Brangus January 2015
Annual Meeting Issue
January 2015 | 1
Your SOURCE for Top Quality Registered & Commercial Brangus Cattle
Proud Members of
Circle Land & Cattle Co., Ltd. 2 | January 2015
Camp Cooley Ranch • Bobcat Bottoms Ranch • Persimmon Creek Ranch
BRANGUS Journal Spring Valley Ranch • Windy Hill Ranch • Vista Ridge Ranch
located just off Hwy. 6 and OSR 1415 East OSR • Bryan, Texas 77808 Office: (979) 776-5760 • Fax: (979) 776-4818 Website: Steve Densmore, Cattle Mgr., (979) 450-0819, cell • Chris Duewall, Operations Mgr., (979) 777-6803, cell
January 2015 | 1
Brangus January 2015 Volume 63, Issue 1
Any Country is Brangus County
Total Herd Reporting: An Important Cow Inventory Based Reporting Program - Part One
It is a common misconception that Brangus cattle only thrive in hot, humid climates typically found in the Southern U.S. Brangus producers from Iowa and Virginia demonstrate how Brangus succeed and work in colder environments as well as combat the stereotype that Brangus belong only in the South.
Dr. Tommy Perkins, IBBA’s Executive Vice President, discusses the benefits of a Total Herd Reporting (THR) system and challenges producers to submit more conclusive data to increase the accuracy of the breed’s EPDs and ultimately advance the Brangus breed.
Branding Brangus
Freeze Branding Cattle
Breeding Injuries of the Bull
This article is Part Two of a multi-article series that began in the December issue of the Brangus Journal. In December, Amy shared about the importance of successful branding as well as steps readers can take to develop their own brand.
Dr. Perkins discusses the process of freeze branding cattle and offers several pointers to make your experience successful. With the value of bulls today it seems only natural to provide care as quickly and efficiently as possible. Dr. Gary Warner provides a complete tutorial on identifying bull reproductive injuries.
2 | January 2015
Aubrey Pigg
Features & Specials
January 2015 | 3
8 8 8 10 16
Staff Connection Director Connection Regional Connection IBBA Connection
Keep the Momentum :: by Tommy Perkins, Ph.D., PAS 2015: A Chance to Write a New Chapter in Brangus History :: by Traci Middleton Excitement is Building :: by Tyler Dean
IJBBA Connection
The Legacy :: by Meghan Pickett
17 18 34
IBA Connection
35 36 37 42 44
Sale Reports
Planning for a New Year :: by Jodi Jackson
Marketing Update
Game Plan :: by Kyles Dykes
Welcome New Members IBBA Offers NCBA Opportunities to Members GeneTrust at Cavender’s Neches River Ranch Sale
The Official Publication of the International Brangus® Breeders Association. The Brangus Journal is an international publication serving the Brangus seedstock producer. Published eight times annually, this archive is designed to highlight accomplishments and improvements within the association. The purpose of the Brangus Journal is to serve the best interests of the members while showcasing IBBA member breeding programs, efforts and achievements to other Brangus seedstock producers. The Journal also provides a venue for the IBBA to communicate directly with their members providing updates related to the association, publishing feature stories, or announcing results. Publication #ISSN0006-9132. Periodicals postage paid at San Antonio, Texas, and additional entries. Postmaster: Send address changes to Brangus Publications, Inc., 5750 Epsilon, San Antonio, Texas 78249. Subscriptions: Frances Miller, 210.696-8231 x203, Subscription Rates: Domestic Periodicals—1 year, $25; First class—$55. Foreign—1 year, periodicals, $25; air mail to Mexico, $70, Canada, $70, Australia, $115; air mail to all other countries, $115. Brangus Publications, Inc. 5750 Epsilon, San Antonio, Texas 78249 Telephone: 210.696.8231 Fax: 210.696.8718 Web site: Email: BPI OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman : Traci Middleton (731.676.0807) President: Dr. Tommy Perkins (210.696.8231 x212) Secretary/Treasurer : Brandon Belt (254.248.5260) Director: Mike Vorel (405.826.6959) Director: Danny Farris (325.669.5727) The International Brangus® Breeders Association does not verify claims made by the advertisers in this publication.
Service Directory State Directory Calendar of Events
On the Cover...
Advertisers Index
Brangus females in a 2014 winter snow at Salacoa Valley Farms in Fairmount, Georgia. Photo taken and submitted by Chris Heptinstall. 4 | January 2015
16A2 • DOB: 10/10/13
24A11 • DOB: 10/15/13
24A12 • DOB: 10/5/13
24A14 • DOB: 10/6/13
Low BW Nuff Said son - Top 10% for WW
Chattooga x Jethro - Milk EPD of 18
Chattooga son with outstanding EPDs
Chattooga son - Ranks in top 5% for Milk
188A6 • DOB: 8/18/13
541B • DOB: 1/21/14
007A2 • DOB: 8/18/13
Estancia x 188R donor - low BW, high Milk
Estancia x Magnum - Stout, young bull
16A • DOB: 10/10/13
Bred Garrett daughter - 5 traits in top 25%
Nuff Said daughter - High WW & YW EPDs
24A5 • DOB: 10/5/13
24A7 • DOB: 10/9/13
24A19 • DOB: 9/1/13
Bred Chattooga x Jethro - Top 5% for Milk
Chattooga x Jethro - Fancy and bred
Chattooga x Jethro - Several full sibs sell
2nd Gen. Estancia daughter - Top 5% for CEM EPD
January 2015 | 5
6 | January 2015
2013: 25 LOTS GROSSED $385,500 TO AVERAGE $15,420 2014: 28 LOTS GROSSED $493,900 TO AVERAGE $17,640
January 2015 | 7
Staff Connection Executive Vice President
Tommy Perkins, Ph.D., PAS
210.696.8231 x212 ::
Director of Shows and Youth Programs, Publications Editor
405.867.1421 or 405.207.6921 ::
Tyler Dean
Kyle Dykes
Commercial Marketing Coordinator
254.371.9388 :: Communications Coordinator
Brittni Drennan
210.696.8231 x202 :: Advertising Sales Manager
Frances Miller
210.696.8231 x203 ::
Patti Teeler
Accounting Specialist
210.696.8231 x205 :: Registry Specialist
Rosanne Sralla
210.696.8231 x206 :: Product Manager
Emilio Silvas
210.696.8231 x207 ::
Melanie Fuller
979.255.3343 ::
Director Connection President
Traci Middleton
Area 4
Term: 2012-2015 731-676-0807 :: First VP
Mike Vorel
Danny Farris
Area 9
Brandon Belt
Area 7
Area 6
Term: 2012-2015 520-384-2478 ::
Robert Field
Area 8
Chuck Sword
Area 1
Bill Davis
Area 2
Term: 2014-2017 870-668-3329 ::
Term: 2012-2015 254-248-5260 ::
R.L. Robbs
Area 10
Term: 2013-2016 520-508-3505 ::
Term: 2013-2016 325-669-5727 :: Secretary-Treasurer
Area 7
Term: 2013-2016 903-530-5957 ::
Larry Parker
Area 5
Term: 2013-2016 405-826-6959 :: Second VP
Russ Williamson
Term: 2012-2015 662-435-4885 :: Term: 2013-2016 770-468-3486 ::
Cody Gariss
Area 3
Term: 2014-2017 417-398-2836 ::
Michael Kammerer
Area 7
Term: 2014-2017 936-449-5744 ::
Eddy Roberts
Area 11
Term: 2014-2017 386-935-1416 :: Contact the Director(s) from your area with any questions or concerns you have have about our association.
Regional Connection Don Cullen Don Hall Heart of America Brangus Breeders Association Jim Mussulman Hill Country Brangus Breeders Association Brandon Belt International Red Brangus Breeders Association Marcos Borges Louisiana Brangus Breeders Association Bob Savoie Mississippi Brangus Breeders Association Bill Wells Alabama Brangus Breeders Association
Arkansas Brangus Breeders Association
8 | January 2015
Danny Wells Doug Williams Southwest Brangus Breeders Association Dr. Bart Carter Texas Brangus Breeders Association Doug Muenchow West Coast Brangus Breeders Association Pam Doiron West Texas Brangus Breeders Association Mark Morrow 325.798.3140 Oklahoma Brangus Association
Southeast Brangus Breeders Association
January 2015 | 9
IBBA Connection Keep the Momentum
ome much needed moisture continues to fall throughout the country, and cattle prices continue to soar as we venture into 2015. It appears that the shortage of cows will continue to encourage high prices for culled cows, culled bulls and feeder cattle in all weights and classes. There just are not enough cows available to produce the number of feeder cattle, replacement females or packer cows, so I anticipate a strong market for years to come if we can continue to keep a strong consumer demand for our product. Luckily, Brangus genetics excel in every environment and in every market in which we exist. This is due to the adaptability of the cattle, the outstanding maternal attributes and the exceptional final carcass attributes. I would like to compliment the Hill Country Brangus Breeders Association (HCBBA) for organizing a very successful bull development program that ended in an outstanding sale in November. Danny Farris, IBBA Director, was instrumental in the programs development where he secured 35 bulls from eight HCBBA members which were placed on feed at Lipan Feeders near San Angelo, Texas. Outstanding genetics, a high roughage diet and a rocky environment conditioned the bulls perfectly for success in the sale ring. The HCBBA is planning another bull development program for the upcoming sale, and I highly encourage members to participate in this quality event. I also strongly recommend other Brangus regional associations to organize and implement similar bull development programs in the different regions of the country. I would ask that all regional organizations continue to inform the IBBA about upcoming meetings, field days, etc. so that more people may consider attending some of the events. The IBBA staff will make every effort to promote your event(s) if you will communicate the time, place and agenda for such activities. I or another staff member will attend the events if we are given ample notice and can work it into our schedules.
