4 Warning Signs of a Toxic Church by Pastor Jack Wellman

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4 warning signs of a toxic Church __________ Sermon

Given by Pastor Jack Wellman 11 August 2016 United States of America

1. Gossip Gossip is one of the most destructive things we do as a society. It slanders people’s names, it assassinates their character, and it is whispering behind other’s backs, however it should never be heard in any church at all. When you hear gossip, you know that you’re probably being gossiped about too. Gossip can split churches, ruin relationships, and bring down even the strongest of churches. 2. Tearing Down I remember reading about a huge church in Dallas, Texas that argued and debated over something and finally the church split in half. What was the issue? The division was over the color of the carpet in the entryway to the church. Imagine how grieved Jesus must be when Christians tear down one another over trivial matters. Jesus suffered, was beaten, tortured, and put to death…and some can’t even agree on the color of a carpet? When you see a church dividing and arguing over non-essentials, that church is too toxic to attend. 3. No Ministries When a church has zero ministries, this church is about to die. If you read Matthew 25:34-40, you can read what Jesus’ church should be doing. Many churches are only interested in staying within the four walls of the church, getting into “holy huddles,” and never ministering to the poor, visiting the sick and those in prison, and the widows and orphans, like those at a nursing home. If you want to simply be a pew potato, then you might like it, but a church that has no ministries is a church that is toxic and is getting ready to fade into oblivion. 4. Unbiblical Teaching There seems to be a famine of the Word in many churches today. The focus is on pragmatism. In other words, if it works, it 2

must be biblical, but this is not how churches are supposed to operate. There must be consistent biblical preaching and teaching or you’re simply in a different kind of social club. If preachers are not preaching straight out of the Word of God, then they’re no better than the many talk shows you see on TV and there are opinions that you can’t even hang your hat on. The Word of God cuts like a knife but it cuts in order to heal. Instead, some churches use a limp noodle approach, not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable, even though that’s what the Word of God is supposed to do (Hebrews 4:12). Conclusion A toxic church is one where members consistently gossip about others, where they argue over non-essentials, where there are no ministries involved, and when there is no biblical preaching. It’s like Amos the Prophet said, “Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord GOD, “when I will send a famine on the land— not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD” (Amos 8:11). Sadly, that day has come, but thankfully, not in all churches.

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