Facet – Spring 2012

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Exhibitions: D端rer and His Legacy

New Acquisitions: Silver Goblets

Donor Spotlight:


Spring 2012

Martha Daura and Thomas Mapp


From the Director

Department of Publications Hillary Brown and Mary Koon Publications Intern Nicollette Higgs Design


s I write these words, it has been just over

The Adsmith

a year since the museum reopened, and we have been spending much of our time tweaking both

the building and our offerings. We are always looking at ways to refine our programs and our exhibitions, especially as concerns our dual role: both an emphatically academic museum and the official state museum of art, with a responsibility to our community. The Georgia Museum of Art is one of the finest academic museums in the country, as its membership in the Association of Art Museum Directors and its repeated accreditation by the American Association of Museums attest. Its focus on research, however, does not mean it cannot please crowds at the same time.

Georgia Museum of Art University of Georgia 90 Carlton Street Athens, GA 30602-6719 www.georgiamuseum.org

Our sixth Henry D. Green Symposium of the Decorative Arts, held in early February, is an excellent example of how we manage to

Admission: Free ($3 suggested donation)

do both. A crowd of around 300 enthusiastic attendees listened to


scholars both experienced and just embarking upon their careers,

Galleries: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and

as UGA graduate and undergraduate students took their first steps

Saturday, 10–5 p.m.; Thursday, 10–9 p.m.;

in presenting original research.

Sunday, 1–5 p.m. Closed on Mondays.

Another example of our devotion to scholarship and to new

Jane and Harry Willson Sculpture Garden:

audiences is the collection of works by African American artists

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday,

donated by Brenda and Larry Thompson. We hope to investigate

10 a.m.–5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.–9 p.m.;

many of these works, and we plan to produce exhibitions and publications resulting from that study. One thing the Thompson collection makes us realize anew, however, is our own lack of diversity. To put it bluntly, our staff, our Board of Advisors and

Sunday, 1–5 p.m. Closed on Mondays. Museum Shop: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

our membership are overwhelmingly white, a situation we are trying to remedy. Our programming includes admirable commit-

and Saturday, 10 a.m.–4:45 p.m.; Thursday,

ment to reaching all kinds of audiences, from collaborations with the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Institute on

10 a.m.–8:45 p.m.; Sunday, 1 p.m.–4:45

campus to our co-sponsorship of AIDS

We are always looking at ways to refine our programs and our exhibitions, especially as concerns our dual role: both an emphatically academic museum and the official state museum of art, with a responsibility to our community.

Athens’ recent benefit to our incredibly successful annual Black History Month

p.m. Closed on Mondays. Ike & Jane at the Georgia Museum of Art: Tuesday–Friday, 10 a.m.–4 p.m.

dinner, which honored the Thompsons this year and sold out easily. We are serious, nonetheless, about trying to make the museum’s staff and support-

706.542.GMOA (4662) Fax: 706.542.1051 Exhibition Line: 706.542.3254

ers reflect our community better, and we would love to hear your thoughts on ways we can do so. Our collections continue to become more diverse as well, with new trends toward acquiring post-1950 art and a

Mission Statement The Georgia Museum of Art shares the mission of the University of Georgia to support and to promote teaching,

renewed emphasis on art with Georgia connections. A museum that is not expanding its collection is moribund, and I remain

research and service. Specifically, as a

concerned (as I have been for the past 22 years) that we are not doing enough in the area of acquisitions. I have been working

repository and educational instrument

with Caroline Maddox, our director of development, on a major endowment to fund acquisitions, which we hope to be able to

of the visual arts, the museum exists to collect, preserve, exhibit and interpret

announce to you soon. Finally, I would like to recognize Judith Ellis, a member and supporter of many years, for her recent gift to help fund a scheduler for our educational programs. The museum’s department of education has been a victim of its own success, and the need to hire someone who can keep track of all its programs has been a pressing one for some time. I greatly

significant works of art.

Partial support for the exhibitions and programs at the Georgia Museum of Art is provided by

appreciate Judith’s donation, but I can assure you that Carissa DiCindio, Cece Warner and Melissa Rackley are even more

the W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation,

thankful than I.

the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art and the Georgia Council for the Arts through the appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly.

William Underwood Eiland, Director

The Council is a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts. Individuals, foundations and corporations provide additional support

GMOA facet | Spring 2012

through their gifts to the University of Georgia



Ms. Carlyn F. Fisher

Ms. Jane C. Mullins

Mrs. Margaret R. Spalding

Foundation. The Georgia Museum of Art is

Mr. B. Heyward Allen Jr., chair-elect

Mr. James B. Fleece

Mr. Carl W. Mullis III, chair

Mrs. Dudley R. Stevens

ADA compliant; the M. Smith Griffith Auditorium

Dr. Amalia K. Amaki

Mr. Edgar J. Forio Jr.

Mr. Donald G. Myers

Mrs. Carolyn W. Tanner

Mrs. Frances Aronson-Healey

Mr. Harry L. Gilham Jr.

Mrs. Betty R. Myrtle

Mrs. Judith M. Taylor

is equipped for the hearing-impaired.

Turner I. Ball, M.D.

Mr. John M. Greene

Mrs. Deborah L. O’Kain

Dr. Brenda A. Thompson

Ms. Karen L. Benson

Mrs. Helen C. Griffith

Mrs. Janet W. Patterson

Mrs. Barbara Auxier Turner

Mr. Fred D. Bentley Sr.

