Spring 2019 FRONTLINE Beef Producer

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Crockett & Navasota, Texas •936-624-2333 • info@srrbrangus.com

As the largest registered breeder of Brangus and Ultrablack Cattle in the United States, Santa Rosa Ranch welcomes our friends from around the world! We look forward to your visit and hope that you enjoy our famous hospitality during stock show season!

♦ Private Treaty Sales ♦ Bulls ♦ Replacement Females ♦ Semen and Embryo Sales ♦ Commercial Steers and Heifers


Kent Smith, General Manager (979) 540-8338 | kent@srrbrangus.com Gerald Sullivan, Owner Kelley Sullivan, Owner

Santa Rosa Ranch


Every Day is Sale Day at

FRONTLINE BEEF PRODUCER >> SPRING 2019 Brangus Publications Inc. Editor and Layout/Art Director Jessie England Administration/Circulation Justine Voss Contributing Authors Tommy Perkins, PhD., PAS Macee Prause Justin Matejka Jesse Fulton M.S. John Richeson, Ph.D. Robert Wells, Ph.D.

FRONTLINE Beef Producer is a product of:

Brangus Publications, Inc. P.O. Box 809, Adkins, TX 78101 Phone: (210) 696-8231 Fax: (210) 696-8718

Brangus Publications, Inc. Directors: Doyle Miller, Chairman Tommy Perkins, PhD., PAS, President Chris Heptinstall, Secretary/Treasurer Bill Davis, Director Eddy Roberts, Director

Advertising Jessie England Melanie Fuller Operations Emilio Silvas Kelsey Wages Marissa Murphy Macee Prause Information appearing in this issue may be reprinted only with written permission of Brangus Publications, Inc. LPC Livestock Publications Council - Member


EXECUTIVE CORNER................................................................................................................................6 GENETIC MERIT: ADDING TO YOUR HERD MANAGEMENT TOOLBELT................................... 8-12 COMMERCIAL BRANGUS CATTLE........................................................................................................18 AN OVERVIEW OF THE BEEF QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM..............................................20-23 EARLY PREGNANCY IN HEIFERS...................................................................................................28-30 CATTLE BEHAVIOR MONITORING GOES HIGH-TECH............................................................... 32-35 INTEGRITY BEEF ALLIANCE...........................................................................................................38-39 SERVICE DIRECTORY............................................................................................................................ 43 CALENDAR.............................................................................................................................................. 44 ADVERTISERS INDEX........................................................................................................................... 46

FALL 2017

NEVER MISS AN ISSUE! Visit page 43 to subscribe to FRONTLINE Beef Producer – your source for all things Brangus® cattle, and all they offer the commercial cattleman!

4 | SPRING 2019














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EXECUTIVE CORNER by IBBA Executive Vice President Tommy Perkins, Ph.D., PAS The rain continues to fall in many places around the US in states which are not necessarily accustomed to rain this time of year. This has led to some added expenses in all segments of the industry. Fortunately, it hasn’t been brutally cold in most of these wet places. It all began in the Spring of 2018. Most of you were unable to get into the hay fields to harvest a decent crop before the drought hit in July and August. Therefore, little hay was being harvested for future use. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop there as many of you were also hit with inopportune rainy times this fall and a fall army worm invasion. Rains came again and the wet conditions kept you out of the hay fields one more time. Finally, the temperatures began to decline and time ran short before you could get a quality crop in at all this fall. This has led to skyrocketing hay prices for the livestock segments around the cattle industry. I have had the opportunity to visit some feedlots throughout this rainy period. The wet conditions have certainly taken its toll on the people and the livestock. From the cowboys on horseback to the feed truck drivers to the doctoring crew, it has been a messy set of conditions which literally sucks the energy out of you daily. On that same note, the wet conditions have certainly made the cattle less efficient from a feed intake standpoint. The cattle have to push through this mud (sometimes belly deep) just to get to the feed bunk and water tank. I’m guessing you have tried to walk through six to eight inches of mud before and it was difficult to keep your boots on. Cattle experience this same “suction” effect on their hooves as they trek through mud. This adds more energy and nutrient requirements for the cattle. It also impairs their ability to reach daily gains necessary to minimize days on feed. Research has shown a 15 to 30 percent decrease in average daily gain in muddy conditions. It doesn’t stop there, either, because the beef carcass attributes are compromised at harvest in most cases. The added mud (tags) sticking to the hides impacts the yield of the cattle where they don’t reach the traditional plant average. Additionally, it impairs the cattle’s ability to reach their genetic potential for quality grade (marbling score) and/or yield grade (cutability). On a more positive note, breeders at the International Brangus® Breeders Association (IBBA) continue to supply DNA samples on young cattle for calculation of genomicenhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs) with its newest national cattle genetic evaluation. GE-EPDs have been generated for over 25,000 Brangus® and UltraBlack®

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animals in the database. This is very helpful to commercial bull buyers as they can buy young herd sires with more confidence since GE-EPDs are a more precise EPD that combines both performance records and genomic profiles. GE-EPDs increase the accuracy of each EPD which reduces risk in selecting younger breeding animals. The increase in accuracy for performance traits are equivalent to adding several (6-15) progeny records for the evaluation. In the case of hard-to-measure traits, the increase in accuracy is comparable to adding records from ten or more daughters in production. This can dramatically shorten generational intervals, allowing cattlemen to make faster genetic progress. I recommend commercial bull buyers to demand all seedstock suppliers provide them with DNA validated cattle that are backed with complete phenotypic data and GE-EPDs. The combination of DNA and performance data will yield the most accurate selection tool available in the industry. Lastly, I commend Brangus breeders for accepting the newly developed selection indices for improved selection potential for maternal traits. The maternal index has been needed for a long time to aid commercial buyers to further tune their selection valuable herd sires for future use in producing replacement heifers. For information about IBBA programs or other inquiries, please call (210) 696-8231 or visit www. GoBrangus.com. Stay connected to IBBA through Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube or receive news updates by joining our email list.


