Annual report 2020
Editors: Joris de Gooijer - Marketing & communication GMP+ International Jeroen Langelaar - Stonewall Tekst Design: Thijs Ruijgrok - Studio Ruig Disclaimer: This publication was established for the purpose of providing information to interested parties with respect to GMP+-standards. The publication will be updated regularly. GMP+ International B.V. is not liable for any inaccuracies in this publication. © GMP+ International B.V. All rights reserved. The information in this publication may be consulted on the screen, downloaded and printed as long as this is done for your own, non-commercial use. For other desired uses, prior written permission should be obtained from the GMP+ International B.V.
Versatility Annual report 2020
Introduction 4 Vision & Mission
Corporate objectives
Core values Certification & Compliance
Business strategy
GMP+ International in numbers Business Information Management
Standards & FSP Spotlight: #ProjectGMP+2020
Product overview / performance
Spotlight: Employer Branding Human Resources
Interactions with the GMP+ Community Marketing & Communication
Business Development GMP+ Community 44 Partner overview Certification Bodies Mutual Recognition with other feed scheme holders National Representatives International Expert Committee (IEC) and subcommittees GMP+ Registered Consultants Governance
Financial results
Adapting to a new world What a difference a year makes. 2020 was supposed to be the year of the launch of our redesigned GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to adjust our plans. But we managed to overcome challenges with innovations from which we will benefit for many years to come. It was a coincidence that our new e-learning module about HACCP was launched right around the start of the pandemic. The online test was developed pre-corona, and came in handy when worldwide lockdowns made remote working mandatory. But with everybody suddenly barred from traveling, suddenly we needed much more than one e-learning module to stay in touch with our community. Remote working After the initial shock and accompanying questions, it didn’t take too long to adapt to a new reality. Within mere weeks, everybody was working from their homes, webinars replaced seminars, meetings and committees took place digitally, and along with our Certification Bodies we introduced remote company audits. We are extremely thankful for the flexibility and professionalism displayed by our employees, certified companies, certification bodies, auditors, partners and stakeholders. Because of everybody’s best efforts, we succeeded – despite all challenges – in making progress towards our shared goal of Feed Safety Worldwide. Scheme redesign and continued growth Most important in this regard was the finalising of our scheme redesign. In 2020, we completed this multi-year project to provide our community with a scheme that is more clear and more goal-oriented. This results in a scheme that better aligns with the needs of certified companies and the demands of the modern-day feed industry. Last year we saw another increase in the number of GMP+ FSA certified companies, including in countries with historically lower participation, like Spain and France. We also noticed continued growth in markets like Russia, Asia and Latin America. The GMO-Controlled standard, which we started in 2019, was responsible for most of the growth within GMP+ FRA, although interest remains largely concentrated to Germany.
Versatility Annual report 2020
Rijswijk, The Netherlands, May 2021 Lessons learned Webinars allowed us to get our message across in an accessible and efficient way. We were able to discuss topics and share ideas with attendants from all over the world, even though we were continents apart. Because of the pandemic, we made great strides in our digital services, and plan to continue innovating and growing in this field in the coming years. Crises, in whatever shape or size they come, have the ability to expose both strengths and weaknesses. Looking at it this way, 2020 was certainly a year of learning. And if last year showed us one thing, it is the importance of versatility. Because of the adjustments we made, we have now more tools at our disposal than ever before to work together, share knowledge and promote feed safety.
“ We are extremely thankful for the flexibility and professionalism displayed by our employees, certified companies, certification bodies, auditors, partners and stakeholders.” Roland van der Post
Johan den Hartog
Operations Director
Managing Director
Vision & mission
Vision Everyone in the world should have access to safe food. Therefore every company in the animal feed chain should be committed to safe feed.
Versatility Annual report 2020
Mission We deploy a certification scheme that facilitates companies to contribute to safe feed. To keep our scheme and community up to date we gather and share worldwide valuable information regarding feed safety assurance.
Corporate objectives
Versatility Annual report 2020
For 2020, we continued to work in accordance with the corporate strategic objectives established in 2017, and our 2018-2023 roadmap. Extra emphasis was placed on the market approach.
Corporate objectives for 2020
Systematic Market Approach ptimising services & products O according to customer needs nchoring GMP+ certification A in the feed & food chain
Core values
Thought Leadership
Market Focus
As an international platform, we are in a unique position for the whole feed supply chain. We feel the moral obligation to inspire our community through innovative ideas. We turn ideas into reality towards Feed Safety Worldwide.
