Why you should join the battle to bring men into the things of God.
Join the Battle
Prov 17:17 A brother was born for adversity
When God throws you the ball
September 19th ee
@7:00 P.M. Devine
Purpose Adult men 18+
24,000,000 Grow up fatherless
Strong Men = Strong Families
The best way to assist families is to assist men. Study
after study shows that father absent homes are far worse off than
“ I don’t need no man
Will raise kids in poverty Will fail to keep her kids in church Is more likely to remain single for life
64% Female
And men have fewer places to go for help. Today’s churches are predominantly female, mainly because they employ teaching methods that appeal to that group.
Today’s Christian leader
Ministers through men but not to
them Serves mostly
Has mostly women The irony is that churches with more male participants grow faster than those without it.
Strong Men
Of the bible, written by men
66 Books
Human race started with a man A man delivered Israel from Egypt Jesus recruited only men as his direct followers
“ The sum total Napoleon Hill
of minds.
The great Napolean Hill knew that when great minds came together in harmony a 3rd mind was created.
Iron must meet iron to
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