s′ F・
吕 甥 疒
'\男 m
I have been follomng very dbody he pmmBB ofthe cmiPFIRE LIGET, 曲e off圮 ia1organ
of the5M(Cahouc
Ⅱme and energy,leavθ
mb。 o【 )Gm,p ln angapore。 A gre茁
alone fina-,go Inm山
-of mh m exce11ont唧
dea】 of
You△啦 L吐1agr∞ 啪 山 me0lat hIB ng a cmdnue Job,"u done。
one山 hg which hag pmcuLIy o-d∞ is tbe嘁 11ingnegg of the Edito山
the:uC∞ BB Of hIB magazino
m伍θ HOad-
u Bom∞ a-ya~mda.ce fr。
quarters of伍 e Boy sooutB AgB∞ huon,z-m曰
m呜 眵 he lg no,J almOBt a model for呵
Ⅱ耐 虫 9mⅠ臼 teehhg tmub【
dⅡ r G~咖
L may care to fouovJ血 the
footBtepB of the 52m.
WitL this i8gue伍
e -agenent ommI0oe haB reached yet anoulor mnθ ?
ar a8 the tec血 caliueε of proaImm are ooncerDθ 虫 Btone aB £ 涮
e out anyone in partΙ cmar,If∞ 1I
Whue 】t i:dnimt∞
wiu be-g In my dLo‘
【do not mentIo,
Brother JoBeph Leo,F。 lI。 ⒏ ,Who nB the very bacbone d0Ie Vemre。
1Whhthe CAMPF皿 E
Ⅱ GHT the begt ofluck h the yearg∞ ∞ me。 May止
Ⅲ山出grOTJ from Boenm to:trenm and gewe to create among± Ⅱ reador8mtnn
gtanang and tmBt坶 ule mmu-raci吐 ∞ mmni0We have on。 hⅡ bealmm IBnnndJ ⒒
丫 ・ `r`.L∷
untthewェ Chano
∶∵ △
ChIof Co呷 屮γr: ∷ ∷∶
目 镞 No。 s【
通讯 尻
nT三 0r 5‘ NOnro:t
苫‰ o:r古 ;h£ η 卩 亏
"t‘ "ts
%st耐 Address:%lTg`To"ner R。 α献 。R丨 △ '斗
hm沁 ° Ⅱ 叶 「 ∶ ″
蝴 鸷
¨ 哕珲 ⒒
Edi+。 ˇ∶ αI B° 。yJ
莒 搀撕
眸"s 叶~^″ Ll岬 t艹 11
甘g∶ ∶ ⒎ 严吃r:
~△ ,eb/。
t Ed、 讠°ˇs: ^ˇ
Lee0`ee Ch°。
’ 。 击柙 骂∶ ∶ ∶ ∶ "
灬 二 甘 11J愆
皆抄 护
l苕 ^ :: 秽 ♀ 乏 岽 妒 苫 J∶
N。 ws硝
y・ w髦
自 : 诳堂 ws凸
)正 石
ˉ扭你 L-
冫 P-”
“ 坠 和 廿 叶 屮 昊 昱 辽 萨 哏 姗 罗冁 F百
9Covr巾 ht
蹒甘 槲
辞 芥-
加 -引 3亠
33 34
9‘ -:7
New soDEs
吐o,丘 ˉ
ˇ ~工 △I`' g。
ouung,∞ gome people, may mean only outdoor lre~ˉ
Ⅱ山dng, Camping and what-not8。
`of meethgg En theule:o open ouT’ air, outdoor gameB,wnI uB agreθ B, 助 ouHng dlat without
not be scou晚
All of
any more. To put it
羽ⅡCh hag omer facets Neve吲 山旧1θ εB, wθ mugt not treat】 t ag the Bole factor In‘ 圮outing, 、
tLat aro equally impomnt。 Let ug pregume the f△ Bt le仂 ,r s of sCOUTING Btandg tor
goCi吐 。This aspeCt of lre i:a:h叩 α伍血 ag anythhg elε e even outgnde伍 e 比 ou伪 屺 arena. Hero "gochl" ha8 a wider meanhg thaⅡ to attend BOcia1functbn8, pa⒒ ieg and guCh-1Ike gatherhgg.L coverg our dmy conm“ w1th our gchoo1mteB,£ e11oW teaohers, odleagueB and neEghbour臼 , Many moutIng actIVig“ have Bpent too much t置 me哂 th gcouung tmey are maoied to巴 outhg,ag We臼 0metlmeg call伍 e:n)and1eave very litt1e tlme to be mnl uleir f曰 m"ieB钔旧 outgⅡe£ nem:。 挝 uloum we s。 metimes£血 better and
moro congIderate fnend:h钓 0uting,we muBt not Confine ouge1veg to the ger-bui【
ivory tovJer。
°uler eggenf讠 曰1ig
C0mmmication -ˉ ˉ the geCond letter in sC01JTING。
on。 A11who are h me° rg口 n1。 atIOn muBt be kept山 formed。 In a oomplete gToup, the geC加 ng-ˉ ˉˉˉ namely,
ThLB ig e臼 臼θnⅡ aI
h the proper mnnhg of any ac铷 e grcup or organigat且
or Cub pack, gc。 ut Troop, senIor Troop and RoVer Crew-ˉ ˉ-ˉ ghoud be c。 ~。 rdinated £ ¤bˉ ordhation in the program, °o-ordhauon 血 the Ⅱea8 among 伍e 日mooh mmlng。 scouterg mean ollmination of redundancLe日 and promotion of e‘ Iciency h me gToup。 π助吐g 蚀∞ °f htomal commmication i8hpomnt to incucate Into伍 eb0yB the idea of brotherhood Mu,● n ule gcout famuy,to fogterbet0er underBtandhgand perhapg,mIMl enCouragement and θ刂oyment of compa△ ionghtp。
BlIt Commmication muBt not gtop 出 thiB Btage; leBt 伍e bqy8 be日 hut0ut from other brother gc。 uⅡ VJ,o are not withIn hiB Bman gr。 up. The“ outerg, a8we11 a8
boy0themgelveg, mugt hoW VJlat】 g happenhg h other grmB, h uLe dn:tn⒍ , and eVen吐 me national he¨ rg。 啪
0oWIng omer gr。 upg,vJe leam from uLem What伍 ey have Ⅱ Ⅱ eved, 助 【 cEn emhange Idoa8and can ulug avOId the uuⅡ der臼 hat汛 r8 have made。 Knomhg 山e dImct and ule goate ag a whoIe VJll deepen he h∞ reBt among he uV臼 。口№ y Can be w。
thug aB-ed th乱 they are really a member of a wide brouRerhood。
we呐 oare h mga-
pore are forhInate that ou妇 land ig BO gmall伍 at9/e can Bee om anouler eve刂 d盯 ‘ we σ Euhe
want to。 Norh
caugeWay, the group臼
are BC岫
red and perBOnal contact my be a
prouem。 one of Che WayB to fogter伍 加 勾u of0叱 ma1communicauong I:to p山 1igh a newg1etter or a βcout magaznne. nu:, even thoum We are tiα n up Iy oIIr Work,Wo cm g regpo¢ stⅡ 1see for ourge1veg咖 iB On h the∞ ouJng wond-g our leIBurθ 。咖 We洫 山加 part o£ Jle world,are mther山 u吐△apped aB there aJe only mch a l讠 mited gupˉ 9