Tommy Perkins, PhD. is a graduate of West Texas A&M University, where he was recognized as a Graduate of Distinction by the Department of Agriculture in 2014. He also earned his doctoral degree in Animal Breeding from Texas Tech University. He served as a professor at Missouri State University and Texas State University for nearly twenty years, where his professional career is most noted for excellence in the field of beef cattle ultrasound. Perkins was elected to the Beef Improvement Federation’s Board of Directors and, also, serves as chairman for the End Product committee. Additionally, Perkins currently serves on the board of directors for the United States Livestock Genetics Export Association, Texas Beef Council, Beef Promotion and Research Council of Texas, and the National Pedigreed Livestock Council. He was recently elected Beef Breeds Council President. Currently, Perkins is the Executive Vice President of IBBA, Chief Executive Officer of Genetic Performance Solutions, and President of Brangus Publications, Inc.



Genetic Merit

Adding to your herd management toolbelt by IBBA Member Relations Coordinator & DNA Specialist Macee Prause Before we get started, it is important to understand that DNA is NOT just a tool for the seedstock producer. Identifying superior herd sires, selecting valuable replacement females and determining your herd’s genetic merit are all important strategies for any herd management operation. Each of these merits can be assisted with the use and implementation of DNA testing in your herd. Currently, advantages of DNA testing for commercial cow-calf ranchers to determine parentage of offspring is more cost effective than ever before. It may not be cost effective to test all offspring for most commercial producers, but in particular circumstances, it may pay to determine parentage. Why should parentage be determined in a commercial operation? Many abnormally high incidences of calving difficulty, birth weight and excitability can be inherited. Determining if these offspring share a common sire could alleviate these problems from your herd through future mating decisions. Additionally, sometimes birth dates can be ambiguous and overlap between the AI sire date and the cleanup bull date. Parentage testing can clarify which calves were AI sired. Furthermore, retaining ownership from high accuracy AI sires would assist producers in reaching genetic improvement goals faster. Doesn’t DNA testing cost more than it is worth? Determining parentage allows you as a producer to regulate which of your sires are heavily impacting your herd and which are not performing to meet your operation’s goals. A sire has two main qualities that are measured. One trait is his ability to impregnate cows. Knowing how many offspring each sire produces will assist in predicting his genetic potential. The second trait is a sire’s ability to produce genetically superior offspring. If you have a lower performance trait in your offspring, it would be beneficial to determine if they are from the same sire and therefore, have a lower genetic potential. Selecting against unfavorable scores for certain production traits can be done at a very young age with DNA testing, prior to the propagation of those genes in the herd. A study conducted by Van Eenennaam at UC Davis recently demonstrated the total gross revenue for premiums paid back to the producer at a commercial feedlot derived from all male offspring of each bull ranged from $4,881 to $55,889. This difference was due to the number of progeny produced by each sire as determined by DNA testing. In other words, sire prolificacy has an impact on net revenue in a commercial operation. In this research project, the discrepancy in number of calves sired by an individual bull may disproportionately affect profit.

8 | SPRING 2019

continue reading on page 10



How does DNA testing promote positive production traits? Not only can DNA testing assist commercial operations with higher selection for positive traits, but also selection against genetic defects in order to avoid genetic abnormalities. Most genetic defects are recessive, meaning that both parents have to carriers of the trait and pass on that recessive gene to their progeny. Only when a progeny has both recessive copies, one from each parent, can the offspring be affected and experience problems. Economically, the implication of genetic conditions may not be impactful on the herd as long as herd sires are tested free; however, it is another piece of information for producers to use. If I test for sire verification, that doesn’t help with my heifers? The cow-calf industry can benefit from the use of DNA testing as it can be used as a genetic predictor for maternal performance traits. Similar to EPDs, replacement commercial females can be evaluated for performance traits through genetic predictability. IBBA has a commercial replacement heifer product that tests for nine performance traits, sire verifies the pedigree and can include optional tests such as coat color and DD. Sometimes, choosing replacement heifers can be uncontrollable as there are numerous variables, but obtaining the genetic makeup allows for the analysis of performance traits. Now, you are able to evaluate your cattle at the genetic level instead of only the phenotypic level. This allows the producer to keep genetically superior females as replacements that would have been sold as feeders heifers or commercial bred cows. When should I obtain a DNA sample? Collecting and storing DNA samples for future testing has become an easier process. Producers can submit a variety of DNA samples for DNA testing, including: blood cards, tail hair samples, whole blood, tissue samples from ear notches and semen straws. DNA can be collected at the first semen check or other handling situation; your local veterinarian is in a key place to collect DNA samples during processing or breeding soundness exams. Collecting DNA from all herd sires is a good risk management practice. Obtaining the DNA from the very beginning allows future testing to be conducted even if the bull is sold or has died since siring calves. Without DNA from all potential sires, parentage may not be correctly identified, especially in circumstances in which the parents can be traced back to the same ancestor. continue reading on page 12

10 | SPRING 2018


FEBRUARY 18-19 40 Brangus & Ultrablack Bulls 10 Charolais Bulls

Bidding opens at 8AM the 18th with live auction closeout at 7PM the 19th This is a online only sale hosted on DVAuction.com. Bulls available for viewing at Cavender’s Neches River Ranch, Jacksonville, TX.

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continued from page 10

Most traits are genetically influenced whether they are desirable (i.e. coat color such as black) or The Southwest Brangus Breeders’ undesirable (i.e. Association will DDhost its developmental annual Best in the West BrangusIn Bull and Female Sale, Sat., duplication). previous years, Feb. 9, at Marana Stockyards, Marana, Ariz., elimination of entire genetic lines at 12 p.m. would have an Brangus approach to The eventbeen will feature and bulls,abnormalities plus Brangus female from removeUltrablack genetic consignments from breeders in California, a herd; now, producers can make Arizona and New Mexico. annual eventthat for will tailored Consignors selectiveto the decisions 2019 include: Lazy S Ranch Willcox LCC, retain the performance traitsSan they built Tucson, Ariz.; Parker Brangus, Simon, Ariz.; Carter Brangus, Thatcher, Ariz.; from The while removing genetic carriers Spanish Ranch, New Cuyama, Calif.; Texas the replacement herd. Today, you are Canyon Brangus, Dragoon, Ariz.; LackBrangus, Clovis, gene” N.M.; Skaarer able toMorrison manage a “bad rather Brangus, Willcox, Ariz.; Bald Mountain than have toSonora, remove from theRanch, herd. Ranch, Calif.;itTumbleweed Greeley Hill, Calif.; Scott,when Las Cruces, DNA tests only haveRyan value used N.M.; and Bald Mountain Brangus, in conjunction with other performance Sonoma, Calif. information and other phenotypic data. DNA testing should be used to accentuate your daily herd selection

choices, not used instead of knowing your herd. The most important concept to remember is genomic predictions can be utilized at any stage of production from conception to consumption. Breed association staff and university extension personnel play major roles in advising producers about genetics; your local veterinarian assists with making decisions about every other area in an operation’s animal health program and can be entrusted to help make decisions about genetics too. For more information regarding DNA parent verification, making DNA requests and the Igenity® Brangus® product, please contact Macee Prause in IBBA’s office at (210) 696-8231 or by email at mprause@gobrangus.com.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Macee Prause was raised in

