1967 XII World Scout Jamboree Souvenir Book

Page 1





Illlorc than 10 mitlion

Scouts and leaders around the world celebrated

Scouting's Sixtieth Birthday Iast summer. Most Scout associations throughout the world held Friendship Meetings 0r Campfires during the period of the XII World Jamboree August 1-9, the same dates as the first,Brownsea lsland Camp in 1907. lmportant Scouting activities and events were held everywhere both before and after the Jamboree. Most of the 6,300 Scouts and Ieaders from L07 different countries who attended the World Jamboree were guests in Scout homes and camps during their stay in the United States. The spectacular Wide Game August 2



the Jamboree and the hospitality program brought every

Scout many "new friends" and future "pen pals."

As the contingents arrived at the Jamboree, they were greeted


members of the special Host Corps. These boys were all Eagle Scouts

with special training, and many were bilingual. They did an outstanding job of making everyone feel "at home." This World Jamboree Souvenir Book endeavors to portray graphically the

many things that were done under the theme For Friendship.

hope that all who review these pages

will be inspired to

It is our


this theme and to extend the spirit of world brotherhood in the


and years ahead. For Frlendship


lrving Feist Jamboree Commissioner

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WItlE GAME The fun-filled "wide game" gave Scouts the opportunity to meet new friends

Le "Wide Game" les Scouts permit de connaitre d'autres Scouts et de se lier d'amiti6 avec eux El Juego denominado "wide game" proporciono la 0p0rtunidad para hacer nuevas amistades



Pour L'amitie


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FRIENDSHIP TOWER The Friendship Tower symbolized the Jamboree theme Fgr Friendship Le Tour de l'Amitie symbolise le theme du Camp, Pour l'Amiti6 La Torra de la Amistad y el tema ParaAmistad fud el simbolo de la Convenci6n

SKILL.(I.RAMA Skill-0-Rama gave campers an opportunity to show the best of their

national Scoutcraft ski I ls Le Skill-0-Rama permit aux campeurs de d6montrer leur adresse au

c0urs d'exercices typiquement Scout

et refl6tant les caract6ris-

tiques nationales de chaque contr6e.

"Skill-0-Rama" pr0porcion6 la oportunidad a los excursionistas presentar lo mejor de sus habilidades c0m0 Scouts


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TOTEM POLES Colorful Totem Poles thrilled Scouts and Visitors Totem Poles ravit les Scouts

et les Visiteurs


ses couleurs eclatantes

El colorido de la Totem Poles fud emocionante para los Scouts y los Visitantes

KUDU H(IRN The notes from a Kudu horn signaled that the Jamboree had started Le Jamboree debuta par les notes de Kudu horn

Las notas de la Kudu horn fu6 un comienzo para la Convencion

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Greetings from the Chiel

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Welcome. Brother Scouts of the World: It is good to be able to welcome you to this Twelfth World Jamboree and to the United States ol America. Many of you have travelled thousands of miles by boat, train, airplane, private automobile. autobus and haue walked what must seem like hundreds of miles. Though I do not think any ol you have used rockets. dog sleds. surf boards or pogo sticks as shown in the illustration on the back page. We are here in Idaho for a great camp, where I hope we will join hands in the fellowship of worldwide Scouting and understanding. As we become better acquainted we will find that though we speak differently. that our uniforms and insignia are somewhat dissimilar. that our foods have slrange tastâ‚Źs. the Ianguage of scouting is universal. we are more ..the same,, than we are "diffe re nt " our experiences here wilr tre great. and we will remember these days fondry, but the importance of this Jamboree wilr be rhe friendships we will carry b".k,;;il;;;;. of the globe. Let this not be only the beginning of the XII World Jamboree. but more l-poirrn,li, , , ,, l" the beginning of a resorve to Iive in a'worrd based on the Jamboree,t"-", io, Friendship.


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Bienyenue. Frlres Scouts Du Monde:

/ C'est un grand plaisir d'Itre capable de vous accueillir aux XII Jamboree Mondial et aux Etats Unis D'Amerique. Plusiuers d'entre vous ont parcourudes millidemille en bateau. train. avion. automobile. autobus et on marcher ce qui paraitait des centaine de mille. Bien que je ne petrsepas queJDerson d'entre vous ont employer des fuse6. traineau a chiens, aquaplane ou pogo

sticks eome d?montrez sur llillustration. Nous sommes ici a Idaho pour un grand camp, ou-j'esplre que nous allons joindre les mains en confrlre de l'international Scoutise et de comp16[enrion-'Co-me nous feront mieu connaissance. nors '6i66s161e115 que bien gue nous pu.lor. difft";;;i.-;r""not." uniforms er insignes sont un peu de recemblance, que norre mager po..ld" de. gorft'dtrange. la langue des scouts est universal. Nous somme plus..egal" que.. que "difie'ient." Notre expfrience ici valtre grand. and nous nous .eaplelleron" c'est jours d'affection. mais l'importance de.ce Jamboree est I'amilie gue nous alloxs raportez,a tout les coin du monde Laisser Laisser.ce just le eommenrement _-_,,.f,"ce ci'etre ci ,- etre _.., pas eommencement du XII e e.lambor6e Mondial nals naiq plus nlrrc tmportant, i-., r.." iust Mondial. JdrIUUrec Jamborfe tvlonolal, nais ptus imporlant. larss.er cgcr etre le comruncement de resulta pour demeurer dans un monde baser sur le thlme du Jamborde. Pour L'Amiri6. Bienvenidos. a mis Scouts hermanos del mundo: _, Es trueno poder darles a Vds. las trienvenidas a este XII Jamboree Mundial y a los Estados unidos de America. M,chas pereonas de vds. han viajado mires de miras por naves. trenes, aviones de retropropulsidn autom6viles. autobuses y han andado una distancia gue parecen como c.ientos de milas... aunque yo no pienso algunos de Vds. han u,sado un cohete espacial. una rastra de nieves. una talba de oleaje o un pogo stic-k como ilustado aqul , Estamo.s-a.qui en Idaho Para-un campamento grand.. donje espero que unamos nuestros manos en Ia compan ta y la comprensi-on de Scoutismo mrrndial. Vientras llegamos a ser amigos aprenaunque hablemos en lenguas varias. que nueslros uniformes y insignias sean un 1:t-"m:..,qY,e poco dlslmil. que nuestras comidas tengan gustos curiosos. la lengua de Scoutismo es universal. Somos mas "mismos" que somos..di{er"rte".', Nuestras experiencias.aqria"."-o. grandes. y recordaremos estos di'as caritosimmente. pero la importancia de este Jamboree serf,las amistades que portaremos a nuestros casas en todos de los rincones del orbe. , Permitan Vds. que 6ste no estd solamente el comienzo del XII Jamboree Mundial. pero mas lmportante. permitan Vds. que sean el cominezo de una determinacio-n vivir en un mundo basado en la tema Jamboree. Para A mistad.

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Josept 4. Brunton. Jr.

Camp Chief

Opening Campfires To Flavor Suhcamp Progr The Jamboree


get off to

an informal but rousing

start at

2000 today when pre.Jamboree campllres are held in each sub.

J. W. Fowles of England, assis. tant subcamp chief. At Godollo, the campfire will

recall traditions oI the Godollo


1933. AtBadIschl,



various kinds by Scouts from

dances by Japanese Scouts, and music by Scots bagpipers and a Franch band.

Friendly informality will be songs by Scouts from severa-l the keynote for the campfires, nations will be highlights. In with songs and presentations of addition, there will be folk many nations.

At Olympia,

Japanese Scouts

will give a karate


tion and sword dance, Jamaican Scouts will give traditional

songs accompanied by a bonga drum ard guitar, and the Be1. gain and United Kingdom Scouts

The camplires at other sub.

will follow similar pat. terns with songs, ceremonies camps

ard presentations from nations

all over the globe.

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Doc Says :

Cheek Station

trading post.

ceremony. A highlight at Oly. Sunburn is painful and danmpia will be the showing of a Don't expose Yourself replica of the Golden Arrow gerous! more than necessary. It is which was givenbyLordBadenthat Powell to all leaders at the 1929 strongly recommended Jamboree. It will be shown by Scouts and Scouters wear hats and shirts when exposed to periods of direci sunlight, Suntan lotion is available at the

For Weather Back Home

Another painful hazard is heat exhaustion which is often recog.

nized by weakness,

nausea and headache. Preven.

Scouts from other nations who want to know the weather back home may check in at the Jam.

BfiH"%flI'e lr:i:t' Trading Post


tion of this problem should in. clude adequate salt and water

intake. The wearing

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The weather station will have

current temperatures in all

of proper

:"?'Ul'"m:; -,"

sunburn or heat exhaustion.

Favor Name Story

receives weather pictures di. rectly from satellites constan.

CoI. Cralg named the territory

tly orbiting the world,

Another feature of the station is a Fire Weather Mobile Unit. This is a small truck which is driven to the scene of bigforest

fires to forecast

loca1 weather firefighters in planning

and aid to control the fire.


Mail Rates the Jam.

boree will be:

Research indicates that most people favor this story of how

our guest state got its

set up camp with the help of Host Corps Scouts. The Haitians decided to become the Hawk Patrol. Assigned to be alde to the Hawks is Host Corps Scout Mark Hawk of Brownstown, Indiana. Obviously a case of birds of a feather flocking together.

Postal rates from

major capitals, The weather station, manned by U, S. Weather Bureau per. sonnel, also has facsimile ma. chines showing current weather

patterns all over the United States, plus a machine which

HAITIAN HANDYMEN-Scouts from Haiti, the first group from outside the United States to arrive at the Jatnboree,


Years ago Western poet Joaquin Miller explained that his friend

from the Shoshoni Indian ex. pression Ee.dah-how. Indians

used the term to describe the effect that the morning sunrise has on mountains, that ofcasting

.Post cards for United


Canada, and MexicoJ cents. .Post cards for all other coun.

tries-8 cents. .Air mail post cards for United Big Lake States, Canada, and Mexico6 cents.

.Air mail

post cards for United

States, Canada, and Mexico-


miles long, There are some .Air mail post cards for all areas of the lake where the water is over 1,000 feet deep. other countries-l3 cents.

crowns of light. "Ee.dah.howr has then come to mean "light .Letters for United States, Can. on the mountains" or "It is ada and Mexico-S cents. .Letters for all other countries morning,"

Protection Services odvises,

Big Fish

6 cents.


-13 mail letters lor .Air

I w


Lake Pend Oreille is about43 miles long. At its widest it is 6% miles. Its shorellneis 111.3


States, Canada, and Mexico-

The lake is ihe home ofgigantic Rainbow trout such as Kam. loops; and Sockeye salmon like the Kokanee. The world's rec. ord Rainbow trout was caught

in Lake

8 cents.

Pend 3? pounds.


b!{ CH^nrE5 /}1. ScHvLz

PEepv-rj iiii

in view of the

iiil extreme fire hozord ot the Jomboree, rhor smokU" conscious of sofety ond toke these precou-

"rr tions' l) Do not smoke in sleeping quorters :::i Zl Smoke only neor osh troys (in buildings, :,i i:i service tents, etc. Sl "Field strip" oll cigorette ond cigor butis. :,.

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"For Friendship', is an ideal theme for a worldwide Boy Scout gathering suchasthe World Jamboree, since one of the basic and most important aspects ofScoutingis friend. liness. What better way could there be to

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backgrounds to live togethei in peace and friendship than by doing so at this l\rorld Jamboree? This, I feel is tfre p-ersonJ challenge each of us accepted by coming liere. WHAT DOES *FOR FRIENDSHIP" MEAN TO YOU?

GEORGES JACQUEMART, F.N.E.L., LUXEMBOURG L'amitie dans ce monde devient toujours

plus importante. Nous devons aimLr et essayer de comprendre tousleshommes, de

quelles races qu,ils soient du a quelies doctrines qu,ils appartiennent. L,imitie donne

l'occasion de prendre contacfavec des garq,ons du monde entier. De discuter avec eux, de comprendre tdurs tdurs pronfdmes ei O-e Ies res apprecier davantage. In this world friendship is becoming more important. We must love and try to understand wtratever may be "r"ry-.rrr, is o'ne oitne principal lis color or his beliefs. Friendship feellngs that can preserve us from catastrophicai wars. Friend. ship makes our life more agreeable. TheJamboree gives us the occasion to_ contact boys from the whole world, to discuss with tnem, to understand their problems and to like these people more. WHAT DOES'FOR FRIENDSHIP" MEAN TO YOU?

WIENER FERNAND, Boy Scouts De t e hot ,,A-miti{,, reprdsente pour moi

Belgique, Belgium


Ohyama and



of Japan show their colors for

Paul Gosselan of Vermont and Paul Thibodeau of Maine.

un symbole d,entente entre les hommes. On

ne pourraitpas envisager un monde meilleur

sans amiti6.


J'espere que le XIIe Jambor6 Mondial

montrera au monde que les jeunes peuvent falre preve d,amitie et contriburi a la creation d'un monde meilleur. ,(friendship,, means to me a symbol of understaad. _ The.word ing between people. We could not envisage a world better with.

out friendship. I hope that this Xtr World Jamboree will show the world youth can give signs of friendship and will contrtbute atthat the

creation of a better world.

LOST: Turn in at

Headquarters. FOUND: Go

to Lost


Unused tickets may be

redeemed at the end of the Jamboree. Trading posts.


and Found

Tent at General Headquarters


H.C. Digs Do It Yourself Fount The Host Corps created

NOTICES, There are two con.

unplanned fountain to




one at the Friendship Tower veniently located Trading posis while setting up the Moisson to you


serve and to help make your Jamboree experience more



enjoyable. In compliance with health regulations, the only authorized sales of food and mer.


The Host Corps workers, made up of United States Eagle Scouts, were pounding posts for

the subcamp gateway.

Tap, chandise on the Jamboree tap, tap went the hammer. Then grounds are at the Trading roar, roar, roar went the water lrrr!.,i,,)'",r,. i ,)i.,,. . d;,,,',;.,,,.t1,,,,i ft,,2 nL,,r,,



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NOTICE: You'll

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"For to be able to live together peace. fully as friends. The Thai Boy Scouts

plan to promote understanding and to help others-as much as possible. During the Xtr Worlcl Jamboree, we will try to participate in every activity and to cooperaie with the Boy Scouts of America. The Thai Boy Scouts ao hope that their participation in the Xtr World Jamboree in Idaho viill promote friendship and understanding among Boy Scouts of the


sold by cashiers located at each a fountain will have to go to snack section. Avoid long lines Friendship Tower. Much pretby picking up a supply of these tier but not so high.

Daily Religious Serviees

Friendship,, means to understand

world. Best wishes for the Boy Scouts of the world.

Scouts enjoyed a 40-foot spout.

tickets to make purchases at Repairs were made. the snack section. These are Now Scouts who want to



need special

as the post hit a 1O-inch water main. For about an hour the

( Monday Episcopal (Angliean)

Communion Service Protestant Devotions Roman Catholie Mass Jewish

rhrough Friday ) Campfire Area 2 Ermelunden subcamp All subcamps All subeamps


Other denominalional seryices will be arranged as requested.


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lampfire Area

6. FIRST AID station Archery- area near Vogelen. 1. TRADING POST '.8" snack zang subcamp for target bar, limited sundries, souvenarchery; area near lake for irs, Jamboree speciallty items. action archery. Includes branch post office and 1. INFORMATION booth laundry service (see lisilng be. 2. WESTERN UNION low for laundry hours). Same MAIN POST OFFICE_IOOO to hours as Trading post ..A.,, 1300 and 1400 and 1?00 daily. 8. JAMBOREE GENERAL Will handle all types of mall. HEADQUARTERS, BRANCH POST OFFICES at both 9. INTERNATIONAL RECEP. trading posts (Nos. 4 and Z on TION area. LAUNDRY SERmap), all kinds of mail except VICE at both Trading posts insured, registered, and certi- (Nos. 4 and 7 on map) trom fied. MAIL DELIVERIES wtU 0830 to 1030 Monday through be made to the postmaster in Friday. ONLY TROOP BtrNDeach subcamp. JAMBOREE AD. LES will be handled; no indlDRESS is XII World Jamboree, vidual service. Two.day ser. Farragut Branch, Bayview, vice. Last pickup wlll be on



'.aBARBeR Snoe - TRAOING POST-A LE rrA6ASrl' SCAJr 1t1 ' u LA rrENDt scour


Idaho 83803.

tr4ondayr- Aug.


HEALTH IODGE 3. BANK from 0900 to 1800. Exchange all currency, but not coin, will cash traveler,s


7t last delivery,

Wednesday, Aug. 9. PAY TELEPHONES at both trad. lng posts (Nos. 4 and ? on map) and at INFORMATION booth

(No, 1).


4. TRADINGPOST..A,,_snack

bar, sundries, photo equipment, uniforms, souvenirs, Jamboree

speciality items, barbershop

and laundry service. Tradlng

Post hours will be: Monday, July 30-0800 to 2200. Tuesday, Aug. 1-0900 to 1900. Wednesday, Aus. 2 0900 to


2 100.

Thursday, Aug. 3

to 2100

-0900to Friday, Aug. 4-0900

Saturday, Aug. 5--O900 to Sunday, Aug. 6-1200 to

1900 21OO 21OO

Monday, Aug. 7-0900 to 2100

BUS SERVICE-soIid line with through Jamboree. 0?00 to 2100, in. cluding route to Swlmmlng area. Buses stop on signal from pas. senger anywhere on route. Fare

arrows shows route


10 cen-ts

Tomorrow (eug. l),

buses wlll run until all visitori have left camp. After that, service wlll end each night aa lights-out. Beginning Wednes. day (AuS. 2) buses marked "Shuttle" will not go to swim

area @roken llne with arrows).

Express buses for the swim area ONLY will be marked "Swim,, and will stop only at -0900 1 900. designated spots in each sub. 5, BARBERSHOP Trading camp. ?hese stops will also Post "A" 0900 to- 1?OO daily be marked .,Swim.,, Service except Sunday. Sunday 12OO on the special .,Swim', bus will Tuesday, Aug. 8-0900 to 2100 wednesday, Aug. 9 to





Feu De Camn

Tir a'Laic^-


r6gion p"!t

du camp Volgelenzang est pour le tir a l'arcfrdgion prbsdulac


/ %o.it'I^%."







from 0900 to


Magasin Scout ..a,,--43s5gcroute, divers choses, photos 6quipment, unifo4me, souve.


nirs, articles spdcial du Jam. est pour les hors du tir a boree. Salon de coiffure et l'arc d'action. service de buanderie. Les 1. BUREAU D'INFORMATION Heurs d'ouverture des magasins 2. TELEGRAPHE scout seront: BUREAU DE POSTE Lundi, Jui{et 3t-0800 zzOo -ouvert looo i rsoo et 14oob rzoo. Mardi, Aout -l--O900 Ai 1900 Bureau De Poste va maniertout Merci'edi, Aoirt 2-O9OO d 2lOO sorte de maille. Ils seront Jeudi, Aorit a 2lOO ^g -0900 situer aux Magasins Scout (Num. Vendredl, Aput 4-4900.'a 1900 ero. 4 ? s_ur la cart+ tout Samedi, AouI 5-0900 i 2100 -etmaille sorte de avec I , 6xcep. Dimache, Aott 6-1200.'a zloo tion du courrier assurer, re. Lundi, AduJ ztOO gistrer et certifler. Llvraison Mardi, Ao'rit ? -0900 .i 'a 2100 ^8-O9oo du courrier, va estre faite aux Mercredi, Aorit 9-o9oo) 1900 receveur de postes dans chaq. 5. SALON DE COIFFUREuesous - camp. L'adress du Magasin Scout .,A.', 0900 I Jambor6e est XII World Jam. 1?00 chaque jour exceptd le

bor6e Farragut Branch, Bay. pimanche. Dimanche de view, Idaho 8380!.


3.. BANQUE<e 0900 ir tAOo.





Casse.croute, llmite diverses

l'6change papier-monnaie, mals choses, souvenlrs, arHcles pas de piece de monnais et speeial du Jamborde. Comprls vais 5changer les cheques de voyage.

(continued next page)

branche du Bureau De Poste et service de Buanderie (re. gardez la liste pour les heures de Buanderie). Maime horoire que Magasin Scout "A". 8. LESQU4'RTIER.GENERAL DU JAMBOREE 9. ACCUEIL INTERNATIONAL

SERVICE DE BUANDERIE-aux deux Magasin Scout (Numdro 4

SERVICE D'AUTOBUS-Gross ligne avec flbche demontre le


des autobus auxJambor6e.

compris -route h Ia plage. Auto-

bus arr'dtent aux signal


passager partout en route. Le

prix. est de 10 cent. Demain (Aofit 1), les autobus fonction.

eront jusqu'a ce que toui les visitors sont partie du camp. Apres ca, les service seront

et ? sur Ia carte) de 0830 I 1030 Lundi a Vendredi. Sele. terminer chaque soir a 230Q. ment en paquet de troupe sera Commencant Mercredi (aott marqu6 ',bhut. manier; pas de service indi- 2) les autobus tle".niront pas a laplage(Ligne viduel. Deux.jours de service. bris6 flbche). avec



sera Lundi, Le dernier pour la plage selement le 7 Aoiit; la dernier livraison, express sqront margu6 ,'Swirn,' et


Mercredi. le,9 4ott.


reitera selement aux place designer dans chaque camp. C'est



La llave de mapa


TELEPHONIQUES aux deux magasins Scouts (Num.

place seront marker ('Swim." ero 4 et ? sur la carte) et i la Service des autobus special cabine d'information (Numero 'rswim'! seront de 0900 a

Ladrea de la hoguera decampo

7. La tienda



menor de las dos tiendas. Las comidas, los artfculos diversos OTHERS HAVE BEEN HERErodelas: en la area cerca del limitados, los recuerdos, las If you could have been on these cosas especiales de Jamboree. same grounds on August 1.9 a laeo nara arco acci6n. inil.*".iJn. EI servicio para tomar y lavar quarter of a century ago, you sus ropas sucias- de Vds. Las probably wouldn't. The reason: 2. western Union La ofincina de correos Princi- horas de operaci6n son las mis- The entire area on which Jambo pal---Cada d(a, abierta de 1000 mas como la tienda Scout "A". Scouts are now encamped was a 13100 de 1400 a 1700. 8. La cuartel general de Jam- the Farragut Naval Training Articulos perdidos Center. Its purpose was to boree. Oflcina de Sanidad prepare young men for theNavy inter. 9. de recepcifn La6rea Todas clases de correos, Ofi. during World War II. cinas inferiores: a las tiendas nacional. About ?0,000 Naval recruits para tomar Y Scouts (nrfmeros 4 y ?de mapa). EL SERVICIO trained here at Farragut during Todas las clases de correos lavar sus ropas de Vds.-A las any one time and this made the con la excepcidn de asegurado dos tiendas infmeros 4 y ?de area 75 miles south of the

Arco-En la area cerca

de subcampo Vogelenzang para arco de

i:"-ff'il;ff; l"

y cartas certificadas.


de correos--por el administra. dor de correos en cada sub. campo. La direcci5n del Jam. boree es: XII World Jamboree

Farragut Branch, BaYview, Ida-

U.S.A" / 3. El banco-Abierto cada dia , de 0900 a 1800. Cambiard ho 83803,

la mapa) de 0830 a1030delunes

Canadian-U.S. border, the lar. gest Naval training center in de ropas sucias de las tropas the nation. For a short time, individu4Jes; no servicio de lavanderia para personas indi. training Navy "boots," as the viduales. Ropas limpias vol. recruits were called, wasoneof verf,n en dos dlas. La colec. Idaho's biggest business. Most the Navymen turned out at ci6n (Itima-lunes, 7 agosto; of mier- Famagut left this spot in ldaho's la entrega dttima

a viernes.

Solamente paquetes

-la dinero de papel pero no dinero coles, 9 agosto, de metal. Cambiar6los cheques Los tefefonos Para Pagar-a de viajero. las dos tiendas Scouts(riumerps 4. . La tienda Scout "A"-La 4 v ? de la mana) v la cabana mis grande de las dos-tiendas. de in{ormaci/on in,imero t). Las comidas, los artfculos di. versos, el equipaje de foto, Los autobuses-De la mapa la los uniformes, los recuererdos, lfnea con flechas mostra la r(a las cosas esneciales de Jam. a travis del Jamboree" Es en boree. ramliin la peluquerfa, operacidn ahora de 0?OO a210!, y el servicio para tomar y incluye una pausa de autobfts al estanque de nataci6n. Sdnala lavar sus ropas sucias deVds. vd. sus pausas de Vds. af Las horas de operacio'n. Lunes, 31, julio-0800 a 22Q0. clofer en cualquier lugar de la Ma-r;;fes, I agosto-0900 a1900 via. La tarifa autobus es lo Mi6rcoles, 2 agosto-0900 a 2 100.

a 2100 Jueves, 3 agosto -0900 1900. Viernes, 4 agosto-0900a a 2100. s5faoo, 5 agosto Domingo, 6 agosto-0900 a 2100

Lunes, 7 agosto -1200a 2100. Martes, 8 agosto -0900 a2100.

-0900 0900 a Mi6rcoies, 9 agosto

1900. , peluqugria Inmedi. 5. La adamente despues de- la tienda Scqut "A". LashorasdeoPeraci,6n son de 0900 a 1?00 cada dia a excepcidn del domingo. En el demingo las horas son de 1200 a 7700.-

6. La estacion de Primeros

centavos (U.S.). Maiana(1 agos.

to), los

autobuses operan hasta

todos IoF visitores han partidos,

el servicio autobris terminari a la hora de toque

panhandle and were assigned to Naval duties in the Pacific Ocean.

The name of the Naval camp came from Davip Glasgow Far. ragut, a famous' Civil War ad.

miral who fought on the northern

side during America's only internal battle. It's a neat coincidence that Farragut's name is assoclated with the

U.S,A.'s first world Jamboree, Ior the whole Jamboree isfilled with outstanding young men. Farragut, too, was an outstand. ing young man. At the age of 12 David Glasgow Farragut was serving as a cabin boy aboard an early, sail. ing man o'war, The time was

during the War of 1812 against

England. Farragut's ship cap. tured a small English vessel in the Caribbean. The captain thought so highly of David that he put David in command of

,n" t'prize." The young


man had a group of rough and tumble old "salts" under him but he successfully navigated the capturedrship and put her into Valparaiso, Chile.

Quite a young man,


Glasgow Farragut-the kind of fellow you know wouldhavebeen a Scout if only B.P had been

born earlier.


T, rz; '* r&


I r"#

*'{8: .tni f,


de queda. Comenzado eI mfer.

coles (2 agosto) los autobuses con Ia palabra "Shuttle" no viajaran al estanque de nata. cion (la -/ lfnea rompida con las flechas). El autobus exPreso que

viaja sglamente

_aI estanque de

nataci5n tener-a- la


las pausas marcadas

en cada

"Swime y pausara solamente a subcampo. Las pausas se mar.

carln ianoi6n i'swirn.' Las horas del autobus "Swim'0900 a 1600-

BIOWING UP A STORM-Harold Gotler, New Jersey, makes noises at the opening of the Jamboree on a kudu horn.

The Torch Lights Flame At Jamhoree The torch from the 1963 Mar. athon Jamboree symbolizing the continuity of World Scouting will be passed tomorrow at 0830 at a ceremony officially opening the XII trVorld Jamboree. The ceremony wiIl be held at Friend.

ship Tower near the corner of

Friendship Boulevard

Baden-Powell Avenue.


Climaxing the brief program simultaneous raising of the flags of the 89 nations inthe Scouting brotherhood on tower. ing poles which are already in

will be

place around the Tower.


Irving Feist, Jamboree com.

missioner, will welcome Scouts

of the world to the Jamboree ard preside at the ceremony. Joseph A. Brunton Jr., Jamboree camp chief, wiu explain


the symbolism of


Tower, and Gustavo Vollmer,

deputy Jamboree commission. er, will dedicate the encampment to the ,,For Friendship,, theme.

A Greek Scout will present the Iighted torch from Marathon to Commissioner Feist. Hewill

give it to a United States Scout who will light the Friendship ?orch which will burn through

out the Jamboree at Friendship Tower.

As Commissioner Feist sig. nals the oflicial opening of the

Jamboree, a fan{are will signal raising of the 89 flags. This will be done by 178 boys from

Niagara.on-the-Lake subcamp,

with two acting as color guard for each nation,s flag.

NOTE TO MOM-Mike Hayes, South Dakota, takes a moment to jot a note home from the XII World Jamboree.

"lF- ffi


IOOKING DOWN ON YOU: View of the Jamboree site yesterday

from Bernard Peak, a mountain towering 3,000 feet above the camp to the south. The photo was taken from the lookout station (upper left inset) atop Bernard Peak. Right inset shows Art 9lson, Jeft, of Coeur d,Alene, Idaho, and Chip Kinzel of Wayne, N.J., both of the U. S. Forest Service. Kinzel maintains con. tinuous fire watch over the Jamboree site and the rest of the

i;ut.trtifi., FF"$

Bitterroot Range of the Kaniksu National Forest. No. I shows

the Olympia and Makiling subcanrps; No. 2, Arrowe park and Marathon; No. 3, Godollo and Bad Ishl; No. 4, Moisson and Ermelunden; No. 5, Nlagara.on.the-Lake and Vogelensang. Fish-

ing, boating and swimming areas on Pend Oreille Lake are at lower left.

Scouts fro'm everywhere, every\,Yay






7" I

\,1 ]

3) i1)


Fishy Storyi Real Big Ones

Jamboree City Grow s 4)3OO Sunday With Scouts from all over the world still converging on the Jamboree site by plane, rail, and bus, an unofficial census late yesterday showed that more than

4,500 Boy Scouts were already in camp, a jump of4,300 since Saturday. The number was swelled overnight and will grow to the Jam. boree's full population of about 13,000 today. The figure of 4,500 Scouts in camp yesterday does not in. clude the 550Host Corps Scouts, who are Eagle Scouts from the United States, or the 500 Scout. ers who form the staff.

Here is a breakdown bY Mexico

country of the 4,533 Scouts in Nepal

camp aecording to the nary count:

Argentina Australia Belgium Btazil Canada Cyprus


Iceland Iran Jamaica Japan Luzembourg


Africa Thailand 36 Trinidad.and Tobago 12 United Kingdorn 221 United States 23 UmCyaJ 323 Total South

Fish stories will come alive today as 20r000 t'pan.size" rain. bow trout are dumped into 11 Buttonhook Bav from 1130 to 25 1330. To add a challenge to 140 Scout fishermen, several 84 4 36

2191 2




36 36 59 284 43

tt*up Down Dust

t'whoppers" are being placed in the enclosed cove. The trout are a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erkins of Buhl, Idaho. Erkins is president of

the Snake River Trout Company -ihe world's largest trout ranch. Drivers are asked to travel Professional instruction in porpaved fishing is given at the beginning slowly and stay on tions of roads to help keepdown of each period, and 200 fishing dust. Cars should be parked tackle outfits are provided by only in parking lots. the Garcia Corporation,



\ rlill:iiii

$ il ffi



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.ffi ,B 1X




1 q, l

o I


o ><.



.J f,$fi,,F*1$



F l

o e e


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'For Friendship' At Jamboree

?he symbol of the XII World Jamboree is a Friendship Tower that signifles the bonds of friendship that have been formed at all World Jamborees and the spirit of goodwill that pre. vails in the world brotherhood of scouting. Amid the flags of all the Scout Associations, the tower rises 60 feet over the camps of the assembled Scouts of the world. It combines the primitive elements-+arth, stone, metal, wood, water, and flre-used by man in his survival ard prosress and by Scouts in their happy adventures along the Scouting trail. Twelve timb. ers represent the 12 World Jamborees, the logs interlocked by metal rings inscribed ..For Friendship" in several languages and emblazoned with the fleur.de-lis that Baden.Powell,

the founder of Scouting in 1910, chose for the Scoui badge. The tower

stands buttressed by

boulders and surrounded by a pool of clear waters that catch the sparkle of sun and stars.

CARRYII\G THE TORCH An American Indiar Boy Scout will light ihe torch of friendshlp at tlte base of Friendship Tower during Jamboree opening ceremonies at 0830 this morning. He is Charles Van Pelt, a member of Troop 41, of Avery, Idaho. A Greek Scout vrill give the friendsttlp torch lighted at the Maratlon Jamboree in 1963 to Jamboree Commlssioner lrving Feist. Feist in turn will pass it to Yan Pelt who

will light the flame at the base of tjre tower. It will burn throughout the Jamboree,

Following are comments by Dr. Nestor C. Constantoulis, organizlng commissioner of the

Marathon Jamboree, which e:rpress well the symbolism of the ceremony.

