3 minute read
by Joseph
Absence 18-20 - excessive 18 - illegal 18 - notes excusing 18 - procedures for reporting 18 Academic - awards 56-58 - contract status 10-11 - departments 10 - ineligibility 11-12 - integrity 42-43 - violations 43 Access 24 Accidents 24, 32 Admissions - criteria 10 - procedure 10 After School Policy 24 Alcohol 44 Alma Mater 63 Alumni Association 59 Alumni Parents 59 Amendments 6 Announcements 24 Archdiocesan Mission Statement 3 Assemblies 25 Athletics - absence 49 - awards 49-50 - behavior 42 - discipline policies 45 - dismissal from team 50 - dress code 54 - early dismissal 50 - eligibility 11-12 - facilities 49 - general policies 51-52 - letters 50 - lost equipment 52 - objectives 49 - parental responsibility 53 - philosophy & objectives 49 - practice policies 53 - sportsmanship 53 - suspension 54 - team colors 54
- team travel 54 - withdrawal from team 54-55 Attendance 18-19 Auxiliary Organizations 59
Behavior 42 Belief Statements 8 Board of Discipline 46-47 Bullying 44-45 Bus, proper use of 52
C-Notes 59 Cell phones 25, 40 Change of address 25 Cheating 43 Class - attendance 18 - lateness 18 - schedules 17-18 - truancy 19 Closings, emergency & delayed openings 20 Co-curriculars 25 Communication, harsh/abusive 45 Computer Acceptable Use Policy 25-27 Counseling 29 - appointment 29-30 - services - 29 Course - change 11 - load 11 - remediation 11 Courtesy 37 Credits 6 Credit by examination 11 Curley, Michael J. 1
Dances 30 Deliveries 30 Detention 45-48 Discipline 45-18 - Board of 46-47 - contract status 47 - infraction system 46 - process 46-47 - review process 47-48 - suspension/expulsion 48
Dismissal - early 19 - NHS 35-36 Document Endorsements 30 Dress code 41-42 Drugs 44
Early Dismissal 18 Elevator 30 Eligibility 11-12 Email 27 Emergency Contact Information 32 Emergency Procedures 30 Epinephrine Policy 30-31 Examinations, semester 16 - credit by 11 - exemptions from 12 Extramural sports 51
Facilities access 24 Faculty Assistance 12 Failure 14 - make-up of 14 Family - illness or death 31 Field trips 31 Fighting 45 Financial - aid 21-22 - difficulty 21 - discounts 21 - information 21-23 - payment plans 21 - refunds 22 Fires drills 30 Fitness Center 51 Francis of Assisi, St. 1, 2 Franciscan Ideals 8 Free Periods 31 Friar “C” Club 59 Fundraising Efforts 22
Grade Systems 12-13 - Quality Point Average 14 - Grade Point Average 15 Grading 12 Graduation Exercises - rehearsal 12-13 - requirements 13 Grooming 42 Gymnasium 31-32
Hair styles 42 Harassment 44 Hazing 45 Health Office 32-33 History of school 1 Homework 13,27 - policy for virtual days 13
Identification cards 33 Illness 18, 31, 32 Ineligibility 11-12 Initiation 44 Injury 32 Interscholastic sports 52 Intramural sports 52
Late opening 17 Lateness 20 - disciplinary outcomes 45 - to class 43 - to school 20 Lavatories 33 Levels 14-15 Lockers 34 Locker room - physical education 34 - athletics 48 Lunch 39
Make-up work 14 Mascot 54 Medication 33 - over the counter 33 - emergency 33 M.I.A.A. 52 MISSION4 34-35 Mission Statement 2
National Honor Society 35-36 Notes, absentee 18
Student/Family Handbook 21-22/ 61
62 / Archbishop Curley High School
Parents’ Guild 58 Parking 36 Passes 29 Passing grade 14 Photography 36 Physical education 36 Physical examinations 32, 53 Plagiarism 43 Pledge, Curley 9 PlusPortals 36-37 Policy Statements - Asbestos Management Plan 24 - Family Education Rights and
Privacy Act 6-8 - Computer Acceptable Use Policy 25-28 - Lead Contamination 33-34 - Non-discrimination, Archdiocesan 3 - Student Harassment, Archdiocesan 4 Pornography 45 Public deportment 44
Quality Point Average (QPA) 14
Records - discipline 47-48 - release of 6-7 Religious Activities 37 Report cards 15 Retreats 37
Schedules 7 Scholars Program 37-38 School - closings 20 - Board 1, - ring 38 - spirit 38 - seal 1, 3 Senior - early dismissal 19 - privileges 38 Smoking 44 Snow 20 Social Media 28 Student Dining Room 38 Summer school 11 Suspension 48, 54
Technology 26-29 Testing program 16 Theft 45 Threatening Activities 39 Transcripts/Records 39 Transfer 10 - to another school 39-40 Transportation Service 40 Truancy 18-19 Tuition and Fees 21 - discounts 21 - plans and dates 21 - policy 22-23 - rates 21 - refunds 22 Tutoring 16
Valuables 40 Vandalism 45 Violations - academic 43 - AUP 43
The Alma Mater (Curley’s School Song)
Archbishop Curley High, proudly do we hail thee; Teach to us, all your sons, Faith, Hope and Charity. We will be true to you, in thoughts, words and actions, too; Your sons we’re proud to be, Oh Curley High.