28 Prophetic & Apostolic Sermons of Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira

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28 Prophetic & Apostolic SSSermons of

Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira

The Walk of Life

In your walk of life, as early as a child, you start to receive choices. Every time you make a choice, you choose between good and evil. Afterwards, God creates the next situation whereby you can choose between good and evil. The more you choose for “evil/bad”, the more your mind will become "dis-functional/disturbed", the more you choose for “good/righteous”, the more peace you will have in your mind. The more “righteous/good” you choose, the more frequent the doors open, doors that lead to great opportunities. The more you choose the “evil/bad”, the more the doors that lead to great opportunities close. The priest of God, can teach people during their walk in life, because the priest has seen all “seasons”, God has taught the priest; What are all the life problem in the walk of life. Then person in the walk of life, comes to the priest, which is the teacher of God, and says: I´m walking in season #?, I do not know what choice to make. What will be the consequence of my choice? The local priest will tell you, if you go left, you end up there, if you go right, you end up there. The priest is a blessing of God, sent to help you advance in your walk of life. All of Life is about choices, God ordained your life, He makes the steps of a righteous person. This







written in the book of Psalms or Proverbs. I advise you to it to read it for yourself, then you can become a priest yourself.

Once you know what’s in the Word of God, you don't need the priest any-longer, because you have the Words of God in your mind. If you don't want to listen to the priest; read the word of God. Again, a choice, and the choice has a consequence: No desire to study? Then you have to listen to priest! If you don't want to listen to the priest of God, you have to be above correction and study! You see, all of life is about choices. And nobody is above making choices. When you only think about yourself, and “me, me, me”; You are person. If you only think about people, you are not person; you are a servant. What do you want to be? If you want to be in the center-point, you are going to serve... Because the Bible says that Jesus Christ said... You know what that means, you are supposed to listen now: Matthew 23:11 The greatest among you will be your servant. So










understand what God wants. God loves people, God wants people to walk the walk of life, God wants people to walk a nice life, God does not want people to control other people choices, God wants priests to give counsel: When you go left, that's the consequence, when you go right that´s the consequence. That is the work of a priest. Are you listening to me? Do not go to the priest to ask for forgiveness of sin, speak to God to ask forgiveness of sin. Go to the priest to understand the will of God, and if you do not trust the

priest; go to God and ask God protect the mind of the priest. To prevent that that the devil deceive not the priest, because priest is human and humans make mistakes. If you continually make the right choice, you will arrive in life of blessing, not just physical blessing, you will receive eye to see. If you have physical blessing and not eyes to see equals problem. If you have eyes to see and no physical blessing, also equals problem. You need both, how do you get that? Refuse evil, do not compromise Biblical value´s and choose to go left or right, depending on wherever the righteous go. Do not go into the dark alley with the thief and the liar, because the liar is sent to deceive you and when you are deceived you open the door to be lied to more, and at one point you are lied to so much that you are bound in the lie. And then you complain, why is life terrible? Then you blame God, but why you blame God, blame you own actions and choices! I am a witness, I made wrong choices and God forgave me through Jesus Christ. Call upon the name of Jesus Christ to experience the same thing. Romans 10:13 Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Afterwards I choose not the evil, I keep choosing the right thing and now I sit here, not by accident, or by coincidence, but by the will of God. I can see the road that God is laying out for me, Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.

and I see that every-time that GOD desires to bless me, that Satan the devil uses the part of creation that is under his authority, to try to stop me. But the devil doesn´t know that God uses every situation for a greater good. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. So the attacks of the devil expose to me the agenda of the devil, And when I see the agenda of the devil, I know what God is going to do, as I see what the devil is trying to stop. So at one point you don´t get angry no more, allright? When a man has the peace of God, and you see that God is with that man and God leads that man: Sit down and listen, humble yourself until you are ready. Matthew 23:12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. And when you ready, when God looks down upon you and say, accepted! That man or woman is ready! Then the door will open, it´s that simple! If the door does not open yet, all you can ask God is "Why door not open yet, what do I still have to learn, God?” If you don't want to wait, you say to God: Teach me quicker! Then you discipline yourself and study more, because then the door can open quicker. Do not complain, do not fight, do not stress, sit down like a king and wait until God thinks you’re ready.

Why God allows “Jezebel” to come against the Servant of God.

When God Is allowing “The Jezebel Spirit” to go rampage inside of your life experience as a servant of God, He allows it to expose to you “who are your hidden enemies”. Most of your enemies dare not to oppose you by themselves, they wait for a strong uprising and join it. The chosen vessel for the “Jezebel” spirit offensive against you is a “personification” of the “Rebellion” against your God given calling. “Jezebel”, the female opposition-leader, exposes the hearts of the people “who need you but do not want you and wait for you to be replaced”. Jezebel being let loose is a hidden blessing, exposing to you: Who will on the day that a serious opponent present itself to you, who will be on your side and who will jump on another ship to what appears to be for a short moment, the next leader. Also it can be to expose to the people what is the “Jezebel spirit”, so that those subject to it, can repent of participating in the will of that spirit, and grow to the next spiritual level (Deliverance). Also it can be, to test you to see if you bend under the Jezebel “regime”, or stand for what you know is the truth and trust Jesus to deliver you.

The Need of Recognition

Being a Christian is extremely difficult for ordinary citizens. Ordinary citizens, collectively, always desire to rise in social class. I was a Dutch Top 5 recording artist with a Golden Record. That experience has removed my desire to rise in social class. The higher I climb, the more problems tend to come on my path, so I had seasons where I even avoided climbing/performing. At the top, those from within tend to be the most dangerous. When I stepped into “Entrepreneur-ship” and “Authorship”, and eventually started to study “the religions of the world”, a spirit from God started telling me that God will not kill me but allow me to live until the day of judgment. I stood there and thought from all the things I experienced, this was the most intriguing life experience ever! I had to bend my knees to Jesus who died for my sins, which allowed me to receive a second chance. Now after all my extraordinary life experiences, God revealed to me that he gave me an “Aristocratic” spirit from birth. This is why I experience things that people, under the “Civil” spirit, do not experience. I had access to all these skills and God Himself speaks to me! I thought “Wow, now I am the real boss” Then God wanted me to tell all those people who saw me on the TV all the time about “Heaven and Hell and calling upon the name of Jesus Christ to get in touch with God, if you desire to know God and go to heaven”. So being a Christian with no desire to raise in social class I started Telling them: you are going to wake up in hell Fire! You guys have no idea what is awaiting you in hell!

The Dutch people hear a Top 5 recording artist speaking such things with a Hugh smile on his face. It’s true, everybody thinks you are one of those "nutty" Christians. When you read or hear about “new Christian converts”, how they always are mocked and scoffed by their social environment, they all have to endure it! Family rejection, social Rejection, ridicule, and other un-pleasurable emotional experiences. Not many have done that to me... Why? I am twenty classes above them! They see the old Patrick, and that “Aristocratic mind” already was above their “civil mind”, and suddenly they see the new Patrick, the Prophet, and later the Apostle, and they see the new Patrick´s character, it demands respect. An “Aristocratic Apostle”. The “Woerden” journalist wrote: "From super-star to God-nutcase." Do you think this brothers me? Why does it not bother me? He is 16 classes (or more...) beneath me! What can I care about the opinion of some ordinary civilian? What do these people think anyway? I know God! I´m not just any Civilized, refined and educated man, I know God! Entire nations have millions of inhabitants, inhabitants who go on pilgrim quests, to seek God every single day of their lives, destroying their future perspectives, just to hear one word from God and most of them NEVER get it! I hear God every single day! Going back to the ordinary civilians, who sadly are addicted to recognition... For them entering the blessed Christian Religion means giving up on their hope of a “decent position in society”, resulting into that they will never attain a true

feeling of importance in this life, which is the most basic need of every modern and civilized human of this age. For them, they are rejected from mostly their family and peers and struggle with that. They have not endured rejection of an entire civilized Nation! (the Netherlands). My Christian religion has done that for me. However do I care? My story is the grandest of the grandest. The greatest Christian leaders of this age cannot stand my presence! They are inflamed with jealousy at my only presence. Who can invoke such emotion at religious leaders? My testimony appears on radio and newspaper. The Judge fears to punish me after destroying a 5 meter tall idol. The "civil clergy" cannot even get sinners to be interested in featuring an evangelical story in the local school newspaper... The same school newspaper that is greatly honored that a man like me speaks to them and even addresses them with respect! That these "religious leaders" cannot do, as they seek this recognition! You cannot be serious talking to the school newspaper! These Kids! Once you rise to the top, you no longer desire to be recognized... Then you are free! Free from the bondage of social dynamics. Now, I do my utter best to change society itself. That it becomes a trend to become a Christian and a shame to be a sinner. This is the level that only the most excellent can ever even can fantasize about accomplishing. To me? There was

no limit in my mind without God (Aristocratic Spirit), and now with God there still is no limit (Aristocratic Apostle)! Will I ever accomplish it? The future will show you. However what I have accomplished, is being an example to the ordinary citizen. It is not a shame when the less intelligent think you are a "nutty" Christian. They deserve pity! They cannot see the Spirit of God that has Enlightened my being. They cannot see how nice it is to work on a 3 year goal without this problem that the attractive women want to seduce you and you being vulnerable to that because a man is still a man! The strength to not be distracted by the desire of the flesh gives a man the power to build on extraordinary projects. And then comes "civilian" to tell me "I walked again a stone, and then found God". From these kind of people the ordinary Newly Converted Christians want approval. These kind of people hold many legions of people gripped in fear to confess the God who walked among us and receive life eternal! Now I have Prophets to serve my house. And “Civil” Apostles and Prophets who serve not my house, fell because of their yea-lousy of my “Aristocratic” excellence, so badly that they started to do Satan´s work of persecuting me, only making me more Legendary! Which man can rile up every Hypocrite from the Christian Church? The non-religious civilians love it, they so not like these “hypocrites” who go on church to Sunday and live like the devil the rest of the week, they love it how I make that kind of “Christian” wild.

And then comes ordinary civilian again: what kind of drugs did you take man! I want to try that one! Hah! These people you fear? Rejection from those kind of people Keeps you away from Jesus? You rather go to hell then experience rejection from the blind and naked? God is the biggest boss and the King has noticed what I have done. I Will attain that level. The man who was able to flip the switch. The man who made it glorious and desire able and honorable to follow Jesus and to make sinners look blind, naked, free of wisdom and full of shame! What will be your legend? Will you sit there in fear? Or will you rise up and ask “The Light� from Jesus, and be the change for your community and your descendants. My enemies cannot defeat me with their minds or intellect, they must resort to primitive and barbaric means, and when they attempt to do this, the Lord Himself will defend His investment. My biggest enemy is my own mind, as committing sin leads to an opening of doors of troubles. May the power and wisdom of the Lord fall upon you, in Jesus name, amen

Dealing with Corrupt Clergy

Imagine. I become corrupt. And then God sends someone to me to tell me that I am corrupt, and then I start doing all kinds of evil to the person who is sent to me, while God speaking through Him to me. How blind must I become to actually try to destroy someone who is sent by the Holy Spirit. That level of blindness is legendary. Who would commit such a thing? However, sadly, I have seen many who have done this. There are people who function this way. Scary! If you call yourself a “man of God”, and you attempt to destroy a man sent to you by God, “God speaking to you through him” (The Most Important Person), then you are capable of destroying anything (As others are less important to the Man of God). If you destroy the man who God lives inside, claiming you serve God, then you are capable of anything, any form of evil, in exchange for power, the power that led the subjective person into the corruption, that led God to send a messenger person, with the purpose to get that person out of corruption, however that leads to loss of power. These people are even more evil then I could imagine. I call them “the Hypocrites” and I get a real rage at them I get wild at them, and then they always say "WHERE IS YOUR LOVE WHERE IS THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT". Thinking about what comes out of their mouths when I confront them with their evil behavior, shows that they do have fear. This is a Good thing, it limits their evil. As they fear I come back and to the same thing to them again. John the Baptist called them snakes. "Who told you to flee the wrath to come?" when they came to hear his preaching.

I understand it. What a kind! They are so

wicked and evil that they care not about the punishment of God that they know will come, they KNOW it will come as they KNOW God.

When the police arrests me for

disobeying their command to stop the preaching of the word of God while crusading through the Netherlands, those who have to take my Tallit and Prophet Rod before they put me into a jail-cel, take it away from me with great care. They know what they are holding in their hands, but they are bound to their work, so they do their work in fear. This is "healthy". What these so called "men of God" do to the Ministers of the Holy Spirit is beyond wicked, if you have people like that in your churches, and you people have it, flee! Pray that God kicks them out, those people will destroy your Church-house for a raise in power. They will kick the warning messengers out of the church WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT and INVITE THE WRATH OF GOD UPON THE CHURCH WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT. I have seen it over and over and over and over and over and over again. How do you identify a warning messenger of God: When the Spirit of God manifests Himself in a human. The spirit will automatically start to expose corruption. When the true Spirit of God does that, the “receiving party”, those the preaching/prophesying is pointed at, tends to express the following desire: The corrupt person desires to destroy the credibility of the vessel, or to destroy the vessel itself who the Spirit of God chose as carrier of “the Light” and the bringer of the Truth.

The more corrupt, the greater the

desire for destruction. "The Light" is typing through me.

Pastors cannot attempt to "kill" a prophet, as then the pastor´s credibility is destroyed, which is the aim of the Holy Spirit in the first place, making visible that a "servant of God" is corrupt. If a pastor kills someone, nobody will believe that he is a Christian! So "getting rid" of the "evidence", the Prophet, is not an option. So the credibility of the "evidence" needs to be destroyed. Thus saith the Lord: This is how you correctly identify the corruption in the house of God and true messenger that I sent. It goes hand in hand. The messenger is always sent to the corrupt one, and the corrupt one always tries to destroy the credibility of the messenger. Magnets! Corrupt people do not like righteous people. Also like magnets. Once you are "categorized" as righteous by God, instead of as "religious", then life becomes a truly interesting experience. The religiousness seems to be a cover-up to mask the corruption one knows to have as a human, one acknowledging that one is by oneself corrupt, and needs an external force to help one become "righteous". That is "religiousness". Once you become "Righteous" you come to the stage where you see, that "religiousness" is empty without the righteousness. I arrived there when I turned 28 and shot the picture attached in this publication.

Now I quit wearing my cross and star of David necklace as I judge it to be a form of religiousness. If you have a clean conscience, then you fear not, and need no association. Only people with corruption fear punishment or evil and need protection from it as only they endure continues troubles as result of their sins. The righteous need it not, they need not to cover their corruption with something like carrying a symbol, as they have no corruption, so they feel no desire wearing an “association” with a higher force. As they know you “reap what you sow”. Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. This should not be misidentified as “selfrighteousness”. This kind of "Righteousness" is given by God to a sinner who acknowledges he or she is wrong, and continue-sly follows the Holy Spirit without choosing for any corruption, even if the corruption that comes at you becomes almost too hard to handle, and you still follow the Holy Spirit, then you will arrive at the stage of life where I am speaking about. The reason why people do not like Jesus-only-wayinto-heaven, is because the “Religion” of Jesus demands that you turn "righteous". Other religions focus more upon “acting” and “ceremony”, Jesus demands you becoming "righteous". Jesus wants the “inside” to be changed, religion wants the “outside” to be changed. Wearing a Tallit or carrying a Prophet Rod, if your inside has not changed, nor is in the process of being changed by the Holy Spirit, then it all is in vain.

Why Jesus washed the disciples feet

Jesus started to wash the disciples feet, because it is the nature of man, to desire to become #1. And Jesus tried to show the men, that it is not becoming #1 what is important, but the life experience itself, trust, love and brother-ship. If everyone tries to become number one, everyone will compete and that will destroy each-others life quality. When everyone desires to serve one and another, for the sake of love, then everyone has access to a decent life experience. Jesus had no problem washing the feet of mere men, because He was so great, so great as if He was like a father to a bunch of his kids, washing their feet. It has nothing to do with being humble, He just cared for His own. John 13:1-17 Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end. And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him; Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God; He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded. Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet? Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter. Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with

me. Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all. For he knew who should betray him; therefore said he, Ye are not all clean. So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you? Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.

Psychiatrist vs. Pastoral Counselor









acknowledge them or not. God sees you as blessed or accursed. If you are accursed you are given over to the “Authorities of The World”, if you are blessed you are given over to the “Authority of The Ministers of God”. "Carnal masters vs Spiritual masters". If you defy your carnal master's demands as an accursed, God gives you over to "social officials" who receive power to take away your free will to conform your mind to "the thought of the general good" like “The Judge and jail”, “the Psychiatrist and the ward”. Once you are blessed, The Psychiatrist is exchanged by The Pastoral counselor. Once you are blessed by God you get the desires of your heart and then God frees you from the yoke of slavery. Psalm 20:4 May he grant your heart's desires and make all your plans succeed. The Psychiatrist is sent to “conform”, the Pastoral counselor is sent to “set free”. Both receive the power to "remove a subject´s free will", one by legal power, the other by God not allowing the heart to rest before the Pastoral counselor is taken serious. If a person departs from a normal “carnal” state of mind, the person is captured by a “spirit”. The Psychiatrist calls this a “condition”. Every "condition" is judged by a “carnal magistrate” with the purpose to return the subject back into social norm. "Don´t live for your desires, or live out your emotions, don´t follow The passions of the heart but return to “social norm” to function well in the "bee-hive"".

The Pastoral counselor does the exact opposite, because Jesus died, God gives a human freedom to do exactly that which a Psychiatrist attempts to stop: listen to your heart. When the blessed subject works for God, God rewards the subject with freedom to experience the own will, limited by the will of God and His commandments. Not a slave but a friend! The "condition" of being captured by a spirit can take two forms: Captured by The Holy Spirit leads to excellence, a caring nature, and the un-calculable actions lead to something constructive. In this case, creation helps the subject accomplish a constructive manifestation of a future for the subject, with the exception of being tested/tried by God. Captured by a demon leads to destructive, hateful and careless behavior. The demon binds the subject to commit sin and/or idolatry. And creation destroys the subject, slowly but steadily. When a subject is captured by a demonic "condition", God sends the subject to The Psychiatrist or The Pastoral counselor, depending on who He wants you to serve. Once the magistrate suspect the demonic “condition”, he forward the subject to the pastoral counselor for fasting and prayer. Mark 9:28-29 And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out?And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. Variable: God can give over a subject to a "condition", that appear “demonic”, to tempt "a Saint", and once a saint

passed the “trial”, the demonic force loses grip on the bound subject. Medication or Psychiatric treatment will not remove that “condition” which serves a purpose to God. Once God allows medicinal treatment to be given by a Psychiatrist it serves only to "numb" the “condition”. The only real solution to the “demonic condition” is removing the demon´s legal right to be in “the host”: Halting sin against God. That´s how a subject can avoid being used in a way that is used by God to tempt His saints.

Capturing a city for God

In every “Free” Western-European nation, there are 3 forces who “battle” for dominance in every city: 1. Christian Religious. 2. Secular Law Enforcement. 3. Satanic false religions and witchcraft. When the Minister, Messenger, Apostle, Prophet or Evangelist is assigned by God to: "Rid the city of un-Godly strongholds" or to “Rid the city of corrupt People in power” He has gained victory when none of the three described categories above challenges/opposes him. Everyone wins in this God-initiated battle for order. These 3 powers within the borders of a city keep eachother in balance. If the Christian Religious and Secular Law Enforcement sin against God, the 3rd category receives power to function as “Judgment” to the first two categories when they act too corruptly. The “Hypocritical” Christian religious are defeated, and feel the need to perform better to avoid further loss of face/name. The Law Enforcement agencies obtain real-life experience in maintaining order during "spiritual warfare", need to re-evaluate how to apply the law to the supernatural in Justice. And the Satanic false religious and witches learn that they have been lied to, as Satan promised them a lot of power and by the God-sent-minister they endure major defeat, which decreases the interest in pledging allegiance to Satan. And of-course the population loves to see the “corrupt” get a “tick on the finger” from the Minister of God. Everyone benefits from "One City under God"

God, only for the wise!

As long as you are naive about this world and it´s system, you will not desire to seek God. As long as you have ambitions, hope and selfconfidence that you will somehow “make it” in this world, you will always reject the knowledge of God. Because of the “accursed” state of the sinner, all attempts of “making it in this world” will fail eventually, the “naive” sinner will learn about this truth eventually, sooner or later, and when the naive sinner does receive “success”, it will always leave an empty feeling inside of the heart of the “successful sinner”, it will not ever be what the “naive but successful sinner” thought it would be. And when the plans of the “naive” fail, blame it not on the individuals who are sent to make you fail, or on those who destroyed your plans or mistreated you as, these are “higher principles” working out, a “higher plan” unfolding itself for a “higher purpose”: Destiny. Those who have experienced a great dosis of success, tend to understand, because of their success, what´s really important. Personally, after “trying it all”, I made true effort to seek God, after I learned that no success of this world can grant a human being true satisfaction in life, those who think it can are naive. Following the ways of this God-less world is a recipe for failure, guaranteed! And the sooner you figure this out, the better, as you then can shift focus on what´s really important: A relationship with God and the blessing of God. 1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

The greatest driving force within every human being is the force of “self-preservation”. Those who seek power, tend to seek it to ensure their “self-preservation”. It´s not interesting for the “successful” and/or “authoritative” to give up their success or authority for God, or worse, to humble themselves when they already have exactly what they want, and exchange it all for His will. It makes no sense to those. Authorities need not God until their Authority is stripped away, the successful need not God, until their success is stripped away. Once you have “Success” and/or “Authority”, God can put you to the test, testing your integrity, over and over again, and when you fail, you are stripped from your “success” and/or “Authority”. This is why God, rarely can be found, at “the end” of Authority and/or Success. Isaiah 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Those who have developed a success-formula for themselves, and/or their families and give it up for “righteousness-sake” are those who exchange their course of action from “self-preservation” to “righteousness”. Think about the family of Corrie Ten Boom , giving up a “watch-repair-shop” to save hundreds of Jews during World-War 2: Ensuring themselves persecution and poverty, just for the sake of doing what is “right”. Those who commit such self-less course of action, are of the highest civil order; bringing the force “selfpreservation” under subjection for the higher cause: God & Righteousness.

Ordinary people refuse to do what is “right”, because they fear material loss, pain, rejection of peers/society, loneliness... Or what about the fear of making a mistake? The “I´ll stay out of this” attitude, which is rooted out of a lack of vision, vision, which is a leadershipquality... When you have little to nothing, coming to Christ by experiencing the love of caring Christians appears to be easy, however when you have all the success of the world, and listen to your conscience, and risk that success to do what is right, that´s the difficult path that leads to great honor. Only if you are able to give up the desire for “selfpreservation”, then the Holy Spirit can take over the steering wheel, thus defining the course of your ship (your life).

The Objective Ranking of Womanhood for Men of High Esteem

“The Sweetheart” “Her Excellence, Lady Above Correction”. “The Lady of Character”

“Miss Spiritual”

“Miss Gifted”

“Miss Independent”

“The Candy-shop Girl”

“The Professional Dummy”

“A Man´s best friend”

“The Ho”

Observe what a woman does, or how she gets her core human need of feeling “wanted/desired” fulfilled and evaluate her by that. You can evaluate her value in observing how does this “need” of being “wanted/desirable” expresses itself in her life, high class or low class, careful or careless, and how does she hide it when you confront her with the fact that you understand that which drives her before she decides to get married. A woman won´t get married before this need is fulfilled completely. “The Sweetheart” (100%) The Civil/Aristocratic “Sweetheart” always listens to her heart, if her heart says no, she won´t commit it no matter what, she can´t be tempted with materialism or popularity.

