Issue No: 5

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Friday, December 11, 2015 | Vol. No. 4 | Issue 5 | Price Rs. 10 | | G-2/RNP/Weekly/Goa-05/2013-15


Rock Star Teachers

Educators need to create a world of wonders to inspire young minds.


Drug Scam In Goa

Drug users searching for cocaine and ecstasy end up with meow meow and crystal meth, which are far more addictive.


Stiletto Diaries

An exclusive interview with showstopper Neil Nitin Mukesh, renowned actor.


FC Goa Fever

Goans are going gaga over FC Goa's growing chances to clinch the ISL title. Dii Tekha!

this year's tourist season pages 14-15

how bad is it? ALSO Inside:

page 10

• Varun Carvalho Rocks FC Goa's Anthem - page 5 • Bryan Soares, The Architect Who Loves To Cycle - page 17

02 education

Wanted: Rock Star Teachers! The Best Teachers Make Classes Exciting And Their Lessons Unforgettable And Know A Thing Or Two About Computers! By Shilpa Mehta


he Supreme Court of India pronounced last month “the imparting of education without teachers is absolutely inconceivable, like existence in an atmosphere sans oxygen is unthinkable”. In other words, teachers are the oxygen of the classroom. In some ways, this contradicts the recent findings of Dr Sugata Mitra’s ‘Hole in the Wall’experiments, which shows traditional teachers are actually not required for great learning to happen. Children, left to their own devices and with a computer, are able to tackle some pretty big intellectual and academic questions (I wrote about this in my last column). However, Dr Mitra did find if he added an adult to the equation, the children got much better results. But not a traditional teacher. Rather an ‘encourager’someone like a Grandma who offered guidance and positive feedback eg ‘that’s so amazing, show me how you did that…’ This has led Mitra to form the Granny Cloud - a team of e-mediators (many of them actual UK Grandmothers), who Skype with schools as far flung as India, Colombia, Greenland and Cambodia. They read to children, share stories with them, listen to their projects and nurture them every step of the way. This approach - to nurture children’s accomplishments - is the direct hardhitting opposite end of formal teaching as it currently stands. The conservative method is to control, criticise, chastise and belittle students in an attempt to make them perform better. It is a fearbased model. Neuroscience shows when the reptilian part of our brain is frightened, it shuts down the prefrontal cortex and therefore all parts of the brain responsible for learning. Teachers doling out punishments and threats create anxiety and panic. As Dr Mitra says,“We take our children, we make them shut their brains down, and then we say ‘perform’. We need to shift that balance back from threat, to pleasure”. So what does pleasurable schooling actually look like? And more significantly, does it actually involve teachers in the classroom ?

According to the runaway success of the Khan Academy, once again, no it does not. This is a free online school created by Salman Khan, an Americanborn educator of Bengali descent (not the Bollywood actor). He started recording tutorial videos for his cousin on subjects like Maths and Science, which turned into over 6,500 videos posted on You Tube watched 696 million times by nearly 3 million subscribers. It’s no surprise Bill Gates and Google have backed his non-profit enterprise, as well as the Tata Trust who want him to bring his work to India. His style is lo-fi and simple; you never see his face, just hear his voice and the paper he is working on. At the end of each ‘class’ is an optional test enabling you to measure your progress. It’s a simple formula but one that uniquely taps into a child’s own learning experience. If you miss something in school, it’s gone. But on Khan’s videos, you can rewind and replay till you get it. Also, studies (and common sense) show that one-on-one tutoring is the most powerful method of teaching there is just highly impractical in a class of 30 or more children. These videos replicate the dynamic of personalised tutoring and are therefore extremely effective. There’s only one way to find out if the hype is true; subject it to the most

gruelling, brutally honest test I know getting my 11-year-old daughter to do her Maths homework. Normally this reduces her to a rubble of tears, fears and resentment. So I say to her “if you get stuck, use the Khan Academy”and leave her to it. Two hours later I come back and she has been working on Maths solidly and has moved onto computer programming. She says to me “if Khan Academy was a school, I would start at 6 am everyday”. There’s no doubt that education, with the aid of technology, is on the brink of massive change - if it is allowed to happen. Will India with its penchant for old-school style learning embrace the new ways, especially when it comes to teaching? This is a question being tackled by the dynamic work of Educational Innovator Dr Dheeraj Mehrotra. He has tirelessly lectured in 500 ICSE, CBSE and State Board Schools in India over the past 3 years, addressing over 6,000 teachers, at the rate of 20 schools a month. His message to them is clear; in today’s age, you have to be a Rock Star teacher with a WOW classroom (World of Wonder!). Your job is to engage your children, not bore them half to death. “Most children have learnt how to sleep with their eyes open; they’re on ‘pause’in the classroom”he says. “My job

is to wake teachers up, and their classes”. His prescription is straightforward. Rock Star teachers are street-smart and tech-strong, not just tech-savvy. He encourages today’s teachers to build an online reputation, replete with a website, a blog, a place to publish papers and videos of their content. Their job is to impress the audience and satisfy their boss - that is, the children in their classroom. “Gone are the days of the ‘sage on the stage’, stick in one hand and chalk in the other,”says Mehrotra. “Teachers are more interested in testing children, not teaching them. This has to change. They have to innovate in the classroom”. He is teaching teachers that the Google Generation no longer wants to lap up knowledge passively - they want to actively seek it. Along with homework, give them something to think about. Along with books, give them links. Along with assignment papers, upload a video to You Tube. That’s what being a modernday teacher is all about. Mehrotra sums it up perfectly. “Children today don’t want to know what ‘A’stands for. They want to know why they are learning ‘A’and how is it applicable to their lives tomorrow. This is what will make them creators, thinkers and innovators”. So the Supreme Court is absolutely right - teachers are the oxygen of the classroom. But, as we are finding out, only as long as they are Rock Stars, Grannies or have Bollywood icons as their namesakes. 

Shilpa Mehta, with her daughter India-Fire

Shilpa Mehta is the founder of Paradise School Goa, began in the South but due North in 2016. She is a former television broadcaster for Discovery, BBC and Channel 4. Her aim is to modernise education in India and the world.


Drug Users In Goa Search For Cocaine Or Ecstasy But End Up With Meow Meow Or Crystal Meth It’s A Dangerous Scam, And It’s Happening Here

By Claron Fidelis Mazarello


ou might ask, what’s the difference? A drug is a drug, and whether it’s cocaine, ecstasy, crystal meth or meow meow should matter not. It turns out that not all drugs are created equal. Some are more addictive than others. Some are cheap and some are costly. And some are the object of a widespread scam happening under our noses (no pun intended) right here in Goa. The criminals who sell drugs are an unscrupulous bunch even when they’re not ripping off customers with fake substances. According to law enforcement officials and current and former users, a significant number of drug dealers in Goa are tricking customers into believing they are buying cocaine or MDMA (aka ecstasy) when in fact what they’re getting is mephedrone (aka meow meow) and methamphetamine hydrochloride (aka crystal meth). The latter two drugs are far less expensive and far more addictive than the former two. It’s not something many people like to talk about. But Goa and drugs go back a long time, starting with the hippies’ full-moon parties in the 60s when drugs were shared openly among naked revellers on the beach. In recent times, the trade has taken on more ominous hues, with local and foreign mafias plying drugs to both Goans and visitors to Goa, with their attendant doses of violence, overdoses and destroyed lives. “In Goa, it was a different vibe. It was all about the music and togetherness, which is also why drugs were hardly sold, but shared for free during the hippie days here,” says a member of the old Goan hippie bunch who asked that his name not be used in this story about drugs. “But this was not interpreted in the same spirit as things got commercial during the nineties and the newer generations came into the scene. The focus post 2000, when MDMA flooded Goa through the Russians, shifted more

to drug intake and less on the music. Suddenly we had a drug market.” Not long ago, a popular veteran psy trance DJ expressed his frustration on social media over young people’s propensity to focus more on drugs than music. “It’s sad to see the youngsters do so much powder these days and getting mindlessly high,” he wrote. Two officials from the Narcotic Department, S P Vijay Singh and O P Mishra, confirmed that, aside from marijuana and hashish, the drugs most often sold in Goa these days are the powders, given the high profit margins from adulteration and false claims. Years ago, the officials said, cocaine and hashish (aka charas) comprised the largest seizures in the state. “Looking at drug abuse from the route of administration, between the intravenous users, the chasers (substances mixed into drugs to stretch the amount and make more money), and the snorters, there is a recent rise in the category of snorters,” explains Rajesh Dhume, head of a rehabilitation centre at Mapusa. Added Narcotic Superintendent Police Karthik Kashyap’s, “All drugs can be adulterated and new users will never know what the substance they are doing actually is.” He cautioned experimenters as well as those already hooked. The widespread presence of cheap substitutes like mephedrone and methamphetamine is creating a great many addicts. The EDM (Electronic Dance Music) scene in Goa has been a primary driver of the growing demand for designer drugs. “In cities, drug intake is naturally more confined to rooms and indoors,

given the crowded space and population,” says Justin, a former meow meow addict. A source from the Mumbai police department explained how in his city, too, meow meow, or mephedrone, is “sold as MDMA or cocaine which also come in powder form and are generally snorted up the nose for immediate effects.” Mephedrone was only classified as illegal in 2013 by the Mumbai police, who labelled it an ‘epidemic’ after seeing the devastating effects it had on youngsters within a span of about two years of it gaining popularity in Indian cities. Cocaine and MDMA are generally too pricey for most young Indians to afford, ranging from Rs. 3000 to Rs. 8000 per gram. Justin said dealers offered him what he thought was a hefty discount for what he thought was cocaine. “Like a fool, I paid Rs 2000 per gram without

bargaining at all …The real price was about 100 rupees,” a now clean Justin says about the meow meow he ended up consuming. In Goa, inaccurate news reports likened meow meow to MDMA, making it easier for peddlers to pawn off substances that should have gone for Rs 50 to Rs 300 per gram at much higher prices, thereby increasing their profits, power and ability to spread addiction. “To say thatmephedrone is a variant of MDMA is absolutely incorrect,” states Dr. M Shashi Menon, chief doctor for the Kripa Foundation in India. “Even if methamphetamine, MDMA and mephedrone come from the family of amphetamines ‘broadly’, they are distinctly different substances.” “Although users report that mephedrone produces similar psychoactive effects to MDMA, these two drugs produce different changes in the brain, and the adverse effects they produce, particularly when ingested with other drugs, will therefore be different,” said Professor Richard Green, a Trustee at the British Pharmacological Society, in a statement. His review, published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, found mephedrone to be more addictive than MDMA. One inexperienced user identified the similarities between cocaine and meow meow thusly: “It’s more like cocaine, just that it burns one’s nose way more after it has been snorted.” The truth is the two drugs have little in common, with cocaine coming from coca leaves and having nothing to do with the family of amphetamines. Cheap thrills, it turns out, can be especially perilous. 

