2 minute read
by Joseph
56 / Archbishop Curley High School
Each year, in May for the graduating class and September for the underclassmen, the following Scholastic Awards are conferred: The Archbishop Curley Award is presented to the student in each class with the highest quality point average (QPA). The Lawrence Cardinal Shehan Award is presented to the student in each class with the second highest quality point average (QPA). The Archbishop Keough Award is presented to the student in each class with the third highest quality point average (QPA).
Presented annually at the Commencement Exercises, the following awards constitute the highest honors a Curley student might achieve:
The Ideal Curley Man of the Year Award is presented to a member of the graduating class who, in the judgement of the faculty and administration, lives by the motto inscribed on the plaque in the main lobby. It reads: "An Ideal Curley High Man is mindful of the presence of God; possesses outstanding qualities of scholarship, character, leadership and school spirit."
The School Spirit Award is presented to a member of the graduating class who has done everything possible to bring credit to the name of the school within the community. This award recognizes the student's wholehearted participation in school activities.
The School Service Award is presented to a member of the graduating class who has rendered service to the school as exemplified by his outstanding qualities of cooperation, usefulness and enthusiasm through participation in extracurricular activities and support of school projects.
The St.Bonaventure Scholastic Award, originally sponsored by the late Monsignor Louis J. Mendelis, is presented to a member of the graduating class who has the highest quality point average for four years. It recognizes the academic excellence of a graduate for four years.
The St. Francis Scholastic Award is presented to a member of the graduating class who has the second highest quality point average for four years. This award recognizes quality and consistent academic achievement by a student.
Other awards, presented annually at the Senior Assembly, Baccalaureate Liturgy or other ceremonies recognize the achievements and accomplishments of students during their high school careers:
The Father Julian Award formerly titled "Athlete of the Year Award" is named and presented in memory of Fr. Julian Piszczatowski, OFM Conv. Fr. Julian was ordained on May 25, 1963 as a Franciscan Friar and taught at Archbishop Curley High School until his sudden death on March 18, 1975. Fr. Julian will always be remembered not only for being a most outstanding and dedicated Friar, but also because of his intense interest in our young athletes as Freshman Basketball Coach.