Only a master of the heart can “keep her in

check” until she´s done “playing” around. The Sweetheart is a woman of “destiny”, the woman that is created by God to be yours. Once she´s “ready”, she will walk with you wherever you go. She´s unstoppable and ultra-bold in her choices, in expressing her will. When you as a man are still “playing” around, she´ll distance herself from you to protect her “open” heart. She´s not busy with what others do, She´s a “crown” upon a man´s head. She does not desire to be seen by “all men”, she dresses modestly, as she desires not to attract “the wrong kind of man”, and waits for “the one” to come and capture her heart, she won’t “give her heart away”, She´ll give hints, but be silent about the content of her heart most of the time Her motto:

“You are the master over my heart. If you are gone, I

will wither away in self-pity.” “Her Excellence, Lady Above Correction” (90%) The Aristocratic Lady above Correction has put out a fixed course for herself (life) and knows that “error” will make her life´s path until she arrives where she wants to be a longer road. She looks down upon all those below her in this “woman-hood” ranking system as “naive”, and is bothered by the “shame” they bring to “woman-hood”. She is a strong all-rounder. And in most cases, powerful and influential. She desire to be free of character-flaws. She´s looking for her “other half”, “Mister Above Correction”, as she knows if you have not such character, you will only bring her “trouble”. She´s a “maintainer” of a man´s honor and un-shakable. Her motto:

“If you find a way to tell me something I not already understand, I will submit myself to your higher ways, gladly, until I reach your level.” “The Lady of Character”(80%) The Civil/Aristocratic Lady of Character finds honor in the fact that she´s a virgin, or never speaks lies. She has “high values” and cares about her “honor” and “good name”. She´s desirable and valuable, however not above correction , she can give into temptation “on a weak day/moment” as she only inherited the wisdom, that makes her pursue a life of Character as a inheritance from the educational investments of her family.


creates the risk that one day she can start to desire to experience a season of “unbinding the chains” later in her

life when she´s “fulfilled all her duties” as a woman and done what “everyone told her to do, which honorable women do”. “The cage creates a desire to do the opposite, curiosity, she is not like Lady above correction.

This is

the lady with the “good background” and if she lacks something, God will help her maintain a respectable life quality to reward such Character. Her clothing is modest, as she also does not want to be seen by the “wrong kind of man”. Her motto:

I´m not perfect, but I will conduct myself with Honor to the best of my ability. “Miss Spiritual” (70%) The Civil/Aristocratic Miss Spiritual finds honor in the fact that she´s figured out she cannot “make it on her own” and that without “supernatural” help she´ll stay in her “broken” state in this life (the gift of selfreflection). She looks down upon all other women on this scale, even those ranked above her because she understands those “un-spiritual” cannot see how “empty” they really are without “help from above”. Most of “Miss Spirituals” understand not that also those ranked above them her are “instituted” by God in this “reality”, whether those ranked higher acknowledge the “creator” or not. In a man, “Miss Spiritual” seeks a “completion of herself, an extension to her”. In her eyes, entire creation is supposed to serve her, not the man. Miss Spiritual desires to be the wisest, rarest and most special, the chosen one by “invisible force(s)”, and desires to have many followers. She rarely desires to be led by a “normal non-spiritual man”, if she ever desires to follow a man in the first

place, she wants to get married to God himself and skip all those men, who keep judging her! And if she has figured out that she´s created to submit to a man by the “higher force” (scripture) that she worships, that man is “required” to have more followers then her, otherwise submitting to you will feel like “stepping down”, even if God personally tells her to step down for a man, it´s hard for her to do. She naturally desires to “lead a partner into higher ways” and to “complete him” and won´t feel satisfied when a man resists her doing that. A man of High Esteem will not desire a woman to “control” him. It directly goes against his nature. “Miss Spiritual” tends to have had many sexual partners in “immorality”. Men of High Esteem naturally disregard her for that. She desires to be “the priestess” and more then often it is not interesting for her to enter into “real priesthood” as then she must subordinate herself to the Christian Apostle or Christian Bishop. The Word of God gives her no permission to “rule inside of the House of God” or to “teach a man” or to “speak in church”. So “Miss Spiritual” is very easy to be tempted to enter into “false priesthood” where she can be “exactly what she desires to be”, a “spiritual” leader inside of a big building where all the wise people come to get the blessing of the Almighty. It rarely happens that “Miss Spiritual” identifies that the Almighty commands a woman to get married, with a “threat” of punishment if not” (Hebrews 13:4), she´ll find her “own” way and be distracted with the devil´s tricks until she figures out what the ladies that are ranked above her have figured out.

Her motto: Man! I won´t listen to a word you say until I identify that you completely understand “life” and prove that to me by the amount of your followers! “Miss Gifted” (60%) Miss Gifted is all about her “achievements”, she is more talented than the rest in her respective field. Whether it´s sports, design, looks, her talents open almost all the doors for her. She needs not to develop a character to make it, her talent on itself will make her desirable, Miss Gifted rarely has a conscience as it´s all about competition. She is looking for a man who performs even better then her. She avoids looking like “the simple”. Fame, Sports, Titles, Money, Design, in extremities is what will put you on her radar. Every expression of Excellence is interesting and attractive to her as it makes her feel more accomplished then other women. Her desire is to feel like she has “captured #1”, the best of his field. When she reaches the age where her talent no longer makes her attractive to the #1 players, the risk exists that she poses naked in a famous magazine to ensure that she won´t be lowered in social class and that the lifestyle she got used to can be continued. Her motto:

If I can outperform you, you are not interesting for me, I´m out of your league! “Miss Independent” (50%) When you see Miss Independent, you see a woman that most like is is dressed up dull and appears to be “unpopular”. She uses her mind to attract a partner. Her mind´s achievements make her feel desirable and

accepted to men who understand her enough to see her intelligence. She looks down upon “average men”, that´s why she dresses dull on purpose to not attract them. She desires to be regarded better as an “average girl”. She wants to prove to a man she needs him not, and likes not to be led. Only If you accept her the way she is she will accept you. She is very unattractive to “real men” who desire a “real woman”. Her motto:

I don´t need you to make it, my intellect will provide for me. “The Candy-shop Girl” (40%) The Candy-shop Girl is all about the marketing of her body. She triggers in a man the most primitive sexual desire to lure in whatever she desires from a man. She desires to trade her body for acceptation of a man and/ or materialistic gain from a man. She will make absolutely sure that all men can see how well toned her sexual organs are, and dresses up in such a way that you cannot miss how well her genes have made her body look. She is a “toy” for to aristocrat-man and a “prize” to the civil-man. She desires to be Miss Popular. For a woman, this road appears to be the “easiest” road. Her motto:

I make sure everything appears round and good, can´t you see how beautiful my breasts are? I need you to look at me! “The Professional Dummy” (30%) She is the sinner-woman that is completely innocent. The Professional Dummy plays dumb to lure in a naive man who always wanted to feel like the master over his house,

and the ruler of his family. She gives that kind of man the feeling that she´s a “Yes and Amen” kind of woman with no self-will. She acts like she is totally empty of character and is extremely submissive. Her greatest desire is to feel secure and that´s why she puts up such facade. She is the most obedient. And she will keep the facade as long as you can provide for her needs. Her motto:

I will make sure that I won’t give you any resistance, I´m completely harmless. Help me get what I need! “A Man´s best friend” (20%) She has such low self-esteem, that she gave up acting like a woman. She will like everything you like, in the hope you stay with her, she is the weakest. She has no “cards” to play, so she hopes to become just like you, and then the common-hood between you and her, will make you desire to stay with her. Once she receives selfconfidence, she will leave this category for the better. She desires not to feel alone. Her motto:

I´m just like you! “The Ho” (10%) The Ho has no strategy what so ever, no aim, nothing. Most men identify her not as she is not dressed up like a woman who uses her body to get men to do what she wants. She is hid like an average woman. She just wants to feel “good” and get along. She´s a survivor. “You give me something, I give you something”. She will give herself to the highest bidder. She will give you what you want, with no real limit as she cares not anyway. This kind of

woman will “pull the plug” to get the life-insurance on your life. Her motto:

What did you say you´re going to do for me? Civil class: Those who do not set the tone in society, but have a “sustaining” role within society. Aristocratic class: Those who set the tone for society, the rich, the famous, the wise, the high priesthood, the politicians, and other notables. God “connects the dots” for them, life goes “in a flow” to them. These are privileged before God. Quality Counsel for Women of Value. 1.

When a man talks you down to stop you from

growing he is trying to “control” you, This is “bad”. When a man talks you down because he feels that you are not ready for the next level and guides you there, then he is “leading”. This is “good”. 2.

If a man truly desires to be with you in marriage, he

will try to know “everything about you”, including if you are capable of destroying him. Before he can accept you he must test you if he can trust you. He will investigate if you are a “good investment”. This is “good”. If a man just wants to “use the services of your body” and desires not marry to you, his focus will go to how you make him feel. He is sense driven, pleasure seeking, he won’t really test you as it´s not necessary. Questions like can you cook or can you raise kids will never surface when he just wants to use the services of your body. This is “bad”. Quality Counsel for Men of Value.


Every woman has an emotional need to feel special

and a primal need to be a mother. If you fulfill her emotional need to feel special, she will focus on her primal need to be a mother. If you fail to fulfill her emotional need to be special, she can be tempted. The two most basic needs of women, the needs that involve the assistance of a man, can conflict with each-other, and which need is stronger can fluctuate with age. 2.

When you are doing what you are supposed to do, you

cannot be around your fiancé “all the time”. When you prepare yourself for your God-instituted duty, or office. And the woman who you desire to marry sleeps with another man, while she is waiting until you have accomplished what you needed to accomplish before you could “marry her”, is not worthy. A woman like this needs to feel loved all the time, even when you have to do “higher duty”, that means in a urgent situation you´ll always be afraid she´ll go with another man, that will influence your mind in a emergency situation.

When she goes with another man and waits until you have achieved your important duty she is not worthy. A woman who knows what you do is important as the fiancé of a man of High Esteem, will understand why she needs to wait and prepare herself for when you´re ready. That's worthy. The Gatherer Vs. The Experiencer. A real man who is not a “master over a woman´s heart” (yet), will fear that once the marriage contract is signed, that a process of dismantling of resources will start.

“OK, I caught him, now how can I act so badly that I make him divorce me, then I can remarry, saying in my heart I am innocent, as he left me. Then I can take the money and marry a man who I would have chosen by sexual selection who has not such money to provide for my other desires”. Women of “wealth”, “character”, “above correction” and the “sweetheart” do not do this, as they seek no “security” or “establishment”, they seek someone who makes them feel happy with life. They “experience” life. The woman who “experiences” life, once she “chose” a man to “give” herself to, she means it, as she needs nothing else then how you can make her feel. “The Gatherer” is capable of destroying a man´s inheritance or the future he build for himself by investing time into service to society to benefit herself or her children. The lower one goes on the bar of the objective ranking of womanhood of men of high esteem, the lower in class the expression of a woman´s “gathering” becomes. An example, in east-Germany, it is common that women attract a man, to obtain a child, to request child support from the government, and then want nothing to do with the man, it´s all about the child support and the independence and freedom of choices that governmental paycheck brings. A man becomes a tool to the “gatherer”. The “gatherer” tends to seek an easy income. It is better to become a real man, and to develop oneself excellent enough to become capable enough to make a woman who “experiences” fall in love with you, then to stay immature, average, sense-driven and give yourself to a “gatherer”.

Be careful with women who seek “security”, it´s a man´s instinct/desire to “protect the woman”, do the hard work and put the meat on the table and make her feel like you are a “master over a little castle”. This is even a God-instituted social role playing game in real life. However, real love and passion, unique life stories and experiences are not experienced this way. To experience that, a man needs to attract a “experiencer”. “The master over a little castle” character is too boring for her. Following “the system” is easy, making a new system is hard. Creating opportunities is more difficult then “taking every opportunity”. The “experiencer” woman, feels attraction towards those men who can create something out of nothing. Complaining as a lifestyle is a guarantee that the “experiencer” woman stays far away from you, as a “changer” does not complain as he trusts in God and/or in his own capability to change a situation for the better. A man who is High or stable inside of the system VS The Improver of the System. Improving the system is a whole other league that requires qualities like communication skills, wisdom, concentration, creativity, will power, risk-taking, organization skills. The Improver vs the stable sustainer. The Improver has no real predictable or calculable formula. The sustainer inside of the system goes for the predictable and secure road, He values a paper that ensures that he went through a series of lectures and gathered enough information to function well inside of the system.

Excitement, unpredictability and adventure are the main reasons why the “experiencer” women choose him above the “secure and boring stable man”. Identifying the “Chiefest” for Women of High Esteem. You as a woman, are unable to get the Chiefest away from his course. You are not a factor of importance in his decision making. The “If I don´t do this she´ll reject me” attitude is unknown to him as he has plenty of choice, he just needs to pray to God and plenty of favorable women are sent to him by God. He ignores the desire for company of a woman by strength of discipline and determination to achieve his goal, or God protects his mind to not be distracted. “The target man”. Women tend to prevent men from reaching this level to remain in a position of control over a man, once a man reaches this level, there is no control over him by a woman. Warning for Powerful men. If you are a man who has great influence and/or power. Taking the wife that belongs to a “simple man” can appear to be something done quite easily for the man of power. If you take a woman that is destined for that “simple man” and you belittle him while doing that, you force God to “flip the switch” to recompense him for how you took that man´s dignity away from him. This means that if you have committed such actions, that somewhere in your life´s experience that you will reencounter that man, raised by God above you, capable of taking your dignity away from you. Only if you are a man of pure destiny you won´t be affected by this in this life.

Why Men and Woman who are categorized “above correction” have no fear. Corrupt people can only manipulate you if you have fear, if you observe life to be a series of choices that are presented before you by God for Him to see what you choose, to define your role in His Kingdom, then evil has no grip on you, as you know that there is “only loss of value” when you “give in to fear”. When you know that the evil ruler has received permission of God, you know it´s a test of integrity for a raise, a higher service in God´s everlasting kingdom. “Above correction knows no fear”. A person who´s above correction observers how “rich” you are in the Kingdom of God instead of observing purely with the eyes in the “now”. I.

Working for God is a level higher than “doing good”.

II. Training those who work for God is a level higher than “working for God”. III. Making successful systems for the Kingdom of God, like Tv-Channels, Radio-stations, Schools and Institutions, Youtube-Channels, is a level higher than “Training those who work for God”. The Macho Man and the Blonde The man that modern women call “the asshole”, or “the macho-man”, is the male equivalent to what men call “the hot blonde with big boobs and big blue eyes”. Women with their partner, holding hands, will look at “macho-man” when he walks by, just as men with their partner in their hand will look at the “hot blonde” when she walks by. Both the “macho-man” as the “hot blonde” symbolize “high fertility”, they that tend to ignite a very primitive

reaction in “the others” who are not a “macho-man” or a “hot blonde”. The “macho-man” and the “hot blonde” tend to attract each-other as they both are each-others opposites in the spectrum of “types” that ignite the most primitive response in the opposite gender. Both the “macho-man” and the “hot blond” can make those of the opposite gender lose control over their own lives and give over the power to them, because of their attractiveness. The Hidden Love Language Be careful to not abuse this information for sexual “escapades”. Once a person passes by someone of the opposite gender, and that person has “desire”, (“not taken”, desire; a driving force to meet a partner when acceptable in own opinion), She will give “subtle” eye-contact. If she´s unavailable/ already taken, then she will avoid disrespecting her man by staring at other men. Once you give a woman acceptable, prolonged eyecontact back, she´ll try to “re-appear” before you, to let you know she´s available without looking like a “ho” to society, subtle... That´s the “go” signal. Men, stop looking at “all women”. Not all women are destined to marry with you. Most women are destined to marry to another man. Stop looking at the women that are destined to marry another man. How would you feel if all men look at your woman? It´s time to get civilized, O.K?

How to repair a “broken heart”. 1.

Admit that you are wrong. No excuses for why you

did it. You were wrong. 2.

Convince partner that you will never do it again.


Help partner see that you understand what you have

done wrong, communicate that you clearly understand what you have caused, with the aim to remove the fear that you will break partner´s heart again. 4.

Give partner extra love to compensate for the error.

Additional information to evaluate a mate objectively. 1.

If she acts like having “sexual innocence” instead of

openly explaining to you that she´s a sinner with a natural sex drive, then she´s not trying to get to know you on a soul to soul level but marketing herself to you with an agenda. This kind of woman cannot be trusted by the targeted audience. When a woman exceedingly talks the sexual immorality of other women down, that is a sign that she values sexual purity in a woman. Every woman is tempted sexually, if she acts like this is not true, she´s a liar. Whether she gives in to the temptation or not, defines what kind of opportunities will be presented to her by God. (After the seasons of temptation.) Low Character: I am sexually innocent. High Character: I am against using it immorally. 2.

Virgin is most suitable for a man of High Esteem,

however the great majority of women in Western-Europe have fallen into sexual immorality. If a woman had more than 3 sexual partners before she reached the “fulfillment of the need of being wanted/desired” then

she is not fit to be a marriage partner to the targeted audience as it is likely that God will turn her success into a season of Judgment of God quickly as the Word of God records that God Judges those who abuse the body sexually (Hebrews 13:4). 3.

Women play with men, unto using them as tools, as

they see that most men have no further interest in them then “the nice feeling that comes when they dump their load” or “how good he will look with her by his side”. The way men look at women superficially, gives the woman a rational justification in her mind for committing such evil. 4.

Women who dress up to ignite a impulse driven man

to look at them (like The Candy Shop Girl), as men´s eyes naturally draw to that they tend to see as most desirable, if a woman plays on that level, the “man of esteem” disregards her, as “playing on that level”. Only on weak days a man of “Esteem” can be lured into giving into his impulse driven nature. Once his strength returns to him, he will disregard women who play “that game” again like they are nothing. 5.

I. Women who dress up to be “seen” do this as they

want to avoid the pain of rejection of the group and are pleasure driven. She knows not what to do or to follow and is easy to manipulate as whoever is the most popular in the group, that´s who she will listen to. Love-life should be separated from social-life, women who cannot do this should be avoided for marriage by men of High Esteem. A woman who trades expression of sexuality in a social investment matter will shift their focus on whatever culture tells them to do to obtain acceptance. Some of the women of this category “give in” their sexuality to obtain the favor of the leader of the group,

to appear as Miss Popular. Women who dress to be Miss Popular do it because they fear to be rejected by “everyone”. A woman who overly seeks approval and acceptation from “the group” will always need a man around her to not feel like she´s “excluded”, “un-popular” or “undesired”, She always wants to appear like “she has it around her”. II. Men and Women who dress up to not want to be seen, appear boring to avoid trouble, critique or “hungry” men or “superficial women”. III. Men and Women who dress up to impose or by excellence, do this to execute dominance, control, power or ownership. They dress up to show territoriality. 6.

Women wear make-up and want to be seen by Mr.

Popular because they seek recognition. This drive for recognition will make women follow trends unto even allow their bodies to be misused for satanic body manipulation. A woman who seeks recognition can be abused by a “player of the heart”, be careful when a woman overly seeks recognition. 7.

Life is in seasons, with ups and downs, when a woman

acts like she is perfect and only knows “up” and does not go through seasons, she´s lying, and has an hidden agenda: A strategy to obtain a goal, seeing you as a tool. 8.

If you think that Rich girls can´t be ho´s as they

need nothing, don´t be deceived, they do it for “fun”. 9.

The best marriage advice, is to come to the

conclusion how difficult it is to find a proper mate, and ask God to protect you from all “wrong” mates, and ask God to prepare you for the “right” mate, and bring that mate into your life when you are ready.

The Religious Application of the Agenda

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word “agenda” in the following way: “A plan or goal that guides someone´s behavior that is often kept secret.” How the word “agenda” is used in society: What´s the first item on the “agenda”?

He wants to push his own “agenda” no matter what the others say. Synonyms for “agenda”: Program, calendar, schedule, timetable. To open your eyes to the importance of the “agenda”, I will sketch for you a situation that serves as example. Imagine you have read the entire Word of God. And you have figured out that the command of Jesus is to “confess him before men” and to “preach the Gospel into all the nations”. Let´s imagine you interpret those words in the following way: “Jesus wants to use me to save the city I live in.” That is an “Agenda-point” that´s already higher then what 99.9% of all people in the 21st century who confess that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior have on their agenda. Most people have on their agenda, a good income, a desirable partner, security, feeling good, staying out of trouble, and that´s it.! Imagine that you take the “Agenda-point” that you want to get the city you live in “saved”.

What will that take? 20.000 Flyers? And how can you address the entire population of the city? How will you make 20.000 people use their free will to take your flyer out of your hand? Or what about renting the local soccer stadium to fill them with people who

would like to hear your message? How would you pay for that? Or how would you get people interested in visiting such event? Most people think this superficially, they desire not to start “small”, they want to start “big” and feel attraction towards all those who are already “big”. In the hope that their Agenda-point will be met. It appears like mission impossible. However not with “an agenda”. Questions like: “Where do a lot of people go voluntarily?“ Can draw you to crowded places like downtown your city or at the central station where the people wait for public transportation. Certain days you will not feel like going outside in the rain to preach the Word of God to the crowd who is not waiting for you and without “the agenda” it is highly likely that you will stay at home on such days. When you follow your “feelings”, you are less likely to achieve a “target”, as outside influences will be able to get

you off-course. To become a success at anything that requires a lot of organization, you will need to understand how to use an agenda. For your convenience I will develop a “agendaroutine” for the aim “saving a city”.

Every day I write in my agenda that I will preach one hour downtown, one hour at the central station, and that I will distribute Gospel-tracts (printed) door by door in the mailboxes, one hour a day. If you execute that pattern daily, within months you will have achieved your target. Guaranteed!

This method is not to replace the Holy Spirit of God, but to help you achieve that which Jesus demands of you to achieve, as He wants to see a return in His investment in you.

Matthew 13:8 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. “The Religious Application of the Agenda� will give you the tools you need to go beyond the hundredfold easily. Matthew 25:14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. 15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. 16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. 17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. 18 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money. 19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. 20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. 21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. 22 He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them. 23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. 24 Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard

man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed: 25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine. 26 His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed: 27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. 28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents. 29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. 30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Even if you have just one “natural talent/gift”, you´re supposed to use it, and if you can´t find a way to use it, then you use it to help someone else who is able to use his or her talents, you are not supposed to sit down and do nothing because you are afraid. Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Jesus wants you to return His investment on you, even if you have but just one talent. You are not supposed to “hide” it because you are afraid that you might “mess it up”, it is better to “mess it up while trying so that you learn from mistakes and grow”, then do nothing. To develop your own “agenda”, you must first analyze your own desires and talents.

You have 8 blocks in the agenda a day. 8 hours that you can fill with a routine. 1.

Study to improve- information gathering.


Preaching or tract-distribution.




Networking among like-minded individuals.


Assisting a community of Spirit of God filled Jesus

followers. The agenda is the way to make your “own” success. If you desire to be the most successful preacher of your city, you will have the following aims: 1.

I must find a way to study the word of God entirely

in its right context to be able to answer all questions the people might ask me. 2.

I must live Holy Before God that He allows me to

represent Him in the city, my vessel needs to be pure and clean to be approved by God. 3.

I must preach frequently, in season and out of season.


I must develop, print and distribute a Gospel-tract

frequently. After writing your goals, you remove all that leads you away from these “goals”. All the voices and advice that draw you away from your agenda you politely say goodbye.

He wants to push his own “agenda” no matter what the others say. If you want to use the Agenda in a Religious way, then your target is: “How do I use my time, resources and talents, to spread the message that leads people to enter the Kingdom of God as effective as I possibly can.” If you are a great singer, or performer, you can offer your services freely, to someone who “successfully leads

people into the Kingdom of God”, as you both have the same “agenda” Instead of focusing on your own success or visibility, you focus on fulfilling your “agenda”, which is: “How do I use my time, resources and talents, to spread the message that leads people to enter the Kingdom of God as effective as I possibly can.” 2 Corinthians 9:6 But this I say, He who sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully. So blessed of the Lord, seek not the reward of the people! Seek to: “How do I use my time, resources and talents, to spread the message that leads people to enter the Kingdom of God as effective as I possibly can.” You can use your talents to create Facebook-groups, YouTube-channels, write books, or other products that will draw people to learn about the Message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You can use your resources to allow talented people to grow by opening up a building transforming it into a “house church”. You can advocate your political influence to get the Word of God back into the school-system. You can even make it your agenda to create unity in the church communities of your city and think about what would be necessary to accomplish that. If you are tired of being “powerless”, as most of you always know it better than the leadership, instead of telling other men who have built up their “empire” how to run their “empire”, why don´t you develop your own “empire”? You know it so well, why don´t you translate that into planning to create your own “empire”. If you claim

to be a leader better than the leader who has built an empire for himself.