ply oF aˇ aⅡ able
current1itemtlre on mouung。
The"CmV£ Ⅱ e L吵 卩 gtarted aB a“ outB’ oval血刂 眵 Ino Withh伍 e 52nd (Catho1ic H吵 mhoo1)Group。 We nOw f∞ 1ulat血 VieW of伍 e pregent gitlIation it womd be rather geri:h to keep丘 to ollrBelveg only。 It wodd be a geWice∞ mouthg h this pm of 伍 e wond£ we extend th妇 pr加 Ⅱege of∞ mm匝 Cation to our brouler:all oVer mgapore and Malay⒏ We are prlVⅡ eged to have环 砬钆 us several talented enthug虫 Bts who are abIe h one way or another。 ⅡoWto W“ ∞ 山n0o la口 喟9^η ges,曰 nd are m耐 Ι1i鸭 to geWe s℃ 岘
ever,we muBt a山 匝 t we are a bunch of he却 erienced green-homs血 deah呜 硎盹 thingg。 Cred北 mugt be given∞ 伍 e8everal e,q,edθ ⒑ed old“ outerg h o刂 state vJlo haVθ been ug from伍 me to伍 me。 a】 pp° rt£ rom伍 e other gtate8h明 been 酗 d奴 und enc° ur咖 overmPhe1Ⅱ」 L嫒 , We江 e stⅡ l s幻 Ⅱv廴唔 to1earn thm coInml!nicaⅡ on wi】 h ouler臼 , ag we are aware that by8hutt山 qg ourge1Ve臼 from outsne,we wi11alwayg remain our old8e1veg。
‰ ge who are read山 qg thig at 伍 ig very nlOInent Can do 伍 eL part of ge″ 屺e to巴 out⒒ ε by血 湘 吨 an attempt to ghOw u吐 g mgaz蚰 to fr土 endg and助 outs who have not yet felt伍
e warmth of伍 e"Campfire LV"△
Ag the nameg p。 扭屹 upWardg, go be our缸 ms, As the red1ogg glOw, go be our sympamieg, As the grθ y aoh fade臼 , 80 be our errors, Ag the C臼 口npELe Warmg 伍e circle, so may伍 e“ out ideal ⅢVm the worⅡ 。
hne:r・ CoⅡ o凵
dW啼 ˇd|eJˉ THE goy
f^rItvgoo C^"PFJRε LIGHT0by△ 滔 。
nd” y+d忆 呐 ht、 Δ
e cs hΔ PP:浊 ss Do mt be‘ bd凵 △ ^uoˇ Do RJt忙 e1汰 卿 uYRJed W△ ^洫 ~‘ so h先 o k haPpy auztg羽 杨 七 ht灿 丨 c叱
吠u%蚀 翌‰袈m辂甘 扫 ℃ 吧s讲 喙泓坩宀 k钣 秕 浅靶苫搏 琶r砹 嬲 坶沭 R眢
L残 Gts aJl刂 ng to狃 ˇ he° 沈 s‘ ut匕 ht`
M丬 Ht9Ⅱ u氵
+忉 .‰ s"eⅡ 怃 、h。 Pc,
邮 τ
舅 轰 嚯 茹 虿 泵 捻髁 窨 篱 鹬 锑 薪 曰 钓掂枷舡翊‰虍蚌地钓娜 ”磙 蕾 铉肩兮天。 钓 邬 不断 护崆 抵崭巍锑帮男镩嬲 躐 黾 誓 解茬繇影 荔 f黎
镞 暨雾 獾 挟 镞 赞 髁 张形 J次 3锒 lP9
搠啻珲勿翟殂鸟叨睥 农湿啜。
` v卜卜 e赳 Ltc,丨
彐 。 L''
-。 。 F-
h me patrol gygtem, where prqperly carned out, the Le。
patro1whether山 【i如 gameg or h i仍 efficiency, and B岫 tmmonB, through讪 dr deB"e for the∞ outβ are咖 ued to carry out山 eL四山叮 ’ 伍eir Patro1to exce1, It iB the e即 reggion of山 eir keenneBg9nd egDnt de coⅡ g by doing
or uLe gucceg8 of“ reBponsib1e £
h ouler wOrd:,北
ig’ ’
uIe game’ ’ 。
The Leader real“eg on hb pan fho● to g血 guCCeg日 he hag to fogter m】 ε Bph⒒ by tact and山 scrimJ1II:a1tiu【 )n and appeal山 g to Che human Bi屺 。 h uIe court of Honour⒁ 田 血 ,Ⅱ roperly-l me Voice。 f dIe boyg i日 £ or 山eL gⅡ dance by me boyg themge1ve8。
heaJd, and me nneg are made s】
mi1arly,血 the Patrol L¨
d。 Ⅱ
?ConferenCe⒁ 田 血 ,vJhere properly
mamgedl ule妯∞ l:and ntm。 of me Movement are conBidered and the gteps to伍 em diBcuBBed among the bqyg themge1veg, Bo uLat they become poBBe8ged of a wider and 1ogg :er1gh outl∞ k nn realighg仂 o"conB"ag we⒒ aB曲 o"prog’ ’of tho quogtion咖 山 h
prev恤 ly my have had one
εide to them。
ThuB, tLe Patro1becomeg a practic扯 5
school of Ber goˇomment。
聋 唰
嬲 驷油嫩 ,
`砌 篇筵气 瞥 引气 军 如和浓褂弛 蛩、 蕊缧茹笥 育 觐 慨鳞 帮 D禺 冷 杼唇 `甲 送 哕 助杉 人
呦 合拜 杯 啊 扬
气盯 扬泌辞伪梯 骂辊够貔舄姆轷 `王
女d`叮扛有 钊厂玄尿 ˇ 垫 陆
L宀 Ⅰ T∵ 之滗彳立z主 -ε 仫 r做 蓬 i灿 狞 L
CARRYING OuT THE sC0UT PRoMIsE by Rev。 Father Tong one mo蚺 ,whⅡ e our Lord JeguB σ“吐gt wag εi优 L刂 on MOmt OI丑 Ve臼 preaching to伍e pe∞ 1e vno had gamered aromd H血 ,a1awyer Btood up and引曲 耐 Him: "Lord, what:nugt I do to Ⅱ吐Ⅱ eterna11re?" J。 gu:0o1d hhn, "The£ LBt 。n冖 me greate臼 t ,
ig Commndment that there抬 o山 one tme GOd,you gha111ove Him Wnth your whole :ou and w⒒ h
your who1e嗣 . The gecod山
you shau like⒒ ,L° ve your nelghbour ag
山e same me肛 山晤 of吣 时 mnBt told the 。The PrOI血 ge readB: oN △EY H0NOUR, I PROMIsE TO Do MY BEgr TO Do MY DUTY TO GOD。 。¨ " It iB Just What ChnBt saⅡ : L0VE GOD WrrH ALL YoUR HEART。 Aga血 , the “ out Prom“ e readε : To ⅡELP oTHER pEOPLE AT ALL TIME⒏ It£ i饴 血 呐 uL巾 h乱 Chr妇 t mⅢ ; LOVE THY
The mout promi£ e四 田吐∞
1awyer;it ig an echo of what omr Lord BaⅡ
■■■■ NEⅡ GHB0UR△
s TⅡ YsEL「 。
Eve叩 re1刂 on teacheg ug to do good,but what tellg ug to do good加 not necegBar灯 a re1迦 0on ~ˉ ˉˉour teacherβ and parentB are a1ways re咖 us °f good Neverthe1egs, mere stⅡ l e虹 gts Bome fIirerence betWeen parentg and tea0herε reh臣 on and moralg,beCauge rel培 bn impl始 B the e蛀 臼tenCe of a aIpreme Behg.