State Georgia Arkansas Tennessee Florida Alabama Oklahoma Texas Louisiana Mississippi 10 | January 2015
THR Inventory (THRI) 1,327 2,263 782 3,238 2,308 1,661 14,323 1,924 1,671
Some statistics from the December 2014 Brangus Journal caught my attention. I completed a chart (below) indicating a need for more completed data reporting by everyone. Georgia is reporting a higher percentage of weaning weights from potential calves on the cow inventory than other states. I prefer that every state (and breeder for that fact) strive to report 95 percent or more weaning weights from cows included in the THR inventory annually. If not, you are inadvertently skewing the data and ultimately negatively impacting the upper 50 percent of your calf crop. This negatively impacts the weaning weight ratio which also negatively impacts the calculated EPD for that trait. Since I prefer 95 percent of the weaning weights be submitted, am I suggesting that you register 95 percent of your calf crop? Absolutely not. You can submit weaning weights for registered and non-registered (performance only) animals without additional costs in the THR program. Please read page 22 for additional information on the THR program. Look for information about the upcoming International Brangus Breeders Foundation (IBBF) events to be held March 2015 in Houston, Texas. There will be gifting opportunities for everyone who attends the Brangus events held during the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo week. Your participation and attendance is greatly appreciated as the funding will be utilized for some much needed research projects to validate feed efficiency, tenderness and other Brangus traits using DNA technology. Traci Middleton, IBBA President, elaborates more about the planned research projects in the president’s column on page 12. Do not hesitate to call me if you have any specific questions about the bull development programs, the foundation, performance data reporting, or ranch visits. For information about IBBA programs or other inquiries, please call (210) 6968231 or visit Stay connected to IBBA through Facebook, Twitter, or receive news updates by joining our email list. BJ
Weaning Weight Reporting 770 1,064 342 1,234 796 537 4,274 518 435
WWR/THRI % 58.0 47.0 43.7 38.1 34.5 32.3 29.8 26.9 26.0
January 2015 | 11
IBBA Connection 2015: A Chance to Write a New Chapter in Brangus History by Traci MIDDLETON IBBA PRESIDENT
s the book is now closed on 2014, I am encouraged and optimistic about the things to come in the new year. We have the opportunity to reach goals, break old barriers, and set new records in the Brangus cattle business. As I have previously communicated, the board, staff, and committees have been working to develop new ways to create a path for Brangus to gain more market share in the beef industry. One of the most exciting is the establishment of the International Brangus Breeders Foundation (IBBF). In Fall 2014, we seated the Board of Directors for the IBBF. The following graciously agreed to serve as board members: Traci Middleton, President; Dr. Tommy Perkins, Vice President; Brandon Belt, Secretary/Treasurer; Bill Davis, Director; Steve Densmore, Director; Allen Goode, Director; Johnny Vines, Director. Those who have agreed to serve have a passion for Brangus cattle and have proven a sincere commitment to promote and grow the Brangus breed. They are forward thinkers
Ritchey Ear Tags have been made in the good ole USA since 1964. Just like Old Glory, our tags have stood the test of time and have proven themselves faithful and true.
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12 | January 2015
who will generate a cohesive atmosphere to raise the funds needed to develop opportunities for Brangus cattle nationwide. The first project to be funded by IBBF will be very similar to the research conducted collaboratively by Texas A&M University, BEEF magazine, Merial, and Circle X Land & Cattle. The findings were then utilized in the 2014 BEEF Efficiency and Profitability contest (more information can be found at www. The trial evaluated residual feed intake, rate of gain, feed efficiency, and carcass traits on 84 Brangus steers. The project that will be piloted by IBBF will be very comparable but on a larger scale. The results will enable us to prove feed efficiency of Brangus cattle in the feedlot and grading ability to the packer sector of the beef industry. By promoting this information throughout the beef industry, we will begin to make new opportunities for Brangus genetics and the breeders involved with IBBA. The first activity that the IBBF board has organized will be an event at the 2015 IBBA Annual Meeting and Membership Banquet in Houston, Texas. We will have a live auction with donated items such as hunting trips, commissioned artwork, embryo and semen packages, as well as items donated by state/ regional Brangus associations. The funds raised will be utilized for research that will promote Brangus to new heights in gaining market share in the beef industry and will help to reach the goal set by the IBBF Board of Directors to raise $250,000 over the next three years. IBBF provides us with the opportunity to contribute to the future of Brangus cattle. With a very competitive seedstock market, research and education efforts provided through IBBF will develop additional markets for Brangus breeders by increasing the demand for our genetics industry wide. Please contact one the directors listed above if you have any questions about the event in Houston or would like additional information on the initial project that will be funded by IBBF. I hope to see you in Houston as we begin to write a new chapter in Brangus history. Let’s make it a great one! BJ
STRIDES AHEAD March 24, 2015
April 25, 2015
at Suhn Cattle Company Eureka, KS 170 Brangus & Ultrablack Bulls
at Cavender’s Neches River Ranch Jacksonville, TX 150 Registered Females 400 Commercial Females
GENETRUST is excited about the future of the beef cattle industry and the potential it presents this great breed of cattle. We appreciate your past support and look forward to working with fellow breeders propelling the Brangus breed to new heights in 2015.
Visit our website for complete listing of private treaty bulls for sale and view our outstanding line up of AI sires.
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BRANGUS Journal J 2015 | 13 t (&/&534 anuary
IBBA Connection Excitement is Building
am truly excited about the upcoming year and what it means for the IJBBA. 2014 saw overwhelming support for our great junior association, and that support led to the IJBBA Board of Directors planning an Inaugural Legacy Leadership Conference in College Station, Texas, March 27-29, 2015. This conference will allow the IJBBA to offer another exciting and engaging opportunity for growth and leadership building to the 600 plus IJBBA members across the nation. As I write this, registrations for the 2015 Legacy Leadership Conference have been available for only 15 days, and we already have 60 participants registered. Those 60 participants come from across the nation and all across the spectrum of young cattle enthusiasts. Not only is the Legacy Leadership Conference drawing in IJBBA members, it is also attracting junior cattlemen and cattlewomen from across multiple breeds! How great is that? We are getting non-Brangus juniors to come to a leadership conference where we can highlight the benefits and attributes of the Brangus breed!
The schedule of events is full of exciting industry tours on reproduction and meat science, ranch tours that will showcase the Brangus breed’s importance in both the seedstock and commercial industry, motivational speakers who are sure to challenge and drive participants to become great leaders in their hometown clubs all the way to national organizations, and many other exciting and fun filled activities. From Oklahoma to Florida, Texas to Tennessee, junior cattlemen and cattlewomen are excited about the cattle industry and willing to travel up to 18 hours one way to attend our breed’s Inaugural Legacy Leadership Conference. Now is a great time to be in the cattle industry and an even better time to help build the future. If you know of a junior member who might be interested in the 2015 IJBBA Legacy Leadership Conference, I encourage you to help us spread the word and get them the information. A complete registration packet is available online at junior. BJ
. . . y c a g Le Leave a
The 2015 IJBBA Legacy Leadership Conference March 27-29 college Station, texaS
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2015 Complete information and registration packets now available online at:
Questions should be directed to: Tyler Dean, Director of Youth Activities 405.867.1421 14 | January 2015
2014 Southeast Regional Junior Brangus Show Donation Heifer Buyer Group
5 K Cowbelle Belt Brangus Blackwater Cattle Company Calyx Star Ranch Char-No Farms Cheney Farms Chimney Rock Cattle Company Circle X Land & Cattle Co. Clover Ranch CWD Brangus
Thank you!