Our drive is to facilitate our customers to provide Feed Safety Worldwide. By nature we are curious to understand the needs of our customers in this mission. So we can align our approach effectively.
Versatility Annual report 2020
Our passion is Feed Safety Worldwide. We believe we can achieve this by acting in a way that makes sense and is realistic in daily practice.
We can achieve the best results in the whole chain by working together both in and with our community in weighing the various interests towards Feed Safety Worldwide.
Certification & Compliance
‘Online exams and audits’ Certification & Compliance (C&C) makes sure GMP+ FSA and GMP+ FRA certificates are awarded in accordance with the GMP+ FC scheme. It does so by continuously monitoring the performance of Certification Bodies (CB’s). C&C is also responsible for the development and maintenance of the certification rules, harmonisation of the activities of CB’s and GMP+ auditors, and the examination of auditors.
Versatility Annual report 2020
Finding solutions – Remote auditing Measures to reign in the coronavirus, like lockdowns, severely hindered our Certification Bodies to conduct on-site audits. RvdP “ Immediately after travel restrictions were put in place, we worked together with CB’s to facilitate remote auditing. Together with them we experimented with remote audits to get it up and running. We kept in close contact with other feed schemes to secure feed safety and share best practices on remote auditing. Challenges remain, but we also learned a lot. On-site audits will stay, but they will be combined with remote methods going forward.”
“ Together with CB's we experimented to get remote audits up and running.” Finding solutions – Remote auditing (2) RvdP “ In addition to CB’s auditing remotely, our own CB-, parallel- and witness audits had to be performed mostly digital as well. Every CB is audited once a year, we did this on-site when possible (19 times) or remote (16 times). For the CB’s and for us this was new, and took some getting used to. In 2020 we performed 36 parallel and 3 witness audit onsite – a lot less than other years. Unfortunately, in a lot of cases, remote audits were too difficult to execute.” Ending live exams – Digital examinations RvdP “ It was not just a worldwide virus that made us move services online. Just like the introduction of the e-learning HACCP, digital examinations were also already in the works pre-COVID. Due to the pandemic all ‘live’ exams had to be cancelled. Beginning in March, 2020, all examinations of new auditors took place digitally. This has been a success and will be our way of examining from now on.”
Roland van der Post Operations Director (Certification & Compliance)
“ GMP+ FSA helps us expand globally” Marcel Jeurissen De Heus Voeders, Nederland
Versatility Annual report 2020
Market strategy
Business strategy In 2018, we made a Strategic Business Plan 2019 – 2023. This is our guidance for the coming years. In this plan we chose a Build, Grow & Consolidate strategy.
Create brand recognition and exert through a regional approach
Focus on advocate GMP+ FSA and added value services to create full brand awareness
Be active and create ambassadors
The strategic objectives are defined per topic. Based on this, every year we define a brief Annual Plan with the specific focus points for that specific year. Based on new insights, for 2020 the topics were: • Focus on the target Countries and the (strategic) goals and approach • Adjust the five years outlook in number of certified companies All the Target countries were being assessed on their potential and development. All the GMP+ teams have added their activities/actions to this. The strategy, goals and activities per target country/region have been aligned to reach the goals we set.
“ With the use of online platforms and flexibility from all sides, we managed to adapt while keeping course.”
Versatility Annual report 2020
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we made a contingency plan, which stipulated how we can carry out our strategy with limited travel and contacts. With the use of online platforms and flexibility from all sides, we managed to adapt while keeping course. We also looked at all the actions we needed to execute in order to achieve our goals.
Highlights strategic actions • Registration and active business development support of Certification Bodies’ branch offices in exploring the new markets, and by providing them a toolbox of communication means, sharing market information and involving them in events (Business Development Support Program for CB’s). • Further developing the network of registered consultants • Personal marketing approach to market leaders in feed and food chain in build and growth markets. • Retainment policy and program for leading companies in growth and consolidated markets (creating an “ambassadors” group). • Further development of GMP+ Academy and rolling out first results the deliverables to the market.
Despite of COVID-19, we have seen a growth in GMP+ Certified companies and certificates. It has also enabled us to focus on improving internal processes.
