Facet – Winter 2015

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New Acquisitions

Elegant Salute


Winter 2015


rom the Director From the Director

Board of Advisors

Department of Publications

Mr. B. Heyward Allen Jr., chair

Hillary Brown and

Dr. Amalia K. Amaki

Anna Truszczynski

Mrs. Frances Aronson-Healey Mrs. June M. Ball

October 3, 2014 I was not disappointed. The lecture was first-rate.

Dr. Linda N. Beard

Publications Intern

Ms. Karen L. Benson

Sara Adams

Mr. Fred D. Bentley Sr.* Mr. Richard E. Berkowitz


Mrs. Jeanne L. Berry

The Adsmith

Mrs. Devereux C. Burch Mr. Robert E. Burton**

October 18, 2014

Mrs. Debbie C. Callaway**

Our exhibition of Emilio Pucci's designs

Mr. Randolph W. Camp

opens, and I write a quick, not-satisfactory-

Mrs. Shannon I. Candler,* executive

because-it's-quick note to Mary Koon, our adjunct curator, for her excellent work.

committee, past chair Mrs. Faye S. Chambers Mr. Harvey J. Coleman

Reminder: write and thank her again. It

Mrs. Martha T. Dinos**

was high time the museum acknowledged

Mrs. Annie Laurie Dodd***

Pucci's sojourn in Athens.

Ms. Sally Dorsey Professor Marvin Eisenberg*

October 19, 2014 I went to the opening of Anne Wall Thomas's

Mr. Howard F. Elkins Mr. Todd Emily Ms. Carlyn F. Fisher* Mr. James B. Fleece

the work and how it fits into our collection

Mrs. Phoebe G. Forio***

that I bought four of them for the museum.

Mr. John M. Greene**

90 Carlton Street

Lately, I have been thinking that I need

Most important, all four date from the early

Mrs. Helen C. Griffith

Athens, GA 30602-6719

to take time to follow our public relations

1950s and are clear expressions of the

Mrs. M. Smith Griffith*


coordinator's advice. Michael has urged

prevailing Zeitgeist of geometric abstraction.

me to blog, tweet or in some easy and

I was lucky to acquire them.

Mrs. Judith F. Hernstadt Mrs. Marion E. Jarrell Mrs. Jane Compton Johnson* Mrs. George-Ann Knox*

digital way insert my observations about the museum's activities into the cyber-discourse.

October 22, 2014

Mrs. Shell H. Knox

Heretofore, I have feared that I would

I am at the Southeastern Museums

Mr. David W. Matheny

be adding to what is rapidly becoming a

Conference annual meeting in Knoxville,

cacophony of bytes and Instagrams. I never

Tenn., with four staff members for the

got around to getting the following notes to

awards luncheon. I was delighted to see

Mrs. Marilyn D. McNeely

him at the time they were written, but they

deputy director Annelies Mondi accept

Mrs. Berkeley S. Minor

do contain aperçus about how we meet our

the curatorial award for “Cercle et Carré

Mr. C.L. Morehead Jr.*

shared goals with the university:

and the International Spirit of Abstract

Mr. Carl W. Mullis III,* immediate past

Art,” our exhibition from the Daura Center.

Admission: Free HOURS Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday,

Ms. Catherine A. May

10 a.m.–5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.–9 p.m.;

Mr. Mark G. McConnell

Sunday, 1–5 p.m. Museum Shop closes 15

Mrs. Marilyn M. McMullan

minutes prior.

chair Mrs. Betty R. Myrtle

Ike & Jane at the Georgia Museum of Art Tuesday–Friday, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. 706.542.4662

September 26, 2014

Mrs. Deborah L. O’Kain

Fax: 706.542.1051

Yesterday evening, I had the pleasure of

publications awards, one of which was for

Dr. Randall S. Ott

Exhibition Line: 706.542.3254

hearing Patricia Leighton describe her work,

the catalogue “The Exuberance of Meaning:

Dr. Gordhan L. Patel

scattered as it is around the world. The

The Art Patronage of Catherine the Great

Mrs. Janet W. Patterson

Georgia Museum of Art is proud that its

(1762–1796)” from our exhibition, organized

Ms. Kathy B. Prescott

Jane and Harry Willson Sculpture Garden

by guest curator Dr. Asen Kirin of the Lamar

is hosting her site-specific living testament

Dodd School of Art. Bravo to the staff at the

to the relationship of humankind to the

museum! (I have many other thank-yous to

Mr. Alan F. Rothschild Jr., chair-elect

environment. The plants that pierce her steel


Mrs. Dorothy A. Roush*

contain nature is futile.

October 24–26, 2014 The Andrew Ladis Trecento Symposium

Dr. William F. Prokasy IV Mr. Rowland A. Radford Jr.* Ms. Margaret A. Rolando

Mission Statement

Ms. Jan E. Roush

The Georgia Museum of Art shares the

Mrs. Sarah P. Sams**

mission of the University of Georgia to

Mr. D. Jack Sawyer Jr.

support and to promote teaching,

Mrs. Helen H. Scheidt**

research and service. Specifically, as a

September 27, 2014

began with the Alfred Heber Holbrook

I attended the president's reception last

Lecture, given by Carl Brandon Strehlke,

Mr. S. Stephen Selig III**

night at the Tate Student Center. How proud

adjunct curator of the John G. Johnson

Ms. Cathy Selig-Kuranoff**

I am of our patrons, who were out in force.

Collection at the Philadelphia Museum of

Mr. Ronald K. Shelp

collect, preserve, exhibit and interpret

Does any museum have better supporters?

Art, and what a fine opening it was, as he

Mrs. Margaret R. Spalding

significant works of art.

The museum is where town meets gown,

explained how the Renaissance has been

with reciprocal benefits. Where would we be

"curated" by museums in America and

without our Friends?

western Europe. He taught me a great deal

Mrs. Barbara Auxier Turner

about how even the simple arrangement

Mr. C. Noel Wadsworth*

September 28, 2014

of an exhibition can affect perception and

Mrs. W. Harry Willson

Partial support for the exhibitions and programs

At the Booth Museum in Cartersville, Ga., for

aid in learning. The next day brought more

Dr. Carol V. Winthrop

at the Georgia Museum of Art is provided by the

an opening of one of its series of exhibitions

excellent talks, with our guest speakers

of Western art in Georgia collections,

delivering papers based on their research


of which ours is one. I am glad that the

into the history of Italian art, into the

Mrs. Linda C. Chesnut

Georgia Museum of Art is generous with its

restoration of Italian paintings and into

Dr. William Underwood Eiland

colleagues, whose audiences may thereby

teaching the Renaissance. Finally, I was

Professor Chris Garvin

share the wealth of our collections for study

struck by the seriousness with which these

Mr. Kelly Kerner

and enjoyment. Moreover, our works look

scholars approached works of art in the

good in that grand and substantial building.

collection of Bob Jones University, how they

Mr. Henry C. Schwob**

Dr. Brenda A. Thompson

Georgia Council for the Arts through the

and corporations provide additional museum

Dr. Pamela Whitten

is ADA compliant; the M. Smith Griffith Auditorium is equipped for the hearing impaired.

in our M. Smith Griffith Auditorium. I look

such symposium planned for the museum

**Emeritus member

forward to this discussion of the metopes

and university. Addio.

December 7.

Endowment for the Arts. Individuals, foundations

Georgia Foundation. The Georgia Museum of Art

*Lifetime member

A. Schwab,” in the Knox Gallery until

support from its partner agency, the National

Mrs. Julie M. Roth

waved them good-bye because it is the last

William Underwood Eiland, director

The Georgia Council for the Arts also receives

support through their gifts to the University of

The Shouky Shaheen Lecture is tonight

The Parthenon Drawings of Katherine

appropriations of the Georgia General Assembly.

Dr. Russell Mumper

October 2, 2014

for the exhibition “An Archaeologist’s Eye:

the visual arts, the museum exists to

Mrs. Carolyn W. Tanner

It was a bittersweet moment for me when I

by Katherine A. Schwab, who is responsible

repository and educational instrument of

Mrs. Dudley R. Stevens

reflected on dating, attributions and style.

GMOA facet | Winter 2015

University of Georgia

Registrar Christy Sinksen accepted three

boxes remind me daily that our attempt to


Georgia Museum of Art

works in Raleigh, N.C. I was so taken with

***Honorary member







Elegant Salute

Member Appreciation

Event Photos



Elegant Salute


New Acquisitions


Member Appreciation


Calendar of Events


Museum Notes


Event Photos


On the front cover:

On the back cover:

Piero Lerda (Italian, 1927–2007)

Pierre Daura (Catalan-American, 1896–1976)

Personaggio – Schermo, 1962

Martha and Unicorn, 1962

India ink and wax resist on paper laid down on paper

Oil on canvas

19 x 13 3/4 inches (image)

37 x 29 1/8 inches

25 3/4 x 18 3/4 inches (sheet)

Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia;

Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia;

Gift of Martha Randolph Daura

Gift of Valeria Gennaro Lerda

GMOA 2013.200


GMOA 2011.530



1945 issue of Vogue magazine. She received

many commissions, including one for a brooch

for Queen Juliana of the Netherlands. Fischer’s

jewelry production diminished when she

enrolled in Columbia University’s Ph.D. program

in art history and ceased completely in 1963

when she began teaching.

