1962 Bulletin No. 1 Hong Kong Boy Scouts Association

Page 1

廴。 Co阴 阴:JJ:oⅡ er% 0“ tJ。 。 vorking for the Jan⒈ some of us have been hving and 、 bOrette so long that it is a11 over and done with。

some of

yOu may even have had so much of it that the very mention I think perhaps O£ it here wⅡ l stop you reading further。 thOugh most of us have a feehng of quiet satisfaction at a 诣 山ff忆 ult job well done.Anyway, I assure you that th灬 vant tO take this, the last ti1ne I shall speak of it, but I did 飞 my only Opportunity of thanking all of you,those of you who have sat on preparatory coⅡ 11nittees for many months past, Ⅴ hO suffered the heat~Or should I say the cold thOse of ⅤOu 、 Of the day, and also Of the night during the actual period of the JambOrette.NOt everything was perfect of courseˉ and vere quite unnecessarⅡ y blocked, here I think Of drains that 、 vho betrayed a distinct Iack of interest in their Of scouts 、 clearance, and of scouters who were not on hand 11vhen we Ⅵ吐nd。 Ⅵ `ere struck by the havoc wrought by rain and high But des∮ te th诣 , I am sure that the Jamborette was an outˉ standing success. I have heard this from many people。

A letter

frOΠ 1

the Brunei contingent leader sums up the general iIn~ “厂 for such pressiOn∶ e、 VOuld also hke to congratulate you aⅡ `、 sed Jamborette.We wm remember not only the a well OrgaⅡ biting winds, but also the friendhness that、 vas found at every corner Of the Jamborette” 。 A lesser, but nevertheless very pleasant, result Of all our efforts is that as far as 、 ve can see at present it seems as if we shall be able to close Our Jamˉ In au lvays I borette accOunts without Owing any money。 ’ think we can wⅡ te“ 飞 Vell done’ at the end of our Jamborette log,

A few days agO I was talking with a fⅡ end of mine。 He is nOt the grumbhng type, but he reauy 31vas fed up with the service he had been getung fr。 m the shop、 vhere he buys his


daⅡ y

provisions. Not that he was dis~ Ⅵ汀th the quahty of the goods, nor did he feel that he was being oveˉ rcharged。 But the dehvery service was very p。 or, goods never arrived on tiine, satis丘 ed

Direcf° rs J叨 essα ge~22nd Februa呼 :1962 On thk,the anniversary of B。

sb△ thday

let a11of ug remember the‘ 艹eat gft he gave

and the boy who dehvered them was most impol⒒ e and was always mabhgˉ

to us and a11the wodd。 Let u8at the same tirne agk ourselves what gⅡ t we have given to scouting。

Exacdy what has each of us given

to the MovemenP Ⅵ△at have we done or s茁 d

owner of the shop。 was rnost apologetic,

of real and continuing valueP

Can each o£ us honesdy angwer in the

affirmathd We as h&说duals

scou1and can be trusted to rehable and pOhte” 。


and asked if he wOuld not give hi1n anOther trial for he was getting a new dehvery boy next week and “he is a

merely pasβ

曲rough the Movement£ or varous lengths of service。

How much of each of our characterg and personahties have rubbed off on the Mov0mentP




Colony Conunissioner。

Some can give more good to scouting

in three years than others in thir1y yearg.

Th沁 is what people think。 Then we must continue with our work,for nOuling that we do for our boys really・ goes

山utedP `Vhat have we really con订

B.P. wOu1d have 1iked to have heard our answerg。

昏昏罾昏蒈昏馋蒈馋馋骅邵蒈蒈蒈昏蒈蒈 The cost per FDC would be∶ ˉ 1. OfⅡ cia1souvenir Cover containing a picture

^ "ew

card o£

soout Postage

Ceylon posted on the day of issue

£ rom the Jamboree Post of£


Rupees One&cents⒍ xty


Rs1,60cts Ceylon cu卩 ency

the Ceylon Govt。 on 26th February 1962 to

scoutg Agsociation haugurates itg Golden Jubilee

$1UsA =Rupees 4.85 Jnl inquiries t殳


orders should be addregsed

to Capt. V。 W. IIalpe. H。 norary seretary, The

Ja血 bo托 e on the sa血 e day。

Camp site and Of犰 hl Fkst Dayˉ

orderg s11ouId be accompa“ ed by a remit~

the Colombo D△ tr忆 t Boy scouts Local Agsocˉ itqtion wh忆 h ha8 been β 邛ig1ed 伍e j。 b of

者 崴臭饣


:廴 ::n、

苄 2艹

”~¤ s屮 F?y⒏° :饴


tance Which 8hould be by Money order or Bank Draft payable at Colomb° in Ceylon


Souvenir Covers can be pogted fron1 here to any address in the world by arrangement with

151Lake Rd。 Ga11e Face,Colombo3.CEYLON。

△ 一

Colombo Dotr忆 t Boy scouts Local Associadon,

A special Post oⅡ ice wi11operate at tho

igguing these officia1souvenir Coverg.

£1sterling〓 Rupeeg13.50approximateIy


mark the50th Annhersaw o£ the Foundation of scou伍 ng in the Island。 The Ce∮ lon B。 y



A hew postage gtamp is to be诒 sued by


2.same by re鲈 stered post R出 ,60ctg do 3. Ak RIa⒒ rates & other requirements on

Ja血 boree

so much so that he decided to cancel his order Ⅵ注th that shop。 ∶ Γhe rnistakes。

。 严


:1甲 Ⅺ 11∶ J骂 nf℃ 度 揣out at叩 1oodoo from the bu"ding n品




JVcv BoJ,Sc@EJ矽 RcsJ口k刃 叼 勿 矽

E懈 l眼 dca刂 h


唰 h 山c oPc-g 11・

L° ndon

曲e foundσ h words,souEld and,ctures.

There`also nn audtoⅡ um∞ nta1omg35o of a

from au over the

world can meet and stay,

Powcu House was buJt and fwˉ

砬shed at a cost of morc山 an£ 3∞ ,ooo, contnbutcd Ⅱu山 △y by Bri刂 sh scouts and 由c scouts of mny laods,Rcprcsenta刂 vcs °f 54 coun¤ ncs, including more than 3o Commonweal山 ∞mtries,werc prcscm when H~M.the QucCn° pencd thc buⅡ dhg. shody beforc由 c Queers arr卜 d her uncle, thc Duke of Glouccstcr, who is Prcs‘ dcnt of thc Boy scouts Ass∝ 】 auon, unΨ eⅡ ed P。wcu。

B statue in granItc of Lord Badcn-

【 t stands at 由c cntrancc t0 the

sk-storey buⅡ dng,whch has o∝ n awarded pfuI the Gold and sllver Mcda!s ofthe Wors“

Company of Tylcrs and Bocklaycrs for由 c most mcriooous buⅡ dIng In bock and dle

bdt io cmual LoEldon h曲 ycars。

1nside it h b吨

刀 叼 rrc扔 Ⅱ L@rJo刀

'Soc沏 `(9‘


bm山叱 where s∞ u‘ BadcBˉ

e Iast thrcc

ous Thc

whoIe of由 e gr0und "and n∞ r“ sp洒 sub讪 呐dcd wi由 odler砂囱耐 sα ∞ns or sⅡ dog paru刂 °ns Part of uⅡ s a° or conuuns a permanent e列 △bi刂 on wⅡ ch tcⅡ s ofthe Ⅱ△and work of

stnge,md mm pro汩 “on equipmcnt a西 oⅡ ng 曲c Gnoan∝ haⅡ the fceⅡ ng of sp犯 沁usness is Ⅲ ghtcned by c° pper 磁 h oOcs aⅡ d £owers。 Throughout the buⅡ 山ng emphasis has bcen PlBced up° n “thc greBt・ outˉ of-

Thc badge was cnst h d咖 uIn and has a bronzed ooⅡ uIosc £ 口osh; it is JⅡ un1Lntcd at


sea灬 ,n

In由 cc0bucd Gardcn Cou“


扰:冫 席找蕊楹 溜 and fern mo舔

:1】 1’ ∶ 蛩

c廴 捎

Boy scout pmnmg ivas

。提】盯 器 Ⅱ ⒉yeafˉ o【 d Ⅱchard

GⅡ ham,of Chelsca,London,who sm for aⅡ ss T。 。 nⅡ 口 soo as pan of Ⅱs efort in a Bobˉ aˉ Job Week。


由e wh° havc s∞ Baden-Poweu H° use is a nnc memorid to 甘 the man whose name 1t bcars; and of thc



opu"on of a△

n i△


Founder.H.M.the Qu∝ n sald: “Ho

mmoJJ沏 'J,pre Th。 n^次 n。 。 rHrr。 has a large,wcⅡ appointed restBurant,and abovc"arc lounges a。 d rcst rooms and a co硕 ttcc rO【 ,m£ ttcd with a curtaIncdˉ of altar rcccss for htcrdenotmIuˉ

Movemc,lt rcIn【 ns and grosvs-a memo“ morc cndurhg thao st° ne or st∝ 1,


“It docs n° t oftcn happen",thc Quecn 顶 d,“ that a man“ ab】 c∞ see h Ⅱs Ⅱ0刂 mc an idca burg∞ n from smau b鲳 洫匝ngs to a

woddwidc movcmcnt. I somemes wooder

Thc rem缸 I刂 og n∞ 灬 :re Jven ovcr to“∞Ⅱ呜 accommoˉ d巳 d00一 由ue and doubk bedded r∞ lns md ‘ 2ˉ bedded d¨ Ⅱt耐 cs-for Ⅱ 3o吣 itors,Who 1~刂 1I pay a modcst:os。 “ ,a mght,bed md

吒 wbco hc took qctlty BH刂 sh boys to Brown“习 Island(in s° uthern England)h


a movcment comprishg9,ooo,ooo b0阝 and 5,ooo,ooo吵 、 hI∞ ∞untr“ hd踊 飒 疵

donal rcL匣 ous sep呐 ces。

Two adorn,lten灬 of thc b11iI‘ i山 I,1;are a 吨 h sc° ut badge on the outsIde wan ab。 ve the m"n cI1oan∝ ,and o pom西 t of a Boy scout,p血 ted by Gmd∶ an a血 st s,xˉ footˉ

