 友 不良等等
篇 避 冤天荧
假若 你只看 到它失败 的 一面 ’那腰就鲁燹 生洧棰 的
篇 在生活 上所馕 生
可以捕 救逼方面 的缺黠 ,正
的 一些固题 ’有 些是非 自 己所能 蒗料 的 ’也非 一倜
楹少数 鞯 以解决 外 ’大多敷都是 不鞲解决 的 °面封 逼些固题
霄除 上在生活中燹 生的 一些苘题
不在如何避 免天
均 可使人鏖 生洽桠和悲戳 的情储 °照逼漾融棼 ’若 耍洽除悲氍 的情槠 蚩 不是 很困雉嗝
人的力量 所解决 的 ’必须群策 纛力 ’扌能 得 到成功
人鹂 ’逼僮挫折 ’多竿是熙法滇先防鞔 的 ° 其冒克 服悲觐 洽楹 的方法
’千离 不耍滇先存有失败 的心理 ’因篇 一旦有 了失 :奏
是克 服悲觐 洽桠 的 一佃 必要
的步 髁 ’多多接镯 朋友 ’常能 化慎 辎篇敷鬏 °
因此敲法洽除烦 淄
的助 力 ’烦 淄也是 使 一佃 人悲觐 洽棰 的根 源之 一’
荧 人硝 ’而在锻觫 里强 的意 志 ’以面封 现叠
高舆趣去完成 工作 °
°朋友是解决 的好助 手 ’因篇 在朋友 的面前他 可以
败 的心理 ’就缎法集中精 力木篇解决 固题 而努 力 ο ,
⌒三 ˇ赛 成分析事物 的顽腾
’有 畴是由於怕 困鞋 而引起 °人们其 所 以舍怕困鞲
桠悲截 的由木
獾得 一些新 的替 示 ’逼些新 的膂 示 ’就是解决 固题
股 人其 所 以容 易洽
看 到成功 的 一面 ’营 可以鼓舞 一佃 人 ’使其 集 中精
分析事物 的颐脂 ’以解决困簸 ’培奏 檠氍 的情槠 以充冒 生活 ・
科摹家奈戴两提 供了 下迹篾佃克 服洽桠悲觐 的 方 法 ’颇佰 参考
⌒ 一ˇ多作肯 定 的黯言
一⒐ r即 蹴
人∵ t年 =廴 ∵ 五 期 第 ∷
十 月 份 ∵丨
很欺喜收刭逼封徒未收沮的信 ’封於逼檬做
上趔我牧到 一封熙名氏的信是有圃本港 鲎子覃
镝 沸 μ监
协 蓝 泊枉 扌
°每侗兄童都有桠大的跟移僭能舆自我亵展 ’童子
覃规律耠予正常 的鼓黝和能力 °我们全力成功地颌
蕖兄重营然是欺迎 ’但是我们是否巳蠢我所能呢 ’
逼业不是瀚藉着木隐藏自 己的弱黠 ’面封着缎情 的
我们在三佃月後管在金禧大露营峙冕面 ’大家
廒概箱蕞 ’因篇砥有逼侗地方是最道宜的 ’雎然信
都 知道婪遵薛士特地乘参加五十涸年杞念 °由於各
失肷而仍融 η我 己蠡所能 〓了 °我们颀璧颌袖正常
地接近兄堇 ’使连蠡善
在逼蕞提 及逼
麂乘葫罔的人 ’他们眚獾知很多本港童子覃的好救
理想 °
件事就是因篇曷棣 °我很簸想像到遣僮遵反重予覃
蕖 ’同峙亦含希窆抵连目的地峙 不畲命到他们失望
法在重子覃立窃米融是艳封自由的 °逼封狺 现在是
的理想此蛟不良剁矜更甚 °逼亦不是融我不喜欺舆
°在姐去九陶月尚 ’槛遇很多的跟雉想使每 一锢童
任何人去研莳改善本港的童子覃逗勤 ’根本鼷也不
子军棼参加露营 °未知你和你的颌袖是否有辈慵呢
肉缀署是 一佃 η童子覃的朋友
能承懿自 己是蠡善盍美的 °
玖露营糈有 四千人参加 ’我们 不能在最後 一迥
或 一佃月然後来籍侑的 °如果重子覃因篇他的颌袖
遣是美圃想帮助巳翟放的囚犯 一橇营敲的故事 ’骸
不依着我们 的锵言 η弹镛 匕行事 ’而命你不能参加
本港不久将放映 一套鼋影蚪做 η荷林牧肺 〓 ’
片 的真正英雄是耶觫教鲁的砷父克拉克 °他们耍克
露营 ’逼真是件遣憾 的事 ’尤其是颌袖封兄童失去
砷父叙迹他封付犯罪者簿放後的虎理 ’他趵答案就
信任 ”邢就是更大的遣憾了 °琨在是最後和最大的 ,我
我相信每 一佃人都有 一黠正常的 L营
謇剿呢 °
的黄任是 :η
把它亵挥便用 °