Make your own empire instead of telling another how to run his. If you are not rich enough to buy your 2000 Dollar tent to start a “tent-revival”, you collect 50 dollars for 40 months and afterwards you are the chief of your own “tent-revival and then you can do it absolutely your “better” way. This is what “leaders” do. If you think that you are not intelligent enough to read the entire Word of God, then divide the 1500 pages into 365 days and read 4 pages of the Word of God every day (write it in your agenda: Read 4 pages of the Word of God), and ask God to help you interpret it correctly and discipline you to follow your agenda and what will stop you from starting your own “empire”. “Empire”, a parable for a “movement” that you have caused yourself with an agenda and the help of the Holy Spirit. If you have no aim in life, people´s opinions about you will have a heavy weight upon your self-image, however if you have a clear target and purpose in life, people´s opinions will matter less to you as you are going somewhere “better”.

Every day has 8 working-hours, 8 blocks, that you can fill. Don´t waste your time! Be creative, discipline yourself and create your own movement instead of trying to control other men´s movements and feeling insulted when they regard you not!

God´s Agenda

If you have studied the entire word of God, both the writings of the old covenant as the writings of the new covenant; known to western civilization as “The Old Testament*” and “The New Testament”. *You need to understand the writings of the old covenant in its right context to understand the world that Jesus was born into, to understand what Jesus had to deal with. You cannot understand the life of Jesus without knowing the religious circumstances Jesus was born into.

And have understood the content of the Word of God (66 books) in its right context; which is to understand the author´s original intent, how the author meant to convey his message instead of interpreting the scripture in such a way that it suits your personal agenda. Then this Graduation Paper is a tool for you that will confirm to you that you have “successfully interpreted the Word of God in its right context”. If the following conclusions matches with the conclusions you have drawn after being exposed to the “Word of God” and the “re-birth in Christ Jesus” experience, then you have graduated. -Translating souls into the Kingdom of God-

It's God's Agenda to enter your body, to dwell inside of your system (1 Corinthians 6:19) and after everything that offends Him is removed out of your life (Acts 3:19), then He will start a process of distributing His presence to others through you (Mark 16:15).

Becoming “Born-Again”, replacing a carnal nature for a spiritual nature by sovereign act of mercy and election God, Without going through this process, access will be denied to you - John 3:5-6

Agenda-point #1: He, The Spirit of God, desires to dwell inside of you continually, He does not want to observe you using your “system” (body) in sinful ways; committing sinful things or observing sinful things so that you expose Him to that, continually. He wants to dwell inside of your system without continually being offended by observing you being so carelessly in taking in “Satan's garbage” and defending it as if it´s “acceptable” and that “God should not be offended by it if He really loves you”. 1.

“Satan´s garbage”: Body manipulation (Tattoo´s, Piercings.), Make-up (Women using the method of “seduction” to attract a mate.), Self-destructive habits (Smoking, Drinking, Substance-abuse), Sexual Immorality (Homosexuality (M/M, F/F), Bisexuality, Oral Sex, Sex without the sacrament of marriage, pornography, masturbation, and observing/participating in anything that portrays sexuality as recreation instead of its original purpose which is reproduction). Idolatry (Praying and bowing down in an act of worship to statue´s or any other man other than Christ, Jesus, who is God-in-the-Flesh.) These are the things that “Fake-Converts” will defend with the following words: “it is not written in the Word of God, literally”, however anyone who has been in touch with the Holy Spirit of God knows that these

“habits of the flesh” are “characteristics” that do not befit an individual who is destined to rule for a thousand years at Christ´s return (Revelation 3:21). Jesus said that one must be reborn by the nature of the Spirit of God, with the warning that without being “born again” that you will not enter. The spirit of God does not lead people to what is categorized in this graduation paper as “Satan´s Garbage”, only the flesh can be “pleased” this way. The Spirit of God is not “pleased” by “Satan´s Garbage”. As long as you evaluate the desires of the flesh to be of more importance then the desires of the Spirit of God, you will hear “Access Denied” on the day of Judgment (Revelation 20:13-14), this is a matter of priorities: Who´s agenda you are executing, God´s agenda, or Satan´s agenda. The rest of the sins that God is offended by are written clearly defined by the word of God and need no further mention in this graduation paper. 2. Agenda-point #2: Once your system has matured and has been cleansed enough to be inhabited by the Spirit of the God of Israel, continually, then it is His agenda to do what has been successfully done to you to others, using you as an ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:20) of His Presence and Agenda: 1. Sanctification. 2. Distribution. Most inhabitants of this planet have fallen in such a defeated and fearful state that they can no longer execute nor understand these 2 simple "Agenda-Points" on God's Agenda after reading God's Word. They have become Heretics.

Christians are Wimpy by unknown Dutch preacher, Transcribed by Prophet Frank Krischick, Translated by Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira.

A while ago, an article was written by a Dutch Professor named “Dekker”, he wrote that he observed a centuries-long process whereby he saw that the Christians have lost their confidence. These Christians find their confidence through the things they can see with their physical eyes, and that's a bad development. This Professor Dekker has come to a conclusion that Christianity is, continually adapting to the things that go on in the world that surrounds them, instead of how it was in the past, where Christianity was completely intolerant on sin, in the time that Jesus was with us on this earth. No one comes to the father except through me (John 14:6) That's a pretty challenging statement. Jesus came against the protocols and organized religion of that time. In a likewise fashion, in the 20´s of the 21st century, people where intolerant to the teachings of evolution, and anti-conception use was avoided, the people didn´t try to play God and decide when and where they planned to have children. Extramarital sexuality was forbidden and a taboo in society and the act of homosexuality was an abhorrence, unheard of, a taboo highly rebuke-able! If you compare that age, with this age, it´s obvious to everyone with an objective eye, that society has gone through a radical shift. The so called "Christian" has adapted itself more to the traditions and teachings that are dominant in the culture surrounding them, then on Jesus His teachings from the Word of God.

Where can we still find this authenticity that Jesus showed us on this earth ? Where can we find this fundamentalism that thrived the Apostles to spread the news about the coming Kingdom of God around the entire world. Today you have those people who are attempting to unite teachings from the evolutionary theory to that which is written in the book of Genesis. Knowing that every word of evolution theory, contradicts everything written in scripture about creation. I don't want continue on this subject, because I’ll go on and on.... Christianity is slowly but surely becoming a worldly practice and you can hardly differ a Christians from a heathen these days. Faith has become something personal, and kept secret, not to bother others with. Maybe you have heard this one before! Faith is something personal and I’ll keep it for myself! I hear this one very often from people who believe in Jesus Christ for Salvation. But what if... Paul and Peter, John or any of the Apostles of Jesus in that time kept their faith for themselves like we do now? There wouldn´t be many believers! Would you have come across the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ if they kept their faith for themselves as we do now? I'm glad, exceedingly, that the Apostles didn't keep their faith for themselves and wrote down the words we now know as the new testament and spread it, even risking their lives because of this message they and the Messiah gave..

However, nowadays it all about ME. I am Saved, I believe it, and I keep this all for myself, I don't have to tell the people about it because it´ll only cause conflicts and the message could offend them. And I'm not willing to enter into conflicts with my those inside the community I live in, I want to maintain peace at all times. Christians are weakening, ladies and gentlemen. Christians have become wimpy. Christianity has transformed from a world changing phenomena into a social club were people comfort one and another. A social club were people stroke eachothers ego´s. It´s no longer a group of Christians that dare to exhort each-other firmly, that ignites the fire in eachothers hearts again. Not a group of men that dare to rebuke someone who has departed from the righteous path. People are nice to each-other, hug one and another, and tell each-other how much they love each-other and say: Yeah, all-right you might have sin in your life but I love you, you can´t help it, you´re human, so, yeah... You know that our relationship with God´s son will change everything that revolves around us. Not just us, but also our surroundings. It’s not supposed to be that we are changed by our surroundings as if we have a dependency upon our circumstances, we rely upon God! God is Bigger! God is bigger than everything you see around you. He is above all of that and God´s son is also highly exalted above all of creation (Matthew 28:18). We allow everything to influence us, except the Spirit of The Lord and the teachings of Jesus Himself.

Could it be that modern day Christians have turned into insecure beings? Are there still followers of Jesus that come out for their faith and state publicly who they serve and follow? Look at the Godless, they glorify in their godlessness! They organize humongous parades, love parades, gay parades and who else knows what more! But the children of God hide themselves, safely in the corner as frightened little mouses. While the Lion of Judah lives in their hearts! We are no frightened small mouses! The great “I am” lives inside us! Isn´t He bigger than those who are from this world? Why would we be scared for what man can do to us? Except the fact that they could kill us, but did you know that God can inflict greater damage in Hell? You know.. It should be the exact opposite! The world being afraid of Jesus! And you shouldn´t worry about the cares of this world as whosoever has been “reborn-in-Christ” is in him more than a victor, as Jesus already overcame the world. And whosoever wants to live for Jesus, all will be arranged for them by God, says the Word of God. As it is written, Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. People keep seeking, seeking, seeking, things that´ll make their lives feel fulfilled and worthy, and know not that everything a man could possibly want can be found

in Christ Jesus. And those who know this, have the responsibility to communicate this to the lost. In Jesus you will find satisfaction. In Jesus you will find Peace, love but also strength to gain victory over everything that can be gained victory over in a supernatural way. We have received the tools to build an indestructible house. We have received everything to construct it, but what do we do with it? Well, we create a nice looking flowerpot with it. We put in a seed in the flower-pot and we grow a flower! And we put this flower in our hair And then we just wait for the next thing that the lord will do Well...That seems to be the way we are... Beloved reader, if you are a Christian: Seek the kingdom of God and let that fire inside you kindle higher and higher until it's an all-consuming fire. That destroys everything impure on his path. Everything that is written in scripture is true. Believe it, act upon it and live by it. Especially the last: Live by it. A lifestyle with God is nothing less than adventurous, however many people think it is boring! It is not centered upon us but upon God, and through him, the evidence of your faith will become visible to your environment. If you want to a be a “contagious Christian�, as they call it these days, then focus your attention on

restoring your relationship with God and obeying His will. Follow Him, look at His example, receive what He wants to give you, walk in His ways and all other things will be given unto you. We don't have to think about appealing ways to reach the people and their needs who are tailored by their fleshly desires. Giving a appealing message or organizing an appealing event, or giving appealing gadgets or gifts, only to wrap the message of God into an appealing package. You know... You like the message or you don´t. The Gospel is foolishness to those who perish. But to those who are saved or are getting saved, it is the power of God. It’s about the type of man that you are! If you don't like the message, you also will not like the message if I wrap it in a nice package. So however I package it, won´t change the fact if you like God´s message or not. If you appreciate it or not, it´s entirely up to God! Perhaps now you might think, well... Shouldn´t a Christian be kind and tender? That says yes to everything and is always available? Read the bible once again, please! You have to understand that the Apostles of God knew what love was all about, their love is different than just being a nice guy. These men from the Bible who Jesus chose personally to surround himself with, where men with fire, men who were warriors and were willing to fight “the good fight” in the name of Jesus Christ. They were willing to pay a price, unto their own lives for the sharing of the gospel to the people.

If I love someone. If I feel love for someone. If I care for someone, I will not withhold myself while exhorting someone who´s is in need of correction. Neither would I withhold myself to tell the truth to that person I claim to love, if that person is walking in error. I won´t withhold myself because I´m afraid that they will hate me because they are allergic to criticism or because I´m afraid they will avoid contact me, when they do that, I at least have done what is right, to the best of my integrity. That´s what you do if you love someone. If you don´t love someone, you keep it all for yourself, you won´t bother yourself with it. But.. Euhm... You aren´t supposed to judge, right? If you observe something in a person, that isn´t from God, if you see someone act corruptly towards God, if you see someone live in sin on purpose, and I´m not talking about those who´d like to get out of sin, I´m not talking about those who trust upon God that He will take the sin out of their lives, those who combat the sin, and want to get rid of the sin in their lives. I´m specifically addressing those, who consciously and willfully commit sin with a clean conscience. That´s easy to observe. Then you´re supposed to address it. Look! That tree has green leafs! That´s not a condemnation! That´s a observation! It´s a fact! The tree has green leafs and you live in sin! A condemnation is, you live in sin and are unable to escape hellfire, that´s a final judgment. I´m not in the authority to do that. If you see sin, you convict the sinner.

For the purpose of getting the sinner out of the sin, to save the soul of the person that commits the sin. It is possible, that the person doesn´t even know it is sinning against God. Perhaps the person will think, oh no! I´m living in sin! How foolish of me! Help me! And then you pray with the person you just convicted and confronted with the truth. That´s what you do if you love someone. You don´t wait till that person walked off the cliff, you prevent it from happening, by telling the person, the cliff is coming, you are sinning! You are not condemning, as that is the complete opposite, if you say nothing, you allow that person to walk to its condemnation. If you have no love for someone, you don´t care when that person walks off the cliff. Then you walk and come across a person with a dislocated arm, and then you think, no... no... I won’t touch that dislocated arm! It might hurt! And I´m nice, I won´t hurt that person by putting the arm back into the proper position. No I won´t do that! However if you love that person, you take that arm and pull it back where it belongs, instantly! Yes, it hurts! The man´s screaming however the arm is fixed! You know... I´m happy that God is showing me heroes lately, instead of all those wimps, people that have the fire of God, people who turn off their carnal minds and just follow the Spirit of God and just radically tell the

people the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ´s Kingdom. Those who focus upon pleasing Jesus. Those who use everything they are, to please and serve Jesus. If I look at those kind of Christians, I observe that their entire lives have been transformed, and it turned upside down, in their favor. Those people transform to the character of God´s son. Signs and miracles are following them, as promised in the Word of God. And not like so many of this age, that follow the signs and the miracles that others perform, that hear that in America, Canada, Russia or somewhere in Europe can be found the signs and miracles, then they buy a plane-ticket and fly over to see what´s going on. The Word of God talks about the opposite, the signs and miracles are supposed to follow us, if my relationship with God is in order. If you see signs and miracles in the lives of people who turn into fundamentalists, fiery Christians that just follow the Spirit of God. It´s fantastic to witness and motivating to observe and it moves me, and awakens a fire inside of me when I see these people do their thing. People that are being transformed into mature Christians. Beloved Christians, we don´t have to be wimpy anylonger. Read your Word of God and get up, and discover what´s awaiting you, and I wish this for you all, in Jesus name, the fire of God, falls already for years, hundreds of years, over us human beings, the Spirit of God is given to believers in the book of Acts and the same can happen

for you. Let yourself be ignited by the Lord. Allow yourself to be pulled by the Father in Heaven, and don´t resist his pull, don´t resist God. If God says do it! Then do it! God is good and He desires the best for us and has all blessings from heaven waiting for us. For everyone who receives His son Jesus Christ. Beloved. Brothers and sisters, please, RAISE UP! AND WALK IN JESUS NAME!

4 warning signs of a toxic Church by Pastor Jack Wellman Granted Written Permission for Publication in name of Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira

1. Gossip Gossip is one of the most destructive things we do as a society. It slanders people’s names, it assassinates their character, and it is whispering behind other’s backs, however it should never be heard in any church at all. When you hear gossip, you know that you’re probably being gossiped about too. Gossip can split churches, ruin relationships, and bring down even the strongest of churches. 2. Tearing Down I remember reading about a huge church in Dallas, Texas that argued and debated over something and finally the church split in half. What was the issue? The division was over the color of the carpet in the entryway to the church. Imagine how grieved Jesus must be when Christians tear down one another over trivial matters. Jesus suffered, was beaten, tortured, and put to death…and some can’t even agree on the color of a carpet? When you see a church dividing and arguing over non-essentials, that church is too toxic to attend. 3. No Ministries When a church has zero ministries, this church is about to die. If you read Matthew 25:34-40, you can read what Jesus’ church should be doing. Many churches are only interested in staying within the four walls of the church, getting into “holy huddles,” and never ministering to the poor, visiting the sick and those in prison, and the widows and orphans, like those at a nursing home. If you want to simply be a pew potato, then you might like it, but a church that has no ministries is a church that is toxic and is getting ready to fade into oblivion. 4. Unbiblical Teaching

There seems to be a famine of the Word in many churches today. The focus is on pragmatism. In other words, if it works, it must be biblical, but this is not how churches are supposed to operate. There must be consistent biblical preaching and teaching or you’re simply in a different kind of social club. If preachers are not preaching straight out of the Word of God, then they’re no better than the many talk shows you see on TV and there are opinions that you can’t even hang your hat on. The Word of God cuts like a knife but it cuts in order to heal. Instead, some churches use a limp noodle approach, not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable, even though that’s what the Word of God is supposed to do (Hebrews 4:12). Conclusion A toxic church is one where members consistently gossip about others, where they argue over nonessentials, where there are no ministries involved, and when there is no biblical preaching. It’s like Amos the Prophet said, “Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord GOD, “when I will send a famine on the land— not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD” (Amos 8:11).

Sadly, that day has

come, but thankfully, not in all churches.

The immeasurable damage a controlling and protective woman inflicts to her Offspring

When you, as a man, are involved with a Wife/Fiancé/ or a loose-woman, who is overly attempting to control your course of actions as an adult man, which is the leader of his house (Genesis 2:18, 1 Timothy 2:12, Genesis 3:16), the same she will do to your offspring, she will never allow your offspring to grow into maturity, she won´t teach your offspring how to enter this dangerous and challenging world in a progressive fashion, step by step learning about the reality of overcoming challenges. The “controlling” and “protective” woman will forcefully arrange everything for what she believes are “her kids” and when you disagree with her, she'll attack you emotionally, verbally and even committing infidelity, how far she will go against your personal interests depends upon the character of the woman you are involved with. If you do not obey her command and disagree with her, she will desire to be around someone who does obey her command, indirectly training you to listen to her. Thus creating situations that will inflict such pain and stress upon your heart until all that´s left is the desire is to leave the marriage, if she is not too loose to just open her legs to anyone... Because most of today's women hate the word "Marriage", it's too complicated for them: obeying the order of a man, as God ordained it. It's easier to hang around these "boys". If she isn't that loose that she just give herself away without the sacrament of marriage, and actually gets married, and she is overly controlling, she will pass that on to what she believes to be "her" daughter.

Not "her husbands seed" or "the daughter which God gave to her husband" (Psalm 127:3, Job 5:25). It's all about her and she getting her will across, having everything under her control. This extreme desire for control, is rooted from a great insecurity that "LIFE MAY GO WRONG". A real man understand that "LIFE DOESN'T GO WRONG" as a real man understand that God is governor over the man's business (Proverbs 16:9), the man knows God is leading him to get a grown and full character, a real man has vision. That kind of man won't listen to a woman's possessive and controlling nature. If you give in to a woman's controlling and possessive nature and allow her to be equal to you, then you are not a man, you are a boy, no matter what your age is! A real man is ruler over his house. You are not equal to a woman, you rule her, or she rules you, when she accomplished to make you believe that you are equal to her, she already rules you. A woman like this, will ruin your offspring. Your offspring won't get the chance to learn to enter this world as mommy will protect them from everything, even from daddy who is so "authoritative". Men of High Esteem, stay away from “controlling” and “protective” women, once you give in to their command, you lost your status as ruler of the house, and may not complain that “everything” is going wrong, as nothing that the “controlling” and “protective” woman tends to do with her power, leads to long-term success.

The Man angry at God

Those who have never experienced a “hardened heart”, once they come across someone with a “hardened heart”, they tend to try to “prove the existence of God” to the ruler or the authority they observe to be “angry at God” or “willfully coming against the will of God” Exodus 9:12 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had spoken unto Moses. In their naive mindset they try to reason logically with someone who is “angry at God”, attempting to prove a stance to someone who is in an irrational state of being. Someone with a “hardened heart” feels like God does not care for him/her or his or her problems. He or she is angry at what God has done to him or her, or to that or someone which the hardened person loves. He or she with the “hardened heart” reasons the following way; why did God not prevent that? Why did God do that? Why did God allow that? Didn´t He care? Didn´t He foresee what that would do to me? Saying “God loves you” to a person with a “hardened heart” can sound ridiculous to the hardened recipient, resulting into a quite unexpected response to the observation of someone who has never experienced a “hardened heart” him or herself, the same effect happens when you trivialize what the person with the hardened heart is going through: “Oh, you´ll get over it, it's not such a big deal, there

are worst things that can happen, God will send you something new”.

Or any other type of counsel that makes the loss of the person who´s heart is hardened sound like it is easily replaceable. Such counsel will provoke the person who has a “hardened heart” to over-react easily. Once you counsel this way, be assured that the one with the “hardened heart” will release such anger upon you whereby you will understand quickly that whatever is lost to the person with the “hardened heart” is not replaceable. Those with a “hardened heart”, tend to seek account at the servants of God for what he or she has to endure. Psalm 105:15 Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. Saying that scripture to a person with a “hardened heart” is not likely going to “snap” that person out of his “state of hardness of heart”, as that approach is a “rational” approach. Also, this approach, is not likely to work, as the person with the “hardened heart” is seeking the servant of God out, because the servant is beloved at God, releasing his or her anger at the servant of God purposely. So, how do you deal with someone who´s angry at God in such a situation properly then? You focus on finding out the root of the cause that led to the “hardened heart”, and act like you will solve it, giving the person with the “hardened heart” the hope that you might be sent by God to help that person “get back” or “get over” what he or she has lost, that led to the “hardened state of heart”.

Give the person with the “hardened heart” the feeling that you understand the solution to fix the state of the heart. As having a “hardened heart” is not a pleasurable state of being. That´s how you can win that person over to maintaining a state of peace with you. Create hope and a vision of a way to fix the state of the heart, and make the hardened person believe that you are the only one who truly understands how to fix the condition of the heart, as that´s how you maximize the chance that the person who is angry at God will not hurt you, as a servant of God, to get back at God, seeking revenge at your address. When a person is under Divine Judgment, a season of punishment, like the Pharaoh of Egypt in the Biblical account of Moses, God purposely hardens the heart of a person under Divine Judgment to lead that person to commit foolish things that will lead that person into his or her own destruction. Avoid going to war with someone who has a “hardened heart”, as a brawl will benefit no-one. Don't challenge someone with a “hardened heart” if your own heart is not hardened, as the one with the “hardened heart” is capable of doing things you as someone who is not hardened is not capable of, avoid it at all costs unless you are absolutely sure that the person with the “hardened heart” is in a season of Divine Judgment. You don´t understand the irrational darkness inside of the heart of someone who is hardened if you never have experienced a “hardened heart” yourself, small careless mistakes can lead to big consequences and conflicts.

