Partner newsletter Spring 2021
Partner newsletter Spring 2021
Disclaimer: This publication was established for the purpose of providing information to interested parties with respect to GMP+-standards. The publication will be updated regularly. GMP+ International B.V. is not liable for any inaccuracies in this publication. © GMP+ International B.V. All rights reserved. The information in this publication may be consulted on the screen, downloaded and printed as long as this is done for your own, non-commercial use. For other desired uses, prior written permission should be obtained from the GMP+ International B.V.
To our valued partners Last year, once again showed the value of partnerships. In 2020, we finalised the redesigned GMP+ Feed Certification scheme, which was launched on March 1st, 2021. It is solid, versatile and easy to use, this is the result of the commitment and collaboration of countless parties in the feed safety community. They worked alongside us – literally, and later digitally – for many hours in order to come up with a structure that squarely aligns with the demands of modern-day business operations. Because partnerships are crucial for realising Feed Safety Worldwide, we want to keep you informed on the most important developments surrounding our scheme. In this partner newsletter you’ll read about the renewed scheme, the GMP+ Academy, the upcoming Global Feed Safety Summit in Berlin, and other noteworthy initiatives and developments. If you have any questions, please get in touch. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your loyalty and trust. And I hope to meet all of you in good health in Berlin next year.
‘ Partnerships are crucial for realising Feed Safety Worldwide’ Johan den Hartog Managing Director, GMP+ International
Partner newsletter
Covid-19: adapt and innovate The year 2020 was a year of adaption and innovation. The Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing restrictions severely upended our way of working, and our examination and auditing processes in particular. Like any other organisation, we had to quickly adapt. Thankfully, pandemicrelated challenges brought new opportunities, and accelerated innovations already underway. Digital examinations as an option were already in the works when the pandemic hit. The lockdowns however put them on the fast track and auditor examinations took place exclusively online. What a difference a few months make! Although there was some scepticism initially, the results in the past year have been overwhelmingly rewarding. Attendants and their organisations saved out on travel and accommodation costs, in addition to saving lots of time. Reactions have been positive as digital exams offers participants a lot more flexibility. We are currently looking to make the switch to digital examinations a permanent one.
Did you know that In 2020 GMP+ Auditors have taken over more than 850 digital exams.
Spring 2021
What also changed was the auditing process. We found out not all auditing needs to take place on-site. At its core, auditing is about gathering objective evidence. Inspecting contracts, for example, is something that can very well be done digitally – and perhaps even better, considering developments in analytics technologies, which can detect deficiencies in mere seconds. However, on-site visits have certain unique benefits that cannot be quickly replaced by online possibilities. For the future, we foresee a hybrid model in which auditors will use a combination of both.
Partner newsletter
In numbers
Total GMP+ FSA certificates
18,747 762 28,494
Total GMP+ FRA certificates
Total GMP+ FSA certified companies in 86 countries Total GMP+ FRA certified companies in 16 countries
Total GMP+ certificates, 18.772 certified companies in 86 countries
Numbers as of March 31st, 2021
Spring 2021
The launch of GMP+ FC scheme 2020 Recently we launched the renewed GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. The documents have been published on our website, With this, a transition period is underway, in which both schemes will co-exist. Companies have three years to make the adjustment. The GMP+ FC scheme 2020 consists of three separate layers: framework, requirements, and support. In contrast to the ‘old’ scheme, the new one is more goal oriented. This means the documents describe the required outcomes. Companies can use their own expertise to decide upon the best way to achieve them. Also, the texts are shorter and easier to understand. We advise all of our stakeholders to carefully read the new documents – and find out what they mean for you. The GMP+ FC scheme 2020 is the result of collaboration between GMP+ International, certified companies, feed safety experts and other stakeholders. We owe everyone who participated in the redesign the debt of gratitude for their valuable contributions. Thank (Scheme) you for your dedication to Feed Safety Worldwide. documents 1
Learn about the feed safety system and how we work together towards feed safety and responsibility
Company documents
Certification Body documents
Work with the right requirements for your certification
Feed Support Products
Consult the guidance for explanations and terminology. Contact GMP+ International for additional support
Partner newsletter
Save the date:
Global Feed Safety Summit From 6-8 April 2022, the Global Feed Safety Summit will take place in Berlin, Germany. On this three-day event, feed safety experts from all over the world will gather to discuss the most urgent issues facing our industry today. The summit was originally scheduled for 2021, but was postponed because of Covid-19. We have set the goal of the summit, we want to enable stakeholders in the feed and food chain to exchange visions and expectations on what will influence the feed & food chain substantially. With the ultimate goal to contribute to setting the agenda for feed safety for the next years. Although a lot of topics will be discussed, three main themes will take centre stage: Feed safety and security in uncertain times, From feed to food, and Global versus regional sourcing. These themes are explored in three pre-summit webinars that took place last October 2020 and February 2021. The third one – for which you can still register here – will take place on May 12th. If the interest shown in the first two webinars is an indication, we are in for an extraordinary summit in 2022. Will you be there?
