蹶鳕 邋夙⒄ sW◎ 鼹Ⅷ圈圈黢
u锪 鹑黢浏◎鼷颥c,蝈 躅 Ⅱ
TRAINING BooKs THE WOLF CUB H^NDB0oK(Lord Badenˉ Powell)。 THE CUB BooK(An abⅡ
乏⒑嘁 雹瑕鹘孟 F邢 貔饕显黛匦◎觐阗
dgo-edition of the aboψ e for wolf cubs), ∷
WOLF CUBS(Gilcraft)。
s BoQksJ。
es of pocket s弦 e books written
and i11ustrated for the Wolf Cub)∶
1 The Bran Tub; No。 2 Artist and Handicra£ t; No。 4 First¨ Aider Badge; No。 5(Co11ector and Signa11er; No。 6House Orderly and Gardener; No。 8 0bserⅤ er ahd Guide; No。 9 ModelⅡ ng for Cubs;No。 10Cy。 Ⅱst Badge;N。 。11The Way to the Stars(Fkst Sta£ λ No.12The Way to the Stars(Second starJ;No。 13Cubs’ SportsInan Badge;No。 14The Cub Fun Book。 No。
THE JUNGLE BooKS,Parts1and2(Kipling,。
Series of six)。
SIX PROGRESS CHARTS(P忆 torial recordJ。 TENDERpAD TEST cARD(IΠ struction扌 FLAG AND EMBL日 M CARDS(Instructional)。 JUNGLE ANIMAL OUTLINESff。 r而 all d0coration)。 WALL TABLE C耳 ARTS(Cub B已 dgo Test details)。 11)。
o⒛/J BOy
[EB0Y sC0UW6蠡 凼
Ⅱ ″ r凡 召 曰Dov纟 jrε〃;s 四刀
εr s〃 r,r,JJ召
s ror cJJ3 v@rrc c曰 刀 D纟 Ro曰J,Lo田 Jor9,
@3r曰 f刀 召歹 rro″ J肋 ‘ sco仍 rs凡 ' ° oJ凡 刀g凡 四仞 P曰 J曰 c召 氵 S。 ∥ 。 1,四 刀J3r汕 c肋 s。 `,25BJJc攵
弼 廴
Ss◎ C豆 凰 鐾顶◎ N ◎
卩 邑
PR豆 C圃 8嫂 ①
蠛 ◎ 虱 窈
ˉ ˉ
3e:午 ⒒\
THIs pamphlet has been compⅡ ed in response to a number of
suggestions that the variations in the Jungle Dances which havc appeared in r尼 纟sσ 。z莎 纟r from tirrle to time should be coⅡ ected together in a convenient form。 With these are reprinted the Founder’ 础 ,and a h 饪‰ 考 馅 指 吖 鞘 a抚 扩 窍 找 挠 拄 辂
吖 ∶ |) 已 匀 —
Ⅱ&三 N。 rⅠ ,・ /妤 o抻 ed th狨 they of the most popul`时 thⅡ 。
raining]Department at]Headquarters wⅡ l always be glad to hear of new Dances or fresh variations,for pubhcation in T几 εsc0勿 J召 r T、
or in future editions of this pamphlet。
Grateful acknowledgment is1nade to those whose variations havc been used in the fo11oⅥ 汀ng pages。
It should be noted that the position of Jungle1Dances in the Pack Progra∏ 11ne has recently been clarined, and it is agreed that the
Dances are optional and are by no means essential in creating the
Jungle at1nosphere,which is dependent on a proper understanding of the Jungle stories, and the meaning of the Cub Law, salute。 Badge and the nomenclature。
However,it is the rrlost natural thing
for(Cubs to want to dramatise a good story, and many Packs do appreciate the value of the Jungle Dances and thoroughly enjoy doing them。
rEⅡ c〃 rⅣ c r〃 E DⅡ ⅣcEs It is not desired to lay down any hardˉ
and— fast
methods of
teaching the Dances。 That would be absurd, for each Akela must
discover by experience the most sucCessfu1 method for his or her Pack。
It Ⅵ注Ⅱ, however,be useful for the new Akela to study carefuⅡ 1
the fdbwing p孙 sage from Gilcraft’ sI〃 oJ/C%3J(pp.53-5⒌
I Ith
you do read it frO1rl了
凡纟7%mΞ εBo@圮
a litde cutting and editing
may be necessary。 Take pains to make the ani1nals appear as
In the Jungle Dances,which are rea11y plays of the Jungle,the neans Founder combined pront with Pleasure。 He has provided a Ⅱ
real, live characters,emphasising their particular characteristics, as wel1as the adventurous nature of the story。
Then explain fuⅡ y how it is to be acted。 Go through each part of the lDance,demonstrating lvhen necessary。 Then let the Pack try it,and give praise to those who have reaⅡ y tried to act their