GMP+ International in numbers
18,626 757 GMP+ FSA Certified companies as of December 31, 2020
87 Countries with GMP+ FSA certified companies 500+ certificates 101 to 500 certificates < 100 certificates No certificates
Versatility Annual report 2020
GMP+ FRA Certified companies as of December 31, 2020
Resolved GMP+ Helpdesk cases
Notifications received EWS Warnings on our Early Warning published System (EWS) *including 100 Securefeed notifications
34 373 43
GMP+ accepted Certification Bodies
GMP+ accepted auditors
Feed & Food strategic chain partnerships
Business Information Management
‘ A more efficient organisation’ Business Information Management Ida Verweij & Martin van den Bedum
It is the responsibility of GMP+ International’s Business Information Management department to contribute to the realisation of the company’s goals and ensure that all IT means are up to date and properly aligned with all informational flows of GMP+ International. Adding logic – Improved project management GMP+ International needed more control over projects. Progress was isolated and fragmented in different Excel sheets throughout the organization which complicated management and control over the overall project portfolio. MvdB
“ In 2020 we renewed some of these processes, embedded them and made them more usable and more intuitive for people to use. Thanks to these changes, we gained more focus, control and insights into whether projects are still within budget and planning or not.”
Keeping in check – Better budgeting We also took control over our overall IT spendings. “ In 2020, we improved our financial IT process in order to have more grip on (upcoming) costs. This allowed us to generate periodical reports, which helped us getting accurate insights in our financial situation. Now we can anticipate better, and earlier to unexpected costs, can explain deviations and make the right decisions. We are able to draw lessons from our financial progress within IT and create better forecasts.”
Versatility Annual report 2020
Knowing our duties – Defining the BIM function To get a clearer understanding of the responsibilities of Business Information Management (BIM) and see how it can best contribute to GMP+ International’s goals, we conducted an assessment of the BIM function. MvdB “ We looked at activities, responsibilities, processes, strategy, information management, projects and priorities. With the revised description of the BIM function, responsibilities are more clear and internal collaboration has improved. BIM will continue improving in 2021 and beyond.”
“ Thanks to changes in our processes, we gained more focus, control and insights into our projects.”
“GMP+ FSA certification is a practical guide for our company’s production processes” Chu Huajun Zhucheng Dongxiao Biotechnology Co., Ltd, China
“ GMP+ certification gives us the chance to bring our product to the international market” Sigrid Pauwelyn Trotec NV, Belgium
Versatility Annual report 2020
Standards & Feed Support Products
‘ Moving along with our community’s needs’ Standards & Feed Support Products Dik Wolters & Els van der Boon
The Standards & Feed Support Products team of GMP+ International is responsible for the standards of the certification scheme. Standards are updated on the basis of new insights about feed safety management, both from our community as well as from feed industry experts. The department is also in charge of developing and updating the Feed Support Products (FSP), which offer support to certified companies and auditors.
Preparing for launch – Finishing #ProjectGMP+2020 “ The redesign of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme was completed in 2020. The Standards & FSP department mainly focused on the conditions and requirements companies have to meet, as well as support products like guidelines and checklists. Not only were the normative standards revised, we also put much effort in improving certification rules, the auditor app and support products. By finalizing the changes to the scheme and additional services, we prepared it for launch come Spring 2021.”
Getting the checkmark – GMP+ FC scheme 2020 EA approved EvdB “ In 2020, the redesigned scheme, as well as the certification process by our Certification Bodies, was officially approved by the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA). This formal recognition means the scheme and the audit and certification methods used by our Certification Bodies are in compliance with international accepted standards (ISO 17021/ ISO TS22003) for certification of food and feed safety management system schemes.” The EA was appointed by the European Commission in Regulation to facilitate fair trade, ensure product and service quality and reduce technical barriers to trade.
Versatility Annual report 2020
Sharing knowledge – HACCP E-learning Besides just determining standards, GMP+ International has also put more effort on support by sharing knowledge. “ We introduced an e-learning about Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). While the e-learning was developed and launched before the pandemic hit, it came in especially handy in a time of lockdowns and social distancing.” The e-learning is available in five different languages and has been enthousiastically received within our community.
Expanding choice – New purchase requirements On March 1st, 2020, new GMP+ FSA purchase requirements were published. EvdB “ The biggest change to the requirements was the expanded gatekeeper function. The new rules give companies more leeway in buying from companies not certified for GMP+ FSA. These changes were made in close collaboration with other European scheme holders in order to create a more level playing field. As a result of the change, GMP+ FSA certified companies benefit from more options to buy feed ingredients for non-certified suppliers.”
