brangus j
May/June 2009
2009 International Issue Edici贸n Internacional
The Official Publication of the International Brangus® Breeders Association The Brangus Journal is an international news magazine serving the Brangus breed of beef cattle including Brangus crossbreds and Brahman and Angus stock necessary to produce Brangus cattle. Published six times a year by Brangus Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 696020, San Antonio, Texas 78269-6020. This publication is designed to promote and develop the Brangus breed and serve the best interests of the producers. Publication #ISSN0006-9132. Periodicals postage paid at San Antonio, Texas, and additional entries.
Advertising: Sara Calhoun 210.696.8231 x216 (office) 210.861.7272 (mobile) Subscriptions: Frances Miller 210.696-8231 x203
Postmaster: Send address changes to Brangus Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 696020, San Antonio, Texas 78269-6020. Subscription Rates: Domestic Periodicals—1 year, $25; First class—$55. Foreign—1 year, periodicals, $25; air mail to Mexico, $70, Canada, $70, Australia, $115; air mail to all other countries, $115. Contact: P. O. Box 696020, San Antonio, Texas 78269-6020 Physical Address: 5750 Epsilon, San Antonio, Texas 78249 Tel.: 210.696.8231 Fax: 210.696.8718 Web site: Email: The International Brangus® Breeders Association does not verify claims made by the advertisers in this publication.
Exploring Foreign Markets
In Pictures: 2009 Global Brangus Roundup
The Future of Selection: DNA-based Technologies
The Bottom Line: Introducing Grant Keenen
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International Brangus Breeders Association Mailing Address: P. O. Box 696020, San Antonio, Texas 78269-6020 Physical Address: 5750 Epsilon, San Antonio, Texas 78249 Tel.: 210.696.8231 Fax: 210.696.8718 Web site: Officers President: Dale Kirkham (620.583.5247) 1st Vice President: Don Cox (281.395.1277) 2nd Vice President: Angelo Zottarelli (254.471.5675) Secretary/Treasurer : David Vaughan (770.382.4374) Member At Large : Dr. Robert Vineyard (979.532.4243) Executive Vice President : Dr. Joseph Massey (210.696.8231) 2009-2012 IBBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Term Expires 2010 Bill Morrison, Clovis, New Mexico (505.683.5278) David Vaughan, Cartersville, Georgia (770.386.0390) Brad Church, Kiowa, Oklahoma (918.432.5448) Angelo Zottarelli, Austin, Texas (254.471.5675) Steve Densmore, Bryan, Texas (979.778.1055)
BPI Officers and Board of Directors Chairman : Don Cox (281.395.3800) President : Dr. Joseph Massey (210.696.8321 x212) Secretary/Treasurer : David Vaughan (770.382.4374) Director : Dale Kirkham (620.583.5247) Director: Angelo Zottarelli (254.471.5675)
Term Expires 2011 Don Cox, Katy, Texas (281.395.1277) Bill Davis, Concord, Arkansas (336.210.1222) Dale Kirkham, Eureka, Kansas (620.583.5247) Russell Thomas Taylor, Alachua, Florida (386.462.1011)
STAFF Carolyn Kobos: Administrative Assistant to the Executive VP (x211, Frances Miller: Controller (x203, Duncan MacRae: Director of Communications (x215, Grant Keenen; Director of Commercial Marketing Programs (x202; Sara Calhoun: Journal Advertising Coordinator (x216, Rosanne Sralla: Registry Specialist (x206, Patti Teeler: Accounting (x205, Jim Bulger: Information Technologies Manager (x207, Emilio Silvas: Application Developer (x204, Mary Douglass: Front Desk and Member Services Associate (x201,
Term Expires 2012 Bill Felton, Holly Springs, MS (662.252.1314) R. L. Robbs, Wilcox, AZ (520.384.2478) Doug Williams, Mocksville, NC (336.998.8125) Robert S. Vineyard, Wharton, TX (979.532.4243)
by Dr. Joseph M. Massey
by Dale Kirkham
by Pamela Doiron
by Alex Brull
Beef Improvement Federation Meeting
Person to Person
14. News & Noteworthy 48. Show Results 51. Sale Reports 57. IBBA and BPI Meeting Minutes 59. State Directory 66. Services 71. Calendar of Events 71. Advertiser Index
IBA: Relections & Revelations
IJBBA: On the Horizon
membershipbenefits Total Herd Reporting (THR) is rapidly becoming the industry standard for reporting beef seedstock performance information, and the IBBA is emerging as a leader in THR. IBBA membership provides flexibility. IBBA membership includes a subscription to the Brangus Journal, the official publication of the IBBA, and to the FRONTLINE Beef Producer, the IBBA's commerciallyfocused publication. IBBA members receive a complimentary copy of the IBBA Breeder Handbook. Brangus®, Red Brangus, Ultrablack® or Ultrared, its your choice. You choose the genetics that best fit your customers’ needs. IBBA membership is full featured, not complex. The Brangus Automated Registry Network (BARN) is the most advanced and user friendly registry system in the industry. In fact, for most breeders the BARN can eliminate the need for other herd management software. IBBA membership provides access. The IBBA is an active participant in the development of Multi-Breed EPD, and participates in the Beef Cattle Decision Support web-based software developed by Colorado State University and the National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium. Sorting and selecting genetics based on real economics positions IBBA members and their customers for increased profitability. IBBA membership is global. IBBA is an active member of US Livestock Genetics Export, Inc., allowing members to leverage their ability to market IBBA genetics worldwide. IBBA currently provides services to breeders in Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico. IBBA membership creates opportunity. The IBBA Business Plan adopted January 8, 2006 includes the following purpose statement: “Enable IBBA members to serve the commercial cattle industry.” The beef seedstock business is becoming increasingly competitive, and today’s breeders need an association that is truly dedicated to the needs of its members’ customers.
HOTEL DISCOUNT FOR IBBA MEMBERS IBBA members, their families and friends can now receive specials rates* (12% discount) at over 650 La Quinta Hotels** nationwide for business or leisure travel. HOW TO MAKE RESERVATIONS: Go to: 1. Select City, and Specific Hotel; Type in Promotional Code: IBBA Or 2. *Call 1-800-753-3757 (1-800-SLEEPLQ). Toll Free Reservations; Request: “ International Brangus Breeders Association Rate” Or 3. *Call Hotel’s Direct Number; Request: “International Brangus Breeders Association Rate” *Not available at some locations during special events or holidays **Limited # of Hotels do not participate in “Texas State Rates”
welcome our new members LM Jackson Oakwood, Texas Bobby Victor Portales, New Mexico Seelbach Ranch Wayne Seelbach Humble, Texas Jerry Nowling Jay, Florida Gerry Crawford Gainesville, Florida Jimmy Roppolo Roppolo Ranch El Campo, Texas PBK Farm Paul & Brenda Meek Marshall, Texas Ed & Mike Dickey Elm Creek Farm Caldwell, Texas
Gale & Janice Norsworthy GJ Ranch Chappell Hill, Texas Josue Cano Cano Cattle Company Harlingen, Texas Fred Thompson FT Brangus Calhoun, Georgia Thomas L Powell TSP Land & Cattle Simonton, Texas Joel & Christy Elliott Canton, Texas Michael C McCarty Cypress Hollow Farm Liberty, Texas Jerry King Crowder, Texas
Ricky Owens Tenaha, Texas JW Ridenour Humble, Texas David Wayne Larson Double D Ranch New Iberia, Louisiana Sierra Rose Ranch Rose G Cobb Weaverville, North Carolina James E Miller Franklin, Texas
Beef Improvement Federation Meeting Sets Direction of DNA Technology in the Beef Industry by DR. JOSEPH MASSEY
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Massey has served as Executive Vice President of the IBBA since 2004. In 2007, he started Genetic Performance Solutions, LLC, a breed registry services and performance analysis company serving the cattle and breed association industry— a joint venture between the IBBA and the Red Angus Association of America. GPS manages online registry programs for breed associations and the data base management of performance data like multibreed EPDs.
12 | MAY/JUNE 2009
he information that was presented at the 2009 Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) meeting clearly demonstrates that DNA information for quantitative traits of economic importance in the beef industry will become available by the end of 2009. What is also clear is the value these DNA markers will have in enhancing the accuracies of EPDs and/ or establishing EPDs earlier in the productive life of breeding stock. Many of us are looking for a simple test which would clearly define the value of our breeding animals with a yes or no answer for the trait of interest, but unfortunately quantitative traits are made up of many genes and not all genes work in harmony or are inherited in unity. Now is the time for seed stock breeders, commercial breeders and breed associations to start to understand the value of this DNA information, how it will be presented for use and make sure that the tools to interpret this information will be available to our industry. It was also clear that the data coming out of these DNA studies will be breed specific; obviously it will be the responsibility of each breed or breed association to develop and accumulate a discovery population of animals in order for information to be available to their breed. We have a tendency to believe that we have made our animals available for DNA analysis because we ran a DNA test on them. This is not the case. When I say we need an effort to put discovery animals together for the studies, I mean that we must provide animals with well defined genetic performance, that have produced many offspring and that their DNA is made available to a research organization that is capable of running the new 50K chips being promoted by the DNA community. The one thing we now know is that developing DNA data of value takes a very well defined effort in unity with other breeds and researchers. The DNA typing of our cattle is a major commitment and very few, if any, organizations can go it alone. The beef industry has a history of independence, but this is one time independence may leave you on the outside looking in and realizing that while you have not even gotten started, other large breeds are well on their way into implementation. The Dairy industry is already incorporating DNA information into their EPD analysis and will be able to shorten the time required to prove an individual animal or to shorten the generational internal. The dairy industry has a history of only using bulls in their breeds that have been progeny tested which take 8 to 10 years on average. With DNA information, this time period will be
Brangus Journal
El Congreso de la Federación para el Mejoramiento de la Carne de Res (BIF) establece la dirección de la tecnología basada en el ADN para la industria de la carne La información que se presentó en el congreso 2009 de la Federación para el Mejoramiento de la Carne de Res (Beef Improvement Federation - BIF) claramente demuestra que la información del ADN para las características cuantitativas de importancia económica para la industria de la carne, estará disponible para fines de 2009. Lo que también quedó claro es el valor que estos marcadores del ADN tienen al mejorar la precisión de las DEP (diferencias esperadas en la progenie) y/o en establecer las DEP más temprano en la vida productiva de los animales reproductores. Muchos de nosotros buscamos una prueba sencilla que definiera claramente el valor de nuestros animales reproductores con una respuesta de sí o no para la característica de interés, pero desafortunadamente, las características cuantitativas se componen de muchos genes y no todos los genes funcionan en armonía ni se heredan en grupo. Ahora es el momento en que los criadores de animales reproductores, los productores comerciales y las asociaciones de registro deben empezar a comprender el valor de esta información del ADN, la manera en que se presentará para el uso y cómo nos podremos asegurar de que las herramientas necesarias para interpretar dicha información estarán al alcance de nuestra industria. También se aclaró que los datos que surgen de dichos estudios del ADN, serán específicos para cada raza; obviamente, será la responsabilidad de cada raza o cada asociación de registro desarrollar y acumular una población de animales para los que se descubrirá el marcador de modo que la información esté disponible para esa raza. Tenemos la tendencia de creer que nuestros animales están disponibles para los análisis de ADN simplemente porque les hicimos una prueba de ADN. Eso no es así. Cuando digo que necesitamos hacer un esfuerzo para juntar animales para el descubrimiento de marcadores para estos estudios, quiero decir que debemos proporcionar animales con un desempeño genético bien definido, animales que han producido muchas crías y que el ADN de éstos esté a disposición de la institución de investigación que tenga la capacidad de usar los nuevos chips de 50K, que la comunidad del ADN esta promoviendo. Lo que ahora sí sabemos es que el desarrollo de datos valiosos del ADN requerirá un esfuerzo muy bien definido junto con otras razas e investigadores. La tipificación del ADN de nuestro ganado requerirá una enorme dedicación y muy pocas organizaciones, si es que existiera una, lo podrán hacer por su propia cuenta. La industria de la carne tiene antecedentes de gran independencia, pero ésta será una de las ocasiones en que la independencia los excluirá y algunos se darán cuenta que Continued on page 67
TBBA Calendar Correction Good News: all IBBA members received a 2009 Calendar with the December 2008 Issue, courtesy of the TBBA. Bad News: the October and November months were inadvertently printed in reverse order.
The month of October should have been accompanied by the advertisement for the Doguet's Diamond D Ranch Annual Bull & Female Sale, held in Poteet, Texas on October 17, 2009. Additionally, the sale listing on October 17 incorrectly lists the location as Aliceville, AL (only off target by 828 miles!). To clarify...the sale is held in Poteet, Texas. Consequently, the Month of November should have been accompanied by the advertisement for the Camp Cooley Annual Production Sale, held in Franklin, Texas, November 19-21, 2009. Our sincere apologies for any confusion this created.
14 | MAY/JUNE 2009
Brangus Journal
NEWS&NOTEWORTHY OPTIMAXX ADDED TO US PREMIUM BEEF, LLC "RANCH PROGRAM" The International Brangus Breeders Association is pleased to announce that OptimaxX, its age and source verification program (ASV), has been approved for inclusion in US Premium Beef’s “Ranch Program.” Inclusion in the program will help establish new marketing avenues for OptimaxX feeder cattle by creating demand for Brangusinfluenced cattle that are enrolled in the IBBA’s Process Verified Program. “The IBBA is very excited about the future of the Brangus industry and is working diligently to construct new marketing channels for Brangus-influenced feeder cattle and replacement females,” explains Grant Keenen, IBBA Commercial Marketing Programs Director. Ranch programs approve the cattle and birth records from the ranch of origin and can be used for feeder cattle and calves, ideally before they leave the ranch of origin. When cattle are enrolled and become USDA Age and Source Verified before leaving the ranch of origin, the cattle can then be managed by other producers at dif-
ferent locations such as salebarns, grow yards, backgrounders, or custom grazers without requiring those producers to be trained, approved and audited by a USDA program. Ranch programs are the only way cattle can be physically marketed through a traditional salebarn auction and remain eligible for ASV
BRANGUS GOLD HEIFERS MAKING PROFITABLE IMPACT Brangus Gold, the IBBA’s female verification program, is starting to reap rewards for participants in the sale ring. On May 2, 2009 at the Jordan Livestock sale in San Saba, Texas Brangus Goldtagged females earned an average of $996/head, well above the average sale price. Ricky McKinnerney, the owner of McKinnerney Ranch in Richland Springs, Texas has participated in the Brangus Gold program since its inception. “Good Brangus bulls and cows and good management have increased the herd’s uniformity and productivity. The Brangus Gold program has increased demand and increased profit with satisfied repeat customers.” The Brangus Gold program provides verification of at least 50% IBBA genetics and verification of the ranch of origin. Along with the IBBA’s OptimaxX program and Total Herd Reporting (THR), Brangus Gold is part of a suite of services that the IBBA offers breeders. If you have any questions concerning the benefits of participation in IBBA Commercial Marketing Programs, please contact Grant Keenen at (210) 696-8231
We would like to express our thanks to Tanessa and Jessica Cowan for contributing the cover photo used on the January Issue of the Brangus Journal.
16 | MAY/JUNE 2009
Brangus Journal
NEWS&NOTEWORTHY LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS DEVASTATED BY WILDFIRE CAN RECEIVE HELP THROUGH NORTH TEXAS CATTLEMAN'S RELIEF FUND In response to the devastating wildfires in North Texas, Chisholm Trail RC&D and the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA) have teamed up to establish the "North Texas Cattlemen's Relief Fund." Livestock producers in Wichita, Archer, Young, Clay, Jack and Montague counties can apply to receive funds to help with damages caused by recent wildfires. This organization will accept applications from cattlemen who experienced any loss during the wildfires including livestock, feed, equipment, fencing, etc. Applications are available at the USDA Service Center, County Judge's office and the AgriLife Extension Service office in each of the affected counties. The application can also be downloaded from Chisholm Trail RC&D's website at: Applications will be accepted until July 1, 2009.
Applications should be dropped off at the Chisholm Trail RC&D office located at 1616 East Wise Street, Bowie, Texas 76230. Applications can also be mailed to Chisholm Trail RC&D at P.O. Box 454, Bowie, Texas 76230. Disbursements will be made by September 1, 2009. Those interested in contributing to the North Texas Cattlemen's Relief Fund should mail their contribution made payable to: North Texas Cattlemen's Relief Fund, P.O. Box 1717, Bowie, Texas 76230. One hundred percent of each donation will benefit livestock producers in the six counties. For more information, please contact Van Baize, President of Ozona National Bank at 940-872-8450, or Stacey Stark, Chisholm Trail RC&D Coordinator at 940-872-5329, ext. 4
The IBBA is proud to announce the launch of BrangusVideo, a YouTube Video Channel dedicated to increasing the exposure of the Brangus breed. The video channel will become a repository for IBBA media that cannot be appropriately served by Brangus publications, the Brangus Journal and FRONTLINE Beef Producer. “For the past year, the IBBA has been expanding and modernizing its communications offerings,” explains Duncan A. MacRae, IBBA Director of Communications. “Since live events have become a greater part of the marketing and promotional effort, it made sense that we should be creating legacy materials that can benefit our entire audience. A YouTube channel works for us on almost every level.”