Mrs. M. Smith Griffith

Ms. Kathy B. Prescott

Mr. C. Noel Wadsworth

Mr. Richard E. Berkowitz

Mrs. Marion E. Jarrell

Dr. William F. Prokasy IV

Mr. G. Vincent West

Mrs. Devereux C. Burch

Professor John D. Kehoe

Mr. Rowland A. Radford Jr.

Dr. Carol V. Winthrop

Mr. Robert E. Burton

Mrs. George-Ann Knox

Ms. Margaret A. Rolando

Mrs. Debbie C. Callaway

Mrs. Shell H. Knox

Mr. Alan F. Rothschild Jr.


Mr. Randolph W. Camp

Mr. David W. Matheny

Mrs. Dorothy A. Roush

Mrs. Linda C. Chesnut

Mrs. Shannon I. Candler, past chair

Ms. Catherine A. May

Mrs. Sarah P. Sams

Dr. William Underwood Eiland

Mrs. Faye S. Chambers

Mrs. Helen P. McConnell

Mr. D. Jack Sawyer Jr.

Mr. Tom Landrum

Mr. Harvey J. Coleman

Mr. Mark G. McConnell

Mrs. Helen H. Scheidt

Professor Jere W. Morehead

Mrs. Martha T. Dinos

Mrs. Marilyn M. McMullan

Mr. Henry C. Schwob

Dr. Libby V. Morris

Mrs. Annie Laurie Dodd

Mrs. Marilyn D. McNeely

Mrs. Ann C. Scoggins

Karen W. Prasse, M.D.

Ms. Sally Dorsey

Mrs. Berkeley S. Minor

Ms. Cathy Selig-Kuranoff

Ms. Georgia Strange

Professor Marvin Eisenberg

Mr. C. L. Morehead Jr.

Mr. S. Stephen Selig III






John Baeder

New Acquisitions

Donor Spotlight

Calendar of Events



New Acquisitions


Donor Spotlight


Calendar of Events


Museum Notes


Event Photos


On the front cover:

On the back cover:

John Baeder (American, b. 1938)

John Baeder (American, b. 1938)

Beverly’s Luncheonette, 1980

Trailer, Arizona Route 66, 1975

C print on Kodak Endura paper

C print on Kodak Endura paper

20 x 30 inches

20 x 30 inches




GMOA facet | Spring 2012



Performing Identity: Marina Abramovic, Eleanor Antin and Hannah Wilke March 21–June 10, 2012 This series showcases videos of performances

Hannah Wilke (American, 1940–1993)

dealing with issues of identity by three seminal artists

Hannah Wilke Through the Large Glass, 1976

of the 1970s and ‘80s:

16 mm silent film on video, color, 10 min.

Marina Abramovic (Serbian, b. 1946)

“Hannah Wilke Through the Large Glass” documents one

with Charles Atlas (American, b. 1958)

of Wilke’s most effective and well-known performances,

SSS, 1989

in which she performs a deadpan striptease behind

Single-channel color video with sound, 6 min.

Duchamp’s “The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors,

Marina Abramovic collaborated with videomaker

phia Museum of Art. Dressed in a fedora and a white

Charles Atlas on this striking work of autobiographical

suit, and evoking the style of 1970s fashion icons such as

performance. Abramovic delivers a monologue that

Helmut Newton and Yves Saint-Laurent, Wilke strikes a

traces a concise personal chronology. This brief narrative

series of poses and then strips. She is seen through the

history, which references her past in the former

glass of the Duchamp work. In her self-conscious

Yugoslavia, her performance work and her collaboration

affectation of the often absurdist posturing of a fashion

with and separation from Ulay, is intercut with images

model, Wilke willfully uses her own image and her

of Abramovic engaged in symbolic gestures and ritual

sexuality to confront the erotic representation of women

acts—scrubbing her feet and staring like Medusa as

in art history and popular culture.

Even” (also known as “The Large Glass”) at the Philadel-

Dürer and His Legacy June 16–August 12, 2012 This exhibition, held in conjunction with “A Divine Light: Northern Renaissance Paintings from the Bob Jones University Museum & Gallery,” and drawn from the permanent collection of the Georgia Museum of Art, highlights the prints of Albrecht Dürer, perhaps the most important Northern Renaissance artist and one of the most accomplished printmakers in Western art. Described by Desiderius Erasmus and many others as “Apelles of the black line,” a reference to the renowned ancient Greek painter, Dürer created highly naturalistic works, suggesting depth and texture using only the black lines of etching, engraving and woodcut. He further advanced the medium by helping create a market and distribution system for his works. The exhibition also includes an etching by Michael Wolgemut, with whom Dürer apprenticed, and a selection of prints by Northern artists deeply indebted to Dürer, such as Lucas van Leyden, Hans

snakes writhe on her head. Closing her litany with the phrase “time past, time present,” Abramovic invokes

This piece was originally seen as part of an installation.

the personal and the mythological in a poignant affirmation of self. Produced by IMATCO/ATANOR

Made for the film “Befragung der Freiheitsstatue

for Television Espanola S.A. El Arte del Video

C’est La Vie Rrose” by Hans-Christof Stenzel. Camera:

Eleanor Antin (American, b. 1935) From the Archives of Modern Art, 1987

Lothar E. Stickelbrucks. Editor: Rosemarie StenzelQuast. Performed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, June 15, 1976.

Single-channel black-and-white video with sound, 18 min.

