JA N UA R Y 2 0 1 9 | A N N UA L M E E T I N G I S S U E
Santa Rosa Ranch - we’ve been quietly making the best breed....bigger and better!
Triple Play of SRR 23A
Genset of SRR 704B11
Major League of SRR 22C3
Built Right of SRR 803C62
For the 2nd year in a row, Santa Rosa Ranch is the largest breeder of registered Brangus and Ultrablack Cattle in the United States and we are your single source for Brangus and Ultrablacks in the country. Our forage-based development program allows our cattle to go anywhere and start working for you today. Please contact us because every day is Sale Day at Santa Rosa Ranch! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Warden of SRR 392B7
Total Pkg of SRR 302C32
Gridiron of SRR 209A2
Mandate of SRR 361C21
Private Treaty Sales Bulls Replacement Females Semen and Embryo Sales Commercial Steers and Heifers
Santa Rosa Ranch Kent Smith, General Manager (979) 540-8338 | kent@srrbrangus.com
Gerald Sullivan, Owner Kelley Sullivan, Owner
Baseline of SRR 614C54
Custom Design of SRR 915C39
Crockett & Navasota, Texas •936-624-2333 • info@srrbrangus.com
About The Brangus Journal
AREA 1 :: Chris Heptinstall SECRETARY-TREASURER 205-363-0919 | chris@salacoavalleybrangus.com Term: 2016 - 2019
AREA 2 :: Bill Davis 2ND VICE PRESIDENT 336-210-1223 :: bdavis@billdavistrucking.com Term: 2017 - 2020
AREA 3 :: Vern Suhn 620-583-3706 :: vern@genetrustbrangus.com Term: 2017 - 2020
The Brangus Journal (ISSN 0006-9132) is published by Brangus Publications, Inc. (BPI), 8870 US Highway 87 E, San Antonio, TX 78263, monthly except February, June, July and September. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Antonio, TX and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Brangus Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 809, Adkins, TX 78101. The Brangus Journal is the official publication of the International Brangus® Breeders Association (IBBA). This internationally-distributed publication provides Brangus® seedstock producers and the IBBA membership with information about news within the association and the industry. The Brangus Journal is published eight times annually, and is designed to highlight accomplishments, advancements and improvements made possible by IBBA members, staff, volunteers, and other industry leaders. The purpose of the Brangus Journal is to serve the best interest of IBBA members by showcasing breeding programs, efforts and achievements to other Brangus® seedstock producers. Lastly, the Brangus Journal serves as an outlet for the IBBA to provide updates by directly communicating with the membership. The claims made by advertisers in this publication are not verified by BPI or the IBBA.
AREA 4 :: Darrel Law 615-904-5850 :: cklaw@nctc.com Term: 2018 - 2021
AREA 5 :: Mike Vorel 405-826-6959 :: vorelfarms@gmail.com Term: 2016 - 2019
AREA 6 :: Greg Romans 541-212-1790 :: romansbrangus@yahoo.com Term: 2018 - 2021
BRANGUS PUBLICATIONS, INC. (BPI) // 8870 US Highway 87 E, San Antonio, TX 78263 // P. O. Box 809, Adkins, TX 78101 P: +1-210-696-8231 // F: +1-210-696-8718 // gobrangus.com/brangus-publications // jengland@ gobrangus.com BPI OFFICERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS // Chairman: Doyle Miller // President: Tommy Perkins, PhD., PAS // Secretary/Treasurer: Chris Heptinstall // Director: Bill Davis // Director: Eddy Roberts SUBSCRIPTIONS // Justine Voss // jvoss@gobrangus.com // +1-210-696-8231 SUBSCRIPTION RATES // Domestic Periodicals—1 year, $25; First Class—$55 // Foreign Periodicals—1 year, $25; air mail to Mexico or Canada, $70; air mail to other countries, $115.
IBBA STAFF Executive Vice President
AREA 7 :: Lee Alford 979-820-4205 :: alfordcattle@aol.com Term: 2016 - 2019
Tommy Perkins, PhD., PAS tperkins@gobrangus.com - (210) 696-8231
Accountant AREA 7 :: Danny Farris 325-669-5727 :: farrisranching@yahoo.com Term: 2017 - 2020
AREA 7 :: Allen Goode 979-820-4205 :: allen@triocattle.com Term: 2018 - 2021
AREA 8 :: Doyle Miller PRESIDENT 615-351-2783 :: dmiller@doylemillercpa.com Term: 2018 - 2021 AREA 9 :: Steve Densmore 979-450-0819 :: s.densmore@bre.com Term: 2016 - 2019
AREA 10 :: Troy Floyd 575-734-7005 :: tfloyd@leaco.net Term: 2016 - 2019
AREA 11 :: Eddy Roberts 1st Vice President 386-935-1416 :: wetfarm1@windstream.net Term: 2017 - 2020
Justine Voss jvoss@gobrangus.com - (210) 696-8231
Marketing & Communications Coordinator BPI Editor Jessie England jengland@gobrangus.com - (512) 876-5441
Registry Services Coordinator
Kelsey Wages kwages@gobrangus.com - (210) 696-8231
Member Relations Coordinator & DNA Specialist Macee Prause mprause@gobrangus.com - (210) 696-8231
Registry Specialist
Marissa Murphy mmurphy@gobrangus.com - (210) 696-8231
Content Specialist
Maclaine Shults mshults@gobrangus.com - (970) 234-9685
Advertising Sales Manager International Brangus® Breeders Association 8870 US Highway 87 E, San Antonio, TX 78263 P.O. Box 809, Adkins, TX 78101 O: (210) 696-8231 F: (210) 696-8718 info@gobrangus.com gobrangus.com
// JANUARY 2019
Melanie Fuller mfuller@gobrangus.com - (979) 255-3343
Product Manager @gobrangus | #gobrangus
Emilio Silvas esilvas@gobrangus.com - (210) 696-8231
JANUARY 2019 // VOLUME 67 // ISSUE 1 IBBA CONNECTION A Message from the President.........................................................................................6 IBBA CONNECTION Executive Corner............................................................................................................. 8 IBBA CONNECTION IBBA’s Annual Meeting..................................................................................................10 IBBA CONNECTION Genetic Defects: Developmental Duplication..........................................................12-14 MEMBER CONNECTION Breeders to Watch: Lawman Ranch................................................................. 16-17 IBBA CONNECTION Meet the Staff - Emilio Silvas.........................................................................................18 AFFILIATE CONNECTION: IJBBA Exciting Things in Store for 2019!....................................................... 22 MEMBER CONNECTION Member Spotlight - Tuna Rosa Ranch............................................................ 24-25 SHOW CONNECTION Meet the Judges....................................................................................................28-29 JUNIOR CONNECTION Junior Spotlight - Cole Picket............................................................................ 30-31 AFFILIATE CONNECTION: IRBBA IRBBA News....................................................................................32-33 AFFILIATE CONNECTION: TBBA TBBA News............................................................................................ 34 AFFILIATE CONNECTION: IBA IBA News....................................................................................................35 SALE SUMMARIES......................................................................................................................................... 36 NEW MEMBERS.............................................................................................................................................. 39 SERVICE DIRECTORY.................................................................................................................................... 40 STATE DIRECTORY.................................................................................................................................... 41-46 CALENDAR....................................................................................................................................................... 48 AD INDEX......................................................................................................................................................... 50 5
Happy New Year! by IBBA President Doyle Miller
As we enter a new year, we always think about the things we want to do differently. We all have at some point and time made numerous New Year’s resolutions. Most of mine were out the door and gone by the end of January each year. Still, there’s something about the New Year; It’s about starting fresh and new. My Dad grew up during World War II. When he attended school there was sometimes a paper shortage. The teacher always made them use every blank space on a piece of paper. I was told there was something exciting when the teacher said let’s get out a new piece of paper. It’s like he was starting something new. No black marks, no smudges, no mistakes. It’s a fresh start. We have the ability to change our direction or intensify our focus in various areas of our life if we choose. The board of directors during our fall meetings in Tyler, Texas established a Long-Range and Strategic Planning Committee. We have asked several members to serve on this committee. The purpose of this committee is to maximize the position our breed will have in the beef industry. I know this committee will assess where we are as a breed and as an association, then determine where we need to change direction or sharpen focus. I am personally excited about this. I encourage us, individually and as an association, to look at the New Year with anticipation and the many possibilities it holds. I believe we have the best breed of cattle. Let’s prove it.
