Collective Feed Industry Knowledge Program
Collective Knowledge Program With the mission of the GMP+ Academy, GMP+ International wants to enable professionals in the feed chain to contribute to feed safety worldwide by facilitating, sharing and securing knowledge. GMP+ International will establish a Collective Knowledge Program and invites industry partners to participate, in order to co-create (non-competitive) basic e-learning modules and other training materials. The GMP+ Academy will facilitate the development and distribution of this. It is efficient to work together with partner companies, which have the experience, financial means and network resources to create new learning and training materials in an effecient, non-competitive way. Instead of funding every Learning and Development project individually, companies could work together by jointly funding and developing training materials.
It is our goal to bring together companies and develop knowledge and training materials and link this actively with the feed industry worldwide. If needed, the GMP+ Academy will take the lead in carrying out research and development of basic training materials like e-learning modules, that can be used by individuals as well as in training activities of partners in specific regions / market segments.