1967-1968 Annual Report, The Boy Scouts Association Hong Kong Branch

Page 1


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嬲 =卿 Wll堇 ≡ 畿 嗉聩、 阄 |




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Ass。 No。 。

丨 丁




巴⒐・ 午面舐 叫




・ …


5 Acti呐 thg

Youth Traihing。 ¨ servェ ce

Publ忆 Relationg'&Looking Forward。 ¨

。 ¨


8 10








Total number of Groups or Units



Wolf Cub Packs



scout∶ rroops



319 219 222

senior scout′ rro。 ps




22 20













Ce"日 ug Figure日

Rover scout Crews AuxⅡ iary Units

Cadet Groups Total number of scouters&Auxiliaoes

Wolf Cubs scout (including sea scouts)

Club to enable the Agsociation to run five sunⅡ ner Camps and to put

Project(Continuity” into operaJon。

Many other donations and gi£


in kind were received from various organigations and individuals, too

numerous to recount here and to these many benefactors we wish to offer the Movemen1∶ ’ s heartfelt thanks。 12th・ W①rld Jamb① ree

It was decided that Hong Kong should be repregented at the WoFld Jamboree to be held in Idaho。 U。 s。 A。 ,and a contingent of 14 was degpatched during the guⅡ Ⅱner to attend this important intern~






The expengeg of the contingent were pHncipa11y met fron△ a


number of gpecial donations received from prononent local concerns, indu山 ng very sums from Caltex oⅡ (Hong Kong)Ltd。 and Hong Kong

Air scouts








DuFing 1967 Hong Kong again expco汜 nced a peood of civⅡ distufbances。 The cauges were not siⅡ nⅡ ar to thoge in 1gG6,and the

effects were felt by most of the commu“

ational ga由 αing。

Botderg Ltd。 The expenence which the scouts in the con1∶ ingent gained from partiOipation in an international camp was:nost valuable,

and wⅡ l be of beneⅡ t to them in later life。 1rhe lH。 ng Kong Branch

Imtr● ducti●Ⅱ


Naturally there was

some uncertainty a1first resulting in a period of social inactivity。 This inactivity was short。 hved as confidence wag maintained and the coⅡ ⒈

munity quickly a由 usted to changed conditions。 The Asoociation, like other social organisauons, wag of course ef£ ected

many good friends in Hong】 Kong and we must record with grat⒒ ude the magni£ icent donationg received from the Royal Hong Kong Jockey


senior scouts(including senior sea scoutsl

That the IΙ ong lKong Branch has been able to coη tribute a greater share to the coⅡ Ⅱnunity effort ag a result of thege decisions is due to g the generous support and encouragement so readily offered by scouting’

by the distu亡 bances but decided that not only was it essential

ig grateful to the businesg houses which made it pogsib】 scouts to attend the JamboFee。

●Ⅱy C● ⒒

e for local

CamD日 ite日

An appⅡ cation to the Lotteneg Fund wag we11recρ ived,and during the year伍 e Ass∝ iaton was in£ ormed that sum of扛 ⑷0,0OO would be made avaⅡ able to meet the expenses o£ expanding the facⅡ ities in Gilwell Campsite and of develo∮ ng the new Campsite at Tai Tam Bay。 A campsite】 Development Team under the leadership o£ the Colony ble for implementing the

to caHy on With the annual scout prograⅡ

Comm、 ⒍oner was formed and made respon蕊

younJl: people of Hong Kong。

campsite development schemeg and thig‘ ream has been mogt actively engaged in the varous phases o£ planning and constmction。 It is expected that山 e work now in progress in GⅡ wdl Camp出 e wi11be completed by】 gc8,f。 llowing which⒒ 、 hoped to commence site


fomation work in由 e Tai Tam Bay she。

une,but that the Movement should explore wayg and meang of doubⅡ ng its efforts to serve the

The additional taskg which scouting undedook during the past year are brie】 y ouJined elgewhere in this

Preparations on the official opening of IIa Fa shan Camp盂 te are well in hand,and it is expected that this si{1e wⅡ l be open for use within the next£ ew months。

The CampJte DhⅡ on has been working h盯 d in Complemen吐 ng the efforts of the Campsite lDevelopment Team,and the Camps⒒ e CoⅡ ⒈ missioner had devoted much of hig time and eⅡ ort to the routine jobs and preparations in connection with the opening of Ha Fa shan。 Under hig leadership,the Camp⒍ te service lunit spent mlany weekˉ ends on1naintenance and Ⅱ1inor construction in both GⅡ we11Campgite

The head office of the shop has been re。 more space for ghopperg。


Vigi忄 ● rg

In December 1967, the iBranch AsgociaJon had the pleasure o£ ha11`i1ng Mr.G。 Ⅴ。 H。 Baerlein and∶Mkg J。

tWo top trainers from C;ilwe11Park,the iBranch also had the pleasure of receiving1nany other scout visitors who either gtopped over in】


FieId staff

Due to the local conditiong prevaⅡ ing the use of scout Ha11 by the general pubhc wag reduced to rehgious observances and gchool speech days。

For the£ ir8t

ti:η e


in its history,the Hong Kong Branch engaged

a number of experienced Leaders to gerve the Movement in the Ⅱeld on a ful1~time basis。 These Field Commi【 ;ionerg and Assi【 otant Field ComⅡ 1issionerg have proved to be extremely valuable in the s£

This explaing the reduced income for ha11h妇 ong which appears


in the annual gtatement of accounts shown elgewhere in this report。

However,the Headqua⒒ ers premises were wdl used by members of members o£ 山e community,young and old。 The gradual implement~ nendations o£ the Advance Party coincⅡ ed with our a吐 on o£ recoⅡ Ⅱ Five Year Plan¤ f !Development,and this resulted in the appointⅡ nent of a number of experienced scouters to HeadquarteFs to h0lp buⅡ d up new depar1:nents and new divisions in the many丘 elds of develo。 pment。 With the greater number of eventg being organiged for both and non。 memberg of the Movement,the Morse・