La Grange, Texas. She received a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science in 2015 and a Master of Science in Science specializing in animal breeding and genetics in 2016, both from Texas A&M University. Her agricultural background comes from her growing up assisting with her family’s beef cattle production, processing and meat market. In college, she continued to develop and broaden her experiences in the industry through a multitude of organizations and agricultural activities. Macee is currently the member relations coordiantor & DNA specialist for the International Brangus Breeders Association, where she facilitates and manages DNA testing and results.

Brangus & Ultrablacks Bred to Perform Brangus anD ultraBlaCk Bulls anD Females availaBle now at the ranCh Private treaty anD also the southwest Brangus BreeDers’ Best in the West sale, sat., FeBruary 9, marana stoCkyarDs, in marana, arizona

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12 | SPRING 2019



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14 | SPRING 2018


16 | SPRING 2019



COMMERCIAL BRANGUS CATTLE by Cavender Ranches’ Operations Manager Justin Matejka We have seen a long list of the advantages of using the Brangus® breed in our commercial cattle herd and that list starts with marketability. When using proven Brangus bulls for multiple generations on our commercial herd, we have been able to establish a marketing edge because both male and females are valuable. We practice retained ownership of our steer calves all the way to the rail, getting added profit due to cattle grading 80 percent-plus choice and higher. On the female side, a high percentage of the heifers are replacement quality, which creates various marketing opportunities. We can improve our cow herd without the expense of purchasing outside females, and we have the flexibility to grow those heifers to breeding age, creating more value along the way while still having the flexibility to feed those heifers because we have seen first-hand how consistent they will grade on the rail. Disposition is another trait that we have seen add value as our customers are continually moving disposition up their selection criteria list. Brangus cattle are more docile than other Bos Indicus breeds, and this has become an inherent advantage. The value of a consistent black hide provides an additional benefit, when viewing Brangus compared to other Brahman-influenced breed. With 95 percent or more of our calf crop being black hided, our cattle qualify for Certified Angus Beef® (CAB) and a number of other gridbased programs while, also, commanding a premium on the replacement female side. The adaptability we have seen using Brangus cattle in our commercial herd cannot be overstated. Brangus cattle can thrive in nearly any environment with minimal maintenance. We have seen, compared to some other breeds that, Brangus can tolerate the hot, humid summers in East Texas and still wean big stout calves. They seem to be more resistant to insects (flies and mosquitoes) which saves on pest control and labor. We have been through droughts, having to purchase hay from other parts of the country and the Brangus cattle adapt quickly and we see very little difference in production. Living in East Texas, our winters are somewhat unpredictable and these Brangus cattle consistently beat our expectations. With all the advantages mentioned, consistency may be the most profit-centered we have witnessed in our commercial Brangus cattle. For the past decade we have consistently maintained a 90 percent-plus conception rate with the Brangus females and we consistently wean a 95 percent calf crop in big pastures with very little assistance. Brangus females have great mothering abilities with very little udder issues, and they last 14 to 15 years, time after time. 18 | SPRING 2019

If a cow can raise 12 calves in her lifetime that average 600 pounds, that’s 7,200 pounds of a highly marketable animal which is pretty remarkable. When the cattle market is not great we still see these Brangus calves bring a premium because of their consistency and predictability. In our operation we have customers as far north as northern Colorado and as far south as southern Florida and the Brangus cattle will adapt and produce big stout calves. We run predominantly Brangus cows and mate them to some really stout Brangus bulls. At the end of the day, it has been more profitable for us to use Brangus cattle in our operation than any other breed.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Justin Matejka was born and raised in Jacksonville,

TX. Very early on he knew animal husbandry was his calling. After working for a large local animal veterinarian in Jacksonville, in 1998, he started working at Neches River Ranch. When Joe Cavender bought Neches River Ranch he was appointed to the position of Operations Manager. In 14 short years, he has grown the ranch into a multi-faceted cattle operation with 2500 cow/calf pairs. Matejka defines himself as a family man, with 4 children, 3 bonus children, and his wife Tosha. He feels God has blessed him by giving him the opportunity to make his passion his job.


An Overview of the Beef Quality Assurance Program, funded by the Beef Checkoff By Jesse Fulton M.S., Associate Director of Producer Education; National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff With the beef industry continuously looking to improve everyday practices on the farm or ranch, it is important producers have the most up to date information and resources. This is where the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the beef checkoff, Producer Education team comes into play. The Producer Education team oversees two beef checkoff-funded programs, the Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program and the National Beef Quality Audit (NBQA) research project. So what are these programs and how can they help producers succeed?

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The beef checkoff-funded national Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program, started in 1991, has worked to improve and enhance the desirability of beef by educating producers on best management practices that improve beef quality and provide consumers with a safe, wholesome, and healthy beef supply. The nationally coordinated, state implemented program partners with BQA state coordinators across the country who organize and execute BQA training opportunities in their state. Since the program was initiated,

it has grown and reached hundreds of thousands of beef producers through education and certification programs. In the spring of 2017, the BQA program launched an all new, fully interactive, online learning system for cattle producers. The new online BQA training provides 24/7 access to the program through a series of videos and animation. While in-person training is still available through numerous sessions conducted by instate BQA coordinators throughout the country, online certification provides a chance for certification at any time. Three courses are available (cow/calf, stocker/backgrounder


and feedyard) to deliver a program that most closely aligns with the individual’s operation. These online modules are also available in Spanish. To date more than 50,000 cattle producers have been certified through the Beef Quality Assurance program’s new online learning system since it was first offered in February 2017. Throughout the country hundreds of thousands have now become BQAcertified through in-person and online training, with an estimated 80 percent of the U.S. fed beef supply now touched by BQA-certified operations. The Beef Quality Assurance Transportation (BQAT) program was launched in the fall of 2017. It provides on-line training modules to educate producers and transporters on handling and transporting cattle using BQA principles. Shipping can be one of the most stressful times in a calf’s life. Greater amounts of stress on cattle being shipped may increase the percentage of shrink loss of the animal. If producers and transporters use Best Management Practices (BMPs) and reduce shrink during transportation by one percent, this alone would