naJve h哎 h⒍ and love d而 n⒏ 丁 肀 :穷 t投 迈 波 、∶邕forth certain very valuable lessons ˉ ˉ noral legsons of the buⅡ ying Iriger and the sneaking Jackal, the Ⅱ
the d、 ciphnary lessons of obedience (Kaa Dance) and bodⅡy
nind a11that can be learnt from these them,and Akela,bearing in Ⅱ
Jungle lDances,should give them thought and careful attention so that the Cubs wiⅡ reaⅡ y enter into them。 If they do not go down well,it wⅡ l generaⅡ y be found that the fault lies with Akela and that it is direcdy due to one or more of the foⅡ oⅥ注ng Ⅱ1istakes: (D Wantof h1agination。
been a success。
To be successful,Akela1nust introduce the lDances with enthusiasIn and iInagination。 If any Cub scOuter feels half~hearted about thern,he or she wⅡ l not put theΠ l over we11and the chances are that the Cubs wi11not enjoy them。 In such cases it is better not to do theⅡ l at a1l。
(iD Tcaching the Dances h1the nrst in¨
stances to boys of ten(or even eleven!)ycars。 f age;(they are not Ⅱkely to prove successful in such cases; the older(¤ ub wⅡ l only
lke them if he has been brought up on them)。
(iii)Treatillg t11e
Dances as a number of movements to be gone through in a certain fashion and in a certain order,and nothing rnore;whereas they are much more exercises in acting and character portrayal。
h)Teaching them in a slⅡ shod way,without any part忆 《
attmpt at method and without giving enough time to them。
GEⅣ ERⅡ L ⅣotEs The Dances may tmly be c川 1。
them to Indian
well beforehand。
Others l⒒ en
hunting achieve】 m1ents。
2. 3・
In order to teach the Dances properly we should take care to avoid a11nve err。 rs。 I need hardly add that Akela must be pre¨ Pared to demonstrate a particular point hhnsel免 whether it is to
led Jungle Plays。
War Dances, in which the Redskins found
the most expressive means of describing their adventures and
OΠ1itting to ensure that a11the(Cubs know the story thoroughly
If you have prepared the ground we11, it should go
reasonably weⅡ , and,with one or two more practices, it should become quite a pohshed perfor1mance。 But don’ t drⅡ l the fun and spontaneity out of it。 If the(Cubs don’ t enjoy i1it has not
conttol (Bagheera Dance) Every Cub should know and enjoy
They are a11gready improved if done out of doors。 Don’ t overdo the Dances。 Once a Pack is estabⅡ shed, it is not necessary to do then1regularly。
:rhere are plenty of other play¨
aCt1ng stunts。
厂 、 、 hen introducing new boys to the Jungle st。
ries don’
t bore
chase his taⅡ like one of the Bandarlog or crawl on his tuΠ 11ny like
the rest of the Pack but give them sOmething else to do。
Bagheera; and that the Dances are only half done if they are done standing up,instead of getting down to it on aⅡ fours or
minds of the Cubs the atmosphere Of the Jungle。 On th`
However,when doing a1Dance it is necessary to recreate in the oCCasion the story should be brieny t。
nay be。 quite nat,as the case Ⅱ
adusoble to use a sep盯 ate evening when teaching these to the
younger CuⅡ 。 or to keep the older boys apart under the
jurisdiction of one of the Old Wolves and employing thclη
, as sometⅡ nes happens, a few boys have joined the Pack when they aJe t∞ old to be interested in the Jungle lDances,it is IJ∶
rⅡE DⅡ ⅣcE r凡 召
7e wⅡ l
tk k⒒ He `、
I只y揣 r↓ j7% 扛⒒1挠 冤扌