Mss Ruth T° m山 邛on,on the sccond Eoor


|m° o。

of t"oo。 droom dormⅡ or1es

at BadeⅡ


p。 w。 Il H。 Ⅱ ,o,wh】 ch

jdesaccommodⅡ tIoo for I彐 0 ˇ:s|tors 9roˇ


"ρ d● ①d bⅡ akf● st. for0●

C^N^D:^N artist

th Tom"nsoo

漤:黼 革 "Iss R刂

o" th●

s。 c° ① J


a● herb。 modd. ^Londoo 'actod

黯 黜 嬲 嘿涅 嬲 锶 iment∞ uld becomc

hdfa∝ ntury“ s


pnrts of山 c wor1△ " ovcr:5,ooo・ scρ uts pasg Jrough London


丨 潲1;:1:%£:F群:卩

№use汛 y



臼叮 ・ 习ˇ 卵"女 冖 〓 〓 〓 冖 〓"〓 ˇ “ ,冖




oni● 00':h●

C"ef sc° ut,sir Charl● s"● dea① ,Breots1ady Badenˉ

Pow0"● ‘th●

oρ ening of th●


lto horIomoⅡ

g hⅡ




J℃ 茹 1i∶ Ⅰ ∶ %翱T眼 ¥⒊ 器η 喘扌 ;刂 ::茁 ⒒恳


::lⅠ ;茹 :甘

盱 ˇ・ 〓 〓 亠 ˇ



泔滗轧jⅢ孕 知盥拙拶⒒l 罗⒒弼帝



From October1961onwards,members of the Jamborette staff spent many late n尥 htg h

Morse House to quicken up a11the necessa叩 aⅡa“乒ments for the Golden J讧 bⅡ ee Jamborette。 It was on lst December,1961,that the work~ ing party started to 8hift士 Ⅱ ngs up to Kowˉ


1oon Tsai Park。

此ution to the Asso0ati(冫 n,was already comple~ tod when the last movement o£ stores, gear and equⅡ ment reached伍 e Camp s⒒ e。

some Scout unitg from伍 e3Areas,namely Hong Kong Island, Kowloon 犭nd the New TeⅡ ito⒒es,came to work and camped there a



couple of nights be£ ° re the Jambore仗 e started。 Cols o£ Concertina w订 e,tents, an-togeˉ ther w⒒ h a great number of camp equipment

overseas Conth呜 ents were entertained in Morse House as soon as they arr1ved and were transˉ

The 、ˇorking party 、 vas divided into different sections. some were marking shes for the160~1b tents;8ome erected tentage and some 】 aid 、 vire on bounda⒒ es。

ported to Camp in1he£ orenoon o£ 27th Deo,,

were the first to arrive。


On the£ irst

the Camp,each Unit nˉ charge who Was met atthe卜 Ιain Gate by the Camp Pohce day o£

Watchmen and cooks also arrived and the watchmen stayed in tents durhg the n埝 ht as

arr1ved under 1ts own scouter△

quite a number o£

After gong through the req“ red procedure and ha说ng been to the Re匪 gtrat0n tent, h。 was

tents 、 vag pitched on that


brought,together with his Un吨 Installaton o£ latrines and urinals in JHQ Area, and lI1Γ orks on ablution un⒒ s, canteen

to ho sub

Camp Geneml Assktant and,imme山 ea£ ter,

ately therˉ

proceeded、 vith site work.

kitchen,and street1瑭 hting commenced on the next day。 Some squad tents、 vere also pitched

and a lot of site1narkings had been done。 k此 chens,


27th December,1961, was marked as the beginning date of thig unique occagion, the

cement paving, stallg and other latr,

celebration of the 5oth Anniversary of Scouting

hes and urhals gheds were gradually erected, and work on the insta11ation of 、 vater piping

in Hong Kong, and on that particular day a neW tom o£ Canvas had appeared on Kowloon

by Army Personnel also started at the same tⅡ ne w1th works on tanks and k△ chen stand

Tsai Park。 From afar,and high above,re⒍ dentg

pⅡ es caⅡ 忆d out by contractors。 A large numˉ

about witl△

ber o£

of伍 诒 canvas town could be seen moving bu耐y

empty drums were transported to the

only one object, but of many natˉ ions, languages and creeds。 Tents of various

d by over hundreds of squad tents

sizes,tota11ing some丛 00,were p⒒ched on areag

site fo11ow。

and 160ˉ1b tents frO△ 1 the Agsociau。 n quarterg。


These tentg were pegged and p⒒ ched

separated by Camp streets and Roadg, etc。 known as:~

w迁 h the help of Anny Pergonne1 numbering no less tha⒒

Hong Kong Island Areaˉ



BrOwη gea Place

Road Waldegrave’ s Way Cheung Chau Road Halward H尥 hway Northern Main Road

By mddle December most of the tents were already pkched,including z刂 :big Hogp⒒ al tenu、 and other insta11ation works,guch ag,telephone lexternal and internal),electricity and power,

Baden Powel Main Rd。

shaukiwan Road

and A!Ι ェ ly P。 A.systemg were also completed。

Veh忆 le bodge were construCted by Aェ

Ⅴ忆to⒒ a Ci圩

Eastern ⅣIah Road

Westen△ VIain Road

New Territories Areaˉ


T茁 po Road Castle Peak Road

Pergonne1after tl△ e laying of pⅡ e hne and the

pedestrhn brdges were done by the wOrkhg parLy。 The Main Gate to the Jamborette s“ e which wag buⅡ t by the Hong Kong Soya Bean

Route TWIsK

Kowloon Areaˉ Quah飞 Quadrangle Rowallan square

Drago`s Fl螅 ht Lion Lane

Products Co., Ltd。 to our des1gn and specⅡ ic~ ationg, as a parL o£ their very generous contrˉ


Phoen仅 Avenue

Panther Path


Camp Centre Areaˉ Cockburn Circuit

from Overgeag。 They will fondly remember the

Avenue bΙ ac1ean

Jamborette and the many vig记 ttes of camp

Un⒒ed Nation Boulevaid

1ife in the yearg to come.The Associaton wag £ ortunate enou凼 to have recehed extremely

JHQ舟 ea~ Black’ s


Fourseas square

strong support fron1 itg many friends and d1is

has enabled the Jamborette staⅡ to perform the△ functiong suff忆 忆ntly equipped with the

On28th December,1961,the Camp wag roused at 7.00 a.m. and Flagbreak took place at 8.00a。 m。 This was the date for the open~

necessaW camp gear and other facnities.

ing Ceremony o£ the Golden Juhlee Jamborette.

the clock struck 3,IΙ is Exce11ency, sir Robert

Black,the Colony Ch忆 f Scout, aⅡ 、 `ed iⅡ

sur1nounted by the pecially des圯 ned Jamborette

Ernblem and、 vas also decorated by a handsome Chinese scro11。 On the left beyond the Gate wag a gma11 car park reserved£ or staf£ and quests for whon1special arrangements had bcen1nade。 sitors were there£ ore requested to park their `△ cars h Iverness Road.On凡 e ri珈 t of the


his Aide.He wag welcomed and accompan忆 d to the Arena stage by tl△ e Co1ony Commissoner, Mr. J。 W。 Cockbum。 The Ceremony 1asted

appro蛀 mately an hour indudhg the time for 曲e Mar山 Pagt,and the Jubilee Cake was the⒒ cut by the Chie£ scout who later1nade a tour o£

road were tl△ e tentg o£

the Ca臼 p, and left the s⒒ e at about 5.30

p。 m。


ˇΙ on⒍ gnor L。 Bhnchi,D。 D.,P。


hed ahead of the visitors. Ag the vis⒒ or pasged

曲rough the Camp Centre Gate the Information


Tent could be geen on the lef1 to the right

刂 E。

were the Con订 ol Post and Firgt Ad Tentg。 The 1eft ha1f o£ the Centre wag reserved £ or

]!ˇ [。

Jamborette song and Yells were ako gung the Ceremony。

sta11s providing gpecial sen汀 ces and amenities。

These incIuded a Bank,a Post o£ fice,a La谊 ˉ ndry, a souvenir sta11and a scout shop where

Cub Day was gxed on 30tb December, 1961, when Cubs and Scouts in un旺 o‘ were "【 admitted to the Camp free of charge。 Open

varieties o£ ea茁 ly

Days £ or the pubhc were on 29th, 30th and

in the nearby Canteen other refreshments Could be obtained outside meal ti1neg。

The Canteen

or Camp staff. In the Camp was reserved £

The Closhg Ceremony took p1aCe at noon

Centre ration store,where no less than900 1bg fish,eggg,vegetableg o£ rice in addition to mea△

on lst January, 1962, and wag presided by s△ Charles b£ aclean,Ch忆 f scout of the Commonˉ

A£ ew Awards£ or exceptona1good

and tea were ksued d甜 ly to the scoutg in Campˉ a number in excesg of 3,000~Chinese, Europeans and lˇΙ ohan11η edan rations were also

Passhg伍 ro哪办 伍e Camp Centre available。 you crogsed a nullah by a temporaW brdge congtruCted by the Army fr忆 nds o£ Boy scouts and reached sub Camp somers。 Here the inˉ signia colour wag apple green。 This was the sub Camp o£ the New TeⅡ itories Conthgents

presentation of Jamborette Souvenirs to leaders

of OveⅡ eas Conthgentg as well as to leaders

of the Hong Kong Island, Kow1oon and New Terr止 or1es Areas Contlngents.