benefit the industry by more than $325 million. A past Beef Quality Assurance survey indicated that feeder calves traveling to Texas or Nebraska feedyards traveled 468 miles ± 415 miles. Furthermore, the 2016 National Beef Quality Audit and Market Cow and Bull Quality Audit found that the average load of fed cattle travel over 2.5 hours and more than 135 miles from the feedyard to the harvest facility, and market cows and bulls traveled over 9 hours and more than 395 miles from their origin to the harvest facility. These results also found that the amount of space we are providing these animals during transit are falling short of the recommendations. According to North American Meat Institute recommended animal handling guidelines, a 1,000 – 1,400-pound hornless animal should be provided 12 - 18 sq. ft. of space. According to both audit results, fed cattle were allowed on average 12.2 sq. ft. and market cows and bulls were allowed 12.4 sq. ft. The previous data provides insight on the long distances cattle travel which could have negative impacts on

cattle welfare and performance due to stress. The stress from shipping can have an impact on calves’ immunity and prolong the amount of time calves are off feed following shipping. With these disadvantageous effects related to stress, it is important that producers work to make the shipping process as stress free as possible. There are several pre-shipping suggestions that have been made as a result of previous research. These include: • Cattle are fed and watered within five hours prior to being loaded if the trip length is over 12 hours • Cattle being loaded for trips longer than four hours should be fed within 24 hours prior to loading • Cattle should be in good health and fit for transport • Cattle should be handled as little as possible and as gently as possible prior to transport • Cattle should receive a minimum of five hours of rest following 48 hours of transport With over 2,000 certifications already issued, the newly developed BQAT modules can help producers improve shipping methods and


has resulted in increasing numbers of documented BQA certifications (Figure 1). Figure 1.

Beef Quality Assurance Verified Active Certifications & Equivalents 2013 - 20181 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 -






As of 12/31/18

BQA Certification Pre-BQA 2.0 Online

1 In 2017, BQA formed partnerships with the National Milk Producers Federation national Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) program and the national Youth for the Quality Care of Animals and now recognize their certifications as BQA equivalent. This has bolstered BQA and BQA equivalent certifications within the cattle production industries.

BQA resources. Look for these new reduce stress on cattle during the interested than ever about how resources be available later in 2019. shipping period. These modules and and where their food is raised. As Consumer research and recent National Beef Quality Audits have shownto that resources provide checklists that a result, being BQA certified has NATIONAL BEEF QUALITY AUDIT transporters can work through to become increasingly important. Due Now that we have discussed the consumers are more interested ever about how andsome where importance their foodofisBQA, raised. As help make shipping cattle safe for tothan consumer driven demand, how do we check both personnel and cattle. They also packers have stated that they will ourselves to see if BQA is making a contain loading density suggestions source 90 – increasingly 100 percent of important. the fed a result, being BQA certified has become Due to consumer difference? How do we know we are for popular trailer layouts used in the cattle they harvest from BQA certified being progressive as an industry? The industry. Taking time to work through operations by January 1, 2019. answers are revealed in the previously driven demand, packers have stated some that they will source 90 – 100 percent of the the checklists prior to some transport can Furthermore, packers have mentioned beef checkoff-funded save costs and headaches after the also announced they will only receive National Beef Quality Audit (NBQA). cattle loaded. Beef Quality cattle from livestock haulersby thatJanuary are fed are cattle theyThe harvest from BQA certified operations 1, 2019.every Furthermore, Conducted five years since 1991, Assurance Transportation on-line BQAT certified beginning January 1, the NBQA is a comprehensive survey training modules can be found at 2020. Due to the demand for greater evaluates beef industry efforts to some packers have also announced theyfrom will transporters, only receive cattle that from livestock haulers www.BQA.org. BQA uptake more improve beef quality. It serves as a The combination of new training in-person BQAT training sessions are beef industry “scorecard” and tracks and new being offered by BQADue educators thatcertification are BQAT modules, certified beginning January 1,state 2020. to ®the demand BQA as it where wefor aregreater as an industry partnerships for expanded reach of thanks to a partnership with Cargill . relates to beef quality. Furthermore, the BQA program and the diligent Currently, the BQA program theareNBQA evaluate the uptake more isin-person BQAT training sessions beinghelps offered by efforts of from state transporters, BQA coordinators working with industry experts effectiveness of the BQA program and has resulted in increasing numbers to revise and update the national inform any changes or updates that ofstate documented BQA certifications manual. Following the manual BQA educators thanks to BQA a partnership with Cargill. need to be made to the educational (Figure 1). update, new producer friendly resources of the program. Results of Consumer research and recent resources will be created that will the most recent 2016 NBQA continue National Beef Quality Audits have allow cattle farmers and ranchers to to be disseminated through industry shown that consumers are more have quick access to commonly used

22 | SPRING 2019

AN OVERVIEW OF THE BEEF QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM >> EXPERT CONNECTION publications, an executive summary and presentations delivered at a variety of industry events. To date, the results of the 2016 NBQA have made over 10 million impressions through newspaper, magazine and online articles as well as radio and television In 2011 food safety was challenges ranked the top priority continues to be in true in the 2016 interviews. Table 1 shows the priorities of quality ranked since theand firstthat NBQA was conducted 1991. In 2011, food safety was ranked the top priority and that continues to be true in the 2016 results. Food safety is recognized as being key and a part of doing goodsafety business all sectors the beef results. Food is across recognized as of being keyindustry. and a part of doing good business


This article briefly covered beef checkoff programs the NCBA Producer Education team works on each day across allthe sectors of the funded beef industry. to ensure producers have industry leading information and resources. It is important not only to the producer, but to the industry as a whole, that cattle are humanely handled and transported, and welfare of the animal is always a priority. Several Conclusion resources are available for producers and transporters to review for more information on cattle welfare. Producers are encouraged to review the tools and resources, get certified in BQA and ensure they are following best management practices This article briefly covered the beef checkoff funded programs the NCBA Producer with cattle in their care. It is important that the education producers and transporters receive is current and up to date, but not all producers have the time or resources to leave their operation. This is why NCBA will continue to strive to make as Education teamavailable works on each to ensure industry leading much of the information and resources online as day possible. To learnproducers more abouthave the National BQA program and the National Beef Quality Audit visit BQA.org.

information and resources. It is important not only to the producer, but to the industry as a whole, that cattle are humanely handled and transported, and welfare of the animal is

YOUR CATTLE AREN’T always a priority. Several COMMON... resources are available for producers and transporters to


review for more information on cattle welfare. Producers are encouraged to review the tools and resources, get certified in BQA, and ensure they are following best management practices with cattle in their care. It is important that the education producers and transporters receive is current and up to date, but not all producers have the time or resources to leave their operation. This is why NCBA will continue to strive to make as much of the information and resources available online as possible. To learn more about the National BQA program and the National Beef Quality Audit visit BQA.org.