There may be dⅡ £erent tramg1atbn8 山1 Ch灿 8e £or the word GK冫 D, yet 臼ame God咖 o created the咂 verge and eve〓 y曲 ing Ⅱ没吐Ch
they a11 refer to one and the
Humm be吨 s are but a part of也 eu蛀verge;we are also created by Him Our parent8 gave ug birth; we should p已 y them our fi1iaI re8pect; gimⅡ arly,we are the creat⒗n of God,hence we ghodd adore Him,love Him and obey
and contro11ed by Hin、
Him, F we are stn1sO IInformate a:t°
be ignorant o£
Him, ag a good mout,we Bhould
order to Carry out °ur Prα 匝 se "to do our begt to do our duW to God."‰ se h Catho1ic Hi吵 mhoo1臼 hodd take advantage of their surround吨 s and °ppor勹田凵“y。 try our very best to seek for Him,
A“ out pronuseg to do a g∞ d tlIm tO BOmebody every day. 哂 【s good turn does not stress the duty to oneger, but service to otherg, like helping an aged person or sma11 chi1d across a busy street, to retum 1oBt 疝 iC1es to 伍 e owler or to the 8choo1 master; to 蛮 ve a seat to the 1ess prevⅡ eged on a buB ,,。 。。,,... Christ san: LOvE THY NEIGHBOUR As THYsELF。
血 our d缸 ˇ 1£ e,
no matter when and where, there is破 wayB an oppo口 h山止ty to help others. Ag山 outg, we ghomd make u:θ of theBe oppo灿 匝 tieg mt only to make北 a hab此 to help otherg;
" is also a good oppo咖
y 】
to ghow the 助 out Bpir⒒ 。
We muBt keep our Promige, and gtrive£ or】 mprovement both in our臼 erViCe to God ”nd to our fe11o-el1.
Γ |
R ovER A cTIvITIEs乡 坌 }
I waB1Ⅱ ∞reBted to read h your prevk"山 臼Ⅰ B8ue that Rover8of the samford D凼tnct got togmer and formed a Comb血 疝 Crew. I hope tⅡ 8Wige gtep,dⅡ hθ lp to ens刂 e better and more e羽 oyable Rovenng h伍 e future。 The Rover sect】 on is】 he weakegt Bection of me Movement at uIe moment。 si8due to1ack of matured and eXper妃 nced1eader臼 , ▲n0山er faCtor pefhapg丘 g that伍 e active l£ e£or a Rover加 too日 hort。 Apart from tr口 ining h“ outCmft,mnIml gubJectg, mtional and world affairg hardly ever enter岫 Crew progmJnmeg.Ag the mtェ mate aim of Rover trai山 g丘 8the development of a balauced白 田d心 冂 u【 hg to play Ⅱ g `iduaI,ready a=dⅡ few i圮 mB for山 m【 part h the comm"nity,I vJodd lnke to:uggegt巳 e Combhed Crew。 8 T几 吐
1. Apprecht】 on of Music:Play afew pmmhone recordB(α aBBical, marcheg,
waltz,etc.)and place them血 order of冈 灬 匝 饣 a:伍ey appeaI to you,
a hand at pnh饣
L凵 g
a pⅡ g0匹 re or clay mode11山 口g,or Ψ i臼 北 and gtudy
u兑 eXhibitbnB. some ε
Drama: sudy the1‘ e aod wOrkB Of any draⅡ 田dhBt or aCtor, or produce a8cene
from your Favo山 te p砷
4,Publ屺 qDe汕山 ε:qpe庄k
to the CreΨ on any hvourite gubJect°
rap旧 Jtimar J。 b
血 l‘ e for 20 m;m9∞ B。 5,Hobb妃 B and助 渊 旺 EⅡ h member of伍 e Crow to talk about hiB hobby or sports。 Ⅱ1u8trate the talk by digplayg or demong订 a伍 on where poggible,
6. LectlLreg:Lectlreg on a v盯 ie饣 of"臼
t吨 topic8are given from饪 me to
time either at tbe C乜 【加田al Cenie or at UsI⒏
MemberB oEthe Crew to attend
some ofthem and臣 ve a regume at the next CreW meet吨
7. Have talkB by expe硇 ,f0llowed by digcu8giα ∷ InvⅡ e a doCtor, a Probat】 on micer, a s钊 i“ ary hgpector, etc, 8. World俎 扯rg:(a,Keep r明 泌 ar∞ rregpondence哂 ul a Rover∞ mt血 amther comtry.tb)mdy犰 ep咖 Vleg of Econom允 8血 wOrld” fF。 irB.
9. Natbnal Aff峦 r⒊ ta)Undergtand the Paq Pol⒒ ma1 耵 Btemg of the 跏 o)study the org细 山 a铷 m血 any四 丘 icmar branch of i山 Ⅱ Ⅱ .lC) The pub“ heB口 nf】 娩 ueB h∞ regt山 g and“o-at加 e pamphletg M血 妇t叩 °£m眦 £rom
tiIne to time.Mnke a Btudy ofthem ad then山
cuBB them h the CreW。
very血teres娴 and ugem book, "sbCial TranBfomatbn h
迦 叩
re,i, 啷
】 Bsued reCendy。
Activiiy油 me keynote of good RoveJ珥 。 The CⅡw win Iam gure,be able to draw up an inenaus伍 ue u:t of hteregt吨 pr丬 ectB for i1:f;mee岬 ,bearhg h lo‘ lj1I,《
● I,o● a real Rover ig a hea1my, helpfm and u:efm ci臼
窨 勃鳊槲
ˉ 1丨
葭谈 ~y'` 管火'/丨 疡丨k、 \
’ Ⅰ 月二十t日 衣 雨 始 耳 琵 衤 的 亻Ξ扔 '亻 乃有轩 9⒊
者 尚铲℃爹 蘑 恬 皙 荛以z′
缓巍卷 扌 鳐嬲蚕 胃 嬲铙巍孓 玄挣人的加叻及组钺 私
否 黯白 。镄 B,局
#勰翻 糍 ‰
约 湿 嚯 寸。
smⅡ ●onˇ 。″ Lips C9JJrJ,。 o`D0Jrr p,,。 JJ口 εoo'J"叨口。 K● ●
JⅡ st。 Lj:J●
Pr●‘口 ,。 Jp口 0r● F。 ,。 ■ ` JJ `J。 Pr。 冖 `。 。 J'。 ″′白口J'氵 j9:“ '口 J`r0r口
Jodor● ‘1力 口 ″,r0orJJrB h‘ ,j?e‘ 1:洌,洳 口 山
s~″ 。 rr・ ..u。 ti:,ou notice山 巳 t 'o,oJ,"● sⅡ ss,or● veo oeveriγ
诎yJ‖ :mt
s冖 ″●
umtⅡ yo。 hoˇ e ψarm● d s。 o由 jⅡ of” or
yc,ur `o'o'rJJrr.¨ owm kort” ith:h●
ch崆 cry
coumte“ omce Th● o 。。 or_J,J″ d仿 ,oJ'J"″ ●
C。 。
卸至 蟹 L:你 该 灿m=∷
; f铩羟 ∵ 点害 了 想
浅 9^奶 已rp,t忮 `丿 往圳 ,ˉ
:'兰 卫 丘 堂 只立
Bu追 劳
91l^约 滂 亻 i上
been sh山 n山 qg
Though the "Campfire L坨 泣f’ haB
shce27th Aug. 1961many gti11do notlmow why⒒ waB so named? Fewer stⅡ 1咖 曲e⒍g匹 icance of伍 e caη σ△e and the phnosophy "campfire"
’ ltrade-nnrk】 ’of “ out山 唔
灿猁 m 蛔
beh山“i thIs s蜘 of sb° ut山qg.