// JANUARY 2019
Executive Corner by IBBA Executive Vice President Tommy Perkins, PhD., PAS This is a difficult column to write as I have recently submitted my resignation to the IBBA board of directors, effective March 15, 2019. It has been an incredible fiveyear run which has included trials and tribulations along with pure joy. The IBBA membership is a supportive, progressive and competitive group of individuals who are very compassionate about their cattle. Because of your buyin and full engagement into our programs, we have made tremendous progress in my time at the helm. My first few days on the job found me trying to understand a computer registry program that had a lot of challenges. We had clients from Genetic Performance Solutions (GPS) breathing down my neck wanting answers to questions that had not been answered in months. We were very fortunate that Emilio Silvas was available and willing to come back to work for IBBA. His previous knowledge of the portal and expertise of coding was a lifesaver to me, the staff and every breeder that use the portal. With that said, you will be utilizing the new REGSTR portal as you read this article as we plan to release it on January 2, 2019. There will be growing pains moving to such a different functioning software, but it will improve efficiencies all around once we begin to use it. Early in 2014, just two months after my arrival, we were hit with the genetic condition called Developmental Duplication (DD). The Breed Improvement Committee took the bull by the horns and implemented a sound Genetic Condition Policy that minimized value decline of our cattle. You, the breeders, have done a great job of using this policy to breed around all of the current genetic conditions found in our cattle. The policy has allowed breeders to continue to breed and register cattle who may be carriers of the condition in order to capture other great performance traits they possess. We then embarked on procurement of a new national cattle evaluation provider to calculate our EPDs as the University of Georgia had moved away from that service. Again, a special committee of capable breeders was formed to identify our partner. They made an excellent choice by selecting Livestock Genetic Services (LGS) to provide this service. LGS helped IBBA set the standard in the industry by being one of the first beef breeds to use the single-step method to calculate EPDs. It appears that every breed has moved to this technology or some form of it. The members quickly bought into the use of DNA for other traits soon after we got in front of the DD condition. By April 2015, we had already released genomic enhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs) to all of our customers. We currently have over 20,000 animals with GE-EPDs which have been a tremendous help to our buyers for our product. We are now considered one of the leaders for genomics in the beef cattle industry. 8
// JANUARY 2019
The association was facing a very emotional decision in late 2015 which included repairing a badly maintained association office or putting it on the market for sale and relocating from a building we had been in since 1985. After much input and research by staff, directors, members and other professionals it was decided to sale the building and relocate. This proved to be a positive move as we were able to get the asking price for our old building, get a great buy on our new office building and put nearly $200,000 in the bank for a building maintenance fund. The need for more tools to improve reproduction selection was answered this year as we have released our first set of EPDs that address fertility traits in our cattle. Again, the Breed Improvement Committee stepped up to the plate to help us release two new selection indices using some of these newly developed maternal EPDs. These will prove to be valuable tools for commercial cattleman in the coming years to breed better replacement heifers. I would be remiss if I didn’t discuss my inability to maintain much longevity in our staff throughout my tenure. However, I am proud to say I am leaving with 100% full confidence in the current staff who call IBBA home. I am so proud of their outstanding customer service skills, their exceptional knowledge, their genuine care for our members and their willingness to be team players for the good of all. You will have to travel a lot of miles to find a more dedicated and loyal group of employees. I thank them for making my job much more enjoyable each and every day the past year. Lastly, I would like to thank the board and all of the members that have afforded me the opportunity to grow professionally in my time at IBBA. Those that have formed a friendship with myself and my family will be cherished forever. I would also like to thank all of partners and their associates who have made my job more enjoyable and successful. You have my cell phone number so don’t be afraid to contact me should you ever need anything in the future. Tommy Perkins, PhD., PAS is a graduate of West Texas A&M University, where he was recognized as a Graduate of Distinction by the Department of Agriculture in 2014. He also earned his doctoral degree in animal breeding from Texas Tech University. He served as a professor at Missouri State University and Texas State University for nearly twenty years, where his professional career is most noted for excellence in the field of beef cattle ultrasound. Perkins is a member of the Beef Improvement Federation’s (BIF) Board of Directors, and he also serves as chairman for BIF’s End Product Committee. Additionally, Perkins serves on the board of directors for the Texas Beef Council, Beef Promotion and Research Council of Texas, and the National Pedigreed Livestock Council. He recently completed a twoyear term as Beef Breeds Council president. Today, Perkins is the executive vice president of the International Brangus Breeders Association, chief executive officer of Genetic Performance Solutions, and president of Brangus Publications, Inc.
Over 100 head of Registered Brinks Brangus® bulls available for sale. • Proven genetics. • Hard-working, tough animals built to work in any country. • Ready to turn out and go to work in your herd today.
Westall Ranches, LLC
1818 Arabela Road, Arabela, NM Ray & Karen Westall • 575-361-2070 • owners Tate Pruett • 575-365-6356 • manager
Call today to schedule a visit to the ranch and pick your next herd sire. 9
IBBA’S ANNUAL MEETING Make plans to be in San Antonio February 7th-9th for our 2019 Annual Meeting and Convention! Take the opportunity to meet with our Board of Directors, IBBA staff and other members this weekend and find out what’s new and exciting in the world of Brangus®. Thursday February 7th, we’ll kick off our weekend with a mixer in the Wyndham Hotel lobby for our Board members. They will then take a short cruise on a barge to Boudrouxs for dinner with their spouses and the IBBA staff. Friday morning our board members will meet for breakfast at 7:30 am at the Wyndham Riverwalk Hotel after which their first official meeting of the event will commence at 8:00 am. Meanwhile, at the IBBA headquarters, beginning at 9:00 am, members are encouraged to arrive and to participate in an open forum with the staff. Here is your opportunity to ask the staff members any questions you may have, right there in the home office! Everyone will head back to the Wyndham for our scheduled educational events and sessions which begin at 1:30 pm and the evening will be capped off with the President’s Reception and IBBF Silent Auction. You don’t want to miss this! Our final day to get together will be Saturday, February 9th beginning at 7:30 am for breakfast. This is open to all attendees, prefacing another open forum, beginning at 8:00 am. Members and attendees will then gather at 8:30 am for our annual member meeting and State of the Association Address. Following the mornings official events, the rest of the afternoon will be yours! At 1:00 pm we will have a barge ready to take folks to Pearl for shopping or you can join us for Martina McBride at the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo. Have your best duds on by 6:30 pm Saturday night because that is when our final social mixer will begin, followed by our highly anticipated awards banquet at 7:00 pm. We are excited to see everyone and truly hope you will be able to attend! See you in San Antonio!
There are a couple ways to register:
Email form to: info@gobrangus.com or fax to 210-696-8718
Mail form to: PO Box 809, Adkins, TX 78101
Name: ____________________________________________ IBBA Member Number: ___________________ Ranch/Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________ City:___________________ State: ______ Zip: _________ Phone: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Registration is required in order to attend all IBBA meetings and events.
Member Registration
Member registration includes IBBA Member Reception and IBBF fundraiser, membership breakfast, business meeting, Annual Awards Banquet, and other IBBA hosted events.
Full Registration IBBA Member $150 Guest or Spouse $75
# Attendees Cost X ______ = $_______ X ______ = $_______
On-site Registration = $200 (Some events have limited availability, so tickets can’t be guaranteed.)
Hotel Information
Reservations must be made prior to January 17th to receive the discounted rate of $139/night. The hotel is offering the discounted rates for February 5-12th so members have the option to come early or leave late and enjoy San Antonio for a couple days. Parking is $20/night self parking and valet parking is $32/night.
Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk Hotel - (866) 764-8536
Contact the IBBA office with questions: info@gobrangus.com | 210-696-8231 10
// JANUARY 2019
Developmental Duplication Genetic Defects: DD
by IBBA Member Relations Coordinator & DNA Specialist Macee Prause
As genetics and the world of DNA continue to develop and advance, new applications are being implemented on a frequent basis. Looking at the DNA sequence, we have the ability to discover and report genetic conditions regarding undesirable haplotypes. A haplotype is a specific group of genes or alleles that a progeny inherits from a single parent. In this article, we will focus specifically on the genetic condition known as developmental duplication or more commonly reported as DD. DD is a condition identified in Angus and Angus derived cattle in which affected animals can sometimes be born with an extra limb or part of an extra limb, a condition sometimes referred to as polymelia. This condition is simply inherited, meaning that one pair of genes determines the animal’s phenotype for that trait of interest. DD is an abnormality that is a simply inherited recessive genetic condition. Recessive means that a recessive form of the gene must be inherited from both parents in order to be expressed in the progeny. Additionally, incomplete penetrance is involved in this genetic condition; although an animal may be DD affected (DDA), some animals do not show visible signs of the defect even though they have both recessive copies. Animals should be tested for the DD condition if they are potential carriers (DDPC). Those classified as a PC for a genetic condition is due to an ancestor being a known carrier (DDC) or known affected (DDA). Individuals tested of having DD in their pedigree will have DD notations in their BARN portal. The IBBA designates potential carriers with the notation of DDPC in yellow, tested free animals as DDF in green and tested affected and carrier animals with DDA or DDC in red. If your DNA results come back positive for DD, there are management strategies you can implement to keep that animal in your herd and to mitigate the occurrence of DD in your herd as it is an undesirable genetic condition. There are some who think that these animals should just be culled, even though there are other options available such as embryo transfer recipients or more careful breeding. See the chart on page 14 for a breakdown of different inheritance situations for DD.
// JANUARY 2019
Photo courtesy:
Dr. Jim Sanders: Severe case of DDA in an Angus calf.
