Grymes 4th Grade Literary Magazine 2012-13

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A{rican J



l-Jo* the l)nicorn

(jot fJi' fio'"

bg K"utleâ‚Źhutate

cD"^rfh;ldr"n l.,ng^go*h-'


[arth *."

new there was avery

impodbo astg unicorr,. fJ" liu.d in a lush rain{orest,in fi{rica- In that rain{orest .J.rg gearthere was the hiJ"ort, horrifiic,horri{yingh"ilh,rnd"rstorm' \!hen it o{the animalr hid. At th- lime unicorrt did not have ho,tt, they look-d r:ame ^ll l;k- *hit. ho.r"".

On- tin. J^gthe verg impo*bo astg unicorn strutted about the rain{orest

p,ll of th- animals were boastingaboutho* bold ,br^r",",",d f"".l"tu h. *tu. days the gettingvery angryw;th him.The talL of th. rainlorest was that in three hid-or", horrif:ic,horri{yingh"ilhrnd.rstorm was coming. The animals htd


idea to

get revenge on the unicorn'

Qn the daybetore the hid.our, horritic,horritgingh"iihrnderstorm Q pe., fh;ld."n probork.r *onk"g, b"boon, "nd orangatang *tlL.d up to the bet unicorn's cave. .What do gouwant" snorLed the unico'n' !!t h"u. ttdt a

that gou.orld not survive the


is easy" said the unicorn. "OK" s"id brboon tomorrow gou will prove it.

Th" in the

hid.ort, horri{i.,horri{ginghtilhrnJ" rstorm.

next day*hil" the animalr hid the verg importbo astly unicorn stood

open dodginghurrngous hailston"s.


wise old toucan stood


tudden, a hrg. hailstone the size of a ^ soccerbrll h;t the unicorn on the foreh."d. fJ. f.ll to the ground. $rJd.nlg

buuh watching the unico.n.



the hideo us,horri{ic,horritging hailhunJe rstorm went away.

fl"* orr-l. to the unicorn. Th" verg impo rtboasty unicorn ,.,or h"d l,r*p on hiu $or.h.rd. A ur"ll dr^.olir^rd came out o{ hol". " " lump a the into to scraye started Th" toucan "nd th" dr^colit^rd "nd Th"

old wise toucan

pointed ho.n. All of the other animals came out oftheir hid;"gplaces to celebrate them teachingthe unicorn l"tton, but *h.r, they saw the unicorn's


magnificent horn, theybecame

feet. fJ.


jelout. All "f " trdd"n the unicorn rose to his

Ling but he never let angone piclc on toucan


dt"c olitrrd.

Qh d""r.hildr.n, thatis *hg, ,p to this u"ry d..^d", "ll unicorns have the same horn that the very imgortboastg unicorn had.

lJo* th. fh"tel"on (h^"gd bg, No.lle foster


Y"ur, "go *h"r, thefar+h *"u d^rl,there liu.d. fh"* tnd h;t tu*le. Ort of hi" iti-nds, the chameieon is triends;the bluej ag, toucar,, "ll ",.d (.olo#ul was /:ao p.m. in the d"rk th.r f;.kl") of rhe most .olo,{ri.Ll"ll. lt "nd jungle . fh"r. was a frll roo,, so they.o,rlJ h"", the wolveu ho*I. fhey got fired so thegwe nt to slee p.

Th. .hrr"l"on Th.y .lirb"d


the toucan

up on a strange ,o.V.

their {ascination with "rock"nJ ,oll".


nt out to

.*plor. the colo#rl;"ngl..

Th. roc? start-d to toll, "nd that started

Th-g were surprised to learn that the ,o.k

*"u r-"llg a tu*le. Th. tu*le d-cided tolointhem forthe


Wh"" theg we re exploring, a cheetah sta*leJ the kio o[ {riends. Th" toucanh"d to picl up the chamel-on. Th..h"r.l.on said, "l want to change .olorr to camou fl^g like the ffiarines." Th- toucan tells cham.l"or' to go to blue jay to see i{he can h.lp gor. Wh.n .h"r"l"on was visitingblu"l^g'u hou"",

he said to eat a rainbow-

po"d. Th. .h"r.l-o " {i"^llgfouttd a rainbow -mango at the great prtpl. *rdJy po"d. fJe ate it rightawag. Wh"n the char.l-on *"" *"lki'g hor-, h" gtdu"llg mangothat onlg lives in troyical jungl.u bg the great prtpl" tuddg


.ol.rrc to camoufl^g. t.u"mbli'-tg a \{arine warrior.

No* the cham.l"on."n .hung.olor" "" h" wishes. When yredators and survive a pote nti allg *agic stalk hir, h. ."n bl.nd with his "rrrounJings moment. No* the cham-l-o,'' f--lt t"f- *h.r- hiulor.t-t-g takes him.

Ho* the (at Got ltr Whirk"rt b9'M;lo )u..obu

$or.*he re in the unive rse verglong^go, o Lit'td Person, cats didn't have *hi"i."r". Th.y were onlg animals with hol-r in their.h..Lt. And the re was this s gotstuck in these hol.", but he one cat *ho lik.d to look in holes. fJ. "l*.g didn't care.l-J" found rnang discoveries in the hol"t, uo l'ro* .orld he complaint brt, ho*.u"r, there was one thingh" *"r lc,oLingfc,r.ltwas the r"ndot greg weird enemg rat o{ awesomeness who is,r"rg .l"u"r.