House ha峦


Plans £ acⅡ ⒒ies to

in £ act, never been so well uged since it wag buⅡ t in 1953。

have now been drawn up with a view to extending its

plementation of the many development schemes of the Agsociation,

and their gervices have fu1ly compleme“ ted the efforts o£ the voluntary

the Association as venue£ or the many addidonal activitieg offered to

memb∝ s

ning Team

and members of the combined staff。 Apart froⅡ 1 the visit of these

Kong or gpent their hohdays here。


Trimby with us to conduCt

a series of Training seminars for members ofthe local Tr“

and in H!a Fa shan。 Ⅱ

aⅡ anged to provide

cope with increasing oommitments。

CoⅡ Ⅱnisgioners ih charge of the R0giong and】 玎eadquarterg depart1ments。 su丬 ect to funds being avaⅡ able,it is intended to employ geveral other field staf£ in the coⅡ 1ing year。 J●

imt▲ ctiviticg With G卜 1Guideg During the year a large mumber of events were jontly organi{3ed

with the Girl Guides Association(Hong Kong Branch),and there is the closest coˉ operation with our sister Movement at all levels。


partieg of scouts helped in the construction of facilitieg in the Guide

Camp“te at Yim Tin Tso,and Guides hdped to organ`e soⅡ e of s campfires for young people who are not memberg of other M[ovement。 Among the most recent joint ventures was a this ALggociation’

seⅡ 1inar for leaders to discuss the many problemg which face the

young people of Hong Kong,and this resulted in a number of con~ icent Much progress was made in providing better and more e£ £

crets practical proposals which are now being congidered by th9two

gerv忆 e to members and non。 members o£ the Assochtion。



Agtoc:atioⅡ CoⅡ Ⅱmittees

Membership roⅡ 1the the scout shop Panel was increased to bring in ideas 壬

business field as we11 as the advice on the implemehtatioh o£ the 1nendations o£ the Advance Party Report。 Plans to organise a recoⅡ ⒒ m。 bue sc。 ut shop to serve scouts in the New Ten。 "ories conˉ in were the near sidered, and it is intended to i1np上 emeht the scheme


In line with recent changeg in the United Kingdon△ the Hong Kong Branch ig in the procegg of re。 constituting its con11nittee and boards,Ⅵ 沈th a view to delegating further responsibⅡ ity to thege bodieg。 一


At a special ceremony held in the Morse Houge,the Honourable the Chief Jugtice,⒏

rM妃 hael Hogan,CMG,inauζ urated

three of


Committee(ChJrman:Mr。 these bodies~the Puuic Relationg sul冫 ˉ siu。 leun,M。

M。 B。 E。 ),

BE。 ),the cub scout Board(Chairman:Mr。

the Exten⒍ on scout Board (ChE1irman: lⅥ


samson sun,

Young Wing

Yau). The sub。 Committee and two Bo盯 ds haVe since acthdy met to consider a number of important1neasures concerning their responˉ sib⒒ ities,


George’ g

Day Awardg1θ 67

Certificates● f Faithful service: The H[on。

Fung Ping Fan,C。

B。 E。 ,J。 P。 , Vi(:eˉ Pre∈;ident

of the Boy

scouts Asgociation,1△ ong]Kong Branch。 Mr。

Parkin Wong, O。 B。 E。 ,J。 P。 ,



The comprehen盂 ve Report of the Advance Party was most carefdly studied by a coⅡⅡnittee set up by the Hong】 Kong Branch,and it was

through thege three bodiesェ n the coⅡ ng year。 st。

ReD① rt① f Chief sc● ut’ 日

and it is expected that much progregs wi11be achieved


recommended that the m耐 ority of the proposals cont茁 ned in the Report should be adopted in Hong lKong。 This recoⅡ Ⅱnenda‘ on was acc0pted, and in April,1967a Programme Di碱 sion was formed to prepare for the task of imple】 m1enJng the many changeg to organisation, 扭:aining, and=nethods which wⅡ l bein订 oduCed by stages in the local Movement。 A great deal of work has been done in tranglating into Chinege certain

Pre“ dent o£ the shamshuipo


Cheung Yok Luen,M。 B。 E。 ,President o£ the shamshuipo Distoct and Hon。 Pre茁 dent of:Kowloon Area,Hong Kong Igland Eastern Dktr忆 t,and Yaumati Dhtr℃


of the fundamental changes and also those which affect the tr菹 ning sections for boys,and thes0 i:nportant modj‘ cations wⅡ l be the丘 rst to be implemented in the coⅡ 1ing year。

Five Year PlaⅡ ●f Devel● pmeⅡ t


Cham siu Leun,M。 B。E。 , Pre茁 dent of the Kowloon Area and Hon。 Presdent o⒈ shamghuⅡ o Dis饣 kt and Yaumati Dktr忆



The Hon。 Wilson T。 s。 Wang,J。 P。 ,President of the Hong Kong Island

Eagtern Dk吏 r忆 t and Hon。 PregⅡ ent o丘

and Kowloon Tong DhtⅡ Mr。

solomon Ra£

Eagtern Digtr忆

eek, B。

Fo Ng0h shan Dk“ 妃t

EM。 , Ch茁 rman of the H【 ong Kong Igland


Leung Fung Ki, M。


ηportant functions to the

Commis茁 oners heading the Regional Offices and山 e Headqu臼 rters E、 visions,the

setting up of units to exercise expenditure con饣 ol and

supervision over fund。 raising even△ the appointn ent of internal auditors,

i1nprovements to internal management and administrative procedures。 stepg were algo taken to improve liaison w⒒ h other organisationg,and B。 E。 ,

