We Want YA

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m Yorl are invited to join one of the rnost dyna,rrric volunteer groups in Attrerr-s, Georgia"




Georgia Museum


Committee of the Friends of the

was formed by a diverse group of younger

members whose mission is to promote membership in the Friends and to share a passion for art with other young professionals, cou-

ples, and families. ffi The committee hosts at least four


@ GMOA events per year, which illuminate and celebrate the exhibitions of the Georgia Museum of Art, Georgia's official state art museum. I To join the Young at Committee, one must be a member of the f,'RIENDS (please see membership information you below). No additional fees are required to join the committee



just sign up!



You can choose the degree ofyour involvement and choose the area in which you would like to contribute there's something for everyone. ,NN For events, you may decide to help in marketing, food and beverage, decorations, setup, admission or membership promotion, providing hands-on assistance and

working with the staff of the museum and other volunteers. You may choose to offer sponsorship assistance or simply offer your ideas. I Whatever you do, you'll be a link to the community, sharing your passion for art and the museum with the broader public. Be a part of--and contribute to-the creative forces behind YA and AFTER IIOUR,S @ GMOA! The benefits ofmembership are tangible, too: NN a 10 percent discount

in the Museum Shop and

Figgie's Caf6;



a subscription to the museumh bi-monthly newsletter describing upcoming exhibitions and events;

membership in the Southeastern Reciprocal Membership Program; a

invitations to Members bnly events:


recognition in the Museum's Annual Report and newsletter; ...and much more!

Basic Mernberstrip


Individual / nBcBrvps BENEFITs FoR oNE ADULr Family / rccBrvss BENEFITs FoR rwo ADULTs

. . ' '$30 . . . . '$50

For "Membership Plus" levels, please call the membership office at (706) 542-0830. $N To join via credit card, call the membership office at ('706) 542-0830 or e-mail wcooper@arches.uga.edu. Or mail a check (payable to the UGA Foundation) to: Friends of the Museum, GMOA, 90 Carlton Street, Athens, GA 30602'


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