Qn.e*h.r, the cat *rs looLingto, hol.t, o kit',d person, ^ dogdecided toloin h;r. -Wh at are gou doingf" asVedthe Jog. "l .r looLi"gfor hol.r," the cat the cat."let's look." the dog. "1ure" ,"rpond" d.,,(^n I help:" "nr*"r"J "rk.d


two search"i for hoi.r together untii theg d"cided to split rp. Au soon as theyrpl;t up, o k'-,d pe rsonr the cat fou'-,d what h- *"t lc,c,Li"gfor the thol"


hore of th. ,rndor greyweird enemy rat o{ awesome ness who is verg .l-,r-r. Th" cat went straightinto the hole to {ind th^t overgrown mousejust waitingfol- hir. Th. r-"ndor greywe ird ene mg rat of awesomeness who is verg cleuer l.oLe.J ai the eat, looLed at the tc-rp of the h<rle, -.,d l-an awag without

time , the

saying" *ord.

Th" cat chased "ft"t hit.

.$oon, the cat ran the ,.ndor gregweird enemg rat o{ awesome ness who is u.rg .l"u"r right into the d"g. Th. dc,g^nd the cat.oll;d.d. Th" rat got awag.

"!!hat the chees-b"llr were you doing]|" demand"d the dog "l was chasing the ,"ndor greyweird enemy rat o{ awesomeness who is ,r-rg .l-t - r," resyond.d thcat. "!!ell," said the dog. "l[ you cakh it.,l getto eat it." "\o wag\" the cat instantlg responded. "l do!" And then the dog, o Lind petton, said "l know!" I'll .h" you to, du"l. "llhoever wins gets to eatthe rat o{ whatgou*^.^lhl;' the cat. fheg both {ought untilthe cat won. \lth""gh, *h"t tti.d to get . h" *on, o kind person, some dog{u, got on hit .h""ks. He tried "nd ft of{, but no matter ho* h"td he tried, it wouldn't work.



fJe went hor" in despair, thuLinghir h""d rorrnfrilg (and, of .our"", tryingto-get-it-"ff1y).Wh." hiu o*n.r r"* hit, h. kn"* exactlgwhat to do. "lJere," said the owne r. "fJave some .ho.olil" milk." Th. cat decid"d to trg the milk, but first, o k;"d pe rson, h" dipp"d hiu h."d into the rilk. He was trying to wash the dogfrroft. $ut instead, o kind pe rsonr hi" *hirk. ru only r..olor.J, *hi.h *"d. them the wag theg are

today,r'hit- ("""i11")


bl".k (chocol"te) at the tips.

cats have thin wh;skers on the ir h."du. A"d theg also k'o* never "ll to go into a hol" ur"li -nough to be a rat's (especiallg notan ene mg rat's).A"d i{ you eve r see a*hirk"rr, o Li"d pe rson, gou now kno* that theg are



trgingtolicl off that chocolate at the fip.

|Jo* th.Prugon (-jot lt" \[/ingt. bY N"t"sha (euter

Qn." onlg hrd

upon a time in a {ar

off pl^.., drugont did r',ot h"u"

iittl- r.rl.". Mu.h o{ th" eadh

ruin{orest still existed.


.u"rg*h"r-. fJ. wisheJ to




was a dtg d.up erate desert but one

a goungdrugon n.rn-d fit.lvho *"lL.d

see the rainforest.

fie gearnedabout it all Aag and

night but it was too {ar to *"1k. Hiu o*n f anilg ignoredhit gr^rd dreu*s "ll about the rain{orest and see me d h"ppg liringin the dtg d."perate deser|. fire

thought di{{ere"tlg.

On- d^y|ir.*"u *"lkingas rtr"l, *h.n " tn"k. .pp."t.d




the snake if h. kne* how to getto the rainforest. .lnake said"\o, but I do k,-ro'' *h-r. awizardliu.r ",'rd *^yb. h.."n b. "bl- to help saiJ," !!h.r., *h-r., can goute ll me *h"r. | ."n {indhi^2" O p"opl" of th" earLh, ho*


fiire wish.J to b. "bl. to leave this drg Jesperate deserL and visit the drain{orest." [-ife is soboring h"... p,ll I s-e is sand, stnd .nd rnc'r" ""t Ugh" $n"L. said," W"lk ull A^g",,d follow the ro* oi cactusthat leads to the big hili. You will see a cheetah gu^rdingthe hill. l--Je *ill tell gou how to see the wiz^rdJ'

"Oh tha.'k you,thanL gou uo tu.h." said fi.e


f ir.hud to bringlots


wateq .rrn.hy swe et


watery watermelons

brnrn". so that h. .oulJ survive in the dtg d"tperate dese rL *h"r" {oc,d is scarce.$o h- starts off c,nhitlc,ng,longjourneg. He ate b.hittd so that the longb"r,"r,"r 'e* Ji*.orld grow.fh-t't he ^ndl.{tthe peel started to eathis waterg wate rmelons on the secon d d"y.ft srnset on the "ndiui.g

ripe gello* long

s-.o'd d"yhe

bg hill. fJ" .rrn.hg sweet "ppl.t tt,d h" saw a r"* a cheetah. l-J. dtopp.d hiu "ppl. "nd '."n to h;m. Q looked do*n "nd p-opl. of th" earth, how excit"i th" youngdrugon *"t. iJ" meets the young, ire in d..p, lo*, ulinkg, fast, pow.#ul gu^rdiun of th" hill. Th. cheetah " "rL.d f hu"kg voice," fir" you here to meet the wizard?" was eating the