You must identify if someone with a “hardened heart” is hardened because of “loss and/or disappointment” or because of “Divine Judgment”, being led into destruction. People can lose their beloved ones, or be disappointed, while God still upholds them during a difficult season, while still being “hardened”. If the person you are dealing with, who is “hardened”, is under Divine Judgment, then God will protect you, because “destiny” is going to be used against that person, entire creation will be used by God, to come against that person. If the hardened state of being is because of loss or disappointment, help that person fix his or her heart, solve the person´s state of heart by showing interest, give the person the idea that you are the solution, or going to help to fix the heart of the person. It is your target to ignite hope inside the person with the “hardened heart”, and get that person out of the state of hopelessness, as that is the cause that leads to “behavior that is irresponsible”

When God is Angry at Men

If God loves you, he will always find a way to discipline you, because He wants you to prosper. Without disciplination, your character flaws will automatically lead you to do things which in the long term will destroy you; your marriage and eventually your life! Love is not giving you “everything you want”, but providing you “everything that's good for you”. Allowing a person to totally destroy him or herself by allowing that person to live in their favorite sinlifestyle, depending on the type of the person, is not “God´s love”, it's “God giving you over to your own

destruction”, You want to live wicked? Well let´s see how far you will get! This is actually what most people believe God's love is, a ticket to limitless-unrighteousness, God being a fairy who gives them everything they desire, not a righteous judge who judges among the affairs of men, who loves all men, and righteousness between them, sustaining the “unit”; the entire society. People think God is a “ego-strengthener, a being that affirms people their own personal sense of greatness, which they by birth already obtained because they are so ultra-special”, it´s hard for people to understand that God can love someone else too! If one is bad to another, God can execute Judgment in Anger! The anger of God is something which is hard to comprehend for most seekers of the full understanding of the nature of the Almighty. Before you can understand the anger of God, you must understand what Love is.

If you are a man, imagine that you truly love a woman. And in your marriage, she listens to everyone except to you. You do a good attempt to educate her, however she will not listen, but she will listen to the education of the men she is committing adultery with. That´s how God feels when His people turn to fake Gods, Idols, and commit all kinds of abominations like homosexuality, sexual immorality, and such. Imagine that your wife, would only listen to Satan, whatever Satan says, she does! If you really love your wife, every time she listen to Satan, or your enemies, wouldn't that utterly anger you! To such a degree whereby you understand the Wrath of

God. Genesis 1:27 God created mankind in his own image. Yes, God is a person, a being, we are made in His image so we can experience His feelings. If people refuse to use their free will to do what is right, then God initiate a “disciplination”, to prevent a continuation in hurting God´s heart and feelings, however that can be defined, as no-where in the Word of God is it written that God has a heart. All I'm trying to say, God is pleased and un-pleased with things and has a whole realm of expression of feelings, that in the human world comes from the heart. So He sees you utterly destroy yourself, refusing to use your free will to do what is right, time after time, non-stop, you are proud and there is no repentance in your heart. Once you are in that state of being, the Wrath of God starts to become kindled against you and those like you,

whom God loves, then God sends a ruler to train His people and break their pride. As wouldn´t you do that, when your wife would continually disrespect you and cheat on you and obey your enemies. In the book of Jeremiah, is written that God was so angry at ancient Israel, that He send Nebuchadnezzar, to take away their sovereignty and their disciplination was forced upon them. This was the will of God. The Wrath of God, led to disciplination, and disciplination led to prosperity, however, with a broken pride. That awaits everyone, that is beloved by God but does not want to discipline him or herself, that person will sooner or later, be led into something, whereby the freedom that made it possible to “live wicked” be restraint.

What are you pursuing?

All human beings are pursuing something, what are you pursuing? Most characters, most human beings pursue: 1.







Fame/ Acceptation of peers Every single one of you, is pursuing something, and

what you are pursuing, defines your character. A small group of people pursue Power, so they go to the gym and exercise, and study books, with no other purpose then to get Power, to dominate-control their fellow man. An even smaller group of people pursue God, so the things that motivate those who are pursuing the things below God, do not motivate the one who pursues God. If you are an intelligent human being, and you know that “loose women” look for attention and money, all you have to do is get the money, and the women will come, alright?

Because they pursue stability, financially.

That´s the danger of being with a “loose woman”, however as most men pursue nothing else then fleshly lusts, it doesn´t matter to them that “loose women” work that way, when they trade money for sex. You think it isn´t hoish, they say it isn´t prostitution, but yes it is! It´s only well hidden, you do it low-key, and nobody is seeing it, as most pursue not wisdom. Everyone is pursuing something, People pursue God to obtain a relationship with God. People pursue God to obtain understanding of life. People pursue God to obtain a blessed life. People pursue God to obtain power-control.

People pursue wisdom to obtain success-life satisfaction. People pursue wisdom to obtain fame-social acceptation. People pursue wisdom to obtain power-control. People pursue a Partner for Marriage. People pursue Money, to obtain fame-social acceptation. People pursue Money, to obtain power-control. People pursue Money, to obtain pleasure/security People pursue Partner for pleasure. People pursue pleasure (Drugs, Alcohol, Sex). If you attempt to bribe someone who´s pursuing God, you´ll get into trouble, however if you try to bribe someone who´s pursuing power, he will take your bribe. The question is: What are you pursuing? As there is always someone smarter then you, that will use what you are pursuing, against you! This








character. And if you pray to Jesus Christ, he can give it to you.

So you think you can be loose?

Before I start counseling you as a woman on maximizing your marriage value, I want to present to you the counsel written by a woman of wisdom to give you a woman´s perspective on this matter:

1. Sex doesn't keep a man, if you like, turn 360% on bed, he will still dump you. Bleach until you become white, if he doesn't notice the qualities of a wife in you, he will leave you. 2. A man who wins your love with cash may not stay forever. Real men don't settle down with fake women who love money. 3. The beauty of a woman can take her to a Palace but her character will determine how long she stays in the palace. Beauty attracts men but character keep them. 4. Material things definitely has its merits but it cannot alone provide the riches of a truly meaningful life. 5. Being sexy without a character will not get you a husband, you will only get a boyfriend. 6. Sex can bring pleasure but it can never bring love, sex is a product of love, love is not a product of sex. 7. Sex can make a man stay with you overnight but love will make him stay for a lifetime. 8. There are some things that money just can't buy like manners, moral and integrity. 9. How you dress will definitely determine how men will address you. WHAT A HUSBAND NEEDS FROM A WIFE IS NEVER SEX. When you look at how aggressive men are towards sex you may think that what a man needs from a woman is sex. Of course, if he has not married you yet or he does not really intend to marry you what he will need from you is nothing above your body. But if he really intends

to marry you or if you guys are already married sex is never what he needs from you - maybe let me say it better; "WHAT A MAN NEEDS MOST FROM A WOMAN IS NOT SEX." Many young girls think because they are sexually active and experienced they will easily be married and have their husbands loving them. And when a man approaches for marriage they think the greatest asset they have to show the man is sex. Others also think once they are giving out their bodies it means they are giving out the best for which reason they will be chosen above all. There is this young girl who is very beautiful and sexually active. Due to that she thought sex is all that matters to a man. Ironically, she struggled for long before finally getting married. Her sexual dexterity could not win her the heart of a man until out of the blue and reason beyond imagination a very handsome good man married her. The wedding was grand and her tears were now gone. Unfortunately only a year after the wedding the marriage fell on rocks. Within five years three different men came her way but none could stay. The problem was simple. She thought sex was all that matters so she would never submit. But submission is what men need, not sex. It is time for our young ladies to know that when a man is ready to marry he will not look out for a woman who will satisfy his sex drive but a woman who will submit herself to him. Excuse my language, "every woman has vagina but not every woman has humility." So when you are a humble woman, you are an expensive jewelry. And a man of integrity will fear to lose you. What does the Word of God say, "wife, submit to your husband. - Ephesians 5:22" The reason is that a man's true

love goes out only for a woman who is submissive. Your beauty cannot make another woman ugly but your humility can let him love you above all other women. Sadly, many young ladies in our days call submission as "control." And you will hear them saying in tiny romantic voices, "As for me I don't want any man to control me oh." If you don't want to submit don't think of marriage because no man in his right sense will offer his love to a woman whose heart is higher than his height, no matter how short he may be. When a woman bows her knee before a man, the man will automatically bow his heart before her love. And love her sincerely. There are, of course, recalcitrant men who will not value women of humility but I tell you that every true man does not need sex, but submission. It is submission that truly makes you a romantic wife. So be the queen you want to be but when it comes to dealing with your husband, play the role of a humble maid. Don't forget that it is the spirit of humility that has caused many maids to hijack their mistresses' husbands. Be your man's queen and be his maid also. Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: But whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. After this interlude given by a woman of wisdom, I, Apostle-Prophet Patrick, want to continue on counseling you on maximizing your marriage value as a young lady or a woman. Few of today´s women know that once they commit sexual intercourse outside the sacrament of marriage (biblically known as “fornicationâ€?), which is defined as

“loose” in this sermon, that God will put a curse upon her. Even the most intelligent and integer women, as the one who performed the interlude of this sermon, refuse to convict the women on the fact that they are “loose”, refusing the convict the women that they are committing transgression against God by massively participating in acts of sexuality outside of marriage. Fornication, a devaluating act, that is considered to be wicked, “loose”, is brought to the girls, by a lady, in such a way that it does not offend their sense of “sexual freedom”, the preacher lady only attempts to create a desire to stop having sex without the sacrament of marriage with the purpose to increase the value of the woman in a future marriage! How to be better and more classy! vs. How to avoid you and your children being cursed by God Almighty! In the 21st century, women have made their own rules, among each-other. Man and God have nothing to say, as it appears in today´s society. Some women desire to “raise is social class” and are then willing to change their sexual behavior, the rest wants nothing to do with restraining their sexuality, and no God is supposed to “force His will” upon her sexuality. Exodus 20:5 I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and forth generation of them that hate me. It is written, if you sin against God, he will deal with your offspring.

This is the disciplinary part of this sermon, we are going to proceed to the counseling now. All “loose women” will figure it all out, sooner or later, that woman preacher from the interlude of this sermons has spoken the truth. Once you take the Feministic approach to a real and righteous man, he will disrespect-dicipline you for thinking you can act like he is your next “desire-handbag” you are going to feast on, a real man won´t be a toy for the feministic type of “loose woman”. Once a man of high esteem, identifies a woman who tries to “outplay” him, he will use his mental capacities to teach that woman to not test his boundaries. As the preacher-woman said, a real man of high esteem won´t marry a “loose woman” with a “feministic attitude”. Men might accept your “attitude” when they are interested in the services of your body, once they are done with that, the respect will depart as they no longer judge you with their sexual organs. As long as men judge you by their sexual organs, you can play the feministic game as a “loose woman”, however, then you risk, that such a man, around other willing “loose women”, who are more than often also jealousy at you, also there he won´t be to control his sexual organs, that led him to compromise even his Masculinity by allowing you to be his ruler as a feminist. However such a man won´t marry you, he will not respect you, he will look at you and think “look at that, I´ll use it how I please, and the second she start doing that `nonsense´ men call disrespect, she may go!” Only the man that fears God will get married as he will avoid getting the curses that are warned for earlier

in this sermon, however if the man doesn't fear God, you can forget about marriage as the man thinks: Why buy a cow when you can milk it for free? Even if the man fears God and gets married to you, he WONT respect a “second hand Ferrari” that the boys rode a while till it was warm enough for your husband, once you have lost your virginity, your husband will look at you as nothing else then a handmaiden, unless his heart has affection for you (blinded by love). The more of a man he is, the harder he will be upon “loose women”, the needier he is, the more he will accept their ways. The real Maester respects no “loose women”, as the “loose woman” respects even not herself, she doesn't know what honor is, so the Maester teaches the woman to conduct herself with respect and honor and if she does not obey, she will receive no respect from the Maester as the Maester doesn´t judge her by his sexual organs, but by righteous judgment upon the woman´s character, as the world will look at the Maester ´s wife as "that loose woman", the woman who commits extramarital sex has zero understanding. If a woman desires to control-dominate a man, it´s a sign that her heart is hardened. She most likely has experienced being hurt or abuse by a man who has ruled her, whereby now she doesn’t want any man to rule her anymore. The man probably wasn´t pleased with her character and rejected her, she was sent away, the more frequent that happens, the harder she´ll get, and every relationship she enters she will attempt to control more and more, to avoid further rejection, until she has been hardened so badly, that she´ll teach her children that

“all men are evil”, and put a curse upon them from the beginning, by speaking the words that will deny her children any form of bond with someone of the opposite sexe as they are “warned”. A feminist-woman, has a rebellious heart, her hardened heart needs to be unhardened instead of entering into a marriage that she leads. A loose woman doesn´t understand that extramarital sex, devaluates her, she gets angry at the man for refusing to wear the worn out sandals of another man, his competitor. The first man saw no long-term value in her, her character flaws led to the rejection, a real woman is not neglected, not abused as the man sees value in the woman so he wants to keep her. The woman who fails to understand that sexual immorality is a devaluation to her value in the marriagemarket, will go on a quest to prove that “she doesn´t need a man”, the feminist! Once she entered this state of being, you as a man have become nothing more than a tool, for her to show, that she can do it without you, she´ll never submit to you. As long as a woman is in this state of being, you as man of High Esteem, or as Maester, are wasting your time, unless she gets out of this state and submits to your leadership. Feminist-woman, will remain in their hardened state of heart, enter a relationship of immorality, while being disconnected from her partner inside of her, safely, preventing their faulty characters from hurting each other, this is their strategy of “making it work”. A Business-like marriage or relationship, clinical:

You do what you want to do, I do what I want to do. Let´s not connect our hearts too closely as then things can start hurting, creating fights and situations likewise. Women without character, they know that once they have performed their services, they will be replaced with another one who can perform better services, more to offer, younger, prettier, women without character feels temporal. She knows her flaws, unwilling to change, she has given up and accepted her role, temporal... So when a woman is fixed on “ruling a man like a feminist”, she knows she has nothing to offer, all she´s doing is what people call in the 21st century a poker face, a game, and “secure her investment by control instead of submission” Doing vs Wanting: Girls go to college, and they study a subject, as that´s what they must do. However deeply inside of their hearts, they rather live out their fantasies and desires! However something convinces them, they won´t succeed without that education. So they resist the urge, to go follow those fantasies and desires! They do what society requests of them, however, when something would appear, creating the possibility to live out their fantasies and desires securely, they will do it. You see it happening all the time, when the girl gets the record deal, or the fashion deal, or the TV-deal. The Manager shows up, offers a big contract, you know where I´m heading.

So there is a difference between being honorable because she “must do it” or because she “wants to be known as a honorable woman”. Most women do it, because they are forced to, as there is no other opportunity presented to them. Once the opportunity presents itself to the “loose woman”, she´ll live out her wicked desires, however she can´t “show it” without being rejected socially. She desires things that she hides from her surroundings. So when a woman acts like she is submissive, she is submissive because she desires to accomplish a target, so when a woman is openly being a feminist, rebellious, at least she is honest about her nature, however she has no intentions to make anything work, what so ever, as she will continue walking the road that appears to be right in her own eyes, with or without wisdom, as it´s not about wisdom, it´s about her proving she can do it all by herself, doing it her way. If she acts submissive, you must test if she does that to accomplish a target like a “gold-digger” or if she is submissive by nature. Because everyone desires something, and fear keeps people from trying to accomplish getting that which they desire, it is your target to actually crawl into her heart, you must know about her fantasies and desires, because if something makes it possible for her to do it, it´s likely she will go and do it unless she fears God. This is called ambition, women with ambition don´t want a man to tell them what to do, because they want to do it their own way. A woman into submission, will marry you and follow you, until her desire is fulfilled, whatever she thought you would bring to her, when

that desire is gone or fulfilled, she´ll stop following you. As, she´s a unit, a vessel, a person with an own will. As long as she is willing to follow you, she will follow, it is up to you as a man, to make her want to follow you, by showing her that you know it better, not by words, but by deed, so that she don´t want to walk away. The intelligent thing to do, is developing such a character, that people don´t want you to go, so that they don't want to walk away from you, that you have so much to offer that you don't need to force people like a feminist to give you what you think is rightfully yours, making your business and future secure by strategy of control instead of love. The feminist, something inside of them feels unappreciated, whereby they want to force it, they feel undervalued, all women who are feminist feel the need to “secure themselves”, that´s why they can’t submit, they believe not that once her character shows up that you will be interested enough to treat her with respect voluntarily. So women, the best advice is stay a virgin, and take all your time to develop your character and your relationship with God, and one day, if you do not compromise, God will establish you with man of High Esteem. If you already have committed sexual immorality as a woman, stop doing it, never do it again, and let the man you are desiring to get married with know, that your old ways won´t ever return, and that you have really learned your lesson and never want to be known as a “loose woman” again.

How to rid society of hate (Counsel for Sovereign Rulers)

Hearken to my words, if you want to understand why there is so much hate in society. The reason people don't like each-other and do the things what the Word of God (Galatians 5:19-21) would define as “envy driven actions“ is going to be addressed in this sermon. Envy and hate driven actions towards a fellow citizen are rooted from the question “who is to blame”. Actions are meditated upon inside the minds of people, to get hate out of people, you must change their stream of thoughts, to prevent them from acting upon their envious and hateful taught without violating their free will, you may never punish someone for his thoughts. Your target is to create a desire in a person, whereby the person by free will do it gladly. A metaphor to assist your understanding of this concept: Let's take the game of soccer, sometimes a team gets a hold on a star player who is capable of lifting up the entire team to a world level, just one player that won the cup almost by himself! That one player gets all the glory, from the people, the sponsors, everyone is always focused upon making sure that the star player feels as comfortable as possible to prevent him from leaving the team. Glory! The rest of the team appears like mere assistance to get that one star-player to perform that thing whereby all the attention of the world goes to the soccer club or national team. The one that makes the beautiful pass, the pass that leads to the offense capable of scoring that fantastic

goal, the one that cunningly tackles the offense of the enemy away; people hardly see them... Except when they are really exceptional of-course... People always glorify the one that orchestrates the successful offense and the hero of the team that leads the offense and brings the enemy to a defeat personally. This is why people hate: When people make mistakes, they blame others... They don't believe that “you reap what you sow”. They can´t see that if you commit evil, that God allows a curse to fall upon them whereby people will do evil to them as a recompense from God. When society is dominated by hate, people don't understand the concept written above, that society is running on a primitive and uncivilized level of intelligence whereby they blame everyone else for their problems. When someone else is more successful, that's

competition, then the glory goes from one person to another, so the one who lost the glory will try to recapture the glory and to be the most offensive one again, then cost of everyone else, as that's where the glory can be found, selfishness. People seek glory for themselves, and the others see their success and start to hate. They think, “he is getting everything, I´m getting nothing, so for what reason should I be serious, help or do my duty with integrity, why should I care anyway, he is getting all the glory! As long as the people stay in this way of thought: “I blame everyone else for my own problems”, then society will remain a hateful place, as everyone thinks everyone to be evil.

If you as a sovereign ruler want to rid your subjects from these kinds of streams of thoughts that lead to a hateful society, you must educate them in the public school system, adding to curriculum, and in the media by cartoons and by showing role-models of the following concept in a creative way:

You reap what you sow - Galatians 6:7. He who throws the ball at the wall can expect it to return. Do good get good, do evil get evil. Go into the wrong (evil) door and you will get punished by God (eventually), go in the right door (good) and you going to be rewarded (eventually). Subjects inside of a hateful society no longer possess the intelligence to see this, and the subjects will start thinking that everyone is evil, except for themselves and their motivation to act with integrity will disintegrate: I am good and everyone else is transgressing against me. Vs. I have a problem, I made a mistake, if I correct my mistake my problem will go: If everyone thinks that way, the problem of a hateful society will seize to exist. Teach your subjects to discern that acting like victims is not wise, teach them to blame no-one else then themselves as their own actions and choices led them to the situation they are in right now, helping them discern that they are living the consequences of their and their ancestors actions and choices. It´s not the fault of the angry government or the angry priests, or the angry strict people: No it is you who is under a curse you have put yourself under by your own

choices and actions, and then you as a sovereign ruler teach them or lead them out of that accursed state. Once a civilization figures out that their hate-ful society and poor situation is the fault of their choices and errors, once they know they are in error, they can recognize their need to be forgiven by the Almighty, and that someone has to pay for the committed errors and transgressions. This is when you teach them about Jesus, He dying on the cross, paying for their sins, forgiveness at repentance and baptism. Jesus offering the people a “clean slate”, says the spirit of God. Then the people have the opportunity to do it all over again as if they never made the mistakes, if they really have integrity and want their life quality to be improved, they will do it. If they get a “clean slate”, God will not use their past sins against them (Isaiah 23:45), so when they try to do it all over again, it will prosper, is what God says.

Philosophy A Gift to the people, in Honorary of the Japanese Emperor Jimmu, directed to his 125th Descendant Emperor Akihito and his wife Empress Michiko

I, Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira, capable of reasoning in the three major philosophical systems of this world. 1.

The Western Civilization under leadership of the

United States President. 2.

The Hebrew Civilization under the leadership of the

Israeli Prime Minister. 3.

The Asian Civilization under the leadership of the

Emperor of the Japanese. So says Grand Maester Patrick: There are 3 systems of Philosophy in the world: 1. Hebrew 2. Asian 3. Western The Hebrew Philosophy is that the God of Heaven is their Monarch, and if they obey their God, they will be undefeated, as their God is also their army. If they disobey their God´s commands, their God, which is also my God, will shatter them among the other "civilizationsystems with their Philosophies" like the Western and the Asian system.

The Western Philosophy is that the body may not be violated in Judgment as the believe is that the “soul” needs to grow into maturity before it becomes civilized enough, to eventually function inside of the westernsystem in peace with the other´s inside of it in freedom. The greatest Title that can be given to a mere-man, within the western philosophical system of thinking is: The Emperor. As the ancient Hebrews where observing the other nations and where establishing their relationships with them in the early days of their system of civilization, and they desired to be ruled by a King as documented in the first book of Prophet Samuel in chapter 8, verse 4 until verse 22. In the pride of the Hebrews, to prove that they are “higher than the other nations”, they desired to exchange, being ruled righteously and perfectly by their invisible God, to be ruled by a King, who received more power from God in relation to the other Kings, and then the Hebrew people felt important then the others, inside of their nationalistic sense of pride. As the book of Prophet Samuel records in chapter 8, verse 4 until verse 22, God gave them what they desired through a King by the name of David, personally called and educated for his duty by God. The Eternal King of the Hebrews, who will one day be risen from the dead, and will become immortal like the book of Prophet Jeremiah records in chapter 30 verse 9. This is the most sophisticated structure of Philosophy in our main western language, which is English. I am the first “Westerner” who has become this civilized, to be able to enter the Japanese system of

Philosophy, which supports Meister, Maester and even Grand Maester. The Grand Maester of Japanese Philosophy according to the pride of the people, is the Emperor of the Japanese. As how we Westerners have looked at the United States President, that is how Asians look at the Emperor of the Japanese. The Japanese Maesters have been the foundation of the Asian Philosophy, just as the Greeks have been the foundation of the Western Philosophy and are still influencing it over two thousand years later. The Hebrews have also influenced the Western Philosophical system with the most glorious example of the British Empire, during the time that the soul of man said; The Sun doesn't go down in Great Britain. Both the Jews, and their Messiah, have successfully, risen the standard of spiritual mind in the Western system of Philosophy. The Western System of Philosophy has had its up and it´s downs, throughout the centuries. The Asian System of Philosophy has survived 125 Generations and proven itself to be of excellence. This cannot be said of Western, neither Hebrew systems of Philosophy. This is why I am the first one of “them”, came out of “their systems” who is capable of reasoning with the Emperor of the Japanese, as next to their systems of Philosophy, I also understand the sophistication of the Asian system of Philosophy, and that´s why I adapted to it´s terminology by my free will, without being forced, as I judge it to be more reflective of my understanding of the realm of where the Spirits reside,

Which is of-course, known to any Meister, Maester and even the Grand Maester of the system in its Region where He is appointed to by the God of the Heavens Himself. That´s why I say, these words, when they are blessed enough to enter your sophisticated soul and spirit, which is the most sophisticated living spirit inside of a body, that I have observed in this age, that when this letter arrives at its destiny-destination that it is a gift to from the God of the Heavens. The only reason, why I address His Majesty the Emperor of the Japanese, as I see you, from all rulers, and all international dynasties, the one, who without being exposed to what “Westerns” call “Holy Scripture, God Breathed Messages”, and without direct access to the Spirit of the God of Heavens. You have still be able to uphold, civilized behavior, in the midst of the chaos that the barbarians are causing to the people, and I ascribe that to your actions, philosophy and the greatness and deeds of your ancestors. Almost 6000 years in creation, people with their philosophies went and came, but your family line prospered the longest. This is why I am extremely careful to not offend the pride of the Emperor as I believe your majesty is entitled to great honor and respect, for the services he has done to His people and their ancestors, the international communities and that I am honoring to the best of my ability, as this is my 2nd day as Grand Maester. I am convinced that the God of Heaven is interested in you.

