The Argentina World Brangus Congress took place in April 2023, featuring ranch tours, an exhibition of Argentine Brangus genetics, and participation from 100 foreign guests from 15 different countries, with a focus on sharing knowledge and promoting the Brangus breed worldwide.
The 2023 Brangus Argentina World Congress was a dream come true, marked by meticulous planning and international participation, with a focus on showcasing Brangus cattle in diverse production systems and fostering global connections within the Brangus community.
Featured on pages 52-54 are the results of the 2023 Brangus Futurity that took place in Chickasha, Oklahoma on June 26, 2023 - July 1, 2023
Featured on pages 58-60 are the results for the 2023 National Junior Brangus contest and pages 62-66 feature the results of the show.
He and his brother are two of the lead off bulls in this fall’s sale. They are out of a full sister to the dam of the $70,000 CB New Standard who we own with TTT Brangus. He is deep sided and thick made. Their dam 817J3 also sells.
He is a Blount son and a full brother to K8. Full of red meat and moderate in stature, they boast big growth, carcass and indexes. Their donor dam also sells.
– REG: R10503724
He is sired by Oracle and is the result of our accelerated genetic progress. His dam was one of the top heifers in her calf crop and produced this ET son at 2 years of age. Her maternal sibs have generated over $42,000 in sales.
son is
As the warmth of summer gives way to the crisp embrace of autumn, I find myself watching our fall calves frolic in the pasture, and I can't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. I feel blessed to make a living doing precisely what I believe God placed me on this Earth to do. My grandfather, who was my hero, once advised me to seek out something I truly loved, to become proficient in it, and to find a way to earn a living through that passion, and I would never grow weary of my work. I've been fortunate that my journey has led me not only to the seedstock industry but specifically to the remarkable world of Brangus cattle. These animals are truly exceptional, but it's the remarkable people within the Brangus breed that make it second to none.
As we dive into the heart of the fall sale season, all signs point to robust demand for Brangus genetics. This demand stands as a testament to the unwavering dedication and resolute spirit of Brangus breeders who tirelessly strive to produce practical, real-world
cattle that meet the needs of our customers.
Congratulations to all Brangus breeders! Let us remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring parent verification and genomic enhancement for our cattle. We've recently gathered data from another batch of Brangus Value Project steers, and once again, the results are outstanding. The broader beef industry is now recognizing what we've known all along—Brangus cattle can do it all! In the words of my favorite breed executive, Dr. Wilkes, "you can have your cattle and eat them too." Our investments are paying dividends by steadily increasing market share for Brangus cattle.
Lastly, our steering committee for the 75thanniversary celebration is hard at work, diligently planning a monumental event set to take place in Fort Worth next August. This is an occasion that every Brangus breeder and enthusiast will want to attend. I eagerly anticipate meeting many of you at the upcoming sales this fall.
I have lost count of all the new breeds of beef cattle that have been introduced to the U.S. beef industry that are now nothing more than a distant memory. Many of them came on the scene with great fanfare orchestrated by clever promoters, but soon lost their luster and faded from sight. It’s sort of like a “bovine IPO”. The promoters are like the investment bankers who underwrite the stock of a company and then take it public in an Initial Public Offering (IPO). They hype the stock to create a pool of initial buyers, and as soon as they can bail out and book a handsome profit, they – the bankers – take the money and run. I am not faulting them. That’s their business and everyone knows it. It’s perfectly legal. If you get suckered into the IPO of a stock that surges and then busts (like Beyond Meat for instance) well, tough luck.
Beyond Meat (BYND – NASDAQ) went public at $25/share. Shares closed out the first day of trading at $65, eventually rising to $235 at its peak. As of today, they trade for a touch over $10 and the company has a profit margin, if you want to call it that, of -73% (minus 73%). I admit to getting off subject with this paragraph. Of course I am gloating over the failure of a company that has tried to convince the public that real meat is bad
while their slurry of plant goop is good. People prefer real beef.
I can name a number of beef breeds that were introduced in the U.S. with similar patterns of hype followed by bust. Why have so many breeds failed while a handful – literally a handful – have survived the test of time? There can only be one rational explanation. Some breeds add value to the beef production system and some don’t. It is really that basic. Those that don’t might make great headlines when they’re introduced, and the early promoters might make good money while the hype is hot, but as soon as reality sets in they are discarded like a soiled diaper. Despite all the silly fads that come and go, and the “novel” breeds that are introduced in hopes of igniting a frenzy, hard-core economics eventually wins out. It always does.
Brangus is approaching our 75th anniversary. Our breed has staying power.
We’re still here because Brangus cattle add value to beef production. That’s the only test that matters. As I attempt to contemplate the next 25 years, I am quite certain that the basic rules of economics will continue to apply and that breeds which add value to beef production will continue to enjoy demand. And I don’t believe it is really all that complicated to figure out what Brangus needs to do to ensure that we are among the
thriving breeds 25 years from now. We must continue to use every available tool and technology to drive genetic improvement in the traits that matter most. The list of traits begins with maternal productivity but it does not stop there. It extends to post-weaning performance and beef quality.
You don’t have to buy into the man-made climate change theories to acknowledge that some parts of the country are very hot and require cows that have the ability to thermoregulate like Brangus do. I am 100% certain that other breeds will do whatever science allows them to do in order to match (or try to match) the heat tolerance of Brangus. They want our market. There will be claims – mark my words – that a single gene edit can make breed A or breed B equally suited to hot environments as Brangus. It’s not that simple. Honestly, if there was a single major gene that imparted heat tolerance we would already know it.
The way that Brangus will stave off the hype and promotion that will accompany such claimed “breakthroughs” is to build up such a significant competitive advantage that nobody wants to take on the fight of challenging our dominance. In plain English, we must continue to produce cows that are efficient and functional in harsh environments. We do not want to create what I call “metabolic monsters” that require continuous and extensive (expensive) supplementation in order to maintain fertility and productivity. Our commercial bull customers must produce
feeder cattle that perform well in the feedlot – cattle that stay healthy, grow rapidly, efficiently, and achieve a final finish weight large enough to cover all accumulated input costs and some profit to boot. And finally, our genetics must continue to produce high quality beef demanded by consumers. Our data shows that we are doing all of these things now. As we move into the next 25 years, we must simply do all of these things better –and better than competing breeds.
Staying power is never an accident, and staying power is never guaranteed. The battle for genetic market share among beef breeds will continue. The breeds that are still relevant 25 years down the road will be those that continue to build on an already-strong foundation. Brangus has that foundation. Build on it.
September has come and gone which means fall sale season is in full swing! Since my last field update in Frontline I have been busy and look forward to getting the ball rolling on sales and Round 3 of the Brangus Value Project.
Picking up from my last update, I traveled north to Chimney Rock Cattle Company to attend the Southeast Brangus Breeders Association Field Day. I always enjoy when I have a chance to go up to the Cow Palace and this event was no exception. In a two-week span, between the Breed Improvement trip to Lubbock, the Texas Brangus Breeders Association Field Day, and the Southeast Brangus Breeders Field Day, we listened to many high-quality speaker panels that gave great insight on everything from the needs of large scale commercial cattlemen, making cattle more profitable past the front gate, and learning about where we need to be heading in the future. A big “Thanks!” goes out to Bill and Gail Davis for hosting everyone. The Cow Palace never
I also had a chance to get a sneak preview of cattle set to be sold this fall with CDP Brangus, The Branch Ranch, and Pine Belt Alliance. After the SBBA Field Day at Chimney Rock, I was invited to come out to the Rose Bud Bull Development Center and look at the bulls being offered up for sale this fall. I had a good time driving through the bulls with Craig Green, the CDP Partners and a handful of other breeders. Keith Cagle has managed the bull development center for many years and has had success with legendary outfits such as Cow Creek, Southern Cattle Company, The Oaks Brangus Farms, 44 Farms, and of course CDP Brangus. This was the first time I had walked through cattle with that size of a group but it was a great opportunity to soak in as much knowledge as possible from a deep pool of experience. An interesting point of design I noticed was that each pen was quite large with lots of hills and even some rocks in places. The feed bunks were placed at one end and the water source on the other, forcing the bulls to move around and stay active
which helps to increase longevity. These bulls will be offered up at the CDP Brangus Sale November 15th and 16th, to be hosted at Draggin’ M Ranch in El Dorado, Arkansas. I also made a quick trip out to The Branch Ranch’s Island division. Even in the drought north-central Louisiana has been experiencing the last few months, the Island is green year-round thanks to low-lying flat ground that traps precipitation coupled with a pivot irrigation system. Branch Ranch prides itself on producing fit bulls ready to go to work as soon as they hop off the trailer. The Branch Ranch has a sale coming up on November 6th and will be selling 90+ bulls and 100+ females.
To round off my ranch visits, I snuck over to Purvis, Mississippi and visited with Trey Cuevas, owner of T3 Brangus and one of the flagship partners of the Pine Belt Alliance. Any amount of time with Trey Cuevas is always a good time and it is easy to see the passion he has for his cattle and for this breed. There were several females grazing his pastures that anyone would be happy to have on their place. Be sure to catch those females along with 75 Brangus bulls selling Thanksgiving weekend, November 25th in Purvis.
The Louisiana sales are always a good time with great people and even better food, and the Wiley Ranch's Southern Harvest Sale and MidSouth Cattle Company and Neal Ranch's Sale were no exceptions. Both operations had elite groups of females offered up and MidSouth Cattle offered up some very nice bulls as well. If the performance from these sales is to be a benchmark for other sales this fall, then we should be in for another great fall sale season.
I have also been working with our commercial cooperator in Oklahoma to sire verify 100 steers for Round 3 of the Brangus Value Project. At the time of writing this article, the calves should be ready to enter the feedlot phase in the next 60 days.