Th" cheetah saidi' Yo, h"u- ta go to the horu. right over there and follor the staircase up to the highestroom. $e*"re, be..rte there is the wizard's pet, the hg-n. who is {in*".1f yo"

geltoo .lou", he will attacL. gou so you must be swift "nJ lght on your {eet so that gou.r.' .rr"d. hi* "r.'J .-".h thwizard."f ire saidi' fh""k you,l will watch out for that.,{or sure." f ire went up ,.".h.d th- wizard's room. fJ- Lrlock.d on the door. Th- hg.n. . tire stairs ",ld b"rk"d, scratched gro*I.d. fir" was not t.^r.d.Th" wizard let him in. fJe ^nd

old gentleman. fh. wizard said!' What do gou come to me {or7" f ire want to voice|'I *ould like to getto the rain f orest, pl""r" said in u ""d I "h"kg b" to flg.Th. wizard said,"l cannot grant gourwish to go to the rain{orest. "bl" You will h"ue to do thisby gc,urt.l{.b"t l.^n grant gourwish to h",r. wings- | was a wise

.ote b".k in two .r,', ,n"k. you a potion. $o, do not disturb t. anqmore "r'td d"gs time. O p.ople of th- earth, I do hope that the wizard can Flive fire wings. f ire returr,.d in two d^yu ".,d dt"nk th" magical potion. In on. hou., uc,''," of f ire'slittl" t.^l"s grew into the most beauilFul orange wings. fJe quicklg l.".n"d to flg. "Oh, thank gou d."rwizard{or granlingmywish." Qn that note, he spre"d hir lo"-lg wings und off h. fl.r".

Q peopl" o[ the earth, it was the most magni{icent place "nd "u"rgthing that fire h"d dt."t-d of tnd tot.- lt *"u hor" to gorgeo,rr birdr, *o,', .ich tre es "r',d flo*ingwatet"llt. fh.t. were so many.cllrrrtand ple ntg o{ {c,oA to eat. No* rhatYire*"t "bl- to fl,' he .ould zoomdo*n .r,d t"k. fruits off th. trees, h. .orld scoa? up wate r from the fJ" *"r fr.. "r,d we nt to the

lo,relg rivers



h. was able to escaPe hunters'

fire then went hc,r. tohismother, {ather"nd th- rest of hit["*ily ^"d told the m oFhiu*ond".Frl adve ntures. [ue rgone was so excited to hear that there was something else outside of the borin g^nd t.ot.hing dty d-tpe rate dese rt. fo this gear, the dragonr .l*ugr follo* the same ,o^d in search of th. wizardwho willgive them wingsso that theg can b"

fir" "l*" gu dre^*"d of ,the rainforest-



go to the land that




th"prugon Qot fJiu f;'"

ho* the cat gothis{"r, ofwater)


A long *hil* b"ck in #me *hen ,'nlg f.* animals were on fa*h, there was *"" a cat. And theg liued in the u dr"gon, o *o,',d" {ul r.^d"r. fh"." "lto boibling,bicLering,big-badbog.


let me tellgou somethin g, catwas smart,

!!ell gou see, o *o'd-rFul r."d.r, ^long*h;l" b^.L, in the time when u".g f"* anim"ls ii,r"d o,, [arth, the dragon didn't breathe f;r" l;k" h. ^nd

drugon was not.

do-s now. O n. d ^ y dr^go n was n agpingbes ide th e boibl ing, bi cLeri ng, bi g-b a d, b o g dreaming aboutgems. (Y"u see, o *ottJ"#rl r.^d"r, dr^gons love to eat and ho"rd fJe *"s


"*"rrld". b"t

dreamingabout his Favorite, emeraidu.

the n





C^twas a ,"rg tlg creature (i;L" I toid gou, catwas smart, und dragon was not.) Yo, see, o *onde#rl r"^d"r, cat liLed b playticLs o'. p-ople (a'-'imals ' rathe r.)

brt then, "ll "f , s,rJd"n, he thought of an idea. fJ- *orld ',ricL dr^gon into eatin gahot Tiece o{ .o^l that was still red, ""d t.ll hi* ;t was a gemt fhat

very minute he went over to dragon. pr{ire h"d b."n burningand cat picked up a hot

dr^go" f-ll {or itl .o"1. He told dr"gc,n it was a gem ^nd

pr^gon grgl.d and spat spat. but the bo;bli"g gurgl.J ^nd "nd bicLering,big-b^d bog. b- cause, gou see, o *o.'d-#rl r."d"r, it.had gotten stucL to his ,uulr. fl-.r- ull o{ srdd-'-r, o *onde #ul t..d.r, he start.d to " (gor *orld too.) f-Je r.s breathingverg cat *"r b."" thingu"rgh^rd .h"u" fJe h"rd towarJ cat







came out.

pragon was astound"d! $ut then he decide d to pl"y "littl. trick on cat. fJe started ch"sin gcat(with hiu r'.* fir") irto the bo'blingbicLering,big-bad breathe Fire for"u.r, dr^gons wiil cats will bog. And no* "l*"gs "l*"gu ^nd "nd hate water.


th" Firh Cot fJir $."i." b9 Copp"

(iti."r*of th. la*h,long,l.'g^goliu"d r fik" t'"r.d deep, d"rk,

ditt"l (ongo (i,ret

F"ppg. H"

liued in the

Y"?pywas a u.ryl^rg. F;L"-

Or,- dug,YoTpg fike was swimmingup the deep,, diu*tl (o"go (iver r"h.n he met Su-,the freshwate r penguin. F"ppy was admiringSam's sle ek h;r hor" h" acquired them. 5"r wasn't ""tg h.lpfrl b.."uu. fe athe rs ",,d ""L"d

he didn't Lno*.

F"ppg continueJ swimming up the d".p, d"*.,iiur"l (ongo fti,retthinking about those beautiful {eathers. lt *"r ro d"rL, h" r*"rn t*^.Linto abigtatlogl .Oh *g gc,thl I th;"k li""t tTlit h""J into a thousanJ pieces!" Th. logs^id "l ^g *"g. am sorrg{orbeingin the Mg name ;t $obbg." Foppg "tk.d, "!!h"t. did gou getthat armor?" $obbg explair'ted thatit,was not armor, it was o"lg b"tk.