The2nd day o£ January,1962,marked the Despite

and a1so Handicapped scouts fron△

a11 over

part of the Camp,whiCh Was rather unugua1

Hong Kong.To the left wag sub Camp Rowˉ allan Gn⒍ £ r1ia yellow) ho1〈 1ing the Kowloon 空

for tho part of the year,the great m耐 ority of

Units and to the r瑭 ht Sub Camp Badenˉ Powell

the un£ avourable weather towards the latter

the Campers thoroughly e萌 oyed 伍e△ camp


lfe in the company of so many brother Scouts

Kong Unitg。 兴 6艹

r11ia golden orange)occupied by the Hong The Camp Cen订 e Wag s⒒ uated


wOrks done were pregented by the Ch忆 £scout at the Ceremony and th谂 was followed by the

end of the Golden Juhlee Jamborette。

mementos and souvenirs cou1d be

purchased.There were also other sta11g

gelhng ices,soft&inks, and con£ ectionew whne

31st Decennber, 1961, and a small fee o£ 20 cents was charged£ or each adn1isgion


Jamborette Headquarters

admhistration staff while the Camp Centre

The Openhg Prayer at亡he Ceremony wag

led by the Rt.Rev。 Bishop R.O。 Hall,M。 C。 and the Closing Prayer conducted by the Rt。

the Camp, harmonioug and imposing Thig fine edⅡ ice wao

in its Chinese des婴`


Gate o£

coming h ghortly a£ ter2.00p。 m., and when

Ⅱ 诎 引d

for the big event。 Guegts on inv“ ation were

on enterhg the Golden Jublee Jamborette fron1Ivernesg Road by the access road,Avenue Madean,vigitors were confronted by the Main

Every Camp staff wag on the alert and a11 Un⒒ s were busy w沈h their own preparationg

in sub Camp Madean (hgignia hght bluel while Jamborette Headquarters was in sub

gcale had involved a great deal of hard work 1asting severaI months and thk was entiFely

Camp Black(insignia bqey)。 These colours were i1nportant £ or recognition purpose8and were represented in the sub Camp Banners at

performed by about 4oo unpaid volunteerg,

the Flag Ra如 ing ceremony。

$200,000.00 most of which had been raised by 、 the e£ fort8o£ the・ scoutg themselves.

giving£ reely o£ their leisure and labour。

The Camp lay~out did not prove eagy to

total cost of tl△ e

● |

| ・

plan because of the he埝 ht hmits t0哎 ructureg in some areas to be between 8 and 12 £ eet, stringent fire precautions and the irregularity

It may be of interest to kno、v that the Jamborette,being held at Kowloon Ts缸 Park, was the second largegt camp in the history o£ the Territory since 1278, and the biggest since

of the site. sub Camp Baden~Powell was the only camp which could be pro说 ded with an ideal radial street plan and with a cen订

the founding o£ the Colony o£ Hong Kong。

al Cirˉ

cular asgembly area。 Proceeding by B1ack飞

Lhk to伍 e£ar r埝扯



Jamborette was just under

The number of scouts (over 3,o00) under

the camp(说 sitors

would have noted that a11Camp streets were named a£ ter Commisgonersl,you came to the

Canvas does not seem to have been exceeded except during the fhght o£ Ernperor Ping the last Emperor of the sung Dynasty. Even during the War years, it is probable that none of the

rectangular Arena,designed to hold over3,ooo Scouts and stnl pr。 vided a spacioug marching area。 Here took place the Opening and Closing Ceremon忆 g together wⅢ h numerous campˉ fi1res and displayg. In the Arena 伍e central Flag Rai⒍ ng and Lowe⒒ ng ceremony was also per~

Armed Forces camped in such large numbers at any one place in Hong Kong。

formed dany and each sub Camp timed ⒒s

A study of伍 efew h血 o⒒ cal documents avaⅡ able aIgo indicate that the Jamborette s此 e is very close to Emperor sung’ s Camp。 There 1s ev1dence to ε hoⅥ 厂that the Emperors retinue

individual Flag Raising by the Arena ceremony On sunday Church se「 注ces of varioug deˉ

and soldiers numbered 3,ooo and that they

non1inaJon8 were held and a M。 haΠ 11nedan service was arranged £ or Friday。 Returning

camped in a1ine running eastˉ wegt£ rom the

origina1 site of the sung Wong Terrace to

towardg the Camp Centre the vhitor would gee

Eagldg Nest,

a small clugter o£ tents in an out~ofˉ boundg

Thig wag the Health and Medical section where there was a d耐 ly s忆k parade conducted

The Emperor was£ leeing£ rom the Mongols and had,earlier in1278AD.,left Foochow by

by a doctor assisted by a nurse and a dispenger。




To give gome idea o£ the i1nposing scale the Jamborette, by far the largest ever held

lDuring the journey this lad o£ eleven yearg was proclai1ned the 18th Emperor on the death of his eIder brother Emperor Tuen Tsung.

The Emperor was accompan谄 d by hk grand CouncⅡ lor Lu so Fu whose pohcy was to saVe the sung Dynasty by:Ⅱ ⒒ding a safe retreat

by scouts in Hong Kong, and which had algo been honoured by the presence of sir Robert Black,the Colony Chief scou△ and sir Charles

£ ron1 the lVIongols, so, on arrival at what was

】 Ⅰ √ 丨 [aclean,the Ch忆 f scout of the Commonwealth,

knOwn ag the sun On E)istr1ct in northˉ east

the£ o11owing points may be of intere8Ⅱ



Kowloon,Lu So Fu sought the help of tl△ e

Camp contained between 400 to 450 tentg w⒒hin a peri1neter o£ over 1,300 yardg and which wag illuminated by about 8o 1amps

Hakka `△ 1lagers and met∶ ram Kung, one of the Ⅴillage Elders。

mainly for securhy reason% cooking was done

On Tam Kun酽 s advice the Empcror rested

on charcoal in 60 kitchcns catering for about 50 scouts each and specia11y designed to minˉ

at sacred I∷ Ⅱ11, later sung Wong Toi。

imige the risk of fir⒐ the water supply was pⅡ ed to wⅡ ely spaced abluton sheds m茁 nt~ ahing a24ˉ hour supply。 The sanitary Divigion o£


here伍 e Emperor gtudied the range o£ hⅡls to the nor曲 (U血 com Rangel and found only e埝ht drangons。 Lu so Fu d缸 med伍 aJ there Were nine ag the Emperor was present。

the Urban services lDepartment wa81ooking

so impressed Tam Kung, the

after the Camp飞 various san⒒ ation problems。


ⅤⅡhge Elder,

that he vowed to callthe area“ Kow1oon(九 乱) £ rom henceforth~the name having co血 e £ rom

Planning and practical achievement on such a


the Golden]!、


City h remembranse of Lu so Fu.

outh of the Emperor hinngeIf。

The Emperor departed north~wardg a£


IⅡ story

now repeats itself but under more (Dnce again由 e peop1e

days later and goon lost his l犭 eⅥ汀th his grand

auspicioug circumsiances。

counollor,Lu so Fu。


L⒒ de else is known of

Hong Kong were entertaining vis⒒ or8£ rom

Tan1 Kung except that he received the exalted rank of hΙ mperor’ s Personal AttOndan1 that

arose the names sung Wong Toi, Kowloon,

he died during the 】 ast stand o£ the sungs,

and Tam Kung and Hau

and that a temp1e was later buⅡ t in hig honour

Duke Temple was algo erected in Kowloon


、 Vong Road% and where the1argest camp in the histo玎 o£ 1Ι ong Kong was s"uated。


in Kowloon C⒒ y。 Another buⅡ ding,the Imperial

overseas in gurroundingg where, 700yearg ago,


^wards The following Awardg were pregented by

December, 1961。 卜Ι r。 Loo Mang Hoon to be Headquarters

the Chief scout, sir Charles Maclean, on the lε t o£ January, 1962 to officerg of the Hong Kong Branch during the Closing Ceremony o£

secretaw,with eⅡ ect from lst December,1961

the Golden Juhlee Jamborette at Kowloon

Deputy Camp Chief,Hong Kong,with effect

Tsai for gervices to the△ Ι ovemen△ ~

£ rom 8th Dec。 , 1961.


Mr。 J.lV。

Colony Comm如 sioner Mr。 H.C。



Bar to silver Acorn

刂 【 a

Hung Chui On to be an As⒍ stant

VIr.bΙ o

Kam Hung and Mr.shek Yue

Joe to be members of the Colony Trahing Team, with effect £ rom 1st Jan.,1962.

Asst,Colony Commig8ioner Bar to silver Acom G.R。 Ross Ch茹 rman,Colony scout Council R/Iedal of l\/Ierit

Res:g"at∶ o"s





ⅣΙ r. stephen Wong has rehnquished his

Deputy Chairman,Colony scout CouncⅡ Mr。

B/Iedal o£


appointment as Deputy Colony Con11ni8sioner, wⅡh effect from lgt December,1961.

Young Wing Yau

Ch之 1irman,Colony


ember, 1961。

ˇrr.c. A。 od1ing hag relinquished h悠 appontment a8D△ tr忆 t Comnaissoner, T盂 m⒏

hatsui,wⅡh effect from 8th December, 1961, on h佤 departure from the Colony。

Mr,Tge Kwong Ki has relinquohed ho ^ppoi"tme"ts Mr。 G.sin£ ield to act ag D忑 tr妃 t Com~ mk⒍ oner,T“ mghatso, with effect from 8th

appointment ag Digtrict Comn△ issioner,Cheung Chau,w⒒ h effect from1oth January,19能 ‘

艹 8*


A//Ir.Chan Po Chi Asst。 Area Commissioner,N。 T。 Medal o£ Mer⒒

for Re1atonshⅡ s,with e£ £ ect£ rom20th Decˉ


忆apped Committee Medal of Merit Mr.Tse Ping Fui Area Co1mm诣 sioner,H.K. Island 1√ 【 edal o£ lvIerit Mr。 Liu Cheuk Wing Area Commissoner,N。 T.Medal of Merit

ⅣIr. W。 J. s⒒ vey has rehnquished his apˉ

pointment as Agsistant Colony Commissioner

PubⅡ c:tr&pu。



"s DEˇ

己 sEo"

the Colony Chief scout, s△ Robert BIack, at Government Houge。

The Colony Comm如 sioner hag made the £ o11owing appointmentg With e£ £ ect from lgt

sir Charles paid an in£ ormal visit to the

January, 1962。


Tang Chi Ch⒒


Jamborette the day after hk aΠ hal to meet the Camp staff,and attended the Arena show pregented by the Kowloon sub Camp on that

卜Ι iss Young KingChan Chinese secretary


Lee K茁 Huen


Cheung Yung s Nora Kot

Co∶ o"y


Research secretary

on New Years Day the Ch忆 f scout vis⒒ ed

the Colony scout IΙ eadquarters at Cox’ s Road,£ o11owing which he presided at the Closing

tra:":"g team

Ceremony of the Jamborette,when he presented gouvenirs to the leaders of overseas and local conthgents。 sir Char1es then joned the Camp



Oeorge’ s Daˇ RaI:r

wEh the Camperg. On the2nd of January the Chief scout Island by motor~car,and Was K。 bqeeted by the Wolf Cubs o£ H.K.kland toured H。

Qo:de"J"b"ee Jamborette

and Kowloon in two separate locahties.