Currently, the channel (located at is host to a pair of informational videos that were captured at the 2009 Southern Section Animal Science Conference: Dr. Dan Moser, Associate Professor in the Department of Animal Science and Industry at Kansas State University gave a presentation on carcass traits and quality of varying breeds of beef cattle, and Dr. Todd Thrift, Assistant Professor of Beef Cattle Management at the University of Florida gave a presentation on the benefits of Brangusinfluenced cattle in various production scenarios. During the course of the year, the IBBA will continually be updating its video channel offerings, and seeking out new methods to communicate the association’s message to its members and their potential customers
Brangus Journal
maY/JUNE 2009 | 17
National Pedigreed Livestock Council (NPLC) members conducted business during the organization’s annual meeting, May 4-6, 2009, in Kansas City, Mo. Educational workshops, a tour, a membership meeting and honors banquet filled the agenda for the leaders of various livestock industry organizations, including representatives of beef, dairy, equine, swine, goat, alpaca and other allied industry partners. Educational workshops on this year’s agenda included topics such as genomics, legislative issues, building positive board relationships, communications and a half day youth summit. A trip to the American Angus Association®, Saint Joseph, Mo., hosting sponsor of this year’s event, included tours of the Association and Angus Productions Inc., and presentations of the various entities and departments of the Association including AngusSource®, API’s Creative Media, Angus Genetic Inc., and Certified Angus Beef (CAB) LLC. An aerial view of Kansis City.
The attendees also conducted the annual business meeting of the NPLC, where they elected officers and directors. Newly elected NPLC officers include Debbie Fuentes, Arabian Horse Association, president; Mike Paul, National Swine Registry, vice president; and Zane Akins, Akins & Associates, secretary-treasurer. Directors include Daniel Meihak, Holstein Association USA; Tyler Atwood, American Morgan Horse Association; Robert Wiebe, Maxxam Analytics Inc.; and Craig Huffhines, American Hereford Association. During the honors program, sponsored by Maxxam Analytics Inc., two men were honored with distinguished service awards for their continued contributions to the livestock and equine industries—Gary Griffith, recently retired American Quarter Horse Association staff; and Dr. Maynard Hogberg, Iowa State University The NPLC Board.
announcing ibba member discounts on frontline advertising
e heard you. Starting with the September/October issue of the FRONTLINE Beef Producer, BPI will be instituting an IBBA member discount for advertising in FRONTLINE Beef Producer. For any IBBA member, advertising rates in FRONTLINE will drop approximately 30%. For example, a full-page advertisement regularly costing $1650 drops to $1100 for IBBA members. Multiple issue commitments earn an additional $100 discount per issue. If you are interested in advertising in both FRONTLINE and the Brangus Journal, please contact Sara Calhoun at the BPI office to discuss a package discount.
18 | MAY/JUNE 2009
Brangus Journal
We have two more issues of FRONTLINE planned for 2009: The September/October issue will mail on September 15, 2009 and focus on Feeder Calf Marketing and Bull Power. The deadline for advertising materials is August 20, 2009. The November/December issue will mail on November 15, 2009 and focus on Cow Efficiency and Industry Trends. The deadline for advertising materials is October 20, 2009. Our goal is to provide IBBA members with the best audience for your products and services at the best price we can offer
Rian Van Wyck (L) of South Africa visits with Bob Heidzig (R) of Honey Creek Brangus in Auburn, NE.
hereford, brangus take beef 09 interbreed honors
Mr. Rian Van Wyk, a board member of the South African Brangus Breeders Association visited Robert and Lora Heidzig’s Honey Creek Brangus herd in Auburn Ne. Rian wanted to establish closer ties with US breeders and spend some time with breeders and their cattle. He has an irrigated potato farm and 760 breeding cows in the north eastern province of Mpumalanga, near the town of Ermelo. He has bred several national champions and breeds both black and red Brangus, which has only one association. He often exports bulls to neighboring countries Swaziland and Mozambique. As a judge he enjoyed working through the Honey Creek herd. Rian said: “I really appreciate the structural sound and correct females and young bulls. The general quality is good and won’t disappoint any cattleman. The lack of excessive navel and sheath as well as good udders and teats may be as good as I’ve ever seen. Working through the herds newborn calves and their pedigrees, I realized we all use the same world famous AI bulls. I am greatly impressed with the calves from the Honey Creek herd bull Suhn’s Affirmed 894R34 and a young bull Honey Creek Crossfire 675U2 (A Blackhawk of Brinks son). I hope there semen will be available for export. From Nebraska, Rian will travel to Colorado to visit the Leachman Cattle Co. He uses some Angus semen on his Brahman cows to to upgrade to Brangus
The grand champion bull and female of every breed took centre stage at Beef 2009 yesterday but it was the Hereford bull and Brangus cow that came out on top. The Nixon family's Wallan Creek Hereford Stud, at Drillham in Southern Queensland, and Brad and Jane Saunder's Charlevue Brangus stud, at Dingo in Central Queensland, earned the accolades. After providing a critically honest assessment of the fields, United States judge Dr Jim Sanders, of Texas, gave his seal of approval to Charlevue Bella, a 28-month-old cow with a heifer calf at foot, and Wallan Creek Dimbulah C261, a 19-month-old Hereford bull. Toby Nixon said his family knew they had "a good article" with Dimbulah – the youngest of the bulls they exhibited but with the best weight for age. It was only the second time Charlevue Bella had been shown – the first was at the Baralaba show – and Mrs Saunders was shaking after the announcement. "Beef Australia is the ultimate competition for us so this is as good as it gets," she said
Brangus Journal
maY/JUNE 2009 | 19
NEWS&NOTEWORTHY International red brangus breeders association meeting The International Red Brangus Breeders Association (IRBBA) held their annual meeting on April 25, 2009 at the O.D. Butler Animal Science Complex at Texas A&M University. Seventy members and guests enjoyed and participated in a range of presentations and activities. The participants included guests from Mexico, Panama and Columbia. President Marcos Borges presided over the general membership meeting in which three current members of the Board of Directors were unanimously reelected to additional three year terms. These Directors are Rhumina Stofa of Willis, Gary Markham of Manvel and Marcos Borges, of Wharton. Mr. James Henderson of Bradley 3 Angus Ranch and Micro Beef, Inc. presented the key note address, discussing current issues that face the beef industry in terms of efficiency and the how Brangus cattle are bred to meet these needs. Red Brangus breeders displayed nine senior and junior herd bulls in the Herd Bull Parade providing participants an opportunity to evaluate some of the top Red Brangus genetics. This years meeting included several first time events. President Marcos Borges awarded the first two IRBBA Memorial Scholarships. The inaugural recipients are Katy Knox of La Porte, Texas & Benjamin Wishert of Magnolia, Texas. Katy will be attending Texas A&M and studying Agricultural Commutations. Ben will also be attending Texas A&M and studying Nuclear Engineering. Both students were awarded checks for $1000.00 to go towards furthering their education. The IRBBA Memorial Scholarship was developed to help honor two beloved former members of the IRBBA: Ms. Wilma Buffaloe and Mr. Jim Hunt. The families and friends of these great individuals take great pride in presenting these scholarships in remembrance of their loved ones. The other event to premier was the “Divas in Red” Red Brangus Heifer Sale. Breeders presented eight top of the herd females that were auctioned under the guidance of Colonel Bunge Halla. The high selling female was Miss PB Diva of Rocky 204M 886/08U consigned by OB Ranch of Wharton, Texas. The fancy young heifer was purchased in active bidding by Gary Markham of Rancho de Trabajo, Manvel, Texas. She is sired by Sureway’s Rocky Street 227N, the three time Show Sire of the Year
Benjamin Wishert (top) and Katy Knox (bottom) recieve the IRBBA Memorial Scholarship awards from IRBBA President Marcos Borges.
leading brangus breeders launch genetrust, an innovative genetic and marketing alliance Ten of the Brangus Breed’s leading genetic providers are pleased to announce the formation of a unique and highly progressive alliance. GENETRUST is a collaboration of breeders dedicated to the common goal of providing a superior genetic product to registered and commercial cattlemen alike. The goal of GENETRUST is to create a unique genetic and marketing alliance that will aid customers through enhanced marketing incentives, strengthen and grow the Brangus breed and provide a reliable and consistent source of Brangus genetics in today’s marketplace.
20 | MAY/JUNE 2009
Brangus Journal
GENETRUST separates itself from other genetic alliances and cooperator programs in that not one, single ranch controls the entire philosophy but rather a team. And yet because the cattle produced by each partner must adhere to rigorous performance, health and genetic standards it allows customers to buy with confidence that each GENETRUST animal comes from a similar genetic background and achieves the same performance benchmarks. Vernon Suhn, owner of Suhn Cattle Company, will serve as the alliance’s President, managing day to day operations and setting the genetic focus of the alliance. “The purpose of the GENETRUST alliance
is to create a central home for some of the Brangus breed’s leading operations. When you analyze the genetic pool of GENETRUST cattle you can quickly notice not only the similar breeding program but also the depth of the cow herds represented is simply unrivaled.” “Each GENETRUST partner is essentially a satellite ranch. GENETRUST cattle all conform to similar genetic backgrounds, development practices and rigorous health standards,” stated Bill Davis, owner of Chimney Rock Cattle Company and Chairman of GENETRUST. “Because we have GENETRUST partners across the nation it allows our customers to buy from partners in their local area, ensuring that the bulls they purchase are already adapted to the climate and rangeland conditions that they will eventually call home. Craig Green will serve as Marketing Director of GENETRUST, “I truly look forward to how our customer base can benefit from this exciting alliance. GENETRUST will start out with three sales a year, marketing over 400 Brangus bulls, 200 Registered Brangus Females and 1,000 commercial females, creating one of the largest pools of Brangus genetics. The three sales will be held at Chimney Rock Cattle Company in Concord, Arkansas, Cavender Ranches in Jacksonville, Texas and Suhn Cattle Company in Eureka, Kansas, with more sale locations to be added in the future. GENETRUST is truly a multi-dimensional alliance that reaches to all corners of the nation and not just a single region.” The GENETRUST brand was conceived by the participating partners who ascribed to a similar genetic and breeding philosophy. All GENETRUST cattle have at least some genetic history that traces them back to the famed Brinks Brangus program and all of the participating ranches utilize both AI and ET extensively in their programs.
Vernon Suhn or Craig Green, along with each owner, individually mate all of the females in the GENETRUST program. This creates a consistent genetic approach and uniformity for all the cattle marketed through GENETRUST. While the GENETRUST participating ranches are based in Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia each complies with similar management practices and strict adherence to predetermined animal husbandry and health standards. Every GENETRUST bull will be developed at one of three GENETRUST sites; Suhn Cattle Company in Eureka, Kansas, Cavender Ranches in Jacksonville, Texas, or Chimney Rock Cattle Company in Concord, Arkansas. Each of those three sites utilizes the same gain test development methods and bulls are fed the same ration. The only difference is the climate and weather conditions. By utilizing three different development locals, GENETRUST is able to acclimate bulls to differing eco-environments which allows them to better prepare the bulls for a diverse clientele base. “We are truly excited about what we will be able to accomplish by melding the genetic strength and the people behind each of our individual operations. We believe that the launch of GENETRUST will mean great things for us individually but, more importantly, will serve as a catalyst for renewed growth and excitement within the Brangus breed,” stated Joe Kassler, Vice-Chairman of GENETRUST. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact: Vernon Suhn, (620) 5833706,; or Craig Green, (870) 834-1976,; or visit
camp cooley and texas beef council host korean development team Camp Cooley Genetics was proud to host, in conjunction with the Texas Beef Council, the U.S. Dry Aged Beef Menu Development Team from Korea on Monday, April 27th, 2009. Korea is an important beef export market, importing 57,267 metric tons from the United States in 2008. The group toured the Camp Cooley Genetics Embryo Transfer Division Headquarters, where Brad Wright, Embryo Transfer Services Manager, explained and demonstrated the technology behind embryo transfer. The group was able to observe spring-born embryo transfer calves, demonstrating the importance of multiplying genetic progress. In addition to the embryo facility, the group was taken through the calving pastures, working facilities, bull and heifer development areas, as well as, the hay fields and grazing pastures. During a traditional Camp Cooley steak dinner, the group enjoyed mingling with the staff of Camp Cooley Genetics and learning of our role in the beef industry. Ken Hughes, Director of Genetics and Production, briefly spoke about the breeding program and the cattle of Camp Cooley. The majority of the U.S. Dry Aged Beef Menu Development Team had never been exposed to a cattle operation with the magnitude and vastness of Camp Cooley Genetics. Elly Sung, the group’s translator, expressed the group’s gratitude and amazement, “It is
The US Dry Aged Beef Menu Development Team visited Camp Cooley in late April 2009.
nice to see such a clean and pretty ranch with cows out in the open pastures.”
Brangus Journal
maY/JUNE 2009 | 21
ello to all you Brangus Breeders. I am very excited about working for the IBBA as Director of Commercial Marketing Programs. I have had the pleasure of meeting several of you already and look forward to working with you all. I previously worked for Camp Cooley Ranch and managed J.B. Hunt’s Ranch in northwest Arkansas the four years prior. After graduating from the University of Arkansas, I worked at Joplin Regional Stockyards where I managed the comingle program and assisted with marketing and public relations. I possess thorough knowledge of the beef industry and I look forward to promoting the benefits of Brangus-influenced cattle to all sectors of the industry. Well, it is that time of year again. Spring has finally come and it finds us all extremely busy. Everyone is right in the middle of weaning calves, breeding cows and for those who farm, working ground and planting corn. Rainfall has been good throughout most of the Midwest and southeast. Temperatures are warming up and the grass is growing. Unfortunately, there are still areas in the south and west that are lacking moisture. We have all been there, and my thoughts are with those fellow producers facing what is shaping up as another dry year. These times of economic uncertainty have us all worried, but I am real optimistic about the future of the beef industry. The feeder and fat cattle markets have gained some momentum this spring and demand looks steady. Not to mention substantial decreases in feed and fuel costs compared to a year ago. Money being tight has shifted demand from higher priced choice and prime cuts to cheaper select cuts resulting in the choice-select spread going to -$0.13 in April. That was the first time below $0 in 20 years. Now the spread is steadily increasing, currently up over $3.00. Why? I am not sure. Maybe the economy is slowly getting better and consumers have more money to spend. Or, maybe consumers just decided if they were going to buy a steak at the grocery store, they wanted one worth eating. Taste and tenderness still sells our product. Brangus breeders and their commercial customers have the ability to produce the product consumers want, both domestically and abroad. We have seen excellent foreign demand for US beef, especially Japan and Asia. As all of you know, beef sent to those far-east countries must be age and source verified (ASV). Fortunately, IBBA has the OptimaxX program that you and your commercial customers can take advantage of and need to use. This USDA approved PVP allows your Brangus-influenced, aged and sourced feeder cattle the eligibility to fit the foreign market criteria. Several packers are paying a $25-$35/ head premium for ASV cattle. Premiums can be seen whether you sell off the ranch or retain ownership through the feedlot. I am working diligently to create new marketing channels for your Brangus-influenced feeder cattle. We have recently been added to US Premium Beef’s list of USDA approved ASV “Ranch Programs.” Inclusion in this program will help establish new marketing avenues and increased demand for your feeder cattle. I will also be visiting feedlots and packers through the summer to promote OptimaxX and the quality of our Brangus genetics. However, we must tag as many eligible calves as possible. This is also necessary to grow industry
n cordial saludo a todos los criadores de Brangus. Estoy muy entusiasmado con la oportunidad de trabajar para la IBBA como Director de los Programas Comerciales de Mercadeo. Ya he tenido el placer de conocer a varios de ustedes y espero pronto poder trabajar con todos ustedes. Antes de venir aquí trabajé con el Camp Cooley Ranch y los cuatro años antes de eso con el J.B. Hunt Ranch en el noroeste de Arkansas. Después de graduarme de la Universidad de Arkansas, trabajé para Joplin Regional Stockyards (corrales para subastas regionales de ganado) donde fui administrador del programa de combinar ganado de subasta en lotes grandes y ayudé con el mercadeo y las relaciones públicas. Tengo un buen conocimiento de la industria de la carne y me dedicaré a promover los beneficios del ganado con influencia Brangus a todos los sectores de la industria. Bien, aquí estamos nuevamente en esa época del año. Por fin ha llegado la primavera y nos encuentra a todos extremadamente ocupados. Todos estamos en medio de destetar becerros, aparear vacas y para los que cultivan, en preparar la tierra y plantar lo que fuera. La lluvia ha sido buena en casi todo el medio oeste y sudeste de Estados Unidos. Las temperaturas están aumentando y el pasto está creciendo. Desafortunadamente, todavía hay algunas zonas en el sur y en el oeste del país donde falta agua. Todos hemos pasado por esas épocas y les deseo suerte a mis colegas productores que enfrentan lo que parece ser otro año seco. Esta época de incertidumbre económica nos tiene preocupados a todos, pero soy muy optimista acerca del futuro de la industria de la carne. Los mercados de ganado para engorda y para ganado gordo han recobrado cierto ímpetu durante esta primavera y la demanda parece ser estable. Ni que hablar de las considerables reducciones en los precios de alimentos y combustibles cuando se comparan con los del año pasado. Cuando el dinero está apretado, la demanda se traslada de los cortes Choice y Prime de mayor precio a los cortes Select más económicos, lo cual ha resultado en un margen de -$0.13 entre Choice y Select en abril. Ésta es la primer vez que el margen ha estado bajo cero dólares en 20 años. Ahora, el margen está aumentando paulatinamente, en la actualidad está a más de $3.00. ¿Por qué? No estoy seguro. Quizás esté mejorando lentamente la economía y los consumidores tienen más dinero para gastar. O quizás los consumidores han decidido que si van a comprar un bistec en el supermercado, quieren uno que valga la pena comer. El sabor y la suavidad de nuestro producto siguen siendo elementos importantes para la venta. Los criadores de Brangus y sus clientes comerciales tienen la capacidad de producir el producto que los consumidores desean, tanto en este país como en el exterior. Hemos visto una excelente demanda en el extranjero para carne de res de Estados Unidos, especialmente en Japón y en el continente asiático. Como todos ustedes saben, la carne de res que se manda a esos países del lejano oriente deben ser verificada con respecto a edad y fuente (age and source verified - ASV por sus siglas en inglés). Afortunadamente, la IBBA tiene el programa OptimaxX que ustedes y sus clientes comerciales deberían usar y aprovechar. Este Programa de verificación del proceso (PVP), aprobado por el USDA (Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos) permite al ganado para engorda con influencia Brangus y con edad y fuente verificadas reunir las requisitos para que encaje en los criterios para los mercados extranjeros. Varias empacadoras están pagando una prima de $25 a $35/cabeza para ganado ASV. Los primas por mayor rendimiento se verán, venda su ganado cuando sale de la finca o si retiene propiedad durante la estancia en el corral de engorda. Estoy trabajando con diligencia para crear nuevas vías de mercadeo para nuestros animales de engorda con influencia Brangus. Hace poco, se nos incorporó a la lista US Premium Beef de los “Programas de Finca” ASV aprobados por el USDA. Nuestra inclusión en este programa ayudará a establecer nuevos conductos de mercadeo y a aumentar la Continued on page 67
22 | MAY/JUNE 2009
Brangus Journal
brangus beef feeding the hungry world
ABOUT THE PRESIDENT Dale was first elected to the IBBA Board of Directors in 2005 and served as chairman of the Promotion Committee for two years before being selected as 2nd Vice-President. During the past year, he has also been Chairman of the BPI Board. Dale is a member of the HOA and Oklahoma regional Brangus associations. He is a strong advocate of member participation and clear, effective communication at all levels.