Examples regarding the inheritance of DD and specific mating situations are as follows: If a DDC cow is bred to a DDF bull, there is a 50% risk of having a DDC calf but also a 50% chance that you will have a DDF calf; If a DDC cow is bred to a DDC bull, there is a 25% risk of having a DDA calf, 50% risk of having a DDC calf and 25% chance of having a DDF calf. Culling all the carriers is an option, but it is more cost effective to keep them in the producing herd and not breed them for replacements. Another solution is breeding DDC to tested DDF animals so that the condition is never phenotypically expressed. Educated breeding decisions can avoid the impact of negative genetic conditions. To test your animal for genetic conditions, the first step is obtaining a DNA sample on the animal in question. Members can submit a variety of DNA samples for DNA testing including tail hair samples, whole blood, blood cards, tissue samples from ear notches and semen straws. For more information regarding DNA genetic condition testing and making DNA requests, please contact Macee Prause in the International Brangus Breeders Association’s office at (210) 696-8231 or by email at mprause@gobrangus.com. Macee Prause was raised in La Grange, Texas. She received a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science in 2015 and a Master of Science in Science, specializing in animal breeding and genetics in 2016, both from Texas A&M University. Her agricultural background comes from her growing up assisting with her family’s beef cattle production, processing, and meat market. In college, she continued to develop and broaden her experiences in the industry through a multitude of organizations and agricultural activities. Macee is currently the member relations coordinator and DNA specialist for the International Brangus Breeders Association, where she facilitates and manages DNA testing and results.
// JANUARY 2019
CED 4.2
CED 3.5
CED 6.0
BW 1.4
WW 42
BW 1.6
YW 78
M 9
CED 4.2
BW 1.6
WW 42
WW 43
YW 82
M 4
TM 30
CEM 3.5
BW 1.3
WW 36
YW 71
TM 26
SC 0.84
M 1
CEM 3.5
REA 0.65
YW 56
TM 22
M 5
CEM 3.8
SC REA 0.55 0.71
IMF FT 0.00 -0.039
TM 23
CEM 3.5
SC REA 0.66 0.39
SC REA 0.25 0.68
IMF 0.18
FT -0.020
IMF FT -0.01 -0.043
IMF FT -0.07 -0.025
Lawman Ranch
Author’s Note: We would like to take time and introduce our new series to the Brangus® Journal: Breeders to Watch. This series highlights breeders within our organization, that we believe deserve recognition for their outstanding efforts in growing their Brangus® operations. We want to commend these individuals and their families, who continue to work diligently in hopes of positively contributing to the success of the Brangus breed. Please join us in congratulating Shiloh Hall who was selected as our first Breeder to Watch in the new year!
Hailing from the small town of Okmulgee, Oklahoma, which lies approximately 30 minutes south of the bustling city of Tulsa, Shiloh Hall runs his Brangus® operation. Hall along with his daughters Paige and Reece, live on the land adjacent to his father, Larry, where Hall grew up with his younger brothers Rayner and Cody. Hall and his father own and operate Lawman Ranch, a commercial and registered herd of approximately 250 head of cattle. “I love being able to give my daughters the opportunity to see their Papa daily and live on the land I stomped around myself as a child,” he said. Though he grew up on a ranch, Hall chose to take a short break from the agriculture lifestyle. “I was one of those kids who had to blaze my own trail,” he recalled. He joined the Marine Corps at the age of 17, where he spent eight years serving and completed one combat tour in Iraq in 2004-2005. After returning home in 2007, he became an Oklahoma State Trooper and still holds that prestigous title. 16
// JANUARY 2019
Once moving back home, Hall found himself anxious to get back to his ranching roots, especially after his daughters were born. “Once I started having children, I felt the urge to get back to the country and raise my girls the way I was raised,” he said. Throughout his childhood, Hall’s father, continued purchasing Brangus cattle from Tinker Ray in Atoka, Oklahoma, who at the time owned a large registered herd. The Halls would breed the cows they purchased to horned Hereford bulls and market the black baldy progeny. When he made the decision to start his own cattle operation, his father suggested trying registered Brangus. “I bought my first 15 cows from Tinker Ray in 2009,” Hall said. “He was getting out of the cattle business.” In 2010 Hall became a member of the IBBA and quickly realized how much he needed to learn in a short amount of time. He understood early on if he was going to be a successful cattleman, he needed to be selective with his purchases and
how he raised his stock. He made it a priority to collect every ounce of data possible on every animal he kept in his herd. However, as every aspiring cattle producer knows, the road to success isn’t always the smoothest. Hall found himself faced with the complex but important challenge of sorting through cattle genetics while also choosing the best marketing strategies for his operation. At the time, he was unable to afford artifical inseminiation (AI) sires, but could purchase a few straws of semen. He traveled to Texas to learn how to AI his own cattle and came home ready to get started. “We have invested our money to try and buy the best females we could afford,” he explained. “We put the AI program at the forefront of the operation.” Hall said he would recommend that simple strategy to anyone starting off. For them, the progress seen within a few short years of utilizing AI has paid dividends. Hall credits his close friend, Mike Vorel, as being instrumental in helping him with breeding decisions as well as getting the Lawman Ranch AI and ET program up and running. After conquering the genetic obstacle, he then moved on to marketing. “Marketing and brand recognition takes time,” he said. “Being a new operation, I have to work on that full-time.” By learning how to use a camera, utilizing the internet and attending many sales and shows in order to meet and network with others involved in the industry, Hall has made tremendous progress in his marketing pursuits. Vorel also played a large role in encouraging Hall to get involved with the IBBA. “He [Vorel] urged me to get out there and meet folks and be on committees to see what is going on at the national level,” said Hall. Taking his friends advice, Hall began attending IBBA meetings and events. He has made it a point to attend most of the fall and spring IBBA events for the last several years and has also been on several committees. “I have enjoyed the opportunity to meet new people and see Brangus cattle thriving in different environments,” he said. Hall brings his daughters with him to events, as often as he can and cherishes the memories they make there. “They always ask when the next cattle sale is or the next field day,” Hall raved. He shared the story of his family attending a summer meeting in Florida, where the Salacoa Tribe hosted an alligator wrestling event in conjunction with a tour of the Salacoa Valley Farms and their Brangus cattle. During the alligator wrestling, breeders were asked to volunteer to sit on the reptile. “All the adults stood back and, of course, my girls ran out there to embrace the swamp animal with no fear!” declared Hall. The Hall family works close together in order to make their operation successful. Their goal is to provide functional, easy keeping and profitable animals to their commercial and seedstock customers. They strive to make moderate, easy-fleshing and docile animals that can work in multiple environments. “God, family and friends have had the greatest impact on our operation,” Hall said. “Of course, I owe any success at all to God, and I think my father’s work ethic has taught me how to be successful, even though he still works circles around me.” Congratulations Hall and Lawman Ranch, we look forward to seeing your future progress and wish you all the best! 17
Emilio Silvas; Product Manager Hailing from Converse, Texas, our product manager Emilio Silvas has been an essential member of the IBBA team. He graduated with a bachelor of science in biology from the University of Notre Dame. He, his wife Katherine and son Miguel now make their home in San Antonio, Texas. He is currently employed in his second term, after being rehired by Dr. Perkins in 2013, with the IBBA and is working to replace the original GPS portal he had worked on during his first term with the association. “The first day I came back, I walked down the hallways and a fellow staff member poked her head out of her office and said ‘The server is down. Welcome back!” recalled Silvas. We asked this veteran employee what he enjoys most about being a part of the IBBA family; To which he responded, “I enjoy the opportunity to make real contributions. That is not always the case and is something I appreciate!” Without Silvas’ contributions, IBBA members and staff would have a tough time accomplishing their every day tasks. Thanks to Silvas and his technological assistants, both members and staff are able to keep records and important information regarding cattle on a platform that allows everyone to pitch in and help one another when needed. As convenient as the GPS portal is for its users, it can cause quite the headache for its manager, especially when trying to update the portal in order to keep up with changing demands. “Providing continuing support for the GPS portal while undertaking its replacement [REGSTR] has been a significant challenge,” Silvas said. “Both are large applications which are used by staff and members. Any issues with either one would cause problems or delays that would prevent the IBBA from operating.” With the anticipation for the new GPS portal, REGSTR, growing more each day, Silvas and his team have been working tirelessly to accomplish their goals for this big project.” “I have two main goals each day: the first is to support the existing GPS Portal; The second is to work toward its replacement (i.e. REGSTR).” Silvas has a third “unwritten” goal which is to bring value to the IBBA through each product. The association has invested tremendous resources building and maintaining both products and should know that each is a worthwhile necessity. We are thankful to have Emilio on our team and excited for everyone to witness the positive impact his hard work will continue to have on our association!
// JANUARY 2019
Semen for Sale on Multiple Herd Sires.