and Imown young. Whenever we see n 伍 e papers or mag about campⅡ res,we are h屺 1yto a臼 sociate⒒ wi仂
the scout Movement。 The camp£ ire抬 usually held hthe
亻 1哩 少 ” 吧
eveni。 g, Its names n° t° nly drⅣ e away darlcness of 讹 “ ght, they also wa- 伍 e circle, During
1灬 纪
⒒ has been a ga伍 臼△名 after a day’ s hard
work, and where re1axation and joy comes in协 play.Wi山 th峦 m鸭加 of山 e fire,伍 e∞ outg send away theL weanness and worries wi伍 曲 e且ames and comp9nionshⅡ 血 the scout famψ has⒒ g full s-g. It has a1ways been a spot£ or refreshment and healthy jokes though⒒ also has itB more sober moments.It is up to each and every of us h s scout吨 gathering to uphold the prestige,lnd dignio`of a real sbout campfire and to take mea饭
sures to prevent it from degrad山
、r into a p1ace for
,Jnm血 ess, in-山 bciplhe,nl-respect and a山 ne £ or hoo1培 anisrn。
-By Nol~
£ 汶逦
ar1y,the"Camp£ ire L吵 f’
a torch whereby our br° ther“ outs are provided W⒒ h
oppo咖 北ies
to Wr⒒ e and to be read.Through
mutuaI commuェ 吐catbn by news,comments, and artic1es we sha11 exchange all our views and deve1op it hto an arena o£ £riendshp。 △ is a1so a mental cl⒒ 吐c where te对 books are kept aside and heal伍 y diagnosis provⅡ ed for the’ ft由匚nk-boxe8".
r the campfire is not he1d dur山 口g
camps, normn11y parentg, we11-Ⅵ ishers and riends are hv⒒ ed. It is血 deed a rare oppor钆 £
to meet these peop1e h our real selve8. They may get a good impression of a discⅡ 1ined you伍 movement or they -y be disgusted ηi犰 the
rowdy atmosphere of a gang of orgamsed del虹quentg。
It en伍 reLy depends on tbe behaviour
of uIe moutg pregent and me abunw of me campfire leader.
The mouthg :eod mB govJn on 伍 iB BroWn8ea IBlaul of ourB fq~f。 ur yearg ago。 moun the scout popdation of
tho laCk of sⅡ milar toolB reali臼 0d ule▲ mportance of
tIOn,for it EB from an uderB咖 吒 of ule M。 vement伍 atthe Nbl圮 can gupporo ‘ 日 1,outhg。
No matter how much we e刂 oy° ur~
more than gIx thougand itBer d。 e: n。t |nd:nate ule gu° ce8臼 of ule M。vement here,Ⅱ “ Bt皿 a mLror vdIere we B∞ how Congc丑 ouB ⒏re our public towardB ∞ °u晚 . ‘ vJe臼 1acken our臼 e1VeB nn⒒ 8 deve【opment
h a neW nation,and ignore
hag mado uB gum巳 publnca~
εelveg at any c狙 玎伍 re,
We lmow that山 e
BucceBB of guch a functbn doeB not reBt on a few. Though山 e Campfire leader ha8 to haodle the gⅡ ”ation 羽ith tact, the
meIOdy of BOngs and伍 e
伍e由 田匝mance of】 tB role h nation buⅡ d吨 .we ghal【 °ne day£ ace山 gp1acement
heartg. 9哂
IV BOme new yet more organIBed youth
旧m陀 Co-operatkⅡ 1and gupport, "山 no camp£ ire η d11gucceed no appreciation,
matteF who 伍 e 1eader -y be,
h slngapore today,
“ out吨
literahre are rare,egpedally tho8e啦 伍 al。 cm nav。 ".Though our publication of "Campf土 re L山 ghf9cannot and mugt not be comparθd Ⅱ砬uL uLe Headq卩 旧【terB’ Blmem on the βame footL刂 , 土 t algo nmction:a:a tool of public1饣 eBpecially among °ur
reJoioe echo the
‰ αⅡtorB u止
regonance of
"Campfire L幻 芗LtlI has its ⒒ camot gu″ ˇe without
readerB. Ju:t as it takes a whoLe pi1e of wood to make a nice fire forthe occa8sio△
the n-ber of braing and hands behind ulig ig als。
Considerable.A few branches
‘o1ated onIy glow and fade away in no 伍me.The"Campfire Li砂 1V’ must aIso
c【 aBsmateB and∞ lleagueB。 They my not haVe the∞ 阝r缸 匝订 to be助 outg them-
have its"woodI1 to-ke it shine1ong and
8e1veB,yet they can get an i刀
6吵 t
of what
it山 a11about.
濉∥ %/
Just as we sha11depart from
world one day, 曲e campfire 耐 11 aIso £ ade。 Lθ t us not be8eized mith remorse--
as we have£ e1t it8warmth and have seen by its light, i“ wagte。
energy m11 never be a
投 儿 酗\
by 工a″ ‘
Wα rden,Tr曰 h'nJ Te⒄
Pionee山 吧 “ one acti碱 订 tbat payB to Bhrt at伍 e】 印 ,ulat“ theeMb灿 北-
of a somd bⅡ kground of如 dc scout1、 山山呜 h regard to kP/otthg o搁 蚰 迦 B, Whioh泌 provmed h Tenderfoot,seCond ChBB am F△ gt α a::TegtB。 h phneeⅡ 呜 伍ege ?DEAL CONDmoNs", but hI any smp1e lmots and 1ash扭 召s must not be done 扭l ’ unco血 omble posⅡ 这on;血 hot or Wet wemer,above and below vJater(at洫 “lee Camp冫 or perched precariougly upon the top of a branch Ⅱ砬吐pp炖 a Bpar,hindered-y gome overhaaε0ng brancheg etc。 untn we can ph∞ er 咖 山 伍 e 8hple bagic toolB of our Job, Pioneer虹 唔 Ⅵ吐l
become mpopmar and wm g。
wn h tLe HigtoW ofthe Patro1or Troop
as a fanure。
It is better to do a gimple thhg we⒒ and to progreg8to gometh山 g=nore compl△ ated. For imomatbn,the助 out mop or伍 e Lhr臼 呼 haVe bookg cov臼 山丐 伍e 臼uhJect.