24 | MAY/JUNE 2009
When the glass is half empty, it is still half full. Said another way, all challenges, or problems if you wish, create opportunities. Most of the “news” we hear today, whether on network TV or at the local coffee shop, have focused on the part of the glass that is half empty. If you are losing your job or your home, you will undoubtedly see the glass as half empty. But realistically, there are industries that are expanding and jobs available, albeit in a different field and/or a new location. And if you planned ahead and saved to buy a house, your dream home is more affordable today than a couple of years back. My purpose here is not to dwell on the “half empty” or challenges that we as beef producers face but to look for the opportunities before us. When I entered the Brangus business about 24 years ago, I also had the opportunity to join family members in buying and grazing stocker cattle that we sent to the feedlot for finishing. While a number of the “experts” were predicting that fat cattle would drop to $40 per hundredweight, we put together two pot loads of steers that provided a good return. Most opportunities come with some risk, but they always exist. The foremost challenge facing us today is to see those silver linings or opportunities behind the clouds of economic recession and weaker demand for beef products. What can we as individual seedstock producers and as an association do to move forward while some of the surrounding clouds are passing? What opportunities exist for IBBA and the members in 2009? The Optimaxx and Brangus Gold programs have been structured and made available to commercial producers but have yet to reach mainstream. At this point these programs are opportunities yet to be realized. A concerted effort on behalf of IBBA and its members to involve commercial cattlemen, cattle feeders and packers is needed to reach the desired level of success. Ultrablack and Ultrared cattle are a viable opportunity area for our organization and many breeders, both Angus and Brangus, who wish to expand their offering. Seedstock producers who have added this feature to their programs have found excellent responses from commercial cattlemen. Where many cowherds have become predominantly Angus based during recent years and lost the advantages of hybrid vigor, managers recognize the value of staying with an Angus line but capturing the heterosis boost that comes from Brangus genetics. While the “Ultra” cattle are adaptable in many environments, the greatest growth potential lies in the border states like Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkan-
Brangus Journal
La carne Brangus alimenta a un mundo hambriento
Los alimentos son un idioma universal. Sin duda, ya han oído que la música es el idioma universal, pero los alimentos son imperativos de la vida, junto con agua, aire y refugio. Toda ciudad, sea grande o pequeña, por la que he viajado, ofrece restaurantes y cocinas de muchas diferentes culturas de alrededor del mundo. Cuando conocemos a personas de otros países, casi siempre ocurre alrededor de una mesa con comida. Todos comemos y gozamos de la comida, pero no todos saben cantar, de lo cual yo soy testimonio fiel. Yo arguyo que los alimentos realmente son el idioma universal. Los ganaderos productores de ganado de carne, tanto los de pura raza como los comerciales, están vinculados por una meta en común, el suministro de parte de los requisitos dietéticos para la creciente población humana mundial. Aunque otros alimentos pueden proveer algunos de los mismos imperativos, ya ha quedado bien establecido que la carne de res es una fuente natural de proteínas y de muchas vitaminas y minerales. En los últimos 50 años, se ha avanzado considerablemente en la alimentación de la población mundial. No obstante, el número de seres humanos sigue creciendo rápidamente y muchos padecen de hambre y de la mala nutrición, aún aquí en Estados Unidos. Algunos sostienen que los cereales graníferos y otros cultivos serán los que alimentan al mundo. Pero en realidad, el tracto digestivo humano, desde los dientes, hasta el intestino grueso, es un organismo omnívoro, adaptado a una dieta de carne y también de materia vegetal. La opinión ortodoxa sugiere que los seres humanos deberían consumir ambos. El ganado vacuno y otros animales apacentadores convierten los pastos y demás materia vegetal que el ser humano no puede comer, en carne rica en nutrientes que proporciona un equilibrio a la dieta de los humanos. Los animales apacentadores con sistemas digestivos rumiantes tienen una larga historia de utilizar los forrajes nativos de las estepas de Eurasia, las sabanas del África, las pampas de Sudamérica, las praderas de Norteamérica y demás. A medida que se desarrollaron las culturas humanas a través de los siglos, el hombre aprendió a manejar los animales apacentadores y sus forrajes para aumentar el rendimiento de carne roja y alimentar a más personas. Unas importantes mejores en el manejo del ganado, la genética, el procesamiento y la distribución de los alimentos ha hecho que la carne de res sea más asequible a muchas personas en todas partes del mundo. Pero la demanda de carne de res continúa creciendo a medida que mejoran los niveles de vida en muchos países y existen oportunidades adicionales para que la carne de res forme parte de una dieta saludable. ¿Por qué debería el Brangus desempeñar un papel principal en satisfacer los requisitos alimenticios de la creciente población mundial? La raza Brangus encaja bien debido a por lo menos dos razones. Primero, el ganado Brangus se ha adaptado particularmente bien al calor, la humedad y los insectos comunes de las zonas tropicales y subtropicales del
The challenge that I envision is actually a call to help each member and the organization make a positive impact in the beef industry. sas, and Kansas. This fits especially well in the tall fescue belt where Brangus influenced cattle have proven to be more tolerant of fescue toxicity than straightbred Bos taurus cattle. Brangus females are widely recognized for their maternal strength. As an association and individual breeders, we probably only hum this tune when we should be singing this like an old-time gospel song. At a time when the beef world is buzzing about reproductive and feed efficiencies as the essentials that will keep commercial cowmen in business, the research results demonstrating Brangus maternal strengths beg for greater exposure. One opportunity that deserves special mention is stronger participation and better communication at all levels—among individual Brangus breeders, the Board, and staff as well as with commercial producers. My observations indicate that virtually all misunderstandings, differences and disagreements in life arise from poor or inadequate communication. Recognizing that everyone’s experiences, perspectives, and priorities may differ and that timeframes have been shortened by instant news, emails and cell phones, one can only conclude that good communication (both speaking and listening) are increasingly crucial. It may seem to take a little more time upfront but the reverse is often true in the end. Another side of this opportunity is the need for full participation of all who have a stake in the outcomes. An organization is only as strong as the participation of its members. Everyone should have the opportunity and accept the responsibility of expressing their concerns and ideas, thus helping to create the future if the breed. Let me encourage each member to give of your talents through service on a committee, whether IBBA or your regional association, and by sharing your thoughts with other members, the Board and staff. And always take time to welcome and support our new members and junior breeders whenever possible, for they are the future being molded. To serve as your President for the coming year is an honor, but also a challenge along with an opportunity. The challenge that I envision is actually a call to help each member and the organization make a positive impact in the beef industry. It is opportunity to bring all Brangus breeders together in a common effort to improve our cattle and IBBA. I look forward to working with each of you in the days ahead as we focus on that part of the glass that is still at least half full and seize the opportunities before us
mundo; las regiones que tienen las mayores concentraciones de seres humanos que necesitan carne roja para complementar su dieta. Y segundo, el Brangus, sea de pelaje negro o rojo, es una excelente raza debido a que la influencia Angus resulta en canales muy favorables, mientras que la influencia Brahman o Cebú contribuye un fuerte elemento materno con mayor eficiencia de conversión alimenticia al adaptarse a su medio ambiente. La raza Brangus, tal como la conocemos hoy en día, parece tener raíces profundas en los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, ha pasado a ser una raza realmente internacional, con criadores en México y Australia, así como en países de América Central y América del Sud, África y del sureste de Asia. ¿Qué pueden compartir los criadores de Brangus del mundo, que sería de beneficio para todos? Aquí en Estados Unidos, los criadores pueden ofrecer una historia larga del desarrollo del Brangus, incluyendo, pero sin limitarse a, registros genéticos extensos, desempeño documentado en los corrales de engorda, datos de canal y una amplia base genética de la que se puede seleccionar pie de cría. Debido a que los modelos de producción son diferentes en otros países, los productores tienen un buen conocimiento de la genética que se basa en la alimentación en pastizal, así como experiencia en el manejo de la producción intensiva de forrajes y técnicas de manejo del ganado. Si compartiéramos algunos de estos conocimientos sería sólo una de las oportunidades que avanzarán al Brangus y a la industria mundial de la carne de res. Muchos productores de carne probablemente nunca podrán viajar a otros países y observar personalmente el rol que el ganado Brangus desempeña en la alimentación de la población humana mundial. Pero, les puedo decir de mi propia experiencia, que el “acontecimiento” – la convención de la IBBA y el “Roundup” mundial durante la Exposición Ganadera y Rodeo de Houston – fue un excelente lugar para conocer a visitantes internacionales y para cambiar ideas. Mi sincero agradecimiento a todos los que participaron y espero que más de ustedes aprovechen esta oportunidad en el futuro. Los productores de Brangus no necesitan estar directamente involucrados en la venta de semen, embriones o animales en pie a otros países para formar parte de la promoción del Brangus a escala internacional. El intercambio de experiencias, ideas e información también proporciona beneficios a todos los que se asocian con la carne, desde el productor hasta el consumidor. El poder satisfacer la necesidad y la demanda de carne roja por parte de la población del mundo es un reto internacional, así como una oportunidad, que se debe enfrentar con comunicación y cooperación. Por sí solo, ningún productor, raza o país puede realizar esa tarea. Nosotros, como criadores de Brangus del mundo verdaderamente somos parte del futuro de la industria cárnica mundial
Brangus Journal
maY/JUNE 2009 | 25
Junior Nationals Not Just for Kids OK, you’re not a junior, your kids are grown and the grandkids are too young to show. You haven’t been to a junior national in years. Or maybe you were a junior a few years ago, but now you’re too old to be a junior and you just don’t feel like your mom and dad. Maybe you ARE a junior, but live too far away to haul cattle cross-country to compete. Stay with me here, because if you haven’t been to the National Junior Brangus Show & Futurity in West Monroe, Louisiana in the last few years, this is the year to go. With an eye to “Boots, Bling and Brangus” the juniors will once again spend the better part of a week showing off their skills on July 12th-18th. Let me tell you my personal experience: my son, Brendan, and I flew to Monroe from California (not an easy feat). We were not in “the Ike” for more than three minutes before a couple of kids whisked him away to compete in team fitting while I scoped out the silent auction and hospitality room. Brendan found a skill-a-thon team and was recruited into the barnyard Olympics. We both participated in the Taste of States – exclusively the tasting part. He took on the Brangus Jeopardy competition and I skipped off to the IBA Scholarship Workshop. (And took another look at the silent auction.)
Since we did not bring cattle, both Connor Jackson and Chrissie Schwerin offered heifers for the showmanship competition. Another year, Hailey Weiss loaned her heifer so Brendan could compete. Did I mention that Brendan bought semen during the auction? It was a great lesson watching the Champions Challenge Show, talking to the breeders and determining which genetics to add to his herd. Finally, the banquet offered wonderful fellowship and a promise to return the next year. I want to encourage ALL of our junior exhibitors of black and red cattle, families and supporters, across the country, from California to the Carolinas, to come to the Junior Nationals. The program offers a tremendous learning opportunity and a chance to make friendships that will last a lifetime. Go to and click on “Juniors” for detailed information. You can also click on the Auxiliary for scholarship information in preparation for the IBA Scholarship Workshop on Wednesday, July 15th at 12:30. Lastly, you can also support our Brangus youth by joining the Brangus Auxiliary. Your $25 dues go toward scholarships and activities at the Junior Nationals. If you can only do one thing for the kids this summer, join IBA (that includes you, fellas) and see that our Brangus kids have a show-stopper of a national experience.
INTERNATIONAL BRANGUS AUXILIARY OFFICERS President: Pamela Doiron P.O. Box 1029, Santa Ynez, California 93460 (805.688.8310) First Vice-President: Karen Lucherk 2278 CR 213, McCoy, Texas 78113 (830.484.0209) Second Vice-President : Marlene Schwerin 11897 Schwerin Lane, Gentry, Arkansas (409.790.2355) Secretary: Tracee Buffaloe 1219 Meadowridge Dr., Beaumont, Texas 77706 (281.748.2399) Treasurer: Sharon McCreary HC 34, Box 125, Evergreen, Alabama (251.578.4750) Historian: Jodi Jackson 3099 Horseshoe Bend Road, Waco, Texas 76708 (254.836.4320)
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Brangus Journal
DIRECTORS Mary Beth Farris, Texas Kay Gibson, Texas Karen Lucherk, Texas Joy Reznicek, Alabama Barbara Watson, Louisiana Susan Vaughan, Georgia
H OFFICERS President: Ben Fuller, Texas Ex-Officio: Christine Schwerin, Arkansas BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Kate Farris, Texas Chelsie Meyer, Oklahoma Haley Weiss, Texas Daniel Watson, Louisiana Alex Brull, Kansas Justin Shrader, Texas IBBA Youth Department
28 | MAY/JUNE 2009
ello Brangus family. As you are reading this article my family and I are starting to come into our main calving season. This is one of the longest parts of the year for us do to living ten miles from where we keep our cattle. Which makes for long night when we have one close to calving. During the calving season it is always a good idea to keep a dry and clean place for the calves to lie in after birth. Our weather here in Kansas could be sunny today and cold wet snow tomorrow. So helping out the cow saves time down the road. We try to keep our cows close to the barn just in case we have a problem. Due to our crazy spring weather staying on top of things sure helps out. Another idea to think about is how you feed the cow before through and after the calving season. You want to make sure that you do not over feed the cow while they are caring the calf so you don’t have a hundred or plus birth weight claves which just leads to problems. After calving you want to make sure that the cow has enough portion to raise the calf and also her self at the same time. You also must keep a good mineral supplement for your entire cattle herd to help get them through the calving season.