Dr. Nestor C,

Constantoulis, Deputy Sub.Camp

Chief Marathon Sub.Camp, Xtr World Jamboree

To be a torch.bearer ls a rare privilege Idaho

and the Greek Contingent to the World Jamboree at

ls deeply conscious of this privilege that is theirs today.

At Marathon in 1963 King Constantine, then the Heir to the Greek throne and Chief Scout of Greece, handed the torch to the American Scout, the symbol of continulty from one Jamboree to another, continuity of purpose and friendshlp. Four years have gone by since then ard now the time has come when the flame will actually burn agaln and we feel that it is we who now bring it from Marathon over the seas to Idaho. Our motto then $ras Scouting Higher a-nd Wider and from this vantage point we see things more cfearly, p"rnap" in leeling nea-rer to God we are fflled with higher ldeals which we wish to spread wider and wider. One of these ideals is that of Friendship which our American brothers have so apuy chosen to be their aim at this yeax's World Jamboree. To instil this ideal into the hearts of the 15,000 Scouts who will gather at Idaho will indeed be an achievement. 15,000 Scouts who will live as brothers for a fortnight and each return to his particular corner of the earth determined to take this feeling of friendship with him. We know that this is accompllshable and that it works. I can speak with some authority after fffty years of Scouting and I know that wherever and whenever Scout meets Scout, it is the meeting of friends. Most people are incUned to look upon the Scout Movement as a Youth Movement. I should say

it is ar Atl-Ages Movement, again speaking from experience, and not only does it enclrcle every race and creed, but also young aad old. Those who stay on and on in Scouting truly enjoy all tlre benefits of Friendsmp ard we are happy that tne U. S. Scouts have chosen to emphasize and promote this ideal at Idalo and look foiward to ioining hands and hearts with them in this enterprise. that


Of Peru Lagt To


STIIDY GROUP A Christian Science Study Group will meet daily at 1000at Campiire Atea2.

The final contingent of Scouts tent and in an open area near came through the gate into the headquarters. Tarps and blan. Jamboree early this morning, kets were providedby the Health completing the massing of World Servlce. Scouts. They were 50 Scouts

from Peru, following closely on the heels of an Austrian contin. gent which also


night. By supper time yesterday, the

commissary was issuing 1104 patrol food boxes, not including those for Host Corps Scouts from the United States. Thus, at that time, there were about 8,900 Scouts at the Camporee.

Arrivals last night swelled that


I Scouting's Founder. Ssound oi hesitation.

I wilhin.

lis.F.r Indrp. Irrr 2_Bet-uto22 ttnil - !t r aub Pr( k 2,H. L,

campement was about 10,500 late yesterday.

Among arrivals yesterday were two busloads of United Klngdom Scouts who came through the gates while the camp slept about 0330. Because

of the hour, they set up make. shift camp in a staff conference

HOURS FOR VISITORS Visitors will be welcome to come to the Jamboree. begin. ning today. Hours for visitors wlll be: Aug. 1 and 9, 1300 to 2200; Aug. 2 through 8, 1300





To sharpen x blrde. lnquire.


25Australian bird.



2r-Hrnc up your launa

Service, with offlces ln major

Not moYins.


3l 32

John. (Scorland,)



has to do with (ommunications. (l1It.) Pesky bug.



Eur,)pean airlrne.











There will also be an 18. minute film of the Jamboree


for showlng in theaters.






Dangerou5 liquids.



Diver's aittidron. Copenhagen is ln


BeIore lon8.








rr0mapinetree. iTo bâ‚Ź vict0rl)us-


L,l I s

would re.ognize rhls beast of burder.

will be sunny, with dimish. lng winds. There will be a hlgh

is. (lnrt. ) l.1A Scout nlm Nome I2 -That

lr-North, Cenlral rnd south


t6 39


Man-Farragut State Park to.





i Peruvian S. out

WEATHER A Word From Our

4Sap 6

boreets ten days. They have already fllmed arrivals of some Scouts in New York, and after

the Pure.Pak Dlvlslon of Ex. cell.O Corp. The movie will be avallable for showlngs by Scout unlts through thelr councils and as. sociatlons. In the UnitedStates, distributlon will also be hand. led by Modern Talking Plcture

made lronr


which will be available for show. lng in about three months. The producers will document all activities during the Jam.


2olnhabilant ol Tiber. 2l DrI. 23

A production team from Mattco Associates, McHenry, Il1. has begun filming the offl. cial XII World Jamboree movle

Washington, New York, and Detrolt. Sponsoring the 3o.minute fllm


I 3 A besrer buiLt ll. It Y0u skare on (. 16A g!lgster takes it 18

Jambo Movie Filming Starts

cisco, Houston,



more popular than his counter. parts anywhere.

the Jamboree they will follow the tours of a few Scouts from other countries in San Fran.

Fortt winks



I 0

totaI. With the Host Corps and staff lncluded, the number in the en-

24..urril"l.lrpd. i.ildm, BePl, n.rI etr" 28Krr'd vr P-' l' r """

HATE TO GET UP-The Jap. anese bugler probably isn,tany-

r'] Answer On Last Page

of 85 degrees Fahrenheit (29 Centlgrade), and a low at nlght of 45 degrees Fahrenheit (9 degrees Centigrade). Wednes. day will be fair with little change In temperature.

Big Arena Show Tonight At ZO00 The giant Sutton park amphitheater will be scene of the first lull gathering of Jamboree participans atthe 2000 today for

the opening arena shorv. Jamboree guests will gather at Sutton park before 2000 lvhile ^ scouters begin c-onverging on the ny :::l!t*3ld suocamps. The guests will be entertained amptritrreater by the Bonneri gano Idaho. High Schoot ;nJ ny rameo ctown I"r.v. tgrl-ty.

Emmett Kellv, Jr. BRITISH BOY SCOUT reads the meaning of the elements tn. volved in the building of the Friendship Tower.


2035, Jamboree Commissioner Irving Feist, Camp Chief A. Brunton JI. and G" J. Vollmer. acting chairman of Scouting's World Committee, will signal the start of amarchpast by Jamboree Scouts. AII



will march down


amphitheater's six aisles to the 400 by 200,foot stage, A role call of national contingents will

follow with flags flying from every nation represented at the Jamboree. The honor guards will end with arms locked. holding their colors, symbolizingthe






'l: ;.8


brotherhood of Scouting. Camp Chief Brunton will in" troduce distinguished guests, in. cluding Lady Baden"powell, widow of Scouting,s founder. UThile they are being welcomed, pictures of them will be shown on 25 by 28,foot screens in the

rear of the stage so that all in the audience can see them. These screens will also be .*

used during a colorlul pageant

# tracing Scouring's history from ffi Baden-Powell,s Brownseals. q

land camp to today,s XII Jam.


Scout contingents will enact tableaux appropriate to

each ofthe past Jamborees while on the screens authentic scenes

from each will be shown. Ex. planations will be given in English, French. and Spanish.




be foi!owed

by. traditional dances bv 150 American Indians in tuli cos-

tume. At its

MtIxICAN scours PAIITICIPATET in one oI nulrlero.s sunday church services. NEAKLY EVER)' \1AN tN SERVrcE r>


end, the Indian chief will call for lightning 1lom the sky as a signal for a vivid fireworks display. Special music will enhance the

fireworks display. Firevlorks will spell out r;Welcome,, inthe Jamboree,s three languages against a backdrop of ever. greens on the hill behind the

stage. The finale


burst upon burst of aerial bombs rvill be a huge display on the

Jamboree theme, .,For Friend-



narnes of some of the landmarks

that surround 1'ou. The goodsized hill to the northeast is

calied Cape Horn Xlountain. The range to the east is the Bitter. roots. To the wesi are the foot.

hills ol the Selkirk Rirnge.


THERE ARE STILL MORE TO COME-Scouts and more Scouts from Region two touch ground in Spokane International Airport.

And The Jamboree D"y B*gins

WHAT'S WITH THESE STONES?-Advice Irom a friendly Host Corpsman on the art of tent pitch' ing is received with question.

THE PAUSE THAT REFRESHES-HoSI corpsmen take a welcome break from morning activities

in camp.

OKAY, WHO HAS A COMPASS?-It's a bigcampand with trad' ing and friendship gatherings it must be covered.

There's Always Something To Ear

morning milk man arrives

THEY ALSO SERVE--Order of the Arrow lodge men work at the far end of our forks to keep us moving.


parcel while shaded from the noon.day sun.

,# r*i :$ g:




"d$s*+*: ;'q''ilr'!' ,' 't1", r!l



clutches treasured



ffi i,e,ti ,th.


WHERE DO WE START?-Belgiat Scouts organize for camp like they're ready to eat.


set.up amid piles of duffel

cooking gea.r,


Inquiring Photographer WHAT DOES



Friendship is a very simple thlng when we thlnk of lt on a local or individual level. We all have friends we treasure and hold dear. But it ls diffrcult to apply in a truly international sense. scoutlng, lor the however, is an excellent ground ---"- Wf.,:/.;l/im international application of friendship, and Friendship." this is the reason we are here -"For i:,r'lt.1i;t;iit


cEoRGE JAEGER, Scouts d'Haiti Pour moi le mot "For Friendship" signifie que tout les Scouts du monde entier

dolvent s-e fraterniser, c'estI dire essayer d'etre des amis dans le sens propre du

mot. Ce theme signiiie encore pour moi que les hommes au lieu de faire la guerre devralt s'entre.alder mutuellement pour un monde meilleur. Je pense aussi que c'est dans le mdme esprit de B.P. qu'on a choisr pour theme "AMITIE". For me the word "For Firendship" means that all Scouts throughout the world must be acqualnted, which means they must try to be friends in the real meaning of the word. This theme again means to me that men instead of making war on each other should help each other for a better world. I ttrtnk also that it was ln the same spirit of B.P. that "For Friendstrlp" was chosen for the Jamboree theme. QUESTION: whatareyoulooking forward to most during the Jamboree?

-qitrtqGr +^f sEâ‚Ź *\trm -m-,rT - ^t .mc& q Iq r -w-ir ir rtit r: r, ?r rdi <!\ F1,lr r.r",r w\*rlqT {q l.I\- fli'fi4ll'f la.'s *rr. -.ir).r \' ,r. -rr\' {ll t.i !,r\1,\ 4 '!r' ar\-q ,t- 1 ,- .,,irr ,,,. .1 \rtr.r- rlr\'r '',irt n ,r. ,m1 ir:- ',.} , ',r r' r:rr1 <- i}.r:rr t*'rr,T*ii o.t dfr ai ' -q; ,.trt ii r : " ^'.\'m.ilqf\u4rEA'sr?. \_r qr { ^-.*S<: 4,(irrqt^:s.,-rriE-qr: \-,,::::",^ltj: r



Gouind Narayan ttJya-poo" Nepal ard Glrl Scouts


SMOKEY THE BEAR says "Save yourself and our forests. Be careful with tres."

This is the first time Nepal Scouts have a World Jamboree. In this Xtr

High Elwin Palgrave Fuller,


world Jamboree, we will have a chance to meet many different Scouts and we will


have a good knowledge and frlendsNp wii[ them. Starting today we will make new ffiends, learn new things, and see mamy new things in the Jamboree. During the Jamboree time, we will collect many valuable ideas and things. After the Jamboree, we will distribute all those things to all our friends and Scouts in Nepal.

Friendship means to me having a friend whom you can trust and ask for help if it is needed. Friendstrlp means just what it says-that people from different countries,

friendship with Scouts from throughout the world true to the theme of the Jam' boree, "For Frlendshipr" being held in


Lo que yo deseo es conocer Boy Scouts de otros paises y conseguir nuevas ideas

para ayudar a los mios.

The thing I


Tadashi Sugihara Boy Scouts


should be friends, because until the world adopts this frame of mind there willneverbe peace in the world. I came to this Jamboree and I have made friends with Scouts from my own country aad also I find that I am making frlends with Scouts from other countries, and before I leave I hope to make many more.


I am looking forward to making malY friends with whom I hope to correspond when I return home. It is also my wish to observe the different Scout crafts of the different countries here at the Jam' boree wiih.the view of gaining newideas'


no matter what color or rellglon





to know BoY

Scouts from all countries and get some new ideas for my boys in Mexico.

It is

mY utmost desire



deePen mY

a cou;try with the biggest Boy Scout popu' lation in the world. Our country is makinB a bid to host the XtrI World Jamboree

at the foothills of majestic Mt. Fuji,r and I was desirous of coming to this Jamboree with hopes oi learning how we could

be good hosts in the event we are honored to hold the next World Jariboree. I also wanted to see vrith my own eyes, hear witl my own ears, touch with my own body and soul the theme of the XII Jamboreg "For Friendshipr" ard to make sure that tlle spirit of this theme is carried ou[. Therefore, it is my wish to parti' cipate in every Jamboree event and to enjoy the feeling of camping all together asonebigfamily. If we should be honored to host th; xItr World Jamboree in Japan four yeaxs from now, I would like to take back this experience so that we will be able to host a Jamboree that we will not be ashamed of. We certainly will do our best in holding a truly wonderful Jamboree.


SALE: l3,Aluminum


Boat $144; ?' Oar S2.20; B'10,, xB'10' grey Wall Tent $38:9'6,, x?'6' grey Wall Tent $29: 12, x16' grey Army Duck Fly $20; Voyager Tentilue 913: Voya.

ger Tent.green $13: Voyager

Tent-yellow 913; Voyager Tent. orange $13. Place orders with Fred Mills (4247) or Al Reber

(421 1),




MENT; Orange two.man


$54; Ground cloihs $4.?5; Fly Sheets $29; Tent Poles $1.?5r

Patrol Cooking Sets 99,80; Fry-

ing pans $3.25i Plastic


basins .80; Plastic lVater bags $1.95; Soup ladles.?5: Bread

Knives $1. 10; Potato Knives.30; Egg Slicers .,701 Axe with sheath $4.50; Spade with sheath gZ,i0; bow saws 91"80: Rubber Ham.

mers,50; Camping


$5.50; Camping Chairs $3,50. Danish Contingent.

FOR SALE: From a box of



io a rojl

oJ paper

towels for your kitchen chores.

To a bar of soap or toothpaste for your personal needs. Visit

the sundry segtion ofihetrading

post where you'Il find a large

selection of items to make your

Jamboree experience more comforiable. Keep up to daie

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Scouts' steel drum band was a big hit with Jambo Scouts ancl young lady


on world and local news through

the special editions o1 local

area papers on sale daily in the

sundry section of the Trading Post.

Balloon Burst

At Skillorama

FOR SALEl The Snack section

features man], tastl, items

at some Candy,

low prices. Here are

examples: Soft Drinks;

Adventure Award For B Projects Ever-y_Scout

here may earn the Jamboree Adventure Award,

a special neckerchiel slide with the officiai Jamboree emblem

in color. To earn it, a Scout must do any eight of flrese 13 things: 1. Eat a meal as a guest of a Scout from another country while a Scout from the patrol he visits eats with his patroi. The Sc.out must learn a recipe from his host.

The balloon burst,

Hamburgers, Milk, Cookies, Hoi Dogs. Ice Cream" To cool vour lunch and dinner drinks. i( e is available in 25 lb. bags at a cost of $1.00 per bag" Trading Posts.

SPECIAL: Each Trading post, staffed with Scouts and Explor.

ers from all parts of the coun. try, is operated solely by the Boy Scouts of America. All profits derived from these oper. ations go into the Jamboree fund to help pay for construc.

but the

SkiIl-O.Rama program which

()nens Ior lhc tirst sllowilrg at 1400 got a lot oi

Thursdal, nois.v-

publicity, The big blowup

came yesterday ntorning whern th" S1i1i.6.nrma Iealn was in-

flating an advertising




balloon each 01 the threâ‚Ź,

show dai,s. As photographers gathered to see the ilight. a rip appcared

and that rvas it. However, it, or a counterpari, will lly again for the colorlul event.

tion costs.

Mementoes From l92O

FOR SALE1 A gifi for mom,

The Olvmpia subcamp boasts mementoes and badges Irom

dad, sister, brother, or {riend souvenir section of the trad.

ing post. Betier get there early while the selection is still good. Supplies are limit. ed. Trading Posts.

the first World Jamboree. held



at Olvmpia,


They :Lre the property oi the

Rev, L. Roper Shamhart, Oly. mpia's Roman Catholic chap-


2. Participate in the Jam. boree Wide Game Wednesday. 3. Collect autographs ancl addresses ol Scouts from six

Vhat's ln A Name

other countries. 4. Participate wth his troop

Natives agree that I,'rench.

Canadiitrr iraders wer.e responsible tor nanlinit tire lake in which lou srvinr, boat, and 1ish.

in conservation area.


Learn to say


Friendship', in three other lan.


6. Hike Brownsea Island But local {olks cliller <.in v;hv Camp Trail or Deer Bell Trail '.ltl Itanre wac lrestrrued. SotnL with his patrol. (:hris. sav the Frencll-Canadiirns 7. Learn a Scout song froin tened the inclian rribe living other country. nearby the Pend 'Oreilles be8. Take part in putting olr a

cause thesr: red men wor.e pen.

dani ornanrents in their


lobes. (These people translate the name as ,.ear.bobsr,, or "ear pendants.")

The other school of


hunters claims that pencl Oreille comes from the ear.shapeofthe lake. (They translate the name

as (hanging like an ear.,,) If Io<:aI citizens can't




demonstration in SkilI.O.Ranra.

9. Visit Exhibits tent and learn about Scouting in other


10. Take part in lishing or


11. Complete Scoutcraft Adventure Traii with his patrol. 12. Go swimming.

13. Go boating or


Scouts who want to win the

award should see their unit we? Take your pick. leader to get a scorecard for it.

Dedicate Site At State Park



Farragut State Park, site oi XII world Janrboree, rvillbe ollicialh' dedicated by Idaho's


Facts and figurâ‚Źrs about the Jamboree: OThe Jamboree site, Ideho's

governor at ce.remoniestodaY at 1400 at the park headquarters building near the entrance. Scouts and Scouters areinvited. Gov. Don W. Samuelson lvill give the dedicatory speech. Jam-

Farragut State PaIk, contairis 5,000 acres. Eachsubcamp has 30 acres and is laid out for 45 troops oi 36

boree Commissioner Irving

S<:outs and Ieaders.

Feist and Boy Scor-lt N{ax Christensen of Boise. Idalro will speak

a Jamboree Scouts and Scout-

ers will consunre 36,?36 Ioaves of b r ea d, 175,808

representing the Jamboree's Scouts.

quarts of miik, 50,854 pounds of fresh meat and fish, and ?84 cases o{ fruit and vegetable juices. a,A lrike on either the Brownsea Is1and Camp

Traii orthe

Deer Bell Trail will


llirl:';lii .;nN,.i*;,;::t

about two hours"

'OThe swimming area rvill accommodate 500 Scouts at a time. TIIe pool is divided


into five areas, each 250 by

1;0 feet" Maximurn depth is

8 feet. a Scouts rvilI fish 100 at atime in the fishing alea justbelow

the Brownsea Island camp. The water has been stocked

N:'1",'o'ff:,,:"lll"X.i'""T; provided.

a Near the fishing area is the boating and canoeing area,

Two hundred rowboats


oanoes are available. 400,000 gallons of lvater are used daily at the Jamboree. 'lThe Jamboree Host Corps is made up of 550 Eagle Scouts from all over the United States. O


WITH MOM NOWHERE in sight every Scout became handy with needle and thread as he sewed on

Names Recall History The 4?-year tradition of World Jamborees isrecalledin major place names of this XII Jamboree. The main arena is named for the ninthWorld Jamboree at Sut'

ton Park, England, in 195?. The other have given


Second Bomb

Then Pl aY The WI



1959; and Marathon, Greece, 1963. PHONETIC PRON UNCIATION NATION PRONUNCIATION England

Olympia Ermelunden Arrowe Park


Godollo Vogelenzang Moisson

Holland France

vb glen-zopg


Bod-ish el

Bad Ischl Niagara.on.the-Lake Sutton Park Makiling Marathon

Englimd Hungary

-Olimpeea Aiq-ma loon en Air row Park cin.der ler Mwahlsong


Ny -db-are-a


silt-ton Pa-rk


Mah ktle'fing

Maie a'thon


In the southern section of the subcamp. OlvmPia, English troop 34 lrom Birmingham England is 1'l)'ing the Birmingham r:itv flag.

TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS o83o-Lighting of the XII Jamboree torch and official raising of flags of all nations represented at Jamboree, Friendship Tower.

World Jamborees

Olympia, England, 1920; Ermelunden, Denmark, 1924; Arrowe Park, Engiand, 1929; Godollo, Hungary, 1933; Vogelenzang,Neth' erlands, 193?; Moisson, France, 194?; Bad Ischl, Austria, 1951; Niagara.on.the-Lake, Canada. 1955; Makiling Park, Philippines,




their names to the subcamps. They were:


L i sten For

his Jambo insignia.

1400-Dedication of Farragut Staie Park. Park Adminis' tration Building, 14o0-Rehearsal for arena sho1T. Sutton Park Arena' 2000-Grand opening arena sho1v, Sutton Park Arena' Scouts rvill form at sttbcarnps for march to arena.

I[eleoming Totem aventte of toiem Poles (Baclen.Powell Avenue) has 2?


dramatic Poles uP io 3i feet

ial1 brought to the everrt b.v- Bo1' Scout groups of theNorthwest. But one preview totem Pole is ofl the si{e. It was carved b1' a Scotlt troop in Rathdrum" Ida' ho. and set uP at the raiiroad point at -A.tho1, Idaho. just four miies lrom the campsite. to we1come the hundreds of Scouts

arriving bv train at Athol on their wav to the encamPment,

PFIDALING PILGRIM_HCIMUI Schimmel of Germany. who rode his bicycle 4.500 miles toreach the Jamboree and flew halfway

around the world to


Guatemala, his cycling starting point" Schirnmel, who works in Australia. flew to Guatemala last spring. He mounted his bike in Guatemala CitY on MaY 14. Destination: the XII World .lamboree. And he made it. (:amping out en route eachnight,

buying only his meals as he pedaled northward toward Idaho.



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Kaniksu Forest

Wildlife Haven Black.robed Jesuit priests that accompanied early explorers

to this country after 1840 unconsciously heiped name the Kaniksu National Forest, touched by the Jamboree site on the east. Indians in the locality named Father Pierre Desmet ard fellow Jesuits. "kaniksu" meaning ';blackrobe" or "priest.'' The Kaniksu Forest has many varieties of magnificent trees l2,OOO Population

such as ponderosa pines, subalpine white bark pines. Doug. Late Yesterday las.fir, hemlock, larch. quak. Nearly 12,000 and ing aspen. birch and cottonwood. Scouters were onScouts the grounds colorful Smaller. trees are the yesterday as the first day mountain ash, yew. dogwood. late ihe of XII Jamboree came to juniper. hawthorn and rousing finish with the big Numerous forest plants are a arena show, sego lilv, fireweed (red), lupine The Transportation Service (purple). trillium (white). Indian had counted 11.852 participants paint brush (crimson), wild by late afternoon" There will strawberry. dog-tooth violet (purple). lady slipper or wild be at least one more Scout in the encampment. He is a Cyp"

orchid, thimbleberry,


grass. shooting star (reddish), and birds beak. They're pretty but it's best not to pick these

riot Scout due here Thursday. The latest contingents. a group from Canada. 11 boys

leaders from Iceland. and flowers. Imagine what would and iiom Viet Nam. arrived if 14,000 people each five alter breakfast yesterday.


picked one of every species of wildflower. Small animals of these woods

are minkf marten, weasel or

ernline, porcupine. beaver, bob.

cat, coyote. Pine squirrel


and The Rer," Raymond Klumbis. golden rnantle ground squirrel Cathoiic chaplain at the (often mistaken for chipmunk) Roman Ermelunden subcamp, has a real are interesting and amusing to international flavor. He speaks watch. Russian. German, Italian, and poisonous

THE Iit,AME OF BROTlIERIIOOD-Explorer Charles Van Pelt, an American Indian Scoui, lights the torch which will burn throughout the Jamboree at Friendship Tower. Wth him is Greek Scout John Papadimitrou. He represented the Greek contingent, rvhich hosted the 1963 World Jamboree at Marathon.

The morning ceremony included simultaneous raising of llags oI 89 nations represented at the Jamboree.


There are no L,ithuanian, and serves ihree in or immediately near parishes in van Horn. Texas the Kaniksu National Forest. with Mexican and American Insnakes

Most common woodland birds dian communicants"

are western blue jay, Canada

jay, raven, pileated woodpeck. er. bald eagle, golden eagle, and water auzel, or dipper.

Rabbits are the most com' mon animals of the West.

Special Mass A rnass lyill l)(' celebrxted lor .Iames X{cCIuskel' erld Rol)ert

Ilindcrer, t'ho r.lit:d rect ntir', on I'ritlav xt 0030 in the Inttr-

l)xtional R('('(,pti()n tent. Both nleu \\'(,r(, with the Slrlll)ll'Ser" vico ol the Bo1' Scrnrts ol r\nrerica.

Musical Bull Session

Ail rnusir',urrkt'rs art, invited t() a rnuiiic{rl l)ull sessiol) at 1530 toda.v- n(,rr tll(, IDtt nt:t" tional Rt'r'r'!tion tt'ut. AII in.

strurtentlrlists uud singers wili welc'omt, to joiu in lor an


hour ol


forrnltl rrrusit'-rl)aking.



WEATHER No irr the

qt'neral change wentlrt,r' pattern is expected to,


Sunnv and contil)u('d


weather will prevail. A high ol 90 degrees I'ahlenheit (33 degrees Centigrade) ancl a lorr ol ,15 degrees Fahrenheit (? degrees Centigrade) can be ex-

pected. Torlight will be clear and cool.

OLE!-Mexicans Scouts clad in serapes demonstrate campfire.




dance step during subcamp

A Scout Ie Clean

Invite Seouts To Chile Meet Forty Scouts and


from the South American na. tion of Chile have arrived at the Jamboree after a trip by

air to Farragut State Park. Jose Pavez, Chief Scout of Chile, contingent leader, and

the Boy Scouts de Chile would

like to

extentl an invitation to Scouts of al] the Scout Associations to attend the PHILIAS international encampment of Patrol Leaders in 1969. This international gathering, to be

held in




the 6Oth anniversary oftheChilean Scout


Association-the sec-

ond to be

founded by BadenPowell in 1909.


t;l 1."{

Santiago. Chile,

celebration on the occasion of

THE TALL TOWER at the northwest corner oI the concrete block reception center near the

bank (left) is a tower of


| special kind. Actually all outgoing and incoming calls from the Spokane telephoneoflice are transmitted via microwave

radio. One hundred phone calls can originate from this Jam-

$en boree and travel through

by radio. The radio

theair signals

are relayed by three other stations on mountain tops between here and Spokane.

Friendship Wide Came Is Today



i rlr f.riiiltri,



The Jamboree goes into high gear today in search of Friend. ship-nation by nation and Scout by Scout. The entire Jamboree will be a scene of fast action as Scouts from all countries try to team up with other Scouts, each having a card with one lelter of the word .,Friendship,, on each card. The idea is to collect a team of ten Scouts spelling "Friendship," then get to be pals exchange names and ad. dresses on the cards and rhen report to any sub.camp to be checked in for a special Jam.

boree award. Each subcamp will get a different letter so Scouts

will be

moving around

at a rapid pace to collect buddies and make lasting friends.

The award is an attractive

strip saying "For Friendship,', and is an official part of the OpEN LINE TO EAST: Larry Bethurum, Morgan, Utah, Ex" plorer from the B.S.A., is the guy who,s found most of the work day liom early morning to late night manning our branch of the TWX, or teletype exchange. Our teletypewriter at the

spin of a dial can put us in teletype touch with our New york or Washington news bureaus or any other TWX macNne in the U. S. It's one more method of rapid, efficient communications.

Jamboree badge. No one can acquire one of these awards except by successfully complet. ing the Friendship game. The action will start at pre. cisely 0900 hours with anaerial

salute and will close at

with an aerial salute.


Action At





Subcamp Campfires

riX .







SINGERS FROM THE VELDT-South African Scouts singing traditional songs {rom during subcamp campfire.

4. .w-W* r,






, :*

DANCING DERVISHES-Scouts from several nations joining in a special skit during a subcamp campfire.

ON WITH THE SHOW-British Scouts preparing for a perfor. mance with splnning crinolines during a campfire show at a subcamp.

Kent Troop Boaete Oast At Niagara.on-the.Lake


canrp. a strange looking, tepeelike structure rises 20 feet in the air. It is a canvas replica of the brick r:uring ovens called "oasts' in the Kent and Jersey regions of GreatBritain. Scouts from Jamboree Troop 20 of Kent and Jersey built the oast to show

how hops are cured. Arealoast 50 feet high.

is almost

Also at Niagara-on.the.Lake"

Troop 12 of Calgary. Alberta.

C:ri..,.1a. is displaying two half. sizr. r:overed wagons of the type

useti by settlers in 1

the early

OPENING CEREMONY-?hough a hovering helicopter almost drowned out the addresses by camp chief Joseph A. Brunton Jr., and camp commissioner Irving Feist, the xtr world Jamboree was officially opened yesterday morning at approximately g:47 a.m. Thetorch


lit at the last world Jamboree at Marathon, Greece, by King constantine was passed by a Greek Scout to Commissioner Feist who then gave it to Explorer Charles Van pelt of the

Chiei engineer and builder of dams in the Northwest

B.S.A- Charles touched his torch to a stationary torch at the base of the Friendship Tower. The flalne is fed with butane gas supplied from a tank in the GHe area.

is the beaver.




or not you've

found out



the water down at the swinrming area is warmer than your showers here at Janibo 6?, One thousand two hundred Scouts can splash at one time in the specially-created swim area. Swimming will be done by the '.buddy system,, whereby one Scout is paired wit[ another Scoutofequalswim ability. Trained

lifeguards are on duty at all times during all aquatics events. It's interesting to note that the swim area was created arti.

ficially by dredging to the proper depth. Then tons of the finest sand (from Sandpoint, Idaho, about Z0 miles north) were

in. Sand silt was filtered out and discharged into the lake. Nothing but the finest for Jamboree Scouts. poured

Faleon Flys Over Jamhoree


Heikki Rautvuori jesto Finland

Suomen Pariiopoikajar.

The historic art of falconry will be demonstrated today at hours by one of the nation's top falconers, Morley Nelson of Boise, Idaho, in the small arena. Mr. Ne1son, the Snow Surveys Supervisor for the United States Soil Conservation 1OO0

Ensimmaiset kikemukseni vieraan maar partiolaisista olivqt amerikkalaiset partiol. aiset. He toivottivat minut tervetulleeksi Jamboreelle ja aterialle siirryttyamme oli puheenaihenna ruokalajit Suomessa ja

NASA Exhibit I)rawe Throng


ending llow yesterdaY

Service has trained falcons for Disney Studios among others. He will have four train.

Scouts and visitors in an un-

My first experiences with Scouts of other countries were the American Boy Scouts. They said to me. "Welcome to the

Jamboree," and when we started eating we talked about meal dishes in Finland and U. S. A.


Sjoord Paridaen Catholic Scouts The Netherlands

Ik proasse les mes een amerikaanse

verkenner wv proasser over onre unifor. men en over onre insignes en ooh over onre religie.

through the exhibit ol

r:apsules and instruments National Aeronautics and


space of the Space

Administration. Thousands saw the capsules flown by astro"

nauts M. Scot"t Carpenter, Thomas P. Stalford and Eugene A.

Cernan. when a visitor


looked at one of the capsules, his usual reaciion was, "Is it

really the real thing?'i It is

indeed. Astronaut CarPenter will be at the Jamboree later

this week. Another popular feature at the NASA exhibit is the satel-

I talked forst with an American Scout. our uniforms and lite readout station where visiabout or badges and the religion we had. tors can "watch" thepassovers

We talked about

of orbiting satellites.


Colombia Salom Nuestro promer encuentro con ofros Scouts foe en Spokane con unos Scout Alberto


The porcupine of the Northwest destroys many acres of valued timber.

Northwest Indians call the muskrat the musqttash,

de Mejico. Hablamos sobre el escultismo" en Colombiay en Mejico y sobre los parti. cipantes de nuestros paises al XII Jamboree Mundial.

Our first encounter with Scouts from other countries

ed prairie falcons. native to this region, on demonstration

every day at 1000 hours" Vari. eties of hawks and a golden eagle are in the Jamboree con. servation area.


with some Scouts from Mexico. We talked about the Scouting movetnents in Colombia and Mexico and aboui the participants of our countries to the XII World Jamboree.



Thomas Jansen D.P.S.G. Germany

In meinen ersten Gesprach mit


anslandischen Pfadfin"dert,ruder fragteich nach seinem Zuhause. seiner Familie und seinern Heimatland. Es war ein amerika. mischer Junge aus Florida, In the first chat that I had wiih a {oreign Scout.brother, I asked for his home, his lamily and the country he is corning from. He was an American boy otlt of Florida.




