Hard Evidence [Manuscript]

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HARD EVIDENCE Copyright Š 2019 by H.E. GM. Patrick Aurelius Maximilian Pereira

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations em- bodied in critical articles or reviews.

For information contact : http://www.instragram.com/TheGrandmaestro http://www.facebook.com/TennoPatrick







Did you know that the German Authorities have never uttered such suspicion

after being

confronted with me? They are a bit more familiar with how “Imperialism” looks like then their Dutch, Swedish and Finnish collegues. Unlike many kingdoms in Europe, the Germans know what it takes to force your way upon other civilizations. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I am not going to subject myself to your customs, nor to your opinions, not even to your desires.



I will write this book, in whatever fashion, however it pleases me. I certainly do not care about your religious and political interests, nor do I care a thing about gaining the favour of the unauthoritative general public. I do not even care what God Almighty thinks of the content of this book. This book is not written for the elite, nor for the masses, nor for God, it is written because I have something to say, that I want to say, leaving this publication upon this earth before entering the grave. I do not care about how you will judge me as my sense of self-worth is exellent, I do not desire your approval like I am some kind of slave. I have no co-dependency issues or whatever… Hate me all day long, however unlike you I am not a slave of the Elite! I was too strong to be indoctrinated by anyone. I have no superiors above me that I have to give account to another human and my financial success does not rely on book sales or nor does your vote give me the power to end europe’s impending bankruptcy. No matter what you do, tomorrow the world will be under the same shitty “system” that causes endless sufferings to the great majority of humanity as today. 5


Whatever you think you can do for me, you cannot deliver me that which what I truly want, as I want the power to be able to give a little visitation to those who designed this “prison-planetsystem”, those who are enslaving humanity, and turn such type of evil grandmasters them into my dogs, for fun, in recompense for fucking up this world and humanity so badly! What kind of legendary Avenger of God must you be to get that done… These traitors of humanity are unchallenged, like demigods! Who of us is powerful enough to push such a powerful human being one inch backwards into a corner… If you are interested in learning about the mindset and world-view of the slave-masters that you obey like you are the ultimate slave; do a google-search on “Agenda 21” and imagine that which you’d learn by doing such a search to be of an authentic nature. “Agenda 21 Global Politics” are also practiced by your nation’s government, as what else are they supposed to do? Should they declare the “evil demi-gods” a war? Does your government have that type of international supremacy? Enough said… I have nothing to gain and I will not manipulate you, I don’t care what you think, want, or do, do as you please, do whatever



you feel is “right” for you, as you will reap what you sow, I will not be punished for your corruption! I don’t care if you are my enemy or my friend, I do not care if my writing makes you my enemy or my friend. There is nothing you have that I want, that I will cather to your desires and/or needs, nor do I fear you. I don’t even care if you stop reading this book, as it is my mentality that it is only YOU that will benefit from reading this book, what will it benefit me? What will I gain if you believe in the excistence of God or not… If I prove the excistence of God to you, scientifically, will you give me millions of euro’s, armies, political power? What can you give me anyway that you judge yourself superior to me inside of your heart? The only motivation I have with this publication is that I want to show you my intellectual capacities, driven by the same emotions that cause a peacock to shows his feathers among the group! It is up to you to continue watching my intellectual feathers or not, there is no special purpose for me to show these feathers to you… Seek not the boogieman inside of me! I am not the next curse that will hit you as a divine recknogning for your own sins! I am not your next Judgement who will deceive you, or the next 7


person that will lead you into your own destruction because God is returning you the favors, by returning to you that which you did to other humans. Stop being so suspicious! This book is not about you! It’s about the hardest evidence that I can deliver on the subject of the excistence of God Almighty. All religions on the world, every single one of them that ever excisted all had a common message: “Be good or God will hurt you in the afterlife.” Most of the readers will be programmed by society to believe that God does not excist. Most of the readers will be programmed by society to believe that those that believe in God are “crazy”. My first question to your intelligence is: Why is it crazy to believe that God will f#ck the evil people up in the after life? Why is there such an obsession to eradicate this belief from society? Are they trying to shape you into something that benefits them, that you would not allow yourself to be shaped in, if you’d believe that you will be held accountable for ever word you said and every deed you commit? Let’s begin with the facts: Most people hate God. 8


Most people say: If God would excist, why does he allow “suffering”. Always the focal point is about the death of a family member or the severe suffering that goes on in Africa.

