Texans for Colombia
Greater Jacksonville Fair Results

In the early 2000’s, I was assigned to B-Shift Engine 1 at the central fire station in downtown Fayetteville Arkansas. We provided fire protection and emergency medical service to the University of Arkansas, the infamous bar district on Dickson Street and the tough neighborhoods of South Fayetteville. There were many different fire stations and companies in the city but we were the chosen ones that got to work downtown. We were an odd bunch. Gruff and arrogant with a chip on our shoulder. We were the busiest engine company in Arkansas at that time. We all wanted to be there. All the cool stuff happened there. I’ve watched grown men cry when they had to go out to a substation in the suburbs on the outside of the city for a shift because somebody called in sick at that fire house. Some guys didn’t want to take promotion tests just because they knew that it would take them years to get back downtown in their new position. We had a passion for service but we also had a passion for being the best. The other companies in the city pushed us. Many of them were staffed with firemen that were downtown with us before they got promoted. They wanted to make their mark so they could get back downtown. I could go on and on about the lessons I learned at that place but today I’ll stick to the one that’s relevant to this conversation. Competition makes us all better.
As I traveled the Southeast this past fall, I watched sales get better every weekend. It just seemed that the prices continued to build as we went along. Some of that was directly related to the increase in pricing on the Chicago Board of Trade but another side of it was the fact that we are all pushing each other for better genetics. So many different camps in Brangus are doing an excellent job of breeding cattle. This is a huge win for Brangus as a whole. Competition makes us all better.
We are entering a phase in the feeder cattle cycle where we are seeing huge prices like we saw about 8 years ago. Drought, input costs, aging producers and several other factors have gotten us to this point. Imagine being in your twenties or thirties and trying to start ranching today without a support system or government intervention. It would be nearly impossible without a spouse in town with a significant income and insurance plan. Even though prices are high, it’s a tough row to hoe today. But, there is a bright side to this deal. We have pushed each other to the point through competition where we have a product that is exceptional in the market. We have long held the knowledge that we have the best momma cow in the business. But, we have taken a deduction at the auction block for years because the order buyers could discount us because of the ear deduction. We are gaining ground on this. The Brangus Foundation bought a set of steers on December 14th for the Brangus Value Project at OKC West. We paid 1.85 per pound on a set of Brangus sired steers that averaged 700 pounds. We had to give that price because other people wanted those steers. Competition makes us all better.
As we continue forward, I’m reminded of a conversation that I had this summer with one of my mentors. On a visit to one of our customers in Texas, we were discussing the state of Brangus in the 1980s. He was an integral part of Brinks at that time. Brangus was the biggest ticket at the game at that point. I asked him what changed that put Angus in front and us in the chase. He stated that Angus opened the playing field where the smallest producer could breed to the biggest named bulls in the breed and Brangus went in the opposite direction. He went on to say that the path forward for Brangus was to make every bull in the Brangus system easily available to every member. I’d say he was right. Competition makes us all better.
As the fall 2022 sale season came to a close, anybody who’s paying attention would have to conclude that the secret is out – quality Brangus breeding stock is in very high demand. Even with the headwinds of drought and higher input costs, the prices paid for good Brangus stock bulls were really stout. A number of people commented to me that they’ve never seen stronger commercial demand for Brangus genetics.
I tend to judge the quality of a sale based on the demand for the cattle in the final third of the offering. It is always exciting to see bidders compete for the elite sire or donor prospects as they run the price into the 6-figure range. In many cases, these are animals that will leave a pretty big
genetic footprint in the Brangus breed and, eventually, in the commercial sector where their sons and grandsons will sire feeder cattle of high quality and, importantly, will produce daughters that strengthen those herds for years to come. But in any sale, once you get through the “featured lots”, the bidders are commercial beef producers. If those folks still have their hands in the air when the final bull goes through the ring, that’s when you know you’ve had a good sale. There were a lot of good sales last fall where every single bull found a buyer, and a half dozen people were bidding to get the last bull in the ring. If you are a regular reader of my essays, you know that I am obsessed with what I call the quality revolution that has taken place in the beef industry the last decade or so. I don’t think beef demand has ever been stronger, and I know darn
well that beef quality has never been better. A coincidence? No way! Today’s beef consumer, domestically and internationally, is willing to pay a nice premium for beef over competing proteins, and they expect it to be delicious. End product quality matters. It matters a lot. The good news is that, with Brangus genetics, we can produce very high-quality beef in an efficient and sustainable way. Everybody knows there is more to good cattle than good steaks, but good steaks are absolutely critical in today’s marketplace.
I was in the auction block at a bull sale last fall bragging about the results of the first round of the Brangus Value Project. You’ve heard the story. Our research cattle outgained their feedlot contemporaries, converted feed more efficiently, and hit a home run when we sold them on a carcass value grid. As I looked out at the audience dominated by commercial beef producers, it dawned on me that, while they might be impressed with those results, their first concern is having a productive cowherd and heavy calves that they sell by the pound. That’s when I thought of the term – Brangus Trifecta.
The Brangus cow is notorious for her lifelong productivity. Nobody argues that point. Even before we started paying so much attention to end product quality, Brangus cows had lots of fans. But just like there’s more to good cattle than good steaks, there’s more to good cattle than maternal performance. We live in a time when good cattle must do it all if there is any expectation of profit. The cows must be super productive, the calves must grow rapidly and efficiently, and the beef must be great. That’s the Trifecta. Great Cows. Great Gains. Great Beef. Hitting the Trifecta is harder in tough country. Areas that are too hot, too wet, too dry, too many bugs or too full of fescue to efficiently run a Bos taurus cow are just perfect for a Brangus cow. At least half of the cows in this
nation run in tough country. And every one of those cows is a candidate to be covered with a Brangus or Ultra bull. As we collect even more data to prove that the beef from Brangus is top shelf product, and we continue to drive up genetic merit for growth efficiency and fertility, which our genetic trends show we’re doing, we’ll need to produce a lot more high-quality Brangus and Ultra bulls.
When the last bull in the ring has commercial cattle producers clamoring to win the bid and take him home, my advice is to MAKE MORE BULLS. GO BRANGUS.
I am more impressed every day with the knowledge of our commercial bull customers. I receive a lot of calls from commercial producers – typically ahead of major bull sales – who want to talk about EPDs. Commercial producers who are willing to spend $5,000 or more for a bull to service their commercial cows have studied enough about EPDs to know what they want. Of all the data that are presented to bull customers these days, the one number that gets the most questions is EPD accuracy.
I realize that it’s hard to explain the accuracy value to your bull customers. It gets “mathy”. Even if you have done all the right things to drive up accuracy values as much as possible, your customer may be concerned that the accuracy for birth weight EPD, for instance, is usually not much higher than about .30 on a non-parent animal. This is true even if you have turned in all the data and even if you have done genomic testing. For most people, a 30% accuracy figure seems pretty low. In reality, it’s pretty good. I’ll continue to use Birth Weight as the example because that’s the trait that commercial breeders seem to be most nervous about. My goal is to give you a way to explain accuracy in common sense terms. You can show your commercial bull customer that you know your stuff, without getting too deeply into the math or using terms that are difficult to comprehend such as: “the accuracy value is the level of confidence that the estimated breeding value is equal to the true breeding value, which is unknown.” Huh?
Here’s a real-life situation. You are presenting to your bull customer a young bull with known parentage, known actual birth weight and, increasingly, a genomic
test. Your contemporary groups are accurate. You have done everything you can to quantify the genetics of your bull. We’ll call this bull a “data-rich” bull. And, yet, the accuracy of BW EPD sits at about 0.30. Let’s contrast this to a bull that has a known pedigree –but does not have an actual birth weight, nor an adjusted birth weight, and likely does not have any contemporary group data either. There is not a genomic test on this bull. Let’s call this bull a “data-free” bull. But he is a registered bull and has a BW EPD. His EPD accuracy would be in the neighborhood of .05.