Listening to our community – Improving FSP “ In 2019, we conducted a survey about our Feed Support Products. Based on the input we received, we made several adjustments. By improving the navigation in the GMP+ Portal we made it easier for users to find their way to useful information. To provide clarity about updates to documents, each document now contains a clear download or a version date. We also updated the Product list to include references to the European Feed Catalogue to avoid confusion about the legal status of the included feed materials.” The survey also made clear that a large group is still unfamiliar with FSP. “ That is why in 2020 we put a lot of effort in communication and promotion. FSP will also have a more prominent place in the redesigned scheme, with FSP references for every standard.”
Going digital – Webinars for our community EvdB “ The COVID-19 pandemic initially limited the ways in which we could interact with our community, but soon opened new doors. In 2020, we organized six webinars about the new purchase requirements. The online sessions were attended by both auditors as well as certified companies. Webinars allowed us to explain the changes in a way that is both accessible and interactive. The experience has been a rewarding one and we plan to continue organising webinars going forward.”
Spotlight: #ProjectGMP+2020
2020 was the year in which we finalised the redesign of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. The new scheme, set to be published in 2021, has a radically simplified structure, is much easier to read and is more goal-oriented. This means that while the goals are determined, certified companies will have more flexibility in how to achieve them. And thanks to a layered and coloured structure, scheme documents are easier to navigate. After final editing in 2020, the redesigned scheme, as well as the certification process of our Certification Bodies, was officially approved by the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA). This confirms that the scheme and the audit and certification methods are in compliance with international accepted certification standards. To all our of many partners who participated in this multi-year project: thank you. Your experience and knowledge resulted in a scheme that truly meets the demands of today’s feed industry.
Versatility Annual report 2020
Company documents Learn about the feed safety system and how we work together towards feed safety and responsibility
Company documents
Certification Body documents
Requirements Work with the right requirements for your certification
Company documents
Support Consult the guidance for explanations and terminology. Contact GMP+ International for additional support
Product overview / performance
GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance As of December 2020, 18,626 companies in over 87 countries worldwide were GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance (FSA) certified. This constitutes an increase of 356 (+1,95%) compared to 2019. The share of European countries is high, but we notice a growing participation in Asia and C.w. of Ind. States. Participation in Latin America is stable, but slowly increasing (see table below). Market potential depends on domestic awareness of feed safety assurance, the pull and demand downstream in the chain, as well as feed legislation in (local) countries.
Countries with GMP+ FSA certified companies
500+ certificates 101 to 500 certificates < 100 certificates No certificates
GMP+ FSA certified companies Region/s
C.w. of Ind. States
Northern & Southern Europe
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
Latin America & Caribians
Near East
Northern Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Asia (ex. Near East)
Northern America Oceania Total
Versatility Annual report 2020
Region/s Asia (ex. Near East) C.w. of Ind. States Northern & Southern Europe
2019 531 71
Asia (ex. Near East) C.w. of Ind. States
2020 572 84
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
Latin America & Caribians
Latin America & Caribians
Middle East
Middle East
Northern America Oceania
270 8 18,270
Northern America Oceania
261 9 18,626
Product overview / performance
GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance As of December 2020, 757 companies in 14 countries were GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance (FRA) certified. This is an increase of 137 over 2019. Certified companies were located in not only in Europe but also the first GMP+ FRA certified company has been noted in the United States. New certified companies from countries which haven’t seen GMP+ FRA certifications before include Hungary, Switzerland and Ukraine. For GMP+ FRA, most of the attention in 2020 went to the #ProjectGMP+2020 project. Just like GMP+ FSA, the GMP+ FRA module received a thorough revision which makes it better to read and easier to apply. We also worked on a draft for a new ‘Feed of European origin’ standard. This standard is aimed to produce feed from ingredients of European origin. This follows the objectives of Europe to minimize dependency on other countries for its food supply, but also because of the more sustainable image of sourcing locally. Planned publication date is Q4, 2021. Due of the #ProjectGMP+2020 project, no substantive changes were made to the GMP+ FRA module. However, the GMO Controlled standard did receive an update. It now aligns with the updated VLOG requirements (published in March 2020).