The Colony Commissoner commands a11 Members o£ the Hong Kong Branch £ or their

The next day s△ Chades wag interv忆 wed by Ra&o Hong Kong,following wh忆 h he 访茁ted the New TeⅡ itories, meeting other Wol£ Cubg in three o£ the townε 。He then

£ orts both before and during the Jamborette,

which was sucCe8s£ uⅡ y held de8pite some dayg

inclement weather.


joined the Lay Members o£ 伍e Associaton



scout in visiting the Camping units and talking

saturday, 28th AprⅡ , 1962.


£ or 1unch at the sta£ f Canteen in the

site.The aftemoon wag spent by伍 e

The Rally will tho year be held on


C.K.Lo,Deputy Cha订man of the

Colony scout Counci1.

Mr. Loo Mang Hoon has resumed h怎 appointment as a D∞ uty Camp Ch忆 Hong Kong,wi伍 eⅡ ect from lst Decmber, 1961. st。

ternoon. In the evening he was entertained

by Mr。

Miss Luk Ying Cheung Research secretary RlI乇


Asst。 Chhese secretaW Asst。 Englkh secretary

at a function in his honour held at the residence

Rogs,Ch缸 rman of伍 e Colony o£ Mr。 G.R。 scout Counc1,′rhat evening he was entertained by 1√ Ir。 Young Wing Yau, Chairman o£ the

sir Char:es Iuaclea"

sk Chades Maclean,Chief scout,aⅡ ived

Colony Handicapped Comm⒒

in the Colony on the 30th December, 1961,


accompanied by the Commonwealth Commis~ gioner, Mr.C。 D. Green, to participate in our

The Chief scout departed£

Golden Jubilee Jamborette.During their stay in Hong Kong, they were the guests o£

H。 E。

on the4th o£





^ward of、 The fo11owing scouters have recendy been presented w⒒h the△ wood badges:ˉ

CUB∶ Leung Wing Kee sui Wai Hung

Leung Hon Wah Lhng Chuck Yiu Tong Wai Keung Wong Ping Hong Franc1g Lee Hon Ku1 Linug Yuen shiu Lan

Yam Do san 艹 9平


January,and was seen off at

伍e Airpor1by senior of£ icia1g

sCOUT∶ Wong sun Yu PhnⅡ ching Chi Lap Mok s缸 To An山ew Pun Pak Nin

rom曲 e

of the Association。

颁 猃 木 章 小

狼 :梁

童子覃 :鬟 程 莫 潘 梁 梁 埸 黄 李 阮 任

暑 摩 自 立 世 濠 百 年 斡 幸 灼 耀 儇 强 炳 康 瀵 翘 劭 鎏 道 生

"EW GR0UPs REGIsTR^TI0" 74th H.K。


Jockey Club Primary school,6o Bhe Pool Rd.,H,K。

81st Kln。


Wong T茁 Sin Govt.A。 ˇΙ 。school,Wong Tai Sin,Kowloon.



28th Company Gurkha Army Services Corps,Whitf忆 ld Bks.,Kow1oon.


C。 `M.



Henry AU Kwong Man匝 CⅢ N Wai Han陈 蕙嫡







∶ ssUED





M。 ls)

Deputy Area Comm1"1oner

6zth Kowloon 81st Kowloon

CHAN Yin Mo隙 燕梅

3rd Kowloon

Julia CHOW周 玉莘

3rd Kowloon

He1en LAI黎 少珍

55th Kowloon

LEE Kang Chhg李 镜徵 Allan LUK K茁 Lan睦 膂磷 PUN Kwai Fun潘 桂芬 R忆 ky sHEK Ming Kwan石 锵钧 YUEN Hing Pong袁 舆邦

81st Kowloon

25th Hong Kong 81gt Kow1oon

25th Hong Kong 12th Yuen Long

Olhe Roberta BLACK

36th Hong Kong

Peter CHOY Wan Kuen蔡 逗灌 Willhm CHUI Hhg Kwan・

12th Yuen Long

25th Hong Kong

LEE Whg Kun李 泳 棂 NG Yee Hung吴 意鸿 YAU Cho Mey邱 筇薇

79th Kowloon

HO sk Hung何 锡鸿

25th Hong Kong

NGAN s」 k LingⅡ 彦厦锡硇洽 Archie sHUM岑 柱

25th Hong Kong

CHAN sat Fong隙 式簟


David LAI Chuen Yan黎 全恩

25th Hong Kong

LAW`吼 ng Yuk屦 永煜 HU Keung Wah瘳 强幸

25th Hong Kong

sIN Kwai sum冼 挂森

72nd IΙ ong

Peter TAM Sau Ning薷 莆事 A.s。 M。 ls)



Pa⒒ ck,Jeew



Hong Kong

81gt Kow1oon

2nd Hong Kong Kowloon

6th Yuen Long


1st Hong Kong 66th Hong Kong

CHAN Tao Mhg隙 道明

73rd Kowloon

Donald BARToN自 耀庭

Kowloon Area


W^RR^NT o^Ⅱ A.C.M.

0ELLED Jogeph FUNG Kw缸 Tu

LEE Wing Kun李

2nd H.K。


lVillhm TsuI Hing Kwan

6gth H.K. 25th H.K.

LEE Kwai Lam

58th Kln。


Mam李 翠文

21gt Kln.

sHUWI Mau King岑 茂瑷


C, A。

Henry Charles PATERsoN

ⅣF. s。

LAW Whg Yuk屦 CHOW Kin Lam


;. ˇI.

25th H.Κ 。 22nd Kln。

1st IKowloon。

CHOI Hou Hon蔡 厚漠 AIan NG吴 冠章

64th H.K.

LEE Chan Mok,Joseph李 振沐

32nd KIn。

41st Kln.

TANG Kwok H0鄂 圃glu Johm忆 H.s.WU


1st Cheung Chau 2nd Kln. sea scout

LAI Yu Ming裰 汝明 G. s。





1st Sek Kong


Nicholas sLACK史



13th H。 K。

LAU Yim Nam劐 琰南 TANG Chee sum鄂 智深

26th H。 Κ。 w此 hin 伍e area o£ the Eagt

Kowloon EXgt。 D。


LAU Yim Nam捌 琰南


whhin the area of the

Wongneichong Eλ strict. D。


LAW Wing Kwan鼷 永钧


withh the area o£ the Victoria District。

CHAN wing K缸

D.s。 M.ls)


w⒒hin the area o£ the

V妃 tona Do打 忆


Fmnch CHUNG锺 玉衡


w⒒ hin the area σE the


Wongneichong Eλ strict。

Kittson MANN艾



F○ rY。 ur


锖 忘 鲦


亻 1th


Preˉ Warrant


日及+八 日



Wood Badge Course(sco讧

=年 =月 十七

港岛地方第四届小狼偾袖委任 前驯觫

Hong Kong Arca 7.3.62

Wongne妃 hong Dktr忆


一九六二年三 日七 日起童子覃木 章副觫班 °




We h Augtralh recⅡ rocate your greethg and trugt伍 at Scouting wi11 continue to goW as you pags into the second50 years of service to the youth o£ your Colony。

氓 `th kind regards。

Yours sincerely, (W。



National secretary

January 18, 1962

Dear ⅣIr。 Cockbu1m:

January3, 1962。

Dear Brother Scout:

We have jugt received a glowing report of

the Gdden Juhlee Jambore悦 e,from Commander

Thank you£ or your megsage o£ bqeetingg on the occasion of your Golden JubⅡ ee JaΠ ⒈ borette。

All of ug here are most gratefu1£ or

Clyde D。 KⅡ ion,U。 s.Navy,who seⅣ ed as leader£or a contingent o£ our Scoutg from the Phi1Ⅱ 【 ines访 hch attended the Jamborette。 冫

your kind thought, and we wish you every 8uccess in the years ahead。

I want to congatulate you and your asˉ sociates on this splendid affair and thank you

Yours sincerely,

for the warm hogpitahty wh忆h you extcnded


D。 C。

to our scoutg。 FroⅡ 1 the repor1I an1sure that you made

January8, 1962

icant con臼 吐bution to the extens1on of world£ riendship and brotherhood。

a signi£

Dear Bro1her scout:

Thank you go much£ or your kind greetˉ ings wh妃 h you sent from your Go1den Jubilee

or This brings you also our best wishes £ continuing guccegg during the con1ing yearg.

Jamborette. Speaking on beha△ of our enJre membeˉ hⅡ I want to expresg our deep apˉ preciaton for your mesgage o£ fr始 ndshⅡ。

Yours gincerely,


We hope that the Golden Juhlee Jam~



scout Execuuve

borette was a great success and we feel sure that it must haVe been. Please accept our best w忑 heg for a Happy and£ rui亻 ul New Year。

Janua=y 5, 1962。

Dear Brother scou△

Yours smcerely, Boy Scouts o£ Arnerica

Thank you vew much£ or your greetin黟 from the Boy scouts of Hong Kong on the occagon o£ the△ Golden Jubilee Jamborette

RelatonshⅡ s Dhison J.R。


Intemationa1 Rela⒒ onships service


The Boy scoutg o£ Canada heartily reG咖

8th Januaw, 1962 Dear〕 刂 [r。 !ˇ


ate your good w1shes and express 伍e hope that伍 e Jamborette was a resoun山 ng success。


Thank you for your【 negsage o£ good wi11

Yourg sincerely,

on the occasion o£ your Golden JubⅡ ee Jam~ boree.




Chief Executhe Commkgioner. *⒓


。 E

⊙ Rev。

T。 E。

Gover M。 A。


£ 兄 尸“‘V∈ :。 【 o丸 v廷 z° 扭 吹 :o“ 。″er下 95o-ˉ 】953


F` ●

The othρr day the AssOciation received the sad and tragica11y unexpected news that Padre Gover had died suddenIy after a brief iⅡ ness in All saints Hospital, Royal Naval Barracks, Chatham. His death is a grievous loss to the Royal Navy and also to the scout加 】 ovement and Our sympathy goes out s疔 mhh巴 Tk md wⅡ raceful, 浆 £型 fe职 “ 、 ∶∶ 嚣 窄 鞯 :&脉 )ver Was Working w⒒ h his usual vigour i∶ i∶

and energy to the last。

G点i黯%者:哏 #秽 噙热膦茔 燕鑫 占耦

浮 奚 ⒈

i1nportant part in organising the dece∶

ucda凼 h dra咖 g up a蛐 aue∞

⒊ 箔七 lgf驷 #崴 黯:t紧 指刂 。 罱 a11 in the selection of suitable scouters

to I11 the gaps in higher echelons below Colony leve1.

