Yule WUD Publications presents . . . the
second annual
Ball Saturday, December 10th 8:00pm-Midnight Varsity Hall, Union South
1200 tickets available At the Union box office starting November 15th
Mock event poster for annual Yule Ball.
Submit to
SOUVENIRS Essays Narratives
DEADLINE: Monday, February 21
Embarrassing stories
EMAIL TO: uwsouvenirs@gmail.com
Poetry Articles Illustrations Photographs
Any way you can share your time abroad!
If you have ever traveled abroad—to study or to live—or are an international student, we want to hear from you!!! Souvenirs is an annual publication to celebrate the world through student experiences. Be a part of a professional journal and submit your pieces now!
Call for submission poster for the publication, Souvenirs.
WUD Publications Committee Kickoff Meeting:
Wednesday, September 21 5:00-6:00pm TITU Tons of opportunities for anyone interested in publishing!!!
Weekly meetings Wednesdays 5-6pm TITU
Kickoff flyer for committee.
Button designs for marketing material.
Ad for the annual Yule Ball event displayed on screen before campus film events.