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Business strategy

In 2018, we made a Strategic Business Plan 2019 – 2023. This is our guidance for the coming years. In this plan we chose a Build, Grow & Consolidate strategy.

• Build - Create brand recognition and exert through a regional approach

• Grow - Focus on advocate GMP+ FSA and added value services to create full brand awareness

• Consolidate - Be active and create ambassadors

The strategic objectives are defined per topic. Based on this, every year we define a brief Annual Plan with the specific focus points for that specific year.

Based on new insights, for 2020 the topics were:

• Focus on the target Countries and the (strategic) goals and approach

• Adjust the five years outlook in number of certified companies

All the Target countries were being assessed on their potential and development. All the GMP+ teams have added their activities/actions to this. The strategy, goals and activities per target country/region have been aligned to reach the goals we set.

With the use of online platforms and flexibility from all sides, we managed to adapt while keeping course.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we made a contingency plan, which stipulated how we can carry out our strategy with limited travel and contacts. With the use of online platforms and flexibility from all sides, we managed to adapt while keeping course. We also looked at all the actions we needed to execute in order to achieve our goals.

Highlights strategic actions

• Registration and active business development support of Certification Bodies’ branch offices in exploring the new markets, and by providing them a toolbox of communication means, sharing market information and involving them in events (Business Development Support Program for CB’s).

• Further developing the network of registered consultants

• Personal marketing approach to market leaders in feed and food chain in build and growth markets.

• Retainment policy and program for leading companies in growth and consolidated markets (creating an “ambassadors” group).

• Further development of GMP+ Academy and rolling out first results the deliverables to the market.

Despite of COVID-19, we have seen a growth in GMP+ Certified companies and certificates. It has also enabled us to focus on improving internal processes.

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