President of the H丨 ong Kong Igland

Western EXstrict。 Mr。

further delegation and decentrahgation o£

and the £ ormation of a headquarterg management board to ℃ong【 der


Med巳 I日 ●f Ⅱ er二 t Mr。

of the Hong Kong Branch were completed by stages。 Among these were the establkhment of Re匪 onal Off忆 es for Hong Kong IgIand,

Kowloon, and the New Territo0es to improve adminis订 ation,the


Mr Lau Kam Chun,Hon。 Treasurer of the New TeⅡ itoHeg(North) Dhtr妃

The Association’ s plan of development for the next five years

wag brought into effect duⅡ ng the year under revhw,and a number of measures to congolidate and gtrengthen the organisational structure

Fung Kam Ming9 Colmmis茁 onerˉ in。 charge,Planning Divhion,

Colony Headquarters。

this led to a number of ventures being undertaken joindy by the Aggocia住 on and other bodies。 A number of schemes for expending the number of scout units in varioug parts of the(Colomy were prepˉ ared in detaⅡ ,and are now in the process of being implemented。


number of(Cadet unitg rose to 14foⅡ owing an intensive recmitmeht



training to the art of scoutmaβ tership or wi11shordy finish thek course。

Over$60,000 was rosed by Kowloon Tong Distr忆 t in itg fund rai£ ;ing campaign,wh忆 h was ably led by Mr。 samgon sun, M,B。 E。

A great deal of effort was expended on the Tsuen Wan Area Roject,

and this magnificent sun△

one of the m耐 or schemeg h the Five Year Plan,and that former

Headquarterg in Rutland Quadrant。

campaIgn,and700young adults have since completed th9Ⅱ introductory

scout】District has since grown into a strong‘ Area organigation with two active and energedc E)istricts。 Terr⒒ or忆 g,Yuen

In the other parts of the New


1vi11be used to complete a modern E注 strict

PrograⅡ Ⅱme Activitie日

Long has now become an Area with three Scout

In addition to the many preparationg which resulted froⅡ 1 the the Advance Party by the IΙ ong lKong]Branch

Digtr忆 ts,and

adoption of the lReport o£

subject to financial and manpower requirements being met, it is intended to

planning and conducting various activities£ or Leaders,scoutg and

Tai Po ig now an Area with two Dh汀 妃tg。 An expeoˉ mental VⅡ lage scout Group was formed near Yuen Lohg, and tho results have justi伍 ed the special effortg put into the scheme。

the Progra∏ ne Eλ vision has been very active throughout the year in 1Ⅱ


Among these were曲 e Carlton Trophy Competition,which

and there are now9 scout E)istricts in the Region。 In the coming

was won by the 12th Hong Kong Group; a number of ga山 ering8£ or Leaderg, Rover scouts, Extension scouts, or sea scout Leaderg; Lifqsaving “aining classe珥 vh⒈ s to the scouts in Hay⒈ ng Chau

year it is intended to create four Area organigations in Kowloon ag a

LeprosariuΠ 1; and frequent visits to scout Group to assess gtandards

further measure of decentralisation,and the number of scout EXstricts Branch,the need for ad(Jlitonal lay and unⅡ orm乙 d administratorg has

and advige on problems。 In addition,the】 Division has beQn respongible £ or compⅡ ing and editing the‘ ‘ Progranume Newg” a quarterly pamphlet giving the latest inforJmation on the introduction of R,A。 P。 changes,

grown acute and meagures are now being taken to recruit1mature and

prograⅡ 1zne act1vlt⒒ es,and traln1ng events。

form more village units in the near

uture。 £

In Kowloon, a series of

pergonnel changes were effected to make the best use of existinq staff,

wⅡ l increase to 14。

With the rapid expansion o£

the Hong Kong

experienced individualg who have proved to be able administratorg outgide the Movement。

Fuod Roiβ imε cD"p三 ig口 β


With the adoption loca1ly o£ the Report of the Advance Party, the]Director of Leader t、 raining and his staff have been bugⅡ y preˉ


The accounts of the 1966/67campaign have been£ inahsed and now ghow an income of$160,000。 This sum hag been pardy uged to o£

△eader TrainiⅡ

fset the accumulated deficit of previoug years and to finance the

campsite development wh妃 h ig now taking place,but the m耐 or share of the fundg hag been apphed to the development gchemes of the Five Year Plan£ or the current year and the year fo11owing。

Plans are now being drawn up for the next campaign,which is

paring the new syllabuseg for adulttraining courε progrβ ⅡⅡnes and training procedure。

es and revising course

As Cantonese is the medium

used in local courseg, there has been a certain amount of translation work involved in getting egsential training literature brought upˉ

toˉ date。

Towards the latter part of the year under review,a number of Assistant E冫

irectorg of Leader'rraining were appointed,and thege led a 8eries

of new.type BaE;ic Courses whi(3h were heavily attended。 氓 to meeting the require1m1ents of Obligato1y′