\.\\. 1.. *,. 1r

,, r,,





, \ \" ,,." us

.,r..1\.. ,.1i:..

\_ -,\'.,. *" .\.'


.i\r^r i,1,,


.", .. t\. t...

'\-- \" Kostakis Christolides

1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Boy Scouts of CYPrus

To make as many lriends as I can. To get acqtlainted with the customs of other countries' To exchange badges with Scouts of other countries. To swim in Lake Pend Oreille. To fish in Lake Pend Oreille. To get other Scouts to get acquainted witlt Cyprus customs'

WHERE SHE STOPS, .nobody knows, but this British boy keeps his crinoline spinning with some help from a mate during subcamp campfire.

TOMARE NOTICE: All Jamboree participants holding GREyHOUND W $99.00 tickets are urged to call

Charles Dekock (Jambo phone 2238) or contact him in the

transportation servlces tent, be. fore Saturday, August 5th to complete their return transpor. tation arrangements.


WANTED: Scouts from every

nation to visit


County Fair. Bring your camera. Lots to see and domoon laboratory, wildlife,



; t : if

smoke jumpers-much more! Como see us.

WANTED: If your are a bugler or a drummer, please report your name to Robert Bugge in

Services would be greaily appreciated at the daily llag cere. monies. Bugleswillbe supplied.

Notice: Do you wish a photo

oI your jamboree troop to take home with you? The Ross llall Studios is the olficial photographer for the jamboree. you may contact them by calling Extension 3661 and make ar-








;i;i,il.i!.!l I



I l



ARE YOU THE ONE:-If you are tne the scout Scout in the circle rush rusfr to the tne Jamboree Journal Offce. you You will receive , r"* FIEL;LLtil.e

the program tent No. 2 or to Leland Foland at the public Relations press wing in the Ermelunden you witt fi Friendship Center.




Itl:.':.[:: 1l.i:;'"?,T* f, I








" without any tent and

Many Exhibits A

t C,O nS e



1. equipment. But they are equipDed now, since the Ger. Scouts can participate in dozens of exciting things at the mans brought the equipmentand County Fair" and at the weathei stati6n, at the gave it to them. Tents and "Conservation Lost Tenderfood Mine besides earning ihe Adventure'award. gear are very expensive in Almost three dozen exhibits and demonstrations will be in Bolivia. operation between 0900 and 1?00 hours. These include such




Make sure that thephotographel shows you his oflicial jamborr,e

;:'JT"ffrJ"T:j;i:Tff?.I""lnJt:TiHLI;:TH:fu1 i":, T electronic conservation Sp".iauy daily sctreduled morn- quiz, etc. conservation demonstrations Souvenier _ collectors , can include the following: ing while the helicopter was flying overhead wiih photogra- lnake a plastic cased soilpro. At 1O0O Morlan\elson will phers, but the objectwhichland. rile, pan t'or gold, pick up sev. give a demonstrationottatconry ed at his feet was only the lens eral booklets on various phases i.t ihe small arena. filter from one of the cameras. of .conservation_, and pick up At l00d hours ducks will be Incidentally it survived the fall. various mineral specimens at banded and released at the conservation headquarters tent. At Vogelensang, Troop I of t-Preceeding the release, the can. ' ,,,,

you pay to the

tent displaying products of the wool industrl, including fleeces

rangements to take your group

picture. The cost for an 8t, x 10,' glossy print is 91.00 each. All photographs must be paid for when the pit.ture is taken and rvill be delivertd to your camllsite rvithin 48 hours. identi{ication badge irn<l that you receive a receipt for anymonel, photographer.

HOSPITAL VISITORS Visiting hours at the Arm], Reserve Field Hospitel on duty at the Jamboree are as follows: Scout leaders and chaplains mav visit at any time: Scouts rnay

visit {rom 1430 to

1600 daily. The lield hospital is just south of the Olytnpia subcamp.

One surprised Scout thought

he was being bombed this

West Yorkshire. England, has a

:ft H f

and threads. The display also has the cap worn by Sir Fran. cis Chichester, round.the.world

sailor. on his voyage. and a bit of wrxrl he hrought from






Australia to England.

.& r)

Every subcamp boasts colorful gateways representing some fact,t ol the life of marrv na.





Wood Badge Reunion Set

non net trap will be fired. This

is a device used by wildlife biologists to trap ducks and geese for banding. The cannon

will also be demonstrated at 0855, 1355, 15SS hours. By making an appointment at the careers exhibit, anyScout

can meet a professional



one of the several profes-

sions to talk about a career in conservation. Appointments can be made at any time; inter. view sessions will be at 1600 hours,

Two experimental moon


ploration vehicles will be oper.

ated in the Conservation County Fair at 1000 hours and again at 1500 hours.

Chilly, Not Chile

The following was heard last The Wood Badge reunion will night in subcamp Godollo: be held Tuesday, Aug. 8, at "George, I'd like to have one i700 in the small arena. All of those blankets you have in holders of the Wood Badge *'ill storage. I didn't come pre. pared for this 40 degree tembe welcome. Gerry Newby, executive com. perature," said Green-Bar Bill.

missioner of training for the "I'm awfully sorry, Bill,,, World Bureau, has asked all said George Cahill, .,but those

which would like to present demonstrations of training ideas or games to notify him at the lVorld Bureau contingents


blankets are earmarked for the

Nigerians and the Chileans.,) ',Well, that's alright. Lastnight it was chilly here," saidGreen. Bar Bill.

Spokane Citizen Has Good Spirit ,For Friendship," the spirit oI the Jamboree, has spread to the local populace. A citizen from Spokane, Wash. sentanote

and a check



io Jack

Rhea, director of the Host

Corps. The writer asked that Rhea find two deserving Scouts

and split the money between them. Only condition was that the money should help". . . .


make the Scouts" stay at the Jamboree more pleasant." Just shows how seriously somefolks take our theme. (Incidenially, the money has been distributed







ifl F

as the donor intended. Don't bother calling Mr. Rhea. (-even

iI you do need an extra


Hold Inter Troop Exchanges Tonight Highlight of Jamboree acti. vity tonight will be intertroop exchange campfires in each subcamp. Troops may choose

a troop from another country

to hold their campfire with. or leaders may assign troops for THREE GENERATIONS AT JAMBOREE: (left to right): Will Hutchinson (Scout); Robert Hutchin. son (father); Dewey Hutchinson (grandfather) from Wilmington, Delaware. The father and the grandfather are archery instructors at the ta-rget range, and the Scout is a member of the Jam. boree troop 35 in Olympia.

the exchange. Each campfire program will

be very informal, with



and demonstrations. Scouts wili exchange stories of what their troop does at

home, how they cook and what they eat, and the significance of uniforms and badges. At every campfire, each host

Works Brownsea The Jamboree amateur radio station, K?WSJ, whichis operat. ing simultaneously on five bands, yesterday morning ach.

Scout will be seated between

two Scouts from the visiting troop to encourage friendship.

ieved a first by working the Brown Sea Island station in Great Britain, GB3BSI, a boy Scout club station. Sheldon

L i sten For

Weil made the contact,

The Second Bomb

Dollars And Sense Dollars, francs,


Then Play

pesos, and currency of many Scouting nations is passingover the teller's desks of the Jam"

boree Branch of the Idaho First National Bank.


To facilitiate your

banking Jamboree bank

services, the asks that you do not exchange coins at the bank. paper mon. ey, travellers checks, and mon. ey orders are negotiable. The

Sunday Services TOWER

OF HAMs-Twenty.meter rotabile

beam antenna go. ing up at Jamboree station KTWSJ as Scouters watch. Presi. dent Johnson has signed the Boy Scout bill authorizing use of the ham radio by Scout and Scouter amateur operators from all nations at the Jamboree. So far operators using thir station have talked with other hams in 1? nations.

interpreting services of the Jamboree Host Corpsmen

should be used when exchang.

ing money at the Jamboree bank.

TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS 0550-Fishing in Lake Pend Oreille 0900-Friendstrlp Wide game 1400-Conservation, swimming, boating, canoeing, fishing, and Adventure


155o-Musical Bull Session in the Friendship Tower area 200G-Inter.troop Fellowship




Story Of Stag Scouts listened enthralled to

the story of the White Stag that led the Hungarian people

Religious observances are planned Sunday for the follow. ing faiths: Episcopal (Angli. can), Lutheran, ..Mormon,'/ Buddhist, Christian


Jewish, Moslem,


The Japanese


Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Church of Christ. The full schedule of obser. vances will be announced in Saturday's Jamboree Journal.

camped at Niagara.on-the.Lake to their homeland, the "arval. has an elaborate display of ahanyhaj" or "orphan's hair" colorful streamers and penthat symbolizes a free home- nants reading .,Boy Scouts of land, and the "krinolin" or the Japan" in Japanese. Flags, Hungarian cowboy's lariat, as two cloth fish kites and vivid told by Green Bar Bill at The streamers in all colors of the Godollo Campfire. rainbow brighten the gatearea.




M ffiW


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\l,"-) ,,\titiW@

iffi j:. jliif i'iijii*)+iili.il: ir',]il r,iJ,: irliirlii::rlii A HAPPY BUNCH:-They've just completed getting the Wide Game signed and are heading for subcamp headquarters to get :;.r,:t


the added patch, "For Friendship" which becomes official Jamboree patch.


part of the

Service Clubs Meet Saturday


Scouters who are also mem- at their ::egular dining places boree identification badge and bers of any international ser- before coming to the meeting. that you receive a receipt for vice clubs will hold a meeting Roy Nichols, a member of table Typewriters for sale on any money you pay to the photo- in the smali arena Saturday at the World Committee of ScoutAug. 9. Price will be $62.50 grapher. 1900, This rvi]l noi be a dinner ing and distri<:t governor ol payable on delivery. Letter meeting; Scouters should eat Rotary in Australia, will be the requesting to purchase a ma. main speaker. Also speaking NOTICE: CAMERA FANS chine should be dated and given You'll want to capture all of briefly will be Jalnes Moler oI C,OOD TLIRN to BiU Johnston at Public Re. your Jamboree experiences on pre. A lost and crying motherwith Charleston, west Virginia, lations, HQ. film. Pictures that you take a baby her arms was invited sident oi Kiwanis International, in yourself will provide you with and John B. Miller of Nevada, WANTED: KNIVES TO GRIND! a lifelong memory of all the into the reception tent last even. Iowa, president of Toasttnasters werebeing efforts while ing, and Yorkshire, sheffield in South excitement at the Jamboree, made to locate her husband and International. John Parish of England, is famous foritssteel. Each trading post has a specScouting's National Executive It is there fore not surprising ial photo section just for cam- five accompanying Scouts anoth. Board wiII preside. be to a turned out er visitor that the Scouts from around era fans. There you'11 find lots true good a Scoutsamaritan and prepared that region have come of iilm, flash bulbs, and other er. Edward Lyman, from the CANADIAN SCOUTS at the . . .with knife sharpeners. accessories needed to snap the Iocal area, went to his car and Olympia sub<ramp will launch I1 you have a cutiing edge that colorful Jamboree doings. got his mountain climbing klt a helium.filled balloon bearing needs keening up just call on Film developing and printing of ihe special the Scouts of South Yorkshire service is also avaiiable" Make from which he produced a verY several hundred and Lincolnshire in U.S. Troop sure you bring your film in dur. expensive sleeping bag. The Jarnboree postcards. No sche. pair found their party about dule for the Friendship Bal22 in Olympia. ing the early days of the Jam. an hour later and in the mean- loon's launchinp, has been set. your so that you'Il have tinre the baby slept snttg and They will be glad to include NOTICE: Do you wish a boree finished pictures before you warm. cards written by other Scouts. photo of your Jamboree troop to take home with you? The leave lor horne, Trading Post" Ross Hall Studios is the offi.

FoR SALE: Public Relations Service has a few Royal Por-

cial photographer for the


8" x10" glossy print is


SALE: Souvenir items are boree. You may contact them FOR going fast. Get yours early to by calling Extension 3661 and take advantage ofthewide selecmake arrangements to take your group picture. The cost for an tion. Trading Post.



photographs must be

NOTICE: II you want to drink

and sleep warmer, get ice paid for when the picture is cool straw and at trading post A. be to delivered taken and will per your campsite within 48 hours. Ice $1 per bag; straw $1 Make sure that the photograph. shows you his official Jam-


Weather Farragut State Park willhave continued fair and warm weather today. The expectedhighwillbe 92 degrees Fahrenheit (33 de. grees Centigrade), and the expected low will be '17 degrees Fahrenheit (eight degrees Centi. grade). The relative humidity will be below i5 percent. Winds will be light and variable.




accredited dele-

gates or observers to 2 lst World Scout conference are requested

to report to the world bureau

office on Baden.Powell Avenue today, between 1400 and 1900" Those wishing to do so may pre.register at this time.


Mexican Scout Official

Agustin Ordonez has lost trls passport. Should be turnedinto Mexican contingent headquar. ters.

IT'S CHOW TIME in a Japanese troop, and,like Scouts fromevery other nation, they pitch in vrith a will.

TENT CITY-Canvas stretches far into the distarce in this view of the Jamboree site.

Demonstrations By


SkilI-O-Rama Op.ns Today About 100 skills and arts will be demonstrated today when the Skill.O-Rama opens for the first time. Hours will be from 1400 to 1700. Skill. O.Rama is at the corner of Friendship Boulevard and

Cyprus, United Kingdom, Thal. land, Honduras, Nepal, Sweden,

Baden-Powell Avenue.

candy making to seal skin handl. craft, forestry and survivalme-

The balloon indicating


fiying again on Saturday

be and


is open will

Tuesday afternoons. There will be demonstrations

in five areas: cooking,pioneer.

ing, field events,

dancing and

singing, and booths for

ing skills and crafts of



nations. Four thousand Scouts will take part in the demonstrations, many of them shoving dances,

Japan, Peru, Ghana, Mexico, Luxembourg, Argentina, Ire. land, Okinawa, and India. Special booths will display

everything from knot tying and


Clown Emmett Kelly Jr. wlll entertain for more than an hour during the Skill.O.Rama.

Lost But Found After Arena Show The gopher holes, a long


ing bus ride, and the thousands

crafts and sports from their of friends of Scouiing at the open. countries. Japanese and United ing Jamboree arena show com.

States Scouts will join to build bined forces to make a young a monkey bridge leading into Scout mlghty confused. Charles Siniff Jr., of Troop the Skill.O.Rama. Hawaiian Scouts will roast 324, Falrchild Air Force Base,

was traveling with hls troop on a three.day bus trip. Stopping They will wear Hawaiian dress at the Jamboree, he sprained called lavalavas. Scouts from his ankle in the rush of acti. many other nations will also vity, whlle lost from hls troop show their skills with food. buddies. State police, c.H" Q. Scouts from Canada, Sweden, medical servlces, and Charles' Guatemala, Tanzania, United straight thinking led him back Kingdom, Japan, and the United to the correci bus after medl. States will demonstrate pioneer. caI attention. How did he identify his bus? ing skills by building gates, towers and tables, and by pole Why!!! It's the one with the climbing, scubadiving and show. "litterbag' full of sandwiches! ing rescue methods. There will be native dances, The forests ofldaho are abunfolk songs and instrumental mudant with btack and whitesic by Scouts from Tanzania, tail deer.

a whole pig over rocks brought from Hawaii for the Jamboree.


BONNY JAMBOREE, agree Scout Freddie Myles of Scotland and Bud Garuet, an Idaho state policemal who ls also associate advisor oI an Explorer post in Boise, Idaho.

ALL THE SUBCAMPS were represented


of the Jamborees for which they were

Audienee Is Thrilled




enacted on the stage,



swelled to a crescendo as cheerleader and song leader, Charles Means, brought forth a Jamboree yell.

First Arena Sho\r Tops

oI{E oF THE SIGHTS for visitors was the approach of the units from the various subcamps as they marched to the Arena"

A BIG FIREWORKS display closed the show and sent the tired Scouts to their tents, and visitors to a traffic jammed highway.

Irrquiring Photographer Whot hos impressed you most obout the Jomboree

Michel Antonetti Eclaireurs unionistes





Ce qgi m'a impressionnd le plus


l'amitie'entre les garqons, sans se connaitE, on se parle, on J'6cfrangu des affairs,

"l je pense que c'est la chose la principale pour un Jamboree, car l'amitidest le deput de tout. Voila, cequi m'a le pus frappdet je n'aublirai jamais cette audience d'amitie'et de joi. Michael Antonetti.Explorer of France

What impress me the most was the friendship between the boys, without knowing each other, we talk, we exchange things, and I think this is the most important fact in a Jamboree, be. cause friendship is the beginning of everything, This is what impress me the most, and I will never forget this audience of friendship and joy. Whot hos impressed you mosi obout the Jomboree


Kevin Martin



(Northern Ireland)

I was very impressed with the entire opening ceremony at Sutton Park arena. The huge crowd attending gave the atmos. phere necessary for such a great event. It was fitting that the original inhabitants of America should play such a large part in the show with their wonderful dancing. fftant you for this experience which words could not possibly describe. Whol hos impressed you most obout the Jomboree

Scout Manuel

R. Masongsong Boy




Colin Watson, London, Eng., UK 6 in Moisson, proved to be the boy in the circle in yesterday's Journal picture and proudly claimed his copy of the FIELDBOOK this morning. He said, "l was rather, shook you know, but it's really pretty nice to get something.'

of the PhiliPPines

Puti at itim sa pandaigdigang kampungang ito ang pagiging mapagkaibigan ng lahat ng mga batang iskaut at ang kababaan at kabutihang loob ng mga tubo sa lupang ito ay hindi ko malilimutan. I was impressed by the way colored and white people mix



l+l a^^d Lol S aEE, DA2


maut wt\ulLâ‚ŹtL


OrK BRowrv6






goY ocot-tT9 OF THE


in this World Jamboree. The friendliness of all the Scouts and the hospitality of the Arnerican people are worth rem'




{rov^ aruA tOlS 1l{ow


Whor hos impressed you most


+ Dl<

for oboul the Jomboree?

Mats Gustafsson S. S. [I.






'. U +

Gardagens lagerbal imponerade mest

hittills med der tina stamningen och de tina scen tramtrodanden av scourter tran olika lander. Yesterday's campfire impressed me most up to now with the great atmos. phere and the good dancing and acting bY Scouts ffom dlf'



ferent countries,









Whot hos impressed you most obout the Jomboree







Alan Mackay The Boy Scouts of Ireland




The great organization of the Jamboree

as a whole and the very friendly




given to Scouts by the B. S. A. Host Corps.








23 26







Whoi hos impressed you mosl so for obout the Jomboree?


The opening arena show impressed me most because of the gathering of Scouts from all over the world assembled for one idea, Friendship.


2 Di.ne. 3 Wcrrld Orilu ni z.rrtir.rn.



Delvin Walker Boy Scouts of Liberia

State Park.




Iloute. (Abr er.









,\ Ilower. (French. ) Betrre



?r.-.^/---./-."8 Tlrurg.

I [Iarmonizes.

l2 Clropping ttrol.

1l Piqerrn like bird. 17Kinris 19


}lttsit rt l

bit'ds. not t,.

3 0 Sei rre.





II .t \\'



I I il





Qr"stions For Pow Wows o .


Scoutirg Be Better? C,an

How can Scouting be better? Scouts from every nation will have a chance to express their views on this question tonight

meetings, what are the most

worthwhile kind of activities to

be carried out by patrols?

O What are the most valuable at 2000 during the patrol pow skills we can learn in Scouting wows in each subcamp, Their to train ourselves to be useful? opinions will go to the World List also the six merit profi. Bureau and may influence Scout. ciency badges that are most ing's procedures on a world- useful for training in skitls?

wide scale.



discussed the question and made suggestions, the sheet will be gathered with atl the others.



or training projects. Each patrol wtll also make plans for its activities during

Wnat are the most worthwhite Every patrol will get a sheet of service projects that with one of five questions about types we should be doing to help our Scouting. After the patrol has local community? BXa.ffr.


j' What are the activities or A composite report of all training opportunities we would these opinions will be made like to be getting in our Scout from a boy,s point of view at program that we do not get at the Boy Scouts World Confer. all or sufficiently? Glve brief ence in Seattle Aug. 14 by one examples of special activities

Gov. DoN


LSON, Idaho, greets Lady Baden.powell

while John 3'skinner " wilson, former world director of World Bureau, looks on.


Voiee - Ameriea Auditions Now

One of these questions will be asked of each patrol:

3 What does belonging to the World Scout brotherhood of over 10 million members mean to me? What is the most significant thing about this to each of us? O, Apart from our ordinary troop

the next few days and have songs and demonstrations. This is one of the first times that the spotlight has been put on the patrol as Scouting's ba.

sic unit during a World Jam.


The Voice of America is here

at the Jamboree covering the event not only in English but

taping interviews and songs in

as many languages as possible. The VOA crew is especially

looking for Scouts and leaders who come from countries where they speak Amharic (Ethiopia), Arabic, Armenian, portoguese

(Brazilia) Burmese, Fr




Chinese, countrie s),


Greek, Hausa, Hindi, Ibo. fn.

dian Scouts in English and Indonesian, Korean, Lao, tayil, Malaysian, Spanish (Latin

American countries), Swahili, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese and




Charles Van Pelt, Avery, Ida. ho, was a happy Scout thls rrrorrr. ing as he was given an official photo of his getting the torch of

friendship in the opening câ‚Źfe. monies. He said about his

selection, '31 thought they'd made a mistaker you know, but was happy though, I will remember this all my life,' Char, les is a Umatilla Indlan. ADD WELCOME Scouts of troop 24, Bad Ischl,

have extended greetings to


Jamboree Scouts and visitors by

writing the word "Welcome" in twenty five different languages on their impressive troop gate.

is also lookand leaders who are members of the BSA but speak Albani an, Bulgarian, The VOA crew

ing for Scouts

Czechoslovak (Czech Poli


an, Lithuanian, sh, Hungarian, yugoslav

qlo_ya_t), Latvi

(Serbo.C roati an. Slov



VOA crew would also like to tape

brief-2.3 minute-statements

by Australian, New Zealand, and

Philippino Scouts


ers on the Jamboree.

their lead-

You can reach Tom Szabo or Bob Batchelder from the VOA at the Radio Section of the Service Center,

or call them on exten.

sion 359. Your cooperation is apprec. iated. Taped material will be

used on VOA broadcasts and also sent to the eountries for

way. Seouts of many nations radio placement from where are asked to drop by and add the Scouts cam e to the World thei r weicom e to the gateway, Jamboree.

THE IDAHO governor greets Jamboree Scout.


Norwegian Seouts Give Reeeption


THE NORWEGIAN contin. gent is claiming the Scout frorn

the northernmost point on the globe. He is UEvard Madsen from Troms/ in northern Nor.



What contingent has the

Scout from the southernmost point?

Jamboree Draws IrOOO An Hour Visitors streamed into


Jamboree at the rate of more than 11000 an hour yesterday, the second day during which the camp was open

for visits.

By 1?00, the main

logged 4,833

gate had


On Tuesday, 14r 0?5 Persons

passed through the


according to the Production Services. Nearly all of them staY' ed for the big opening arena show that night. SURE nice to get a

letter from.

LIKE A FII{NISH sauna bath?


It's yours for the asking. The Finnish contigents at Moisson

THE SPIRIT of ecumenism and Vogelensang and the head. is high in the Ermelunden and quarters unit near the World Moisson subcamps. Each rrrofrr.

ing at 0700, services are held simultaneously

for Scouts


Roman Catholic, Protestant and

Jewish faiths, all within normal speaking range of one another.

Bureau tent all have sauna baths, which are a part of every Fin.

nish household. The


has two rooms, one heated to 260 degrees F ahrenheit. The

other is a small washroom. rom 10 to 15 clergymen BS. The bather stays in the heated signed to the two subcamps room about five minutes, then F

conduct services for both in the Erm elunden quadrangle.

+ + + ++

A STRANGE CRY reMiniSCCNt of the Black Death was heard throughout the camp about 1000

washes quickly and dives into the nearest cold lake or soow.

bank" Just the thing for a morning tonic. Any Jamboree participant who wants to try a bath here (which requires ahike

yesterday. Lines of Scouts to the camp swimming area) streamed in all directions cry- may inquire at a Finnish camp" ing out "Purple Eye! Purple site. Eye!" + + + ++ Seems there was a shortage of purple cards with the letter

.((|" for the International Wide

Game, Was it a deliberate move on the part of the game organi.

zer or was there a




The Jamboree's tallest flag-

pole-a 35-footer MAIL GOES OUT-Scouts line up in front of the post office to buy stamps. There will be more of a jam Friday when special stamped post cards go on sale.

TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS 0500-Fishing on Lake Pend Oreille 0900-{onservation, swimming, boating, canoeingr fishing, adventure trail, 140O-Skill.O.Rama

1400-Conservation, swimming, boating, canoeingr flshing, adventure trail,

200O-Patrol campfires


every contingent in camp


been invited.

at the Moisson

subcamp-brought out the Jam. boree's champion shinnier yes. terday. A rope broke during the morning flag ceremony, and all efforts by Host Corps Scouts and others to fix it were urr.

availing. Then up stepped Toshio Nakanishi, a Japanese Scout, Zip!, He was up the pole, the rope was fixed,


the flag flies proudly.

KTWSJ SCORE Countries Vorked. .21 F










NOTIC E: National President of APO (Alpha Phi Omega, Scout-

ing fraternity) E. Ross Forman.

Philadelphia, will be greeted here by Host Corps members Saturday,


Troop L2 will hold an "Aussia Cuppa" today at 1530 at their camp. An Aussia Cuppa is an infor mal program of tea and songs. One representative of

























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Greetings To Jamboree Messages clf best wishes and congratulations for Jamboree participants have arrived from several dignitaries, among them Pope PauI VI and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, Here are excerpts: POPE PAUL We send greetings to the leaders and Scouts assembled from all over the world. From this Jamboree, they send forth a solemn, youthful and brotherly appeal for true friendship among all men, a friendship which takes no notice of frontiers, divisions and walls. They call upon aII other Scouts and upon the boys and men of all nations to be united in love, from which alone true peace on earth can arise. WUEEN ELIZLBETH - I am delighted to know that the Boy Scouts of AmerLca, as hosts of the

XII World Jamboree in ldaho,

are recreating, as f.ar as is possible, the little island camp of long ago (Brownsea Island). I send them and to all Scouts gathered in Idaho my warm greetings and best wishes.

PRIME MINIST ER OF BARBADOS - On behalf of the government and people of Barbados, I send greetings and best wishes

. . "to the XII World Boy Scout Jamboree now assembled at Farragut State Park in ldaho. JUNG.MOO

KIM, Chief Scout, Boy Scouts of Korea-The

world relies on the Scouts because this movement aims at fostering faithful and honest citizens of the , coming world, and, also, will bring the world into a large family tied with

universal brotherhood and goodwill based upon Boy Scout ideals. JONG.PIL KM, president, Boy Scouts of Korea-With great pleasure I send my heart-felt congratulations and best wishes through the Korean contingent to all of the participants in the XII World Jamboree. SAM YORTY, mayor of Los Angeles, California - On behalf of the people of Los Angeles, I extend my best wishes and congratulations on your first World JamboreeintheNorth American continent. . .I extend a cordial invitation to the Scouts of a1l the nations of the Free World who will be participating in the XII World Jamboreâ‚Ź, . .to attend the official ceremonies of greeting at City Hall, We wish to greet you in our city on August 21, Monday,

at 9:30 a. m.

Jewish Service Here Tonight

JAMBOR trE SCOUTS and Scouters will travel to the Kootenai County Fairgrounds today to see a real Western rodeo and show.

They will travel aboard 50 chartered buses in two grouPsr one in the-morning and one in the afternoon. The morning performance begins at 0850 and the afternoon show at 1425" Highlights will be traditional rodeo contests of bronc iidinB, steer roping and riding Brahrna bulls, plus a logging show featuring champion loggers, clown Emmett Ketly, Jr., a fancy horseback riding show, and musical numbers, Jamboree participants will end the day of Western activities with a beef, buffalo and salmon barbecue back in camp"

Tough To Be III

In Arylanguage Tuesday morning Alessandro

Purfumio, a Scottt from ItalY in Subcamp Bad Ischl, became i11. Alessandro doesn't sPeak

English and the doctor who ex' amined him couldn't speak lta' lian. So Tuffy Tanner oI Jaekson, Wyo., a rnember oI Host Corp Troop 55 from neighbor. ing Subcamp Godollo was called on to interptret.

A service for Scouts and morrting except Sunday for JewThe preliminary diagnosis Scouters of the Jewish faith ish Scouts, The first at 0700, was appendicitis, requiring imwill be held tonight at 1930 is at Ermelunden" The second, mediate attention, A helicopter at the camp of the Israeli Seouts calne from the Spokane Air in the Ermelunden subcamp. at 0730, is held in French at Force Base and r:arried AlessubcamP, Marathon the Two services will be held each sandro to the base hosPital, accompanied bv Tullv who went

TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS - Fishing in Lake Pend Oreille - Conservation, fishing, boating, canoeinE, swimming, adventure trail 0850 Western Show for Scouts (Kootenai County Fair0500



- Bird Cannon trap in conservation area - Duck banding at conservation tent 1000 - Falcon flying at Skill-o-r&rrla area (instead of little

0855 1000


- Western Rodeo (Kootenai County Fair) - Western Show for Scouts (Kootenai County Fair) - Arrival of Astronaut M. Scott Carpenter - Postal Card Ceremony in Small Arena 1400 - Conservation, swimming, boating, canoeing, adventure trail, fishing L425 - Western Rodeo (Kootenai County Fair) 1650 Western Show for Scouts (Kootenai County Fair1025 L245 1300 1400

grounds) 1800 2000

- Bar-be-que near skill-o-rama - Inter subcamp campfires

along to interpret,

F arragut State Park cal) exper:t to have sulll)y and c'lear weather today and tomorrow' A high tem perature oI 92 de' grees F ahrenheit (33 riegrees

Centigrade)" attd a low tetnPer-

ature of 45 degrees

was again de.

putized to interpret for the hospital doctors, The diagnosis of appendicitis was confirmed,, and an immediate operation was ordered"

Tuff',, stayed with Alessandro all the wa]', He was given a mask and gown and entered the operating room to be at Alessandro's side. Tufly remained there until the Italian speaking


heit (? degrees Centigrade) Lre

expected, Relati ve




will remain at less tlian 15 percent"

Suhcamps Join In Campfires This Evening C

Upon arrival a,t the base hospital, the only Itali an speaking doctor was not immediatelY

available. Tuffy




songs and clan-

ces from many natiorrs will be given during inter-sub<:amJr

campfires in four areas tonight at 2000, Joint campfires will

be held by Area 2 (Arrowe ParkMarathon), Area 3 (Godollo-Bad Isch1), Area 4 (Moisson-

Ermelunden) and Area 5 (Niagara.on -the



sang'), Area 1 (Ma,kiling-Olympia) will hold it s carnpfire Sa. turday night, For tonight, troops

in that area will

have optional


Nearly all the performances at tonight's camplires will be

doctor arrived on the scene. Then and not until then did Tuffy leave his eharge, With a t'Well done, Scout' ' from the

by Scouts in the subcamps"Only outside talent will be the Ex.

two other modern

gest during the Jamboree

doctors, Tuff.v was returned to the Jamboree site. Inciden. tally. this Scortt also speaks French and German"


plorer s Post 5 Singers from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, who will perform in several areas. The campfires will be the bigcept for the arena shows.


Start Sale Today

Special Issue Of Posteards United States Assistant postmaster General Richard J. Murphy will speak at aprogram this afternoon marking issuanc e of

Cancellation will continue until midnight if necessary to handle

chairman of the Jamboree; and

and have them cancelled with the first*clay mark, the cards


The cards, each imprinted the commemorative Jamboree with the Jamboree stamp, will be air mail postal card" The cere- sold at all three Jamboree post mony will begin at 1400 in the offices. However, first-day cansmall arena" c ellation will be clone oni y at Other speakers witl be Camp the special tent" Scouts and Chief Joseph A. Brunton, Jr., Scouters who want souvenir Jamboree Commissioner Irv- cards to bear the first-day caning Feist, Dr, Joseph W" Mar- cellation should have it done at shall, Idaho Gov. Don W" Sam- this tent. uelson, John C, parish, vice If they wish to mail ilre cards Eagle Scout James Edstam, Also expected are Idahors United

United States Senators, Frank Church and Len B" Jordan"

Every Scout atteneling


should be dropped into a special box rnarked 3r Philatelic Dropu at the same tent. Cards dropped into the regular mail boies may not be given the first.day

program wilt receive a colorful program bearing the Jam- cancellation mark. Anyone

boree emblem,


cannot get to the Transportation

Fi rst*day cancellation of the Tent but who wants his cards special postal cards begins at to bear the first-ciay mark

0900 from the International Reception tent in a special tent across Friendship Boul evard

should leave ilrem withthepostmaster in any of the three branch offices and ask that thev

be given the tion.

special canc ella-

Postal officials say the sale

may reach 250,000 card"s" The special cards cost 0 cents

and will be s ent without fur-

ther charge




United States, Canada, cir Mex-

ico" Additional pclstage of 7 c ents will be needed to air mail the cards to other netions.