David & Susan Vaughan Doak Lambert Double W Ranch Draggin M Ranch E C Farms Farris Ranching Company Galloway Brangus Farms Genesis Ranch Greuel Family Brangus Hayford Brangus
L & W Cattle Lake Majestic Farms Lazy One Farm Lettelier Brangus Lightning Ridge Brangus Little Creek Farms Mack Farms, Inc. McCreary Farms Mill Creek Land & Cattle Murry Farms
Parker Brangus Persimmon Creek Brangus Rafter Double C Brangus Rocking JH Brangus Salacoa Valley Farms Schmidt Farms Suhn Cattle Company The Oaks Farm Vorel Farms W.E.T. Farms
January 2015 | 15
IJBBA Connection The Legacy
s announced in the December issue of the Brangus Journal, the IJBBA Board of Directors has made a name change to the traditional Foundation Female. Beginning this year, the IJBBA will sell the IJBBA Legacy Female at the Ideal Video Customer Appreciation Sale in Houston, Texas, on Friday, March 6, 2015. The IJBBA Legacy Female proceeds help fund the IJBBA Legacy Leadership Conference, the IJBBA Board of Directors, and the National Junior Brangus Show (NJBS). This year’s IJBBA Legacy Female is definitely worthy of being part of the legacy of females donated to benefit the IJBBA. Ms 2H/GBB Pres 915B5 has been donated by G Bar Brangus of Beckville, Texas, and 2H Brangus of Bossier City, La. This heifer’s pedigree is filled with proven champion show ring genetics. Sired by Skyhawks Presidente and out of Miss JLS Laura 915X45, there is no doubt that she do well in the show ring or make her presence known in your donor pen. As mentioned, proceeds from the 2014 IJBBA Legacy Female not only help the Junior Board represent the Brangus breed at industry events and national shows, but they will also help put on the NJBS and allow the IJBBA to host new events such as the IJBBA Legacy Leadership Conference. I, as well as the other Junior Board members, anticipate with excitement the positive effect this heifer will have on our entire year of activities. The IJBBA board is very excited about our first ever IJBBA
Legacy Leadership Conference we will be hosting in March 2015. The conference is already receiving great excitement nationwide, not only with IJBBA members, but also with juniors who currently have no affiliation with our breed. The program for the conference is shaping up to be packed with informative and interesting things to do. Conference attendees will participate in ranch tours, industry tours, hear from motivational speakers and be involved in a lot of fun activities. A major part of the IJBBA having the Legacy Female is to be able to do things like this for the juniors. So when you see any of the junior board members walking around at Houston, please consider participating in the 2015 IJBBA Legacy Female Buyer Group. Your support will help us further support other juniors and help them become leaders in the Brangus breed. We greatly appreciate all the support we get from our breeders and cannot say thank you enough for everything you do to help us when we need it. On behalf of the junior board I would like to thank G Bar Brangus and 2H Brangus. Without great supporters, we would not be able to do the things we do. Many of the things that make our junior association so great would be impossible if we did not have our breeders’ support. So once again, thank you for donating Ms 2H/GBB Pres 915B5 for this year’s IJBBA Legacy Female. We greatly appreciate it more than you will ever know. BJ
President Racheal Sharp, Konawa, OK
Ex-Officio Kacie Wallace, Bryan, TX
Vice President Quinn Carter, Haines City, FL
SOC Sale Chair Colby Davis, Tahlequah, OK
Secretary Meghan Pickett, Robeline, LA
Reporter McKenzie Posey, Wayne, OK
Director Kendra Brull, Atchison, KS
Director Kourtney Gardner, China Spring, TX
Director Director Emilee Garza, Spring, TX Allyson Polston, Lakeland, FL IBBA Queen Kacie Wallace, Bryan, TX
16 | January 2015
IBA Connection
s we begin the New Year, many of us are programmed to make New Year’s resolutions. I am not very good at making resolutions, much less keeping them. But, this year I am taking a different approach. I plan to focus on making more generalized resolutions for self-improvement rather than specific ones. So, here are a few that will go on my list. Be more generous. This applies to not only my resources but also my time. I have been volunteering for Meals on Wheels, which provides warm meals to those who are homebound. For some of the people I visit the meal is secondary. What they really want is someone to talk to and value their presence. By giving generously of my time, I can make their life better. It is worth it. Be more patriotic. We have another big election coming up in less than two years. While I am pretty good at reading about the candidates running for the big offices I must admit I often do not spend much time checking out the candidates running for the less important races. This year, I experienced the other side of the ballot box. I had a family member run for a state office. I saw
Planning for a New Year how much time and work went into his campaign and decided everyone who runs deserves 10 minutes of my time to get to know them better. Be passionate. I have a friend who is passionate about everything she has chosen for involvement. From sports to the National Finals Rodeo to her family and friends, if she is involved, she is in completely. I want to narrow my involvement in many things and show great passion in the things I do. And finally, be joyful. I cannot remember a time when making a living in agriculture was any better. Most of the comments I hear around cattle circles are, “Well, it’s good right now, but I’m sure we have another drought coming, or calf prices can’t hold up, or fuel is sure to skyrocket again.” The list goes on and on, but I think I am just going to enjoy the good times while they are here and be joyful. I hope you are enjoying this New Year, and I hope buying a membership for the IBA is part of your New Year’s resolutions. Please join us for the annual IBA Meeting in Houston. BJ
January 2015 | 17
Marketing Update Game Plan
ell, I have my first month in the association behind me and still have a very steep learning curve ahead of me. I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! It seems I meet a new face and learn something new each and every day. I have already attended a few great sales and am impressed at how well Brangus cattle are performing in the current market as well as the hospitality amongst Brangus breeders. I will admit I am still getting to know my position, this association, the Brangus breed, and the people in it. That said, I am growing more confident every day and am excited to see what the future holds. The reason for this excitement is because my educational resources are unlimited through this association, as are yours. With the amazing office staff and the great leadership this association has, I am able to obtain any information that I need to succeed at my position. You may wonder why I am saying all of this and what it has to do with my job and this Brangus Journal. The point I am making is that we all experience something different or new at some point in our lives. In fact, our world, and specifically the cattle industry, is constantly changing every day. We face a new challenge which leads to a new goal which makes for a revolving cycle each and every year. I am not badgering you to make a glorious New Years resolution; however, I am challenging you to set a strategy for the coming year and the changes that our industry may undergo in years to come. I also challenge you to utilize the resources that are offered through the association for which you pay hard-earned money to be a part. In order to be the best athlete, one has to know every detail of the game he or she is playing. You do not just practice once a month or once a week; you work hard every day as if you were in that moment of competition. You must constantly strive to utilize the latest technology and data available to enhance your performance so that you can have the advantage over your opponent. Whether that is the latest set of clubs, new uniforms, new workouts, or improved diet plans, an athlete is always interested in finding every way possible to achieve greatness. To make my point, I just want you, as a producer, to pause and think about what it takes to be the best at what YOU do. The resources within the IBBA are not just available to me but to everyone involved. These resources are also only as good as the information that goes into them. Those producers who are at the forefront of the cattle industry are not there due to a lack of hard work. In fact, staying at the top takes persistence and constant effort. This effort involves submitting every ounce of recordable data to be analyzed and processed which leads to new breakthroughs in technology whether they be small or large. The people who decide to take advantage of this technology are the ones who consistently 18 | January 2015
make the next generation of their herd better and more improved. Now when you think of your competition in the cattle business I hope you do not immediately think of the multiple other breeds out there. I especially hope you do not think of the other Brangus breeders around you. The real competition we face as a whole is the growing demand for food and beef. Retail beef prices are reported to be about $1 per pound higher than they were this time last year, illustrating a strong consumer demand!! Now sure you are more than welcome to out produce and out perform the other breeds of cattle, but remember they share the same initiative, and in order to meet that growing demand we have to work together in our breed first. By improving Brangus cattle and showing they will exceed the industry standard, we can capitalize on this current consumer demand. The relationships and the network you create are some of the biggest keys to success in this world, and I see the truth in that as each day goes by. If you are new to the cattle business, the association, or just wanting to improve your genetics, I would encourage you to get out and go to as many sales as you can and meet the great producers in the Brangus industry. By doing this you will see methods of production that work for others, and you can apply them to your own “game plan”. Who knows? You may even find a way to improve these practices in your own operation. It is by sharing these improvements that we further the Brangus breed, and I encourage you not only to share what does work, but to show the opposite as well. This allows us to constantly make forward progress and avoid the mishaps. We learn as much from our faults as we do our successes, if not more. As you go forward in this year use the various programs, publications, and tools from the association to your advantage, and help us find ways to improve them along the way. Some friendly reminders as you kick off the year: • Make plans to attend the 2015 NCBA Cattle Industry Convention and Trade Show in San Antonio. This is a prime opportunity to extend that network I was talking about. • Also with it being tax season, be sure and talk to your accountant about the available tax deductions available to you. If you are on the fence about advertising or you already do a sufficient amount of it, you should consider how the benefits certainly outweigh the costs. It is a win/win situation for you to promote your business via advertising and catch a tax break while doing it!! Give us a call to talk about your options with the Brangus Journal, the Frontline Beef Producer and our plans to advance these publications. • Lastly, get out and attend your fellow members’ events this year. Go support them at their sales, and you might be surprised how they can return the favor! Thanks for reading and God bless!! BJ
THE PowEr oF A ProGrAM
BEGINS ANd ENdS wITH quALITy ASSurANCE. “Brangus seed stock operators are self-policing when it comes to quality assurance and there are no standard programs to draw upon. It is up to producers to design their own quality assurance programs and implement them,” says Milton Sundbeck of Town Creek Farm. ■ Efficiency Testing with GrowSafe System. Utilizing the GrowSafe System allows Town Creek Farm to identify and propagate genetics with greater feed efficiency. In today’s beef production systems weights of animals are the single most important component in determining value for cow/calf producers. The ability to identify and propagate genetics that are efficient in converting feed or forage to pounds is an important component of a successful production program ■ Cow Herd Testing. At weaning all Town Creek Farm dams and cows owned by our bull production partners are tested for Johnes disease using both fecal and blood samples. This is far superior to testing virgin bulls in that Johnes will not exhibit clinical signs until an animal is three years and older. All cows with positive tests means that both cow and calf are immediately culled. Based on this testing protocol we can guarantee our bulls to be Johnes free. This program yields a Johnes free herd.. ■ Bull Habitat. Opportunities to graze and exercise during development is important for growth, sound legs, feet and structure. Town Creek develops bulls in 12 bull traps ranging in from 45 to 60 acres. Lush, high quality forage is available during the year. Look for us at the 2015 National Beef Cattlemen’s Convention, San Antonio, Texas, February 4-7. Total Commitment