I ask for your forgiveness if I write anything that offends your pride. I want to give you a gift, that no other man can give you: A deeper level into the system of Philosophy. The Hebrews have influenced the Westerners, both the Jews as Jesus Christ and his followers. This is how Western civilization had such great “peaks”, with great “Empires”, but they came and they went... None of them was able to survive the millennial mark like the Japanese system of Philosophy. Even the Hebrew system of Philosophy, who has influenced Western Philosophy in a contributing sense, has not survived as long as the Japanese system of Philosophy.

A Japanese Maester does not take into consideration that the discontinuation of the Kingdom of the Hebrews is not because of an imperfect philosophical system, it is because of the punishment of their God, I bring this information to you as the Japanese Maesters predict, that everything is action-reaction and thus predictable by the soul. And this is partial-error, if the Asian system of Philosophy does not adapt to this error, and go into the Spirit, their course will remain the same, And then one day, the Philosophic system of the Japanese is going to be in danger. It is beneficial for all those who are bound by the Japanese system of Philosophy of taking the following into consideration: The Japanese Maesters have not been influenced by the same influences as the Western Philosophers, as the Japanese Maesters have judged both the Hebrews and the

Westerners as "children", not to be taken "serious" as their systems never survived longer than 50 generations. "All the seasons they are unstable, they have not figured out the Philosophical formula yet". I have invented it, by the grace of the God of the Heavens: Introducing the God of Heaven, whose name has been transcribed as “Jesus Christ”, which is pronounced as Yeshua Ha-Mashiach in the Hebrew Language. Which means: God saves His People: The Savior of Mankind. Introducing Jesus to a Japanese Maester appears to be useless as the Pride of the soul of the Japanse Maester is so great, that it rather dies, then to be “defeated”, for a Maester of Japanese Philosophy to admit that “someone else” might be right and it, by itself, not being strong enough to enter the gates of Heaven, by his own energies, is a violation of his sense of Honor and Respect, which is the fundamental principle of the Japanese system of Philosophy. If a “Philosopher” from the Western or Hebrew system violates a principle of their Philosophy, which is respecting not their concept of who God is, they then are bound by the pride of their soul to reject it, and they will defend the own thesis of philosophy with their soul, if they have to. This is a sign of great strength. Pure power of soul and spirit. There is no entrance point at the spirit of a Japanese Maester as their philosophy worked perfectly fine: Respect and honor all beings. A Maester understands, that if you use your authority to enslave people unrighteously, that you are signing up,

allowing the spiritual world to give permission for your own enslavement, by those or the descendants that you have enslaved, the Maester-principle works the other way around too: If you treat people like upcoming princes and princesses, you will turn into royalty. Action-Reaction. Asian Maesters and those they led, survived that way for over 125 generations, without discontinuation. Within the realm of this Universal Philosophy, even if the Emperor of the Japanese, would “lower” himself to the standard of the modern Philosophy of the West: “Do as you feel like” and perhaps be lured into “Hollywood-like behaviors”, His "heavenly account with God" would still maintain His authority intact, as He still has 124 accounts of his Ancestors and their deeds to sit on. A Westerner cannot defeat a Grand Maester Dynasty: This is why the President of the United States Barack Obama, Highest Official of the most powerful Western nation inside the system of Western Philosophy, and his wife, bow down to the Emperor of the Japanese.

Within the realm of this universal system of Philosophy, the “white man” has enslaved the “black man” for many centuries. As the photo reminds you, the God of Heaven has raised one skin-color above another, allowing the first “African Descendant to enter the system of the Maesters and allowing them to shake your sophisticated hand and bow their heads to you, in name of the “Region where the Western-Greek system of Philosophy, which from time to time has been influenced by the Hebrew system of Philosophy is dominant”. You as a 125th generational Grand Maester cannot be defeated by a first generational Maester like U.S. President Barack Obama. “The Heavens” won´t allow that. You know that, and they know that. However that which is not yet in the possession of your mind, is the fact that U.S. President Barack Obama is a Dark-Maester. Still there is no imminent threat to your Empire, as “The Heavens” will not give him victory over you, imminently.

As Grand Maester, you must be familiar with the complexities of Philosophical strategies, spirits given by

God, who give one man victory over another. There is one element that one day, will endanger your dynasty. As there is one element, that Japanese system of Philosophy has not taken in consideration motivated out of “pride”. As long as the system of Japanese Philosophy maintains being dominated by Pride, it cannot “attain” the highest state of Spirit. The thesis of “Temporal Maesters”. Not all Maesters have achieved their maester-hood with “clean hands”, so their Maester-ship is temporal. U.S. President Barack Obama, is so much of a DarkMaester, that he has been chosen by the greatest spirit, the one spirit that is the highest created spirit outside of God himself: Lucifer. Known to the Western System of Philosophy, and to the Hebrew System of Philosophy as “Satan the Devil”. The God of Heaven allows “Spirits who are professional liars” as a punishment to those who refuse to treat others with respect and honor: a curse. To my prediction as Grand Maester, your majesty, the Emperor of the Japanese, is going to be the very last man standing once the following “God-Breathed scripture” come to pass, which can be found in the Book of Apostle John, named Revelation, chapter 12, verse 12. I believe it is a very sad thing, that a sophisticated human being like you, after 125 generations of righteous living, would abruptly be defeated by the Prince of Evil himself as he is not bound to the rules of man-kind.

And this letter is written by the courtesy of one Grand Maester to another. One day, U.S. President Barack Obama will receive the keys of becoming Dark Grand Maester. This spirit entity called “Satan” will be kicked out from the Heavens by the God of Heaven and shall dwell among us men and enter him, empowering him. Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. When that day comes, your dynasty is in direct danger, no matter how good it´s account is with the terms of “universal laws”. As the Dark Grand Maester, will then receive all authority from His Master, as His Master has Received Permission from God. He may even go and harm God´s own people, not all, in the terms of getting permission to attack a “100% of God´s people”, however, he will become, for a season, the most powerful entity walking upon this earth. Interpretation: You are destined to one day lose your authority, signed by the Heavens. I believe that your ancestor who founded your country would be proud of you, that you have maintained justice over so many generations, by the power that God has given you, without direct instructions as how can one speak with the dead without risking being deceived by an evil spirit? Maester Barack Obama, does not know who God is.

His Philosophy is not perfected, he believes you to be a greater authority that he himself and does not believe that he can defeat you by his own energies. This is why he bows down for you. He wants the blessing of a higher entity: God Himself. By respecting the one with the most sophisticated spirit. Maester Barack Obama has successfully identified you as a Grand Maester, so he submits to you. Maester Barack Obama is not convinced that he will be able to defeat a Grand Maester as he does not want to “offend the Gods”. He attempts to do it another way, by winning the heart of the Grand Maester, as if you publicly acknowledge the Grand Maester, you possibly enter His heart, as it is quite lonely at the level of Grand Maester. No new Maester would in his right sense of mind, go and challenge an ancient Grand Maester dynasty. However one day, Dark Maester Barack Obama, will receive authority from Satan Himself to become Dark Grand Maester Barack Obama, Emperor of the nations who have rejected the God of Heaven. Yes, Satan can defeat the Grand Maester of Japan. And no, I am not violating your pride, as I am not saying that U.S.A. President Barack Obama is going to defeat you, The problem is not a human problem, it´s a problem that is caused by the war in the Heavens. That war is what is endangering your dynasty. Your Majesty is the only living soul, who I regard capable of understanding the complexity of this letter. One Account (Quality of Deeds, and Ancestral inheritance) vs One Account (Quality of Deeds, and

Ancestral inheritance) is warfare in the Philosophical system of the Asians. Satan is not bound by that universal law. As The Grand Maester of Japan, is not under covenant with the God of Heaven, so his Philosophy is not PERFECT, and thus able to be defeated by a non-human, higher force: The Angel of Darkness, Satan, once it is let loose. Only GOD is PERFECT, and it is not a shame to admit that. When God Almighty manifests Himself through a body named JESUS CHRIST and lives PERFECT, not by Philosophy of Japanese but by Philosophy of God, then: Jesus can then remove the word TEMPORAL from the TITLE. As long as the Japanese system of Philosophy does not understand the nature of TEMPORAL, there will one day come an enemy, possessed by a greater force known to Japanese system of Philosophy, to end that which is temporal. Those who are under covenant with God through Jesus Christ, call this, “The Second Coming of God-in-theFlesh”, subduing all other rulers, Including the Dark Grand Maester that is Known in Western system of Philosophy as “the Anti-Christ”. Japanese Maester Philosophy is more sophisticated then Socrates-Plato-Aristotle Philosophy. Hebrew Philosophy, when obeyed, is more powerful, however when disobeyed, more dangerous to continuation of the "family blood line", as one disobedient son, can remove the ETERNAL title away from himself, however not from his Father, as everyone is going to held accountable for his or her own deeds by the God of Heaven.

Grand Maester Patrick has explained, the God of Heaven, in the context of Japanese system of Philosophy, and has warned the Western world to quickly submit to Hebrew system of Jesus Christ, to get an invincible God to protect them from the consequences of them failing to heed the Philosophy of the Greeks, as they have done until the age of where Charles Darwin started to dominate their minds, enslaving them as a result of their own barbaric actions towards their fellow men, as explained by Japanese Maester Philosophy. The one who understands all three systems of Philosophy perfectly, can carry the title of Grand Maester. The Hebrew ought to be careful to not be lured in to what God refers to as “familiar spirits” on his quest towards “Grand-Maestership”. All I request as a gift from the Emperor Akihito after His reading of this letter, is his blessing, and his prayer, that I as newly initiated Grand Maester may lead those who the God of Heaven has appointed unto me, during these dark times in an attempt to maintain a civilized world, successfully until God Himself returns to govern us all, righteously. I also request the prayers from the people who benefit in what every way from this letter after reading it.

the Spiritual Realm

Thesis I: The Ancestral spirits of “the family bloodline”. A familiar spirit gets access to a family bloodline when it goes into covenant with a “deity”, and all the children of the person who went into covenant with the “deity”, involuntarily open themselves for a concept that is best defined as “A Spirit sent or allowed to be sent by God, because of the ancestral account of the family bloodline.

Once the prayer is made to a “deity”, the human being thus revoked his free will to not be violated by the “Spiritual Realm”, He or she Requests for the “Familiar Spirit” to be sent by the Deity.

Other ways of opening the “door” for “The Realm of the Spirit” to start communicating with you is by:


Taking Drugs like Marijuana, Psychedelics, etc.


Participating in Transcendental Meditation, or other

Yoga-related practices. Including Martial arts that origin from the Asian system of philosophy. 3.

Bringing Idols (statues) in your dwelling place.


Having sexual intercourse with a “priest of deity”,

known as “initiation”. 5.

Witchcraft, Voodoo, Tarot, etc.


Praying to a “Deity” or “dead ancestor” Once you do any of these actions, there is no way

back as then your soul becomes capable of “sensing into the Spiritual Realm” thus, becoming visible to the entities inside of that realm that suddenly notice that you have noticed them. This can be compared to a fish, that you are screaming at, and it registers not your screaming. Once you figure out one of them can hear you screaming, you´ll try to move that fish to do what you want it to do, by dosing your screaming, as it can register your communication. Once the spiritual entity knows you can sense him, or hear him, the entity won´t ever leave you alone. In the Graduation Paper of Philosophy, I warned the people of God, to not participate in any practice that allows a familiar spirit to enter the family bloodline, as once the door is opened, the door will stay opened, as you can “sense” them, once you know in which realm they reside, you no longer can ignore them and act like they don´t exist. The one who ambitions to become Grand Maester of Philosophy, must, be extremely disciplined, to not be deceived, by a familiar spirit.

Once a Familiar Spirit enters the family bloodline, like how the Disney movie of Mulan portrayed, a girl might be lost, and then a “spiritual guide” brings her to the discipline whereby she is of use to the system she is subject to: “Blessed by Deity of System”. Once the familiar Spirit may enter the family bloodline, you give over your DNA, to be used for their cause, the cause of the familiar spirit, so that the chief familiar spirit´s long term-plan can be accomplished successfully, in exchange for a position and that position to be continued down the family bloodline, as you can see in the Disney movie of Mulan. A spiritual guide, a familiar spirit, will be sent, to keep the family line in tact, by the deity.

The Familiar spirit, is sent to keep the family bloodline intact for the purpose of the familiar spirit, which is continuation of its grip upon the society, so the familiar spirit might even discipline the “naive initiate” whereby on the first sight, it appears to be a “good spirit” to the “naive initiate”.

However, all the familiar spirit does, is

making soldiers for the system, their assistance is not driven by the force of love, but by the force of

preservation of ancestral system, throughout all the generations. Once a “familiar spirit” senses the response that the emotion of fear has upon the soul of man when it is present within the parameter of your body, it knows that you are initiated into the spiritual realm, and it won´t stop bothering you until you hearken to it´s will, unless you find a way to undo the “contract” that was made at the initiation, which I will address later in this Graduation Paper. Thesis II: The Structure of the Spiritual Realm. The realm of the Spirit is invisible to human eyes and does not consist out of matter, matter which in its core is a wavelength as discovered by scientists, quantum

mechanics, a pulsating core, that is experienced by the faculties of the human body as matter. Matter is at its core a repetition of units of information: A wavelength. That can be observed by organs like the eyes, if the wavelength is at the frequency that the eyes can process and translate to the brain as “seeing”. “Seeing” is a tiny part of the “Entire Wavelength” that is created by the Being who has created the “Entire Wavelength” which is called: The Uni-Verse. All Matter created by “One Spoken Sentence from God”. Human eyes, cannot sense “the entire wavelength”. Radio frequency, cannot tap into it, WiFi Internet cannot tap into it, and no other being then God can tap into “All Wavelengths” inside of this “Universe”.

Only your soul can tap into that entire wavelength, connected to its creator, who by this connection keeps your breath and heartbeat going all the days of your life. Tapping into the realm where the spirits reside, is like going into another dimension, and in that dimension, there are beings who can observe us, the one being who can do this the best is GOD. God can observe the “Entire Wavelength”, continually, on all levels, also on the level of “Human Eyes”; which observes matter. Humans without being initiated into the Spiritual Realm, cannot observe the part of the wavelength where God resides. Humans cannot observe any other realm then the realm where God programmed us in our DNA to observe, which is a partial observation of the “Entire Wavelength”. The Spiritual Realm, where the Angels and the Demons reside, which are known to Philosophical system of the Japanese as “Spirit Guides”, and have identified them as “familiar spirits”, “ancestral spirits”, and terminology as such. Whatever you call it, that´s where it resides, however it resides on another “layer” of the “entire wavelength”, that is not perceivable by the un-initiated human being. Two different realms, side by side, frame above frame within the same “Entire Wavelength”.

To give you an idea of how God sees us, is by putting on sunglasses, and imagining yourself to be God, and the two glasses to be the universe, which has two realms, two layers: The Spiritual Realm, and the Realm of Matter. God can see all realms, and is not part of what he created. Almost all beings inside of both frames of the “Entire Wavelength” must bend to the will of God, as only the human beings have “the gift of free will” inside of the “Entire Wavelength” that is property of God Almighty. However the Human Being´s free will is limited to the purpose of season the human resides in, in the end, also the Human Being must choose between what is presented before him as “good” or as “evil”. Proverbs 16:9 A man´s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.

No other living organism, has received this gift from God, also not the superior and immortal beings that reside in the Spiritual realm: They are bound to execute the personal agenda of either God, or the being who leads the rebellion against

God: Satan. Once the beings which reside on one frame, the Spiritual Frame, identify that you, on the Frame of Matter, can “sense” them, you have all attention upon you. As all those beings on that realm, will try to get their plan across on our “frame” which consist of matter where you and I can reside in freely, with a body.

Spirits have no “matter-body”, they have a “spirit body”.

Both Angels and Demons, are fighting for control over this realm, and they need you, to execute their agenda, and both the Angel and the Demon can empower you to execute its agenda upon this Planet. Without us they have no influence over this realm, as us as mankind have been given the authority to rule it by our free will. Genesis 1:27 And God said, Let us make man in our imagine, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the bird of the air, and over the cattle, and over the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Thesis III: The “Chief Counselor Spirit” sent by God to maintain “the Godly-family bloodline”. The exactly opposite of a “familiar spirit” is an “antifamiliar spirit”. Someone who has the “Chief Counselor Spirit” will get access to a Family´s bloodline, when that family goes in covenant with “the God of Creation”, once a family goes into covenant with the God of Creation through Water Baptism in Jesus name after repenting of theirs sins (Acts 2:38), the bloodline of that family becomes used for the purpose of “The God of Creation”, and all the children of the person who went into covenant with “The God of

Creation”, un-voluntarily open themselves up for a Spirit sent by God, somewhere in the course of their lives, because of the ancestral account that the familybloodline has with “the God of Creation”. A Spirit, sent by God, invisible, or in a body, who will guide those in that bloodline to attain the level that the one who started the bloodline attained, the forefather, to keep the family honor intact, as a “Blessing from the Heavens”, as the Forefather of the Family Bloodline has made a covenant with “the God of Creation”. Once you, inside that family-bloodline, as a young and undisciplined person are in trouble, someone with the “Chief Counselor Spirit” will bring you to the level of your ancestors by FORCE!

The exact opposite of what happens in the Disney cartoon of Mulan, she is led by an spiritual entity, a little devil, with access to a sophisticated spirit. The one who is from a bloodline who is in covenant with God, can expect, sooner or later, a little angel with access to a sophisticated spirit, to make you fully capable

of doing what you have been “given over by your ancestors” to do. Which is serving the agenda of the God of Heaven. As a blessing, to keep the family honor intact. If such youngster gets lost, a spiritual Chief Counselor, who is send by the side of “the God of Creation”, will come to the rescue, when requested by Prayer to Jesus Christ or by Family-bloodline continuation, managed by God Himself. Thesis IV: Unprecedented Sophistication of Spirit. Both the Familiar Spirit as the Anti-Familiar Spirit that is described in this Graduation Paper as the Chief Counselor Spirit, Can see right through your being. They are not bound by “your” system of thought. They can see through your soul, your heart´s desires, and are perfectly able, to use that as a motivation to discipline you, righteously so. Both types of spirits which found a way to manifest themselves in the realm of man-kind are connected to the realm where the Spirits reside, and are able of the gift of: EXTRASENSORY THE FAMILAIR SPIRIT IS UNABLE TO READ THE SPIRIT OF GOD. THATS ITS ONLY LIMITATION, AS THE FAMILAIR SPIRIT IS NOT MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD. THE HUMAN BEING IS. THE HUMAN BEING WITH THE CHIEF COUNSELOR SPIRIT IS SO SOPHISTICATED THAT IT CAN SENSE THE THOUGHTS

OF THE CREATOR, AS THE COMMUNICATION OF THE CREATOR IS THROUGHT THE ENTIRE WAVELENGTH. Genesis 1:27 And God said, Let us make man in our imagine, after our likeness: The man who has access to a sophisticated familiar spirit is in potential able to “sense” all beings, including all spirits, except for the Spirit of God. The man who has access to a sophisticated Chief Counselor spirit is not limited by this limitation. That man, who is Grand Maester of the Spiritual Realm, which is the title of a man who has the Gift of Extrasensory, can literally “sense” the will of God, without God communicating it with him. The Grand Maester of the Spiritual Realm, his spirit is so sophisticated that once it interacts with God´s spirit, the will of God is observed as easily as a man observes a painting. It is then up to the sophistication of his philosophy, to translate the content of what he observes into language. As Grand Maester of Philosophy, I have just done that to the realm of the Spirit. Thesis V: The conclusion. A sophisticated familiar spirit, attached to a man, can sense the beings in front of him, and his mind makes a complex analysis. This is why you as a normal man without the gift of extrasensory, cannot fool such a spirit who is allowed to discipline you, as part of the contract your ancestors made to the “Spiritual Realm”.

The familiar spirit received full authorization to do this, thus making such a man UNDEFEATABLE as your forefathers have signed the spiritual contract. The man who has access to the Chief Counselor Spirit from God, has a similar style of contract with those family-bloodlines who are under covenant with the God of Creation. A Grand Maester of the Spiritual Realm can be considered as a “2nd Degree Prophet of God”. A regular Prophet of God (Ephesians 4:11-13), has the Gift of Spiritual Discernment, that Prophet can see God building up a “season”, and God sending people to lead him into the season where God wants to move him into: God using Creation to get His will done, visible to the Prophet with the Gift of Spiritual Discernment. That prophet can also hear the voice of God, once God chooses to “Enter a combination of Words” into the Prophet his “Spirit”. The Second Degree of Prophet of God, is not bound by those two rules, He can literally sense God´s mind, without God having to “Force a translation of his Spirit to something capable for the soul of a Prophet to be understood” This is why Prophets, when they speak, speak so forcefully, as God literally drops the words in their souls, whereby it HAS to be spoken, NOW. This kind of Prophetic communication, offends the pride of the receiver of the prophecy, as such communication respects not any “rule” of “human system”. God will then Protect that Prophet from the Consequences of that. A second degree prophet can translate the mind of God without violating the pride of the people.

Thesis VI: The Purpose The Authorization of the Grand Maester is for the sake of the ancestors who have served the God of Creation. How is God of Creation going to explain to His Loyal and Faithful Servants, that their Grand Grand Grand daughter is not in His Kingdom. Do you think that God will reason with His servants like this: My Faithful Servants, because your grand grand grand daughter was addicted to sex, got enslaved by those who have Familiar Spirits, well, I lost her, now she´s in the Fires of Hell (Revelation 20:14-15). I'm sorry, I couldn´t do anything, Satan defeated me! … It´s not going to happen, once those in a familybloodline under covenant with God abuse their free will, God transfers it to a authorized Grand Maester who has access to the Chief Counselor Spirit, who then Disciplines, and moves the person back into honorable tradition of the forefathers, who went into covenant with the God of Heaven. They have an name to live up to and they must enter their purpose, their destiny, when their free will doesn´t lead them there, the man who has access to the Chief Counselor Spirit will show up eventually and reason the following way: The Whale Speaks with the Monkey I come to teach you civilization in peace and the monkeys are throwing nuts at me and tell me: WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR NUTS!!! And the whale replies:

There is more to life then eating nuts, what about responsible care taking of children and surrounding, you are no longer doing things that blesses your descendants! And the monkey replies: but the NUT is so NICE! Thesis VII: The Secret of Success of Japanese system of Philosophy The Japanese Maesters have reasoned the following way: Which of the souls is in most harmony with entire creation? As everything is intelligence, everything can be explained. If creation is in perfect balance, there is a perfect formula. They identified the whale to be the most sophisticated soul, without a free will. They have observed the soul of the whale, and reasoned: If we imitate the whale, it´s most sophisticated soul, and adapt our ways, to that of the whale, then we are able to emulate the sophisticated “pre-programmed” soul, then that which “pre-programmed” it, will surely accept us in the afterlife, as that being must come to the conclusion that we have done all reasonable, to be as righteous, as we possibly can, by the means that we have had access to. Civilized behavior, attempting to not offend the “Entire Wavelength” according to the standard of observation of highest pre-programed soul by that same “entire wavelength” and thus attempting to imitating it,

to avoid the “Wavelength” to judge them as beings, unfavorably. If you imitate the soul of a whale, according to Japanese system of Philosophy, that´s how you can be good enough to not be judged unfavorable in the “afterlife”. The Philosophical reasoning: Behave like the highest SOUL (the Whale) and then "creator" must be happy, as he created that soul. If you compare that to the philosopher of the Greek system of Philosophy founded by Socrates, who set the standard of the Western system of Philosophy, which is: My soul and spirit is not made out of matter, so it can´t die, it will live forever, in the afterlife, try to become as civilized as you can, to show that you are worthy to your creator. This is how deep Socrates was able to go, the Japanese System of Philosophy is more sophisticated than that: Let´s find out which soul is pre-programmed the highest and attempt to perfectly the way it conducts itself towards its fellow members and environment, then our creator will be proud of us. Thesis VIII: The Secret of Grand Maester of Philosophy and the Spiritual Realm, Patrick Pereira. In the graduation paper of Philosophy, any spirit that is capable of reasoning will be able to recognize that I am able to reason by all these systems of philosophy. There is one element that the Japanese System of Philosophy is not aware of, and has not taken into

consideration as none of their Philosophical Maesters, can “sense” the Spirit of God. Once the Spirit of God, visits a Grand Maester of the Spiritual Realm, the “Creator”, appears to be “chaotic” according to the being who is bound by rules of the “Entire Wavelength” This unpredictable nature, transcends this creation. This Spirit appears to be able to move in every possible direction, and all directions at the same time, and is unable to be imitated by the means of reason. The Language complexity of this Spirit, cannot be expressed by reason. This spirit cannot be drawn upon one “one frame”, so I cannot “Reason” it. As it cannot be expressed by the laws of nature, which is: ALL can be reasoned, as ALL is programmed intelligence. When someone has the gift of Speaking in Tongues (1 Corinthians 14:2), which is the gift whereby the irrational language of this Spirit can be uttered by the mouth of a human being. This spirit, cannot be translated, by the means of Philosophy, it is unpredictable, interpretation: God is not bound by the laws of this Universe. Philosophically, His Multidimensional communication power, can create Universes at the disposal of His will. As Apostle John saw: I saw a new heaven and a new earth. (Revelation 21:1). Speaking in tongues (Mark 16:17), is the philosophical proof, that God exists, as you cannot reason that form of communication away, as the “tongues-vibration” shows, that the “Spirit of God” is not bound by this Universal System of Philosophy that all Intelligence can be explained by the laws of Reason:

Interpretation: The Creator is a Being, not a System.