Up next, you can catch me at the SBBA Showcase Sale in Mississippi on September 30th, the Scamardo Brangus sale in Caldwell on October 7th, the Town Creek Farm sale on October 21st, the Phillips/Fenco bull sale on October 24th and the L.G. Herndon sale on October 28th in Lyons, GA. There is a busy schedule ahead and the demand for high quality cattle has never been stronger. Let’s kick it into high gear! Go Brangus!
The long-awaited Argentina World Brangus Congress (WBC) event was held April 19 – 27 in Corrientes, Argentina. The event consisted of ranch tours for the first six days which covered about 2,000 square miles and an exhibition of Argentine Brangus genetics for three days. This event had been on hold due to Covid-19 postponing the originally scheduled 2020 event. However, waiting until 2023 did not disappoint as Brangus breeders from around the world traveled to witness the genetics showcase, network with fellow breeders, and learn more about the Brangus breed worldwide. The event hosted 100 foreign guests from 15 different countries including: Australia, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, South Africa, Thailand, Uruguay, and the United States. “Our drive [hosting WBC] was not only to host as many participants as possible from all over the world,” Ing. Hernán M. Magaz, AAB Manager stated, “but also, that each one of them really brought a unique perspective, so we could all appreciate the Brangus in different real production systems and in a sustainable natural environment.”
The tour of regional ranches for WBC started April 19 and lasted
for 6 days, concluding April 24. Over 300 people registered for all or part of the tour. The first stop was at Establecimiento Las Marías in Virasoro, Corrientes, which is in the subtropical climate that has no dry season. Rodolfo Peralta gave a technical talk at the ranch regarding the selection of females based on adaption requirements. Las Marias is a breeding farm focused on production. Their current herd consisted of 141 pregnant cows, 50 cows with calves at side, and 300 finishing steers. They make selection and improvements based on classic phenotypes, EBVs, and pedigree. Fertility is not prioritized during adverse conditions. “The tour of the different Cabañas was great and was a learning experience where we gained a lot of knowledge and information that will be used at our cattle farm,” said Guadalupe Dyck of Irish Creek Ranch in Belize. “What really motivated us was that the cattle farmers were very open and willing to share their experiences and offer guidance in certain areas.”
Cabaña Itá Siri located in Desmochado, Corrientes, was the second stop on the tour. Since 2005, Itá Siri has utilized the selection model of “always” culling open cows and first service heifers who do not present a calf at the end
courtesy of Daniel Sempé.IBBA and other associations in attendance presented honorary awards to the World Brangus Congress Grand Champions. of the calving season. “The ranch hosts a fundamental part of the project and committed from the beginning to make an unparalleled effort after going through a climatic context of extreme and unprecedented drought,” said Magaz. “This did not stop them from entertaining their visitors who during the tour were able to share experiences with colleagues, listen to technical talks, enjoy the cuisine offered, and above all, marvel at observing thousands of Brangus in the fields.” Cabaña La Victoria located in Esquina, Corrientes, was the third stop on the tour. The ranch currently operates with 9,000 breeding cows and produces their own replacement heifers and bulls that are either sold as breeding stock or finished in feedlots. This was the first large-scale production ranch to visit as well as to observe the implementation of pine trees with grazing
pasture. Dyck stated, “We were very impressed with the Brangus genetics that we foresee ourselves having in the near future by importing embryos and semen.”
The IBBA delegation that attended WBC consisted of: Allen Goode, IBBA Board Member & Past President along with International Committee Vice Chair; Briana Hicks, IJBBA President; Jeremy Jackson, Board Member & Past President; Darrell Wilkes, IBBA Executive Vice President; Enrique Crotto, TDA and USLGE consultant; and Macee Prause, IBBA International Committee Liaison. Our delegation arrived halfway through the tour and started at Estancia El Bagual in Presidente Yrigoyen, Formosa. The ranch focuses on production in harmony with the environment. The El Bagual tour started with an environmental stewardship presentation from the University that is using the ranch to research insects and termites followed by a heat stress effect and EPD presentation. El Bagual uses 50% artificial insemination and 6% embryo transfer on their 100% grass-fed herd. EIDs are given to all calves to have traceability and to be registered through TrueTest DataMars.
The following day, we visited Estancia La Leonor in Presidencia Roca, Chaco, whose family also has a renowned steakhouse in Buenos Aires. Their herd consists of 7,000 cows, of which, 63% are artificially inseminated. “I’ve always known that Brangus cattle are the perfect fit for a vast array of grazing lands situated in harsh environments all around the globe, but the reality of that really sunk in as I had the pleasure of visiting with folks from Thailand to Australia to Panama and Brazil,” Wilkes stated. “We all have the same challenge – raising cattle
that are adapted to harsh environments but still producing high quality beef.” Rodolpho Canta with La Leonor expressed that the use of genomics in their selection process has been helpful in maintaining their true Brangus percentage as they find their ranch’s percent indicus average is roughly 66%.
The tour concluded with Cabaña Los Guasunchos in Santa Margarita, Santa Fe, which was the largest ranch to visit with over 20,500 head made up of 60% registered Brangus with 90% of those being Red Brangus. The first presentation at Los Guasunchos was to give insight to their ranch limitations. They have more problems with lack of water than lack of forage along with salinity issues. To combat this issue, they have a desalination plant and do reverse osmosis onsite to generate drinking water. Because of these conditions, they need cattle that can tolerate a harsh environment. Brangus are an excellent fit as they are able to meet all adaptability requirements. Goode said, “It is an eye-opening occasion to realize how much our Brangus cattle and genetics contribute to the global beef industry.” Goode was able to see just how much of an impact his ranch has made when viewing TRIO genetics at Los Guasunchos. Additionally, the ranch goal is to be objective and not subjective in selection, and to find balance in EPDs that go with their production platform.
The next morning, prior to the start of the afternoon exhibition, all Brangus associations gathered to give presentations regarding each country’s current environment, breeding goals, market plans, research, membership, and potential networking opportunities. Martin Lill with Viamonte Brangus presented for Australia. Their business consists of 80%
Black Brangus and 20% Red Brangus. They do not use as many red due to the increased competition with other red breeds. They are currently seeing Ultras increasing in popularity in Australia, high livestock prices, high land prices, and higher use of GPS tracking of cattle on farms. Australia Brangus Cattle Association is the 8th largest registered cattle breed in Australia out of 44 registered breeds and has registrations with 6,600 head recorded in 2021. They had methane emissions incorporated into BreedPlan, and are looking to add Slick Coat gene markers to their DNA bundle.
Abram Froese from Belize presented the current challenges the country is facing as beef is a new market mostly consisting of Zebu-type animals. He assisted Belize with obtaining a clear health status to allow export marketability
and is currently working on promoting the breed in Belize in order to improve their domestic herd and potentially form a Brangus Association in the future. Bolivia Brangus Association said they are small but growing thanks to the FSC agreement for Brangus use in the country. Then, Angus & Brangus Colombia followed with their focus on Brangus that have more indicus influence due to climate adaption requirements for their country. After, AsoBrangus Costa Rica was excited to present their herd growth of 2,100 registered Brangus and 10,000 head with commercial Brangus after only being founded in 2014. They also just started an EPD program with their University to offer more selection opportunities and exportation abilities.
Ecuador Brangus expressed the need for breeds with higher quality beef due to 70-80% beef being kept domestically, and currently, 3,000 registered Brangus cows. Asociación Mexicana de Criadores de Ganados Brangus presented the Brangus breed’s expansion across the country; with 6,000 registered head per year and 274 members, they are looking at a bright future. Followed by, Asociación Brangus Rojo de México who is celebrating their 20th anniversary with their 170 members. After, APANGUS in Panama presented its founding in 2007 supported by the ministry and invited attendees to join them at Panama’s national show. Then, Paraguay Brangus association, founded in 1983, has elevated their status in their country as 40% of the total herd population and placed an emphasis on producing Brangus beef.
Thailand was the newest association in attendance and is celebrating their 5th anniversary consisting of 200 members. Next, Brazil presented their video for the 2025 WBC featuring the huge business semen has in the country due to large scale crossbreeding the domestic cattle. IBBA followed with a video presentation* that showcased the increasing Ultra registrations, genetic competitiveness in the U.S., ongoing research projects, genetic evaluation and partnerships in the evaluation, FIBRA, upcoming 75th anniversary, and IBBF International Education Scholarship. Wilkes said, “Whenever the topic of a global genetic evaluation for Brangus was brought up, there was keen interest. I know it is not a small hill to climb to achieve a global evaluation, but it was clear to me that the interest level is very high, and the rewards could be highly significant for owners of superior Brangus genetics.”
The World Brangus Congress showcase was presented as part of the 53rd Great National Exhibition and the 17th National Calf Exhibition. There were approximately 540 Brangus entries from 12 different provinces of Argentina consisting of 77 registered ranches with 11 of those being first time participants. Additionally, the Rural Society of Corrientes
(* see the video at )
exhibition ground featured the release of the “covered shed” with a space of 19,000 square feet built specifically for hosting WBC and future events. IBBA members Marcos & Adriana Borges with MBJ Ranch, Gerardo & Melissa Alanis with South Texas Sendero Ranch, and Garrett Thomas, IBBA International Committee Chair, joined the delegation at the exhibition to witness the genetics showcase. “By focusing on the strengths of the breed rather than personal agendas, there is immense potential for the Brangus breed in the US and around the world,” Marcos Borges said.