(1907–2004) was an artist and designer who

immigrated to the United States by way of Paris

to escape the Nazi regime. Known to her family

as Lisl, Fischer graduated in 1927 from the

internationally known School of Applied Arts

of the Austrian Museum of Art and Industry,

where she studied with Josef Hoffman, one

Fischer’s jewelry and other works of art, which

scholars have mostly overlooked, but will also

delve into issues of identity and the influence

of early Christian and medieval art on her

jewelry designs. Expulsion (from Germany and

Austria, and finally from France) and the trials

designer but left after Hitler came to power in

1933 and lived mostly in Paris until the German

army entered the city on June 14, 1940. Lisl then

spent a tumultuous several months in the South

of France until family and friends were able to

secure her travel to the United States.

Woodstock, from Virginia to Athens, Ga., where

she taught art history at the University of Georgia,

and finally to North Carolina, where she worked

in collage, printmaking and drawing until her

death in 2004.

silk house but soon left her job and began

experimenting with ceramics. Her experiments

led to the design and handmade production of

ceramic buttons and jewelry, which she sold

successfully throughout the United States. A

order ensemble by the fashionable New York

Alice Fischer (American, b. Vienna, 1907–2004) “Freedom of Want” button, ca. 1947 Hand-painted, mold-poured and fired porcelain 1 1/4 x 1 1/8 x 1/4 inches Private collection

Museum of Art

Foundation and the Friends of the Georgia

Sponsors: The W. Newton Morris Charitable

Gallery: Boone and George-Ann Knox Gallery II

decorative arts

In-House Curator: Dale L. Couch, curator of

Curator: Mary Koon, independent curator

she arrived in the states—from Manhattan to

of 1941, Fischer found work in a French

set of Fischer’s buttons, applied to a made-to-

continued to journey from place to place once

After arriving in New York in the summer

of immigration marked the artist’s life, and she

This exhibition serves as an introduction to

subsequently worked in Berlin as a freelance

of the founders of the Wiener Werkstätte. She

store Henri Bendel, appears in the October

Born in Vienna to a Jewish family, Alice Fischer

The Life and Work of Alice Fischer, Cultural Pioneer January 10–March 8, 2015


Alice Fischer (American, b. Vienna, 1907–2004) Eight buttons, ca. 1943–63 Hand-painted, mold-poured and fired porcelain in various colored and textured glazes 3/4 x 3/4 x 1/4 inches each Private collection

Alice Fischer (American, b. Vienna, 1907–2004) “The History of Fashion” Necklace, ca. 1943–63 17 hand-painted, mold-poured and fired porcelain tiles, with colored glazes, linked with gold thread Necklace: 15 3/8 x 13/16 x 1/8 inches; each tile: 13/16 x 9/16 x 1/8 inches Private collection


Organized by the Indiana University

Art Museum in Bloomington, Ind., this

exhibition was made possible through

the generous support of the Daura

Foundation and the IU Art Museum’s

Arc Fund and will be on view at IUAM,

the Daura Gallery in Lynchburg, Va.,

and the Joel and Lila Harnett Museum

of Art at the University of Richmond

Museums. Research was supported

by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation,

the Daura Foundation and IU’s New

Frontiers grant program. Special

thanks are due to Martha Daura. This

to the many works that the Catalan-

American painter Pierre Daura created

throughout his career in response

to his personal relationships. His

courtship, his marriage to an American,

the birth of his daughter Martha, his

family’s home life in St. Cirq-Lapopie,

his service in the Spanish Civil War,

his exile to the United States during

World War II and his wife’s illness and

death represent events to which Daura

responded with deeply personal images

that can be counted among his most

beautiful, original and moving works,


whether on paper, canvas or wood.

This exhibition is the first one devoted

Pierre Daura (1896–1976): Picturing Attachments February 21–April 19, 2015

Pierre Daura (Catalan-American, 1896–1976) Self-Portrait, (also known as Daura as a Soldier, SV Cap), ca. 1938 Oil on canvas 25 9/16 x 21 1/4 inches Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; Gift of Martha Randolph Daura GMOA 2003.379

Pierre Daura (Catalan-American, 1896–1976) Young Couple, ca. 1955 Oil on cardboard 31 1/4 x 25 1/4 inches (framed) Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; Gift of Martha Randolph Daura GMOA 2013.199

Georgia Museum of Art

Foundation and the Friends of the

the W. Newton Morris Charitable

Sponsors: The Daura Foundation,

Lamar Dodd Galleries

Galleries: Charles B. Presley Family and

curator of European art

In-House Curator: Laura Valeri, associate

Indiana University Art Museum

Curator: Adelheid Gealt, director,

Mapp and Andrew W. Ladis.

catalogue are dedicated to Thomas W.

exhibition and the accompanying

hibitions exhibitions

Chaos and Metamorphosis: The Art of Piero Lerda February 14–May 10, 2015

Piero Lerda (Italian, 1927–2007) La creazione del mondo, 2007 Mixed media on cardboard 16 1/2 x 14 11/16 inches (sheet) Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; Gift of Valeria Gennaro Lerda GMOA 2011.533

This exhibition presents a cross-section of the work

with juxtapositions, seeking to find a balance between

Curator: Laura Valeri, associate curator of European art

of Italian artist Piero Lerda (1927–2007). Drawing

order and chaos, good and evil, pessimism and witty

Galleries: Martha Thompson Dinos and Dorothy

philosophical and literary themes from Jean-Paul Sartre,

irony. Working meticulously in a variety of media such as

Alexander Roush Galleries

George Bernanos, Friedrich Nietzsche and others, Lerda

India ink and wax, acrylic paint and innumerable collage

Sponsors: The Irwin and Hannah Harvey Family Fund,

wove together recognizable shapes and cryptic recurring

materials from candy wrappers to corrugated cardboard,

the W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation and the

symbols to form personal alphabets that he returned to

Lerda created abstract works that are at once playful

Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art

throughout the course of his life. He concerned himself

and cerebral.

Small Truths: Pierre Daura’s Life and Vision February 21–April 19, 2015 The Pierre Daura Center was established at the Georgia

endowment to support both the center and a Pierre

Museum of Art in 2002 with a gift from Martha Randolph

Daura Curator of European Art.

GMOA facet | Winter 2015

Daura in honor of her father and contains a collection


of paintings, prints, drawings and sculptures by the

This retrospective complements the exhibition “Pierre

Catalan-American artist Pierre Daura (1896–1976). In

Daura (1896–1976): Picturing Attachments,” which

addition to more than 600 works of art, the gift included

focuses on Daura’s family portraits. This exhibition

the artist’s archive, with important material relevant to

provides context for Daura’s portraits and explores the

modern art from the 1920s through the 1960s and an

other works that he created over his long artistic career.

Pierre Daura (Catalan-American, 1896–1976), Untitled (Cordonnerie), ca. 1929. Oil on paper mounted on canvas. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; Gift of Martha Randolph Daura. GMOA 2003.331

Curator: Lynn Boland, Pierre Daura Curator of European Art Gallery: Boone and George-Ann Knox Gallery I Sponsors: The W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation and the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art

A Year on the Hill: Work by Jim Fiscus and Chris Bilheimer December 13, 2014–March 8, 2015 In 2011, the University of Georgia’s Lamar Dodd School

Fiscus is an award-winning advertising and editorial

of Art showcased the collaborative work of two local artists

photographer whose clients include Levi’s, Guinness,

in the exhibition “A Year on the Hill: Work by Jim Fiscus

HBO, Nike, Coca-Cola and ESPN. Bilheimer is a

and Chris Bilheimer.” Recently, the museum received

Grammy-nominated graphic artist who has designed

several of these works of art as a gift, and we are excited

packaging for R.E.M, Green Day and Nirvana, among

to present them anew.

many others. This collaboration is the result of their personal friendship and time together in Athens.

The collaborative exhibition includes large images, measuring up to 8 feet in height. Apart from their scale,

Curator: Asen Kirin, associate professor of art and

the individual prints are distinguished by various overlay

associate director, Lamar Dodd School of Art

treatments. All the work on this project took place on the

In-House Curator: Sarah Kate Gillespie, curator of

Hill, a neighborhood in Athens, Ga., between the end of

American art

2009 and fall 2010.