Spring 2021
Innovations GMP+ Academy We believe feed safety doesn’t start with our feed safety scheme. It doesn’t even start with legislation. Feed safety starts with knowledge and intrinsic motivation. Through the GMP+ Academy, which consists of publications, e-learning modules, webinars and multi-day training sessions, we aim to share feed safety skills and knowledge. Because only when we understand why we’re doing what we’re doing, we can truly be committed to Feed Safety Worldwide. For our GMP+ Academy, we are always looking for new partners. Are you a training institute or a self-employed trainer, we might be looking for you! Working with third-party trainers and training institutes provides added benefit, since they know the local context and culture like no other. This enables them to translate feed safety protocols persuasively to different audiences across the globe. Do you want to join our growing group? Or do you know an organisation that may wish to join? Get in touch with us by calling our Office Management at +31 (0)70 307 41 20 or send an email to
Did you know that Already more than 240 participants took the HACCP e-learning and received a certificate for this. The e-learning in still available at our website.
Save the date: July 7th, 2021
Official launch of the GMP+ Academy platform More information will follow soon.
Partner newsletter
Registered Services The animal feed chain businesses need to manage constant changes on the feed market. Innovations and services are continuously improving and adapting to an ever changing and dynamic global market. With our global collaborations in the feed market we see that services and products are being brought to life that can contribute to safe feed. But sometimes they lack the distribution channels or industry approvement to bring this to the right end user. Services that ensure efficient maintenance and improvement of feed safety management systems will also contribute to the use of standardized and uniform modes of operation in the feed supply chain. In the fourth quarter of 2020 we introduced GMP+ Registered Services so we can bring these innovations closer to the end user within the GMP+ Community. Companies who meet the requirements stated in the GMP+ Registered Service Regulations are approved to endorse their services with the GMP+ Registered Service-logo. This enables them to market their services for the GMP+ Community, while meeting the high level of feed safety assurance. End 2020 we welcomed our first Registered Service.
Spring 2021
Certag, the first GMP+ Registered Service “GMP+ International gathers around the certification scheme a community of companies which sets safety and quality of feed as their top priority. Those companies show a great interest in the assurance of feed and services' safety throughout the whole GMP+ certified supply chain. With the Certag system, there is a chance to support the community with a tool to improve the safety of transported feed significantly. Our authentication system for GMP+ certified transport brings transparency and fraud prevention in the feed industry to the next level. I believe it might be of real add value to GMP+ certified carriers and their clients. Giving how the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme participants might benefit from using the Certag system, collaboration with GMP+ International seemed as the most natural choice. I am glad that we have the chance to launch cooperation.”
Przemyslaw Tronina, PhD General Manager | Food and Feed Experts Consilium Tronina Przemyslaw
Partner newsletter
Welcome new partners Enfit
International association – supply chain safety
“The partnership with GMP+ International is important to us because ENFIT and GMP+ International are perfectly complementary to each other. GMP+ International as the specialist in feed safety and ENFIT as the specialist in food safety. Because feed is the food of tomorrow “
Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Dieter Philipowski President
Associação Nacional dos Exportadores de Cereais (National Association of Grain Exporters)
“GMP+ International is an important organization dealing with concepts and practices that should be known and adopted by all ANEC members. We are glad to have the opportunity of being part of GMP+ International and to show the Brazilian perspectives to the scheme.”
Chantal Gabardo Agronomist – Responsible for grain quality
Spring 2021
Did you know that The growing need for meat and aquaculture products is the mainspring behind the growth of the compound feed market. The increasing awareness regarding quality meat and milk products and increasing livestock production are two other factors boosting the growth of our industry. It is clear that main drivers are still us, the consumers.
Partner newsletter
Orange Knowledge Programme Creating feed safety awareness, this is one of our goals to fulfil our ambition: Feed safety worldwide. In partnership with Q-Point and local feed mill associations in The Philippines and Thailand, we are able to take the first step in creating awareness through this Orange Knowledge Training Program (OKTP). Our priority is to increase the knowledge about feed safety management and with private-public collaboration and efforts, the training had been successful.
"Thailand is getting there in improving knowledge" 14
Spring 2021
“I had the opportunity to participate in the OKTP program. Thanks to the professionals of GMP+ International, Q-point B.V. and Thai Feed Mill Association. The GMP+ marketshare has been increasing in Thailand and therefore this kind of course direct from the scheme owner is very important. This course was launched with participants from Thailand’s feed chain leaders in several national feed sections. Additionally, this course was meaningful because it raised awareness about feed safety in my country. Last May 2020 we completed the whole program and In just a few weeks of sharing knowledge we fully prepared and changed our mindset towards feed safety and the feed value chain. Thailand is getting there in improving knowledge. Aside from that, during the training, I was able to make friends with many people from other countries and in Thailand. This was a wonderful experience that helped me become more confident and professional and even made me prouder as GMP+ International auditor. I am honered to receive my certificate and officially considering myself as a trainer. I would be more than happy to repeat it all over again.”
Tipong Narkmit International Senior Auditor and Trainer Control Union Thailand
Partner newsletter
At GMP+ International, we believe everybody, no matter who they are or where they live, should have access to safe food.
GMP+ International Braillelaan 9 2289 CL Rijswijk The Netherlands t. +31 (0)70 - 307 41 20 (Office) +31 (0)70 - 307 41 44 (Help Desk) e.