In order for the “data-free” bull to achieve an accuracy value of .30, he would need to sire between 12 and 15 progeny, with all progeny data collected on his calves and all contemporaries. Only then would the “data-free” bull match the accuracy for BW EPD that your virgin bull already has because of your diligence in collecting BW data and your genomic testing.
So, when your bull customer asks – for the fourth time – “how sure are you of this Birth Weight EPD”, you can reply – “I’m as sure of it as I would be if he had already sired 12-15 calves.” EPD accuracy is a mathematical concept. As such, it will always be complicated and difficult to explain or even understand. As a breeder, if you’re doing everything you can to collect and submit accurate data, and even going one step further and utilizing genomic tests, you are doing all that is humanly possible to give your customers assurance that the EPDs are as accurate as you can make them.
If you are looking for Brangus cattle north of the Mason-Dixon line, look no further than Ottmann’s Brangus at Valley View Ranch in Rock Port, Missouri.
As James Ottmann, owner, says about his cattle, “They have that Angus look but are still 3/8ths Brahman with lots to offer!” When it comes to his bull herd, Ottmann prides himself on the short ear, tight sheath and A+ calving ease of his bulls, along with the fact that they are bred for tenderness and docile enough to be hand fed.
“Our family has been feeding cattle for six generations in Northwest Missouri. Our first Brangus was born here in 1968 and our bulls are developed on fescue,” Ottoman said. The ranch is ran near the Missouri River bottoms and includes corn and bean stalk feeds that Ottmann uses as a feed source for his herd as well.
Ottmann runs his operation with the help of one of his three adult children, Chad, and his wife, Mandy. In fact, the family support extends beyond his immediate family and includes Ottmann’s brothers and sisters and their children as
well, who are nearby. “I raised all my children to know and understand the value of Brangus cattle and it’s great to have them all nearby and contributing in some form or fashion.”
In addition to the pride he has for his own Brangus herd, Ottmann has an immense appreciation and love for the breed as a whole. “The Brangus cow has to be one of the best creatures God created. By design these cattle have built-in calving ease, docility and the females make great mothers,” he shared.
Ottmann’s involvement with the breed traces back to his relationship with Jesse Dowdy, who was the fourth breeder to register with the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA), and Ottmann refers to as “Mr. Brangus”. Dowdy introduced Ottmann to James Lingle, who managed the Wye Plantation Angus Ranch in Maryland. The cattle from Lingle’s herd at the Wye Plantation ranch had a big impact on Ottmann’s herd and the phenotype you now see in his pastures. One thing Ottmann does face as he raises his cattle north of the Mason Dixon line is fescue foot. “This is something that
we and our neighboring states face. I’ve found that the Brangus breed can make a huge impact on reducing or eliminating the fescue foot problem that we face.”
Fescue foot can result from warm fall weather and is detected by the slight swelling in the rear ankles and possible breaks in the skin from the top of the hoof up above the dew claw, and/or detection of limping. By the time hooves on hind feet show to be red in color, gangrene may have set in. Ottmann has seen how the Brangus genetics in his own herd have reduced the problems most in his area face when it comes to fescue foot and says many producers from the Iowa area are interested in his Brangus cattle as they too face issues with fescue foot.
As far as marketing his cattle goes, Ottmann says a buyer wants to know just as much about the seller as they do the cattle and enjoys building a relationship with those he markets cattle to and focuses on marketing his cattle commercially.
He acknowledges that the maternal value of the Brangus, combined with a touch of ear, lends itself to fewer health issues in the pasture and in the long run creates value for producers, “especially as the economy of today means producers have less and less time to spend in the pasture,” he said.
Ottmann is very focused on and passionate about parent verification for the breed and advocates for an open
book operation to help decrease or eliminate genetic defects. “Fellow breeders need to know where the source of problems is and parent verification is a priceless aspect of this in the purebred business,” Ottmann shared.
Ottmann’s involvement with the breed and the industry as a whole included a tenure as president of the IBBA and he has recently been focused on carcass work. “I helped start a 4-H carcass show at a nearby packing plant and it has been a very rewarding experience to see exhibitors who didn’t get the blue ribbon in the show ring leave with a blue ribbon from the carcass show,” Ottmann said.
For his own herd and carcass value, amongst other traits, Ottmann uses and sells bulls sired by Milam, Patriot, Affirmed B820X9, Ike 596U4 and Lambert 317R3. His herd bloodlines also include WSR Rocky Joe 650, one of the premier foundation sires of the breed in the early ‘80s and a sire recognized internationally for his impact on the breed.
When you think of James Ottmann, it’s only natural to associate him and his name with his love for the breed and his passion for spreading the good news about Brangus cattle and what they can do for you. Ottmann Brangus at Valley View Ranch is producing and marketing Brangus cattle that work for the area and bring value, alongside their desire to spread Brangus genetics everywhere they go.
Betty Brice was born April 6, 1938 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. She completed high school at Monte Cassino Catholic School in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1956. Betty attended nursing school in Kansas City, Kansas, became a Registered Nurse in 1960, and then joined the United States Army as a Second Lieutenant. After basic training in San Antonio, Texas, she attended OB-GYN Advanced Training in El Paso, Texas, and was assigned to the 319th Station Hospital in Verdun, France in 1961 as a 1st Lieutenant. Accompanied by her mother, Louise Brice, Betty served in France and Germany for three years. Betty then returned to San Antonio, Texas in 1965 for the Advanced Nursing Course through the Advanced Officer Training program with the Academy of Health Sciences at Fort Sam Houston. Betty was later assigned to Fitzsimons Army General Hospital in Colorado for seven years as a Captain. In 1970 she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Loretto Heights College in Denver, Colorado and was sent to Okinawa, Japan as a Major. Upon completion of her service in Japan, Betty was immediately accepted at Columbia University for their Master’s Degree program and Betty went on to earn her Nurse Midwifery Degree and Master of Science in Nursing from Columbia University in
New York, New York. Teaching assignments upon completion of her education included teaching as a Professor at the Walter Reed Army Institution of Nursing with the University of Maryland and in Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, where Betty developed the Army OB-GYN Nurse Practitioner’s Course as a Lieutenant Colonel. Betty served as consultant to the United States Surgeon General in Washington D.C. where she authored “A Preface for OB-GYN Specialty” and received an award from the United States Surgeon General for her work. While in service at Fort Sam Houston, Texas toward the end of her career, Betty was awarded Professional Designator for OB-GYN, was assigned as a Health Science Command Staff Officer for the Nursing Science Division, and was ultimately promoted to Chief of the Nursing Science Division, Academy of Health Sciences, as a Colonel. Over the course of her career, Col. Brice received a number of military awards and honors including “Meritorious Service Medal (1st Oak Leaf Cluster),” “Meritorious Unit Commendation,” “Army Good Conduct Medal,” “National Defense Service Medal,” “Army Service Ribbon,” two “Overseas Service Ribbons,” and the “Expert Field Medical Badge.” Col. Brice retired in 1987. Betty then undertook the job of fulltime rancher, raising registered Brangus cattle for over 30 years. She was an active member of the International Brangus Breeder’s Association and Texas Brangus Breeder’s Association. Betty was a devoted member of the Catholic church and an active parishioner of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Schertz, Texas. She selflessly served others through the Sacristans Committee, Bereavement Committee, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EHMC) Committee, and the Eucharistic Minister and Homebound ministries. Betty was predeceased by her beloved mother, Lilly Louise Newman Brice, in 1987. Betty is survived by her ranch partner Betty Rae Sewell of Schertz, Texas; her sister (affectionately known to her as her “sissy”) Nancy Jones; her adoring niece, Martina, and her husband, Johnny Longoria, Jr.; her two grandnieces Hannah Longoria and Elena Longoria of Pearland, Texas. Also very dear to Betty were Sherilyn and Stan Dugan of Corsicana, Texas, Katie and Tim Moe of Weatherford, Texas, and their sons Tyler and Tucker Moe. Her Longoria and Sewell families became extra special to Betty and she loved spending special occasions and holidays with them. She was an example of a life well lived. She will be missed by all those she touched in this life beyond measure.