If God was real, then “we would not have all these problems”. “If God was real, then he would not have taken this person away from me”. “if God was real, why are all these priest raping little boys”. “if God was real, why are there so many religions”. I bet you have your own little reasoning to declare God a very evil nasty tirant. I’m o.k. with that, I really am. After all it is just the opinion of an emotionally unstable and/or retarded human being. You are all the holy magistrates fit enough to judge the creator on what he should or should not do. Besides that, how scientifically oriented are such claims? Because life does not go according to your personal vision, to you that is evidence that God does not excist? I am so impressed by your brilliance! The excistence of God, yes let’s turn it into a democracy! Who votes for and who against and for the excistence of God? 9


Ok we voted, now the great truth opinion has been spoken by the majority of Humanity! Oh, how deeply intelligent the opinion of “common man” is. Let’s ignore the subject to death, and simply wait until we die to figure out if the following statement is true: “Be good or God will hurt you in the afterlife.” Oh that sounds like such a brilliant thing to do! Let’s flip the coin! If the face fall up then God is real! We as Humanity are so enlightened, it’s redicolous! We see something happening in our universe, and we develop a grudge against our creator for not intervening, so he does not deserve our reckognition! Oh yeah! The first foundation of the popularity of atheism, has nothing to do with “scientific evidence”, but with the embitterment of the heart, a hardened heart; a heart full of anger and hatred towards that which is observed in reality by a human. This is a well known psychiatric illness known as a “godcomplex”. Your personal opinion is truth, and there is no higher authority then you, God does not excist, you are the highest authority over all matters in your life, even if your sense of truth is completely corrupted by your ego and personal desires. Before providing you with the evidence I have, I wanted 10


first to be your therapist, to make you aware, that as long as you “hate” God, regardless of factual information, you simply do not want him to excist, this is a mental condition. If God does not give you success, then he is an “asshole”, so why should you care about the truth about Him? “Be good or God will hurt you in the afterlife.” This is why. No matter how bitter you become, you are still accountable for your evil deeds, might He really do excist. It is great stupidity to look at this “God” subject with a business mentality: “If you profit, I must profit”. That you only obey God when it profits you, and when it profits you nothing, you will do the exact reverse of that which is good, to show him that you will “pay him back”. Like God is your equal… “Hey God, I am a tiny human, I will only respect the law if you reward me bountifully in advance, if you do not do as I say and want then “f#ck your laws”.” I ask of you, how healthy such a mental condition would be, that you only want to do “right”, when “right” is being done to you. If you have a mentality like that, your appear pretty mentally instable, or not? The words of the book aren’t supposed to go like this right? 11


I mean didn’t you say that people that believe in God are crazy, now it appears like those who say that God excist not are the real crazy ones! I know what you’re thinking: “WHERE IS THEN YOUR EVIDENCE” If I have already cornered you so badly without the usage of any evidence, beware, as I am going challenge your intelligence so severely that it will become afraid as you where most probably absolutely CONVINCED that God was a hoax, as your pathetic slave masters programmed you really well, they led you into a lifestyle, immoral, wicked, while ensuring you from the very babysteps you made in elementary school, that God will surely not punish you in the afterlife, as all those people that believe in God are simply just “crazy”, and they have absolutely zero evidence that God is real, so don’t worry “Johnny”, do whatever makes you happy, just don’t do that “religious shit”, ok? Did you know that in “God’s book”, the so called books of the Holy Bible, it is written that God speaks to prophets with riddles and symbols in the night dreams? I know you want the evidence, but I want you to think about what I just wrote. THAT TEXT MAKES GOD APPEAR LIKE SOMEONE THAT DOES NOT WANT TO BE SEEN OR UNDERSTOOD EASELY. IT APPEARS THAT HE IS COMPLETELY COMFERTABLE WITH HIDING IN THE WORLD OF THE 12