SJAhfJ,! (lcelondic For Look Here!)



Getting FO UND are the following: a bit shaggy around the ears? glasses, pocket books, carneras, Before you're mistaken lor a musical instruments, bathing Beatle, better visit the barber, suits, and towels. They may be There's a barber shop avail- claimed at GHQ lost and found

able next to Trading Post s(A,"' faci liti es for cutting hair

with only"

NOTICE: A11 issues of tlie Janrboree Journal will be included

in the Souvenir booklet which


subsequently be mailed to each registered camper, but those desiring extra copies may

place an order for the 92.00 booklet at the Trading Posts.

LOST: Berets of all


Finders please leave at GHe lost and found tent. NOTIC



wanting snacks for group events, please anticipate and get before closing time which is 9 p.m. Happy to Serve you at the Trading Posts. E-(LE

FORTLINATE FINN_ The boy circled in this photo of Finnish Scouts setting up a display is today's Jamboree Journal ptize-

winner, If he comes to


the Journal office, he

will receive a

FROM TODAY I send. . . .3oeach one of you as my am. bassador bearing my message of love and fellowship on the wings of sacrifice and service, to the ends of the earth. From now on, the Scout symbol of peace is the golden arrow. carry it fast and far so that all men may know the Brother.

hood of man.

"-Bxden.Powell, L929, Arrowe park.



LOST: one white airline bag with blue lettering, an Argus

C.3 camera, an Anscomatic ?26 camera, a Lieca M-Z camera, an Instamatic 304 camera, a Fu jica camera, an Instama. tic 104 camera, and a Minalta

500 camera. Finders please leave at GHQ lost and found




Scouts should check

the subcamp lost and found tents

before going to the General Headquarters lost and found tent,


SALE: Tea for sale

the Trading Posts.


Ao 'f He goY ScouTs oF THE WonLD

l^oAT Nfrtkâ‚Źp_



W lufuree Album Moin Street

Good And Wet

Top O' The Jomboree Perfect Engineering

Co noeing

After Lunch Session



nlro nce

Keep Idoho Green


Heop Tolem

Hoiry Bull

Don't Remember

Indion Donce

Beoting The Drum

Friends From Conodo

Inquiring Photographer

BiS Barbeeue On Tonight


Tonight's suppet, z beef, bttf. salmcln barbecue, is

Norimasa, Higa Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands (Far East Council, B. S. A.)

falo. and

sirnmering in an applewood fire

pit between the Skill.O.Rama


have been having a wonderful time each day wiih my Scouting friends of all r&,

and the srnall arena, The tire was started at rnidniglrt, and

tions, I mostly enjoyed the wide game with other Scouts; I understand the mean. ing of 6'For Friendship,, ' I was praying to God for our future to be peaceful all the time with coopera.. tion between all of our Scouts in the whole world. I have met six English Scouts, a Nigerian Scout, 11 Canadian Scouts, 20 Japanese Scouts, 5 Philippine Scouts, 6 Korean Scouts,

the beef and buffalo roasts were placed in the pit at 0800. There

they will stay until the

lines open for the

huck Wagon supper at 1 700, F rom then until 1930, serving will continue in 15 lines near


13 Mexican Scouts, 1 Swedish Scout, and some Ireland Scouts"


James Gibbons


land, Haiti, Colombia, Nepal, Iceland, Aus. tralia. In most cases I've been to their camp, though not with the last four.





.t)*it Ob (t^r-/e,J,;i



-b6t,si J,Z)-r[,

Arriving Tod"y Astronaut M" Scott C arpenter joins his fellow Boy Scouts

;,DL t ur,iis

at the Jamboree



all Jamboree can)pers do after every p1s2],-vashiug dishes.

Astronaut Is

i u)y t ,'zsL.;


Pictured above is one of the members of the troop, Scout Tsu Toma Kochi. doing what

? I yUvri,)) J.Z L*;

about 1300 to.

day. During the next several days, he will be visiting sub.

camps, looking at exhibits and demonstrations, and eampingon the grounds. Carpenter is expected to arrive about 1300 for lunch in the General Headquarters dining

,ri)5 *1,/ts (./r!.

"tltei-, af ,?'t/;-i


tent. He probably

-!2J, .2

I have met so many Scouts from all natlons, especially from the United States of America. I have enjoyed meeting with the Boy Seouts from different nations. We had a lot of fun and we made many friends and I think this type of gathering makes all nations closer to each others,

l1 be at the NASA exhibit, across Baden.Powell Avenu e from Trad. 8

which he orbited the earth four times in May, 1962, No definite schedule has been established for Carpenter's stay

at the


Switzerland Pfadfinderbund

Ich bin

schon so vielen Kameraden aus andered landern begegnet, dass ich sie nicht alle aufzahlen kann. Schon beim, Wide Game bildeten Pfadfrnder aus acht verschiedenen landern in meiner Gruppe das wort


ing Post 'B ' ' about 1400, Displayed there is the capsule in

Jamboree, Since he

be visiting all

Hans Rudolf Kupper

the supper line operls. All Scouts and Scouters may also have baked beans, potato ehips, totnato slices, lettuce salad and the usual beverages,

There will be a special chow line for Scouts with religious dietary rules.

George Miller is Chuck boss. Aiding hi nr are Jack Morri.son, rnaster c:hef,


Massih Dast.Ghieb Iran Boy Scouts of Iran

rr;, -)'(,

barbrecue pit. Cooking of the salmon on raised racks will begin a half.hour before



The Scouts I've met have come from Nigeria, Canada, Guyana, Lr, S, [.r Mexico, Israel, Irelando Germanyr Eng-



and Walter Bare, secopd chef.

Helping to serve will be the

Spokane Valley Kiwanis Club.

Persons who have


tir:kets for the GHQ dining tent

should bring them, The dining tc.nt rvill not be open lor supper" Se.outs will be issued special

cards for the C huck



Palms To Pines Frotn the land of ttre Palm trees and the baltny breezes

of the Pacific Islands, 15 RYuktt Scouts have come to the XII World Jantboree. This contingent


an international one in

anese, and Philip5rines (tagalog).


areas, nearly

every Scout shouldhave achance to see him.

Amateur Radio Station


Tallest Pole

CountriesContaeted. Scouts from troop 31, Godo1lo, U.S. States Contaeted claim they have the tallest flag pole in camp. Their's is 4l Continents Contaeted

.37 49 6

feet tall.

'(Friendship.'i Ich glaube, ich werde in diesem lager noch

mit manch andern Freundschaft schliessen.

I've met so many fellows from other nations, that I can't enumerate them all. At the Friendship wide game Boy Scouts from eight different countries formed in my group the word ''Fri endship, ' ' I think I'll keep friendship with many other boys in this camp.

Hjalmur S. Sigurdsson


Barrdalag Islenskra Skata

I have met Scouts from many nations. In my friendships I had Scouts from Japan, U. S. A., Canada, Bglgium, and France. Also from the French-speaking Scouts of Canada. When I was walking around the area, I met Scouts from Australia, China,

New Zeland,

and Switzerland.

GermanY, Iran,


in Cirr.:ies should rush tc Jamboree Jr:urnal O{ilce

a new Scout Knife.


self, as the Scouts are multilingual, speaking English, JaP-


La Gracieux Dame


Les reporteur subjurguer, def ferent qui I sont La graci. eux.\Dame- 5test assise la,

cias eran sujetados, respetuosos, el) unLI menera que rara-

phere reposer, vite a rire mais seriouse aux diseours" et en

ble, se sentrialli] trnimada tambidn como ellaera l.eposo, r{.-

annime meme dans

una Senora Los

un attmos-

m ent

esc:ri.tores de lus noti-

e eran. La


efior.a afa-

maniere" Ladir Baden Powell reponda en bonne humeur a les

pida a

Avec les microphones poussde proche de sa face ex. pressive, ele regardait les

humor a su entrevista mild-


millier t'interview,

Baden-Powell, sometfa en buen


Con mic,rcifonos empuj:rdos cerca de su cara exp.resiva, elIa revio' por los afios a. todo-s ios Jamborees Mundiales, re-

annee passd a tous les Jam. boree Mondial" rappelent les memoir de chaque en quelque

phr ase s,

sumiend<.r el sabctr de cado corr palabras alggnas. Ella tenio alubanza de este,

lle avait grande louange pour ceIla, le XIIe Jamboree Mondial" dissant " Comment ravi, j'etait d'etre inviter a E

venir a ce grand Jamboree,

el XII Jamboree Mundial, di-

ciendo ,rque placer era convidarse, venir a este Jamboree


suis sure que celui ci va btre

magnifico. Soy segur.o que este

inubliable occasions. Puis dis.

r esa


du Scoutisme a raconter com. ment son mari a decide'de la main gauche pour la poingnde

de Escutismo infor.mcicomo su esposo decidi 6 d el apr et<in cle manos izquierdas por Scouts. Sue decisi6n de B-P se fundd

de main de Seout, Sa decission etait basseru sur

une legendre de deux tribue de guErre il avait aprise pendant son service dans l,armer Eng, LADY BADEN,POWELL at the Jamboree,

nouveaux, espritde L,amiti{ Voicy ma main qauche pour signe d'amitie, et je depent sur

Graeious Lady Explains Shake

deux persons, Anssis dit Lad5, Baden Powell que s,est ce ci qui a mener so! mari a decide a Ia poigne d-6 main qui rep. resent l'amitid entre le-peuple, L'insigne de Scout. elle a dit,

The newsmen were sub- the enemy with shield and spears dued, deferential in a way they in hand and dropped them at rarely are, The gracious 1ady his feet, 3tI am c.oming to you sat there, animated even in re- in a new spirit, the spirit of pose, quick to laughter but ser- friendship, [Iere is my left ious in speech and manner, Lo- hand as a sign anrl a symbol dy Baden-Powell was submitting of friendship, and I trust you in good humor to herthousandth not to fight anymor'e. r, Thus

bouclier lance dans 1eur mains

et les deposer a s,est piers. c'Je

viend a vous sous un esprit

vous pour ne plus vous batte",, Terminent le grand defit de les

nais pas vrement un fleur,de. interview. ended the long ennrity of two lis, comme tourjour r6rdre'. With microphones thrust near peoples, And, said Lady BaQuand Baden Powell servait on her expressive face, she lookInde, elle explica, II vue que ed back through the years at all clen-Powell, this legend led her sais solda navais pas eu d'en. the Worid Jamborees, summing husband to decide upon Scouting's distinctive handshake betraiment caracteristic, et il up the flavor of each i n a f ew speaking friendship among all

sais misse a leur demontrez Ia correct mettod- de vivre, Plus tard quand il considera le desing de la badge Scout. il voulait quelque choose pour in. diquez le vrai chemin des hommes" Quel rneilleiur sym-


qu,une flEche pointer aux vraie nord sur chaque boussole,, et qu'est que la boussole fait?, Elle vous montre le vraie " chemin a prendren,, Lady Baden Powell a dit. Et sais anssi que le desing de la badge scout a ete selectd.

FALCONRY DISPLAY MOVED The daily falconry display by Morley Neison has been moved

from the small arena to the northwest corner of Skill.O. Rama, It begins eaeh day ex. cept Sunday at 1000,


c<tm<l urr clcasidn inol t' Entonces. cliciendo estr.l, la S&ora Baden-powell di.io que ella deseri clarificar la hist<-rria. La daria grande

sant qu'elle vouiait faire un record droite, la grand Dame

laise en Afrique, Un jour le chef prudent, d'une tribue decida que les lutte etait folle. Alons il allait vert les fnnemies avec

reir, pero grave en hay obranclo, La Sefrora



She had high praise for this,

peopl es"

The Scout badge, she said, Wor1d Jamboree, so.ying "how tremendously Oetight- is not really a fleur-de-lis as ed I was to be invited to come is commonly supposed. When to this magnificent Jamboree. Baden.Powell was serving in

the XII

I am sure this one will stand out as an unforgettable eccosion" "

India, she explained, he felt his

soldiers had not been given suffici ent character t raining, and Then, saying that she wanted he undertook to show them the to set the record straight, the right way in life. grand dame of Scouting told Later, when he was considerhow her husband decided upon ing the design of the Scout badge, the l eft -hand handshake for he wanted something that would Scouts. indicate the true path to manHis decision was based, she hood. What better symbol than said, on a legend of two wzr- the arrow.head pointer to true ring tribes he had hearcl while north on every compass? "And serving with the British Army in what cioes the compass do? It Africa. One clay the wise chief shows you the right way to go,r, of one of the tribes decided that Lady Baden-Powell said" And

the constant strife was foolish, this is how the design was selAnd so he went alone toward ected for the Scout badge.

ella dijo, er) unaleyenda de clos tribus g.tlerreando, 5r ovd cc,nro eI servrO conzgl Aiercito pr.itfniccr en ia Af.rrca, Un clia un sabio de urro de lc_rs tribus

.1efe d



e lfs

guer.ras corl-

stantes eran tontas. y fudsolo hacia el enernigcl con su escuclo y lanzas en sus fi]anos y lc.rs

dt,j6 caer asus pies d;61, Vengo a Vd. en un atitucl nue-, vo, un atitud de amistad, Aqui

es -la mano izguierda como un

sefial y un si mbr.rlc-r de amistad, y me fie qge Vd. nunca guerree, r, Asi- termind la enemistad de dos naciones. Y, dijo Ia Sef;ora Raden-pow-

eli, eita 1eyenda gufa su esposo de ella, decidir en el apret6n

de manos distintiva dicienclo Ia amistad entre todas las pers<.rnas. La insignia Scout, ella

di jcl, no es verdaderam ent e el fleur-de-lis, como es supues-


Cuando Baden-powell

u{a en India, ella


e*pf icd,


penso que sus soldados no re-

cibi eron- disciplina de cztzcter, y 6t e*p"rci mostrarle Ia

monera corecta de vida. Despu6s, cuando dl consideraba el, designl_o de Ia insignia Scout, el querio algo que signi-

ficaria la senda verdadera a edad viril. I qr* si'mbolo rrl â‚Źjor que un apuntado casquillo al norte verdadero.de un compi.s? Lv que hace un .o*p{iz Le .ryostra a Vd. ir en la $ir. ecclon correcta, declar<i la Sefior B-P. Y eso es como eI

designio escojo para la insign. ia Scout. .

YESTERDAY a.fternoon, the Boy Scouts of Canada present. ed to the Boy Scouts of Am er. ica a sixteen inch Eskimo carving at the Headquarters.


in a Lion dance"

Around The

Skill-0-Rama GHANA SCOUTS perform a devil dance.

FRENCH SCOTIT Patrick Magnin hammering designs on copper'

scoTs scoUT Tom Gibson talking with visitor.








./ts}&.., ':


ffi \o


,ri q f

o f

t o u f


:loi Zt

Observotion Gome B-P Addresses A

Troop Formotion

On A Hike

Trocking Pit


ll Forerunner

Brownsea Island Loying A ComPfire

Erecting A SibleY Tent

Weoving Brocken Fern Mottress

Ashonti, B-P's Bed

Mq,iORflis Otr lII,il I...IiiST SCCUT C^,L..,ip Cll Ril0ii'.,\iSEA BY itRTiIIiR, PfiIi:I,.iti.?.

In 1!0J

of tho toost onJoJEble recolicctious o1. flre irirct Ccnag vis tho soat out for the ralliht to onother pcr.t of tho rci.3,xi1 ',.s vith a rstion of toa, f1our, ctc, to asirc a Cc-,e2 fire on ou! orrn ln:i cook orlr. otm Eupper &nd breakfast, to bod dorm for tho nig.ht and, 6cnora11y to foni for or:rsoIves. . rt brou5hiout fire a<lvcnt-rro spirli in tho boJro cng' vo quite {raâ‚Źined ourservos o r a doscr" rs}and, oopocrally cc 3:omsca boing rol1-vroorler] snd cut off, by $oc fron tho rnlnland ex4_ws!]_Hs6l6i_;gs a:do a roal ',Robl.noon crousoo'i scttlng. Tho advcntu.ro r*o hci;htoncd. as vo lnov urct the chiof scout vould iry to track us d.orm cnc rald. our liitIo ca,rp durtr,g tho niglt vhioh of cor:rso hs succcod.od in doing. Aftor brcaidastlng to tho bost of our ability, vo lrocceaed. e to tho ncarest rr,.!t of thc shole to tho }Ialn co,op end sont them 6mor.o ei,r,ls in a prcarra,:crr. codo tb-rt ve voro O.K. and on our vay bccl< aftor an onjolnrblo nlr,ht. fho only d:rvlaoic to this 'rNigrt ou!,' vas tluit rzo nisgod. tho I.igU! carp Firo whlch nras hord. overy night. .Bvcn aftcr 60 yoars r can viviri.ly rccall the Ecsuo. tho boys in s circl. ro'.:nd flre firo on a iovely -6,ugust ni.Jht, y'ith tho talI troos in tho beck5round., tho sti1l vutors of l,oo1c Ilorbour nith'ttro smallor xsLards in tjro folc;round raslclng a ropc,ntlc setti[3, +Jeo firelt,gt flickor:r.g on iho stcr$art enc. picturcecuo fllruro of tho chicf scout rocittng to wido-oycd.:,boys his adventorcs in mar{r p3rts of thc r'rorl.d, prrtlcularly tho l,Iafoking Slcag l"n vhioh ho usod boys Bo 'r::unnors, and. nfu_rpr othcrs. one of tho groat gifts of tho chLcf rmg t)ro ort of otory tolIin;:anc ro enJoycd to the f\lL tho porsoaollty vhich lotor vas to so enrtch thc lives of so lusnJr Scouts Ln tJeo fol1ovin1l yoars, on-d g.i,vco no an ul1.-iclsi.z:.i3i]i.7 vhy oven to-doy the Cemp !!.ro is onc of flro raos Parts or scou?1n=' Ono

cvcnLnl; ray Patror

Arthur Primmer.

was one of the


on Brownsea

Island with Baden Powell

'/ ' lT:\tiva

"**o*W-*a C--'-

At XII World Jamboree Brownsea Is1and, the world,s

first Boy Scout encampment, lives again in a small grove

near the Jamboree swimming


There, at the foot of a steep

hill, "Baden.Powell'' and his 22 boys from the streets of England's cities and from her

most exclusive schools, are

camping again, 60 years after

the event. Scouts and visitors are wel.

come to visit the


Island eamp. dsBaden.Powellr,, in this rec-

reation of the historic


is Dr. Robert T. Gray, With meticulous accuracy, he has set up the Jamboree, s Brown. sea Island camp exacily as it


in August,


Dr. Gray, his

assistants, and the 22 Seouts wear turn.of.the. century British clothing, and the tents are positioned as closely as possible to the original camp.

site. Their activities, too, copy exactly what was done at the first Boy Scout camp. Here is

the day.by.day schedule of the original eamp.and of its rep. lica at the Jamboree:

Aug, l-F orm patrols


assign duties; Aug.2-learn hut and mat making, knots, fire

lighting, cooking, health and san. itation, games for endurance; Aug. 3-learn tracking and ob. servation; Aug 4-learn wood.

craft and study birds, plants


stars; Aug. 5-through stor.

ies and games, learn


unselfishness, courage, charity,



loyalty; Aug, 6-learn

first aid and rescue methods; how to save life from fires,

drowning, sewer gas, runaway horses, panic, and street &cci.

dents; Aug. ?-through games

and stories, learn patriotism

and the duties of citizens; Aug"

8-with all sorts of sports ancl competitions, summarize the activities of the camp.

Artificio I Respirotio


Tower Of London Home Of Seout

limmy Stewart

Movie StAr Here

There was a time in the history of England when if your ad-

For T-Y Filming A former

Boy Scout from In-

the succinct, to-the-point styl e

diana, Pennsylvania, who be- for which he is famous: came one of the most easily "You betcher lifelt'

dress was the Tower of London, you weren't exactly the kind of person who'd be able to attend a World Jamboree. In the sixteenth century King Henry VIU used the tower to imprison those who were destined for the chop-

The actor has been a ITIâ‚Źrrr- ptng block. But that's a long at the Jamboree. He is ber of the Los Angeles Area Boy time ago. Dudley Loates lives movie star Jimmy Stewart, who Scout Council for a number of at No. 7 Tower Green, Tower is here to see the Jamboreeand years. He has attended several of London, hâ‚Źts here at Jambo, to narrate the ABC television national Jamborees inthis coun- and therets no reward out for show of the event which will be tryr but this is his first World his recapture. recognized figures in the world


shown Aug. 18.


Stewart arrived yesterday and spent part of the day on camera

at varioUs points in the camp.

Among his activiti es today,

One of the best known inmates

of theTower


Asked whether hewouldbe rrroving around the Jamboree sothat from 1600 to 1800, and the sermany Scouts will have a chance vice clubs meeting from 1900

to see him, Stewart replied in to


pi5hing in Lake Pend Oreille Conservation, swimming, boating, canoeingr fishing, adventure trail Bird Cannon trap at'conservation tent Duck Banding at conservation tent Bird Cannon trap at conservation tent Bird Cannon trap at conservation tent Conservation, fishing, boating, canoeing, swimming, adventure trail

0500 0800


0855 1000 1000 1355 1400


1400 1555 1900

--- Skill-o-rama *-- Bird Cannon trap at conservation --- Service club meeting

her head. The tower was built back in 1089 A. D. in the time of William the Conqueror. Other famous guests of the


Service Moslem Prayer Meeting Jewish

0945 0945 0945 0945

Liturgy Protestant Service Roman Catholic Mass Church Of Christ



Konko Mission

1000 There



International Reception Tent

Target Archery Area

Campfire Area l Religious Area "A, " Southeast of Makiling

Campfire Area 3 Sutton Park Arena

Reporter for Jambo Public Relations, and also the Director of

Publicity for the British Scout Association was born in the

Tower of London.

Religious Area "D, " North of Niagaraon-the- Lake Religious Area "E, " Near corner of Ernest Thompson Seton Avenue and James E. West Street

"Mormon" Sacrament Service Campfire Area

made in PennsYlvania,

to 1700.


model airplanes built bY Scouts from the lJnited Kingdom,



service to the various areas.



'1,'l,ake _ .r' i Chilt ('orr *.. t] Su,int' like South A

trtet t catr rirrrrrrlrl-

1()Tlrat 1 I \['irat

gir'1" J)er'son.

I 2 IIglrlav. (Abrer'" ) l.l CqwboV r.ont est. 1 6 Cornlr.tss rli re<'tron.





li--.'-/*,-18 The sun. I 9 Canadiart Prr.rvitrct..



20 Chopping tool. 21 F ee, -- , Ft),F'urn." 22llleasure of Iength.










r:anrl.ring so*

<:iet1' tn U.S.A. (Init. 26 Blackbird. (Spurrtstr 2B Italnborv









Small Arena

will be no general mobilization for religious

tower" Ted Wood, International

The Dutch contingent came Japanese dances, Dutch oven prepared for the distances of and Tennessee cooking, birch the Jamboree site. TheYbrought bark canoe construction by a folding bicYcle for courier

Small Arena

"C, " Adventure Trail Headquarters

Christian Science

who knows intimately about the

Dud1ey's father is an ex-sergeant major in the Royal Corps of Signals, British Army, andis now a Yeoman Warder-one of the elite body of guards known as the "beefeaters. tt That accounts for Dudley and his fam-

One hundred and ten exhibits and displays, rnost of them not seen at the opening show Thurs. dayr will be at Skill.O-Rama today. Among highlights will be

0700 Lutheran Worship Campfire Area 2 07OO "Mormon" Priesthood Meeting Campfire Area 2 Religious Area O9O0 Buddhist Service 0945 0945 0945

ncidentally, DudleY Loates

Skill-O.Rama will be oPen to- nitzel from GermanY, Indian day for the second time from squaw bread cooking, coal candY




isn't the only Jamboree Briton

heavy guard.

Skill-O-Rama In Action Ag"in


Religious Serviees Sunday Communion Catholic Mass


Until recently the crown jewels were kept in the tower under



ily occupying the famous dwelling. The Scout is a member of United Kingdom TrooP 7 in the Makiling SubcamP at the

tower were Sir WaIter Raleigh, a friend of Queen Elizabeth I.



of Londonwas

st at the Jamboree, witl Anne Boleyn, undesired wife of be a visit to the Skill-O-Rama King Henry VIII whose stay in from 1500 to 1600, a boat trip the tower ended with her losing his



30 Pet'taining tr.r rr Peruvrarr Indian" 3 l Searches. 32 Ail right. (Slang , 33 You need one to rnltr I 34

a letter. Laughter sound.















I Yucca and Bear Paw t'<.rr


2 Eater. 3 Site of XII Jamboree" liagle's nest.




0 . - a I a . t. ? Wearihe arval ol soil. 9River in Italr'"






Poison. Accomplistr" 16What eacli o1 us rs. 13 15

Fruend. (Slrarush i 21Door:; ()n ri terrt.


(answer on back Page) unit.





(.2 Wc.ls

tlte )

o r' +':f


2i ' '' " / *29 Atolr'

Jamhoree Scouts See Western Rodeo Jamboree Scouts and Scouters the Roman riding act of traveled by chartered bus to Adams, and the Eh-capa Leon rid-

ll:,,otTl:13i'.:;I# I


ern show and r.odecl" 121000 saw the rodeo in two s ections, in the morning and afternoon. stars were cowboy-actor Rex Allen and his educated horse,

i,Til,-ff ,x,lli"



The special performance for

Jamboree participants


made possible by the Grand Lodge of Elks and the Kootenai county saddte club.

Jamboree Aquatics Schedule ANOTHER KNIFE-The scout

Jamboree Journar

in the circre

for a new scout

should hurry to the Knife, Scott Carpenter,.

astronaut, is in the center of the picture"

Scout To Scout

Most Important Says Astronaut '{ft's more i mportant to have Seouts meet Scouts, than meet me, " Astronaut Scott C arpenter said in a Jamboree Journal


meet as many Scouts as pos-

sible" He also sai<t that visits in American homes and seeing this country

important to show that the men of the space program share in the Jamboree theme {,For

On flying in he said: 6'Most ask mespace, about weight-

Friendship",, He enthusiastically describecl his amazement at the tremen. dous activity he had already

seen here. and said that he hopec!

on tours should be a big friendship builder"

lessness, but it's tough to deseribe, It's the most complete relaxation you can imagine",, He


camping at the Jamboree

and will visit camp sites

assist in program areas,


Over IOO,OOO Cards SoId First Day More than 100,000 Jamboree





for these reserved periods, A scoutrs opportunity to parii. cipate on the scheduled hour will be protecteO for 1b-IdINUTES ONLY after that hour. Then unfilled space at swimming or available boats and canoes will be giveri to other Scouts who may be waiting.

A ticket is being provided by subcamps to each boy for his reserved hour in boating and canoeing activity, I[ may be used only for the assigned hour and day. No ticket is neces. sary for the free boating and canoeing periocl provided each evening after supper from lglb to 2000 hours. Boats and will be available on a tirst come, tirst served basis"


BOATING AI\D CAI\OEING SCHEDIJLE 0900 Arrowe park 14oo Makiling [alurdqy_.August 5 Color of Ticket: Green l0OO Marathon l5OO Ermelurid"., I 100 Moisson 1600 Openno ticket Sunday, August 6 A.M. Church Services-Not Open Color of Ticket: White 140O Bad Ischl I 500 Godollo

Monday, August 7 O9OO Niagara 1400 Olympia Coior of Ticket: yellow I OOO Vogelenzang 1500 Arrowe F'.. rk the Jamboree was marked I 100 Godollo 1600 Moisson

ard bearing a speeial


The most complete aquatic program of Jamboree history is in full operation in the cool, clear water of Buttonhook Cove just below the ten campsites. In addition to swimming it also includes boating and canoeing, Each Sub-camp has a special period reserved for these activities" scouts who come down to swimming or boating s,buddy and canoeing must bring tags.,, Certain days ancl hours have been assigned to the sub.cs.rpps

interview on his arrival here

yesterday. He added that it is

Come on down*fhg water,s fine!


were sold on the first day sf with a ceremony in the small issue yesterday, according to arena. Assistant Postmaster

K" W. Brooks, supervisor first-day sales for the U.

of S.

Postai Departm ent. He described it as a very big sale anrl said that when aII advance orders for first-day can-

cellations are processed, the

total sales will top 200,000"

Issuance of the air mail post

Tuesday, August B 0900 General Richard J" Murphy, the Color of Ticket: Peach 1000 chief speaker, welcomed Scouts I 100 from other nations in behalf of

the United States


boree participants for a com-

bined meeting of service clubs today at t 900 in the small arena, The visitors will have dinner




the GHQ dining tent,

No meal will be served at the meeting. JOTA

,Iamboree amatetrr radio sta.



your mission to obtain a lasting friendship amclng all the peoples of the worldrD he said.



their own plans, Some are expected to have inter* troop campfires, ancl ottrers will Monday, August

Ischl Marathon



S<'outs a,s

from all over the world

well a.s other "Ham" opera.

tors will be contacted,

Tuesday, August

0900 Godollo 1000 Open 1 100 Makilins


Wednesday, August

400 Vogelensang Niagara

Arrowe Park

0900 Moisson 14O0 Marathon I 000 Bad Ischl 1500 Ermelunden I 100 Godollo 1600 Olympia



ancl Olympia


1500 Niagara 1600 Vogelenzang

I 500 I 600


A joint eampfire will be held


1400 Ermelunden

000 Bad

Troops in the <lther areas wilt

by the Makiling


1600 Arrowe Park

l S00 Open-no ticket 100 Vogele nzang I 600 Bad Ischl

I 100

Tonight will be troop optit-rn night at all subcamps. except in Area 1 (Maki ling and Ol.v*mpia)" Sunday, August 6

have sotne act.ivitr- they not yet tried,

I4OO Bad Ischl

SWIMMII\G SCHEDIJLE August 5 0900 Ermelunden 1400


will be on the air

continuously for 48 hours**0001 GMT Saturda], and ending Sunday at 2400, During thi s operation

9 0900 Marathon Buff 1000 Makilins

Wednesday, August

and congratulated Scouts frorn Color of Ticket: this country on their role as hosts, 8,I wish you Godspeecl in


SERVICE CLUB Several hundred visiting sâ‚Źrvie e club members will join members who are here as Jarn,

Moisson Godollo Niagara


0900 Vogelenzang

Olympia I 100 Niasara 1000


Ba d Ischl S00 Moisson 1000 Marathon t

l4OO Arrowe Park i 500


1600 Ma kihnq

W lumboree Album Skill-O-Romo

Greetings lnleresting


Hove A Look

Strow Foot



.:B.i' .1'






Music Everywhere


Heop Big

Chief Toster

Greot Show

Frie ndship

Clo p Ho nds

Wotch Ankles

Sig n Here

Inquiring Photographer Hove you leorned


con you



Pelgion Jear


o few


. Louis

__-yet?^" longuoge of o new ,___


ffiUre.lil,,ii}iiiiffi ffiGx.,:i.,,.,j;.1] ii I have learned English ln. school, uu! ffiffiffi thls stav ln America will help..me: I ffi$il amveryhappytopartlclpateintheJam. G.lil boree. Ttrls wlll help me correq)ond with triil',i,iiin others and help me in my studies. Gry French, Spanish I have learned to say "Good Mornlng," in SPanish and ltalian. 1st


Bhaskar Mukherjt

Jamboree Jottings yesterday Troop 29, British JoHN lvrITTwER, now of Korâ‚Ź8, a member of the first Boy releaseda Cotumbia contingent, -ra16on the troop in Japan, is here

iO-iooi *""tt




and "raddressesof 4b0 a member of InternationalBoy He joined in o v e r s ea s Scouts in Subcamp Scout Troop I, was to 191g, The iroop was organized orvmpL. tnl request ;pilJse write.,, by clarence crtffln i; 1912. ' + + + + + + + ++ The Hawaiian Scouts of OIym- SENEGAL SCOUTS in the Ar.


pia subcamphad somanyguests rowe polnt subcamp have con. at tteir luau the other- nlghts, structed a gate dthlhethatched that they are repeating,n";rpis roof typical of their country. roast', for today,s Sklll-o- About 90 percent ofthe houses in Senegal are built ofstrawand rama. string slmilar to the gatewav' + + + +

India Bharat scouts and Guldes ++++ After coming to the Jamboree I had ,I9,I*"n B' Edwards' major Fifty bareback riders from r"iiic,;;;;d f,"'i# #?::,Jffi:,"ii$Ti:: tgfr?"*;i: i";i FtrH,i:i:T"*i:;"*:l',,f""j",*: b,oree site today preparatory to sented exhibitions before each i*;;";;t thtng in thelr languag"".* rodeor"To"T'1"'* the words, ..ror - rrieno'm:n,1^*'..t1,1 --.'---;d :1"r.f?'"*";""X"fr1J"Tr,R*v + + + + Harrell' comcomof Lt. Gen. Ben Harrell, followlng three languages: Japanese, German, 3 s*"0i"[' *"]j:-9"-1-P.3i manding general. Jamboree Scouts of many na-



*. 1



tions extend best wishes to the + + + + Scouts of Iran on the event of JacquesAndrewJonesJamlca,WestIndiesmilInNiagara-on-the-lakeafu1l-theirconstitutionDay,being

BoyScoutsofJamaicaiffiMb]oodedMaoriIndianofNewcelebratedtodayinrecognition Zealand has made a meeting of national independence fiftyFor Friendship in spanish, German, qd ffiffiffifl house gate from tapaclothcom- two years ago. French.Iamalsoleafningasongindffiffiffibinedwithhandcarvingswhich++++ German'calledthe..Hunter.,.ffiffitell.thestoryoftheMaorlAspartofitsmodernIzation people.