Who We Are? Publisher Marisha Dutt • Chief Mentor Steven Gutkin • Contributing Editor José Lourenço Photographer Brendon Sapeco • Marketing Co-ordinator Radhika Naik • Marketing & Event Co-ordinator Rahul Rivonkar • Marketing Executive Alvira Rodrigues • Graphic Designer Amol Kamat • Circulation & Accounts Co-ordinator Nilesh Shetgaonkar • Circulation Vijay Gadekar & Valentino D'Cruz • Correspondents/Writers: Ethel Da Costa, Sheela Jaywant, Charlane Pereira e Rebello, Bina Datwani, Karan Bhagat, Perin Ilavia, Dielle D’Souza,

Anzil Fernandes, Crespo D’Souza, Sanket Sharma, Richa Narvekar, Vivian Maverick Martins, Claron Mazarello, Aliya Abreu, Kanchi Mehta, Sapna Shahani, Vaishnavi Pilankar

Friday, December 11, 2015

Time to fall in love with Varun Carvalho’s ‘Dii Tekha’ Singing doc set to rock Goa with his debut Konkani album By Vivian Maverick Martins


ii Tekha’ is the chant everywhere in footballcrazy Goa, all thanks to singer-songwriter Varun Carvalho. The team anthem of FC Goa ‘Força Goa’ has been revamped by the talented Varun, belted out as ‘Dii Tekha’, which means ‘Give it to him!’ in the Konkani language. FC Goa (also known as The Gaurs) is Goa’s own professional football franchise competing in the Indian Super League. Varun Carvalho, who is (surprise, surprise!) a practising dentist, worked on this catchy reworking with engineer-cum-lyricist Hilary Gomes

and keyboardist Mukesh Ghatwal. The video for ‘Dii Tekha’, conceptualized by Varun in collaboration with a local football fan group ‘The Football Dug Out’ (TFDO), has also been buzzing across social media in Goa. The ‘Dii Tekha’ craze has really caught on across social media sites, where it has gained thousands of fan hits. FC Goa posters and banners are everywhere, and young men and women can be seen donning ‘Dii Tekha’ merchandise all across the state. FC Goa may have finished in second place last season, but they are riding at the top of the chart right now, and feverish Goan fans hope to capture the ISL trophy this season. Not every successful dentist has the time to release music albums as well as perform during matches at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium at Fatorda (the home ground for FC Goa). Varun has even jammed with musicians to compose the official song ‘Choi Choi’ for the recently held International Film Festival of India (IFFI). “I make time to create and share my music with as many people as possible,” says Varun, “hoping that it will bring to them the same sense of passion, serenity and fulfillment it has brought to my own life.”


06 music & nightlife Dec 11 Prem Joshua & Band Featuring Mahesh Vinayakram- Live At Naked Space, Vagator 8 pm to 10 pm +91 9168607344 / 9168607349 It’s time to Dance... Bring in the New Moon this FRIDAY This week the amazing Dj Alli-Marc & our very own Dj's Clifford Victoria & Eve Carey At LEOPARD VALLEY, Palolem Agonda Road. 9:00 PM - 4:00 AM 077688 96710 Beach Party Featuring Artem Drive With Vincent Rydell, Smog, Ritesh Gonsalves. At Cafe Lilliput, Anjuna Beach 6 pm onwards +91 9822137767 29th Assagao Mehfil Invocation Soul song Featuring Sitar: Dhun and Ghazal Mehandi Hasan, Tabla: Tukaram Bitye, Come to the beach Prem Sena Ft Vanessa Harvey, Namana Anna Shabalina, Linar Rizatdinov, The Earth Tandava (Live Happy) Felly Gomes At Hotel Astoria, Assagao 7:00 pm +91 9545 71 8824

Dec 12 Under the aegis of ‘The Great Music Revival Concert’ The First time in Goa India’s contemporary blues band ‘Beeskness’ The band is an acoustic band from Bombay formed for the sole Reason of performing stripped down and mellow set to a more Intimate audience. At Goa Chitra, Benaulim 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm +91 832 277 2910 Saturday Nights Featuring: DJ Frankie (Dubai/Goa), DJ Anil (Mumbai), DJ Panki (Mumbai), DJ Darshu (Goa) At Zoya, opp. Maria hall, Benaulim +91 7264 00 9274/ +91 7083 40 1164

Dec 13 The White Party Featuring Daniel Portman With W Tech, Swami Harami, Pindrop, Shawn Moses, Bonny, Tejas Belkond, Mohinesh. 4 pm onwards At Marbela beach, Morjim +91 9158 88 1180/ 83 Live music By Oleg Kasper saxophone n vocal and Alla Kutepova from Moscow pop and jazz At Mama's Corner Vady Siolim 7 pm on wards +91 9223251259

Oct 24 to Dec 26 Sunset Serenade at Park Hyatt Latin Connection with guest artists from all over the world will fill the air with magic while Peruvian chefs cook up some amazing seafood against a breath taking sea view. 7 pm to 10 pm At Palms restaurant, Park Hyatt Goa, Cavelossim +91832 272 1234

Every Fridays & Saturdays Music Spots in Goa Wild Bar Session Drink All You Can Special Performances At Nyex Beach Club, Anjuna 8 pm onwards +91 7387410421/ +91 9545550571 Live music at Mustard
 Krishna Vamsee is live on Wednesday, only at Mustard playing the best in blues, mo-town rock, and country tracks, 8pm onwards. 
Come savour the flavour that binds cuisines together at the newest culinary destination in Goa.
 8:00 pm onwards
 At Mustard, Sangolda +91 98234 36120 KARAOKE at GURU BAR Karaoke Night Kony Hindi, English & Russian Free entry At GURU BAR, Anjuna 8 pm onwards +91 98233 83257

Every Thursday Karaoke Nite Come & be with Mojo Rockstar Kdj Seby At Cafe Mojo Pub & Bistro, Panjim 7 pm onwards +91 7774054353

Every Fridays Friday Night Live By Saazish - A Musical Company At Bay 15, Dona Paula 7 pm onwards +91 735014600 Wicked Fridays
Wicked Fridays launches again this Friday! Gear up for an amazing season, and join us to welcome the 3rd season of Wicked Fridays in Goa!
At Waters Beach Lounge and Grill, Ozran beach, Vagator 8:00 pm till late +919767200012 & 9702025555 & 9850561111 Friday Nights @ A Reverie With Anika Noronha Live At A Reverie, Calangute
 7 pm onwards +91 98231 74927 Live Music
 Jukebox - Andre & Tania At The Fisherman's Wharf, Cavelossim
 @ 7 pm onwards +91 832 287 1317 Fusion Live Music
 Shanti Fusion
A Fusion Of Indian Classical Music & Western Music. The Lead Instrument Is A Sitar Accompanied By Tabala, Drum Set, Saxophone, Keyboard & Double Base Guitar At Deltin Royale, Mandovi River (Offshore)
 8 pm onwards +91 86985 99999

Every Saturday Saturday Live Music Saby Fernandes At MUSTARD, Sangolda 8 pm onwards +91 98234 36120

Grand Hyatt Goa, Bambolim Piano Evenings- Every Evening A sip of coffee or a selection of the finest wines and digestifs; enjoy late evenings at Confeitaria while Melanie enchants you with the melodious keys of her Grand Piano. At Confeitaria, Grand Hyatt Goa 10 pm – 1 am Fire Place - Every Thursday Gather around the fire place at the Capiz Bar for an evening of sundowners, performances by DJ Thelma and the acrobatic Safari Cats. Sunset - 00:00 midnight Alfresco Night – Every Friday Walk over to the Pool Bar and Grill and enjoy comfort food accompanied with live music by DJ Thelma 7 pm – 10:30 pm For reservations call +91 832 3011510 Cavala Every Wednesday: Cavala Acoustic Latin Retro Every Friday: Tidal Wave’s live act Every Saturday: Piano played by Bosco Cavala, Calangute - Baga Road, Baga 8:30 pm onwards. +91 832 2276090 | The Park, Calangute Every Monday: Retro Night by Jus Leo Every Thursday: Retro Night Every Friday: Karaoke Night with KDJ Tony The Park, Calangute 8 pm onwards +91 8805028194, +91 832 2267600

Casinos in Goa Deltin Royale Casino Get lucky on a big boat. D.Bandodkar Road, Panjim +91 9820 616515 or email: groups@ (If you’re based in Mumbai) +91 7875 024455 or email: (If you’re based in Goa) Crown Casino Crown Casino located on the first floor of The Crown Hotel, Celebrate and have fun in crown casino that offers the latest in Gaming technology. Enjoy an international experience right here in the heart of Goa! Hotel guests can avail of special casino packages as well. Contact hotel reception on check in. Bairo Alto Dos Pilotos, Jose Falcao Road, Behind Old Secretariat, Panjim For Group Booking Contact: Mr. Rakshit Talwar: +91 9049084848 or +91 832 2222833 Casino Carnival Casino Carnival Goa offers premium entertainment in Goa, anchored in the Mandovi River overlooking the charming city of Panjim. Offers High Quality Entertainment and Live Gaming experience in Goa comparable with the best practices of international casinos. At Goa Marriott Resort & Spa, Panjim +91 8888885314

(R to L) Mukesh Ghatwal, Roque Lazarus, Varun Carvalho, Andrew Ferrao and Steve.