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This high selling featured sire sold to Marshall Farms, Grady, AL at the 2017 GT sale at Cavender’s.


Moderate BW plus growth and muscle with impeccable soundness and foot design.


Use Capital Gain to add shape and dimension without adding frame or sheath.


One of the most complete sons of Three D to sell to date.


Royally bred, his granddam is the mother of Final Cut.






















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Over 100 head of Registered Brinks Brangus® bulls available for sale. • Proven genetics. • Hard-working, tough animals built to work in any country. • Ready to turn out and go to work in your herd today.

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26 | SPRING 2019

Let’s Keep It Simple


may be the most Complete Bull in the Breed. Why look any further? He is a Carcass and Maternal Powerhouse His dam 541B37 and her three sisters averaged $9,000 in the 2018 Oaks Farm Sale. 541B37’s maternal sibs have totaled over $223,000 in revenue. 541B37’s dam 541Y61 sold to Draggin M for $25,000.

541B37’s 3 full brothers, the Earp Brothers, sold for a total of $44,000. Granddam 541Y61

Oaks Morgan Earp 541C4

SOLD for $25,000

A full brother to Complete’s dam

Introductory Semen Offer BUY 20 Get 5 FREE

Complete is the most powerful son of the popular and balanced trait bull Atlanta. His dam is the impressive and powerful 541B37 donor. Complete projects 8 EPD traits ranking in the breed’s top 25%; 5 of the most important traits are in top 5%. He is deep-bodied, squared-hipped, sound-structured and clean-lined. Complete has incredible EPD traits and an incredible future. A powerful genetic breeding package here...Semen priced at $50 per straw. Quantity discounts available for commercial comme breeders.

Semen Contact:

Jim and Lynda Fenton 305.934.1705 LeRoy Rooks, Manager 352.422.7764 P. O. Box 658 Floral City, FL 34436

Lowery Brangus Farm Chris & Maranda Lowery 386.288.8561 340 SE Regal Court Lake City, Florida 32025


Joe and Catherine Kassler Office: 770.583.4001 Joe: 404.402.8096 380 New River Ranch Grantville, GA 30220


Mark Cowan 903.495.4522

Trey Kirkpatrick 979.324.5518

Richard Hood 979.224.6150



Early Pregnancy in Heifers by Justin Rhinehart, Associate Professor & Extension Beef Cattle Specialist; UT Animal Science The main objective in developing replacement heifers is to have them reach puberty well before the first breeding season. Having gone through several estrous cycles improves their chances of becoming pregnant in the first 20 days of that breeding season – on the first day, if estrus synchronization and timed artificial insemination are used – and delivering a live calf in the first 30 days of their first calving season. In turn, they have more time to recover from calving and the nutritional demands of their first lactation while still growing as a 2-year-old and should rebreed earlier in the second breeding season as compared to heifers that calved later the first time. However, there can be some negative consequences that come from pursuing that objective and one example is heifers that breed before they are weaned. There are several management practices that can be employed to ensure that objective is reached for as many heifers as possible. They include providing adequate nutrition, selecting older and/or comparatively larger heifers for replacements and selecting based on genetic indicators of early puberty. Selecting replacement heifers based on genetics for early puberty leads to the point of this article –heifers can become pregnant too early. Scrotal circumference (SC) at yearling is often used as a selection criterion that relates to serving capacity – the number of cows/heifers the bull can breed in

a defined calving season, but it can also be used to select for early puberty. A larger SC at 12 months of age indicates that a bull is closer to achieving, or has achieved, sexual maturity. That trait is fairly heritable (i.e. it passes from one generation to the next relatively well) and the heifers that bull sires should also reach sexual maturity earlier than heifers sired by a bull with a smaller SC at yearling. So, using SC to evaluate a bull’s serving capacity also influences the age at puberty for the heifer calves he sires. Selecting for larger SC bulls and continuing to keep heifers that breed early has inevitably led to a shift toward earlier maturing heifers in most breeds. For producers that use heterosis as a management tool, that shift has likely been more dramatic and seen earlier. Those are all good things as they relate to managing reproduction in both first-calf and mature cows. In fact, many producers have successfully used early maturing genetics to reduce the cost of developing replacement heifers. But, as mentioned above, heifers attaining puberty and getting bred before they are weaned is a negative consequence of shifting to earlier sexual maturity over several generations. Pregnant feeder heifers are costly to manage and that added cost often negates any positive economic margin that might have existed when a heifer, or group of heifers, was purchased. Even if the pregnancy is detected early, the cost of treating them, decrease in continue reading on page 30

