Amazing Grace: Self-Taagfit A*ists from tlte
Suptc:rtbcr zg. zoo;
J:rrruar, 6. zooS
,4nazing Crace: Self-T',zught,4rtistt Jt'om tle Mal/i: Collcction rl,ill featlrre 9o r.volks, sorrc b1' recognized folk "masters" sucli as'lhornton Dial, Florvard Finster and Sister Gertrude N'lorgan, otirers tire c1'eation of outstanding but relatively unheralded corltempof ilrv artists. Se\.eral Geolgia artists lrq featured, including Alpha ;\ndre,ivs, Ned Cartledge. [-llvsses Davis, Finster, Willie Jinks, Nellie N{ae Ror.r,e and Lorenzo Scott, aurong otLers. 'fhis exiribition is generouslv sponsoretl bv BNY lllellon I Wealth Nlanasement, N.{rs. N{. Smith Griffith, X'Ir. C.L. N{orehead Jr.,Ye//o,wBoa.( [.:'f,7 and the
l'riqnds uf ti,c Ceorgia N'[uscurn of -{rt.
Real Westem Wear: Beaded Gauntlets from the Wiltian P. Ilealey Collectioz September 29, ?oo7 - January 6, zoo8 Rea/ lVrtlern ll/ear ptesents 73 pnirs of rlccoratcrl gl.rvc, fi'om the collcction of \Yilliam Ir.. Healey, and re{lects the
d.sisn ,'lilerritr and tccirnical r irtr.rosit.'of l'lains, l)llLrcarr and Great lJasin Intlian artists x'ho produced these singular objects. 'Ihis cxiribition i, g.rr"ro.,.iu sponsored by MIs. L{. Srnith Griffith, N{r. C.L. N'Iorehead Jr., NIr. and S'Irs. Bei-nard Ster,ens, IiNY Ntellon I Wealth N{ana-9ernent, the \Y. Ner.vton I'lorris Char itable Foundation and the }iriends of the Georgia llu..urn of Arr.
More Titan Wordsz lll*strated Letters i**+ smithsonian from the Snithsonian't Archives d Instittttion lmerican Art Angnst 4 - October t+, 2oo7 'lhe exhibition provides
a unique look intr: the lives of including 'liromas liakins, Frida Kahlo, Nllarcel Duchamp, Dale Chihuly and Andy Warhol, tirrough iriinrhvritten letters to farrilv members, fiienils and busincss associates and is organized bv tire Srnitirs,.;nian Institution 'lraveling l,xiribition Sen'ice and the Archives of Arn.rican Art, Srnithsonian Institution. 'lhe exhibition is seneror.rsly sponsored by the W. Neu,ton X{orris Cirarirable Foundation ser.'eral artists,
anrl the Friends of the Georsia N{r.rseum of Art. r. Detail: \ccl Cartlerlge (funerican, r9r6-eooe), T'le Culboard I: Barr, r98E. Oil on rvood reliet, r8 x ss inches. s. Yakama, eagle on arro\y oll biue, cr. r9uo. 3. (and background). Yakama, eaglc and flag on pink, ca. r9eo.4. Otcsia Harpcr (r\rnerica4 tgzq-uSgz), Cole Cot,crl tAe l|-orld, ca. r99o. Quilt, approx. 84 r/z x 77 inches. 5. I)etai1: Wiiliarn Dau,son (r\Lnerican, rgot-t99o), Clicago Betrs, r986. Wrtercolor and gokl pairit on paper, e3 r/.1 x 34 r/z inches. 6. Ilannock, eagle anrl prcsidential shiekl on blue, ca. r9oo.
r.4 rrnri 5: Nrrlli. C"llcction. z, 3 ;rnd 6: Collection of Willian I). Flealey. Georgio Museum ol Art
90 Corlton St,
Alhens, GA 30602
o,m,-S p.m. Tue., Thur,, Fri., 10 o.m.-g p.m. Wed. l-5 p,m, Sun.