The most awaited first Konkani album ‘Dii Tekha - Time to fall in Love’ was officially launched at a sparkling ceremony with enthralling music performances at the Central Library Panjim last week. Dr Varun Carvalho has collaborated with top music artists from Goa on this album to create a unique contemporary sound that is yet deeply rooted in Goa. He says he started working on this Konkani album a year ago and has made every effort to make this album a unique masterpiece. “It was a dream to come up with a modern Konkani sound to take our local language to a global audience through music. I request the support and love of the Konkani community for this debut venture ‘Dii Tekha’,” says the singer.“We have received tremendous response for our video ‘Dii Tekha’ which has managed to unite Goans all over the globe and we hope the other songs too will recreate the same magic.” Varun’s debut Konkani album ‘Dii Tekha’ is marketed by VC Entertainment. It has nine songs: Viva Viva, MoganTujea, Pedru de Carmona, Dance Maruya, Amchem Goa, Maria, Ximtim Mogrim, Khub Xinkoya and the title track ‘Dii Tekha’. The talented musician has brought together a wealth of talent from the vibrant and creative music industry of Goa on this album. Singers and musicians like Hema Sardesai, Prince Jacob, Seby, Popstar O’luv, Elvis Lobo, Roque Lazarus, Grayston Vaz, Steve, Victor, Mesha and Silvia all feature on his tracks. The music has been arranged by one of India’s top music producers Andrew Ferrao, while the lyrics have been penned by the Roque Lazarus. Dii Tekha is an exceptional album – colourful, bursting with character, grooves, melody and inventive crooning. The title track ‘Dii Tekha is a combination of hearty ‘Força Goa Dii Tekha’ chants interspersed in between soulful verses in Konkani written by Hilary Gomes, who has worked on the creative design for the album. He is also the driving force behind The Football Dugout. Varun preferred to release the ‘Dii Tekha’ song from his album, to give his fans a taste of his Konkani album’s theme. “‘Dii Tekha’ are two words that Goans connect with instantly,” he says, “and now along with Força Goa, Dii Tekha is fast becoming very popular in the stands.” Varun Carvalho has been musically inclined all his life, but had put his musical dreams on the back burner to pursue a successful medical career. Now he has perfected the ‘balancing art’ and already started working on his new English album, wherein he intends to introduce a new sound with the sole aim of taking Goan music to international levels. “With my next album we intend to introduce a new EDM sound to Goan music that will connect with everyone, but it’s a little too early to talk about it,” he teases. 


Friday, December 11, 2015

Goa River Marathon

The 6th edition of the Goa River Marathon (GRM) is being held. Fitness is in, so is this picturesque event along the Zuari Riverside. RUN FOR FUN! 42km/21km/10km & Fun Walk -Run For Charity On Dec 13 At Chicalim, SAG Grounds Vasco For inquiries, call on Vasco Club House 083-225-11333 /or Gagan 901-1743543/ Dinesh 098 22 123021 To register online, log on to

Dec 12

Saturday Night Stand-UP Comedy Club Goa Presents Saturday Night Stand-Up With Praveen Kumar and Sanjay Manaktala At The Panjim Community Centre, Mala Circle, Panjim 7:00 pm Onwards +91 9975 16 2999/ +91 8390 33 7555 Xmas Craft 'The Scene at Bethlehem' Christmas craft activity for children At Museum of Christian Art, Old Goa 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm +91 9890 03 1510 Workshop on Health, Nutrition & Metaphysics of the Human Body Conducted by Therapist & Alchemist, Mr. Darryl Dsouza At Traya Natural Health Centre Dona Paula 
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
+91 7775 06 5292 Christmas concert Child's Play India Foundation presents the Nirmal Goswami Memorial Concert, a Christmas concert featuring the Child's Play, Camerata Child's Play India And the debut performances of the Child's Play choirs. Entry free all are welcome. At Institute Menezes Braganza, Panjim 6:00 PM +91 832 222 4143

Dec 13

Annual Christmas Bazaar Carpe Diem will be hosting its annual Christmas bazaar. At Godinho house, Gomes Waddo, Majorda +91 8322 88 1035/ +91 8888 86 2462 10:30 am Onwards Website: Hanv Tum Tum Hanv First Science Fiction Konkani Film with Black Comedy Ferns production presents a Film by Ramprasad Adpaikar Producer: Eddie Fernandes Music Director: E.R. Vinay At Ravindra Bhavan, Margao 7:30 pm Onwards +91 832 272 6980

Dec 14

Christmas Ballroom Workshop Dr Martin & Team would be starting a 6 days batch, 12-hour Ballroom workshop wherein dances like Waltz, Foxtrot, and Tango, Cha cha, Jive, Rumba, Grand waltz and Salsa will be taught. At Don Bosco’s Hall, Panjim 7:00 pm Onwards +91 832 222 1986

Birds & Breakfast Have your morning breakfast watching birds The Best time of bird watching is October to Mid April. At Gauro Waddo, Calangute +91 832 2276711/ +91 9822149002

Atreya Vedic Farms Set amidst nature’s abundance at the foothills of the Western Ghats in Molem is Atreya Vedic Farm, a unique ecotourism venture. At Bondu Mol, Mollem 9 am to 5 pm +91 832 6570877

Dec 20

Horse Riding Majorda Beach Horse Riding It offers riding on Goa’s longest beach At Majorda 5 pm to 7 pm +91 9822586502

Dec 8 to Dec 18

Wildernest Crocodile Safaris Offers boat safaris starting from Britona Jetty (Near Panjim) through the backwaters and mangrove-lined canals, which are home to fresh water crocodile locally called ‘Muggers’. At Kamat Centre, D.B Marg, Panjim +91 9595553799/ +91 9341112721

Sahakari Spice Farm Relax under a dense forest cover and take in the aroma of a variety of spices grown in the farm. Also, enjoy a traditional Goan lunch served in earthen pots & banana leaves. At Ponda­Belgaum Highway, Curti, Ponda +91 832 2312394 Email:

Every Tuesday

Canopy Eco – Tours Offers a wide variety of experiences including nature-treks, butterfly tours, dragonfly & damselfly tours, and boat safaris on the Zuari River as well as their original bird watching tour. At Housing Board Colony, Margao +91 9764261711, +91 9764052225

Dec 19

Michael Learns to Rock Seagram's 100 pipers play for a cause, a legendary concert dedicated towards sponsoring meals for the underprivileged powered by Deltin Royal At S.P. Mukherjee Stadium, Bambolim +91 9604 29 2505/ +91 9665 59 4774

Raju Raja Ram Aur Main A Blockbuster Play in Hindi Presents Special Charity Play Starring Sharman Joshi At Kala Academy Panaji 7:30 pm Onwards +91 9850 14 4350/ +91 9823 18 8888

Impression from Germany Photographer Bernhard Bero Bluhmor will be presenting his photography Exhibition ‘Impressions from Germany’. The event is organized by Indo-German Friendship society, Goa. At Ray’s Atelier, 2nd Ward (Gandaulim), Colva 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Rejuvenate & Detox At Shamana Spa Designed to restore balance to your body system, cleanse it of toxins, and rejuvenate the mind. The program at Shamana Spa, Grand Hyatt Goa will include a combination of yoga, aqua exercise, lymphatic drainage treatment and royal wellness bath along with healthy drinks and herbal teas. Shamana Spa, Grand Hyatt, Bambolim 8:00AM – 1:00PM +91 832 3011510

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Salsa Workshop A Series of Salsa Classes will be conducted. At Carpe Diem, Majorda 6 pm to 7 pm +91 88888 62462 DANCE CLASSES David Furtado Dance Classes Salsa & Waltz for beginners At Casino Motel, Porvorim 6.40 to 7.40 +91 9975914195 Jason & Sylvia Dance Academy
At Las Viegas Dance Studio, Taleigao
+91 9822161652/ +91 9822151614 Snaden Shawn Dance Academy Dance Style: Hip hop, Bollyfunk, jazz, contemporary At All Over Goa +91 7798609859/ +91 9890163433

Great Goan Experience

Tiger Balloon Safaris Explore Goa-Get carried away on our hot air balloon rides an unforgettable sky high experience. ​At Chandor, South Goa ​ +91 9999 74 2000 ​Website: ​ Froggy Land Froggyland is a venue for all the water lovers. Some of our activities would include the wave pool, lazy river, slides, rain dance, children’s pool etc. At Pateipur, Nuvem +91 9823480057

Off the Grid Offers a unique home stay experience in a secluded village in the Western Ghats At Western Ghats John +91 9623451758 Sylvia +91 9049081097 GO KARTING Track I Goa Karting Single and tandem go karts are available for Rs: 180 for ten laps or Rs 200 for ten lap’s tandem At Panjim - Margao Highway, Nuvem 4 pm to 10 pm +91 832 2757899/ +91 9850736334 Track II Goa Karting Single and tandem go karts are available for Rs: 180 for ten laps or Rs 200 for ten Laps tandem At Anjuna - Calangute Rd, Arpora 4 pm to 10 pm. +91 832 2914526