Brangus Journal
One problem that we face with our spring calves is flies. This is a hard problem to keep a handle on. One of the ways that we keep the flies trouble down is with our mineral supplement. It is also a good idea to keep a bottle of fly spray on hands at all time for your claves that don’t get enough fly control from the mothers milk. Flies can be a big problem if not taken care of the way. We keep on hand at all times milk formula. You hope to never have to use this, but there is always that chance you may have twins and the mother not take both of them. Or may have one that is having trouble getting going, that could lead to one become dehydrated from not receiving enough milk. It is a good idea to have some colostrum supplement on hand in case you have trouble. I hope that you all have had a good calving year and keep having one. I will see you all down the road. Have a great rest of spring. Thanks!
Alex Brull
The Future of Selection:
DNA-based Technologies
Y ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Enns’ research focuses on methods to genetically evaluate and select animals that fit their production environment both biologically and economically. These efforts include development of new methods for evaluating and improving cow and heifer fertility, cow maintenance requirements, time to finish in the feedlot; and development of methods to better use economic information in selection decisions for increased profitability of beef production.
ou only have to look through beef industry trade magazines, breed publications, or producer-education programs to realize that DNA-based Technologies are being rapidly developed and marketed as a tool to assist in making better selection decisions. These advancements have generated considerable excitement and will likely have a large impact on the rate at which we can make genetic progress in economically relevant traits. Over the next several months, we will be discussing some of these advancements and the opportunities that they bring for improved genetic evaluations and enhanced abilities to select animals that are better suited to their production environments thereby making beef cattle production more profitable. At the recent Beef Improvement Federation meetings in Sacramento, California one of two general sessions was dedicated to presentations on using either marker assisted management or marker assisted selection. These presentations generated considerable discussion amongst the attendees, both breeders and scientists alike, and based on those conversations, there are considerable questions relative to this technology that still remain. To discuss those we all need a standard set of terminology. First, DNA forms the basic genetic code. DNA plays two roles; it determines the structure of proteins and transmits genetic information from one generation to the next. Four nucleotides, known as A, C, G, and T make up DNA. Different sequences of these 4 bases at particular locations on the genome determine the structure of the proteins in an individual. These different sequences make up different forms of genes or alleles at a particular locus, or location on the genome (the entire set of an individual’s genes). These different alleles alter the structure and amount of protein being
El futuro de la selección: Tecnologías basadas en el ADN
Usted sólo tiene que mirar algunas revistas de la industria ganadera, publicaciones de las varias razas, o programas educativos para criadores para darse cuenta que las tecnologías basadas en el ADN (ácido desoxirribonucleico) se están desarrollando rápidamente y mercadeando como una herramienta que ayudará a tomar mejores decisiones en la selección de animales. Estos avances han generado mucho entusiasmo y probablemente tendrán un gran impacto sobre la rapidez con que podremos progresar genéticamente en las características económicamente importantes. Durante los próximos meses, estaremos hablando de algunos de estos avances y las oportunidades que éstos aportan para realizar mejores evaluaciones genéticas y tener mejor capacidad para seleccionar animales que se adaptan mejor a sus propios ambientes de producción, lo cual hará más rentable la producción del ganado de carne. En la última serie de reuniones de la Federación para el Mejoramiento de la Carne de Res (Beef Improvement Federation - BIF) en Sacramento, California, una de las dos sesiones plenarias se dedicó a presentaciones sobre el uso de ya sea, gestiones asistidas por marcadores o selección asistida por marcadores. Esas presentaciones generaron considerable polémica entre los asistentes, tanto criadores como científicos; y conforme a esas conversaciones, parece que todavía existen muchas preguntas sin contestar con respecto a esta tecnología. Para hablar de las mismas necesitaremos una terminología estándar. Primero, el ADN forma el código genético básico. El ADN desempeña dos papeles: determina la estructura de las proteínas y transmite la información genética de una generación a la próxima. Cuatro nucleótidos, que se conocen por las letras A, C, G y T, forman el ADN. Las diferentes secuencias de estas cuatro bases, en locus particulares del genoma, determinan la estructura de las proteínas en un individuo. Las diferentes secuencias forman diferentes tipos de genes o alelos en un locus particular del genoma (el grupo entero de genes de un individuo). Estos
30 | MAY/JUNE 2009
Brangus Journal
If we can "mark" specific segments of DNA and know that different sequences of those segments are related to better or poorer performance, we can use that information to make animal selection decisions. produced by that gene. The DNA-technologies that have been developed over the last several decades and continue to be improved have allowed the identification of segments of DNA that influence many of the traits that we, as beef cattle breeders and producers, are interested in. Different sequences of the DNA at a particular locus (the location on an animal’s chromosome) can result in reduced or improved performance. It is these different sequences that the DNA-technologies "mark"—hence, the term "marker." If we can "mark" specific segments of DNA and know that different sequences of those segments are related to better or poorer performance, we can use that information to make animal selection decisions. This logic is where the term "marker-assisted selection" arises. Marker-assisted selection refers to using the results of DNA marker-tests to help select animals for breeding. Marker-assisted selection has the potential to greatly improve how quickly we can make genetic progress in many traits for which we do and do not currently have EPD. The general consensus is that the use of marker assisted selection will benefit genetic improvement in traits that have low heritability, such as fertility traits; are difficult or expensive to measure, such as feed requirements; cannot be measured until late in life such as cow longevity; or are traits that we currently do not typically measure such as tenderness. Given those applications marker-assisted selection has the potential to open up a whole new window on genetic evaluation and improvement. In the next issue, we will discuss how marker information might be used to make selection decisions given the currently technology and how it might be used in the future. As we cover this topic over the next several months, if you are looking for further information on the topic; a good website is that of Dr. Alison Van Eenennaam ( She provides more in depth discussion on marker-assisted selection and a variety of other DNArelated topics. As always, if you have further questions on this topic, please do not hesitate to send those in to us at
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alelos diferentes alteran la estructura y la cantidad de proteína que un gen dado produce. Las tecnologías basadas en el ADN se han venido desarrollando a través de las últimas décadas y se continúan mejorando, lo cual ha permitido la identificación de segmentos de ADN que influyen muchas de las características en que nosotros, los criadores y productores de ganado de carne, tenemos interés. Las diferentes secuencias de ADN en un locus particular (el lugar en el cromosoma del animal) pueden causar un desempeño reducido o mejorado. Son estas secuencias diferentes que las tecnologías basadas en el ADN “marcan”—de ahí la palabra “marcador”. Si podemos “marcar” segmentos específicos de ADN y saber que las diferentes secuencias de esos segmentos se relacionan con un desempeño mejor o peor, podremos usar esa información para tomar decisiones en la selección de animales. Ésta es la lógica que da lugar a la terminología “selección asistida por marcadores - SAM”. La SAM se refiera al uso de los resultados de las pruebas de los marcadores de ADN para ayudar a seleccionar animales de reproducción. La selección asistida por marcadores tiene el potencial de mejorar enormemente la rapidez con que podemos progresar genéticamente en muchas de las características para las cuales tenemos o no tenemos en la actualidad diferencias esperadas en la progenies (DEP). El consenso general es que el uso de la SAM beneficiará el mejoramiento genético en las características que tienen una heredabilidad baja, tal como las características de fertilidad; las que son difíciles o caras de medir, tal como los requisitos alimentarios; las que no se pueden medir hasta finales de la vida, tal como la longevidad de una vaca; o las características que típicamente no medimos en la actualidad, tal como la suavidad de la carne. Dadas estas aplicaciones, la SAM tiene el potencial de abrir una ventana totalmente nueva para la evaluación y el mejoramiento genético. En la próxima edición, hablaremos de cómo se podrá usar la información de los marcadores para tomar decisiones de selección dada la tecnología actual y cómo se podrá usar en el futuro. A medida que abarquemos el tema a través de los próximos meses, si usted busca más información sobre el tema (en inglés), un buen sitio Web es el de la Dra. Alison Van Eenennaam ( animalbiotech/ ). Ella proporciona información detallada sobre la selección asistida por marcadores, aparte de una variedad de otros temas relacionados con el ADN. Como siempre, si tienen más preguntas sobre este tema, por favor no dejen de enviárnoslas a
On March 8, 2009, the inaugural Global Brangus Roundup, a one-day event was held immediately after the 2009 IBBA Convention. The event was held at the George Ranch Historical Park in Richmond, Texas and served as a unique opportunity to both formally introduce international breeders to the advantages of the Brangus breed, and provide IBBA members with a chance to market their genetics to an international audience.
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Turnout exceeded expectations with over 70 breeders from 9 countries, representing 3 continents. Cattlemen from Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay, South Africa, and Uruguay spent the afternoon enjoying Texas barbeque, entertainment and a formal program covering the advances in breed improvement technologies. Following lunch, IBBA members displayed example females, herd sires and bulls from their own breeding programs, while discussing their own operations and their personal history of involvement with the Brangus breed.
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Exploring Foreign Markets Export trade is a viable niche
eveloping a marketing program for any business sometimes takes many man hours to make sure all the details have been covered. Delivering the product that is promised in the advertising campaign has claimed more than one firm in this almost never ending process. Cattlemen have to think outside of the box to get the most dollars from their product. However, most producers face a different challenge than the corporate world, because they usually do not have a problem producing what they promise. Figuring out a way to differentiate themselves from the next guy to establish market supremacy has always stumped even the most knowledgeable operators. Conquering the daunting task of marketing the product is a stiff test and most producers look for every outlet to diversify the custom-
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Exploración de los mercados extranjeros. La exportación es un nicho viable El desarrollo de un programa de mercadeo para cualquier tipo de negocio a veces requiere muchos horas hombre para asegurar que se hayan considerado todos los detalles. La entrega del producto que se promete en la campaña de publicidad ha reivindicado a más de una empresa en este proceso casi inacabable. Los ganaderos tendrán que pensar de modo muy creativo para conseguir la mayor cantidad de dinero por sus productos. Sin embargo, muchos productores enfrentan retos diferentes a los del mundo de los negocios, porque por lo general, no tienen problema en producir lo que prometen. Poder calcular alguna manera de diferenciarse del prójimo para establecer una supremacía en el mercado, ha causado perplejidad hasta a los operadores que más conocimientos han tenido. Conquistar la tarea intimidatoria de mercadear un producto es difícil y muchos
"There is a lot of potential for US genetics, particularly Brangus in Latin American countries." er base. Just as production scenarios introduce factors that operations have no control over, even the most well thought of marketing programs are undoubtedly going to face pressures that have nothing to do with getting live calves and cows rebred. “The majority of the borders remain closed to live animals. It is still a challenge to get live cattle into some foreign lands. New regulations and other barriers have changed the way my export partners operate,” says Pat Simmons, Genetic Leaders International, Advance, North Carolina. Simmons has not only exported genetics to foreign countries, but has also worked for ranches abroad. “There are some opportunities in the export market. In 2008, quite a few borders were opened to live cattle and our low dollar made it attractive for some countries to buy our cattle,” says Renee Strickland, Strickland Ranch & Exports Inc., Myakka City, Florida. At the time of this interview, Strickland was delivering a load of cattle to the Port of Mobile (Alabama) to be exported to Belize. Some breeds of cattle depend on an open door policy to export their genetics because it can be an opportunity to increase returns. Mad cow discoveries, political leaders fighting like school boys and changes in the world economy have all had a role in affecting the flow of US seedstock to international destinations. “Live cattle and agricultural products are my main export items. The doors are opening up to these other countries. A lot of it depends on the value of our dollar and fuel price is a major limiting factor. Freight was astronomical at one point and it was hard to sell cattle to buyers who were going to have to pay more in transportation costs than actual purchase price for animals,” Strickland says. “Some countries will never open their borders to US cattle because it’s caught up in world politics. Unstable governments have also delayed border openings.” “There is a lot of potential for US genetics, particularly Brangus in Latin American countries. The attributes of the Brahman and Angus genetics have led to success in many different environments,” Simmons says. “Some areas have experienced drought or as grain prices get higher some of the traditional grazing areas have gone under the plow, limiting some of the areas foreign countries have to graze cattle. Everything is slow around the world because of the economy. With transportation costs being the limiting factor, I have seen a big demand for semen and embryos.” Obviously, falling under the realm of what producers can control are the stringent health regulations that must be followed to participate in this market. Certain
productores buscan todo punto de venta posible para diversificar su clientela. Tal como los panoramas de producción introducen factores sobre los que la operación no tiene ningún control, los programas de mercadeo mejor ingeniados indudablemente se verán enfrentados con presiones que no tienen nada que ver con obtener becerros vivos y conseguir que vacas vuelvan a concebir. “La mayoría de las fronteras siguen cerradas para animales en pie. Es bien difícil importar animales en pie a algunos países extranjeros. Reglamentos nuevos y otras barreras han cambiado la manera en que funcionan mis asociados en la exportación,” dice Patrick Simmons, de Genetic Leaders International, Advance, Carolina del Norte. No sólo que Simmons ha exportado genética a países extranjeros, sino que también ha trabajado para fincas y haciendas en el exterior. “Existen algunas oportunidades en el mercado de exportación. En el 2008, se abrieron unas cuantas fronteras al ganado en pie; y con un dólar bajo, algunos países consideraron muy atractivo comprar nuestro ganado,” dice Renee Strickland, de Strickland Ranch & Exports Inc., Myakka City, Florida. Cuando ocurrió esta entrevista, Strickland estaba entregando una carga de ganado vacuno al Puerto de Mobile, Alabama, para exportación a Belice. Algunas razas de ganado vacuno dependen de una política de puerta abierta para exportar su genética porque puede ser una oportunidad para aumentar ingresos. Los brotes de casos de vaca loca, los líderes políticos que se pelean como niños de escuela y los cambios en la economía mundial, todos han tenido un impacto sobre el movimiento del pie de cría de Estados Unidos a destinos internacionales. “El ganado en pie y los productos agrícolas son lo que más exporto. Las puertas se están abriendo en algunos otros países. Mucho depende del valor de nuestro dólar; el precio de combustible también es un importante factor restrictivo. El flete, en una época, costaba un dineral y era difícil venderle ganado a compradores quienes iban a tener que pagar más en costos de transporte que el precio pagado por los animales,” dice Strickland. “Otros países no abrirán jamás sus fronteras al ganado de Estados Unidos debido a circunstancias políticas. Y gobiernos inestables también han demorado la apertura de sus fronteras.” “Existe un gran potencial para la genética estadounidense, especialmente la del Brangus en países latinoamericanos. Los atributos de la genética Brahman y Angus han llevado al éxito en muchos ambientes diferentes,” dice Simmons. “Algunas zonas han sufrido de sequías, o debido al aumento constante del precio de los cereales, algunas zonas tradicionalmente de pastizales, ahora se están cultivando, lo cual ha limitado las tierras que algunos países extranjeros tienen para apacentar su ganado. Y todo se está moviendo lentamente en el mundo debido a la economía. Con los costos de transporte siendo el factor restrictivo, he visto una mayor demanda de semen y embriones.” Obviamente, dentro del campo de lo que los productores sí pueden controlar se encuentran las estrictas reglas sanitarias con las que se debe cumplir para participar en este mercado. Ciertos lugares están condenados desde un principio debido a los problemas sanitarios que
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locations are doomed from the start because of health problems traditionally associated with that area. Costs and paper work also can be stressful times for most producers. “One of the first steps for producers looking to diversify into export markets, is to look at the USDA web site on health protocol for the importing country. Restrictions brought forth could automatically eliminate cattle in certain parts of the United States,” Strickland says. “Sometimes it’s the buyer who gets cold feet. There are some who have aspirations of buying seedstock, but don’t have a clue what it costs to get them there and it causes sticker shock.” “The export market can be viable to breeders who explore their opportunities in other countries. They have to travel to these countries. The biggest complaint I hear is we bought from them one time and we have never seen them again,” Simmons says. “Health testing can be somewhat cost prohibitive. For instance, to sell semen to Argentina, your bull has to stay quarantined for 45 days pre- and post collection date. That is pretty costly and most breeders can’t afford to have their herd bull in stud that long because of costs or they need ABOUT THE AUTHOR him on the ranch. Knowing the export rules will let you Clifford Mitchell is a second know some of the expenses.” generation cattleman who Cattlemen are always looking for that next logical currently owns and operates step in a breeding program. Most producers of differElkhorn Creek, a freelance communications business in ent species of livestock have a plan formulated to accomplish a production goal. Outcross genetics play a Guthrie, Oklahoma. Upon graduation from Oklahoma significant factor for some in the realm of genetic imState University he began a provement. career in communications, “The international breeders I deal with are very prostarting as a field reporter. gressive cattlemen and they are looking for every avMitchell currently writes enue to improve their herds and improve the quality of for a wide range of beef the beef product,” Simmons says. “Most of the countries, publications. I am familiar with, also look to diversify their gene pool.