Countries with GMP+ FRA certified companies
Versatility Annual report 2020
50+ certificates < 50 certificates No certificates
GMP+ FRA certified companies Country
Czech Republic
United States
Austria Belgium
The Netherlands
Spotlight: Employer Branding
‘ Add our + to your career’ That was the main message of GMP+ International’s 2020 employer branding campaign. After experiencing difficulties in filling several vacancies, GMP+ International turned to an employer branding campaign. Created in collaboration with an external PR agency, the campaign sought to brand GMP+ International as an attractive employer, in addition to raising awareness around the importance of feed safety. Only by approaching employer branding in the broadest way possible, you can achieve sustainable results. An employer journey starts internally, by analysing the entire employee journey and looking for ways to optimise it. In our view this was a crucial prerequisite, because your external branding needs to align with your internal identity and work culture. First, we defined an inspiring goal, working values and ways to build a strong employer brand. This leads to activation and a more professional and standardised selection process. We believe this helps us in onboarding highly motivated professionals and create new ambassadors for our organisation. Employees themselves played a big role in the campaign, both in determining the strengths of the organisation, as well as in external communication. Colleagues were featured in social posts and were encouraged to share their GMP+ International experience with their network. About three-quarters of employees did.
“ The external branding needs to align with the internal identity and work culture.” The campaign was a great success considering new vacancies lead to a record number of responses.
Versatility Annual report 2020
Human Resources
‘ Taking care of everybody's well-being’ Roland van der Post Operations Director (Human Resources)
GMP+ International’s Human Resources department ensures that the company’s workforce is aligned with its core values. HR is a strategic sounding board for the Management and offers support in achieving organisational goals. It supports employees in adapting to strategic directions of the company and supports them in matters of working conditions and employment contracts. Staying in touch – Digital meetings RvdP “ Working remote brought new challenges to the organisation. Not only did we have to make sure employees had the necessary equipment. We also wanted to stay connected to take care of each other's well-being. From the start, we made sure we stayed in touch with our colleagues and encouraged them to keep doing so as well. We stimulated meetings and gave people the opportunity to share their feelings. We were heartened by the informal digital meetings initiated by employees themselves to encourage and support each other.”
Versatility Annual report 2020
Spreading the word – Employer branding campaign RvdP “ Being the world’s largest certification scheme, we felt we had to improve our employer branding and name recognition to potentially new employees – both in and outside the feed industry. We worked together with a communications & PR agency to create an employer branding campaign. Aim was to create awareness around the importance of feed safety, and our role in it. The campaign was a great success, as accompanying job openings brought in over 180 responses – a record.”
“ We stimulated meetings and gave people the opportunity to share their feelings.” Restructuring the office – New way of working RvdP “ Stimulated by the new insights that pandemic restrictions gave us, we started working on a ‘new way of working’ for the situation after COVID-19. This will include making more use of virtual meetings, working from home and restructuring the office.”
Interactions with GMP+ Community
53 +10%
LinkedIn posts LinkedIn followers
Follow GMP+ International on linkedIn
Versatility Annual report 2020
Newsletters (incl. #ProjectGMP+2020)
13 33 8 Blogs
Online/offline articles
Marketing & Communication
‘ Tailoring to our community’s needs’ Marketing & Communication Manager Marjon Vaartjes
Marketing & Communication is responsible for developing, guarding and implementing the marketing & communication strategy and planning of GMP+ International. M&C supports the other business units in communicating with the GMP+ community. In doing so, it ensures communication is aligned with the organisation’s corporate objectives, and meets the needs of our stakeholders.
Versatility Annual report 2020
Communicating changes – Scheme redesign “ Launching redesigned norms and standards is doomed to fail when not communicated in the right way. So our department focused heavily on supporting the substantive changes to the scheme with a clear and user-friendly design. The new scheme will be divided in different layers, colours and symbols. We also developed a support engagement programme, consisting of images, videos, FAQs and presentations, in order to guide our community through all changes, from participation to realisation.” Adding a plus – Employer branding campaign After experiencing difficulties in filling several vacancies, GMP+ International decided to start an employer branding project (see also page 32-33). “ Together with a specialised employer branding agency and group of motivated colleagues, we determined the values and strengths of GMP+ International as an employer. We translated this into a campaign, titled ‘Add our + to your career’, with the aim of making ‘ambassadors’ out of our colleagues and having them share their pride of working for GMP+ International. It also raised awareness about feed safety in general. The campaign was a hit: new vacancies lead to a record number of responses – and several new colleagues.”