Outdoors Tropical Spice Plantation The Tropical Spice Plantation guided tour is certain to refresh your senses and make you feel at one with Mother Nature. At Arle Bazar Keri, Ponda +91 832 2340329 Abyss Spice Farm Located on high hills amidst stunning surroundings near Ponda. Many tourists visit it for the medicinal herbs grown here on a large scale. The Plantation also offers ayurvedic massage. At Sai Farm, Savoi Verem, Ponda Pascoal Spice Village A wide variety of spice plants and cash crops is grown here. For visitors there is a restaurant with an open-air party facility along with boating At Khandepar, Ponda +91 832 2344268/ +91 832 2344536 -39

Book Centres

Literati It’s a Bookshop and Café At Gauro Vaddo, Calangute 10 am to 6.30 pm +91 832 2277740 Broadway Book Centre Broadway Book Store offers great books at amazing prizes to passionate readers of all ages At Aguada Fort Road, Candolim 10 am to 9 pm +91 9860030339

Notable Forts

Aguada Fort Fort Aguada and its lighthouse is a well-preserved seventeenth-century Portuguese fort Daily 10 am to 5.30 pm At Candolim Reis Magos Fort This Fort, surrounded by sturdy laterite walls studded with typically Portuguese turrets, was erected in 1551 to protect the narrowest point at the mouth of the Mandovi estuary. The fort stands on the north bank of the Mandovi River at Reis Magos, and is visible from the Panjim side of the Mandovi River. At Verem 10.30 am to 5.30 pm +91 832 2410711/ +91 832 2410715 Tiracol Fort The fort was originally built by Maharaja Khem Sawant Bhonsle, the Raja of Sawantwadi, in the 17th century. Now, in a state of ruins, Fort Tiracol has been converted into a luxury hotel, the Fort Tiracol Heritage. At Tiracol, Keri Cabo de Rama Fort Interesting fort named after Lord Rama. Inside the fort, check out the church of Santo Antonio, still used by devotees. At Cola Beach Chapora Fort One of the most loved forts of Goa; it was built in place of an older fort on the same location after the Maratha-Portuguese war. At Vagator Chapora Fort One of the most loved forts of Goa; it was built in place of an older fort on the same location after the Maratha-Portuguese war. At Vagator


Museum of Goa Art Museum At Pilerne Industrial Estate, Pilerne 10 am to 6 pm +91 7722089666

Goa Chitra With a collection of over 4,000 artefacts, Goa Chitra is an ethnographic museum that focuses on Goa’s traditional agrarian lifestyle and technology. At Mondo Waddo, Benaulim 9 am to 5 pm +91 832 6570877 Email: Naval Aviation Museum Displaying a number of vintage aircraft and armaments used at different stages by Naval Aviation dating back to the 1950`s and a vast number of memorabilia related to Naval Aviation history. Near Bogmalo Beach 10 am to 5 pm +91 832 2538668 Wax World Museum A brainchild of Mr. Shreeji Bhaskaran, the man behind India’s first wax museum at Ooty, here’s Goa’s very own Madame Tussuad’s. With over 30 lifelike wax statues of the who’s who of India, including the most eminent personalities from culture, religion, politics, heritage and more, it’s a huge attraction. At Gandhi Circle, Old Goa 9.30 am to 7.30 pm +91 9970126202 Museum Of Christian Art Open all days of the week Located at the Convent of Santa Monica, you may pray if you wish to, else just soak in the ambience of peace. At Old Goa From 9:30 am – 5 pm +91 832 2285299 Goa Science Centre The Centre has a science park with interactive exhibits, 3D shows, galleries on oceanic science, explaining mysteries of the underwater world. At Miramar 10 am to 6 pm +91 832 2463426 Goa State Museum Have some 8,000 artifacts on display including carvings, paintings, manuscripts, rare coins and stone sculptures. A museum shop is planned soon with the aim of popularizing Goan culture through museum objects. At EDC Complex, Patto, Panjim 9.30 am to 5.30 pm +91 832 2438006 / +91 832 2437306 Xavier Centre of Historical Research See exhibitions of paintings, browse through rare books and attend symposiums with particular emphasis on contemporary cultural & social issues affecting Goa. At BB Borkar Road, Porvorim +91 832 2417772 Archaeological Museum Check out the sculptures of Hindu gods and goddesses, antiques from the Hindu period and currencies leftover by the Portuguese. At Old Goa 9 am to 5 pm +91 832 2285333 Monsoon Heritage Studio Treat yourself to some amazing collection of mirrored mosaic art and handpicked artifacts at this upscale studio by Yahel Chirinian. At Mainath Batti, Arpora 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM +91 9822122771

interview 9

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Stiletto Diaries

In Conversation With Actor Neil Nitin Mukesh Respect And Integrity Are Earned

It’s important that every-time you go to bed, you can sleep with a clear conscience,”says fashion’s chocolate poster boy, actor, sought-after showstopper, Neil NitinMukesh. In a Goa mode of mood, he shares personal insights into his times, experiences and learnings, with Goa's Fashion and Lifestyle writer, ETHEL DA COSTA. In the 5 Fashion Weeks I’ve done rapidfire across the country in 5 months, I’ve seen Neil Nitin at 4 of them. Front row or on the ramp. Sitting him down to get this questionnaire answered was a 24-hour task in waiting, but the man did do it. And here it is: 5 things I love about Goa- There's nothing you can really abhor about Goa ... I love everything really, right from the culture to the gourmet, to the people to the sight-seeing and sounds. The minute I set foot onto Goan shores, I just lose track of time, everything is so aesthetic, vintage and unruffled. Goa for me is all about that exclusive me-time of not having to constantly maintain a public image. I come to Goa on and off to seek privacy from the paparazzi and indulge in sensory pleasures.

If I had to list down 5 things, it would be sundowners by the beach, architectural wonders, lip-smacking fish-curry-rice and adventure sports. Goa is all about living life without having to be part of any rat raceit’s a place that believes in live, love and merry-make! What is your personal style statement? Keep it chic, comfortable and casual. Most of the time you’ll catch me hanging out in my white tee, baseball cap and faded denims. But having said that, I still love my tuxedo, pocket square and bow tie. So I’m more the dress to the occasion kind of a guy. I’m not someone who follows runway trends blindly. For me it’s all about creating style rather than replicating style. 4 movies that changed your life? • The Godfather – It strengthened my belief in the fact that every film needs a villain in equal proportions like a hero - pure class, pure brilliance. Written impeccably, enacted flawlessly and directed stupendously. This film re-defined movies and started a new era of motion pictures. This truly is the greatest film ever. • The Notebook – It taught me how love is such a strong emotion and can breathe life into death. It is truly a love story for the ages, as the audience gets to see the couple in nearly every part of their life … The Notebook is a sentimental fantasy, but this fantasy is not harmful; we tell ourselves stories every day, to make life more bearable. Young love - the old-fashioned kind that flourished before the age of the hook-up - has always been one of the most challenging emotions to portray on the screen with any specificity. It is a hightoned cinematic greeting card that insists on till-death-do-us-part love, and won't have it any other way. • Mughal E Azam – It taught me why a classic will always be a masterpiece that can never be replicated - a true masterpiece, featuring some of the greatest actors ever to grace the Indian screen. The grandiose look, the extraordinary musical score, the mind-blowing war scenes, outstanding performances, the well-known romance between Salim and Anarkali, this film will always remain as a point of reference. • Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge – It taught me how every Simran needs a Raj. This film brought back the era of love stories. It is not just a movie; it is an experience of love. It makes you want to fall in love and be loved. 20 years hence, this story still has a charm that is incomparable. This movie makes you believe in the idea of love and convinces you that fighting for your love is definitely worth it! DDLJ has made me laugh, cry, and fall in love. What are the values you hold dear? There are many values that I have been brought up with, so it would be unfair to really handpick a few. So I’d like to give you some of my priorities. The most important one is about being a good human being; the rest just falls into place when you start utilizing your inborn abilities for the betterment of others ... It’s important that everytime you go to bed you can sleep with a clear conscience. Another very important value is faith, whether it’s in the Almighty or another human being ... Certain things

in life require a bit of faith, because the world isn’t black and white. Sometimes you need a little bit of unknown to accomplish things you never thought you could. Honesty feels like something you don’t come by often these days, but in the realm of human values, it is extremely important. The idea of staying true to oneself can often feel intimidating and impossible, but what most people fail to realize is that it is not the act of simply telling the truth that makes someone honest, rather the quality of person who is being honest. Only when you can trust yourself, you can trust another. I endorse integrity, compassion and discipline and it’s okay to sound outdated at times, but it’s not okay to be in imbalance with the basic laws of nature. Changes you see in Bollywood movies of today and how they relate to Gen Next? The Hindi film industry is fast becoming a playground for all kinds of cinema to be part of the game at the same time. With shifting audience tastes dictating novelty in content, film-watching patterns must also change. Filmmaking, at the end of the day, is about good ideas and not budgets. While a lot is being said about the 100 croreplus box-office stats driving the business, every filmmaker knows that cinema is ultimately about expressing a vision. Ultimately, the audience cannot be fooled if the content is weak irrespective of the extensive promotions undertaken before a film launch ... Films have to be made on novel storylines and, most importantly, narrated in an engaging manner. Most boxoffice hits, big and small, in recent times have shown that the popular desire for novelty is here to stay. The trend now is to create believable characters and relatable situations. The audience is growing receptive to genres that did not find wide acceptance even a few years ago with an increasing demand for women-oriented subjects, bio-pics, and films without songs, among other genres so far considered unconventional in Hindi films. 

Ethel Da Costa is an award-winning, Goa-based Fashion & Lifestyle Writerjournalist, Published Author, Professional Entrepreneur, Concept Consultant, and CommentatorColumnist of all things politically incorrect . Her work profile includes Femina, The Times of India, The International Film Festival of India, Radio Mirchi and currently FounderCEO of Think Geek Media, A Media & Lifestyle Company ThinkGeekMedia. She is also a regular contributor to Goa Streets. Ethel can be reached at etheldacosta@ LinkedIn: etheldacosta Facebook: ethel.costa.3

10 cover story

The Truth About Tourism In Goa Stakeholders Are Deeply Worried About Another Slow Season Are There Bright Spots On The Horizon?