The Civilized way of Disciplining a Boy

If you are unable to understand the application of the rod and necessity of disciplining a boy and/or it refuses to hearken to that method when it is applied properly, or you as a parent refuse to use it in your upbringing as you judge it to be a “barbaric” method. Proverbs 13:24. He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes. Then I present this strategy to you as an Godly alternative: Every-time when you see that your boy shows acts of responsibility,

Responsibility: Preparing himself for the life as a free citizen functioning properly within a society, and leading a woman (marriage) and his children in prosperity, both targets. Acts like studying himself useful towards a good purpose inside society or towards God, or a reorganization of the usage of his time, more efficiently, like balancing the hours of entertainment with hours of accomplishing what’s necessary to pursue his ambition or maintain his health. Then, you use the desire of the boy, and trade it, as a predictable system, where both parties know what to do, every-time he shows an improve of acts of responsibility, the boy receives more of his desire. This Disciplinarian method, as a parent, acting predictably, in a progressive way, if you do this, systematically you teach the boy responsibility without targeting his soul: “I don't want pain so I better be good, as that rod on my buttocks hurts” . Making him use his free will, civilized, rewarding him with his desire, which usually is more freedom to act by

the own will, which is to explore the dangerous and hard to predict world. (When girls who are sexually active say they don't want a family and children, it is because they are undisciplined/lazy, they have not been learned to be responsible by their parents.)

God Reasoned by the Method of Philosophy

After having understood the two “Graduation Papers”, “Philosophy” and “the Spiritual Realm”, One can now understand the Philosophy of transcribing the personal observation of the Heart and Mind of God into a system of Philosophy. This document should not be seen as a set of theological facts, but as a grand painting, to help one establish God to be a reality within the realm of reason. Once the gift of Extrasensory is given to a Grand Maester, and that Grand Maester is from an order, that is Initiated by God´s Spirit (Acts 2:38) Then that being, is able to “sense” God, and translate what he senses into a philosophical system. There is no proof of this, other then, you being convinced that I am speaking the truth, after this long process of providing you with all the information that I have provided to you earlier, to establish your trust, that what I am able to observe is not a fantasy, but an actual observation with a gift that I received from God after continual obedience to executing His agenda upon this Planet with my Free will. The Observation: The heart of God, is a very powerful living organism that cannot be entered by material beings. The invisible Angels, from the Spiritual Realm, appear to be sent from that realm. There is no free will, inside of that realm. Only angels that perfectly obey the will of God, appear to appear from that realm into the realm that I am able, by gift of Extrasensory to sense their presence and influence, the “predictable side” of the Spiritual Realm. The only un-predictable organism inside of the spiritual realm, is what appears to be “the heart of God”.

Three layers of reality: Material frame. Spiritual frame and inside the Spiritual frame, if you have been initiated into the spiritual frame by God himself, you can sense a center-point, where God´s heart is. If you are initiated by any other means into the spiritual realm then by what is written in (Acts 2:38, Romans 10:13) then you will never be able to discover the location of God´s heart inside of the Spiritual realm. Angels from that realm, can be sent by God, for the purpose of achieving the personal will of God, to deliver a “spirit of Love” inside the spiritual realm, into the heart of man or woman. Spirit that attaches to a heart, pointing at someone else, whereby someone falls in love with the person who God wants Him or Her to fall in love with, which by laws of natural attraction would not have happened. The ancient Greeks called this “spirit”, Cupid. A spirit that overpowers the power of reasoning, to accomplish the will of God, above the will of man. God has a whole variety of spirits, that he can let loose upon the heart of a man or a woman, both good spirits and bad spirits. However none of these spirits violate the “free will of Man”, as one has to “act” upon the “desire” that is created by God by sending a spirit who pushes it into a direction it wants to go: Listening to your heart. Someone’s heart can be property of God, without that person being aware of it, otherwise then that person is aware that God sends “good” or “bad” spirits that speak with that person´s heart, to lead that person into His or Her Destiny This is concept of predestination. God wont violate that person's free will.

That person must by free will choose to follow the “good” spirits and refuse to hearken to the “bad” spirits. The person under predestination still has access to the gift of free will, and is philosophically able to miss that which he or she is predestined for, if that person has a greater affinity for “evil” then affinity for “good”. Only that way the one can miss his or her destiny. Predestined individuals have unusual attention from familiar spirits who of-course will attempt to snare that person with “gifts” and “positions” inside of their system to avoid the destiny that the one who is controlled by his or her heart is going to walk into when refused. In an attempt to avoid it from coming to pass. The Entire Spiritual realm is aware of your destiny if you are predestined, as inside of the spiritual realm there is no such thing as the concept of time, only “purpose” which unfolds itself. The Entire Spiritual realm can see the “purpose”, once God commands it. Once a predestined person becomes aware of the predestination, God will still not violate that person´s free will. Within the realm of Free will, God can only “manipulate the heart” by sending spirits, to lead a person into a situation, where that person may choose between options: “Free Will”. To go into the next level of Predestination, one must enter into “covenant” with God, only then God becomes able to violate “Free will”, and literally attach “spirits” to your soul, which you then continually carry around in your body.

A soul must use his or her free will, to allow a spirit, by covenant, to attach itself to that soul, thus, allowing that spirit to not just control the heart, which already was property of God, but then also the mind becomes property of God, whereby wrong choices are avoided by a superior intelligence, which is attached to the soul, accessible to the human mind. To get this kind of “attachment” to your mind, you need a “perfect account with God” Not one familiar spirit, nor any curse may be upon you to attain that state of being. To achieve a perfect account with God, one must accept the blood sacrifice of Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, one perfect God who came in the flesh, who committed no transgressions, payed the price of a man´s mistakes, his errors, on the cross. Taking the penalty for your errors, so that God does not have to punish you for all your deeds, Jesus already took the punishment! A Legal Matter! Once you accept the covenant, a free gift, that Jesus forgives your sins, then your body and soul are ready to be attached by the antenna that can receive messages from God in the realm of the mind! All humans have a body. Inside of that body is a soul. Once you scream to that soul, that soul makes the body experience feelings, depending upon what the nature of your soul is, that will be your response, passive, defensive or aggressive. Jesus said: If you have no access to the Spirit, you won't enter Heaven (John 3:5).

It is not about the inside of the realm of your soul, it being "good or bad" according to your own standard of perception. I am passive and not aggressive, so I am "good", it's not about that. If God wants you, He will send Angels to the realm of your soul, that will manipulate your Heart on the spiritframe, into situations where you must choose between good or bad. He won't attach a spirit to your soul without you using your free will to be "ATTACHABLE" If you want to enter Heaven in the afterlife, you need an antenna pointed at the spirit of God. Jesus was clear: NO ANTENNA, NO ENTRANCE. Once you receive access to Spirit of God, you can receive the messages what God wants from you inside the realm of your mind. If you act "good" by the standard of your soul, you will never know what you could have done, if you acted by the standard communicated to you by God through giving you access to tap into the “wavelength� of his Spirit. Your soul is predictable, by the philosophy of Human Nature, the Spirit is not predictable by those measurements, as it comes from God and can lead you into things you soul cannot lead you into as it is bound by pre-programmed limitations. Once your body is capable of receiving information from the SPIRIT OF GOD, or even better, you carrying the

Spirit of God, attached to your own spirit, then you can make sophisticated actions as "normal" person. How you can get an ANTENNA with GOD is you opening up your Word of God, your Holy Bible and read the instructions of how to obtain it in "Acts 2:38". If that's too complicated for your soul to command to your body do, then try Romans 10:13: Whosoever calls upon the name of Jesus Christ shall be saved! Predestined individuals, chosen by God, because of their hearts, are always “guided” by God through the spiritual realm, by sending “invisible angels” who manipulate the heart into a certain course. People who experience the purpose of predestination are not equal to ordinary civilians in the eyes of God, if such people commit crimes which normal civilians are easily sentenced for, God will send angels to that person to lead that person away from the wrath of the civilians, who understand not God´s purpose, neither respect it: Self-oriented-righteousness. If predestined individuals commit sin, God deals with that person Himself by allowing “evil” spirits to trick the heart of that person, whereby that person is led into painful, shameful or even destructive situations, depending upon the level of: Judgment of God. Let´s return to the heart of God: The heart of God doesn´t allow Himself to be read by anything of our realm, communication from the heart of God is always a one way communication. You as created being cannot manipulate the heart of God, by projecting something upon it. It is protected.

The heart of God can express itself by sending Spirits to your heart or spirit like: The Spirit of Conviction. The Spirit of Love. The Spirit of Grace. The Spirit of Truth. The Spirit of Discernment. The Spirit of Truth, is a direct connection to an explanatory intelligence who provides a human being with the correct counsel for the situation the being finds himself in. The Spirit of Grace, is a spirit that moves a human being to never lower people by executing “final” judgment that leads to discontinuation of individuality: Death, but always attempts to use its authority to rise other beings to a higher level of civilized behavior, forcefully. The Spirit of Conviction shuts down a human being´s sense of pride whereby it admits it´s wrong and humbles him or herself before the person who is wronged by the actions committed. The Spirit of Discernment allows a human to see the will of God happening throughout actions that people commit inside of creation, the plan of God, who slowly unfolds itself through people sent into someone´s life to move that person deeper into his or her destiny, and thus, by that ability, identified the will of God and is then able to act upon it. The Spirit of Love manipulates the spirit of reason, attempting to make you spend time with a person who can never pay you back for your time and attention. God´s heart won´t allow Himself to be read, but His heart can express itself by allowing parts of His Heart´s

personality traits to be given to you, and then you can read it. God has a Mind too, that Mind allows Himself to be read by the person who has the gift of Extrasensory. The heart of God, is manifested in our reality, by the speaking of Tongues. An Irrational Language. Someone who can speak in tongues, or can sense the spirit that makes people “speak in tongues”, is connected to the heart of God. God accounts such persons worthy of being around with. Listening to the mind of God, is comparable to listening to a great tree. If trees could speak, and explain how they can get 500 years old, That´s what it would sound like. “I have survived the longest”, “I am the wisest”, “I oversee everything”, “You cant see me, but I can see you”, “You don´t understand yet, but I do”. Sensing the mind of God is not a frightening experience as it appears to be very friendly, and through the tone of his voice, the voice of his mind, you can sense that that being is not out there to hurt you. Just like a tree, it won’t ever hurt you. However, the heart of God, sensing it, can surely be a very frightening experience as, it cannot be read, and acts unpredictable. It is impossible to sense what it wants to do, or comes to do, until it sends a spirit to your soul, which then attaches to your spirit and thus you becoming able to sense what it desires of you. Through the Word of God, we know that God is slow to anger, long-suffering, (2 Peter 3:9) the nature of God.

If you do not know these things, and sense the heart of God, that would be the most frightening experience of your life as the most philosophically sound way I can describe what I have sensed is the following: A being, with a centerpoint of gravity, and on its outer layer, which is the only layer which is “visible” to the Grand Maester with the gift of Extra Sensory, are attached, what I would describe as a million of black “pack-mans”, trying to escape the gravity of its core, in all directions, however only the core can decide the location, the actual outer layer, does not move the being. These “Pack-mans” make the sound, that the Christian with gift of “speaking in tongues” is expressing. I cannot express that form of communication with Logical Reason, as it´s language is multidimensional, irrational, as it sounds. Once the heart of God is in the near of someone with the gift of Speaking in tongues, that´s how He shows His heart to be Present among His people, as WHO has the gift of Extrasensory? The easiest way is by giving the gift of Speaking in Tongues.

Once the speaking of tongues is done, it means: MY HEART, THE CENTERPOINT OF THE COMMANDCENTER OF THE UNVERSE IS HERE! 1 Corinthians 14:22 Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe but to them that believe not. Within the body of persons who are property of Christ, there are also spirits who imitate this “speaking in tongues”, “fake-tongues”, however that´s another subject, speaking in tongues is presented here as evidence to understand the Heart of God. Imagine you sit there, and suddenly a body of spiritual matter, with a million black pack-mans on it´s skin shows up in your living room and you cannot sense what it wants from you, until it opens communication with you. It truly is frightening however, you have nothing to fear, as, the Heart of God, does not come to you to harm you. Would you expose your heart to your enemy? Are the words that the mind of God is making me sense, right now, as God is always... Alive right? You can still “sense” him with the right “antenna”, I already showed you how to obtain it, right? Let me give you are reminder out of courtesy: How you can get an ANTENNA with GOD is you opening up your Word of God, your Holy Bible and read the instructions of how to obtain it in "Acts 2:38".

If that's too complicated for your soul to command to your body do, then try Romans 10:13: Whosoever calls upon the name of Jesus Christ shall be saved! Because you predictably have taken the easy way and just called upon the name of Jesus Christ instead of looking it up yourself what the scripture says, I will do the work for you: Acts 2:38 Repent of your sins, and then be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and then you shall receive the Spirit of God. The one who has looked up what that scripture said by his or her own desire, can resist the evil realm the strongest: great potential. People who have “imaginary friends” or “things that speak to him or her”, those people are tapping into the spiritual realm and are talking to familiar spirits, who imitate dead relatives, or however, or whatever, convinces the body to obey it´s will. Don´t leave such people in peace with their “spirit guides”, you must act like a parental authority and lead such people to a Christian Minister, preferably a Exorcist. The Spiritual Realm can only be accessed safely, thought the Antenna, instituted by God: His Holy Spirit. Angels and Demons who influence people´s heart, cannot be removed from them, Spirits who attach to their Spirit, can be removed. If there is no access in your area to a Christian Minister, then pray to God directly and say: Please Jesus, this soul is bothered by the spiritual realm, will you please close down this person´s connection to that realm if it is hurtful towards the

soul, or bring your presence upon that soul, so that the familiar spirit has to go. Amen. When the heart of God is in your near, you cannot ignore it. The Mind of God can be compared to the electromagnetic field of the earth:

Once you have the antenna, moving in the realm of the mind of God, is like being able to sense the magnetic field, pulsating, sensing the mind. Just like you have a voice inside of your head, who can think, God has that too. With the Antenna you can hear those thoughts, if God gives you the Gift of Extrasensory, you can hear those thoughts all the days of your life. The heart of God, is like the core of the earth, very busy, appearing to be very chaotic, ultra-complex communication, processing high intensity communication like a processing chip, and it is connected to everyone taking care of everything, the entire unit, like a father, operating room, operating system, and being God doesn’t appear to be boring as everyone talks to him, a cloud of a quadrillion

thoughts, not gentle like when one is sensing the mind of God, who is always at peace, ultra-sophisticated, which you can sense. “The interpretation of Peace that you can find in the Mind of God is always: Don´t worry, I got it all covered”.

The unanswerable question: If God is eternal, who created God and Where does God reside, and who created where God resides? Answered by the Spirit of Grace, Truth and Justice, which are attached to the soul of:


Patrick Pereira Theology says that God never was born and never will die: eternal, always was there, always will be there. Translating this concept to your mind, is a proof that I have pulled out the “sword of Excalibur” which makes a man rightful sovereign over the English, as BRUTE or TACTIC force is not enough, according to English folklore to detach the sword of sovereignty out of the rock, only god could give such authorization for a man to do that. The heart of God, can enter a man, and then the spirit of that man becomes as multidimensional as the heart of God, such man can get access to every corner of thought, inside of the universe. This happened to King David of Israel, which said to Prophet Samuel that he had JOURNEYS IN THE SPIRIT, the

same JOURNEYS IN THE SPIRIT Solomon his son had while he wrote the book of proverbs. Surfing on the frame of the spirit of truth, and using his philosophical talents to translate wisdom into words. Prince James also had access to the heart of God, He ordered the translation of the King James Version of the Holy Scripture. This is proof of that God chose the English, and gave His heart to their Prince, who then was able to act as:

Defender of the Faith The English can only be ruled by someone chosen by God, as their system, their philosophy is: Go to church, be good, don´t go too far. A system of Grace that started at Prince James of England. Once such system is abused, it develops into: Do as you feel like. And then a

Defender of the Faith Shows up, to assure, that the system of Grace is not discontinued, by all those who abuse grace, and adapt to the philosophy: Do as you feel like. THE UNREASONABLE LEVEL OF FAVOR FROM GOD, ALLOWS A HUMAN BEING TO LIVE THAT WAY, A VERY LONG TIME. However, also King Solomon´s Kingdom was taken from him, after he committed Idolatry, as God gave Solomon the entire earth and access to it, and Solomon had so little self-control that he had 700 wives and could not even value one of them.

Also while pondering upon the depths of the spirit of truth, he encountered a familiar spirit that told him that “It´s just one idol, you are King, if you make a covenant with us, we will give you access to that 1 layer of information that your God doesn't want you to have access too, and thus offending God is such an extreme way, that He lost everything. Solomon was no longer able to be reasoned with, as the children of the English are also not able to be reasoned with. 1611 King James Bible Introduction: To the most high and mighty Prince, James by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, & The translators of The Bible, wish Grace, Mercy, and Peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. INTERPRETATION: THE MOST POWERFUL SOVEREIGN ON EARTH, BY GRACE OF GOD, RULING THE TERRITORY THAT WAS APPOINTED TO HIM, DEFENDING THE FAITH, TRANSLATING OF THE WORDS OF GOD INTO LANGUAGE OF THE TERRITORY, BY ACT OF GOD. ENGLAND REPLACED THE FUNCTION OF THE ISRAELI, FOR A SEASON. 400 years after Prince James, after the sovereigns of Britain left the Heart of God, god remembered his covenant with James, and allowed the English descendants to flee to America, and thus the Secularized “Do as you please” system developed out of the ancient English philosophy of Grace that was like: Go to church, be Good, don´t go too far.

This is where the folklore of Excalibur is based upon, the one who defends the system of grace, can only be chosen by the one who instituted that Grace: GOD. the ancient English philosophy of Grace that was like: Go to church, be Good, don´t go too far. BUT IT ISNT THE TRUTH, THIS SYSTEM KEEPS ON WORKING UNTILL THE TRUTH SHOWS UP: THE KINGDOM OF GOD, THE PERFECT SYSTEM! when you lose connection with God, the system of Grace can entertain you all the days of your life, deceiving you into thinking you are doing just fine, but deep from within you can be attached with evil spirits and a cold soul, BECAUSE YOUR ANCESTERS HAVE DONE SO MANY THINGS, LIKE MAKING A KJV BIBLE THAT A MAN LIKE ME CAN READ, AS I CANT READ HEBREW NEIGHTER GREEK. THIS IS WHY I CANNOT IGNORE YOU ENGLISH PEOPLE, JUST LIKE THE WORLD CANNOT INGNORE THE JEWS AS THEY BROUGHT THE MESSIAH To demonstrate to you that I have accomplished that which the one who pulled the sword out of the rock has accomplished, is by answering the unanswerable question. I was not after any crown, I respected all laws to the best of my ability and integrity, that´s how you pull the sword out of the rock: YOU WANT TO DO WHAT IS BEST FOR ALL.

and RESPECT ALL PEOPLES and their RANKINGS and resist not their DESTINY, and ALLOW THEM TO LIVE IT OUT as: All you do is defend the faith. If God is eternal, who created God and Where does God reside, and who created where God resides? God is eternal, who created the Universe, the “Entire Wavelength” as described in the two Graduation Papers of Grand Maestership. That “Entire Wavelength” cannot contain the entire creator, as it is created by it. So the reasonable conclusion is then, that God is outside of our Universe. If God is outside of our Universe, then who made that realm, which God resides in? Do you see the philosophical impossibility? It´s not an impossibility to the one who pulled out the sword: God resides in the “ETERNAL BLACKNESS” with no form and no borders. And there he “supports” an operating system: the Universe. It is like you watching into the reality of your computer system. The screen of the system, is the layer of reality which all the beings are forced to be in, the rest of eternity, unless, the one who supports that system, is discontinued, and that´s impossible as God cannot have an end, otherwise the system would not be stable. One laptop, reflecting two worlds: The world of matter and of spirit. The world of matter is locked in the world of the screen, and in the world spirit, which is locked in the

hardware that supports the beings on the screen, and God being the one who controls the computer-system; Universal Laws, programming. Outside of the two frames of the laptop, the screen and the system, is eternal blackness, as space and time are a programming of the universe, outside of it, outside the system it´s void, nothing, no limitation. God resides in it, without limitation, as there is NOTHING there, no borders, no time, NOTHING. NOTHING (LIMITLESSNESS) CONTAINS GOD. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LOCATION IN THE REALM OF GOD, AS THAT IS A QUALITY OF MATTER. The system, the universe, is the only created thing. Outside of creation what is there? Nothing! GOD IS SPIRIT! NO LIMIT, INTO ALL DIRECTIONS, ETERNALLY. AND WITHIN THE REALM OF HIS SPIRIT HE CAN “PROGRAM”, WHICH IS CREATED BY CAPACITY OF HIS MIND: WHICH IS THE FRAMEWORK OF THE PROGRAMMING. CREATION IS INSIDE OF HIS MIND, HIS CREATIVE IMAGINATION. HE CAN THINK THINGS UP, WHATEVER HE WANTS, AND IT COMES INTO MANIFESTATION, WITHIN THE BORDERS OF THE LAWS HE CREATED INSIDE OF THAT SYSTEM. WE ARE PROJECTIONS IN GODS MIND, WHICH HE CAN OBSERVE. AND WE ARE MADE IN HIS IMAGE. SO WE HAVE POWER OF CREATIVITY, WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THIS UNIVERSE, THE PROJECTION THAT GOD GAVE US, TO EXPERIENCE. We don't have access to the realm of unlimited possibilities of projections, like God has access to.