INVISIBLE. That book said that God spoke to Moses directly, unlike he did to “the ordinary prophets”. What about “the ordinary people”. Isn’t it a strange thing that it is so difficult, after thousands of years of civilization, for someone to provide absolute evidence of God’s excistence? Can I be honest to you? I think there might be an element of competition and ranking involved in this matter. If proving God was possible, it would already have been done, as “God” hypothetically would have been around at all human generations, and at least one of them must then have gathered a piece of evidence; why is it not there? It surely is a lot easier to believe that God excists not, then it is to believe in God, unless He has sought personal contact with you, as then you would have an irrational point of referral to believe in something you have no evidence of. And according to “His own book”, this happens to the very chosen few! If you are still reading this book, then I have completed my first target, to reason the purpose of Atheism. Simpleminded souls are not capable of the execution of complex intellectual matters; to persue the evidence, to prove the excistence of an entity, that everyone already persued and no-one 13


ever found it. And even if you would be that type of complex individual, you would not gain anything from your intellectual endevours as you will find yourself in a complex world-wide religiousauthoritative system where “new-thinkers” are ostracized by default. What kind of “Crazy” must you be to make an attempt to “prove” God! Let’s begin! Imagine how much light you must have inside of your consciousness to be able to: “THINK UP THE EXCISTENCE OF GOD ALMIGHTY”. You’d have to be an Illuminary to do that, or not? To find evidence of God, where would you personally start looking? Are there any instructions or hints? Has someone already found the evidence of God, that there is an instruction manual for you to imitate the steps so that you can also perform the trick?


Are you truly ready for this? The amount of energy that must run through your central nervous system to provide your brain with the power it needs to concentrate upon a search for an awnser to a question that has never been found before. You’d need to be “hooked up” to a whole lot of energetic systems and be able to process loads of data extremely efficiently before you would dare to try to find the awnser to the question how one proves the excistence of God Almighty in a Scientifically acceptable fasion…

Only someone who would have access to this


“core” could possibly find the inspiration to acchieve something that has no direct emotional benefit, thus persueing something that makes “no sense” to the common human emotional nature. To the human emotions; a genuine attempt to try to prove God is experienced like as if one is being a criminal that is thinking about how to break in at the CIA and FBI and try to hack into their computer systems without being caught, to try to find their secret codes, and not to wind up in prison while doing so, while you never have done that type of criminality before, and there is no manual and nobody wants to help you on your quest to find the way of getting that done. If you would try to break into God’s Universal Core of Intelligence; you and your “sins” will surely be noticed and dealth with, not? Sounds to me like a risky business for a careless commoner to mingle himself into… I mean, come on! Let’s all go and look for the evidence that proves the excistence of someone that will torture you with eternal blazing fire in the afterlife if you “screw up” on your quest to be a “good human being”. What “normal” human being would subject himself to this never ending search under such severe conditions?



Yes, a Grand Master can tune into this “core”… As this “Grandmaster” is put in authority by God to Enlighten the people in His name. Most people visit to witches and fortune tellers to know how to get fortune in their financial and romantic life. God Almighty does not lend his “universal core” to silly individuals like that. But to those who persue to do and create that which is right for “the people”… And one of the modern people that knew about this core said that the main problem of humanity is the bitter condition of the human heart, a condition that he defines as “hatred”. Earlier in the book we discussed the subject of how it is that you disregard pursuing the highest truth because of your hatred towards God’s authoritative version of reality where your feelings and