He also succeeded in

免 1F屮 ξ e拥 :e溏 黥者搬tF1捎 恣 ;袋 牌 揣Ⅰ 登mt”l1u住吲m£ 乱 啷 ∞ usly mⅡ 耐 咖 龀 Id飞 抒黠i洲 骢 d羝 e amount of drafting of revised rules h卷







and regulations。

s骂 u愿


△ 黔 i拈辘 ‰ %aU繁 h捃 酝J咭 H抬 empha⒍ s was ever on the pract妃 湮 :搬蛋 瓿 al,

the right way of doing d∮ ngs and many wⅡ l remember with affection his

勰⒊ J℃ 留 满 猡掖p笠 £T盅 孺赞 盟滥℃苕 菇 (i丨




漶。 辄



搬 拂莆磷

蹒 彝 谐 藜委 藉菇蟓搬瑟瞧 FF嘿 i∶ ii∶ f::首

llt∶ iil

Dciated by the scOuts。 With his fanihar


罗1劈糕占毖苷 投 ξ s吼


gatherings of scouters, Padre Gover


r照 蛩龆

燕i盯雀氓#鞯s鞲 然鳄群蝌硼罗 碧 h戋

It is indeed tragic that Padre(3over should have died so nluch before his ti1ne and a1l the scouts and scouters who remember hi1n with such adrniration

罂客 hr牦:%d吧 Ⅰ 甓 F七 鞯%嘛 搬 打咕:d瑟 鲽f甓孓 ::hg° *13兴

IMP0RTANT EVENTs IN THE 50 YEARs 0F sCOUTING IN CEYL0N The Boy scout Movement was htroduced to Ceylon h1912by Mr.F.G.steveng Who

The was at that time a B⒒ tish Engineer attached to the Publ妃 Works Department, Ceylon。 。 vement quiCkly spread 1rhe lVΙ 壬 irst scout frroop、 vag£ ormed at Chrigt Church Co11ege, Matale。 to Kandy,Co1ombo and Galle。 The f订 st b瑭 Rally£ or the Colombo Digtr忆 t was held at Havelock Park,Colombo h1916。

stevens氓志s appointed first Co1onial CoⅡ


In the same year a Ceylon scouter The year 1917 also saw the 压 adrag, India and helped to introduce Scouting there。 trave11ed to ⒈ £ ormation of a sea scout Troop at Trincomalee。

〓 ・

‘ Γhe Ceylon scour’ which designadon has no、v been changed to The scout paper entided ∷ “ Outdoor~LⅡ d’ was£ “st publ诣 hed in1917by⒈ 江r。 F。 G.Stevens. In1917the壬 △gt Al⒈ Ceylon

Rally was held at the Havelock Racecourge,Colombo。

Γ 丶`


Mr。 F. G。

In1917and1918the scouts o£ DharmaraJah Co11ege,Kandy won the Kinζ s Flag for the Colonies by producing the1argest number o£

King’ s

scoutg in any Troop in Ceylρ


1921 wag a great year£ or Ceylon scouting when the late Lord Badenˉ powe11, F。 under of icial visit to Ceylon.He was accompanied by Lady Badenˉ Powe11。 伍eh/Iovement paid hig first o£ £ or WIr.C。 C。 Brooke E11ott,K。 C。 ,wag appointed Ch忆 f Comn“ s⒍ oner in 1921。 He obtahed £ ovement the lˇ Ι


a great lmeasure o£ pubhc and Goverhment support.

The first Wood Badge scout Trainhg Courge in Ceylon was held∶ Westrop.

in192⒋ under M刽 or A。

Mr.Brooke E11iott was algo instrumental in introduong scouting to the prisong of Ceylon。 irst oppor1unhy o£ representing this Countw at an Overˉ In 192么 Ceylon scoutg had the £ seas scout gathering. rrhis was in wembley, London and Copenhagen in Denmark. bⅠ r.Vemon Grenier, Crown Counsel was appointed Chie£ Comnaigsioner。 He wag eadier associated with R/Iessr8。

stevens and Brooke E11iott in the stabhsation o£ scouting。

h1929£ Ⅱty

Cey1on scouts attended血 e Comhgˉ ofˉ Age Jamboree at Birkenhead, En红 and。 r。 J.H。 de saram was apponted Ch忆 £Comm。 sioner.During irst perˉ In 1939 the £ this ti【 ne he canoed out a pohcy o£ development and then congohdation。 the Ceylon Civ⒒ manent scout buⅡ ding was opened h Colombo。 Mr。 K. somasuntharam o£ ⒈ 压 Gren忆 r re⒍gned in1930and Mr。

Service waq appointed Chie£ Conunissioner in 1942。 The Island’ s deve1opment£ und£ or

he then Chief scout, scouting was launched in 1944by 七

sir Andre、 v Ca1decott,GoVemor of Ceybn,a⒒ d one and haⅡ lakhs o£ mpees raised£ or Scouting, 。G。 ,was appointed Ch忆f Comm忆 ⒍oner in19鲳 。 The Ceylon Brigad忆 rC,P.Jayawardana,CJˇ Ι

Boy scouts Associ乱 on wag granted Intematonal status ag a self名 oveming scout^ssociat。 n in 1953。

Ⅳk.E。 W.Kannangara,C.B.E.,J.P.,also o£ the Ceylon ChⅡ serv妃 e was apponted Ch忆


Commis⒍oner in195压 .By an Act o£ Parliament the Association wag INCORPORATED in1957. There are29 Branch Asgociations in the various EXstricts o£ Ceylon, and the toad number vas 19,865。 of Scouts o£ a11 ranks in 1961 、

since 1929 Cey1on Scouts have attended the£ o11oⅥ 泛ng overseas scout gatherings∶ -ˉ 1931

First World Rover Moot, Kanderstag。

1933 World Jamboree,Hungaw。 1936 A11ˉ In由 a Jamboree,In&a, 1936 south Austrahan Corroboree. 1637 World Jamboree,Ho1land. 1937 Jamboree at New Del“ ,In&a。 ,t1⒋ *

0I a

1940 1947 1951 1952

ˇIysore scout]Ra11y。 World Jamboree,France. World Jamboree,Austrh. F△ st World Indaba,Eng1and。 1952

1952 Pan Paci£ ic Jamboree,New soutl△ Wales,Augtralh.

Malayan Patrol Leaderg Conference。


1959 World Jamboree, Philippines。 `ι

1955 World Jamboree,Canada. 1956 Pan Pac正 忆 Jamboree,⒈ 压elbourne,Austraha。 1956 hdhn Jamboree,R旬 asthan. 1957 Golden Jubilee Jamboree,England. °

1960 Pakistan Nationa1Jamboree, r口












本 舍 篙 铺 金禧 大 露 管 峙 ’夫 人担 任 大 露管 程 序 委 虽舍 主席 大 露 管 恃表 演 笥 割督 尊 太 露 管 表 演 笥 目得 以 完 满 成 就 夫 人 之力 所 致 °


夫 人在 砒 舍 服 捞 方 面 香 港 女青 年舍 畲 畏 港 基督 教 娩 造舍 孰 行 委 具 ’香 港 家 庭 勖 割指 蕖 舍 委 昌 ’香 港 璺杓 翰 太 擘 枚 友 舍 副 主席 ’基督 教辅 悟 出 版 砒 快 檠 家 庭 刑 顾罔 港 太擘 埽 女挠 舍 舍 具 港囡 除 埽 女舍舍 具 港 基督 教 福 利 救 湾 舍 舍 真 等硪 °

一九 五⊙ 年 舆 程 任 定 先 生 黯 婚 °

夫 人擘 成爽 港 ’致力 於 砒 舍 福 利 工作 °


程 夫 人原 籍 度 柬 省 梅 豚 ’ 一九 二 三年 三月 一日生 於 上 海 °父 锺 可托 牧 肺 在 上 海 娶彼 得 堂 服 榜 ’夫 人 生 於 基督 教 家 庭 擘 亦 八 教舍 擘 梭 入上 海 清 心 荸 梭肄 桨 ’在 梭 成 横 恒 列前 茅 ’嗣 升 入 上 海 挈 杓翰 大 擘 丿嫠 孽 士衔 ’後 赴 美 深 造 美 圃蜜 省 大孽 獯 硕 士街 °


本舍 孰 行 委 昌 舍 委 具 程 任 定 夫 入 ⌒锺 霾 女 士 ˇ於 一九 六 一年十 一月 十 四 日上 午 七 峙 息 笋 蹁 主 °哲 人 已速 人等 悼 念 至 深 °

孰 行 委 员 锺 蜜 女 士

敬 ,是



腙 上 所 逃 ’夫 人 封砒 舍 事 桨 献殊 多 °惜 天 不 假 年 ’竟 使 年 馑 三十 九葳 之 英 明 颌 袖 遽 返天 囡 不 馑本 舍之 重太捐 失 亦 全 港 埽 女 界 所 同 深借 悼 者 也 °

L甲 '3



1954 Natonal Jamboree,Phil廴

1960 Indian National Ja血 boree, Bangalore.

1961 Hong Kong Natonal Jamborette.


° L


∥丶△ 一ˇ●”







培正中孽 丶 叉史


妹 妹 旯 嫣 嫣准 静 了 ’高 奥 到 了 不 得 °


×月 x日







替弟弟弄围了 邢荒 蘖了很 久 丶璺固缎此 的墨盒 °

×月 × 日

笄上了童覃制服的妹妹 ’可虞是 一佃巾帼英雄 ’威凤 凛凛 的小覃人 ° 旯 一本粉舡色 温了篾 天 ’我偶然拉茚妹妹的抽屉 好奇地 日行 一善 一 面舄砉四倜大字 的小册子 翻茚了第 一贾 ’上面舄着 ,我