Curator: Lynn Boland, Pierre Daura Curator of European Art

The archivist attempts to put together the “lost years”

Gallery: Alonzo and Vallye Dudley Gallery

of Eleanor Antinova, the once celebrated black ballerina

Sponsors: The W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation

of Diaghlev’s Ballet Russe, when she returned to her

and the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art

native America to eke out a meager living in vaudeville and early movies. Her career in the United States is documented through narrative and dance films— recently discovered—which she made back in the Depression years, when times were bad and even ballerinas stooped low. Includes several comedy shorts, spicy farces, even, alas, a semi-blue movie exploiting her ballerina role, along with vaudeville dance numbers and artistic interpretations. A documentary fiction.

Sebald Beham, Heinrich Aldergrever and Hendrik Goltzius. Curator: Lynn Boland, Pierre Daura Curator of European Art Gallery: Boone and George-Ann Knox Gallery II Sponsors: The W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation and the

Eleanor Antin, “From the Archives of Modern Art,” 1987.

Marina Abramovic and Charles Atlas, “SSS,” 1989.

Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York.

Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York.


Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art


Polly Knipp Hill: Marking a Life Through Etching April 7–June 3, 2012

American printmaker Polly Knipp Hill began working as an artist in the 1920s and garnered increased recognition in the decades that followed. Although she initially focused on European architecture, in her mature period her broad body of work grew to encompass poignant, amusing and slightly satirical genre scenes that reflected American culture. This retrospective exhibition of Hill’s life and career is organized iconographically according to the categories into which the artist herself divided her print oeuvre: Paris; America with “street and countryside scenes”; Florida; Arcadia (or reminiscences of her childhood); children’s games; and mountain culture. The groupings also reflect the chronology of her etching career. The exhibition will be accompanied by an issue of the museum’s Bulletin, which will include an extensive essay on Hill’s work and a checklist of the exhibition, as well as illustrations of many of Hill’s etchings. Guest curators: Lynn Barstis Williams Katz and Enee Abelman Gallery: Boone and George-Ann Knox Gallery II Sponsors: The W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation and the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art

John Baeder April 28–July 22, 2012 Raised in Atlanta, John Baeder (b. 1938) is best known for his photorealist paintings and prints of mid-century diners. Originally considered mere source material for his paintings, Baeder’s photographs have now emerged as stand-alone works of art. This exhibition includes three major groupings of Baeder’s photographs: his early blackand-white shots of Atlanta in the early 1960s; his photographs of handmade street signs taken over the course of more than 30 years; and his photographs that make up the exhibition “John Baeder’s American Roadside,” organized by Thomas Paul Fine Art in Los Angeles. Baeder’s early photographs of his hometown originated as a side project while he was working as an art director at a large advertising agency in Atlanta. His photographs of street signs, with which he developed a fascination in 1962, demonstrate the artist’s interest in letterforms, composition and brushwork. “John Baeder’s American Roadside,” the artist’s first solo exhibition of photographic works, documents Baeder’s lifelong preoccupation with the American diner and other off-interstate structures. Curator: Paul Manoguerra, chief curator and curator of American art

GMOA facet | Spring 2012

Galleries: Boone and George-Ann Knox I,


Rachel Cosby Conway, Alfred Heber Holbrook and Charles B. Presley Family Galleries Sponsors: The Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art

Southern Folk Art from the Permanent Collection April 28–July 22, 2012

In conjunction with “John Baeder,” this special exhibition will feature works of southern sculpture “Homeless Man” (1980), a stoneware face jug (ca. 1920s) by Cheever Meaders and two works by R.A. Miller.

Don’t Miss

Curator: Paul Manoguerra, chief curator and curator of American art

Georgia Bellflowers: The Furniture of Henry Eugene Thomas

Gallery: Lamar Dodd Gallery

Lamar Dodd Gallery

Sponsors: The Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art

On view through April 15

To Make a World: George Ault and 1940s America Boone and George-Ann Knox I, Rachel Cosby Conway, Alfred Heber Holbrook and Charles B. Presley Family Galleries On view through April 16

Pattern and Palette in Print: Gentry Magazine and a New Generation of Trendsetters Dorothy Alexander Roush and Martha Thompson Dinos Galleries On view through June 17

A Divine Light: Northern Renaissance Paintings from the Bob Jones University Museum & Gallery Virginia and Alfred Kennedy and Philip Henry Alston Jr. Galleries On view through July 29

All Creatures Great and Small T-Gates, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport On view through October 16

Works of Art Albrecht Dürer (page 4) (German, 1471–1528) The Dream of the Doctor (The Temptation of the Idler), 1498–99 Engraving on paper 7 1/2 x 4 13/16 inches Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; University purchase GMOA


Polly Knipp Hill (page 6, top) (American, 1900–1990) Overflow at Grandma’s in Arcadia, 1956 Aquatint and etching 8 x 9 3/4 inches Private collection

John Baeder (page 6, bottom) (American, b. 1938) Two Windows, 1967 C print on Kodak Endura paper 20 x 30 inches

Archie Byron (left) (American, 1928–2005) Homeless Man, 1980 Sawdust and house paint Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; Gift of the Larry D. and Brenda A. Thompson Collection of African American Art GMOA



folk art from the permanent collection. Among the objects on display will be Archie Byron’s


New Acquisitions


HE GMOA COLLECTION of presentation silver gained important additions recently: two nearly identical goblets, which functioned as trophies. Although their maker is unidentified, both these objects are engraved with Savannah-related militia references and are awards for skill in gunnery and for marksmanship. These important examples of Georgia silver were purchased at auction with funds generously provided by Beverly Bremer whose unfailing support is the basis for much of our silver collection. (Left)