"Ho* on.



getitT" FoFpg *onJ..-d. b.bbg did not Lno*, so the fith





saw rough water up


river, but he continue d

*ondering) about those beautiful {eathers


"thundering' lthinbing

th" yrotectiv- b".k on the

l"g. F"ppg thund"r"d *hg h. didn't h"u" ang special

coverings on hiu bodg.

$"dJ."lg7or51gwas ha,rin g^h^rA time swim mingl Th. currentwas so strong in the dee p, d"rk disr"l (ongo (iue r that he was turned it't th" wrong direction! f-Je tried so hard to swim, but it was no ,se. foppg was in troublel l--1. prth.d with all his might,but the wate r truh.d past h;r. H" hir rki"'lg br.k "u water". *rs tto iint with hit againstthe h. pruh.d give Just*h-r, F"ppg "bou fl;pped hir in the right direction again up, the water rurh.d against hir rLir'


ywas able to swim out of the curre nt.

""d f"pp iJe *"u so tiredr. fJe want"d to [i"d ^ nice rocLto rest on in the dee p dark di"-^l(c,ngo ftirrer. lJe stageJ th.r- forthree dagsl fJe decid.d h".'..d.d to eat, h" ve ntured out into the dee p d"rk dismal (ongo fti,rer to {ind ic,od. "o the freshwater penguin was nearbgbut$rr didn't recognize Foppg at 5"r

{irst.5"r pointed to Foppg's new skir'. "}o, looL shiny!" said $a*. 7c,?pg . hadn't even noticed hir ,,.*.ki". fJ" h"d httl. thing t.^l.t coveringhir *hol. bodgl F"ppy was so happgl


that fime otr, firh h",r" h"d r."l"u.

Ho* th" (h;no gotits fJorn b.g G*.inn


(enturies ago in the great piains of fiiricathere iiu.d r thir',o ,,rt"d (onnie. (onnie hrd l;".d in the (-jreatflains since b;*h, On" d^g, ohgentle uorl, h" *rr wanderin gthrough the (3reat flains *h-r, li"* the lion stopped h;r. fJ. look-d atliam.nd th.r' g"llop-d ^*^g.Li^r .h"r-d hir "'-'d cried, hru. don- to you.l u* uorryfor pr"nLing "i-isten! | ^- uorrg{o, "u.rythingl go". I am sorryforteasingyou. Iamjust sorrg. I did"'tc<rme h.t fot uryo{ that. ln {act, | ."r" he re to l';aLe that stuffb^.L.rrd th" wagl am goingto taLe it b^.Visbyheiping you." ftonnie hesitated, but r.r,rg-d to whispe r,"fiow?"

"Co to the {l^*boy^nt{astidiousfeminine female {lamingo, sh-,"ill some defenu. so

i{ angone ever picks on you

give gou

gou can pick on the m. l*ook, I dr-* you a r"p of how to getthere, No*, gol l r.{us. to answe r any more questions"."bu...bu...bu"."C".Il'rlld you Iwill not answerangmore guestions". again

' (onnie lclok.d at the n,rp rnd thought "Vy'ow!".

*"lk-J ""d *"lk.J r'''J *"lk-d "r'd f;n"llgh" r"".h"d th. {|"n,bc,g^ntfastidious fe minine female {lamingo.Sh" (onnie *"lk-d



*"lL.d r"d *"lk-d

liu-d in a strange area that was grass y and h"d

. rive r and a tree stump. Th.

fl"*bc,g^nt{astidious feminine fern"le flamingo was standingon the tree stump {acingawag{:rc,^ h;r. "Wh at do you comehereioi?" ".lomeone toid me that gou *orld give me some de{ense". "Who told gou that7" "liam the lion told me."

"!!hat Li"d o{ d"f"nu" are youlooLirgfor?" "1 was hoyingr.lo, *otlld tell me.' "(-ome". (onnie rlo*lg tn.^L.dFc,*urd- Th- {l^^bc,y^nt,{astidious,{eminine, f.r"l. flaningoturned "rorr.,d ""d plr.ked afeath., of{ o{h., pink bodg "nd stucL it in ftonnie's head. "QuchlThat .eallg h,..,rrru.rrut!".(or:rrie passed out r'-'d th. {l^*bog"nt,{astidious,{eminine, f"r"l" {laningo yicLlgfl.* "*"g. *h;1. d"^, was in this de was happe ning ou, ep ul.-p. ftonnie Th. $omething

fe athe r that the

(onnie's h""d

fl"*bog" nt,Fastidious,

fe minine,


{lamingo h"J stuck in

was growingand as it was growingthe feath erg par*s on the

grow. (onnie *ok" up "nd ut"d h- h"d horn. lt *"t big^"d {at and he hated it. the river as a mirro. "',d noticed " (onnie up .,id ,rshed hot". got fJe said "l have a horn!"


f"lli'g offleauingo"lgthe

,@t ______-\_

quill to

!!h-n ,"br",


hot" h. r-"n into the waterbuck, th. th. g^."ll..Th"y all shouted, "Oh the mean est of "ll,

h- fir,;th.d th" longjourr,.g


"nd *ould gou lc,ok who return.d?" "!eah, he returned with a new special somethin g c,nhit {ace",the waterb u.L suid. "looLs l;k. horr", to me andjust " t^,itis uglyl' the zebra said. "Oh I urr. *orlJ lik- on" ^gu.l{. Qh *ait what *rr I thinkng I dor,'t "o?g c,fflc,seru", the gira$e said. The" the g^zelle stid "Oh *g gouh it is just so stupid that this person *o,rld thinL that he *orld want o[ hor,', but I am not surprise d b"."rte gou, my friend the fthi"o , do



he wante d to get reve nge stupid things:' Konnie was tired o{ the teasing ".td ^ll ro h. g"llop-d for*rrd with his horn stra ight outin front of h;r "nd th.t' h. h;t no$ced this thingis use{.ul. "Quch! That ,.ully hurL" the g^zelle the gazell.

u.r.rr.d. b"llied.



