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There are a variety of ways to incorporate your philanthropic goals into your planned giving.


Many donors choose to make a planned gift through a will or living trust, which enables them to retain their assets during their lifetime, while also benefitting CU in the future. Bequests can be a specific dollar amount, a percentage of an estate, or the balance of an estate after the donor provides for their family or loved ones.

A bequest removes those assets from an estate and reduces estate tax liability. So that the donor may be properly acknowledged as a member of the 1908 Heritage Society, each donor is asked to provide the Cameron University Foundation, Inc. with a copy of the relevant portion of his or her will or living trust.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

The charitable remainder unitrust and the charitable remainder annuity trust are two life income planned gift options that allow donors to make a gift to the Cameron University Foundation, Inc., and receive income back annually. The donor or a designee receives income for the rest of their life or for a set number of years, while also receiving a current income tax deduction for the gift.

A charitable remainder trust is established when the donor irrevocably transfers cash, securities, or real estate to fund the trust. With the transfer of appreciated securities or real estate, the donor not only receives the charitable gift deduction, but also avoids capital gains tax. Upon the termination of the trust, the remaining principal in the trust is directed to the university.

Life Insurance

A gift of life insurance can be a very affordable and flexible planned giving method. By purchasing a life insurance policy naming the Cameron University Foundation, Inc., as the owner and beneficiary, a donor can receive a charitable gift deduction for each premium payment. A paid-up life insurance policy that may no longer be needed can also be contributed, allowing a donor to receive a charitable gift deduction approximately equal to the cash surrender value of the policy.

Retained Life Estate

A gift of a home or farm can be made without giving up the use of the property during a lifetime. A donor may also allow for their spouse or other loved ones to live there upon their death. A donor can obtain a charitable income tax deduction based on the value of the property and their age. Property taxes and insurance remain the donor's responsibility.

Contact CU's planned giving team to request further details about tax-effective options for establishing a planned gift. Our experienced staff will ensure your intentions are clearly stated and your objectives are fulfilled.

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