Carson loved cattle and livestock shows, working, his dogs, raising his bottle calves, fishing, gardening, bird watching, and talking football with his nephews. Over the years Carson and the Wyman Creek Brangus family traveled many miles across the U.S. to cattle shows, sale and Brangus events. As a very selfless individual Carson was a genuine and dedicated supporter of the dreams and visions of those around him.
Carson also enjoyed telling a good story, about his work experiences and shenanigans there, his time as a 4-H leader in El Dorado and Nevada Counties in California, and life in general. He also enjoyed telling a good joke, and they could range from mildly to wildly inappropriate.
After moving to Summersville, Missouri in 2016, Carson eagerly anticipated the annual return of the fireflies every spring.
In the last year, Carson found great joy in spending time with his newest granddaughter Josephine.
Larry Carson was preceded in death by his parents George and Agnes and his sister Sharon Eversult.
Larry Earl Carson was born to George Henry and Agnes Amelia (Butters) Carson on June 7, 1942. He passed away at his home in Summersville, Missouri December 2, 2022 at the age of 80.
Larry proudly served his country in the United States Army during the Vietnam conflict, then returned home to work as a maintenance splicer for AT&T until his retirement after 41 years, 7 months and 1 day of service.
Carson, as he preferred to be called (his brother in law is Larry), became husband to Carolyn Belden and Daddy to Annie Belden on December 25, 2001.
Carson is survived and will be deeply missed by his wife Carolyn, son Clint Carson and his partner Jennifer Milne; grandson, Brandon and his wife Brittany; great-grandchildren Bode and Gracee; a granddaughter, Ashley Carson White and her husband Steve and great-grandchildren Aubrey and Amelia; daughter, Lenore Cossey and her husband James; granddaughter, Devin Cossey; grandson, Isaac Cossey; daughter, Annie and granddaughter Josephine as well as stepdaughters, Sondra (Higby) Murphy and Heather (Higby) Gardner and his nephews Adam, Nick and Neal Roenspie.
Cattle, fresh grass, tropical climate, hospitality, great food, and… connecting with fellow breeders. These are just a few words that come to mind when recalling the week our team spent in Colombia. Most importantly, it was evident that ‘Any Country is Brangus Country’.
Before getting into the details and experiences our breeders had in Colombia, it is essential to understand the current conditions our fellow breeders face in Colombia.
Colombia is home to more than 51 million people with an annual growth of ~10%. Despite this growth, agriculture GDP has remained a stable 6.8% with livestock encompassing half of this total. Colombia has many different high ranks: 2nd most biodiverse country in the world, 13th in the world for beef, and #7 this year in U.S. imports worldwide. This can be attributed to the 10-year anniversary of the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement. Coincidentally, this marked the 200th anniversary of U.S.-Colombia diplomatic relations making Colombia one of our strongest allies in South America.
To start our trip, Association Angus & Brangus Colombia and their breeders hosted an interactive presentation to boost our knowledge about their country and ranching practices. The association is currently celebrating its 25th anniversary with a total of 200+ active breeders. Sustainable agriculture and environmentally friendly practices
are very well known and used at a majority of the ranches. This has created their current marketing campaign as well as consumer education promotions to bring awareness to what these practices entail. Diana Guzman with Hacienda La Florida spoke about the differences between Colombia Brangus, and how genetically, the Brangus are closer to 5/8 [Brahman] and 3/8 [Angus] due to environmental adaptation and selection pressure. “We have noticed with Brangus, the female is very good and most are retained for our [commercial] program.”
Colombia is known to have lots of access to the necessary, cheapest cattle need: grass. Due to the abundance of grass, as Colombia is on the equator and has a consistent temperature year-round, all cattle fattening is grass-fed. Daniel Osorio of Delta Brangus emphasized, “The frame [moderate] is important because they only have grass yearround.” Most grass is deficient in Phosphorus and protein with aluminum and salt being a too-concentrated soil issue; therefore, supplementation is a part of all forage management practices. Felipe Toro with Hacienda La Florida stated, “We use sugar cane to supplement during the wet season,” as well as grass silage and hay use. Three man-made reservoirs collect rainwater, water troughs for cattle in every paddock (876 paddocks) by pressure piped from wells, 78 rotations, and manual weeding of the pasture to prevent the jungle from
taking over are just some of the few management practices implemented at Hacienda La Florida. Due to this operation scale, it is no surprise they have a team of 142 people. Additionally, newer technologies are starting to be implemented to further advance the programs in Colombia. Hacienda Pino utilizes a central pivot system with water from the Sinú River to grow Mombasa grass. Toro said, “The cattle go in when the grass is about three feet tall and go out when it is down to about one foot. When the grass recovers to three feet, which takes about 14 days on the pivot system, the next group goes in.” This is not traditional nor commonplace in Colombia but has been an essential component for Pino to produce grass year-round for their cattle as well as minimize the stay time at the ranch for most animals.
Toro added, “Our embryos always have a percentage that will not work [adapt] like those with long hair.”
As with all genetic programs, environmental adaptability plays a key role in an animal’s ability to be successful on the Colombian operations and determines whether they are culled or kept. Mas Finca utilizes Brangus commercial cows for recipient dams and does about 40% ET work, followed by natural service. Juan Fernando with Hacienda Francia y Lusitania discussed the requirements for their operation to consider an animal as a donor dam: embryos are never collected from heifers, and the dam must have successfully had two natural calves before consideration. 90% AI/ET insemination occurs in some regions excluding the coastal and plains area. More embryos are collected from flushes than what is inseminated. Colombia and Association Angus & Brangus Colombia
(above) Ranch hands working the cattle wearing traditional “sombreros vueltiaos”.
both have multiple stewardship awards and programs that our Colombian breeders are actively completing to have certificates for proper management of those practices.
Ganadería MásFinca, a family ranch raising Brangus for the past 25 years, is proud to do its part for the environment and bring sustainability. For every animal that the ranch sacrifices [slaughters], a tree is planted. Pino ranch also has government environmental stewardship which requires one to plant ten trees for every tree removed. This has resulted in the mass planting of more than 17,000 trees due to their pivot system installation (pictured on page 26).
Along with sustainable and environmentally friendly beef practices, “The market has demands for F1 Brangus
embryos, Angus by Brahman crosses, that are moderate, slick, and structurally sound,” said Orosco. “It is important to keep those without hair [slick].”
The market also demands a better price for red Brahman genetics over greys, so Ganadería MásFinca is trying to incorporate these genetics into their herd.
Craig Green with Cavender-Draggin’ M and Partners (CDP) said, “Compared to what you would see in Texas, these have a bit more Brahman, more ear, but the sheaths are clean. For the climate, it looks like the cattle are what you need and are in the right direction.” The association provides breeders with a seal that can be used to advertise Brangus Colombia grass-fed products in addition to a Brangus-certified seal. Colombia’s cattle industry has vertical integration, compared to the beef industry of the U.S. which is comprised of sectors. Due to this, the Colombia association has Angus & Brangus beef certificates that are used to advertise Brangus genetics and place on packaged beef. ( Most ranches hire out the slaughter process which is a service fee and sell their beef to local shops, chain stores, and restaurants. In these conditions, all beef produced can be tied to the birth, pedigree, and all animal information for its life, including health history.
Alicante Angus and Brangus is a ranch, processing facility, burger chain, and restaurant. Right now, they handle only five animals a week, but that is based on the availability
Vega owner of Alicante, remarked, “I am buying cattle from other breeders in the association, but I need more. I only work with Brangus, which has [good] tenderness and marbling [not as much as the U.S. due to grass fed].” Alicante sells meat from their processing facility which includes prime hamburgers: 100% natural, free of additives and preservatives, and 2% or less fat content.