NorrcE-Laundry trucks w1t I -ri;. r\vrrv&-!4u"*'*""'""1"i

be located adjacent

r-".r.ns er*n a 1ll,fnl".lS"lm-) I H:"tii"::-t:fl,To-Y:ff:,: ineitprevte*orthJn6wdress l.-X'.i""f'::"K$i[?lHX I T::"i:::*"::r-*::::.::p^11:: """,-t'ow"r"r,


tradingpostbut...onr,.I3lilMffir{iit["|#::}}T-",l!i:$ir'r4"jll:-1l,f;ffl.::l bundles can be handled. ings which appears to sit in

Best service can tre had by

mid- kitted out in the swin*ing


J5;7-6y*6tp;f,$pl I air about two feetoffthesround. io.ine.minute attire. getting your troop's laundryin l. ... ./11P\X.\.-rW]I*.L I If ever a ftag polefloated, one --l on the day after your arrival I lF15-J) can be sure that Troop 29 must r ." Dly'll" i"r"-iriiit it as an interesting AmateurRadiosrarion and by foilowing tt"r" II,,JNSJ', I ffiffi"i*pG qqNllruJtrftE;s} pioneerrngproiect. steps: KZWSJ Seore l., l''l -a:-r!E=(lt+'--

l.-sendoneof yourboysto I


+ + + +

Countriescontacted.....BZ . . 49

the laundry truck for laundry 3.-Deliver laundry vith list Bad Ischl subcamp boasis of U.S. Srates Contacred . . to the truck located at the trad. a Scottish Bagpipe. mini-band, lists and prlces. Worked All Continents 2.-Assign one of your older ing post nearest your sectlon. composed of five pipes and one

boystore-cordgarmentsln4._Arrangetopickupandpaydrum.Scoutbandmembers# toial on the list. Make your list for finished-launOry on ttre ilay come from troop 11, north and $/eathef it is to be ready. Doing this east Scotlard and haveplayedin in duplicate, (a) Each boy's belongings good turn wlll ellminate con. Ermelunden and Bad Ischl sub- Weather at Farragut State should be marked with fuslon. . camps. park today wlll be mJstlysunny hisnameforeasylden- A listof pick.upanddelivery + + + + and continuedhot. Ahighof 94 tificationschedules as well as a price WHEN JAPANESE scotITS iugr""" Fahrenheit (gs degrees @) It is suggested tfat ttt-e list was glven to your Scout. arrived at the Jamboree, they Ce"ntigraae;, and a'low 6f 45 proper amount becol' master and is posted in each asked thenameofthemountain J"g""!r riirrenheit (? degrees rected *om each bov' rradins :ilT":,i:r+ ?i"Hr;"*",l,i"il f11l,g*ir"_;,1*j,::;,-*"*

Post' b1 tb,ark

1631fC6 -) au.j +Y-} /a.r14N+.r

I OoNT AI|NO $e ?Agr a6cist 'N FRLENUY _'N 6EtN' lElPFttL ;N-Celvi

tr;ik;nl geE


w,tt?- t ...


z/ ilff{ri to A ilr0$Af

A; ;:;-;;^'



-oui,'qLEAN ?


----(t-\n e


n9,,ffi;_s E 'tâ‚Ź/oh7 ?>\

Fukatsu and Toshlo Ohishi said, low (20 perient). An extended ' \.rKily, it's eu. fluu lL D IvlL. Mt. darlluul Jamboree." And lorecast ytelds forecast lor for tne the weekeno weekend yrerqs "Okay, that's its name so far as the continued clear and sunny with Japanese contingent is concefo- lit6e change in temperature, ed, The maps call it Bernard Peak.


VISITORS TO CAMPS of JaPanese Scouts are struck immed.

:1::il,iJ, LT,:I'H"3' :t]?H:

+ ffi *1':-,{il:i'Ji**1*}':};:

bWW i il$,flkflt"'#{#: -

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Oennl S, ^r,

rd- '7



ot 0 n'


rabn fish represenis

$t4{th, **l*:",:,ru,i1

one male












Riding Herd

Hoss To lk

R ide

'em) Cowboy


st Actio n

Reody For Action A Tense Moment

Go, Cowboy!

Steer-ing Stroight

Jamboree Jottings

Greetirrg Continue Congratulations and greetings continue to flow into Jamboree headquarters, Among them is a telegram from Scouts Dow 8rI. camped on Brownsea Island, off the coast of England, where the first Boy Scout camp was held 60 years ago.

Here are excerPts from other messages: GEORGE ROMNEY, governor

of Michigan, U.S.A.-I urge You at the World Jamboree. to rededicate yourselves to the

fulfiltment of the most


objectives through the strengthening of individual character,

MANUEL DE REGIA PEREZ SAVINON, international colrl' mi




L 3tWorld Cup finalst'football of Troop 28 were Pulled uP bY match between Argentina and a big windsPout in Bad Ischl was

English scouts was one of the yesterdaY, and everYthingsmaleatur es of the Sl<ill-O-Rama. covered with dust bY two ler spouts. The largest, first Two astronauts of the APollo sighted near camp headquartprogram, Gerald P. Carr, Eagle ers, was about 15 feet across it disScout, and Rona1d E. Evans, Life and 30 feet high before grow in the hearts of men. Scout, at the Jamboree sipat ed. arrived T. MAARUD, leader of Nor. today. They will be her e through *** wegian Scouts at national Jam. noon tomorrow when theY will Ried, New Zealand, Gregory boree at Va1ley Forge, PennsY. join 21 fellow astronauts to be- member of Troop 4, Niagaralvania, in 1964-I send You the gin survival training near on-the-Lake, believes his home best greetings from mY Scouts sPokane' may be the southernmost of and from my staff, . . .Do not *** Scouts at the Jambor ee. He lives forget to collect friends instead Two dining flies and twotents at 45 degrees latitude. of patches. As

Scouts Dominicanos-Let us continue to bring Peace and friendship amongst nations as it was first done the Brownsea Island to make love and ioY


Hostel For Scouts


At l\e\ry Bruns\ryick

Principales Asuntos Del programa De Hoy I

115-'3Life of Baden.powell" program in the small arena; for all scout correspondents; Lady Baden.powelr to appear.

'La Vida De Baden.powell, , programa en la peque-na arena; para to dgs los Scouts. Lady Baden. ja. f owell concurrir/ peque '3Vie d-e Baden Powell, ,: programme i la petite '

arele; pour tous les

on y

coruespondents Scouts;

verra Lady Baden,powell.

1300-Luncheon for religious leaders in International Re, ception tent.

Almerxo para capellaes scouts en Ia tienda de Re.

, ception Internacional. Deijeuner pour aumoniers dans la tente de rdc"p. tion lnternationale. 1400-Hiking trails, Adventure Trail, conservation, arch. eryr swimming, canoeing, boating, fishing. Excursions cercanas, caminos de Aventuras, con. servacion, arqueri'a, natacion, canoa, remo, pesca.

sentiers de marche, sentier d'aventure, taxidermig (conservation), tir d L, atc, natalion , cano6, bateau, t'e-che.

1400-scouts on stamps society International meeting in

, small arena. Reunion de la sociedad Internacional de Estampillas - Scouts en la pequeTra arena. ,

Rdunion internationale de la socidtJ i,scouts sur Timbres,, i la petite are'ne, 1 91 5-Fishing (tickets reguired)" Tickets para la pesca. Pdche (tickets Olmand"'s) 1


5-Boating and canoeing, Canoa y remo. Bateau et cano6.

A hostel for visiting Scouts from other nations and for tour-

ing United States Scouts has been opened at the national headquarters of the Boy Scouts of America, New Brunswick, N. J. It is called the Ellsworth H.

Fogatas Para la Amistad por Tropas

e r

ALTO Post,

Notice: Orders may beplaced

to have shipped tohomeaddreSs 10 35mm colored slides. Will include aerial and activity shots of the Jamboree. $2.b0 at the Trading Posts. SPECIAL: Send greeti ngs back home. Have you written your folks back home yet? Today's a good day to drop a line. The trading posts carry a big assortment of postcards. Special stationery and envelopes commemorating the jamboree can also be purchased at the trading post. Of course, if yourd

and office


brick building encircling

have come to the Jamboree, but

The hostel is a one-story a


BO-foot courtyard and has four

wings. The west wing contains a lounge, dining ar ea, library, and meeting room. The north wing is a dormitory of four

Oops? Eureka !

Many distinguished visitors

one came through almost

noticed, The Tyros



satelite passed over Farragut and from 500 miles up took and relayed a

boree area.


cture of the Jam-

E laborate meteorological equipment and worldwide com.

munications link the Jamboree You feel one dine in your Weather Station with weather pocket; you sight an awaiting information centers around the soft drink machine; lou make a wor ld, dash for the machine thinking Scouts are invited to visit the of that cold liquid; you reach weather station anytime between out to put your dime in the 0800 hours and 1 ?00 hours to see little slot, and oopS. . . you,ve the weather information equip. dropped your last dime through ment and to find out what the the little cracks in the machine weather is like at home. platform, and it,s lost forever.

lem have been devised by many

Seout Stamp Society Award To Chief

enzang Subcamp,

will present a frame of all

The Scouts on Stamps Society

By placing a piece of soft stamps on which Scouts have chewing gum on the end of a been imprinted sinc e 1963 to stick these boys were able to Camp Chief Joseph A. Brunton

Guests Of Norwegians

For Sale:-three B x 10 black and white aerials of the Jamboree camp in glassine â‚Źrvelope, $1"00 at the Trading

The east wing has eight bedrooms for leaders, and the south wing houses storage

Jamboree Site From Satellite

persons, but best of aII is the remedy for lost coins developed by three Danish Scouts in Vogel.

Feux de camp de troupe pour l,amitie mondiale.

for leaders.

Augustus International S c out House in memory of the former pr esident of the Boy Scouts of America. Funds for the building were given by his widow.

Many solutions for this prob.

2000-Troop World Friendship eampfires.

rooms, each housing up to 11 Scouts, with adjacent quarters

Prince Emanuel of Liechten. stein and John Skinner Wil'son, former member of Scouting,s

World Bureau, were among dis. tinguished guests at a recep.

tion held by the Norwegian con, tingent in Arrowe park. o The Norwegians served fena.

lar, a special recipe for teg of sheep, and flatbry'd, a thin, brittle bread, The 60 guests included subcamp leaders.

retrieve their lost coins


more and finally purchase their refreshing drinks. Danish ingenuity has solvec! the Jamboree coin shortage.


That's The Vay It Vas Says Carpenter .

About noon yesterda-y,dhand-

some man in sport shirt




The presentation will be made


the societyts annual meeting in the small arena at 1400. Brunton will place the frame of stamps in the Johnston Historical Museum at Boy

Scouts of America national

headquarters, New Brunswick, N. J.

After the presentation mem-

bers will adjourn to the dining

levis stepped into line at the tent for friendship. NASA exhibit where two capSix Japanese Scouts from sules in whi c h United States Honored Yesterday Nishinomiya, who are encamped astronauts have orbited the Jean R. Bader, International at Moisson, were visited Thurs- earth are being shown. Services director, and Salvador day by a delegation from SpoThe Host Corps guide was Fernandez, secretary of the In. kane, their sister city. Paul expounding on the flight of M. ter.American Council, were Weing and Ed Tsutakawa of Spo- Scott Carpent er in May, tgOZ. honored yesterday by coo. kane presented souvenirs of That, said the handsome man, tingent of Venezuelanthe Scouts, their city to theJapaneseScouts is not quite the way it was. And They received and exchanged greetings with for the next half-hour, M. Scott tive trays presentedcommerrrof&. by Gustavo rather talk to your family in- them. Carpenter himself told the Vollmer, president of the Inter. stead of writing, there is a teleScouts exactly how it was when American Council, for services phone c ent er Post"

at the Trading

4rOOO Earn Award An estimated 4,000 Scouts have earned the Jamboree Ad. venture Award so far, accord. ing to the Program Service.

The service said it has ac.

tually issued 2,000

awards to subcamp personnel, and prob.

ably twice that many will requested shortly.


Japanese Visited

Weather Farragut State Park can

pect to have mostly sunny



ther today with slightly lower temperatures. A high temper. ature of 85 degrees (Fahrenheit)

he orbited the earth four times. An hour later, Carpenter, an

excellent archer, was on the target archery range. He shot only about six arrows and put all six near or withinthebullrseye.

(29 degrees Centigrade) and a He then went down the shootlow of 42 degrees (5 degrees ing line, helping with instrucCentigrade) is expected. Humi. tion and talked with the Scouts dity will remain low with a rela. a bout archery and answered tive reading of 25 percent. This questions about his experiences evening will be clear and cool. in space.

to Scouting in Venezuela.


Flag-Make Gifr

The Australian contingent witl have charge of the flag-raising ceremony at 0890 today. They will perform their own disiln. ctive ceremony. Immediately

afterward, the Australians will

present a painting to Camp Chief Joseph A. Brunton Jr. for the Boy Scouts of America.

W lumboree Album Bullseye

Big Bunch Ceremony

lndio ns

High Rope Movie Sto r

Funny Mon

Long Woy UP

Gets Around

Do nce Time

Friendship Roin At Home


.= **,....,ffi

Totem Pole

Greet Stor


Good Show


Bock To Bock

Drows Crowds First Doy

Come By Choir

I\eed H*lp Coing Home? Individual Scouts and


leaders who need help in arrang.

ing transportation to Spokane on

Aug. 10 and 11, or who


The Transportation Service

will continue to accePt these calls through Aug.


Scouts and Scout ieaders who

help in confirming return trip are traveling with groups or reservations, may get it be, call for ginning today at the Transpor-. contingents should not this service. tation service at the corner of

Friendship Boulevard


Baden.Powell Avenue, Beginning today at 1400, the Transportation Service will accept ealls to arrange transpor" tation into Spokane on those

Individuals needing help with their return trip reservations on airlines may come to Trans. portation Tent No" 2 tomorrow

cerne le transport lusqu' i Spo. kane les 10 et 1 1 aott, ou qui ddsirent confirmer leurs r6servations de voyage de retour, peuvent s' adresser ce matin au

Service des Transports au coin

du Boulevard de llamitid et de 1'Avenue Baden.Powell.


i tan, le Service

des Transports acceptera des coups de til pour atranger le transport d Spokane

d ces


NumEro Oe t6idphone: 2240,Ijes

qui reclalnent de l'aide doivent conna?tre leur


numero de vol, I'heure d6depart de leur train a ou de leur car et le nombre de baggages qu'elles auront.

de transporte situada en la es.

El teldfono esel 2240.

personas que spliciten



deben sabef el nrfmero exacio de su vuelo, o tren, u omnibus y

el nfimero exacto de maletas,

paquetes y bultos que transpor-


1800. on

Le Service des Transports continuera de recevoir aes

Simulator Steak Smoke Jumpers Oceanography

Los Scouts Acampados en el Jamboree Estaran Haciendo

tinuacion un programa de los servicios religiosos que se celebrararL

Religious Serviees Todry 0700


ou contingent n'ont pas besoin de demander le


Roman Catholic Mass


Lutheran Worship

Campfire Area


0900 0945

"Mormon" Priesthood Meeting Campfire Area


gent en groupe

service. , Les isolds que concerne leur r6s.rration de voyage de retour par avion peuvent venir i la Tente des Transports n2 demain

et mardi de



(Anqlican) Communion

confirmer leur voyage de


soliciten. El personal de la ,Greyhound estari a la disposici6n a Partir

]as 13:00 hasta las 16:00 de maflana, y. si es necesario, el


ruiSrcofei, para tambi6n

Buddhist Service

Religious Area "C, " Adventure

Christian Science Service

Target Archery Area

Jewish Service

Campfire Area I

Moslem Prayer Meeting

Religious Area "A, " Southeast of Makilin

0945 0945 0945 0945

Orthodox Liturgy

Camp{ire Area 3

Protestant Service

Sutton Park Arena

Roman Catholic Mass

Small Arena

Church Of Christ


Konko Mission Service

Religious Area "D, " North of Niagaraon-the- La ke Religious Area "E, " Near corner of Ernest Thompson Seton Avenue and James E. West Street


"Mormon" Sacrament Service Campfire Area

Trail Headguarters

0945 0945 0945



will be no general mobilization {or religious

Gold Panning Wood Science Poisons And Animals Live Wildlife



Scouts Arrange Phone Campfire Scouts at the Jamboree will share an unusual campfire with

los viaj es de regreso, nearly 800 Scouts in

Daily O9OO To f TOO Conservation Area Dlsplay Near Trading Post A

International Reception Tent

vaciones de su viaie de regreso,

por avi6n, pueden venir a la tie-nda de transporte No, 2 IDSIIad^ y el Martes de 10:00 a las

fir mar

Small Arena

18h, Un per.

sonnel naviguant y sera de garde pendant ces heures. Un personnel de la Compagnie Greyhound sera de garde dans ta tente de 13h a\ 16h demain et, si necessaire mercredi, pour

See: Steer To

campamento, cada cual en su credo.

appels jusqu'au 9 aodt, Les Scouts et chefs gui voya.


fdrents emplacements du camp, chacun selon sa religiou du Jamboree feront de leur mieux pour servir leur Seigneur. Suit un plan de tous les services religieux.

Les Scouts

lo Mejor para cumplir sus Debereu para con dios. A con-


A partir de hoy a las 14:00 el servicio de transporte re. 18:00. Habr| personal de ?€rocibird pedidos para effectuar liieas, durante estas horas, estos arreglos" €r las fechas para atender los pedidos que se mencionadas.

se ras-

be on duty in the tent from 1300


Los Scouts y Scouters que tarfin, / necesiten ayuda para arreglar Se recibiran llamadas hasta su transporte a Spokane el 10 el dia I de Agosto inclusivo. y lt de Agosto, or que deseen Los Scouts y Scouters que viajan les ayudemos a confirmar sus unidos a sus contingentes no reservaciones para el viaje de deben llamar para solicitar este regreso, pueden obtener esta servicio. Los que individual mente il€ayuda, a partier de hoy, acu. diendo a la carpa de servicios cesiten ayuda para las reserquina del Friendship Boulevard. y Ia Avenida Baden-Powell.

Aujourd hui des Scouts de toutes les religions

sembleront pour accomplir leur devoir religieux i Oif-

Hoy los Scouts de Todos Los Credos Se Reunen Para cumplir sus deveres religiosos en muchas delasareas del

and Tuesday

number or railroad or bus de. to 1600 tomorrow, and, if neces. parture time and the number sary, on Wednesday, to confirm return trip arrangements, of bags they will have.

Les Scouts et chefs qui ont besoin d'aide en ce qui con-

all faiths wilt be meeting for religious observance in manyareas of the camp, each in his own faith. Jamboree Scouts will be doing their best to do their duty to God. Following is a schedule for all church services.

Airlines personnel will be

dates. The phone number is duty there during those hours. Greyhound Bus personnel will 2240. Persons requesting aid should know their airline flight

Duty To God Today Scouts of

Jacksonof the

ville, Florida. The spirit

Jamboree will be transmitted

Vogelenzang participating.

with ten


Scoutmaster Robert Coyle of

the Jacksonville troop is also the leader for a Scout troop at

via long distance telephone and the Jamlloree, Coyle said, "W€ a special loud speaker sYstem hope to further the cause of at a campfire here and another world brotherhood by giving in Jacksonville. boys this chance to share their National songs and converso- friendship.' tion from France, GermaDYr Spain, Japan, Ireland,



ama will be featured on


friendship campfire program,

Boys have helped plan the pro.

gram and will

handle the comcampfire. It will be held

Greetings Jamboree Scouts of ffi&fl] I18-

tions extend best wishes to the Scouts of Bolivia on their nat-

plete at the Panamanian campsite in ional Independence DaY


Bo rbe-queue


Cooks On The Oven

Deep ln Work

Kind Word For Cooks Top O' The Line

Western Barbe cue Beef Off The Hoof

World Friendship Troop Campfires Highlight of Jambor ee activity tonight will be World FriendshiP

A song titled 3'For Friendship,t, written for the Jamboree

reading of his last message to

ped from this edition of the Jamboree Journal.

Troop campfires in each sub- by Sir Horace Abrahams of Jamaica, wlll be sung at many camp at 2000. of the 400 campfires. Since The troop programs will hon- copies of the lyrics will not be or Lord Baden-Powell with a available for each Scout, it is brief history of his life and the suggested that they may be clipWorld Scouts.

tds dir Jamboree ce soir

Un chant intitul6 6'Pour l' Amiti6" 6crit pour le Jamboree par Sir Horace Abrahams de Jameileuâ‚Źr sera chant6 I

message au monde Scout.

du Jamboree.

Le noint culminant des activisera Feux de C amp de Troupe

les pour l'amiti6 mondiale, dans beaucoup des 400 feux de camp. chaque sous-camp, ? zotr. De fait qu'il n'y aura pas sufLe programme par trouPe honorera Lord Baden-Powell fisamment de partitions pour par un court aperqu de sa vie chaque Sc-out, nous proposons et la lecture de -son dernier de les detacher de ce Journal La principal

de las


dades de esta noche ser6 Ia fogata de Tropa Para la Anistad que habra de celebrar in cada sub campo a las 2000.

Todas las tropas habran de



su programa, a Lord

Baden-Powell, narrando


breve historia de su vida Y leyendo su ultimo mensate a los

Scouts del munda. Una cancion, cuyo nombre es

.(Por Ia amistaOl" y que fud escrita por Si r Horac e Abrahams de Jamaica, se cantara en las 400 fogatas. Ya que no hay disponible la musica escrita para cada Scout, se sugiere que se recorte de este periodico y se conserve.

MORNING SUNLIGHT frames Catholic services in the outdoor amphitheater in Farra$rt State Park, site of the 1zth World Boy Scout JambOree, where boys and leaders from nearly 100 countries paused Sunday for religious services. Nearly 20 separate services were scheduled in outdoor settings throughout the 5,000acre park,

6lior Friendship' A new song, "For Friend" written by Sir Horace


the rest, and Pray that you in Your own little

the Sunday evening

Will help bring life the Scout.

World Friendship C ampfires. Several

contingents have translated into their languages.

A Scout has a duty

ing way. CHORUS

to per form

Let's join hands and voice


each day

heart, Have love


That when we leave this Jam-

should do,

We'11 work

If we remember what Scouts There will be peace, love



each one before

for peace and unitY,


Hizzikah MaY You live for


Hizzlkah for

we part.


riches, too.

vâ‚Źy, RCAF (net.1 deputy Chief Scout for Carada.



To help his brother along life's

Fox Award at a special ceremony at Canadian contingent headquarters yesterday. The investiture of Canada's highest Scouting award was carried out by Air Marshal James Har'


Abrahams of Jamacia, has been

practiced in the subcamps of the Jamboree and will be sung at

The Boy Scouts of Canada invested Joseph A. Brunton Jr., Chief Scout Executive, Boy Scouts of America, with the Silver

our best.

To you our brothers we


P", the


old Scout! Hizzikah for 8.P., let's all shout out!

Hizzikah! Hizzikah! Hizzikah!,

There's trouble all over


world today

1,000 years.

Highest Award Richard L. Weidman, assist. ant Scout Exeeutive of the Far East Couneil, Boy Scouts of

America, yesterday


souvENlR BOOK 'C ause man cannot live in a the Cuckoo Award, highest honor Lady B-P To Speak brotherly way. of ihe Jomboree All of the Boy Scouts of Japan. tv On HUSband?S Life ,Journolissues will be included in the If we remember it pays to be The presentation was made Lady Baden-Powell will


on the life of her husband at an

souvenir booktet which

informal nreeting espe.iaui"ril scout corresporidenls i;" tne




small arena today at 111;. Aii other Scouts and Scouters are


be moiled io


reg-istered comper'

Extro copies moy be ordered ot ihe Troding Posts for $2'00


We'll all

have our share of as we should.



Marathon subcamp. Weidman

was recognized for his services to the Boy Scouts of Japan in


We have now promised to

by Japanese Scouts in his work with the Far







ro UJ









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o I




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Wtlfffiffi ffiffitlt ffi! !ffi



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A Scout /s R euerent

In Campfires Tonight

Spirit Of Jamboree Sy*holizedBy Ashes The spirit of the XII World Jamboree will go home with each Scout in the symbolic form of ashes from Thursday night's patrol campflres. Tonight , zt the second patrol pow wow campfire, each Scout will be given a container in whieh to place ashes from the earlier fire. He will take them home, and, to bring to his fellow Scouts there the friendship and fellowship of the Jamboree, he will sprinkle the ashes on the next campfire his troop holds. At the pow wow fires tonight, each patrol will also select its honor member, the Scout who has done most to promote brotherhood and friendship at the Jamboree, This honor Scout will receive a special memento of the Jamboree from the Scoutmaster.

In addition, each patrol will havesongs andyells, and each will review the plans made earlier and check whether they have been accomplished.

Chaque Scout emportera chez lui ltesprit du XII Jamboree Mondial sous Ia forme symbolique de cendres recueillies aux feux de camp de patroullle de jeudi soir.

Ce soir, oU second feu de c.ampdepatrouille pow-wow, on d9nnera a chaque Scout un r6cipient dans lequel iI placera des

cendres du feu. Il les emportera chez lui et, dans le but d'apporfre*res Scouts ti-tras ltamitie' et la camaraderie du Jamboree, il r-epandra les cendres sur Ie prochain feu de camp que sa troupe organisera. En plus, ce soir, aux feux pow-wow, chaque partrouille choisira son membre d'hogneur, le Sc,out qui aura fail le plus pour

ter i ses

d6velopper Ia fraternit'e et i'amiti6 au Jamboree. Ce Scout dt honneur recevra de son chef un m6mento sp6cial du Jamboree. bans, reEnfin chaque patrouille chantera des chants et des 'et6

verra les p6ns faits plus tbt et vdrifiera sils






Jamboree Chief Honored By Staff A. Brunton Jr,, Jam'

The ceremony, which


boree camp chief who is f€- held at a public campsite on wal attend' tiring sept. 30 as chief scout Lake Pend oreille,professional executive of the Boy scouts of ed by alt BsA America, was honorbO at a eere. Scouters who could be spared *ony Uy ifre BSA's professional from Jamboree duties. The

presentation to Brunton was yeiterday. Th; United States profes. made by George F. Miller, Scout sional scouters gave the BsA executive of Phoenix. Aitz. a collection of baden.Powell Other national staff men and memorabilia as a tribute to several Eagle Scouts tookpart. Brunton. The staff acquired' F":f American t*,Ti'3:ff,i"l1:%iffi";:ffi; Reallv at the Skill-O-Rama: Heard coliection includes nature draw. loaded down lngs by Baden.Powell, corr€S. An English Scout, wit-h cameras, light meters, and manu. pondence and originat -prrotographs gadget bags w h i I e his patrol icripts of hii, and mates were having theirpicture and ceramlc pieces. The gift t; Brunton will be take-n: "I reallyfeelAmericannowrt' housed in the Johnston Histori. said, pointing to his photocal Museum at BSA headquar. he graphic burden' N.J. ters, New Brunswick,


0900-Hiking trails, Adventure Trail, conservationr a-fch'

€rY, swimming, canoeing, boating, fishing' Excursions cercanas, caminos de Aventuras, con' servacion, arqueria, natacion, canoa, remo, pesca.

El espiritor del XII Jamboree Mundial se ira aI hogar de cada uno de los Scouts ion las cenizas de las fogatas de les patrullas del suevas. Esta noche, en la segunda reunion de patrulla cada Scout recibira un recipiente con un poco de las cenizas de la fogata de clausura. Estas rin a su itog?r y al espifitu de los amigos Scouts de su localidad y con etlo ir6 eI espirit6 do'3Por La Amistadt'. Estas cenizas las deveri esparcir en la proxima fogata que celebre su tropa. En lps fogates de patrullas de esta noche cada patrulla seleccionari un miembro de honor, el cual sera aquel que haya demostrado el mejor espirito de amistad y hermandad en su patrulla. Este Scout recibira un rewerdo especiat del Jamboreede su jefe de tropa. , Bn idicion, cada patrulla cantara canciones y tendra una agradable ocasi6n revision de los planes y momentos vividos en el


TODAY,S HIGHLIGHTS 055O-Fishing (tickets reguired). Tlckets Para la Pesca. peche (tickets demandes)

Sentiers de marche, sentier d'aventure, taxidermie (conservation), tir a L'ar c, antation, canoe, bateau, Peche.

OgO0-Astro.geology exhibit and 25 other exhibits open

until 1?00, in conservation ar€&. Exhibicion de Astro.geologia y otras 25 exhibi'

clones abiertas hasta las 1?00 en el area

de conservaeion.

Exhibition astro.geologique et 25 autres demous'la

trations; i ouvert-iusqu,a a l?h au lieu de conservatlonl0oo-Fatconrv demonstration in back of Trading Post ttB't.


de vuelo de halcones detra'side la

Tienda Scout B. Demonstration de Fauconneire derriere le 'Trad' ing Posl '3F-", 1100{hief of U. S. Forest Service and Asst. Sec. of Agriculture in conservation area, Et Oiiector del Serviclo Forestal de Ee. uueny el el asistente de la secclon de Agricultura area de conservacion.

ForetS des L€ directeur du service des Eaux etpu tservlce' E.U. et le ,,secfet&ire.adJoint Agriculture au lieu de la Conservation' 1400-Hiking trails, Adventure Trail, conservation, arch' eryr swimming, canoelng, boating, flshing. Excursions Cefcanas, C,aminos de Aventur&Se CoIl' servaclon, arqueri'a, natacion, canoa, remo, pesca.

Sentiers de marche, Sentler d'aventure' taxlder*r" (conservqtion), tir d L'arc, natatlon, cano6, bateau, Scne. 1 915-Flshing (tickets regulred). Tickets para la Pesca. , P0ehe (tickets demandes) 1915-Boating and canoelng. Canoa Y remo.,, Bateau et canoe. 2000-Patrol Pow Wow Review Reumon de Pateullas Pow Wow. Revuede Patrouelle Pow Wow.

Each In His Own Fairh

Compfire Antics

Filipino Donce Joponese Goodies

Pensive Mood

W lamboree Album Live Totem

Is Thot

A Bromo?

Nigerio n Stilts

Toword Heoven

Thirsty Gouchos

And One Of Those


More Music

Friendship Spires

Skill-O-Romo lntricote

Rope Wiggler

Morching Along Heo r This

Cleo n Sox

On The Line

Jamhoree Jottings

It quiring PhotograPher Bomarienture



BoY Scouts of Burundi

will stay with for a few days


after the Jamboree. After con. siderable gesturing, phone cor.

s of the C eYlon contln'

gent who are at the Jamboree

versation and translation mistakes, the call went through-

may be taking the longest triP,

tried any activity at the Jamboree going around the world, 49 that was new to you? How did you like it? ilot - returning home for 3r/z months after starting. TheY We went to the rodeo yesterday afternoon. stopped enroute many Places It is for us the first timewesee a show like in 1ne Far East and will ln' Have you

We are haPPY toseelnrealitywhatwesawonlyonfilms. organized We congratulate the rodeo riders and we thank all who


that wonderful show.

Duong Hoi

H_uong-Dao Viet-nam

Have you tried any activity at the Jamboree that was new to you? How did you like it?



is Anton Gas'

Scouts grabbed the rod to helP land a t2" rainbow.

ously since 1920.