"W"ll, go,


eve r

k'o* what | "r

u"tg gl^d it did

b...ur. | "r

tired o{being

trg to b"lly me againl am goingto really r"Le you scream.

Got it!?" (onn ie said. "Y"p" Th" gr"ll" n.*ortlg awag t.d too., the gazell. follo*"J. (onnie F"k u.rgconfident


d;d nat at




th- others


f.-l b.d "bort hufting the

.bort the flambogant, Fastidious,Feminin , f"rul" flaningo. He told [-i"t that he neve r *orld h"u. h"d ulif" without hi*. l*;"r {ek greatthat he h"J h.lp-J (onnie. l-i"r promised to


fJ" ,u"h"d to th"nk Li"r

the lion tor tellinghir

never be friends with the gazelle again.

bestfrie nJs ,r,d to one

eve r



there on

[-i"r .nd (onnie

with (on nie ag.ain-



l-Jo* the l*u*le got its $heil bg, A"d ,"^ (3-l agette

Y"" rs ago,*h.n hrt"nu did not yet roam fa*h, o r"^dg t.tde t, the re was a furtle that lived in the plopg, prtpl., l;ttl" pond. l-J. lou.d liui"gin the plopg, prrpl., l;ttl" po"d, but ^l*^y" h"d to go up on the b""k to eat leftuce. O'-," d^gh. de.ided to bLe a stroll. [Je went on a trail that led b abeau${ul gurd"r-lik" plr.. *h"r" h- .ould eat all he wanted. lt "luo h"d " lot of uh"d..


course, o readg readeq he got hin,self stuffed -'-,d waddled bacL to plopg,

prrpl., littl" ponJ.

of dug"later,fu*le went to seehi"fri"nd $onk.g. fh"g h"d we nt swimming. $n"L. was furioru *h.n h- t"* \f ot'tk"g {un togeth., "nd "nd ilhe.ould not make b"."us" de.ided to furtle swimming together. H. " pl"n, go in water *,hg rhorld t"*1. b- "bl" to go ot, l"t'd?


Th" $n"k.s pl"n *ork.d, *hi.h *^ubitingfu*le everytime he went on rhor..


on the


was getting^^d, so one night he snuck out

and went rchisf:riend fulonL"g. ftulonk-g

*"s s"d forhit{riend,

o r.^dg


He said "go in that streat tnd find th.t .u*"d ro.k *e "u* *h-,, we were swimming." furtie d;d. l-h"n \{ot'k. ytooLft and gently yl^..dit but he hrd




furtle'r b".k. And to this d^y, o r"^dy


hru rl*"g" be.., th"nkfrl {orhis

$rt"L. never bit h;r again,(even though he still thought hit id"^ of bit;"g furtle was cawero..,) (.ool "r,d "*-tot.) "t d h. met a beautiful she-turtle ,,.r"d (ex *ho "luo h"d " uh-ll. Th.y h"d tht-. b^byturtles *ith she llu, ,nd sh"ll,

they liu"d h"p pily ever a{terl

Ho* the $;'d Coth;' $."k bg 5"' $telt-' o."llo* (or"ng. "'.'d g.llo*) b;.d th"t did not h"rr" " b."L. Th. bird want-d " b-"L b-."ut. h.





o,-,., there was an

eatr.ood like the other animals. f-J" li""d in the greatgre e n puringthis time,there *", onlg on. of animal fo, (3c,d

wanted to be able

{orestof bon"r .

ago, o



had not yet created mates for the animals. in the great green Forest o{ bon.t, enjoying ^rornd some ylay tirr,e *h.n urdd"r,lg h" fou'd hirr.lf getting.h"u-d buy ^ lion. fJ. wante d to get awaybut the only *^g h. .ould escape the liot-, was to fly "7 h;gh"r",.,d h;gh.r in the air. f-Je fl.* uo high, h. .orld not see the great green


birJ *"u florld-rin g

lorestof bor,.t



to getbac|Jo*n to his hot" but he htd flo*n "d of hir *"g b".k. dftet 7 Vz days of {lyi"g^"A toh;ghthat he wasn't "ur" u.^r.hingh" fi,-,"llg r.d" hir *"g b".k do*n to the great green {orest of bo'-'.ttr I - - but since h. h"d no b."k h- h"J not been able to eat on his Ifewasnungry bi.d kt.'"* *ho journey. { light bulb went of{ inhi" h-"d, h" hrd an idea. Th.

Th. or"llo*

bird want

.orld h.lp h;t figur" out a wag to eal-


fo*"r!!The nro,,k"g was the in the great green {orest o{b.,n.t b-."rt. h" h"d the power to

birJ want.d to go tothe MonL"g o{


bird want-d a ne* aftaclingsystem that would "luo h"lp h;r eat. fJe went to the ronL"g of po*"r. Wh"" h" "tk-d his guestion, the ronL"g told him to go {ind tup {r.,^ ^ f"u., tree '




u"^r.h.d for- three d^gs, in and out o[ different parts o{ th" forest,[o, uf"u", rree. Th. h"dg.ho gtold hir to looL in the middl- of th. {orest*h"r- th. be st tre es arelocate d. fh- ,^bbittold him to {ind the de er




kn.* *h-r" the best trees in the foreslwe re. Th. J..t Lnewjust *h".. the tree *"r. fh- bird found th. f"u., tre e and got the sap that the b"."uu"


ro'L"g tolJ him to {ind.