£ t抟 茫气 描℃ `|跟
The Dances are not,as a rule,considered suitable for Parents’ Evenings or pubhc perfonmances。
so1η ething better suited to their age。
Me蚰 a懑⒊ 挠撬f盅爿‰瑟t‰ &苜盅乩严出 ⒏
ld to the whole Pack as
〃 。J/c勿 3’ sH仞
OF B/Loo mJ3oo七 ,夕 夕 ・J争 36
fom the Parade Circle,and try the dance of Baloo,
Ⅵ ⒓ stk
mhd h the弘 mg杨
Law of the Jungle to)Mowgl∶ d1ing,very like a big po
He was a豇 go . ;抚 11琵 1%∶嘿 3
turn right and move round again。 Four slow steps, turn i11 and repeat the]Law again。
These actions are repeated four times, then MowgⅡ , who has ‘ ne,says: ‘ I hear thee,O Baloo,
been listening attentively a11the ti∏
and I ivjJJ remember。 ” Dance ends。
茔砹 岁
u诚 谧甜 邃钰恣菇 巍苒茛 ・orders。 This IDance is not suitable
for older Cubs;it is intended to help the younger ones to lmemorise the Law。
ddy:ear hn忆
凭 i:昆 :丐 ;瓦 尻 c黑 扌∫ 劣
;or the“ Pohcemers
VariaⅡ on2 The (Cubs of the seeonee Pack are a11 gathered in the Jungle cleaHng for their moming lesson。 Pack in circle (crouching as
wolvesl,Baloo kneeⅡ ng in centre— — forepaws up— — as a bear sitting。
Hc expounds the Law。 Ⅳ ozIl,莎 脑
打 莎凡‘ 肠
四 or莎 凡ε 7勿 mgJ召 一
Ⅱ£oJJ四 m歹 ‘ r莎 rzJ纟 四JJ凡 纟J七 9,丿
昭 〃 °〃 砒 耐 此 曰JJ切 纟夕 j扌 mc9’ 夕 rOJp纟 r, 〃 o〃 砘 ‘ z莎 此 ‘ :'J br纟 砒 J莎 ??0“ J莎 dj纟 。 〃 四J九 dcjJ`/r0铭 m。 J纟 —莎巾 莎0招 氵 J。 莎 Jp(Pack pretend
B“ rr切
selves邡 ac犹 m圯 ht);
DrjPz虍 J纟 召夕J`(Pack
bend down and drink at drinking pooll,乙 0od纟 纟夕 丿 Ⅱ md r纟 m纟 m乙 召r扌 尼纟 m氵 g凡 扌 jJ ror凡 叨溺 沅 3 Ⅱ md/° rg纟 莎 mo莎 莎九纟 J四 J/氵 J/or£ J纟 纟夕 (Pack nod gravely)。 r尼 纟 7四 σ七曰J仞 四 v莎 凡纟 r愆 纟r, Bz莎 ,C“ b,四 凡召 冗‘ 凡丿 四九打虍纟r£ 四r纟 gro四 m, `/oJJ° R纟 m纟 mD召 r砘 纟 〃 oJ/打 四 凡%m莎 纟t—
,z纟 V纟 r莎
G° /or莎 凡 四md召 引 /ood o/ 莎 尼Jm纟 o四 m` (Cubs growl softly。 °/凡 打 εg纟 口md凡 氵s σzmmjmf, B纟 cε “s纟 o/凡 jJ grJ夕 纟 四mJ凡 打 夕 四四 , fm四 JJ J凡 四扌 ‘凡纟 J乙 c四 J纟 四z,召 莎尼 o夕 纟m, r凡 纟〃。 rd。 /″ 昭〃纟 曰 d〃 o〃 打 四
B纟 c四 勿J纟
~ Cubs turn right and prowls】 owly round,repeating the Law。 σ or纟 。 try to keep山 e words in刂 me with the crawling steps。 ) “ Thc ’ ’ Cub(:∶ ives in to the OId Wolf:the Cub does not芒 ive in to himself。 'ε
D。 rt
Variation I
One(Cub sitting in centre of Circle— —Mowgh。 The rest,standing,are each of therrl Baloo。 —Mowgh learning the lesson of the∶ Law from Baloo on a Jd召 c。 — Pack in circle。
hot afternoon。 Mowgh rather weary and perhaps a little hurt by Baloo’ s insistence upon a lesson he(⒈ 压owgh)knows by hearL
;0rs⒎ ht计 罐 爿 l∶ ∶ 梦‰ j至 P:提 击 抚 。∝ ::∶ ∶ 氙 %骂 All Baloos to Ⅱght foo△ take four slow steps and turn inwards。 ‘ The{Cub gives in to the C)ld Wolf: the Cub docs nOt Mowfrh: ‘ ” (Emphasise with beats of paws。 )Thc Bal。 。s ve in to himseF。 臣
H£ 驾
All turn inwards,throw up their heads and caⅡ
‘ ‘
We’ ll
do our bestr’
All turn lef1and prowl round as before,repeating the Law All turn,to face centre,and chant together: o四 砘 召s纟 ct纟 砘 纟 Lε VJ o/砘 纟 7zmΞ 纟, 彳mJ mε m9,曰 md’mJg九 莎 丿 仞r纟 J尼 Bz扌 莎凡纟 凡召四d四 md莎 凡纟 凡oo/o/莎 `9,丿 凡纟 L四 四 Ⅱ耐 ‘ 尼纟凡四cJmσ 九四md莎 凡纟凡zJm夕 氵 J— ob纟 9,` Ⅳ
tⅥ `ICe。
BaIoo caⅡ s:‘
spring to Alert,both hands up。 A11break耐 。
hen Good Hunting,
“b姒 ω山 °
H廷 龆l坶 l茫Ⅰ Jb忿 ⒊ F品 £ 鬼 ∶ 点ζ :∶ 础
(Baloo should see to it that as many difFerent Cubs as pos蛀
Var二 ation3
asked a question。
the centre of
the clearing(haⅡ or open space)and squats down。
B四 J° or (Ca11ing)“ Litde brothers! Litde brothers!”