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se asocian tradicionalmente con esos lugares. Los costos y los trámites también pueden ser problemáticos para muchos productores. “Uno de los primeros pasos para productores que están considerando la diversificación a los mercados de exportación, es de aprenderse la página Web del USDA con respecto a los protocolos sanitarios de ciertas zonas de Estados Unidos,” dice Strickland. “A veces es el comprador que se echa atrás. Hay algunos que aspiran a comprar pie de cría, pero que no tienen idea de lo que cuesta llevarlo a su país, lo cual luego les causa consternación por el precio inesperadamente alto.” “El mercado de exportación puede ser viable para criadores que exploran sus oportunidades en otros países. Ellos deben viajar a esos países. La queja más frecuente que oigo es: ‘le compramos una vez y nunca más se supo de él’,” dice Simmons. “Las pruebas y los análisis sanitarios pueden incurrir costos algo prohibitivos. Por ejemplo, para vender semen a la Argentina, su toro tiene que estar en cuarentena por 45 días antes y después de la fecha de recolección de semen. Esto es bastante caro y la mayoría de los criadores no pueden absorber el costo de mantener a su semental de hato en un lugar separado por tanto tiempo debido a los costos o porque lo necesitan en su finca. Si está al tanto de los reglamentos de exportación, sabrá cuáles son algunos de los costos.” Ganaderos siempre buscan el próximo paso lógico para su programa de cría. Muchos productores de diferentes especies de ganadería tienen un plan ya formulado para lograr su meta de producción. El uso de la genética de otro linaje desempeña un rol importante para los que desean mejorar la genética de su hato. “Los criadores internacionales con quien trato, son muy progresistas y siempre buscan vías nuevas para mejorar sus hatos y mejorar la calidad de su producto cárnico,” dice Simmons. “La mayoría de los países que conozco está tratando de diversificar su fondo común genético. La agregación de la genética de Estados Unidos es una buena manera de mejorar el ganado en una generación. El problema es que todos somos culpables de cambiar de tipos y la genética que no funcionó aquí tampoco funcionará para el ganadero internacional.”
Adding US genetics is a good way to improve native cattle.” “It has been my experience breeders are looking for something new. They are branching out and crossing their native cattle to achieve a goal. Usually, they build a nucleus herd first and then use the offspring of these cattle to cross with the existing genetic base,” Strickland says. “There is a lot of competition in Central and South America and they want to improve their herds.” For our neighbors to the South, they are following the path of the US beef business. Stock shows play an important role in purchase decisions. They serve as gathering places for many Southern Hemisphere ranchers. Livestock events in Denver, Houston and Miami have also been a way to introduce them to American producers. “In July, I will travel to a large cattle show in Nicaragua. There will be a large gathering of Central and South American producers that I can network with,” Strickland says. “For producers looking to expand into export sales, the shows in Houston and Miami are important events. Potential buyers come to the show to see a lot of breeds of cattle competing in one location. This is a good venue to showcase the different breeds of livestock.” “Some of our breed associations do a really good job of getting out and traveling to these countries. With challenges to staffing and travel expenses, some have been very successful appointing representatives to attend events and livestock shows,” Simmons says. “Travel to the National shows in some target countries. This is a great way to network with potential customers. For a long time the old Chicago International was the best livestock show in the United States, maybe even the world, because it played host to many dignitaries. The livestock show in Palermo has the same atmosphere as Chicago did, but the national events are important marketing tools for South American cattlemen.” Testing the market in foreign lands is a difficult thing. Like most things associated with the cattle business in today’s high cost environment, breeders are going to need to work together to build marketing interests for the breed. Target audiences in foreign countries and have a product that is ready for delivery. “During Houston, Brangus breeders set up a location near the fairgrounds to showcase cattle that for some reason due to age or other reasons weren’t at the show. International breeders were invited to this event and it is a very useful tool to market cattle because guests can view live animals,” Simmons says. “Get some semen qualified for export to your target country. Some of the health tests to market semen into certain countries aren’t that cost prohibitive. These breeders are very progressive and a good way to advertise international semen sales might be to add the flag of every country that bull is eligible for export to web site promotions.
"Travel to the National shows in some target countries. This is a great way to network with potential customers." “Mi experiencia ha sido que los criadores están buscando algo nuevo. Se están diversificando y cruzando su ganado criollo para logar una meta específica. Por lo general, forman un hato nuclear primero, y luego usan la progenie de ese ganado para cruzarla con una base genética existente,” dice Strickland. “Hay mucha competencia en Centroamérica y Sudamérica, y ellos quieren mejorar sus hatos.” Para nuestros vecinos al sur, ellos están al tanto de los negocios de carne en EE.UU. Las exposiciones ganaderas desempeñan un papel importante en las decisiones de compra. Sirven como lugares de reunión para muchos ganaderos del Hemisferio Sur. Acontecimientos ganaderos en Denver, Houston y Miami, también han sido una manera de que los visitantes conozcan a los productores estadounidenses. “En julio, viajaré a una exposición grande de ganado vacuno en Nicaragua. Habrá una gran concurrencia de productores centro y sudamericanos con quienes podré hablar,” dice Strickland. “Para productores que quisieran ampliar sus ventas de exportación, las exposiciones en Houston y en Miami son eventos importantes. Los presuntos compradores vienen a las exposiciones para ver una cantidad de razas de ganado que compiten en un sólo lugar. Éstos son buenos lugares para exhibir diferentes razas de ganadería de toda índole.” “Algunas de nuestras asociaciones de cría, hacen una buena labor en salir y viajar a los varios países. Con algunos de los problemas de personal y de gastos de viaje, algunas asociaciones han tenido mucho éxito al nombrar representantes que asisten a eventos y exposiciones ganaderas,” dice Simmons. “Sugiero que viajen a las exposiciones nacionales de algunos de los países de los que quisieran atraer compradores. Es una buena manera de establecer contactos con clientes presuntos. Por mucho tiempo, la antigua exposición Chicago Internacional fue la mejor exposición ganadera de Estados Unidos, quizás del mundo, porque iban tantos dignatarios de otros países. La exposición ganadera de Palermo (en Argentina) es la que más se asemeja a lo que fue el evento en Chicago.” “Examinar los mercados en países extranjeros es difícil. Como casi todo lo que se asocia con el negocio ganadero en el ambiente de costos altos de hoy en día, los criadores tendrán que unirse para forjar intereses comerciales para su raza. Concéntrense en los compradores de los países extranjeros que son su objetivo y tengan productos listos para entregar.” “Durante la exposición de Houston, los criadores de Brangus montaron un lugar cerca de la exposición, para exhibir el ganado, que por alguna razón, sea edad u por otra cosa, no participó en la exposición.
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Advertise in certain countries to see if there is a demand. Print fliers in different languages or add this material to your online arsenal. It is very difficult to market semen if it’s not qualified for export.” “I recently had the opportunity to take a group of Guatemalan cattlemen on a ranch tour to different producers here in Florida. I try to help some of my fellow cattlemen and cattle in our area are well acclimated to many Southern Hemisphere climates,” Strickland say. “Hopefully, they will purchase cattle during one of these visits and we can have an opportunity for repeat sales. Understanding the process is key for anyone trying to take advantage of this market.” For a variety of reasons, exporting cattle to foreign lands is a tedious process. Timing plays a huge role in meeting deadlines for health requirements and quarantine periods. This aspect of marketing must be carefully planned and executed to see desired results. “Everything has to come together just at the right time and can be tenuous for some, especially, when they’re trying to manage a ranch. Exporting cattle is a step-by-step process and continued education, for buyer and seller, if they have never done it before,” Strickland says. “There is a synopsis of how the export process goes. Timing is everything. Exporting genetics or products is not an overnight deal. There is an order things have to be done and producers need to price their product so they get paid for the extra work.” Bottom line, marketing efforts often do not come cheap to showcase the product. Sometimes CEO’s realize their products do not fit the niche they had originally planned. Many times a trip back to the drawing board can refine the plan. Buyers and sellers often try a show of smoke and mirrors to emphasize intentions of the day. The fact remains that personal relationships carry the weight when it comes to marketing genetics. An honest approach and firm handshake are true qualities of the seedstock operator intent on market diversification. Personal touch will usually gain loyal customers and create a bond that goes far beyond the borders of one country. “I don’t think the export market is for everyone. Breeders have to carve out the time and be consistent about seeing customers. It’s just like your customers here, you have to build relationships. Treat it like planting a tree, instead of a crop. It is a long term process,” Simmons says. “These relationships will last forever as long as you continue to treat your customer right. I have been doing business with some operations for more than 30 years and it’s a very rewarding experience.” “My business is to partner with the seedstock producer to eliminate some of the headaches that go with this type of marketing. I visit seedstock producers to try and identify cattle that fit potential customers,” Strickland says. “Export markets aren’t for everyone. You have to be extremely patient and give the buyer the best product available because that will create future opportunities.”
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Los criadores internacionales fueron invitados a este evento y fue un método muy útil para mercadear el ganado, porque los visitantes podían ver los animales en vivo,” dice Simmons. “Tengan algo de semen ya aprobado para exportación a diferentes países. Algunas de las pruebas sanitarias para mercadear semen a ciertos países no son tan caras. Estos criadores son muy progresistas y una buena manera de indicar ventas internacionales de semen es poner una bandera de cada país para el cual el toro fue aprobado para exportación de semen en las promociones que se hacen vía la internet. Hagan publicidad en ciertos países para ver si existe una demanda. Impriman folletos en diferentes idiomas y agreguen esos materiales a su arsenal en la internet. Es muy difícil mercadear semen si no se ha aprobado para exportación.” Hace poco tuve la oportunidad de llevar a un grupo de ganaderos guatemaltecos por una gira de fincas de diferentes productores aquí en la Florida. Trato de ayudar a mis compañeros ganaderos, y el ganado de nuestra región está bien aclimatado a muchas de las regiones del Hemisferio Sur,” dice Strickland. “Esperamos que compren ganado durante una de esas visitas y tenemos la oportunidad de otras ventas también. Una comprensión del proceso es la clave para cualquiera que trata de entrar a este mercado.” Por varias razones, la exportación de ganado al exterior es un trámite tedioso. El momento apropiado tiene mucho que ver con el cumplimiento de las fechas límites de los requisitos sanitarios y los periodos de cuarentena. Ese aspecto del mercadeo debe ser cuidadosamente planeado y ejecutado para que se vean los resultados deseados. “Todo debe juntarse justo al momento apropiado, el cual puede ser mal definido para algunos, especialmente cuando se está tratando de administrar una finca. La exportación de ganado es un trámite de una serie de pasos y una educación continua, tanto para el comprador como el vendedor, si no lo han hecho antes,” dice Strickland. “Existe una sinopsis de la manera en que el trámite de exportación avanza. El momento oportuno es lo importante. La exportación de genética o de productos no es algo que se hace de un día para el otro. Existe un orden en que se deben hacer las cosas y los productores deben ponerle precio a sus productos para que sean recompensados por el trabajo adicional.” En pocas palabras, los esfuerzos de mercadear su producto no siempre son económicos. A veces los administradores ejecutivos se dan cuenta que sus productos no encajan en el nicho que originalmente habían considerado. Muchas veces, si se vuelve a empezar, se puede redefinir el plan. Compradores y vendedores frecuentemente tratan de usar humo y espejos para enfatizar las intenciones del día. Al final, son las relaciones personales las que valen cuando se habla del mercadeo de genética. Un acercamiento honesto y un buen apretón de manos son las cualidades verdaderas de un ganadero de raza pura cuya meta es la diversificación de su mercado. El toque personal es lo que generalmente atrae a clientes leales y lo que crea lazos que atraviesan más allá de las fronteras de un país. “Yo creo que el mercado de exportación no es para todos. Los criadores tienen que tomarse el tiempo y ser constantes con sus visitas a clientes. Es lo mismo que su clientela aquí, hay que forjar relaciones. Como si estuviera plantando un árbol en vez de un cultivo. Es un proceso a largo plazo,” dice Simmons. “Estas relaciones durarán para siempre con tal que se trate bien al cliente. Yo he estado haciendo negocios con algunas fincas por más de 30 años y es una experiencia gratificante.” “Mi negocio es asociarme con un productor de raza pura para eliminar algunos de los dolores de cabeza que vienen con este tipo de mercadeo. Visito a los productores de pie de cría y trato de identificar ganado que sea útil para clientes presuntos,” dice Strickland. “Los mercados de exportación no son para todos. Uno tiene que tener mucha paciencia y darle al comprador el mejor producto posible porque eso creará más oportunidades futuras.”
SHOWRESULTS 2009 FLORIDA STATE FAIR: OPEN BRANGUS Junior Heifer Calf Champion: Sk Ms Ajax 58u, Lindsey Chism, Haines City, FL. Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion: Mma Ms Ajax Cinderella 314, Michaela Aycock, Bartow, FL. Senior Heifer Calf Champion: Laurens Sophia 78T9, Lettelier Brangus, Citra, FL. Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion: TH Miss New Era 449T, Travis Harrell, Bartow, FL. Summer Champion Heifer: TH Miss Awesome News 459T, Travis Harrell, Bartow, FL. Reserve Summer Champion Heifer: SW Miss Protege 12T, Travis Harrell, Bartow, FL. Yearling Champion Heifer: Jh Ms Dandy 896, Stacy Keen, Lake Wales, FL. Reserve Yearling Champion Heifer: Sk Ms Ajax 31T, Michaela Aycock, Bartow, FL. Senior Champion Heifer: Sk Ms Revenue 915s1, Stacy Keen, Lake Wales, FL. Reserve Senior Champion Heifer: MS RB 27P2 3752, Shelbi Shannon, Trenton, FL. Grand Champion Heifer: Laurens Sophia 78T9, Lettelier Brangus, Citra, FL. Reserve Grand Champion Heifer: Sk Ms Revenue 915s1, Stacy Keen, Lake Wales, FL. Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair: Miss Sc Frontside 617p2, Leigh Ann Barthle, Haines City, FL. Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair: Jrs Miss Update 263r2, Nikki Beaumont, Haines City, FL. Junior Bull Calf Champion: Ljb Mr Tonto's Kobe 617u2, Leigh Ann Barthle, Haines City, FL. Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion: Oaks Csonka 40u, Michaela Aycock, Bartow, FL. Senior Bull Calf Champion: D Bar D Hawkeye, Stacy Keen, Lake Wales, FL. Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion: NV MR Elixir 535T2, Shelbi Shannon, Trenton, FL. Summer Champion Bull: TJ's 607 Brightside Tex, Bar JR Farm, Joshua Rivers, Glen St. Mary, FL. Reserve Summer Champion Bull: Mr Ajax 65T, Roosevelt #2 FFA, Lake Wales, FL. Yearling Champion Bull: Tj's 607 Brightside Tex, Joshua Rivers, Glen St. Mary, FL. Reserve Yearling Champion Bull: Mr. Protege, Taylor Patterson, Dundee, FL. Senior Champion Bull: LB Mr Black Power 78S8, Lettelier Brangus, Citra, FL. Reserve Senior Champion Bull: Sk Mr Newsmaker 915s3, Michaela Aycock, Bartow, FL. Grand Champion Bull: Ljb Mr Tonto's Kobe 617u2, Leigh Ann Barthle, Haines City, FL. Reserve Grand Champion Bull: LB Mr Black Power 78S8, Lettelier Brangus, Citra, FL.
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SHOWRESULTS 2009 FLORIDA STATE FAIR: youth BRANGUS Junior Heifer Calf Champion: Lauren's Rose 04U2, Lauren Lettelier, Citra, FL. Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion: Ljb Ms Cocoa Pebbles 636u7, Leigh Ann Barthle, Haines City, FL. Senior Heifer Calf Champion: Laurens Sophia 78T9, Lauren Lettelier, Citra, FL. Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion: Emilys Dorothy 78T6, Emily Lettelier, Citra, FL. Summer Champion Heifer: Cfc Miss Ginny 343t, Michaela Aycock, Bartow, FL. Reserve Summer Champion Heifer: Miss Black Power 263t2, Nikky Beaumont, Haines City, FL. Yearling Champion Heifer: Sk Ms Ajax 31t, Michaela Aycock, Bartow, FL. Reserve Yearling Champion Heifer: Ms. Protégé 636t, Dundee Ridge #4 FFA, Dundee, FL. Senior Champion Heifer: MS RB 27P2 3752, Shelbi Shannon, Trenton, FL. Reserve Senior Champion Heifer: OKR Ms Levi 175S2, Yancy Ray, Plant City, FL. Grand Champion Heifer: Laurens Sophia 78T9, Lauren Lettelier, Citra, FL. Reserve Grand Champion Heifer: Lauren's Rose 04U2, Lauren Lettelier, Citra, FL. Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair: Miss Sc Frontside 617p2, Leigh Ann Barthle, Haines City, FL. Reserve Grand Champion Cow/Calf Pair: Ljb Ms Frontside 617s2, Jonathon Duff, Davenport, FL. Junior Bull Calf Champion: Ljb Mr Tonto's Kobe 617u2, Leigh Ann Barthle, Haines City, FL. Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion: Jh Cody's Ty 896u, Dundee Ridge #5 FFA, Dundee, FL. Senior Bull Calf Champion: NV MR Elixir 535T2, Shelbi Shannon, Trenton, FL. Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion: LB Mr Blackhawk 78T4, Lauren Lettelier, Citra, FL. Summer Champion Bull: Bt's Durmax 11t, Lindsey Chism, Haines City, FL. Reserve Summer Champion Bull: Mr. CR BP 634T, Roosevelt #3 FFA, Lake Wales, FL. Yearling Champion Bull: SK Mr. Ajax 65T, Roosevelt #2 FFA, Lake Wales, FL. Reserve Yearling Champion Bull: Mr. Protege, Taylor Patterson, Dundee, FL. Senior Champion Bull: LB Mr Black Power 78S8, Lettelier Brangus, Citra, FL. Reserve Senior Champion Bull: Sk Mr Newsmaker 915s3, Michaela Aycock, Bartow, FL. Grand Champion Bull: Ljb Mr Tonto's Kobe 617u2, Leigh Ann Barthle, Haines City, FL. Reserve Grand Champion Bull: NV MR Elixir 535T2, Shelbi Shannon, Trenton, FL.