“ Our department focused on supporting the changes to the scheme with a clear and user-friendly design.”
Building anticipation – Pre-summit webinars The Global Feed Safety Summit was originally planned for Spring 2021 in Berlin. “ Because of the coronavirus pandemic, we decided to reschedule it for 2022. With such a delay, it is important to keep building anticipation and facilitating dialogue. So we organised a series of pre-summit webinars, for which we offered support in communication and promotion.” The first webinar was held on October 7, and focused on Feed Safety and Security in uncertain times. Two more webinars, about feed-to-food challenges and regional sourcing, are scheduled for 2021.
Versatility Annual report 2020
“GMP+ International and its representatives stand ready to help whenever needed” Fanny Giudicelli Marine Akwa, France
“ Because of GMP+ International’s chain approach, we have more knowledge about potential partners in the chain” Liu Xianyou Jiangsu YiNong Bioengineering, China
Business Development
‘ New support opportunities’ Business Development analyses market needs, promotes feed safety awareness and is responsible for expanding the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme and external affairs. The department consists of the Managing Director of GMP+ International and the Business Development Manager. Together they are the public face of the company during international events and meetings. Endorsing initiatives – Registered Services In the final quarter of 2020 we launched Registered Services. This is an endorsement programme for independent services aimed at improving feed safety management systems. OSM “ Companies or organisations that meet the GMP+ Registered Services Regulations can opt for GMP+ endorsement of their services. This enables them to better market their services in the GMP+ Community, while meeting the criteria determined by GMP+ International. The ‘stamp of approval’ thus ensures a high quality level.”
“ We want to enable CBs and local offices to share knowledge and benefit from our support” Olyn San Miguel Business Development
Versatility Annual report 2020
Growing our community – New partners Last year GMP+ International added five new feed and food partners: European Forage Association (EFA), Eurasian Poultry Association, Associação Nacional dos Exportadores de Cereais (ANEC), IKB Verin BV, and ENFIT (International Association-Supply Chain Safety). We also added new Registered Consultants in India and France. OSM “ The addition of ANEC – one of biggest trading associations of grains and cereals – was especially remarkable, since it is our first ever partner from Brazil.” A helping hand – Business Development Support Programme for CBs OSM “ We started a support programme for Certification Bodies. The goal of this programme is to provide support to local branches of our CBs. Most of our CBs also have local offices, with whom GMP+ International has no direct contact. The new programme is meant to change this by offering support in business development, including knowledge sharing, promotion and event cooperation. To date, there are 12 accepted CBs and 167 local offices listed the programme.”
GMP+ Community
Partners In 2020, GMP+ International supported, involved, and engaged its stakeholders in the Feed and Food chain through partnerships. When a trade association in the feed and food chain endorses our vision, values, and ambitions, it can express its support and commitment by becoming a partner. The graph below does not limit any other collaboration we develop with (non)feed- & food partners.
Feed and Food partners
GMP+ International strategic partner
Private Associations & Food Companies Private Collectives
Feed Scheme Holders
Food Scheme Holders
Good Agriculture Practice Scheme Holders (GAP) Food Safety and Responsibility Assurance Scheme Holders
The graph presents an overview of the structure of GMP+ International’s (strategic) partners.
Versatility Annual report 2020
Partners newsletter Read our Partner Newsletter and other publications on
GMP+ Community
Collaborations and goals of partnerships Feed and Food Partners Involvement and engagement in the development of our GMP+ certifications scheme(s) and supporting products & services in order to comply with customers’ needs.
VDDN Vereniging Diervoederspecialiteiten Diergezondheidsproducten Nederland
Private Collectives Involvement and commitment to optimise the use and application of expertise and services of each other in order to operate in an efficient and effective manner for stakeholders.
Versatility Annual report 2020
Feed Scheme Holders Optimising alignment of the several schemes and realising mutual recognition.
G.A.P. Scheme Holders Optimising alignment of GMP+ certification scheme with requirements / needs of schemes for livestock and aqua farming.
Food Safety & Responsibility Scheme Holders Providing combined audit for food companies also producing by-products fit for animal feed; as well as alignment of GMP+ certification scheme with food industry schemes.