Th" monL.g *rr h"ppg with the b;rd forfindirgthef"u-rtree and getting hitb^gof bon"t "r,J foun d ub"^' the sap. Th" ro'k.g ""^r.h"dthrough tooth. Th" *onk"g hollo*"d out the insideof th" tooth ",,d pok.d thtorgh the tooth to maLe two nose hol.u. fJe put sap in the corne rs to atta.h it to the b;rd g",r- the b;rd h;r b.rk. Th- bird *"r then able to ,..,t. hiu b."k to attacL "r,d eat {c,od. Tredatorsand


then on, the

lio' n"u"r .h^u"dthe b;rd again-

How th"

/"br^ Cot fJiu $t;p.u

bg N;.hol"s ft. $.'h""' Qr',ce upon a time *h;1" the earth was still growing, the re iiu..j " ."bru. Thir t"bru liu.d in the steamg, uhrrbb g, savann"h g.ruulr,-,du. Th. zebra's name *"uJuho. H" atemangoes. $ut thiszebra*^udi{i"renttoall othet

H" *"r rll*hit.. Q' d.^r r"^d"r,hiu o"lg {riendwas anoth"r."bru. Jrl;o *", -tt" ,r^tt"d b"."ut" that zebra h"d t*o .olorc. J"l;o complai'ed to th-^ about ho* h- was one .olo..r'd th. othe r t br" was two .c,lort. animals[orh" h"d onlg on. .olor.



J"lio "nd hir lriend tooL a s*oll to their tauorite eatinggrou'd".

(bg the mango trees) so they gottheir *""1


Th.y "nd .orld h"u" stayed to eatmore mangoesb".^ them mangoes .h-.tahs hunt at night. .^ndy. $ut lions "r,d


wished theg



Whil" theg were slee pirrg a cheetah kll.d an antelop. "'-,d dr^gd it up a

tree. Q' d""r ,.^d"r,*h"., the antelope was gettingdr^gd up that tree all the bl"ck blooJ {rc,* the antelope ran do*n the side of th- tree and into the

th" mangoes bl".k. l)n{o*unatelgthat tree was the one that Th" cheetah so,:r-r gotfall anJ went away.

roots turning

)"1;o "'-rJ

"ll hir friend ate from.

hi" {riend we nt to eat mangoes theg next morning whe n ,Julio "nd fo,r.'d out that of the mango.u h.d turned bl".k. Th"y i'.ied to {igure out



whg theg were

was too hurgrg and ate on". )ulic, ""lg )"lio u bl".L l;"-d paftern uho*"d up on h;u b".k.

bl".k until sudd



)ulio didn't f..l -rb" rr^tsed anq more. No* he t"lked with othe r animals anJ r-d" new frie ndr. O' d"ur r"^d"r,{ro^ now on ,-.brus ul*^yu h"u" two colors

bl..k u'-'d *hit-.

Ho* th. fh..t"h f,ot it'' $p..d bgr N;.k


[-irt.n up gc,c,d man! { longtime ago in ^ {^r^*^g pl^.", on the greatg.llo*, .hrll.r,g.d to tall, grass yL"hi^u {;"ldliu"d a cheetah. Th" che etah *.r


raceswith the was so


g^r.ll". Th" g^=.l,1," *oulJ ^l*ugt .orld neve r L."p ,p.

tease the cheet"h

b.."ut. h.


On" dag the chee tah *"t *"lLingthrough th. greatg.llo*, tall, grassg L"hir" f;.ld *h.n the g^."J,l,. came running in anJ told hir h. .orlJ not beat him in

a race. Th" cheetah said olayin disbelief. 5o, theg ran in a racetogether.

Th. g^r"ll".rn "h..d of th- che etah .rrd th. che etrh .orld not Lee p up. 5o, he lost the race. Th- g^t.ll. came b".k and start"d *"kingfun of hi*.


the race,the cheetah

dirgu. Wh"n h"


dingo said ges


nt to the

the dingo he


g^u"the cheet"h


*oodt *h"r" he met up with the

hir ;f h" .ould r"k.


fastet fhe

.h;li p-ppers. "f-Je re, eatthese"' said

^nd the dingo. Th"n the cheetah atethe peppers'

!Vh"", the cheetah ate the pepp"r" h" *"u burr,"d thtpugh hiu insides but h- ,-". ,"ullgquast! fJ" ,-"n b".k to the g^t"ll""nd .h"ll"ng.d hit to a rematch through the greatg.llo*, tall, grass,l



[-iut",, u7 gcr,dman, this is whe re il getsintereslinslThe g^r"lle s^id ,,Yes,,, with a grin. puring the race the cheetah started pulhng fJ" *"t


f"ll ou". Th" cheetah '-"n "nd .^ughtb".k rp to the g^="ll"the njump"d on hiu b".i. and ate hir. fhrt is how the cheetah got the n push


its speed - to hunt




|Jo* th- Mo, se (;ot fJ;t $qr""L ("r,d l-Jo* the [lephant Got f-];u $oo mingloice) bg J^.Lto'-' Mit'k


long time ago, mgfriend, *h.,', the farth *"u a triangle rnd thete were

hu*"nr.ror'd, there lio"d " mouse n"t"d (rittneg".,d "n elephant ntt"d"n t. (rittn"g und [l"ph""t live d in the greatgree n (in"ngop gr^utl^ndt of {"ng". {,,d, ng{riend,.^.h h"d " p.obl.t, (riftneg, a ting mouse, h"d lord, yiercingvoice"nd fl.phant, the largest animal in Africa, " h"d rr"ll, *""L voice. no


!!h.n"u" r (rittneq *ould "ppro".h h.r "r"ll {riends, th. *ould scare eve rgone off soon ." rh. ope ,.,e d he r mouth. H.t voice *"u lord.r than a ^" fJo*|., monLeg's. Au soon "u "h- tpok", h.t lord voice *orld Tierce evergone's ears"nd h.l. {riends*orld scatter. Mg fti."d, no one stucL "rornJ

to hear h",- b-.t,rt"


was so lord.