Unidentified maker (American, active mid-19th

Unidentified maker (American, active mid-19th



Goblet, ca. 1861

Goblet, ca. 1857

Coin silver

Coin silver

Inscribed: Presented by the Chatham Artillery

Inscribed: Presented by The Savh. Volr. Guards

for skill in Gunnery January 8” 1861

to Ex Mem. R. J. R. Bec best Marksman Feby 22”

Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia;

1857 Savh /May 1” 1857”

Museum purchase with funds provided by the

Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia;

Beverly H. Bremer Charitable Lead Trust

Museum purchase with funds provided

GMOA accession in process

by the Beverly H. Bremer Charitable Lead Trust GMOA accession in process

T GMOA facet | Spring 2012

HIS FRAMED DOOR, which dates 1800–40, is a rare survival of untouched architectural interior with a polychrome paint treatment. What makes it all the more important is that it was collected decades ago by Henry D. Green himself, in Morgan County near Shadydale. It retains its original Federal paint scheme, which is inverted on either side: the obverse of the door has green trim and ochre panels, and the reverse has ochre trim and green panels. This curious device suggests that the adjacent rooms connected by this door had a similar but inverted color scheme. Increasingly, museums are appreciating and exhibiting architectural fragments that retain their original surfaces. GMOA collects these objects under stringently observed ethics that are designed to avoid contributing to the market for recently removed architectural elements from buildings that should be preserved in situ. This remarkable survival is the gift of Bill and Mary Burdell.


Unidentified maker (Morgan County, Ga.) Polychrome door, ca. 1800–40 Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; Gift of William and Mary Burdell GMOA


The staff of The Georgia Museum of Art would like to thank the generous sponsors of the Sixth Henry D. Green Symposium of the Decorative Arts. Symposium Sponsors Lucy and Buddy Allen Dr. Larry H. and Mrs. Linda N. Beard Brunk Auctions Phoebe and Ed Forio Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gibson Tom Gray in honor of Dale Couch Mr. and Mrs. Hix Green Mary Ann and Sam Griffin Helen C. Griffith Sally W. Hawkins in memory of Paul M. Hawkins Jennifer and Gregory Holcomb Sue Mann Marilyn and John McMullan Anne and Bill Newton Carey Pickard and Chris Howard in memory of Andrew Ladis Letitia and Rowland Radford Margaret R. Spalding Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Tarbutton Jr. William Dunn Wansley in memory and Sara Louise Dunn Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Buck Wiley III in honor

the group is beautifully engraved with the Georgia seal, making it a remarkably rare object. Sumptuary goods imported by Georgians are identifiable in the archeological record, in newspaper advertisements and among the heirlooms of Georgia families. Buddy and Lucy Allen donated this superb group of American glass objects to the collection.

Unidentified maker (American)

of Beverly Hart Bremer

Glassware, ca. 1850–60 Gift in progress from

In-kind sponsors

Buddy and Lucy Allen

Lee Epting Epting Events John and Martha Ezzard John and Marilyn McMullan Tiger Mountain Vineyards Other Gifts and Support Beverly Bremer Carol Crowe Carraco Mrs. Henry D. Green Cyndy Harbold Michael Kaufold Madison-Morgan Cultural Center Michael Montesani Carl Mullis John and Margaret Page Ann Scoggins Kathleen Staples and Joe Ashley UGA Office of the President Brenda Wade



HE MUSEUM’S COLLECTION of monogrammed luxury items from early Georgia households also took a recent leap forward. GMOA acquired a group of glass objects that descended from prominent Athenian Howell Cobb. Several examples feature an engraved C for the Cobb name. A decanter in

of Louise Dunn Gibson Wansley


Donor Spotlight: Martha Daura and Thomas Mapp

GMOA facet | Spring 2012




t may sound surprising that one person’s recent donations could help to shape an institution that’s been open since 1948, but Martha Randolph Daura has had a formative impact on the Georgia Museum of Art’s collection of European paintings.

Since 2002, Martha has given the

archive containing the artist’s writ-

still regularly surprised by and

museum more than 600 works of art

ings and personal correspondence,

excited about what I find. Other

by her father, Pierre Daura, a Catalan-

those of his wife Louise and her

scholars who have worked with

American artist. Her gifts to the

family and material associated with

it—from around the United States

museum have also included paintings

exhibitions of his art. It is an archive

and Europe—have been equally

by other important modern artists

that ranges from a sketch by Émile


such as Joaquín Torres-García and

Bernard to a letter written by Marga-

Jean Hélion, works by her mother,

ret Mitchell, from hand-made birthday

Louise Blair Daura, and decorative art

cards to bone fragments of the artist’s

Daura Center will be readily apparent

from her mother’s family, including

arm. As Lynn Boland, Pierre Daura

to anyone who looks through the

a chest of drawers from the School of

Curator of European Art, puts it

archive. Daura’s career intertwined

The significance of the Pierre

with some of the best-known artists

Thomas Day and a silver soup tureen that belonged to her grandmother,

The archive is a veritable treasure

of the twentieth century, and the

Martha Feilds Blair. The Daura

trove of documents elucidating

archive attests to some of the key

collection is supported by the Pierre

modernism. Even after two years of

developments in modern art. As

Daura Center, which houses an

working with these materials, I’m

a young artist, Daura worked for



Bernard and exchanged letters with

It was while living in Virginia that

feat. It was important “to find a good

leaving Athens to live closer to

him, which are now included in

Daura gave private lessons to a

university museum that had strong

family in the Northwest. Their

archive. Daura worked in Paris

young Cy Twombly, and was in fact

ties with the studio art and art history

involvement with GMOA, however, is

between 1914 and 1930, and while

Twombly’s first art instructor. The

departments to maximize the use of

far from over. Martha hopes to see a

living there he helped form the

archive gives access not only to

the art in education.” GMOA fit the

rise in interest in the art and writings

group “Cercle et Carré” (Circle and

Daura’s thoughts on art, but also to

bill, and Martha and Tom have

of her mother, Louise, which are

Square). Other members of this

those of his friends and colleagues.