GMP+ Community
Certification Bodies In 2020, the number of accepted Certification Bodies for the GMP+ FSA module was 34 with 373 accepted auditors. Certification Bodies play an important role in assessing and certifying companies. They are responsible for ensuring companies are complying with the principles and requirements of the applicable GMP+ normative standards. Certification Bodies must do so in a proper and unimpaired manner.
34 373
Total number of Certification Bodies for GMP+ feed certification scheme
Total number of accepted auditors
Please note; although we mention a total of 34 Certification Bodies, some share an identical logo and entity, resulting in less logo’s on this page
Versatility Annual report 2020
Mutual recognition with other feed scheme holders With some feed safety assurance certification schemes in Europe, an official mutual recognition has been agreed upon based on equivalency. This means companies certified for one scheme can sell to and buy from certified companies certified from other schemes. This reduces the burden and the costs for a company with respect to feed safety assurance and certification, and avoids trade barriers.
National Representatives In 2020, we supported growth regions or regions with growth potential, as well as regions with cultural differences and language barriers. We have worked with local professionals as National Representative to answer questions from interested local parties. They also helped GMP+ International to better understand regional challenges. GMP+ International was represented by National Representatives in the following countries: Brazil, China, Italy, Ukraine and Spain.
International Expert Committee (IEC) and subcommittees We operated according to the principle of well-balanced multi-stakeholder participation in our IEC and (sub)committees. For a full overview of our International Expert Committee and subcommittees, please visit
GMP+ Registered Consultants With GMP+ Registered Consultants, we aim to provide assistance to feed companies that are interested in GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance (FSA) certification, as well as GMP+ FSA certified companies in their search for competent and reliable consultants to advise them on their feed safety management system. GMP+ International considers consultants an important extension for the support and distribution of GMP+ FSA certification in the market. In 2020, 15 Registered Consultants were active in 25 countries. For a full overview please visit
Governance GMP+ International is an independent non-profit organisation. It is a private company with limited liability under Dutch law (B.V.), registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under registration no. 27364542. This legal form enables us to operate independently and flexible in the operation and international cooperation. The mandate of the management of the organisation is laid down in its Articles of Association. The shareholder of GMP+ International is GMP+ International Foundation. Ten Dutch trade associations participate in this foundation, representing the whole feed chain. This Dutch character shows our origin. We are open to extend shareholdings to other stakeholder groups internationally. According to Dutch law, the Managing Director is the board of the organisation and authorised in final decision making. According Dutch company law, for specified strategic decisions he needs the approval of the General Shareholders Meeting or the Supervisory Board. The chairman and secretary of GMP+ International Foundation compose the General Shareholders Meeting. The Supervisory Board consists of three persons. It serves as a sounding board and advises the Management Board. The Management Board consists of the Managing Director and the Operations Director. They are supported by several teams with in total 27 employees and a number of external service providers.
Versatility Annual report 2020
“ Thanks to GMP+ FSA we can guarantee that our products are safe for both animals and humans” Frizen Vasily MEGAMIX, Russia
Versatility Annual report 2020
Financial results
Explanatory note to financial figures The net margin in 2020 was significantly higher than in 2019. This is mainly due to COVID-19, as we had almost zero travel costs and planned events were cancelled. The turnover growth outpaced the increase in costs. We also made substantial investments in our IT means to improve customer support. Together with our increased liquidity, the financial position of GMP+ International has become even more solid.
Key figures Key figures
Number of FTE
Working capital
€ 1,322,908
€ 1,079,370
€ 1,045,119
€ 1,518,280
€ 1,586,048
Liquidity Current Ratio Solvency Other
Versatility Annual report 2020
Balance sheet as per December 31, 2020 Assets
Dec. 31, 2020
Dec. 31, 2019
Tangible fixed assets
Financial fixed assets
Dec. 31, 2020
Dec. 31, 2019
Dec. 31, 2020
Dec. 31, 2019
Gross Margin
Total operation costs
Fixed assets
Current assets Receivables Cash and cash equivalents
Liabilities Equity Short-term debts
Profit and loss account over 2020
Operating result Financial benefits and charges Result on ordinary activities before taxation Taxation on result from ordinary activities
Share in the result of participations Result after taxation
We believe everybody, no matter who they are or where they live, should have access to safe food.
GMP+ International Braillelaan 9 2289 CL Rijswijk The Netherlands t. +31 (0)70 - 307 41 20 (Office) +31 (0)70 - 307 41 44 (Help Desk) e.
Versatility Annual report 2020