C叨 bJr(Running
from thor la△ s and squatting,as for the Grand Howl,in a ckde around him)。 “ Baloo… oo。 oo!” Bε Joo:“ Litde brothers,th`is the L汕 ¨ f the Wolf Cub Pack— The Cub gives in to the C)ld Wolf, the (Cub does not g1ve 1n to ” hhnself。 (VVhⅡ e Baloo is speaking, the Cubs look at one another and nod in assent。 )
(The Cubs then crawlround in thor ckde,dockw厶 e,and say the fdlowing words twice,keeping movement and words in time。 ) C%3Jr“ Ⅱ ε rm the ”(Repeat.) Law,wdⅡ `Ve hear Law,we hear the Law,and we’ J召 四 rm the the Law。 '纟 (The Cubs tum to face Baloo,蚯 tting back on thor heels and giving emphasis to山 e words in J彻 JJ“ by hitting one nst int。 the pahn of the other hand。 ) CvDJJ“ And wd11do our D纟 J莎 ,Baloo,to七 b培 thump`ghen on the word“ keep’ ’ 。 ) B四
‘ Well
said,little brothers,well said。
the Law。
(An extra
’ ’(Then turning to any
冫/。 J/c“
3’ £ 〃
四 冗 d3o。 虍 ,夕
夕 ・ J⒍
ˇ /ho cou埒 ently and quite unseen in the shadoⅥ hgheera was thc uaGk untIlσ
crafty and skⅡ ful hunter,brave and enduring。
‘ zbr‘
The Cub does not give in to hⅡ nself。 (Baloo repeats th`question to another Cub,or to two more if the
circle is large。 To any of the answers throughout “ ’ ’ That’ sr廴 ght!’ ,“ Good!’ ,etc。 ,if he chooses。 )
he may reply— —
Bdoo(to a diσ erent Cubl:“ What厶 the meaning of th、 ‘
C仍 br‘ Think nrst。 f。 thers。 ”
’ P’
lThese questions and answers are repeated as above。
(to another Cubl:“ What`the nrst cub Law P’ ‘ CtJ乙 :‘ The Cub givesin to the old Wolf。 ”
B口 Jo°
B夕 Jo° r“ Now,litde
of the丘rst Cub LawP’ ’
t° gether— — What
is the1neaning
(quickly changing from sitting on their heels to the squatting Ⅱke a d° g howling):“ obey— ey— ey! obey¨ eyˉ ey! Obey■ ey■ eyr’ CzJ3“
pookion and throwing up their heads
Although he could be nerce and terrible when he liked, he had a kind hear△ and he taught Mowgh how to hunt and get his food。
For the Bagheera1Dance each(Cub bccomes a panther。
σ i::c:皮 窍 足炅 磊∴ F多 磊 :nt: 菇 01趸 孓乇衣肿 遇∵弦 r耔
℃ 椤甓 扳廷萝隹 葜 e捎 ,芒 ω渊 #茹 蕊 :a拄 :‰ 咒扌 ⒊ 占 ‰生
ll揩 "etly g⒍
%镞 丁坩出扌 黢 蕊虽辂r毳投F焦 。 氓‖∶
≡ J孤 i:⒎遐s忄 器 i盯 乒 厂lumps of deer meat。 溉 During the dance every Cub must watch the leader,and instandy
弦乩罗 。 叫甘召群耔
do the same thing as he does。
d叩 ace 、〓 r丧 F以 凡 e姓 r⒊
out of doors。
`oo(to another Cub):“ CGJbr“ Keep on trying`’
以∶订 甓‰ 翟
Cub he 'ooJ‘ chooses h the ckdel:“ Little brother,what“ the second Cub LawP’ ’
ble a「 e
The Cubs squat in their1aks(six cornersl.Bal。 o(preferably arb
like,into Old WoⅡ or a Cub Instmcto→ ambles,be盯 ¨
br洫 Dan∞
ωbe d∞ uv⒍ R
toes whhout1making the slightest and wⅡ l斌 `lk the on the tips of h厶 no`e,so that whole body sounds like a snake msding through
Noms Ⅱ。