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January 30 - February 1, 2019 – National Beef Cattlemen’s Convention,New Orleans, Louisiana February 8 & 9, 2019 – Mississippi Cattlemen’s Convention, Jackson, Mississippi February 15 & 16, 2019 – Alabama Cattlemen’s Convention, Birmingham, Alabama Save October 19, 2019 – Town Creek Farm Sale
3 Quality Assurance always comes first. Total Commitment
Since 1993
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// JANUARY 2019
Exciting Things in Store for 2019!! by Cassidy Polston, IJBBA Reporter With 2018 coming to a close, the IJBBA has many exciting events coming up in the New Year. The first is the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo where the IJBBA Directors will assist the show by working the ring and selling our annual IJBBA Legacy Female. We are very excited to announce that Douget’s Diamond D Ranch will be graciously donating this year’s female and there is no doubt that she will be outstanding. We want to thank Mike and Lisa Douget and their team for always supporting the IJBBA and the future of the Brangus® breed! Like our Facebook page - www. facebook.com/juniorbrangus - for more information on this incredible offering and how you can get a chance to take her home while investing in the youth of our great breed. Next on the horizon is the IJBBA Legacy Leadership Conference that will be held in Stillwater and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This will be March 2831, 2019, and I will be the first to say that this conference is one that you will not want to miss. We have some very exciting stops lined up in Oklahoma. For example, we will be touring the Oklahoma State University Purebred Beef Cattle Center, the Willard Sparks Beef Cattle Research Center and Reproduction Enterprises Incorporated. That is just the first day! Anyone can participate in this great opportunity. Thanks to the generosity of all IJBBA supporters, we are able to keep registrations fees at a
// JANUARY 2019
reasonable rate for our juniors. Fees are just $100 for IJBBA members or $125 for non-members. The International Brangus Auxiliary (IBA) is also offering scholarships to attend. Fees will cover tour transportation & fees, hotel room and meals for the weekend. Plans are also being made to secure a charter bus that will start in Florida and make its way toward Oklahoma stopping to pick up attendees along the way. If you are interested in catching a ride on the cross-country bus or volunteering to help chaperone, please contact an IJBBA Director or Tyler today. As I said before, this conference is going to be one you don’t want to miss. This schedule has once-in-a lifetime tours of Oklahoma State University and the beautiful state itself. It will be one of the greatest events you have ever attended with lots of fun and fellowship. Please save the date for this incredible event that the IJBBA Board of Directors put a lot of time and effort in planning. You will make friendships and memories that will last a lifetime which make these events even better! Following just a couple months of rest is the National Junior Brangus Show and Brangus Futurity that will be back in Texarkana, Arkansas, at the Four States Fair. The dates are July 1420, 2019, and the theme for this year is Brangus League - Superheroes! Please makes plans to join us in Texarkana as we “Unite the Breed” for the 38th Annual National Junior Brangus Show and Brangus Futurity!
In conclusion, we have a very busy and exciting schedule for the upcoming year and we hope you will be able to attend and be a part of the junior Brangus Legacy. As we continue to grow and expand, please watch our Facebook page because we will be posting all of the information you will need to be up-to-date on these exciting events. I wish you and your family the greatest of blessings in this exciting New Year, and I hope to see you at a junior Brangus event in 2019! ABOUT THE AUTHOR: In her third year on the IJBBA Board of Directors is Cassidy Polston of Lakeland, Florida. Polston began showing Brangus cattle fourteen years ago and attended her first NJBS in 2014. A 2017 graduate of Families of Faith Christian Academy, Polston is currently a sophomore at Hillsborough Community College with plans to eventually transfer to the University of Florida. In her two years on the board, Polston has already provided a wealth of new ideas along with an incredible work ethic, a huge amount of behind the scenes support and a detail oriented mindset that rivals the best. As a Co-Reporter, last year she helped coordinate a huge increase in IJBBA’s social media output! Her skills with photography and her dedication to details will once again be a huge asset as IJBBA continues to work to bridge communication gaps.
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The 2019 IJBBA Legacy Leadership Conference March 28-31 Stillwater, OK
The IJBBA Board of Directors is excited to announce the 2019 IJBBA Legacy Leadership Conference will be held March 28-31 in Oklahoma. This conference is geared to increase juniors’ knowledge in agriculture as well as build leadership abilities. There will be industry tours, motivational speakers and lots of other fun-filled events! The conference is open to ANYONE ages 9-21 or IJBBA members 7-21. Scholarships and cross-country transportation are available. Registration Information and a full schedule of events are now available on the IJBBA Facebook page - www.facebook.com/juniorbrangus. Questions? Contact any IJBBA Director or Advisor or 405.867.1421 tylerwdean@gmail.com
IBBA MEMBER SPOTLIGHT > > Tuna Rosa Ranch located outside Gonzales, Texas is owned by Jimmy Elliott and operated by Kurt Trammell, the Chief Operating Officer, and Roger Gonzales. (Tuna in Spanish means the “prickly pear” on the cactus). Jimmy Elliott is from Abilene, Texas and graduated from the University of Texas with a BA degree in Finance and an MBA in 1976. Trammell is from Athens, Texas and graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in animal science in 1992. Elliott and Trammell purchased their first 30 dual Registered (ARBA/ IBBA) Red Brangus® in 2002 from the R2 Ranch in Fisher, Texas. The first 10 years were focused on building the herd organically with selected acquisitions utilized to upgrade the overall quality and enhance the genetics solely through registered ARBA cattle. This was done through the purchase of Red Brangus bulls. During this period, no heifers were ever sold as they continued to build the herd and Tuna Rosa bulls were marketed domestically, primarily through Private Treaty. Around 2014, it became apparent that the challenge of upgrading was reaching its limit due to a lack of quality genetics available in 24
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Tuna Rosa Ranch
the market place. At that time, Elliott determined that Tuna Rosa was at a crossroads and a radical change in the business model would be required in order for them to take their business to the next level. Elliott and Trammell embarked on an information gathering and due diligence phase which included many meetings and discussions with Tommy Perkins, Executive Vice President of the IBBA, and top-of-the-class breeders of both red and black Brangus cattle. After several months of deliberation, Tuna Rosa adopted a new business model. The first step in executing their new model was a complete conversion of their ARBA registered herd to 100% IBBA registration. Based on the original 30 cows and subsequent breeding during the first 10 years, about 25% qualified under the rigorous standards of the IBBA. This conversion was absolutely necessary in order for Tuna Rosa to achieve the status and credibility afforded members in the IBBA and open up more markets for their cattle. Through an aggressive embryo transfer (ET) program, all of their ARBA cows were utilized as surrogates for IBBA embryos. Simultaneously,
all IBBA cows were artificially inseminated (AI) with the highest quality genetics they could obtain. Tuna Rosa also began selectively acquiring high end IBBA cattle to accelerate this conversion. Tuna Rosa will have completed this conversion by the end of their 2019 calving season and will sell all remaining ARBA registered cattle. The second major step executed under their new model is adhering to a strict standard of 100% compliance of DNA collection and verification of every single IBBA registered animal owned by Tuna Rosa and DNA verification on all animals, ET cows and AI sires purchased. All calves born at Tuna Rosa are immediately tagged and identified with EID’s to ensure minimal confusion and mistakes prior to the extraction of their DNA. Every, single calf produced by Tuna Rosa is DNA parent verified. In addition, the entire herd is 100% free of any known genetic defects. Tuna Rosa will not even consider any animals for purchase if they are known carriers of genetic defects or not DNA parent verified. The Tuna Rosa team believes that these are the
minimum standards of quality that will be required in the future by domestic and foreign buyers of quality cattle. The third major step in their new model was the utilization of extensive databases and development of a series of analytical models to study genotype characteristics that have statistical significance in determining the product that buyers demand when they buy high quality cattle. Multivariate analysis is utilized at Tuna Rosa to assist with breeding decisions and produce cattle that appeal to buyers focused on growth, buyers focused on carcass value and buyers focused on both. To that end, Tuna Rosa has implemented a series of nutrition programs focused on feeding their steers in order to evaluate and improve the carcass value. Elliott acknowledges that analytics has its limits but there is a high positive correlation between enhanced genotype cattle and their resulting phenotype. His observation of the reverse is not necessarily true. As a result, Tuna Rosa will continue to prioritize genetic enhanced development of the character traits that buyers demand. The team has spent the last three years purchasing the highest quality genetics available in the Brangus breed and has been incorporating them into their herd. They are focused on diversity in bloodlines, uniformity, durability, adaptability and consistency in results. Since adopting their new business model, they have not sold any cattle, embryos or semen in the United States or abroad. They are currently working on the fourth step in their model; developing a comprehensive marketing plan to optimize sales. The entire management team at Tuna Rosa Ranch is proud to be a member of the IBBA and delighted to be a part of an organization which has so many devoted members and associates with the common goal of improving the Brangus breed. Thank you for sharing our story with us and we wish Tuna Rosa Ranch all the best!
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This high selling featured sire sold to Marshall Farms, Grady, AL at the 2017 GT sale at Cavender’s.
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Use Capital Gain to add shape and dimension without adding frame or sheath.
// JANUARY 2019
One of the most complete sons of Three D to sell to date.
Royally bred, his granddam is the mother of Final Cut.
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Show Judge ProfileS
Florida State Fair Brad Mccurry is a managing partner at McCurry Bros Angus in Mt. Hope and Sedgwick, KS. The operation was established by his grandparents in 1928 and has continued to develop into a diversified cattle and farming operation. Their operation consists of approximately 600 registered cow/calf pairs. The McCurrys also sell 100-150 registered bulls by private treaty annually. McCurry has judged numerous breeds at the international, national and state levels for both junior and open shows.