28 | SPRING 2019


EXPERT CONNECTION << continued from page 28

feed efficiency and decreased carcass quality dramatically decreases profitability. Feedlot operators indicate that the incidence of pregnant feedlot heifers has increased and that is reflected in how much they are willing to pay for feeder heifers. When feeder heifer pregnancies occur more frequently in a geographic region, it decreases the value of all the feeder heifers sold in that region unless they are marketed as guaranteed open. In fact, more feeder calf sales and marketing alliances have adopted the requirement for a prostaglandin injection as part of the heifer weaning protocol and loads of feeder heifers are marketed as available for pregnancy check. Retaining and developing heifers that became pregnant prior to weaning is also costly to cow/calf producers. The incidence of finding third-trimester pregnancies during timed artificial insemination seems to have increased in recent years. It is difficult to manage these heifers through calving, and they have a higher likelihood of calf and heifer mortality. Even if calving is successful, it creates a cow and calf that are no longer in synch with the calf crop and herd, respectively. Several approaches can be used to avoid added cost in replacement heifer development and decreased revenue for feeder heifers. Like every other cattle management issue, having a defined calving season makes it easier to avoid early pregnancy in heifers. Removing herd sires after a 45- or 60- day breeding season should avoid heifers from the current calf crop being bred by the mature bulls. Castrating commercial bull calves at birth, or relatively soon after birth, should eliminate heifers being bred by bull calves. But special care should be taken to ensure that the castration method used fully removes both testicles. Seedstock producers who market bulls will need to be more conscious about the possibility of bull calves breeding heifer calves prior to weaning. One possible solution is for producers that manage multiple breeding groups to sort cows into a separate group(s) depending on whether they have a bull or heifer calf at side. Since that is not a viable solution for producers with one breeding group, who are operating in extensive range conditions, or need to make breeding decisions based on the service sire, implementing pregnancy diagnosis and/or administering prostaglandin as part of the weaning protocol will help avoid issues with heifers being pregnant too early. Managing heifers that attain puberty earlier than they have in the past has made raising replacement heifers a bit easier and, in some cases, less expensive. However, with that genetic improvement, early pregnancy seems to be more of an issue than it has in the past. Feedlots, stocker operators and cow/calf producers can all be negatively impacted by heifers becoming pregnant before they are weaned. But steps can be taken in any of those production scenarios that will reduce the frequency back to a rare occurrence.

30 | SPRING 2019

OKLAHOMA BRANGUS ASSOCIATION NEW LOCATION MARCH 23, 2019 | MCALESTER, OK | NOON 45 Ult ra bl a ck a n d B ra n gus Bulls P LU S 35 Reg istered Bran g us Females A S el ect Set of Co mmercial Females

Su h n’s T e m p l at e x S F M is s A b ra h a m ’s 9 0 9Y 7

Vo r e l F i n a l E xa m x Vo r e l M s L a n d a u 3 6 1 A 17

Vo r e l On l i n eX Vo r e l M s N etwo r t h 14 3Y

Fo r m o r e i n fo r m ati o n or to r e q u e st a c ata lo g ,p le a s e cont a ct Sa le Vi c e P r e s i d e nt M i ke Vo r e l at vo r e lfa r m s @ g m a i l .com or 405- 8 2 6- 695 9 .

V i d e os ava i l a b l e at O k l a h o ma Bra n gus As s o c i at i o n w e bsi t e . htt p : //w w w. o k b ra n gus.o rg/



32 | SPRING 2018


Cattle Behavior Monitoring Goes High-Tech by John Richeson, Ph.D. Cattlemen and cattlewomen often hear the quote “if you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. As it pertains to beef production, truer words were never spoken. We record breeding and calving information, formulate and weigh feed to properly manage nutritional requirements, weigh our animals to understand their growth performance, and use a thermometer to refine treatment decisions. Animal behavior is another metric used to facilitate management decisions, but several challenges exist with traditional methods of behavior observation. Cattle are a prey animal, which encompass an evolutionarily driven set of behaviors to promote their survival against predation. This inherent instinct has made the traditional application of behavior monitoring in our modern production systems difficult, because cattle can change their behavior significantly in the presence of a human evaluator (i.e., predator) to disguise signs of

illness or weakness. Feed yard pen riders are closely familiar with this challenge, and consider this in their daily approach to identifying sick cattle. Traditional behavior monitoring is also extremely time consuming and complicated, particularly in large operations. Nevertheless, humans have been monitoring the behavior of cattle since man wisely decided to domesticate the species. Fast forward several thousand years. Today’s technology is allowing unprecedented insight into cattle behavior because accelerometers and global positioning systems continuously record it and advanced algorithms and computing power allow the large amount of data generated from these systems to be interpreted effectively in realtime. Advanced behavior monitoring systems that use this new technology allow us to better find “exceptions” in groups of cattle that may need medical treatment, calving assistance or


EXPERT CONNECTION << artificial insemination. For example, an exception could be flagged by a behavior monitoring system based on a decrease in activity from one day to the next in an individual animal or in relation to the average activity of its pen mates. Ailments such as lameness or bovine respiratory disease (BRD) are well known to decrease activity of affected cattle, but until recently, we did not have the capability to monitor behavior continuously in a large population. Onset of estrus is also known to cause an increase in activity and restlessness and the same technology could help us better identify when to apply timed-AI in our herds. Let us take a more detailed look at what these emerging behavior-monitoring systems are and how they might help us better manage our cattle operations moving forward.


Interestingly, the great Leonardo de Vinci first conceptualized accelerometers for use in military applications. You may be wearing one on your wrist to track your daily activity in the form of a Fitbit or Apple watch. Accelerometers can also detect the physical behavior of cattle and report specific actions such as step count, standing/lying duration, or overall activity in a user-defined time. In fact, some applications will allow producers to track other behaviors such as rumination or respiration rate based on characteristic movement during these specific activities. Physical activity documentation is achieved through 3-axis detection in an electronic package disguised as an ear-tag or anklet, allowing non-invasive and continuous behavior monitoring. Several cattle-specific accelerometer products are available commercially with many more in research and development.


Spatial behavior monitoring, or determining where an animal is located in a pen or pasture, is accomplished using ‘readers’ monitoring the desired coverage area in radio-wave or Wi-Fi communication with an electronic ear-tag (EID) affixed to individual cattle. Key locations such as a feed bunk or water tank can be mapped to indicate how often and how long each animal spends at these important locations. On large ranches, global positioning system (GPS) may be utilized to directly communicate with an orbiting satellite to track position, rather than using local readers in a more confined area such as a commercial feedyard. This strategy differs from physical behavior monitoring with an accelerometer, because only the location of animals is recorded. However, the user can determine overall

34 | SPRING 2019

movement of an animal in a spatial monitoring system. The spatial monitoring approach is perhaps the most insightful, but these systems are likely to require greater investment cost and commercial availability is limited at the current time.