I have found that pbnee¤ 山g equVmentig not ava⒒ ab1e血 ulogt troopB Or
even血 District Headquarters. Attention D。
C.】 臼 here ig a chance of mΞ 凵“g pbneerhg pment av西 hueonac° m=nlIn91baB泌 -ˉ ye臼 , there are prouemg, where to濒 re 伍e gear and who to look after⒒ ;but these are prouems a1ive DiB伍iCt Can overcome, ‘ real detem山 ution诒 伍ere to要 ve助 outs real pbneerng prac伍 ce and tbat comeg垭 典 h伍 e 1抬 to£ 伍 如田 “ outs want to do。 To quote John Thurman"D0enoL缸 bn remⅡ n。 伍e endur山 ηg answer to most prouemg"。
To伍 e Tr∞ p血 仍reBted h pb旧 凵 吨 aB a Patrol or Troop acti"饣 ,and who have not伍 e meang to勿 αⅡ止re theL Own αuVment I quote John Thunnan昭 洒n-ˉ ˉˉˉ "one oF伍 e great joy8of助 ou仂吧 b "IMpROvIsATIOWt, a utde determin,伍 °n,a lot of 山田嗲血atbn and a great deal of h名 e"iity ⅦⅡ overcome mogt ghomgeg。 For e狂1nvle to keep th始 act"ity confh浏 tO Troop mee蚀 s-ˉ ˉWbat由 wrong m伍 "MINI-BRIDGEg,。 r
a "MINI TREE-T0P HOUsEii?I do not mean modelB, wty waBte the gadget wood h伍 e comer regerved for Troop Campg only? LaB"山 田 can be made from IiTOP o!ItINGσ ’or "TALI GAs1NG"。 puneyβ , gingle and dolIble eX-Bundg or even 8ma11er one8 h° m ItstncGEI ROAD’ 、 "PAsAn BEsI9, 。r Beach Road砒 Ve叩 Ⅱ旺 e cOBt。
EnthugiaBm nB a grand㈤ 岵 ,f⒒ iB uBed h ule rⅡ 沙 t place am砬
the r】 mt
the"Bun-at~the Gate"method of pionoer白 qg, merely courtg d丑 gaBter and eventlnally曲 gⅡ lugionment, becauBe noth吨 wⅡ be achieved, after Won由 名 e威 mⅡme,but
▲ PⅡ J∞ t undertake△ "ily hard apart from a mportant certaIn amount of tegting of temperg。 ’m旧 t be taken hto ac∞ mt。 must be planned and mogt土 the"TmE FAcTOR’
h pIoneeri吧 ,one of伍 e Bevere testB of a Patrol’ 臼 0r Tr0op’ B effort】 g the way they clear up and gtow山 eL gear。 Jugt aB h Camping,wo ghomd1eave a Bite vdth
呼 but our thankB。
The gear before⒒ 】 B Btored田 叩 needB ω be咖洄 血 疵
uIe ropes drIed,
knos8and properly∞ Ⅱed. q9arB :homd be deared and checked for frachreB,1aBhing Bhould be∞ mted and dned Ⅱ wet。 nny tool:and pulley checked for any pOBBible We。
block ghomd be cleaned and greaBed and eveEy山
u8ed accounted for。 Then only a h。 +△ a11,but not the c吣 bhg up a ladder there ig alwayg newer 吨
Patro1or Troop haB eamed itg"Pbneer山 叫雪sandard"and hr now●
Ag in a Jo-ey upa
end of the road。
and吨 her~gs to be ac"eved。 o1d。
Ⅱ11or ∞ we d° not say goodbye but "May your Iash吨 g groW
We must aIl remember, that we do
∞ t bu⒒d
£ or
the gake of
uIn。 ung brnges, thig u⒑ r。 ughnegs
we try to develop chaJacter, we Ⅱd1I appreciate how important is all the conBtmc伍 on and c1e钔 匝ug away etc。 You wⅡ 11eam much about our brother“ outg When w乱 Chhg them pbn∞ r; you wⅡ l leam伍 eL strenm8and wea【 megg; g doubtful whether uter buildβ the briα 夕 hh⒃er and伍 e助 outg watch, 北丘 but r the巴 ° 伍 ey呐 ll learn anm土 ng else, ∞ 妒 ve the tr拉 山 呜 h the"DEN",and leave伍 e Patro1s to go on wu加
the"JOB",山 o
Mr. &hool山
aCcordauce V吐 地 eveW page of scou饪 ng for Boyε 。
For tho8e who are8tⅡ 1unfan9iI妇 r Ⅵiuh the author,he i臼 n0ne0伍 er than
We hope he doeg not嗣
we h缸 ⒑duce
Ⅱ m a自
an o1d-haud
Pioneer山 Ⅱg, for he was the Master-rn山 “d and architect of all the 12projects put up on Cub Field Day,and also most of ule pr丬 ects f0r Ven臼 ⒒rer obε tac1e Jbur11ey。
浪弘 松 。 鞔
趴 吣 ‰ 16
驷‰ ˉ 。hs。 。 F・on"^RATI|o"JAmBoR● E s00Vε "eIR, 1gt WORLD JAMBOREE-ˉ -0LYMPIA, LONDoN, 1920
For也 e£ irgt time伍 e scout Movement was presented as of rea1 importance e enCourageInent o£ 血ω matbnal mders切 Ⅱ汕呜 and friendship, 80Countrieg were represented and the“ outs quickly nungled together, a11
s俨 袈 扌 苍
挠 嘿
濮 喘
of the World, a-que t⒒ 1e伍 at hag remained his£ orever, As such, we honour him
crficia11y opened on August10, 1924.
all-ˉ ˉˉˉˉ a8a straw showing that the 伍e
5,000from32nations participated。
s茁 d at this Jamboree: ",。 . a big step forward in hternational scouting and above Ⅵind is b1owing quietly, but nonethe1ess sure1y, in
right山 rection。 "
3rd WORLD JAMBOREE-ˉ oEEic△ 扭ly
opened on July 31, 1929.
35,000sCouts Were present at this
gatherng where B-P was conferred a peerage-y His M苟 esty King George V and lmown
ag Lord Baden Powe11of Gnwen. The scoutB of the world had Contributed a pemy each to provide B-P with This took the£ orm o£ a po⒒ rait of B-P by David Jagger, reproductions of WhiCh are weEl knOwn to us a11, and of a Ro11s-Royce and Caravan。 a birthday present.
s fareWeu megsage (at the age o£ 72) rema血 s: "From now on the Carry it fast and far, so that a11men may lmoW the Brotherhood of Man。 " B-P’
∞ out symbol of Peace is伍 eG0lden Arrow.
LTh。 ⒍l
pa血 ing in伍 e52nd Den showg one d山 e~ Reproductions of David Jagger!s p。 rtrait of B-P,
■— ■… olympia,LOndon
Eng1and 1929
Ⅱ呷 ・
r,C;ul《 9。v乡
・ 9r,・
on9th of August,our Rover Crew oompris加 g of11 NnP’ g (N° t rmpor◆ ,nt Persons〉 set oⅡ to see the new campsite at serimbm,Lim Chu Kang,None of ug lmew it8 exact spot, but We ventured to f血 d our way there. EVen the bus conductor of Green BlLs No. 2had not heard of the name, but
he had seen “outs going to19m。
Where some "sh chuil tnew b° uBeB) were, The buB m。 B。 wⅡ ch was the farthegt point from the c】 W by bus route. η1ere were a few proIⅡ nent houseg at u=is end of伍 e is1and-ˉ ˉˉˉasm9ll po1iCe gtation, a youuL Club, s。
brought us to the end of Lim Chu Khng20彦
some Ch血 ege dweu山 gg and a MaIay kampong。
A 1ong
wooden bridge 1ed to the kampong -y the gea-臼 ide and we had it named "The Bridge of Harmony" for the peopLe 1ived happily insmte of the c"Ⅱ commotbn in the City。 This area brought baCk our old memorieg-ˉ
ˉ- First
hikes, Ven扯 erg’ hikes, and even Woodbadge hikes-ˉ
Clasg ˉˉˉˉˉ
for伍 ig had ebbn a popu1ar place among hikers, Once ag” :n, those good o1d days happenings nashed back to our咖 s,
Takhg a bus ride back to19m,s。 ,we had no dⅡ 茳icmty h houBe CH∞ k协m Hh) at Jalan
f血 dhg Ah Beng’ s new shopˉ
Jurong Park ComⅡ Ⅱg8ioner Bahtera junction. Although our’ ’ for Cater山 宫 ’this und屺 ial tⅢ e冫 was out on"8duty, we were no strangerg∞ Ⅱ s hmi1y。 We qⅡ ckly made fr圮 ndg
with an old man who happened to be at伍 e shop and he suppl汜d us with det缸 led informat№ n to the campgite。
HokeIl吼伍 a rural
accent, but we understood him all the same. "¨ ¨ .you walk h this b培 road,⒒ umsa:1跑ot"匝 r1oW° ne"C’ L"bendl。 You just fon° w this road, don’ t take山 e Iorongs (av° n au the gide-【 aneB)untⅡ y° u reach
a "ten word 1aw" (Crogs-road jmction) ry。 u see a li1α vGg"(r”ˇer)mith a bridge, you are on the right track。 Walk h straight until there is no big road, you
willthen see a red-rnud road ψhich
camp is on the right hand
of the track..。 。。。。"
or crocodⅡ eg?