Gallery: Patsy Dudley Pate Balcony Sponsors: The W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation and the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art Jim Fiscus and Chris Bilheimer Moth, 2010 Digital print 45 1/2 x 44 x 3 inches Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; Promised gift of the artists

Don’t Miss Boxers and Backbeats: Tomata du Plenty and the West Coast Punk Scene Through January 4, 2015 Boone and George-Ann Knox Gallery I The . . . of E6, part of Athens Celebrates Elephant Six Through January 4, 2015 Rachel Cosby Conway and Alfred Heber Holbrook Galleries The Nightmare Transported into Art: Odilon Redon’s “St. Anthony” Through January 25, 2015 Dorothy Alexander Roush and Martha Thompson Dinos Galleries Emilio Pucci in America Through February 1, 2015 Charles B. Presley Family and Lamar Dodd Galleries Not Ready to Make Nice: Guerrilla Girls in the Artworld and Beyond Jay Robinson, (American, b. 1915), untitled abstract, n.d. Acrylic and India ink on papyrus, 24 x 17 inches. Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; On loan from the artist. GMOA 2014.11E

Through March 1, 2015 Virginia and Alfred Kennedy, Philip Henry Alston Jr. and Alonzo and Vallye Dudley Galleries

Jay Robinson: Quarks, Leptons and Peanuts March 28–June 21, 2015 created after a fire in the mid-1990s destroyed much of his home and studio. Since then, Robinson has reinvented himself as an artist. While his later works may call to mind the work of Joan Miró, this interpretation misses the way in which these paintings return to a key interest of his early career: the nature of the universe, especially as understood through particle physics. In

Through May 31, 2015 Jane and Harry Willson Sculpture Garden the works of art in this exhibition, Robinson explores the universe and presents his imaginings of subatomic particles and their fundamental fields. Curators: William Underwood Eiland, director, and Todd

Look Ahead

Rivers, head preparator

Master of Fine Arts Degree Candidates Exhibition

Gallery: Boone and George-Ann Knox Gallery II

April 11–May 3, 2015

Sponsors: The W. Newton Morris Charitable Foundation

Virginia and Alfred Kennedy, Philip Henry Alston Jr.

and the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art

and Alonzo and Vallye Dudley Galleries


This exhibition features the work that Jay Robinson

Terra Verte


new acquisitions new acquisitions

Beauford Delaney


eauford Delaney’s lifelong exploration of light and color brings an energy and movement to his portraits that allow the viewer to go beyond the subject’s outer appearance and see, in the words of biographer David Leeming, the subject’s “inner light.” The Georgia Museum of Art has recently acquired a second portrait painted by this renowned African American artist thanks to the generous gift of Bonnie and Lee Stone. This vivid portrait of Joe Gould, a well-known New York City bohemian, showcases Delaney’s ability to capture the personality of his subjects.

Beauford Delaney (American, 1901–1979) Portrait of Joe Gould, 1934 Oil on Masonite 30 x 22 inches Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; Gift of Bonnie and Lee Stone GMOA 2014. 61


Dale Kennington n her series of large painted screens titled Contemporary Mythologies, Alabamabased artist Dale Kennington observes both the crowds and the loneliness that often

accompany contemporary urban life. “When Night Has Come” is set in Paris. The lively dancer and drummers on the front of the screen, shown near the Louvre museum, contrast with the empty spaces

of the Paris metro on the back. Like a present-day flâneur, Kennington deftly observes the doublesided coin of modern life. The work is installed in the galleries for the public to view and enjoy.

GMOA facet | Winter 2015



Dale Kennington When Night Has Come (recto & verso), 2002–2004 Oil on wood panel 93 x 144 inches Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia; Gift of the artist in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lindstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindstrom and Miss Leighton Lindstrom

elegant salute elegant salute

Tickets: Every other year, the Georgia Museum of Art hosts its most important fundraiser, Elegant Salute.

“Get Your Pucci On”

$50 per person for members $65 per person for nonmembers Elegant Salute XIV (includes ticket to “Get Your Pucci On”)

$300 per person


his year, “An Elegant Salute to Georgia,” will highlight the museum’s distinction as the official state museum of art and celebrate Georgia’s rich heritage of arts, agriculture and natural beauty.

Following Elegant Salute, the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art will host “Get Your Pucci On,” a

fun-filled night of dessert, drinks, dancing and fashion inspired by the exhibition “Emilio Pucci in America.” From 9:30 p.m. until midnight, DJs Alfredo and Zdog will entertain guests. A Pucci-inspired fashion parade will round off the night, and guests are encouraged to join in the fun by wearing Puccithemed attire. Before, during and after the event, use #getyourpuccion to share and follow posts and

photos about the party. RSVP online by Jan. 21 to join in the celebration. Tickets for “Get Your Pucci On” will be available through Jan. 28. For information, tickets or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Michele Turner at 706.542.0830 or maturner@uga.edu.

We are honored to list the following Elegant Salute sponsors and thank them for their contributions to the event:

$5000 Mr. and Mrs. B. Heyward Allen Jr. Anonymous Shannon and Peter Candler Faye and Edward Chambers David and Becky Matheny Randall and Sheila Ott $2500 Beauty Everyday: Rinne Allen, Kristen Bach and Rebecca Wood Devereux and Dave Burch

Heirloom Café and Fresh Market Gregory and Jennifer Holcomb Jeffrey Atlanta Kate Lynch Dr. and Mrs. D. Hamilton Magill III C. Van and Libby V. Morris Melissa Pepin Photography Julie and Ira Roth Dudley Stevens Norman and Peg Wood $1000 The Athens Printing Company George Gregory Barnard Drs. Larry H. and Linda N. Beard Richard and Lynn Berkowitz Dr. Paige Carmichael and Mr. John Ahee Mae and Louis A. Castenell Classic Party Rentals Harvey and Paquita Coleman

Dr. and Mrs. James W. Cooper Jr. Anna Burns Dyer Drs. Jon and Nadine Forché–Five Points Eye Care Richard and Anne Hathaway Dr. and Mrs. E. VanLandingham Herrin Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hunter Jr. Marion E. Jarrell Ms. Marylin S. Johnson Col. and Mrs. W. Kenneth Jordan John Knowlton Cheri and Vance Leavy Mark and Marjorie McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller Berkeley and Dan Minor Dr. Fred Moorman Jim and Karen Moncrief Carl and Marian Mullis Deborah and Dennis O’Kain Richard C. Owens Jinx and Gordhan Patel

being a friend

the importance of being a friend

What does it mean to be a Friend of the Georgia Museum of Art?

It means supporting the museum’s mission of teach-

ing, research and service—built on the most advanced scholarship—for all learners. It means helping the museum acquire notable works of art that enhance its place as a first-rank center of learning and culture, not only in Georgia but also in the Southeast and throughout the country. It means helping the museum expand its educational programs for children and families—introducing art and creativity as a wonderful aspect of life to many who otherwise might not have the experience. And it means having access to a wide array of opportunities for involvement in the museum—from volunteering to attending special member-only previews and events—not to mention the discounts and other special benefits. Any one of these reasons would be compelling on its own, but when taken together, the case for joining the Friends seems like an irresistible proposition; however, increasing membership has its challenges. As a nonprofit in a relatively small town without many large businesses or corporate presences, the museum faces the same fundraising conundrum as other organizations. The public loves and uses the museum’s

services, but many feel that they cannot afford to support it, assume that the state or the university pays for everything or think that inevitably, somehow, someone else will take care of it. Virtually all of the exhibitions and programming of the museum are supported by private donations, which means that the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art play a vital role in the museum’s mission. Later this year the Board of the Friends will launch a membership campaign to increase the number of supporters who count themselves as Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art. The Friends will focus on one of the most rewarding benefits: reciprocal membership for those who donate at least $100 a year. Reciprocal membership means free entrance to more than 600 museums across the country that would otherwise charge for admission, including the High Museum in Atlanta and the Frick Collection in New York City, to name only two. In addition to reciprocal membership, there are many other incentives to join: recently, I overheard a spirited discussion at a Friends board meeting on that topic that juxtaposed the benefits of membership with the satisfaction of knowing one is a patron of the arts. Interesting points! As one thinks about joining the Friends, it must be doubly compelling to consider

Janet and Alex Patterson Chris and Sarah Peterson Dr. and Mrs. William Power Karen L. Prasse, M.D. William F. and Pamela P. Prokasy Letitia and Rowland Radford Lori and Tom Scott Margie Spalding Homer and Mary Louise Stark Mr. and Mrs. W. Rhett Tanner Gloria Ricks Taylor Mr. and Mrs. James C. Turner Kendell and Tony Turner Vixen Vodka David and Cecilia Warner Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Whitworth Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winthrop II

that while “eating the cake” of all the great benefits Friends enjoy, one can also “have the cake” of sponsoring and promoting the education, scholarship and outreach that are, in fact, the museum’s purpose. As a new year begins, the Membership Committee of the Board of the Friends urges everyone to renew their existing memberships and extends a welcoming hand to all who do not yet belong to the Friends or who may have let their memberships expire. Ultimately, joining the Friends is the best way to enjoy the museum, with benefits such as invitations to exhibition openings and special events; receiving the Museum’s award-winning quarterly magazine, Facet; a discount on purchases in the Museum Shop; special volunteer and involvement opportunities; reciprocal right to free admission in hundreds of museums across the country (for members joining at the $100 level and above); and a menu of one-of-a-kind opportunities for higher-level donors. Joining the Friends means helping put the museum, and Athens, on the map. We can take pride in supporting the Georgia Museum of Art, the University of Georgia, Athens and indeed the state of Georgia as places of significant stature in the arts, education and culture throughout the U.S. That is more than enough reason to be able to say “all my friends are Friends!” Greg Barnard Board of the Friends Secretary and Membership Committee Chair

You can join the Friends through the museum's website, by using the form on page 11 of this issue of Facet or by calling Michele Turner at 706.542.0830.