The judge for the WBC exhibition was Carlos Ojea Rullán along with secretaries to the judge, Javier Mendoza and Garret Thomas. Rullán praised the work of the Argentine Brangus breeders and the contribution they are making to not only the breed, but also the livestock industry in general. “It is very difficult to get bulls in all breeds, and I think that in Brangus, it is the best closing of bulls that I have had to see,” Rullán stated during the Championship selection.
“Working alongside Carlos Ojea judging the World Brangus Congress was a once in a lifetime opportunity,” Thomas stated. “During the show, we discussed the differences in cattle from the US and Argentina while identifying common ground in selecting Brangus cattle that would thrive anywhere on the globe. Evaluating nearly 1000 head over three days was an eye-opening experience that gave me a new perspective on the Brangus breed, and it highlighted how big of an impact our breed can make on the global beef industry.”
IBBA had additional representation in the show ring as Briana Hicks was afforded the honor to show some cattle for El Destino at the WBC exhibition. “Attending the World Brangus Congress in Argentina was the trip of a lifetime,” Hicks declared. “Being able to experience the beautiful ranches, excellent hospitality, friendly people, and awesome cattle is a
memory I will cherish forever. I had the honor of exhibiting a few cattle for El Destino. Our breed is truly adaptable and functional in a global market, and I am excited for the future of our breed!”
FIBRA, the Federation of International Brangus Associations, meeting was held following the conclusion of the exhibition. The main purpose of FIBRA is to schedule the World Brangus Congress, but also to promote Brangus worldwide. IBBA hosted the previous FIBRA meeting in December 2019 as a post-WBC 2018 event. Due to Covid, FIBRA has not had in-person meetings, so this was the first scheduled meeting following that event. Marcos Borges was able to present the importance of FIBRA, its founding, and future goals. Many discussions were made at the meeting including having a central database between associations, election of the upcoming 2025 WBC host – Brazil - as the President, proposal for 2029 WBC host - Paraguay, proposal that future WBC change continents for each event, and to create an environmental stewardship committee. As President
Martin Garcia Fernández, first Vice President of AAB who recently passed prior to the realization of the 2023 WBC event in Argentina. “We had a chance to participate in all the World Congress’ and this year in April, Argentina World Brangus Congress was a remarkable example of the passion and commitment of Argentinian breeders to promote and support the Brangus breed in their country,” Marcos Borges stated. The WBC sale featured many high selling lots including the Grand Champion bull that sold 50% interest for $38.5 million Argentine pesos [$85,000 USD], and the Reserve Grand Champion female that sold 50% interest for $31 million pesos [$68,000 USD]. The sale included not only all the attendees from WBC & Rural Society of Corrientes, but also over 10,000 registered buyers online. Registered bulls averaged $1,538,000 Argentine pesos [$3,375 USD], and registered heifers averaged $1,671,875 Argentine pesos [$3,670 USD].
IBBA Past President Jeremy Jackson said, “I enjoyed the whole experience. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect since I had never been out of the country to sort cattle. The cattle were great. The hospitality was great. I'm already looking forward to WBC in Brazil in 2025.”
of FIBRA, Brazil Brangus Association’s President, Ladislau Lancsarics Jr, will be lending the charge to coordinate the next FIBRA meeting and subsequent meetings at WBC 2025. Marcos Borges said, “The excitement is building to organize this epic event in Brazil, given the volume and size of Brazilian Brangus operations.”
The last day of the exhibition concluded with an evening gala, closing ceremony, and sale. Multiple presentations were given with the first being the Welcome address from the President of the Argentine Brangus Association (AAB), Victor Navajas. Martin Goldstein, President of the AAB WBC Organizing Committee, gave a tribute presentation for
World Brangus Congress is a Brangus event like no other. It is a chance to learn more about the breed in different regions of the world, expand your network and marketing objectives, see different genetics adapted to different climates, discover different principles and practices that you may decide to implement at your ranch, and last but not least, become a part of the global Brangus family. McKean said, “My favorite part is catching up with friends here because they are family.” That could not be more true. WBC brings breeders from across the world together every two years to celebrate, showcase, and demonstrate the passion we all have for the Brangus breed. “Every Brangus breeder can learn and gain from attending and experiencing a World Brangus Congress,” Goode said. “There is the adventure of traveling to another country and enjoying their culture, but then there is the common collegial community with a passion for Brangus cattle and genetics.”
IBBA would like to thank AAB for hosting such a great event and the hospitality received from the Argentine breeders. We look forward to gathering at the next WBC in Brazil 2025.
My experience at the Brangus Argentina 2023 World Congress: It was a special moment when it was decided that Argentina would host the 2023 Brangus World Congress. A dream began there, and an organization tirelessly pursued it to not only achieve it, but to make it last. This is where I want to tell my experience of WBC 2023. As manager of the [Argentine Brangus Association] AAB, I worked in the coordination and execution of the demands born within the WBC Organizing Committee that was made up of managers who were strongly committed to their time and their creative contributions, and led by a president, whose vision and experience gave robustness to the project. Our drive was not only to host as many participants as possible from all over the world, but also, that each one of them really lived a unique experience: appreciating the Brangus in different real production systems and in a sustainable natural environment. Putting the Brangus breed at the center of leading Argentine livestock, open to the world. This took us many months and hours of dedication: studying alternatives within a complex economic context of the country, evaluating climatic scenarios, and imponderables that would surely occur; however, we rehearsed every detail of the planned program. The days were getting closer, and the anxieties were accumulating. We wanted to be there, receiving the foreign delegations and our Argentine friends who would give the present. Finally, that day came and it was time to enjoy it, to live it, but with our feet on the ground, resting enough. We traveled around 3,000 kilometers, passing through four provinces in central and northeastern Argentina, visiting six carefully selected agricultural establishments. The ranch hosts, a fundamental part of the project and committed from the beginning, have made an unparalleled effort after going through
a climatic context of extreme and unprecedented drought. This did not stop them from entertaining their visitors who during the tour were able to share experiences with colleagues, listen to technical talks, enjoy the cuisine offered, and above all, marvel at observing thousands of Brangus in the fields. Already in the city of Corrientes, during the second stage of the Congress, the best of Argentine genetics was crowned on the tracks, in a superlative exhibition, concentrating more than 550 breeders from all over the country. Everything was news and worldwide repercussion. Behind a number of tasks perfectly executed by various work teams within the organization, they made it possible to coordinate more than 350 participants and meet the schedule times with a caravan of vehicles on routes, rural roads, and circulation through different cities. Personalized attention was prioritized with empathy and human warmth towards the other, taking care of each of the details; characteristics of a great team that made the difference. Everything, or almost everything, had been practiced beforehand. We all knew what each one of this great team had to do and even do what we were not prepared for, but we had to overcome. This was Team Brangus. This made the dream come true, and its brilliance is what lasts.
A warm thank you to the countries that were present with their managers and breeders from their respective Brangus associations and to the breeders and fans from all over the world: Australia, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, South Africa, Thailand, Uruguay, and U.S.A. We have all been able to enjoy and live the Argentine experience.
Virtually every cattle breeder uses some form of “index” when selecting cattle. All this means is that they are considering the EPDs or the percentile rank for several traits simultaneously, and almost always factoring in a good dose of visual appraisal. Cattle performance and profitability are multi-dimensional so this approach makes perfect sense. Your “index” might not be written down as an actual equation, but it is an index nevertheless. Your “index” is probably a bit different from the person sitting next to you at the bull sale because you have a base cowherd that is different from theirs, and you probably have some genetic needs or wants that are different. So, you’ll end up bidding on different bulls because you have different “indexes” (indices is the proper word but nobody else uses it so I won’t either).
IBBA publishes two indexes We have a Terminal Index and a Fertility Index. These are computed by multiplying EPD values for certain traits times a set number (we call them coefficients) and then adding them up. That part is pretty simple and is intuitive to most numbers-oriented breeders. But indexes can also have some not-so-obvious features. For instance, it would be easy to construct a terminal index designed to produce feeder cattle that are the most profitable in the feedlot and packing plant – with total disregard for what would happen to your cowherd if you selected for that index alone. It is not a studious process to look at the terminal indexes of other breeds and determine that the key driver is carcass weight. Everything else plays second or third fiddle behind carcass weight. If one were to select for that index while turning a blind eye to everything else, your cows would get bigger and your birth weights would go up. So, even though you want highly profitable feeder cattle, you probably aren’t willing to sacrifice the efficiency of your cowherd to achieve it. There is a way to prevent such unintended consequences. One could build a terminal index that includes
birth weight and cow weight, for instance. In that case, the terminal index value would be reduced if BW and/or cow weight were too high. And since birth weight and cow weight are correlated with carcass weight, doing so would tend to put a lid on extreme terminal index values. This makes it sound like you’re fighting a headwind and a tailwind at the same time with no solution in sight. The good news is that there are cattle that break the rules. Some unique cattle have a growth curve that allows rapid early growth to a stout carcass weight while the females kept at the ranch exhibit rapid early growth (and early puberty) to a moderate mature weight. Who wouldn’t want genetics like that? If we build the right indexes, such cattle can be more easily identified which could then lead to more rapid genetic improvement.
The IBBA Breed Improvement Committee has appointed a subcommittee to re-think our Fertility Index. Our work is not done yet, so I cannot speak for the subcommittee, but I think we’re headed in the direction of creating a Maternal Profitability Index and expressing it in dollar terms rather than the present Fertility Index which is actually computed in dollar terms but then expressed in standard deviation units which is not intuitive to most breeders. If we do that, we can expect index values that range from $200 - $800 from low to high (that’s my guess), rather than the current spread for the Fertility Index of 1.0 to 3.5 from the bottom 5% to the top 5%, respectively.
The same thing could be done with the Terminal Index, which would incorporate the new data obtained through the Brangus Value Project.