Since 1993
Town Creek Farm
Milton Sundbeck, Owner Office 662.494.5944 • 32476 Hwy. 50 East, West Point, Mississippi 39773 Joy Reznicek 205.399.0221 • Tommy Sanders 662.436.6175 • Ron Flake 662.509.2233 •
January 2015 | 19
Feature Article
ANY Country is
here was a popular campaign slogan the Brangus association used several years ago that still remains true today- any country is Brangus country. It is a common misconception that Brangus cattle only prosper in the south where 110-degree days and heavy humidity is typical for even mild summers. Yes, the 3/8 Brahman influence does allow Brangus cattle to be more heat tolerant than other purebred cattle breeds. However, the other 62.5 percent Angus influenced side of the Brangus breed enables Brangus cattle to thrive in other regions where Continental breeds are more prevalent. Any country really is Brangus country. Mel Sheley, Jr., a Brangus producer in Guthrie Center, Iowa, said it took a little while to convince his neighbors and other cattlemen in the area that Brangus was his breed of choice and that Brangus cattle prosper in his area. Raising Brangus for more than 40 years, Sheley and his father brought their first Brangus bulls to Iowa from Southern Arizona one cold winter in 1971. Sheley said they adapted extremely well and within a month grew hair like any other breed in the region. Sheley’s sons then grew up showing Brangus cattle, representing the breed at shows in Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma. Devoted to the Brangus breed, Sheley’s father, Jay Sheley, Sr., served the Heart of America Brangus Association as treasurer for 25 years. Sheley, owner of Teardrop Brangus, said Brangus cattle make excellent mothers and are more docile than most people think. 20 | January 2015
Feature Article They are good milkers and protect their calves from predators. Native coyotes are no match for a protective Brangus mother. Sheley said they convert well, grade on the rail, and there is not anything he does not like about his Brangus cattle. “My Brangus calves finish faster as compared to English breeds in the same feedlot and will grade just as well, if not better, than Angus cattle in the same feedlot,” Sheley said. “I chose Brangus primarily because of the black hide, but they’re insect tolerant, and pink eye isn’t a concern for us like it is with Herefords.” Sheley attests to the Brangus breed’s heartiness and ability to produce quality calves in the most extreme weather conditions. Close to central Iowa, approximately 60 miles west of Des Moines, located amongst some gently rolling hills as well as some flat pasturelands, Sheley’s herd is exposed to harsh winds where the temperature can reach as low as -20 degrees in the winter with an annual average of 32 inches of snow. With temperatures reaching as high as 100 degrees in the summer, Sheley said his Brangus bulls still get out and work. He sells bulls to customers in Illinois, Michigan, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri, and he has even bought Brangus bulls from as far north as Canada. From Iowa to Virginia, Brangus producers testify no other breeds can compare to their Brangus cattle. Tom Dukes, owner of Lightning Ridge Brangus in Purcellville, Va., located in north Virginia started raising Brangus cattle in 2006 and does not intend to ever change. “Since I have a small herd I want to obtain the best possible genetics I can afford,” Dukes said. “I don’t want to have to go all the way to Alabama to do that, but I’m willing. My goal right now is to supply quality registered Brangus bulls to the commercial sector. I have several repeat buyers, and Brangus producers are gradually becoming for prevalent in Virginia.” Raising Brangus cattle in the mountains of Virginia where 20 inches of snow fall annually, Dukes said Brangus cattle are highly adaptable, growing hair in the winter and getting sleek again in the summer. With the help of high annual rainfall, Dukes said he typically has plenty of grass, but his most abundant pasture is covered in fescue. Brangus cattle will graze on fescue without experiencing pasture bloat like other breeds commonly do, and Dukes said he rarely has to supplement. With repeat buyers and testaments from his customers, Dukes knows he is
producing a quality product with the right kind of genetics. Dukes said one of his customers in Mine Run, Va., recently said, ‘Since I’ve been in the cow business, I have had them all- Hereford, Angus, Simmental, even a Tarentaise once. But nothing produces calves like what I’ve got now with my Brangus-sired commercial calves.’ Both Dukes and Sheley testify that Brangus cattle work in colder climates found in the north. Without any additional special treatment or handling, Brangus cattle adapt well to their environments and are in high demand from their customers who want to build quality genetics into their herds in a time of restocking. To help accommodate producers and meet the growing demand, the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) recently passed by-law accepting Ultrablack® and Ultrared™ cattle into the IBBA registry. Ultrablack and Ultrared cattle are progeny from Brangus and Angus breeding and can be registered as long as both parents are registered Ultrablacks/Ultrareds, or one parent is registered as a Brangus and the other parent is registered with the Angus association. This program offers several advantages to cattle breeders in all parts of the world. The benefits they offer bring breeders in the northern, colder climates the ability to garner higher market premiums by decreasing the amount of Brahman influenced characteristics. In the southern, hotter regions where Bos indicus cattle sell well, the program offers cattlemen a chance to take advantage of improved quality grades. These cattle offer Angus breeders a chance to improve maternal characteristics of their cowherds as well as increasing weaning weights. Any country really is Brangus country. To learn more about Brangus and the advantages these cattle offer, visit Use the pinpoint Brangus map on the search page to find a Brangus breeder in your area. BJ The Brangus breed’s adaptibilty is what spells success for Tom Dukes. Located in the mountains of Virginia, Dukes’ cattle are subject to an annual snowfall of 20 inches making adaptibility key to his success.
January 2015 | 21
IBBA Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet Houston, Texas March 7, 2015
Holiday Inn - NRG Center
8111 Kirby Drive, Houston, Texas 77054
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Early Registration and Hotel Reservation Deadline MONDAY, MARCH 2 7:00 a.m. Cattle Move in IBBA Booth Opens, NRG Center near Main Arena (Open all week) THURSDAY, MARCH 5 1:30 p.m. Board of Directors Meeting, Holiday Inn 6:00 p.m. IBBA Member Reception and International Brangus Breeders Foundation Fundraiser, NRG Center-2nd Floor 7:30 p.m. Board of Directors Dinner
Event Sponsorship
Show your support and gain recognition as a sponsor! If you wish to have your company, ranch or name recognized, please join IBBA in sponsorship: Platinum $1,000 or more Gold $500-$999 Silver $250-$499 Bronze $100-$249 Event sponsorships are also available. If you are interested in sponsoring an event, please contact the IBBA office. Event sponsorships available: Member Reception, Board Dinner, Membership Breakfast, and Awards Banquet and Dinner
Registration & Reservations
FRIDAY, MARCH 6 8:00 a.m. Brangus Bull Show, NRG Center 1:00 p.m. Brangus Female Show, NRG Center 6:30 p.m. Ideal Video Productions Customer Appreciate Sale, Crowne Plaza Hotel Ballroom SATURDAY, MARCH 7 7:30 a.m. Membership Breakfast, Holiday Inn
IBBA Business Meeting, Holiday Inn
8:00 a.m. By-laws Changes and Membership Forum 8:30 a.m. Dr. Perkins Membership Address 8:45 a.m. Committee Reports 10:00 a.m. President’s Year in Review 10:15 a.m. Recognition of Outgoing Officers 10:30 a.m. Introduction of New Directors and Officers 10:45 a.m. Recognition of Outgoing President 11:00 a.m. Incoming President’s Remarks
IBBA Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet early registration ends February 2. On-site registration is available at an increased cost. Registration is available online, or submit the form by mail, fax or email.
Contact the IBBA office by February 2, with hotel reservations at the Holiday Inn on the IBBA room block open from Monday, March 2, through Sunday, March 8.
12:00 p.m. Annual Awards Banquet, Holiday Inn 3:00 p.m. Brangus Global Roundup 7:00 p.m. Genetic Edge Sale, NRG Center-East Arena Stay connected online to receive the latest updates: Email us: 22 | January 2015
Contact the IBBA office with questions | 210-696-8231
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IBBA Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet ď‚&#x; Registration Form ď‚&#x;
March 7, 2015 Holiday Inn - NRG Center
8111 Kirby Drive, Houston, Texas 77054
1 2
There are several ways to register: Scan the QR Code with your smart phone. Submit your form online. The form can be accessed at
3 4
Email form to: or fax to 210-696-8718 Mail form to: 5750 Epsilon San Antonio, TX 78249
Name: ____________________________________________ IBBA Member Number: ___________________ Ranch/Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________ City:___________________ State: ______ Zip: _________ Phone: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Registration is required in order to attend all IBBA meetings and events.
Member Registration
Member registration includes IBBA Member Reception and IBBF fundraiser, membership breakfast, business meeting, Annual Awards Banquet, and other IBBA hosted events.
Full Registration IBBA Member Guest or Spouse
Before February 2 $125 $100
February 3 - March 3 $150 $110
# Attendees Cost X ______ = $_______ X ______ = $_______
On-site Registration = $250
Guest or Spouse Registration Event Membership Breakfast & Meeting Annual Awards Banquet
Indiv. Cost $25 $60
# Attendees Cost X _______ = $________ X _______ = $________
IJBBA Member Registration Event Membership Breakfast & Meeting Annual Awards Banquet
Indiv. Cost $25 $50
# of People X _______ X ______
= =
Cost $________ $________
*All other IBBA events are free for junior members
Contact the IBBA office with questions: | 210-696-8231
January 2015 | 23
Feature Article
An Important Cow Inventory Based Reporting Program - PART ONE -
otal Herd Reporting (THR) is the most recognized and utilized database driven reporting tool by breed associations to date. Although it may be promoted using a different name by other associations (e.g. Total Herd Enrollment or Whole Herd Reporting), it is the most superior method of accumulating needed data for genetic evaluations. In 2006, the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) initiated THR for its membership and was fully implemented by 2007. Everyone (members and staff alike) were used to a calf-based fee structure where a payment was due upon entry of a new calf record or registration of said calf. The membership was not given an option to participate. Therefore, THR implementation has been a challenge up to this point and continues to be a misunderstood and an underutilized genetic data gathering tool. For some, enrollments are pretty easy and require only a few minutes of their time, while others have much more difficulty understanding the process and, more importantly, understanding the true benefits of the program. THR can overwhelm one with the massive opportunities for data submission. These challenges may include general 24 | January 2015
calving records, weaning weights, yearling weights, ultrasound records, pregnancy palpations, DNA collection, disposition scoring, udder and teat scoring, feet and leg scoring, scrotal circumference, feed efficiency, and the list goes on. Even with the general record-keeping problems, deadline requirements and seasons seem to further confuse participants. It is important to note that of all of the measures listed above, only a calf weaning weight record (or disposal code) must be submitted for every cow on the herd inventory. Weaning weight is very important (and necessary) because of its genetic relationship to many of the other measureable traits (e.g.
“Your commitment and implementation of a sound THR program will have a positive and long-term impact on your operation’s profitability and general success of the IBBA.”