enjoyed their connection with the

included in the Daura collection, and

museum over the years. Says Tom:

would love to see the publication of

As described by Tom, assembling

Piet Mondrian and Fernand Léger

and organizing the documents that

“The museum staff really feels like

Louise’s letters from Paris. Louise

to name a few. Although “Cercle et

would form the Daura archive was no

family to us now.”

moved from her home in Virginia to

Carré” was organized in part to

small task. It has in fact been “a

oppose the contemporary rise of

full-time job for the past five years.”

museums has been lifelong. Having

husband Pierre. Martha describes her

Surrealism, Daura would later form a

“We made a great team though,”

an artist as a father, Martha says

mother as someone with “a great

close relationship with André Breton,

adds Martha, “Tom is a superb

she “grew up in an atmosphere of

sense of adventure.” Tentative plans

the founder of the Surrealist move-

organizer, and I knew the content

beauty.” For Pierre Daura, no object

for an exhibition of the work of

ment. Martha’s husband, Tom, points

and the context.” In the end, Martha

was too insignificant to be made

Louise Daura and a publication of

out that the fruits of Daura and

and Tom divided the archive into 11

beautiful; “We would play Parcheesi

her letters are underway at the

Breton’s friendship are preserved in

series, beginning with a Daura

with a board made for me by Father,”

Georgia Museum of Art. “Cercle et

the Daura Center, “We have fascinat-

biographical overview, through

Martha remembers. “It was a work of

Carré,” a major exhibition organized

ing letters from André Breton.” In

dramatic accounts of his role in the

art, like stained glass.” Martha is

by Boland will be on view at GMOA

1939, Pierre Daura would move to

Spanish Civil War, to his correspon-

fueled by her love of art. “If I don’t go

in 2013.

America and later teach art first at

dence with friends and family.

to an art museum, then I start to feel

Selecting the right art museum

as if my batteries were running low.”

for the Daura collection was no small

Martha and Tom will soon be

Lynchburg College and then at Randolph-Macon Woman’s College.

Martha’s love of art and art

France in 1927, where she met future




Pierre Daura

Unknown maker

Pierre Daura

(Catalan-American, 1896–1976)

(American, School of Thomas Day)

(Catalan-American, 1896–1976)

Martha at Thirteen, 1943–44

Chest of drawers, n.d.

Untitled (Street PICIRII 3), 1929

Oil on canvas

Walnut, poplar and yellow pine

Oil on canvas

Georgia Museum of Art, University of

48 x 41 x 21 inches

Georgia Museum of Art, University of

Georgia; Gift of Martha Randolph Daura

Georgia Museum of Art, University of

Georgia; Gift of Martha Randolph Daura

GMOA 2003.390

Georgia; Gift of Martha Randolph Daura

GMOA 2003.390

GMOA 2010.246


group included Wassily Kandinsky,


Calendar : Spring 2012

Special Events Student Night Thursday, April 5, 8–11 p.m. Join the Student Association of the Georgia Museum of Art


for a night of food, DIY projects and a screening of film noir classic “Mildred Pierce.” Generously sponsored by Todd Emily. Visit www.georgiamuseum.org for more information.















Annual GMOA/Willson Center Lecture Thursday, April 19, 4 p.m. M. Smith Griffith Auditorium








Sujata Iyengar, associate professor, department of English,








UGA, will present “Pop Goes Shakespeare: Illustration, Adaptation, and Appropriation in the Arden Shakespeare Covers, second series.” Reception to follow. Co-sponsored by the Georgia Museum of Art

22 29







and the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts.

Collectors Visit Tuesday, April 24, 6 p.m.


The Collectors will visit a private collection in Athens. You must be a member of the Collectors to participate. For more information or to join the Collectors, call our membership office at 706.542.0830.

GMOA Teen Studio: Fabric Design Thursday, May 3, 5:30–8:30 p.m.

May Sun

Join us for GMOA’s new teen workshop! Participants will Mon











talk with curators of the exhibition “Pattern and Palette in Print: Gentry Magazine and a New Generation of Trendsetters” and participate in a fabric-design workshop with textile designer Susan Hable Smith. Pizza will be served. Space is limited. Call 706.542.GMOA (4662) to






















reserve your spot.

Painted Words: An Evening with the Georgia Museum of Art & Judith Ortiz Cofer’s Advanced Creative Writing Class Friday, May 4, 7 p.m. M. Smith Griffith Auditorium The relationship between word and image is one of the mysteries these writers will be addressing in this






creative-writing workshop. Students will present brief readings based on individual works from GMOA’s permanent collection.

The Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art Annual Meeting Thursday, May 10, 5:30–8:30 p.m. M. Smith Griffith Auditorium

June Sun

3 10

Join us for the Friends Annual Meeting and presentation of the 2012 M. Smith Griffith Volunteer of the Year Award. Mon

4 11


5 12


6 13


7 14





8 15

9 16

Reception to follow. This event is free and open to the public. For more information call 706.542.GMOA (4662).

The Collectors Bash: Seven Deadly Sins Friday, May 18, 7 p.m. Join the Collectors for this dinner and silent auction to raise funds for acquisitions at GMOA. Collectors: $75 per person; $150 per couple. Non-members: $85 per person; $170 per couple. RSVP to 706.542.GMOA (4662)

17 24

18 25

19 26

20 27

21 28

22 29

23 30

by May 10.