今天 ’妹妹放擘同黎 ’就跳跳蹦蹦地跳到母瓶面前就 η嫣嫣 ’你准我参加小童覃嗝 嫣嫣看旯她那急 不及待的漾子 ’便笑着就 η不耍逼漾急 ’先歌清楚 一黠 ’什睡小童覃 妹妹徙瞢包裹取出了 一强事校通告 ’蘧耠 母舰 ° 母规看完 了通告 着筻眉融 η逼是十分好的活勤 ’雎然聋 用多些 ’但我也不反封



桌椅 丶洗碗 ° 帮助嫣嫣做家潞 歙了以前的壤脾 是 的 ’妹妹自徙参加了小重蕈後 氟’ 骊殂叶缈衅觫呻硼唰枞 〓弟弟便哭哭啼啼地走 采薪苦 ’融姊姊欺夤他 ° 乃 我看旯他 一副可瞵相 ’便固道 L η姊姊怎棣欺夤你 ’骱耠哥哥骢 ’裘哥哥替你出氟 ° 舄我愚蠢 ’上睬 不蒜瞢 °哥哥 ’你融 不肯 η我蚪她教我做算衍


佃 的小重覃 ° 叉在舄今天的善行嚅 她黠黠联 ’看也不看我 一眼 °









η是教觫潋你 日行 一善嚅 她又黠黠顽 ° 我用晷带敲属的口吻歌 觫 怎漾教你的 η篇什频刚扌叉欺夤弟弟 她定定地盯着我 ’理直氟肚 地骱 是蚪我们整灭都做辞事呀 !L η教楝砥是就 日行 一善 ⌒蟀载孽生迥冁 ˇ










你 一定有 一涸手镁 ’自然 ’你的镁是家畏耠你真的 °假如侬自己出主意 去夏 一佃镞 ’那瘿 ’你的侗性将因此而暴露出木了 °逼兄 ’耠你介耜 一侗徒 镁看人的方法 一丶戴 日唇镞者 ’逼槿人富有孩子氟 ・封初懋十分癍情 ’易於 η一旯倾 其缺黠是好新奇 ’佃性不璺强 ° 心 情敲置 ’但 不免固孰 二 丶戴夜光镁者 ’是脚踏冒地 ’忠於事謇 的人 °貉 日孳孳篇善 ’不肯熙端欺侮人家 ° 镄多数化在衣服和吃喝 倜桃褡子弟 三 丶戴镶有瞀石或金手镞者 份崇拜物箕 ° 玩檠上面 四 丶戴有盍的腕镁者 ’逼是佃喜戳尸外活勤 的人 ’善於交除 ’勤努 工作 不喜欺困守 一隅 ° 事蘖敲然是佃好助手 五 丶带袋镁者 ’是倜意志璺定的人 ’作凤雎然有黠保守 ’而性情忠厚可 剡他 不舍使舟鹂父峙代的镁了 ° 靠 ’也是佃感情主羲者




香 港童子罩 副 锶蛊 ⌒一 九五♀— 一 九垂 已



香港童子蕈勰畲封高幸牧肺病逝英圃漆咸郡海覃罾院之噩耗深袤哀悼 ’ 此融英圃皇家海覃及香港童子覃之重大揖失 °


原木税 一零行的露管此赛分篇

挥逋首之童子覃颌袖担任较高之戳位 ;将


高幸牧狮出任香港童子覃副勰孟之期雎告短暂 ’唯其功耩冒缎可估静


如推行英圃童子覃勰部旅行勰孟建两先生推荐之香港重子覃分匠勖割 香港重子覃勰鲁法则 得地篮舆建香港童子罩勰畲 ⌒摩士大厦 υ

深瞀童子覃及童子覃雨勰零行此饕等等 ’高幸牧狮之功融 不可溲 ° 在簟除之童子覃逗勤 上 ’高幸牧舸亦舰力瓶篇 °高幸牧肺任戳期罔 ’香 港童子覃零行露管之营地均瀵其舰蹁葫固 ’此黠封香港重子覃鼓黝至大 °高



幸牧肺更注重霄跷 工作及正催之方式 ’相信香港重子覃仍能琵得高莘牧肺所 作之示靶 袤现 °高莘牧肺耠予香港重予覃者篇璺定舆臌格



行星 丶骜星 ⌒埽帚星 ˇ和很多流星 °

耪着太踢旋鳟逗行的 °圜镜太踢旋鳐逗行的天髅

太 踢 的 家 族 太筌襄有很多星球

P `小

是太踢的家族 ’天文孽家稗篇 η太踢系 太踢系聂有多少星球呢

踢 丶大行星 :太




王星 ’海 王星和冥王星 °


有筒 星


靠近太踢的往外数 ’第 一佃是水星 ’第 二佃是金星 ’


其玖是地球 ’火星 ’木星 ’土星

逼 九大行星聂

月亮 就是 地球 的衔 星 °水星 丶金星



王星有 雨悃 °

星有 十 二佃 ’土星有 十佃 ’

和冥 王星没有筒 星 ’火星有 雨佃衢

天 王星有 五惆

太踢系 的小行星 ’也周攮 太踢

蛑 °现在 已槛天文搴家燹 冕了 的 ’

就有 一千 六百多倜 ’有 一些 小的 ’

遗 不容 易看冕 °



小行星 辜 ’大多在 火星和木星

之罔 ’有 些在太踢 周圜的

丶行庸及副觫 中建立崇高之榜漾以提高鞍後香港重子覃之水潍 °罾舆高幸牧 肺舍晤之挚友及香港童子覃封其冒行歌吐之吸引均能津津檠道 ’凡有高幸牧

遗 靠近太踢呢


得像 些大 石琪 °

两 公 里之罔 ’像流星就 更小了 ’小

小行星 的直 玺 ’都在 一公 里和


肺出睨之窃合即不虞氟氛罩嗣 ’此黠龙能番明高幸牧肺生平之邋八虎 °高辈 牧肺自雕阴香港後仍槛常舆香港重子覃勰鲁璐繁予以指蕖 ’迄未中撕 ° 封於高幸牧舸之蒙主鹊 召 ’香港重子覃封此位致力荔助香港重子覃适勤 馕展之基督教磔出颌袖唯有龄默斫碡 以表崇高之致意 °

°夕∵ ° 丶 刂`


新 界 地方助 理勰孟


<1 ●⒋ 一 ●


一九 六 二年 英 璐邦勰镇 柚蒌奇莲爵 士范港 一爿 一日鬻蹁九乱 仔金禧 大露管管 地 ’主持金禧 大 授勖章舆 下列各 人昌 露管 阴幕典醴 峙 银橡寰 奖章勖带 香港 勰孟 高本 先生 敛 橡膏奖章勖袢 助 理勰孟 焉基先生 本 管管 潞委曼畲主 席 屦斯先 生 功稹柴譬 章 本 畲 舍潞舍 副主席 榧徵勤先 生 功稹柴誊章 本 舍 弱能事蘖 委昌食 主席 埸永 庥先 生 功稹檠誊 章 港亮 地方勰孟 胬炳奎 先生 功艏柴謇章 新 界 地方勰孟 寥爵笑先生 功稹柴誊 章 隙溥志先生 功横柴誊 章 :

香 港 之 昔 申辉葩先生自 一九六 一年十二月 ^日 起任尖沙 咀匠匠勰孟 ° 虞 孟煊先生自 亠九六 一年十〓月 一日起任勰部 秘瞽 °


新 固 废 黼 瞬 鄂志剑先生 中文秘瞢 埸 锦珍女 士 助 理中文秘瞢 李替曛 先生 助 理英艾秘蔷 强勇先 生 聋 料秘謇 睦 箜璋 小姐 瞀 料助 理秘菁 葛肇嫒 小姐

丨 ˉ ’觫 组 哼

金 禧 犬露 营


本年度墼佐治 日大管操定於 一九 六〓年 四月廿 八日 ’星期六零行 °

璧 佐 治 日大畲 揉

廑 孟煊先 生自 一九 六 一年 十二月 一日起 ’徨 任 香港 重子覃副觫 主任 ° 香 洪 昭安先生自 一九 六 一年 十二月 八 日起 港 重子覃副觫 副主任 ° 毛 锦洪 ’石耀硅先 生自 一九 六 二年 一月 一日起 ’任 香港 副觫 粗勰昌 ° ,任

香港勰孟 自 一九 六二年 一月 一日起委任 下列各 人曼 :

香港 副勰盖庹康 傅先 生自 一九 六 一年 十 二月 一 日爵戳 ’照准 ° 勰舍璐蕙勰孟 薛两雒先 生自 一九 六 一年 十 〓月 准° 二十 日鼯戳 尖 沙 咀匝匠勰孟 歇林先 生因事蘖 雕港 返圃 一九 六 一年 十 二月 八日群戳 ’照准 ° 畏 洲匠匠勰孟 胬夤圻先 生自 一九 六 二年 一月十 日起群戳 ’照准 °



香港 勰盍 封本 鲁届 下各 人昌 ’在大露管 零行前 在露营期肉各 人昌 均 舆 大露营 零行期 中之努 力 大露管 得 以顺利逍行 °深 袤 能克 服恿劣之 天氟 欣慰 °

刂 ∵

共 聊邦 摁颌 袖夯 祺遭爵 士

辗 ,在





同璐邦勰孟嘉偷 英 骈邦勰颌 袖婪濮遵爵 士 加本 港 金 先 生於 一九 六 一年 十 〓月三十 日落港 禧 大露 营 °在留港期 固内 下裼督意府 ’篇本 港 勰颌 袖柏立基爵 士之嘉寅 ο 行井 正式 探勖 大 婪濮遵勖 士在范港第 〓天 露管营 地 °舆管 地各 工作 人曼畲 唔 °壶在袤演埸参 觐 九乱 分管之 表演箭目 ’是晚本 舍舍 潞委昌管 副主 席暴徵 勤先生歌宴篇 婪碘遵爵 士接夙 ° 一九 六二年元 旦日 ’棼映递爹 士巡鹂摩 士大厦 香港 童 子覃勰鲁後 ’郎 前往大露管营 地主持 大露管 阴幕 典磴 °壶颁亵 杞念品舆海外代 袤圉及本港参 加 营地工 罩 位之颌淳 人曼 °瞳郎舆 管 地 工作 人曼 作 人昌膳 堂共迤 午膳 °是 日下午探勖 各露管罩 位 ’ 立舆 各露 管 人昌晤歌 ° 一月 〓日蒌濮莲爵士乘草璩 遴港岛 ’壶分刖舆 港蛊及 九乱之 小狼畲 面 ° 一月三 日棼映遵 爵 士瞧香港 鼋台之韵 固 °壶瑕 各 地方分刖舆新 界各 小狼舍面 °下午在 追新 界 本 舍鲁潞委曼含主席鼷 斯先生 私鄄舆 各赞助 八士相 旯 °是 晚由本 管 沥能事蘖 委昌舍埸永 庥主席敲宴招 待° ・月 四日婪碘遵 爵 士乘擞雕港 ,本 舍 备高极镇 蕖 人昌 均在擞埸欺 途 °