He must make a universe, and design its law, and then the beings can be. As I said, I have pulled the sword. God of Creation bless you in the name of His only Begotten son, that the system of Grace, identified as Jesus Christ. Amen. Addition: “Angels” are additions to the soul, so that the body can emulate the aspects of God, depending upon what amount God releases upon the being: Creative. BLESSED. “Demons” are additions to the soul that the body can emulate aspects of Satan: Destructive. ACCURSED.


Two minds, that interact with each-other. The Timeless mind (subconscious mind) and the mind bound by time. Your destiny is pre-programmed into your Timeless mind realm. When God reasons with that realm, your destiny is rewritten. This ought not to be done by humans, this breaks an ethical code, and has great consequences. The one who is able to manipulate the subconscious mind, acting as God, is in great violation. If you want someone´s subconscious mind to be “balanced” you must pray to God, and ask him to do it for you, to the person who´s subconscious mind you try to alter. This method is safe as it is orchestrated by the highest and most intelligent being, without error. Do not be tempted to think you know how to program subconscious mind, better then the creator of subconscious mind, who gives you access into that realm.

When God “reasons” with the subconscious mind, he alters the field where it moves on, like a magnetic field, whereby it is “attracted” to more “healthy” locations of spirit. Subconscious mind is all about magnetism, and disturbing things inside of that “ invisible skin” of the human body, that magnetizes the mind towards a “destiny”. A balancing of God to that realm, is like a forgiveness of sin, whereby you don´t have to experience the consequences of that which imbalanced that realm (sin). This is the purpose of the dream, one mind, communicates, with the other mind, who is bound to experience “now”. People who no longer dream, have already fulfilled their destiny, they no longer need instructions. They are at the ending part of their “Sub-conscience lifeline, their purpose.” God doesn´t allow the “dream-center” of a man to be damaged before the purpose of the being, is fulfilled. Communication methods of Subconscious (Timeless) mind: 1.








“THE WHEEL OF LIFE” (THE BLUEPRINT-ENGINE OF THE SELF) Understanding the Danger that Idolatry brings to “Self (Human)”, and the relation of “Self” to the “Highest Self (God)”.

Observing Disney’s “Inside Out” before reading this sermon can be a beneficial tool to interpret this sermon correctly.

The Abilities of Spirits inside of the “Command-center” of the “self”: the Parliament of the mind. Offensive Spirits (The Military):

Lvl. 1: Spirit of Diciplination (acting offensive),

threatens or disciplines to regain control (overhand) over (personal) situation. ( Disobedience to mature authority is allowed to reign in the immature by God, when the mature depart from will of God, to get the attention of the mature towards the fact that something is out of balance).

Lvl. 2: Spirit of Justice, uses speech and diciplination

that leads to regaining of (non-personal) order inside the region it has authority over. Defensive Spirits (The Military):

Lvl. 1: Spirit of Fear, forewarns the President Spirit of

all the possible “negative” and “unbeneficial” outcomes towards a desire to take an action, to why the President Spirit, should not act to keep the “self” safe.

Lvl. 2: Spirit of Terror (Inc. Fear of God, Conviction of

God), strikes the President Spirit with state of shock of the system, to prevent it from acting. Ruling Core Spirits (The President of the Season):

Positive Lvl. 1: Spirit of Joy (Good for “Self” is President

- Blessed), makes the life experience of the “self” pleasurable. Ambition. Brings value to development of “character” and discovering the possibilities of this reality. “Selfish Gain without emphasis on ethics”. Makes new experiences enjoyable: “I´m so happy my first this and

that, I did it!” Makes life´s troubles, feel like challenges, endless opportunities!

Positive Lvl. 2: Spirit of Love (God is President),

“chosen by God”, for blessed function inside of the realm of Higher Self. “cares” for ethics, as it cares for the wellbeing of all “selves” inside the “Higher Self”. Ruled by Integrity and Honesty and Servitude. Regulates in Righteousness.

Negative Lvl. 1: Spirit of Sadness, depressed. Apathetic.

Feels Abandoned. Expects negative-loss from all outcomes, makes “self” feel hopeless.

Negative Lvl. 2: Spirit of Hate (Satan is President),

Under Judgment of Discontinuation, Hardened Heart. “Given over by God, for the realm of “forget-fullness”. Lost conscience: “Does as it pleases regardless of offending “Higher Self” or how many “other selves” might get hurt”. Regulates by lawlessness, obtaining whatever “self” desires as quick as possible before time runs out. Counselor Spirits (For the Presidency):

Lvl 1: Spirit of Discernment. Usually only given to a

“Prophet”. This spirit aids with understanding the purpose of God about what situation is presented before him by the ruling president spirit of the “self”.

Lvl 2: Spirit of Truth. Usually only given to a

“Prophet”. This spirit explains real time the purpose of God to what is observed by the ruling president spirit of the “self”.

Positive Lvl 1. Spirit of Regret: Desires to move

presidency and military to ignore “Lvl 1. Anger” out of feelings of recompense for “The wrong the Self has done

to the “other Self” who it encounters. When obeyed, leads towards “Positive Presidency”.

Positive Lvl 2. Spirit of Grace/Mercy: wants to move

presidency and military to ignore “Lvl 2. Justice”, and to act in “mercy” out of love for “Human life” towards a wrongdoer who it encounters that shows a lvl. 1 Spirit of Regret. When obeyed, leads towards “Positive Presidency”.

Negative Lvl 1. Spirit of Unforgiveness: Keeps an

account (of those who “self” feels “tied” to), and wants to move presidency and military to “payback” after feels wronged in the realm of the “pride”, simply being “corrected at error”, thus excuses wrongdoings against authority. Raises it “self”, it´s importance measured with the relation to the other another “self”. And justifies “offensive” Lvl.1 behavior because of it. When obeyed, leads towards “Negative Presidency”

Negative Lvl 2: Spirit of Victimism, feels zero

responsibility for own actions, feels that all evil actions are perfectly justified, “because of ...”. Shutting down of conscience starts here. When obeyed, leads towards “Negative Presidency” Counselor Spirits (Opinion):

Positive: Spirit of Lust/Desire, wants the desire of “self”

fulfilled. Whatever the desire of the “self” is. Desire of the heart is given to Blessed People (Psalm 37:4).

Negative: Spirit of Envy, desires to move the presidency

and the military to lower or damage “other units of Self” who have what “self” desires.

Positive: Spirit of Favoring, moves presidency to

ignore “Lvl 2. Justice” command of the military. What is

observed by the “self” in relation to another “self” is desirable. (No Justice for you, I want you, or “You are tasty for my “self” (food)”)

Negative: Spirit of Disgust, moves presidency to ignore

“Lvl 2. Justice” from the military. What is observed by the “self” in relation to another “self” is not desirable. (No rights for you, I don't want you, or “you are dangerous for my “self” (food)”) Note: The Husband and Wife, combine the power of the spirits inside of their command-centers for the sake of the upbringing of their offspring, continuation: Marriage. Note: The American “Age of accountability” concept, is an imperfect rethorica of: God gives a human, two seasons: Lvl 1: Growing up. Lvl 2: Maturity. At Maturity, the consequences of evil actions are greater. If the Lvl 1 individual belongs to God, in the sense of that person being prepared for usage by God, then the Lvl 1 phase prepares for Lvl 2. Those who are not prepared for usage by God, can already die of consequences of evil actions during the lvl 1 stage of their lives. Note: The Maester and Maestress: “Lvl 2” (Spiritual Maturity) is attained, when all “Lvl 1” (Spiritual Immaturity) actions, have led “Self” into its destiny forcefully, whereby all intelligence inside of self, led that person into his or her destiny, whereby life is no longer in own control, but one lives out the consequences of the choices made during “lvl 1.”

You cannot grant yourself Lvl 2, nor negative nor positive. After all “Lvl 1” actions have been taken, God decides, if he “saves” (Positive Maester) you, or “hardens” (Negative Maester) you. The Divine-Timeless Input, Storage-room and Output of the “self” (THE RELATION “SELF” HAS TO “HIGHEST SELF” inside of “self”.):

The Spiritual Realm (Abstract Land): Leads those in the command-center, as they are curious to learn what comes out, that can benefit the “self”. Spirits sent by God, as visitors, projected at the “command-center” at “positive” presidency, will allow their understanding and creative thoughts to be lend towards the president that will lead to constructive and progressive actions: blessed. An influx of information that leads to “downloading” a concept or teaching from God´s realm, over time, progressively: Inventing: leading into destiny, purpose of life. Spirits sent by Satan, as visitors, projected at the “command-center” at “negative” presidency, will allow their understanding and destructive thought to be lend towards the president that will lead to destructive and regressive actions: accursed. An influx of information that leads to “downloading” a virus from Satan´s realm, that over time brings the self to a “regressive” state. (Known as Familiar/Deceptive Spirits) Interpretation: If you Sin against God, your Command-center will be deceived by demonic spirits. If you Please God, your Command-center will be blessed by assistance of angelic spirits.

On the “map” of the “self”, this is the mechanism that leads “self” into God´s will: Destiny. This is the realm of unlimited possibilities. The Subconscious Realm (Timeless Land) During Lvl 1, Positive presidency, most memories, have a positive attachment to them. Once a “self” goes into negative presidency, the “other selves” from the “positive season”, lose purpose and go into the subconscious realm, where they influence not, the command-center´s decision making process. Purpose driven memory activation, goes inside and outside of the subconscious realm, being “reactivated” for a purpose. Once the “other selves” that are connected to the memory of “self”, become too evil (Lvl 2 Negative), God does not “store” the memories in the subconscious realm for “later usage in another season” as they lose eternal purpose. Interpretation: A Jail where “memory of visitors” go, if they are no longer necessary, or where extreme memories are stored that put the command-center in a “shocked” state, traumatizing, getting it “off-course”: Extreme Sexual Fantasy, and the Deepest forms of Pain and Fear. The Subconscious realm traps everything, that hinders the destiny of “Self”. And if something is released, it´s only released in the right season for a purpose. Once a series of evil choices is made, the abstract mind will download the "viruses", and once that "Judgment of God" is over, those memories go into the subconscious realm.

Realm of the Dead (Forgetfulness Land) (Psalm 88:10-13) Forget-fullness, a memory losing its influence over the command-center, when association of another “self” is “removed” from the realm of the “self” by God as it lost its beneficial purpose in the life of “self”. Interpretation: That which serves no purpose to God, is discontinued, from the Realm that the Higher Self, Governs. Humans, in the “Command-center” of the creation of the “Highest self” (God): God has “forgetfulness” too, this is where Lvl 2. Negative Maesters go to, or those that died at Lvl 1, in an immature state. Their influence over our “shared reality”, diminishes, once God´s purpose is fulfilled. Those under “judgment of God”, are stored in “God´s Subconscious Realm”. Temporally removed from “society”. Highest Self Says: I Myself will set My face against that man and against his family, and I will cut off from among their people both him and all those who play the harlot after him, by playing the Harlot after Idols.” (Leviticus 20:2-5) Once a man, puts up, or values an idol, a statue of any kind, God starts a process of “cutting you” off from your contemporaries says “Highest Self”. Once you commit “idolatry”, the part of the Spiritual Realm (Abstract Land) that is experienced by the “self” will start to project information upon the command-center of the “self” that will lead to an imbalance of the “command-center” of the “self”. The “Military” spirits will take over command from the “presidency” and all your “commands” will lead to:

Isolation from all your memories and purpose driven lifestyle. Idolatry on Lvl 1 will kick “joy” out from presidency, replace it with “sadness”. Idolatry on Lvl 2 will kick “love” out from presidency, replace it with “hate”. Thus being ruled by Anger and Sadness, you will disconnect from your personality and beneficial usage of your abilities as your interpersonal command-center has been hijacked. Anything you put above the will of God, can be considered an idol, an in-balance towards where God wants you to be or go, the imbalance that the physical idol brings is of-course greater than the greed of money. A “self” at the Lvl 2 stage of his life, who commits Idolatry, is committing a direct insult and disrespect at “Higher Self” and thus, “offends” “Higher Self”. Interpretation: Idolatry leads to emotional breakdown, as, Idolatry provokes God to put you into his “subconscience” and if you afterwards still not quit it, into “God´s realm of forget-fullness”. Nothing in existence can be “destroyed”, as it lives on as energy inside of minds of others, it simply becomes forgotten by the momentary experience of “self” and other “selves” inside the creation of the “Higher Self”. The Word of God says, that the realm of forgetfulness will one day be emptied into the eternal Hellfire realm (Revelation 20:11-15), the permanent subconscious of God after his purpose with this creation has been accomplished and “evil” serves no more purpose. The Subconscious realm of “Highest Self” traps everything, that hinders the will of “Highest Self”, first

into temporal forgetfulness, then, afterwards, at no repentance, into permanent forgetfulness to be

transferred into the realm of Hellfire. The breakdown. Going from lvl 1 to Lvl 2. Once a “self” up-used all choices, presented before “self” by the “self-ties” like Family-ties, and turned off the conscience of “self” to ignore all “self-ties”, “That´s the point of no return”, that´s when “destiny” comes and picks up “self” if “self” is elected by “Highest Self” for “Lvl 2. Love” as Presidency, as: After all your Lvl 1. intelligence has been up-used, and all your choices have been made while being at Lvl 1, living out the consequences of those choices will put pressure upon your “command-center” and eventually lead to “breakdown”. Breaking of personality traits, leads to isolation of “self” in relationship to other “selves”.

Like Family, Immoral Sexual, Moral Husband-Wife, Parental, Teacher and Friendship ties. A lust for money, can make you neglect family contact and that can lead to an imbalance in the commandcenter, also idolatry creates an imbalance, after the imbalances are acted upon, one day, something that is loved by the “self” will be lost due consequence of imbalance in command-center. That´s the breaking-point of “self”, when that which is loved the most by the “self”, goes into the realm of “subconscious” or “forgetfulness”. That´s when the entire “self” becomes ruled by the spirit of sadness. The great halt, nothing can deceive you there, as nothing is desired. This is the turning point of “self”, entering the “Sadness season of Lvl 1”, that will lead to Lvl 2. The naive Lvl 1 command-center, will send the “self” to the past, to repair the ties it has broken, as there “life” was still “positive”, an act to return to Lvl 1. Positive Presidency. During this season the voice of joy is no longer followed. After this season, one has acted upon the own intelligence, and endured all the consequences, once the cycle is round again, the “self” is Spiritually mature at Lvl 2. The “self” can forgive everyone after realizing the “self” chose all actions and enter into “love”, or the “self” can “blame” other “selves” and “hate” everything and everyone. The Lvl 2 “Self” knows the long-term consequences of actions and is no longer, naive, or surprised by what “Highest Self” presents before “self” and is no longer easily tempted to act upon an “imbalanced command-center”.

At this moment “The Will of God” is entered by the “self”. THE “SELF” ARRIVED AT LVL 2: During the “2nd part of the cycle”, the season of sadness, all the personality traits of “self” have been damaged. All bonds, friendship, love, and family bonds have been damaged. All professional relationships have been damaged. All that made “self”, “self” are no longer coming thought “self”. The personality traits, relationships, and professional pursuits during Lvl 1, are nothing more than a preparation for the “Lvl 2.” version of them. Once “self” arrives at Lvl 2, all “personality centers” inside of the “self” are complexified, more into a purpose driven structure, instead of competition driven, or selfexpressive driven, in relationship with other “selves”. Before Breakdown: Performance of Dance, Art, Music, Sports for expression of self. After Breakdown: Performance of Dance, Art, Music, Sports for expression of teamwork. Before Breakdown: Performance of talents for benefits for “self-only”. After Breakdown: Performance of talents benefit of “Higher Self” and “other selves”. The Lvl 2 Self, inside the Command-center of God. “Self” cannot die, as it will go into the realm of “forgetfulness” of the Highest Self. A temporal “deactivation” outside of the appearance of those inside “mutual creation” where all “selves” dwell. “Self” can be isolated from “other selves” by deactivation of talents and personality traits that leads to

Isolation from contemporaries, as a punishment for evil deeds or idolatry. If “Self” is in the will of “Highest Self”, it will go into the “command-center” of “Highest Self”. The “presidency” of the Command-center of “Highest Self” is chosen by “Highest Self”. And thus “Highest Self” can “dream” whatever “Highest Self” desires to dream, through those in the commandcenter of “Highest Self”. Jesus Christ, was exactly what he said he was, the “President” of the Command-center of “Highest Self”, inside the realm of where all the other “selves” dwell. At His Second coming, he will replace God´s representative on earth, the president of the “commandcenter” of “Highest Self”: “A Lvl 2 Spiritual “Self” that is elected by “Highest Self” to rule the creation of “Highest Self” (Genesis 1:26). At Jesus´s return, all those who are inside the realm of “forgetfulness” of the “Highest Self” are going to be revived (1 Thessalonians 4:16). And those who are inside the subconscious of the “Highest Self” are going to be thrown into “the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:11-15). And the Lvl 2 Spiritual “selves” on the side of God, that are still alive, will become immortal, once Jesus takes over control of the command-center of the “Highest Self” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). Once a “self” comes into existence, “self” cannot be undone, “self” then must be stored somewhere. Those who fight against “Highest Self”, are treated like a Virus by “Highest Self”. When a Lvl 1 “Self” does that, that “self” is usually pardoned by the “Highest Self” as the other “Lvl 2 Selves”

have misled the “Lvl 1 Selves” in their “rebellion against Highest Self”. A Lvl 2. Spiritual “Self” can be defined as Maester. Two categories: A “Positive Maester”, A “Negative Maester”. That can be described as: A Maester and a Dark Maester. If “Highest Self” loves you as a “self”, your Lvl 1. actions will lead you into “Highest Self Purpose”, then your “failures” are used for “good” inside of a “design” of your life´s course: predestination, a purpose driven life.

The Greatest State of Wisdom Transcribed from audio by Samantha Schmidt (Maestress)

Accepted Thesis For attaining the state of “Enlightenment”

this Sermon was the trigger for God to activate/open my Mind´s Eye (Eye of Providence) at 20:00 CET in the s´Hertogenbosch area on the same date as the sermon was recorded.

Most people think that they are wise, most people think that they are successful, however your viewpoint of success is defined by what your heart and mind desires... It´s subjective... There are people that want to get rich, such look upon everyone who is rich to be successful. Then when you become rich you will find out that you will attract a certain type of women you didn´t anticipate upon attracting: The “Gold Digger”.

The unexpected “sideeffects”. What is for the one man an interesting thing, is for the other man totally uninteresting. There are not many teachers alive today in this world that you trust and who can counsel you in ”General Truth”, not ”Subjective Truth”. Counselors that aren´t subjective to their personality, in terms of defining in a subjective way that what is “success”. This piece of information I'm going to share with you, I'm going to share with you at a very special location. I'm going to position myself how I need to be positioned to minister this intelligence to you because I want you to understand that I understand something that the ancient people of Egypt, Babylon, ancient England and the Americas understood.

Not today's Americans but ancient Americans... Also, the people of the city of Eindhoven had this understanding a long time ago when they built buildings like these (Referring to the location where this sermon was recorded). So before I minister this most important piece of wisdom that I can transfer to you I'm going to put myself into position. Straighten myself up a little bit. Are you ready to hear what I have got to say to you today? LIFE (your life, his life, their lives) is seasonal... See it like a book... Chapters: then this happened..then that happened...then this happened..then that happened...then this happened and then the book was over. So you, without “SpiritualDiscernment” think: 'I'll build a life for myself and then perhaps one day I'll be happy if I have “this” and “this” and “this”.' That's one chapter of your life, a chapter (season) where you do not yet know what life really is about, nor have developed a “Life-Philosophy” and are influenced by the “LifePhilosophy” of others in your direct (persona network) and indirect (the media) environment. The season where you are influenced towards developing a mind that is motivated to move into a direction, the mind that sets a goal, without a solid & truthful “Life Philosophy”, a season, in the early stages of your life where you are influenced by others, knowing or unknowingly, by force.

Your mind without “SpiritualDiscernment” isn't capable of looking at the:

entirebookof yourlife I like to compare the book of your LIFE to a giant painting that is locked inside of a puzzlesystem. Your conscious mind (that continually registers the “now” moment) is collecting the pieces of a giant puzzle, receiving one piece of the puzzle every day from your subconscious mind who sees the Entire Picture, at the day of conception. ( Entire Picture: The reason/purpose to why God created you)

There will come a day, sooner or later, that your conscious mind, has enough pieces of the puzzle to understand what your subconscious mind was able to see from the beginning. That will be the day that this season is over: 'I'll build a life for myself and then perhaps one day I'll be happy if I have this and this and this.' ENLIGHTENED ApostleProphet PATRICK SAYS: JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT HOLD THE INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY TO IDENTIFY THE HAND OF GOD OVER ALL MATTERS INSIDE OF THIS CREATION, DOESN´T MEAN THAT IT ´S NOT OPERATING BY HIS WILL, DESIGN AND PLAN.

Once that day came, the start of “the next chapter of your book” the day that your conscious mind has gathered enough pieces of the puzzle whereby it can identify the intelligence of the painting that the subconscious mind can see, the painting that was drawn by God, in it´s complete state, or in an almost completed state, whereby you can see enough elements whereby you can use your imagination to predict the images on the remaining pieces of the puzzle of where your life is supposed to go to: The plan of God for you: The Purpose of your Existence.

ENLIGHTENED APOSTLE-PROPHET PATRICK SAYS: TIME WILL COMPLETE THE PUZZLE. Once you entered this season of your life, whereby you understand why you have been given these talents, the realization that all earlier seasons in your life where to mold your personality and character into that you

naturally do what you have been created for to do, the intellect, the creativity and the abilities... Once you arrive in this season of your life, the frame of mind that led your course of actions in this older season: “I'll build a life for myself and then perhaps one day I'll be happy if I have this and this and this.” Can no longer “enslave” you, as you become confident of YOUR success, as you come to the realization that you “designed for a reason” by an Almighty Supreme Being for His purpose. -NO MORE COMPROMISES OR FEAR DRIVEN ACTS-


Enlightened Apostle-Prophet of God, Grand Maester Patrick Pereira.

In the realm of human beings, only someone who is a “Prophet” with the spirit of “Discernment” can translate this intelligence into the linguistics that your mind can comprehend. Only a Prophet understands the seasons... Ephesians 4:11-13 - So Christ himself gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, to equip His people for works of service (ministry), so that the body of Christ may be built up (constructed) until we all reach unity in the faith (at the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ). Every season of your life serves a purpose. Whether you understand that or not, is not of influence whether it happens to you or not, as it serves you a purpose.

The body is made out of matter so when time passes, it dies. However that which makes movement (the consciousness) is not made out of matter. So though the body dies, the consciousness does not. It returns to its Creator who positioned it into this body; into this vessel. The word of God defines your body to be a vessel; the “temple” where the Spirit of God can dwell inside. 1 Corinthians 6:19 - What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God? You have an enemy that is also operating inside of this creation: Satan; the devil and the fallen Angels who obey his command, the Demons. Satan is a rebellious Angel, and Angels, rebellious or not, are immortal beings, they all have the ability to “see” your painting, Satan can see what God is going to accomplish through you long before you arrive in the season where you are made aware of your purpose. Satan´s aim is to keep you ignorant of your purpose/destiny as long as he possibly can, as he does not want you to come to the state of General Truth as then

God will impact this creation through you, thus making him loosing territory and control. Satan desires you to stay distracted away from your purpose, and be harmless, keep you busy with your lusts and pride, that you never reach your full potential. Satan attempts to mess you up before you arrive at the day that it is made known to you what is your purpose/destiny, and the last resort from getting you to arrive there is “The Spirit of Suicide”. If you ever hear a voice in your mind who attempts to convince you to “end your own life”; that´s the spirit of suicide: Satan sending a demon to you in the realm of the spirit (the mind) to attempt to move you to use your free will to cancel your usage of the vessel that God gave, just before you God desires to use your vessel for His Purpose. Of-course, when Satan sends a spirit (demon) who convinces you to commit suicide, you are not aware of His Purpose. Ignorance of General Truth is Satan´s main weapon against man-kind. Just before God is planning to give you the next piece of the puzzle towards the completion of your painting, Satan will come and try to dismantle or distract you with sin-desire, to destroy you and God´s plan through you. The more you “sin”, the greater the risk becomes that the fulfillment of the painting will not come to pass. This is why the Word of God says they are all deceived by

Satan: "Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the plan of Salvation. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God." - 2 Corinthians 4:4

Satan allows people who are subject to his God-less or False-Religious systems to live according to their selfish desires, emotions and pride... He allows the easy way, the quick way, the path of least resistance... And in his systems, those without virtues as �Charactre, Morality, Righteousness and Godliness� are glorified and favored on high positions of authority with the purpose to bend the minds of the others to render them harmless to the system, to make it look unfavorable to develop

Human Virtues that will lead to God´s blessing, to make the masses do the exact same as those who are raised in Satan´s systems under group pressure by designing the desire to “imitate the favorable” to not be an “outcast” who can´t “play along”, a “loser”.

