News Man Love
he year 2012 ended on such a tragic note. At least for 11 families in Newtown, Connecticut. On the 14th of
December, 20 children were murdered along with 6 staff members in Sandy Hook Elementary School. But whether it was this, the Virginia Tech massacre a few years earlier, or the Bath School bombings in 1927, most of these disasters have one thing in common, - the perpetrator was a man.
He’s often isolated. Friendless. Unloved. Carrying a festering wound from some past hurt. So great is his anger that he lashes out at innocents. The tragedy in Newtown isn’t the first time a disturbed man used his power to murder innocent children.
1 Building Men. Raising Sons!
King Herod was a paranoid, mentally unstable monarch. He saw a threat to his power in the birth of Christ, the newborn King. So great was his fear that he massacred every boy under the age of two in the vicinity of Bethlehem. And just as in Newtown today, grief descended over a small, formerly peaceful community:
“A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children; and she refused to be comforted, because they were no more.” Matthew 2:18 Society teaches men from an early age to keep their true feelings inside. “Big boys don’t cry,” we say. Instead of dealing with
2 Building Men. Raising Sons!
their pain, men simply store it up in their hearts. Minister to men. Visit a local prison. Attend a men’s meeting. If history is any example, it’s a better investment of your volunteer efforts than anything else. There are millions of wounded men in our society. I’m not suggesting all these angry men are potential mass murderers – but if a man’s inner wounds go unaddressed someone will get hurt. Imagine how different our world would be if all those men were regularly hearing the message of Christ. If all those men were in a community with other godly men. If all those men found healing for the deep wounds in
their hearts. Perhaps there would be fewer
But one thing is evident, once the body
tragedies to mourn. No one knows why Adam
of Christ focuses more on bringing the faith to
Lanza took the lives of 6 schoolteachers, 20
guys in particular, in a way that they can
students, his mother and himself. Perhaps
grasp it, the more it will benefit not only
we’ll never know.
ourselves, but everyone else as well.
If a man’s inner wounds go
unaddressed, somebody will get hurt
Our next men’s meeting is on April 19th at 7:00 P.M.
Our Camp Willow Father-Son Retreat is this month, April 21-23rd. Email for details
3 Building Men. Raising Sons!
Q: How do I approach a woman I’m interested in dating? 4 Building Men. Raising Sons!
A: G
guidelines any man can use to let his best self come out. Be present and in the moment. When you’re too focused on an outcome [getting her
eneric advice would tell you to “Just be yourself” but that will only give you generic results.
And you don’t want that. The real key to approaching women is being your best self.
number, getting a date] it pressures you and creates discomfort. That becomes contagious and makes your overall approach unpleasant. Don’t focus on an outcome. Your goal is to make a connection. That’s all.
But all too often men are anything but themselves when doing so. They try to be players. They try to be macho. They try to be sweet. And on and on with everything except being themselves. Below I list a few
5 Building Men. Raising Sons!
Be honest and direct. Since you have romantic intentions you should make it known up front. Many guys don’t because they fear losing her as a potential friend. But unless
you do, you will be seen by her as only a
anything there she will work to regain the
friend. Ask for what you want.
connection. If not move on.
Be independent. Being needy and clingy
As a single Christian man, you can
communicates low value. Interact with her
approach any woman with confidence and
and get back to your own life. If there is
comfort as you employ the above.
If you have a question pertaining to manhood that you would like to submit to the Pastor, to be answered here in our monthly Q and A, segment E Mail us at
If you’re commissioned and able to participate in this year’s Father’s Day ceremony email us at
If you or a man you know is looking for work in the East Henrico area, email us at
6 Building Men. Raising Sons!
Article The Service of Tom Brady
Tom Brady knew that serving Drew Bledsoe would in turn make him a good NFL Quarterback.
icture this. As a stellar quarterback and team captain, you maintain the prominence for a storied football program at one of the nations’ most prestigious
universities. Your starting record is 20 – 5, you’ve earned a couple passing records, a conference title, and bowl victories over other
powerhouses. You could’ve played Major League Baseball, but you decided to enter the NFL Draft given your extraordinary talent and solid accomplishments on the gridiron. But you’re told not to waste money coming to New York because you won’t go early. And
you sit by the telephone with your family;
7 Building Men. Raising Sons!
waiting for a team to call. Round one passes,
your own prosperity. And because we know
and then four more go by. Then the sixth
all things originate from the Father of Lights,
round comes and you’re wondering if you
we find this same principle in His Word
should’ve taken the Montreal Expos up on
several times. We see Joshua as a young
their offer. But lo and behold the New
man assisting Moses throughout the Israelite
England Patriots call and scoop you up with
desert trek [Exodus 24:13]; and then
pick 199. And after being one of the best
becoming the leader of the young, strong
QBs in University of Michigan history, you’re
nation [Joshua 1:2]. Elisha the prophet
Tom Brady; carrying the pads and the
undoubtedly rose to greatness by following
notebook for Drew Bledsoe.
and serving Elijah [1 Kings 19:21; 2 Kings
But Tom Brady wasn’t at all defeated. Instead, he knew learning behind and serving Bledsoe would in turn make him a good NFL quarterback. He understood the principle that serving others can put you on the track of
8 Building Men. Raising Sons!
2:19-22]. And Jesus the Messiah plainly tells two ambitious men and His disciples that whoever wants to be great, they must first serve [Matthew 20:24-26].
Why is this important? First, serving
give you the power to speak life into other
provides the best opportunities to learn the
fathers. You truly will experience a new depth
trade or task from someone who does it better
of the love of God and the compassion of
than you. What better way to learn the ropes
Jesus Christ.
by serving the person whose success you envision yourself experiencing? But also and most importantly, you are able to discover the level of humility needed to obtain and keep your kingly position by serving others. Volunteering at a shelter will help you empathize with the needs of the homeless and then find solutions to meet their needs. Serving with prayer for broken families will expand your gratefulness for the Lord’s healing keeping your own family; and then
9 Building Men. Raising Sons!
Today don’t hesitate! Find someone in a practical need that you can assist with, and humble yourself to ensure they get the job done. Lend your time to help your supervisor achieve an assignment to take the company to a new level. And only take gratitude in knowing your service helped someone else win. For your willingness to serve is pleasing to the Lord God; and His rewards for your selflessness will surpass your imagination for this life and the next.
John 14:8
LORD, show us the Father and that will be enough.
Thought Character is who you are. Charming is who you are when you want something.
10 Building Men. Raising Sons!