UN DAY QUIZ BEE Competition Guide

The International Relations Office is the lead office in facilitating and coordination international partnership of Benguet State University. With BSU’s vision to become a smart international university. IRO aims to bring BSU to the world and the world to BSU through these programs:
The United Nations is a global organization committed in preserving world peace and security, fostering good ties among states, and promoting socio-economic growth, improved living conditions, and human rights. The United Nations Day is anually celebrated on October 24th in honor of the organization’s tireless efforts and accomplishments.
Traditionally, UN Day is celebrated in schools by students dressing up in various national costumes and presenting cultural performances from around the world. The pandemic has greatly changed the way of hosting such events. Thus, the Benguet State University - International Relations Office presents the first virtual UN Day Quiz Bee.
The activity aims to raise awareness about the United Nations and to amplify the Sustainable Development Goals. Hosting this event is one of the primary strategies of the IRO to promote a multinational atmoshpere in the university through home-based internationalization.
1. Competition is open to any student enrolled at BSU in the current semester who will be endorsed by the College Dean.
2. Each student participants should have a laptop/ desktop installed with Zoom Meeting Cloud and a phone installed with Kahoot!. If laptop /desktop is not available, the participants may seek assistance from their respective college.
3. Participants should have a stable internet connection.
4. Upon Registration the participants will be receiving a confirmation email indicating the link for the UN Day Quiz Bee Kit.
5. Teams will be requested to upload a 5-10 seconds video greetings: ”Building Back Together for Peace and Prosperity, Happy 76th UN Day Anniversary from (College Represented)” . Upload it in the Video Greeting Folder found at the UN Day Quiz Bee Kit.
Scan the QR Code code to be redirected to the UN Day Quiz Bee Kit.
Questions from the Quiz will be coming from the United Nations Official Website.
Scan QR Code for easier access.
1. A Facebook group will be created for registered participants for updates and announcements.
2. Each participant should have one laptop/ desktop installed with Zoom Meeting Cloud and one phone installed with Kahoot!. Participants may join the zoom together but they have to use separate Kahoot!
3. A dry run will be scheduled two (2) days before the competition. Link will be sent on the Facebook chat group.
4. The link for the UN Day Quiz Bee will be sent after the dry run or one (1) day before the competition.
5. Participants can also ask for assistance from their respective college deans or IRO focal persons.
BSU President Felipe Salaing Comila
IRO Director Maria Luz D. Fang-asan
Quiz Master Kent Depayso
IRO Deputy Director Maricel A. Guron
• Watch videos on “How to play KaHoot!” to familiarize yourself on its interface.
The competition will be on October 29, 2021 (1:30 pm - 4:00 pm). The participants are expected to log-in 30 minutes before the program starts for attendance check.
• All participants should be present in the short program prior to the start of competition.
• Participants should TURN their cameras ON for the entire duration of the Quiz Bee. Participants who will TURN their cameras OFF will be disqualified.
• The Quiz Bee will be livestreamed through BSU - International Relations Office Facebook Page.
Format your Zoom and Kahoot! log-in names into College Acronym-Surname (eg. CA-Reyes)
Set-up your virtual space. A Virtual Background will be provided but if using the background uses too much bandwidth just make sure that to clear background and be aware of your surroundings.
Check your set- up (internet connection, headset/ speaker and microphone)
Mute by Default. Mute your microphones if you are not talking.
Use the Raise Hand Reaction to call the attention of the quiz master.
Cameras should be TURNED ON for the entire duration of the Program. Kindly stay seated and present.
If you are having technical difficulties call the attention of the IRO personnel through the FB chat group.
1. Participants will open their Kahoot! App in their device (e.g. phone/ tablet).
2. The game lobby launches displaying a unique game pin. It will be flashed in the Zoom for the participants to see.
3. Players must use their devices to enter the pin and their name. (College Acronym-Surname)
4. Once all players are in the lobby, questions will be flashed on Zoom Meeting shared screen.
5. The Quiz master shall read the question and choices while these are being flashed on screen.
6. Players will answer the questions they see on the shared screen through the Zoom Meeting. Each answer options corresponds with a specific color and shapes on the players device.
7. The Quiz Master will be reading a fact about the question and its answer.
8. Any question or query to the correctness of the answers should be raised before the start of the next question.
9. There shall be three (3) rounds: Easy, Average and Difficult. Contestants shall answer all questions in the 3 rounds
10. There will be 30 questions all in all. (1- 10: Easy; 11- 20: Average; 21-30: Difficult)
11. At the end of the game, the average scores of the team members and the highest individual score will be determined.
1. The team that garners the highest average mark shall be declared as CHAMPION. First Runner-Ups and Second RunnerUps will also be recogized. A special award will be given to the HIGHEST INDIVIDUAL SCORER.
2. In cases of ties, three (3) clincher questions will be raised to break the tie.
3. Certificates of Participation shall be given to all contestants and prizes shall be awarded to winners.
Prizes will be announced soon.