May 2019 Brangus Journal

Page 20


Actual Measurements Imperative to collect, but Impossible to Use in Selection... by Livestock Consultant, Brad Wright

Spring is in full swing. Calves are hitting the ground, fall calves are getting big enough to start thinking about weaning dates and many are working to collect yearling and ultrasound data on last Spring’s calves. Collecting measurements at all these points in an animal’s life

with correct contemporary group designations is vital to accurate expected progeny difference (EPD) calculations. However, contrary to popular belief, that is their only valid use. As Spring sales start and preparations for Spring breeding begin, it is important to understand the value of EPDs as the only selection tool available that compares genetics across the entire breed. As we, as breeders, make selection decisions,

we are trying to determine an animal’s future breeding potential. The only piece of information that gives this information is an EPD. Actual measurements alone are a combination of environment and genetics. But think of all the things the word “environment” includes: grass type, rain fall, terrain, feeding program for the dam while in utero, feeding program for the animal, vaccination program, scales used, individual person reading weights,


// MAY 2019

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