Behavior monitoring research in beef cattle is beginning to emerge and results suggest utility with both behavior-monitoring systems previously described. A recent study (Pillen et al., 2016) explored animal behavior using accelerometer devices in relation to pen rider diagnosis of BRD in a commercial feed yard. The activity of cattle indicated by “motion index” generated from the accelerometers began to decrease in BRD-affected cattle five days before they were clinically identified as ill (Figure B). This suggests, that on average, the activity of sick cattle begins to change several days before additional disease signs develop and may afford opportunity to identify sick cattle earlier than traditional observation methods. With earlier BRD detection, we can improve treatment success, but earlier detection does not necessarily reduce the amount of overall morbidity. In the same study, interesting step count patterns were documented throughout the day (Figure A). Cattle are understandably more active (more steps) surrounding feed delivery and again immediately prior to dusk. The step count pattern was similar for BRD diagnosed (dotted line) and apparently healthy cattle (solid line), but the total number of steps were clearly reduced for BRD affected animals. Spatial behavior seemingly holds the same promise for early disease detection. Similar to reducing their physical behavior, sick cattle alter their eating behavior to include less frequent visits and less overall time spent at a feed bunk. Conversely, anecdotal observations suggest that sick cattle may spend considerably more time standing over or near a water tank than their healthy cohorts. Other applications may include improved estrus detection for timed-AI programs, assessment of severe heat stress that may require intervention, or understanding efficacy of various treatments in research settings. However, the bottom line is that these new behavior-monitoring systems must result in return on investment to be adopted in commercial applications. Cost benefit will be influenced by the cost of incorporating a particular behavior monitoring system and the associated economic savings from implementation. As they say, technology changes rapidly, so stay tuned.



John Richeson is currently an Associate Professor of Animal Science and faculty supervisor of the Research Feedlot at West Texas A&M University. He also teaches several undergraduate and graduate courses, serves on numerous University and graduate committees, and is an advisory board member for three industry organizations. Research interests include evaluating management, nutritional, and immunological manipulations to improve health and growth of stocker and feedlot cattle. Additional research efforts include evaluation of biomarker and behavior technology to assist in the prediction and early detection of bovine respiratory disease. Dr. Richeson received his BS, MS, and PhD in Animal

Science from Oklahoma State University (2000), Texas Tech University (2004), and University of Arkansas (2011), respectively. Between his educational pursuits, Richeson worked for a major cattle-feeding company in Colorado and managed the Arkansas Beef Improvement Program for the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service. He was recognized with the Emerging Scholar Award in 2011 given by the American Society of Animal Science Southern Section and received the 2015 Intellectual Contributions Award within the College of Agriculture, Science and Engineering at West Texas A&M University. John and his wife Ashleigh have a son Wyatt, and daughter Olivia, and reside in Canyon, Texas.


36 | SPRING 2019

Integrity Beef Alliance Best Management Practices that Improve Profit

by Noble Research Institute livestock consultant and Integrity Beef Alliance Executive Director Robert Wells, Ph.D.,

The Integrity Beef Alliance is a value-added calf program that utilizes high quality bull genetics coupled with best management practices for cow-calf management to produce a quality value-added commercial calf. The Alliance is in its 19th year of existence and has been refined over time. The program has received national recognition for its quality and the premiums the members’ calves have received through the years. However, price premiums are just a small part of the membership benefits. Alliance protocols are based on industry recognized best management practices (BMPs), designed to help deliver a highly desirable calf to the next segment of the industry and to assist the producer in keeping financial and production records. These records help the members identify areas of strengths and weakness on their operations. Integrity Beef requires bulls to be in the top 20 percent of the breed for weaning and yearling weight EPDs.


Many Alliance members have reported a large increase of calf weaning weights, many more than 75 pounds with similar aged calves, after making the switch to the quality bulls required by the Alliance. This information aligns with data collected by the Noble Research Institute consultants. According to the data from the 2008 USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS), the national average weaning weight for steers and heifers was 529 pounds. The average weaning weight for Integrity Beef Alliance cattle from 2009 through 2017 was 592 pounds; excluding 2011 when many of the producers early weaned their calves due to drought, as shown in Graph 1. This is a weaning weight increase of 63 pounds compared to the NAHMS data. For a 50-head herd, this would be a total weaning weight increase of 3,150 pounds, annually. During a five-year expected lifespan of a bull, the 50-head herd could anticipate in increase of 15,750 pounds of

additional weaning weight due to the high quality genetics. Furthermore, the quality of genetics bred into the calf ensures that it can take advantage of an aggressive preconditioning feeding program with lean gain. Graph 1 illustrates that the calves consistently perform on average more than 2.23 pounds per day of gain. Noble Research Institute agriculture economists and livestock consultants work together to optimize the cost of gain and monitor the value of gain to ensure the feeding program remains profitable each year. Couple this gain with a 60-day weaning program and the calves typically gain an additional 147 pounds by sale date. In addition to the higher sale weight, which averages about 739 pounds (excluding the drought year 2011), the 60-day preconditioning program moves the marketing date to a better time of the year. Rather than marketing calves when a large volume of cattle historically moves to market in the fall, the Alliance cattle are able to sell later when less cattle are offered for sale and there is a strong demand for value-added cattle. Graph 2 illustrates the relationship between the cost of gain, value of gain and net profit. Typically, cost of gain for members is about $0.75 per each additional pound of added gain for the calf during the preconditioning phase. Since 2009, the value of additional gain has averaged at $1.59 per pound of additional gain. This translates into a net profit for each additional pound of gain during the preconditioning phase of $0.84 per pound. At 2.23 pounds

average daily gain for a minimum of 60 additional days, the producers are making an additional net profit of at least $112.39 per head after all expenses are accounted for. Many of the members have started to wean longer to take further advantage of the genetics and the market signals from the feedyards to have longer weaned calves. Finally, the Alliance implements an excellent vaccination protocol that starts with the cow to ensure that immunity is conferred in the calf in utero and at birth through quality colostrum. The cows are required to receive an annual vaccination for viral respiratory complex and blackleg. The calves must receive two rounds of a modified-live viral vaccination for the viral respiratory complex, two rounds of a blackleg vaccine, one round of a shipping fever vaccination and be dewormed. Couple the genetics and increased sale weight with a feeding program that monitors and ensures the value of gain exceeds cost of gain with a top notch vaccination program, and the end result is a value-added program that is profitable for Alliance members and delivers the type of calf the next segment of the industry finds desirable and in demand. This equates to a program that is designed to keep its members profitable even when markets are soft and margins are thin for others. For more information email integritybeef@noble.org,call 580-224-6434 or contact any Noble Research Institute consultant.