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salereports 2009 SPITZER RANCH PERFORMANCE TESTED BRANGUS BULL SALE AND COMMERCIAL BRANGUS CUSTOMER FEMALE SALE Date: February 28, 2009 Location: Calhoun Stockyards Sale Facility, Calhoun GA Auctioneer: Tommy Barnes, Galion, GA Sale Manager: Spitzer Ranch, Fair Play, SC Marketing Consultant: John Maurer, Bryan, TX 70 Yearling Brangus Bulls Grossed $154,560 (Averaged $2209) 24 Commercial "Brangus Gold" Open Yearling Heifers Grossed $20,398 (Averaged $850) When it rains, it pours! And just sometimes it pours blessings; as it certainly did on Saturday, February 28 for the folks at Spitzer Ranch. The thought seemed to be that since it was raining there wasn’t much else to do but attend the sale and over 225 individuals were in the seats when the auction began. Of course you can’t keep ‘em if the offering isn’t right. The cattlemen in the crowd endorsed the program that offered 65% AI sired bulls and a genetic selection program that has consistently focused on producing CURVE BENDER BULLS. This year’s set of bulls saw their “average bull” rank in the Top 30% of the breed for low BW EPDs and at the same time that “average bull” ranked in the Top 25% of the breed for heavier YW EPD. Professional Commercial Cattlemen were certainly enthused by a sale order based on the Spitzer Ranch Exclusive Curve Bender Index and that 44% of the sale were flagged as Calving Ease Bulls suitable for use as heifer bulls. High selling honors went to SVF Lead Gun 23 T742, a really neat Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 son out of the 23M28 Donor Matron at Salacoa Valley Farms. This bull triple ranked in the Top 10% for BW, REA and IMF EPD and ultrasound scanned a nice 14.2 sq in REA (107 ratio) with 3.66% IMF (111 ratio) at only .21 in of rib fat. T742 also ranked in the Top 20% for YW EPD and packed all that growth on a 5.5 Frame Score. Dr. Mo Williams, MO BRANGUS, Longwood, FL gave the final nod at $5000 for one-half interest and possession with the bull immediately going to GENEX for semen collection. SR Wrangler Warrior U827 earned the rights to second place in the high selling category with the final bid of $4250 for one-half interest and possession, going home with Evan Mobley, Girard, GA. This powerful young prospect is sired by Aces TF Wrangler 145/8 and out of a daughter of Cadence of Brinks 535D3; both of whom showing up as repeat performers on the Brangus Trait leader List. U827 had a Frame Score of 6.3 while ranking in the Top 10% for WW EPD and the Top 20% for YW EPD which sure caught the attention of the whole crowd. The maternal strength of U827 was also evident in his Top 1% ranking for Total Maternal EPD and Top 2% ranking for Milk EPD. Carcass mathematics indicated a huge 14.8 sq in REA and 3% IMF at only .26 in. of rib fat. He also was on the trailer to GENEX for semen collection immediately after the sale. The seventy Brangus bulls averaged $2209 and sold into the nine states of SC, GA, NC, KY, AL, TN, FL, MO and TX. The Spitzers have a great deal of pride in the large number of bulls that find their way into the commercial cattle industry every year. And they especially are thankful that the vast majority of these bulls go home with repeat customers. Trent McKnight, McKnight Ranch, Throckmorton, TX left for home with 10 bulls; Evan Mobley, Girard, GA loaded up 7 bulls;
Spitzer Ranch Customer Honor Roll Winners Jack (center) and Reid Arnold (right) presented by Dr. John Spitzer (left).
and Mike Vann’s Rocking V Cattle Company, Pike Road, AL took 5 bulls to be volume buyers. The many buyers taking advantage of 3 or 4 bulls were sure appreciated, but were too numerous to list. Providing a service to buyers, and a marketing avenue for Spitzer Ranch bull customers, is the Commercial “Brangus Gold” Customer Female sale held following the bull sale. All females offered in this event are sired by or out of cows sired by Spitzer Ranch bulls. Twenty four open yearling heifers, mostly consigned by G. K. DuBose, DuBose Cattle Company, Rembert, SC, were on hand for this year’s sale and sold for an average of $850. New customer Kelley Stewart, Petersburg, TN was female volume buyer taking home 7 heifers. Long time repeat customer Bobby Sholar, B & P Farms, Wallace, NC also added 4 heifers to his previous bull purchase; one pen of which were the second high sellers at $925. But, not to be outdone, A. D. Dodson, Craborchard, KY bid $1000 each to own the high selling fancy pen of heifers. The 2009 Spitzer Ranch Sale was actually the first event planned by the newly formed SALACOA VALLEY FARMS-SPITZER RANCH ALLIANCE. Next on the agenda will be the Salacoa Valley Farms Registered Female Production Sale scheduled for Saturday, June 13, 2009 followed by the Salacoa Valley Farms Performance Tested Bull Sale and Commercial “Brangus Gold” Customer Female Sale on Saturday, September 26, 2009. The next Spitzer Ranch Sale will be the last Saturday in February, February 27, 2010. The SVF-SR Alliance will publish Quarterly Newsletters, the Female Production Sale Catalog and 2 Bull Sale Catalogs each year. To be added to their mailing list, call the Spitzers at 864/972-9140 or e-mail or call Salacoa Valley Farms at 706/337-2295 or email ben@svfbulls. com. Also be sure to check for updates on both sales at www.svfbulls. com
salereports suhn cattle company brangus & angus sale 148 Bulls (Averaged $3190) 26 Fall Brangus (Averaged $4075) 78 Spring Brangus (Averaged $3095) 14 Ultrablack bulls (Averaged $3307) 13 Fall Angus (Averaged $2754) 17 Spring Angus (Averaged $2506) A power packed set of bulls greeted buyers at the 17th Annual Suhn Cattle Company Bull Sale on March 24, 2009 in Eureka, Kansas. Buyers remarked that that this year’s offering was the most uniform and consistent set of bulls ever presented. Buyers’ enthusiasm was evident from the standing room only crowd and lively bidding. When the final gavel fell and the prices were evaluated the strength of this offering was evident as 63.5% of the offering sold in a price range of $2500 to $4000. Leading off the Brangus offering was the crowd pleaser Lot 96, Suhn’s Affirmed 331U10, bred by Suhn Cattle Company, Eureka, KS and purchased by Chimney Rock Cattle Company, Concord, AR for $14,000. For the second year in a row Suhn’s Affirmed 416N4 sired the high selling Brangus bull. Lot 7, TJM Alydar 348T, bred by Jack Moore, Ingram, TX and purchased by Todd Garrett, Midlothian, TX for $8,500 was the second high selling bull. This Suhn’s Alydar 416N3 son typified the acceptance of sons of this calving ease sire. Thirty Suhn’s Alydar 416N3 sons averaged $3300. A Garrett of Brinks 789P son, Lot 3, Burtin’s Garrett 762T3 bred by Burtin Brangus Eureka, KS and purchased by Cavender Ranches, Bullard, TX for $6,750 was the third high selling bull. Two bulls sold for $6000: Schwerin Farms, Inc., Gentry, AR and Singleton Brangus Gravette, AR teamed up to purchase Lot 55, PV Garrett 655U2, bred by Platte Valley Brangus, Columbus, NE and Roberts Ranch, Giddings, TX purchased Lot 77 TJM Alydar 75U18 bred by Jack Moore and sired by Suhn’s Alydar 416N3. This year’s Ultrablack offering saw two bulls tying for top seller. Lot 31 an October 13, 2007 son of Suhn’s Northern Dancer 416R4 bred by Suhn Cattle Company commanded a $4,500 bid from Kristen Kastner, Odem, TX. This individual was out of an Ultrablack female sired by Connealy Freightliner. A spring yearling, Lot 125, bred by Mike Vorel of Luther OK and sired by Connealy Freight Train was purchased by Delmar Snyder, Snyder Cattle Co., Coldwater, KS also for $4500. The fourteen Ultrablack bulls averaged $3300 and saw strong demand from commercial breeders in the heartland as well as south Texas to as far east as Virginia. Headlining the Angus offering was Lot 150 Valley View Focus 8143 sired by Mytty in Focus and purchased by Justin White, Republic, MO for $5,100. Lot 135, a Sitz Upward 307R
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Lot 96 Suhn's Affirmed 331U10 purchased by Chimney Rock Cattle Co. Bill & Gail Davis, Concord, AR.
Lot 7 TJM Alydar 348T sold to Todd Garrett, Midlothian, TX.
son, also bred by Valley View Angus, Republic MO was purchased by Dr. Kristen Kastner, Odem, TX for $4,500. The third high seller was Lot 152, CWR Thunder 8001, bred by Clay White Ranches, Peabody, KS and sold to Childears Farms, Emporia, KS for $4,000. Bulls sold into twelve states and Mexico from this offering. Sixty of the buyers represented were repeat customers and twenty-five were first time buyers. Volume bull purchases were from long time customers Nancy and Darren Jackson, Coldwater, KS and Neches River Ranch, Joe Cavender, Bullard, TX. Any questions—please contact Vernon Suhn; 1647 200th St., Eureka, KS 620-583-3706,
salereports SOUTHEASTERN BRANGUS BREEDERS SALE Date: April 4, 2009 Location: Perry, GA 44 lots sell for a grand total of $87,850.00, averaging $1,996.59 per lot. The high selling lot was consigned by Chimney Rock Cattle Company of Concord, AR and was a pick of a flush out of Miss CRC Cadence 55R18 and Suhn’s Alydar 416N3. Johnston Farms, Ray Johnston of Montgomery, AL, purchased the 45-day-old heifer calf for $6,500. 55R18 is a Cowmaker x 55F2 daughter and was the Champion Individual Brangus Female at the 2006 Summit Show (Pictured right). The second high selling lot was a pick of 5 embryos with a guarantee of 2 pregnancies offered by Draggin' M Ranch of Eldorado, AR, John and Sherry Milam, owners: $5,000.00 bought by Red Hill Farms of Evans, GA, Tom and Amy Sprague, owners. These embryos offered were out of Miss JAK Lead Time 302N2 and CRC Specialist 392T2. Miss JAK Lead Time 302N2 is a daughter of Lead Time and Chimney Rock Cattle Company’s legendary donor Miss Brinks Geronimo 302H6. The third high selling lot and highest selling three-in-one was offered by Blackwater Cattle Company of Lake Park, GA, Mike Coggins, owner. This female was purchased by Southern Cattle Company, of Marianna, Fl., John Downs, owner, for $4,700.00.
The fourth high selling lot was the high selling show heifer prospect that was offered by Greuel Family Brangus of Brooks, GA, Roger and Janet Greuel, owners: $2,100.00 bought by Paulk Farms of Ambrose, GA, Don & Sherry Paulk, owners. The fifth high selling lot was the highest selling pair was offered by Little Creek Farms of Alachua, FL - Tommy Taylor, owner: $3,000.00 bought by Lindsey Chism of Haines City, FL
15th annual texas brangus breeders spring sale Date: April 18, 2009 Location: Brenham, TX Sale Manager: Bruns Sales Co. Auctioneer: Doak Lambert 2 Registered Brangus Bulls Grossed $4700 (Averaged $2350) 61 Registered Brangus Females Grossed $83,950 (Averaged $1376) High Selling Bull $2000 for Lot 71: KW Dude 196U from Kody Welch, sired by Lucky 13/7. Purchased by Glynn Ferguson (Hempstead, TX).
High Selling Females $4700 for Lot 20: Ms Gorgeous of OCB, sired by PF Luckys Blackjack 662K1, with Bull Calf, from Dillard Land & Cattle LTD. Purchased by JLS International (Devine, TX). $3000 for Lot 24: Ms GH Brightside 54R2, sired by Brinks Brightside 607L11, with Heifer Calf, from Green Hill Farms. Purchased by Clint Basey (Florence, TX). Volume Buyers were JLS International (Devine, TX), Stacy Keen (Lake Wales, FL) and Tommy Milliron (Abilene, TX). Twenty buyers representing 3 states
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salereports 27th Annual NMSU Cattle and horse sale Date: April 25, 2009 Location: NMSU Horse Farm, Messilla Park, NM Sale Manager: Students of New Mexico State University Auctioneer: Charles F. Dickerson, Las Cruces, NM 19 Registered Brangus Bulls Grossed $35,188 (Averaged $1852) 11 Registered Brangus Females Grossed $8,800 (Averaged $800) High Selling Bulls $3600 for Lot 31: NMSU 3133 8059, sired by NMSU 3133. Purchased by Luna A Ranch, LLC (Tuscon, AZ). $2600 for Lot 14: NMSU 4095 8095, sired by NMSU 4095. Purchased by Lowell Woodward Ranch (Alpine, TX). High Selling Females $1150 for Lot 41: Miss NMSU 4095 8064, sired by NMSU 4095. Purchased by Alex Wright (Chaparral, NM). $950 for Lot 42: Miss NMSUL1 4135 8040, sired by NMSUL1 4135. Purchased by WSC Land & Cattle Co, LLC (Rincon, NM). Volume Buyers were Stuart Taylor (Reno, NV), George Ranch (Carlsbad, NM), Darcy and Gary Ely (Wilcox, NM), Nony Navar Livestock, Inc (El Paso, TX). Buyers represented 5 states
JLS Winning tradition vii sale Date: May 2, 2009 Location: Devine, TX Sale Manager: Bruns Sales Co. Sale Consultant: Jess Bryce Auctioneer: Lakin Oakley 6 Registered Brangus Bulls Grossed $24,450 (Averaged $4075) 63 Registered Brangus Females Grossed $219,050 (Averaged $3477) High Selling Bulls $6000 for Lot 2: Mr JLS Lucky 86T3, sired by Lucky 13/7. Purchased by Champion Ranch (Centerville, TX). $5500 for Lot 4: Mr JLS Revenue 200T3, sired by JLS Revenue 820N7. Purchased by Scott Bryce (Pima, AZ). High Selling Females $18,000 for Lot 69: Ms JLS Blackhawk 915T16 with heifer calf. Purchased by Mark and Linda Kidd (Lytle, TX). $10,000 for Lot 25: Ms JLS Cool Hand 6305 with heifer calf. Purchased by Dillard Land & Cattle Co (Muldoon, TX). Volume Buyers were 101 Ranch (Strawn, TX), Dillard Land & Cattle, LTD (Katy, TX), Don Thomas & Sons (Madison, MO), Stacy Keen (Lake Wales, FL). Thirty-two buyers represented 6 states
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salereports mound creek ranch and friends annual brangus offering Quality commands not just interest, but more importantly demand as evidenced by the enthusiasm and prices paid for the Mound Creek Ranch (MCR) and Friends Annual Brangus Offering, May 16th at the Mound Creek Ranch headquarters located just northeast of Madisonville, Texas. Mound Creek Ranch, owned by Eddie and Cindy Blazek, welcomed the multi-state crowd to the ranch for the weekend providing hospitality and a great forum for Brangus conversation. In the crowd were many new breeders and potential producers considering adding Brangus genetics to their operations. Brangus and Angus breeders from 10 states and Mexico recognized the quality of cattle, the reputation of MCR’s 22 year-old seedstock program, and the documented performance of the powerful genetics offered. In addition to the cattle from the Mound Creek program, the offering included lots from nine MCR genetic partners. Brangus breeders from Mexico to Iowa, Texas to Florida, and all points between were on hand for the sale and expressed a strong desire to take home cattle of all categories as the averages were: 6 45 15 4 4 1 4
Brangus Bulls Spring Pairs Fall Bred Heifers Fall Pairs Open Heifers Semen Lot (100 straws) Embryo Lots
79 Total Lots
Grossed $483,900
Averaged $15,333 Averaged $5,593 Averaged $3,157 Averaged $4,488 Averaged $1025 Averaged $20,000 Averaged $12,700
MC Jethro 924U6 was the high selling herd sire prospect at the Mound Creek and Friends Brangus Production Sale. One-half interest and full possession sold for $38,000.