`thleaders, a view rraihing for adult

It is hoped that the proceeds

which is expected to come into force locaⅡ y by 1969, preparationg

fron1th。 coⅡ ⒒ ing campaign wⅡ l be su£ ficient to gee the Association

are in hand to strengtheh the local′ rraining JTeam。 A heavy progr~ aⅡ Ⅱ ne of lBasic, Practical and speciaⅡ st courses has been prepared

expe0!ed to be launched early in 1969。

throu{:;h the remainder of the period of itg Five Year Plan。



has been an onerous one which was cheerfu11y and wⅡ Ⅱngly borne by Mr。 (Chan Po Chi and hig staff。 The varioug

for the coming year,and there wi11 algo be a senes of abbreviated

or District staf£

courges for experienced leaderg which wⅡ l introduce the main changes o£

the Report of the Advance Party to those who have already coⅡ ⒈

pleted oldˉ style

Prehn1inary Training。 A decision hag been made to

Centreg and Bages have been renovated and enlarged with only modegt expenditure o£ fundg,and∶ nuch add⒒ ional equipment has been procured

decentra⒒ se courge venues,and the new(Car⒒ ag offices in Caine lRoad

and made avaⅡ able for technical training。

wⅡ l be uged as the centre for1nost of the urban training which wⅡ l

have been increagingly used by scouts from various partg of the

be offered in the coⅡ ⒒ ing months。

Colony,and preliⅡ ninary plans are now being discussed on the posˉ sibⅡ hy

Leader PlanⅡ img With the adoption o£

the JAssociation’

s Five口Y9ear Plan of Devˉ

elopmen△ the Planning E冫 ivision completed itg principal task of documentation and its staff have been a11ocated another=najor planning prc冫 ject。

、 Ⅱ `i11prepare for the Training Team guch esgential items as(Chinese handbooks and other training literature,gtandard demonstration Iη aterial,training newgletterg,

course handouts, reference material, and so forth。 There wil1 be

gome thought given to the facⅡ itieg and equipment that are to be avaⅡ able in the new Adult′ rraining Centre which wⅡ l be constmcted

in a gite next to Tai Tam Bay,and a new system wⅡ l be devised to control the large amount o£ equipment now avaⅡ able for training purpogeg。 An attempt wⅡ l be made to produce a budget £ orecagt to meet training coⅡⅡnit:mentg over the next few years,and the various l be

which a series of training courses£ or young people who are

If the experiment

i(B guccessful,a heavy programme of training for nonˉ mem-ers will £ or】 ml part o£ the regular schedule o£ activitieg of the Agsociation in the coming year。 Recreati● Ⅱ F● rⅡ ●m。 Ⅱe"△ er日

The Hong Kong Branch in previoug yearg conducted a sma11 number o£ recreational activiJeg for young people who were not

members of the 】 M【 ovement,mainly during the Chostmag seagon and on certain Chinese fegtivals。

Duong the year under review,a very

large recrea吐 onal prograⅡ Ⅱne was conceived and caJr】 :ied out,with

vew little preparation following the decigions referred to in the The additional burden ari茁 ng from this prograⅡl∶ne, in para11el with the Aggociation’ s normal scouting programme


completely revised to bring theⅡ 1 up to date。 In additional to these

new tasks,the EXvigion wⅡ l continue to asgIst in the prepara1∶ ion of outⅡ he development plans for individual projects and in the compⅡ

ig exDected that the reˉ organisation Ⅵ 注ll take place early in 1968,fo⒈

not membcrs of the Movement wⅡ l be launched。

The Divhion wi11 now concentrate on planning future

formg and other documents now used in training courses wⅡ

of obtaining further suitable gites,wⅡ l be esgential ∶ when the preseut】 Division is reˉ organiged as a Youth Training Depart:ment。 It loⅥ 汀 ng

requirements in the field of leader training,and


These(Centreg and Bases


ca口 oed

for its own members,wag accepted by the Commissionerg and Leaders of the IΙ ong】 Kong

Branch as a special contribution to the coⅡ Ⅱmunity, and au the events included in the亠 dd⒒ ional prograⅡ Ⅱne we亡 e impleˉ mented without delay degp⒒ e a number o£ unforegeen由 fficultieg。 Five

confidential documentg。

Y● uth TraEni△ ε

During the year under review,the old Development EXvi£ concentrated on the heavy task o£

aJon and development of Acivity Centres and scout Baseg。


a very gmaⅡ beginning the number of Cadet units has grown to1犭 and the task o£ ingtruction in the roleg o£



Cadet training and the adⅡ linistrˉ 1

Cubmaster, scout1naster,

gumⅡ ner

campg,each for 20o boyg,were run in August notwitho

standing the advent of twO typhoong and several rainstorlms, and the occurrence o£ civⅡ digorder ih that month。

In september, the

Agsociation decided to pregent geveral series of recreational events o壬

shorter duration to a11ow for the comⅡ nencement of the gchool year,


and these activitieg have been run Ⅵ注thout a break up to th己 ptegent ’ “ under the name o£ Pr丬 ect Continuity’ 。The events were of vaⅡ oug typeg to cater£ or di£ ferent age groupg, and comprised30 camp£ ires, 30

a£ ternoon gather】 ngs, several largeˉ scale open Days each accomo

modating geveral thougand children,gome evening socials for teenˉ agers,and a number o£ fⅡ n1shows。 Through a most generous dona吐 on from the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club,⒒

is now posJble for“ Pr0ect

P“ b:h


Thρ ex叩 舛Ⅱn叫 nu卩 ber of卩 ctⅡ it△ s condu¢ ed during t|e past

twelve months has reβulted in aη extremely heβ vy load being borne by the sta£ £of the Pubhc Relationg】 Division。 In addition to arranging

plegs,radio and T∶ V coverag0o£ all1najor functions,the Agsociation’ s

Public Relatons Commigoone∴ Misg Ye讧 ng Ka血 Chun,gent∶ ⒒emberg y of her staf£ to each of the Summer Ca“ 。 s to hdp produce a d耐 】

Continuity” to become part of the Association’ s regular gchedule o£

camp hewspapor∶

activi吐 eg£ or

and its £ ornighdy Newsletter, supervised the preparations

the next five yearg,and plans are now underway to very

and improve the type o壬 eventg which wⅡ l in future be offered to the

Public service Number o£ ca11g for scout asgistance:

Depart1nent and more staf免

The number of e虫 teFnal service schemes which are accepted by itg regpongibihty hag always been very large,

but these were more often than not o£ o£

the Aggociation is expected

relativd∮ short duration。


to help other people at all

,and the general response to ca11g£ or volunteers has invaFiably been good。 In the more1m1eaning£ ul ti】 mes which now prevaⅡ in this ti!nes’

or the £ openiig of the CoⅡ 11niggioner Library,helped in the pubhcation of

meet increasing commitn1entg,the Division will be enlarged to a

16 1,850

Number of scoutg who took part

me血 ber

the pubhcation of the Association’ s“ Bu11etih”

various Chinese bookletg,pamphletg and other literature, and found time to run a number of recreational events 壬 or nonˉ 1nembers。 To

young people o£ the conⅡ nunity。

the Movement as part o£

diⅡ ected

community, many of the local organisations must have asked theⅡ ⒈ ields o£ endeavour in which a gelveg whether there ig not other £ gtronger cont亡 ibution could be offered by their members。


both voluntary and fuⅡ ~ti:me,wⅡ l be

allocated to this important Headquarters unit。

A special group of

translatorg was for】 med during the year to assigt in the translation of

portant documents,and it is hoped to appont a liaison of壬 icer to each Area to facilitate the dissemination o£ important Headquarters decigions to the scout Groupg and to coⅡ ect newgworthy items of i:η

their activitieg。

L● ① kiⅡ ε F●



Hong Kong lookg forward with confidonce to the future,and in this positive approach the Hong Kong∶ Branch of the scout Aggocia~

Association has carefu1ly reviewed its pagt effortg in service to others,

tion must play a contributing role in the best traditions of the

both to individuals and to various ins⒒ tutions or organisations,and it has decided that a number o£ service projects could be accepted on a

⒈ 江ovement。

A great deal of planning and preparations wⅡ l be necessary before any o£ these schemes can be carried ou△ and in ul⒈ tiⅡ ne sta£ f。 certain Cases it wi11 bd esgential to engage additional £

perImanent basis。

It ig hoped that these gchemes Ⅵ注u materiahse in due course, and

h certain that they will be of benefit to the community at large。 汀ll be large,but it is ingtanceg the size o£ the working partieg Ⅵ con£ idently

e攴 pected that our scouts wⅡ l volunteer in the numbers

required when the occasion arises。 ˉˉ11-ˉ

We hope to raise standardg and improve our prograⅡ Ⅱme for the scout Groups,to implement the ite1m1s in the second year of the Plan

of Development, to introduce some of the recoⅡ Ⅱmendations in the Report of the Advance Party,to run a para11el progranⅡ me of recreˉ au。 na1 events for nonˉ 1nembers and to offer leader8hip training to

young people,to step up and increase the varioug types o£


offered to otherg and to the coⅡ l1nunity,and to strengthen the ties which exist w⒒ h other organisationg which algo serve youth。 In these

ac吐 vitieg

each member of the Movement ig expected to con臼

【bute a

ghare,and each of scou住 ng℃ many friendg ig in以 “α置to offer his In un“ y of pu” ose Ⅱes gtrengthJ and the Aggociadon must be gⅡ ong to accomd凵 h dl the tagkg which Ⅱe ahead。 gupport。

There k no place in a community guch as Hong Kong for any aⅡ s to meet the test。 organigation which profegseg to gerve,but £ scouting hag a real contnbution t。


er;and it must en臼 ure that itg

gerviceg盯 e made avaⅡ able・ at山 e right time and h由 e right way。 Let ug a111march forward together,in1mutua1trust and deter1minˉ ation。

Chan Wai To,Esq。 Tge Kwong Ki,Esq. Thomag Tam,Egq。 Mrs。 Dorothy Yeung Law Kwan Fook,Egq。 Lo Ping Tong,Egq。 Vincent Chang,Esq。 Wong Kim Pak,Egq。 Cheung Che Fan,Egq。 Lee Wah s::",Egq。 Mak Wing Hong,E∶ sq。

Chau Cham son,Eg%

C0二0Ⅳ y

FxFCσ Ⅱ F=


Rogs,0。 B。 E。 ,JP。

Pre由 dent

The Hon。

Ch耐 rman

C。 J。 G。

Hon。 1rreagurer

Wilhed K。 T。 Li,Egq。

Hon。 secreta玎

Lee Chuen Piu,Egq。



G。 R。

Lowe,Egq。 ,JP。

Wong Ch茁 Lok,Esq。

(Badgesl ^sgt。 C。 K。

Lo,Esq。 ,JP.

H。 C。


Donald Barton,Egq。

Leung Wing Yiu,Esq。 Ip Kam\Ⅳ ah,Esq。 L“ Cheuk斌 `ng,Egq。 Wong Chun Kuen,Egq。 Ip King Chuen,Egq。 Fung Kam Ming,Esq。 Yeung Yiu Th,Esq。 Chan Po Chi,Esq. M∶ iss Yeung Kam Chun


shin Ka Wing,Egq。 Cham siu Leun,Esq。 ,M。 B。 E。 Young11卩l`Ping Yau,Egq。

Liu Hsuan Min,Esq。 Mkg Leung shing Tak,JP。 Ng Chee,Esq。 Chan Kam Wing,Egq。 Deacon T。




Woo,Egq。 samgon sun,Egq。 ,M。 B。 E。 T。 z。

Kwok Cheung,Esq。 A。


Leung Ka1⒒ Ki,Esq。

Mks D。 rothy Lee,M。 B。 E。 Tang W茁 Yin,Es(:1。 Liu Yun sum,Esq。 Υu Look Yau,Esq。 Yeung Kam shang,Egq。

-14ˉ -



H0.^DHrWJsrnⅡ 〓、 C。 J。 G。


WiⅡ red K。 T。 Li(TreasureF卜

C。 K。

Mr。 H。



∷) ;