盅 艄摺硭⒊
搬 烈 ⒒ⅢT捋 窝刂距
Ⅱy山 e
c猛 叩 △潴
七‰ 虽
bu扯 rⅡ “
诫 汛
严 is滞
备 了鞯
1器 J
Choose one of the sixers as leader。 :Γ he Pack must reaⅡ se that the success of the1Dance largely depends upon each Cub exacdy 土扭
′ 扌 点
s1novements and being careful not to get
thus coled and uncoled himser,the leader匪 When Kaa h灬 ’ ‘ ‘
the coΠunand
Note wh狨
Gilcraft田 吖s:“ The Jungle Dances are notjust thngs Irs n。 t
for little kds,as some people try to make us beheve。 t梵 everyone who ca:△ tum h山 nnself inω a be盯
ta扛 抚b捋 ‰腊 菇 嗖盹瑟%品 拈%#J焦mb孟 imaginary branches and lc∶
wⅡl hunt his own taⅡ 。C冫 thers wⅡ l cⅡ
:l焦 P1投
9Pr unthC t嚣 。 :叫 旦 c:罗 。 吕呈 冫 品 昱 hed狨 ”comht‰ ons can“ 叨 ⒍%Ⅱous狨 拈e∴ 滥 kinds of stalking games,which wi vaⅡ discarding the circle formation。 Ⅱ I/Ⅳ CER
D/丘 ⅣCE OF KⅡ Ⅱ TⅡ E PyrⅡ o尸 ˇ
k:犭 戋
C%D、 Ⅱ四mJ3oo七 ,夕 夕・4/-亻 9・
r凡 纟〃 o〃 (Ⅳ o扌
One wⅡ l keep running
sit down and scratch in曲 e nuddle of it。
and at once the snake breaks up and
each Cub mns aboutin hisown way,imitating the rnonkeys。 One wnl mn asif on urgent bu蚯 ness in a certain direction and
The way to stdk。 ⒌
纟 .—The story of the Dance,told on Pages42ˉ 44of the
H四mdboo七 ,`omitted here。
The leader wⅡ l be Kaa’ s head,and the rest of the Pack wiⅡ taⅡ on behind hiⅡn, each holding 山 e Cub in front of hi1n, and wⅡ
foⅡ ow
the head wherever it goes,moving as slowly as Pos蛀
keeping step、 ″ith the Cub in front of hhn。
The head wiⅡ quiedy gⅡ de along on a tFack like the ngure 。f
wⅡ l then wind his taⅡ uP into a circle,graduaⅡ y getting works his way out 田naⅡ er and smaⅡ er,unul he turns round and ” ‘ again in the ngure、 ″hi。h the scouts CaⅡ the‘ spiral。
吨,and e廴 出
Every (¤ ub wⅡ l keep on his蛀 ng during the whole perfor1mance,
r庄 撬 钱
℃ 叫 %∶段 叩 讠 hJ1∶ eF:艾 ζλ 1眨 百 /衣 l
do to them。
The Cub whofoms Kaa’ s head stands up with ams outstretched, 山 umbs clasped,head down,and slowly sⅥ 注ngs his body to and fro。 He hisses once,and a11the monkeys take an un、 n`iⅡ ing step forward。 He p(:)j1nts out one of them。
The fr培htened`v|ictim cmw、 forw盯 d
‘ ‘ between his legs and is swaⅡowed'’ and山 en
taⅡ s
on behind山 e
leader, as in the nrst part of the1Dance。 Perhaps a dozen monkeys go this way,one after the other,and so reˉ for11ithe body of Kaa;the
others slowly move round to the back and retake their places as his taⅡ 。VVhen
aⅡ have joined up,the snake moves heavⅡ y round in a
circle,and then lies down and goes to sleep after his heavy meal This is done by a111ying down,one after the other,starting with the leader。
At the cdl of“ Pack!Pack!Pack!” everybody jumps up,
shouts the answer“ Packr’ and f。 rms Parade Circle。 NoTEs 1. Note the position of the leaders hands in the iⅡ 2.
