Few have cracked the code to why men
are more difficult to reach for Christ.
A Look Under the [Man] Hood
et’s face it! We all know a guy who is turned off by Christianity. We see this in a lack of men at church, high crime
rates amongst males, greater numbers of men incarcerated and the list goes on. In fact, most, if not all of us have a brother, father,
difficult to reach for Christ. Even the world’s
son, or male friend, who at one time lived for
best soul winners, evangelists and pastors,
God, but now seems to live for himself. It’s
tend to attract mainly a female majority. So,
sort of an arubix cube. We all try, but few
what are some things we can do to change
have cracked the code to why men are more
1 Building Men. Raising Sons!
Less reading and talking Jesus trained men by leading them through
Jesus used words to enforce experiences.
experiences that taught a spiritual concept.
They weren’t his main course.
Be aggressive Men have issues asking for help. It’s the ol
their clothes in anger, and sat with him for a
‘Men hate asking for directions’ adage. So
week without saying anything. That initiative
how do we help men, if asking for help is not
made it easier for Job to get help from them
in for them? Make it so they won’t have to! In
when he needed it [Job 2:11-3:1]. If you wait
Job 2, Job’s friends saw him suffering, tore
for guys to come to you, it won’t work.
Some argue that men should just ‘change’. But leading men's’ experts strongly
disagree. “Asking men to change their nature and biology is a sure way to repulse them. Guys run from anything that calls their manhood into question” says Dave Murrow,
2 Building Men. Raising Sons!
founder of ‘The Church For Men’. Instead, he
Islam do a better job at reaching guys than
recommends we work with their nature to
the modern church.” he continues. Before we
excite and engage them. “That could be the
bring more guys into the kingdom, we have to
missing link to why prisons, gangs and even
raise our understanding of how they work.
Men are needed to help with setup for the Men’s Conference this month. If you are available, please contact Jamiel Cotman at 804-833-7628
If you plan on undergoing the commissioning process please email us at gmen@mobcc.org
Registration for our men’s conference is now available online! Just click here.
3 Building Men. Raising Sons!
Q and A When People say, “Spend time with
God” to what are they referring? [What does it consist of?]
ontrary to popular opinion,
[Deuteronomy 10:8]. Things such as praise
you don’t have to be a woman
and worship, praying, and giving Him your
to make a genuine-heartfelt
undivided attention is to what that is referring.
connection with God! This would be the goal
Secondly is being ministered to by Him. Being
of spending time with Him.
quiet, listening and acting on what you are
Spending time with God consist of two things. First is ministering to Him
4 Building Men. Raising Sons!
told is to what this is referring. Whether it’s done in your bedroom, by the lake, or in the
gym, that sums up what it means to spend
being a father, or temptation with a woman at
time with God.
work. Feel free to discuss your dreams and goals. Jesus walked this earth as a man, and
One of the greatest hindrances keeping
won’t make you feel icky for being one, on the
men from spending time with God is how they
contrary, he will show you how to liberate
perceive Him. Men today don’t think God
your manhood within the framework of His
identifies with them as men. As a result,
many of them don’t pray. They don’t read their bibles. Or, they do so with a severe
Begin spending time with God daily, and
disconnect [emotionally, mentally]. Talk to
like David, you will say, “It is good for me to
God about ‘guy’ stuff. Go to Him about
draw near unto God…” [Psalm 73:28].
problems you may be having with your wife,
If you have a question pertaining to manhood that you would like to submit to the Pastor, to be answered here in our monthly Q and A, segment E Mail us at Gmen@mobcc.com
5 Building Men. Raising Sons!
Article Who’s The Man?
ake no mistake about it. To be a genuine man of God, there is a price to pay. Doing good to
others, remaining holy, and honoring
get their act together. If you try to honor
authority, is going to be belittled, picked on,
yourself, by being carnal and sinful, Jesus
and demeaned by worldly men. They are
said that honor is nothing [not lasting]. If you
going to refer to you as a wuss, a punk, a
obey Christ, even when men belittle it, God
wimp, a sissy, and a coward. But what you
himself will honor you before them! Why?
have to remember is that God will honor you
Because Christ’s system of manhood is
when the world does not. In fact, He will
entirely different! This is what He meant when
honor you in a way that will influence them to
He said, “That which is highly esteemed [
6 Building Men. Raising Sons!
honored] amongst men, is an abomination to
Corinthians 12: 9-10]. What men call weak
God” [Luke 16:15] or when Paul said he
[depending on Christ] is what God calls
would rather boast in his weakness [2
There are two versions of manhood being promoted in the world Worldly Man
Man of God
If you want to live a life overcoming
your behavior when tempted. Is being worldly
temptation, the type of manhood you
your idea of a ‘real man’? Or, is obeying
subscribe to is critical. It’s what determines
Christ [no matter how soft it makes you look]
7 Building Men. Raising Sons!
the standard? But make no mistake about it,
2:21-22]. You will have to turn from strife [2
following the LORD will require you to do
Timothy 2:24]. But if you have already pre-
what worldly men call soft. You will have to
subscribed to Gods template of what a man
walk away from sexual temptation [2 Timothy
is, you will be prepared!
“The type of manhood you subscribe to is critical� 8 Building Men. Raising Sons!
2 Corinthians 12:9
But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and [a]show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!
9 Building Men. Raising Sons!
The 2012 Men’s Conference is on Friday, August 17 at 7:00 P.M. and Saturday August 18 at 10:00 A.M.
Thought If a small thing has the power to make you angry, does that not indicate something about your size [Proverbs 24:10]?
10 Building Men. Raising Sons!