$10,000 Mr. Todd Emily Mrs. M. Smith Griffith Lidwina Grayson Kelly John and Marilyn McMullan Mr. C.L. Morehead Jr. and Flowers, Inc. Kathy Prescott and Grady Thrasher


Member Appreciation Member appreciatio


Gifts of memberships received July 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014.

Dr. and Mrs. Cecil C. Hudson

Ms. Karen Lea Gaines

Mrs. Christie Hudson

Mr. and Mrs. Denny C. Galis

Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Hughes

Dr. and Mrs. Leon Galis

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Humphreys Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Huszagh

Ms. Rose Dasher

Mr. Gennaro J. Gama and Ms. Susan Ashley Garrett

Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett L. Davis III

Mrs. Kent D. Garbee

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Davison

Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Garrard III

Ms. Hillary Brown

Dr. Therry Nash Deal

Dr. and Mrs. Henry G. Garrard IV

Ms. Lily L. Brown

Ms. Deanne Deavours

Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Garrett

Mr. and Ms. Irvin Leonard Alhadeff

Dr. and Mrs. Sidney E. Brown

Ms. Katherine Degn

Mr. Kevin Garrison

Dr. and Mrs. Gilles O. Allard

Mr. and Mrs. James S. Browne

Dr. Patricia Deitz

Ms. Gloria Gash

Mr. and Mrs. B. Heyward Allen Jr.

Ms. Candle Brumby

Ms. Regina H. Delp

Dr. and Mrs. George M. Gazda

Ms. Diane Allen

Dr. and Mrs. Anthony DeMarco

Ms. Sarah George

Ms. Margaret C. Allen

Dr. Cassandra D. Bryant and Mr. David A. Bryant

Dr. Kathleen B. deMarrais

Mrs. Ellen Gibson

Ms. Suzanne B. Allen

Mr. Everett Clay Bryant Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Dendy

Robert E. and Sylvia M. Gibson

Mr. Walter Ray Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Bullock

Mr. Thomas Brent DeRevere

Mrs. Caroline M. Gilham

Mrs. Marion Ellis Jarrell

Dr. Diane Amann and Dr. Peter O’Neill

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barnett Burch Sr.

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel V. DerVartanian

Ms. Kathleen Gillespie

Ms. Pamela Jekel and Mr. Jack Ryan

Ms. Dianne Louise Ambrose

Mr. and Mrs. E. Davison Burch

Ms. Sarah Kate Gillespie and Mr. Marc Belli

Mrs. Julie Green Jenkins

Drs. Dana M. and James C. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Burch

Ms. Irene Mary Diamond and Dr. George M. A. Stanic

Ms. Candace W. Gilliland

Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Jerkins

Ms. Evalee Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Sige Burden

Dr. Carissa DiCindio

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Gillis IV

Ms. Qiu Jing

Ms. Helen C. Anderson

Ms. Dorine L. Burkhard

Mr. Max Milford Gilstrap

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy A. Johnson

Drs. Margaret and Wyatt Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Burliuk

Ms. Deborah Dietzler and Mr. Peter J. Anderson

Ms. Joy L. Glass

Mr. and Mrs. Van A. Burns

Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Dirr

Drs. Joyce and Francis J. Johnston

Mr. C. Victor Armstrong

Mr. William R. Glennon

Ms. Mariann Burright

Mrs. Annie Laurie Dodd

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Johnson

Mrs. Caroline Gordon Armstrong

Dr. and Mrs. Carl D. Glickman

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Burton

Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Dolson

Ms. Marylin S. Johnson

Dr. Beverly Schleppi Arnold

Dr. and Mrs. Claiborne Van C. Glover III

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Glenn Burton

Mr. and Mrs. David H. Donnan

Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. F. Brooks Arnold

Dr. Stephen Goldfarb

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Dooley

Drs. Catherine Jones and Richard Neupert

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blair Dorminey

Dr. Susan T. Goldstein and Ms. Elizabeth A. Richardson

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Jordan III

Dr. and Mrs. William H. Cabaniss Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Al and Betsy Dorminy

Dr. and Mrs. Jose L. Gomez

Mrs. Avola W. Callaway

Dr. Jacqueline and Dean Alan T. Dorsey

Ms. Theodora Gongaware

Ms. Alejandra Calva and Mr. Jonathan Baillehache

Dr. Carol Ann McCommon Downs

Ms. Sarah E. Gordon and Ms. Betty Littleton

Dr. and Mrs. David H. Downs

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grable

Ms. Gail Marlene Taylor Baldwin

Ms. Sharon Camp

Drs. Alice and David Dreesen

Mrs. Bettie McClellan Graffius

Mrs. June McCoy Ball

Rev. and Mrs. Thomas G. Camp

Capt. J. W. Drerup

Cherlyn S. Granrose, Ph.D.

Turner Ball Jr, M.D.

Ms. Imani Campbell

Dr. and Mrs. Jack Duclos

Mr. Jake Grant

Ms. Virginia Ball

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Canupp

Mrs. Ginger S. Duensing

Dr. and Mrs. John B. Gratzek

Dr. and Mrs. Allan W. Barber

Mr. and Mrs. John Capozzi

Rev. and Mrs. Stanley R. Durden

Ms. Olga Ruth Gray

Mr. Damareus Barbour

Dr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Carleton

Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Durham

Dr. Nancy L. Grayson and Mr. Curt Harvey

Mr. Benjamin Barks

Ms. ‘O.C.’ Carlisle

Mrs. Anna Dyer

Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Green Jr.

Dr. Michele Barlatta and Mr. Gregory Weingart

Prof. and Mrs. Ronald L. Carlson

Ms. MaryLou Dyer

Mr. and Mrs. Hix H. Green Jr.

Ms. Connie Gail Bridges

Drs. Joan and John Curtis

Mr. and Mrs. Madan M. Abrol

Ms. Anne Brightwell

Mrs. Ruth Curtis and Mr. Lee Curtis

Mr. and Mrs. Cuyler M. Adams

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brimanson

Mrs. Patricia Adams

Mrs. Nan Gillespie Brinning

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Tunstall Adams

Ms. Mercer C. Brockenbrough

Ms. Margaret Agner and Mr. Michael A. Spronck

Mr. and Mrs. Dwight B. Bronnum

Mr. Robert K. Ahrens

Mr. Craig Brown

Ms. Valerie Aldridge Mrs. Vivian Alford

Mrs. Frances R. Aronson-Healey Ms. Paula Arscott


Ms. Bobbie Jean Austin Dr. Valerie Babb Dr. and Mrs. Clifton A. Baile


Ms. Wanda Barlow Mr. George G. Barnard

Mrs. Ruth J. Carpenter

Ms. Peggy Barnett

Dr. Carol Carraco and Mr. Robert Carraco

Dr. Diane Barret


Ms. Ann M. Darby Ms. Madeline Darnell


Mr. and Mrs. Michael Greenwell

Mr. Christopher Eastan

Dr. K. Noel Gregg

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Easterlin Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. S.M. Griffin Jr.

Ms. Pamela Eaton

Mrs. Helen C. Griffith

Mrs. Bobbie Thompson Carter

Dr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Eberhard

Mrs. M. Smith Griffith

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clark Bartlett Jr.

The Honorable and Mrs. Jimmy E. Carter

Ms. Teresa Rose Eckerman-Pfeil

Ms. Patricia Grissom

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bassaloff

Ms. Nancy Batson Carter and Mr. David Fisher

Ms. Amy Edwards and Mr. Steven Hilliard

Ms. Teri Gunter

Dr. and Mrs. W. Russell Edwards Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hal Gurley

Dr. Hortense Bates Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bath Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Bath Mr. and Mrs. Clarence V. Beadles III Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Thomas Beall Dr. and Mrs. Larry Holden Beard Dr. Patricia Bell-Scott and Mr. Charles V. Underwood Jr.