“We are getting better so others are too; lots of people come to see us
of Brangus and the needs of the restaurant. Pablo Our group snaps a photo together in front of the cattle grazing the pivot system at see how we do it because this is the only meat shop classified as good by inspectors since we are enclosed compared to others.” Nikki Jackson with TDA remarked, “I think it is amazing you are setting the stage for standards for quality processing in the country.”
Vega uses his restaurant and three chains to educate the consumer about the quality of Brangus. “They think all meat is equal.” Vega is teaching his customers: the quality of Brangus, cooking to medium rather than welldone, marbling versus fat, how to enjoy Brangus products, and beef knowledge. “The people are starting to realize by going to my restaurant the quality of my beef and they say they like my beef [quality].” As with the U.S., education of the consumer by the rancher and others in the beef industry is a need that continues to be at the front of one’s mind. Trends are present but are more niche markets. The main goal is to teach the consumer that there are differences between beef rather than everything being equal or average.
Our breeders who traveled to Colombia found many aspects insightful. “I was most impressed by the Colombia producer’s ranch management practices and record keeping which was top notch. They could easily compete against top U.S. producers in their records, data collection, management
practices, and the fact that they measure everything,” stated Abby Roasa with Santa Rosa Ranch. Bill Austin with Bill Austin Brangus said, “It was a very eyeopening experience,” and all those in attendance agreed completely. Not only did we learn about the culture, Brangus cattle, and management practices for the country, we made friendships that are sure to continue to grow as will the Brangus enthusiasm. We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to our Colombia breeders for being such gracious hosts and sharing their knowledge and practices. Additionally, we cannot thank enough the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) and SUSTA for sponsoring our activities with Colombia this year. We have all been able to network, grow our knowledge, and look forward to developing those relations in the coming years. As we look to the future, we can be certain that Colombia Country is Brangus Country.
Commercial cattle…Can’t live without them, but where do they fit into the registered animal world? IBBA staff has received numerous questions from members regarding the use of commercial sires and dams lately, so we would like to share the ins and outs of how and when they should be used, as well as how to create them in the Regstr system. There are a couple instances where members use commercial sires and/or dams. One of the more obvious situations is using commercial dams as recipient dams for embryo transfer matings. Some of our members have used commercial recipient dams to get started with their registered Brangus herd. Other members use commercial dams and sires to breed percentage calves in our Brangus Built program, which are progeny resulting from a firstgeneration cross between a commercial animal and a registered Brangus, Red Brangus, Ultrablack, or Ultrared, with no restrictions as to whether the sire or dam is the commercial half of the pedigree. Many juniors show these Brangus Built animals in the NJBS percentage show. Whenever it comes time to register these calves, members often have trouble knowing how to create the commercial side of the pedigree, or how to create their commercial recipient dam.
Navigating Regstr can sometimes seem like a daunting task if you are unfamiliar with parts of it. Rest assured, the more you use it, the easier it gets. As with most functions, there are two different ways to get to our ‘Non-
Registered Animal Creation’ page. When you first log on to your Regstr account, you will be on your dashboard. Underneath the ‘Welcome (Member Name)’ will be links reading the following: Home / My Options / My Animals. When you click on ‘My Options,’ you will see several more topics listed under ‘Animals.’ The fourth selection, ‘Create Non-Registered Animal’ will get you to the correct page. The second way to reach this page is from the menu displayed on the far left of your screen that should include your dashboard, animals, billing, breeding, DNA, exports/ reports, membership, performance, and search. First, select the ‘Animals’ tab, which will give you more options to choose from. On this list, you’re going to want to
select the ‘Create Non-Registered’ button. Once you reach the ‘Non-Registered Animal Creation’ page, you will be prompted to fill out a very simple form which requires only the animal’s name, private herd number (PHN), breed, sex, and birth date. You may also add a comment if you choose to. After these forms are filled, simply click the submit button at the bottom, and the system will give you
a commercial registration number, which will have a CM prefix. Commercial animals will show up in your active animals list and can be selected and added the same way as registered animals can on the registration and DNA order pages. As always, if you have any questions or get stuck, IBBA staff is just a call or email away, so please feel free to reach out.
FeMALe DiVisiONs
Junior Heifer Calf Champion: ACC KELSEA B 649K3, Cleavie Allen, Crockett,
Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion: GKB TANK'S LADY AMBER 150K8, GKB Cattle, Desdemona,
Midnight Star 804J38, MP Brangus, Waco, TX
Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion: RCC MS MAJESTIC 1252J, Tyler Kasner, Rosebud, TX
Summer Champion Heifer: SB MS Crosscut 313J5, Eris Basey, Florence, TX
Reserve Summer Champion Heifer: PP Miss Mi Amor 915J9, Pack Ponderosa, Boyd, TX
Junior Champion Heifer: GKB MISS TANK 88J2, GKB Cattle, Desdemona, TX
Reserve Junior Champion Heifer: GT MS Tank 804J4, Eris Basey, Florence, TX
Senior Champion Heifer: MP MISS SWEETIE 38H42, GKB Cattle, Desdemona, TX
Reserve Senior Champion Heifer: WRC MS PRESIDENTE 582H3, Hannah Vissering, Omaha, TX
reD FeMALe DiVisiONs
Red Junior Heifer Calf Champion: GKB NICOLE 334K8, GKB Cattle, Desdemona, TX
Red Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion: Tajo Ms George 59K3, Tajo Ranch, Waller, TX, KO’s Cattle Service, Waxahachie, TX
Red Senior Heifer Calf Champion: Tajo Ms Adela 204J9, Tajo Ranch, Waller, Texas, KO’s Cattle Service, Waxahachie, TX
GrAND chAMPiON BrANGUs BULL GKB PERFECT STORM 804H20 GKB Cattle, Desdemona, Texas
reserVe chAMPiON BrANGUs BULL 6B John Boy 804J10 Eris Basey, Florence, Texas
Summer Champion Bull: 6B John Boy 804J10, Eris Basey, Florence, TX
Junior Champion Bull: LB MR TITLEIST 915J3, GKB Cattle, Desdemona, TX
Reserve Junior Champion Bull: MP Mr Magnum 804J65, MP Brangus, Waco, TX
Senior Champion Bull: GKB PERFECT STORM 804H20, GKB Cattle, Desdemona, TX
GrAND chAMPiON reD BrANGUs BULL BROKEN A GKB VALDEZ 841H GKB Cattle, Desdemona, Texas
& Genetics, Mabank, TX, Genetica Triple F, Tepatitlan, Jalisco, MX
Red Reserve Intermediate Senior Champion Bull: KWM Mr Creedmores Yucatan, Eagle Lake, TX
Red Senior Champion Bull: BROKEN A GKB VALDEZ 841H, GKB Cattle, Desdemona, TX
Red Reserve Senior Champion Bull: CX LD
TRIO Cattle & Genetics, Mabank, Texas, Genetica Triple F, Tepatitlan, Jalisco, Mexico