Feature Article birthweight, yearling weight, mature weight). These genetic correlations are utilized in the national cattle evaluation (NCE) suggested methodologies. However, one must remember that all of the other measures are valuable for a more complete genetic evaluation of the cattle population. With this said, it is important we maximize the number of females enrolled in the program because the genetic evaluation opportunities will be greatly improved with the additional data. Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) will be more reliable and less variable over time with the inclusion of more complete records. Unfortunately, IBBA members have continued “selective data submission” under the auspices of our THR program. This reporting method has failed to maximize the true benefits of a THR program. IBBA has not penalized members for failure to report weaning weights (or disposal codes) for all cows on their inventories. This is evident in the fact that only 30 percent of the cows placed on inventory have a reported weaning weight as found in my monthly column on page 10. A THR program also relies on the most complete contemporary group reporting at birth, weaning, yearling and ultrasound as possible. Complete contemporary group data and ultimate elimination of reporting bias is the premise of THR’s ability to improve EPD accuracy. Examples of reporting bias (which is common with calf based registry systems and/or a misused THR program) is shown below: • If a producer only reports weaning weights on the six heaviest calves in a group of 12, three calves will have WW ratios under 100, when they are actually in the top 50 percent of the contemporary group. • If a sire produces one outstanding calf in the top six that is reported and four other calves in the bottom that was not reported. Based on the information reported, the genetic evaluation of this sire will not generate an accurate EPD that shows the overall poor performance of his progeny within the true contemporary group. Another way to look at the reporting bias is shown in the table below using in-herd, contemporary group ratios as a measure. Note that leaving out even one animal from a contemporary group can alter the true genetic differences that will be used in a NCE evaluation. “Selective Data Reporting” negatively impacts the true genetic worth of the best animals in a contemporary group. Purebred producers often times focus on producing high performance outliers whereas commercial cattlemen need to avoid losses in traits which are generally measured across the entire herd.
Animal ID
Weaning Weight
1 2 3 4 5
550 675 585 475 350
Accurate reporting of the entire calf crop allows “the science” to be applied according to methodology. This prevents inaccurate swings in EPDs and deters promotion of animals that look good “on paper” because of incomplete data submission. In summary, the overall benefits of a THR program: • Provides a more accurate account of the Brangus breed cow inventory. • Promotes collection of more accurate, complete contemporary group performance data. • Promotes collection of more reproductive trait information. • Breeders may have to pay more up front, but the overall cost per animal is reduced. • Performance oriented breeders will see improvements in EPD accuracy and reliability • Promotes the registration and transfer of more cattle. • IBBA will have a predictable income stream from one budget to the next. • It should be simple and easy for breeders to submit data. EPDs are only as good as the data reported by the breeder. THR requires annual reporting of every cow producing a calf that year and the performance of each calf raised through weaning. When appropriately performed, THR programs enable an association to produce more meaningful genetic predictions for all of the traditionally measured traits such as birthweight, weaning weight, scrotal circumference, etc. THR also increases the opportunity to include harder to measure traits like calving ease, stayability, heifer pregnancy and docility into the genetic prediction evaluation. All Brangus breeders should be committed to improving maternal efficiency in their operations. Therefore, reporting the most important drivers of cowherd profitability (fertility, longevity and other reproductive traits) is crucial to the success of a THR program. From an association standpoint, THR minimizes the income variability because members have a financial commitment to the association which is based on the herd inventory. Typically, the herd inventory is a more consistent value from year to year than relying on the number of calves a breeder feels is good enough to register annually. The annual THR assessment for each female allows free registry of her calf that year and a free transfer if done within a certain age limit. Your commitment and implementation of a sound THR program will have a positive and long-term impact on your operation’s profitability and general success of the IBBA. For questions regarding the THR program, feel free to contact the IBBA office at 210-696-8231. BJ
Ratio with ALL Animals 104 128 111 90 66
Ratio with only the Ratio with only the TOP 4 Animals TOP 3 Animals 96 91 118 112 102 97 83
January 2015 | 25
Feature Article
(Note: This article is Part Two of a multi-article series that began in the December issue of the Brangus Journal. In December, Amy shared about the importance of successful branding as well as steps readers can take to develop their own brand.)
onsider the biggest success stories in consumer products, and you will undoubtedly think of the brands of various products. Starbucks, Girl Scouts cookies, Certified Angus beef, PETA all bring forth a feeling in you, sometimes eliciting a passionate response. For other people in different environments, the same companies and products may evoke a completely different reaction. These varied reactions and emotions all depend on the personal experiences each person has had with the brand and the information they have received. A brand image is an intangible, non-visible, “touchy-feely” reaction you get when you hear or see reference to a specific product, person, etc. Many experts refer to it as the “personality” of a product, and corporate leaders understand that the most important and valuable parts of a company are quite often not the buildings and the products. Instead, the most valuable part of a company is often the brand, or image, of that company. When companies sell, the value of a brand is often estimated and included in the sales price of the company or product line. Brand identity, or the outward expression of a brand (name, trademark, etc.) should not be confused with brand image. Brand
identity is controlled, developed and communicated by the brand owner. Brand identity is how the owner wants the consumer to perceive the brand. Brand image, on the other hand, is the reality. It is the mental image, emotion or memories evoked by the brand in the mind or the consumer. It cannot be controlled by the brand owner. The brand image can be influenced, perhaps, with targeted marketing and brand management efforts, but never controlled. Regardless of the promotion dollars spent, if the target customer does not believe what they hear, if the brand does not resonate with them, or if they have had a negative experience with the brand, the branding has failed. Yes, the customers may perceive a brand image, but it might conflict with the brand identity that the brand owner hoped would be communicated. All the money in the world cannot buy love and trust from the consumer/audience. Love and trust must be earned over time. In the Starbuck’s example, it is the team members who build the brand through consistent, friendly and professional service to customers. Yes, the product is good. But the service? That is where Starbucks builds customer loyalty. A brand’s behavior and quality, over time, builds trust.
What is a brand? It’s an image, a perception, or a “personality”. It’s the way people feel, or what they think of, when they hear or see a product. It can be a logo, a word, a person, and/or a company. 26 | January 2015
The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) has its own branding objectives. Some of these messages are intended for consumption by those interested in learning more about purchasing Brangus breeding cattle. Other key messages might be for young people establishing their personal core values about what is right, acceptable and wrong in the treatment of the animals who end up on their plate. And other messages may be aimed toward the people choosing to consume or market to other consumers Brangus beef as opposed to other beef options. Messages aimed toward (primarily) current Brangus producers can be found throughout the communications methods of IBBA. The Brangus Journal, aims to inform members about IBBA membership and events, shows, and production techniques to improve Brangus genetics. Another publication, the Frontline Beef Producer is targeted to cow-calf, stocker and feedlot operators and assists producers’ profitability and industry responsibility. Unique brands like the “Brangus Built” program are used to influence audiences by immediately bringing to mind certain characteristics. According to the IBBA website, “Brangus Built cattle are commercial cattle that are identified as having valued Brangus influence.” The ear tags found in on eligible cattle, complete with logo and individual ID number plus producer unique identification, reinforce the messaging communicated to the appropriate audience. You, as an IBBA member and a passionate supporter of the Brangus breed, can positively impact the success of the breed. It all comes through “frequency of message” and “borrowed credibility.” By learning and reiterating, in as many conversations as possible in every environment in which you tread, the key messages IBBA is striving to share, you add to the more formal information IBBA is disseminating. And, because you have already earned credibility in your community and among the people with whom you interact, the Brangus cattle breed benefits by borrowing your credibility. People will believe the Brangus message because those people trust you. As mentioned, branding cannot be built with huge budgets alone. According to Scott Bedbury, the man behind the early branding of Nike and Starbucks, successful branding can occur in a variety of ways. “Nike taught me the value of saying something interesting to millions of people at once, but Starbucks taught me the equally important value of building a great brand, one cup and one person at a time,” Bedbury said. That is where you come in. Your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is to lend your personal brand to that of Brangus to further improve the acceptance and recognition of the
What you and others associated with the brand DO and how you APPEAR is as important, or more important, than what you SAY. Brangus breed attributes. You will ultimately reap the benefits of a successful and more profitable Brangus industry. If you are interested in learning what messages you can share with those in your circle of influence, contact the Brangus office at 210-6968231 or for resources and information. Remember, your brand image is developing in the eyes of various audiences, with or without your conscious effort to put your best foot forward. So while it is not always pleasant living your life in the public eye, the reality is your actions today impact far more than you realize. BJ ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Amy Keith McDonald is the owner of McDonald Marketing Communications, based in Dublin, Texas www. Experienced in the field of agricultural marketing and public relations, Amy received her B.S. in Ag Journalism and M.S. in Ag Education from Texas A&M University. She has served agriculture for decades, during which time she has provided extensive marketing communications services for both livestock and agronomic clients.
January 2015 | 27
Feature Article
Freeze Branding Cattle
n recent years there has been a growing interest in freeze branding cattle. Perhaps it is because of the increase in cattle theft, or maybe it is just a more aesthetic, eyeappealing brand. In general, freeze branding is a form of livestock identification that causes less hide damage than fire branding and is usually more legible to read throughout the many seasons of the year. The equipment can be more costly than
needed for other types of identification. The required costs for labor, branding irons, cooling refrigerant, clippers, holding box for brands, and coolant as well as a squeeze chute can all add up quickly.If done properly, freeze branding will impede (without killing) the natural pigmentation in the hair and will produce a very legible white hair growth in a short period of time. Freeze branding is a quick and relatively painless process to the animal. However, if the cold brands are left on the skin too long, it will kill the hair follicle and ultimately mimic the effects of a traditional fire brand, destroying hair growth at the site.My experience suggests that animals branded prior to two years of age will have better results. The use of a smaller branding iron (three to four inches in size) will grow with the animal over time. The smaller brands also ensure the cold brands will be placed over hide covering muscle tissue. It is very difficult to get good results when the brands are placed on hide covering boney areas like the hook (hip) bone, ribs, point of shoulder (scapula), etc. This also suggests the cattle need to be in a good body condition score (a 5 or 6) for the final brand to be legible.