Wong Aggt。 s0cretary(Ba-gesl、 Lo,JP。




nl γ卜 Ye∵ ?gY艹 Tin(vkeˉ C|10甲 卩

M。 。Y0△ n± Y△ k'Chu(Memberl∶

M△ ,珥 !″ 0叩 】g




Fan shu Hung lsecreta刂 )



Law Kwan Fook Liu Keung Wah Wong Chun Kuen Ip Kam Wah Liu Yun sum



Lo Ping Tong




,M〓 ?Law∶ WⅡ g Kwan: Mr。 Chan,:;1k Fung

Chui Kam,JP。 (Ad¢ sorl

Leung Wing Yiu(Member) Mr。 Liu Cheuk氓 ” Mligs Yeung Kam `ng Chun,, Mr。



” Fung Kam Ming lsecreta刂 ) Chan Pak Chuen(Executive secretaw)



Ip Kam Wah ,, Wong Chun Kuen ,,


∶~ ∶ ∶ ∷‘ ∷∶ 。

Young Wing Yau (Chormon) eung Wing Yiu (V妃 △Chak血 ah) l Mr・ 二 ‘ ∶ ∷ 冖呻 Law shu Ying ∵MⅡ Ⅱtng Hing YⅡ

Cham siu Leun,MBE(ChJrman)

Mr。 H。 Mr。



pJBLΞ C nFEⅡ rrows sFB。 ¤o″ MJrrF= Mr。






sophia Law Fung K如m Ming Henry Ku

Donald Barton


Le1ng Kan Ki

Tsang Leq Pui L埴 M=g。 ∶



samson sun,MBE(Ch耐 rman) ,∶






Mr。 Lee Chuen Piu(secret彳 C。 L。

CJ0 sCoσ r JoⅡ 刀D

Lowe,JP.(Chakmanl∷ ・口 ⅡJΓ



Ⅳ 氵u,。 COMMJrrF=

Misg Doohn艹 Ho,MB厶 JP。 Mr匹 Mary Woη g,MBE Mr。 Chao L° siog Mr。 Vhce0t Chanε Mr。 Yeung Yiu ηn tsecretary》

∶ 、

The Govemor, Da说 d Trench,



K。 C。 M,G。 ,M。 C。

h seen

shaking handg Ⅵ沌th the Queers sc。 utg at the st。 George’ s



H。 E。 The Governor,sk David Trench Cρ lony Chie£ scout is seen inspecting the scouts and Cub s0outs at the st。 George’ s Day Rally

》 H。 E。

The Governor,

sk David Trench, K。 C。 M。 G。

, M。


presenting C∶ er吐 ficate of Faith£ Mr。

ul service to

Fung Ping Fan,

C。 B。 E。 ,J。 P。

Lady H[ogan ig greeted by the Hon。 and Mr。


C。 K。






Rogs,J。 P。

upon her arrival at Morse House -ˉ


sir Mich缸 el Hogan,C。 M。 G。 ig seen officiating the Association’ s3new Committeeg。

The Hon。 G。 R。 Ross,J。 P。 addresong the gathering ’ during the inaj± uration o£ the Asgociation s 3 new

Lady Hogan ig being presented with a souvnir by a Cub scout。

The Scout Dkplay Stand at the Chinese Product Exhibition Site

Committeeg。 — 19—


e e

A corner of


创 scout digplay at

Exhib⒒ ion。

The Hon。

: 贺

;:锶 e肾 e陬 i揩 t搬 :∶∶ 丨 ∶ -21-

G。 R。

Ross,J,P。 addresging the Camp。

The(0pening Ceremony of the3rd serieg of the summer Camp。 ˉˉ22ˉˉ

one of the acitivities in the summer Camp。 the construCtion o£

Plaster・ o⒈ Parig


at the Summer Camp ˉ-23-—

Opening Ceremony of the Friendship Link Camp。

One of the Acthit忆 s of the Foeη -ghip Link Camp。 ˉˉ2压 ~ˉ





during their Camp。

One o£ the Activities of the summer Camp。

创 One o£ the Activitieg at the

Friendghip Link Camp。

One of the Activ⒒

ies o£

the Friendghip Link Camp。 ——26-ˉ

-ˉ 25oˉ



officiating the Opening Ceremony

Mr。 Akergˉ Jones,J。 P。

A corner of the scout digplay at the(City Ha11。

of the Ha Fa shan Camp。

Mr。 Akers~Jones,J。


Offichting the Opening Ceremony

ofthe HA FA shan Camp。 -27-ˉ

Ι The Colony Colmmis蚯 oner, ⒈ r。

is geen visiting the Gkl Guides

C。 K。

LO,J。 P。


-— 28— —


创 A section of the Campˉ fi]re at the Patrolˉ leader Camp。

± Vr。 Baerlein ig shaking hand with a Cub scout during his tour to the New TerotoⅡ es

EXgplay by the Gi=l Guides at the Patro⒈ leader Camp。

Group photograph taken at the CoⅡ Ⅱn1s81oner’ s Training Course。 -ˉ 29~ˉ

ˉˉ30— —

— ■

△ lr丨

叫 —

THE BOy scOtFrs


$△ 36,△ 91.so

sn1nr土 θg and Pr° v亠 dent Fund Contr土 bu吨 土on Tran臼 p° rtation


∝ om

2,9⒕ .00


Rates am Permェ ts

8,9?△ .00.

hε ht and P° Ⅱer

3,△ 39.53

Te△ ephone

】,8△ 0,2亠

POstage am stamps

△,2灯 8・ 85



Pr土 nting



and Miss J。 Trimby ig by a welcoming party upon thor aⅡ 卜al at the K耐 Ai△ port Mr。