Red Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion: 59/J DREAM TIME'S T-N-T, Kenna Smith, Aubrey, TX
Red Summer Champion Heifer: KTS Ms Stella 800J, KTS Cattle, New Ulm, Texas, KO’s Cattle Service, Waxahachie, TX
Red Reserve Summer Champion Heifer: Dos XX's Dynamite's Kiss Me, Dos XX’s Cattle Company, Washington, TX
Red Junior Champion Heifer: Tajo Ms Kena 307J4, Tajo Ranch, Waller, TX, KO’s Cattle Service, Waxahachie, TX
Red Reserve Junior Champion Heifer: CX DREAM'S QUEEN 157J, Cox Excalibur Brangus, Weimar, TX
Junior Bull Calf Champion: BB Cross Canadian 150K3, Burns Brangus, Wharton, TX
Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion: GKB TANK 390K9, GKB Cattle, Desdemona, TX
Senior Bull Calf Champion: ACC HIGH FIVE 674J15, Katherine Allen, Crockett, TX
Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion: MP Mr Risky Business 150J35, MP Brangus, Waco, TX
Reserve Senior Champion Bull: KL TROUBADOUR 77H, K&L Brangus, Gillette, TX
reD BULL DiVisiONs:
Red Junior Bull Calf Champion: Tajo Walk Off 59K7, Tajo Ranch, Waller, TX, KO’s Cattle Service, Waxahachie, TX
Red Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion: Tajo Night Cap 307K2, Tajo Ranch, Waller, TX, KO’s Cattle Service, Waxahachie, TX
Red Senior Bull Calf Champion: GCC Jefe Grande 225J1, Greenwood Cattle Company, Plantersville, TX, KO’s Cattle Service, Waxahachie, TX
Red Summer Champion Bull: VILLA'S VALENTINO 59J14, Villa Ranch, Brookshire, TX
Red Reserve Summer Champion Bull: Dos XX's Dynamite's Rock, Dos XX’s Cattle Company, Washington, TX
Red Junior Champion Bull: PJ MR DYNASTY 10J2, Pump Jack Cattle Co., Victoria, TX
Red Reserve Junior Champion Bull: CX FOREVER HARLEY 74J, Cox Excalibur Brangus, Weimar, TX
Red Intermediate Senior Champion Bull: TRIO'S FFF HURACAN 101H3, TRIO Cattle
GrAND chAMPiON ULtrA FeMALe MGS TRIO’S JABELLA 700J TRIO Cattle & Genetics, Mabank, Texas
reserVe chAMPiON ULtrA FeMALe GKB MISS BELLA 118J GKB Cattle, Desdemona, Texas
ULtrA FeMALe DiVisiONs:
Ultra Junior Heifer Calf Champion: GKB DIXIE LADY 436K7, GKB Cattle, Desdemona, TX
Ultra Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion: MP Miss Wall Street 4K2, MP Brangus, Waco, TX
Ultra Senior Heifer Calf Champion: GKB MISS BELLA 118J, GKB Cattle, Desdemona, TX
Ultra Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion: Champ Ms Black Widow 150J6, Champions Valley Brangus, Schulenburg, TX
Ultra Summer Champion Heifer: MGS TRIO'S JABELLA 700J, TRIO Cattle and Genetics, Mabank, TX
Ultra Junior Champion Heifer: MCC Miss Dixie 17J, Payton Hanson, Dayton, TX
Ultra Junior Bull Calf Champion: GKB UNMATCHED 390K11, GKB Cattle, Desdemona, TX
GrAND chAMPiON ULtrA PAir Hannah Savannah Hanson, Dayton, Texas
GrAND chAMPiON ULtrA BULL MC RANGER 924H9 GKB Cattle, Desdemona, Texas
Ultra Senior Bull Calf Champion: Champ Mr Limitless 150J7, Champions Valley Brangus, Schulenberg, TX
Ultra Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion: SKYHAWKS BRILLIANCE 430J11, Skyhawk Brangus, Tyler, TX
Ultra Summer Champion Bull: DIAMOND JV JOKER 23J, Cheyene Durheim, Spring, TX
Ultra Junior Champion Bull: 3B Mr. Crew 804J1, Blayze Saltzman, Iowa, LA
Ultra Senior Champion Bull: MC RANGER 924H9, GKB Cattle, Desdemona, TX
MNR MS LIZZO 535H Madilyn Nichols, Kathleen, Florida
FeMALe DiVisiONs:
Junior Heifer Calf Champion: LB MS FARRAH 36K, Emily Lerrelier, Citra, FL
Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion: W5 MISS LADY KYRA, W5 Cattle, Christmas, FL
Senior Heifer Calf Champion: LB MS OPAL 1252J1, Emily Lettelier, Citra, FL
Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion: HCT MISS SLOAN 449J, Casey Delona Harper, Haines City, FL
Summer Champion Heifer: TCR BELINDA 302J8, Railee Steele, Gainesville, FL
Reserve Summer Champion Heifer: HCT MISS CAMMIE 956J, Hannah Wren, Christmas, FL
Junior Champion Heifer: LB MS JOLENE, Emily Lettelier, Citra, FL
Reserve Junior Champion Heifer: W5 MISS MACEY, W5 Cattle, Christmas, FL
Senior Champion Heifer: MC DELILAH 628H5, JW Bass, Okeechobee, FL
Reserve Senior Champion Heifer: VCC Azucena, Gracie Ceballos, Okeechobee, FL
reD FeMALe DiVisiONs:
Red Junior Heifer Calf Champion: MM 98K, Hannah Stegall, Lake Wales, FL
Red Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion: MARVEL FARMS MISS 1022, Marvel Farms, High Springs, FL
Red Senior Heifer Calf Champion: MM 844/J1, Madison Stokes, Lake Wales, FL
Red Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion: MM 10J, Brittany Steele, Lakeland, FL
Red Summer Champion Heifer: M&M 198/J, Federico Gonzalez Reyna, Dade City, FL
Red Junior Champion Heifer: M&M 844/J, Payge Dupre, Kathleen, FL
Red Reserve Junior Champion Heifer: MARVELS JUST A VALENTINE 621, Marvel Farms, High Springs, FL
ULtrA FeMALe DiVisiONs:
Ultra Junior Heifer Calf Champion: TT MS PENNY 121K, Truman Taylor, Lakeland, FL
Ultra Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion: MNR MS RITA 535K2, Payge Dupre, Kathleen, FL
Ultra Senior Heifer Calf Champion: CT MS FINLEY 108J2, Carlee Taylor, Lakeland, FL
Ultra Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion: JB WINDY 14J, JW Bass, Okeechobee, FL
Ultra Summer Champion Heifer: CT MS ANOKA 137J, Carlee Taylor, Lakeland, FL
Ultra Junior Champion Heifer: RLJ MISS PENELOPE 4J, Amber Jimenez, Gainesville, FL
Ultra Reserve Junior Champion Heifer: TT MS PAYTON 44J, Truman Taylor, Lakeland, FL
Ultra Senior Champion Heifer: MNR MS LIZZO 535H, Madilyn Nichols, Kathleen, FL
Ultra Reserve Senior Champion Heifer: W5 MISS ROSE 215H, W5 Cattle, Christmas, FL
Junior Bull Calf Champion: LB MR BLACK SMOKE, Emily Lettelier, Citra, FL
Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion: HCT MR BRUTUS 767K, Casey Delona Harper, Haines City, FL
Senior Bull Calf Champion: VCC ENCANTO, Isabella Carrillo, Okeechobee, FL
Summer Champion Bull: CT MR TAMP 814J, Carlee Taylor, Lakeland, FL
Reserve Summer Champion Bull: KHR MR MATER 3J1, Greg Kight, Christmas, FL
Junior Champion Bull: MR MS CHEECHO 767J5, Rilee Bennett, Lake Wales, FL
Reserve Junior Champion Bull: LB MR CONWAY, Emily Lettelier, Citra, FL
Intermediate Senior Champion Bull: JR MR HERSHEY 2H5, Bar JR Farm, Glen St. Mary, FL
reD BULL DiVisiONs: Red Junior Bull Calf Champion: MARVELS GOLD STANDARD 2022, Marvel Farms, High Springs, FL
Red Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion: MM 237K, Hannah Stegall, Lake Wales, FL
Red Senior Bull Calf Champion: MM MR TURBO 844/J2, Rilee Bennett, Lake Walkes, FL
Red Junior Champion Bull: MARVELS MR CRUZ, W5 Cattle, Christmas, FL
Ultra Junior Bull Calf Champion: CT MR FORBES 108K2, Carlee Taylor, Lakeland, FL
Ultra Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion: JB HERSHEYS WITH ALMONDS, JW Bass, Okeechobee, FL
Ultra Senior Bull Calf Champion: JR MR JUDD 98J6, Bar JR Farm, Glen St. Mary, FL
Ultra Junior Champion Bull: JR MR JACK 55J, Bar JR Farm, Glen St. Mary, FL
59 Brangus & Ultra lots grossed $239,350 to average $4,057
11 commercial lots grossed $11,200 to average $1,018
The total sale grossed $250,550
6 - sets of Embryos grossed $25,750, to average $4,292
3 -3-N-1 grossed $13,950, to average $4,650
7 - bred cows grossed $25,400 to average $3,629
14 – bred heifers grossed $42,350 to average $3,025
11 – pairs grossed $74,500 to average $6,773
20 – open heifers grossed $50,250 to average $2,512
2 – bulls grossed $7,150 to average $3,575
Buyers from 6 states were on hand to compete for the high quality lots consigned by 20 breeders across the Southeast.