GMOA and the Athens Historical Society Present “The World’s Smallest Airport, 1949–1950” Sunday, May 20, 3 p.m. M. Smith Griffith Auditorium This screening of “The World’s Smallest Airport” (2012), the story of the Thrasher Brothers Aerial Circus produced and directed by Matt DeGennaro, will be accompanied by a discussion with the writer and executive producer,

GMOA facet | Spring 2012

Grady Thrasher. The AHS meeting will take place prior


Schedule a Visit to the Georgia Museum of Art To schedule a class visit or student assignment at the Georgia Museum of Art, please call us at 706.542.GMOA (4662) at least two weeks prior to the visit. Scheduling in advance enables us to prepare for your visit whether it is a docent-led tour, a self-guided visit led by an instructor or students who will be coming on their own to complete an assignment. Family Day programs are sponsored by Heyward Allen Motor Co., Inc., Heyward Allen Toyota, YellowBook USA and the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art and are free and open to the public. All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.

to the screening, at 2:30. Free and open to the public.

Art Adventures: Let’s Go! June and July


In conjunction with the exhibition “John Baeder,” day camps, day cares and community centers are invited to participate in this exciting program focusing on the idea of adventure, travel and photography. Participants will enjoy a fun, interactive gallery tour and art-making

Dress the Part: Fashion in Movies and Magazines

activity. To schedule your group for June or July, call 706.542.GMOA (4662).

This film series is held in conjunction with the exhibition “Pattern and Palette in Print: Gentry Magazine and

Lectures & Gallery Talks 18th Annual Andrea Carson Coley Reception and Lecture Friday, April 6, 11:30 a.m.

a New Generation of Trendsetters.” All screenings will take place in the M. Smith Griffith Auditorium.

“Diner” Thursday, June 28, 7 p.m. “Diner” (1982) is a nostalgic, funny and highly personal memoir of a group of men in their early 20s hanging out at their favorite diner in Baltimore in 1959. Steve Guttenberg, Daniel Stern, Mickey Rourke, Tim Daly, Paul Reiser and Kevin Bacon star as the young men trying to avoid the inevitable responsibilities of adulthood. 110 minutes, R.

“Bill Cunningham New York” Thursday, April 12, 7 p.m.


For decades, this Schwinn-riding cultural anthropologist

The Andrea Carson Coley Lecture was endowed by

has been obsessively and inventively chronicling fashion

a donation by Andrew and Kathy Coley in memory

trends and high-society charity soirées for the New York

of their daughter Andrea Carson Coley (1972–1993),

Times Style section in his columns “On the Street” and

who was a certificate candidate in Women’s Studies.

“Evening Hours.” Cunningham’s enormous body of work

Each spring, the Andrea Carson Coley Lecture brings

is more reliable than any catwalk as an expression of

to campus scholars doing cutting-edge research in

time, place and individual flair, and this film (2010) is a

the area of lesbian and gay studies. This year’s speaker,

delicate, funny and often poignant portrait of a dedicated

Tricia Lootens, associate professor of English at UGA,

artist. 84 minutes, NR.

Tour at Two: Highlights from the Permanent Collection Wednesday, April 4; May 2, 23 and 30; June 13, 20 and 27, 2 p.m. Meet docents in the lobby for a tour of highlights from the permanent collection.

will present “Friends and Family: Coming Home.”

“Funny Face” (1957), starring Fred Astaire and Audrey

Join us for two lectures in conjunction with the

Hepburn, is a stylish musical about Paris, the world of

exhibition “A Divine Light: Northern Renaissance

high-fashion photographers, models, beatniks and love.

Paintings from the Bob Jones University Museum

Filmed on location, the film includes songs by Ira and

& Gallery.” Trinita Kennedy, associate curator at

George Gershwin. 103 minutes, NR.

the Frist Center for the Visual Arts in Nashville, will present “Gather Around the Fire: Taking a Closer Look at the Madonna of the Fireplace.” John Nolan, curator at Bob Jones University Museum & Gallery, will present “A Short History of Collecting Northern Renaissance Paintings at American Universities: Context for the Formation of the BJU Art Collection.”

Gallery Talk Sunday, April 15, 3 p.m. Join Ashley Callahan in the galleries for a discussion of “Georgia Bellflowers: The Furniture of Henry Eugene Thomas.”

Join Mary Koon, editor at GMOA, and Clay McLaurin, chair of the fabric-design program at the Lamar Dodd School of Art, for a discussion of the exhibition “Pattern and Palette in Print: Gentry Magazine and a New Generation of Trendsetters.” Stay for “Funny Face,” part of the film series “Dress the Part: Fashion in Movies and Magazines.”

of American art

With unprecedented access, “The September Issue” (2009) tells the story of legendary Vogue editor-in-chief

Gallery Games Thursday, May 17, 4:15–5 p.m.

Anna Wintour and her larger-than-life team of editors

Kids ages 7–11 are invited to join us for this special

creating the single largest issue of a magazine ever

interactive gallery tour with Melissa Rackley from

published. 90 minutes, PG-13.

GMOA’s education department. Learn about works in the permanent collection through activities designed

Summer Film Series This film series is held in conjunction with the exhibition “John Baeder.” All screenings will take place in

“Rise of the Southern Biscuit” Thursday, June 7, 7 p.m. This documentary (2006) chronicles the journey of the biscuit in the South from flour-and-water “hardtack” to “high-rising” buttered memories. Filmmaker Maryann Byrd travels the South collecting images and interviews that have won this little film two Emmy Awards for best cultural documentary and writing, and three Telly Awards

Gallery Talk Thursday, April 26, 5:30 p.m.

tary. 30 minutes, NR.

