6 minute read
by Joseph
Student/Family Handbook 21-22/ 57
The graduate chosen by the Athletic Department for the Fr. Julian Award is, therefore, one who epitomizes the attributes found in Fr. Julian himself, that is: exceptional athletic skill, good character, leadership, sportsmanship and team spirit. The number of sports played and the achievement of honors in and out of school are also considerations in the selection of the recipient.
The St. Maximilian Kolbe Award for excellence in Religious Studies. This award is presented to a senior in honor of the memory of Fr. Maximilian, a Conventual Franciscan who was put to death in a Nazi concentration camp after volunteering to die in order to save the life of a fellow inmate. A senior is honored who exemplifies the Christian virtues of charity, leadership through service, moral integrity and an intellectual understanding of the truths of the Catholic faith.
The Stanley Giermek Memorial Award for Excellence in Mathematics is presented to a senior who has exhibited talent in the field of mathematics.
The E. Patrick Moloney Memorial Award for Excellence in History is presented to a senior who has exhibited an adequate knowledge of man's history as well as the historical process.
Excellence in Modern Foreign Language Award is presented to a senior for academic excellence in
French or Spanish.
The Albert J. Strubinger Memorial Award for Excellence in Business. Beginning with the Class of 1981, the Excellence in Business Subjects Award was changed to the Albert J. Strubinger Memorial
Award. The award honors Mr. Albert J. Strubinger, who taught business subjects at Curley for sixteen years. Al Strubinger not only taught thousands of Curley students but also was always ready to help them on his own time with both personal problems or school problems.
Excellence in Computer Science Award is presented to a senior who has exhibited exceptional talent in the field of computer science.
The Daniel Biser Memorial Award for Excellence in Science is given to the student who has demonstrated diligence, achievement and personal integrity in his pursuit of scientific knowledge and who, in the judgement of his science teachers, has consistently exemplified these qualities.
The Ganster Award for English is presented to a senior for academic excellence in English.
The John Hartman Music Award is presented to the student who has most demonstrated the following qualities of Musicianship, Scholarship and Leadership in all the areas of his activity in the Curley music program.
The John Philip Sousa Award. John Philip Sousa's excellence in music will be forever remembered through the nationwide presentation of this award in his name. The Sousa Award is presented to a member of the Curley Performing Ensembles whose contributions and achievements through his commitment to excellence in music are invaluable.
The St. Gregory Choral Award is presented to the graduating senior who has consistently demonstrated the greatest musical activity, leadership and dedication to the Curley choral music program.
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The Michelangelo Buonarroti Art Award is presented to a graduating senior of exceptional talent who has completed at least two years of study in the art department. The student must have consistently demonstrated artistic development, outstanding achievement, and enhancement of the school and community through his artistic abilities.
The FYM St. Anthony of Padua Award is presented to a graduating senior who has demonstrated a strong Christian faith and has promoted Franciscan values through his participation in Franciscan
Youth Ministry.
The Cord Service Award is presented to a student who has worked on the Archbishop Curley
Yearbook, the Cord, for a minimum of two years, and who, during those two years has demonstrated a willingness to share his time and his talents, so that the student body might have a fitting book of memories to recall their high school experiences. The award recognizes a student whose only reward has been the production of a book that others may enjoy and who has realized little acclaim for the countless hours spent in its production.
The Scholar Athlete Award. Each year at the request of the National Football Foundation and the
Quarterback Club of Baltimore, the school nominates our scholar athlete. He must be an outstanding member of the Varsity Football Team, and exhibit competency in the classroom. The student is officially honored at a special banquet, but because of the honor and the good name brought to the school through his efforts on the football field as well as in the classroom he is also recognized at the Baccalaureate Mass.
The C. Markland Kelly, Jr. Physical Education Service Award. This perpetual recognition is to record the names of students who have best demonstrated outstanding characteristics to the school's athletic and/or physical education program. The criteria for selection are leadership, the promotion of athletics within the school, teamwork, sportsmanship and scholarship.
The Chronicle Service Award is presented by The Chronicle to a senior for outstanding achievement and service for the school newspaper.
The Blackfriars' Award is presented by the Blackfriars' Theatre to a senior for outstanding achievement and service in the dramatic arts.
The Frank Genco Award. This award is presented to a student on behalf of the Friar "C" Club to recognize a student whose contributions to the athletic program as team manager exemplified the dedication of the late Frank Genco, a past president of the Friar "C" Club. This award is chosen by the Athletic Director in conjunction with the Athletic Staff.
Outstanding Athlete Award. Student athletes who have distinguished themselves through competition on the Varsity level are specially recognized as outstanding athletes at the conclusion of their senior year according to the following criteria: 4 varsity letters earned in a single sport; or, 6 varsity letters earned in any combination of sports.
Begun in the fall of 1980, the Alumni Association has as its purposes keeping the graduates informed about their alma mater, and encouraging them to remain active members of the Curley Family.
The first goal is accomplished primarily by emailing graduates a monthly newsletter filled with information about the school, the Association, and individual graduates. Alumni also receive the twice-annual Curley magazine and the school’s Annual Report. Sponsored activities include a Homecoming reception, a Memorial Mass for deceased students, graduates, faculty and staff, participating in the school's Open House, and helping to coordinate and run class reunions. Fundraising and special events during the year also make possible the Association's support of various projects in the school.
Alumni Parents receive a magazine to inform them of the activities of the school and to request their support. A means of maintaining the friendships and bonds that developed while their sons attended Curley, the Alumni Parents remain active in numerous social events and fundraising projects for the school. They continue to be a most welcome part of the Curley Family.
The Curley C-Notes is an organization of parents and friends of the Arts, begun in 1983 to support the projects and activities of the Curley Performing Ensembles. As Curley's major organization of the Patrons of the Arts, the C-Notes provide invaluable support for the growing program of performing arts by sponsoring numerous fund-raising activities throughout the school year.
The Friar "C" Club was organized in February, 1971, to sponsor programs and activities in order to aid the school in improving the athletic facilities. In the past the "C" Club has acquired for the school a universal gym machine, equipment for the photography club, bleachers for the athletic fields, a scoreboard for the "bowl" and many other accomplishments.
The Friar "C" Club of Archbishop Curley High School meets periodically during the school year; dates of these meetings are indicated on the school calendar. All parents, alumni, and friends of Curley are encouraged to become active members and/or to support the many activities and affairs sponsored by the Club.
The Archbishop Curley High School Parents' Guild promotes a Curley education by encouraging parental involvement, promoting communication between the home and school, and rendering financial support through the proceeds from Guild sponsored events.
A weekly bulletin to the parents of all students serves to keep parents informed of the dates and times of Parents' Guild activities and other important school matters.