High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 3 ACC Helen 674H10 - $9,000
The highest selling lot MS. Boulder 000F16 with a heifer calf at her side, consigned by Vanna Farms, was purchased by L & K Farms for $26,000.
High Selling IVF Slot Lot 29 Sexed Female IVF Slot with Slugger - $4,100
High Selling Semen Lot 100 Slugger Semen – 2 Straws @ $8,000/straw
The volume buyer was Eagle Ridge Farms, Cottondale, Al -purchased 12 lots All consigners and buyers are greatly appreciated. The 2023 Cut Above Sale will be in Cullman, AL on April 29, 2023 at 10:00 am
High Selling Bull Prospect Lot 4 ACC Kosmo 674K5 - $4,250
High Selling ARB Lot 6 ACC Patty Cake 411K - $11,000
163 buyers from 12 states and Mexico were greeted by pleasant spring weather, mild temperature and welcoming hospitality from the hosts at Cavenders Neches River Ranch.
High Selling Brangus Show Heifer Lot 1 ACC Kora 674K4 - $26,000
High Selling Ultrablack Heifer Lot 20 ACC Bonita 25K4 - $5,000
High Selling Embryos - Lot 30 Slugger x 674X2 - $1000
at the 2nd annual CDP Spring Female Production Sale. The sale featured Registered Brangus and Ultrablack cattle from the CDP group as well as customers and included 450 commercial cattle, many with calves at side sired by CDP bulls. The bidding was fast paced and furious as demand for quality Brangus seedstock ran high.
High Selling Flush - Lot 5 OCR Fame 791F - $7,500
High Selling Gelding Lot 21 MCC Shining Chex - $34,000
The day’s top selling female, at $25,000 was Lot 85, PR MS Crossroads 129J7. This powerful open heifer was consigned by Pennridge Farms, Paige, Tx. Her dam is a full sister to the dam of Modello and Herndon Farms, Lyons, Ga was the winning bidder.
Briggs Ranch, Bloomington TX and Harris Riverbend Farms, Cleburne, TX teamed to eran the bid of $24,000 for Lot 107, MS DMR Resource 415J52. She was another
14 – bred heifers grossed $42,350 to average $3,025
11 – pairs grossed $74,500 to average $6,773
20 – open heifers grossed $50,250 to average $2,512
2 – bulls grossed $7,150 to average $3,575
AI Bred Pairs / Heavy Bred Brangus / Brangus Super Baldies Grossed $195,200
Buyers from 6 states were on hand to compete for the high quality lots consigned by 20 breeders across the Southeast. The highest selling lot MS. Boulder 000F16 with a heifer calf at her side, consigned by Vanna Farms, was purchased by L & K Farms for $26,000.
86 Lots $2,732
The volume buyer was Eagle Ridge Farms, Cottondale, Al -purchased 12 lots
AI Bred Brangus / Brangus Super Baldies Heifers Grossed $234,950
98 Lots $2,780
All consigners and buyers are greatly appreciated. The 2023 Cut Above Sale will be in Cullman, AL on April 29, 2023 at 10:00 am
NS Brangus / F1 / Super Baldie Pairs / Heavy Bred Heifers Grossed $272,450
217 Lots $2,385
the AI service of CB Masterpiece 2051F and CB Growth Fund 2051G11. The sale featured pairs, bred heifers, and open heifers.
449 Commercial Females grossed $1,171,500 to average $2,609
163 buyers from 12 states and Mexico were greeted by pleasant spring weather, mild temperature and welcoming hospitality from the hosts at Cavenders Neches River Ranch.
Two pens of 6 Brangus Females from Cavenders Neches River Ranch with 60-day old A.I. calves at side sired by CB Masterpiece 2051F and CB Growth Fund 2051G11 sold to Yugo Ranch, Laredo Texas for $3,600 per head.
at the 2nd annual CDP Spring Female Production Sale. The sale featured Registered Brangus and Ultrablack cattle from the CDP group as well as customers and included 450 commercial cattle, many with calves at side sired by CDP bulls. The bidding was fast paced and furious as demand for quality Brangus seedstock ran high.
Triple T Farms, Fayette Alabama paid $3,550 for a pen of 5 Brangus Females from Cavenders Neches River Ranch with 60-day old A.I. calves at side sired by CB Masterpiece 2051F and CB Growth Fund 2051G11.
Two pens of Bred heifers from Sewell Brangus, Eldorado AR topped the bred heifers at $3,100. They were AI’d to low BW CDP bulls and sold to Addison Brangus Farms Winfield AL and to Triple T Farms.
The day’s top selling female, at $25,000 was Lot 85, PR MS Crossroads 129J7. This powerful open heifer was consigned by Pennridge Farms, Paige, Tx. Her dam is a full sister to the dam of Modello and Herndon Farms, Lyons, Ga was the winning bidder.
NS Brangus / F1 / Super Baldie Bred Heifers Grossed $517,550
1 Registered Brangus Herd Sire grossed $15,000 to average $15,000
112 Lots $1,600
Open Brangus Heifers Grossed $179,150
7 Brangus and Ultrablack 3N1’s grossed $67,500 to average $9,643
10 Brangus and Ultrablack Donors grossed $79,500 to average $7,950
Kevin Odenbach, Caldwell, TX topped the open heifers at $2,100 when bought a pen of 5 from Craig and Anita Green, Floral AR.
Briggs Ranch, Bloomington TX and Harris Riverbend Farms, Cleburne, TX teamed to eran the bid of $24,000 for Lot 107, MS DMR Resource 415J52. She was another stout open heifer and was consigned by CDP Partner, Draggin M Ranch, Eldorado, Arkansas.
B/K Beef LLC, Boerne, TX was the purchaser of the next high selling lot when they paid $22,500 to own Lot 42, MS DMR Empire 222H5. This bred heifer, safe to Growth Fund,
14 Spring Pairs grossed $45,750 to average $3,268
571 Lots $2,451
AI Bred Pairs / Heavy Bred Brangus / Brangus Super Baldies Grossed $1,399,300
25 Fall bred Brangus and Ultrablack Heifers grossed $183,250 to average $7,330
65 Open Brangus and Ultrablack Heifers grossed $318,500 to average $4,900
3 Fall Pairs and Pregnant Recipients grossed $13,750 to average $4,583
A great crowd was on hand to snap up the high quality and well-conditioned commercial females offered in the 18th annual Fall Production sale of Cavender Ranch and Cavender, Dragging M and Partners and their customers.
The offering featured many value-added lots carrying
The highest selling lot MS. Boulder 000F16 with a heifer calf at her side, consigned by Vanna Farms, was purchased by L & K Farms for $26,000.