He厶 afr“ d to go about alone, so he always keeps near his feⅡ ow jackals: although he tⅡ es to look like a wol1he never hunts or earns his Tabaqui“ the jackd,a sneaⅡ ng
sort of a felbw。
food like one,but sneaks about trying to steal or beg it from othe1、
Then when he has got it he is not a bit grateful, but runs about
yapping and yeⅡ ing, disturbing the game and making a regular ′ nuisance of hi∏ nself。 Γhere are lots of boys like′ rabaqui、 ~ho rus11 about ye11ing and making Ⅱttle asses of themselves and bothering people,always ready to beg for a penny or a bit of胛 b,but never They are quite ready to jeer or throw mud at people if they are at a safe distance away, but are awful litde
anxious to do any work。 cowards rca11y。
The iⅡ ustration shows the Cubs holding on to each other by the shoulders。 some Packs prefer to hold by 山 e waist。 It is also
better for the Cubs to have their heads weⅡ down rather山 an heId erect。 3・
mJbo° 七 J/c%b’ J〃 四 r九 纟〃。 ,pp。
I hope no Cub wi11ever deseⅣ e to be ca11ed IΓ abaqui。 Then there is shere Khan。 1Ι e was the big ferocious¨ looking tiger。 An awful bu11y。
He1was not clever enough to hunt and catch wⅡ d
瞅 对ξ 男
:Ilds:{I∶ :f:∮
∶ ;:£ ∶ 点凡F‰ 呷男1猫 T挠
Emphao1e the frozen horror of each monkey when the drea~ed
him asleep。 C)therwise he was desperately afraid of a man。
ca11of“ Kaar’ is heard。 1Ι e must keep very sti11,Ⅵ 注th eyes glued to Kaa,untⅡ Kaa points to him。
They foⅡ owed hi1n abou△ and 山 ough he buⅡ ied 山 em 曲 ey kept
ob怔 注ned by aⅡ oⅥ 注ng the Cubs to hold theⅡ 10n the shoulders of the boy in front。 t【 l冂
【 ∶ iing of the Jungle and the nnest fellow on caHh。 tdling him he was]I∶ 【 Of course they dd thk in order山 狨 he should匪 ve them a bit of Ⅱs
hands, instead of placing
1e Cubs stand in a hne according to size, and clasp hands
stretching the r培 ht hand fomard and the left hand back。
shghdy, they move fomard in step,advancing、 only and bringing the left foot up to it。
`ith the right foot
Both knees should be `ˇ
bent。 A nke shtheⅡ ng jointed snake should result。 In a smaⅡ Pack each(Cub can be‘ ‘ swa1lowed” under the legs of the leader,but of the leader only,the nrst victiⅡ n being the smaⅡ est sl兔 hdy
end。 The second smaⅡ est isthen swdbwcd,and joins on between the smdlest and the leader; the third,between the leader and the second; and so on up to山 e
boy,since he eventua11y becomes the taⅡ
If they then clasp r辶 扌 lt and left hands as before,they are in the right position for lying down in a jointed snakeˉ like manner,or if each(¤ ub steps over the joined handsin front of hhn,they are ready ‘ ” for‘ skinning the snake。
MowgⅡ and shere Khan。 11
When Kaa goesto sleep at the end,it is ra山 er easier if the Pack kneels,one(¤ ub after the other,as a prehn£ nary to lying down。 Variation σor a smdl Pack) As1naⅡ Pack wⅡ l nnd that a much more snakeoⅡ ke appearance is
Ve11, the Tabaqui thought a tremendous lot of shere Khan。 、
kⅡ l when he was eating it。 I have known shere Khans among boys ——big ferocious¨ looking boys who buⅡ ied the sma11er ones in order
to get what they wanted out of then△ but they were arrant cowards reaⅡ y if the smaⅡ boy would only stick up to them,
In the Tabaqui Dance the Pack is divided into two seCtions。
vant to show that you, for one, don’ t like sneaks or you either 、 buⅡ ies,or you haven’ t worried to曲 ink!
No:Ⅱ s 1.
Half of the Cubs-with a leader who is shere Khan— —are the Tabaqui,the others are the Wolves,who, of course,havc bΙ with them。
o、 `、
too oftcn。
The Tabaqui and shere Khan do thcir part nrst, s。
WhⅡ e the 3・
swaggers for aⅡ he is worth;and seems to chaⅡ enge any and cvery¨ ‘ ‘ ’ I’ rn shere Khan,the′ Γ one to come on and nght。 iger King,’ he Jackal.’
fun of the thing,缸 ms a kkk at his folbwcr。 The jackal dodges the Γ ‘ kick,bows low again as if to say‘ Γhank you” and mns back to his place。
AⅡ this tirne he has been where shere Khan can see hi1n,
but、 〃hen he gets behind the tiger a great change comcs over hirn——
he stops cringing (that is, bending humbly) and makcs a face at shere Khan。 They’ re a nice Cubby set of people,aren’ t thcyP But look! The Wolves are moving。
They sweep down on the′ Γabaqui and each
of them carries ofF one of these litde sneaks。
Ⅵ厂 hen the noise and
scume have died away,and the Wolves with their captives are lying quiet agⅡ n,shere Khan,who was j1】 st a little neⅣ ous during the tumult,looks around hi1n,sees that he is alOne and thinks to himself: “ ”“ ェ I’ rn greater than even r thought I was。 I’ n shere K11an, the ’he roars, hoping that aⅡ thc,Iungle Folk、 vⅡ l hcar t、 iger I《 1ing,’
and belkve him。 The Jungle F。 lk m七 ht belkve him,but Mowgli has always known the T七 cr to be just a cowardly bully。 He comcs across now, very slowly, w⒒ h one am outstretched (a nnger pOinting) and his eyes on those of the tiger。 look at RIan。
shere Khan cannot
Hc is afraid,and though he gocs on saying that llc is
the t`ger King,he graduaⅡ y cringcs down tⅡ
l he is∏ at at λ/IOwgh’ s
JackaⅡ should be a high squeak on one note, starting quite softly but graduaⅡ y getting又ouder and louder。
1Γ he
Dance is oftcn dragged out too long because the Wolves
do not start fron△ their lair early enough。 Let then1start out ‘ quite soon after the1Γ abaqui have started their cries of‘ Jackal!