Before you go “all in” on any index, make sure you understand how the index value is correlated (or not correlated) with individual traits. This will allow you to guard against unintended and unwanted genetic change for traits outside of the index.
Collectively, historical cattle cycles and the reason(s) they happen, the ultimate levels the markets go to for both the highs and lows, and the levels they go to for the next one can be used as a guide for future performance. As market forecasters, CattleFax relies heavily on this historical data. At the same time, identifying the differences from previous cycles assists our ability to adjust to current conditions. The last major upward price movement in the cattle cycle occurred after the significant and widespread drought in 2011 and 2012 triggered substantial cowherd liquidation, which precipitated cattle price increases that began in earnest in about mid2013 when the production shortfalls caught up with the market. The price increase was rapid into early 2015, as was the descent into the fall of 2016. Today, many are wondering how long the current cycle of higher prices will last, and will they eventually come down just as fast. With the numerous moving parts nothing is ever certain regarding markets, however, there are several data points suggesting the current cycle will last longer than the previous one.
First, it is important to remember the two main reasons cattle cycles occur in the first place. They are either economically driven, environmentally driven, or both, which has been the case for the better part of the past three years. The overall economic situation for cow-calf producers has not been very favorable since 2015. Understanding some of the circumstances surrounding the last cycle and comparing the differences in the current cycle are key components to price and supply forecasting. The high prices and better moisture conditions in 2014 prompted one of the most rapid expansion rates, on a percentage basis, in history. At
the same time the industry was losing packing capacity. From 2006 to 2015 the industry lost seven major packing plants, and the effective 40-hour fed slaughter capacity dwindled from an estimated 570,000 head per week in 2005 to 465,000 in 2016. The packing industry responded to fewer numbers, a lack of margin, and excess capacity.
Significant market challenges eventually presented themselves when the expanding cattle numbers hit the market after losing over 100,000 head of weekly fed cattle slaughter capacity. There were more cattle to slaughter than the industry had hook space for beginning in 2016. It necessitated the packing segment to harvest more cattle during the week and on Saturdays, and the profits were certainly there to incentivize the added hours. However, that loss of cattle producer leverage led to the lower prices and lack of profitability. More fed cattle numbers and a lack of capacity to harvest them resulted in a sustained and continued period of escalating loss of producer leverage each year from 2016 through 2021.
Cattle producer leverage is one major component of the markets moving forward that is more favorable for
higher prices to last longer. The industry is not expected to lose packing capacity. In fact, it is expected to modestly increase. Yes, there is always the possibility of a plant being shuttered, but that capacity would likely be offset by new plants coming online. One other major difference in the current cycle is the overall rate of expansion, which up to this point has not even begun on a national level. Certainly, there is regional expansion occurring in areas with better moisture conditions. However, many states in the center-third of the country, big cow-calf states, have seen a major drought resurgence and remain in cowherd liquidation today. This would lend itself to the belief that this a slower, more methodical expansion in the current cycle, much of it forced by Mother Nature. To add to that, the current money borrowing situation is much different this go round as well. The ability and/or desire of many cow-calf operators to take on considerably more debt at the higher prices and interest rates is expected to also deter the rate of expansion, even if Mother Nature allows.
This will lead to a much more favorable and longer span of a supply reduction of fed cattle. For context, there was a 1.4 million head reduction in fed slaughter from 2013 to 2014, and another 1.1 million head reduction from 2014 to 2015. Two years totaled a 2.5 million head decline. Fed slaughter projections for the current cycle are estimated to be down around 1 million head each year in 2023, 2024 and 2025. The last cycle turned with an initial increase of 1.5 million head in 2016.
Currently, 2026 is forecast to see a much more modest increase of only about 100,000 head, but the increase could very well be delayed another year depending on exactly how this expansion unfolds. Regardless, the massive year-over-year increase experienced during the last cycle is expected to be much more subdued this time around.
Yes, beef demand will remain a concern at the higher price levels and will be highly dependent upon the domestic and global economies. Yet beef demand rationing with higher wholesale and retail prices is needed due to the supply reductions over the next several years. Per capita net beef supplies are expected to decline nearly 7 pounds from 2023 through 2026, and below the previous low in 2015. It will be a delicate balancing act how far beef prices can push before pricing out too many consumers that can eventually trade down to a lower priced pork or poultry protein. That said, cattle producers are producing the highest quality beef in history, and beef demand is the best it has been in 30 years. Still, consumer price tolerance will be tested.
In summary, there are three main components that differ from the previous cycle high values in 2014-2015 compared to the current cycle that are expected to give producers another year or two of higher prices.
• The supply situation will remain more positive for a longer period and the slower expansion rate will prevent a massive supply increase, keeping supplies in check and sustaining higher prices for a longer period of time.
• Beef demand has remained resilient thus far, allowing price increases to the consumer. Rationing demand with price will occur as production is expected to decline 2.5 billion pounds over the next several years compared to a 2-billion-pound decline in two years during the last cycle.
• The leverage component of the market is expected to be drastically different and in favor of cattle producers. There is a redistribution of the total dollar value of cattle that will continue to take place and favor cow-calf and stocker producers, while cattle feeders and the packing segment are likely to be the least profitable segments over the next several years.
Congratulations to the 2023-24 International Red Brangus Breeders Association (IRBBA) Officers and Board of Directors. The continued dedication and leadership of this group is greatly appreciated!
The newly elected officers are President, Dr. Stephen Lee, Baton Rouge, LA; Vice President, Allen Goode, Mabank, TX; Secretary, April Villarreal, Brookshire, TX; and Treasurer, Josh Walker, Ben Lomond, AR. The directors are Marcos Borges, Wharton, TX; Don Cox, Katy, TX; Dennis Davis, New Waverly, TX; Fernando Franco, Tepatitlan, Jalisco, MX; and Nick Kahts, New Ulm, TX.
A special thank you goes out to retiring directors Bruce Buffaloe, Victoria, TX, Megan Greenwood, Plantersville, TX and Kimberly Robb, New Waverly, TX for their service to IRBBA.
supporters of our youth programs.
For the second year in a row, Villa Ranch of Brookshire, TX was selected as the International Red Brangus Breeders Association (IRBBA) "Breeder of the Year" for 2023 by the IRBBA members!
We are proud to have the Villarreal family advocating for our breed. They are true stewards of the Red Brangus breed. They are progressive and innovative breeders and huge
Congratulations to Stephen Lee, Baton Rouge, LA the 2023 International Red Brangus Breeders Association (IRBBA) Member of the Year!
No task is too small or too big for Dr. Lee. He is always there with a helping hand and a big smile. With his enthusiasm for Red Brangus and his leadership skills, he is a win-win for the IRBBA! A true asset to our organization!
The Missouri Department of Agriculture Ag Business Development International team hosted beef producers from
Brangus and Akaushi breeds in their home country. With these goals in mind, MDA staff member Taylor Buckley arranged visits to seven Missouri operations to showcase the quality cattle our state has to offer. One of the stops was to Wall Street Cattle Co. in Warsaw, Missouri. Traditionally a Red Angus operation, Wall Street Cattle has recently incorporated Brangus genetics due to Brangus cattle adapting well to hot, humid environments. The Ecuador producers see those same benefits in Brangus cattle in their country.
Ecuador for a trade mission in April. The focus of the mission was to introduce the Ecuadorian producers to Missouri beef cattle producers and genetics. Staff from the Foreign Agriculture Service in Quito, Ecuador, assisted with recruiting six cattlemen for the mission.
Mission participants are interested in improving the genetics for carcass quality on their own operations and also for other cattle producers in their area. Along with carcass traits, they were interested in females with maternal strengths to improve the cow herds. The group focuses on Red Angus,
The MDA team is confident that strong relationships were made between the progressive cattlemen from Ecuador and the Missouri producers during the mission trip. The U.S. Livestock Genetics Export Inc. (USLGE) provided reimbursement funding for the mission. MDA finds tremendous value in USLGE membership.
The Texas Brangus Breeders Association convened for a memorable Cattleman's Field Day set against the picturesque backdrop of GKB Cattle in Desdemona, Texas. This remarkable two-day event unfolded on August 11th and 12th at GKB's Sale Facility, drawing an impressive gathering of 150 attendees hailing from six different states.
Gary & Kathy Buchholz, along with Andrew & Shelby Conley, and the whole GKB crew, rolled out the red carpet. Their facilities were top-notch, and they treated everyone like family. The guided tours offered an immersive experience, showcasing both the remarkable facilities and the outstanding quality of GKB's cattle.
The event was a rich tapestry of knowledge and insight, featuring engaging panels and speakers who delved into crucial topics such as the rising demand for Brangus in the commercial industry, the future prospects of the breed, innovative marketing programs, and the nuances of performance measurements.
Adding to the event's charm, ten esteemed Brangus breeders proudly displayed their cattle in the "BYOB" (Bring Your Own Brangus) exhibit. However, the undeniable highlight of the gathering was the exclusive tour of select GKB cattle, where the excellence of both the facilities and the cattle on display left everyone in awe.