The volume buyer was Eagle Ridge Farms, Cottondale, Al -purchased 12 lots
All consigners and buyers are greatly appreciated. The 2023 Cut Above Sale will be in Cullman, AL on April 29, 2023 at 10:00 am
1 Registered Brangus Herd Sire grossed $15,000 to average $15,000
7 Brangus and Ultrablack 3N1’s grossed $67,500 to average $9,643
10 Brangus and Ultrablack Donors grossed $79,500 to average $7,950
14 Spring Pairs grossed $45,750 to average $3,268
25 Fall bred Brangus and Ultrablack Heifers grossed $183,250 to average $7,330
65 Open Brangus and Ultrablack Heifers grossed $318,500 to average $4,900
3 Fall Pairs and Pregnant Recipients grossed $13,750 to average $4,583
Brangus, Ultrablack and Charolais Bulls from Cavender Draggin M and Partners attracted a standing room only crowd on a brisk fall day for the 18th annual production sale at Cavenders Neches River Ranch. 294 registered buyers from 16 states and Mexico packed the stands. The Saturday event capped a weekend of great hospitality and camaraderie
125 Registered Lots grossed $723,250 to average $5,786 Commercial Females
324 Commercial pairs with Brangus and Ultrablack calves at side grossed $890,500 to average $2,748
along with an elite offering of Brangus genetics. Bulls were offered to fit the needs and price ranges of both registered and commercial customers with 27 prospects selling for $10,000 and more and 72 bulls selling for $4,500 or less. The bulls offered were met with glowing reviews and were snapped up at a torrid pace.
59 Brangus and Super Baldy Bred Heifers grossed $140,950 to average $2,389
66 Open Brangus Heifers grossed $140,050 to average $2,122
449 Commercial Females grossed $1,171,500 to average $2,609
The day’s $110,000 high seller was Lot 100, DMR Top Gun 535J19. This calving ease prospect sired by Justified was phenotypically superior with elite carcass credentials. Full possession and ½ semen interest sold to Gustavo Camarena by Draggin M Ranch, Eldorado, AR.
163 buyers from 12 states and Mexico were greeted by pleasant spring weather, mild temperature and welcoming hospitality from the hosts at Cavenders Neches River Ranch.
The second high selling herd sire prospect was Lot 102, PV Frontline 697J2, at $90,000. GKB Cattle, Desdemona, TX was the purchaser of this big topped, clean sheathed, wide body. He was sold by Platte Valley Brangus, Burden, KS.
at the 2nd annual CDP Spring Female Production Sale. The sale featured Registered Brangus and Ultrablack cattle from the CDP group as well as customers and included 450 commercial cattle, many with calves at side sired by CDP bulls. The bidding was fast paced and furious as demand for quality Brangus seedstock ran high.
Lot 101, CB New Standard 817J3 was tied for the third high selling herd sire prospect when DH Brangus, Gulf Shores, AL and TTT Brangus, Fayette, AL paid $70,000 to own full possession and ½ semen interest in this powerful Oracle son. He was sold by Cavender Brangus, Jacksonville, TX.
The day’s top selling female, at $25,000 was Lot 85, PR MS Crossroads 129J7. This powerful open heifer was consigned by Pennridge Farms, Paige, Tx. Her dam is a full sister to the dam of Modello and Herndon Farms, Lyons, Ga was the winning bidder.
Briggs Ranch, Bloomington TX and Harris Riverbend Farms, Cleburne, TX teamed to eran the bid of $24,000 for Lot 107, MS DMR Resource 415J52. She was another stout open heifer and was consigned by CDP Partner, Draggin M Ranch, Eldorado, Arkansas.
Also selling for $70,000 was Lot 104, TTT Monument 415J50. ½ Semen interest and full possession in this big ribbed, clean made and powerful Monument son was sold to GKB Cattle. He was sold by TTT Brangus. Three herd sire prospects were sold for $30,000. Lot 228, WAT Monument 99J33 sold ½ semen interest and full possession for $30,000 to The Eagles Ranch, Evergreen, LA. This deep made big bodied prospect was sold by Johnston Brangus, Letohatchee, AL.
B/K Beef LLC, Boerne, TX was the purchaser of the next high selling lot when they paid $22,500 to own Lot 42, MS DMR Empire 222H5. This bred heifer, safe to Growth Fund, was also consigned by Draggin M.
Also selling for $30,000 was Lot 229 as ½ semen interest and full possession of CB Prime Cut 60J30 sold to Hurla Farms, Paxico, KS. This heavy boned carcass king was sold by Cavender Brangus.
B/K Beef also purchased the day’s next high seller when they paid $20,000 to on Lot 41A, CB MS Capital Gain 117H20, another stylish bred heifer this time safe to Masterpiece. She was consigned by CDP Partner Cavender Brangus, Jacksonville, TX.
El Granizo De San Juan, Durango, Mexico purchased the next high seller when they paid $19,000 to own Lot 43, MS
Cavender Brangus and Bondfield Smith Partners, Australia teamed to pay $30,000 for 2/3 semen interest and full possession of Lot 103, DMR Monument 415J34. This big boned, loose made Monument son was sold by Draggin M.
Inaugural T3 & Pine Belt Alliance
Brangus Production Sale
November 25, 2022 | Purvis, MS
$24,000. This impressive lot was the opportunity to pick from over 40 spring born heifers in the T3 herd. Look for great things to come from this selection.
125 Registered Lots grossed $723,250 to average $5,786 Commercial Females
59 Brangus & Ultra lots grossed $239,350 to average $4,057
Lots Average
11 commercial lots grossed $11,200 to average $1,018
The total sale grossed $250,550
6 - sets of Embryos grossed $25,750, to average $4,292
3 -3-N-1 grossed $13,950, to average $4,650
7 - bred cows grossed $25,400 to average $3,629
14 – bred heifers grossed $42,350 to average $3,025
Registered Females 1 Pick of Spring Heifer Calves $24,000 5 Open Heifers $8,750 21 Spring Bred Cows $7,430 13 Spring Bred Heifers $5,950 5 Fall Pairs $4,800 45 Total Registered Females $7,225
11 – pairs grossed $74,500 to average $6,773
20 – open heifers grossed $50,250 to average $2,512
2 – bulls grossed $7,150 to average $3,575
Buyers from 6 states were on hand to compete for the high quality lots consigned by 20 breeders across the Southeast.
1 Semen Lot $10,250 35 Coming 2’s $8,036 21 Yearlings $6,155 57 Total Bulls $7,382
Commercial Females
The highest selling lot MS. Boulder 000F16 with a heifer calf at her side, consigned by Vanna Farms, was purchased by L & K Farms for $26,000.
The volume buyer was Eagle Ridge Farms, Cottondale, Al -purchased 12 lots
14 Pairs $2,515 46 Bred Heifers $2,001 44 Open Heifers $1,696 104 Total Commercials $1,941
All consigners and buyers are greatly appreciated. The 2023 Cut Above Sale will be in Cullman, AL on April 29, 2023 at 10:00 am
On the day, the sale grossed $947,600 from an enthusiastic crowd with standing room only. Cattle sold to 72 buyers in 11 states and Mexico.
The high selling lot of the day was lot 4, T3 MS NEVER SURRENDER 406J8. She is an impressive young donor with a stellar EPD profile that sold for $42,000 to a group consisting of American Cattle Enterprise, Plainview Farms, Vanna Farms, and Truitt Brangus Farms.
1 Registered Brangus Herd Sire grossed $15,000 to average $15,000
7 Brangus and Ultrablack 3N1’s grossed $67,500 to average $9,643
10 Brangus and Ultrablack Donors grossed $79,500 to average $7,950
14 Spring Pairs grossed $45,750 to average $3,268
The second high selling female of the day was lot 1, TAJO MS THREE D 23F4, the proven donor dam of the 23H, 23H5, 23H3, and 23H4 that have already generated over $150,000 in revenue. She sold for $25,000 to Dane McGinnis of Gunter, TX.