On the othe r h"nd, [l-ph"nt had ur.h a finy voice that none oF hit {riends.orld h"rl- h;t. Lu"n with their b;g.^rt, other ele phantt .orld not hear dir..tionsto the nearest tree to get some {ood, his uoice. Wh-,-, h. *orld ^uL h- *orlJ,-r't getan answer. {r,d then, ^g{riend, h. gr"* u.ryhungrginAeed-

On" mouse

Ll"phant grew verythirstyin


fi{rican heat. (ri*.negthe

hole, headed to the nearest water hol", and uo so she h."d.d *"r "lro verg thirstg "nJ "h"






L"k. \fictoria. (rittneywas stanJingnearthe

of water *h.r,

fl-ph"" t



phant took his

dipp.d itinto the water. Mg f.iend, he did not nolice the tt"ll mouse standingunder h;r. Au fl-ph""t sippe d the water, hit ttrt'k accidentallg ru.k-d up the poor littl" ro, se. (rift,n"g fornd h-t".lf being take n up into fleph"r't's mouth. Mg {riend,uh" *"u verg scared. $ut then a strange thingh"pp-,-'- d. (rittn"y dit.ou.r"d uh. *"r in the b^.L o{

long trunL


Ll-ph",-lt,s throat. 5h- br,rrh.d againsthis voice bo* ",ld uh. a magical ticlle in his throat that he un....d (rittney tickle. fl.phr,-, t also {"8 ^hug. . rightout. Whe n the mouse was out flephanfs mouth, th. upoLe. $ut this "f op.,-,.d his mouth to speak, uqu" time her voice*"" sr.ll ^Vg. Ll.phant "nd I



thiu time his voice


And, my{riend,to mice haue


and booming-

this d^y,



fl"ph"nts have l^rg.boomingvoices


Th" fJorn.d li= rd bg J"Jt,rn f"rl.oner C, p".p " of th.*orld, *h"n animals *l-d the *o.ld in a horrid hot hallucination dese rt, the re l;""d (.ggie the li. rd. fJ. *tu a verghungrg, thirstg.nd tir.d lir^rd.fh-re was no {oc,d

in ihe horrid hot hallucination desert.

(eggie thelizarJ *." very thungryQhirstg.t,J hr'-tgty)' 11. h"J b".t, was still l.,.,ki',g. H" h"d looki,rg for{o.,dand wate r{o, ^g." ^nd ^g.t H. almost given-up. Wh;le lc,c,Vingro, {oc,d, h. *"" s.ur.d that a yredator.orld attac?"nd kll hir b.."rt. h. h"d no d"f"nue mechanism. Wh;i" u"^r.hingf o, Food and water in the horrid hot h"llu.ination dese rL, he stumbl.d ,pon a wilgwise winsome armad;ll". f-le thought about aftacLing and eating the wilg wise winsome urr"dillo, but d-cided not to. Instead, h" the wilg wise winsome armadillo deserL.


wilg wise winsome

thelizard *hr



to {ind {c,od in the hot horriJ hallucination



hit to,"(3o Northt' $o, (eggie

was still very thungrg, deciJed to

go No*h.

,{t"r trotling^longfo, torn" time, he spies some Food and wate r. He d-li.ious food. All of "nd rrdd.n, out of no*h- re, abird dou" do*n and attack.d ft.ggie the Li. rdr. " Wh;|" ("gg;- thelizarJ d"ngl.J {ro*the birJs th.rp talons, h" pl'r.k.d " to ticLle the b;'d. Th. bird *ig;l.d fe ather {ro^the bird gig;led "nd ^ndb"g^n ro rr.h that he dropp.d (eggie thelizard, *ho l""deJ'smack-dab-i.'-th.r.n and kept running. fJ. t"n riddle' o[ poc,l of tar\ (eggie thelizard r^n "nJ ^ trotte d as {ast"r h. .orld towarJ the soothing wate r


{ast, he rar, straight into a thorn bushl

llouldn't go, kno* , ^ll of the thornr fror the bush stuck to (eggie the lir^rd *ho *"r .c,u"r.d in tar, and that'r ho* ho.r-,.d li.^rdt carne to be. lt turns out, there was no fooJ. lt wasjust h"llu.ination. ftot that, dagfor*"td, most " li=urdu h"u" horn" in the hot horrid hallucination desert.


in the hot horriJ hallucination JeserL.

(eggie stillwanders,

Ho* th" F;uh Cot ltu $..1"" bg, f.onnot $.h*e iLart

Th;r is a storgabout how the {ish gothiu t.^l.u"reader of thit booL". $".k *h"n p"opl" still thought th" *orld was flat, fish had '-,o "."1.r. Their *"u smooth lik. gour" or mine. Th. fi"h n".d-d u."l.u b".^ut" h. *"" "kin

^l*^yt pruneg


{ro^beingin the water.

)^cLthe [urtl- drt d treacherous wate#"Il. Th" fiuh tooL th.