Wendy Sneed
28 | January 2015
Site preparation is a key to a successful freeze brand. Clipping of hair and removal of any dirt or debris is essential.
Feature Article It is also my preference to use copper alloy or brass brands that are held in an aluminum box with the coolant. You can use Styrofoam coolers, but they do not tend to preserve the coolant as long. I suggest you use 99 percent isopropyl alcohol and dry ice cubes or chips (not the large chunks). The smaller the dry ice, the cooler the brands seem to stay. You may have to use more dry ice in the end, but the consistency of the coolant process is better. Some have used acetone or high octane gasoline with great results. Although they tend to work very well when the humidity is high, I caution you about the safety of both products. Many use liquid nitrogen as the cooling agent. However, it is easy to over brand the cattle when using liquid nitrogen. Just a few seconds too long with an iron cooled in liquid nitrogen will kill the hair follicle. If you choose to use liquid nitrogen, please note you may only be leaving the iron on the hide for about 15 seconds. Some suggest using surgical blades when clipping the brand area. I actually prefer a traditional blade that leaves a little hair on the shaven area. It just seems like fewer of the hair follicles get over branded with this type of clipper blade. The animal’s branding site must be free of dirt and debris and must also be dry (free of water). Isopropyl alcohol should be sprayed on the shaven area both before and after the branding process. This will help transmit the cold from the branding iron to the hide of the animal. I am also very picky about the length of time the cold brands are left on the hide of an animal. I use a stop watch to make sure I go 35 to 40 seconds on young, black hided animals. I would add a few more seconds to a red hided animal. It is also generally
understood that you will have to add a few seconds longer when freeze branding older animals. You should also have at least two of your “holding” and/or “year” brands so they have time to cool down since they will be used on every animal branded that day. The key to success with the shorter length of branding time is THE IRONS MUST BE COLD BETWEEN EACH USE. Therefore, you cannot rush the process because anything less than cold irons will lessen the consistent quality of the final brand results. The best results seem to occur when one person uses (holds) two brands at one time in a similar rocking motion on the site. This balances out the end results as the brands are more uniformly held onto the branding site. This also allows the same amount of pressure applied to both irons for the entire 35 to 40 second branding process. The animal must be held as still as possible because the brands have to maintain contact with the animal’s body for the entire 35 to 40 seconds. Although I have seen great results from branding at all times of the year, some suggest early spring or early fall will yield the best results. The best rule of thumb is to avoid extremely hot and/or humid times of the year to freeze brand. In summary, individual animal identification is a very important part of a purebred breeder’s herd management and record keeping system. Routine management practices such as treating sick cattle, DNA testing, pairing up cows and calves, ultrasounding, and fertility measures are very important. Thus, freeze branding is a permanent identification method gaining favor in the livestock industry. Known basic procedures should be followed each time you brand an animal for optimum results. It has generally been shown (although not guaranteed) that 95 percent of the brands will be legible when following the recommended procedures. This requires you to have the proper amount of help, suggested equipment, perfect weather, and a bit of patience. Safety is also of concern, so use caution when using some of the very flammable products. BJ
Wendy Sneed
Wendy Sneed
Above: A lot of equipment is needed anytime you work cattle, but if you notice when it comes to freeze branding you will need several additional pieces of equipment. Clippers, stopwatches, curry combs and alcohol can be seen on this table in preparation for freeze branding. Right: Proper cooling of the brands is a primary concern when freeze branding. Here a styrofoam container is used with dry ice cubes and alcohol.
January 2015 | 29
Feature Article
imes are good in the cattle business with high prices found in all categories of cattle, and those with cattle to sell are in “high cotton”. Not only are we seeing high prices for calves and yearlings, but also replacement females and bulls are more valuable than ever. This fall many bull sales averaged between $6,000 and $10,000. Bull numbers are predicted to be low again this year, leading to predictions of even higher prices for young bulls this next spring and fall. With this kind of monetary commitment it is only natural that we should take the best care of that investment. This article is intended to enlighten and educate those of you in the business on how to provide emergency care to your bull’s breeding related injury until professional help can be attained. Our primary discussion will involve the penis and prepuce as well as injuries that may occur to the scrotum. Limb injuries and lameness will be the scope of future articles. 30 | January 2015
The most common injuries we see that directly impact a bull’s breeding soundness involve the prepuce. These injuries can occur in any breed; although, we see them more often in breeds of polled descent. It is thought the muscles that help to keep the prepuce in the sheath are not as strong in polled bulls. Also, bulls of Brahman descent are more susceptible due to the excess hide that results in pendulous sheath and more redundant prepuce (see Figure 1). Most injuries are accidentally self-inflicted. Typically, a bull rising from lying down, “catches” the prepuce with a dewclaw or hoof of a rear leg, and lacerates or tears the unprotected skin of the prepuce. If this injury goes unnoticed for several days, it can become infected, develop edema (swelling) and make the prolapse worse until most of the preputial tissue is outside the sheath (see Figure 2).
Feature Article Scrotal injuries occur less frequently but most often occur in the warmer seasons. Once again, it is believed by some to be the result of trauma (see Figure 5). Many suggestions have been proposed for the explanation of a swollen testicle, but it is our opinion that most are due to direct trauma. The result is a ruptured blood vessel with subsequent bleeding occurring into the tissue surrounding the testicle. The increased fluid volume within the tissue surrounding the testicle produces an increased pressure can have an insulating effect, which causes a rise in temperature and can eventually lead to degeneration of the testicle. Very rarely do we find an actual “infection” of the testicle.
Above: Figure 1 - A mildly swollen prepuce responds well to local treatment and a tube bandage. Right: Figure 2 - A severely swollen prepuce, probably several days old.
Above: Figure 5 - Typical scrotal swelling occuring with damaged testicle.
Another preputial injury now commonly seen in all breeds is preputial phlegmon (abscess) (see figures 3 and 4). This is often misdiagnosed as a penile hematoma. While hematomas usually occur right in front of the scrotum, phlegmon typically causes swelling in the mid-sheath region and is usually isolated. If severe infection is present, then the entire length of the sheath can be affected. Hematomas are often an injury of yearling bulls aggressively breeding larger, mature cows. Either injury should be considered a medical emergency and should be taken to a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and medical treatment as soon as possible.
Above: Figure 3 - A small preputial phlegmon/ abcess. Right: Figure 4 - Large and serious preputial phlegmon. See swelling along entire lower abdomen.
Below: Figure 6 - Large inguinal hernia. Note swelling extends into flank region.
Last, but certainly not least, scrotal hernias may occur as a direct result of servicing cows. This often happens while the bull mounts the cow. The positioning of the bull and abdominal compression allows some portion of bowel to “herniate” (usually small intestine or omentum) through the inguinal rings. This causes a diffuse swelling from the top of the scrotum to the bottom on just one side (see Figure 6). This is in contrast to orchitis (swollen testicle), which is usually isolated to the bottom two thirds of the scrotum. (continued on page 32) BRANGUS Journal
January 2015 | 31
Feature Article (continued from page 31)
There are some things that may be done at home in order to protect the injured tissue until a professional diagnosis can be attained. In the case of the swollen prepuce, bandaging is in order if there is not too much swelling present (see Figure 7). The tube technique is preferred for most Brahman influenced bulls and the use of a sock for breeds with “shorter” sheaths. Both are quite simple to apply, particularly if you have elastic tape (Elastikon) available. A portion of garden hose maybe used; although, we prefer the use of polypropylene tubing, which is available at any hardware store. A better explanation of how to apply a proper tube bandage can be observed at www. An emollient type salve (one that is water repellant) that has bactericidal properties should be used, and systemic antibiotics may be warranted after proper diagnosis. For those bulls with significant swelling that will not allow the use of a tube bandage, we will use a supporting sling (see Figure 8) to help bring the sheath and prepuce closer to the body. This reduces the downward pull on the tissue and will hopefully improve blood and lymphatic drainage. We will use this support device long enough to get enough of the swelling to resolve so we can get a tube bandage in place. Often, bulls that have incurred significant trauma to the prepuce require surgery to attain breeding soundness again.
Bulls with preputial phlegmon, or those suspected of having it, should be presented to a veterinarian for proper diagnosis. Often, ultrasound is used to determine whether there is just tissue inflammation or if there is the presence of an actual abscess. If an abscess has formed it must be surgically opened and drained and a proper course of antibiotic therapy prescribed. Sometimes it may be several weeks before the outcome of the case can be determined. These bulls must be given significant time to heal before determining their ability to return to breeding. Penile hematoma should be considered a medical emergency and is usually best treated with surgery. Some veterinarians will prescribe rest and antibiotics for bulls with small hematomas (smaller than a tennis ball); however, our observations indicate it is always best to surgically remove the blood clot and close the torn tissue. These bulls respond well to surgery if diagnosed and repaired within five days of injury. Scrotal hernias are another medical emergency and should be attended swiftly. Most often the small intestine becomes trapped in the inguinal ring, and this may lead to a damaged blood supply that could result in death of the entrapped intestinal tissue. At the very least, obstructed flow of ingesta through the trapped bowel can compromise gastrointestinal function. Bulls can tolerate hernias for a short period of time, but it is best to have them repaired as soon as possible. Bulls can return to breeding duties after a period of rest following surgery. Lastly, traumatic scrotal injuries are a little more forgiving when it comes to timebefore-treatment, but attention should be given when they occur, particularly in the summer when ambient temperature can result in increased scrotal temperature. In summary, the most important thing to take away from this article is the need for proper diagnosis and treatment of any of the conditions described above. With the value of bulls today and the ability to recover that investment by providing necessary therapy and rest, it seems only natural to provide care as quickly and efficiently as possible. Many bulls can return to service by the next breeding season (at the very least) with proper diagnosis and care. See our web site for more animal care tips. Also, please visit and “like” our Facebook page where we periodically offer helpful treatment tips and suggestions for better management practices. BJ
Above: Figure 7 - Example of tub bandage for retention of swollen prepuce. Below: Figure 8 - Support sack for bull with extremely swollen prepuce.