surround them beforc pouncing on them and
This1Dance holds more appeal for(Cubs if a11 the actions and
∝kal!J犯 kE11!’ ’厶 then repl犯 ed σics are mimet忆 。The cal1‘ ‘ 「 ∶
by the yapping of jackals rather after the fashion of a hungry puppy who is to冖 ng to ingratiate hi1nself with his master。 Shere
Khan says no words, but conveys their meaning by the tone and strength of his roars。
VaⅡ ation
Γhe Wolves and Tabaqui A very eσ ective opening is as fo11ows。 are sitting quiedy in their corners, Tabaqui keeping a sharp lookout for shere Khan。 The Wolves are not intcrested in that, but busy in a quiet way on their own aσ airs v注 th Mowgh。
Shere Khan comes on alone, stalking an imaginary prey。
quietly he advances untⅡ the ti1ne comes to spring upon it。 He then reIlds his prey, and makes an exce11ent meal— —but don’ t let hirrl be too long about it! ALfter his meal he fa11s asleep in thc ∏Ⅱddle of the clearing。
The moment they see that shere Khan is asleep the Tabaqui creep out in single nle untn they have formed a circle round Shcre Khan。 Excite】m1ent increascs as they sce the tempting remains of ‘ his meal,and thcy start to ca11sofdy‘ Jackal!J・ ackal!” and to l・ un round the circle。
As they grow bolder the noise increases,and one
or two of the bolder spirits dart into the circle and snatch a picce
The Dance is over,and the、 vhole Pack rushes in to forrn Parade
of meat。 At this stage the Wolves,distuFbed by the noise,stop their
When the
《 )ircle。
business and attend to what is going on in the clearing。
You1uay fcel thatit is rather a dimcult Dance,butit is well worth trying, for keen Cubs can make it very real and exciting。 C)thers
chattering is at its height shere Khan wakes up, and in a great
it altogether by playing about and not even rhe wh。 le success or faⅡ ure rests on one thing.Cubs∶
can, of course, spoⅡ ′ trying to act。
`een,he should be snarhng and growling,and
‘ The ca11‘ JackaⅡ
Jackal!” and bearing then△
snarls,and the jackds,as they move around him,murmur“ Jackal, ’
Suddenly a Tabaqui leaves the circle,sneaks up to shere Khan and bows most humbly to him。 shere Khan,just for the bull” ng
In bet1v、
sometimes ju哎 prowling about imp狨 kntly。
lJVolves Ⅱc and w缸 t at one end of the room(or neld),the jackals fonη a circle round shere Khan,who prances proudly in the centrc;
Don’ t let shere Khan repeat“ I aΠ 1shere Khan,the Tiger King尸
rage at being disturbed leaps to his feet shouting:‘ the:Γ iger King'’
‘ 1shere Khan, Ia∏
zmJDoo七 。 Then the1Dance proceeds as in the J叮 ‘ I3
纟 〃
。 J/c仍
,夕 夕 ・ 55■ 57
Now back to the Jungle f。 r the Dance of shere Khars Death。 The bu11ying tiger’ s last day came when rudely awakened from a sleep in a dry ravine of 曲 e Waingunga River。 At dawn he had
kⅡ led and eaten a pig,and had drunk,too。 Mowgh,with the help of Akela and Grey Brother,divided a herd of bufFalo in two, and shere Khan, drove them into the ravine from opposite ends。
unable to clamber up the sides of thc ravine after his big meal, It was trampled to death beneath the feet of the terrined bufFaloes。 was a dog’ s death。 Now for the IDance。 First the Pack forrn a circle, and turning to the left walk round蛀 n臣 ng the fdlowing wordsto the tune of Fr氵 r纟 7ε cgz纟 s: Mowgh’ s hunting, Mowgh’ s hunting,
d山 d
m咒 芷打打lF怒t迕⒊防链韶c扌 1投。 甘 求Ι t七 Ⅱ gh找 F;菇 T浩 t⒉ 土 h抚 变 t尼 菇;挟 薮;∶ 嗄且亭 丁芽 already be in place in the centre bγ
Ki1led sherc1【 han,
芒 挖t黯 ‰ 吴 枷 哑tt妾 each part is tried separately befO
Ki1led shere Khan,
Pack can learn it。
skinncd the(Gattle¨ eater, skinned the(Cattle¨ eater, Rah-rahˉ rah! Rahorah¨ rah!