Join artist Enee Abelman, co-curator of “Polly Knipp

“Waitress” Thursday, June 14, 7 p.m.

for a discussion of the exhibition.

In “Waitress” (2007), Jenna’s secret ambition is to save enough money from her waitressing job to leave her

Artful Conversation Wednesday, May 16, 2 p.m.

overbearing and controlling husband. An unwanted

Join Carissa DiCindio, curator of education, in the

unexpected confidence via letters to her unborn baby.

galleries for an in-depth discussion of Paul Cadmus’s

100 minutes, PG.

pregnancy changes the course of events, giving her an

“Playground” (1948).

Artful Conversation Wednesday, June 6, 2 p.m.

Tour at Two: Landscapes in the Permanent Collection Wednesday, May 9, 2 p.m.

“The September Issue” Thursday, April 26, 7 p.m.

for best music, best program and outstanding documen-

Hill: Marking a Life Through Etching,” in the galleries

Lynn Boland, Pierre Daura Curator of European Art

Paul Manoguerra, chief curator and curator

the M. Smith Griffith Auditorium.

Gallery Talk Thursday, April 19, 5:30 p.m.

Tour at Two: Dada and Surrealism in the Permanent Collection Wednesday, April 11, 2 p.m.

“Junebug” Thursday, June 21, 7 p.m. In this award-winning comedy drama (2005), a British-

Join Carissa DiCindio, curator of education, in the

born dealer in regional, “outsider” art, travels to North

galleries for an in-depth discussion of Art Rosenbaum’s

Carolina from Chicago to pursue the work of a local

“Hurricane Season” (1999).

painter for her gallery. She and her brand-new husband, George, extend the trip to include an introduction to

just for kids!

Family Days GMOA Celebrates Family Saturday, April 21, 10 a.m.–noon Celebrate the special people in your life as we look at images of love and adoration in the exhibition “A Divine Light: Northern Renaissance Paintings from the Bob Jones University Museum & Gallery.” Join us in the Michael and Mary Erlanger Studio Classroom to create a work of art inspired by an important person in your life. Special performance by Suzuki violin students from the UGA Community Music School.

GMOA Road Trip! Saturday, June 9, 10 a.m.–noon It’s time for a road trip! We’ll look at John Baeder’s photographs of roadside attractions, then head to the Michael and Mary Erlanger Studio Classroom to make our own roadside signs using collage materials. Held in conjunction with the exhibition “John Baeder.”

Workshops & Classes Drawing in the Galleries Thursday, April 26, May 24 and June 21, 5–8 p.m. Visitors are invited to sketch in the galleries during these hours. No instruction provided. Pencils only.

his family: his prickly mother, Peg; his taciturn father, Eugene; his angry younger brother, Johnny; and Johnny’s very pregnant and innocently garrulous wife, Ashley. 106 minutes, R.

Check our website for the most recent information on events: www.georgiamuseum.org


John Nolan and Trinita Kennedy Thursday, April 12, 5:30–6:30 p.m.

“Funny Face” Thursday, April 19, 7 p.m.


Museum Notes

Paul Manoguerra, chief curator and curator of American art, accepts the GAMG Award for GMOA docent Kitty Donnan (center) with Mrs. Worthington’s first-grade class at Oconee

best special project.

County Primary School.



Deanne Deavours, noted dealer of American furniture

“Madison, Georgia: An Architectural

eight elementary schools in Clarke County

and decorative art, became the first

accepted the award for best special

visited GMOA in October and Novem-

recipient of the Henry D. Green Lifetime

project from the Georgia Association

ber. Students watched a documentary on

Achievement Award for the Decorative

of Museums and Galleries (GAMG) at

the sculptures from the “Horizons”

Arts, given by the Georgia Museum of

the group’s recent annual conference

exhibition and artist Steinunn Thórarins-

Art. The award was presented to Deavours

in Milledgeville. The award was given

dóttir, took an interactive gallery tour with

after she delivered the keynote speech

for GMOA’s publications “One Hundred

museum docents and participated in an

at the sixth Henry D. Green Symposium

American Paintings” and “Tracing

art activity. In January, GMOA docents

of the Decorative Arts. The museum also

Vision: Modern Drawings from the

brought our Suitcase Tour to all the

presented the first-ever Jane Campbell

Georgia Museum of Art,” which were

first-grade classrooms at Oconee County

Symmes Spirit of the Symposium Award

published when the museum reopened

Primary School. Suitcase Tours are

to Symmes, after whom it was named.

last January. In other awards news,

designed for students in grades K–3 and

The museum’s Decorative Arts Advisory

GMOA has officially been LEED Certified

feature the works of five artists from the

Committee decides on a recipient of the

Gold. LEED stands for Leadership in

museum’s permanent collection. Each

award due to his or her service, dedication

Energy and Environmental Design and

presentation is 50 minutes long, free and

to and encouragement of the symposium

is an independent, third-party verifica-

limited to 30 students per presentation.

and the community energy he or she

tion that is a project constructed using

For more information or to schedule a

generates. Symmes is a longtime member

strategies and materials that promote

A fifth-grader’s thank-you note and drawing of one of the “Horizons” sculptures.

and driving force of the Southern Garden

sustainable development, water savings,

History Society and the co-author of

energy efficiency and indoor air quality.