GMOA facet | Winter 2015

Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Brown Jr.

Dr. K. Paige Carmichael and Mr. John Ahee

Mrs. Jill Sirmans Bateman



Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Jackson Gaines Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace R. Abney

Dr. and Mrs. George Cary Dr. and Mrs. Louis A. Castenell Jr. Mr. Louis C. Castenell Mr. Harry T. Catchpole Mrs. Susan C. Smith Cavanagh Ms. Mary Lillie Chamberlin Mr. and Mrs. James R. Chambers Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Chambers

Ms. Karen Benson

Mr. Corbett Chandler

Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Bentley Sr.

Ms. Haley Chapman

Dr. Virginia Mary Berg

Ms. Bonnie Jo Chastain

Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bergman

Mr. and Mrs. Woody H. Chastain

Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Berkowitz

Ms. Phyllis Edwards Childs

Mr. and Mrs. Duane Bernt

Dr. and Ms. David Chu

Mrs. Jeanne L. Berry

Dr. and Mrs. William L. Clark Jr.

Martha Berry Museum

Mr. Russell Clayton

Drs. Jenny and Edward E. Best Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Clayton Jr.

Ms. Shirley Bethune

Ms. Catherine Petris Clements

Mr. Brent Betz

Drs. Claire and Robert Clements

Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. Ehlers William Underwood Eiland Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Elkins Ms. Paula B. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Elliott Dr. and Mrs. Mark Ellis

Mr. David C. Hagaman Mr. and Mrs. John N. Haley Mr. and Mrs. John F. Halper Ms. Kristen Halper

Dr. and Mrs. Mark F. Ellison

Ms. Karen Hamrick and Mr. Charles Pinckney

Ms. E. Lee Eltzroth

Ms. Maggie Hancock

Mr. Eugene Elzy

Mr. and Mrs. V. Nathaniel Hansford

Mr. Todd Emily

Mrs. Cynthia S. Harbold

Dr. Helen H. Epps

Mrs. Mary Talmadge Hardman

Dr. Kira Epstein and Dr. Benjamin Brainard

Ms. Janice A. Hardy

Mr. Lee Epting

Mrs. June DeBeaugrine Harrell

Dr. Mary Arnold Erlanger

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Harris

Dr. Glenn Thomas Eskew

Dr. Anne R. Hathaway and Mr. Richard M. Hathaway

Mr. and Mrs. David F. Ellison

Ms. M. K. Estes Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ethridge Mr. Ronald Thomas Evans

Ms. Elena Bianchelli

Mrs. D. Jean Clouspy

Mr. and Mrs. Patton Biddle

Mrs. Jane Coker

Dr. Linda Bigelow

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Cole

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis Bishop

Ms. Marion Coleman

Mr. Charles R. Bjorklund and Mr. Stedman C. Mays

Ms. M. K. Collier

Mrs. Melissa Blackstone

Mr. Jared Collins

Ms. Sandra G. Blalock

Ms. Lisa Conley

Dr. and Mrs. James W. Bland Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. William C. Conner

Ms. Carolina Blatt-Gross

Drs. Joanne Cono and Rick Tarleton

Ms. Barbara Bloome-Fisher and Mr. Rob Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Cook Ms. Janey Mae Cooley

Dr. and Mrs. Murray S. Blum

Ms. Theresa M. Flynn and Mr. Doug Hellmann

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cooney

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bogue Dr. Lynn Edward Boland Mrs. Mae L. Bolger Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bostrom Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Bowen Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bowden Ms. Sarah J. Boykin Mr. and Mrs. Barney Lee Brannen Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Brassard Ms. Wilma J. Braun Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bregenzer Ms. Beverly Hart Bremer

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curtis

Mr. Ibet Collins


Mr. and Ms. Talmadge C. Guy


Ms. Georgia Everson Ms. Eileen Fancher Dr. Nancy R. Felson Mr. Roy Felts Mrs. Edwina Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Fetch Ms. Cristina Figueroa Dr. William P. Flatt

Dr. and Ms. Peter Hutchinson

i j

Fr. David Hyman Ms. Grace Taylor Ihrig Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ivy III Dr. Sujata Iyengar and Dr. Richard Menke Dr. and Mrs. Ben Jackson Mrs. Elizabeth Amis Jackson Mr. James W. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jacobson


Col. and Mrs. William Kenneth Jordan Drs. Doris Y. Kadish and Raymond Woller Mrs. Elaine L. Kalber Dr. Shary Lee Karlin and Mr. James Ray Lee Ms. Cindy Karp Mr. and Mrs. Joel B. Katz Mr. Charles L. Kauderer Prof. Glen F. Kaufman Prof. and Mrs. John D. Kehoe Mr. and Mrs. Cole H. Kelly Ms. Lidwina G. Kelly Ms. Pamela Kelsey Mrs. Mary Anne Kenner Mrs. Linnea Kent Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kenyon Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Kesler III Mr. and Mrs. Kyle A. Key Mr. Steve Key Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy Kilpatrick Dr. Richard Herman Kimmich Ms. Kathryn Katie Kinard Dr. and Mrs. Allen D. King Jr. Dr. and Mrs. R. Bruce King Dr. Asen E. Kirin and Mr. Stuart Brown Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. Kleiner Dr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Kleven Dr. Kimberly D. Klonowski and Dr. Dean E. Firschein Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Knappenberger Dr. John C. Knowlton Jr. The Knox Foundation Mrs. George-Ann Knox Mr. and Mrs. Wyckliffe A. Knox Jr. Mr. George S. Koch Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William C. Koch Jr. Ms. Madison Kocks

Dr. and Mrs. David L. Hatmaker

Mr. and Mrs. John Koenig Jr.

Mrs. Sally W. Hawkins

Mr. and Mrs. Don Kole

Ms. Allison Hays

Ms. Mary Koon

Mr. Andrew Hedrick

Mrs. Frances H. Korda

Mr. and Mrs. William Helms

Drs. Claudia and William A. Kretzschmar Jr.

Mr. David Henry Drs. Mary A. and Lawrence R. Hepburn Mrs. Norman Herz Mr. David G. Hill Dr. and Mrs. John B. Hill Dr. and Mrs. Richard K. Hill


Dean and Mrs. Paul M. Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. James L. LaBoon Jr. Mr. Michael Lachowski Ms. Shirley Lachowski Ms. Sandra G. Ladrech

Mrs. Frances Green Hilsman

Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. LaFleur

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Hilsman III

Mr. Ted LaMontagne

Mr. and Mrs. Christos Hines

Mr. Michael Landers

Ms. C. Becton Ford

Dr. Ralph Edward Hitt

Mrs. Ramon D. Lantz

Dr. and Mrs. James W. Cooper Jr.

Mrs. Phoebe G. Forio

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Holcomb

Mrs. Barbara W. Laughlin

Mrs. Patricia I. Cooper

Mr. Larry Forte

Mr. Wiley Holcombe

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lauterbach

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cork

Dr. Laura R. Fortson

Mr. and Mrs. Morris E. Hollingsworth Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lauth Jr.

Mr. Dale Couch

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas H. Fortson

Ms. Adeline G. Holt

Mr. William Roy Lawler

Mrs. Frances H. Covert

Ms. Betty Alice Fowler

Ms. Airee Hong and Mr. Russell Edwards

Ms. Jean Lee

Dr. Betty Jean Craige

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Fox

Mrs. Emily Honigberg

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Leigh

Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Crain

Drs. Marya L. and William J. Free

Mr. Robert J. Hooper Jr.

Mr. David S. Levenson

Mr. Lawrence Cross

Dr. and Mrs. Coburn Freer

Mr. Jon D. Horn and Mr. Lamar Roberts

Dr. David A. Lewis

Mr. Jacob Forrest Crouch III

Mr. Mark Frey

Mrs. Barbette Houser

Mrs. Erika Cornehl Lewis

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Alex Crumbley

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Frierson Jr.

Elizabeth Morgan Howard

Ms. Xiaolin Li

Dr. and Mrs. John V. Cuff

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer R. Frye Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Howard Jr.

Ms. Joanne Lincoln

Dr. and Mrs. Harry K. Howell Jr.