25 Fall bred Brangus and Ultrablack Heifers grossed $183,250 to average $7,330
65 Open Brangus and Ultrablack Heifers grossed $318,500 to average $4,900
3 Fall Pairs and Pregnant Recipients grossed $13,750 to average $4,583
The third high selling female was lot 8, selling to Herndon Farms of Lyons, GA for
The high selling bull was lot 55, another impressive 30D son, T3 NEVER ENOUGH 30J, selling to Chimney Rock Cattle Co. of Concord, AR for $35,000. This full sib to the popular Empower, made for a tremendous start to the bull sale. This bull has plenty of growth and power. We expect this bull to leave a lasting mark on the breed.
324 Commercial pairs with Brangus and Ultrablack calves at side grossed $890,500 to average $2,748
59 Brangus and Super Baldy Bred Heifers grossed $140,950 to average $2,389
66 Open Brangus Heifers grossed $140,050 to average $2,122
449 Commercial Females grossed $1,171,500 to average $2,609
The second high selling bull was lot 56, JM BIG MAC 23J47, coming from JM Cattle Company and selling to Stover Ranch of Dallas, GA for $30,000. Big Mac is a big spread Monument son that is balanced across the board and had plenty of friends back in the pens.
163 buyers from 12 states and Mexico were greeted by pleasant spring weather, mild temperature and welcoming hospitality from the hosts at Cavenders Neches River Ranch.
at the 2nd annual CDP Spring Female Production Sale. The sale featured Registered Brangus and Ultrablack cattle from the CDP group as well as customers and included 450 commercial cattle, many with calves at side sired by CDP bulls. The bidding was fast paced and furious as demand for quality Brangus seedstock ran high.
The third high selling bull and high selling yearling bull, was lot 52, T3 KINGPIN 209J59 at $20,000 to Lake Majestic Farms of Flat Rock, AL. This was an outstanding Kingdom son out of the $15,000 209G63. 209J59 is a calving ease sire with plenty of bone and looseness. We are excited to see his progeny.
The day’s top selling female, at $25,000 was Lot 85, PR MS Crossroads 129J7. This powerful open heifer was consigned by Pennridge Farms, Paige, Tx. Her dam is a full sister to the dam of Modello and Herndon Farms, Lyons, Ga was the winning bidder.
The commercial females were met with strong demand. The bulk of the commercial females were bought on order by our good friend Oskar Juarez for an upcoming shipment to Mexico. Thank you to all that attended, bid, and supported our inaugural offering.
Briggs Ranch, Bloomington TX and Harris Riverbend Farms, Cleburne, TX teamed to eran the bid of $24,000 for Lot 107, MS DMR Resource 415J52. She was another stout open heifer and was consigned by CDP Partner, Draggin M
high selling lot when they paid $22,500 to own Lot 42, MS DMR Empire 222H5. This bred heifer, safe to Growth Fund, Masterpiece. She was consigned by CDP Partner Cavender next high seller when they paid $19,000 to own Lot 43, MS
American Cattle Enterprise ........................................................................ IFC,
Far Niente Farms 47
Johnston Brangus 37,47
Lake Majestik 46,47
Quail Valley Farms ....................................................................................... 47
Southeast Brangus Breeders Assn 47 TTT Brangus Farm 47
Carter Brangus 47 Parker Brangus 47
Adams & Creasy Insurance Agency 47
Big D Ranch 47
Chimney Rock Cattle Co. ....................................................................... 46,48
Draggin' M Ranch 48 Giffin Farms 48
Jacksons Double J 20, 48 Mobley, Luke ............................................................................................... 47
Pope Farms Brangus 48 Red Bud Farms 5
Sewell Cattle Co., Inc. 48
Spanish Ranch 48
Fenco Farms 48 Hardee Farms 48 Phillips Ranch ........................................................................................ 41, 48 Wynne Ranch 48
Char-No Farm 48
Greuel Family Brangus 48 L.G. Herndon, Jr. Farms 46,48,IBC Stover Ranch .......................................................................................... 46,48
Trans Ova Genetics....................................................................................... 53
Hurla Farms Feedlot 12 Jensen Livesotck Agency ............................................................................. 47
Bushley Creek Cattle Co. ............................................................................. 48 Cross N Farms 49 Midsouth Cattle Company 49 The Branch Ranch 49 Wiley Ranch 49
Double W Ranch ......................................................................................... 49 JM Cattle 46 Pine Belt Alliance 46 T3 Brangus 46,49 Town Creek Farm ......................................................................................... 17
Don Thomas & Sons 49
GENEPLUS ..................................................................................................... 3
Valley View Ranch 49 Wyman Creek Cattle Company 49
DVAuction 13,21
Bobby and Bobbie Brangus 49
Whitley Cattle Company .............................................................................. 41
SmartAuctions BC
Lawman Ranch
............................................................................................ 49
Oklahoma Brangus Association 19 Perry Ranch 49
2 Hearts Brangus 49
2C Brangus 49 Bovine Elite, LLC 47 Briggs Ranches
............................................................................................ 21
Cavender Ranches 49
Cavender-Draggin’ M and Partners 11,21,32-33,49
Cox Excalibur Brangus ................................................................................ 49 Cross F Cattle 49
Diamond K Ranch 49
Drake Land & Cattle 50
E3 Ranch, LLC .............................................................................................. 50
Elgin Breeding Services, LLC 47
Farris Ranching Company 50
G Bar Brangus 50
Gardner Cattle Co......................................................................................... 50
Garry Clem Brangus 50
Genesis Ranch 50
GKB Cattle 28-29,50 Harris Riverbend Farms ............................................................................... 21
Hi Point Sales + Marketing 9,BC
Indian Hills Ranch 50 Jackson Family Brangus .............................................................................. 50 JLS International 50
K & L Brangus 50 Lambert, Doak 47
MBJ Ranch..................................................................................................... 9
Mound Creek Ranch 6-7
MP Brangus 50,BC Oak Creek Farms 50 Oakley, Lakin ............................................................................................... 47 OK Farms 50
Old Colita Ranch 50 Pennridge Ranch 50 Pinnacle Cattle Company............................................................................ IBC Pumpjack Cattle Co. 51 Rafter 2 Ranch 51
Ramro LLC/RJ Cattle Co. ............................................................................... 31 Reagan, Terry 47 Red-Land Cattle 5
Rio Ranch 51
Santa Rosa Ranch ........................................................................................ 51 Scamardo Brangus 51 Schmidt Farms 51 Star G Ranch 51 Starwood Ranch ........................................................................................... 51
Tajo Ranch 51
Texas Alliance Sale 21
Texas Brangus Breeders Association 15
TRIO Cattle & Genetics 9
Triple Crown Ranch 51
Triple JR Cattle Co. 51 Tuna Rosa Ranch .......................................................................................... 13
Turner Brangus Farm 51
Union Ranch Cattle Company 51
Villa Ranch 51
Vineyard Cattle Co., Inc. ............................................................................... 51 Wild M Brangus 46 Williams Ranch Company 51 Woodland Ag 5 ABOUT
Costa Rica, Mexico, Philippines,
The Brangus Journal (ISSN 0006-9132) is published by Brangus Publications, Inc. (BPI), 8870 US Highway 87 East, San Antonio, Texas 78263, monthly except February, June, July, and September. Periodicals postage paid at San Antonio, Texas and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address change to Brangus Publications Inc., P.O. Box 809, Adkins, Texas 78101.
The Brangus Journal is the official publication of the International Brangus® Breeders Association (IBBA). The Brangus Journal is published eight times annually. The purpose of the Brangus Journal is to serve the best interest of IBBA members by showcasing breeding programs, efforts, and achievements to other Brangus® seedstock producers. Lastly, the Brangus Journal serves as an outlet for the IBBA to provide updates by directly communicating with the membership. The claims made by advertisers in this publication are not verified by BPI or the IBBA.
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