By Vaishnavi Pilankar

listen. You cannot resist falling in love. The serenity helps you rise above the tides and think of the beyond that awaits. The feeling of placidity, such immensity, such infinity is what lures tourists to Goa, much like orchids lure bees. "We see a positive change in influx every year, there is increase in both domestic and international tourists,” said Ganesh R. Teli, Assistant Director of Tourism (Planning). “Season has just begun from October, and is likely to pick up in December. For us, January and February are peak season. We get more domestic tourists in March and April, whereas international tourists come in early." He acknowledges, however, that stakeholders are reporting a drop in foreign visitors this season. "It has been a slow year up until now, but it will surely pick up, as there are four months left for the season and these are crucial four months. Russia has also diverted chartered flights to Goa, and we still have steady numbers of Europeans and Germans. Also, domestic tourists are equally important as in some cases domestic tourists spend more," he says, adding, “the future of tourism in Goa is very bright.” Through infrastructure improvements and other tourism-friendly projects, the Goa government is fighting to attract a more moneyed clientele both domestically and internationally, promoting charter tourism and FITs (free of itinerarytourists or free independent tourists). The hope is that this sector can boost the economy by spending more, and reduce the congestion of the so-called “male mob” tourism, where busloads of young men inundate the state, often sleeping in vehicles and cooking their own food in open fields. Many international tourists who visit the state religiously every year have become disgruntled. They come looking for peace, but find irritants, disrespectful vendors, and International Tourist arrival by charter flights domestic tourists ogling at them. (season October to May) This segment usually consists of retired couples, or families (often Year/Season No. of Flights Passengers Russians) who come here during 2013-2014 1128 261452 the European winter. 2014-2015 877 160443 "The last two years have been (uptoJune 2015) bad for business and this season Source: Department of Tourism seems to be following the trend,” says Guirish from Morjim’s Bora Bora. growing major economy in the world. He said there are very few Russians this And there is only one Goa in this vast season and “the few that come have no and largely conservative country of ours. capacity to spend." Only we have this sussegado lifestyle, The good news is our beaches are still tolerance for all creeds, relaxed dress beautiful, our air still breathable, our codes, embrace of leisure, free-flowing countryside still green and our culture alcohol and the sun and the sand that still warm and welcoming. The bad news beckon with clear waters and sunsets is that each of those advantages are that are a blazing range of orange and under significant threat these days. If we purple hues. fail to keep Goa beautiful, we won’t have One moment you stop and smile and to worry about tourism because there everything around you slows down. It is won’t be any.  true then: Earth has music for those who

lost. While the latest statistics available date back to June, the figures show that the total number of tourists arriving in n the long stretch of sand Goa – both domestic and international from Morjim to Ashwem, one – is going up. Around 4 million visitors of most serene beaches of a year now visit our sunny state (see Goa long favoured by foreign table), some 13 percentof whom are tourists, only about one in ten beach beds foreigners and the rest were occupied this Indians. (Considering past Sunday. Inside Year Domestic Foreign Total %change the local population is the shacks, owners 2013 2629151 492322 3121473 10.8 % only 1.5 million, this is waited anxiously 2014 3544634 513592 4058226 30.07 % quite a large number). A for a customer, any 2015 1927920 (P) 254052 (P) 2181972(P) --government campaign customer. A coconut (upto June 2015) to keep garbage off the seller sat on the sand, *P - Provisional Source: Department of Tourism beaches has been largely chopper by her side, successful, and authorities are earnestly with no takers for her coconuts. And a Welcome to the new reality of Goa promoting a host of “alternative” tourism man whose restaurant serves up Russian tourism. Booming Baga is a favourite of activities – adventure, cultural, religious, delicacies said there’s no one to buy them low-spending domestic tourists. Mellow family, eco-tourism, etc. this year. Morjim is a favourite of higher spending And while we’re definitely seeing a fall "December is supposed to be the foreigners. Today we’re seeing a thriving in the number of Russians visiting this peak season, but it has not picked up yet scene of domestic tourists who, because year and last, officials are hoping for a and I have very little hope that it will," of India’s strong economic growth, come spike in the number of British and other said Guirish from Morjim’s Bora Bora from families in places like Gujarat and European tourists. And Goa undoubtedly restaurant, which has been catering to Maharashtra who are now able to afford remains a favourite destination among Russians and other Europeans for the a modest vacation in another state. And Indians, many of whom do come here past decade. a declining scene of higher-spending with plenty of money to spend. Fifteenkilometres to the south, at the international tourists, who for whatever Baltazar Fernandes , owner of Baltons popular beach at Baga, underwear-clad reason – the fall of the Russian ruble, beach shack in Utorda in South Goa, ubiquitous explains how it is not all bad for him this garbage season. on the "The season is slow but I'm hoping roadsides, it will pick up by the end of December, crowded as January is our peak time," he beaches, says. Baltons gets Indians, locals and lawlessness, Britishers, and a few resorts in the area noisy music send their guests, too. "We mostly rely festivals – on domestic tourists and locals, as they are opting spend more. We actually prefer Indian for other tourists to foreigners," Baltazar explains. destinations. If Goa is able to rein in the biggest Now threats to the tourism industry – before you throw in your inadequate infrastructure, garbage and litter, price gouging, hawkers, gawkers, beach towel and a lack of planning and strategy – the and descend future could be bright. That’s because into despair, India, with its 1.2 billion inhabitants, understand is a gargantuan nation and the fastest that all is not


men and sari-wearing womenfrolicked in the waves, as their children built sand castles and kicked footballs on the beach.The crowds were robust. But most brought their own food and drink, and the shacks, like those in Morjim, were also largely empty.

12 FOOD & DRINK Every Monday Hops & Nibbles Walk into the Capiz Bar to experience new flavours in beer and food pairing. Try something new every Monday as the pairing changes every week; Tapas, Yakitori and more to enjoy At Capiz Bar, Grand Hyatt Goa 4:00PM – 00:00 midnight INR 990 + taxes For reservations call +91 832 3011510

Every Wednesday Pizza Night @ Ciao Bella Dive into a selection of authentic Italian wood fired pizzas At CIAO BELLA, Assagao
7 pm onwards +91 97675 57673 Seafood Night Market A weekly seafood night market with a wide selection of seafood delicacies. If you can’t seem to get enough of seafood through the week, walk over to The Dining Room and enjoy an amazing selection of your seafood favourites and live entertainment. Every Wednesday INR 2500 per person At Grand Hyatt Goa, Bambolim +91 832 3011510

Every Thursday Pasta Thursdays Treat yourself to a selection of pastas At Bar Code Lounge & Grill, Porvorim +91 832 241 0027

Every Saturday
 Spanish Nights Head over to the Grand Hyatt Goa Palace Lawns; where they give you an evening of live entertainment and food inspired from the Mediterranean coast of Spain. 7:00PM – 11:30PM INR 2200 + taxes At Grand Hyatt Goa, Bambolim +91 832 3011510

Brunches Every Sunday Sunday Brunch Happy Hours Buy one Get one free Lunch Buffet Starting 899/Pool Usage At Bay 15, Dona Paula 12 noon onwards +91 7350146000 Sunday-Champagne Brunch Relish a sumptuous meal over five interactive food counters along with free flowing cocktails, champagne and live music by Thelma. Every Sunday, the Dining Room, Grand Hyatt Goa, Bambolim 1:00PM – 4:00PM INR 2500 + taxes +91 832 3011510 Sunday Barbeque Brunch Poolside Sunday grills with live music 12 pm to 5 pm At Banana Republic Bar - Cavala, Baga +91 832 227 7587

Sunday Brunch at Barrels & Bones 12 noon onwards At BARRELS & BONES, Fontainhas +91 77740 78276 Super Brunch 
The Super Brunch at Vivanta Panaji is a decadent affair with an astonishingly wide selection of Live grills. Serving up the finest cuisine from around the world. 
 At Vivanta by Taj, Panaji, Off D B Bandodkar road, Panaji
 +91 832 6633636 Brunch at Cantina Bodega This is one of the more interesting spots in town to have a meal. Under the supervision of Vandana Naik, a former top chef in New York City and easily one of Goa’s most notable culinary experts, there’s a wide variety of delights on offer, including pizzas, soups, salads, hummus and meat balls, plus an eclectic mix of Indian, Mediterranean and other world cuisines. That’s not to mention the desserts, another top draw here. Noon to 4 pm At Cantina Bodega, Sunaparanta, Panjim. +91 832 2421315 Sunday Family Brunch Live Music by The Actacy At Gawin's Restaurant, Verna 12 pm to 3 pm +91 9822177179 Bikini Brunch Sunday BBQ Brunch @ Rs. 950 ++ with unlimited drinks Enjoy Live Karaoke with Emmanuel At The Park, Calangute 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm. +91 8805028194/ +91 832 2267600 Sunday Brunch Highlights: Free Use of Swimming Pool, Rain Dance with DJ, Lavish Buffet with live counters, unlimited house brands alcohol & cocktails & games & Activities Cost: Rs. 1500/- inclusive of all Taxes (with alcohol); Rs. 1100/- inclusive of all Taxes (without alcohol) At Resort Rio, Tambudki, Arpora 12 noon to 3 pm +91 8322267300 / +91 8322267302

South Goa Restaurants Gigi Park Restaurant and Bar Specialized in Goan, Pan Indian, Tandoor & Continental Delicacies At Next to Joecons, Near Taj Exotica, Calvaddo, Benaulim +91 9890263418/ +91 9552873785 Cavatina Thai, American, Chinese, Italian, Goan A restaurant in Goa brings to the state a whole bunch of international flavours simulated for the local palate. At Benaulim, near Joecons Resort, Salcete +91 832 2770607