Chickasha, Oklahoma
Judges: Cary Crow, Texas and Joel Judge, Oklahoma
Brangus Female MP MS MIDNIGHT STAR 804J38 MP Brangus, Waco, Texas
Brangus Female TCR REINA 302J14 Triple Crown Ranch, Angleton, Texas
Red Brangus Female MS SENDERO JLO 59J2
TRIO Cattle and Genetics, Mabank, Texas Sendero Brangus, Laredo, Texas
Red Brangus Female TAJO MS VELVITA 204K6
KO’s Cattle Service, Waxahachie, Texas
Tajo Ranch, Waller, Texas
Brangus Cow-Calf Pair MP MISS SWEET HONEY 150J9
GKB Cattle, Desdemona, Texas
Brangus Cow-Calf Pair GT MS TANK 804J4
Eris Basey, Florence, Texas
Red Brangus Cow-Calf Pair TAJO MS KENA 307J4
KO’s Cattle Service, Waxahachie, Texas
Tajo Ranch, Waller, Texas
Red Brangus Cow-Calf Pair DOS XX'S DYNAMITE'S SNICKERS Mason Woodruff, El Campo, Texas
Grand Champion Brangus Bull
Katherine Allen, Crockett, Texas
Reserve Champion Red Brangus Bull
TRIO Cattle & Genetics, Mabank, Texas, Scamardo Brangus, Caldwell, Texas
Heifer Calf Champion:
ACC KATALINA 358K2, Chloe Wise, TX
Reserve Heifer Calf Champion:
PCC MISS M AND M 1251K, Kaily Critendon, TX
Summer Yearling Champion Heifer:
GKB AVEN 302K8, Madelyn Eskew, TX
Reserve Summer Yearling Champion Heifer:
RAFTER L VEGA JO 157K4, Luckerk Cattle, TX
Yearling Champion Heifer:
Reserve Yearling Champion Heifer:
RAFTER L AMY JUNE 157K3, Lucherk Cattle, TX
Junior Champion Heifer:
Reserve Junior Champion Heifer:
TCR REINA 302J14, Triple Crown Ranch, TX
Senior Champion Heifer:
SB MS CROSSCUT 313J5, Eris Basey, TX
Reserve Senior Champion Heifer:
WL MISS CYRA 30J, Aarton Towns, TX
Red Heifer Calf Champion:
TAJO MS VELVITA 204K6, Tajo Ranch, TX,
KO’s Cattle Service, TX
Reserve Champion Brangus Bull
Quinn Burns, Wharton, Texas
Red Reserve Heifer Calf Champion:
CX MS RESOLUTION 424K3, Camille Quebedeaux, LA
Red Summer Yearling Champion Heifer: VILLAS MS CATALINA 71K11, Villa Ranch, TX
Red Reserve Summer Yearling Champion Heifer: VILLAS MS VICTORIA 71K10, Villa Ranch, TX
Red Yearling Champion Heifer:
TAJO BIANCA 59K3, Tajo Ranch, TX
KO’s Cattle Service, TX
Red Reserve Yearling Champion Heifer:
GKB MISS RED VELVET 204K4, Monty Eskew, TX
Red Junior Champion Heifer: MS SENDERO JLO 59J2, TRIO Cattle & Genetics, TX
Sendero Brangus, TX
Red Reserve Junior Champion Heifer:
VILLAS MISS DREAMY 59J20, TRIO Cattle & Genetics, TX
Pedro Alcala, TX
Red Senior Champion Heifer:
KTS MS STELLA 800J, Truitt Marks, TX
Red Reserve Senior Champion Heifer:
CX MS HOME RUN MARIA 59J1, Cox Excalibur, TX
Ultra Heifer Calf Champion:
MC BADA BOOM 628K8, Mill Creek Land & Cattle, TN
Ultra Reserve Heifer Calf Champion:
MC BADA BING 628K7, Mill Creek Land & Cattle, TN
Ultra Summer Yearling Champion Heifer:
MNR MS BEYONCE 525K, Madilyn Nichols, FL
Ultra Reserve Summer Yearling Champion Heifer:
MC MOCKINGBIRD 95K3, Mill Creek Land & Cattle, TN
Ultra Yearling Champion Heifer:
MS DMR EMPIRE 468K15, Gracey Pitchford, TX
Ultra Reserve Yearling Champion Heifer:
MNR MS SHAKIRA 617K2, Madilyn Nichols, FL
Ultra Junior Champion Heifer:
Ultra Reserve Junior Champion Heifer:
RBF WAT CAN DO 1149J, Joshua Walker, AR
Grand Champion Red Brangus Bull
TRIO Cattle & Genetics, Mabank, Texas, Genetica Triple F, Tepatitlan, Jalisco, Mexico, MBJ Ranch, Wharton, Texas, Sendero Red Brangus, Laredo, Texas
Ultra Senior Champion Heifer: FARRIS MS ULTRA SEGWAY 59J, Kennedy Horner, TX
Bull Calf Champion:
Reserve Bull Calf Champion:
BB CROSS FIT 150K9, Burns Brangus, TX
Summer Yearling Champion Bull:
ORIGINS KNOCK OUT 302K2, Origins Ranch, TX
MP Brangus, TX
GKB Cattle, TX
Reserve Summer Yearling Champion Bull:
KL NAVIGATOR 915K1, K&L Brangus, TX
Junior Yearling Champion Bull:
BB CROSS CANADIAN 150K3, Quinn Burns, TX
Reserve Junior Yearling Champion Bull:
CRC TOP SHELF 894K, Emily Jackson, AR
Senior Yearling Champion Bull:
ACC HIGH FIVE 674J15, Katherine Allen, TX
Reserve Senior Yearling Champion Bull:
WRC FIVE STAR 915J63, The Branch Ranch, LA
G Bar Brangus, TX
Junior Champion Bull:
6B JOHN BOY 804J11, Eris Basey, TX
Red Bull Calf Champion:
Red Reserve Bull Calf Champion:
TAJO LUPE 204K9, Tajo Ranch, TX
KO’s Cattle Service, TX
Red Summer Yearling Champion Bull:
BROKEN A MAVERICK 841K2 , Broken A Ranch, TX
Red Reserve Summer Yearling Champion Bull:
IC JIMBO 61K, Vickie Mims, TX
Chickasha, Oklahoma
Judges: Cary Crow, Texas and Joel Judge, Oklahoma
Champions Valley Brangus, Schulenburg, Texas
Ultra Summer Yearling Champion Bull: WC UB KIOWA 608K2, Wyman Creek Cattle Co, MO
Ultra Junior Yearling Champion Bull: CT DEEP POCKETS 108K2, Carlee Taylor, FL
Ultra Reserve Junior Yearling Champion Bull: MCC FRED 622K, Savannah Hanson, TX
Ultra Senior Yearling Champion Bull: CHAMP MR LIMITLESS 150J8, Champions Valley Brangus, TX
Ultra Reserve Senior Yearling Champion Bull: FARRIS ULTRA SURGE 63J, Kaleb Horner, TX
Ultra Junior Champion Bull: DIAMOND JV JOKER 23J, Cheyene Durheim, TX
TEXT “BEEF” TO: 877-319-2142
President: Jaxon Allen, Oklahoma | Ex-Officio: Briana Hicks, Texas | Queen: Savannah Hanson, Texas
Director: Emma Tittor, Texas | Director: Isabelle Parkey, Texas | Director: Kade Whiddon, Texas
Director: Carter Aucoin, Louisiana | Director: Molly Hackstedt, Texas | Director: Aubrey Meador, Texas
Director: Gracie Johnson, Texas
Photography Results:
PeeWee division:
Third Place: Wyatt Wunderlich, Texas
Second Place: Khloe Horner, Texas
First Place: Hazel Louise Baxley, Florida
Novice division:
Third Place: Lynnwood Baxley, Pinetta, FL
Second Place: Klaire Horner, Tuscola, TX
First Place: Harold Baxley, Pinetta, FL
Junior division:
Third Place: Abbie Trejo, Walnut Hill, FL
Second Place: Ali Tiemann, Brenham, TX
First Place: Madilyn Nichols, Kathleen, FL
Intermediate division:
Second Place: Truitt Marks, Waxahachie, TX
First Place: Kinsley Rhodes, Sheperd, TX
Intermediate division:
Third Place: Isabelle Parkey, Archer Spring, TX
Second Place: Ross Donaho, China Spring TX
First Place: Gracie Johnson, New Ulm, TX
Senior division:
Third Place: Tyler Towns, Bryan, TX
Second Place: Emma Tittor, Paradise, TX
First Place: Payge Dupre, Kathleen, FL
Costume Contest:
Third Place: Alivia Rexroth, Mabank, TX
Second Place: Layton Parks, Marthaville, LA
First Place: Wyatt Wunderlich, Hempstead, TX
Quiz Bowl “Brangus Jeopardy”
Reserve Champion Team: Payton Hanson, Savannah Hanson, Brady Hanson, and Emma Tittor
Champion Team: Cleavie Allen, Carlee Taylor, Michael Allen, and Katherine Allen
Phenotype and Genotype Show Champions
•Champion Phenotype and Genotype Brangus:
SM CROSSCUT 957K - Eris Basey, Texas
•Reserve Phenotype and Genotype Brangus:
MP MS MIDNIGHT 804j38 – Mason Perry, Texas
•Champion Phenotype and Genotype Red Brangus:
•Reserve Phenotype and Genotype Red Brangus:
KTS MS STELLA 800J – Truitt Marks, Texas
•Champion Phenotype and Genotype Ultra:
MS DMR EMPIRE 468K15 – Gracey Pitchford, Texas
•Reserve Phenotype and Genotype Ultra:
ACC BONITA 25K4 – Kade Whiddon, Texas
Third Place: Aubrey Meador, Abilene, TX
Second Place: Chloe Wise, North Vulch, TX
First Place Winner: Joeli Hardy, Madisonville, TX
Senior division:
Third Place: Camille Burns, Wharton, TX
Second Place: Briana Hicks, Alvin, TX
First Place: Gracey Pitchford, Athens, TX
Computer Generated Advertisement Results:
Novice division:
Third Place: Harold Baxley, Pinetta, FL
Second Place: Bayler Hurlbut, Raymond, SD
First Place: Talan Dean, Maysville, OK
Junior division:
Third Place: Kara McKee, Tatum, TX
Roger and Janet Greuel Speech Contest Result: Novice
Third Place: Lynnwood Baxley, Pinetta, FL
Second Place: Paden Smith, Gentry, AR
First Place: Charlotte Trejo, Walnut Hill, FL
Third Place: Layla Smith, Durant, OK
Second Place: Meagan Hanson, Fort Stockton, TX
First Place: Abbie Trejo, Walnut Hill, FL
Third Place: Isabelle Parkey, Archer City, TX