For the activities of the Jamboree, I find

that almost all of them arenewfor me: boat-

ing, canoeing, trading, rqdeo. This is the last which enioy me the most. I saw for the first time a real rodeo and real American cowboys and cowgirls.

ROTARY MEMBERS of the Jam' boree have been invited to make'

CeYIon Scouts Association of CeYlon

T. Rajeswaran

Have you tried any activity at the Jamboree that was new to you? How did you like it?

In the Jamboree I took part in the wide game' This is the first time I ptayed a game like a collection.of letters j". ":IpJ-:l: is not only -"fut this. This game it helped in making friends with the w o r d .6 Friendship",I am alsovery happy that l-w1s Scouts from different my country to other Scouts' I enjoyed the able to teach a song of"ounttie". three hours which tat given to me to be with the boys' El Salvador Luis Roberto Villafverte Scout de El Salvador

Over TOOO Seouts Try Archery Event

up at the Sandpoint luncheon

meeting this noon at 1200. Transportation will be Pro' vided by contacting

Well over


+ + + ++

ASTRONAUT Scout CarPenter was the guest of trooP 43, Haw' aiian and San Diego Scouts, at a typical Hawaiian breakfast

Jamboree's two archerY ranges opened on July 3 1. The target archerY range near Trading Post '68 ' ' has counted over 41 100 Scouts on the firing line, and the action archerY area


F. L. Hines, archerY direc, tor, said more than half the

yesterday and then Presented Eagle awards to three of the south of the Arrowe Park-M&r&. Scouts, Peter Dodge, Powell, thon subcamps has had aq â‚Źs. Christopher and GarY A. Rid" timated 3, ?00.


THIS MAY Put a Permanent Scouts have never held a bow stop to the tallest flag Pole' before. Before going on either Olyrnpia TrooP 29, BC contin. range, they are given instrucgent, has a flag on a helium tions in safety and shooting Pro. filled baloon flying 100'above cedur e s. At the target range, the Scouts


tried any activity at the Jamboree that was new to you? How did you like it? my

contingent was the canoeing. I am surethat only f6w boys from my country have been canoeing. I am very ft"p"py here in the XII World Jamboree knowing other boys from otfiei countries in the different activities with me.

?1000 Scouts have

tried archery, many of them for the first time, since the


the camp site.

Have you

I believe the thing that I liked most with

in the netted area created for the Jamboree, cast his line over the net and landed his trout.

perschitz, 83, vlce President SCOUTS FROM Iran were bt the Scouts of UPPer Ostna. the first to test the fishing al He began Scouting in lgLZ and Button Hook BaY. When the has been as sociated continu' first strike was made, five



GUATAMALAN Scout, not satisfied with the results of fish

+++++ of the Aus"




clude the Western contlnent on GUEST


busy at the other end.

their way home,

trlan Le Dai

well, almost. The line

shoot at standard targets. In VIVA LA TELEPHONE! A the action area, theY travel one French Scout, speaking little of three trails, shooting 20 atEnglish, asked an Amerlcan rows at fixed targets set amid Scouter to help him call the trees and brush. Thus far, long distance oPerator in Chi. Hines said, the best score turncago to contact a relative he ed in has been 18 hits. By John F. Clark SaIIadasburg, Pa. I 7?66 ACROSS

l German Boy Scout. ,.. in Soain- on

Daniel Mwangi


the plain." 85. M.'s right hand.

(Init.) 10A Scout from Scot-

KenYa BoY Scouts Association

land will tell

Have you tried any activities at the Jamboree that were new to you? How did you like them?

In this Jambor


I have been able to



activities. of all the activities I havetrled, I have been swimming was the most enjoyable. In my countryable to swim swimming in swimming poo1i,-nut here I have been for the first time in seL, andftelt you it was a very lovely to me and to mY Patrol also. Trinidad and Tobago Ricardo Da Silva Trinidad and Tobago Boy Scout Association



most since they were new to me.
























29 3l

32 33

Well yesl I have tried canoeing and although it was the first time that I paddled a canoe I

I succeeded quite well- Ialsotried my hand at archery and I enjoyed it very much. These two activities, I think I enioyed




Have you tried any activity at the Jamboree that was new to you? How did you like it?





about the Loch monster. 1 1 Gasoline. (Europe) 14 A meat dish. 16 Amigos. (French) 1? Beast of burden. l9 Go quickly. 20Contpass direction. ( French) cookerr'. 2l Tin 23 Distress signal. 24 Oro. ( Enslish) 25 Make a Picture with a pencil. 28 Kind of bird. 30At a distance. 31 It produces acorns. 32 Small particle. 33Scout. (Spanish)

(answer on back page) 21

Preparerl lirod ovet'

a fit'e. 22 Entire.

23 Everglades for one. 24 F<;rrneriy. (Italian) 26 Price.

2? What ''Iteynard" is. (2 Wd-;.) 29 Lion's sound.

Seouts Have

Firm Opinions

World Scouting Bureau per. ees jusqurapresent: . sonnel are now sifting through Que signilie "appartenir a la hundreds of patrol reports on fraternitJscoute?ii the likes and desires of scouts ". . .la chance dememontrer fTo,T e_very nation represented capable dr6t.e chef.r, , i'. . .la at the Jamboree. plus lranae arm6e

La Oficina Mundial delosBoy patrullas. scouts harecibidocientosdeop- -Actividades sociales que inion*-'d" Ias patruilas repre- satisfagan el interes de losmueI Jamboree, sobre chachos adolescentes. ""ntaJr" ", que mas res inter_ los asunros ili's""rrtismo a tos mucha- _ . Siebold, diio que hubieron mu-


o1T :"T,"d'"""il;;r'xi';;" :Hiji"$;i;;;;#;#:: ;,:fr":"?H:":"j*?H;,.,"ilH; rp#!:[::H:,1:?'i;"#,Hfj: day night's patrol polvwowsin meilleurautouf-delui quirende mis-deportes, cluies

de nf iivef de las respue"tr" l9.o hobbiis, Ie monde qui I'entoure -etc. En adimeii- oaoas ai cues|i"offi;il;::;] discos, patrullas ;ion mucha.s leur.rt dijeron , ,i"a1"'frReuniondepatru,as World Bureau. Each patrol was tambien desarottar una ',. . .Cette confr6rie a survecu Oi" .ruJu"" ioJl;fff;'"Ufi :r" asked- one of five questions on d deux guerres mondiales .nayor cantidad de projectos en "r informes rie sr Dorarr scouting and how it canbe demontrisavateur.,, et a los siebold i]"i" dri"rrri'irffotrti loF?.gr scouts y en tis comimprov"ed,_and a compostte re. unidades. Argunos sueirieron sant iesactivitidsque ;;;;rG.;jiali.'i;a"ilj'ri,il . port of all the opinions will be teseueltes scouts aiment? t";il;;;;;""";;.'il;; Sr" se desairoltaran" promadebyascoutattheBoyscout t'...desiredescampsdepa- 1" preguntas sobre Escultis*o jt"*rsrelativosaadiestramiWorld Conference in Seattle, trouille drlt",r, mejoramiento del Escuitismo. "l .-rnto en especialidadei. ' washlngton, Aug' 14' ""n"activit6s "h"f .des qui recta- ,;';;;;"r de una patru,a escribio: todas ".. tas opinHere are a few ofthe answers ment une forte activitie de papublicaran iones en la conferwlnnowed out so {ar: ,,. . .pertenecer a la Gran trouille,rr encia i,,rlundial, el 14 de Agosto, . on what belonging tothescout ,Iermandid Mundiat scout es un . .plus d'activit{s sociales ;;;;rij;, washington. ". brotherhood means: pour soutenir f intbret escribimos alzunos de 'onor." v 91io-aijo,;is'"ri1. .the chance to show my cons de 13-17 ans.t,des gar- lasAqui ". ,-nos que el XII consestaciones. -u,i Mun"farnboiee -S"f." ability to lead." Siebold Ait gurit y 6ut plus_ l"*" f, U"r",indad Munoiar dial ha seleccionado t'. ,- .the biggest army to . ieurs suggestiJ* qu" le scout- del Escultismo: muy apropiado con el de..por . strengthen peace." i"me iniiue pius ae sports et ,,. . .u;;;;;tunidaddemos- Amistad.,i ''. . .develops a better_all. despasse-temfi-tet qu" te ctub -;,.','-.un mi-"apa"idad de dirijir.r, around man who makes a bet' de disques. enptus, ueaucoup tra. esercito ;liii;;t" wHEN JIM LATTIMER reft terall.aroundworld.,, de patiouiile, a'i.".,l qu;"riu! pa."rorietererlapay,.i,..This brotherhood has.sur. f-avorisaient home in Ralboa, the Canal tesprolectjOam- ' t....Ci""rrnhombreconmas his Zone, for the Boy Scout XII vived two world wars and has elioration aes raiports dansres nauiiiaaoes para que eI pueda world Jamboree it Farragut demonstrated its worth": foyers dqs scouis. Quelques- rracei un munoo melo1.r, ' -- siate park, Idaho, he decided on what actlvities scouts uns suggtirdrentunprogramme "...EstaHermandadhasub- to ptav rit safe. 'eccoroing to would like: de ricdnires iourap- sistioo'in dos guerras Mu;di- c. oliru, Fulrer, Director of "p6"i*i"" "r ' 'lvont patrol camps, no prendre a ootenii te rievet ie rri' demoistrado *;;Iiiands at Lewis and clark High Scouter present.,, merite. "i.i; v dad.ri. -. ,. School, Spokane, fim came with patrouilles activities une des that rea ecrit, "' ' strong "those activiclaoes les gustaria [is nute in his pocket ,,just quire patrol activity.r, 3'Appartenir i ta contreri6 fo"Qud in there was a band in t'. . .more soctal activities scouteest.ungrandhonneur,"et s"orLf """u,, de patrulla" .t tn" Jamboree. when Jim --{ampamentos to hold the interest of teen,aEe un autre dit, .,Nous.re-ssentons sin queios scouters p""_ e"t"n hearo ttre Jamboree band re- que le mot dtordre du xII Jam- sentds. troys." hearsing, he inquired and was siebold said there were manv boree Mondial a 'ete bien choise -Actividades querequieranun giu"n a warm welcome bv his suggestions that scouting in-. -Pour 1tAmiti6." arduo esfuerzo por parte de las lellow scouts and musiclans. clude more sports andsuchhob,

each subcamp is vervhigh,-ac99rO_ig to PercySieboldofthe

bies as record clubs, fn addition many patrols said they favored

more improvement projects in

Scouts' home


Some suggested a program of special m eetings for m erit

badge coaching. Wrote one patrol, rdBelonging

to the Scout brotherhood is qleat honor,,' ard another said, "We feel that the XII World^

Jamboree motto has been well,

chosen-For Friendship.',

Freneh Le personnel du Bureau Mon-

dial du Scoutisme commenc e d feuilleter les centaines de rap-

Mining for money.

.which has dropped through a crack.

ports de patroille sur Ies desirs

des Scouts de chaque nation representee au Jamboree. Le niveau des responses aux questionnaires des pow wows de

patroille de jeudi soir dernier

dans chaque,sous -camp est tr es 'eleve, d,apres Percy Siebold du Bureau Mondial. tt etait pos'e i chaque patrouille une question

sur cinq sur Ie Scoutisffiâ‚Ź, et comment l,ami:liorer; un rapport complet de toutes les opinions sera fait par un Scout i la conf6rence mondiale du

Scoutisme 4 Seatile (Washington) le 14 aout"

. Voici

qugrlques reponses


.requires chewing gum and Danish ingenuity.

.and then-â‚Źuccess


Big Sunday Cro\ryd Lifrs Toral To 56rOO0 The Jamboree population was

there were an estimated 2,500

threatening skies and occasional light showers, The Protection Service counted L4,525 visitors by the end of the afternoon'

International Exhibits tent, and Friendship Tower was thronged with shutterbugs all day. Here is a day.by.day count of visitors from the Protection

more than doubled YesterdaY visitors in the first two hours, as visitors streamed through By midafternoon, a line 70 Yards the gates all afternoon desPite long was waiting to enter the

They brought the total rulrl, ber of visitors sinee the Jam-

boree opened Aug, 1 to 56,792,

Lines were long at all â‚Źxhibits yesterday" At the NASA exhibit of space capsules and instruments and the adjoining

IJ. S, Weather Bureau station,

Service: Atrg, t- 14,703 Aug" 2- 5, 32 I Aug, 3- 6, 160



Aug, 5- 1 1,396 Aug,6-1.4,525



La population du Jamboree environ 2500 visiteurs pendant fut doublee hier alors que les les deux premieres heures, Au visiteurs affluaient

aux, Portes

toute l'apres-midi, en dePit d'un ciel menaPant at de quelques legbres auerses, Le Service

de Protection Put comPet e 14,' 5ZS visiteurs juqu'en fin d' apres " midi, C eei porte le nombre total

de visiteurs depuis le OtrUut du Jamboree (ler Aout) a 56.' 792,

Les files de personnes 6taient

i toutes les exhibitions hier, A L'exPosition Par la NASA de eaPsules eJ d'in*stru' ments spaciaux et a la tente longues

adjacente du Bureau m6t6oro' logique des E " U. on cotnPta

milieu cle I'aprBs,midi, une file de ?0 metres de long attendait b l'entree de la tente d'exhibi. tions Internationales et la tour de 1'Amitie fut entouree de touristes,photographes toute la JOUrnee.

Voici un compte journalier

du nombre de visiteurs que nous

communique le Service de Pro. tection.




L4, ?03


boree Journal office, he

on the monkey bridge comes to the Jamreceive a Scout knife.


Lady B-P Tells Scout Press About Jamhoree

2 Aopt- 5, 32 9 3 Adilt-, 6,160 4 Aotit- 4,679 5 Aotlt- 1L,396 6 Aoirt - L4,525




Lady Baden-Powell YesterdaY an estimated 1500 Scout


that her husband El niltn"ro de assistentes Ti empo, â‚Źl estimado de visi- correspondentsword Jamboreein al Jamboree .,tlegb a mas del tantes fu6 de 2500 en las Pri- coined the doble en el dia de ayer cuando meras 2 horas. Hacia la media 1 920 when Scout officials wer e los grupos de visitantes pasaron tArde habia unas 70 Yardas de seeking a special name for the gathering. nuestras portadas. El Servicio linea que estaba esPerando en first world Scout Thirteen years after Scoutde Proteccion conto 14,525 visi- la Tienda de Exhibicion Intertantes hacia el final de latarde. national y la torre de la Amistacl ingts beginning S c out s from

Ellos lievaron el total de as-

istencia. desde que el Jamboree se inauguro en Agosto 10. a la

cifra de 56,792, Las filas de espera eran largas en todas las exhibi,ciones de

Ayer. , En el pabellon de eX. hibici6n de la NASA. donde se exhiben capsulas e instrumen.

tos espaciales y al mismo tiempo se eneuentra el Burodel

estaban l)enas de Pirblico.

He aoui Ia estad(stica diaria

del nirmero de visitantes



Agosto 1- 14, ?03 Agosto 2- 5,329 Agosto 3- 6,160

4Agosto 5Agosto 6J6f 2l-




14,525 56,792

A record collection of money

with attendance bY Scouts, Scout'

for the name. As comPetition may bring ill-witl among PeoPIe, it is not emphasized at the Jam. boree. Baden-Powell, realizing that Scouts would be "jammed together" in Olympia, develoPed


around the world were to meet for the first international Youth

name Jamboree, she said.

England. Lord Baden-Powell,


combination with an i nt ernation-

a chance of afternoon or evening

Scout gathering in OlYmPia,

in search of a name for this gathIrarragut State Park can ex' ering, fell upon a unique word pect partly cloudY weather, with al flavor itself, she said.

From Australiathe word "coroboree", which is a spectacular meet with boomerang

Big Collection Aids Handicapped for the World Bureau's fund ers, and visitors e stimated at for Scouting with the HandicaP" 1 1,800. The C ommittee on Scouting ped was received yesterdaY during religious services of all With the Handicapped will use the funds collected YesterdaY faiths at the Jamboree. The collection at all services to aid handicapped Scouts all will go to the fund. The total over the world. Unifor ms, will be mor e than $2, 2 00 the equipment, and Scout books are largest collection ever at a often purchased to aid handi' Jamboree, according to PhiliP capped Scouts in underdeveloP' R. Cowan, secretarY of the ed natiotts. A Braille tYPe' World Advisory Committee on writer has been bought to help Scouting With the Handicapped blind Scouts make contact with of the Boy Scouts World Bureau, other Scouts. And in another Fourteen services were held instance, a motor was bought

throwing, wrestling, and similar contests, was used as a basis

for a boat built bY handicap-

showers. Little change in tem' perature is expected" A hish temperature of 80 degrees Fa.

hrenheit (26 degrees Centigrade) and a low of 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees C entigrade) is exper:ted. Relative humidity will be 40 Per cent'

ped Sea Scouts in a small coun-




In addition to Jamboree collections, the advisory commit.

tee receives funds from tlte sale of used Postage stamPs collected bY Scouts. Scouts who want to help may send postage stamps to StamP Scheme, Boy Scouts World Bureau, 77 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa 4, Canada. Stamps should be placed in a plastic bag before packaging.






















A s






o t



u N


s R






r o E












iloln 9 I


l P


t o



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w A




c A N
























Being Held Tonight

Final Campfires At Atl Subcamps Final campfires for the Jamboree, with programs promising to be the best of all, are on tap tonight at 2000 in each

each subcamp


entertain at


these final campfire programs with songs, instrurnental rnusic, dances, and other acts. There will also be brief re-


the subcamp officers.

A highlight of the campfires cognition ceremonies for Scouts in most subcamps is expected who have won awards and for

be a parade of flags of every nation represented in the camp in a spectacular farewell ceremony.

Most of the campfires wilt end with the shouting of Scout slogans in each of the languages used by Scouts in the subcamp.

Ce soir a 20h, dans chaque sous-campr aurront 1ieu les derniers feux de camp de ce

talent en animant ces feux

Some of the best talent in

Jamboree, et les programmes

promettent dtetre sensationneIs.

Un des points culminants de ges f eux de camp risque d, 6tre dans ta ptudpart dei sous-

camps une parade de drapeaux

de tous les pays repr6jent6s

Scouts pourront ex-ercer leur de

camp de chants, de musique instrumentale, de danses et &u-

SCENE at Protestant service Sunday. More than 71000 worshippers attended the service in Sutton Park Arena.

First Day Stamps Ag"in Unrit I OOO Scouts and Scouters who

did brought to the General

tres demonstrations . not have an opportunity to obil y 3urta aussip de brb- tain first day cancellations of ves ceremonies de Reconnaiss- the air postal card corrurranc e pour es Scouts qui ant emorating the World Jamboree -l


quarters Post Officetodayprior to 1000 hours. If addresses are not placed on the postal cards, the cards should be placed in an envelope with identiflcation

gagne oes recompenses et pour on August 4th will have an addi. tional opportunity to do so today. oD the outslde, so they may La pluCpart de cei feux de Postal cards should be be claimed later.

les chefs de sous-camps.

d?rg le camp; ce ser,ra une camp se termineront par le cerbmonie dtadieux spectatu- cri d,appelfs scputs dans toutes


Dans chaque sous-camp, des

le langues parl6es par les scouts


du sotis-camp.

05s0-Fishing (tickets required). Las fogatas finales del Jamboree con sus programo.s prometen ser las mejores con su

assistencia de 2000 en caoa sub campo. , Lo m6s interesante de todo el programa de estas fogatas sera el desfile de bandera de las

naciones representadas en el sub campo, sera una especta-

cular fogata de despedida. Los mejores talentos de cada sub campo habran de ent-





lights on the soil conservation trail are the falcons shown by Morley Nelgon and the demon.

stration booth, where


can make up their own proflles of soil. Thus far about 31000

han ganado, asi como a los responsables del sub campo. Casi todas las fogatas finalizaran con la repiticion de los lemas Scouts usados en cada uno de los idiomas gue se hablaba en el sub campo.

jority of the Scouts are gettlng their first introduction to cor-

servation methods during their two.hour instructional tours of

Excurslons cercanas, Camlnos de Aventuras, con. servaeion, arqueria, natacion, canoa, remo, pesca.

Sentiers de marche, sentier d,aventure, taxidermie (conservation), tir a L, ar c, antation, calloe, bateau, peehe.

0900-Astro-ge_ology exhibit and 25 other exhibits open until 1?00, ln conservation area. Exhlblclon de Astro.geologia y otras 25 exhlbi. clones abiertas hasta las 1700 en el area de conservaclon.

Exhibltion astro.geologtque et 25 autres demous.

trations; i ouvert jusqu'a a l?h au lieu

de la


lO0O-Falconry demonstratton in back of Trading post . sBr, .

manning the exhibits are ZE

de vuelo de halcones detra,s de la Tienda Scout B, Demonstratlon de Fauconneire derriere le Trad. ing Post 33E-". 1400-Hlking tralls, Adventure Trall, conservation, arch. eryr swlmmlng, canoelng, boaflng, flshing. Excursions cercanas, Caminos de Aventur&s, coD. servaclon, arqueri-a, natacion, canoa, remo,

Vood Badg* Holders Gather Tod"y

Sentlers de marche, sentler d,aventure, taxldermlg (conservqlion), tir d L,arc, natalion, cano6, bateau, t'ethe.

the area. Cooperating in setting up and United States federal, state, and prlvate organizations.

All Wood Badge holders are have been made, welcome to the Wood Badge Re. The gold.panning display has union for Friendship Fun and also gotten a lot of attenfion, Fraternity today at 1?00 About 21000 sample vials of gold in the Small Arena. have been given there, and the All contingents are cordially same number of Scouts have had invited to demonstrate a game a chance to pan gravel from the or training activity particular Coeur d'Alene Rlver in hopes to their own country. of findtng traces of gold. soil profiles

Ted Pettit, director of the Conservation area, said a rrr&.

0900-Hiking trails, Adventure Trail, conservation, arch. efyr swimming, canoeing, boating, flshing.

cales, _danzas y otros actos. Habri tambien Ia entrega de insignias a los Scouts que las

More Than 5r5OO At Conservation More than 5,500 Scouts have toured the Conservation area with their troops sinee its open. ing Aug. 2. Several hundred visitors have swelled the total count to over 61000. Most popular exhibits so far have been the animals natlve to the Pacific Northwest and the

Tlckets para la pesca. peche (tickets demandes)

retener a los asistentes consus canciones, instrumentos musi-

Badge holders will chat

exchange ideas atmosphere.


ln an informal



1400-,Sklll.O.Rama 1


s-Flshing (tickets requlred).

Ti-ckets para la pesea. Pdche (tickets OLmanOe's) 1 91 5-Boatlng and canoelng. Canoa y remo. , Bateau et cano6. 2000--Subcamp Reeognition and Farewell Campflre.

Fogatas de despedida y reconocimlentos en los sub campo,

Reconnatssance d,


de sous.c&mp et feux de


Jombo Session To ps

Good Exhibit

About Done Guests For Dinner

W lumboree Album Doring Young Men


Comeromen Everywhere

To The Colors


Logging How About

Tune Up

Film The Show

We Three


rquiring Photographer

When your potrol hos no octivity scheduled, whot do you do?

Kenneth Veira Surinam BoY




Well, we go and pay a visit to a strange country, for example our neighbors or go to visit the trading post or go on a hike or go fi.shing. There are a lot of possibilities.

Peter Madsen Denmark Y. M. C. A. Boy Scouts of Denmark Most of the time we walk around with a buddy to talk to boys from other countries. It's very interesting to see how

they do their Scouting. As a whole patrol, we sometimes go to archery. We have done that a lot of the time and I think it's fun. If we have had a hard day we rest in the tents. Juan Garcia de Paredes Panama Panama Boy Scout Association

During this time we carry out trading with Scouts of different countries, go hik. ing, to archery, or just walk around seeing the many exhibits offered in the Jamboree and meeting Scouts from different lati.

LADY BADEN-POWELL greets Scouts during one of her many appearances at Jamboree events.

tudes of the world.

Vito Roberto Italy

Hove you tried ony octivity

Associazione Scout.

istica Cattolica Italiana

Virgilio Alberto Meira Soares

Our free time is little; rarely over the

scheduled. But our free time represents

best moments of our day. When we have gone out of our troop gateway, the

world is opened to our eyes. we do our best to meet scouts of other countries, to speak to them, to know their points of view, to understand everything in them. Therefore our free

time has a great importance, beeause during these moments we can put into practice our wonderful Jamboree adventure" Armin Rotschnik Austria St. pfadfinder Austria patches


I have tried some activities that were new to me. I have been at the conservationarea. I liked it very much because it makes us pay attention to what we can do for our country.

for me the



Corpo Nacional De Escutas

whole day does my patrol have no activity

We go to

ol*the Jomboree thot wos new to

How did you like ir?

Stone Slabs For

A stone monument begun in Manila after the airplane crash.



to other boys to learn their own songs.

of 24 PhitiPPine Scouts

in 1963 will be sev. eral steps closer to comPletion and leaders

or we go to other

troops for friendship, where our friends speak about problems in their troops. Sometimes they tell something about their lands and about the people which live there" The Austrian Scouts like to sing and they are going

Filipino Ulemorial


at the end of this XII World Jam. boree. Scout Mustafa Pelenk of Turkey is one of those who'll help. The time was just before the XI World Jamboree. The entlre 24.man contingent of Scouts and leader s of the PhiliPPines was enroute by air to Marathon, Greece. They were due to stop

to place a stone monument mau-

soleum next to the city ceme. tery.

Various Scout


were given the opportunity


share in the completion of the memorial. The effort was nam-

ed Project Ala.Ala


'smemory" in Tagalog). Dozens of nations responded with onâ‚Ź. foot squares of stone native to

their country.

Scouts from Chile and Turkey had not but who have now brought stone

are among those who

at Bombay, India, but never made it. An unexPlained mid. slabs to the Jamboree for inair explosion destroYed the sertion in the memorial. Scout

Pelenk of Vamsun, Turkey, is one of the Scouts who gave up over a five.mile.wide area. Del Silvestre, PhiliPPine con- some space for spare clothes tingent leader at Marathon, and in their luggage and substituted three other members of his a stone slab, The memory of staff were the only Persons these deceased boys will live that remained of the PhiliPPine long in our minds. group because they had flown ahead of the main bodY. Expressions of sympathy came to Manila from all over the world. Many of these messages asked Partly cloudy, less windy to. for suggestions of some way that day, High temperature today, the memory of the lost boys and B0 degrees (27 low to.

plane and scattered remnants


men could be preserved.

TYPES OF ACTS-This was one of the acts that entertained crowds of spectators at the Skill-O-Raffi2, which will be open again today from 1400 to 1 700.




(? C.), volunteers night, 45 F. Yesterday's high tempera. and Seout leaders was formed. An offer was made bY the MaY- ture, ?8 degrees F. (25 C.); or of Manila to donate a site low, 54 F. (12 C.).

A committee of

Final Shorn Tod"y At SkiII-O-Rama The last Skill-O-Rama show rocketry, sassafrass tea, and today will feature 11 1 acts clog dances. Real Scouting is and displays by Scouts from in action today in the Skillabout sixty nations. Skill-O- O-Rama area. Rama will be open from 1400 The French-contingent will to I?00. Highlights of the final show broadcast activities in the Skillwill include an Hawaiian luau, O-Rama throughout the camp Chuc[ Wagon flapjacks, Iran- from a special demonstration Lan

{ances, a demonstration of

Le programme du dernier

Skill -O-Rama auJrurdthuirpr6viot 111 activit6s et demon-

strations par des Scouts


action a ce5 Skilt-O-Rama.


/ La d'eldgation Frangaise emettra des activites dd lr_ enceinte du Skill-O-Ra{na qtra-

prEs de soixantes nations. Le Skill-O-Rama sera ouvert de l4h I t?rr"

Les grandes attractions

ce dernier

Skill -O-Rama conprendront un luau hawaien, des crbpes Chuck Wagon, de9 dan-

ses iranien-nes,

une d61non-

stration de fusees, du thdsasEn la ultimo Skill-o-rama se

haran 111 demostraciones


diversa indole, por Scouts de

cerca de sesenta naciones. Et Skill-o-rama estara aberto desde las 14 hasta las l? horas. Algunas de las cosas que se incluiran en este ultimo Skill-


safrass et des danses au s8.bot. C,est du vrai Scoutisme que nous pourrons voir i lt-

vers tout le camp grabe a des transistors; il y aura une cabine sp6ciale de ddmonstration oir vous pourrez vous faire â‚Źlrrâ‚Źgistr ef .

o-rama seran danzas , Hawai-anas, parrilladas, dansas irane-

76 TROMBONES-There arentt that many in the Jamboree band, but the 60-piece unit plays loud and good.

sas, demostraciones de &suntos especiales, comidas tipicas,

etc. El escultismo, con diversas actividades actualizadas sera lo que se podra ver en el Skill-o-rama.

Adventure Awards To Date

Achtung! N O TI C E: Get group photos before you leave the Jamboree make sure you have received

your group pictures.


voyageur tents at special used

prices are available.


may be purchased and picked

up on August 10th.

will be delivered to the SPECIAL: AII indiriduals and troop campsites" In cas e you troops are reminded to pick More than ?1000 Jamboree ing eight of 13 requirements have not received your picture, up all photo processingr launAdventure Awards had been is_ involving activities at the Jam- call the Group Photographer at dry, and group photos before Extension 3661. yesterday, up to aecording boree. The prize is a special :ueg they leave the Jamboree to the Program Service. neckerchief slide with the JamLosrr s*ffi}knife, red. grounds. It would be well to The awards are for complet_ bor ee emblern. Return to Lost and Found, Gen- arrange for this pick up prior eral headquarters. to the morning of August gth. FoR g6lFrhe German NOTICE: S"ndinE;y packages Scouts would like to sell some of their s.black tentsD because home? Wrapping facilitles are at the trading posts of transportation cost home. available Also two aluminum trunks for anyone wishing to do so. A is on hand 4' x 3t x 6r; and two larger tents. supply of materials job at the Tradlng For further information contact to do the photos

the Hdq. of the German contingent at the end of Baden powell


UND: Please send to the FOR SALE rGoO, f nexpensive Found all items found. It is tentage is available at the Supply reported that watches, cameras, Warehouse located at the rear sun glasses, towels, swlm Avenue.


General Headquarters, Lost and

of the Service Center. Leader trunks, knives, and many other tents, dlnning flies, and boys, items have been found, Ll'L Drai"tqu


bL ergp





COLOMBIAN SCOLITS entertain with the well known machete dangerous, but they,re not after each other. If the clrcled Scout will eome to the Journal offlce, he will reeeive

dance. Looks

a Scout knife.


Jamboree Jottings SIDHIR KULKARNI, 16,

Indian Scout camping in



camp Olympia, is a master bow. Ira.h. He shoots at moving tar. gets and hits them with deadly

aecuracy. It is standard prac.

tice for Sudhir to pierce two moving ropes with one arrow.

He was a popular


at the Skill.O-Rama show.


MARK it's Independence day at the World Jamboree Sun. day Aug. 6, the Bolivian contingent held a breakfast reception which included a special nation.


ality drink made of currents,

lemon and herbs.


BOB BILLINGTON, BSA co. ordinator for the XII World Boy Scout Jamboree was an early visitor to the fishingplers

iiP,: , +1. :...t ,.41


at Button Hook Bay. An angling purist, Billington brought his

SEi:.:: : .: 7: :.: :...fiG.,

own fly rod and reel. He land. ed a small but scrappy rainbow trout on the second cast.




at Button Hook Bay so far


landed by a British Scout. The fish ironically was not one of the 20,000 rainbow trout added

to the lake for the Jamboree,

but was a fighting squaw fish, native to Pend



...:+lii: ilii.l.. .:t.a.t:.tti.-.. .



5 Natlons are

at the XII World Jamboree, There is no mist4klng.aScout Canadian troop 10, in subcamp O1ympia, set out Sunday from Subcamp Godollo. He

And still the flagpoles grow. On Friday, Troop B, flying the French flag at the Bad Ischl sub-

Hawk Patrol at Niagara-on-thepole

claimed by Troop 1 of theGreek


at Marathon. And

thatts the Journal's last rePort on hlgh flagpoles.

+ + + ++

A DINNER party at




on Stamps Society, are attract. lng throngs to the International Exhtblts tent each day. The exhibits range from Pos. ters and llterature to elaborate displays of handierafts and ln.

feathers, but the long down of a

THE FINNISH LOGFIRE W1II be lighted at the Finnish troop at Moisson (troop 34) on Tues. day August 8th at 7:00 p.m.


a prince of Hungary who was a great hunter. One day on ahunt he heard the screaming of a girl. He turned his horse in the direction of the screams and gal.


son, tried the archery


yesterday and scored several hits with verble advice from his instructor, He is a blind Scout

And then he may continue:

"Once upon a time there was

SHOOTING BLIND actually, Seout Pat York, Tr. 13, Mois.


loped off. The glrl was en. tangled in the brambles of the underbrush and a wolf was snap-

from Vancouver, B.C.