Mrs. Jeanne H. Lindberg

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Fleece

on Ms. Nancy R. Lindbloom

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Moye

Dr. Karen Wirtjes Prasse

Dr. Sreeroop Sen

Mrs. Elizabeth Peters Turner

Ms. Astrid Lipp and Mr. Joseph Frank

Mr. David R. Mulkey

Dr. Judith Preissle and Mr. Mark Toomey

Mr. Donald A. Seymour

Ms. Betty Littleton

Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mullis III

Mr. John Shelton

Ms. Michele Turner and Mr. Douglas Harman

Ms. Zhuo-Jia Julie Liu

Ms. Jana E. Murph

Ms. Kathy B. Prescott and Mr. H. Grady Thrasher III

Dr. Lars G. Ljungdahl

Drs. Nancy and Kevin Murray

Dr. and Mrs. James Prestegard

Ms. Rene Shoemaker

Mrs. Sharon Loef Dr. Everett Leroy Long Ms. Gwendolyn Long


Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Myrtle


Drs. Patricia and Neal Priest

Prof. Janice Simon

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Prokasy IV

Mr. Jonathan Micah Sims

u v w

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Turner

Mrs. Hilda L. Shepard

Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Tyler Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig Uhlig

Ms. Christy Sinksen

Ms. Laura Valeri

Dr. Barbara Racy

Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Sinyard Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Rowland A. Radford Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Smith

Ms. Par Ramey

Dr. and Mrs. Henry M. Smith Jr.

Ms. Lebby R. Neal

Mrs. Doris Adams Ramsey

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Smith III

Ms. Linsey Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Ramsey

Ms. Amy Smoler

Ms. Caroline Cleveland Maddox

Mr. William F. Nelson

Ms. Nancy Carol Ramsey

Mr. James Andrew Sommerville

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Magill III

Ms. Elizabeth W. Neves

Dr. Roberta Rankin

Mr. John D. Songster

Mr. and Mrs. James LeRoy Newland

Mr. and Mrs. James K. Reap

Mrs. Margaret R. Spalding

Ms. Lori Newson

Drs. Carolyn Reaves and David J. Hally

Ms. Dolores Parkinson Stallings

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Newton

Rev. Karen Whelchel Redwine

Hon. and Mrs. Homer Marshall Stark

Ms. Jessica Walker

Ms. Susanna Rives Nicholson

Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Reeves

Mrs. Patricia Gebhardt Staub

Mr. Josh Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nickelson

Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reinert

Ms. Ann Stearns

Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Wallace

Ms. Allison Nicks

Ms. Laura Rhicard

Mr. Paul G. Stein

Mrs. Ruthann B. Walton

Mrs. Cynthia C. Norman

Dr. and Mrs. James T. Rice

Ms. Callan Steinmann

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wansley

Mr. and Mrs. Edman Norris

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Rich

Mr. Edward Randolph Stephens Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Warner

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Norton

Dr. and Mrs. Bert O. Richmond

Ms. Lucile Stephens

Ms. Mary Bondurant Warren

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Nuckolls

Mr. Michael Ricker

Mrs. Carolyn S. Steuer

Mr. and Mrs Steve Wasserman

Mr. and Mrs. Ted R. Ridlehuber

Mrs. Dudley Stevens

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Waters

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Michael O’Kain

Mrs. Diane McDonough Riley

Ms. Lane Jennings Stewart

Dr. Karen Watkins

Dr. Stephen F. Olejnik

Mr. Todd Rivers

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Straehla

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Watson

Mrs. Ann B. Oliver

Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Roberson

Ms. Pattie Strickland

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Welsh

Mrs. Glenn Ann Keith O’Neal

Prof. and Mrs. David D. Roberts

Mr. Charles F. Strong Jr

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent West

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Osborn

Ms. Agnes Elizabeth Robertson

Ms. Peggy H. Suddreth

Ms. Missy White

Mr. Beau Ott

Mrs. Jane Robertson

Mr. and Mrs. E. Donald Sumner Jr.

Mr. Robert W. White

Dr. and Mrs. Randall S. Ott

Ms. Lee Rogers

Dr. Claire Cochran Swann

Mr. William B. White

Mr. Richard C. Owens

Ms. Margaret A. Rolando

Judge David Russell Sweat

Dr. and Mrs. John S. Whitehead

Dr. and Mrs. Stanley V. Longman


Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K. Luken Mr. and Mrs. David Lyle

Ms. Gina Nakagawa Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Nalley III Mr. and Mrs. Michael Naples

Dr. Virginia M. Macagnoni

Ms. Ann Marie Mahoney Mr. Jose Mallabo Dr. John A. Maltese Mrs. Sue Weems Mann Ms. Valerie Flocille Maples Mrs. Charlotte Thomas Marshall Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Martin Ms. Melissa Martin and Mr. Michael Peck Dr. Michael J. Martin Drs. Judy and O. Vincent Masters Mr. and Mrs. David W. Matheny Mr. Gaines Matthews Ms. Catherine May and Dr. Paul J. Irvine Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McCarty


Dr. Barbara A. McCaskill Mr. and Mrs. Mark McConnell Ms. Mary Louise McCoy Ms. Nancy McDuff and Dr. David W. Harvey Ms. Alice Elizabeth McElreath Ms. Jana McGee


Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Van Sickle Dr. and Mrs. James A. Verbrugge Mrs. Judith Verrico-Stich Ms. Mimi H. Vickers Ms. Brenda Wade Dr. Patricia Tracy Waldrip Ms. Merry Waldroup


Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Rosenbaum

Mr. and Ms. Bruce Whitlow

Ms. Elizabeth Taddonio and Mr. Daniel Bailey

Dr. W. Thomas Wilfong

Mr. Ed Tant

Mrs. Carol Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Tarbutton Jr.

Rep. and Mrs. Charles E. Williams

Ms. Sarina Lynn Rousso

Mrs. Gloria Ricks Taylor

Mr. Daniel Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pasquale

Mr. James Edward Routh Jr.

Mrs. Elinor Tillman Terrell

Mrs. Frances Mock Williams

Mrs. Marilyn Delong McNeely

Drs. Virginia B. and Gordhan L. Patel

Ms. Katherine C. Rowan

Drs. Abraham and Carmen Tesser

Ms. Geraldine Helen Williams

Ms. Judith M. McWillie

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Patterson

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lamb Rowland

Ms. Anne Wall Thomas

Ms. Magdelena Williams

Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. Merkle

Dr. C. Anne Patterson

Mrs. Raine B. Rude

Mr. and Mrs. Cleophus Thomas

Mr. Gregory Willoughby

Drs. Parker and Kent Middleton

Mrs. Georgia Patterson

Mr. Harry Lee Rudy Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Emory M. Thomas

Mrs. Jane S. Willson

Ms. Amy Miller

Mrs. Marcia Nelson Paxton

Mr. Bert Russo

Ms. Erin Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Smith Martin Wilson IV

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Thomas

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Dien Winfield Dr. Carol Winthrop and Mr. Robert Winthrop

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Augustus Sams III

Dr. Brenda Thompson and Mr. Larry D. Thompson

Mr. Robert Bradley Sanders Jr.

Mrs. Claire E. Thompson

Dr. Marilyn P. Wolf-Ragatz

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Perkins

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanks

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Thompson III

Mrs. Sally Mullins Peters

Capt. and Mrs. Leonard J. Sapera

Dr. Peter E. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Peterson

Mr. D. Jack Sawyer and Dr. William E. Torres

Mrs. Debra J. Thornton

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Francis Sayeski

Ms. Katherine B. Thurber

Ms. Cassie Leigh Scarborough

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKey Tillman Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schaefer

Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Timberlake Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Carl R. Schmidt

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Timmons Jr. Mrs. Lynn C. Tinley

Drs. Mary G. and Fred A. Padgelek

Ms. Marsha Elizabeth Rosenthal

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Page

Dr. and Mrs. Ira G. Roth

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pannell

Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Rothschild Jr.

Mrs. Agnes Broadnax Parker

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roush

Mr. and Mrs. John F. McMullan

Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Parris Jr.

Dr. Nan McMurry

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McGee Mr. Joseph Lamar McGowan Jr. Ms. Carol McKay and Dr. Ian Hardin Mrs. Margaret McLanahan

Dr. and Mrs. James S. Miller Ms. Tricia Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mills Ms. Patricia Cloar Milsted Mrs. Wilma L. Minix Mr. and Mrs. H. Daniels Minor Mr. Patrick B. Conway Mizelle and Mr. Edwin Fisher Dr. and Mrs. James B. Moncrief Jr. Ms. Annelies M. Mondi Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Montag Mr. Michael Montesani

Mrs. Jane Marshall Payne Ms. Vonceil Payne Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Fay Pearce Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson

Mr. and Mrs. Valdis I. Petrovs Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Phares Mrs. Gregg Yarbrough Phelps Mr. Carey O. Pickard III Ms. Christi Pickens and Mr. Ryan Bledsoe


Mr. and Mrs. Joel Salinsky

Ms. Deanna Pieniaszek

Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Moore

Mr. Donald D. Schmidt and Mr. Jerry Manning

Ms. Katherine Pilgrim

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schoen

Mr. Charles Pinckney

Mr. Edward Donald Tolley

Ms. Helene M. Schwartz

Ms. Yenie Le Tran

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Moorman

Ms. Ruth H. Wolfe

Ms. Joan Tkacs

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Pittenger

Dr. and Mrs. James E. Morang

Mr. John Durlach Scoggins

Miss Elizabeth Powell

Dr. and Mrs. Lothar Leo Tresp

Mr. C. L. Morehead Jr.