The Georgia Museum of Art received

In honor of William Underwood Eiland

the following gifts between November 12,

by Patricia Wright

Nearly 600 fifth-graders from

tour, call the museum’s education department at 706.542.GMOA (4662).


2011, and February 20, 2012: The Georgia Museum of Art received

In honor of Mrs. Henry D. Green by Mr. and

In memory of Professor Thomas B.

Mrs. Joseph H. Hilsman and Mr. and Mrs. J.

2011, and February 29, 2012:

Brumbaugh by William Underwood Eiland

Hamilton Hilsman


In memory of Henry D. Green by Mr. and Mrs.

In honor of Caroline Maddox by Whitney and

Joseph H. Hilsman and Mr. and Mrs. J.

Larry Neal

the following gifts between November 12,

Dr. and Mrs. Larry Holden Beard* Mrs. M. Smith Griffith* Mr. C.L. Morehead Jr.* The Turner Family Foundation BENEFACTOR Ms. Beverly H. Bremer Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Edge Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Holcomb PATRON Ms. Marilyn D. McNeely Mr. and Mrs. Alan Friend Rothschild Jr. DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Currey Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Dolson Mr. and Mrs. James B. Fleece Mrs. Frances Yates Green

Hamilton Hilsman In memory of Hannah Harvey by Karen Benson, Sam and Elaine Carleton, Carol Dolson, Kitty Donnan, Judith Ellis, Marya and Bill Free, Susan Glover, Cyndy Harbold, Stanley Longman, Janet Miller, Berkeley Minor, Karen Moncreif, Betty Myrtle, Julia Sanks, Mary Louise Stark and Patty Whitehead In memory of Andrew Ladis by Patricia Wright and Shelley Zuraw

In memory of Marjorie Fowler Newton by Sarah Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Millard Berry Grimes

In memory of Lucy Davis Rasula by Jed Rasula

Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III

and Suzi Wong In memory of Richard Welch by Lynn and

GMOA facet | Spring 2012

Mr. and Mrs. C.V. Nalley III Dr. and Mrs. Ira G. Roth


*Recent major gifts will be recognized in a future issue of the newsletter.

Mrs. Patricia Gebhardt Staub Mrs. Dudley Stevens

Dick Berkowitz, Devereux and Dave Burch and William Underwood Eiland

In honor of Judy and Tom Taylor by Carolyn and Rhett Tanner In honor of the birthday of Flint Williams by Charles and Laura Carter and Ryan Katz In honor of the staff of the Georgia Museum of Art by Lynn and Dick Berkowitz and Phoebe and Ed Forio

The staff at the Georgia Museum

bakery is now serving fresh-made in the new museum lobby.

of Art would like to thank the generous sponsors of the museum’s Black History Month celebration,

Tuesday–Friday, 10 a.m.–4 p.m.

“An Evening with the Blues”: Athens Chapter, The Links, Incorporated,

Have breakfast, lunch or a snack,

in memory of Lillian Lynch; Mr.

enjoy a spectacular view of the

Todd Emily; Julie and Ira Roth; UGA

In honor of Lynn and Dick Berkowitz

Dr. W. Thomas Wilfong

by Stuart Rudikoff

Alumni Association; UGA’s Office

In honor of Paige Carmichael by Michele

for Institutional Diversity; Ashford

Turner and Doug Harman

The popular Normaltown café and coffee, sandwiches and baked goods

Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. David L. Warner Ms. Jane S. Willson

Ike & Jane at the Georgia Museum of Art!

In honor of Annelies Mondi by Patricia Wright

In memory of Jack Clement Milsted by William Underwood Eiland

Guide.” In February, Paul Manoguerra

Manor B&B and Event Facility

Jane and Harry Willson Sculpture Garden and support the museum. (Ike & Jane generously donates 10 percent of profits from its GMOA location to the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art!)

Event Photos

Family Day: Let’s Move! Sarah Whitaker teaches a yoga class at January’s Family Day: Let’s Move! Art, Animals and Yoga, held in conjunction with Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move! Museums and Gardens” initiative.



Not a member? Join the museum during one of the

Reception: Georgia Bellflowers Exhibition (l to r): Brad Puckett (Henry Eugene Thomas’s great-grandson), Paige

most exciting moments in its history! Join on our website, www.georgiamuseum.org, or call 706.542.0830.

Purvis, Brenda Puckett and her husband Jimmy Puckett (Thomas’s grandson) stand beside one of Thomas’s mantel clocks (loaned to the exhibition by Jimmy and Brenda Puckett) at the reception for “Georgia Bellflowers: The Furniture of Henry Eugene Thomas.”

Henry D. Green Synposium Chris Schleier, proprieter of Colonial Chair Company, presents “Making a Windsor Chair” at the Sixth Henry D. Green Symposium.

Parking for the Georgia Museum of Art is available in the Performing Arts Center (PAC) parking deck, which is located at the rear of lot E11 off River Road (see map). the PAC deck is free on Saturdays and Sundays and after 10 p.m. on weeknights with

Black History Month Dinner

a valid UGA ID or permit, unless there is a special event. Free parking (that is, parking without a permit) is available in surface lot E11 on Saturdays and Sundays and after

Event sponsor Todd Emily (center) with singer Kyshona Armstrong and artist John Ahee.

For more event photos see www.flickr.com/gmoa

4 p.m. on weekdays.


There is no free visitor parking on campus during regular business hours. Parking in


non-profit org. u.s. postage paid athens, ga


permit no. 49

90 Carlton Street Athens, Georgia 30602-6719 www.georgiamuseum.org address service requested

John Baeder

Dürer and His Legacy

Martha Daura & Thomas Mapp

spring 2012

f a c e t •••

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