When we agked"m about B啦 咖
,he ga闹 :":y all meand’
讧唧 ¨ that we have not heard of. The ne圯 江∞ ur山g lddB ε
Any BharkB g go there
to take a dV. T° p1ay gafe, before you get 血协 the water, you mugt Ⅱrst Ⅱ1row solne b培 臼toneB or mud 血to the gea。 When you ’ "pua山 匝 Ⅱ羽凵 Cbrea【 【the water r匝 rror,, 伍 e crocodⅡ eg 叫 m go e1:ewhere.。 。。。"
To ug, who called ourBelveg civng mght8eem1ike uack nˇ 砭”c or
iBed, 缸
gupersti伍 on8。
inte re臼 ting to hear about⒒ 。
before? 血 to bum1a11mg。 The f订 e waB ug and nearly reached Ah KoW seem’ g house, Any
£ ℃outg
"Yesterday, some Came and went
After an hour】 B ta1k、耐伍 the k山 d old man,we went h仂 the road tJaIan Bahtera) and£ °11owed his虹 旧tmCtions。 There were 印匝te a n-ber of Bide roadg-ˉ ˉˉˉ JalaIL Perahu,Jalan R出 山 ,Jalan Kapal。 We real加 ed伍 at t“ 臼 aJrea wag臼 uppl抬 d诚 th electr妃1ty from a pr加 ate power gtatbn,and伍 ere were8ome gtand-plpeg along the road。 The end of 曲 is road was an undeve1oped pieCe of land 、砬伍 1ot臼 0f "l0ve grass"。 We £ o11owed the track to the Bea. There were a£ ew dL1apiiajθ d hutg. The Owllers-ˉ ˉˉˉˉa q匝 red about the surromd山 g。 η匝kkⅡ e aged wonIan and an o1d1ady stared at ug when we山 We reali臼 ed that the hutB were mauthoriged。 We had to con吐 Ⅱ e them伍 at we were only scoutg£ rom曲 e schoo1g co眦 out for a "1ook△ gee 1ook△ gee". These huts 1ooked more Ⅱ屺 large Ⅱ g s伍 es伍 an anmhg elge。 We could not help but gympath加 ed1vi恤 曲eBe gquattererg。 TheL1iv灿 g depended on the£ ew vegetableB wⅡ ch We gaw groming near ulθ prer¤ iβ e臼 。
七dh,饣 k,wRhs W。 weˇ e+osJˇ ・
钺饲 靛 陶 醉 在逭善炒”
` 喜逑
鲺钎董乓人啼u按 蹉顶察薪舀犭Ξ
耘的营起位於离々巳昴笾的杯厝 婧△十耍里窜。眩 瓦邮 ˉFQs培 蔡叱-压 碚 请青年俱絮旮 `裘 铸 ∞栅走住袤 o将 逆肩汪 9可 抵 蓬 -乌 朱甘榜 o黏 彳 眄 舟|码 展钓 ^旖 汊 泷 命锔 符笃 ‰钿 斡J`锤 坞々昆捏虽围得构 城 夙甬 9帙 氐却 平嬖 辱 事 。羊 巫司胞卸加莴 Gf± ˉke,o 的 圭冫
Ⅱ 罨 帝 晕1襄 霪 甏 裂 暴 扌 子 冫 早 钅篦 拿 ‰暂 帮嚣 罨 罢 髫 揣贷 鞯孕 晨 聱 嚣 y青
一 /± r=庙 袒 询 昏 ,考够 韵 ⑶祈 营叱 的正 稚 咆 点 。潍 桂 他 钓福 段 薷 带 有 山 毡 喙 兕锇仍
-样 钓《咱”导憧 。
t大 黔虫途
9瞌 看充络徊 琊 掺“L)皙
沿看亿走衣是 ]° 午
遑 髫 鼋 黯 氵 鑫 苕腽 骨 龛 拌 黾 嚣吉 鞴镞犭辊 瓿 孤蚤 徂 “ 辽 艇邪 ° 冫 蜜 芑 喁 迅 亏 招 描 晃 讠 谳 蔷 毳 θ 抵 弓 小手 耔湃 寺 褶袅 你1P)促
J另 J白
θ遣 辶饿亻 钅 惹 凵 ~邑 暹月 逼-硷 ″
冖 叫饣 的 叨乙 句 长
L嘣 t衤
勰 莨 菝 瞄踅冫玄犟鑫∶ 劭 ’
污9创 喀 甘弪暂
汔P」 %F天 有冖掀 到极面去娥 萆。κ势低饶 `妆 乎娩 钏 啻罕朱遇 。
ι Ⅰ
鱼 心味菝 ” 1立 礼之丬 兮lkcˉ ↑喉羽辜・ 穹走c节 心营绢 缪 苒 饣ζ叠1圣 更岛奇 冫 ε J逼 -彳 l 凫`饿 亻 飞 弦 解蹿 嚣 篙 爻 霍昃 ξ 箔再雒 禹蚋 暴 军 :?诒 坐忘s9J(中镥
We Could not resist the Ca11of曲 e waves and、 ˇent down to haVe a dip in the △ vhen one of us had
clear, coo1 waters, Though civⅡ ised as we were, we only felt safe
performed the "breaking the water mirror ceremony"
There Was no sandy beach like
Changi and the ghore wag very narrow, The sea bed was sloping. Twenty feet away from the shore,we£ omd ourse1ves already血 four feet of water,There were a few mangroves here and there h伍 e water and this reminded us to the shore on our be1oved Pu1au Pawai。 Fish:
some one found little fishes in the water。
Those who were
gti11 young at heart went round to hunt for a tin and using sing1ets started to "fish" by gi优 吨 in shallow waterg and waithg£ or these gnlJ,creatureg to s、 vim i砒 0their"netsI△
Though we did not have any special program, no delicious lunch, nor great 伍 e sea for the day and returned to be
discoverie8, we had throwIl away our worries h切 blegged by Mother Nature,
. 一
四 n/T° e Any patro1, group °r organigation ghomd havθ expand the activi0eB and to pay
£ or tLe neCegBane:。
money? Here are Bome guggeBt且 ong:
a 碱
to keep It goIng, to
BlIt, where can the patro1 get
The troop or group may a11ot a咖 鱼1gum to every patro1a:
⒒s fmd; tthig ig not practiBed by ug)。
The memberg of伍 e
patrol gubBc过
be every week ⒁ g 加
what our p血 0⒒ 8are do吨 。) 绌 ” ubgcⅡ tbn can be5‘ ,
or20J or a口 y洫m吨 butit mgt be agreed upon hy the吣 o1e pa0ol,am be晌 匝 he~nB OE ule memb。 rB。 r ulere ig a
poor member, the pmol mgt give him due conBideration and grant Ⅱm a conoeg8iα △
。l助 member8⒍ Si∫
,|、 .彡
、吃: ⒒
nmd:can al臼 0be rn山Bod in a p血d get-togeuler 咖 re old 山e pa订 d are algo h硕 ted。 It be a tea-p臼 o or any gatLer迎 ,the dd memberB are alwayB1,v刂 1n吨 to:kw
伍eIr loyal扌 Ⅱ cmtnblIGing to their° ld be1oved patroI。
4) Any oher authoriged way to r茳 Be§匹nd for Jle patro1.
Every patro1treagurer ghoud keep an account book It羽 血 d be neaI£ it ig 、d伍 伍θ attendance boo△ Any 1山 削 or 8quared book Ⅱ没吐Ch Can la8tfor a year or go q/oud d° f灿 。The treagurer may al臼 0nne Ⅱ s Own臼 quareg on the aCComt book.