Fort Worth Stock Show Joel Judge owns Advanced Beef Solutions, an integrated beef marketing and consulting company with his brother Jason. They focus on working with commercial and seedstock producers nationwide, focusing on genetic improvement, bull procurement, commercial female placement and calf marketing. He also owns Judge Livestock with his wife, Kourtney, and children Ashley, Jessica, Wyatt and newest addition, Weston. They, currently, raise both show and performance Angus Cattle and show reined cow horses and cutting horses. Their family loves being involved in the livestock business, Judge had the great pleasure, not long ago, judging The Georgia National with his daughter, Ashley. Jessica and Ashley had the honor of Judging the National Limousine Show at the American Royal in October 2018. He is very excited for the opportunity to evaluate such a great, functional and prominent breed at the Fort Worth Stock Show.
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San Antonio Stock Show Quest Newberry grew up in South Texas on an extensive commercial cattle operation where he and his family marketed commercial bulls as well as operated a cow/calf segment. This sparked his interest in show cattle, which led him down the path of 4H and FFA. As a junior exhibitor, he enjoyed showing steers and heifers at the county and state level. The purebred heifers he exhibited throughout the years, served as the start to his purebred show cattle operation. After the completion of high school, Newberry attended Blinn College and Texas A&M University where he was a member of highly competitive livestock judging teams at both schools. Currently, Newberry is completing his master’s degree in ruminant nutrition at Texas A&M University and assisting the Blinn College livestock judging team. Newberry has a passion for the beef business and purebred seedstock industry.
Houston Stock Show
Dr. Jason Cleere became acquainted with the beef industry at an early age through his experiences on his family’s small beef cattle operation. These experiences led to an interest in research and education that would help improve the efficiency of beef cattle operations across the United States. Upon completion of his Ph.D. from Texas Tech University in 2002, he accepted the position of Assistant Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Specialist with Texas A&M University(TAMU). Cleere was stationed at the TAMU Overton Research Center and was responsible for extension education outreach for beef cattle producers in the eastern part of Texas. In June 2005, Cleere was transferred to College Station to serve as the State Beef Cattle Specialist for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and the Texas A&M University System. He works to coordinate statewide beef cattle extension education efforts as well as conducting regional education programs. In addition to these efforts, Cleere coordinates the Annual Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course that attracts over 2,200 participants each year. The program has grown into one of the largest beef producer education programs in the United States. Cleere also supports the Texas 4H Youth Livestock Program by serving as superintendent of the District 4H Livestock Contest, State Livestock Judging Contest, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Open and Commercial Steer Shows, State Fair of Texas Jr. Heifer Show and the San Antonio Livestock Show Beef Skillathon. In addition to his extension and research responsibilities, Cleere teaches a Beef Production (ANSC 302) class each fall. Cleere has judged cattle at the San Angelo Stock Show, State Fair of Texas Jr. Heifer Show, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo International Brangus Show, East Texas State Fair, West Texas State Fair, South Texas State Fair, National Jr. Brangus Show, Texas Jr. Charolais State wShow, Texas Jr. Limousin State Show, Texas Jr. Brangus State Show, Texas Jr. Hereford State Show, Texas Jr. Maine Anjou State Show, Texas Jr. Chi State Show, Mid Coast Santa Gertrudis Show, Southwest District Livestock Show (Arkansas), many prospect shows, county fairs and numerous open shows. He is married to Kristi Cleere (20 years) and has two sons Kendel (14) and Kanin (9) and they live in Madisonville, Texas. He is a Deacon for First Baptist Church Madisonville, board member of Madisonville CISD and Texas Beef Council.
JUNIOR MEMBER SPOTLIGHT > > For Cole Pickett, Brangus® cattle have been the highlight of his young life since the very beginning. The 8th grader from Robeline, Louisiana has spent time in a show barn before he was allowed in the ring and has no intention of ever leaving. “From the time I was about three months old, I have been going to Brangus shows,” Pickett said. “Having two older sisters that were great at showing, I had some big boots to fill.” Pickett’s sisters, Kilee and Meghan, set a great example for their younger brother who began showing Brangus on his own at the age of seven. Since his career beginnings, Pickett has traveled with his family from Louisiana to Kansas and several other states in between, exhibiting his cattle. For the Picketts, raising Brangus is a family affair. Pickett has been fortunate to have the constant support of his parents, Andrea and Brad, his grandparents, Randy (Pops) and Sheila (Gammie) Peeples; as well as his sisters, brother-in-law, Braxton Miller, and nephew Corbin. “My Gammie has always been a huge fan of our showing cattle,” he said. “She made the choice that we show Brangus.” A good choice it was, too. Pickett and his family agree that Brangus suit them better than any other breed, 30
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Cole Picket
thanks to their adaptability to the climate at their home in Louisiana. “They are really the best breed,” Pickett states. The Picketts’ raise both registered and commercial Brangus cattle. Pickett explained how exciting it is, when a new calf hits the ground and he can start thinking about its future and what a great show calf it might be someday. Safe to say, Pickett’s mind is always in the show ring; his favorite one being wherever the National show is held. “Getting to go to Nationals is like waiting for Christmas,” he said. “I am always wanting to see my friends and people that I am close to. Nationals is always the best time of the year!” Building relationships with other Brangus exhibitors is something Pickett enjoys the most about showing cattle. The new experiences that come every year are always a highlight, even with the hard work put in and the lack of sleep. He has many friends within the IJBBA that he knows will be around for a long time. “I always look forward to going to Nationals every summer to see all my friends and enjoy a week of showing.” Even minor mishaps like a broken-arm in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, where Pickett was awarded the Frog & Churn Award, cannot deter the young man’s abundantly bright attitude at each show.
The Many Jr. High Student is involved in much more than cattle shows alone. Currently, he is a member of the North Sabine High School Fishing Team, is a football player for Many Jr. High, is an avid hunter and is a dedicated member of the Robeline First Baptist Church. We asked Pickett who or what has made the biggest impact in his life and showing career to which, he responded; “All the breeders who have helped me get to where I am today, I wouldn’t be the showman I am without them and I am truly grateful.” He also explained how many of them don’t realize just how big of an impact they can make on a kid’s life, and that their friendship is what he will cherish most for years to come. “It’s truly an honor to be spotlighted in the Brangus Journal. Being a Junior Brangus member has been a great experience for me!” Congratulations Cole, we look forward to watching your success in the future!
International Red Brangus Breeders Fall Meeting by Lea Stokes The International Red Brangus Breeder’s Association (IRBBA) held its fall membership event “Fall in Love with Red Brangus” Saturday, November 3, 2018 at Chappell Hill, TX. Members from Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Mexico enjoyed great weather, Chappell Hill charm and the warm hospitality of hosts Triangle K Farms and Oak Creek Farms. To start the day off Dennis Kmiec welcomed the 80+ participants and provided them breakfast followed by a tour of his Chappell Hill operation, Triangle K Farms. The group then moved on to nearby Oak Creek Farms for an IRBBA Meeting. President Marcos Borges presided over the meeting. To generate funds for promotion and marketing a fundraiser was held selling tier advertisement on the IRBBA website. A resounding $18,000 was raised. A special thank you to Cox Excalibur Brangus and Tajo Ranch for purchasing the two premier tier spots. Afterward a barbecue lunch from Chappell Hill Bakery and Deli was served compliments of Oak Creek Farms. Following lunch the IRBBA Scholarships were presented. Tracee Buffaloe-Price IRBBA, Scholarship and Foundation Committee Chair, presented a total of nine scholarships totaling $14,000. Congratulations to the following recipients. IRBBA Junior Scholarship Marcos Machado Borges, III Memorial Philip Matocha, La Grange, TX Nicholas Matocha, La Grange, TX Molly Parker, Ben Lomond, AR Donald “Trey” Ivey, III, Brownwood, TX
IRBBA Senior Memorial Scholarship Foundation Jim Hunt Scholarship - Caryn Smart, Runge, TX Don Jobes Scholarship - Jacob Jones, Stillwater, OK Wilma Buffaloe Scholarship - Audrey Acord, Madisonville, TX Senior Scholarship - Claire Smart, Runge, TX Senior Scholarship - Tanner Miller, Gilmer, TX Senior Scholarship - Abbey Ivey, Brownwood, TX
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It was very fitting that the 2018 “IRBBA Breeder of the Year” was presented to John and Carolyn Kopycinski of Oak Creek Farms (OCF). The Kopycinski’s were founding members of the IRBBA and it was recalled that the initial meetings to form the association were held in the OCF barn. For more than 50 years Oak Creek Farms has focused on developing genetics that excel in the practical and economically traits most important to commercial cattlemen. They have been utilizing ultrasound data for 46 years and have been using DNA results for improving heritable traits for the last 15 years. Their annual sale is a recognized source of Red Brangus and Brangus bulls that have been developed to perform in the pasture and sire progeny that perform on the rail. Johnny can always be relied on for perspective, sharing his experiences and vision for our breed in the industry. The IRBBA congratulates and thanks the Kopycinski Family for their many contributions! The final award of the day was presented to Allen Goode. He was recognized as the 2018 “IRBBA Member of the Year.” He currently serves as the IRBBA Vice President and is the IRBBA Annual Meeting Chairman. Goode was key in the planning and execution of the 2018 World Brangus Congress held in Houston as well as the World Brangus Post Tour. He also serves on the International Brangus Breeders Association Board of Directors. “Goode is one of those members that you wish you could clone!” Wrapping up the day, John Kopycinski gave a Herd Management Program presentation and participants were able to view OCF cattle on display. For more information on the IRBBA, visit the website at www.redbrangus.org or by email at redbrangusinfo@ gmail.com.