Mrs. Barbara E. Scott

Dr. and Mrs. William L. Power

Ms. Sheila A. Tropp

Drs. Libby and Van Morris

Mr. Howard T. Scott

Ms. Leanne Powers

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Turner

Mr. William Darrell Moseley

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wells Scott III

Mr. David William Prasse

Ms. Margaret Guerard Tucker

Ms. Nancy F. Seagraves

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Drs. Mary and Norman Wood Ms. Laura Christine Wright

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Thornton Jr.

Ms. Charlotte A. Moore Dr. Fred Moorman

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Willett

Dr. and Mrs. Harry O. Yates III Dr. Ida Elizabeth Yates Ms. Lanora Pierce Yates Ms. Susan Youngerman Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Eugene Younts Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zimmerman Ms. Joan Zitzelman Ms. Shelley E. Zuraw

Become a member of the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art. Join on our website, www.georgiamuseum.org, or call 706.542.0830.

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CONTRIBUTING: Contributing $100 Sustaining $500 Patron $2,500 Alfred Heber Holbrook

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Senior Individual $25 Individual $35 Donating $250 Director’s Circle $1,000 Benefactor $5,000 Society $10,000

The Collectors ($50 in addition to membership level)

Payment Information Check enclosed, payable to the UGA Foundation

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Mail to:

Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art, 90 Carlton Street, University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-6719

General: Student $20 Senior Couple $45 Family/Couple $65

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calendar calendar

Special Events

All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.

Make It an Evening Thursday, January 15, 6–8 p.m.

January Sun














Enjoy coffee, dessert and a gallery tour by Lynn Boland prior to the Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra performance in Hodgson Hall. Jittery Joe’s Coffee and Cecilia Villaveces’ cakes. Purchase tickets for the concert at pac.uga.edu.




Third Thursday Thursday, January 15, February 19 and March 19, 6–9 p.m.






















Seven of Athens’ established venues for visual art hold “Third Thursday,” an event devoted to art in the evening hours, on the third Thursday of every month.

An Elegant Salute to Georgia Saturday, January 31, 6:30 p.m. The Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art host their 14th biennial gala celebrating the official state museum of art. $300 per person. RSVP by Jan. 10. Call 706.542.0830 for more information or to sponsor the event.

Get Your Pucci On Saturday, January 31, 9 p.m.–midnight

February Sun








































The Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art host dessert and dancing featuring DJs Alfredo and Zdog at the after-party for Elegant Salute. Pucci-themed attire encouraged. $50 (members)/$65 (nonmembers); included with full-price Elegant Salute ticket.

March Sun

































Make It an Evening Thursday, February 5, 6–8 p.m. Enjoy coffee, dessert and a gallery tour by Mary Koon prior to the Knights chamber orchestra performance in Hodgson Hall. Jittery Joe’s Coffee and Cecilia Villaveces’ cakes. Purchase tickets for the concert at pac.uga.edu.

Student Night Thursday, February 12, 7–9 p.m. Join the Student Association of the Georgia Museum of Art for a night of music, food, fun and DIY projects. Student night is generously sponsored by the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art and UGA Parents & Families Association.

Black History Month Dinner Tuesday, February 17, 6 p.m.

GMOA facet | Winter 2015

Join us for a wonderful evening with dinner and an awards ceremony featuring the recipients of the Lillian C. Lynch Citation and the Larry D. and Brenda A. Thompson Award. For more information on sponsorship or attending the event, call 706.542.0830.


Schedule a Visit to the Georgia Museum of Art To schedule a class visit or student assignment at the Georgia Museum of Art, please call us at 706.542.4662 at least two weeks prior to the visit. Scheduling in advance enables us to prepare for your visit whether it is a docent-led tour, a selfguided visit led by an instructor or students who will be coming on their own to complete an assignment.

Inclement Weather The Georgia Museum of Art follows the inclement weather policies of the University of Georgia. When the university is closed, the museum is closed as well. Announcements are posted to www.uga.edu and www.uga.edu/news, appear on Athens Charter cable channel 15 and can be heard on Athens radio stations 880, 960 and 1340 (AM) and 88.9, 90.5, 91.7, 97.9, 102.1, 103.7 and 106.1 (FM).

90 Carlton: Winter Friday, February 20, 5:30–8:30 p.m. The Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art present a reception featuring the winter exhibitions. Enjoy light refreshments by Epting Events, gallery activities, door prizes and “Ask the Experts.” Free (members)/$5 (nonmembers). Call 706.542.4662 for more details. RSVP to gmoarsvp@uga.edu or 706.542.4199.

Enjoy coffee, dessert and a gallery tour by Laura Valeri prior to the performance by Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy in Hodgson Hall. Jittery Joe’s Coffee and Cecilia Villaveces’ cakes. Purchase tickets for the concert at pac.uga.edu.

Lectures & Gallery Talks Gallery Talk Thursday, January 8, 5:30 p.m. José Blanco, associate professor and historic clothing and textiles collection manager, department of textiles, merchandising and interiors, will lead a discussion of the fashion featured in “Emilio Pucci in America.”

Lunch and Learn: Pierre Daura Friday, January 9, 12:30 p.m. UGA faculty and staff are invited to join Lynn Boland, Pierre Daura Curator of European Art, and Laura Valeri, associate curator of European art, for a discussion on Daura’s work, upcoming exhibitions and archival materials at the Georgia Museum of Art. Lunch is provided. Reserve a space by contacting Carissa DiCindio at cdicindi@uga.edu.

Gallery Talk Thursday, March 5, 5:30 p.m. Join Mary Koon, independent curator, for a discussion of “The Life and Work of Alice Fischer, Cultural Pioneer.” Members of the Athens community who knew Fischer and her work are invited to share stories.

Family Days Family Day programs are sponsored by Heyward Allen Motor Co., Inc., Heyward Allen Toyota, YellowBook USA and the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art.

Buttons, Beads and Baubles Saturday, January 17, 10 a.m.–noon View beautiful jewelry and other works by artist and designer Alice Fischer, then create your own buttons, beads and baubles in the Michael and Mary Erlanger Studio Classroom.

Love and Lerda Saturday, February 14, 10 a.m.–noon Explore the playful multimedia works of Italian artist Piero Lerda for inspiration, then make your own collaged valentine.

Lecture Thursday, February 5, 4 p.m.

Picturing Attachments Saturday, March 21, 10 a.m.–noon

Paul Seawright, professor of photography and head of Belfast School of Art at the University of Ulster, will give a talk about his newest exhibition, “Things Left Unsaid.” Cosponsored by the Lamar Dodd School of Art and the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts. Part of the Global Georgia Initiative speaker series.

Learn about the work of Catalan-American artist Pierre Daura through interactive gallery stations in the exhibition “Pierre Daura (1896–1976): Picturing Attachments,” then create your own Daura-inspired work of art.

Gallery Talk Friday, February 13, 12:20 p.m. Sarah Kate Gillespie, curator of American art, will speak on feminism and the exhibition “Not Ready to Make Nice: Guerrilla Girls in the Artworld and Beyond.” Part of the Institute for Women’s Studies’ Friday Speaker Series.

Panel Discussion: Guerrilla Girls Thursday, February 19, 5:30 p.m. Neysa Page-Lieberman, curator of “Not Ready to Make Nice: Guerrilla Girls in the Artworld and Beyond” and director and curator of the department of exhibitions, performance and student spaces at Columbia College, Chicago, will lead a discussion with Frida Kahlo, founding and current member of the Guerrilla Girls, and Romaine Brooks, former Guerrilla Girl. Sponsored by the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts. A reception sponsored by the Institute for Women’s Studies will follow.

Gallery Talk Thursday, February 26, 5:30 p.m. Join curator Laura Valeri and Valeria Gennaro Lerda, scholar and wife of the late Piero Lerda, for a discussion of the artist’s work and Gennaro Lerda’s research on southern culture.

Lecture Thursday, March 5, 3 p.m. Dr. Nancy Lesko, Teachers College, Columbia University, will present “The Promises of Empowered Girls,” cosponsored by the Feminist Scholar Activists (FSA), the LISELL project (a National Science Foundation grant for science instruction and English language learners) and the UGA department of art and art education.

Artful Conversation Wednesday, January 7, 2 p.m. Join Carissa DiCindio, curator of education, for an in-depth discussion of an embroidered coverlet from ca. 1815–30.