The aCComtg ghould be balanced every Week and checked(or audi涮 )
monthly。 The patro1 1eader or any member may do the audi伍 ng。 Eve-ydⅡ ng ghomd be WrⅡ兑en in b1ack and whi∞ -ˉ ˉˉˉˉhoW muCh comeg h, how much goeg out, and for what puFpoges。
wⅢ mrawa1:and expen8eB ghomd only be made、 庄伍 con8ent of伍 e“滋刂ority. Here are a few h血 tg: 1) qaend only on thoBe 咖
2)跏 nd
oh are m讪 8pend吨
to Bv吐 t the needg oE the pa0ol; 3) 助 end f° r the benefit oE曲 e pa0ol。
Dur"g° u讪 呜g,the treagurer may pay hB” eg,dJnh for the pa0ol ⅡrBt,and ulon collect thenL after
伍e e,.l,ediu°n。
one find VJo,・ d,the patrol leader ig mt mtab【
o ule patrol tma-er。
・ 诂 l垦 γ辞 劫 】 硪犭 慝
纟 岍 来 陆刚 ・ 嬲扩
→可以由畜舁1孛 翠丫:愆 竺篷聋恚兮。(曲 囹素朱7逭 矸瞰v) →冬l豕 爱向↓?灰 财T烀敏彳 J通 Js。 随是饿囹 目前咭蹁潞甲的一徨讠
′ 絷 耄 击 嚅:辐
I叼 一 玖鳃襁揸 `咴 展戍亻 洱 a应 每星Ja绒 填i犭 n衣 一 恢豇可牲忸岵柏渣ェ砗。 1↓ 9,苡 土 盱 D一 定勇精砭.退 款眵ˉ '砗 亻 笃 刁θ幻左常鸟 l。 0・
嬲礴腆群f憝翥 躬∵楚
拿 秽
龊勰 绋 扌 爹 搬溜 梯噶
摔 祆 ˉ ˉ 甾 ˉ l`、
罨蛀 凵
Coo“ ls蹋 化
rB工 乙茏磙扬夕 9百 一 备广 ÷ 枉州宁 所彳阐珙 芭羽ˉ礅 杼佾 书 贫 可日镓 房 璃 戊 tf纟 似 '蛔 国囚吗诌馆r黾 日 现 互 .← 型) Ⅱ '贸 凵弘fl畛 俏另 笮 秀f移 钌泛 。 `雨 :・
卸徉骛 塑ˉ—驷¨ 爨 :g:-彡 )厂
口口0Ι 冖 冖 冖顸γ
⒈叫 。彭慈 ;=b蛋 旨 :冫 向 艹 仙 △互咱占焙 讠 一本⒎:蹿
南本勇争和玄、 目右 厄2牡 ~r=Ⅱ
、 啄扌T/次 遭 午边 豇 鲒 丑0o眵 燕芝二 -‘ 碘 畴 吲 内、
然展屮 杰扌脓唆芦哮划足另艹 俎畏崆
至 甏 型谚 ;;嵌 王 ζ 毋 皂 瑶 £ 舀 乇 各 u汀
疙 罐 杰 另 舛 -豆
ˉ — —
¨ 环 咛 笸 姗 拂 酩‰yr飞 工二 亠 号 钟1L〃卩 凵⒈乜跨终 f=J一 扁 蝠 耳 笛 晟 军 廴 怖 翼 泓 ^毖 ^罗 畴耐 闷侄 寺沪 底少烤 ・ ,
、 <七在 =
Γ r
¨ )ι
卜Ⅰ—} ˉ
、口 刂
Early=nomiC,Ⅱm山吖 vJOke me吵 【vi/ag ve叩 hgppy。
hˉA′ L〃
bld me it W臼 Oub Fleld Day。
-my helped me to put g旧 ,thIng h he bgg and Bent me to臼
∞ me of the other CubB Were d-0± ere啦 山 HaBter。 At e吵 t gomoˉ ,heLorW oame and au of u:vJm∞ Jumng ParL⒒ mB very far a唧 ,but We
W⒏ 。¨ 。h: 浏 珈 F happily。
gang 日0ngB and 9oere veW b臼 叩叮V。
BO m叫 「Cubg:
-r Baw BO n唧 before: Everybody
All of ug gathered砬 he nag p。 gL nner εome mdng,vJe vJent∞ play h a There vJere BO many thhg to phy1 Tarzan跏 ,uindfoⅡ ,up the tree 山 among伍 e tree8:so many to play:some and do,Jn me oeo,:whging,mⅢ 吨 h the ε
whole group。
biger scoutg and MaBters helped uB to play。 About t,JelVe o’ cloCk, I became hunm。 Magter brought ug∞ one corner。 sotne I took out:ny ulingβ and ate8andwich and had a drnnk. All the other cubg ate algo。 Went to buy drinkB alBo。 We men re:ted mner ule tree:。
Then MaBter brought us to the Ⅱeld.All the Cubg gauIered r。 und h abt sbme of the other CubB came out to act, Bing and did many o山 er仗吐ng卩 . sbme It waB VeW nice to gee mem鲍 hJ吨 。we d1utl not go out to danced,gome played bo】 忠 cLcle。
J1】 ]刂
oh: Then。 。。 山△y paperB On ule Ⅱ∞ r。 horne。
time to go home。
玎 e! I th凵 k neXt year I mnt to
报 气
Before tbat, We went rmnd to p土 Ck up the
Thelony mB氵 d仂 呜 。We aⅡ mnt up啦 山 mgter and Went ∞
’ £∮ 豇 阝 舀 篮 圉 鲴 迎灿
NoL:Newton ond ^c孟
⒎匆;1P品 妆 wo飞 take^w∷ 茁 眢⒒丫 牦£ 1扌 l°
1弘 a。
c£ .ω H“ r忑
泪吲 啪
〓`冖 〓 酬 ・υ
扌 CP尉 ≤
们描锌J ● 冖
'^'、 裎 妞颖少漯 ~硪 钝 一 ˉ
、 。
汀 狗
盯 夕臼 :r乖
弦 犭絮氵 fJts:r。
△孓。刍 `J 盯 扛 讠 孑 宓扌 加 然 |么
1↓ ・ 咖
'头 钅蚪厶
a欠 J始 呜 :J
:羚 J犭 豸 直
彳 似 言Jj
哕 翎
WOLF C凵 B^"t凵
n饣 "‘
’ ▲ second Cla8g sbout 1臼 re印匝,ed to ’ 1ay and 1吒 忸t a £ ire out-o⒈ doorg 耐 曲 nattlr砬 mater】 alg, u山 呜 not more than TWO M^TCHE助 c∞k° ver thiB fire a gauBage and potatoe8,and a饣 Ⅱ刂8t or dmper,amd make tea."
He Bhomd als° be able∞ deal呐 th cutg and臼 cratche8,ueed蜘 gfrom ae noge,gth昭卩 and biω g and bums and gcdd臼 ,h add⒒ bn to how fo avoⅡ gun-buming aud hovJ to uge the triaJmar bandage ag a B1山 η圣 His genge of 0bservation shou1d be parexceneI【 ce and hi臼 h×冲Ⅱ Ledge
of6∞ mmon trees and the valueg of the山
r woods£ or fireg h the o吐 -of-doors。 He should be able to ∞ nstruct a treBue of mout Mr:by me"e。 f伍 eBmre吣 洫 咿 and山 agonal Lashingg and be able to tIe伍 e讪d∞ r-Ⅱ ∞h and灿 曲ermn】 BⅡ ¤口L % be able ∞ uε e the hand axe and蛔 re pr∞ σ 灯 and how伍e16po血 “ of the∞ mpaBB and hoo∞ Bet a map“ the next m皿 rement。 Atoempt a jo-qd8mile ad maLe a rmortto0le sM,“ he lap of the &∞ nd C1ag臼 TeBt.
