Market strategy
Business strategy In 2018, we made a Strategic Business Plan 2019 – 2023. This is our guidance for the coming years. In this plan we chose a Build, Grow & Consolidate strategy.
Create brand recognition and exert through a regional approach
Focus on advocate GMP+ FSA and added value services to create full brand awareness
Be active and create ambassadors
The strategic objectives are defined per topic. Based on this, every year we define a brief Annual Plan with the specific focus points for that specific year. Based on new insights, for 2020 the topics were: • Focus on the target Countries and the (strategic) goals and approach • Adjust the five years outlook in number of certified companies All the Target countries were being assessed on their potential and development. All the GMP+ teams have added their activities/actions to this. The strategy, goals and activities per target country/region have been aligned to reach the goals we set.
“ With the use of online platforms and flexibility from all sides, we managed to adapt while keeping course.”
Versatility Annual report 2020