ERMAN Scouts of the OlYm-



PIaY football wlth American Scouts todaY so the latter can learn how the game is played in GermanY.


Displays By 35 Nations Crowded Dlsplays by 3 5 nations, the United Nations, and the Scouts

wears a hat plume that sways in the breeze. If you stop him to ask what it is, he will tell you that it is not a plume of bird

from 35 na.



The Jamaica Scouts celebra. ted thelr 5th year of Indepen.

Story Of Plume Of Godolo Scouts


Sounds impossible, but not

for dinner.

Lake, and a ?l-foot-high


ALWAYS HLINGRY-Scouts are always happy when the food boxes show up, and eating doesn't take long.

tions shared their evening meal.

of the Host Corpsts Troop 59



afternoon to invite a few friends

camp, announeed a 45-foot-high entry. Over the weekend, two other tall poles were reported, a 64-footer for the patrol flag


til F:+

:., ..:i/a:.

weighed about one pound.



Nations exhibiting are:

Argentina, Australia, Bel.

gium, Bolivia, Burundi, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Dahomey, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Guat. emala, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Ja. mica, Japan, Liechtenstein, Lu.

Jamboree Vould Make BP Happy Says


absolutely overjoyed to see the

boys, to see the way they are camping, and, more particular. ly, the way they are making

friends.') That assurance came from one

of the closest friends of Scoutingts founder and a xembourg, Mexico, Monaco, Ne. former dlrector of Seoutdustries typical of the nation. therlands, New Zealand, Ni. confgrence. tl can say very truthfully Some of the outstanding exhlblts geria, Peru, Philippines, South of crafts are those by lran, Afriea, Surinam, Sweden, Thai. that friendshtps are being made Thailand, Japan, China, Mexico, land, and the United States. here whlch probably will last, " The exhibits will close Wed. declared the renowned British Philippines, Flnland, Argentina, 3

and Nigeria.


at 1200,


"The prince plaeed an arrow on his bow, kilted the wolf, and saved the

girl's life.

He quickly

learned that the glrl was an orphan and that she had the ability to tell the future.

'(How long will mypeoplelive in this land? asked the prince.

'rlnstead of answering, the girl said: 'Cut off my hair!' "First the prince refused, but at the girl's insistence, he pulled his sword and cut off the girl's magnificent blonde hair, The girl took the hair and threw it in the alr. The wind carried it across the fields of HungarY. Wherever hair fell, it took root" 3

t 'As long

as this plant grows

in the fields of Hungztyt

your people shall live in this land and the spirit of freedom shall llve

in their hearts.'

If the late Lord Baden.Powell were here, 3'l know he would walk around the camp and be

John Skinner Wilson,

ping at her,


"And that, sir, is why the



of Godollo, named for

1933 Jamboree, the Plume

of arvalanyhaj the t'




Coeur d'Alene Press To Be Distributed The Coeur d'Alene Press will

be distributed free to all Jamboree participants tomorrow, according to C. Patrick Klngr publlsher. Every patrol box for the noon meal will contain copies of the special edition

containing news and pictures of

the Jamboree.

ro uJ




















o\ V'


o :)

o 3t) llJ

z o 3


o Or


Humpht*y Greets Vorld's Seouts "l bring you greetings from the



in government."

"Je n'oi iomois olienu mo premiSre closse et suis touiours-restd de deuxieme closse, ce qui est le nrm6ro deu-x dons le Scoutisme; et quond on est Vice PrJsident, on est le numero

"The President, honorory presideni of ihe Boy Scouts of Americo, colled me in Honolulu, Howoii, ond suggested ldrop by this woY-"

m'o t45phon5 o- HonoluluScouts d'AmSrique, 'sugg6r6

"Never got my Eogle so

I wos



Scoui ond ihot's Numbef"Two in scouting; ond when you ore Vice Presidenl, lhot's number two

"As o scoutmosler for six yeors, I found thot the troop needed o cook since the boys were

slowly poisoning me, so we found one ond I morried her. l'd like to present my wife, Muriel, who wos

o big help lo o scoutmoster, ond


been eYer since.

"Les doy un soludo en nombro del denie."

"Le Pris:denl m'o .horg6 de vous ironsmettre ses so lulotions."

"Nunco llegue o olconzor mi insignio de Aguilo Scout ton solo llegue o ser un Vido Scout; esto insignio es,

Howoii, et m'o

en el Progrommo


odelonlo de los Scouts, el segundo escolon y ser vicepresidenie de los Estodos Unidos es lornbien el segundo escolon."

deux dons le gouvernement."

"Le PrSsident, l'honoroble pr6s-ident



"El Presidente, que es presidenie honororio

de los Boy Scouts of Americo, ffi€ llomo o Honolulu, Howoii, Y me sugirio que viniero

de foire un soui ici'"

POrO OcO." "Como Je e de

"J'oi 'etf chef de troupe pendont 6 ons, ei que lo troupe ovoit besoin d'une lrgy:"is puisque "cuisinidre ie sentois que les gorcons

Tropo, por seis onos, descubri que lo Tropo necesilobo un cocinero especiolisto porque los muchochos me estobon envenenondo con sus menus, encontre uno y me cose

Stqient en troln ie -m'e.poisonner perir ; p"iit, nous en ovoni trouve' une et' ie l'oi 5portd". J'oimerois vous pr&enter mo femme, Muriel, qui fut d'une gronde oide ou chef de

con ello. Quiero. preseniorles o mi esPoso,

Murie!, quien me oyudo como Jefe de Tropo y esde enlonces en los diversos corgos gue he lenido."

Troupe que i'5tois, et qui n'o pos c5ssi de l'6tre depuis."

United States Vice President

Hubert H. HumPhreY was roundly cheered at eight sub'

camp campfires last night in a fast tour of the Xtr World Jam'


Bringing greetings to all Jam,

boree participants, the Vice President, who is a former Scout and Scoutmaster' said President Lyndon Johnson was

sincerely sorry that he could not attend the Jamboree. At each subcamP, he gave essentially the same brief ad.

dress, welcoming the


from other lands,

ing the host

congratulat. United States

all Scouts to make the Jam. boree's " For Friendshipl' theme live beyond the end of Scouts, and urging every\Mhere

the Jamboree.

d'If we can work together


play together, we can live to'

" the Vice President said. 'rscouting has shown us that. Let us be PrePared to live in brotherhood and friend. ship. " He had a warm greeting for Scouts from other nations at each stop. t (You have honored gether,

us by your Presencer'' he said, and added that he hoPed theY would take home in their hearts the " Friendship" theme. "The theme of the Jamboree should

be the theme of Your livesr "

, :


: ,'

.- _...1





the Jamboree bY Scout Emerson Bowen of

Barbados, West Indies.


He told of his own exPerience as Scout and as a Scoutmaster

The Vice President arrived At each camp he drew laugh' at the Jamboree's main gate at ter axd applause with his joke 2045 in a police-€scort€d cara' that he made onlY Life Scout, van from the Spokane AirPort. the No. 2 rank in Scouting, and He was already wearing an offi'. the Vice President said.



fair to Poison him with tine, 17, of Portland, Oregon, their cooking, and when theY gave him a red Jamboree jac. found that his best girl could ket and a second neckerchief, for six years in Huron, South cook a fine hamburger, theY He donned both during the cere. Dakota. His unit, TrooP 6, was voted her a member of the mony at the gate, Then G]ueen's Scout Gregorl' a good one, winning the Presi' troop and urged him to marry McDougal, 16, of Melbourne, dent's Award several times, her, Mr. Humphrey declared.

,.:: ..:.


::: ...: :. _.t

Australia, gave Mrs. HumPhreY

a Jamboree bracelet and her daughter a Jamboree brooch

where a crowd of about


heard a preview of the talk Mr. Humphrey later gave at the sub' camps. It was dark bY the time

the tour of the camp began but the Vice President said he was impressed biz the beautY of what he could see and what he had seen on the drive from Spokane"

At each of the



bY Watson, as mementoes of their vi sit. he was introduced Finally, Scout Emerson Bow. who described Mr. HutrrPhreY's €tr, 15, of Barbados, West visit as "the high Point of the

in government, he also was cial Jainboree neckerchief when only No. 2. And, in introduc. he stepped out of the car with Indies, gave a memento to Tho- Jambor€e .' ' An honor guard of Host Corps mas J. Watson Jr., President ing his wife, Muriel at each his wife and daughter. Scouts lined the Path into each stop, he also was cheered when Camp Chief Joseph A. Brun. of the Boy Scouts of America, for the he said that his trooP had ton Jr., welcomed him to the who arrived with the Vice Pre- subcamP camPfire areahad high Vice President. He helped him choose her because camp. Then Scouts from three sident. First stop inside the calrrp they needed a good cook. Hls nations tnade Presentations. (continued next Page) Scouts, Mr. HumPhreY said, First E agle Scout Neil Va1en. was at the public reeeption area

TODAY'S HIGHTIGHTS 055O-Fishing (tickets required). Tickets para la pesea. peche (tickets demandes)

0900-Hiking trails, Adventure Trail, conservation, archâ‚Źry, swimming, canoeing, boating, fishing, Excursions cercanas, Caminos de Aventuras, conservacion, arqueria, natacion, canoa, remo, pesca,

Sentiers de marche, sentier d'aventure, taxidermie (conservation), tir a L'arc, antationl Jorloe, bateau, peehe.

Og00-Astro-geology exhibit, panning for gold, wild ani. mals of ldaho, Forest trail, s.Conservation in . your hands" trail and 20 other exhibits. DSmonstration de astro-griologie, a la recherchr de l'or, animaux sauvage; de l,Idaho, parcours pour apprendre A prot6ger la nature et ZO autre s d6monstrations.

Exhibicion de Astro.geologia, busqueda de oro, animales salvajes de Idaho, caminos por los bosques, conservacion en sus manos, y otras ventes exhibiciones mas.

1000-Falconry demonstration in Skill.O.Rama area. Demonstration de fauconnerie ; l,emplacement Skill.O,Rama.

Demonstracion de halcones en O.Rama, 1000-Bird cannon trap


el ates del skilr.

in conservation area.

A l'emplacement de la r6serve


capture d'oiseaux au filet.

Captura de aves. (en el area de Conservacion). f400-Hiking trails, Adventure Trail, conservation, archeryr swimming, canoeing, boating, fishing. Excursions cercanas, Caminos de Aventur&s, cor). servacion, arqueri'a, natacion, canoa, remo, pesca,

Sentiers de marche, sentier d'aventure, taxidermig (conservation), tir d L'arc, nataiion,

STRIKING TOTE M, one of 29 whieh have given Baden.Powell Avenue the second name of t'Totem Pole Avenue."

Humphrey Greets



praise for them. As he passed down the line, there were calls of "Hello, sir" , , o"Hello, Mr. Vice Presidentr " and he ack,

nowledged them with waves and a few words. He seemed in. spired and warmed by his re. ception at each camp, and, al. though he had

Jamboree but that he found it impossible. 3,T know he would have loved to have been herer "

5"d:#ti.:ii""";i:.,r: ?6,000 yesterday, as

Skill. yesterday, he carried through O.Rama aetivities and o t h e r the program of nine talks with. Jamboree action drew over 11,. out noticeable weariness. 000 friends of Scouting to Fai. His visit to the Jamboree. he ragut State park. said, fulfilled a long.standing When the Jamboree visiting desire, "Ever since I was 12 gates closed yesterday at 1g00 years old, I wanted to go to a Z47O vehicles had entered the Jamboree, he said, "and I finally park, bringing 1 1,0gg to the

it.'' At several stops, Mr. Hum,





and Farragut State Park can exthat therefore he is "an able pect clearer and warmer weathassistant to Mr. Watson, the er today. A high of 90 degrees President. But don't you go tell. Fahrenheit (32 degrees Centiing the President I said that, " grade). and a low in the mornhe said with a chuckle. ing of 45 degrees Fahrenheit In bringing his greetings from (7 degrees C entigrade) can be trresident Johnson, 4,1r. Hum. expeeted. Relative humidity phrey said the President sincer. will remain low, at about 20 ely wished he could come to the percent. the Boy Scouts of Ameriea,

Captura de aves con trampas.

1915-Fishing (tickets reguired). Tickets para la pesca. , Pdche (tickets dbmanoe's) 1915-Boating and canoeing. Canoa v remo. Bateau et cano6.

2000<losing Arena


C6r6'mbnie de cldture i ta grande ar6ne. Cere, onia de Calusura en la Arena.

he said.

flownfromHawaii over


"ano6, bateau, fethe. 1400-Bird cannon trap in conservation area. A I'emplacement de la reserve (conservation), capture d'oiseaux au filet.

Water Activi t y Draws Throngs The lakefront area has been

alive with activity throughout the Jamboree as thousands of

Seouts streamed down the long hill to enjoy swimming, canoe. ing, boating, and fishing. The count of swimmers rose

over the 14,000 mark yester. day. Most of them have come to the beach with their troops,

eral thousand Scouts have check. ed out boats. C

At the fi shing area, C . D. aldwell, director, reported

that through Monday, 2,690 fish had been pulled out of Lake Pend Oreille by about 6,400 anglers. No count was available for the catch yesterday when about

1, 100

fishermen put hooks

but there have also been many in the water. "drop.ifis" " About 1,000 Scouts have tried l2,OO3 Official canoeing each day, bringing the The official registration total for that feature to 7,000 of the XII World Jamboree 2. since Aug. was announced today as 12,Rowboating has been some. 003. what less popular, although sev-

Guberif (firebug)

Night Show

W lumboree Abum

From The Air

Colorf ul

Astrono ul Tells

Hond To Hond

Wooden Heod



Lisht lt

log Rolling



Eorly Morning

Final Show To Spotlight Scouts XII World Jamboree with a big arena show sPotlighting The

Scout talent drawn from the best performers in the subcamps and a redication by all Jamboree parti cipants to Scouting's

Program in Sutton Park Arena begins at 1930 with

ideals, The

a band concert for


visitors by the North American

Defense Command band based in Colorado Springs, Colo. It

Puis trois des Scouts de la danseurs basgues venant de BOISE, capitale de L'IDAHO. garde d'honneur de LadY B. P.

cers, Ceylonese dancers. NIAGARA.ON.THE.LAKE _: Canadian chorus.


States brass ensemble.

There will also be a Jamal. can chorus drawn from Scouts in several subcamps. After the talent Parade, LadY Baden-Powell, with an honor escort of 12 Scouts, will talk


10 long


About 850 Scouts from

signal the start of the march-in

1,000 Scouts from all nations participating in the Jam. 1


Flagbearers will Post their colors at the back of the stage while a steel drum band of

Jamaican Scouts entertains, and the massed Scouts march to their places on the grassy sloPe of the arena. A Basque dance group from

Boise, Idaho will perform next,

Then astronaut M. Scott Carpenter will talk about his adventures in space and about man's great advances in tech, nology of all kinds. Climaxing

Puis Ie Commissaire du Jam. boree, Mr. Irwin FEIST Pres.


his talk will be a surprise demonstration of the new tech. nology which may be the highlight of the

rade down to the stage from all sides of the arena, each carrying a big lantern. TheY will form a giant Scout fleur-de'lis at center stage and the letters B.P on each side as a Picture

Then three of the Scouts in

Lady Baden.Powell's honor guard will lead the assembled Scouts in the Scout Oath, in English, French, and Spanish. Every Scout in the audience

Jamboree Commissioner frving Feist will introduce G. J,

Vollmer, acting chairman of the World Committee; Idaho Gov. Don Samuelson, CamP Chief Joseph A. Brunton Jr., Jamboree Coordinator Robert L.

Billington, and J, R. Bader,

deputy coordinator. Then Thomas J, Watson Jr., President oJ the Boy Scouts of America, will grve a brief address. Most subcamps will be rep. resented in the Parade of Talent, 2l acts drawn from many IIa,-

tions. Here is the list of acts

from each subcamp: OLYMPIA-an Indian archer,

Morris dancers from England,

and the Frere Jacques Chorus with Scouts from about 15 r&tions. ARROWE PARK-the NorwaY Singers, Dahomey fire dancers.

MARATHON-Peruvian Darcers, Japanese dancers, Bel-

gian flag rythym team, German chorus.

GODOLLO United States crinoline twirlers, Venezuelan bird dancers, Lancashire, England, sword dancers.

BAD lscHl-scottish piper

and daneers, Danish tower builders and rope spinners. MOISSON-Itallan bull frSht




steel band, Chlnese llon


candle dur-

ing this ceremony. On this note of rededication, the XII World Jamboree will come to an end.

leurs Scouts des sous'camps et un co-€ogagement Par tou.s les particiPlnis du ,lambor5e aux iddaux du Scoutislrl€..

Le programme a l'Ardne de Sutton Park commencera Pour


I9H30 Par un concert ioue Par

l'orchestre de la Defense Nord' Americaine bas6 SPRINGS, dans RADO.

charge des coordinations,


L. BILLINGTON, et son assis. tant J. R. BADER. Puis T.J.

WATSON, President des Scouts d'amerique, s'adressera a nous,




i coloRADo

l'etat du COLO'

I1 se compose de mllitares

originaires du CANADA et des U.S.A.

Pendant ce temPs, le.s scquts s talligneront -sur le P6rimetre


on con un concierto de banda para los visitantes del Jam-

boree eI cual estara a cargo



ARFOWE PARK: Chanteur norvegien, danseurs du Dahomey.

MARATHON: Danseurs Peru-

vien, Japonais, danse

au draPeau

(equipe belge) caoeur allemand.


BAD.ISCHL: Cornemuse


danseurs 6cossais, comstrueteurs de tour et fileurs de cordes (DANEMARK). MOISSON: Corrida (ITALIE) ERME



de TRINIDAD, danse du


(Chine), danseurs de CEYLAN. NIAGARA ON THE LAKE:

Choeur canadien.


decuivres des Etats Unls. Il y aura aussi un Choeur reuni. ssant les scouts Jamaicains de plusieurs sous camps. Apres

cette parade, Lady


POWELL fera un bref discours.

LZ Scouts lui feront un haie on assistera ensuite de l'amphith6atre en attendant d'honneur, de descendre vers la seene en a un jeu de lumi6re sur les IO longues colonnes. A 19.50 arbres qui entourent l'arene,

le but hrs. une bombe signalera le de' 1'ensemble devra rappeler t'Pour L' but du O6titii sur la scene Par de ce Jamboree les II000 Scouts de toutes les AMITIE. " Prds de 850 scouts du CorPs nations qui ParticiPent au JAM' d'accueil et un Scout de chaque BOREE. Les porteurs de drapeaux ali. nation deseendqoqt vers la scene gneront leurs draPeaux au fond de tous les cdtes de l'ardne. de la scene accompagnes Par un Chacun portera un lamPion. roulement de tambour execute Au centre de la scene, ils forpar des Scouts Jamaicalns; tous meront une fleur de lys gEante les scouts ainsi rassembles re. avec les lettres BP de chaque

cbte tandis qu'on projetera une photo de Baden Powell sur les d'un groupe de trois ecrans geants.

gagneront ensuite leur Place sur les pentes de l'arbne. C € sera

alors le tour

Sprnish EI XII Jamboree Mundial con sus shows iluminados, el intercambio de exPerienciaas habidas y Ia vida de los Sub Campor ha demostrado a los Participantes del mismo los ideales del Escultismo. EI Programa de la Arena Sutto Park c menzara'alas 19:30

de Ia Banda del Comando AmerVoicila liste des d6mon- icano de Defensa. que tinene strations (Il y en aura 2L en sede en Colorado Springs, Colo. tout) pour chaque Sous.CamPi Es un cuerpo de hombres ProOLYMPIA: Un archer indien, venientes de Canada Y Estados danseurs Morris d'Angleterre Unidos de America. Mientras tanto, Ios Scouts se et le Refrain "Fr6re Jacques'/ chant6 par des scouts de 15 congr egaran en el Perimetro del gar cons tera quelques -

(Etats Unis), danse de l'oiseau

Le XII Jambor5e mondial se terminera ce soir Par un grand spectale A l'arenel on Y verra i l'o"rrr. le talent des meil-

les visieurs du Jambor6e

entera G. J. Vollmer, President du Comite Mondial, le gou. verneur de L'IDAHO Don SAM. ULSON, le chef de camP, J. A. BRUTON, le Commissaire

C'ODOLLO: cerceau de corde





shown on

the three big screens.

will hold a lighted

Pendant cette ceremonie cha. que scout dans l'assistance Portera une bougie allumee.

le point culminant de ce spec.

and one from each nation at the Jamboree will Pa-

of Baden-Powell is

lmmenses progres humains dans les techniques de toutes


umns. At 1950, a bomb will Host Corps by the

feront prononcer a tous

sourtes. Pour couroner son C'est sur cette note de r€discours, une d6monstration. surprise de cette nouvelle te' engagement que le 12 eme JAM. chnologie sera faite, qui sera BOREE Mondial Prendra fin.

briefly. Then there will be a is made uP of militarY men display of special light effects from Canada and the United against the trees framing the arena to set the mood for the States. Meanwhile, Scouts will be lin. rededication of Scouts to the ing up on the perimeter of the Jamboree's 'rFor Friendship " huge amphitheater to march goal, down to the stage

Puis l'astronaute SCOTT CAR.

PENTER nous Parlera de ses Scouts la Promesse Scoute en aventures dans l'esPace et des Anglais, Frangai s et Espagnol.


Anfiteatro para dirigirse hacia las gradas integrando l0 largas columnas. A las l9:50 una qenoI, como la usada en las ITIaD-

anas, indicara eI comienzo


este desfile de los 11.000 Scouts acampados en el Jamboree Y provenientes de todos aquellos paises representa dos. Los pprtadores de las banderas de cada Pais la situaran detras del escenerio, mi entras

Ia banda de los tambores de Jamaica entretiene a los assistentes y los Scouts se desPlazan por Ia arena.

Un grupo de danzas Vascas de Boise, Idaho, hara la sigui-

ente presentacion. Entonces eI astronauta M. Scott CarPenter nos hablara sobre sus aventuras en elesPacio Y los Pasos de avance que ha dado en

la carrera




Como parte destacada de su charla, habra una demostracion, la eal puede ser que se corl-

vierta en el foco de


interes de este Programa. El Comisiona do de1 Jamboree Sr. Irving Feist Presentara

a G. J. Vollmer, Actual Pre-

sidente del Comite Mundial; aI Gobernador del Estado de ldaho, Don Samuelson, y al Jefe de Campo Joseph A. Brunton,

Jr. el Coordinador Del Jam-

boree Robert L. Billington,


Jean R. Bader, Assistente del Coordinador" Despues, Thomas

J. Watson, Jr. , Pr esid ent e de los Boy Scouts de America, dira unas breves palabras. Los subcampos estaran r epresentados por 2L actos en el (continued next Page)

"Desfile de los Talentos.r, He aqui algunos de los ntmeros, OLYMPIA - Un arquero indigena, danzas de Morris, In-

NewsConferenee When your potrol does nol hove o scheduled octivity whot do you do? HomeBy Telstar

Jacque, por un coro integra-


glaterra, Ia cancion i Frere do con uoces de lS

as ritmicas de Belgica, y un GODOLLO

rquiring Photogra pher C heng ping Ho Hong Kong The Boy Scouts As sociation Hong Kong Branch


ARROWE PARK-the Norway Singers, Dahomey fire dancers, MARATHOI{ D,anzas peruanas, y Japonesas, Ias bandercoro. AI emdn.


- Las grinolinas

Scouts from Troop 3 of Germany in Vogelen zang Subcamp

at the 1zth World Jarnboree held a news conference today

I will go around the campsite and make friends with the other Scouts. Sometimes, I will go to the other subcamps and find out all the different characterisitcs of the

via a transatlantic Telstar hook.

,, \::::


:.:::.:.r-1.1.. .

other countries.


giradoras, de los Estados Unidos, danza Venezo lana del pajaro, danza de las espadas, Lancas hire, Inglaterra.

Mac, S. F. Wang Boy Scouts of

BAD-ISCHL - Danzas y gaitas Escocesas, t( Hombres-torres, daneses, y sc riateros.t,

The most of the time we make friends with other Scouts, and exchange addresses attd names to be good friends, We learn

MOISSON ,C, orrida Ita. ,' ERME LUNDEN


Banda medanzas

chinas y Ceilandesas. NIAGARA-ON-TH E-LAKE

Coro Canadiense.

VOGE LENZANG . (,Concierto de metales, de los Estados Unidos, y un coro jamaiquino" Despues del (sDesfile de los talentosr,' Lady Baden-powell,

con una escolta de

LZ Scouts,

dira' unas breves parlabras des. pues, habra una exhibicion especial de ef ecos de luces contra los arboles situados al

rededor de la arena para darle fondo aI ambiente para volver a

Whot hos the Jomboree meont slonding of other notions?




tres Scouts, €trhonor a Lady Baden-Powell habran de dirigir la Promesa Scout en ingles, frances y espanol. Cada

Scout de los assistentes sostendra una vela encendida durante esta ceremonia. En este final se re-dedicara nuevamente los deseos por un permanente recuerdo del Jam-




It meant a lot to me. I met




many Scouts

of several countries, and enjoyed meeting them and taking part in all the activities" Yes, I gained a greater understanding of It is really right to have the them€, ,, For

Krikor Eumurian, Armenia,



Bondan Winarno, Indonesia, The Indonesian National Scout Or ganization Gerakan Pramuka

Todos ellos formaran una Flor de Lis gigante en eI medio del escenario y las letras B. p. con una foto de Baden powell en las tres pantallas habra de Entonces


ing of other nations.




Radio West Germany,

As sistant Seoutmaster Ungemach told the radio interview. er over the 9,000 mile call,

"Irriendship among


boys and Scouts here from alt over the world, is very good.'' One of the Scouts said, .,We like to exchange visits with the many boys here, and to host guests for meals. We also have enjo-ved giving things away F or

Friendship-that's trur

for the Jamboree,,,


Another Scout told the report-



uno llevando consigo una can-

diles de velas, papel y arena..


The Jamboree has really trJ rrr4r.rg made lllE fLrW me l\fknow ,,,.. about so many Scouts from the wcrked, wcrked, and to me it means Friendship. During ithe Friendship wide game I had about nine li+ffifl*i't'il*,t nations to make up the F-R-I-E-N-D- ffi+*uii$l S-H-I-P-. After we received our awards, I went to each of the Scoutst camp and had fun and discussed a titile about Scouting in each of our countries. I invited some Scouts also from other countries and we really enjoyed ourselves. With these I am sure that I have gained greater understand-

recordarnos del espiritu conque

de todas partes dela Arena cada

Free China China

to yov? Hove you goined o greoter

Sam Aggrey, Ghana, Ghana Boy

dedicamos este Jamboree , rpor Ia Amistad.r, Cerca de 850 Scouts del Cuerpo de Recepcion y uno de cada una de las naciones r€presentadas en el Jamboree

desfilaran para siturse en Ia escena y habran de provenir


languages of different countries also,


tatica de Trinidad, y



j,.j #

up. Narbert Ungemack, Frank. furt, received the call from

er, in West Germany, that their return trip would include visits

to Yellowstone Park in


, and


tning, Salt Lake City, Utah, Ari. zona, Philmont Seout Ranch in It[ew Mexieo, Denver, Colorado,

Washington, York City.

D. C.

Norbert Ungemack conclud. ed the unusual press conference with this comment, ,.We are hapfly about the U. S. A. Sc out organi z ation at thi s Jarnboree, and the food is very good,'


Troop 3 i s rnade up of





northern German co[].

Banded Dueks Mry Be Found Alt Over Perhaps some hunter between

Alaska and South Ameriea witl

turn in a band from a

Boy Scouts

Some days of participation in this XII World Jamboree have shown to us that it is possible to tie links of friendship between peoples without distinction of re-

ligious appertenance or color of skin. This is ttre principal reason of the existence

duck he

shot and learn that it was, for a few hours, a part of the XII World Seout Jamboree at F arragut State Park, Idaho. Each day during the Jamboree, Lz ducks are banded and releasecl from the conservation area.


Migratory birds are a


of Scouting, and

example of the international na.

we have gained understanding with other nations, greater than in Greece, and smaller, I hope, that in the next Jamboree.

illustrate the need for co-oper. ation among nations in estab.

this Jamboree has meant that our best is


F ish F om

bor ee.

ture of natural resources. They

lishing use and management policy.

Waterfowl being banded at the


in the United States, Canada, and Alaska. The fowl migrate south to winter ln Jamboree nest

the southern g[. S. r

subcamp Godollo yesterday at about 1400 hours, and not only stirred

One of the distinctive features of Japanese troop sites are these colorful cloth fish blowing in the breeze. They symbolize male children, and the bright stream. ers are flown in front of almost

funnel winds scooped dust

Festival Day March 15. Several of the streamers are

9OOO Adventure Awards As the last day of the Jamboree dawned, about 91000 Scouts had earned their Jam. boree Adventure Awards for completing eight of 13 require.

Dust Devil A "dust devil'' struck

the dust, but also the spirits of the Scouts encamped. As and

debris into the air, Scouts rush. ed for cameras and caught on

film the wind-torn latrlne of troop 18 (Great Britain), ild the wind-tilted gateway of troop 34 (United States of America).



o, or

America. Scouts also

are seeing demonstrations of netting and banding various song birds on the Jamboree grounds.

every Japanese home on Boys'

hanging from gateways


streamers in subcamps through.

out the Jamborer-,.


Down at the Lake




o 3


lx\o 3


F f



o f




t o

tn d,

f, I



Au Revoir Hasta Luego

B ud,erl-P ow ell' s F urew


,,NOW THE TIME HAS COME for me to say goodbye. I want you meet to lead happy lives, You know that many of us will never again in this-world. I am ln my eighty.first year and an nearing the end of my life. Most of you are at the beginning and I wa]}t your lives to be happy and successful, You can make them so by days, what' ioing your best to carry out the Scout Law all your station and whereerer you are. Now, goodbye. God "uer"ybur Baden.Powell, 193?, VOgelenzang. bless you all."




Scouts Recite Oath As Curtain Falls A huge crowd rimmed the Sutton Park Arena last night as Scouts from all over the world rededicated themselves to the in the closing arena show. Highlights of the show were a parade of some of the best

Scout Oath

the Jamboree and a demonstration of flight by a man wearing a rocket pack on his back. In a solemn finale to the big show, each scout in the Jam. boree tighted a candle and recited the Scout Oath in his own language. And thus ended the xII world Jamboree' talent at

LIKE THIS-Japanese Scout e:<plaining a dance for United


t:::*3:::: weather ,#ffiHi'3';:; Jam'



. . . 85 the emblems an-cl sym-bols of morrow, the Jamboree grounds boree today in Farragut state sr"r"- c""i"",.a . . . . . 50 many nations are dbwn, tents will be almost deserted except the Transportation serviee' 3i'1,i r".,"i'""H.i,:,1'#;rffi ;i:?: ,o camp, :::J"'T"^""*",:"":L'J:l"n: f3",f,"'"#.i"t3,1"T^il;""".'.?i,o'* contlngents to 13 -and many noon cloudiness. A highlfgo _Head{uarters...'. ZOO have already as the XII left Contacts Tolal '''''' degrees Fahrenheit tSz a"g;"" *'Ji'J,H[iT"*fiiii;" t"oo ce-ntrerade) *a , ro*. :i"ii i.;";:o;rn.-ri, 62+ Many Feet pound ' ' ' R24 S"Iritr"""O-S"Luters had begun degrees Fahrenheit (9 degrees Score' r{dVentUfe Trail i,;:"fl1,?lil,?J",iiff"",'""*',ff'il ". . lllJti,yti,",*-H,i'"i1"# Something?