Receiving the Marcos Machado Borges, III Memorial Scholarship was Philip Matocha, La Grange, TX. Pictured from l to r: Marcos Borges, IRBBA President; Matocha; Tracee Buffaloe Price, IRBBA Scholarship Chair; Kay Gibson, IRBBA Scholarship Committee Member; and Allen Goode, IRBBA Vice President.
Receiving the Marcos Machado Borges, III Memorial Scholarship was Nicholas Matocha, La Grange, TX. Pictured from l to r: Marcos Borges, IRBBA President; Matocha; Tracee Buffaloe Price, IRBBA Scholarship Chair; Kay Gibson, IRBBA Scholarship Committee Member; and Allen Goode, IRBBA Vice President.
Receiving the Marcos Machado Borges, III Memorial Scholarship was Molly Parker, Ben Lomond, AR. Pictured from l to r: Marcos Borges, IRBBA President; Parker; Tracee Buffaloe Price, IRBBA Scholarship Chair; Kay Gibson, IRBBA Scholarship Committee Member; and Allen Goode, IRBBA Vice President.
Receiving the Marcos Machado Borges, III Memorial Scholarship was Donald “Trey” Ivey, III, and Brownwood, TX. Pictured from l to r: Marcos Borges, IRBBA President; Ivey; Tracee Buffaloe Price, IRBBA Scholarship Chair; Kay Gibson, IRBBA Scholarship Committee Member; and Allen Goode, IRBBA Vice President.
Receiving the Jim Hunt Memorial Senior Scholarship was Caryn Smart, Runge, TX. Pictured from l to r: Marcos Borges, IRBBA President; Smart; Tracee Buffaloe Price, IRBBA Scholarship Chair; Kay Gibson, IRBBA Scholarship Committee Member; and Allen Goode, IRBBA Vice President.
Receiving the Wilma Buffaloe Memorial Senior Scholarship was Audrey Acord, Madisonville, TX. Pictured from l to r: Marcos Borges, IRBBA President; Acord; Tracee Buffaloe Price, IRBBA Scholarship Chair; Bruce Buffaloe; Kay Gibson, IRBBA Scholarship Committee Member; and Allen Goode, IRBBA Vice President.
Receiving and IRBBA Senior Scholarship was Abbey Ivey, Brownwood, TX. Pictured from l to r: Marcos Borges, IRBBA President; Ivey; Tracee Buffaloe Price, IRBBA Scholarship Chair; Kay Gibson, IRBBA Scholarship Committee Member; and Allen Goode, IRBBA Vice President.
John Kopycinski, (center) of Chappell Hill, TX was presented the 2018 IRBBA “Breeder of the Year” award.
Receiving the 2018 IRBBA “Member of the Year” Award was Allen Goode, Dallas, TX (center).
by Jodi Jackson
The Texas BrangusÂŽ Breeders Association annual convention is set for April 5-6, 2019, at Tenroc Ranch in Salado, Texas. An excellent meal, entertainment and fellowship with other Brangus breeders will take place on Friday, followed by the annual meeting and the TBBA Sale on Saturday. Nominations are open now for the sale, contact Mike Weathers 713/252-7444 or American Marketing Service at www.amscattle.com for more information on nominating cattle to the sale. 2019 memberships are due. Please go to txbrangus.org to find a membership application.
// JANUARY 2019
by Kay Gibson
Another New Year filled with all of the expectations that 2019 has instore for us…our families, our friends, our communities and our businesses. The IBA would like to take this opportunity to ask members of IBBA to join us and be a part of the success of our Junior Brangus® program. Your separate IBA membership makes it possible to financially support all of the programs that the Auxiliary provides during the International Junior Brangus Breeder’s Show. The Show is held in July of each year and ends with the Awards Banquet and the presentation of IBA Scholarships to our Junior members! During the week long event, the IBA sponsors the IJBBA hospitality room, the pancake breakfast for all attendees and sells Brangus promotional items that are also taken to various Brangus sponsored events. Expanding the IBA membership is an ongoing goal for each of us. The next IBA membership meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2019 IBBA Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas on Friday, February 8th from 9:00 to 10:00 AM at the IBBA offices. Please join us and thank you for your support of our Brangus juniors through your IBA membership. Your investment in the future of our next generation!
To join the International Brangus Auxiliary (IBA) Please fill out the form below, make check payable to IBA and mail to:
Kay Gibson, 2321 Schulze Road, Muldoon, Texas 78949 Name: ____________________________________________ Spouse:___________________________________________ Ranch Name: ______________________________________ Address:__________________________________________ City:____________________________________________ State:___________________ Zip:______________________
Membership: _____ $25 Annual Dues
____ New _____ Renewal
I would like to help: _____ Committee _____ Officer
_____ Committee Chairman _____ Not at this time
Please feel free to share your ideas for a more effective IBA. Brangus Promotion_________________________________________ Fun Socials________________________________________________ Fundraising _______________________________________________
Other Comments__________________________________________
Blackwater Cattle Company Annual Sale submitted by Tracy Holbert NOV. 10 - Lake Park, GA Blackwater Cattle Company When Only the Best Will Do Annual Brangus and Ultrablack Bull and Female Sale Held November 10, 2018 Lake Park, Georgia • • • • •
34 Elite Females 97 Spring Yearling Bulls 106 Fall Yearling Bulls 11 Hereford Yearling Bulls 248 Total Lots
$9588 $5418 $6182 $4591 $6280
Ownership, staff and crew welcomed a great crowd on a beautiful crisp morning to south Georgia for Blackwater Cattle Company’s annual When Only the Best Will Do Bull and Female Sale. A deep, high quality set of bulls and elite donor prospect females were strongly supported by stock bull buyers and highlighted by incredible interests from seedstock breeders for herd sires and quality females! Buyers came from around the country and represented 12 states and the country of Mexico. Internet bidding was also active with additional states represented online. Gustavo Camarena from Jalisco, Mexico reinforced his building of the dominant seedstock program in Mexico with his purchases of several outstanding herd sire prospects along with the class lots from the female sale offering! The offspring from powerhouse herd sire and multiple trait leader BWCC Cross Fit 541B28 ruled the day with seedstock breeders from around the globe strongly competing for his herd sire prospect sons and donor quality daughters. Forty (40) sons and daughters of BWCC Cross Fit 541B28 averaged a phenomenal $11,988!
A Few Sale Highlights Females $70,000 for Open Heifer Lot 252 BWCC Ms Cross Fit 129F $34,000 for Open Heifer Lot 242 BWCC Ms Cross Fit 158F2 $20,000 for Bred Heifer Lot 245 BWCC Ms Cross Fit 10E16. Bulls $55,000 for Lot 66 BWCC Cross Fit 468E110 $35,000 for Lot 2 BWCC Cross Fit 192E56 $30,000 for Lot 1 BWCC Crossfire 192E66 $30,000 for Lot 96 BWCC Something Soggy 889E21 $24,000 for Lot 12 BWCC Slick 192E23
DO YOU HAVE SALE RESULTS TO REPORT? Sale managers may submit a half-page (7.5 x 4.5 inches) of content to be published in the Brangus Journal for each sale. Content should be no more than 400 words, photos, or some combination of text and photos. To purchase additional space, contact Jessie England by phone (512) 876-5441 or email (jengland@gobrangus.com) or Melanie Fuller by phone (979) 255-3343 or email (mfuller@gobrangus.com). Submit sale summary content to IBBA Marketing Coordinator Jessie England. She can be contacted at jengland@gobrangus.com or to IBBA Content Specialist Maclaine Shults at mshults@gobrangus.com.
don’t miss a minute! For a complete, up-to-date list of sale summaries, visit us online. Find the latest information at gobrangus.com/sale-summaries.
// JANUARY 2019
held in conjunction with Cattlemen’s Appreciation Day
For consignment information contact the Cattle Sales Manager: Gulf Tex Livestock Marketing • gulftexlivestock.com • gulftexlivestock@gmail.com P.O. Box 540, Anderson, Texas 77830 • 979.482.2018
For more information visit rodeohouston.com JOIN US FOR THE 2019 SHOW FEB. 25 - MARCH 17, 2019 37
p ? i h s er b m e M A B IB Junior Programs (Junior Membership) Association Business Voting Rights Select Hotel Discounts Chute Side App for Handheld Mobile Devices Performance Data Collection Using THR National Cattle Evaluation – EPDs for 11 Traits Genomic-Enhanced EPDs Performance Trait Leaders Breed Averages DNA Data Processing Analysis and Storage Animal (EPD) and Member Search Tools Breed Improvement Research through IBBF Educational Webinars Brangus-Specific Commercial Heifer Selection DNA Chip (GeneSeek)
Registration Privileges Hybrid Registration Ownership Transfers Online Herd Management Software Documented Pedigrees Monthly Genetic Evaluation Summit Animal Lists Eligibility Performance Leader Award Eligibility DNA Parentage Verification Marketing & Advertising Opportunities Membership Networking Brangus Publications Subscription eNewsletter Subscription
...and more !!