MAINTAINING ORDER- HARD EVIDENCE opinions are not regarded, thus you ignore him, or do exactly that which is the opposite of that which you know He wants you to do; which is the right thing, and you justify you doing that which is wrong by the fact that everyone else is also doing the wrong thing, and that’s why you are no longer obligated to become “a good human being”. Tesla got his quotes out of this “core”, O.k? Those with hatred in their heart are hardened, thus unable to receive any irrational data nor a signal from this core that Tesla speaks about, as there is a hard shield around it’s receiver’s heart, it will never get access to what is needed to cause the rational mind to have a bright thought. Those with hatred in their hearts only have access to the faculties of a darkened mind. I will share with you now what I have found in the “universal core”, at the end of the journey of the quest that was started at the thought: “How do I prove God in a scientifically reasonable way?” To awnser this question we need to look at that which Humanity already has acchieved first. I will present you with the top argumentation of the side of humanity that says that God does not excist, and the top argumentation of the side of humanity that says that God does excist. Atheist: Evolution-theory has proven that creation can come into excistance without an intelligent awareness being involved. Theist: Intelligent design-theory is the evidence that something that looks designed, is designed, by a designer. A house never was build randomly, so the design of the human body itself shows you the complexity of the creator of it. Thus 18

H.E. GM. PATRICK A.M. PEREIRA claiming evidence in the fact that odds of your human body to be a product of natural evolution being equal to that of the chair you sit on reading this coming into excistance by random occurance over a very long period of time. Atheism is a relativly new world-view, as during 90% of recorded history, atheism did not excist as a philosophically accepted reality. The main evidence of atheism revolves around “de-bunking” the nessessity of a creator-being, but it on itself is not designed to be an evidence of that evolution declares God Almighty to be an invalid thought, it simply suggest that there are more possible explanations about our excistence then the one that is told by “creationists”. Intelligent design-theory already excists, although it sounds reasonable, so does the atheist-philosophy sound. After all… If one observes the D.N.A. It does appear like it is capable of “adaptation”, or not? There is quite a lot of variation in the Human race, or not? The Human race does develop from time to time into something completely different then before, or not? From the stone age till the industrial age, what kind of adaptation would that require to the D.N.A to provide such a difference between the experience of life back then, and the experience of life today… If you deny the progressive nature of human evolution, then you simply do not understand the purpose and abilities of the human D.N.A. Science debunked God Almighty is what “bright” commoners say. But my evidence for the excistence of God is done by the


MAINTAINING ORDER- HARD EVIDENCE same science that they claimed to have debunked God. I present to you the “ Non-Evolutionary D.N.A.-Container Theory”. As how an atheist “proves” that creation is wrong because there is a possible other “explanation”, so I “prove” that atheism is wrong, because this “scientific explanation” of Evolution is “incomplete”. I will “complete” it. Thus if an “atheist” cannot “debunk” my evidence about the Human D.N.A., the Evolution-theory is no longer a valid theory, meaning that the entire foundation of “atheism” will become “unscientifically”. Let’s begin:

I have a nose, my skin-color, the color of my eyes, the shape of my face, the color of the hairs of my beard, all that I summed up are programming that is stored in the D.N.A. The fact that my hair is blond or black, is a result, of the genetic code, that was passed down to me, by mixture of ancestral D.N.A. The Code in the D.N.A. will cause the color-code to the Code in the D.N.A that causes hair to grow, at what speed, out of the skin of my head, and what region this hair will grow, and where it will end. Like the 0’s and I’s in the binary system of a computer, black and blond being the extreme opposites of a spectrum. No matter if your hair is black or blond, hair will still grow, and it will not grow five inch an hour, nor will it be produced by your body as bountifully as the amount of liquid you urinate on a day. Thus the D.N.A programming revolves around a set of standards, and a dynamic capacity of adaptation to circumstances. And this dynamic capacity can over many generations alter the standards of the D.N.A. programming, and so Evolution explains away God Almighty being the designer of the Human Body. 20