40 | SPRING 2019


Selling Registered Brangus and Ultrablack Bulls and Females RANGE READY, HEAT AND DROUGHT TOLERANT





CONTACT: Clay Parsons 520-444-7650; Ed McClure 520-306-1574; Pam Dorian 805-245-0434; Bryce Carter 928-651-5120

y c a Leg Female The 2019 IJBBA

offered by: Doguet’s Diamond D Ranch

DDD League of Her Own 804F25


DDD Wallstreet 150C ◆ Sire

DDD Rockefeller 804B25 ◆ Maternal Brother

he IJBBA is excited to announce that the 2019 IJBBA Legacy Female will be offered by Doguet’s Diamond D Ranch of Poteet, Texas. Designed to help fund the IJBBA Legacy Leadership Conference, the IJBBA Board of Directors, and the National Junior Brangus Show as well as build upon the legacy of proven Brangus leaders that the IJBBA is known to produce, the IJBBA Legacy Female is key to the success of IJBBA. Combining the iconic 150 and 804 cow families, this female is truly in a LEAGUE OF HER OWN! However, she does not just combine the families – she packs a powerful pedigree of proven champion genetics – Wall Street, the 2016 Brangus Futurity Grand Champion Bull and son of the 2016-2017 IBBA Show Dam of the Year, and 804X41, dam of Rockefeller, the 2016-2017 IBBA Show Bull of the Year. DDD League of Her Own 804F25 has a pedigree stacked too full of accolades to list and will make a powerful addition to anyone’s show string and/or breeding program, but will undoubtedly find her way to someone’s donor pen where her LEGACY will be written in the Brangus breed! You are invited to participate in a group effort to purchase this female. For more information, please contact Tyler Dean (405)207-6921 or tylerwdean@gmail.com. All proceeds go to benefit the Brangus Juniors! Don’t miss this unique opportunity that supports a great cause. We’ll see you in Houston!

She sells at the 2019

GeneTic eDGe XXiV SALe 7:00 pm  March 2, 2019  Houston, TX

42 | SPRING 2018

Mike Doguet ◆ 409.790.0345 | Timmy Lucherk ◆ 210.834.1247



Col. Luke Mobley Auctioneer Livestock Marketing 205.270.0999 | www.LukeMobley.com

PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS OR OPERATION To learn more about the advertising opportunties offered by Brangus Publications, contact the IBBA today.

MELANIE FULLER: (979) 255-3343 JESSIE ENGLAND: (512) 876-5441

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Mail my subscription to: Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: ___________ Zip: _________ Country: _________________________ Detach form and send to: IBBA, P.O. Box 809, Adkins, TX 78101 Email: info@gobrangus.com | Fax: (210) 696-8718 43




7 7-9 8 8 9 11 11 13 14 14-15 16 16 18-19 23 23 23 27

Florida State Fair Open Brangus Show, Tampa, FL IBBA Annual Meeting & Convention, San Antonio, TX Florida State Fair Junior Brangus Show, Tampa, FL IBA Membership Meeting at IBBA Headquarters, San Antonio, TX Marana “Best of the West” Brangus Sale, Marana, AZ Open Brangus Show at San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, San Antonio, TX Dixie National Brangus Show, Jackson, MS San Antonio All Breeds Sale at San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, San Antonio, TX Martin-Bruni Cattle 5th Annual Spring Sale, San Saba, TX Junior Brangus Show at San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, San Antonio, TX Sorensen Sandy Creek Ranch: Bull & Replacement Heifer Sale, New Ulm, TX Yon Family Farms Spring Sale, Ridge Spring, SC GENETRUST Easy Access Online Video Auction 28th Annual Roswell Brangus Bull & Female Sale, Roswell, NM Hunt’s H+ Brangus Professional Cattlemen’s Bull Sale, Calhoun, GA Range Ready Bull Sale, Navasota, TX Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo All Breeds Commercial Sale, Houston, TX

MARCH 2019

1 2 2 7 16 23 23 26 28-31 30

Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo National Bull Show, Houston, TX Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo National Female Show, Houston, TX Genetic Edge Sale, Houston, TX Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Junior Brangus Heifer Show, Houston, TX Mound Creek Ranch’s Genetic and Genomics Sale, Leona, TX West Texas Brangus Breeders Association Spring Time Sale, Abilene, TX Oklahoma Brangus Breeders Association Sale, Mcalester, OK GENETRUST at Suhn Cattle Company, Eureka, KS IJBBA Legacy Leadership Conference, Stillwater, OK Super American Bull Sale, Bloomington, TX

APRIL 2019

5-6 13 13 13 20 27

Texas Brangus Breeders Association Annual Convention & Spring Sale, Salado, TX Cut Above Sale, Cullman, AL Doguet Diamond D Ranch Sale, Poteet, TX Jackson Double J Brangus Field Day & Private Treaty Kick-off, Gentry, AR Stockman’s Choice Elite Brangus Sale, Navasota, TX GENETRUST at Cavender’s Neches River Ranch, Jacksonville, TX


Ranching chose you. When it comes to running your cattle operation, you do things the right way. BQA is here to help with the training and certification to build your cattle business. Get after it at BQA.org.

Funded by the Beef Checkoff. 45



American Marketing Services ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19,27,36,37 Bovine Elite, LLC �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Brinks Brangus @ Westall Ranches �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 Cavender Ranches ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24,25 Clark Cattle Services ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Doguet Diamond D Ranch �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������IFC Dotson, Wes �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 DVAuction �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������IFC,11,19,37 Elgin Breeding Service ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Farris Ranching Company ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Fenco Farms ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27 Genetic Edge XXIV ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������37 GENETRUST ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 11,24,25 GKB Cattle ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 Hi Point Sales + Marketing �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������IFC,9 Igenity ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40 L. 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Herndon, Jr. Farms, Inc. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 Lambert, Doak ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Lack-Morrison �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30, Lowery Brangus Farm ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27 Marshall Farms ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24,25 Mid South Cattle Company ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 Mobley, Luke �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Mound Creek Ranch ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14-17 NCBA Beef Quality Assurance ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45 Oak Creek Farms ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������BC Oakley, Lakin �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Oklahoma Brangus Association ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 31 Pennington Seed ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 Pennridge Ranch ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Ramro LLC ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30 Range Ready Bull Sale ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36 Reagan, Terry ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 RJ Cattle Co. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30 Salacoa Valley Farms ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 Santa Rosa Ranch ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 ST Genetics ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������IBC Spanish Ranch ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 Southwest Brangus Breeders ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 The Oaks Farms �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27 Town Creek Farms ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41 Westway Feed Products ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29 BC: Back Cover, IBC: Inside Back Cover, IFC: Inside Front Cover

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