IBBA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION DATE: ____________________________
MEMBER NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________________ RANCH NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________ PRIMARY MAILING ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: _________________________________________________________________________________ PHYSICAL RANCH ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: _________________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE: ____________________________________ WORK PHONE: ______________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH (JUNIORS): _____/_____/_______ PARENTS’ MEMBERSHIP NO. (JUNIORS): _______________________ Application is hereby made for membership to be issued in the name given above. I agree to be bound by and abide by the rules, regulations, constitution and by-laws of the association as amended from time to time and to keep a written memorandum of breeding and exact birth dates of my (our) Brangus cattle. Further, that I (we) will furnish promptly any information concerning same at any time requested to do so by the association. Eligible cattle owned at present are ______ (bulls over 36 months of age) and ______ (females over 24 months of age). FEES ---- Senior Membership: Jan-Dec $125, Apr-Dec $100, Jul-Dec $75, Oct-Dec $50 (Senior Renewal Dues received after Dec. 31 will be $145.)
Junior Membership: $25 annually Associate Membership: $35 annually PAYMENT INFORMATION (Indicate Method of Payment) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CREDIT CARD (BELOW)
CARD TYPE (VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, AMERICAN EXPRESS): _________________________________ CARD NUMBER: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ EXP DATE: _____ _____ / _____ _____
SECURITY CODE: _____ _____ _____ _____
CARDHOLDER’S NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BILLING ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AUTHORIZE TRANSACTION (SIGNATURE): ________________________________________________________ DATE: ____________________________ INTERNATIONAL BRANGUS BREEDERS ASSOCIATION, P.O. BOX 809, ADKINS, TX 78101 | INFO@GOBRANGUS.COM | FAX: 210-696-8718
// JANUARY 2019
Genomic Selecton at Negative 9 Months
Matt Barten matt.barten@embruon.com (785) 556-0746 www.embruon.com
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Auctioneer Livestock Marketing 205.270.0999 | www.LukeMobley.com
ADD VALUE TO YOUR HERD. Brangus Built is the tag that works for you.
IBBA | 210-696-8231 | GoBrangus.com 40
// JANUARY 2019
cell 256-603-1945 gallowaybrangus@comcast.net
cell 256-924-5571 gallowaybrangus@gmail.com
Farm located at Gallant, AL 35972
NIC CORNELISON nic@lakemajestikfarms.com
VINCE ROBERTS vince@lakemajestikfarms.com
22015 Alabama HWY 71 • Flat Rock, AL • 256-632-3027 • LakeMajestikFarms.com
Michael Candler, President 386-208-3881 ARIZONA
Big D Ranch Phillip & Beth DeSalvo 173 Miller Lane Center Ridge, AR 72027 (501) 208-6119 www.BigDRanch.net
To place your ad in the State Directory, contact Jessie England via phone (512-876-5441) or Melanie Fuller via phone (979-255-3343)
Brangus & Ultrablacks Bred to Perform Brangus and ultraBlack Bulls and Females availaBle Private treaty at the ranch and also at the 2019 Best in the West sale, sat., FeBruary 9, in marana, ariZona
WeB www.spanishranch.net instagram instagram @spanishranchcuyama
SPANISH RANCH Brangus and Ultrablack Cattle daniel & Pamela doiron l 805-245-0434 cell l doiron@spanishranch.net
To place your ad in the State Directory, contact Jessie England via phone (512-876-5441) or Melanie Fuller via phone (979-255-3343)
// JANUARY 2019
gobrangus.com/breeder-search/ LOUISIANA
To place your ad in the State Directory, contact Jessie England via phone (512-876-5441) or Melanie Fuller via phone (979-255-3343)
TENNESSEE Doyle Miller
615-351-2783 doyle@millerbrangus.com
Bill Felton
Sales & Marketing
901- 494-0554 bill@millerbrangus.com
Bart Pope
Ranch Manager
931-722-0244 bart@millerbrangus.com
Gary Adamek 979.561.6323
Bulls, Show Prospects, Replacement Heifers, Cows, Semen, & Embryos REGISTERED & COMMERCIAL BRANGUS champsvalley@yahoo.com
Follow us on
110 Adamek Road Schlenburg, TX 78956
Champions Valley Brangus & on
Drake Land & Cattle 398 Drake Road Quanah, Texas 79252
Cell: (832) 331-2527 Ranch: (940) 663-6143 drakeranch398@gmail.com www.drakeranch.com
est. 1924 Quanah, Texas
To place your ad in the State Directory, contact Jessie England via phone (512-876-5441) or Melanie Fuller via phone (979-255-3343)
// JANUARY 2019
gobrangus.com/breeder-search/ TEXAS
Registered Red Brangus & Ultrareds show heifers, herd sires, and replacements available Megan (713) 492-6158 John (281) 740-0572 greenwoodcattleco@yahoo.com
JLS International, Inc. Where winning tradition and performance collide Brangus bulls and heifers available year-round at private treaty.
www.jlsbrangus.com Jeff Smith, Owner Myron Saathoff myronsaathoff@yahoo.com
251-947-5688 210-218-4804
MIKE SHELTON C: 713.560.8333 Colita Loop, Colita, TX 77351 www.brangusprofit.com Registered Brangus and Ultrablack Cattle
MikeShelton-DirectoryCard.indd 1
TEXAS 10/19/17 7:32 AM
Rafael Ortega - Owner Scott Milligan - Manager
To learn more about the advertising opportunties offered by Brangus Publications, contact the IBBA today.
39606 FM 1736 West, Hempstead, TX 77445 Scott: 806.683.6435 - scottm@rioranchtx.com Raul: 832.331.6800
MELANIE FULLER: (979) 255-3343 JESSIE ENGLAND: (512) 876-5441
Home of Stonewall 222W6
To place your ad in the State Directory, contact Jessie England via phone (512-876-5441) or Melanie Fuller via phone (979-255-3343) RioRanchcard1.indd 1
12/13/2018 10:41:45 AM
PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS OR OPERATION To learn more about the advertising opportunties offered by Brangus Publications, contact the IBBA today.
MELANIE FULLER: (979) 255-3343 JESSIE ENGLAND: (512) 876-5441 To place your ad in the State Directory, contact Jessie England via phone (512-876-5441) or Melanie Fuller via phone (979-255-3343)
// JANUARY 2019
PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS OR OPERATION The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) is proud to offer its members and other friends in the industry the opportunity to promote themselves through Brangus Publications, Inc.’s (BPI) and IBBA’s print and digital mediums. IBBA’s printed publications are produced by Brangus Publications, Inc. (BPI), and are distributed to a mailing list, which is updated on a monthly basis. The mailing list is comprised of addresses in Australia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, the United States of America, and more.
(Circulation: Approximately 2,000) The Brangus Journal is the official publication of the IBBA. This internationally-distributed publication provides Brangus® seedstock producers and the IBBA membership with information about news within the association and the industry. The Brangus Journal is published by BPI monthly, except February, June, July and September, and is designed to highlight accomplishments, advancements and improvements made possible by IBBA members, staff, volunteers, and other industry leaders. The purpose of the Brangus Journal is to serve the best interest of IBBA members by showcasing breeding programs, efforts, and achievements to other Brangus® seedstock producers. Lastly, the Brangus Journal serves as an outlet for the IBBA to provide updates by directly communicating with the membership.