Firefly Goan Bistro Bar Goan This happening bistro on Benaulim beach serves splendid Goan food and hosts live music acts all week long. At Firefly Goan Bistro Bar, Benaulim +91 9822123535 Brews & Bakes Brewing Smiles & Baking Memories At Shop No: 250, Abade Faria Road, Comba, Margao +91 8308800080 Café Mardi Gras Goan, North Indian, coffee & snacks. Pan fried Pomfret Recheado, Chicken Xacutti, Pork Vindaloo and Goan Fish Curry are some of their most popular offerings. At Holiday Inn Resort, Cavelossim All-day. +91 832 2871303 Cozy Nook Bar & Restaurant Serves Indian, Continental, and Goan food. At Palolem Beach, Canacona +91 832 2643550 Peters Pub and Restaurant This is the place where you can spend your nights with live music and delicious food close to one of the most beautiful beaches in Goa. At Utorda, Beach Road +91 9922909432/ +91 9049066470 Spice Studio Contemporary Indian and Coastal Cuisine Enjoy Dine in the Dark special theme nights. At Alila Diwa Goa, Majorda +91 832 2746800 Casa Fiesta Mexican The menu is comprehensive, with Tacos, Enchiladas, Burritos, Fajitas and other Mexican dishes. Does it taste exactly the way Mexican food is supposed to taste? You be the judge 8.30 am to 11 pm 
 At Palolem Beach Road, Goa
 +91 9823928548 Canacona Coffee shop. There’s Indian, Goan, European and some Chinese on offer with a contemporary, fusion touch to the items. Buffet Breakfast At Intercontinental The LaLiT Goa Resort, Rajbaga, Canacona +91 832 2667777 Da Luigi Experience flavours from the streets of Rome, Venice or Milan at this surprisingly authentic Italian finedining restaurant. At Park Hyatt Goa Resot and Spa, Cansaulim. +91 832 2721234 Zeebop By the Sea Seafood At Opp. Kenilworth Beach Resort, Utorda Beach +91 832 2755333/ +91 9822154541

Portofino Coffee Shop Multi-Cuisine This all day dining restaurant is an ideal place to head for a midnight snack or after party munchies. At Kenilworth Resort & Spa, Utorda Open 24x7 +91 832 6698888 Alcoves Goan, Indian, Chinese Some excellent choices to be tried here would be Chinese Crispy Chicken, Cafreal, Veg Kolhapuri, Veg Crispy, and Chicken Vindaloo. Near Cine Vishant, Aquem, Margao 8.30 am to 11 pm +91 83 22735062, +91 832 2730536

North Goa Restaurants Palms n Sands Beach Restrobar With a view so mesmerising that the only thing that will complete for your attention is the food. Located bang on the shores of Arabian Sea, Palms n Sands has been catering a stupendous blend of Goan, North Indian and Continental Cuisine along with refreshing cocktails since 1989. At Dando, Candolim Beach 9 am to Midnight +91 9822149629 Om Made Cafe @ Teso Waterfront A mélange of international and local cuisine is specially conjured to seduce and tease the epicure’s palate. Enjoy the taste of our food while being seated by an immaculate view of the river and coastal foliage, surrounded by the glimmering of the distant villages. Open 8 am - Midnight Breakfast: 8 am – 11am At Teso Waterfront, Siolim +91832 227 0091 Suwadik The Coastal Cuisine This Shravan, treat yourself with some of the best veg delicacies. Introducing Unlimited Shravan Thali @ 175/Limited Shravan Thali @ 140- / At Dada Vaidya Road, Near Mahalaxmi Temple, Panjim +91 832 6516159 Voltaire Restaurant An exquisite restaurant dedicated to serve authentic Goan cuisine with an attempt to tickle your taste buds with flavours ranging widely from vindaloo and caldine to khatkhate and uddamethi which we are sure to leave you nostalgic! Opp.Ins Mandovi boat pool, Reis Magos Fort Road, Reis Magos +91 832 2402755/+91 9822588231 Veggie Deli Sharanam Green Resort One of the very few places in Goa that serve both alcohol and vegetarian cuisine at the same venue, with an all day restaurant. 124/3 Gauravaddo, Nr Calangute Mall, Calangute. +91 9545418554

Mamma Mia Ristorante Italiano & Pizzeria Italian Some of the best Italian food in the state. Tastes the way someone’s grandma in Sicily might book it. Definitely worth checking out. Also try the wood-fired pizzas. At Resort Rio, Tambudki, Arpora +91 832 2267300 Ciao Bella Restaurant Authentic Italian food The décor is charming and romantic, and the ambiance, relaxed and inviting. At Assagao Badem Road, Assagao +91 832 2273065/ +91 9767557673 Ciaobella.goa@gmail Gunpowder Indian At Cursino Villa, Sauntawaddo, Assagao Noon to 3.30 pm & 7 pm to 11 pm +91 832 2270091/ 92 Tropical 24x7 Restaurant, Bar and Pub Blistering Venue, Scrumptious Cuisine, Lip Smacking Drinks, Invincible Performers and more… At Main Road, Calangute +91 9820115921 Bar Code Lounge and Grill Offers Slow-Smoked Regional BBQ and Grilled Seafood items along with the most exotic beverages Goa has to offer. At National Highway, Porvorim +91-832-2410027,
 info@ Anandashram Hotel Chinese, Goan and Seafood This is one of the oldest eateries in Goa and is something of an institution for its affordable and delicious Goan Fare. At 31st January Road, Panjim 1 pm to 10.30 pm +91 9823195245 Aunty Maria This quaint little café in Hotel Fidalgo is an upscale coffee shop and bakery offering fresh home-made bread, cakes, cookies, chocolates and quick bites that could make for a wonderful breakfast or tea time snack. At Hotel Fidalgo, Panjim +91 832 2226291 Goenchin Chinese, Pan Asian Yes the Chinese food here is Indianized. But is that necessarily a bad thing? It depends on your taste. At Mandovi Apartment, Dr Dada Vaidya Road, Panjim Noon to 3 pm, 7 pm to 11 pm +91 8322227614

This festive season Grand Hyatt Goa has a plan for you everyday


ith the festive season around the corner, Grand Hyatt Goa has prepared a plan for everyday at the award winning restaurants and splendid Shamana Spa. Take your pick from a collection of weekly merriment to celebrate the season’s festivities. Walk into the Capiz Bar on Mondays to experience new flavors in beer and food pairing. Rejuvenate at the Shamana Spa on Tuesdays with a detox program that includes a combination of yoga, aqua exercise, lymphatic drainage spa treatment and royal wellness bath along with healthy drinks and herbal teas. Come Wednesday and indulge in the Seafood night market in the gardens serving a large variety of fresh seafood combined with live music and entertainment. Gather around the fire place at the Capiz Bar on Thursdays for an evening of cocktails and music. Enjoy Al fresco evenings on Friday at the Pool Bar and Grill with DJ Thelma. Conclude the week on a Spanish note at the palace lawns every Saturday; with an evening of entertainment and food inspired from the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Of course Sundays will continue with the ever popular

Champagne Brunch at The Dining Room. The resort will also have international musicians performing all through the festive season across the different outlets of the property. Singer and Pianist Melanie Le Blanc from Canada will perform every evening at Confeitaria while residential DJ Thelma playsa selection of popular hits at different venues of the resort. Christmas week will have the annual Christmas Kids party on 19th December, an event especially curated for kids to enjoy in true spirit of the season. Guests can bring in Christmas over dinner at The Dining Room this Christmas Eve as musicians bring back beautiful nostalgic melodies. While Christmas Day gives you an option of either dining at The Dining Room with family or delight in intimate moments with your loved ones at The Verandah. For New Year’s Eve escape from reality at the second edition of Garden of Dreams; a theatrical music dinner show of dramatic mixed arts, singers, musicians and jaw-dropping acts with lots of surprises and an experience no one will forget. Grand Hyatt Goa makes sure you have all the boxes ticked for a truly unforgettable festive celebration. For more details contact the Festivity Desk on +91 832 3011510


Friday, December 11, 2015

‘Ways of Belonging’ Echo at Goa Litfest By Goa Streets


World-class Cultural Event Kicks Off In Goa Goa Streets Is Proud Media Partner!

he Goa Arts & Literature Festival 2015 got off to a hearty start on the 10th December at the Maquinez Palace, Panjim. Volume Zero, a film by Arun Khopkar on the works of architect Charles Correa, was screened prior to the inaugural function. The screening was in tribute to Correa, who had spoken on the Regional Plan for Goa at the first Goa Litfest in 2010. The theme of ‘Ways of Belonging’ echoed in the words of the eminent speakers at the well attended inaugural. Yatin Kakodkar, the president of the International Centre Goa (ICG) welcomed the gathering and DamodarMauzo, co-curator of GALF and a member of Goa Writers spoke about the festival programme. Photographer and bookmaker Dayanita Singh delivered the first keynote address. She speculated on what could emerge if writers tried to express themselves through images, like photographs. She imagined a dictionary

of images, for those who cannot read. A book, as an object, could be framed on the wall, she suggested, the way photographs and paintings are displayed. In the second keynote speech, poet and novelist Keki Daruwalla explored the ways poets and novelists thought and wrote. A poet speaks to himself, while a novelist engages with other people and with dialogue. He reflected somberly on the issues of tolerance and strife in the world, quoting a poem by Indian blogger Karuna Ezara Parikh that has gone viral in the wake of the Paris attacks. ‘…Say

a prayer for Paris by all means, but pray more, for the world that does not have a prayer…’ An exclusive festival artwork by Goan artist Loretti Pinto showing the interweaving of various Konkani language scripts was unveiled by the guest speakers. As the evenings sessions got underway, Arundhathi Subramaniam delighted the audience with evocative renderings of her poems. Heta Pandit spoke of her travails in the search of a house in Goa at the launch of her book

‘There’s More To Life Than A House In Goa’, which was launched at the hands of Damodar Mauzo. The final session of the day was that of the eminent historian Ramachandra Guha in conversation with editor and author Naresh Fernandes. Guha, the author of the much acclaimed book ‘India After Gandhi’, opined that in the past the hard left parties and politicians in India were as guilty as the right-wing politicians presently in power of nepotism, abuse of state machinery and of attempting to rewrite history. He spoke of his forthcoming biography on Mahatma Gandhi and of how it would also dwell on the perspective of Gandhi’s personal secretary Mahadev Desai. In response to a student’s question on how the younger generation should express themselves without fear, Guha advised that for free expression the young must develop informed opinions, find their own voice, and not be blind loyalists to political parties. Goa Writers member José Lourenço hosted the inaugural event. 