32 | January 2015
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Gary Warner, DVM joined Elgin Veterinary Hospital, Inc. in 1980 as an Associate Veterinarian after graduation from Louisiana State University, School of Veterinary Medicine. In 1983, Dr. Warner became a partner in the practice and is currently the Bovine/Food Animal practicing partner. Dr. Warner is licensed to practice both in Texas and Louisiana. He is also a USDA Accredited Veterinarian. He is a member of many committees, including the TVMA Bovine Practice Committee where he served as chairman for 10 years. Dr. Warner has been awarded the TVMA Clinical Consultation and Referral Award, as well as, TVMA Food Animal Practitioner of the Year. He is world renown in the Bovine industry for his veterinary expertise and vast experience in treating bucking bulls and livestock. He also writes articles for many different publications including Bull Pen magazine and The Showbox magazine, and has recently been featured in an article in the Elgin Courier regarding his treatment of bucking bull stock.
“GENOMICS 101” Thursday, January 8, 2015 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Central) Presented by Dr. Tommy Perkins IBBA Executive Vice President How to Join:
1. Go to at the time of the webinar. 2. Upon joining, click the telephone icon. 3. Under Call via Internet, click connect. **You may be prompted to download the app to your computer. After the app is downloaded, click the “Call by Computer” button. Hosted by the OR International Brangus Breeders Association 3. Click Call by phone and dial the number the number with your phone and then the conference ID when prompted. *IBBA will be available 30 minutes early to assist with any issues joining the webinar.
Put more money where your pocket is! Be the winning bidder and showcase your premier animal on the COVER of the April Brangus Journal. The April cover will be auctioned at the Annual Awards Banquet Saturday, March 7, 2015 12:00 p.m. in Houston
by IB
Contact any BPI staff member with questions. Additionally, mail or phone bids can be handled with any staff member.
The professional photo will feature a herd sire or female and will be due by March 15. Animal’s name and owner(s) will be credited on page 4 of the “On the Cover” section. The issue will include member how-to’s and pertinent membership information that will be a valuable resource to producers.
January 2015 | 33
IBBA Offers NCBA Opportunity to Members
he 2015 NCBA Convention and Trade Show will be conducted February 4-7, 2015, in San Antonio, Texas, home to the IBBA headquarters. Marking the 117th annual convention, the NCBA event is the oldest and largest convention in the cattle business and creates a unique environment for industry members to come together to network, create policy and have some fun. If you are in the cattle business, then you need to be in San Antonio! The IBBA is again offering members a more cost-effective way to get in front of thousands of commercial producers, potential
customers and bull buyers. All IBBA members can participate for just $1,000. IBBA will provide booth space, some seating, and some space for promotional materials. Members are welcome to bring pop-up banners, brochures, handouts and giveaway items. Contact Brittni Drennan at the IBBA office at 210-696-8231 or by email at to reserve your space. IBBA will provide two passes into the trade show with the purchase of a booth sponsorship. To register for other NCBA events and for hotel reservation information, visit NCBA’s website at BJ
Bid on an African Safari Hunt! 7 days (Accommodation and food included) 1 hunter + 1 observer 5 animals: Gemsbuck, Springbuck, Impala, Grey Duiker, Brown Blesbuck
Graciously donated by "Brangus Breeder" on Facebook
34 | January 2015
Bid on this donation to be auctioned o at the Ideal Video Productions Sale Friday, March 6, 2015, in Houston, Texas.
Proceeds beneet the International Brangus Breeders Foundation for continued research
Jacksonville, TX November 15, 2014 Gross Average Registered Brangus & Ultrablack Bulls 59 Coming Two’s $9,250 112 Yearlings $6,545 171 Total Brangus & Ultrablack Bulls $7,478 Registered Charolais Bulls 55 Coming Two’s $5,964 9 Yearlings $4,139 64 Total Charolais Bulls $5,707 Commercial Females 88 Brangus Fall Pairs $4,023 291 Brangus Bred Heifers $2,916 64 Tigerstripe Bred Heifers $2,878 443 Total Commercial Females $3,130 672 Total Head $3,013,045 $4,484 • High Selling Bull – WW/TBCC Coronado 302A88 offered by Double W Ranch and The Boys Cattle Company sold for $19,500 to Schmidt Farms of Texarkana, TX. • High Selling Bull – Suhn’s Landau 535A8 offered by Suhn Cattle Company sold $16,000 to Rafael Ortega of Houston, TX.
• High Selling Ultrablack Bull – CB Chisolm 7139A offered by Cavender Brangus sold for $14,500 to Adam Hicks of Alto, TX. • Tony Lehoski of Uvalde, TX was the volume buyer of Brangus and Ultrablack bulls. • High Selling Charolais Bull – JGS Mr LS Thunder A323 offered by Double S Charolais sold 2/3 interest and full possession for $12,000 to Chris Link of Centerville, TX and Trinity Valley Community College of Athens, TX. • High Selling Charolais Bull – CR Mr Turton 632A3 from Cavender Ranches sold for $10,000 to Howard Rambur of Sidney, MT. • Volume Charolais bull buyer for the day was Joseph Mast of Nacogdoches, TX. • High Selling Commercial Brangus Pairs – 10 Pair offered by Cavender’s Neches River sold for $4,400/pair to Tony Lehoski of Uvalde, TX. • Tony Lehoski of Uvalde, TX was the volume buyer of commercial females. • 217 buyers registered. BJ
January 2015 | 35
Service Directory Lakin Oakley
The CUP Lab™, LLC
Auctioneer 7081 Highway 82 West DeKalb, Texas 75559 903/667-3251 Home 903/277-9610 Mobile
We find the marbling outliers!
2610 Northridge Parkway Suite 105 Ames, IA 50010 515-232-9442
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IBBA Annual Meeting Preview/NCBA
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March 16
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Marketing & Promotion
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Year in Review
November 10
November 15
5750 EPSILON | SAN ANTONIO, TX 78249 | 210-696-8231 |
36 | January 2015
To place your ad in the SERVICE DIRECTORY,contact: Melanie at 979.255.3343 or Kyle at 254.371.9388
State Directory 1
13465 Brooklyn Rd. Evergreen, AL 36401
Sean Parker, President
2 1
2 2 BRANGUS John and Sherry Milam 753 Hinson Road El Dorado, AR 71730 Grady Green, Registered Cowherd Manager 870-314-3673, Danny Roberson, Commercial Cowherd Manager 870-310-8134
Bill Davis • OWNER • (336) 210-1222 Ed Slisher • maNagER • (870) 612-4117 Kelsey Jackson • OfficE maNagER • (870) 668-3414
To place your ad in the STATE DIRECTORY,contact: Melanie at 979.255.3343 or Kyle at 254.371.9388
Arizona Arkansas California
To place your ad in the STATE DIRECTORY, contact Melanie at 979.255.3343 or Kyle at 254.371.9388 BRANGUS Journal
January 2015 | 37
State Directory 1
4 Matthew Lyle Wynne Cell: (772) 201-7500 Ft. Pierce, Florida
3 1
4 1
2 For the best in
Registered and Commercial Brangus Mike Coggins • 229-232-3096 • Tracy Holbert • 979-255-4357 • Ranch is located just off I-75 at the Georgia-Florida line.
3 41
Joe & Catherine Kassler, Owners 4810 Smokey Road Newnan, GA 30263 770-251-6522 Home 770-502-1510 Fax Vince Roberts, CellCell Cobus Coetzee,Farm FarmManager Manager678-378-4697 - 678-378-0598 Scott Barkley,Asst. Herdsman 678-378-0598 Cell Dex King-Williams, Farm Manager - 678-378-4697 Cell
38 | January 2015
Vernon & Vicki Suhn
Vernon & Vicki Suhn
1647 200th St - Eureka, KS 67045 (620) 583-5923 - (620) 583-3706 M
1647 200th St - Eureka, KS 67045 (620) 583-3706 - (620) 583-4240
Vernon & Vicki Suhn • (620) 583-3706 1647 200th St • Eureka, KS 67045
To place your ad in the STATE DIRECTORY,contact: Melanie at 979.255.3343 or Kyle at 254.371.9388
State Directory To place your ad in the STATE DIRECTORY,contact: Melanie at 979.255.3343 or Kyle at 254.371.9388
David Wood Magnolia, MS 713-539-5715
1 2
Lack-Morrison Brangus Bulls, Females, Semen and Embryos Bill Morrison 411 CR 10 Clovis, NM 88101 (575) 482-3254 (575) 760-7263 Cell
2 1
Joe Paul & Rosie Lack P.O. Box 274 Hatch, NM 87937 P (575) 267-1016 F (575) 267-1234
1 1
To place your ad in the STATE DIRECTORY,contact: Melanie at 979.255.3343 or Kyle at 254.371.9388
Louisiana Mississippi Missouri New Mexico North Carolina Oklahoma
January 2015 | 39
State Directory 1
Joe & Elise Dillard 4206 Leaflock Lane · Katy, TX 77450 Ranch: 2013 N. FM 609 · Muldoon, TX 78949 (713) 201-3305 - Mobile · (281) 395-3343 - Home Gary D. Prause · Consultant · (979) 830-7819
13 17
Where winning tradition and performance collide
Brangus bulls and heifers available year-round at private treaty.