This is a dance of pure triumph,and is no thne for being gentle and ladyhke。
he pro∏ 讧sed to
飞 L‰ 扌 T:盆 繁荐⒈。 :Fg崔 %lF噔 茁 猡胬哦毖 J`】 hne, and the song is i∏ l1nediately rcpeated,with everyone turning
The actions are as about and moving in the opposite direction。 fol1ows∶ Ljm纟 r,1noVe oσ with right f∞ t and right hand;the hand is e held to shade the eyes in the attitude of a scout peering over山 乙jm纟 3,a vigorous stabbing country。 工jjm纟 2,repeat with left hand。 丿 move】 m1ent Ⅵ注th the right hand, as though stabbing the tiger。 Ljm纟 亻,repeat。 d乙 jm纟 5,both hands raised in front of face,i∏ Ⅱtate
action of skinning by tearing the hide apart。 Ljm纟 6,repeat。 LJPz纟 7, dance round to the Ⅱgh1waving山 e arm above the head。 L犭 m纟 邑
For the second part, Cubs get down on a11ˉ fours facing to thc part of the dance consists of a series of taunts to the dead tiger by the leader,the Pack
centre of the circle,with曲 e leader ouode。
:芽 扣茁 :l甘
(For after shere Khan was dead Mowgli sⅡ nned him,although he had a quarrel with old Buldeo the1Ι unter nrs1and had to ask GIrey Brother to hold the1man to the ground untⅡ
'Γ his
・ ∶F岁 猝 t;:ts nys:瑟 ,r哏 烈 泔拈℃ 留t彘 彡 :∶
animars tough hide。
辂搀拟时 飧宙 摁 。紧
s黯 l嘉
You may prefer dropping or
絷 投塄 聪 eh叽 涮 呷
the imaginary hide and then rending it apart。
Ι 1m纟 J7,8。 A real war-dance ofjoy and a shoud
⒊虽 rtw弑 岁宿帑饣: 范 ⒊ F‰ ∴】 莒 ∶ 屉扌扭£ `justin Rock Circle for Part3。
∶ 。∵l瑟l盅 遵£ :%j∵ldtJlF⒒ 孓 】 烈1F漱 ℃踉嚣‰ ∷甜菇π 谢⒒s⒒ f℃ ∶ L甜土 eater, Burned Beast of
Instead of Parts2 and 3asin the H四 md3oo虍 ,the fo11oⅥ 注ng has been found efective: At the coΠ 11nenCe】 m1ent of Part 2, Mowgh is outside the circle, Ⅵ注th shere Khan’ s skin on his head。 Pack asin H四 ,zdbOo虍 。MowgⅡ enters circle of waiting`Volves and casts the skin on the CouncⅡ
l::tF帛 :c箔 :叩
The four taunts are: Lungri,Frogˉ
IΓ hen
the taunts begin and the WoIves respond,exactly as in
the〃 ″zd乙 °o虍 ,but MowgⅡ is already within the Circle and ready for Part3・
At the end of Part2Mowgh fa11s excitedly upon the skin。 Then whⅡ e stⅡ l on his knees,he raises his body and nings up his hands in
triumph,c日冖ng,“ shere Khan is dead!’ ’The Wolves throw up their
‘ heads and howl to the Moon, ‘ lDead! ]Deadr lDeadr9 and pr。 ceed
ju呲 孙 in the」 Γ 四冗Jboo七 。 I:jⅠ
VariaⅡ on2 There is another version of this dance which some may prefer。 “
The actions are the same, bu1 instead of singing the words
1匹 owgh’ s
hunting’ , utter then1 in as dramatic a way as possible
ahnost whispering the nrst c。 uple1increasing the volume on each hne and so working up to the nnal yeⅡ 。f tri-ph。 When you come to the yeⅡ at the end, instead of shouting “Rahorahˉ rahr’ and dancing around,throw up your arms and heads、 ¢ith a great shout ‘ of‘
You can,if you like,repeat th`cry ofjoy at the end ofthe dance
instead of the word‘ ‘ IΙ urrahr’ 。
But the great thing to remember is that it reaⅡ
y is a nne piece of
acting if you put every ounce of yourself into it。
丿' V∶
八I′ γ
ReVised(5M)AprⅡ 1956。 Reprintcd(5M)AprⅡ 1958。 Reprinted(5M)Apri11960。
Amended reprint(5M)November1961。 Amended κprint6M)March1964。 n/fndV口 刀d`'j刀
r纟 d
JPJ E″ g`口 ″
ERs L1MΠ ED曰 ``助
刀r,eJ′ 口b`、 /,″ ,c刀