The human being and the work are two independent historical subjects - Ivo Figueiredo


By Perin Ilavia

vo de Figueiredo is a Norwegian historian, biographer and literary critic. He will be in conversation with Astri Ghosh, at the Goa Arts and Literature Festival, on Sunday 13 Dec, talking about the life of Henrik Ibsen. Ivo started out studying religion, and then discovered his interest in history. He comes from a family with a literary background—his grandfather was an author and his mother an artist. He is in the process of translating Henrik Ibsen’s plays into English. Speaking about his Goan roots, Ivo’s greatgrandfather migrated from Saligao village in Goa to Zanzibar, and later moved to Norway. Ivo had heard the family talk about Goa, but he was not conscious about it until recently. He then decided to research into his family history, and is now collecting information. This is his second visit to Goa. “I had heard it was a quiet place,” he muses, “I was afraid of being disappointed. But except for the noise, it’s beyond expectations.’ Perin: What are the challenges of writing historical books?

Ivo: I want a well written book. I’m depending on reality, I have to find interesting stories and look at them in my way of reality. I have to see what happens in a lifespan, and search for proper material. I’m extremely cautious about drawing parallels between work and life due to the fictive nature and autonomous status of the literary texts. The human being and the work are two independent historical subjects. P: What is the time taken for composing the text? I: There are three processes while writing. Searching for material, reading it and writing it simultaneously. Because if you research first, then write and read, it consumes a lot of time. It could take about a year or so. But the writer must have his own thoughts on the subject before he looks into the archives. But I will of course greedily leap upon any points of connection that can be revealed. P: Your treatment of non-literary texts is very interesting. I: I wanted to write in a flowing, reader-friendly style, simultaneously adhering to scholarly requirements. Nonetheless it is intended to be comprehensible for the general population. 

arts & entertainment 15

Friday, December 11, 2015

Dec 10th to Dec 13th

The 6th edition of the Goa Art and Literary Festival (GALF) The festival will see some of the best known authors, poets and historians in the world. Entry to all sessions is free and open to the public. Goa Streets is proud to be a media partner At the International Centre Goa, Dona Paula 5:30 PM +91 832 245 2805

Dec 12

A Christmas concert Child's Play India Foundation presents the Nirmal Goswami Memorial Concert, a Christmas concert featuring the children of Child's Play, Camerata Child's Play India and the debut performances of the Child's Play choirs. At Menezes Braganza hall Panjim. 6 pm onwards +91 832 222 4143

Dec 14

Sensorium Opening Night Performance art by Jana Prepeluh, Atish Saha, Himanshu Suri @ 5 pm Preview of Exhibitions @ 7 pm Filter Theatre in association with the Royal Shakespeare company presents ‘Twelfth Night’ @ 8 pm Exhibition continue –Dec 15 to Feb 15 Monday to Saturday 11 am to 7 pm/ Sunday 11 am to 6 pm At Sunaparanta , Panaji +91 832 2421311

Nov 5 to Jan 25

‘GOPAKAPATTANAM – Exploring Goa’s histories through the lens of contemporary art’ Curated by Dr. Subodh Kerkar & Mr. Peter Mueller 10 am to 6 pm everyday At Museum of Goa, Plot No. 79, Pilerne Industrial Estate, Pilerne Email: / Web:

Nov 6 to Dec 12

'Kite Mika' 'Drawn into Black and White' Curated by Katherina Domscheit. At The Cube Gallery, Moira +91 832 2470415/+91 8422806748

Dec 10th & Dec 11th

49th Mando Festival Goa Cultural and Social Centre in collaboration with Dept. of Art & Culture & Kala Academy Goa present All Goa State Level. At D. M. K. M. Kala Academy Auditorium, Panaji. 5:00 pm +91 9921 20 7297 /+ 91 9860 38 7234

Dec 11th to Dec 14

VII Lusophone Film Festival The seventh edition of the Lusophone Film Festival will commence this month. The schedule is as follows: Dec 11th: 5:45 pm: Skin (Drama) Dec 12th: 3:30 pm: The Refugee (Animation/ short film), 3:45 pm: Cats don't have vertigo (Drama) Dec 13th: 3:30 pm: Night (Documentary/ short film), 4:00 pm: The Pilot Boat (Drama), 6:00 pm: The Lovebirds (Drama) Dec 14th: 3:30 pm: What's new about love? (Drama), 5:45 pm: The Consul of Bordeaux (Drama) At Maquinez Palace, Panjim +91 832-2428000

Dec 15th to Jan 15th

International Art and Craft Festival Goa will play host to the Spandan International Art and Craft Festival, A unique art and craft festival that will be held over 45 days in popular Locations of Goa like Panjim, Margao and Mapusa. At All over Goa

Galleries of Note

The Cube Gallery Every architect, since the beginning of time, has secretly tried to create a vision of paradise in the buildings they design. Discover one such paradise and much more. At The Cube Gallery, Calizor Vaddo, Moira. 11 am to 7 pm +91 832 2470415/ +91 9422806748 Surya Art Gallery This gallery is situated in a quiet location where contemporary works of canvas paintings from Goa and artifacts are displayed. At Bandawal Wada, Pernem 10 am to 6 pm +91 9404149764/ +91 9422064754 Galleria Esperance Retrospective Art in oils, watercolours, crayons, still life photographs etc. on display Near Our Lady of Merces Church, Merces 4 pm to 7 pm +91 9922509704 Kerkar Art Gallery Exhibition of recent works of Subodh Kerkar “The Pepper Cross” & “Indigo”. Besides a new series of Laterite Stone Sculptures on display. At Gaura Vaddo, Calangute 10 am to 7 pm +91 9326119324 Monsoon Heritage Studio Treat yourself to some amazing collection of mirrored mosaic art and handpicked artefacts at this upscale studio by Yahel Chirinian. At Mainath Batti, Arpora 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM +91 9822122771 Off The Wall Discover a collection of deeply astounding works of art displayed on a daily basis at this thoughtful art cafe. Fort Aguada Road, Sinquerim, Candolim 10:30 am to 11:30 pm +91 9820083497, +91 9823289123 Panjim Art Gallery Get a dose of the local culture with figurative works of Goan artists. Near Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Church, Panjim 9:00 am to 8:00 pm +91 9822168703 Mario Art Gallery Discover the original paintings and other memorabilia of the great Goan artist/ cartoonist Mario Miranda. Here you can buy “The Life of Mario”, as well as prints, mounted prints, frames, tiles, mugs, card sets and other books. At ‘Houses of Goa’, Salvador-do-Mundo, Porvorim area 9:00 am to 5:30 pm +91 832 2410711 Gallery Gitanjali An elegant art gallery in Panjim’s Latin Quarter is worth hopping into when you’re in the area. Fontainhas, Panjim 9:00 am to 9:00 pm +91 9823572035

IN conversation with authors at the Art & Lit Fest


By Perin Ilavia

he VIth edition of the Art & Lit festival in Goa, which started on 10th December, has several eminent writers. It was tough to figure out who to interview, and after much contemplation zeroed in on four writers, and Astri Ghosh is among them. Astri Ghosh is a literary Translator at the Centre for Ibsen Studies, University of Oslo, and is based in Goa, India. Being half Norwegian, she is a native speaker of Bengali, Hindi and Norwegian. Schooling in Delhi, then a Mag. Art degree from Oslo University, she has translated several books, plays, novels, poems and short stories, from Norwegian into Hindi, and Bengali and has participated in the Art & Lit fest in Goa since 2011. In conversation about Astri’s journey as a translator Perin- Why did you decide to do translations. Astri- It just happened. I was doing technical translations, then, as a consultant with a publishing house in Oslo, translated Qurrat-ulAin Hyder’s , (one of the most celebrated trend setter of Urdu fiction writers in India), short stories to Norwegian, that’s how it started.