20 16 4 19 1,8 14 10
JLS International, Inc.
Jeff Smith, Owner Myron Saathoff
251-947-5688 210-218-4804
Circle C Land & Cattle Co., Ltd.
Steve Densmore Cattle Manager (979) 776-5760, Office (979) 450-0819, Cell
Mound Creek Ranch
Eddie & Cindy Blazek Leona, Texas featuring
The Stockman’s Kind Registered Brangus Bulls & Females
Genetic Edge Sale at Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo in Reliant Center, East Arena on Satuday, March 7, 2015 at 7:30 P.M.
Contact for more information: Eddie Blazek (713) 829-9908 Tracy Holbert (979) 255-4357 Tim Sparkman (214) 460-0498 10
40 | January 2015
1415 E. OSR Bryan, TX 77808
State Directory 13
Randy Schmidt • 903-278-7777 91 CR 2308 • Texarkana, TX 75503
To place your ad in the STATE DIRECTORY,contact: Melanie at 979.255.3343 or Kyle at 254.371.9388
January 2015 | 41
Upcoming Events 5
January 2015
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Entries Due
May 2015
JLS Winning Tradition Sale :: Devine, TX
Space Deadline for February Frontline Beef Producer
NJBS Entries Due
Fort Worth Junior Brangus Show :: Fort Worth, TX
NJBS Ownership Deadline
Best in the West Brangus Sale :: Marana, AZ
2 4-7
February 2015
Space Deadline for March Brangus Journal 2015 Cattle Industry Annual Convention and NCBA Trade Show :: San Antonio, TX
Florida State Fair Open Brangus Show :: Tampa, FL
1 1
June 2015 NJBS Late Entries Due Futurity Entries Due
17-20 TJBBA State Show :: Bryan, TX
Florida State Fair Junior Brangus Show :: Tampa, FL
San Antonio Open Brangus Show :: San Antonio, TX
Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Late Entries Due
IJBBA “Source of Champions” Sale :: Duncan, OK
Dixie National Open Brangus Show :: Jacksonville, FL
IJBBA Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet :: Duncan, OK
San Antonio All Breeds Sale :: San Antonio, TX
Brangus Futurity :: Duncan, OK
San Antonio Junior Red Brangus Show :: San Antonio, TX
San Antonio Junior Brangus Show :: San Antonio, TX
Spitzer Ranch’s Professional Cattlemen’s Brangus Bull and Commercial Female Sale :: Fair Play, SC
24th Annual Roswell Brangus Sale :: Roswell, NM
March 2015
International Brangus Show :: Houston, TX
Ideal Video Customer Appreciation Sale :: Houston, TX
July 2015
Space Deadline for August Brangus Journal
12-17 National Junior Brangus Show :: Duncan, OK
August 2015
Space Deadline for Fall Frontline Beef Producer
September 2015
Space Deadline for October Brangus Journal
October 2015
Space Deadline for November Brangus Journal
IBBA Annual Meeting, Awards Banquet and GLobal Roundup :: Houston, TX
CX Advantage Sale :: Weimar, TX
Doguet’s Diamond D Ranch Sale :: Poteet, TX
Genetic Edge XX Sale :: Houston, TX
Town Creek Farm Sale :: West Point, MS
Space Deadline for April Brangus Journal
Oak Creek Farms Sale :: Chappell Hill, TX
WTBBA Springtime Sale :: Abilene, TX
Quail Creek Cut Above Sale :: Cullman, AL
Houston Junior Brangus Show :: Houston, TX
Oklahoma Youth Expo Junior Brangus Show :: Oklahoma City, OK
November 2015
GeneTrust at Chimney Rock Sale :: Concord, AR
Space Deadline for December Brangus Journal
Houston Junior Red Brangus Show :: Houston, TX
Hill Country Brangus Breeders Sale :: San Angelo, TX
The Stockman’s Kind Sale at Mound Creek Ranch, Leona, TX
GeneTrust at Suhn Cattle Company Sale :: Eureka, KS
GeneTrust at Cavender’s Neches River Ranch Sale :: Jacksonville, TX
27-28 TBBA Annual Convention :: Salado, TX 27-29 IJBBA Legacy Leadership Conference :: College Station, TX 28
TBBA Miss America Sale, Salado, TX
Salacoa Valley Farms Customer Appreciation Sale :: Fairmount, GA
April 2015
Space Deadline for May brangus Journal
Texas Best Female Sale, Poteet, TX
GeneTrust at Cavender’s Neches River Ranch Sale :: Jacksonville, TX
42 | January 2015
December 2014
Space Deadline for January Brangus Journal
Sales and Events in BOLD are advertised in this issue. For the most current listing of upcoming events visit GOBRANGUS.COM/CALENDAR
January 2015 | 43
Advertisers Index 2H Brangus............................................................................................. IBC American Marketing Services........................................................... BC Blackwater Cattle Co.............................................................................38 Burke Brangus Farm..............................................................................38 Carter Brangus.........................................................................................37 Cattle Brokers Inc...................................................................................... 9 Cavender Ranches.................................................................................40 Centralized Ultrasound Processing..................................................36 Char-No Farm...........................................................................................38 Chimney Rock Cattle Co......................................................................37 Circle X Land & Cattle Co............................................................ IFC, 40 Clover Ranch............................................................................................37 Cox Excalibur............................................................................................40 Cross N Farm.....................................................................................39, 43 Diamond K Ranch...................................................................................41 Dillard Land & Cattle Ltd......................................................................40 Doak Lambert..........................................................................................36 Doguet’s Diamond D Ranch....................................................... 40, BC Don Thomas & Sons...............................................................................39 Double Creek Brangus Ranch............................................................41 Double W Ranch.....................................................................................39 Draggin’ M Ranch............................................................................37, 43 E 3 Ranch...................................................................................................40 El Rancho Espanol de Cuyama..........................................................37 Elgin Breeding Service..........................................................................36 Farris Ranching Company...................................................................40 G Bar Brangus........................................................................................ IBC Garry Clem Brangus...............................................................................41 Genesis Ranch..................................................................................40, 43 GeneTrust...........................................................................................13, 43 Greuel Family Brangus..........................................................................38 Hardee Farms...........................................................................................38 Ideal Video Productions Customer Appreciation Sale............6, 7
JLS International.....................................................................................40 Johnston Farms Brangus.....................................................................37 Lack-Morrison Brangus........................................................................39 Lakin Oakley.............................................................................................36 Lingg Brangus..........................................................................................40 MO Brangus..............................................................................................38 Mound Creek Ranches..................................................................... 9, 40 Multimin....................................................................................................15 Perry Ranch...............................................................................................39 Quail Creek Brangus......................................................................... 5, 37 Red Bird Meadows Ranch....................................................................41 Ritchey Livestock ID...............................................................................14 Robbs Brangus........................................................................................37 Robert Yates Ranch LLC........................................................................39 Robertson Livestock..............................................................................36 Roop Cattle Co.........................................................................................41 Salacoa Valley Farms.............................................................................38 Santa Rosa Ranch.............................................................................. 3, 41 Schmidt Farms.........................................................................................41 Southeast Brangus Breeders..............................................................37 Southeast Regional Junior Brangus Show....................................15 Suhn Cattle Company...........................................................................38 T3 Brangus................................................................................................39 TBBA Miss America Sale.......................................................................35 The Oaks Farms................................................................................11, 38 Town Creek Farms..................................................................................19 Triple Crown Ranch................................................................................40 Valley View Ranch...................................................................................39 Vineyard Cattle Co., Inc.........................................................................41 W.E.T. Farms..............................................................................................38 Wes Dotson..............................................................................................36 Westall Ranches, LLC........................................................................ 1, 39 Wynne Ranch...........................................................................................38 Chris Heptinstall
44 | January 2015
y c a Leg Female The 2015 IJBBA
offered by: G Bar Brangus and 2H Brangus
Ms 2H/GBB Pres 915B5 February 28, 2014 R10271731 Sire: Skyhawks Presidente Dam: Miss JLS Laura 915X45
G Bar Brangus Larry & Gina Gill (903) 754-6791
2H Brangus Scotty & Sherry Henderson (318) 208-0069 She sells at the 2015 CUSTOMER APPRECIATION SALE MARCH 6, 2015 | 6:00 PM Crown Plaza Hotel | Houston, TX
he IJBBA Foundation Female has a new name for 2015 - the Legacy Female. Designed to help fund the IJBBA Legacy Leadership Conference, the IJBBA Board of Directors, and the National Junior Brangus Show as well as build upon the legacy of proven Brangus leaders that the IJBBA is known to produce. This year’s Legacy Female was graciously donated by G Bar Brangus and 2H Brangus and speaks volumes to their dedication to the IJBBA. Gina has wanted to offer this female since before the embryos were even collected or transferred - much less on the ground! 915B5 proves their dedication. Her pedigree is filled with proven champion show ring genetics. She is super stout made beginning from the ground up. She stands on lots of bone, is an extremely wide tracking female who profiles with lots of depth and boldness. Add in her extremely square hip, strong top and incredibly feminine front, you have the truly exciting female that is 915B5. Gina just might be in big trouble for letting this female leave the herd! You are invited to participate in a group effort to purchase this female. For more information, please contact Tyler Dean (405)867-1421. All proceeds go to benefit the Brangus juniors! Don’t miss this unique buying opportunity that supports a great cause. We’ll see you in Houston!
January 2015 | 45
46 | January 2015