V。 H。


and stat加 ne玎

3,△ 68。






G引 mp


Jamboree Ekpenses


Aud土 t Fee


s土te E次 penses


AfF± △亠a1ion and Reg土 stration Fee

339。 oT

subscrip1ions En1er△


a△ nment

△,6∞ 。 ∞

sports and Gompetition FJnェture and FiXtures r△ tten o££



△3.2厶 7.28

Ekcess o£ 工ncone ovor E次 Vend土 ture

HK吊 △ 87,ga9.75



Bn19nce at Deb土 t at 3△ st Ⅱhrch, △967

Rpenses as above Bahnce at Credit oF 工ncme at 3△ st Mhrch, △968 carr△ ed fo蚺 d 10 neXt Account


△,137.厶 2 △7灯 ,582.奸 7 12,△09。 Bb

HK$△ 87,829.75

The Colony Commissioner Chatting with a Scouter from -ˉ

・ 刂








THE B¤ y


BALANCE smLu As ▲T 31sT lIARCH, △968 ˉ

ACCUylUⅡ TED FtmD Ba】 ance at 3△


st March, △967

::d::琛 t赞 椤



・ F工 XED AssETs

$,T,3⒒ ,臼


Headquartθ rg 。

△3,2厶 7.2g

Bu△ 1d土 ng

$70,588。 95

虫 血 匣 F TransFer Frm Fund Raising onpa土 gn

3△ ,239。


$△ 0△ ,g27。 9T

oTHER FUNDs Prov如 dent




Furn土 tvrθ , F土 xtures and F土 t1土 ng日

hnd ot卜

specia△ Projects Fund ˉ per Accomts at1θ ched



—.n.B。 1g。 31 and 】7△ and O1hθ rH两 u亠 ld土 ngs

er Fr畦1ure,F⒒turog mα

w ⒁




F± tt土 ngg

s土 U0



ss,9a5。 h3 ,】 ∞ ,O18.△ 3



u且 BIhTI四s

,Pro△ ±dent

sundry 臼editors


specia△ ProJects Fund Accomt

6,007.96 3厶

。 。 3】 厶 厶厶

。 灯0,322.10

Fmd shγ 亠ng口 Bank Accout

spec艹 I ProJθ

$0l,” 2,70

1s Fmd 。


stock at・ ∞ g1

Pr立 ident


SmdW Debtor臼 and ACco叩 1s时 如加 ab如 Prθ



臼 sh

CgⅢ m土 ss△ onθ r,

⊥ o0,Bh8,l9



89,Ba‘ ,3ェ

Gash亠 n Hand


H罅 12,998.50

u,口 」 11,DT


▲uDェ TORs・ REpORT:

、 屺 have cx〓 口土nθ d thθ books and records or THE BOy sCOms AssOcェ 土nFormat土 on and exp△ anations we have req"讠 `ed。

.卿 ch,△ 96%acc孟 Fn茹 。喁 曳


Ft苕 盅



HONG KOWG BR^NCH For the year ended 3Is1March,

1968and have obta土 nθ d

y山 am v∞

i泔 :hth罗嚣qP彐 hmtions

exh诳 t a trⅡ 涮 correct吐 唧 d讪 ¨ tat¨ £t№ 柏s。 c⒕ 土on’ 臼aF£ 山 g土 ven△"∞ o us and as shg叮 n by the books o£ 。 the Assoc亠 at土 on。