distribution map
Brangus Journal Editorial Calendar • • • • • • • •
January – Annual Meeting / WBC March – International April – Performance May – Reproduction August – Marketing October – Management Practices November – Technology December – Year-End
Premium Brangus Journal Ad Spots Inside Front Cover: Page 3 (Inside Right): Inside Back Cover: Back Cover:
$1,400 for one-time placement $1,200 for eight-time placement (one year circulation) $1,160 for one-time placement $1,000 for eight-time placement (one year circulation) $1,160 for one-time placement $1,000 for eight-time placement (one year circulation) $1,400 for one-time placement $1,200 for eight-time placement (one year circulation)
(Call for pricing on other specific ad placements.) Black & White Rates:
Ad Size
Commercial Ad Rates
Full Page 1/2-Page Island 1/2 Page 1/3 Page 1/4 Page Service/State Directories
$775 $545 $515 $395 $312 -
IBBA Member Ad Rates 1 time
8 times (one year)
$630 $445 $420 $325 $260 -
$535 $385 $350 $275 $225 $350 (total)
Color Rates: For single color, add $170 to price of black and white rates. For full color, add $340 to price of black and white rates. CONTACT JESSIE ENGLAND BY PHONE (512-876-5441) or MELANIE FULLER AT (979-255-3343). 47
January 2019 1 IBBA Office Closed for New Years Holiday 5 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Entry Deadline 12 Lake City Invitational Black Bull Sale, Lake City, FL 23 Open Brangus Show at Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, Fort Worth, TX 26 Junior Brangus Show at Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, Fort Worth, TX 30 - 1 National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Cattle Industry Convention, New Orleans, LA February 2019 7 Florida State Fair Open Brangus Show, Tampa, FL 8 Florida State Fair Junior Brangus Show, Tampa, FL 8 IBA Membership Meeting at IBBA Headquarters, San Antonio, TX 7-9 IBBA Annual Meeting & Convention, San Antonio, TX 9 Marana “Best of the West” Brangus Sale, Marana, AZ 11 Open Brangus Show at San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, San Antonio, TX 13 San Antonio All Breeds Sale at San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, San Antonio, TX 14 Martin-Bruni Cattle 5th Annual Spring Sale, San Saba, TX 14-15 Junior Brangus Show at San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, San Antonio, TX 16 Sorensen Sandy Creek Ranch: Bull & Replacement Heifer Sale, New Ulm, TX 16 Yon Family Farms Spring Sale, Ridge Spring, SC 18-19 GENETRUST Easy Access Online Video Auction 23 28th Annual Roswell Brangus Bull & Female Sale, Roswell, NM 23 Hunt’s H+ Brangus Professional Cattlemen’s Bull Sale, Calhoun, GA 27 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo All Breeds Commercial Sale, Houston, TX March 2019 1 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo National Bull Show, Houston, TX 2 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo National Female Show, Houston, TX 2 Genetic Edge Sale, Houston, TX 7 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Junior Brangus Heifer Show, Houston, TX 21 Salacoa Valley Super American Sale, Bloomington, TX 23 West Texas Brangus Breeders Association Spring Time Sale, Abilene, TX 26 GENETRUST at Suhn Cattle Company, Eureka, KS 28-31 ISBBA Legacy Leadership Conference, Stillwater, OK April 2019 5-6 Texas Brangus Breeders Association Annual Convention & Spring Sale, Salado, TX 13 Cut Above Sale, Cullman, AL 20 Don Thomas & Sons “Cadillac of Brangus” Sale, Madison, MO 27 GENETRUST at Cavender’s Neches River Ranch, Jacksonville, TX May 2019 18 SVF Belles of the South Customer Appreciation Sale, Fairmount, GA
// JANUARY 2019
y c a g e L Female The 2019 IJBBA
offered by: Doguet’s Diamond D Ranch
DDD League of Her Own 804F25
DDD Wallstreet 150C ◆ Sire
DDD Rockefeller 804B25 ◆ Maternal Brother
he IJBBA is excited to announce that the 2019 IJBBA Legacy Female will be offered by Doguet’s Diamond D Ranch of Poteet, Texas. Designed to help fund the IJBBA Legacy Leadership Conference, the IJBBA Board of Directors, and the National Junior Brangus Show as well as build upon the legacy of proven Brangus leaders that the IJBBA is known to produce, the IJBBA Legacy Female is key to the success of IJBBA. Combining the iconic 150 and 804 cow families, this female is truly in a LEAGUE OF HER OWN! However, she does not just combine the families – she packs a powerful pedigree of proven champion genetics – Wall Street, the 2016 Brangus Futurity Grand Champion Bull and son of the 2016-2017 IBBA Show Dam of the Year, and 804X41, dam of Rockefeller, the 2016-2017 IBBA Show Bull of the Year. DDD League of Her Own 804F25 has a pedigree stacked too full of accolades to list and will make a powerful addition to anyone’s show string and/or breeding program, but will undoubtedly find her way to someone’s donor pen where her LEGACY will be written in the Brangus breed! You are invited to participate in a group effort to purchase this female. For more information, please contact Tyler Dean (405)207-6921 or tylerwdean@gmail.com. All proceeds go to benefit the Brangus Juniors! Don’t miss this unique opportunity that supports a great cause. We’ll see you in Houston!
She sells at the 2019
GeneTic eDGe XXiV SALe 7:00 pm March 2, 2019 Houston, TX
Mike Doguet ◆ 409.790.0345 | Timmy Lucherk ◆ 210.834.1247
ADVERTISERS INDEX 5K Cowbelle Brangus ............................................................. 43 Amrich Ranch ........................................................................ 43 Big D Ranch ............................................................................41 Blackwater Cattle Co. .......................................................... 7,42 Bobby and Bobbie Brangus ................................................... 43 Bovine Elite, LLC ...................................................................40 Brinks Brangus @ Westall Ranches ................................... 9,43 Burke Brangus Farm ............................................................. 42 Bushley Creek Cattle Co. ....................................................... 43 C&C Brangus........................................................................... 44 Carter Brangus ........................................................................41 Cavender Ranches ............................................. 13,15,26-27,44 Champions Valley Brangus.................................................... 44 Char-No Farm ........................................................................ 42 Chimney Rock Cattle Co. ........................................................41 Clark Cattle Services ..............................................................40 Clover Ranch ...........................................................................41 Cox Excalibur Brangus .......................................................... 44 Cross F Cattle.......................................................................... 44 Cross N Farms ....................................................................... 43 Diamond K Ranch ................................................................. 44 Doguet Diamond D Ranch ............................. IFC,27,44,49,BC Don Hall Brangus ...................................................................41 Don Thomas & Sons .............................................................. 43 Dotson, Wes............................................................................40 Double Creek Brangus Ranch ............................................... 44 Double W Ranch .................................................................... 43 Draggin M Ranch ....................................................................41 Drake Land & Cattle .............................................................. 44 DVAuction..............................................................................BC E3 Ranch, LLC ....................................................................... 44 Elgin Breeding Services, LLC ................................................ 40 Embruon Embryo Biopsy....................................................... 40 Far Niente Farms ....................................................................41 Farris Ranching Company ..................................................... 44 Galloway Brangus ...................................................................41 Garry Clem Brangus .............................................................. 44 Genesis Ranch ....................................................................... 45 GENETRUST .......................................................... 15,26-27,48 GKB Cattle ............................................................................. 45 Greenwood Cattle Co. ............................................................ 45 Greuel Family Brangus .......................................................... 42 Hardee Farms ........................................................................ 42 Hi Point Sales + Marketing ...........................................IFC,BC, HLSR All Breeds Sale............................................................. 37 Indian Hills Ranch ................................................................. 45 Jacksons Double J...................................................................41 JLS International ................................................................... 45 Johnston Brangus ...................................................................41 K & L Brangus ........................................................................ 45
K & R Broken Bar Ranch ....................................................... 43 L. G. Herndon, Jr. Farms, Inc. .............................................. 42 Lack-Morrison ....................................................................... 43 Lake Majestik...........................................................................41 Lambert, Doak........................................................................40 Lawman Ranch....................................................................... 43 Little Creek Farms.................................................................. 42 Marshall Farms............................................................. 26-27,41 Mid South Cattle Company.................................................... 43 Miller Brangus........................................................................ 44 MO Brangus............................................................................ 42 Mobley, Luke..........................................................................40 Mound Creek Ranch.....................................................20-21,45 MP Brangus............................................................................ 45 Oak Creek Farms.................................................................... 45 Oakley, Lakin..........................................................................40 OK Farms................................................................................ 45 Old Colita Ranch..................................................................... 45 Parker Brangus........................................................................41 Pennridge Ranch................................................................13,45 Perry Ranch............................................................................ 44 Peterson Brangus.................................................................... 43 Rafter 2 Ranch........................................................................ 45 Reagan, Terry.........................................................................40 Red Bud Farms....................................................................... 42 Rio Ranch............................................................................... 45 Roop Cattle Co........................................................................ 46 Salacoa Valley Farms.............................................................. 42 Santa Rosa Ranch................................................................ 3,46 SBBA........................................................................................41 Scamardo Brangus.................................................................. 46 Schmidt Farms....................................................................... 46 Spanish Ranch........................................................................ 42 Stone Corral Ranch................................................................ 46 Suhn Cattle Co ....................................................................... 42 T3 Brangus.............................................................................. 43 Tajo Ranch.............................................................................. 46 The Oaks Farms...................................................................... 42 Town Creek Farms...................................................................19 Trio Cattle & Genetics............................................................ 46 Triple Crown Ranch...........................................................4646 Triple JR Cattle Co................................................................. 50 TTT Brangus Farm..................................................................41 Tuna Rosa Ranch.................................................................... 46 Valley View Ranch.................................................................. 43 Vineyard Cattle Co.................................................................. 46 Vorel Farms............................................................................ 44 W.E.T. Farms.......................................................................... 42 Wynne Ranch......................................................................... 42 Zottarelli Ranches................................................................... 46
To place your ad in the Brangus Journal, contact Jessie England via phone (512-876-5441) or Melanie Fuller via phone (979-255-3343)
// JANUARY 2019
The sire directory presents the greatest opportunity to our members to promote qualified bulls to the world market! We will be producing, publishing and distributing the sire directory for members to showcase their CSS-qualified bulls and market semen both domestically and internationally. The directory will be mailed to all IBBA members, and additional copies will be distributed at the international shows in Houston, as well as at sales, field days, and other events. Forms can be found online at www.gobrangus.com. For more information you can also contact Jessie England at jengland@gobrangus.com or Melanie Fuller at mfuller@gobrangus.com. Submissions must be made prior to January 31, 2019.