Tour at Two: “Not Ready to Make Nice: Guerrilla Girls in the Artworld and Beyond” Wednesday, January 14 and February 18, 2 p.m. Led by Sarah Kate Gillespie, curator of American art.

Tour at Two: Highlights from the Permanent Collection Wednesday, January 21, February 4, February 11 and March 25, 2 p.m. Led by docents.

Spotlight Tour: Highlights from the Permanent Collection Sunday, January 25, February 22 and March 22, 3 p.m. Led by docents.

Tour at Two: “The Life and Work of Alice Fischer, Cultural Pioneer” Wednesday, January 28, 2 p.m. Led by Mary Koon, independent curator.

Artful Conversation Wednesday, February 25, 2 p.m. Join Carissa DiCindio, curator of education, for an in-depth discussion of selected works in the exhibition “Pierre Daura (1896–1976): Picturing Attachments.”


Gallery Talk Thursday, February 12, 5:30 p.m. Dr. Asen Kirin, associate professor of art history and associate director, Lamar Dodd School of Art, will speak on “A Year on the Hill,” a series of photographs created by Jim Fiscus with Chris Bilheimer.


“Hitchcock in Black and White” Film Series All films will be introduced by Dr. Janice Simon, Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Associate Professor of Art History. This film series is generously sponsored by:

“Blackmail” Thursday, January 8, 7 p.m. This 1929 film, based on the play by Charles Bennett, focuses on a London woman who is blackmailed after killing a man who tries to rape her. Hitchcock’s first “talkie,” “Blackmail” was also Great Britain’s first full-length movie to synchronize dialogue to the moving image. 1929, NR, 85 min.

“Shadow of a Doubt” Thursday, January 22, 7 p.m. In this psychological thriller, a young woman discovers her “Uncle Charlie” may not be what he seems. In 1991, the Library of Congress selected the film for preservation in the United States National Film Registry for its cultural, historic and aesthetic significance. 1943, NR, 108 min.

“I Confess” Thursday, February 5, 7 p.m. A forgotten but flawed masterpiece, “I Confess” features a priest accused of murder but bound to keep secret the real killer’s confession. Based on the play “Our Two Consciences” by Paul Anthelme, “I Confess” was filmed mostly on location in French-speaking Québec City. 1953, NR, 95 min.

Tour at Two: “Pierre Daura (1896–1976): Picturing Attachments” Wednesday, March 4, 2 p.m. Led by Lynn Boland, Pierre Daura Curator of European Art.

Artful Conversation Wednesday, March 11, 2 p.m. Join Callan Steinmann, associate curator of education, and Brittany Ranew, Kress Interpretive Fellow, for an in-depth discussion of Dale Kennington’s “When Night Has Come.”

Tour at Two: “Chaos and Metamorphosis: The Art of Piero Lerda” Wednesday, March 18, 2 p.m. Led by Laura Valeri, associate curator of European art.

Workshops & Classes Teen Studio Thursday, February 12, 5:30–8:30 p.m. Teens ages 13–18 are invited to explore the bold, provocative work of the Guerrilla Girls, a feminist-activist artist collective, with a workshop led by educator and artist Kristen Bach. Teens will tour the galleries and create their own works of art inspired by the exhibition. Pizza and drinks will be provided. This program is free, but space is limited. Please call 706.542.8863 or email callan@uga.edu to reserve a spot.

Drawing in the Galleries Thursday, January 15, February 19 and March 19, 5–8 p.m. Visitors are invited to sketch in the galleries during these hours. No instruction is provided; pencils only, please.

“Spellbound” Thursday, February 26, 7:30 p.m. This psychological mystery thriller tells the story of a beautiful but cold psychoanalyst and her attempts to protect the identity of an amnesia patient accused of murder, while attempting to recover his memory. Adapted from the novel “The House of Dr. Edwardes” by Hilary Saint George Saunders and John Palmer, the film features set designs by Salvador Dalí. 1945, NR, 111 min.


Make It an Evening Thursday, March 5, 6–8 p.m.


museum notes museum notes

staff The Georgia Museum of Art is pleased the welcome several new staff members. Brittany Ranew is our new Kress Interpretive Fellow. Brittany completed an undergraduate degree in sculpture and a master’s degree in art education, both at the University of Georgia. As the Kress Interpretive Fellow, and newest member of the education department, Brittany looks forward to utilizing her skill as an educator to further the museum’s mission of enriching the Athens community through experiences with art. Cassie Scarborough is our new special events coordinator. After completing a bachelor’s in advertising at the University of Georgia, Cassie worked with Epting Events for two years. This summer, she joined the staff at the Georgia Museum of Art and has been working tirelessly to make all events hosted here a success. Anna Truszczynski is our new assistant editor. She completed undergraduate degrees in environmental studies and psychology at Washington University in St. Louis and a doctorate in population biology at the University of California, Davis. Throughout her varied academic background, Anna focused on developing her skills in communicating complex ideas to various audiences.

Awards and recognition

NEW Venue

The Georgia Museum of Art Cataloging Team of Samantha Mattox, MacKenzie Smith, Angela Moss-Hill, Rachel Cabaniss, Michael Harvey, Michael

In October, the Third Thursday evening art tour added the Classic Center’s public art galleries as a new venue, bringing the total

Brown, Tim Smolko, Julie Darken and Bar Lemahieu, all from the Main Library at the

number of participating locations to seven. This expanded line-up also featured the

University of Georgia, were recognized by the University of Georgia ASSET Awards

launch of the Third Thursday shuttle, sponsored by the Classic Center Cultural

program as the best large group committee/group collaboration in 2014. The team

Foundation. Third Thursday was established in the fall of 2012 by the Georgia Museum

worked from 2011 to 2014 to catalog a backlog of fine and decorative arts materials,

of Art, the Lamar Dodd School of Art, the Lyndon House Arts Center, Athens Institute for

including original research. The ASSET Awards program (Acknowledging Staff Skills,

Contemporary Art (ATHICA), Hotel Indigo and Ciné. The event was created to encourage

Effort and Time) recognizes the contributions of the University Libraries toward

attendance at Athens’ established art venues through cooperation and co-promotion by

maintaining core function and developing innovative endeavors.

the organizing entities.

gifts gifts

The Georgia Museum of Art received the following gifts between August 1 and October 31, 2014:

Alfred Heber Holbrook Society Mr. and Mrs. William S. Burdell Jr. Dr. David and Mrs. Jane Chu, the Chu Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Green Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Hilsman III Mrs. A. Felton Jenkins Mrs. Lidwina G. Kelly Audrey Love Charitable Foundation Ms. Kathy B. Prescott and Mr. Grady Thrasher

in the in the shop shop GMOA facet | Winter 2015



From left ro right: Anna Truszczynski, Cassie Scarborough, Brittany Ranew.

Director’s Circle Mr. and Mrs. Blair Dorminey Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Elkins Mr. and Mrs. Wyckliffe A. Knox Jr. Mrs. Marilyn Delong McNeely Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Whitlow Designated Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Elkins Professor and Mrs. Richard Timberlake In memory of Thomas G. Dyer by William Underwood Eiland In memory of Harry L. Gilham Jr. by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Ventulett III In memory of Frances Yates Green by Mr. and Mrs. E. Davison Burch, Mr. and Mrs.

William S. Burdell Jr., Branham and Tanny Garth, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Hilsman III, Antonia Laird, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Little, Brenda and Tom Nash, William P. Portman and Mr. and Mrs. Claude T. Sullivan In memory of Thomas W. Mapp by Grace N. Degan, William Underwood Eiland, Betty Alice Fowler and B. Gaines Matthews and family In memory of Helen Braswell Payne by William Underwood Eiland

In memory of William Voyles Jr. by Carolyn and Rhett Tanner In memory of Louise Dunn Gibson Wansley and in honor of Stevi Smith Wansley and Elizabeth Dunn Wansley by William Dunn Wansley In honor of Richard and Lynn Berkowitz by Robert and Marcy Nader In honor of Dale L. Couch by David and Anna Witmer

In memory of Professor Tom Polk by William Underwood Eiland In memory of Michele Schutzer by William Underwood Eiland In memory of Ann Scoggins by Carol Downs

“Emilio Pucci in America” celebrates a true fashion pioneer and icon of the Mod era. Take home a little of his flair for innovation with a Pucci-inspired gift from the Museum Shop. The Shop features books, gifts and jewelry items for designers and fashion mavens of all ages. 1 Pantone on Fashion Book – $35

2 Fashion Plates – $29.95

4 Oversized sunglasses with case – $22


3 Diamond print scarf – $25

5 Bold resin earrings & necklace – $12 & $42




event photos event photos

For more event photos see www.flickr.com/gmoa

MFA Opening Museum Mix

Family Day

Art Adventures

Family Day

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winter 2015


New Acquisitions

Elegant Salute

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