au1hQ s

as a1 31st

Au± tor臼 。 HO⒑ KOWG,

20屯 h

June, 】96g。

Ⅱ 」


and Prov± dont Fmd Contr±bu0亠 on

ham0ortat土 on

s△ 36,王 %。



N11 ProF土 t trans£ θrred


。F Ha△ ェ

臼 -Rent

2,9△ Ⅱ∞


日atθ s


Governuent Grants

m Peu口 工ts


umto口 d P¨ r

3,△ 99.53



POs△ ago ann stenpg




Pr± nt|吧

Ce“ ra工 p s土 C□ η

and statb"玎

工,6gO。 ∞

mscθ ェェane° us 工nco口 θ






▲id讠 t Fθ θ on |工 △ a△ 土

⒒丿 6△o,∞


1e Dmemos "θ

$△ 3,09a。 ho

3,工 68.△ 5


Jamboroθ 虫 Ⅱ

hon scouL shqp Accomt

500.00 and Reε 土strat土 on Fθ




s0scr工 卩t土 ons

339。 oT

△h出 er△ aimem


sports and O0口 田θti△ 工on FLrn土 △ue and F土 〓tuog

】,sO0。 ∞

w土1ton OF=

△6o。 oo

彐Ⅱ臼ess o£ hcg口o ov0r 四Ⅱ卩ond± tu●

】3.2厶 7.28

H铞 △BT,ga9.75


HK$工 gT,8a9.75

EX咖 工Tu日 酝AccO卯 FOR THE rEAn £mED31sT

Ⅱ⒒RCH, 工968ADJusTEDェ 盯 玉¢00硎 CE

oNs To

Bhce3t Deb±t at 3I81hoh,


DQe"θ s ag曲 oⅡ Ba亠ance at o● d土 1

$ △,l9T.厶 2


as above

$△ 田 ,ga9.75

△ T1,5gn。 17 oF 工ncme at 3工 臼 t MarCh, 工968 凹rr± ed

Fomm t。 nen ^cc° mt

I2。 △ O9。 H“ $工


田 ,gn9.7,

H狃 8?,ga9.75


Ⅱ田 Bα

ND 0RAD工 ⒑ ▲

¨ H。m如 缸 血 血 Ⅱ

sO0叨 -sHQP AC∞ 岬

缸Pmmェ Ⅱmn Ac∞ m叩 Fm THJ・ yEAR EmED31sT mnRm。

ェgs生 $△ 37D叼 2.05

$69,Ξ n5.】 9 g3。 sh△ .38



stock as at Lgt” 土△, △9sT Proh巳 sθ


s J灿

$△ 52,866.57

“。 7ss。 gB

3、 △ ⒒ r山 ,=9m

cross ProF土1 trangF● rred tc 工nCmo and¤ Ⅱpond亠 △ue

$106,099・ ?△ 3工 ,772・ 3亠


Hm△BT,wa。 05

H0△D7,田 2.05

-± es and Pr岫 盹 n耐 Com汹



$△ 3,△ Ol.∞ 工,Olo.∞





7△ 0.△ 8

∶ 772・ 3工 ・ $3工 ・


sts・ 85

ェntorθ st

△26.△ 0 o 2,OsT。 △

hh⒒ 吧 and st乩honery 工muance h叩 d廴 叱 。虫 mme臼 ℃ F由rn土 tlre and F土

rrθ 0,分 on Trad土 nε ProF± t trano£ θ

712・ 70

m。 nses and stmps

nt and Ratos


390・ 38

△g9.△o 328・

Xtres r± tten oF£


sOo。 o0

△9,0巧 石 ⒉・ lo

Wet ProF土 t tranβ Ferred tσ Cener巴 △ Fmd^coomt

H‘ 阝32,凸 2工

H“$3a,12王 。 ls ●∶ 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓


・ △ ・ s

CE sHEEⅡ As AT 31sT MARGH。 工96s

B^工 ^Ⅱ C四 Ⅱ 吼

Fm▲ COo淝


3△ st

F=xm Assms

Ⅱ臼 曲 ,△ 9sT

$ 85,stT.68

・ .Wet ProF土 △ £¤r the year endod3△ Bt nJch, ェ,6ε

△ 3jo,9。 ho $ 98,710・ 08

PnmIDm.F⑾ duRREⅡ r mェ uTTnR

△,5△ 5・ 25 、

厶,sTa。 u

smⅡ y Gm止 tor





FJn工 tWθ mdF土 Ⅱtkθ s moVェ 洲 T FUND sAV工 邸

C… 肥

!・ ∞ 亠,5王 5。 25


,s Ass△

s1ock土 n把 d as cθ rt土 f土 ed by th9 ∞ nVener oF thθ shop sundry Deb10rg and ^ccounts nece± vable nd Bank BB工 ancθ s o⒏ gh β ェn Hand At Bank ACCru臼 d 工n1θ rθ oU




△,灯 88・ 90 DaO。 ∞

弘 9躬 :;∶

∶ :: J凵

C刂 0,‘ 0IJL・

H‘ $∶ K刀




stmps ne"nu¨ "badqurters ^dm亠 mnB van ntpenses speC土 a△ Domt土

n亠 stra1亠

on n0onsos


,,568,,8 ,2.,o

on-工nj口 od

2,296,50 650,00 296.go 27,,o ⒒。 3o6,|2

sco吨 s

Ιo吨 h Fest土 u工 虫 卩

●0 5th Iear Phn Ekpon臼"由 oVor E&卩ond置 △Vro

F ェncme nLcθ ss 。

s土 r

Robθ rt B亠oGk

H⊥ ro

oF G引 ⒒p

M土 臼Cθ △工anθ ovg



Xed Deposits

Intθ rθ st Reqθ 工ved From P土

Trut Fund

2,320.∶ Io

$26,3∞ ,00

Wor1d Jamboree DOmtio灬

b叩 :虫 ” nsθ s

2厶 ,52?。

Ⅱ 山 3h△

mr山 ,”“

$ ,9,92,,13

HK$ 23,工 98.00


at 3△ st Mhrch, △967 ¤ⅡCo臼 g 。r Incomo over Expend主 tVrθ

BaIanoo ag

H曲 5,,92,,0D

▲ccuⅡ mTm


Ckbun Fmd


mo r。 屹 h PpoJe口 ts Fmd

吐 甘 :J⒊ ∶ ∶ 卩 :J∴ 卩 ::邑 ∶ 由 :谴lF1:I‰ 护 △ oment Fud m⒒ nob。 rt

Bhck Trust Fud

oner hbraW Fumd rn B刂 eau¨ stamp Fmd

工ss土 C0口 Ⅱ w。 A王

dt0undθ r— priΨ±leged Troops Fuu



$ 55,9n,,13

o亠 LHQ工

s,∞ ,000.∞ 灯灯,3g灯 ,03

△ h,306。 ⒓

$’ ’,叼 5。 l3

3-△ 0日

‰ 硅甥

| G□ ηp8亠 te


3厶 ,311.灯 圩


ClRRM△ ssms

33,000.00 26,Ooo.00

Adψ Bnoo, to D土 v讠 g土 on8


and Looa亠 ^oooo亠



$ ,2,9bV・ 98


Fhod D● poo土 ts


Ⅱ 口h ond Bonk BB亠 anc● o 工n Hond


20,,60 20.00

6亠 0,,7工


oun1o ^。


∞ 0 9∞ ・

^t Bonk 。rud


Acoomtg Pfbh

△,6△ 9.3工 奸


osB△ 3ht m,m,△ 9sB "hnⅡ o咖 FmDs-=I Tn1sT

s⊥ r



Ro,a△ Honε Kou J。 。lmy △9臼 Fmd Ra± g土 nε ¨



H“ $23,工 98,00


△,220。 00 △,593,85


Donat土 ong 工2th



R° ^0。vo亠

;熠 噪铉

Int● root

R● o● 土Vob亠 o

koy C|山

y。 u1h


κonε Jo¤


:叫 ,∞ 。 rg・ Day"均

廴描:贺 、80,o00・ 00


625,73△ .20



667,789・ H【 吊


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