Wheter you become tall or small, it is not caused by the amount of nutrition you consume, it is defined by your genetic code, which is stored in your D.N.A. You can eat all day long, you will only get “bigger”, not taller. The D.N.A. thus also contains “restrictions”. All of humanity agrees on the fact that genetic code is stored in the D.N.A. We investigate into the structures of the D.N.A. and so find the code, that will lead to creating the cure to heals desease. We try to attain such mastery over the Human D.N.A. that we can produce “organic new organs to replace defected organs”. It is all about deciphering this code programming that Is found inside of the Human Genome. Medicine based upon improving the code to make it perform optimally, is no science fiction in the 21st century. Some of us try even to mix the human gnome with animal gnomes, to create animals in which they can harvest new human organs. Imagine a pig being capable of developing a heart that is compatible with the human genome, and making this available to a billionaire “evil demi-god” when his pacemaker no longer works. We as humanity understands that Evolution takes place in the D.N.A. There is a pre-programmed set of standards, and an adaptive set of standards, and togheter they shape the functioning of the human genome. If I would choose to move to africa, and take unto me descendants by mixing my D.N.A. with an African female, then the D.N.A of my descendants will most likely cause them to gradually have a darker skin, the longer those that inherit my D.N.A. coding



expose themselves to the African experience of solar-radiation, the more progressive the process of darkification of their skincolor in the pre-programmed set of standards of their D.N.A. Until so far, all has been universally agreeable by the standards of modern science. I will provide you with an element that will cause you to rethink the value of this “God-debunking” evidence. How did the Human Genome, as a container, evolve, without a D.N.A. code that made it capable of coming into excistence as a designed unit. Under the current model of scientific-evolution, it is impossible to evolve without an adaptive code. How did the “diskette”, the “Gnome”, which contains the “data-code”, the “D.N.A.” come into excistence? How did it program itself to be a code-container? How did it attain such complexity that it is unable to completely be decoded even by modern science and medicine? All the physical human characteristics originate from the code-design in the D.N.A, where did thegenome-characteristics originate from without having a “D.N.A.” of it’s own? How did the Genome evolve into such complexity, that it’s product “The D.N.A. Code-matrix” cannot be decoded, even not by it’s “most evolved species”? Why is the code of the Genome invisible to us? As if it is only accessable, understandable and programmable by are a higher state of consciousness, unknown to us. A universal intelligence that we do not yet completely understand; a god-head’s creation. By looking at the D.N.A. we know that something with a strategic capacity has created it, something that created the 22

H.E. GM. PATRICK A.M. PEREIRA matrix-design which contains the “programming-enviroment and it’s code-sequences”, that can be altered to cope with whatever condition it’s human organism is presented by in it’s surroundings. That which “contains” the programming, cannot be explained into excistence by the fact that coding is adaptive, the very foundation of the “God-debunking” evolution-theory. To evolve you need an adaptive code-system inside of a code container. No adaptive code-system? Then the organism cannot “react” to the impulses that nature give it, and adapt (evolve). The nature of the human genome debunked the fact that it can be created by the standards that are found in the Evolutiontheory, it is a fact that a Creator, or at least an intelligence higher then the human intelligence has intentionally designed it to function the way it does. This is “science”.

So the next time you run around brawling your hatred out that “science has debunked God”, remember that science done by Commoners, and science done by an Ascended Master, are of a completely different degree of Quality. Before D.N.A. was created the Genome, evolution starts at the D.N.A. God designed the Genome, which contains our D.N.A,. to function as an adaptive organism to survive virtually all natural circumstances without his continual direct intervention, to save time, as part of being a “efficient code designer” is what we learn if we study the nature of the Genome. If you reading that which I am writing, then the odds are great that I have been a teacher to someone who cannot be bought by a couple of ration cards that grant you the rights to obtain the latest


MAINTAINING ORDER- HARD EVIDENCE designer hand-bags and the latest metal vehicle to drive quicker to do that useless and depressive slave-labor, which in the end brings even more power to the “evil demi-gods”. It has been an honor to be the teacher of a human soul that is not enslaved that easely by simply being bribed by the “evil elite” with a currency that will give you access to a collection of things at the stores, so that you feel like a “succesful human being”! Nobody ever was quoted saying that life was easy! Good luck dealing with the truth!


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