ˉ—— ——— —— —卜


廴 ’ '

、〓忄 兮 `阝


‘ { B让


‘ ¨

管 地中心每 日的儒粗敷目是九百磅 以上的米 ’另外 遗有肉 ’蛋 ’焦 ’蔬茱等供瞧在营的三千名中圃 ’ 外园及倍仰 同教 的童 覃 °槛沮管 地中 心後 ’我们糈 越 遇 一傺 由陲覃舆建 的暂峙便 橘 而到逵 副管 —— 郎


蕨密 地蒗防火警 和 地形 的不均衡 此只 可能 在 具登堡分管装慵 了 理想 的街 道光糠


香港 自 一二七八年 以乘最大规模 之大露管 °

嘟附瞬 腑 咖 硎铡 獭 脚用 珊蛳,^ ’甘 名脚的 ’ 砘褚硎姗瞵勰了 ’ 是 卿 拗 栅 珊 ° 管 睦 麟 鹕 镪 啦 由 翩 搬 黝 鳓 钾 勰 鞠 地 蜘 馘 鳅蒎助 濑凯 狒钏 獬 蝌 觎蹋 珀拟 赕 桅 镪供 揪 ’ ° 色 地 ⌒ 碥 靼 翻勰 肺 勖 腑 舳 麒脶 肭 烯 聊 斓洲 礁 糖 獭艴 枷 管理 嘞 崛 跪 罅 鞘 脚 唧 ˇ腑 鹦 确 棚 晰 睥 鲰 醚 地 勖 奇 且 ’ ’ 蹦 垭 辎 删 椰和 蛇 叛 啊 蓣 艴 酗 栎 彭 鼬 ’ 立 色 钚妙掬翮麟帮 灰咖 跏 互 脚 濉 獭 搬 绑 眦 成 全 耻 蜘 蜕 驷 岬 硎 碑 酬郴 酿 齄 渊 婉 粕 翻 瞒 矩耐 黼 瓶 作 ’ 猷 蜥 ’ 踟 蝌 脚 由 种 旗嵫 但 ° 玖 鹚飨瘛耀翦孀蜊 之 渐 脚 醐 潍 蛳 鲫 唰 栅 槲 咖 蚺 硎 湘 聃 畴 浙 删 螂 蛳 枷 硎 亦 ° 腑 廊 鲫 勰 盯 眵 喇 妮 椭 晰 陬 删 嘟 韶 衄 瓣 卿 御 咖 潞 踮 挪 嘟 糨 镪 搠瞬 鼬 柳 踟 鲫 懈 咖 蟛 蛳 姗 蜘 伽 蛳 硼






的 宋 硼 嘣 郴 鞭 喇 盹 ’ 砩我 鲫 师 峤 泖 艹 蟛 蜊 硎 缗 脶 黪 栅 狮 屹 辉 姒 鞒 妞 勤t姒 棚 缃 咖 醐 舰 黝 湘 山 ,可 名 雏 ° ’鼬 禧 斓 髓 蝴 鼬 贿 赂 髀 脯鼬 礴融 瓣中 舳 蹒 嘟 弗 耗 瓤 辚 鼬 鲶倾一 毵 堋 胨 鲻 捞 耢 艴 路 猷 冁 年 由雌 ’ 而途 雒 辘 饰肭 晔 臃 峭 饰 橱 畦 鹏 腮 配蚋 嘟 鲫 ⌒ 行 ’ 黼 觫 眦 跏 耩 黝嘏 蛳 鳙 耐 勰 黼 擀 馘 揣 缒 棘砒 酌~呐 求 砸拟 耩 赫 黝 鲥 鲇 缃 鹕 鳃 觯〓 艴 岖 鼬 雄 种 蒯 黢躔 蛔 魄 撅 籀蚧 黥飑山 豁 囊 扣 亚 ’ 逢 崇 嘣卜 毗 钸 磁舳 蝣 樾 瓿 妮 鲔 翻 肺 鲴 酆 扣 酬 因 ’ ・ 有 喟 啼 哄 嫡 髋 瞰 觫 灿 炳 吱 脶亦 哺 黼 猁’ 腑 髁 勰 些就是 罾潞 署 量 的管幕 在各虚 分散 着 位 η 九 η 字 η° 穰 榀 咖 榭 睽 鸸 鲫 娴 蝴 嗍 陆 耻 舰 鲥 獭 踯 鼢 ’ ’ 轺 嘣 嘟 的 跏 孵 鼬 鼹 铡 彻 螂 帝 鲫 盹瘢 跏 咖 咖 鼹 祸 耦 作 η 於 於 肉 城 建 杞 之 廓 埔 哪 烛 啪 蛐 潲 娜 噼 舱 队 秘 劫 仙 嘟 翻 姗 蛐 鲫 °抑 鲫 ’ 黝 硎 〓 莳期 侯鹇吓 抑 鲫 得 ’ 喵稚 蝻 髀 锕 雠 肝 畦 靴嵋 舷舻 猾 轾 铂七锟 伽 王 道 有 ’ ,及 硭 艉 黼 鞑 麴 勰 龌 黝 鞴 娥 鼯 断 黼 雒 铲 融 得 ’ 香 砾 锹 跚 斓 懈 麒 姬 狮 艇 椭 删 黼 和 灯 鼾 翮 獭 锶 士 基 瓣硎 及 ° ’ 璐 堋 毗 箍 缬 酆 俐 鞑 铟毗 鳊 茸 勤 ’ 四 百唰


一 士












’ 郴 漱 鲫 蛳 有 棚 脚 狮 蛳 硎 蜘 卿 枷 峥 蛳 峰 棚 蜘 硇 缈 咖 岬 及


° 峙 姗 姗 袖 咖 咖 班 蜘 伽 蛳 蟛 跏 蛳 柳 婴 螂 蜥 蜘 硎 蜥 酶 完 自 露 露


¨ 一丸 六 一午 十 商 火 自 陪 ° 琳 栅 黢 甑 篚 峨 簖 缴 雌 跚 眦 瓢 愀 陬 徘 姗 鼬蛏 帻 骸 皲 酰鳅 舭 硇 湔 翮 涩 蝻 姗 胴 瞰 潞 镌 鲕 蹦 铊 贻 踟 ・ ° 久 罩 月固围始 ’大露管之 工作 人昌 ’在夜罔 均 派 田之 三十鲦名 人昌铭 助暨 起 ° 之 通 典 咧 蠲 缑 酚 弑 雕 珈 獭 黼 谳 舳 勰 狮 蔽 鼢 镧 酌 扣 ’ ’ ’ ° 集 中於摩 士大厦 加聚 翳 卦 殳 拂 娜 镢工 腑 期 炯 璐 艄 瓢献 砷 融 已 他 ,蛔 包鼬 毽行有 翮大露营 之 一 蘖 ’ 切 工作 °叉於 一九 六 蛐 儒 蛹 娩 晰 髀 勐 敞 挫 楫 麟舷 鞯 端 猕 靶兹 髂 昏可 汽 ,出 ’ 一年 十 二月 一日起营 行 地辎 重除郎 行着手搬 丶 捌 嘟 榭 鲤 棚 眦 潍 硎 ’ 啷 蜱 姗 雌 啊 蜥 锵 枷 凯 咖 溆 姗 鼬 犭 遇 一切慝 用品前赴九 啷 硎 品 呦 扯 眨 癣 盱 靳 吐 °嘣 瑜 堋 地 梆 黝 硎 伽 跏 乱 仔营 地 ° 狲 日 放 锖 具 遇 往 营铊 用 雌 敲 颟 姊 缃 批 逗 往 营地 垌 晰助 阱 琳 粕 蛾 第一 已 ’ 瘳 参 士 ° 曜 胭 肽 觳 解 枞 楠 顶 辎 姗 俐 蠕 t英 岫璐 加 丶 鼯 ・ 邦 鼯 鞯 硝 地 蛳 鼬 黼 艄 鲫 勒 漱 酣 铡 砌 珈 佛 锕 酶 量 蛐 删 捌 眦 晒 嘟 彬 彻 嘟 啵 鼬 衅 ° 噌 鲫 琅 僻° 鲕 衲 卿 铡鞒 人 峪柜 鳃饰濉黼 ’凯 嬷 〓九 六 一年 十 〓月廿 七日晨 ’ 粗分刖箕黄割定建 立 往 一百六十捞 之管幔 地 ° 各 腊 酰 甑人 髀 嫘 骼 蝠 蜡 ,大 黠 ’建 营 ’及鳘 立圜 滩 期固中九猷红薪劣廴鼬崛 翳 螂 睢 珈 浙 嵫 蜘 邮 咖 鞣 在 狮 鲫 嘞 揶 栅 鲫 蛳 鼢 捌 狱 赴 ° ’ 得 攮营 地之谶 勒糠耦 ° 觌 醋 靓 嫩 嫩 散 撮 釉 猕 貅 潞 鲼 甜 黼 瞰 斓 榀 黪加 ° 相 ’ ° 屦萧 之看 更人昌及厨 缃嵫勘摊砭储地事潞昌辨理人管手稹後 ’陷郎阴始 ° 子 ’亦抿蓬管 地冁到 年 姊艴龇锹畎鹂觯嗾觚舶似钳蛇蝻黝〓使各工作人曼 ’围始 工作 °而看 更 嗷 涮 毗 蝴 猕 蝌 觎 蚺 醐 摊 鹦 腑 鲫 跏 峤 蜿 浙 蛳 人昌 ’均在管 地佳 宿献 ’ 岫 腆 刂 狮 睥路 鲫咖 嘣 地 棚 嘟 咂 鲫 跏 瞰 淝 断 蜊 雄 挑 馘 黼 哳 只 ’崤 峭 蘸 拟 鞭 Ⅱ 髋 跪 腊 鲋 ’ 之 地 ’ 醌 舐 拉 鼬 旒 嗾 吻 蛳 泌 蛐 螂 地 狮 跏 幡 而 棚 咖 脚 踟 酮 ’ 孙 硐 贿 礤 吻 赕 酞 稂 勤 褪 ⒕ 觚 崛 鞘 哏 鼬 鹬 捌 峭 锄 佩 嘣 ’ 城 上 岛 港 η 露 地 方 — — ’ 幸 咭 酾 贿 硝硇 锹 髑肛 蛑 雕 鄯 一 赕 醐 糙 椠 姗 枷 伽 潍 硼 硎 家 η ’ 醐 鹋 鹌 鹕 醐 城 跚 脚 毗 ’ 鲰 〓 馘首 丶 道 答 ’ 方 亻 崛 ,蝌 作鼬 大 獬 脚 酮 踟 地 方 — — 大 埔 鲫 跏 獭 新 界 道 山 道 锦 路 ’ 棚 盼 嘟 棚 的 醐 ’ 青 ’ 荃 公 ’ 骈 合 圃 跏 踯 鹏 是 泊 ° 度镌 ° 方 九乱 地方—— ’ 子里 幸麟庚 潞 删 嗍 肺 勤 蛸 咖 雄 狱 硇 曜 煳 妯 我 绷髌 酮路Ⅷ貔 俏昏踟 舾 艄 郴 舯 硎 跏 " 璐 ’ 序 中 ’ . 砸 钫 脚 假 觞 蹦 瞒 醛 跏 镪 铜 赡 姻 瀚 蹴 镪〓 峭 砬 艄地 凯 潞鲴 锹 硎 腼 蚋 种吣 驷° ’ 大 政 洗 衣 鲡 艄 糇 嗣卜 蛑叶 酣 甑 骼枞 珀 儆 蛛 嗣 销 髓 岖 触 吻 蛄冖 肛 酰峙’ 黼 翮 佛 脯 确 桅 跏 期 管幔 及各殒用具 ο 管 地勰部 之厕所 丶小便虎 及营 地中备 虚 之浴窒 ’食 堂厨房 ’路瞪等 ’亦於玖 日 勤 工建 敲 °同峙 ’各 硝濉瞅胳帕醑 之砸鼬 ° 管罩位厨房及厕 所 丶 浴窒 之地基 °管 地中 心擞 位 ’已睦稹茚始 建 敲 °壶由 覃部 派 出