A society under Satanic Authority is molded in such a way that “sin” is good, and Human Virtues like righteousness, holiness and the building of character, are bad and unfruitful in such systems and will only lead you to exclusion and isolation.


Why do you think that it is that way?

ENLIGHTENED APOSTLE-PROPHET PATRICK SAYS: It is about being blessed or being cursed, if you are blessed; then all your interactions with other human beings will have a positive outcome, and if not, if you are blessed and are having negative outcomes, it´s happening to mold your character or teach you a valuable life lessons that are vital for your destiny to understand, the purpose of a blessed person always makes the interactions of that person to have a nature of a upward spiral. The opposite counts for someone who is accursed, all he does, regardless of his intellectual levels, no matter what he does, it has the nature of a downward spiral, the quality of the person´s life continually decreasing.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28 When you're cursed, your life is always going down... Everything you do just doesn't work, no matter how smart, powerful or beautiful you are, you'll find out that when you think you almost have it and then find what you desire collapse and shatter into oblivion. And you try again and it crashes. All your efforts just keep collapsing. That's being in an accursed state.

ENLIGHTENED APOSTLE-PROPHET PATRICK SAYS: In a Satanic Society you can get your emotional need of group-acceptation met and stay accursed, or do what is right, and become isolated from the masses and become blessed by God in this life and in the afterlife. You cannot enter your destiny/purpose without refusing what Satan attempts to offer you in this world, to make

you forfeit your destiny/purpose. You can do things that will bless you and you can do things that will curse you. What are the things that will bless you and what are the things that will curse you? The thing that will curse you is sex outside of a marriage covenant because once you have sex without marriage what you do is you sign a covenant with cancellation. The word of God says that God only blesses sex within the covenant of marriage. Hebrews 13:4 - Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. Remember what I wrote about “being in a blessed state of being”, someone who is blessed, to him or her, everything they do works and it is all made to last. When you have sex without marriage you're “cursing” your relationship, so it will go down, you're signing it down once you commit the act. No matter how much you try to save it on your own efforts, it will always break down some way or another. That is why sex outside of marriage is one of the quickest ways to curse yourself. Also you'll acquire a “soul-tie”. Once you have sex outside of marriage you create a spiritual soul tie and you can't get rid of that soul-tie ever again. Your purpose/destiny will keep going but your mind and

your heart will keep turning back to the individual you have created a soul-tie with, and you will have agony. You will keep going forth and keep wanting to go back: An inner conflict between the heart, mind, soul and spirit. This is what happens when you have sex outside of marriage. How can you get yourself blessed? You preach the word of God to the people: You tell people that “they have the opportunity to pray to Jesus Christ and you can ask Him for mercy. God can save you, he died on a cross that you may be forgiven. All you have to do is get baptized and stop sinning against God.� God wants you to share this information with another human being. Why is this important? I've read the Word of God in many languages, the entire oeuvre of 66 books that are found in Divine Inspired Scripture, including prophecy. However not everyone is like me. The masses do not read the word of God. The one who has the talents to study has a responsibility to go and tell the other ones who don't study nor read. Once you think about your fellow man, that's when you're thinking about what God wants.

As long as you only think about: me, me, me, myself, how I feel, what I want, how they will think about me = You're not thinking about them. God is thinking about you but He is also thinking about them.


God loves all people. That doesn't mean you have to tell them lies to please their emotional nature to not “hurt their feelings�, or tell them what they want to hear: You've got to tell them the truth! Because you've got to give them the opportunity even if they don't want to hear it! Like a loving parent educating a child saying "Child, if you eat candy all day one day it's going to mess you up! You've got to eat some vegetables too!" When you preach the word of God to sinners it's almost like telling them "Go eat the broccoli and get rid of the candy." The natural response is for them to try to avoid that. When that happens you pray for them.

If your mind is busy with things like bringing righteousness to society and ridding society of corruption, if your mind functions like that, chances are that God is going to bless you with the desires of your heart and you are going to enter your destiny. All that Satan your enemy attempts to do is use your nature against you to finish or damage you before you enter your destiny. God has a plan for every single living soul as He created

them. It is up to you to choose; do you want to enter that destiny or do you want to take what Satan wants to give you? Do you want to be blessed or do you want to be cursed? Analyze your actions, the rhythm you repeat every day, what are you doing? Does your daily rhythm consist of actions that will make God say "good work" or that will make God say "bad work?" Once you start analyzing your life like that you're going to make an evaluation and think 'perhaps, I'm under the judgment of God, perhaps I've got to change a couple of things.'

Once you start communicating with Jesus Christ in prayer this way, you'll be fine and you will enter your destiny. You've got to remember life is long, one giant picture, and you are made for a purpose somewhere in it. That doesn't mean it's going to happen tomorrow.

God´s mentality doesn't work like a microwave; more like an oven. He prepares you and he polishes you and he molds your character. In the Word of God it is written that the kings of Israel (the Godly kings of Israel), they RULED but how did they fall? They allowed idols. Hindu, Asian, Persian, and Median “gods”, they put up statues that were worshiped. So, then God cursed them. God can do that.

But why would a Godly king put an idol up?

Well, a man is a man. A man wants to be liked by society. If everyone hates you - that's not a nice feeling. If everyone rejects you - that's not a nice feeling.

So when the civilians came to protest: "We want our fake god too." Then the kings of Israel perhaps thought: 'well, I've got God and God is with me but He is pretty invisible. I can't see God but I know He is there as I can feel Him.' And then he does what the people want as the pressure they inflict is felt instantly.

So, how does God prepare you to not make those epic mistakes? He isolates you. You get a seasons isolation whereby you to be happy just being The same thing with modern women - they defile themselves by going from man to man to man because they can't be alone.

of pure become able alone.

Being alone is horrifying for most people because they don't know for sure that God has something for them. So every day for them is "I've got to take this opportunity! And that opportunity! And this opportunity!" Then they forfeit their destiny because all of these are satanic opportunities.

Those temptations are there to put you to the test. Every-time when you think: 'Oh, that's a good deal' but the thing is corruption - it is a test from God. It's Satan getting permission to tempt you with corruption and then God is looking if you are worthy to be blessed.

Just imagine that God is about to appoint you with a new calling, office or a job, a high ranked calling, office or job, and just before that opportunity arrives in your life, you will see that Satan will come to tempt you with sin or something you know is not right but it will feel like perhaps you will get a quick gain. Quick gain; the devil is the author of "all quick gains." What you must understand is that every-time you are tempted with that "quick gain" God is allowing it because the big long term gain is just around the corner. If you don't pay attention you'll walk right past by it. The masses in today's society (the 21st century) are all about that quick gain and virtually none knows what investment is about and few are about long-term gain.

There are a few, a very few, who take it upon themselves to minister the word of God to the masses because it's the right thing to do.

They see the state of society and they know that it is doomed for destruction and think: “I want to people to get saved”. That's called “the call of duty”. Few want to enter this duty because once you enter your call of duty, all of the corrupted will start going to war with you! They will go against your family, against your love life, against your personal life, against your friendships. People will alienate you, they'll persecute you, they'll put you in jail. If you've seen the videos on my Youtube channel (Youtube.com/ISOBP) then you know how it goes. The price of being a man, of being a leader, is huge but so are the benefits. People want to be raised by God but they don't want to do the work that is necessary to sustain a calling of God. People want everything quick - stop being such a quick, quick, quick person because as long as you are of the microwave mentality the Satan will keep making you chase after your tail. If you want change in your life, get into balance with God by getting right with Him by doing what is right, by analyzing your life, by taking the things out of

your life that curse you such as sex outside of marriage, smoking, drinking, and watching porn. All of these things, that are defined as sin, get them out of your life. Exchange them for good things - study, education, serving, helping, answering the call of duty, ministering the word of God, charity, things that will bring God's blessing. If you do so, you will see, your life will fall into place like a work of art. Then the older you get the more pieces of the puzzle will fall into place and you will know that God is real. Not with your wisdom but by your subconscious. Your wisdom knows that your body is made out of matter so it will die but time does not affect consciousness. ENLIGHTENED APOSTLE-PROPHET PATRICK SAYS: THE ELEMENTS OF MY CONSCOUSNESS ARE NOT GETTING OLDER.

The system that makes my body move, is not older than it was yesterday because it is not made out of matter and it knows not time. Thus, intellectually I can reason with you about immortality - that God's day of judgment is real and that God is real and that we are in a creation that some people call a “hologram� however I'm talking about your inner self, your subconscious, your soul. Your subconscious will know about God when you observe your actions and how they affect the actions of others towards you. Don't be surprised if you're living in immorality and all of the decent people forsake you.

Every-time someone is in front of you who is just like you, then you'll see your deeds influence your life. That intelligence is on the level of your subconscious, people call that “spirituality”. Don't bow down to idols. Don't put up skulls, do not worship them. Don't pray to ancestors and forsake false gods. When people die their consciousness is removed from this reality, the dead do not speak, if the dead speak to you, that´s demons who “mask” as the dead. Stay out of false religion: John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Why Modern peoples have deaf ears to the truth

Written with access to the eye of Providence

You as a Born Again Believer in the work of payment that Jesus Christ has done on a cross two millennia ago (1 Peter 2:24) to break the curse of death by Hellfire (Revelation 20:13-15) that Eve the first Disobedient Woman (Genesis 3:6) has put us all under are commanded by Jesus to make Christian Disciples (Matthew 28:19). Jesus warns that he will deny you before God when you are ashamed (Luke 9:26) of Him before men or Deny (Matthew 10:33) Him before men. You are saved, and God invested in your transformation, and demands a return of investment (Matthew 25:14-30). You understand the value of the transformation process of being reborn of the spirit of God (John 3:3), and God wants you to share the information you know about this process so that your fellow men can enjoy the same benefits: Benefits like Life Eternal (Mark 12:25), the blessing (2 Corinthians 9:8), provision (Psalm 23), protection (Psalm 91) of God and the power to live a righteous lifestyle, that you now enjoy because of God’s love (Romans 2:4). It is accounted as pure egocentric selfishness if one does not want to share this great gift of God with your fellow man. Letting your fellow man enter eternal hellfire ignorantly, while they could have been saved if they knew the right information, given to them by a chosen person of God who used his or her free will to do God’s will, as our realm is ruled by our free will (Genesis 1:26), is accounted as selfishness. Living a life with the Power of God’s Holy Spirit inside of your body, yet never testifying about its power once, why do so many Christians, knowing the commands

of Jesus, who saved them from eternal fire, fail to do this out of appreciation? The title of this sermon suggests it: The modern Peoples are Deaf to the truth‌ The key to solving a problem is to understand the problem. In this sermon it is my assignment to make visible to you the problem, and it be up to your creativity to solve the problem with God next to your side in the invisible Spiritual realm which you register inside and with the capacities of your mind, just as you can experience your own emotions, in the parts of you which reside in the realm which is invisible. Most people cannot be convinced by preaching the Word of God out loud, unless God, while you are preaching, is convicting them on the spot, confirming to them that the words that you are speaking are by His inspiration. They cannot be convinced by the Words of the Holy Bible as nothing can convince them as they are wandering aimlessly. If you have no aim, then there is no reason to obey anything or anyone, unless it is to avoid imminent criminal punishment, when one disobeys the law or rulers of the nation one is a citizen of. Thus the average aimless obedience to a set of rules is purely a habit that is adapted into one’s life for the purpose of the avoidance of punishment, not because one wants to obey a doctrine or set of laws, but rather to avoid consequence of disobedience. To those without aim, the truth is a hinder, as it forces them to have an aim in their conscience, and to those who do not desire to have an aim, such must rid

from their system by reason or debate, this aim, you present before them when you speak the truth to them. Thus, bringing the truth brings conflict (Matthew 10:34). As… The average modern man believes that everyone is equal, everyone. In the 21st century a fool and a wise man are regarded as equal, the fool tends to be glorified as he offends no one’s pride and the wise man frustrated by his environment out of territorial and jealousy motivations. The focal point of 21st century Modern Society is not an aim, a strive or a target, but, everyone being equal, the respect of everyone’s personal self and it’s expression of self, being equally valuable and regardable. If you offend that, you offend what modern people call “The Moral Right to be who you are” and will be seen by the aimless as a great offender who has no respect of peoples, one who raises himself above others. A proud person, in the eyes of the aimless… Nothing that will come out of your mouth will pass by that emotion of disgust that is aroused when observing your attempt to communicate the “Absolute” truth. The audience of aimless will do nothing else then feel a moral obligation to lower the person they feel that is raising him or herself un-proportionally, and give that person a teaching on politeness and righteous code of social conduct: Respect our freedom to be who we want to be! We do not want your absolutes! Don’t push your truth upon us!

They will look at you as an uncivilized evil doer, not a word will arrive in their minds as they are consumed with making you submit to the quota of the hive:

Stop raising yourself above us!!! A modern metaphor, by a modern prophet, for modern people: Have you ever seen a man who continually buys more then he can afford? A man who always finds himself in debt of some sort and always buys items whereby you think: “Do you really need to buy that and go in debt to buy such items? Is that responsible?� The person who is unhappy and likes to buy things to make him or herself happy, will not listen to your wise words of financial counsel, that it is a wise thing to not spend more than you can afford in the long run. Such counsel is for when your aim is to run your financial account successfully in the long term, the person who buys himself happy is not interested in running a successful long term financial account but in happiness. It might appear wise to give financial counsel to such individual, however it is wiser to give emotional support and counsel to such individual to identify the root of the cause of the feeling of unhappiness and help that person solve it, then the desire to buy one happy is eliminated and then the long term sustainability of the financial account is ensured.

Such individual values feelings and emotional above financial health. If you want to give financial counsel you must find someone who has the aim of becoming financially stable. As long as an individual has no interest in attaining financial stability, the wisest words of economics will sound like a repetitive broken record to the ears of the aimless. The wallet of the aimless is not influenced by rules of good economics and investments, but by feelings, desire and other momentary needs which fluctuate by situations and events, and the financial account is not designed for purpose of progressive structure by disciplined habit which is developed out of economical understanding, and I assure you that it will be that way until the day arrives that an individual attains an:

AIM. People with no Aim, seek no truth. People with no Aim, want everyone to respect their person, as their aimlessness led them no-where and that made them fragile to critique as their sense of selfworth is underdeveloped, as they have no real accomplishments they can rely on for a feeling of Grande self-worth. I can sense in the spirit that by now, you start to understand the complexity of this problem and have obtained a new perspective.

My assignment is almost finished, we are almost there. Peoples without an aim, seek to prove that they are good enough to be exactly who they are, that they matter! If you give them the slightest of feeling that they don’t matter and that their person is unintelligent, or that they do not hold the truth, if your intellect is superior then theirs, then you offend their…

Pride. Ha ha… Do you know what happens when you offend someone’s pride? There are cultures in this world where people will defend their pride with their life! Modern Peoples in 21st century society believe everyone’s truth is equally as important, respectable and valuable as anyone else his or her truth, only that kind of truth they refer to actually is “opinion”, not actual truth. When you as truth-communicator sent by the Holy Spirit, also known as a preacher, do not respect their opinion, which they hold for “truth”, then you trigger their emotion of territorialism, a hostile emotion that can develop into the emotion of anger and lead to heated conflicts, the intensity of the conflicts depend upon the spiritual maturity of the audience.

Higher civilizations will respect your preaching and say: I do not agree on a word you say and I do not like it, but I won’t touch your freedom of speech, you have the Right to say what you say and I will not take that away from you, that is beneath me! Lower Civilizations will tend to find ways to rid themselves of you. The peoples of the 21st century do not tolerate people who raise themselves above others and proclaim exclusive truth, this will trigger a great emotional response and then reason has lost its power. Once emotions take over the scene you cannot win, as it has nothing to do with reasoning or the truth but with re-institution of equality of opinion, a discussion that cannot be overcome by superior intellect. When reasoning the truth to the aimless: trigger their selfish motivations, their fears and bring the message in such a way that it appears to be a solution to their problems and that obeying it benefits their life quality.

The Spirit identified as “Jezebel�

Written with access to the eye of Providence

This sermon is a tool to assist you in identifying if you are dealing with a woman who has a spirit of jezebel attached to her soul through her spirit, and thus being used by an evil power, which is invisible to the human eyes. Accusing someone of being suppressed or possessed by a demonic entity is not a small accusation, and wrong accusations can have great consequences for the accuser and can cause great emotional damage at the accused one, therefore spiritual understanding is necessary before judging if a woman is being used by the spirit that is most known through the story of Jezebel (1 Kings 16:31) from the Word of God. Summarized: the spirit of Jezebel is an (invisible) spirit that is attached to a woman, which sends that woman on a mission. (Her pre-Jezebel-spirit-possessed-life bad deeds and pride caused God to give her over, making her subject to being used by this evil spirit for a purpose for a season) Her mission is to undermine the main masculine Godly authority inside of the church or publicly when there is evangelism and damage their God-inspired assignments (Godly Agenda) in any possible way, and to shatter, deceive, confuse and-or hinder the following that is appointed by God to that particular masculine Godly Authority in any possible way. When a woman is suppressed or possessed by a Jezebel-spirit, one must identify that the woman is not herself, She is like a volcano that erupts strategically when that demonic spirit behind her plans to frustrate men of God and those involved in their ministries and lives. The rest of the time she operates invisible, as any other woman.

Simply being a disobedient and rebellious woman is not enough to be classified as a woman possessed or suppressed by a Jezebel-spirit, only when she manifest at appointed times, repetitively, becoming an opposing and or destructive force. The demonic world will send agents to hinder, frustrate, persecute and inflict damage to the ministry or life of the man of God at appointed times. The Jezebel Spirit is one way they do it. Appointed times like Trials, tests, and tribulations: James 1:2-3 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 1 Peter 4:12 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. Romans 12:12 Be patient in tribulation. Job 1:6-12 One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them. The LORD said to Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the LORD, "From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it." Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil." "Does Job fear God for nothing?" Satan replied. "Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. But

now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face." The LORD said to Satan, "Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger." Then Satan went out from the presence of the LORD. When the woman that is possessed by the spirit of Jezebel shows up in the life of the man of God, it is ALWAYS with permission of God and inside of the will of God. Whatever damage she succeeds doing, is by permission of God. The purpose of this sermon, is not to eliminate the woman who is possessed or oppressed by the spirit of Jezebel, as in terms of problem-solution, but to identify her assignment so that you can predict her moves so that it doesn’t fall upon you by surprise, as she is playing out an agenda that she isn’t aware of herself as she is “given over” to it (cursed).

Once you know what controls her, you can predict her moves, by knowing her agenda. The spirit of Jezebel does the most damage when you cannot see it operating inside of the woman who is used, that is interacting with you. As you might think she has empathy, or other human traits, which in turn will make you underestimate the capacity she has to destroy your marriage, your life, your ministry, etc. How to identify if your life and/or ministry is under the attacked of the spirit of jezebel:

The first thing the woman with the spirit of Jezebel does is undermine your authority as a man of God. She might put the focus on her equality to you, with as target to increase her own influence: “Man and woman are equal, so listen to my ways! I don’t have to listen to yours just because you are a man!” She’ll use her gender as a method to undermine your authority. She will also use the strategy of intimidation, if you do not listen to me, it will be required of you by God! And if both strategies have failed, she will continue in finding your faults, to as why, you are not an authority for her to respect and submit to inside the ministry, property, marriage, etc., that is appointed to you by God. The modern woman who is possessed by the spirit of Jezebel will use her words in a conversation with you, with no other agenda towards establishing a moral overweight in a discussion.

“You have done this wrong, here are your faults, that’s why you have no right to act like you are the authority, you submit to my ways, advice or leadership, as I am better capable, morally and spiritually more right then you. I

have the right to your position, submit to me!” Once you fail to identify her agenda, and fall for her trap of her attempting to make you give up your role as a masculine leader and follow her, then you are ruled by the Jezebel Spirit through the woman who now controls you. The target of that demonic spirit, is to undermine the working of the Holy Spirit through you, which sets out a course, which is your duty to follow, not to compromise because some woman tells you to do so, no matter what deceptive argumentation she uses. The quicker you identify when a woman has the jezebel spirit attached to her soul the better, this is all about damage control. The woman with the jezebel spirit is after your credibility: “Are you really a man of God?” When you talk with a woman who is possessed by a Jezebel spirit, the conversation will revolve around her crushing the foundation of your authority, bringing you doubt, and/or attempting to overtake the leadership of any interaction between you and her. The target of a woman who is possessed by the spirit of Jezebel is to make a man submit to what she believes to be the supremacy of her womanhood, the subordination of man to woman. The reason why this is so, is because the demonic world wants the Godly order to be perverted. When men do what God wants and Women do not want to do what God makes men do, then there comes conflict. And this

conflict does not only undermine the purpose of men, but also the plan of God. The woman who puts her will above that of man and God. If you correct a woman with a Jezebel spirit, she will say something like: “If you really love me, you allow me to do anything I please� And when you as a man draw a line and show masculinity, then she will quickly accuse you for being prideful, or you being on a high hill. She will do things and say things that will offend your masculine pride, and justify her evil deeds if you respond to her offenses with anger. The woman who is possessed with the Jezebel spirit seeks a target, manipulates to gain control, and makes her target submit:


FOLLOW. A woman who has the jezebel spirit does not make requests, she commands or pressures you. She targets your guilt, but does not ever do anything wrong herself, never she sees her own fault, as that goes against her target, which is to overcome you towards her agenda, plan or vision, you to follow her opinion. She will leave when she sees no opening to make you submit to her, but if you offend her pride, she will not be able to leave without an attempt to re-institute her pride-honor. The last thing a Jezebel- possessed woman wants is a man to break her pride.

A woman who is not possessed by a Jezebel Spirit has no problem being led by a man, she is gladly led by a quality Godly man where she can feel safe and protected, and can live her life in peace, she isn’t campaigning for domination. Once you identify the woman possessed by Jezebel, you continue with the step by step strategic plan to overcome her: 1: She lives by intimidating men, if you show signs that you are intimidated, you already lost. 2: Always maintain an aggressive nature, never allow yourself to flee (unless God tells you to) or go into passivity, always maintain the upper hand. Do not fall into her trap of triggering you into emotionalism, she is trained to trigger your buttons. 3: Pray for discernment why a Jezebel Spirit is allowed to attack your life or ministry, repent of sins, that might have opened the door for a demonic attack to be opened upon you, and if your relationship with God is right, then this attack is allowed to test, tempt, or try you. One day it’s over, don’t allow her to destroy your emotions and do not regard her, always remember her assignment. 4: Get rid of her as quick as possible, excommunicate her from your life and ministry as much as possible! Avoid her as the plague. don’t try to convert her ways as she is on a mission to convert yours, don’t think you can change her, don’t think you will be her hero, in her eyes it is observed as weakness, and so she will get herself tangled into your life, family and ministry and suck your emotions dry and mess with your ministry and family until you are overcome. If you allow her in your near then:

She will manipulate everyone and rile everyone up against you, she will make visible to you all your hidden enemies.

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