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5-6 Alabama Cattlemen’s Convention and Trade Show, Birmingham, Alabama 10 Ad Reservation Deadline for April Brangus Journal
12 Cavender-Draggin' M and Partners 1st Annual Spring Bull Sale, Jacksonville, Texas
12 Power Source Genetic Alliance Registered Angus, Brangus, Ultrablack Female & Bull Sale, Paris, Texas 12 Late Entry Deadline for The International Show, Waco, Texas 13 Louisiana Brangus Bull & Female Sale, Lecompte, Louisiana
20 Mound Creek Ranch Genetics & Genomics Bull & Female Sale, Leona, Texas 20 Oklahoma Brangus Association Spring Sale, Ada, Oklahoma 23 GENEPLUS at Suhn Cattle Company Registered Brangus & Ultrablack Bull Sale, Eureka, Kansas
23-27 The International Open Breeding Cattle Show, Waco, Texas 25 Briggs Super American Brangus & Santa Gertrudis 200 Head Bull Sale, Bloomington, Texas
26 MBJ & TRIO's Red Carpet Frozen Genetics Sale, Waco, Texas 26 MP Brangus at Diamond D Ranch Friday Night Lights Online Sale, Hosted by Smart Auctions 27 Genetic Edge Sale, Waco, Texas
27 Allen Cattle Company’s Annual Ranching for Profit Sale, Hosted by Smart Auctions
1 IRBBA Scholarship Application Deadline 1 IBA Scholarship Application Deadline 2 IBBA Office Closed for Easter 2 Texas Brangus Breeders Association Annual Meeting,
Salado, Texas
3 Texas Brangus Breeders Association Spring Spectacular Sale,
Salado, Texas 10 Clayton Williams Ranch Co. Share the Genetics Sale,
Bastrop, Texas
10 Oak Creek Farms Forage Developed Registered Spring Brangus
Bull Sale, Chappell Hill, Texas
17 MP Brangus at Diamond D Ranch Where Performance Meets
Style Annual Production Sale, Poteet, Texas 24 Cavender-Draggin' M and Partners Female Sale,
Jacksonville, Texas
31 IBBA Office Closed for Memorial Day
23-26 Texas Junior Brangus State Show, Bryan, Texas 27 Texas Invitational National Show, Bryan, Texas
5 IBBA Office Closed for Independence Day 19 Southeast Regional Junior Brangus Show Ownership Deadline 27 Southeast Brangus Breeders Female Sale Nominations Due 27-31 National Junior Brangus Show, Belton, Texas
1 Brangus Futurity National Points Show, Belton, Texas 10-12 Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show, Nashville, Tennessee 20-21 Southeast Brangus Breeders Association Field Day, TBD
6 IBBA Office Closed for Labor Day 17-18 Southeast Brangus Breeders Junior Show, Live Oak, Florida
18 Midsouth Cattle Co. & Neal Ranch Annual Bull & Commercial Female Sale, St. Francisville, Louisiana
24 Southeast Brangus Breeders general membership meeting, auction, banquet, and awards ceremony, Troy, Alabama 25 Southeast Brangus Breeders Showcase Female Sale, Troy, Alabama 25 Southeast Brangus Breeders Association Board of Directors Meeting, Troy, Alabama