峙 的 °・不 ° 各 ° 邢 有 位 峻瞅 熟 鳊 媚 黝 数 惭 耿 各 硼 嘞 鞭 嘟 醐 懈 铡 铡 蛳 唰 眦 漱 鹇 翟 果 鹇 畔 喇 峙 嘟 瓣 脚 髀 鲫 抑 眦 脚 煳 些 唧 螂 ’ 嘶 髋 雌 帼 删 的 删 勰 .硎 洽 鼬 ’ 港 膳 峙 ’ 僮 ’

匠域之 水管 及 水乱 殒





世界重子覃劁辨人具登堡的萝想在他逝世 二十 年之後稚告謇瑰了——偷敦具登堡大厦的阴幕 使得 全世界的重子覃都 可以在遣矗逗留和鲁晤 ° 员登堡大厦 的建染装修费 用 一共是 三十多莴英 镑 耍是由英圃和其他地匾的童子覃捐助完成的 °在英女皇主持逼所大厦阙幕 的峙候 ’氍磴 的童子 覃有 五十四圃的代袤 ’其中包括三十佃英璐邦圃家 的童子覃代袤 ο 在英女皇主持围幕橇式之前 由英圃童子箪 勰舍鲁浸 ’亦即英女皇之叔父告屦 士打公薛錾行 一 佃具登堡石像的揭幕磴 °逼佃石像是花罔石梨成的 ’矗立在大厦的入口麂 °渲所大厦位於偷敦中心 ’ 由泰勒建椠公司槛遇三年的 工作扌告完成 °厦高六 蜃 ’建篥 工作的傻臭遗使建篥公司攫得镘吴奖章 ° 大厦肉部井常光亮和签敞 ’室肉用玻璃面屏夙 和可以推勤 的隔板分阳 ’其中有 一部份是特刖展出 具登堡爵士 平冒行 生 和 敦 副的 °遗有 一佃大磴堂 ’ 可以容枘三百五十人 醴堂蕞面有戡台和放映鼋 影的歌筛J



和人口麂大瘾相遵虔是 一佃用小圜石砌成的小 型花圜天井 ’ 撞框了耩和花卉 ’ 使人更感竟身 心 快 °四面的大玻璃窗是根檬 η卢外活勤 L的 原则 ’而且樯上的椽飙和窗篥布也是印着柑木和植物的 圊案 ハ

大厦二槿有 一 摘霓涠的大餐螅 ’再上面剡是休





憩 窒和鲁蕺 窒 ”逼裹有 一佃 用布幕 遮佳 的祭 擅蕖俯 作篇宗教 崇拜之 用 ° ・ 其 酴 的畿 蜃撰 剡作篇 宿舍之用 ,其 中有罩 人房 丶矍 人房和容枘 十 〓人的宿舍 共 可以容枘 一百 三 十名 寄宿者 ’房租和 早餐聋 日只牧 十先兮 六 便士 °


大厦有 雨件装 钸品 佃是 人 口虚 上面樯 上镶 嵌 着 的 六叹高 的童覃徽 章 一佃 就是 加拿大名壹 家唐遵 堋小姐萱 的 一幅童 子覃 人像 ’褂 在 三槿樯 上

三 丶来 稿攻字





蕖童子覃活勤洽息 ’凡

件萧 用原稿概膳舄

肃 斋髅 文或白 静 文 ’字数勿超 遇


勿 雨面瞢 舄 °

攉蜃本 刑所有 °


二千字 ’特 豹 稿件例 外


’血加漂黠符 搋

四 丶粳探 用之艾稿

聋每千字五元 ’刑田五日後致酬 ’特豹稿件 ^稿

’稿费徒 矍 °

固虔 °

打 固 辩 法


〓月出版 一玖 ’全年六期

六 丶木 稿萧 寄香港 九乱竟 士道尤搋 ’童子覃勰管新


符合 於本 刑旨趣 之 稿件 ’均所欺迎 °


二 丶本刊旨趣在圃埸堇子覃原理

一丶本刑圆地公围 ’欺迎投稿 °


版後苜先寄上 ’以後如遇

三 丶盯罩及 刑寮萧交本食 童子覃 用品供慈虎 ο

增慎 ’基本 盯尸 ’仍 照原慎 °


’全年港辂 二元 °圜鹘郭圃十份以上五折 °

’每期定眉港辂四角 ’莳圃牛年港铬 一元五角

一丶本 刑每年篇 一巷


堡爵 士最有值值 的杞 念茛献 °英 女皇瀚遇 海枯 石铺 ’童 子蕈逗勤 永垂 不朽 °匚 英 女皇骱 一佃 人能 在自 己 一生 中看 到自 己 的理想由萌芽 到畏成是 很雉得 的 ’恐怕 具登堡爵 士 在 一九 ○ 七年卒镇 〓十名英圃 少年前 往自浪岛敲 歇 他 的重子覃遛勤峙 也 不鲁想 到逼倜逗勤 在 五十年罔


四 丶盯朗罩画索郎 寄 °

°六叹高 的童 子覃徽 章是 用绍胥簿成 的 ’但是裂 成 古铜 色 ’晚 上用澄 光照着 ’非常 美觐 °雨且徵 章是 凹形 的以防止舄期 在 上面椠巢 °唐遵 珊小姐睾 下的 童子覃人像则是 由 十 二葳 的偷 敦童子覃杞 理察 充营 模特 兄 的 ° 所有参氍 遇 逼所大厦 的人仕都 懿篇 逼是 封 员登

管亵展 到全世界性 ’而且有 一百佃 圃家 的九 百莴青 年 和 五 百离 少女参加 逼 一项逗勤 吧 每 年槛遇偷 敦 的童子覃 人数 大豹有 一莴 五千人 ’现在他们在偷敦 可以有 一侗故娜 以外 的 η家 〓了


旋 盗 ” 展 兰 香 港量 子覃金礴耙念大露管雕告遇 去 ,唯 禽蓼舆此盛典者 均琵臆猖新

,有 如昨 日 °相信 多敷 人士 封此填觳锺工作之顺 利完成感夤满意 o此 篇本 人最 後一次 於此刑 中蝥表黢静 ,因 此深欲 藉此槛畲 向篙倩委昌鲁睹君及露 管期 固任努任怨之 工 作 人景致 榭 °雕有若干方面未臻理想 ,例 如薄渠之不 瞧阻塞 ;重 子覃之未留 意 清除 工 作 ;重 子军颌 袖之在暴凰雨裴擎下未能及 峙瞧燹等 ,但 仍不能 否融此次露管之成功 ,本 人亦筲 带圊砒舍人士作此攒 謇 °婆榧 乃重 子覃代表之颌 袖来 函寰可 作篇外罔人士封此次露管之意旯


「吾 人 封香港此次大 露管之成功深表帆眢 ’吾人不但未能忘镶露管 中之恿 劣天氟 ,且 封管 中每 一 角落之友情更将 永蒜不忘 °」鼯短心畏 ,歆 憔之情 活曜於舐上 °此舛 9露 管 聋用业煞超 出预 算 °盍棺定萧 9以 「成功 」雨字 加渚此次露管寰热可井羲 ° 敷 日前典一友人圃锬 9彼 封一固 日用品商店之服榜 深 感不 满 :此 业井 由救箕物之品臂不臭 ,或 值值 遏昂 ,而 是 由於夤物永不依 峙途抵 9途 箕昌 又煞磴貌 ,错 鼹频频 °孩 友人 正凝改 向其 他商店交易之 峙 ,孩 店店主 封友 人深表 歉意 ,业 表示下星期将膈用之 一名途箕 昌乃重子覃 ,相 信必定可鼻 及有磴貌 ° 此即砒舍 人士 封量子覃之氍 感 9故 吾人必缜鼹稹努力 ,吾 人所聋之精 砷峙 固业井煞眉值之 工 作 °

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