Scouts at the XII World

Counrries Contacted


-- Losr




ffi1,ft##i,y;:':_."#i s#":il:,,tr{it}lflid?t *B*"-?l3l"ofdo tratt or them have done it

,1i:fritJi#!i; ieartv ,"* a second or third time' ;,fi;";iil^;;;;--i;fi trout but had difflcuuy ,^iiiri Althoush the trail is not realthe sllppery t"uo*. r""rilJ'ill -tlif#ffiI'ffi*itt'itt'aveue"n : h ^ l"-h91*9 :::,i'l:#"T,i,'i,ll"ii;."'li ilHrffJim:,::*li1lif,t ^ ^ l'u1hi'i,l;?"d,H: save his catch. The trout and of recovered arti the rod areres*nssomewhere rhe roro,rins ilii;",,,," ,, DrewBSrOOO tn};"i*:1";iliiit,Yi{!litlf; in Pend oreille, 6ut the scout ,nj'ilrji""#iiSnes (Ttmex wat. Total- attendan"" tf ,i"ito"5 coursâ‚Ź in 4 minutes' SSseconds got back on the dock. .raili'oiJu'"*"lf ,t ttr'e"^ d4ruuurEs kni. ar shearh Knl. bancts), sneam metat bands), ches, metal ,t3; long test trail is a mile I"X? venture tlirr'r,?3lt*i," "-l;^,.f l".rfri mark.as tlI";;;;;h"* A cANADTAN scout, new the thrill of fishing, hoo

rhe Lost *o is over- another ""Jrol*, tire .servi,gS,puildins

i"", ir""t"i knifes,'boomerangs, 85,000 endurance' nigr't cti'na*"J-tt'e nin"' of strength and keys, rlngs, cameras tin"ipEil 'glasies, rali Scouting^evenl inte_rnational day The last station on the trail, sun "ii"' ""ir.j"""1, towels, guitar, pitch The Protection Servic.e -had however, is a test in speed "*i* "uitr, ptpes, cnr6monicai peOomlter. counted 8,2?4. visitors !V.-Iate and her6 are the record times additional thou' for the events at that station: bivn"i" please ciaim these afternoon, and gates articfes at th" Gen"ral head. sands went throlsh the Logrolline-l minute, l2sec' ,Er,!,' in the evenins t"i'itr" "r;.i"c quarters (LostandFoundTent)



l"*;r,"J";; ?6'000'

count had toPPed

Brother Scouts: As the closing day passes and the exciting experience become and close associations of the xII World Jamboree memories, we of the Boy Scouts of America wish to express our sincere gratification for your having visited with uso

that everyone, boys and lead' Lady - Baden.Powell recently saidpart to play in a Jamboree's ilit", have an imporiant "r, success. we feel that each one of you has made a majof cootribution and we thank you, -thatone and all. the friendships established during we sincerery hope Peace your visit wili be lasting and tha-t our eternal hope forproduct and Brotherhood around the world will be a lasting of thi s Jambelss-r For Friendship.' ' 3

Irving Feist

Jamboree Commissioner

::::l,,lf;a:,:f,;1,#:i,";"r": onds'

I rquiri

ng Photogra pher

When the Jomboree ends, where will you be going on your woy home?

Pang' Zing




Korea i..',...i,i.i.

When the Jamboree ends, where are you


I am going to go to San Francisco, and I will stay there for about three days. I will go to Los Angeles from there. I will stay about two days and then go to Tokyo, I will stay there about three days and I will go to my country. These are very

nice plans.

Jurgen Tietz Republic of South Africa Boy Scouts of South Africa When the Jamboree ends, where are you going on the way home?

,t,,,, We go to Seattle for one week of home hospitality in the homes of American Scouts. Thereafter we flv back to New york and stay there one night. Then we fly back to London where we live in itre Baden.powell House. we stay there for a few days and then fly back to ::::::::



Albert Olu Akin

Nigeria Boy

of Nigeria


When the Jamboree ends, I shall be going to the EXPO 6T tn Montreal Canada; and then to Frankfurt in Germany. From there I will go to Lagos, Nigeria. f en. joyed the Jamboree and I have made a lot of friends that I have never dreamt of.

POW WOW-United States Scouts in Amerlcan Indian costume talks about Indian customs with African Scout,

I wish I could


longer with my new friends from all parts of the world. Evangeles Cosmidis Boy Scouts of Greece


When the Jamboree ends, where are you going to go on your way home? Just after Farragut State Park 6tr World Jamboree) we will go to Spokane and spend a day there with Greek families. We wiII have a party with Greeks and at about 2400 hours we will take the train to New York, At New York we \4ri1t be guests of Greek families for three or four 9ays. We will see everythine that we did not see during three days we spent there before coming to the Jamboreel After that, unfortuanately, wâ‚Ź witl return to Greece through

Brussels and Vlenna.

Jamboree Jottings SCOUT IS HONEgf ,'-xnfl 16 year old Welsh Scout Mich. ael Hayes of troop 12, OIym. pia subcamp is especially glad.


B.C. said: 'rThat's


An assistant**fi.out


Michael lost his wallet at the Skill.O.Rama. It contained in addition to personal mementos he valued, $40.00 in Travelers

doesn't have much free time at a Jamboree. But John Muller, assistant Scoutmaster of troop 15, Moisson, from Luxembourg, has found time to make a collection of names and addresses

checks, $?.00 in


American money and about 5

pounds, Sterling.

Within 30 minutes after Mlch. ael notices his loss, his wallet was returned to Lost and Found

by an unknown benefactor. Michael Hayes from Llangol. lan, North Wales, is very glad d (A Scout is Honest."


THE OLYMPA ,,Hot,, shower was the scene of a contest Tues. day evening. The question: Who could stay

Alejandro Santelises Dominican Republic Scouts Dominicanos

under the shower the longest. Robert Life, Canadian Scout from Troop 9 claims the record with a stay of 47 minutes, 27

For ffiâ‚Ź, this Jamboree has been the greatest experience of my life, and I

have completed my wish of gaining friendship with boys from all parts of the world.

After the Jamboree I will go to Sand. point with my patrol for one or two weeks, then I will return to my country.

seconds. Robert from Victoria

Boy Scouts of Somalia Association

When the Jamboree ends, going on your way home?

where are

fs--\t\i z7

states of the United States of




THE LARGE flag that flew

over Danish Tri, Ermeluden was very historic. It first flew over

the second World Jamboree at Ermeluden, Denmark in IgZ4 and has since been at a Danish campsite at every world jambor ee sinc


KITTIE nndiiir,




*,J; \ >-7

I will be going to

Seattle to participate in the Boy Scouts World Conference. Then on my way home I will travel through Washington, D.C. Our route will be New York, London, where we will meet with Mrs, Baden.Powell.


has heard and seen the stories of the World F'riendship Fund of the Boy Scouts of America, and sent her check for $100 to further the Friendship fund.




of Scouts from each of the fifty

r suRE Dq KERRy/..rnose


Ali Mohamed Ahmen Somali

I'm used to cold water."



BoY scourg $rom

M,a D"r/r, Le(*,aDrake and



195 I

I 933











o ei )



o {

(u,\ -=>

NK My Home

r959 1920

Whot'd He Soy?

Soil Ho!

All Foll Down Pipers

Bogpipes Skirl

Explo notion


lnternotionol Polover



lufuree Album Fixing The Roof

Sign Mokers

Up She Goes



@llllllltllllm ffiEllr!!!ffiEffi

World Committee Recognizes Scouters With Broruze Wolf

It Vas A Healthy

Vorld Jamhoree The health of Scouts attend. lng the XII World Jamboree

was excellent according to the

director of Health Sef vice'

There were no serious illnesses

or accidents.

A summary of

Patients re'

maining overnight in hospitals showed an average of fbur P&' tients per night in the six Jam'

boree health centers that were set uP to receive 60 Patients. The 36 PhYsicians and 22 aides,

all volunteer Scouters from the

host association, were on call 24 hours dailY"

The 200-bed arnly field hospital averaged only 20 Per night,

There was an average of four patients per day at the Fairchild



ce Base hospital


Spokane, where 25 beds were available for more serious cases.

The hospitalization rePort for July 24.August 10 for the 12,003

participants showed the follow-

lng average admissions


health centers, 20; field hospitals, 1 1; Fairchildl{ospital, 1. "Good sanitation practices throughout the camp made pos. plctured above C. Roy Nichols of Australla, presents the Bronze Wolf to SirCherlesMaclean, Ctiei Scout, United Kingdom and British Coinmonwealth; left to right, S_ir. G. A. Dazz, Philippines; D, Aiexatos, Greele; Amory Houghton, U. S. A.; John S kin.ner wilson, Great Britain. ' gidnt other prbminent world Scouters were recognized with the a-\Mard of the Bronze Wolf confelred .by the Boy Scouts World Committee in recognition of their outstanding service to

sible a perfect recordr " the director of Health Services pointed out, "There were no illnesses caused by improper sanitation. "

A. Brunton .rr., ctrier scout Executive of the Boy scouts of America; P. R. Cowan Calada, secretary of the World Advisory Committee on Scouting with the llandicapped; Dr. Hidesaburo Kurushima, Chief Scout of the Boy Scouts of Japan; D. Macrides, Chief C_ommissioner of the Boy Scouts of Greece; G. R. Padolina of the Philippines, World Bureau Regional Executive Commissioner for the nar east; Sir H. B. Reyes of the Philippines, member of .the

Argustus House VelcomesGuests

Youth on a world-wide basis, as follows:



WoiiJ Committee; p, A. Siebold, World Brireau Executive Commissioner for Operation; Philip Tossiin of Belgium, member of the World Committee.


Arnateur Radio



The Ellsworth H.


International Scout House, new U.S.A. hostel for visiting Scouts and Scouters, entertained many

after the Jamboree. The first guest was trdward G. W. Wood,

publicity manager of the Scouts Association of Great Britain, of London, England.

Jamhoree Souvenir Book

It is

hoped many Scouts


ing the United States of America

in future years will make use of the faeilities, available at nominal cost. A brochure detailing costs and facilities is free. Write to Ellsworth H. Augustus International Scout

House, BoY Scouts of Amerlca,

The XtI World Jamboree

New Brunswick, New

Souvenir Book was Produced


08903, u.s.A.

and printed bY the BoY Scouts of America and The Coeur d'

Alene Press, Coeur d'Alene,

Idaho, the C " W. Hlll Print' ing Co., Spokane, Washing' ton, and the Kable Printing Co., Hannibal, Missouri.

Copies of this Souvenir

Book will be mailed anywhere in the world for $2,00 Per copy as long as copies are

,uritrnt". send money order to Jamboree Souvenir Book, New goy Scouts of Americar-



J. 08903 U'S'A'

AMATEUR RADIO STATION, K?WSJ, operated by licensed

made over 2,000 cbntacts in congress of the United States passed legislation permitting


36countries. The

Iicenled radio amateur Scouts of other nations to operate at the Jamboree.

Mr. Howard Boyd Boy Scouts of America New Brunswick, N. J. 08903, U. S. A"


Dr. l{rgy. .


World Conference Yotes To Hold l97l World Jamhoree In Japan The XXI Bo.y Scouts World sociation with only a few hun. Conference voted to hold, the dred Scouts, has just as many XItr World Scout Jamboree in votes as the biggest with mil, the foothills of Mt. Fuji in Shi- lions of members" zuoka Prefecture, Japan, in Aug. The purpose of the Confer. ust 19?1, The delegates also ence is, (to quote its constitu. voted to hold their XXIII World dthrough co -operation to Conference in Japan, and the tion) promote throughout the world XXII World ConJerence in Fin- unity purpose d

of and common land in 196 9. These decisions under standing in the fundamenwere announced in Seattle, tal principles of Scouting, as Washington, on August L7 as the XXI conf er enc e concluded founded by the former Chief Scout of the World, the late

its deliberations there. The Conference also

voted Lord Baden.Powell, and to faci. litate the development of Scouterland as the ing in all parts of the world., new site for the World Bureau.

for Geneva,


It was establi shed in London The fir st International C on. in 1920 and moved to Ottawa, ference was an informal gath. C anada in 95 8. ering of Scout leaders attending Heading and coordinating the the first World Jamboree in international Boy Scout rnovâ‚Ź, I.,ondon in 1920. Since B.P 1

ment, the


onference works with

held his first experimental camp

its 12.man Boy Scouts'World on Brownsea Island, only 13 Committee and its Boy Scouts' years had passed. Already the DR. LOSZ LO I{AGY of Switzerland has been named Sec. retary-General of the Boy Scouts World Bureau, it was 3r.

nounced by Dr. Gustavo J. Vollmer of Venezuela, chairman

of the Boy Scouts' World Committee.

Dr. NaBy, 46, was born in Hungary but has been a Swiss citizen for many years. He holds degrees from several univer.

sities, inclu.ding doctor of philosophy from Pazmany Peter Uni. ver sity and master of arts degree in sociology from Geneva State University. His background includes broad experience in

social management and journalism. He recently established a new department of Press, Information and Public Relations at

the University of Geneva. Author of several books and a practicing journalist, he has maintained a long interest and active association with Scouting in a voluntary capacity, beginning as a Scout in 1931 and Scout. master in 193 B. He recently held a leadership role in a worldwide study of Boy Scouting, sponsored by the Ford Foundation, and he will implement a worldwide expansion program for the 60.year.old Scouting movement.

World Bureau. The Committee movement had reached the one is an interim body, and the million bracket. The need for Bureau is the secretariat. international co.operation and Each member country is en, co-ordination was obvious to all,

titled to


six delegates


tariat, the International Bureau,

Thus, countries that can afford send only one delegate still can exercise their full rights, regardless of size and member. ship. The smallest member as.

every two years, that a secre.

be set up and that the countries registered by 1922 shouldbere. garded as foundation members,

World Committee *C. Roy Nichols

Australia England France Iran Nigeria Peru Philippines Thailand

United States of

RECOGNITION PLAQUES made of bronze, replteas of the Jamboree emblem mounted on redwood panels were Presented

The convening Scouters from

some 20 countries then decided that a conference should beheld

C. D. Green Henry Bourreau *Dr. Hossein Banai Hon. C. C. Mojekwu

*Dr. Elias

Venezula Pakistan


Nai Abhai Chandavimol Mohammed

Aly Hafez

Thomas J. Watson Jr. Dr. Gustavo J. Vollmer

*Elected at the XXI World Conference.

to all


*Sir Antonio C. Delgado

United Arab Republic

Plaques. . .


the World Conference and have six votes in its deliberations"

N. M. Kahn

assoelatlons at the World Jamboree. Assoclaflons unable to attend will receive thelr recognltionplaquesthroughthe malls.

Visitors from Philippines to B.S.A. heodquorters, New Brunswick, New Jersey

Pltoto Album

John Lott ond Norton Clopp visit with Morc Mbo ond Joseph lbingo, Gobon

John Skinner Wilson, Dr. Vollmer ond Lody Boden-Powell

World Conference picnic ot Seottle Alden Borber, Chief Scout Executive-eleci, ond Dr. Hossein Bonoi, lron, member World Committee, meei oi B.S.A. heodquorters followi ng the conference.

lnternotionol Commissioner Feist visits with World Conference Choirmon Dr. Vollmer ond Dr. Nogy, Secretory-Generol of the World Bureou.

Visitors help wirh ou revoirs oi closing show.

Thomos J. Wotso n, Jr., President Host Associolion, speoks of closing oreno show.

Observer Dick Dorrow visits with scouters from Moloysio.





World Jamhoree Had Over l2rOOO Population, A RECORD number of countries and Boy Scouts associations, 1O?, participated in the XII World Jamboree. The Jamboree attendance totaled 12,01? Scoutsandleaders. The largest subcamp (Arrowe Park) counted L,18?, the smallest (Vogelenzang) included 943 boys and men. Fotlowing is a list of Wbrtd Conference Member Associations, independent associations, and branches represented at the >(II World Jamboree: Member As sr:ciations Argentina Armenian Scouts


Australia Austria


Korea Liechtenstein Luxembourg


Burundi C am eroon C had

Mada gas ca r

Brazil C anada C eylon

Malagasy Republic Malaysia



China (Taiwan) Colombia ongo

Costa Rica Cyprus


Gabon Guyana

Mexico Netherlands New Z ealand Nicaragua

Ivory Coast Lesotho Monaco Nepal


Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Finland France Germany Ghana

Great Britain Greece Guatemala

Netherland Antilles

Paki stan

Panama Caral Zone Rwanda

Panama Republic P


Somalia Surinam

Peru Philippines Portugal Salvador El


Upper Volta



Sierra Lecne Singapore South Africa

Haiti Honduras Republic Iceland India Indonesia

Faroe Islands The Gambia Grenada Hong Kong

St. Lucia


United States of America Uruguay


Barbados Brunei

Switzerland Tanzania Thailand Turkey


Antigua Ber muda Briti sh Honduras


Trinidad and Tobago

Iran Ireland Israel Italy

entral African RePublic

Ethiopi a



Flogs of

Independents and Branches Botswana





Viet.Nam Zambia


St. Vincent Swazi land


member notions

of the World Co nference

were flown

doily on the Jo m bo ree Ave n ue






U.S.A. Families Hosted Many Yisiting Jamboree Scouts

Jarnboree Jottings

Thousands of

Scouts and Scouters at the XfI World Jamboree had a great

opportunity to mingle for many world meetings. There was a Wood Badge reunion and a meet. ing of the Scouts on Stamps Soci


throughout the United States en-

Jamboreets theme, and world brotherhood wer e extended far beyond the bounds of Farragut

homes before and after the Jambor ee. 3, For Friendshipr r the

Many families that had asked io entertain visiti ng Scouts


joyed hosting Scouts and Ieaders who wer e guests i n their State Park,

were disappointed when the vis-

iting Scouts, itineraries pre-

vented ity"


epting the hospital-

Scouting families in courcils with offices located in the following cities were hosts to the visitors.

ety International

Region 1-Boston,





Eli zabeth,

N. J.

Dover, N. Y. ; Highland parki;

The philateli sts also had

I" {.1 Newark, }1" J. ; Plainfield, Roslyn, I{Y.; White Plains, I.{.; N"Y.; New Rochetlâ‚Ź, N. y.1 Stony Brook, I\T. Y.; New City, N" y.;


chance to witness the official presentation by governm ent of. frcials of the 6 cents air mail

and New York City,

Jamboree post card,

++++ Scout correspondents rnet in

a special program with

F+++ Other good ,,mixers,,

were friendship camp.


Region 5 - New Orleans, Lz.; and Nashvilte, Tenn.


Baden-Powell who spoke on the life of Lord Baden-powell.


Region 3 Washington, D. C"1 Baltimore, Md., philadetphia, Pa"; and Richmond, Va. Region 4 - Columbus, Ohio.

ENRourE To rHE JAMBOREE, swedish scouts curt Lund. burg and Jan Peterson (rear) are guests in the home of Chief Yeoman James stroud and his family of Alderwood Manor, wash,

troop world fires, and the religious servi- Sp ces which were held for all

eeial Awards


Region 6 - Miami, Fla.; and Atlanta, Ga. Region 7 - Chicago, Ill.; Oak

|"tL, Ill";

Hammond, Ind.

; In-

diaaapolis, Ind.; Detroit, Mich.;

and Flint, Mich. Region 8 - Colorado Springs,


Colo.; Denver, CoIo. ; Kansas City, Mo.; and St. Louis, Mo.

ttre religions represented at the

Region 9

- Dallas, Tex.; and Region l0 Minneapolis, St. Paul, Minn.; Fargo, Yinl.; N. Dak.; and Rapid City, S:


Lubbock, Tex.

+ + + ++ The Wade coller:tion of Baden.

Powell mernorabilia was pre.


cal nluseum, honoring

ho Falls, Idaho; Lewiston, Ida-

Region l1 - Boise, Idaho; Ida-

sented to the Johnston Histori.

Chief Brunton.


ho; Coeur d,Alene, Idaho; Missoula, Mont, ; Portland, Or e.1

trugene, Or e. ; Bellingham, Wash.l Walla Walla, Wash.l P_r"T erton, Wash.; Ever ett, Seattle, Wash.; Spokanei Iml"; Wash.;

++++ Many reunions of friendships made at previous World Jamborees were held formally and

Tacoffi?, Wash.; Wen-

in chance get-togethers.

atchee, Wash.; and Oiympia,


Berkeley, Calif.; Los Angeles,





SIR CHARLES MACLEAN, Chief Scout of theBritishCommonwealth, presented the Silver Wolf Award to Irvin Feist(center) International Commissioner, and Vice President oftheBSA. The Silver Wolf is the highest honor that British Scouting can bestow. He also presented the Silver Acorn Award to Jean R. Bader (left) Director, International Relations, and Robert L. Billington (r i g h t) Jamboree Coordinator a n d Assistant Chief Scout

Executive, BSA.



San Mateo,


Calif.; Oakland, Calif.; Long Beach, Calif.; Anaheim, Calif.; S_a1!a

Ana, Calif.;


Ca1if.; Sacramento, Calif.; San Bernardino, Calit; Van Nuys, Calif.; Santa Paula, Calif.; Glendale, Cali f,; Honolulu, Hawaii; QSden, Utah; Satt Lake City, Utah; and Provo, Utah.


GI-]YANA WAS WELCOMED tO membership in the World Conference by Lady Baden.powell. THE BAND

of the North America Air

Defense Command gave

a concert for


August 18, 1967 Fellow Scouts and Scouters: Our hopes and our aspirations for the last four years, as we prepared for the X II World Jamboree that these two great events could and would in and the XXI World Conferenceo had one objective reality make an impact that would in effect help Scouting on a world-wide basis to "Make the difference." As the symbolic torch from Marathon was passed to officially start the XII World Jamboree celebrating Scouting's Sixtieth Anniversary, we were all reminded of what Bade n-Powell said at the conclusion of the First World Jamboree in I920:

forth from here fully determined that we will develop among ourselves and our boys that comradeship through the world-wide spirit of the Sc out brotherhood so that we may develop peace and happiness in the world and good will among men." I re-e c hoed Baden-Powell's words when on the ope ning day of the X II World Jamboree, I made this statement: "the importance of this Jamboree will be the friendships we will carry back to all corners of the globe." The hope of the attainment of this objective has thus far been greatly ac' "Let us


celerated by the increased bonds of understanding, by the welding of new and lasting friendships which we have all so recently experienced. Now as the XII World Jamboree fades into history, let us keep alive and bright the spirit of our vision of friendship, our Scout ideals, our Scout training and our Scout-tested sense Scouting these are the ingredients essential to our preparation to move forward and to cope with of values the fascinating new world of technology and of expanding knowledge opening up before us. And so the true success of the Jamboree will be determined by the actions and attitudes of all who attended as we live our daily lives in our homes and our communities, in our schools - and as we pass on to the fellows in our troops the inspiration and the ideas we gained at Idaho and as we keep in touch with brother Scouts around the world. We of the Boy Scouts of America express our gratitude to each and all of you for the privilege of having been permitted to serve as hosts to such a perfectly wonderful group of Scouts and Scouters from 107 countries of the world.


And now this final word. You and I can indeed make the difference Continued good Scouting for all of you.

Camp Chief

-"For friendship."






Lady Baden-Powell

Astronaut Scott Carpenter

John C. Parish

Associate Jamboree Commissioner Thomas J. watson, Jr. (left) pres., Boy Scouts

of Ame rica; Robert Kilmer (right) Arrowe Parke Subcamp Director Jamboree commissioner's lnternational Breakfast

for contingent leaders held August


Hubert H. Humphrey, Jr., Vice President, United States of Ame rica and Mrs. Humphrey


John Skinner Wilson (left) Former Director World Bureau


ffi ry

Archery was a favorite sport of the Scouts Les champs de

tir i l'arc attirerent

beaucoup de

Scouts EI campo para

el tiro de flecha fu6 sitio favorito de

Ios Scouts

The rodeo introduced many Scouts to America's "0ld

Wild West" Beaucoup de Scouts firent connaissance avec le "Wild West" en assistant au Rodeo Rodeo introdujo a muchos exploradores Wild West" de America


Frir Vdnskap

at "0ld

itl:i1i,,'irt rd-.irr::r di,:'':l


I:l:.i' ..:lri.,




LAKE PEND (IREILLE Scouts were up early to try out the fishing Les Scouts leves a l'aube allaient a la peche sur la Jetee Los Scouts madrugaban para ir al muelle a pescar

RELIGI0US 0BSERVANCE ( typ i car serv i ces shown above) Scouts attended worship services, each in his own faith Des Scouts de toutes croyances et religious assistdrent aux services religieux

Exploradores de todas las creencias religiosas asisten a los servicios religiosos


SH(}WS 0pening and closing arena shows were Jamboree

highlights. Native s0ngs, dances, pageants, and

folklore encouraged international understanding and friendship.

Les spectaculair nocturne avec les feux de camps

furent anim6s par des chants et des


typiques des nations repr6senties an Jamboree pour d'encourager l'entente et l'amitie.

Los espect6culos de la noche, cantos y bailes na'

cionales fueron un prento culminante de los programas alrededor de las fogatas, en alentar la comprensi6n internacional y la amistad.

*ffi {, '-'-&



Dia Filia


.'t +;





k. .if@



MERCI, THANKS, GRACIAS! The Boy Scouts of America is most grateful to our many friends and civic, business, labor, industrial, and religious organizations who gave so fteely of their services or materials in support of the XII World "Friendship" Jamboree. For L2,017 Scouts and leaders from 107 countries and islands, the Jamboree was a greater experience because so many were interested in helping. To our business friends and others listed below and the thousands of individuals who helped make the Jamboree a great success, we express the heartfelt thanks of our brother Scouts and leaders from around the world. Acme Fast Freight Addre s so graph-Multigraph Co. Air Shields, Inc. Akers Motor Lines Akron Products, Inc. Alberta Potato C ommission Albertson's Food Stores Allied Chemical Corp. Alpha Phi Omega Aluminum Company of America American Broadcasting Co. American Excelsior Corp. American Forest Products Industries American Hoist & Derrick Co. American Oil Co. American Radio Relay League American Red Cross ANSCO - General Aniline and Film Arden Farms Atlas Tie Co. Audiotronics Corp, Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, Inc. Bayport Foundation, Inc. F. A. Bean Foundation, Inc. Bear Archery Co. Becker Buick Co. Bemis Co. Ben Pearson Co. Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the U.S.A. Boise Cascade Corp. Bonners Ferry County Band Bright Star Industries Brillo Manufacturing Co. Broderick Motor Co. Browning Arms Co. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Burris Chemical, Inc. Burroughs Wellcome & Co., Inc. Caldwell Lace Leather Co. Campbell Soup Co. Carstens Marine Supplies, Inc. Chambers of commerce in the Jamboree area Champion Paper Foundation Channel Master Corp. Chrysler Motor Corp. Ciba Pharmaceutical, Inc. City of Coeur d'Alene City of Sandpoint City of Spokane Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Coeur d'Alene High School Coeur d'Alene Indians Coeur d'Alene Press Coeur d'Alenes Co. Colt Industries, Inc. Continental Mills, Inc, Continental Oil Co. Crollard Ford Sales, Inc. Crown Zellerbach Corp. Dacor Corp. Delgrosso Brothers, Inc. Diamond National A. B. Dick Co. Eagle Pencil Co. Eastman Kodak Co. Easton Aluminum Eb erhard F ab er Co . Eh Capa Riders Electro-Voice Mfg. Co. Evinrude Motors Ex-Ce11-O Corp. Exchange Lumber

Fidelity Savings & Loan Association R. T. French Co., Funsten Nut Co. Gale & Norrie Garcia Corp. Garrett Freightlines, Inc. General Foods Corp. General Miils, Inc. General Telephone Co. Gillette Cs. B. F. Goodrich Co. Graco Foundation Great Northern Railroad Gulf Oil Corp. Hallicrafters, Inc. Hamm Foundation Harvester Supply Haskins Steel Co. Hayden Lake Country Club H. C. J. Electronics Co.

ath Co . Highland Park Manufacturing Co. C. W. Hill Printing Co. Hobie Surfboard Shop Hotels and motels in the Jamboree area Howatt Archery Co. Humble Oil and Refining Co. IBM C orp. Idaho Cattlemen's Association Idaho First National Bank Idaho Mining Association Idaho State Medical Society Illinois Central Railroad India Tea Board Insurance Company of North America International Harve ster Co. International Paper Inventors Industry Co. Jantzen Inc. Jensen-Byrd Co. Johnson and Johnson Johnson Motors Kable Printing Co. Kaiser Aluminum Co. Kiekhaefer Corp. Kimber Business Machines Co. King Sport-Line Co. Kinsey's Archery Products, fnc. Kiwanis International Knudtsen Chevrolet Co. Koh-i-noor Pencil Co. Kootenai County Airport Kootenai County Commissioners Kootenai County Saddle Club Kootenai County Sheriff's Patrol Kootenai Electric Coop erative W. R. Lanphear Co. Linen Thread Co. Lions International McDonald' s Family Restaurant McF arland Timber Co. McKesson & Robbins, fnc. Magazines of the nation Maine Sardine Council Mallinckrodt Chemical Works Mas sillon-Cleveland-Akron Sign Co. Melrose Fireworks Display Co. Minneapolis Electric Steel Castings Co. Myers Foundation National Archery Association of the U. S. National Cartoonist Society National Wildlife Federation Neidhofer and Co. Newspapers of the nation Nez Perce Indians Niagara Lithograph Co. Nicholson File Co. Norad Band Northern Pacific Railroad Northwest Orient Airlines Northwe st Ele ctronic s Oin-Kari Basque Dancers of Idaho Owen Laboratories, Inc. Pacific Hawaiian Products Co. P an Americ an Airway s Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Petrolane Gas Service, Inc. Pfizer Laboratories Potlatch Forests, Inc. Proctor and Gamble Co. Radio stations of the nation Rayerson Steel Co. Rayonier, Inc. Reynolds Metals Co. Robin Hood Archery Co. A. H. Robins Co., Inc. Rodell Motors F. H. Ross and Co. Rotary International Royal Pants Manufacturing Co. Royal Typewriter Co. Runge Fumiture Co. St. Paul Insurance Co. St. Regis Paper Co. Governor Don Samuelson Sar:nders Archery Co. Scott Paper Scripto, Inc. Schweit zer, lr:^c. Seven-Up Bottling Co. Loui s e Shadduck Silva, Inc. Robert E. Smylie Snake River Trout Co. He

Spokane Chronicle Spokane City Lines, Inc. Spokane City Schools Spokane Health Department Spokane Indians Spokane Police Department Spokane Safe and Lock Co. Spokane International & Felts Field Airports Spokesman Review

Sport Fish Institute Sports Creel, Inc. E. R. Squibb & Sons Squires-Sanders Co. Standard Oil Company of California Standard Tag Co. Sun-Maid Raisin Growers of California State of Idaho Departments: Aeronautic s Commerce & Development Employment

Fish & Game Fish and Wildlif e Service Health Highways Motor Vehicle Bureau Parks Potato and Onion Commission Public Utilitie s State Police Waterways Commi ssion Television stations of the nation Terrell Machine Co. Thomas A. Edison Industries Thomas J. Lipton, Inc. 3M Co.

Toro Manufacturing Co, Union Carbide Corp United-Buckingham Freight Line U. S. Plywood Corp. U. S. Government Departments: Agriculture Federal Extension Service Fore st Service Soil Conservation Service


Def ense

U.S. Air Force U. S. Army 6th U.S. Army U. S. Navy



Weather Bureau Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Service House of Representatives Information Agency Interior Brackish Water Test Facility Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bureau of Land Management Bureau of Mines & Geology Bureau of Reclamation Bureau of Spor t Fisheries & Wildlife Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Geological Survey National Park Service Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Stat e

Post Office Senate

Treasury Coast Guard Upjohn Co. Varnum Construction Co. Vinylcraft Co,, Inc. Washington State Department of Health Washington State Medical Society Washington State Police Weyerhaeuser Co.

Whitney Foundation Wildlife Management Institute Winthrop Laboratorie s Winton Fund Woodcraft Equipment Co. Woo dl and F oundation W. T. S. Pharmaceuticals Wyeth Laboratories Zale Corp. We apologize for any oversight in the omission of a name that should have been on this list.

It is still possible to secare copies of tbe Xll World lanboree Souaenir Book. Mail your order to Boy Scouts of Arnerica, New Brunswick, New lersey 0890], and enclose 92.

)(ll IT0RLD ftilB0RE[ .


A set of 160 fuII color slid.es of the 1rVorld_ Jamboree is available. The slid-es d-ocument the Jamboree and- can be used in i llust rating ta1ks, ceremonies, promot ion of other Jamborees 55mm


o 3


and event s.

This is an excellent opportunity for those who attended the .famboree to obtain a memorable record of the events. For those who could not att end, it's a chance to see how the 12, 00O Scout s from a]l over rhe world lived the t heme rrFo r Fr i end-tt

ship. rncrud"ed are general views, the opening arena show, the ttFriend"shiptt game, the aquatics prograrn, the rodeo, the adventure trail, the skill-o-rama, special guests, &rd the final arena show. Rounding out the 160 slide set are views of Scout s from around the world enjoying the fellowship of the Jamboree. A complete printed descript.ion for each slide is inctuded with the set. Cost for the fuII set of 160 slides is $fO.0O postpaid ($1r. 50 postpaid. out s id e of the un:-ted States) . use the ord-er blank berow to ord-er. Audiovisual- Service Boy Scout s of America New Brunslvick, New .fersey OBgO3, U. S. A. Enclosed is $-($1o"cL) side U.S.A.). P1ease send-



per set, $rI.50 outs of the World- Jamboree



send.-Carouse] trays for above (90 slid-e is $States only.

-setoo each. Encl-osed. capac ity) @ $2. f or trays. Avairable in the United. Name

Street City








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