P- What is the deciding factor of sourcing books for translations. A-I look at books that interest me. I did play’s by Norwegian playwright Henry Gibson. One was Enemy of the People, regarding the town health baths and the rumors that have been raised about them being contaminated. The brothers get into an argument about their positions on hiding the truth and shaping it, to get the results that are convenient. The other was Doll’s House, where a woman gets disillusioned by her marriage and walks out. However, most of the time, I get assignments from the Oslo University. P- The challenges of translating from one language to another. A-The first is cultural differences, and in conveying it to Hindi readers by using the precise word. I am currently involved in a project entitled ”Ibsen in Translation” Henrik Ibsen, was a major 19th-century Norwegian playwright, theatre director, and poet. Ten translators are working together creating new translations of Ibsen’s twelve contemporary dramas in eight languages : Arabic (both Classical Arabic and Egyptian Arabic), Hindi, Spanish, Persian, Chinese, Japanese and Russian. Ibsen’s characters have an individual way of expressing themselves, through which their level of education and refinement manifests. Many translations into Hindi, Bengali or Urdu do not follow Ibsen’s original use of Norwegian personal pronouns such as du or de because of reliance on English translations, which use only ‘you’. I went to rural places out in the countryside, looking for Hindi words that are used colloquially. She elaborates on these translation issues and on other ways in which subtle meanings of Ibsen’s plays can become lost in translation. P- You translated Sikh hymns into Norwegian. Who are the reader’s? A-Mostly it’s people who are interested in scriptures. It actually sold 6000 copies. P- Your presentation at the Art Fest. A-As we speak ( 8th Dec) I haven’t yet got the program of time schedules, whether I’m involved in discussions and if so, who is the mediator, or if I would be mediating another author. I have no clue of what’s happening. Astri also organizes jazz festivals, is an art curator, and has starred in a film about a woman with Alzheimer’s. She is also translating a crime novel by Jo Nesbø, (pronounced junɛsbø,) a Norwegian crime writer, musician and former economist, into Hindi. 

profile 17

Friday, December 11, 2015

Bryan Soares The cycling architect A designer who’s most happy biking through the villages of Goa

By Dr. Charlane Pereira e Rebello


ryan Soares’s philosophy is to ‘Live and treasure every moment’. An architect by profession, his passion to create something that people can use functionally has earned him high respect. In his 27 years of professional practice, Bryan has designed all kinds of structures from residential houses to hotels and commercial spaces too. “I have lost count of the buildings that I have designed,” says Bryan. “Our clients vary from the common man who needs a basic home to a corporate needing a commercial or institute building.” 49-year old Bryan and his wife Orty, also an architect, live in Donapaula, with their architectural studio in Panjim. He considers the Old Medical College (now used by the Entertainment Society of Goa) and the Fontainhas houses as the finest heritage buildings. The Kala Academy and Cidade de Goa hotel, both designed by the award winning architect Charles Correa, are his favourite modern structures. An architectural design practice can get quite stressful. But Bryan has a healthy secret. Besides his 6.30 to 8 am exercise routine every morning, Bryan is into cycling big time. He has been a passionate biker for the last four years. Presently the president of Cycling Goa, a bicycling club, he says, “There are 50 registered members of the club, but this cycling community has over 100 enthusiastic members from different professions, such as doctors, engineers, lawyers, businessmen, etc.”

“Cycling is an opportunity to improve your health as it involves cardio,” he says. “It is also a lovely leisure activity when you visit different places in Goa. With many members in the cycling community, this paddling activity has also become an excellent opportunity to meet fellow cyclists and exchange views on cycling and various other subjects.” Bryan believes that cycling should be promoted as a sport at the grassroots levels—in schools and colleges. “The younger generation should take it up as a professional and competitive sport,” he insists. “At the moment, cycling is popular only among adults.” With the aim of promoting cycling, his group has organised a state-level Cycle Race and recently concluded the Goa International Mountain Biking Challenge. “We also have several awareness rides which involve younger cyclists from schools and colleges. Unfortunately, the pressure on academics is so high that sports and outdoor activities are taking a back seat,” opines Bryan sadly. He owns a Cannondale Hybrid bike and a KHS mountain bike. “Choosing a cycle depends on the type of activity you wish to go in for,” he explains. “For pure racing one would have to look at a road bike. A Hybrid is for leisure and fun riding while MTBs are for purely off-road activities.” “Goa is a very cycling-friendly place in terms of training and challenges,” he adds. “This is due to the various gradients of slopes, flat areas and the beautiful landscape as one leaves the city, not more than five kilometres away. However, the cities need to do a lot to become cycle-friendly places. Also, clear policies are needed to protect cyclists on the road. Still, any route through the villages of Goa with less traffic is cycle friendly.” Bryan who had started off with a couple of buddies, trying to discover local breakfast inns in the village, never realised that he would eventually get so much into cycling. “I have cycled 200 kilometres on the trot in a single day,” he smiles. “I have also cycled 500 plus kilometres over a period of nine days each in Manali and in Spain. But it’s not how much one can cycle that’s important. It’s about enjoying the whole experience.” Bryan Soares, the cycling architect has a parting shot for us: “There is a lot to the outdoors. One cannot experience real sport on video games.”

sports 19

Friday, December 11, 2015 er rquee Player-Manag Delhi Dynamos FC Mad FC Goa coach Zico an s rlo Roberto Ca


FC Goa player- Dudu Om

Time For Some Samba Magic in Goa FC Goa Finishes Top of The ISL Table!

Will Play Second Leg Of The Semi Finals Against Delhi Dynamos FC At Home On December 15 By Vivian Maverick Martins


C Goa will be taking care of business on Dec. 11 and 15 when they take on the Delhi Dynamos FC, hoping to eliminate Roberto Carlos’s side and book their place in the 2015 ISL finals on home turf to be played on December 20. Following a comeback 3-2 victory in the final round match, the Gaurs staked their claim as the best of the Indian Super League at the end of the group stage. If FC Goa beats Delhi Dynamos FC in the semi-finals, they move a step closer to securing the title from their arch rivals Atlético de Kolkata. Admittedly, it took a while for FC Goa’s superiority to be reflected on the points table, but with all players dancing to the beat of Brazilian legend and FC Goa Coach Zico, the result was inevitable. Zico has seen it all in football. Heknows the importance of the next two matches andhas urged his team not to be overjoyed by their win against Delhi Dynamos FC. “We cannot be complacent now just because we’ve won against Delhi Dynamos FC in the past. The victories in the league stage mean nothing now, every game is a different story and the sole focus is on the semi-finals” said Zico. The Brazilian Delhi DynamosFC Coach, Roberto Carlos is also no slouch in the game of football and is looking forward to ruin Goa’s plans. Negative statistics have not discouraged him nor his faithful players. Robin Singh, Florent Malouda and John Arne Riisehave made it clear that they want to win the ISL this season.

“We still have two games to go. In the semi-finals I’m sure the players will focus more and perform exceptionally to make sure they book their place in the finals in Goa”, said Carlos. Roberto Carlos, marquee manager cum player for Delhi Dynamos FC, might not have the managerial pedigree of Zico, but in similar fashion to our Brazilian Treinador, he extracts the best out of the resources he has. The battle of the Brazilians is on. The teams are raring to go as they have overcome injury crises that hit them earlier in the season.Both teams have had problems defensively, especially FC Goa who lost 4-0 twice

this season against Chennaiyin FC and Atlético de Kolkata – a rude awakening if there ever was one. FC Goa’s attacking prowess was evident right from their first match against Delhi Dynamos FC when Goa’s offensive players ran riot to terrorize the Delhi defence. FC Goa did falter along the way, especially with injuries to key players like Joffre, Reinaldo and Duffy, but came back with a blitzkrieg demolishing Mumbai City FC 7-0 (which Nicolas Anelka, Mumbai City FC coach described as the worst defeat of his career). FC Goa has been on fire this season in some of the matches, with strikers Reinaldo, Haokip and Dudu all

having scored hat-tricks this season. Zico surely has problems at the back but of late some impressive defensive work has helped FC Goa clinch the top spot.The Lúcio and Grégory partnership has looked fragile at times, but their display in the last few rounds have solidified their reputation as perhaps the best defensive partnership in the ISL. Lúcio and Grégoryare consistent, both at the defensive end where they routinely make two or three top-class interventions per match, and at the offensive end, where they seem to create a chance per game. FC Goa has played some entertaining football this season and has won the hearts of Goans. The expectations from the team are soaring. Elvis Gomes, President, Goa Football Association (GFA) said, “FC Goa games are a treat to watch and credit should go to the team management for sticking to this attacking style of play. Zico has given opportunities to young Goan players and proved that if given the right exposure and encouragement, Goans can outshine even the best in the business on their day. I hope FC Goa win the ISL title this year”. The Brazilian trio of Lúcio, Léo Moura and Reinaldo has been instrumental in the success of FC Goa, along with the Spanish maestro Joffre. But the Goan players have also stepped up their game. Romeo and Mandar have been exceptional for FC Goa on the flanks, terrorizing opposition defence while Keenan in defence and Laxmikant Kattimani in goal have bolstered the defense. A lot of the success of FC Goa goes to the fans. FC Goa is still incurring financial losses but the real currency that running the club is the passion of the fans. LavinioRebello, Vice President GFA North Goa says, “What we are seeing in the stadiums at PJN Fatorda is an expression of the love and affection for the club.FC Goa has to be given full

credit for rising to the expectations and responding so spectacularly so far.Now we make it to the finals and win it”. Zico and his men have experienced ISL semi finals league heartbreak before, going out on penalties against ATK last season. According to insiders, Zico gave an inspiring 20 minute speech in the dressing room to console his crestfallen players before addressing the pre-match press conference, promising to team and fans to go again to win the title. The team and its fans are serious when they chant ‘DiiTekha’ in Konkani – ‘Give It To Them!’ “Two matches separate us from booking our place in the finals on Dec 20. This is where history will be made. I have no doubt that FC Goa will deliver,” says Rosanne Diaz from Panjim. Even though we are two matches away from the finals, the excitement amongst the fans is palpable, with folks queuing up for tickets for the second leg a day before the tickets go on sale. “We bleed blue and this season will surely be ours. Last season we were unlucky to go out on penalties but I’m sure this time we will be through in regulation time,” said Denzil Pereira from Calangute. “I’m hoping for a Goa-Kolkata final so that we can avenge the semi finals loss of last year and win the title by defeating the reigning, defending champions in our own backyard,” said Gerard D’Cunha from Mapusa. In an effort to bring the excitement of the stadium to the people of Goa, FC Goa has planned public screenings of the semi final matches.Supporters of FC Goa have stood with the team through the highs and lows of the season and the club extends its unconditional gratitude to the people of Goa, said FC Goa in an official statement before the semis. “The fans are euphoric and we are delighted with that," said Zico. "But as professionals we will approach the game with the utmost seriousness.” 

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