Second Place: McKenzie Tiemann, Brenham, TX
First Place: Sara Aultman, Cleveland, TX
Third Place: Wyatt Jackson, Gentry, AR
Second Place: Emma Tittor, Paradise, TX
2023 - 2024 IJBBA Board of Directors 2023 - 2024 IJBBA Queen Savannah Hanson New Exhibitor Award Bayler Hurlbut, Raymond, SDFirst Place: Briana Hicks, Alvin, TX
Job Interview:
Third Place: Savannah Hanson, Dayton, TX
Second Place: Tyler Towns, Bryan, TX
First Place: Ahna Sinclair, Montgomery City, MO
Livestock Judging:
Third Place: Klaire Horner, Tuscola, TX
Second Place: Bayler Hurlburt, Raymond, SD
First Place: Harold Baxley, Pinetta, FL
Third Place: Meagan Hanson, Fort Stockton, TX
Second Place: Cleavie Allen, Crockett, TX
First Place: Katherine Allen, Crockett, TX
Third Place: Carter Aucoin, Scott, LA
Second Place: Aubrey Meador, Abilene, TX
First Place: Lana Tittor, Paradise, TX
Third Place: Briana Hicks, Alvin, TX
Second Place: Gracey Pitchford, Athens, TX
First Place: Weston Hinze, Burton, TX
Third Place: Stratton Walck
Second Place: Callie Scott
First Place: Terri Adams Williams
Third Place: Wyatt Wunderlich, Hempstead, TX
Second Place: Corbin Miller, Robeline, LA
First Place: Ramsey Rhodes, Sheperd, TX
Third Place: Talan Dean, Maysville, OK
Second Place: Harold Baxley, Pinetta, FL
First Place: Rodney Rhodes, Sheperd, TX
Third Place: Cleavie Allen, Crockett, TX
Second Place: Meagan Hanson, Fort Stockton, TX
First Place: Kinsley Rhodes, Shepherd, TX
Third Place: Sara Aultman, Cleveland, TX
Second Place: McKenzie Tiemann, Brenham, TX
First Place: Gracie Johnson, New Ulm, TX
Third Place: Canute Janish, Bellville, TX
Second Place: Kayce Lopez, Teague, TX
First Place: Briana Hicks, Alvin, TX
Third Place: Joel Mackey
Second Place: Kyle Stutts
First Place: Ricky Thorn
Team Fitting:
Novice/Junior Division
Reserve Champion Team: Hunter Johnson, Hunter
Blakley, and Layla Smith
Champion Team: Truitt Marks, Payton Hanson, and Ali Tiemann
Intermediate/Senior Division
Reserve Champion Team: Bram Christensen, Weston
Hinze, and McKenzie Tiemann
Champion Team: Maddox Hartmann, Jayce
Krauskoph, and Dalton McKee
Third Place: Jake Kasner, Rosebud, TX
Second Place: Klaire Horner, Tuscola, TX
First Place: Harold Baxley, Pinetta, FL
Third Place: Kara Mckee, Tatum, TX
Second Place: Kaleb Horner, Tuscola, TX
First Place: Truitt Marks, Waxahachie, TX
Third Place: Tayle Black, Council Grove, KS
Second Place: Ross Donaho, China Spring, TX
First Place: Isabelle Parkey, Archer City, TX
Third Place: Grant Goree, Pulaski, MS
Second Place: Ahna Sinclair, Montgomery City, MO
First Place: Tyler Barlow, Starkville, MS
Showmanship: PeeWee
First Place: Georgia Carrasco, Angleton, TX
Sixth Place: Jake Kasner, Rosebud, TX
Fifth Place: Paden Smith, Gentry, AR
Fourth Place: Rodney Rhodes, Sheperd, TX
Third Place: Harold Baxley, Pinetta, FL
Second Place: Bailey Hurlbut
First Place: Klaire Horner, Tuscola, TX
Sixth Place: Cleavie Allen, Crockett, TX
Fifth Place: Truitt Marks, Waxahachie, TX
Fourth Place: Ali Tiemann, Brenham, TX
Third Place: Katherine Allen, Crockett, TX
Second Place: Madilyn Nichols, Kathleen, FL
First Place: Payton Hanson, Dayton, TX
Sixth Place: Bethany Urban, Atchison, KS
Fifth Place: Shaylee Meador, Abilene, TX
Fourth Place: McKenzie Tiemann, Brenham, TX
Third Place: Carlee Taylor, Lakeland, FL
Second Place: Sara Aultman, Cleveland, TX
First Place: Gracie Johnson, New Ulm, TX
Sixth Place: Mason Perry, Waco, TX
Fifth Place: Emma Tittor, Paradise, TX
Fourth Place: Bram Christensen, Angleton, TX
Third Place: Maddox Hartman, Falls City, TX
Second Place: Briana Hicks, Alvin, TX
First Place: Weston Hinze, Burton, TX
Herdsman Contest: Briana Hicks, Alvin, TX
Taste of States: Louisiana
Frog and Churn Award: Jack Trejo, Walnut Hill, FL
Georgianne Myers Award: Jeremy Jackson and Family, Gentry, AR
Chickasha, Oklahoma
Bred & Owned, Ultra, Percentage and Steer Judge: Kyndal Reitzenstein | Owned Judge: Chris Mullinix | Supreme Judge: Jirl Buck
Supreme Female
Grand Champion Brangus Cow-Calf Pair
Eris Basey, Florence, Texas
Third Overall Supreme Heifer
Grand Champion Bred & Owned Female
Maddox Hartmann, Falls City, Texas
Fourth Overall Supreme Heifer
Grand Champion Brangus Female
Weston Hinze, Burton, Texas
Reserve Supreme Overall Female
Grand Champion Ultra Female
Briana Hicks, Alvin, Texas
Fifth Overall Supreme Heifer
Reserve Champion Brangus Female
6B MS TANK 1234K
Jake Kasner, Rosebud, Texas
Grand Champion Red Brangus Female
April Villarreal, Brookshire, Texas
Reserve Champion Red Brangus Female TRIOS SB KARINA 175K2
Alivia Rexroth, Townsville, South Carolina
Reserve Champion Ultra Female WC MISS KARISMA 022K
Carter Aucoin, Scott, Louisiana
Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Female
Bram Christensen, Angleton, Texas
Reserve Champion Brangus Cow-Calf Pair
Reed Thorn, Arp, Texas
Bred & Owned Heifer Calf Champion:
TCR ELIZAMA 302L1, Bram Christensen, Angleton, TX
Bred & Owned Reserve Heifer Calf Champion:
TCR BEYONCE 222K1, Bram Christensen, Angleton, TX
Bred & Owned Yearling Champion Heifer:
RAFTER L VEGA JO 157K4, Maddox Hartmann, Falls City, TX
Bred & Owned Reserve Yearling Champion Heifer:
RAFTER L AMY JUNE 157K3, Maddox Hartmann, Falls City, TX
Bred & Owned Senior Champion Heifer:
ACC REESES 649J8, Cleavie Allen, Crockett, TX
Bred & Owned Reserve Senior Champion Heifer:
ACC JOSIE 674J16, Katherine Allen, Crockett, TX
Bred & Owned Red Heifer Calf Champion:
RKM MISS PRIMROSE 841L, Rachel Motocha, La Grange, TX
Bred & Owned Red Reserve Heifer Calf Champion: LV
MISS KILLEEN, Lane Vann, Normangee, TX
Bred & Owned Red Yearling Champion Heifer: VILLAS
MS VICTORIA 71K10, April Villarreal, Brookshire, TX
Bred & Owned Red Reserve Yearling Champion Heifer:
VILLAS MS CATALINA 71K11, April Villarreal, Brookshire, TX
Grand Champion Red Bred & Owned Female
April Villarreal, Brookshire, Texas
Grand Champion Red Brangus Cow-Calf Pair
Mason Woodruff, El Campo, Texas
Reserve Champion Red Bred & Owned Female
April Villarreal, Brookshire, Texas
Reserve Champion Red Brangus Cow-Calf Pair
Rachel Matocha, La Grange, Texas
Grand Champion Ultra Cow-Calf Pair
Genna Minyard, Ovalo, Texas
Bred & Owned Bull Calf Champion:
BB TANK 150K5, Camille Burns, Wharton, TX
Bred & Owned Reserve Bull Calf Champion: ACC GOOD TIMES 674K16, Katherine Allen, Crockett, TX
Bred & Owned Yearling Bull Champion:
BH EDGE 302K, Briana Hicks, Danbury, TX
Bred & Owned Reserve Yearling Bull Champion: BETTS CHRISTOPHER RIP, Michael Betts, Naples, TX
Bred & Owned Senior Champion Bull:
6B JOHN BOY 804J10, Eris Basey, Florence, TX
Bred & Owned Reserve Senior Champion Bull: ACC HIGH FIVE 674J15, Katherine Allen, Crockett, TX
Bred & Owned Red Yearling Bull Champion:
LV'S MR. KASH 768K, Lane Vann, Normangee, TX
Chickasha, Oklahoma
Bred & Owned, Ultra, Percentage and Steer Judge: Kyndal Reitzenstein | Owned Judge: Chris Mullinix | Supreme Judge: Jirl Buck
Supreme Bull
Grand Champion Brangus Bull
Quinn Burns, Wharton, Texas
Grand Champion Red Brangus Bull
April Villarreal, Brookshire, Texas
Reserve Champion Red Brangus Bull
Garrett Stutts, Iola, Texas
Reserve Supreme Bull
Reserve Champion Brangus Bull
Emily Jackson, Gentry, Arkansas
Grand Champion Ultra Bull
Carlee Taylor, Lakeland, Florida
Reserve Champion Ultra Bull
Cheyene Durheim, Spring, Texas
Grand Champion Brangus Bred & Owned Bull
6B JOHN BOY 804J10
Eris Basey, Florence, Texas
Reserve Champion Brangus Bred & Owned Bull
Camille Burns, Wharton, Texas
Heifer Calf Champion:
6B MS TANK 1234K, Jake Kasner, Rosebud, TX
Reserve Heifer Calf Champion:
TCR ELIZAMA 302L1, Bram Christensen, Angleton, TX
Summer Yearling Champion Heifer:
TCR POCAHONTAS 302K14, Weston Hinze, Burton, TX
Reserve Summer Yearling Champion Heifer:
RAFTER L VEGA JO 157K4, Maddox Harmann, Falls City, TX
Yearling Champion Heifer:
ACC KIMBER 674K3, Katherine Allen, Crockett, TX
Reserve Yearling Champion Heifer:
KK MISS SLUGGER 924K4, McKenzie Tiemann, Brenham, TX
Junior Champion Heifer:
MP MS MIDNIGHT STAR 804J38, Mason Perry, Waco, TX
Reserve Junior Champion Heifer:
ACC REESES 649J8, Cleavie Allen, Crockett, TX
Senior Champion Heifer:
SB MS CROSSCUT 313J5, Eris Basey, Florence, TX
Reserve Senior Champion Heifer:
MS BH DARLA 334J1, Khloe Robertson, Manvel, TX
Red Heifer Calf Champion:
CX MS RESOLUTION 424K3, Camille Quebedeaux, Mansura, LA
Red Reserve Heifer Calf Champion:
CX MS LADY RESOLVE 400K1, Camille Quebedeaux, Mansura, LA
Red Summer Yearling Champion Heifer:
VILLAS MS CATALINA 71K11, April Villarreal, Brookshire, TX
Red Reserve Summer Yearling Champion Heifer:
VILLAS MISS DESIRE 957K, April Villarreal, Brookshire, TX
Red Yearling Champion Heifer:
TRIOS SB KARINA 175K2, Alivia Rexroth, Mabank, TX
Red Reserve Yearling Champion Heifer:
GKB MISS RED VELVET 204K4, Monty Eskew, Tarzan, TX
Red Junior Champion Heifer:
DOS XX'S CEO'S MISS STAR, April Villarreal, Brookshire, TX
Red Reserve Junior Champion Heifer:
DOS XXS DYNAMITES DOLL , Garrett Stutts, Iola, TX
Red Senior Champion Heifer:
KTS MS STELLA 800J, Truitt Marks, Waxahachie, TX
Red Reserve Senior Champion Heifer:
TAJO MS FUEGO 10J2, Taos Durheim, Spring, TX
Grand Champion Red Brangus Bred & Owned Bull
Lane Vann, Normangee, Texas
Bull Calf Champion:
BB TANK 150K5, Camille Burns, Wharton, TX
Reserve Bull Calf Champion:
ACC GOOD TIMES 674K16, Katherine Allen, Crockett, TX
Yearling Champion Bull:
BB CROSS CANADIAN 150K3, Quinn Burns, Wharton, TX
Reserve Yearling Champion Bull:
CRC TOP SHELF 894K, Emily Jackson, Gentry, AR
Senior Champion Bull:
6B JOHN BOY 804J10, Eris Basey, Florence, TX
Reserve Senior Champion Bull:
ACC HIGH FIVE 674J15, Katherine Allen, Crockett, TX
Red Yearling Champion Bull:
DOS XX'S BO'S DAGGAR, Garrett Stutts, Iola, TX
Red Reserve Yearling Champion Bull:
KTS MR KINGS COUNTY 599K, Cheyenne Durheim, Spring, TX
Red Senior Champion Bull:
VILLA'S VALENTINO 59J14, April Villarreal, Brookshire, TX
Chickasha, Oklahoma
Bred & Owned, Ultra, Percentage and Steer Judge: Kyndal Reitzenstein | Owned Judge: Chris Mullinix | Supreme Judge: Jirl Buck
Grand Champion Percentage Female RAFTER L GRACE 804K
Gracee McBee, Floresville, Texas
Fourth Overall Percentage Female MS GCC VEGAS 54K
Kara McKee, Tatum, Texas
Reserve Champion Prospect Steer 707K GREEN
Madelyn Eskew, Tarzan, Texas
Reserve Champion Percentage Female TCR ZENDAYA 9K
Caiden Pickett, Liberty, Texas
Fifth Overall Percentage Female 4T-THOR KLEOPATRA 812K
Landon Langenbau, Arp, Texas
Grand Champion Progress Steer KW CLYDE 222K1
Kade Whiddon, Needville, Texas
Third Overall Percentage Female 6B MISS NEW STRATEGY 226J
Eris Basey, Florence, Texas
Grand Champion Prospect Steer RAFTER L MR AMAZING 15K
Gracee McBee, Floresville, Texas
Reserve Champion Progress Steer ORIGINS HARD BALL 488K
Kade Whiddon, Needville, Texas
Sirloin Steaks (3, 10oz)
Coffee (Cold) - 6qts
Fresh Blackberries - 2qts
Jalapeno (Small) 3/4 Cup
Lemon Juice 1/4 Cup
Granulated Sugar - 1 1/2 Cup
Wood Chips (Hickory Flavored)
• Marinate sirloin steaks for 4 hours in 3 quarts cold coffee
• Soak wood chips in 3 quarts cold coffee while marinating
• Smoke the Sirloin Steaks at 250 degrees until internal temperature reaches 135 degrees
• In a sauce pot combine blackberries, sugar, jalapenos
• Bring to boil then reduce heat and simmer until jam consistancy
• Finish with lemon juice
Recipe Submitted by:
Kacey Larson
Kacey grew up in the state of Iowa in a very small farm town. Kacey moved to Texas in 2005 after graduating college in the Midwest with an Associates in Computer Programming and a Bachelors in Information Technology. After moving to Austin, Kacey went to Le Cordon Bleu and received his degree in Culinary Arts. Kacey spent most of his career in hotels, fine dining restaurants and a heavy influence of banquets. In Kacey’s off time he enjoys spending time with his wife Julia and his two kids, Hazel who is 2 years old and Jaycee who is 3 months old. Kacey also enjoys watching sports, particularly Iowa Hawkeyes for College and Chicago Cubs, Chicago Bears and Chicago Blackhawks for professional teams. Kacey also is a huge reality tv fanatic. Kacey has applied multiple times, in an attempt to get on the show Big Brother and Survivor. Besides sports and reality tv, Kacey enjoys going to the movies, golfing and exploring new restaurants. Kacey got his interest in food by growing up watching his grandpa cooking. While all the other kids were outside playing Kacey was sitting at the island in the kitchen watching his grandpa cook. Kacey and his family are very excited to start this next adventure with Sodexo and Texas Lutheran University!
Hugo will take your program on the Right Curve Bending Road and is sure to be on many mating lists this fall, especially to breed heifers as he is a calving ease and low birthweight sire that still gives you top tier performance and carcass traits. The first Hugo calves to sell created a ton of excitement as 4 fall weaned heifers sold in 2 different sales to average $18,375! If you like small calves at birth that grow fast, are easy fleshing, good scanning cattle that have super dispositions, then take the Hugo Road this fall.
Sired by the current sensation in the breed, BWCC McQueen and out of a Boulder daughter that traces back to Stryker who was also the maternal grandsire of Big Lake.
On April 8, 2023, after a valiant, faithfilled 10-year battle and surrounded by abundant Brumfield love, Hardy Thomson Brumfield, 55, of Atlanta, Georgia, peacefully fell into the arms of Jesus. Born on April 29, 1967 to Bruce and Margaret Harris Brumfield, Hardy was the “BabyBoy” of the Brumfield brothers.
Hardy’s close-knit family and the genuine people of his beloved Mississippi Delta forever shaped the core of Hardy’s being. Whether he was winning 4-H livestock competitions, blazing a trail on Indianola Academy’s basketball court or getting his hands dirty on the farm, Hardy never failed to make everyone laugh or feel his allencompassing love.
In 1985, Hardy cranked up his blue Monte Carlo and headed east to Mississippi State. Like his three older brothers, he found a new home at Sigma Alpha Epsilon, where he was both Rush Chairman and President. When Hardy wasn’t busy cheering on his beloved Bulldogs, he could usually be found stirring up a bit of mischief with his fraternity brothers. Hardy also found time to excel in Agricultural Economics, graduating Summa Cum Laude.
Hardy then made his way to Chicago, where he would enjoy a 30+ year successful career at the Chicago Board of Trade. For eight years he was the largest volume trader in the 10-year treasury note futures. While Hardy was busy with his work-hard, play-hard lifestyle, God was fast at work choosing a life partner. In February 2000, God sent a ray of sunshine into Hardy’s life, in the form of Amy Will Brumfield. On May 25, 2003, Hardy and Amy married in a beautiful seaside wedding in Palm Beach, Florida. The next 20 years would be filled with numerous blessings, with the most precious being the births of their three children, Brooke Mackenzie (18), Thomson Will (16) and John Duncan (11). When not devoting time and energy to his family, Hardy also became involved in various technological, agricultural, environmental, and healthcare initiatives, always favoring new
investment opportunities that would make positive impacts on the lives of others. Family and friends can take great joy in knowing that Hardy’s hard work and generous spirit will live on through the Brumfield GenRev Foundation.