Averaged $6,125
Throughout the weekend, MC Jethro 924U6, generated impressive response, optimism for the future of the breed, and a large crowd of admirers. The 15-month-old herd sire prospect was sired by MC Jethro 00S3 and is the best son from Jethro’s first calf crop. In addition to his superior paternal genetics, he carries the maternal lineage of the 924 cow family known for incredible fertility, consistency of production, and unparalleled factors of economic efficiency. 924U6 appears ready as heir apparent to MC Jethro 00S3, who died prematurely last summer. One-half interest and full possession sold for $38,000. The bull was a joint offering of Mound Creek and Red Bird Meadows and purchased by Georgia Brangus breeder, Blackwater Cattle Co., Lake Park, Georgia. Marianna, Florida Brangus and Angus breeder, Southern Cattle Co., accelerated their program to a new level with the purchase of MC Ms Lead Gun 129T12 from Mound Creek Ranch. They paid $47,000 for 100% possession and two-thirds embryo interest in the elite donor prospect female. 129T12’s grand dam ranks in the breed’s top 1% for weaning weight, yearling weight, milk and total maternal value; top 15% for ribeye area and top 10% for intramuscular fat, plus she ranks #3 all time for total maternal value. All expectations are that 129T12 will carry on the dominant heritage, maternal value, carcass expectations, and performance established by this most prolific and famed Mound Creek cow family. RBM Ms Tank 111T9 drew the attention and final bid of $20,500 from Cavender Ranches, Bullard, Texas and The Oaks Farms, Newnan, Georgia. 111T9 posts one of the highest marbling values in the breed as she scanned a 7.1% value for IMF with a phenomenal 160% IMF
(L to R) Eddie Blazek, Mound Creek Ranch; Mike Coggins, Blackwater Cattle Co., Lake Park, GA; Mike Kammerer, Red Bird Meadows Ranch, Montgomery, Texas, join Tracy Holbert for a photo following the Mound Creek Ranch and Friends Sale on May 16th.
ratio blended with a 101% ratio for ribeye area. She is sired by the Mound Creek herd sire known as Tank, and sold with a MC Right Direction 624R sired heifer calf at side. This extraordinary donor prospect was offered by Red Bird Meadows Ranch, Montgomery, Texas. Schoenig Ranches, Honey Grove, Texas added two Tank daughters to their new Brangus program. The impressive MC Ms Tank 000T26 commanded a final price of $16,000 for full possession and two-thirds embryo interest. This first calf heifer pair featured a MC News Man 2K4 heifer calf at side and stems from the Mound Creek New Genetic Breeding Program. She holds tremendous donor promise and already proven with an impressive set of IVF calves on sale day display. The second Schoenig selection was MC Ms Tank 111T3 whose pedigree denotes six individuals who have earned Summit status, including her dam. In addition, she has ratios of 117% for
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Southern Cattle Co., Marianna, Florida, selected MC Ms Lead Gun 129T12 from the Mound Creek and Friends Sale Offering. The female and her heifer calf by MC Ringo 98R13 claimed the $47,000 high selling lot of the sale honor for full possession and two-thirds embryo interest.
weaning, 118% for yearling, 127% for ribeye area and 123% for intramuscular fat. 111T3 sold safe to MC News Man 2K4 and her $14,000 price tag included full possession and two-thirds embryo interest. Of considerable interest was the semen package from Mc Jethro 00S3. 100 straws of Jethro semen averaged $200 per straw to gross $20,000 for the right to use this elite herd changing sire. Southern Cattle Co. purchased the first 50 straws to sell followed by the second 50 straws going to the team of Circle RP Brangus, Azle, Texas and Lazy L Brangus, Eliasville, Texas. This semen is very exclusive and very limited due to his untimely death last summer. Jethro’s legacy includes calves that are thick ended, heavy structured, big ribbed, cool fronted, athletic and very eye appealing. Jethro continues the impressive legacy of his great sire Tank and collectively these two herd bulls are changing the face of the Brangus breed. Volume buyers include Roppolo Brangus, El Campo, Texas; Hendrix Bar H Brangus, Livingston, Texas; Vanna Farms, Royston, Georgia; and Guidry Brangus, Kaplan, Louisiana. The sale was coordinated by Cattle Brokers, Inc. and Doak Lambert served as the auctioneer. Mound Creek Ranch will host their Fall Bull Sales on October 31, 2009 at MCR headquarters in Texas and November 14, 2009 at Blackwater Cattle Company in Lake Park, Georgia. Everyone is encouraged to mark their calendar for these exciting Brangus events
Cindy & Eddie Blazek (right) owners of Mound Creek Ranch join LeAnn & Lamont Ennis, Southern Cattle Company, Marianna, Florida following the Mound Creek And Friends Sale. Southern Cattle Company purchased the high selling lot in the sale.
New breeders, Roy and Debbie Schoenig, Schoenig Ranches, Honey Grove, Texas purchased MC Ms Tank 000T26 (bottom) for $16,000 and MC Ms Tank 111T3 (top) for $14,000 along with a $20,000 embryo package. Roy and Debbie Schoenig (left) , Schoenig Ranches, Honey Grove, Texas were volume buyers at the Mound Creek Ranch and Friends Brangus Sale. Mound Creek, owner, Eddie Blazek is pictured on the right.
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International Brangus Breeders Association BOARD OF DIRECTORS march 6, 2009 houston convention Dr. ROBERT VINEYARD, PRESIDENT
PRESENT Bill Davis Dale Kirkham Dr. John Spitzer Brad Church Dr. Bart Carter Don Cox Dr. Robert Vineyard Lynn White Bill Morrison David Vaughn Marcos Borges Tommy Taylor
ABSENT Angelo Zottarelli
First item was the approval of the minutes. Dr. Vineyard called for a motion to approve the minutes of the November 5, 2008 telephone conference call. Motion by Dr. Spitzer to accept the minutes from the November 5, 2008 Board of Directors teleconference meeting. Second by Dr. Carter Motion passed unanimously. Dr. Vineyard called for a motion to approve the minutes of the January 22, 2009 telephone conference call. Motion by Dr. Carter to accept the minutes from the January 22, 2009 Board of Directors teleconference meeting. Second by Lynn White Motion passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda was an update by Dr. Spitzer about the University Education program. As background, the extension programs in the entire southeast with the exception of Texas and Florida have gone on record telling their producers not to use any eared cattle in their breeding programs. To combat this, the IBBA participated in the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists conference in Atlanta Georgia. The IBBA hosted a dinner on Monday, February 2 for beef specialists invited from 13 states. There were presentations by Dr. Dan Moser of Kansas State University, Dr. Todd Thrift of the University of Florida and Dr. Joe Massey. On the following day, there was a luncheon for all extension agents with a presentation by Dr. Massey on IBBA programs: THR, OptimaxX and Brangus Gold. We have copies of the slide presentations and we have audio and video tapes of the sessions. These will be combined to make a program for a CD which will be used for IBBA promotion. Members could use these at a regional meeting or a field day program. Commercial cattlemen want data comparing Brangus with other breeds. Dr. Moser compared Angus, Brangus and eared cattle. Brangus fits with the Angus cattle on the carcass traits as opposed to the eared cattle so don’t call Brangus eared cattle. Dr. Thrift compared the performance of breeds on different diets. Moved the extension agents from being negative to at least being neutral on Brangus cattle; we are trying to influence the influencers. These people wanted to talk about THR, OptimaxX and Frontline. They recognize these as good programs and want to know if we are going to continue to develop them. We got very successful feedback. We should meet with this group when they meet in Corpus Christi in 2011. Presentations will be available in about a month and we want to get copies of the CD to all the extension agents.
STAFF Dr. Joseph Massey Carolyn Kobos
There was discussion as how to reach extension people in other areas of the country. Next the Finance Committee report was given by Don Cox. – 2008 Yearend review. Don Cox said that the association ended the year financially strong. We beat the 2008 budget by $34,042.00. This coming year, the IBBA should be cautious. Don Cox complimented Frances Miller. Interest for 2008 brought in about $36,000. Rates on CDs for the coming year will be lower so there will be less interest income. Motion by Dr. Carter to accept the report of the Finance committee. Second by Tommy Taylor. Motion passed unanimously. In addition to the Finance Committee report, there were policies suggested by our auditors that were to be considered by the Board of Directors: Dr. Vineyard called for a motion to accept on an interim basis, IBBA Board Policy on Conduct and Ethics, Conflict of Interest and Document Retention. Motion by Lynn White to accept the Policy on Conduct and Ethics, Conflict of Interest and Document Retention on an interim basis. Second by Dr. Carter. Motion passed unanimously. Dr. Vineyard called for a motion to accept on an interim basis, IBBA Board Policy on Employee Protection/Whistle Blower Policy. Motion by Dr. Carter to accept the Policy on Employee Protection/ Whistle Blower Policy on an interim basis. Second by Dr. Spitzer Motion passed unanimously. Dr. Vineyard called for a motion to adopt on an interim basis, IBBA Board Member Job Description Motion by Dale Kirkham to accept the IBBA Board Member Job Description on an interim basis. Second by Dr. Carter. Motion passed unanimously. Next were the committee reports:
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Steve Varner reported on the Commercial Marketing Committee in Angelo Zottarelli’s absence. Report was given on the OptimaxX program which was approved in August, 2008. To date about 2500 calves enrolled in the program. We had a goal of 2000 calves enrolled in the 1st 6 months; we have exceeded that goal. We also have the Brangus Gold program; the Brangus Gold female tagging program was approved by the Board on September 10, 2008. Since that time, we have approved 12 producers representing approximately 750 calves. Steve Varner asks for a motion to request that the Board advertise for nominations for the Commercial Cattleman of the Year. Motion by Lynn White that the Board advertise for nominations for the Commercial Cattleman of the Year. Second by Tommy Taylor. Dr. Vineyard responds that the Commercial Cattleman of the Year Award depends on the By-law vote. At present, this award is not in the by-laws, if the amendment to the by-laws pass then the Commercial Cattleman award will be accepted. Motion and Second rescinded. Since there were no motions form the Commercial Marketing Committee, the Board accepted the report by a unanimous voice vote. Dr. Vineyard called on Bill Morrison to make the report from the Show Committee. Bill Morrison asked the directors to consult the Motions page of the Show Committee which is as follows: •Motion from Garrett Thomas for IBBA staff to request an earlier show time for our International Brangus Show. Seconded by Geary Stutts. Motion carried unanimously. •Motion by Steve Densmore to weigh and measure bulls at the Futurity show. Seconded by Allen Goode. Motion carried unanimously. •Steve Densmore moved that the NSOM be moved to Perry Georgia. Seconded by Roger Greuel. Motion did not pass. •Geary Stutts moved that the NSOM remain in Shreveport, LA for the year 2009. Seconded by Traci Middleton Motion passed. •Geary Stutts moved that the Western National remain in Oklahoma City. Seconded by Steve Densmore. Motion passed. •Motion from Garrett Thomas to accept Terri Barber as an IBBA approved judge. Seconded by Traci Middleton. Motion carried unanimously. •Motion from Roger Greuel to accept Dr. Dan Moser as an IBBA approved judge. Seconded by Carolyn Belden. Motion carried. •Geary Stutts moved the Show Committee send a letter to the Texas major livestock shows protesting the inclusion of scurred steers in the Brangus steer show and to request the admission of the Red Brangus steers. Seconded by Roger Greuel. Motion carried unanimously. •Motion by Charlie Tiner to remove Jerry McPeak from IBBA approved judges list. Seconded by Garrett Thomas. Motion carried unanimously.
Judges for the four major shows were selected by the Show Committee Futurity - Tommy Schwertner Western National - Wes Hudson National Show of Merit - Tyler Norvell International Show - Dr. Larry Boleman Motion by Bill Morrison to accept the Show Committee report. Second by Dr. Spitzer Motion passed unanimously.
Dr. Vineyard called on Dr. Spitzer to give the Breed Improvement Committee report. The Breed improvement committee recommended elimination of maximums and minimums on absolute ribeye area and use ratios to determine outliers. IBBA will no longer require Rump fat measurements to be collected at the time of ultrasound. The recommendation of the Breed Improvement committee was to pursue maintenance energy EPDs in the menu of EPDs. . Recommend that Board send to Finance Committee a request that a $2 rebate for every AI calf recorded based on THR be implemented and a recognition program at 20%, 40%, and 60% AI usage. Bronze plaque for registrations of 20% AI calves based on THR inventory. Silver Plaque for registrations of 40% AI calves based on THR inventory. Gold plaque for registrations of 60% AI calves based on THR inventory. Motion by Dr. Spitzer to accept the Breed Improvement Committee report. Second by Dr.Carter. After discussion and approval from Frank Perry who made the original motion, the motion will be split in two. Amended motion by Dr. Spitzer: Recommend that Board send to Finance Committee a request that a $2 rebate for every AI calf recorded based on THR be implemented. Separately he moved that a recognition program at 20%, 40%, and 60% AI usage be implemented now. Second by Dr.Carter. Amendment to the motion passed unanimously. Amended motion passed unanimously. The current By-laws sunset all AD HOC Committees at the end of this meeting. Breed Improvement has five AD HOC Committees that it would like to continue: Rancher’s Guide to EPDs brochure development A young sire evaluation program Development of a performance education DVD in conjunction with the Membership and Education committee DNA technologies Embryo transfer Motion by Dr. Spitzer to accept the Breed Improvement Committee report. Second by Dr.Carter. Motion passed unanimously. Dr, Vineyard called on Bill Davis to give the promotion committee report. Committee meeting started with Duncan MacRae giving an update on the OptimaxX, Brangus Gold and the Global Membership program ads. Then Dr. Massey gave an option for the use of the $40,000 promotion budget which was to hire a Director of Promotions whose job would be to promote Brangus at meeting like NCBA, BIF and regional programs, state fairs, etc. to deliver information about Brangus in various venues. Dr. Massey suggested that would be a more effective use of funds since we are already running ads in the Frontline which reaches about 20,000 people. There was a lot of discussion in the committee meeting from the members who want a national ad campaign. They were advised that $40,000 was not a lot of money to buy ads. Members were outspoken that they wanted ad campaign no matter how limited that might be. There were questions for Duncan MacRae about the costs of an ad in various magazines: even the smallest ad in Beef magazine is very expensive. Duncan explained that there was a proposal to run ads in regional magazines which would still give us national coverage, a Southeast publication, a Western publication and Cattle Today: for example, a 4 to 5 month campaign of ¼ page ad would cost about $32,000.
Continued on page 65
58 | MAY/JUNE 2009
Brangus Journal
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maY/JUNE 2009 | 63
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64 | MAY/JUNE 2009
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Continued from page 58. Motion by Bill Davis for the Promotions Committee to meet within two weeks of today to make a plan. Second by Dr. Spitzer Motion passed unanimously Dr. Vineyard called on Marcos Borges to report on the International Marketing Committee. Marcos reported that they visited three countries in five trips in 2008: Costa Rican breeders decided to start the first Brangus Association in Central America after they heard the presentation; there are several Mexican Breed Associations - we need to find out how we can be more effective there; and we went to Colombia for the first time this year. The Global Brangus Round-up is a format that we have patterned on Brazil and Argentina: bring the cattle to one place not visit individual ranches. Dr. Vineyard called on Dr. Carter to give the Membership and Education Committee Report. This year the focus has been on member benefits. There are now two pages in the Journal: member benefits page and items available page. Committee members have made a lot of efforts to contact business to offer benefits to the members: the latest is reported by Mike Doguet which is a discount program on vehicles. Classic Chevrolet dealership in Beaumont, Texas will give a $500 certificate for members on the purchase of a vehicle to be applied after final negotiated sale price. Three motions came out of committee: A motion in support of having the Brangus Summit in Oklahoma. Frank Perry, Mike Vorel and Brad Church will be primary contacts for this event. No action necessary for this motion. Motion made by Dr. Carter to refer to BPI to offer a card ad in the state directory section of the Brangus Journal for new members for 3 months. Seconded by Bill Davis Motion Passed Unanimously
Motion seconded by Tommy Taylor. There was discussion clarifying the discount policy. Motion passed unanimously. Another topic that was discussed was how to get out more news releases; the suggestion was we target where we send news releases, establish a list and send out news releases directly. Dr. Vineyard pointed out that THR inventory would be billed on March 15. There is a waiver of the THR reactivation fee for 90 days based on staff recommendations no later than February 15, 2009. Next was the consideration of the Policy and Bylaws Review Ad Hoc Committee which had submitted the revision of the IBBA Bylaws to the membership. Dr. Vineyard called for a vote for the Bylaws Amendments by ballots by members who had not sent mail-in ballots. IBBA members who had not voted were given ballots to vote for the amendments to the IBBA Bylaws and voting occurred. The vote was then closed and the ballots are to be sent to the auditors. The results will be posted on the IBBA website. Next Dr. Vineyard acknowledged retiring Board Members: Dr. Bart Carter – Area 6, Dr. John Spitzer – Area 4, Lynn White – Area 8, Marcos Borges, and John Holland – Area 9 who resigned in May. Then Dr. Vineyard introduced the Newly Elected Board Members: R.L. Robbs – Area 6, Doug Williams – Area 4, Bill Felton – Area 8, Steve Densmore – Area 9 and Robert S. Vineyard– Area 7 Dr. Spitzer as head of the Nomination Committee, made a motion that the slate of officers for 2009 be adopted: President - Dale Kirkham, 1st Vice President – Don Cox, 2nd Vice President - Angelo Zottarelli, Secretary Treasurer – David Vaughan and Member-at-Large - Dr. Robert Vineyard. Second by Tommy Taylor Motion passed Unanimously
Motion made by Dr. Carter to refer to the Promotions committee on the gestation wheel and the bumper stickers. Seconded by Dr. Spitzer Motion Passed Unanimously
Dr. Vineyard passed the gavel Dale Kirkham who made his presentation, assignments and charge. He noted the difficulties of these uncertain times but he noted there are opportunities in every challenge.