Bhould be adequate enoun to ensure吣
wⅡ h
g-加 al
an the knOwlodge a mCond chgB s△ mt womd haˇ e aoquire when
aw咖 ed伍e Badge,hoW many realˇ 卩 t them血 ∞ praCti∞ ?How many really have me oppo獭 饣 of p“ 仂呜 伍em hω me real忱 gt h lⅡ e?
难 谳 糨 森 揪黝
Pau1 wee
rL ˉ
oαm⒆ 鳓嬲笾 丐扌彳9″
c犭 石o叨
″″・ 钐 勿色多 'ε
〃铌 /粒冖
〃ˉ、 ・ %免 冫刃吧/饣1:厶
燹童 oFκ ,,丁
W● △Cooo o
— ↓ 琚 尔妞 —
WoRκ s 咕
⒏工″ ■■
人找 ・ 戊 l 、 孚。‘ o f「
L^Nt巳 艮N
M∞ N eAKB Mo’ EL
打 面 哉 卦 耋T
臼氵、 冫木畏吹钅l人 丘促 办△定、 v句 惩 喇 ˇ 饣 氵 农 坂 舵 脚 雇。护 彳 。 氵 1。 廴 用钥卜 △多氵 彡 咖 莎 f,刂 亻 四亻煸 彡I丘 9J迕 代 彳问 眵 ,nO夂 秒彡 思 s`和 J解 口 "氵 四 J+`钛 人 知 辽 `扌 氵 屮叼 刂、 i忄 入 怼 入 o哝 引力吹 人 戈 `侈 0・
疵ii运 庋假`柙 扣 浓 饫欠戈铆 陟勾屁 摔 、 7,t丛 屁 尼未`追 照 鹿 而锋 穴,iI杞 `碇 u伺 唧屙毛 唧 洗 汪o・ 但 多人南 垦除‘彡建 吖 ∴ 太 屹 巳 瞀 叫 众叮冈 △V卢 饣 卢饣 抚 俐 狎 軎永 羝 艺 斛 帘。。仪 柘 辽 代 臣廴 浇 豇
JΥ 纡 龛钫 裂‰1%笫 锫 去 踽突 :期 翻:1侔 傀 γ∶ °
路 蚓 羽 么爰 ,辽 J'侩
'啤 缉 脚J叫 磉 F阝 芦畴 农 缝 〃氵乏
卩 法;逢{r瑷磊 γ筱 凭 雯 乳饣 钅 ⒊ 骂 建 绣展 气彳 钙 ‰ 霈 廴 zJ下 r曷 锅鳞辐⒐铴龆台 甲砬 弼乡 嬲
扌忿;f坛J智 龟 丿繁
懈 绨 鞴 鹅
丬?分 约 冫扌彳夕°逼 夂玖 铆 玄为琦甘 ;弄 i11∴ 饣。 1rr讠 扩笤
剔荡-私扌 铲 篷 舞 捌锣扌⒈
`孑 l笤
(刁 阝R'夕 ‘ 夕o饪 ArD)。
纟征 冫P?饰 印 抚 爆 矸 户,印
交 一 弗 叼 彳走氵冼滂 丘桴饼未仂。 f而
韩1 葫 叫Ⅱ
红Po 忄 扌幺
1娜 iR'同 吱炉
子 :己 肀忄
t碍 田ω殂
ˉ彳 津 Q纟 业 绷λ教屮P父 0店 衣短△
i丨 |i∶ i∶
1少 `诂
本上碎苡:扣 犭'方 伪i叫扛司
灿愠 细箩
屮定 扫舛 及宝 孑侧 口田灿、
劫 以〓
渺 嚣
∶ ∶ ∶ ∶ 。 ∶ ;恧 ∶ i{J 抵 茹 ・ ‘ 该“ 切拙 露殍 池
持 贾3臼 玢 燕
抽 守|葫 实。 。呓
η — — — —— —
Po田 AL ADDREss OF EDITOns c/o 178, ⒏ngapore
Towner Road, 12。
Dear Editor,
There are BOme time +h9t our troop £ee1 proud enough to gay 伍 at our Cub Master is appointed the District Commi8sioner of Geylang E泣 BtriCt. YourB£ 洫 cerely,
ALAN CHAN, P/L of Eagle Patrol, 1810 眦 apore Troop, Haig Boy臼 】sChoo1.
(Ed. -ˉ -0ur
heartiegt congratu1ationB to your Cub Magter,) 26/9/64。
Dear Bro。 Leo,
Thank you£ or No. 16 of"Campfire Light", Duriq雪 the pagt year or go, I have been receiving regv匚 ar copieg of your very f△ Ⅱ’Group magazine, I have aIways
:翌 :⒊ l瑟 %,吼 岁猛拣蠲默摞叩irt:器
nF:l;I1i甘 :nJ
name on your man血 g1ist.We⒒ ,at last I am ab1e to put thoughtg to paper. )rLn comm讠 ttee on its very commendab1e I must congraunate the I:旧 “ orts. It must take a great dea1 of hard wOrk to pub1ish suCh a fine magazine as "Camp£ ire Light" and to do regularIy。 1i】
e£ £
amazed t° read h your c-ent copy o£ your Group 皿 gazine that astound山g gmm of $2,505,25‘ du凵 hg the recent JOB WEEK。 That sun1beats the tot扯 ear西 珥卩 o£ my DiBtrict for1968JOB WEEK。 What did you do to be ab1e to encourage your Group to εuch great efforts or is that 臼upposed to
52nd had earned
T0P sECRET? The sate of Perak η吐l be hold虹 g itg JOB WEEK in september £ your tips are av茁 1ab1e,I hope to encourage my E△ Btrict to reaoh an all time high,
CHAN KWAI FoNG, E注 strict
Tai"【 ,i】 。 η EF, 1臼
t Augugt, 1964。
contrimted by:
:WaIm Fε1jar)
of AnderBon mhool Group (2)
Brother scouts o£ singapura,
Let ug all he1p bui1d our Country
Heed the ca11 o£
We believe in demoCracy, We have been free a11 a1ong。
Citizeng of Malaygia, our Nation, Be a better generation。
that ig rich and gtrong.
’Be prepared’ i8 our motto, In sCouting we geek adventure, And improve ourselveg a11 round, For a11 thingg come Ψhat may。 0ur Country need uB we know, We are citizens of the future, We must not let our country doⅡ 口 Ⅱ alayBia, hurrah:。 ..hurray: .。
THE sCOUT LAW (ηme:Longegt
Be£ ore
we 1eave, Each on our way, Let ug a11 sing, This gong this way, Let us promise, To always obey, Law, oh brothers gcoutg∶
丿 晏 展
}昆 ,|
辗 ∫
佛彻 唇 眸
腔 芭 冖
% 土:星 刍丿
We promige to be, Trugty and 1oya1, He1pful brotherly, Courteoug and kind, obedient, βmiling, And alwayg thrifty, A1Wayg pure in body and mind.
C Key
The“ out
Ι Ι Ⅱ △ △
This MagazIne ha8 been reproduced
from cover to cover on the
Ⅰ I}l’
○ FFs匚 T
advan∞ d
potentialities of
prhting process avaⅡ able h your 。wn。 mce。
For fu11 detans send for Ⅱlustrated brochure。 /ξ
刀、讠h山 od
Ξ ‰ 钅 Ξ '/ W ACe
(E^sTERN冫 沏
LTD。 ,
26・ 8⒐
neW Compa,w by ao Ge日 teliu1
全 世 界 各 圯 人 士 县 茛 治 傍 凤 ・及 各 在 欧 痛 症 右 晃 皆 抹 用 '
虎 摞 永 妾 堂 巷 埔 全 球 虎 栋 践 全 油 及 虎 粽 良狗 之 苡 狗殿 杲 新 出 品