In 2014, Hardy’s farming passions came to fruition when he founded Rolling B Ranch, a registered Angus and commercial cattle operation. This not only made him a 3rd generation cattleman, on both his mother’s and father’s sides, but it also became a shared passion between him and his brother, Frank. The daily phone calls between the two will be forever treasured and missed.
Beyond family and work, Hardy enjoyed fostering lasting friendships at Peachtree Presbyterian Church, his children’s schools and sports, various men’s bible study groups, YPO and the Atlanta Youth Project.
If Hardy were writing this, he would humbly say, “That’s enough about me. What I really want people to know about is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” He would share “He is the giver of all gifts, the King of Kings, the One who carried me through this journey, and the One who gave and will continue to give me and my family strength.” As he often did with his own family, Hardy would remind us of Romans 8:28; “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
Hardy would ask that you continue to shower his family with your love, support and prayers. If he were texting you this, he would undoubtedly sign off with “Peace and blessings.”
Hardy is preceded in death by his mother, Margaret Harris Swayze Brumfield and his father, Bruce Jones Brumfield, Sr. of Inverness. He is survived by his wife, Amy Will Brumfield, his children, Brooke, Thomson and JD, his brothers, Jay (Shanon) Brumfield, Harris (Terry) Brumfield, Frank (Mary Frances)
Brumfield, in-laws Michael and Barbara Will, Chad (LeeAnne) Will, Jodie (Brian) Zwerner, and his 13 nieces and nephews
- Parker (Haley) Brumfield, Ally Brumfield, Bella Brumfield, Alec Brumfield, Meredith Brumfield, Bizzy Brumfield, Swayze (Delilah) Brumfield, Blake Brumfield, Lucy Brumfield, Parker Will, Mason Will, Alexander Zwerner and Kensington Zwerner. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts can be made to: The Hardy Brumfield Endowed Scholarship Fund Mississippi State University Foundation P.O. Box 6149 Mississippi State, MS 39762. Online donations may be made to and designated to The Hardy Brumfield Endowed Scholarship Fund -or- Atlanta Youth Project P.O. Box 17590 Atlanta, GA 30316. Online donations may be made to
Oklahoma Brangus Association Sale
March 25, 2023 | McAlester, Oklahoma
59 Brangus & Ultra lots grossed $239,350 to average $4,057
11 commercial lots grossed $11,200 to average $1,018
The total sale grossed $250,550
6 - sets of Embryos grossed $25,750, to average $4,292
125 Registered Lots grossed $723,250 to average $5,786
Commercial Females
Lot 46 Miss Bodacious 541G of Young Land and Cattle rose to a bid of $2,700 where purchased by Ralph Stroope, Campbell, Texas
324 Commercial pairs with Brangus and Ultrablack calves at side grossed $890,500 to average $2,748
59 Brangus and Super Baldy Bred Heifers grossed $140,950 to average $2,389
53 Lots Grossed $152,750
3 -3-N-1 grossed $13,950, to average $4,650
7 - bred cows grossed $25,400 to average $3,629
Lot 40 Lawman Ms Business line 331/K15 of Lawman Brangus received a bid of $2,600 to go home with Ralph Stroope, Campbell, Texas
66 Open Brangus Heifers grossed $140,050 to average $2,122
14 – bred heifers grossed $42,350 to average $3,025
11 – pairs grossed $74,500 to average $6,773
20 – open heifers grossed $50,250 to average $2,512
2 – bulls grossed $7,150 to average $3,575
A Capacity crowd gathered on a beautiful spring day in McAlester, Oklahoma to appraise the high quality offering put forth by the Oklahoma Brangus Association members. This sale has proven to be the longest running Association sale in the Brangus Breed. Ranchers come back year after year to be in attendance on sale day while looking for high quality sires or females which can move their herds forward with new and current genetics.
Buyers from 6 states were on hand to compete for the high quality lots consigned by 20 breeders across the Southeast. The highest selling lot MS. Boulder 000F16 with a heifer calf at her side, consigned by Vanna Farms, was purchased by L & K Farms for $26,000.
The volume buyer was Eagle Ridge Farms, Cottondale, Al -purchased 12 lots
Lot 10 JG Mr. 804/J5 Jet Stock of Gorczyca & Son Brangus seemed to be a crowd favorite as he commanded a $9,000 bid to go home with Steven Powell of Wewoka Oklahoma.
All consigners and buyers are greatly appreciated. The 2023 Cut Above Sale will be in Cullman, AL on April 29, 2023 at 10:00 am
Registered Female Sale
Lot 1 YLC Platinum Card 117/J2 of Young Land and Cattle was another crowd pleaser as he demanded a bid of $5,600 from Earl Mynatt of Oologah, Oklahoma.
1 Registered Brangus Herd Sire grossed $15,000 to average $15,000
7 Brangus and Ultrablack 3N1’s grossed $67,500 to average $9,643
449 Commercial Females grossed $1,171,500 to average $2,609
163 buyers from 12 states and Mexico were greeted by pleasant spring weather, mild temperature and welcoming hospitality from the hosts at Cavenders Neches River Ranch.
After the Registered sale the Oklahoma Brangus Association always allows fancy commercial females to sell. This year Gorczyca & Son Brangus topped the commercial side with a set of weaned open heifers for $1,900 which went home with Dillon Taylor in Lindsey, Oklahoma.
The Oklahoma Brangus Association would like to recognize the following breeders who helped to make this years sale.
Beckwards T Ranch Lawton, Oklahoma
-G-Cattle Co. McAlster, Oklahoma
G Bar 2 cattle company, Chandler Oklahoma
at the 2nd annual CDP Spring Female Production Sale. The sale featured Registered Brangus and Ultrablack cattle from the CDP group as well as customers and included 450 commercial cattle, many with calves at side sired by CDP bulls. The bidding was fast paced and furious as demand for quality Brangus seedstock ran high.
Gorczyca & Son Harrah, Oklahoma
Wells J-J Brangus Stratford, Oklahoma
Labrada Brangus, Boswell, Oklahoma
Lawman Ranch Okmulgee, Oklahoma
The day’s top selling female, at $25,000 was Lot 85, PR MS Crossroads 129J7. This powerful open heifer was consigned by Pennridge Farms, Paige, Tx. Her dam is a full sister to the dam of Modello and Herndon Farms, Lyons, Ga was the winning bidder.
Matthew Barton, Stillwater, Oklahoma
Waits Ridgeview Ranch Orlando, Oklahoma
Young Land & Cattle Co. Blanchard, Oklahoma
E-Z Brangus Joshua, Texas
Ralph & Janis Stroope Campbell, Texas
Briggs Ranch, Bloomington TX and Harris Riverbend Farms, Cleburne, TX teamed to eran the bid of $24,000 for Lot 107, MS DMR Resource 415J52. She was another stout open heifer and was consigned by CDP Partner, Draggin M Ranch, Eldorado, Arkansas.
B/K Beef LLC, Boerne, TX was the purchaser of the next high selling lot when they paid $22,500 to own Lot 42, MS
JOHN MILAM, OWNER Grady Green, Ranch Manager 870-314-3673 | El Dorado, Arkansas
Town Creek Farm bulls hold up, out-work, out-last and out-perform their peers. Fewer bulls to replace. Thirty-years of proven maternal performance bulls.
√ Select your bulls from proven Brangus (selection of 1st gen 3/8-5/8 bulls) Ultrablacks, Vigor Max™ (Brahman x Angus half-blood), 3/4 Blood and Brahman Bulls.
√ Opportunity to buy bulls from a program that culls EVERY open female and EVERY female that doesn’t bring a calf to weaning pens.
√ Cattle fit the commercial world, based on good cows behind our bull offering.
√ Maternal bulls develop superior replacement heifers that are fertile, long- lasting and have good udders.
√ Offering full two-year-old bulls.
√ Large selection of calving ease heifer bulls.
√ User-Friendly bulls.
√ Bulls are hard, ripped and toned; ready for breeding pastures.
√ Managed to be disease-free. ALL bulls are out of Johnes-free cows.
√ Environmentally adapted and acclimated bulls that withstand heat and humidity.
√ Longevity – of breeding bulls and of their daughters.
√ Fertility is our top priority. All other traits follow fertility.
√ Genetics developed and proven for more than 30 years.
√ Your source of maternal bulls.
ABOUT THE BRANGUS JOURNAL The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) is proud to offer its members and industry affiliates the opportunity to promote themselves through Brangus Publications, Inc.’s (BPI) print and digital mediums. IBBA’s printed publications are produced by BPI and are distributed to a mailing list, comprised of addresses in Australia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Philippines, Thailand, and the United States; with a circulation of approximately 2,000.
The Brangus Journal (ISSN 0006-9132) is published by Brangus Publications, Inc. (BPI), 8870 US Highway 87 East, San Antonio, Texas 78263, monthly except February, June, July, and September. Periodicals postage paid at San Antonio, Texas and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address change to Brangus Publications Inc., P.O. Box 809, Adkins, Texas 78101.
The Brangus Journal is the official publication of the International Brangus® Breeders Association (IBBA). The Brangus Journal is published eight times annually. The purpose of the Brangus Journal is to serve the best interest of IBBA members by showcasing breeding programs, efforts, and achievements to other Brangus® seedstock producers. Lastly, the Brangus Journal serves as an outlet for the IBBA to provide updates by directly communicating with the membership. The claims made by advertisers in this publication are not verified by BPI or the IBBA.
For subscriptions, email, or call 210.696.8231. Domestic periodicals (one year) $25; first class $55; foreign periodicals (one year) $25; air mail to Canada or Mexico $70; air mail to other countries $115.