Dr. Vineyard brought up discussion of the IBBA Summit. Frank Perry addressed the Board about hosting the Summit in Oklahoma City in conjunction with the Western National Show. Brad Church and Mike Vorel would volunteer to help with the planning. Frank Perry suggested that the Summit be held in the downtown area near the Bricktown area. He gave a brief overview of the activities in and near Oklahoma City.
Dale Kirkham made the following committee assignments: Membership and Education Committee: R.L. Robbs Finance Committee: David Vaughan Breed Improvement Committee: Bill Felton Promotions Committee: Bill Davis Commercial Marketing: Steve Densmore Show Committee: Bill Morrison Awards Committee: Tommy Taylor International Marketing Committee: Marcos Borges
Motion made by Dr. Carter to accept Oklahoma City as the site of the 2009 IBBA Summit. Seconded by Bill Davis Motion Passed Unanimously Dr. Vineyard called on Dale Kirkham to give the BPI report from the meeting which was held on Wednesday, March 4, 2008. He gave the financial report; there is still a ways to go to get on the positive side. Some adjustments have been made to cut costs. Reaction to the Frontline has mostly been positive; there was discussion on how to get more advertisers for the Frontline. There was a motion in the BPI Committee by Dr. Vineyard that card advertisers get 5% discount on every full page ad within a calendar year not to be applied on top of any other discounts. Only one discount will be applicable. Motion made by Dale Kirkham to adopt the policy that card advertisers get 5% discount on every full page ad within a calendar year not to be applied on top of any other discounts. Only one discount will be applicable.
Motion to adjourn was made by Tommy Taylor Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Kobos These minutes have been read and approved by: Dr. Robert Vineyard, President
SERVICES To place , please call the IBBA Office at 210.696.8231, or email
Embryo Transfer • Estrus Synchronization Programs Complete Reproductive Services • InVitro Fertilization Tommy Barnes - Auctioneer -
P.O. Box 8 • Galion, AL 36742 email:
Ph. 334/289-7001 Fax: 334/289-7000 Mobile: 334/462-4004
Toll Free: 866-4EMBRYO P.O. Box 3038 • Bryan, TX 77805 979/731-1043 • Fax: 979/731-1086
Lakin Oakley Auctioneer
7081 Highway 82 West DeKalb, Texas 75559 903/667-3251 Home 903/277-9610 Mobile
Ernest J. Bailes, IV
Bruns Sales Company
Sales Consulting • Private Treaty Sales • Sales Management • Herd Consultations
Gary and Gwen Bruns
P.O. Box 404 • Floresville, TX 78114 (830) 393-6079 • (830) 391-0766 Cell • (830) 393-1133 Fax
66 | MAY/JUNE 2009
Brangus Journal
•In-Clinic Facilities & Mobile Lab •AI, ET and Semen Collection •Breeding & Herd Health Supplies •AI / Palpation Clinics
1020 Bailes Dairy Road Shepherd, TX 77371
Beef Improvement Federation Meeting Sets Direction of DNA Technology in the Beef Industry.
Continued from page 12.
reduced by at least 4 to 5 years allowing them to make genetic progress faster and at a reduced cost. The Beef industry can learn from the dairy industry that working in unity we can discover meaningful data in shorter periods of time and that embracing new technologies like DNA data, we can make rapid progress to better define the resulting animals. We are entering a very dynamic time in the discovery of useful DNA information for the beef industry and it is up to each of us to be involved in the process or to be left behind as a breed. DNA information will be incorporated into EPD analysis over the next year or two and we need to understand its value and use. The 2009 BIF meeting was extremely informative and in my mind clearly demonstrated that DNA technology has moved into a new era in the beef industry which will not only have value to the seed stock breeder but to the feeder, packer and the commercial industry as well. The opportunity to know the potential performance of each animal from birth to slaughter is starting to become a reality and we must prepare now to incorporate this information in each of our programs
aunque ni siquiera han iniciado el proyecto, otras razas de mayor divulgación ya están bien encaminadas con la implementación. La industria lechera ya está incorporando información del ADN en sus análisis de las DEP y podrán reducir el tiempo requerido para comprobar el valor de un animal individual o reducir el intervalo entre generaciones. La industria lechera tiene historia de sólo usar toros en sus razas cuya progenie ha sido analizada; esto tarda de 8 a 10 años, en promedio. Con la información del ADN, ese periodo se puede reducir por 4 ó 5 años, como mínimo; eso les permitirá progresar genéticamente con mayor rapidez y a un costo reducido. La industria de la carne puede aprender de la industria lechera de que si trabajamos en colaboración podremos descubrir datos valiosos en menos tiempo y que cuando adoptemos nuevas tecnologías como la de los datos del ADN, podremos progresar más rápidamente para definir mejor los animales que resultan. Estamos entrando en una época muy dinámica en el descubrimiento de información útil sobre el ADN para la industria de la carne, y depende de cada uno de nosotros involucrarse en el proceso o nos quedaremos atrás como raza. La información del ADN se incorporará en el análisis de las DEP en los próximos dos años, si no antes, y nosotros tendremos que entender su valor y su uso. El congreso 2009 de la BIF fue increíblemente informativo y en mi opinión, ha demostrado claramente que la tecnología del ADN ha avanzado a la industria de la carne hacia una era nueva que no sólo tendrá valor para el criador de animales reproductores, sino también para el engordador, la empacadora y la industria comercial. La oportunidad de conocer el desempeño potencial de cada animal–desde el nacimiento hasta el sacrificio—está pasando a ser realidad y nos debemos preparar ahora para incorporar esta información en cada uno de nuestros programas
The Bottom Line: Introducing Grant Keenen. Continued from page 22. awareness of our OptimaxX program which leads directly to demand. The demand for ASV cattle is there, we just need the supply of ASV cattle so we can go after it. I am also working to grow your Brangus Gold program. The demand for Brangus-influenced females is as good as ever. I was recently at a commercial cow sale in the Texas Hill Country where I saw 94 head of Brangus Gold heifers average $996/head. These were open yearling heifers weighing 700-800lbs. Demand from commercial cattlemen? Desirable by commercial cattlemen? I’d say so! This program will be as successful as we make it. Same as OptimaxX, we need to tag all the females that are eligible. Putting Brangus Gold commercial females into cow herds around the country will grow our breed’s reputation as well as yours as a seedstock producer. This is your program, so let’s make it succeed
demanda del ganado de engorda de ustedes. También estaré visitando corrales de engorda y empacadoras durante el verano para promover el OptimaxX y la calidad de nuestra genética Brangus. No obstante, debemos identificar y marcar la mayor cantidad posible de becerros que reúnen esos requisitos. Esto también es necesario para aumentar la concientización de la industria acerca de nuestro programa OptimaxX, lo cual llevará directamente a una mayor demanda. La demanda de ganado ASV existe, sólo necesitamos proveer ganado ASV para poder participar. También me he dedicado a aumentar el programa Brangus Gold. El deseo de tener hembras con influencia Brangus sigue tan alto como siempre. Hace poco estuve en una subasta de vacas comerciales en las sierras de Texas, donde vi un precio promedio de $996/cabeza para 94 vaquillas Brangus Gold. Estas fueron vaquillas vacías, ya de un año de edad, que pesaban entre 700 y 800 libras (317 a 362 kg). ¿Hay demanda de parte de los productores comerciales? ¿Ganaderos comerciales las encuentran deseables? ¡Yo diría que sí! Este programa tendrá todo el éxito que nosotros le ponemos. Lo mismo con OptimaxX, necesitamos identificar y marcar a todas las hembras que reúnen los requisitos. Si colocamos a hembras comerciales Brangus Gold en los hatos de cría alrededor del país, aumentará el renombre de nuestra raza, así como el renombre de ustedes criadores de pura raza. Éste es el programa de ustedes, hagamos de el un éxito
Places I will be in the near future: June 15-18: Florida Cattlemen’s Assoc.; Marco Island, FL June 20: Vorel Farms Field Day; Luther, OK August 3-5: Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course
Lugares donde estaré en el futuro próximo: 15 a 18 de junio: Asociación de Ganaderos de la Florida; Isla Marco, Florida 20 de junio: Día de campo de Vorel Farms; Luther, Oklahoma 3 a 5 de agosto: Cursillo sobre ganado de carne de la Universidad Texas A&M
Brangus Journal
maY/JUNE 2009 | 67
2009 Media Guide
Brangus Journal Advertising Rates (b&w)
he Brangus Journal is an international news magazine serving the Brangus breed of beef cattle including Brangus crossbreds and Brahman and Angus stock necessary to produce Brangus cattle. The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) empowers members to advance the quality, reliability and value of Brangus and Brangus-influenced cattle; provides innovative programs and services which enhance the economic well-being of members and commercial customers.
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Color Rates Single color-$170.00; Four-color-$340.00 Inserts, Business Reply Cards & Other Specialty Advertisements Available. Contact advertising sales coordinator for quote.
2009 Editorial Calendar: Brangus Journal
Ad Materials Due Date
May/June Mails June 1
International & Convention Highlights Bilingual edition covering Brangus events and issues across the globe.
2000 IBBA Members + 3000 International Brangus Breeders
May 10, 2009
July/August Mails Aug 1
Fall Sire Summary Issue Decision making time for Fall AI breeding programs.
2000 IBBA Members
July 10, 2009
September/October Mails Oct 1
Spotlight on Juniors & IBBA Summit Results of the Junior National Show and IJBBA events throughout the year.
2000 IBBA Members
September 10, 2009
November/December Mails Dec 1
International & Year in Review Bilingual edition covering Brangus events and issues across the globe.
2000 IBBA Members + 3000 International Brangus Breeders
November 10, 2009
FRONTLINE beef producer
FRONTLINE Beef Producer Non-Member Rates (all black & white) 1x
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true source of news and discussion of relevant and timely topics for US commercial beef producers. Published four times a year with a circulation of 20,000; additional copies distributed at trade shows and producer events.
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Inserts, Business Reply Cards & Other Specialty Advertisements Available. Contact advertising sales coordinator for quote.
2009 Editorial Calendar: FRONTLINE Beef Producer Issue
Ad Materials Due Date
September/October Mails Sep 15
Feeder Calf Marketing & Bull Power Payday comes but once a year for most commercial producers; there are no do-overs on a calf crop. Making the most of that payday begins long before the calf is born, but even the best genetics and best management programs can leave money on the table without a well planned marketing strategy. This issue reveals the potential opportunities and potential pitfalls of marketing feeder calves. One of the most important assets of a profitable cow-calf enterprise is the Commercial Bull. This issue explores the opportunities for making the most of bull purchases. From identifying the correct genetics, to maintaining the package those genetics come in, to prepping the bull properly to ensure the delivery of those genetics all breeding season long.
2000 IBBA Members 5500 IBBA Bull Buyers 12,500 Commercial Producers
August 20, 2009
November/December Mails Nov 15
Cow Efficiency & Industry Trends What makes a good cow? For the commercial producer it is pretty simple; she’s got to generate a return every year. The difference between good cows and great cows is the magnitude of that return. What can be done to identify and multiply those great cows? Is it all genetics? What’s the impact of management? This issue searches for those answers and more. What in the world is going on here? The economy, industry regulations, animal activist activities, export markets; what does it all mean to the average cow-calf producer? Are there new obstacles and/or opportunities on the horizon? This issue examines the industry outlook for 2010 and beyond.
2000 IBBA Members 5500 IBBA Bull Buyers 12,500 Commercial Producers
October 20, 2009
Ad Sizes & Specifications
For more information, please contact:
• Trim Page Size: 8.5 x 11 • Before Trim Size: 8.75 x 11.25”
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Director of Communications: Duncan MacRae Phone: (210) 696-8231 Fax: (210) 696-8718 Email: POLICIES Issues mailed on or prior to first of month of issue date. Advertising arriving in the Brangus Journal office after the stated deadlines may be subject to a late fee. Advertising for sales and events scheduled prior to the 20th of the month of publication will be accepted at the advertiser’s risk. Brangus Journal assumes no financial responsibility for distribution to its entire circulation prior to that date. Alterations in advertising copy, if requested after the closing date and after a reasonable number of ad proofs have been seen by the advertiser, will be made only if time permits and will be subject to a late fee. The Brangus Publications, Inc., board of directors has the right to refuse any ad copy or photos. Brangus Journal assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of advertising content as submitted. Advertising containing Brangus pedigrees or statements regarding performance of Brangus cattle must conform to records kept by the IBBA. Copy varying from official records may be changed as necessary without the consent of advertiser. An interest charge of 1.5% per month will be assessed to accounts which become 30 days past due. *State directory ads must be prepaid and will be published unchanged from the previous month unless the advertiser notifies the Brangus Journal to alter the advertisement. The Brangus Journal is not responsible for omissions unless notified.
Lambert, Doak
ASH Marketing Service
Mauer Sales Company
Barnes, Tommy
Mound Creek Ranches
Beckwards T Ranch
Purina Accuration
Bovine Elite, LLC
National CUP Lab & Technology Center
Bruns Sales Company
Oakley, Lakin
Camp Cooley Ranch
Pruitt, Nancy
Cattle Solutions
Repro Select
Circle X Land & Cattle Co.
Ritchey Manufacturing Co
RRR Ranch
15, 17
Dillard Land & Cattle Ltd.
Salacoa Valley Farms
Dos XX's Cattle Co.
Source of Champions Sale
Draggin' M Ranch
Southern Cattle Co.
Elgin Breeding Service
Triangle K Ranch
Trio Cattle & Genetics
Triple JR Cattle Company
36, 37
Indian Hills Ranch
IFC, 1
34, 35
National Junior Brangus Show
Chimney Rock Cattle Co. Field Day, Concord, AR
Salacoa Valley Farms Brangus Production Sale, Fairmount, GA
Florida Cattleman's Association Convention, Marco Island, FL
Texas Junior Brangus Breeders Association State Show, Brenham, TX
Southeast Brangus Breeders Association Regional Junior Show, Raymond, MS
JULY • 2009 12-18
National Junior Brangus Show & Futurity, West Monroe, LA
IJBBA Source of Champions Heifer Sale, West Monroe, LA
AUGUST • 2009 4-6
TAMU Beef Cattle Short Course, College Station, TX
Char-No-Farms Production Sale, Williamson, GA
Brangus Journal
maY/JUNE 2009 | 71
Long-sleeved Shirt. Button-down collar with adjustable cuffs and a patch pocket. Available colors are Red, Natural and Denim ($35). Ladies also available in Natural (shown at right). Call for size and color availability.
Baseball Cap. Six panel construction, mid profile, stitched eyelets and a Velcro closure. One size fits most ($12).
NEW ITEM Colorado Timberline Jacket. Black with khaki lining. Front and back vents, elastic cuffs with Velcro adjustable strap, elastic sides on bottom hem, inside chest pocket. IBBA logo embroidered on left lapel. Name or ranch monogrammed at additional cost of $10 per line ($65). Call for size availability.
WearGuardŽ BreezeMaster™ Windshirt. Black with smooth nylom taffeta lining. Two side-seam pockets hold essentials. 100% polyester microfiber shell. Machine wash, dry. ($65). Call for size availability.
White Ceramic Mug. IBBA Logo with two-sided imprinted area ($3).
All prices include tax.
ORDER ONLINE AT WWW.gobrangus.COM OR CALL 210.696.8231