Jag the {ish was just swimmingalong*h.n

hir to_lrrp up the tremendouu "r,d d".e b-."r*. he thought h. *orld b" .ool. f-1" ,,.t {.lt..,.,lb.{or. ", rli*g hiu uLi" *"r gross "ll




start ed yracticingon

m"ll *"te.F"lls then



f i"^llg, the f;sh de.ided that he rould try to iump the tremendort ".,d treacherous wate#all. Wh." he tried he didn't even *"k- fthalf wag up. f-J. Ln.* h" h"d totrainh"rder. $o h" startted to yractic" onl^rg.rfrlls. !!h"n hejumped the{irston", "ll the water drops stuckto him bec"use the waterFall was magi."l. fh"se water dropplet t for*.d -!o to this


day"read., o{ th;s booL" gou

"lr"gr r-- firh with s.ales.

f-lo* th- |;g"

r (-1ot.hiu


bg T"*tg l-1"*",' O gr"^t{riends,long^go rhen the ea*h was a square in a rain forest there was a tiger r,"r.d $t"rkt. fliu Fri"ndu *ould "l*^gt picL on hit, "nd h. .rg. Th.n $tttk" the tiger t"t hutgry und moping *ould go in a tree ^rd "rornd

the forest.


had not eaten in two d^gt until he came upon


streopertree, the c,nlgtoc,d in the jungle. big purpl" srriped pe ppe r tree or stre pper was the onlg food in the jungle. l-Je de .id .d to eat the m "nJ uo h. d;d for two d"yt straight. fJe *uu comingho*. *h.., $ill th. ronk.g ul"pp.J h;r. l--1" *rc Jiu"ppointed and we nt


to his tree {eeli.rg r"d.

Ih"r, I

aficVthe wise, old t"."ntula said,

striped pepper tree and eat important feature."

pe pp



"iF gou

go to thebigprtpl"

to, two dagsgou will b" ,.*".JeJ with


l-J- d;J eat the spe ps fror the skep per treefor two d^gu anJ stripes taf atrick. And said,"l on his b".k. $o h" *"lk"d to the,jun gl" ^nd "pp"r."d h" ou"r h;u b".L and best of thtnk it worLed!" l-J" was right, stripes were "ll, "ll was camo


Next he went and picked on $;llthe monk"g "nd b"b the pgtho". bit th"r until theg utrr-nd.r.d. up great{riends h. "nr.k "t,d


$t"rics h"r b""n Li"gof thejungle since "nd $t"ri<" "nd I alricL h"ue b""n fri.nd". Aluo bob, b;ll,5t"tL".nd latricLh"u" rll b""n friends.Th.nkt to the putpl" sl'riyed pepper tree. O gre^tr""d", thatiswhg since thef igers h",r. b-.n the king o{ the ju"gle.

for."t't Long ugob"{ore man l;""J a toucan atiger. urr"k..nd. p-tJ.. Th" tiger, unrk. .nd th. p"nd" *h.r. verg mean to the toucan. Th.y *orld criticize ho* rr"ll hiu b."i. n"s. !!hen the toucan was picLed on, h. *orld go u? in a ferer tre e in the great green greasg rain{orest and crg rnd f--l ,^ry.o*bobulate d. Oh d."t r."d...

Th" toucan was flgi"g"lo'g on" dag ,t'J h* decideJ to stoT {a, ^ the ilger, un"k" ,rrd the pa'dajrrped out and drinL. All "f the srdden, how sr"ll his t.^red the toucan. fh.rl they started to pick on hirn "bout b""kwas... so the toucan went up in the feveroh d.rt ,.^d.r. !!hen the toucan was sittin g up in the tree he uur-llg f"ll

the toucan "ul."p. Th""

{ell ,ight out o{ the tree and got*-dg"d in the br"r.,.h.



what d;d h-


e but a tre e in his

f^c.. fle



trie d strug;ling,


but it

h. tell right ,"1..p. "nd Whil- the toucan was d^"gl;"g the ilger, rn"k. "nd th" p.rd" were watching.nJ i.rghing oh d."r r."d"r. did not *orL.


he starte d to get u!--py

H;u b."k was hurbing alot. Qh no, the n the pressure was too great. Th" toucan *ok. ,p "t'td h;u b."k was startingto move. fliu b."L starLeJ to curl. No* h" *"r able to .h-* hit *"g o$ th" bt"'''.h. fh.n, the ilger,


th. p"trJ"

"r.rd that theg ran away in

th.g were to t.^rr.d "ttd to this rainy d^g no on. h"r ever got pick on again

saw the


hrto,'tgo,rt b-"k

the greatgreen greasg rainrorest-


Th" \f oose H"r fJi" P,ntl"ru bg Ann" fuloncrre

f ^, ^go in the past berore man, there was a moose *ho *"t d-"f to h" *.u "l*"g" rubbir-, ghiu ears. Th" moose liu.J i.r a forest bg ^ hrg, glowing g.llo* po"d. No*, my tinest ,e"der, the moos" h"d Lno*n that h"",

^nd good.




o{t.n h. *o'lJ thtnk to himself *hg did h" h"u" earsi{ theg did h;r "o

O.,. ,ubbing hir

Jag the moose

*"r *rlking around th. hug., glowingg-ll.'*

uru"l. lJis .ousin ""rr "u

the d""t


''"r "lro *"lking by the hug.,

glowingg-llo* po"d. l-Je tolJ the moos" h" uhorii stop ,ubbinghiu .^rt o. his ukin *orlld stretch out. \{g finest r.^d.r, the moos. .orld not hear but he .ould


lipr u"rg *"11.


moose continued ,ubbing hiu

strekh and stret.h


stretch. Qu"t



rkin b"gan to hiu bo.t- stafted to grow into his angwag



long, stretched out skin.


almiringhi" ,r-* antlers, h- fort"'d his co,rsi' the deet, *ho tooL hit

to {ind the rest o{ hi" fan,ilg uo h" .ould uho* of{ hi" new antle rs. {ll of h;s Fanilg r"rb"rr decidecj they wanted antlers too. L,r.rl now that is whg moose huu" their antle rs.

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